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Law on Amendments to the Law on Legal Protection of Industrial Designs (Official Gazette of Montenegro, No. 42/2016), Montenegro

Latest Version in WIPO Lex
Details Details Year of Version 2016 Dates Entry into force: July 19, 2016 Published: July 11, 2016 Adopted: June 28, 2016 Type of Text Main IP Laws Subject Matter Industrial Designs Subject Matter (secondary) Enforcement of IP and Related Laws, IP Regulatory Body Notes The notification by Montenegro to the WTO under article 63.2 of TRIPS states:
'The most important novelties in the Law on Amendments to the Law on Legal Protection of Industrial Design are detailed regulating of the inspection supervision procedure in the case of infringement of rights, extension of validity to the territory of Montenegro of Community design applications and Community designs from the date of accession of Montenegro to the European Union and introducing Community exhaustion of rights from the date of accession of Montenegro to the European Union.'

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Main text(s) Main text(s) Montenegrin Zakon o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o pravnoj zaštiti industrijskog dizajna ('Službeni list CG', br. 42/2016)         English Law on Amendments to the Law on Legal Protection of Industrial Designs (Official Gazette of Montenegro, No. 42/2016)        
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Zakon o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o pravnoj zaštiti industrijskog dizajna ('Službeni list CG', br. 42/2016)

Zakon o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o pravnoj zaštiti �

industrijskog dizajna �

Zakon je objavljen u "Službenom listu CG", br. 42/2016 od 11.7.2016. godine, a stupio je na snagu 19.7.2016.

Član 1
U Zakonu o pravnoj zaštiti industrijskog dizajna ("Službeni list CG", br. 80/10 i 27/13) u članu 2 poslije stava 4 dodaje se novi stav koji glasi:
"Dejstvo u Crnoj Gori imaju i dizajni Zajednice registrovani kod Zavoda za harmonizaciju na unutrašnjem tržištu".
Član 2
U članu 3 stav 3 poslije riječi: "Strano pravno i fizičko lice" dodaju se riječi: "koje nema sjedište, odnosno odobreno stalno nastanjenje ili privremeni boravak na teritoriji Crne Gore".
Član 3
U članu 6 stav 2 riječi: "autor dizajna (u daljem tekstu: dizajner)" zamjenjuju se riječju
Član 4
U članu 7 stav 4 riječ "autor" u različitom padežu, zamjenjuje se riječju "dizajner" u odgovarajućem padežu.
Član 5
U članu 11 poslije tačke 7 dodaje se nova tačka koja glasi:
"8) ako je u sukobu s ranijim dizajnom koji je učinjen dostupnim javnosti nakon datuma podnošenja prijave ili ako je zatraženo pravo prvenstva, nakon datuma priznatog prvenstva i koji je od ranijeg datuma zaštićen registrovanim dizajnom Zajednice ili prijavom dizajna Zajednice."
Član 6
U članu 17 stav 1 riječi: "ako je zatraženo na području Crne Gore, u dobroj namjeri" zamjenjuju se riječima: "ako je zatraženo, na području Crne Gore u dobroj namjeri", a poslije riječi "zaštite" dodaju se riječi: "registrovanog dizajna".
Član 7
U članu 18 poslije stava 1 dodaje se novi stav koji glasi:
"Ako je nosilac prava na dizajn stavio u promet na području Evropske unije odnosno država koje su strane ugovornice Ugovora o Evropskom ekonomskom prostoru proizvod koji sadrži zaštićeni dizajn, odnosno proizvod koji je oblikovan prema zaštićenom dizajnu ili ako je nosilac prava na dizajn ovlastio neko lice da takav proizvod stavi u promet, nema pravo da zabrani drugim licima dalje raspolaganje tim proizvodom kupljenim u legalnim tokovima prometa."
Dosadašnji st. 2 i 3 brišu se.
Član 8
Član 19 mijenja se i glasi:
"Odredbe ovog zakona ne utiču na primjenu propisa koji se odnose na prava na neregistrovanom dizajnu, žigove ili druge znake razlikovanja, patente i korisne modele, tipografske znake i propisa kojima se uređuje građanskopravna odgovornost ili nelojalna konkurencija."
Član 9
U članu 21 poslije stava 2 dodaje se novi stav koji glasi:
"Ugovor o licenci iz stava 1 ovog člana proizvodi pravno dejstvo prema trećim licima nakon upisa u Registar."
Dosadašnji st. 3, 4 i 5 postaju st. 4, 5 i 6.
Član 10
U članu 22 stav 3 riječi: "ima dejstvo prema drugim licima" zamjenjuju se riječima: "proizvodi pravno dejstvo prema trećim licima".
Član 11
U članu 23 stav 5 mijenja se i glasi:
"Zaloga proizvodi pravno dejstvo prema trećim licima nakon upisa u Registar."
Član 12
U članu 28 stav 1 riječi: "ili sličan" brišu se.
Član 13
U članu 32 poslije stava 5 dodaje se novi stav koji glasi:
"Ako podnosilac prijave ne podnese dokaze za priznanje prava prvenstva iz čl. 29 i 30 ovog zakona, nadležni organ će odbaciti zahtjev za priznanje prava prvenstva."
Član 14
U članu 34 poslije stava 4 dodaju se dva nova stava koja glase:
"Nadležni organ može izdati ispravu o dizajnu, na zahtjev nosioca prava, pod uslovom da je plaćena propisana administrativna taksa.
Bliži sadržaj isprave o dizajnu iz stava 5 ovog člana utvrđuje se propisom Ministarstva."
Član 15
U članu 37 stav 1 tačka na kraju teksta zamjenjuje se zarezom i dodaju se riječi: "ako je usljed tog propuštanja došlo do gubitka prava."
U stavu 3 riječi: "ako nije došlo do gubitka prava i" brišu se.
Član 16
U članu 38 stav 2 tačka na kraju teksta zamjenjuje se zarezom i dodaju se riječi: "a propuštena radnja mora biti izvršena u određenom roku."
Stav 6 mijenja se i glasi:
"Predlog za povraćaj u pređašnje stanje ne može se podnijeti po isteku roka iz st. 2 i 3 ovog člana."
Poslije stava 6 dodaje se novi stav koji glasi:
"Odredbe st. 1 do 5 ovog člana ne primjenjuju se na rokove iz čl. 29, 30 i člana 37 ovog zakona."
Član 17
U članu 40 stav 1 tačka 4 briše se.
Član 18
U članu 41 stav 5 mijenja se i glasi:
Izuzetno od člana 32a stav 3 ovog zakona, za nosioca međunarodne registracije industrijskog dizajna rok za izjašnjenje o razlozima za odbijanje registracije i dostavljanje dokaza o novim činjenicama koje bi mogle uticati na odluku nadležnog organa je četiri mjeseca od datuma izdavanja pisanog obavještenja nadležnog organa o odbijanju registracije."
Član 19
Poslije člana 41 dodaje se novo poglavlje i sedam novih članova koji glase:


Značenje izraza

Član 41a
U smislu člana 2 stav 5, člana 11 tačka 8 i čl. 41b do 41g ovog zakona:
1) dizajn Zajednice je registrovani i neregistrovani dizajn na način kako je propisan u članu 1
Regulative Savjeta 6/2002/EZ od 12. decembra 2001. godine o dizajnu Zajednice i njenim izmjenama i dopunama (u daljem tekstu: Regulativa o dizajnu Zajednice);
2) prijava dizajna Zajednice je prijava za registraciju dizajna Zajednice koja je podnesena u skladu s odredbama Regulative o dizajnu Zajednice;
3) nacionalni dizajn je dizajn registrovan u postupku pred nadležnim organom u skladu sa odredbama ovog zakona;
4) nacionalna prijava dizajna je prijava za registraciju dizajna podnesena nadležnom organu u skladu s odredbama ovog zakona.

Proširenje dejstva dizajna Zajednice

Član 41b
Prijave dizajna Zajednice podnesene prije dana pristupanja Crne Gore Evropskoj uniji i dizajni Zajednice stečeni prije dana pristupanja Crne Gore Evropskoj uniji, imaju dejstvo na teritoriji Crne Gore.

Dizajn Zajednice i prijava dizajna Zajednice kao ranije pravo

Član 41c
U smislu čl. 5 do 7 i člana 11 tačka 4 ovog zakona prijava dizajna Zajednice i dizajn Zajednice smatraju se ranijim dizajnom u odnosu na podnesene nacionalne prijave dizajna i nacionalne dizajne koji su na osnovu tih prijava registrovani nakon dana pristupanja Crne Gore Evropskoj uniji.

Podnošenje prijave dizajna Zajednice

Član 41d
Prijava dizajna Zajednice može se podnijeti direktno Zavodu za harmonizaciju na unutrašnjem tržištu ili nadležnom organu.
Ako je prijava dizajna Zajednice podnijeta nadležnom organu u skladu sa članom 35 stav 2
Regulative o dizajnu Zajednice, nadležni organ upisuje datum podnošenja prijave i prosljeđuje je bez ispitivanja, Zavodu za harmonizaciju na unutrašnjem tržištu, u roku od dvije nedjelje od dana prijema, uz plaćanje propisane administrativne takse i naknade troškova za prosljeđivanje.

Zabrana korišćenja dizajna Zajednice

Član 41e
Ako je korišćenje dizajna Zajednice iz člana 41b ovog zakona suprotno korišćenju nacionalnog dizajna stečenog prije dana pristupanja Crne Gore Evropskoj uniji, odnosno stečenog na osnovu nacionalne prijave dizajna podnijete prije dana pristupanja Crne Gore Evropskoj uniji, nosilac tog nacionalnog dizajna može tužbom zahtijevati zabranu korišćenja u Crnoj Gori dizajna Zajednice pri čemu mora dokazati da je korišćenje dizajna Zajednice suprotno njegovom nacionalnom dizajnu.

Zaštita dizajna Zajednice od povrede

Član 41f
Na pravnu zaštitu u slučaju povrede dizajna Zajednice primjenjuju se odredbe o pravnoj zaštiti u slučaju povrede nacionalnog dizajna.

Nadležni sudovi za dizajn Zajednice

Član 41g
Privredni sud je nadležni sud za odlučivanje u prvom stepenu u sporovima povodom dizajna Zajednice iz člana 80 stav 1 Regulative o dizajnu Zajednice, u skladu sa zakonom kojim se uređuje osnivanje, organizacija i nadležnost sudova.
Apelacioni sud je nadležni sud za odlučivanje u drugom stepenu u sporovima povodom dizajna Zajednice iz člana 80 stav 1 Regulative o dizajnu Zajednice, u skladu sa zakonom kojim se uređuje osnivanje, organizacija i nadležnost sudova."
Član 20
Član 43 mijenja se i glasi:

"Poništaj dizajna

Član 43
U slučaju kada je izvršena registracija dizajna suprotno odredbama člana 11 ovog zakona, nadležni sud može poništiti registrovani dizajn, u cjelini ili djelimično.
Dizajn se može djelimično poništiti, ako ne ispunjava uslove iz čl. 4 do 7 ovog zakona, a u vezi sa članom 11 tačka 2 ovog zakona, kao i zbog postojanja razloga iz člana 11 tačka 1 i tač. 5, 6 i 7 ovog zakona, ako u dijelu u kojem bi ostao da važi ispunjava uslove za registraciju i ako je zadržana istovetnost dizajna.
Tužba za poništaj registrovanog dizajna može se podnijeti za svo vrijeme trajanja prava na dizajn, nakon isteka vremena trajanja prava i nakon odricanja od prava.
U slučajevima postojanja razloga iz:
1) člana 11 tač. 1 i 2 ovog zakona, tužbu može da podnese svako zainteresovano lice, državni tužilac i nadležni organ po službenoj dužnosti;
2) člana 11 tačka 3 ovog zakona, tužbu može da podnese lice koje je u skladu sa ovim zakonom ovlašćeno za sticanje industrijskog dizajna;
3) člana 11 tač. 4, 5 i 6 ovog zakona, tužbu može da podnese lice čije je pravo povrijeđeno, podnosilac prijave, državni tužilac i nadležni organ po službenoj dužnosti;
4) člana 11 tačka 7 ovog zakona, tužbu može da podnese lice ili organ kojeg se nedopušteno
korišćenje tiče, državni tužilac i nadležni organ po službenoj dužnosti.
Sud je dužan da pravosnažnu presudu kojom je poništio dizajn u cjelini ili djelimično, dostavi nadležnom organu i strankama u postupku, bez odlaganja.
Proglašenje dizajna ništavim nadležni organ upisuje u Registar i objavljuje u Službenom glasilu."
Član 21
U članu 44 poslije stava 1 dodaju se dva nova stava koji glase:
"Tužba iz stava 1 ovog člana podnosi se u roku od tri godine od dana objave registracije industrijskog dizajna u Službenom glasilu.
Ako tužilac dokaže da je tuženi postupao namjerno, tužba iz stava 1 ovog člana može se podnijeti za svo vrijeme trajanja zaštite industrijskog dizajna."
Dosadašnji stav 2 postaje stav 4.
Član 22
Naziv člana 45 mijenja se i glasi: "Zahtjev za naznačenje dizajnera". Stav 1 mijenja se i glasi:
"Lice koje sebe smatra dizajnerom ili njegov pravni sljedbenik može tužbom zahtijevati od suda da utvrdi da je on dizajner dizajna koji je registrovan na ime tuženog suprotno odredbama člana
13 ovog zakona i da bude naveden kao dizajner u svim dokumentima, kao i u Registru."
Član 23
U članu 46 poslije stava 3 dodaje se novi stav koji glasi: �
"Novčana kazna iz st. 2 i 3 ovog člana može se izreći pravnom licu u iznosu od 2.000 eura do �
10.000 eura, preduzetniku u iznosu od 500 eura do 3.000 eura, a fizičkom licu i odgovornom licu
u pravnom licu u iznosu od 250 eura do 1.500 eura. " Dosadašnji st. 4 do 7 postaju st. 5 do 8.
Član 24
U članu 50a riječi: "čl. 46 do 50c" zamjenjuju se riječima: "čl. 46 i 46a".
Član 25
Poslije člana 50c dodaje se novi član koji glasi:

"Podnošenje tužbe za poništaj dizajna

Član 50d
Povodom postupaka pokrenutih u svrhu zaštite dizajna u skladu sa čl. 46 do 50c ovog zakona, tuženi može da podnese tužbu za poništaj dizajna iz člana 43 ovog zakona.
U slučaju podnošenja tužbe za poništaj dizajna, sud će, s obzirom na sve okolnosti slučaja i u skladu sa opštim propisima kojima se uređuju parnični, odnosno izvršni postupak, odrediti hoće li zastati s postupkom zaštite dizajna od povrede i pod kojim uslovima, odnosno da li će spojiti postupke radi zajedničkog raspravljanja."
Član 26
U članu 51 tačka 1 riječi: "koje ima crnogorsko državljanstvo i prebivalište u Crnoj Gori" i zarez brišu se.
U tački 3 riječi: "sa sjedištem u Crnoj Gori" brišu se.
Član 27
Poslije člana 53 dodaje se novo poglavlje i četiri nova člana koji glase:


Nadzor nad sprovođenjem zakona

Član 53a
Nadzor nad sprovođenjem ovog zakona i propisa koji su donijeti na osnovu ovog zakona vrši
Inspekcijski nadzor nad sprovođenjem ovog zakona vrši organ uprave nadležan za poslove inspekcijskog nadzora, preko tržišne inspekcije.

Postupak inspekcijskog nadzora

Član 53b
Na pitanja inspekcijskog nadzora koja ovim zakonom nijesu posebno uređena primjenjuje se odredbe zakona kojim se uređuje inspekcijski nadzor.
Nosilac dizajna ili lice koje ima njegovo ovlašćenje na osnovu opštih pravila o zastupanju može podnijeti inicijativu za pokretanje postupka inspekcijskog nadzora (u daljem tekstu: inicijativa).
Inicijativa može biti pojedinačna, kada se odnosi na određenu vrstu i količinu robe ili opšta, kada se odnosi na sve količine određene robe za određeni vremenski period.
Inicijativa obavezno sadrži podatke na osnovu kojih se može identifikovati roba kojom se vrši povreda dizajna, kao i dokaz da je podnosilac inicijative nosilac dizajna, a ako se radi o opštoj inicijativi i vremenski period na koji se inicijativa odnosi.
Podnosilac inicijative može da dostavi i:
1) detalje na osnovu kojih se može identifikovati pošiljka ili pakovanje;
2) podatke o mjestu na kome se roba nalazi, odnosno predviđenom odredištu;
3) naziv proizvođača, uvoznika, vlasnika ili držaoca robe;
4) podatke o predviđenom datumu dopremanja ili otpremanja robe;
5) podatke o prevoznom sredstvu korišćenom za transport;
6) uzorak robe, fotografije i sl.
Nadležni inspektor je dužan da postupi po inicijativi i o izvršenom nadzoru i eventualno preduzetim mjerama obavijesti podnosioca inicijative u pisanoj formi, u roku od osam dana od dana podnošenja inicijative.
Ako se inicijativom predlaže hitno preduzimanje mjera i ako inicijativa sadrži dovoljno podataka o isporukama robe za koju se osnovano sumnja da se robom povređuje dizajn, nadležni inspektor je dužan da, u roku od tri dana od dana podnošenja inicijative, obavijesti podnosioca inicijative o izvršenom nadzoru i eventualno preduzetim mjerama.
Podnosilac inicijative je dužan da obavijesti nadležnog inspektora o prestanku prava na dizajn, ukoliko to pravo prestane u toku postupka po inicijativi.

Obezbjeđenje, troškovi postupka i naknada štete

Član 53c
Kada u postupku inspekcijskog nadzora ocijeni da je u proizvodnji ili prometu robe povrijeđen dizajn, nadležni inspektor je ovlašćen da:
1) privremeno zabrani proizvodnju, odnosno obavljanje djelatnosti;
2) privremeno oduzme robu.
U slučaju preduzimanja mjera iz stava 1 ovog člana, nadležni inspektor je dužan da odmah, a najkasnije u roku od dva dana od dana preduzimanja mjera, u pisanoj formi obavijesti nosioca dizajna, odnosno podnosioca inicijative, o obavezi pokretanja postupka za zaštitu dizajna pred nadležnim sudom.
Nosilac dizajna dužan je da, najkasnije u roku od 15 dana od dana prijema obavještenja iz stava 2 ovog člana, nadležnom inspektoru dostavi dokaz o pokrenutom postupku kod nadležnog suda ili određenoj privremenoj mjeri.
Obavještenje iz stava 2 ovog člana sadrži podatke o nazivu ili imenu i sjedištu ili adresi lica od koga je roba oduzeta, a po mogućnosti i o imenu i adresi vlasnika, uvoznika i proizvođača predmetne robe, kao i podatke o količini i vrsti robe i dr.
Ako ocijeni da je s obzirom na okolnosti slučaja to opravdano, nadležni inspektor može, u
postupku pokrenutom po inicijativi, određivanje mjera iz stava 1 ovog člana usloviti davanjem odgovarajućeg obezbjeđenja podnosioca inicijative u svrhu naknade troškova čuvanja privremeno oduzete robe ili štete koja nastane zbog propusta podnosioca inicijative ili neosnovanog oduzimanja predmeta.
Troškovi postupka pokrenutog po inicijativi nosioca prava koji se povoljno okončao po subjekat nadzora padaju na teret podnosioca inicijative, u suprotnom padaju na teret subjekta nadzora.
Nadležni inspektor nije odgovoran za naknadu štete koja nastane zbog neosnovanog privremenog oduzimanja robe po inicijativi nosioca prava.
Ukoliko se u postupku utvrdi da je roba po inicijativi nosioca prava oduzeta neosnovano, podnosilac inicijative dužan je da vlasniku robe, odnosno licu od kojeg je roba oduzeta nadoknadi
štetu nastalu zbog privremenog oduzimanja robe.

Vraćanje i uništenje robe

Član 53d
Ako nosilac dizajna, odnosno lica koje ima njegovo ovlašćenje za podnošenje inicijative, u roku iz člana 53c stav 3 ovog zakona, ne dostavi nadležnom inspektoru dokaz o pokrenutom postupku pred nadležnim sudom ili određenoj privremenoj mjeri, privremeno oduzeta roba vraća se licu od koga je oduzeta.
U slučaju kada je postupak pokrenut pred nadležnim sudom, a sud nije odredio privremenu mjeru o zabrani proizvodnje i prometa robe, privremeno oduzeta roba vraća se licu kome je oduzeta.
Na zahtjev nosioca dizajna, lica koje ima njegovo ovlašćenje za podnošenje zahtjeva ili lica od koga je roba oduzeta, nadležni inspektor je dužan da omogući uzimanje uzoraka robe u količini koja je potrebna kao dokaz u postupku pred nadležnim sudom.
Nadležni inspektor privremeno oduzetu robu može uništiti, po nalogu suda ili po službenoj dužnosti.
Privremeno oduzetu robu nadležni inspektor može uništiti po službenoj dužnosti ako vlasnik, odnosno lice od koga je roba privremeno oduzeta, nije dostupan nadležnom inspektoru u roku od
30 dana od dana oduzimanja robe.".
Član 28
Poslije člana 56a dodaje se novi član koji glasi:

"Odložena primjena

Član 56b
Odredbe člana 2 stav 5, člana 11 tačka 8, člana 18 stav 2 i čl. 41a do 41 g ovog zakona primjenjivaće se od dana pristupanja Crne Gore Evropskoj uniji."
Član 29
Poslije člana 57 dodaje se novi član koji glasi:

"Prestanak važenja

Član 57a
Danom stupanja na snagu ovog zakona prestaju da važe čl. 22 i 23 i član 26 stav 1 tač. 8 do
12 Zakona o primjeni propisa kojima se uređuje zaštita prava intelektualne svojine ("Službeni list
RCG", broj 45/05)."

Stupanje na snagu

Član 30
Ovaj zakon stupa na snagu osmog dana od dana objavljivanja u "Službenom listu Crne Gore". Broj: 07­3/15­1/4
Podgorica, 28. jun 2016. godine
Skupština Crne Gore 25. saziva
Darko Pajović, s.r.

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Law of June 28, 2016, on Amendments to the Law on Legal Protection of Industrial Designs (Official Gazette of Montenegro, No. 42/16 of 11.7.2016)

Law on Amendments to the Law on Legal Protection of Industrial Design

("Official Gazette of Montenegro", No. 42/16)
Article 1
In the Law on Legal Protection of Industrial design (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 80/10 and 27/13), in Article 2, after paragraph 4, a new paragraph shall be added to read as follows:
„Community designs registered with the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market shall also have effect in Montenegro”.
Article 2
In Article 3 paragraph 3, after words: „ a foreign legal and natural person” the following words shall be added: “who do not have their legal seat i.e. approved permanent residence or temporary stay in the territory of Montenegro”.
Article 3
In Article 6 paragraph 2, the words: “the author of the design (hereinafter referred to as: the designer)” shall be replaced by the word “designer”.
Article 4
In Article 7 paragraph 4, the word “author” in different grammatical cases shall be replaced by the word “designer” in a corresponding grammatical case.
Article 5
In Article 11 after item 7, a new item shall be added to read as follows:
„8) if it is in conflict with an earlier design disclosed to the public following the filing date of the application or if the priority right has been claimed, following the priority date, and


which has been protected from a date prior to said date by the registered Community design or an application for registration of a Community design.
Article 6 �
In Article 17 paragraph 1, the words “if claimed in the territory of Montenegro, in good faith” shall be replaced by the words “if claimed, in the territory of Montenegro in good faith”, and after the word “protection” the words: “of the registered design” shall be added.
Article 7
In Article 18, after paragraph 1, a new paragraph shall be added to read as follows:
“If the right holder of the design puts in the market in the territory of the European Union and/or of the countries signatories to the Agreement on the European Economic Area a product comprising a protected design and/or a product designed in accordance with the protected design, or if the right holder of the design authorizes another person to put such product in the market, the right holder of the design shall not be entitled to prevent third parties from further disposing of that product which has been purchased in the course of legal trade”.
Paragraphs 2 and 3 shall be deleted.
Article 8
Article 19 shall be amended to read as follows:
„The provisions of this Law shall be without prejudice to any provisions of regulations relating to unregistered design rights, trademarks or other distinctive signs, patents and utility models, typefaces and provisions governing civil liability or unfair competition. „
Article 9
In Article 21, after paragraph 2 a new paragraph shall be added to read as follows: ­
“The license agreement referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall produce legal effect towards third persons upon entry into the Register”.


Previous paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 shall become paragraphs 4, 5 and 6.
Article 10
In Article 22 paragraph 3 the words: “shall have legal effect towards other parties” shall be replaced by the following words:”shall produce legal effect in relation to third parties”.
Article 11
In Article 23 paragraph 5 shall be amended to read as follows:
“Pledge shall produce legal effect in relation to third parties upon the entry into the
Article 12
In Article 28 paragraph 1, the words “or similar” shall be deleted.
Article 13
In Article 32, after paragraph 5, a new paragraph shall be added to read as follows:
„If the applicant fails to submit a proof for acknowledgement of the priority right referred to in Articles 29 and 30 of the present Law, the competent authority may reject the request for acknowledgment of the priority right”.
Article 14
In Article 34, after paragraph 4, two new paragraphs shall be added to read as follows:
„The competent authority may issue a design certificate on request of the right holder, provided that the prescribed administrative fee is duly paid.
The content of the design certificate referred to in paragraph 5 of this Article shall be defined by regulation of the Ministry”.
Article 15
In Article 37 paragraph 1, the full stop at the end of the text shall be replaced by a comma, and the following words shall be added: “provided that due to such a failure the loss of right has come into effect”.


In paragraph 3, the words:”provided that the loss of right has not come into effect” shall
be deleted.
Article 16
In Article 38 paragraph 2, the full stop at the end of the text shall be replaced by a comma and the following words shall be added: “and such action must be performed within a specified time period”.
Paragraph 6 shall be amended to read as follows:
„The request for restitutio in integrum may not be submitted following the expiry of a time period referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article”.
After paragraph 6 a new paragraph shall be added to read as follows:
„Provisions of paragraphs 1 to 5 of this Article shall not apply to the time periods specified in Articles 29, 30 and 37 of the present Law”.
Article 17
In Article 40 paragraph 1, item 4 shall be deleted.
Article 18
In Article 41 paragraph 5 shall be amended to read as follows:
“Exceptionally of Article 32a paragraph 3 of the present Law, for the holder of the international industrial design registration, the deadline for commenting on the reasons for rejection of registration and submitting proof of new facts which might affect the decision of the competent authority shall be four months following the date of the written notification by the competent authority on rejection of registration”.
Article 19
After Article 41, a new chapter and seven new articles shall be added to read as follows:


Definitions �
Article 41a �
Within the meaning of Article 2 paragraph 5, Article 11 item 8 and Article 41b to 41 g of the present Law:
1) ­ the Community design is a registered and nonregistered design in the manner as provided for in Article 1 of the Council Regulation (EC) 6/2002 of 12 December 2001 on Community designs, and its amendments (hereinafter referred to as: the Regulation on Community designs);
2) the Community design application is the application for registration of a Community design filed in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on Community designs;
3) the national design is design registered in the proceedings before the competent authority in accordance with the provisions of the present Law:
4) the national design application is the application for design registration filed with the competent authority in accordance with the provisions of the present Law.
Extension of effect of Community designs �
Article 41b �
Community design applications filed before accession of Montenegro to the European Union and Community designs acquired before accession of Montenegro to the European Union, shall have effect in the territory of Montenegro.
Community design and Community design application as an earlier right �
Article 41c �
Within the meaning of Articles 5 to 7 and Article 11 item 4 of the present Law, the Community design application and the Community design are considered as an earlier design in relation to the national design applications filed and national designs registered on the basis of such applications after the date of accession of Montenegro to the European Union.
Filing of applications for Community design �
Article 41d �
An application for a Community design may be filed directly at the Office for
Harmonization in the Internal Market or at the competent authority.


Where the application for a Community design is filed at the competent authority pursuant to Article 35 paragraph 2 of the Regulation on Community designs, the competent authority shall enter the date of filing of the application and forward the application without further examination to the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market within two weeks of receipt, against the payment of the prescribed administrative fee and costs of forwarding.
Prohibition of use of Community designs �
Article 41e �
If the use of a Community design referred to in Article 41b of the present Law is in contravention of the use of a national design acquired before the date of accession of Montenegro to the European Union or acquired on the basis of a national design application filed before the date of accession of Montenegro to the European Union, the holder of such national design may request the prohibition of use of the Community design in Montenegro by filing a lawsuit, whereby he/she must prove that the use of the Community design is in contravention of his/her national design.
Protection of Community designs against infringement �
Article 41f �
Provisions governing the legal protection in case of infringement of a national design shall also apply to the legal protection in case of infringement of a Community design.
Community Design courts �
Article 41g �
The Commercial Court is the court which shall be competent for ruling in the first instance on disputes concerning Community designs referred to in Article 80 paragraph 1 of the Regulation on Community designs, in accordance with the law governing the establishment, organization and jurisdiction of courts.
The Court of Appeals is the court which shall be competent for ruling in the second instance on disputes concerning Community designs referred to in Article 80 paragraph 1 of the Regulation on Community designs, in accordance with the law governing the establishment, organization and jurisdiction of courts”.
Article 20


Article 43 shall be amended to read as follows:
„Declaration of invalidity of industrial design
Article 43
In case when a design is registered contrary to the provisions of Article 11 of the present
Law, the competent court may declare the registered design invalid, either in whole or in a part.
Design may be declared partially invalid if it does not meet the requirements set out in Articles 4 to 7 of the present Law, in connection with Article 11 item 2 of this Law, as well as due to existence of reasons set out in Article 11 item 1 and items 5, 6 and 7 of the present Law, provided that it meets requirements for registration in the part which remains valid and provided that the identity of design is retained.
The lawsuit for declaring the registered design invalid may be filed for the entire duration of the right to design, after expiry of the right and after abandonment of the right.
In case of existence of reasons referred to in:
1)Article 11 items 1 and 2 of the present Law, the lawsuit may be filed by any interested person, state prosecutor and competent authority ex officio;
2)Article 11 item 3 of the present Law, the lawsuit may be filed by a person who is entitled to acquire an industrial design in accordance with this Law;
3)Article 11 items 4, 5 and 6 of the present Law, the lawsuit may be filed by a person whose right is infringed, applicant, state prosecutor and competent authority ex officio;
4)Article 11 item 7 of the present Law, the lawsuit may be filed by a person or authority concerned with the improper use, state prosecutor and competent authority ex officio.
The court shall be obliged to submit to the competent authority and parties to the proceedings the final verdict declaring the design invalid either in whole or in a part, without any delay.
The competent authority shall enter the declaration of invalidity of a design into the
Register and publish it in the Official Gazette”.


Article 21
In Article 44 after paragraph 1, two new paragraphs shall be added to read as follows: “The lawsuit referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be filed within three years of
the date of publication of the industrial design registration in the Official Gazette.
If the plaintiff proves that the defendant acted intentionally, the lawsuit referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article may be filed for the entire duration of the industrial design protection.”
Previous paragraph 2 shall become paragraph 4.
Article 22
Title of Article 45 shall be amended to read as follows:
„Request for citation of designer”
Paragraph 1 shall be amended to read as follows:
“By filing a lawsuit with the court, the person who considers himself/herself as being the designer or his/her legal successor, may seek from the court to determine that he/she is the designer of the design registered to the defendant’s name contrary to the provisions of Article
13 of the present Law, and that he/she be cited as the designer in all documents and in the
Article 23
In Article 46 after paragraph 3, a new paragraph shall be added to read as follows:
“Fines referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article may be pronounced to a legal person in the amount of EUR 2,000 to EUR 10,000, an entrepreneur in the amount of EUR 500 to EUR 3,000, and to a natural person and responsible person of a legal entity in the amount of EUR 250 to EUR 1,500”.
Previous paragraphs 4 to 7 shall become paragraphs 5 to 8”.


Article 24 �
In Article 50a, the words „Articles 46 to 50c” shall be replaced by the following words: “Articles 46 and 46a”.
Article 25
After Article 50c, a new article shall be added to read as follows:
„Filing a lawsuit for declaration of invalidity of industrial design
Article 50d
Regarding the proceedings initiated for the purpose of protection of an industrial design in accordance with Articles 46 to 50c of the present Law, the defendant may file a lawsuit for declaration of invalidity of the design referred to in Article 43 of the present Law.
In case of filing a lawsuit for declaration of invalidity of an industrial design, the court shall, taking into account all circumstances of the case and in accordance with general regulations governing litigation and enforcement proceedings, determine whether to suspend the proceedings instituted for the purpose of protection of a design against infringement and on which conditions, or to merge the proceedings for joint deliberation”.
Article 26
In Article 51 item 1, the words: “with Montenegrin citizenship residing in Montenegro”
and the comma shall be deleted.
In item 3, the words: with its legal seat in Montenegro” shall be deleted.
Article 27
After Article 53, a new chapter and four new articles shall be added to read as follows:
Supervision over enforcement of the Law
Article 53a


Supervision over enforcement of the present Law and regulations issued on the basis of the present Law shall be conducted by the Ministry.
Inspectorial supervision over the enforcement of the present Law shall be performed by the administrative authority in charge of inspectorial supervision, through the market inspection.
Inspectorial supervision
Article 53b
All matters related to the inspectorial supervision which are not specifically regulated by the present Law shall be subject to the provisions of the law governing the inspectorial supervision.
A design holder or a person authorized by him/her on the basis of general rules on representation may submit the initiative for institution of inspectorial supervision proceedings (hereinafter referred to as: the initiative).
The initiative may be individual when related to a particular kind and quantity of goods, or general when related to all quantities of certain goods within a specified time period.
The initiative shall include the details on the basis of which it is possible to identify the goods infringing a design (infringing goods), as well as the proof that the applicant is a design holder and, in case of a general initiative, also the time period to which the initiative relates to.
The applicant of the initiative may also submit:
1) details identifying the consignment or packages; ­
2) information about the place where the goods are situated or their intended destination; ­
3) data on the identity of the manufacturer, importer, owner or holder of the goods; ­
4) information about the scheduled dispatch or delivery date; ­
5) information about the means of transport used; ­
6) sample of goods, photographs, etc. ­
The competent inspector shall be obliged to act upon an initiative and notify the applicant of the initiative in writing about the supervision performed and any action taken, within eight days from the filing of the initiative.


Where the applicant of the initiative requests an urgent action and if initiative contains sufficient information about delivery of goods under suspicion of infringing design, the competent inspector shall notify the applicant about the supervision performed and any actions taken within three days from the filing of the initiative.
Where the design right ceases to exist during the proceedings upon initiative, the applicant of the initiative shall notify the competent inspector about cessation of the right to design.
Security, costs of proceedings and compensation of damage �
Article 53c �
Where, in the course of inspectoral supervision proceedings, it is established that a design has been violated in production or in trade of goods, the competent inspector shall be authorized to:
1) temporarily prohibit production or performing of activities;
2) temporarily seize goods.
Where the measures referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article have been performed, the competent inspector shall immediately, but not later than two days from performing of the measures, notify in writing the design holder and/or the applicant of the initiative about obligation to initiate proceedings before the competent court for the protection of design.
The design holder shall, not later than 15 days of receipt of the notification referred to paragraph 2 of this Article, submit to the competent inspector a proof that the proceedings before the competent court have been initiated, or that the provisional measure has been ordered.
Notification referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article shall include the name, seat or address of the person from whom the goods have been seized and, if possible, the name and address of the owner, importer and manufacturer of the goods, as well as information about the quantity and type of goods, etc.
In the proceedings initiated upon the initiative, the competent inspector may, if he finds it justifiable and taking into account the circumstances of the case, ordering of measures referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, to condition by providing of appropriate security for


compensation of costs by the applicant of the initiative, for the purposes of keeping the goods seized temporarily, or damages incurred due to omission of the applicant of the initiative or unjustified seizure of goods.
Costs of proceedings initiated upon the initiative of the right holder which ended in favor of the subject of supervision, shall be borne by the applicant of the initiative, otherwise such costs shall be borne by the subject of supervision.
The competent inspector shall not be liable to compensate any damages resulting from unjustified temporary seizure of goods upon the initiative of the right holder.
Where it is determined in the proceedings that the goods upon the initiative of the right holder have been seized without justification, the applicant of the initiative shall be liable to compensate to the owner of goods and/or person from whom the goods have been seized damage caused by temporarily seizure.
Release and destruction of goods �
Article 53d �
Where the design holder and/or a person authorized by him/her to submit the initiative, has failed to submit to the competent inspector, within a time limit specified in Article 53c paragraph 3 of the present Law, the proof that the proceedings have been initiated before the competent court, or that a provisional measure has been ordered, the goods seized temporarily shall be released to the person from whom they were seized.
Where the proceedings have been initiated before the competent court, but the court has not ordered any provisional measure to prohibit production and trade in goods, the goods seized temporarily shall be released to the person from whom they were seized.
Upon the request of the design holder, the person authorized by him/her for submitting the request or the person from whom the goods were seized, the competent inspector shall allow samples of goods to be taken in the quantity needed as evidence in proceedings before the competent court.
The competent inspector may destroy the goods seized temporarily, upon a court order or ex officio.


The competent inspector may destroy the goods seized temporarily ex officio if the owner of goods or the person from whom the goods were seized temporarily is not accessible by the competent inspector within 30 days of the date of seizure of goods”.
Article 28
After Article 56a, a new article shall be added to read as follows:
„Deferred application
Article 56b
Provisions of Article 2 paragraph 5, Article 11 item 8, Article 18 paragraph 2 and Article
41a to 41g of the present Law shall apply from the date of accession of Montenegro to the
European Union.“
Article 29
After Article 57, a new article shall be added to read as follows:
“Cessation of validity
Article 57a
Articles 22 and 23, and Article 26 paragraph 1 items 8 to 12 of the Law on the Enforcement of Legislation that Regulates the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro, No. 45/05) shall cease to be valid as of the date of coming into effect of the this Law.”
Entry into force �
Article 30 �
This Law shall enter into force on the eighth day of its publication in the Official Gazette of Montenegro.


Legislation Amends (2 text(s)) Amends (2 text(s)) WTO Document Reference
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WIPO Lex No. ME040