Act on the Protection of Product Names for Origin, Territory or Traditional Specialty, Iceland
Act No. 130/2014, amended up to Act No. 32/2019
BackLatest Version in WIPO LexDetailsDetailsYear of Version2019DatesAmended up to:July 1, 2019Entry into force:December 31, 2014Published:December 22, 2014Type of Text
IP-related Laws
Subject Matter
Geographical Indications
Subject Matter (secondary)
IP Regulatory Body,
Enforcement of IP and Related Laws
Main text(s)Main text(s)IcelandicLög um vernd afurðarheita sem vísa til uppruna, landsvæðis eða hefðbundinnar sérstöðu (L. 130/2014, breytt til L. 32/2019)