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Plant Breeder's Rights Regulations 1994 (consolidated as of February 24, 2019), Australia

Superseded Text.  Go to latest Version in WIPO Lex
Details Details Year of Version 2019 Dates Entry into force: November 10, 1994 Issued: October 18, 1994 Type of Text Implementing Rules/Regulations Subject Matter Plant Variety Protection, IP Regulatory Body

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 Plant Breeder's Rights Regulations 1994 (consolidated as of February 24, 2019)

Plant Breeder’s Rights Regulations 1994

Authorised Version F2019C00163 registered 01/03/2019

Statutory Rules No. 352, 1994

made under the

Plant Breeder’s Rights Act 1994

Compilation No. 15

Compilation date: 24 February 2019

Includes amendments up to: F2018L01435

Registered: 1 March 2019

Prepared by the Office of Parliamentary Counsel, Canberra

About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Plant Breeder’s Rights Regulations 1994 that shows the text of

the law as amended and in force on 24 February 2019 (the compilation date).

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending

laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.

Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any

uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Legislation Register

(www.legislation.gov.au). The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the

compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced

amendments, see the series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled law.

Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments

If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an

application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are

included in the endnotes.

Editorial changes

For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the

modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show

the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the

series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled law.

Self-repealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the

law, details are included in the endnotes.

Authorised Version F2019C00163 registered 01/03/2019

Authorised Version F2019C00163 registered 01/03/2019

Contents 1 Name of regulations.......................................................................... 1

3 Interpretation..................................................................................... 1

3AA Extension of Act to Norfolk Island ................................................... 1

3A Authorised testing establishment ...................................................... 1

3BA Essential derivation for non-PBR protected varieties—publication of

notification of application in Journal ................................................ 1

3BB Essential derivation for non-PBR protected varieties—opportunity to

be heard............................................................................................. 2

3B Employees to whom Registrar may delegate (Act s 59(3))............... 3

3C Employees to whom Minister’s powers may be subdelegated (Act s

59(4)) ................................................................................................ 4

3DA Service of documents ........................................................................ 4

3E Period for doing certain acts—office not open for business.............. 4

3F Days when office not open for business............................................ 4

3G Period for doing certain acts—acts to which section 76A does not

apply ................................................................................................. 5

4 Prescribed fees .................................................................................. 5

5 Refund and remission of fees in specified circumstances ................. 5

6 Application, saving and transitional provisions—Intellectual

Property Laws Amendment (Productivity Commission Response

Part 1 and Other Measures) Regulations 2018................................. 6

Schedule 1—Fees 7 1 Table of fees...................................................................................... 7

Endnotes 9

Endnote 1—About the endnotes 9

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key 10

Endnote 3—Legislation history 11

Endnote 4—Amendment history 12

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Authorised Version F2019C00163 registered 01/03/2019

Authorised Version F2019C00163 registered 01/03/2019

Regulation 1

1 Name of regulations

These regulations are the Plant Breeder’s Rights Regulations 1994.

3 Interpretation

(1) In these Regulations, unless the contrary intention appears:

Act means the Plant Breeder’s Rights Act 1994.

authorised testing establishment means an establishment authorised under

regulation 3A.

(2) In Schedule 1, a reference to a section or subsection, is a reference to that section

or subsection of the Act.

3AA Extension of Act to Norfolk Island

For the purposes of section 9B of the Act, this regulation prescribes that the Act

extends to Norfolk Island.

3A Authorised testing establishment

(1) For the purposes of conducting a test growing of a plant variety under section 37

of the Act, the Registrar may authorise, in writing, an establishment to conduct

the test growing.

(2) An establishment may be authorised only if the Registrar is satisfied that it is

capable of conducting a test growing of a variety in a manner appropriate to give

effect to the obligations of Australia under the Convention.

(3) The Registrar must notify the operator of the establishment of:

(a) the Registrar’s decision whether to authorise the establishment; and

(b) if the decision is a refusal—the reasons for that decision.

(4) Subject to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975, application may be

made to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for review of a decision of the

Registrar to refuse to authorise an establishment.

3BA Essential derivation for non-PBR protected varieties—publication of

notification of application in Journal

For the purposes of subsection 41B(1) of the Act, a notification in the Plant

Varieties Journal of an application under section 41A of the Act for a declaration

of essential derivation must include the following information about the

applicant and the application:

(a) a description of the initial variety and the second variety;

(b) details, as stated in the application, of:

Plant Breeder’s Rights Regulations 1994

Compilation No. 15 Compilation date: 24/2/19 Registered: 1/3/19


Authorised Version F2019C00163 registered 01/03/2019

Regulation 3BB

(i) the eligible person (within the meaning of section 41A of the Act)

making the application; and

(ii) any person (or persons) the applicant reasonably believes to be the

breeder of the second variety;

(c) any other information about those plant varieties, or the application, that

the Registrar considers appropriate to publish, other than information that

the Registrar is satisfied is commercial-in-confidence;

(d) details of the opportunity for a person (an interested person) claiming to be

the breeder of the second variety, or to have another interest in the second

variety, to be heard in relation to the application under section 41C of the

Act, including the requirement under subsection 41C(2) of the Act to give

the Registrar an address for service;

(e) a statement to the effect that the Registrar may draw an inference in

deciding the application that is unfavourable to an interested person’s

interest if:

(i) the interested person does not provide an address for service, within

the hearing period, under subsection 41C(2) of the Act; or

(ii) the interested person declines the opportunity to be heard under

subsection 41C(6) of the Act.

3BB Essential derivation for non-PBR protected varieties—opportunity to be



(1) This regulation is made for the purposes of subsection 41C(4) of the Act.

When information is given in accordance with an opportunity to be heard

(2) Information is given by an interested person in accordance with the person’s

opportunity to be heard in relation to an application under section 41A of the Act

for a declaration of essential derivation if:

(a) the person gives the information:

(i) in a written submission made in accordance with a request of the

Registrar under paragraph (3)(a); or

(ii) in the course of a hearing convened by the Registrar under

subregulation (4); and

(b) the person pays the fee (if any) prescribed under subsection 80(2) of the

Act in relation to the opportunity to be heard; and

(c) the person complies with any other requirements under this regulation.

Notification to give written submissions or to appear at a hearing

(3) The Registrar must, unless the interested person declines the opportunity to be

heard by giving notice to the Registrar under paragraph 41C(6)(a) of the Act,

give a notification to the interested person including any or all of the following:

Plant Breeder’s Rights Regulations 1994

Compilation No. 15 Compilation date: 24/2/19 Registered: 1/3/19


Authorised Version F2019C00163 registered 01/03/2019

Regulation 3B

(a) a request to the interested person to give written submissions in relation to

the application to the Registrar within a period, stated in the notification, of

no less than 10 business days after the notification is given;

(b) a statement that, on request to the Registrar, a hearing may be convened in

relation to the application, beginning at a place, at a time and on a date

determined by the Registrar by a further notification (a hearing notice) to

the person no less than 10 business days after the hearing notice is given;

(c) a statement (a hearing notice) that a hearing will be convened by the

Registrar in relation to the application beginning at a notified time and

place, and on a notified date no less than 10 business days after the

notification is given.

Note: A hearing notice mentioned in paragraph (b) or (c) may include requirements for the

interested person in relation to the hearing (see paragraph (5)(d) and subregulation (6)).


(4) The Registrar may convene a hearing in relation to the application as mentioned

in paragraph (3)(b) or (c).

(5) For the purposes of the hearing:

(a) the interested person may appear in person, or participate by telephone or

another means of telecommunication reasonably allowed by the Registrar;


(b) the Registrar may adjourn the hearing from time to time or from place to

place by notice to each interested person taking part; and

(c) the interested person must, if directed by the Registrar in a hearing notice,

provide a written summary of submissions to be made at the hearing; and

(d) the interested person must, if required by a hearing notice, take reasonable

steps to do any of the following before or at the hearing:

(i) perform an act;

(ii) file a document;

(iii) produce evidence; and

(e) the interested person must comply with any reasonable directions of the

Registrar in relation to practice and procedure during the hearing.

(6) The Registrar may include a requirement for the purposes of paragraph (5)(d) in

a hearing notice only if the Registrar reasonably believes it is necessary for the

proper conduct of the hearing.

3B Employees to whom Registrar may delegate (Act s 59(3))

For subsection 59(3) of the Act, the Registrar may delegate all or any of the

Registrar’s powers or functions under the Act or these Regulations, to an

employee of the PBR office:

(a) holding, or performing the duties of, the position of Examiner of Plant

Breeder’s Rights; or

(b) employed at any of the following levels:

Plant Breeder’s Rights Regulations 1994

Compilation No. 15 Compilation date: 24/2/19 Registered: 1/3/19


Authorised Version F2019C00163 registered 01/03/2019


Regulation 3C

(i) Executive level 1 or 2;

(ii) APS level 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6.

3C Employees to whom Minister’s powers may be subdelegated (Act s 59(4))

For subsection 59(4) of the Act, the class of employee to whom the Minister’s

powers or functions may be delegated is an employee employed at Executive

level 2.

3DA Service of documents

Service by post is a prescribed means by which a document may be served on, or

given or sent to, a person for the purposes of section 73 of the Act.

3E Period for doing certain acts—office not open for business

For subsection 76A(1) of the Act, the circumstance is that the act is done at:

(a) the PBR office; or

(b) the PBR sub-office;

that was not open for business.

Note: Subsection 76A(1) provides as follows:

‘(1) If the last day of a period provided by this Act (except this section) or the regulations

for doing an act is a day when the PBR office or a PBR sub-office is not open for

business, the act may be done in prescribed circumstances on the next day when the

office or sub-office is open for business.’.

3F Days when office not open for business

(1) For paragraph 76A(2)(a) of the Act, the days on which the PBR office or PBR

sub-office is not open for business are:

(a) Saturday; and

(b) Sunday; and

(c) Australia Day; and

(d) Anzac Day.

(2) For paragraph 76A(2)(b) of the Act, the table sets out prescribed persons.

Item Person

The Director General of IP Australia

The Deputy Director General of IP Australia

Another person who:

(a) is an SES employee of IP Australia; and

(b) acts with the agreement of the Director General of IP Australia

Another person who:

(a) is an SES employee of IP Australia; and

(b) acts with the agreement of the Deputy Director General of IP Australia

Plant Breeder’s Rights Regulations 1994

Compilation No. 15 Compilation date: 24/2/19 Registered: 1/3/19





Authorised Version F2019C00163 registered 01/03/2019


Regulation 3G

Item Person

Another person who:

(a) is an SES employee of IP Australia; and

(b) acts with the agreement of another SES employee of IP Australia

Note: SES employee is explained in section 34 of the Public Service Act 1999. That meaning

is applied generally to Commonwealth legislation by section 2B of the Acts

Interpretation Act 1901.

(3) For paragraph 76A(2)(b) of the Act, the prescribed way of publishing a

declaration is in the Plant Varieties Journal.

3G Period for doing certain acts—acts to which section 76A does not apply

For subsection 76A(7) of the Act, an act done in relation to proceedings in a

court or a tribunal is prescribed.

4 Prescribed fees

The fee payable under subsection 80(2) of the Act for a matter set out in

Schedule 1 is the fee specified in Schedule 1 for that matter.

5 Refund and remission of fees in specified circumstances

(1) If a person has paid, in respect of a matter, an amount greater than the prescribed

fee for the matter, the Registrar may refund to the person so much of the amount

as is excess to the fee.

(2) If a service in respect of which a person has paid a fee has not been provided, or

has been provided only in part, the Registrar may refund the fee, or so much of

the fee as is proportionate to the part of the service that has not been provided, as


(3) If a person to whom a refund could be made under subregulation (1) or (2)

agrees, the Registrar may remit, against a fee that the person subsequently

becomes liable to pay, an amount equal to the amount that could be refunded.

(4) The Registrar must notify each person to whom subregulation (1) or (2) applies


(a) the Registrar’s decision whether to refund or remit an amount, a fee or part

of a fee (as the case may be); and

(b) if the decision is a refusal—the reasons for that decision.

(5) Subject to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975, application may be

made to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for review of a decision of the


(a) to refuse to refund:

(i) an amount paid in excess of a prescribed fee; or

(ii) a fee for a service that has not been provided; or

Plant Breeder’s Rights Regulations 1994

Compilation No. 15 Compilation date: 24/2/19 Registered: 1/3/19


Authorised Version F2019C00163 registered 01/03/2019

Regulation 6

(iii) so much of a fee as is proportionate to the part of a service that has

not been provided; or

(b) to refuse to remit an amount equal to an amount that could be refunded

6 Application, saving and transitional provisions—Intellectual Property Laws

Amendment (Productivity Commission Response Part 1 and Other

Measures) Regulations 2018

Amendments made by Part 2 of Schedule 2

(1) The amendments of regulations 3A and 5 made by Part 2 of Schedule 2 to the

Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (Productivity Commission Response

Part 1 and Other Measures) Regulations 2018 apply in relation to notifications

occurring on or after the commencement of that Part.

Amendments made by Part 3 of Schedule 2

(2) The repeal of regulation 4A, and the amendment of items 4 and 15 of the table in

clause 1 of Schedule 1, made by Part 3 of Schedule 2 to the Intellectual Property

Laws Amendment (Productivity Commission Response Part 1 and Other

Measures) Regulations 2018 apply in relation to fees paid on or after the

commencement of that Part.

Amendments made by Part 11 of Schedule 2

(3) A thing done by, or in relation to, the Secretary under these Regulations before

the commencement of Part 11 of Schedule 2 to the Intellectual Property Laws

Amendment (Productivity Commission Response Part 1 and Other Measures)

Regulations 2018 has effect on and after that commencement as if it had been

done by, or in relation to, the Registrar.

Plant Breeder’s Rights Regulations 1994

Compilation No. 15 Compilation date: 24/2/19 Registered: 1/3/19


Authorised Version F2019C00163 registered 01/03/2019

Fees Schedule 1

Clause 1

Schedule 1—Fees Note: See regulation 4.

1 Table of fees

The following table sets out fees that are payable in relation to matters specified

in the table.

Item Act, service or occasion in respect of which fee is payable Fee

1A Designation of an approved person under section 8 $50

1B Renewal of designation of an approved person $50

1 On making a request under subsection 19(4), whether or not the request $500

includes a request under subsection 19(10)

2 On making a request for a certificate under subsection 19(11) $100

4 On lodgment of an application under section 26:

(a) fee paid by preferred means; $345

(b) fee paid by another means $445

6 On lodgment of a detailed description under section 34 for:

(a) a variety tested under section 37 to establish that the variety is distinct,

uniform and stable:

(i) if the testing is conducted by an authorised establishment; $920

(ii) in any other case; $1 610

(b) a variety to which subsection 38(3), (4) or (5) applies; $1 610

(c) each of 2 or more varieties tested simultaneously at the same site in $1 380 Australia under section 37 to establish that the varieties are distinct,

uniform and stable, for which a complete application and detailed

description are lodged on the same day by the same approved person or

applicant or agent of the applicant under section 34

7 On lodgment of an objection under section 35 $100

8 On making a request for a copy of an application, an objection or a detailed $50

description under subsection 36(2)

9 On lodgment of an application for a declaration of essential derivation $800

under section 40 or 41A

10 Grant of PBR in a plant variety under section 44 $345

11 On lodgment of an application for:

(a) revocation of a PBR under subsection 50(8); or $500

(b) revocation of a declaration of essential derivation under $500 subsection 50(9)

12 On making a request for a copy of an entry in the register under $50

subsection 62(2)

12A On making a request for the supply of 4 or more documents relating to a $200 for each

single application for PBR in a plant variety or a single PBR in a plant request


Plant Breeder’s Rights Regulations 1994

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Authorised Version F2019C00163 registered 01/03/2019


Schedule 1 Fees

Clause 1

Item Act, service or occasion in respect of which fee is payable Fee

For annual maintenance of a PBR—on each anniversary of the grant:

(a) fee paid by preferred means; $345

(b) fee paid by another means $395

Plant Breeder’s Rights Regulations 1994

Compilation No. 15 Compilation date: 24/2/19 Registered: 1/3/19


Authorised Version F2019C00163 registered 01/03/2019


Endnote 1—About the endnotes


Endnote 1—About the endnotes

The endnotes provide information about this compilation and the compiled law.

The following endnotes are included in every compilation:

Endnote 1—About the endnotes

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Endnote 4—Amendment history

Abbreviation key—Endnote 2

The abbreviation key sets out abbreviations that may be used in the endnotes.

Legislation history and amendment history—Endnotes 3 and 4

Amending laws are annotated in the legislation history and amendment history.

The legislation history in endnote 3 provides information about each law that has amended (or

will amend) the compiled law. The information includes commencement details for amending

laws and details of any application, saving or transitional provisions that are not included in

this compilation.

The amendment history in endnote 4 provides information about amendments at the provision

(generally section or equivalent) level. It also includes information about any provision of the

compiled law that has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law.

Editorial changes

The Legislation Act 2003 authorises First Parliamentary Counsel to make editorial and

presentational changes to a compiled law in preparing a compilation of the law for

registration. The changes must not change the effect of the law. Editorial changes take effect

from the compilation registration date.

If the compilation includes editorial changes, the endnotes include a brief outline of the

changes in general terms. Full details of any changes can be obtained from the Office of

Parliamentary Counsel.

Misdescribed amendments

A misdescribed amendment is an amendment that does not accurately describe the

amendment to be made. If, despite the misdescription, the amendment can be given effect as

intended, the amendment is incorporated into the compiled law and the abbreviation “(md)”

added to the details of the amendment included in the amendment history.

If a misdescribed amendment cannot be given effect as intended, the abbreviation “(md not

incorp)” is added to the details of the amendment included in the amendment history.

Plant Breeder’s Rights Regulations 1994

Compilation No. 15 Compilation date: 24/2/19 Registered: 1/3/19


Authorised Version F2019C00163 registered 01/03/2019


Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

ad = added or inserted o = order(s)

am = amended Ord = Ordinance

amdt = amendment orig = original

c = clause(s) par = paragraph(s)/subparagraph(s)

/sub-subparagraph(s)C[x] = Compilation No. x

Ch = Chapter(s) pres = present

def = definition(s) prev = previous

Dict = Dictionary (prev…) = previously

disallowed = disallowed by Parliament Pt = Part(s)

Div = Division(s) r = regulation(s)/rule(s)

ed = editorial change reloc = relocated

exp = expires/expired or ceases/ceased to have renum = renumbered

effect rep = repealed

F = Federal Register of Legislation rs = repealed and substituted

gaz = gazette s = section(s)/subsection(s)

LA = Legislation Act 2003 Sch = Schedule(s)

LIA = Legislative Instruments Act 2003 Sdiv = Subdivision(s)

(md) = misdescribed amendment can be given SLI = Select Legislative Instrument

effect SR = Statutory Rules

(md not incorp) = misdescribed amendment Sub-Ch = Sub-Chapter(s)

cannot be given effect SubPt = Subpart(s)

mod = modified/modification underlining = whole or part not

commenced or to be commencedNo. = Number(s)

Plant Breeder’s Rights Regulations 1994

Compilation No. 15 Compilation date: 24/2/19 Registered: 1/3/19


Authorised Version F2019C00163 registered 01/03/2019


Endnote 3—Legislation history

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Number and year FRLI registration or Commencement Application, saving and

gazettal transitional provisions

352, 1994 18 Oct 1994 10 Nov 1994 (r 2)

353, 1994 18 Oct 1994 1 Jan 1995 (r 1.1) —

290, 1995 10 Oct 1995 10 Oct 1995 —

83, 1999 4 June 1999 4 June 1999 (r 2) —

355, 2006 15 Dec 2006 (F2006L03971) Sch 3: 1 Mar 2007 (r 2) —

40, 2007 23 Mar 2007 (F2007L00650) Sch 5: 27 Mar 2007 (r 2(a)) —

62, 2011 16 May 2011 (F2011L00773) Sch 5: 1 July 2011 (r 2) —

217, 2011 29 Nov 2011 (F2011L02480) Sch 1 (Pt 4): 27 Dec 2011 —

(r 2(a))

66, 2012 14 May 2012 (F2012L01031) Sch 4 (Pt 1): 1 July 2012 —

(s 2(a)(v))

Sch 4 (Pt 2): 1 Oct 2012

(s 2(b))

Name Registration Commencement Application, saving and

transitional provisions

Intellectual Property

Legislation Amendment (Fee

Review) Regulation 2016

19 Aug 2016 (F2016L01306) Sch 1 (items 52–59): 10 Oct

2016 (s 2(1) item 1)

Intellectual Property

Legislation Amendment

(Single Economic Market

and Other Measures)

Regulation 2016

14 Nov 2016 (F2016L01754) Sch 3 (item 6): 24 Feb 2017

(s 2(1) item 2)

Sch 6 (item 9): 1 July 2017

(s 2(1) item 5)

Intellectual Property Laws

Amendment (Productivity

Commission Response Part 1

and Other Measures)

Regulations 2018

16 Oct 2018 (F2018L01435) Sch 1 (items 1, 2) and Sch 2

(items 59, 60, 139–141, 223–

229): 24 Feb 2019 (s 2(1)

items 2, 6, 7, 13)

Sch 2 (item 235): 17 Oct

2018 (s 2(1) item 14)

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Compilation No. 15 Compilation date: 24/2/19 Registered: 1/3/19


Authorised Version F2019C00163 registered 01/03/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 1 .................................................. rs No 83, 1999

am No 83, 1999; F2018L01435

rep F2018L01435

am F2016L01306

rep F2018L01435

am F2018L01435

r 2 .................................................. rep LA s 48D

r 3 .................................................. am No 290, 1995; No 66, 2012; F2016L01306; F2018L01435

r 3AA............................................. ad F2016L01754

r 3A ............................................... ad No 290, 1995

r 3BA............................................. ad F2018L01435

r 3BB............................................. ad F2018L01435

r 3B................................................ ad No 40, 2007

r 3C................................................ ad No 40, 2007

r 3D ............................................... ad No 40, 2007

r 3DA............................................. ad F2016L01754

r 3E................................................ ad No 40, 2007

r 3F ................................................ ad No 40, 2007

am No 62, 2011; No 217, 2011

r 3G ............................................... ad No 40, 2007

r 4 .................................................. am F2016L01306

r 4 (second occurring).................... ad No 290, 1995

rep No 83, 1999

r 4A ............................................... ad No 66, 2012

r 5 .................................................. ad No 83, 1999

r 6 .................................................. ad F2018L01435

Schedule 1

Schedule heading........................... rs F2016L01306

renum F2016L01306

Schedule 1 heading........................ ad F2016L01306

(prev Schedule heading)

Schedule 1 ..................................... am F2016L01306; F2018L01435

Schedule ........................................ rs No 353, 1994

am No 290, 1995; No 355, 2006

rs No 66, 2012

Plant Breeder’s Rights Regulations 1994

Compilation No. 15 Compilation date: 24/2/19 Registered: 1/3/19


Legislation Supersedes (6 text(s)) Supersedes (6 text(s)) Is superseded by (1 text(s)) Is superseded by (1 text(s))
No data available.

WIPO Lex No. AU589