Judgment of the Lisbon Court of Appeal of 23/07/2021, case no. 39/21.2YHLSB.L1,
BackDate of JudgmentJuly 23, 2021Issuing AuthorityLisbon Court of AppealLevel of the Issuing AuthorityAppellate InstanceType of ProcedureJudicial (Civil)Subject MatterTrademarksPlaintiff/AppellantINSPIREERICEIRA HOTELS - SOCIEDADE DE GESTÃO E EXPLORAÇÃO DE HOTÉIS, LDA.Defendant/RespondentPERFECT WALK LDA.Keywords
Preliminary injunction
Judgment/DecisionPortugueseAcórdão do Tribunal da Relação de Lisboa de 23/07/2021, processo n.º 39/21.2YHLSB.L1 PDFRelevant Legislation