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Act on Amendments to the Act on the Protection of Topographies of Semiconductor Products (OG No. 46/2018), Croatia

Latest Version in WIPO Lex
Details Details Year of Version 2018 Dates Entry into force: May 26, 2018 Adopted: May 1, 2018 Type of Text Main IP Laws Subject Matter Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits, IP Regulatory Body Notes The notification by Croatia to the WTO under Article 63.2 of TRIPS states:
'Following the repeal of the Boards of Appeal in the field of industrial property rights as a second instance authority in all procedures of granting industrial property under the responsibility of the SIPO, the Act on Amendments to the Act on the Protection of Topographies of Semiconductor Products provides for the appeal to be submitted to the Administrative Court in Zagreb against first instance decisions in topographies of semiconductor products registration procedures rendered by the SIPO.'

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Main text(s) Main text(s) Croatian Zakon O Izmjenama I Dopunama Zakona O Zaštiti Topografija Poluvodičkih Proizvoda (NN 46/2018)         English Act on Amendments to the Act on the Protection of Topographies of Semiconductor Products (OG No. 46/2018)        
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 Act on Amendments to the Act on the Protection of Topographies of Semiconductor Products (OG No. 46/2018)




NN 46/2018, in force from May 26, 2018

Zagreb, May 2018

2 May 2018


3May 2018



Article 1 In the Act on the Protection of Topographies of Semiconductor Products (»Official Gazette«, No. 173/03, 76/07, 30/09 and 49/11), Article 6 shall be amended to read: »(1) The State Intellectual Property Office (hereinafter: the Office) shall carry out the administrative proceedings for registration of a topography and declaration of the decision on the registration of a topography null and void, and perform other administrative and professional tasks concerning the protection of the topographies of semiconductor products. (2) The decisions issued by the Office cannot be appealed, but an administrative dispute can be instituted before the Administrative Court in Zagreb. (3) The procedure referred to in paragraph (2) of this Article is urgent.«.

Article 2 In Article 12, paragraph (2) shall be deleted.

Article 3 After the word: »contracts« in Article 23, the comma and the words: »the appeal, the appeal proceedings, the Boards of Appeal,« shall be deleted.


The Minister responsible for supervision of the work of the State Intellectual Property Office shall harmonise the Regulations on the Protection of Topographies of Semiconductor Products (»Official Gazette«, No. 72/04, 117/07 and 43/17) with the provisions of this Act within 30 days from the day of the entry into force of this Act.

Article 5 (1) Administrative procedures instituted by the provisions of the Act on the Protection of Topographies of Semiconductor Products (»Official Gazette«, No. 173/03, 76/07, 30/09 and 49/11) where the State Intellectual Property Office as the first instance authority issued the decision until the day of the entry into force of this Act shall be completed in accordance with the provisions of that Act and the regulations issued pursuant to that Act. (2) Boards of Appeal in the field of industrial property rights established and appointed on the basis of the Patents Act (»Official Gazette«, No. 173/03, 54/05, 87/05, 76/07, 30/09, 128/10, 49/11 and 76/13) shall continue to operate in accordance with the provisions of that Act and the regulations issued pursuant to that Act until all the administrative procedures referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article are completed by reaching final decisions, after which they shall cease to operate. (3) If, because of dismissal of the president or members of the Boards of Appeal referred to in paragraph (2) of this Article, it is not possible to determine the Board of Appeal to decide on an appeal, the procedure of electing or appointing the president or necessary number of members of the Boards of Appeal can exceptionally be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Patents Act (»Official Gazette«, No. 173/03, 54/05, 87/05, 76/07, 30/09, 128/10, 49/11 and 76/13), for the needs of resolving the case referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article.

Article 6 This Act shall enter into force on the eighth day following the day of its publication in the »Official Gazette«.

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 Zakon O Izmjenama I Dopunama Zakona O Zaštiti Topografija Poluvodičkih Proizvoda (NN 46/2018)





NN 46/2018, 18. 05. 2018. (u primjeni od 26. 05. 2018.)

Zagreb, svibanj 2018.



Članak 1. U Zakonu o zaštiti topografija poluvodičkih proizvoda

(»Narodne novine«, br. 173/03., 76/07., 30/09. i 49/11.) članak 6. mijenja se i glasi:

»(1) Državni zavod za intelektualno vlasništvo (u daljnjem tekstu: Zavod) provodi upravni postupak za registraciju topografije, za proglašenje ništavim rješenja o registraciji topografije te obavlja druge upravne i stručne poslove u pogledu zaštite topografija poluvodičkih proizvoda.

(2) Protiv rješenja Zavoda žalba nije dopuštena, ali se može pokrenuti upravni spor pred Upravnim sudom u Zagrebu.

(3) Postupak iz stavka 2. ovoga članka je hitan.«.

Članak 2. U članku 12. stavak 2. briše se.

Članak 3. U članku 23. iza riječi: »licenciji« brišu se zarez

i riječi: »žalbu, postupak povodom žalbe, žalbena vijeća«..


Članak 4. Ministar nadležan za nadzor nad radom Državnog

zavoda za intelektualno vlasništvo uskladit će Pravilnik o zaštiti topografija poluvodičkih proizvoda (»Narodne novine«, br. 72/04., 117/07. i 43/17.) s odredbama ovoga Zakona u roku od 30 dana od dana stupanja na snagu ovoga Zakona.

NN 46/2018 (u primjeni od 26. 05. 2018.)

Članak 5. (1) Upravni postupci započeti po odredbama Zakona

o zaštiti topografija poluvodičkih proizvoda (»Narodne novine«, br. 173/03., 76/07., 30/09. i 49/11.) u kojima je Državni zavod za intelektualno vlasništvo kao tijelo prvog stupnja donio rješenje do dana stupanja na snagu ovoga Zakona, dovršit će se po odredbama toga Zakona i propisa donesenih na temelju toga Zakona.

(2) Žalbena vijeća u području prava industrijskog vlasništva osnovana i imenovana temeljem Zakona o patentu (»Narodne novine«, br. 173/03., 54/05., 87/05., 76/07., 30/09., 128/10., 49/11. i 76/13.) nastavljaju s radom sukladno odredbama toga Zakona i propisa donesenih na temelju toga Zakona dok svi upravni postupci iz stavka 1. ovoga članka ne budu pravomoćno riješeni, nakon čega prestaju s radom.

(3) U slučaju da zbog razrješenja predsjednika ili članova Žalbenih vijeća iz stavka 2. ovoga članka ne bude moguće odrediti Žalbeno vijeće koje odlučuje o žalbi, iznimno se može provesti postupak izbora i imenovanja predsjednika ili potrebnog broja članova Žalbenih vijeća sukladno odredbama Zakona o patentu (»Narodne novine«, br. 173/03., 54/05., 87/05., 76/07., 30/09., 128/10., 49/11. i 76/13.), za potrebe rješavanja predmeta iz stavka 1. ovoga članka.

Članak 6. Ovaj Zakon stupa na snagu osmoga dana od dana

objave u »Narodnim novinama«.

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