Domiciano A. Aguas vs. Conrado G. de Leon and Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-32160. January 30, 1982.,
BackDate of JudgmentJanuary 30, 1982Issuing AuthoritySupreme Court Level of the Issuing AuthorityFinal InstanceType of ProcedureJudicial (Civil)Subject MatterPatents (Inventions)Plaintiff/AppellantDomiciano A. AguasDefendant/RespondentConrado G. de Leon and Court of AppealsKeywords
Patent infringement,
Moral damages,
Presumption of validity,
Patentable process
Judgment/DecisionEnglishDomiciano A. Aguas vs. Conrado G. de Leon and Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-32160. January 30, 1982. PDFHTMLOther Relevant Legislation or Treaty