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Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment (Fee Review) Regulation 2016, Australia

Repealed Text 
Details Details Year of Version 2016 Dates Entry into force: October 16, 2016 Adopted: August 17, 2016 Type of Text Implementing Rules/Regulations Subject Matter Patents (Inventions), Industrial Designs, Trademarks, Plant Variety Protection Notes The Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment (Fee Review) Regulation 2016 was repealed on October 11, 2016, in accordance with Division 1 of Part 3 of Chapter 3 of the Legislation Act 2003.
The notification by Australia to the WTO under article 63.2 of TRIPS states:
'The regulations made amendments to various fees to reflect changes in costs to administer activities across all IP rights, reduce cross-subsidisation of costs recovered between IP rights, and to streamline the fee schedules.'

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 Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment (Fee Review) Regulation 2016

OPC62000 - A

Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment

(Fee Review) Regulation 2016

I, General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Ret’d), Governor-General of the

Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council,

make the following regulation.

Dated 17 August 2016

Peter Cosgrove


By His Excellency’s Command

Greg Hunt

Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science

Authorised Version F2016L01306 registered 19/08/2016

Authorised Version F2016L01306 registered 19/08/2016

Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment (Fee Review) Regulation 2016 i

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Contents 1 Name........................................................................................................................... 1

2 Commencement .......................................................................................................... 1

3 Authority..................................................................................................................... 1

4 Schedules .................................................................................................................... 1

Schedule 1—Amendments 2

Part 1—Amendments relating to designs 2

Designs Regulations 2004 2

Part 2—Amendments relating to patents 4

Patents Regulations 1991 4

Part 3—Amendments relating to plant breeder’s rights 8

Plant Breeder’s Rights Regulations 1994 8

Part 4—Amendments relating to trade marks 9

Trade Marks Regulations 1995 9

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Authorised Version F2016L01306 registered 19/08/2016

Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment (Fee Review) Regulation 2016 1

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1 Name

This is the Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment (Fee Review)

Regulation 2016.

2 Commencement

(1) Each provision of this instrument specified in column 1 of the table commences,

or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Any

other statement in column 2 has effect according to its terms.

Commencement information

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Provisions Commencement Date/Details

1. The whole of this


10 October 2016. 10 October 2016

Note: This table relates only to the provisions of this instrument as originally made. It will

not be amended to deal with any later amendments of this instrument.

(2) Any information in column 3 of the table is not part of this instrument.

Information may be inserted in this column, or information in it may be edited, in

any published version of this instrument.

3 Authority

This instrument is made under the following:

(a) the Designs Act 2003;

(b) the Patents Act 1990;

(c) the Plant Breeder’s Rights Act 1994;

(d) the Trade Marks Act 1995.

4 Schedules

Each instrument that is specified in a Schedule to this instrument is amended or

repealed as set out in the applicable items in the Schedule concerned, and any

other item in a Schedule to this instrument has effect according to its terms.

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Schedule 1 Amendments

Part 1 Amendments relating to designs

2 Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment (Fee Review) Regulation 2016

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Schedule 1—Amendments

Part 1—Amendments relating to designs

Designs Regulations 2004

1 Subregulations 11.01(7) and (8)

Repeal the subregulations.

2 Subparagraph 11.06(1)(a)(ii)

Omit “, 9 or 10”, substitute “or 9”.

3 Subregulation 11.09(1)

Omit “, 14, 15 or 16”, substitute “or 14”.

4 Paragraph 11.10(1)(a)

Omit “, 9 or 10”, substitute “or 9”.

5 Schedule 4 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

Schedule 4—Fees Note: See regulation 11.01.

1 Table of fees

The following table sets out fees that are payable in relation to matters specified

in the table.

6 Schedule 4 (table item 9, column headed “Fee”)

Omit “$550”, substitute “$600”.

7 Schedule 4 (table item 10)

Repeal the item.

8 Schedule 4 (cell at table item 12, column headed “Fee”)

Repeal the cell, substitute:

$600 for each day, or part of

a day, less any amount paid

under item 11 in relation to

the hearing

9 Schedule 4 (table items 13, 14, 15 and 16)

Repeal the items, substitute:

13 Filing a request for the supply, by the Registrar, of

not more than 3 documents relating to a single

design application or a single design number

$50 for each document

Authorised Version F2016L01306 registered 19/08/2016

Amendments Schedule 1

Amendments relating to designs Part 1

Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment (Fee Review) Regulation 2016 3

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14 Filing a request for the supply, by the Registrar, of

4 or more documents relating to a single design

application or a single design number

$200 for each request

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Schedule 1 Amendments

Part 2 Amendments relating to patents

4 Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment (Fee Review) Regulation 2016

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Part 2—Amendments relating to patents

Patents Regulations 1991

10 Paragraph 22.2(2)(c)

Repeal the paragraph.

11 Subregulations 22.2(7) and (8)

Repeal the subregulations.

12 Subregulation 22.2C(1)

Omit “217, 218, 219, 220,”, substitute “218,”.

13 Subregulation 22.2H(1)

Omit “229, 233, 234 or 235”, substitute “233 or 234”.

14 Schedule 7 (note to Schedule heading)

Repeal the note, substitute:

Note: See regulations 22.2, 22.3 and 22.4.

15 Part 1 of Schedule 7 (after the heading)


1 Table of fees—patent attorneys

The following table sets out fees that are payable in relation to matters specified

in the table.

16 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (after the heading)


2 Table of fees—general fees

The following table sets out fees that are payable in relation to matters specified

in the table.

17 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 206, column headed “Fee”)

Omit “$1,400”, substitute “$950”.

18 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 211, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to subparagraph (g)(i))

Omit “$500”, substitute “$550”.

19 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 211, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to subparagraph (g)(ii))

Omit “$550”, substitute “$600”.

Authorised Version F2016L01306 registered 19/08/2016

Amendments Schedule 1

Amendments relating to patents Part 2

Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment (Fee Review) Regulation 2016 5

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20 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 211, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to subparagraph (h)(i))

Omit “$500”, substitute “$550”.

21 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 211, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to subparagraph (h)(ii))

Omit “$550”, substitute “$600”.

22 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 211, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to subparagraph (i)(i))

Omit “$500”, substitute “$550”.

23 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 211, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to subparagraph (i)(ii))

Omit “$550”, substitute “$600”.

24 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 211, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to subparagraph (j)(i))

Omit “$500”, substitute “$550”.

25 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 211, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to subparagraph (j)(ii))

Omit “$550”, substitute “$600”.

26 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 211, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to subparagraph (k)(i))

Omit “$500”, substitute “$550”.

27 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 211, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to subparagraph (k)(ii))

Omit “$550”, substitute “$600”.

28 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 211, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to subparagraph (l)(i))

Omit “$1 120”, substitute “$1 250”.

29 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 211, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to subparagraph (l)(ii))

Omit “$1 170”, substitute “$1 300”.

30 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 211, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to subparagraph (m)(i))

Omit “$1 120”, substitute “$1 250”.

31 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 211, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to subparagraph (m)(ii))

Omit “$1 170”, substitute “$1 300”.

Authorised Version F2016L01306 registered 19/08/2016

Schedule 1 Amendments

Part 2 Amendments relating to patents

6 Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment (Fee Review) Regulation 2016

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32 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 211, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to subparagraph (n)(i))

Omit “$1 120”, substitute “$1 250”.

33 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 211, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to subparagraph (n)(ii))

Omit “$1 170”, substitute “$1 300”.

34 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 211, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to subparagraph (o)(i))

Omit “$1 120”, substitute “$1 250”.

35 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 211, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to subparagraph (o)(ii))

Omit “$1 170”, substitute “$1 300”.

36 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 211, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to subparagraph (p)(i))

Omit “$1 120”, substitute “$1 250”.

37 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 211, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to subparagraph (p)(ii))

Omit “$1 170”, substitute “$1 300”.

38 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 211, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to subparagraph (q)(i))

Omit “$2 300”, substitute “$2 550”.

39 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 211, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to subparagraph (q)(ii))

Omit “$2 350”, substitute “$2 600”.

40 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 211, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to subparagraph (q)(iii))

Omit “$2 300”, substitute “$2 550”.

41 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 211, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to subparagraph (q)(iv))

Omit “$2 350”, substitute “$2 600”.

42 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 215, column headed “Fee”)

Omit “$550”, substitute “$600”.

43 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table items 217, 219, 220 and 229)

Repeal the items.

44 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 231, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to paragraph (a))

Omit “219, 220, 229 or”.

Authorised Version F2016L01306 registered 19/08/2016

Amendments Schedule 1

Amendments relating to patents Part 2

Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment (Fee Review) Regulation 2016 7

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45 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 231A, column headed “Fee”)

Omit “219, 220, 229 or”.

46 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table items 233, 234 and 235)

Repeal the items, substitute:

233 Requesting the supply of not more than 3

documents relating to a single patent application or

a single patent

$50 for each document

234 Requesting the supply of 4 or more documents

relating to a single patent application or a single


$200 for each request

47 Part 2 of Schedule 7 (table item 236, column headed “Fee”)

Omit “$2 200”, substitute “$950”.

48 Part 3 of Schedule 7 (after the heading)


3 Table of fees—general fees for international applications

The following table sets out fees that are payable in relation to matters specified

in the table.

49 Part 3 of Schedule 7 (table item 307)

Repeal the item.

50 Part 4 of Schedule 7 (after the heading)


4 Table of fees—fees payable for benefit of International Bureau

The following table sets out fees that are payable in relation to matters specified

in the table.

51 Part 4 of Schedule 7 (table item 403)

Repeal the item, substitute:

403 The international filing fee is reduced by the following amount if the

international application is, as provided for in the Administrative Instructions,


(a) in electronic form, the request not being in character coded format—100

Swiss francs;

(b) in electronic form, the request being in character coded format—200 Swiss


(c) in electronic form, the request, description, claims and abstract being in

character coded format—300 Swiss francs.

Authorised Version F2016L01306 registered 19/08/2016

Schedule 1 Amendments

Part 3 Amendments relating to plant breeder’s rights

8 Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment (Fee Review) Regulation 2016

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Part 3—Amendments relating to plant breeder’s rights

Plant Breeder’s Rights Regulations 1994

52 Subregulation 3(2)

Omit “the Schedule”, substitute “Schedule 1”.

53 Regulation 4

Omit “the Schedule” (wherever occurring), substitute “Schedule 1”.

54 Subregulation 4A(1)

Omit “the Schedule”, substitute “Schedule 1”.

55 Schedule (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

Schedule 1—Fees Note: See regulation 4.

1 Table of fees

The following table sets out fees that are payable in relation to matters specified

in the table.

56 Schedule (table items 3 and 5)

Repeal the items.

57 Schedule (table item 6, column headed “Act, service or occasion in respect of which fee is payable”, paragraph (c))

Omit “of the same plant species”.

58 Schedule (after table item 12)


12A On making a request for the supply of 4 or more

documents relating to a single application for PBR in

a plant variety or a single PBR in a plant variety

$200 for each request

59 Schedule (table item 16)

Repeal the item.

Authorised Version F2016L01306 registered 19/08/2016

Amendments Schedule 1

Amendments relating to trade marks Part 4

Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment (Fee Review) Regulation 2016 9

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Part 4—Amendments relating to trade marks

Trade Marks Regulations 1995

60 Regulation 2.1


AFS request has the meaning given by subregulation 3A.3(1).

requester has the meaning given by subregulation 3A.3(1).

61 Regulation 3A.2

Repeal the regulation.

62 In the appropriate position in Part 22


22.12 Amendments made by the Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment

(Fee Review) Regulation 2016

Despite the repeal of item 9 of Schedule 9 by Part 4 of Schedule 1 to the Intellectual

Property Legislation Amendment (Fee Review) Regulation 2016 (the amending

Regulation), that item continues to apply in relation to the registration of a trade mark

of a kind mentioned in that item if the application for registration was filed before the

commencement of the amending Regulation.

63 Schedule 9 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

Schedule 9—Fees Note: See regulation 21.21.

1 Table of fees

The following table sets out fees that are payable in relation to matters specified

in the table.

64 Schedule 9 (table item 1, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to paragraph (a))

Omit “$120”, substitute “$250”.

65 Schedule 9 (table item 1, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to paragraph (c))

Omit “$220”, substitute “$350”.

66 Schedule 9 (table item 1, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to paragraph (d))

Omit “$80”, substitute “$130”.

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Schedule 1 Amendments

Part 4 Amendments relating to trade marks

10 Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment (Fee Review) Regulation 2016

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67 Schedule 9 (table item 3, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to paragraph (a))

Omit “$270”, substitute “$400”.

68 Schedule 9 (table item 3, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to paragraph (c))

Omit “$370”, substitute “$500”.

69 Schedule 9 (table item 4, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to paragraph (a))

Omit “$370”, substitute “$500”.

70 Schedule 9 (table item 4, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to paragraph (b))

Omit “$220”, substitute “$350”.

71 Schedule 9 (table item 5)

Repeal the item, substitute:

5 Filing an application for an extension of a period

under subregulation 4.12(3) or regulation 17A.20

$100 for each month or

part of a month for which

the extension is sought

5A Filing an application under subsection 224(2) of

the Act:

(a) for an extension of time on a ground specified

in paragraph 224(2)(a) of the Act; or $100 for each month or

part of a month for which

the extension is sought

(b) for an extension of time on a ground specified

in paragraph 224(2)(b) of the Act $100

5B Filing an application under subsection 224(3) of

the Act for an extension of time on a ground

specified in paragraph 224(3)(b) of the Act

$100 for each month or

part of a month for which

the extension is sought

72 Schedule 9 (table item 7)

Repeal the item, substitute:

7 Filing a notice of opposition under section 52 of

the Act or a notice of intention to oppose under

regulation 17A.33


73 Schedule 9 (table item 9)

Repeal the item.

74 Schedule 9 (table item 10, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to paragraph (a))

Omit “$300”, substitute “$400”.

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Amendments Schedule 1

Amendments relating to trade marks Part 4

Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment (Fee Review) Regulation 2016 11

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75 Schedule 9 (table item 10, column headed “Fee”, fee relating to paragraph (b))

Omit “$350”, substitute “$450”.

76 Schedule 9 (table item 10, column headed “Fee”)

Omit “$100 for each class”, substitute “$100”.

77 Schedule 9 (table item 11, column headed “Fee”)

Omit “$350”, substitute “$450”.

78 Schedule 9 (table item 12, column headed “Fee”)

Omit “$350”, substitute “$450”.

79 Schedule 9 (table item 12, column headed “Fee”)

Omit “$100 for each class”, substitute “$100”.

80 Schedule 9 (table item 17A)

Repeal the item.

81 Schedule 9 (table items 18 and 19)

Repeal the items.

82 Schedule 9 (table items 21, 21A, 22 and 23)

Repeal the items, substitute:

21 Request for not more than 3 documents relating to a

single trade mark application, a single trade mark

registration or a single AFS request

$50 for each


22 Request for 4 or more documents relating to a single

trade mark application, a single trade mark registration

or a single AFS request

$200 for each request

83 Schedule 9 (table item 32)

Repeal the item, substitute:

32 Submitting an AFS request under regulation 3A.3 $200 for each class of

goods or services to

which the request


84 Schedule 9 (table item 33, column headed “Fee”)

Omit “$120”, substitute “$200”.

85 Schedule 9 (table item 34, column headed “Fee”)

Omit “$120”, substitute “$150”.

86 Schedule 9 (table item 35)

Repeal the item.

Authorised Version F2016L01306 registered 19/08/2016

Legislation Amends (3 text(s)) Amends (3 text(s)) Is repealed by (1 text(s)) Is repealed by (1 text(s))
No data available.

WIPO Lex No. AU480