Reprint as at 1 January 2002
Plant Variety Rights Regulations 1988
(SR 1988/101)
Paul Reeves, Governor-General
Order in Council
At Wellington this 16th day of May 1988
Present: His Excellency the Governor-General in Council
Pursuant to section 38 of thePlantVarietyRightsAct 1987,HisEx cellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consentoftheExecutiveCouncil,herebymakesthefollowingregulations.
Changes authorised by section 17C of the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989 have been made in this reprint.
Ageneraloutlineofthesechangesissetoutinthenotesattheendofthisreprint,togetherwith other explanatory material about this reprint.
These regulations are administered bythe Ministry of Economic Development.
1 Title and commencement 3 2 Interpretation 3
3 Applications to be completed in English 3 4 Applications to be legible 3 5 Quantities of seed to be provided with applications 3 5A Colour photographs to be supplied with certain 4 applications 6 Prescribed periods for giving descriptions, material, and 4 information 7 Requirements for proposed denominations 5 8 Matters requested to be published in Journal 5 9 Matters required to be recorded in register 6
Part 2 Plant Variety Rights Office
10 Inspection of register 6 11 Copies of entries in register 7 12 Commissioner may correct mistakes 7 13 Commissioner may replace lost documents 7 14 Date of surrender of grant 7 15 Applications by agents 7
Part 4 Compulsory licences and sales
17 Information to be supplied 8 18 Notice to be given 9
19 Period for payment of annual grant fee 9 20 Revocations 9
Schedule 1 9 Quantities of seed to accompany applications
Reprinted as at1 January 2002 | Plant Variety Rights Regulations 1988 | Part 1 r 5 |
Schedule 2 | 10 | |
Regulations revoked |
5A Colour photographs to be supplied with certain applications
- (1)
- This regulation applies to every variety of plant other than herbage, agricultural crops, plants grown for the purpose of harvesting vegetables, and fungi.
- (2)
- An application for a variety of plant to which this regulation applies must be accompanied by—
- (a)
- asatisfactoryphotographofallorpartofatypicalplant ofthevariety,showingthe variety’sdistinguishingfeatures; or
- (b)
- 2ormoresatisfactoryphotographs(eachbeingaphotographofallorpartofatypicalplantofthevariety)that together show the variety’s distinguishing features.
- (3)
- A photograph is satisfactory if—
- (a)
- itisphotographofaplantthathasbeenpropagatedfrom the original bred or discovered plant concerned (not of that original plant); and
- (b)
- itisapositivecolourprint(notaslide,transparency,or other negative); and
- (c)
- itisclearenoughandlargeenoughtoenablethesubject matter to be easily identified.
Regulation 5A: inserted, on 22 May 1997, by regulation 2 of the Plant Variety Rights Amendment Regulations 1997 (SR 1997/67).
Prescribed periods for giving descriptions, material, and information
(1) Where a variety is to be subject to test trials by the applicant, under the control of the applicant, or by or under the control of a person who is not independent of the applicant,—
- (a)
- theapplicantmustgivetheCommissioneradescription ofthekinddescribedin section5(2)(a) oftheActwithin 18monthsor(iftheCommissionerissatisfiedthatthere areexceptionalreasonsjustifyinganextensionoftime) withinanylongerperiodtheCommissionerallowsafter making the application; and
- (b)
- the applicant must give the Commissioner material or information of the kind described in section 5(3) of the Act within 12 months or any longer period the Com
missionerallowsafterbeingrequestedbytheCommissioner to do so.
(2) Subject to subclause (1), an applicant must give the Commissioner—
- (a)
- adescriptionofthekinddescribedin section5(2)(a) of the Act; or
- (b)
- materialorinformationofthekinddescribedin section
5(3) of the Act,— within 12 months, or any longer period the Commissioner allowsaftermakingtheapplicationor,asthecaserequires,after being requested by the Commissioner to do so.
7 Requirements for proposed denominations
- (1)
- Therequirementsforaproposeddenominationarethatitmust conformwithinternationalusagerelatingtothenamesofcultivated plants.
- (2)
- The Commissioner must notify an applicant of a refusal to approve a proposed denomination, and request the applicant to submit another.
8 Matters requested to be published in Journal
- (1)
- The Commissioner must publish in the Journal, in respect of every application,—
- (a)
- the applicant’s name and address:
- (b)
- the date of the application:
- (c)
- the genus or species of the variety:
- (d)
- every denomination that—
- (i)
- has been proposed for the variety; and
- (ii)
- theCommissionerhasnotimmediatelyindicated that the Commissioner will not approve:
- (e)
- iftheapplicationlapsesoriswithdrawn,thefactthatit has lapsed or been withdrawn.
- (2)
- The Commissioner must publish in the Journal, in respect of every grant,—
- (a)
- the name and address for service of the grantee:
- (b)
- the genus or species to which the variety belongs:
- (c)
- the denomination the Commissioner has approved for the variety:
- (d)
- the date of the grant.
- (3)
- The Commissioner must publish in the Journal—
- (a)
- the fact that a grant has expired or has been cancelled or surrendered; and
- (b)
- the day the expiry, or cancellation, or surrender took effect.
9 Matters required to be recorded in register
The Commissioner must record in the register, in relation to each grant,—
- (a)
- the grantee’s name:
- (b)
- the date of the application:
- (c)
- an address in New Zealand for service for the grantee:
- (d)
- the date of the grant:
- (e)
- the term of the grant (including any extensions):
- (f)
- the genus or species to which the variety belongs:
- (g)
- the variety’s denomination:
- (h)
- a reference number relating to the Commissioner’s file record of the variety’s distinctive features:
- (i)
- details of every compulsory licence or sale order made in respect of the variety:
- (j)
- details of any cancellation of the grant:
- (k)
- where the Commissioner is satisfied that the grant has been acquired by any person other than the original grantee, details of the acquisition:
- (l)
- where the grant was made by virtue of a priority under section 12 of the Act, details of the equivalent applica tion concerned.
Part 2 Plant Variety Rights Office 10 Inspection of register
The Commissioner must hold the register open for public inspection whenever the Office is open for the transaction of public business under the Act.
11 Copies of entries in register The Commissioner must, on payment of the prescribed fee (if any), provide any person with a copy of any entry in the register.
12 Commissioner may correct mistakes
- (1)
- The Commissioner may correct any mistake, omission, or irregularity in the register, or in any document produced in the Office.
- (2)
- The Commissioner may correct any mistake, omission, or irregularity in any document sent to or filed in the Office, on payment of the prescribed fee (if any) by the person who sent or filed it.
- (3)
- If,intheopinionoftheCommissioner,thecorrectionofamistake, omission, or error may affect the interest of any person (otherthanapersonwhorequestedit),theCommissionershall publish details of it in the Journal.
13 Commissioner may replace lost documents
- (1)
- If satisfied that any document issued by the Office has been lost or destroyed, the Commissioner may, on payment of the prescribed fee (if any), issue a replacement to the person entitled to the original.
- (2)
- The replacement must show that it is a replacement.
14 Date of surrender of grant
A surrender of a grant shall take effect from the later of—
- (a)
- the day it is received in the Office; and
- (b)
- a day specified by the grantee.
15 Applications by agents Where an application purports to be made by an agent for a principal,—
- (a)
- theapplicationmustindicatethatitismadebyanagent; and
- (b)
- theapplicationmustgivedetailsofbothagentandprincipal; and
- (c)
- the application must be signed by the agent; and
- (d)
- the agent must satisfy the Commissioner that the agent is authorised to act for the principal.
Part 3 Growing trials 16 Growing trials
- (1)
- If the Commissioner has insufficient information to be satisfied that a variety in respect of which an application has been made is distinct, homogeneous, or stable, as required by sec tion 10(2)(d) of the Act, the Commissioner may undertake or commission, or approve the applicant’s undertaking or commissioning of, growing trials of the variety, or may examine andevaluatetheresultsofgrowingtrialsalreadyconductedby a person or body independent of the applicant.
- (2)
- The Commissioner may disregard any results of any growing trials undertaken or commissioned by an applicant unless—
- (a)
- the trials were conducted under conditions, at places, and over periods, approved in writing by the Commissioner; and
- (b)
- the Commissioner and persons authorised by the Commissioner were allowed any access to the property on which the trial was conducted that the Commissioner required.
- (3)
- WhereanapplicantsuppliestheCommissionerwithanyreport or document in a language other than English relating to any growing trials, the Commissioner may disregard it until the applicant has paid the cost of obtaining an independent translation of it.
Part 4 Compulsory licences and sales 17 Information to be supplied
Apersonwhounder section21(1) oftheActrequeststheCommissioner to consider whether or not reasonable quantities of reproductive material of a reasonable quality of a variety are available for purchase by members of the public at a reasonablecostmustdosoinwriting,andmustsupplytheCommissioner with information and arguments to assist the Commissioner to arrive at a conclusion.
18 Notice to be given As soon as is possible after issuing a licence or order under section 21(2) of the Act, or limiting, varying, extending, or revokingsuchalicenceororder,theCommissionermustgive the grantee of the variety concerned, and the person in whose favour it was issued, notice of the action taken.
Part 5 Miscellaneous 19 Period for payment of annual grant fee
- (1)
- In any year, the annual grant fee payable in relation to a grant must be paid within the period commencing 1 month before the anniversary of the grant and ending 1 month after.
- (2)
- In any year, the annual grant fee payable in relation to a grant may not be paid before the period described in subclause (1).
20 Revocations
Schedule 1 r 5(1) Quantities of seed to accompany applications
Schedule1: substituted,on1January2002,byregulation4ofthePlantVariety Rights Amendment Regulations 2001 (SR 2001/359).
Seed | Seed in ears | |
Description of variety | (g) | (ears) |
Arable crops and vegetables | ||
peas | 3 000 | — |
beans, lentils, lupins, and | 2 000 | — |
maize | ||
barley, oats, ryecorn, triticale, | 2 000 | 100 |
and wheat | ||
linseed and sunflower | 1 000 | — |
Schedule 2 | Plant Variety Rights Regulations 1988 | Reprinted as at1 January 2002 | |
Description of variety beets | Seed (g) 500 | Seed in ears (ears) — | |
asparagus, borage, and cucurbits | 100 | — | |
allium, amaranthus, capsicum, chicory, forage brassicas, phacelia, and radish carrot, lettuce, brassicas (other than forage brassicas), parsnip, and tomato | 50 30 | — — | |
evening primrose Grasses | 10 | — | |
brome and ryegrass cocksfoot, crested dogstail, fescue, koeleria, and paspalum bents, phalaris, and yorkshire fog Other pasture plants serradella and sulla | 500 50 10 100 | — — — — | |
lotus, lucerne, plantain, and red clover | 50 | — | |
yarrow | 25 | — | |
white clover | 10 | — |
Schedule 2 r 20 Regulations revoked Plant Varieties Regulations 1975 (SR 1975/138) Plant Varieties Regulations, Amendment No 1 (SR 1975/238) Plant Varieties Regulations, Amendment No 2 (SR 1980/134) Plant Varieties Regulations, Amendment No 4 (SR 1986/341)
Marie Shroff, Clerk of the Executive Council.
Issued under the authority of the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989. Date of notification in Gazette: 19 May 1988.
1 General
2 Status of reprints
3 How reprints are prepared
4 Changesmadeundersection17CoftheActsandRegulations Publication Act 1989
5 List of amendments incorporated in this reprint (most recent first)
1 General
ThisisareprintofthePlantVarietyRightsRegulations1988. Thereprintincorporatesalltheamendmentstotheregulations as at 1January 2002,as specified inthe list ofamendmentsat the end of these notes.
Relevantprovisionsofany amending enactments thatcontain transitional, savings, or application provisions that cannot be compiled in the reprint are also included, after the principal enactment, in chronological order. For more information, see .
2 Status of reprints
Under section 16D of the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989, reprints are presumed to correctly state, as at the dateofthereprint,thelawenactedbytheprincipalenactment and by the amendments to that enactment. This presumption applies even though editorial changes authorised by section 17C of the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989 have been made in the reprint.
This presumption may be rebutted by producing the official volumesofstatutesorstatutoryregulations in which the principal enactment and its amendments are contained.
3 How reprints are prepared
A number of editorial conventions are followed in the preparation of reprints. For example, the enacting words are not included in Acts, and provisions that are repealed or revoked are omitted. For a detailed list of the editorial conventions, see or Part 8 of the Tables of New Zealand Acts and Ordinances and Statutory Regulations and Deemed Regulations in Force.
Changes made under section 17C of the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989
Section17C oftheActsandRegulationsPublicationAct1989 authorises the making of editorial changes in a reprint as set out in sections 17D and 17E of that Act so that, to the extent permitted, the format and style of the reprinted enactment is consistent with current legislative drafting practice. Changes thatwould alter the effect of the legislation are not permitted.
Anewformatoflegislationwasintroducedon1January2000. Changestolegislativedraftingstylehavealsobeenmadesince 1997,andareongoing. Totheextentpermittedbysection17C of the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989, all legislation reprinted after 1 January 2000 is in the new format for legislation and reflects current drafting practice at the time of the reprint.
Inoutline,theeditorialchangesmadeinreprintsundertheauthorityof section17C oftheActsandRegulationsPublication Act1989aresetoutbelow,andtheyhavebeenapplied,where relevant, in the preparation of this reprint:
• omission of unnecessary referential words (such as “of this section” and “of this Act”)
- typefaceandtypesize(TimesRoman,generallyin11.5 point)
- layout of provisions, including:
- indentation
- positionofsectionheadings(eg,thenumberand heading now appear above the section)
- formatofdefinitions(eg,thedefinedtermnowappears in bold type, without quotation marks)
- format of dates (eg, a date formerly expressed as “the 1stdayofJanuary1999”isnowexpressedas“1January 1999”)
- positionofthedateofassent(itnowappearsonthefront page of each Act)
- punctuation (eg, colons are not used after definitions)
- Partsnumberedwithromannumeralsarereplacedwith arabic numerals, and all cross-references are changed accordingly
- case and appearance of letters and words, including:
- format of headings (eg, headings where each word formerly appeared with an initial capital letter followed by small capital letters are amended so that the heading appears in bold, with only the first word (and any proper nouns) appearing with an initial capital letter)
- smallcapitallettersinsectionandsubsectionreferences are now capital letters
- schedulesarerenumbered(eg,Schedule1replacesFirst Schedule),andallcross-referencesarechangedaccordingly
- running heads (the information that appears at the top of each page)
- format of two-column schedules of consequential amendments, and schedules of repeals (eg, they are rearranged into alphabetical order, rather than chronological).
List of amendments incorporated in this reprint (most recent first)
Plant Variety Rights Amendment Regulations 2001 (SR 2001/359) Plant Variety Rights Amendment Regulations 1997 (SR 1997/67)
Wellington, New Zealand: Published under the authority of the New Zealand Government—2011