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Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2005, India

Latest Version in WIPO Lex
Details Details Year of Version 2004 Dates Entry into force: January 1, 2005 Adopted: December 28, 2004 Type of Text Implementing Rules/Regulations Subject Matter Patents (Inventions)

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1.    (1) These rules may be called the Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2005.

2.  In the Patents Rules, 2003

3.  In rule  5 of the principal rules

4. In  rule  6  of  the principal  rules

5. In rule 7 of the principal rules

6. In rule 12 of the principal rules

7. In rule13 of the principal rules

8. For rule 14 of the principal rules

9. In rule 19 of the principal rules

10. ln rule 20 of the principal rules

11. In rule 21 of the principal rules

12. For rule 24 of the principle rules

13. In rule 26 of the principal rules

14. For rule 27of the principal rules

15. In rule 28 of the principal rules

16. After rule 28 of the principal rules

17. In rule 29 of the principal rules

18. In rule 32 of the principal rules

19. For rule 37 of the principal rules

20. Rule 38 of the principal rules

21. In Chapter V of the principal rules

22. In Chapter VI of the principal rules

23. For rules 55 to 57 of the principal rules

24. In rule 58 of the principal rules

25. In rule 59 of the principal rules

26. ln rule 62 of the principal rules

27. For rule 63 of the principal rules

28. After rule 63 of the principal rules

29. Rules 64 and 65 of the principal rules

30. For rule 69 of the principal rules

31. For rule 71 of the principal rules


33. Rule 73 of the principal rules

34. After rule 74 of the principal rules

35. For rule 78 of the principal rules

36. In rule 79 of the principal rules

37. In rule 80 of the principal rules

38. In rule 81 of the principal rules

39. For rule 83 of the principal rules

40. In rule 84 of principal rules

41. For rule 85 of the, principal rules

42. ln rule 86 of the principal rules

43. For rule 87 of the principal rules

44. In sub-rule (2) of rule 88 of the principal rules

45. Rule 89 of the principal rules shall be omitted

46. In rule 90 of the principal rules

47. For rule 96 of the principal rules

48. In rule 98 of the principal rules

49. For rule 99 of the principal rules

50. In rule 100 of the principal rules

51. In rule 101 of the principal rules

52. In rule 102 of the principal rules

53. In rule 103 of the principal rules

54. In rule 108 of the principal rules

55. In rule 109 of the principal rules

56. In rule 110 of the principal rules

57. After rule 111 of the principal rules

58.In rule 112 of the principal rules

59. In rule 116 of the principal rules

60. In rule 117 of the principal rules

61. In rule 118 of the principal rules

62. In rule 120 of the principal rules

63. For rule 121 of the principal rules

64. In rule 123 of the principal rules

65. In rule 124 of the principal rules

66. For rule 129 of the principal rules

67. In rule 130 of the principal rules

68. In rule 131 of the principal rules

69. In rule 134 of the principal rules

70. For rule 138 of the principal rules

71. For the First Schedule and the Second Schedule




(Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion)


New Delhi, the 28th December, 2004


5.0.1418(E}.-WHEREAS, the Central Government in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 159 of the Patents Act, 1970 (39 of 1970) framed the Patents Rules, 2003;


AND WHEREAS, the Central Government has decided to amend the Patents Act, 1970;


AND  WHEREAS, in view of the above,  it has become  necessary  to update  the Patents  Rules,  2003  on the lines contained  in  the amendments  to the  Patents Act, 1970;


AND WHEREAS, the proviso to sub-section  {3) of section 159 of the Patents  Act, 1970  as amended  by the Patents  (Amendment) Ordinance  2004, empowers the Central Government to dispense  with the requirement of previous  publication of rules as required under the said sub-section (3) of section 159;


AND WHEREAS, the Central Government is satisfied that circumstances exist which render  it practically  not possible  to comply with the condition of previous publication;


AND WHEREAS, the Central Government has decided to dispense  with the requirement of previous publication of the following  amendment rules required to be made under section 159 of the said Act;


NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers  conferred  by section  159  of the Patents  Act,  1970, the Central Government hereby  makes  the following  rules  to amend the Patents Rules, 2003, namely: -


1. (1) These rules may be called the Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2005.


(2) They shall come into force on the 1st January, 2005.


2.  In the Patents Rules, 2003 {hereinafter  referred to as the principal rules}, in  rule  4, in  sub-rule  (1), in  clauses (i) and  (ii), the figures  and  letters 24A, 248 and 24C occurring  at both the places shall be omitted.



3.  In rule  5 of the principal rules,  after  the words the  Act or these rules, occurring at the end, the words  and the Controller may take  suo-motu decision in the matter' shall be added.


4. In  rule  6  of  the principal  rules,  for  sub-rule  (1 ),  the following  sub-rule shall be  substituted, namely: -


(1) Any application, notice  or other document authorized  or required to be filed, left,  made or given at the patent office,  or to the Controller or to any other person under  the Act or these rules, may be tendered by hand or sent by a letter addressed to the Controller  at the appropriate office or to  that  person  through  post  or registered  post  or  speed  post  or courier service or by electronic  transmission duly authenticated.  If it is sent by post  or registered  post  or speed post or courier  service  or by electronic transmission duly authenticated, it shall be deemed to have  been filed, left, made or given at the time when the mail containing the same would have  been  delivered  in the ordinary  course  of post  or registered post or speed   post   or  courier  service,   or   by  electronic  transmission duly authenticated, as the  case  may be. In proving such sending, it shall be sufficient to show that the mail was properly addressed and transmitted:


Provided that any-application, notice or the document sent through fax   or   by   electronic   transmission  duly  authenticated,  shall   also  be deemed to have been  filed, left, made  or given  if  the same is clear and fully  legible  and  its  original or  paper  copy,   as  the  case  may  be,  is submitted t0  the appropriate office  within  one  month  from  the date  of receipt  of the such fax or by electronic transmission duly authenticated:.


5. In rule 7 of the principal rules, for sub-rule {4), the following sub-rule  shall be substituted, namely: -


(4) Fees once paid in respect of any proceeding shaU not ordinarily be refunded irrespective of whether the proceeding has taken

place or not.


6. In rule 12 of the principal rules, -


(a) after sub-rule  (1), the following sub-rule shall be inserted, namely:-


(1A). The   period   within  which  the   applicant  shall file the statement  and  undertaking under  sub-section  (1) of section  8 shall be three months  from the date of filing the application.


Explanation  - For  the purpose  of  this  rule,  the  period  of  three months  in  case  of  an  application corresponding to  an international application in which India  is designated shall be reckoned from the actual date on which the corresponding application is filed in India.


(b) for sub-rules  (3) and (4), the following sub-rule  shall be substituted, namely:-


(3)  When so  required by  the  Controller under  sub-section (2)  of  section  8,  the   applicant   shall   furnish   information relating  to objections, if any, in respect  of novelty and patentability of the invention and any other particulars as the Controller   may    require  which  may  include  claims of application allowed within   three  months  from   the  date  of such communication by the Controller.


7. In rule13 of the principal rules, -


(a). for sub-rule (6), the following sub-rule shall  be substituted, namely:


(6) Except  in  the  case  of an  application (other  than  a convention application or  an  application filed  under   the  Patent   Cooperation Treaty  designating India)  which is accompanied by  a complete specification, a declaration as  to  the inventorship of  the  invention shall  be  filed  in  Form 5 with  the  complete specification or  at any time before  the expiration of one month from the date of filing of the complete  specification,  as  the  Controller  may  allow  on  an application made in Form 4.


(b).after sub-rule (7), the following sub-rule shall be inserted, namely:-


(8) The period within which reference to the deposit shall be made in the specification under  sub-clause (A) of clause (ii) of sub-section (4) of section 10 shall be three  months  from  the date  of filing of the application.


8. For rule 14 of the principal rules the following rule shall be substituted, namely:-


14  Amendments to specifications- (1) When a provisional or complete specification or any  drawing  accompanying it has  been received by the  applicant or  his agent  for  amendment, and amendment is duly  made  thereon, the  page  incorporating such amendment shall  be  retyped and  submitted to form  a continuous document. Amendments shall not be made by slips  pasted  on, or as footnotes or by writing   in the  margin  of any of the said documents.


(2) The amended documents shall be returned to the Controller together with the superseded pages or drawings, if any, duly marked, cancelled and initiated by the applicant or his agent. Copies of any pages that have been retyped or added and of any drawing that has been added or substantially amended shall be sent in duplicate.


9. In rule 19 of the principal rules, for sub-rule (1), the following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely:-


(1) An international application shall be filed with the appropriate office in triplicate either in English or in Hindi language.


10. ln rule 20 of the principal rules,-


(a) in sub-rule (1), for  the word, figure and letter Form 1A, the word and figure Form 1 shall be substituted.

(b) in sub-rules (2) and (3), for the words, bracket and figure, sub-rule (4), the words, bracket and figures  sub-rule (4)(i)  shall respectively be substituted.

(c) in sub-rule (3), in clause (b), after the words duly verified by the applicant, the words or the person duly authorized by him shall be inserted.          .

(d) for sub-rule (4), the following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely:


(4) (i) The time limit referred to in sub-rule (2} shall be thirty one months from the priority date as referred to in Article 2(xi);


(ii) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (i}, the Patent Office may, on the express request filed in Form -18 along with the fee specified in first schedule, process or examine the application at any time before thirty one months.


11. In rule 21 of the principal rules, in sub-rule (2), after  the words duly verified by the applicant, the words or the person duly authorized by him shall be inserted.


12. For rule 24 of the principle rules, the following rules shall be substituted, namely:-


24.  Publication of application.- The  period   for  which  an application for patent shall not ordinarily be open  to public under sub-section (1) of section 11A shall be eighteen months from the date of filing of application or the date of priority of the application, whichever is earlier.


24A. Request for publication. - A request for publication under sub-section (2) of section 11A shall be made in Form 9.


24B. Examination of application. - (1)(i)  A  request for examination under section 11B shall be made in Form 18 after the publication of the application but within thirty-six months from  the date of priority of the application or from the date  of filing of the application, whichever is earlier;


(ii) The period  within  which the request  for examination  under sub­ section (3)  of  section 11B  to be  made  shall be  thirty-six  months from the date of priority or from  the date of filing of the application or twelve months from the 1st day of January, 2005;


(iii) The request for examination under sub-section (4) of section 11B shall be made after the publication of the application, but within thirty-six months  from the date of priority or form the date of filing of the application,  or within six months  from the date of revocation  of the secrecy direction, whichever is later;


(iv) The request  for examination  of application as filed according to the Explanation under sub-section (3) of section 16 shall be made after  the  publication of the  first  mentioned  application,  but  within thirty-six months from the date of filing of the application or from the date  of  priority   of  the  first  mentioned application or  within  six months from the date of filing of the further application, whichever  is later;


(v) The period  for  making  request  for  examination  under  section 11B, of the applications  filed  before  the 1st day of January,  2005 shall be the period  specified under the section 11B or the period specified under these rules, whichever  expires later.


(2) (i) A request  for examination of application  for patent  filed under  sub-rule (1) shall be taken up for  examination  in the order in which the request is filled;


(ii)  The  period   within  which  the  examiner  shall  make  the  report under  sub-section  (2} of section  12, shall ordinarily  be one month but not exceeding three months  from the date of reference  of the application to him by the Controller.


(3) A first examination report  along  with  the  application and specification shall  be sent to the applicant  or his authorised agent. In case other interested person files the request for examination, an intimation of such  examination may be sent to such interested person.


(4)(i) The time for putting an application in order for grant under section 21 shall be six months from the date on which the first statement of objection is issued to the applicant  to comply with the requirements;


(ii) Notwithstanding anything  contained  in these rules, the period specified  in  clause  (i)  may  be  extended  for  a further  period  not exceeding  three months  by the Controller  in circumstances beyond the control of  the  applicant,  on  a request  made in Form  4 by  the applicant   along  with  fee  specified   in  the  First  Schedule  before expiry of the time specified in clause (i);


(iii) The time for putting an application in order for grant  which has been examined  before the 151 day of January, 2005, shall be twelve months  from the date on which the first statement of objections has been issued to the applicant to comply with the requirements.


13. In rule 26 of the principal rules, sub-rule (2) shall be omitted.


14. For rule 27of the principal rules, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:-


27. inspection and supply of published documents. - After  the date   of   publication   of   the   application  under   section    11A,   the application together  with the complete  specification and  provisional specification, if   any,  the  drawing,  if   any,  and  the  abstract   filed  in respect of the application  may be inspected  at the appropriate office by making a written request to the Controller on payment  of the fee in that  behalf  and copies  thereof may  be obtained on payment of fees specified in the First Schedule.


15. In rule 28 of the principal rules,


(a) in sub- rule (2), in the first proviso, for the word specified, the words referred to shall be substituted;


(b) in sub-rule  (5), for the words accept the specification, the words grant the patent shall be substituted.


16. After rule 28 of the principal rules, the following  rule shall be inserted, namely:-


28A. Procedure in relation  to  consideration of report of  examiner under section 14. - In case the applicant contests any of the objections communicated to him, the procedure specified under rule 28 may apply.


17. In rule 29 of the principal rules, for      sub-rule (2), the following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely: -


(2) If the applicant's specification is otherwise in order  for grant  and an objection  under  clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 13 is outstanding, the Controller may postpone the grant of patent  and allow  a period of two months  for removing  the objection.


18. In rule 32 of the principal rules, the words and figures or section 25 shall be omitted.


19. For rule 37 of the principal rules, the following rule shall  be  substituted, namely:-


37. Numbering of applications on the grant of patent. - On the grant  of a patent, the application  shall be accorded a number  (called serial number) in the series of numbers accorded to patents under the Indian  Patents and  Designs  Act, 1911 (2 of 1911) which  shall be the number of the patent so granted.


20. Rule 38 of the principal rules shall be omitted.


21. In Chapter V of the principal rules, (rules 39 to 54) shall be omitted.


22. In Chapter VI of the principal rules, for the heading OPPOSITION TO THE GRANT OF PATENT, the following heading shall be substituted, namely:-




23. For rules 55 to 57 of the principal rules, the following rules shall be substituted, namely: -


55. Opposition by representation against the grant of patent- (1) Representation  for opposition  under sub-section (1) of section 25 shall be  filed  at the appropriate  office  within a period not exceeding  three months  from  the date  of publication  of the application  under  section 11A of the Act, or before the grant of patent, whichever  is later and shall include a statement and evidence, if any, in support of the representation and a request for hearing if so desired.


(2) The Controller shall consider such representation only when a request for examination of the application has been filed.


(3) On consideration of the representation if the Controller is of the opinion that application for patent shall be refused or the complete specification requires amendment, he shall give a notice to the applicant to that effect.


(4) On receiving the notice under sub-rule (3), the applicant shall, if he so desires, file his statement and evidence, if any in support of his application within one month from the date of the notice.


(5)  On consideration of the statement and evidence filed by the applicant, the Controller may either refuse to grant a patent on the application or require the complete specification to be amended to his satisfaction before the patent is granted.


(6) After considering the representation and submission made during the hearing if so requested, the Controller shall proceed further simultaneously either rejecting the representation and granting the patent or accepting the representation and refusing the grant of patent on that  application, ordinarily within  one month from  the completion of above proceedings.


55A. Filing of notice of opposition. -The notice of opposition to be given under sub- section (3) of section 25 shall be made in Form  7 and sent to the Controller in duplicate  at the appropriate  office.


56. Constitution of Opposition Board and its proceeding.-


(1)  On   receipt  of  notice  of  opposition, the  Controller  shall,  by  order, constitute an Opposition Board consisting  of three  members and nominate one of the members as the Chairman of the Board.


(2)  An examiner appointed  under  sub-section (2)  of  section 73 shall  be eligible to be a member  of the Opposition Board.


(3) The examiner, who has dealt with the application for patent  during the proceeding for grant  of patent thereon shall not be eligible as member of Opposition Board  as specified in sub-rule (2) for that application.


(4)  The  Opposition Board  shall conduct  the  examination of  the notice  of opposition along  with  documents  filed  under  rules  57  to  60  referred  to under  sub-section (4) of section 25, submit  a report  with reasons  on each ground taken  in  the  notice  of opposition with  its  joint  recommendation within    three   months   from   the   date   on   which    the   documents  were forwarded to them.


57.  Filing of  written statement   of  opposition and  evidence.- The opponent shall  send a written statement in duplicate setting  out the nature of  the  opponent's interest,  the  facts  upon  which he bases his  case and relief  which  he seeks  and evidence,  if  any, along with notice  of opposition and   shall   deliver   to  the   patentee   a  copy   of   the   statement  and  the evidence, if any.


24. In rule 58 of the principal rules, -


(a) in sub-rule (1),  for the  word applicant,  the word  patentee''  shall be substituted;        •


(b) for sub-rule (2) the following  sub-rule shall be substituted, namely:


(2) If the patentee does not desire  to contest or leave his reply and evidence within the period as specified in  sub-rule (1), the patent shall be deemed to have been revoked.


25. In rule 59 of the principal rules, for the word   applicants wherever they occur, and for the word applicant,  the words  patentee's and patentee  shall respectively be substituted.


26. ln rule 62 of the principal rules, -

(a) For the whole of sub-rule (1), the following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely:- (1) On the completion of the presentation of evidence, if  any, and on receiving the recommendation  of Opposition  Board or at  such other time as the Controller may think fit, he shall fix a date and time for the hearing  of the opposition and shall give the parties not less than ten days notice of such hearing and may require members of Opposition Board to be present in the hearing.


(b) for sub-rule (5), the following sub-rule  shall be substituted, namely:- (5)  After  hearing the party or parties  desirous of being  heard, or if neither  party desires  to be heard, then without a hearing, and after taking into consideration the recommendation of Opposition Board, the Controller  shall decide the opposition and notify his decision to the parties giving reasons therefor.


27. For rule 63 of the principal rules, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:-


63. Determination of costs. - If the patentee notifies the Controller that he desires to withdraw the patent after notice of opposition is given, the Controller, depending on the merits of the case, may decide whether costs should be awarded to the opponent.


28. After rule 63 of the principal rules, the following rule shall be inserted, namely:-


63A. Request made under section 26(1).- Request under section 26(1) shall be made on Form 12 within three months from the date of the order of the Controller and' shall be accompanied by a statement setting out the facts upon which the petitioner relies and relief he claims.


29. Rules 64 and 65 of the principal rules shall be omitted.


30. For rule 69 of the principal rules, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:-


69.  Procedure for   the   hearing of  claim   or  an  application  under section 28.- The procedure specified in rules 55A and 57 to 63 relating to the  filing  of  notice  of  opposition, written statement, reply statement, leaving evidence, hearing and cost shall, so far as may be, apply to the hearing of a claim or an application under section 28 as they apply to the opposition proceedings subject to the modification that reference to patentee shall be construed as the person making the claim, or an application, as the case may be.


31. For rule 71 of the principal rules, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:-


71. Permission for making patent application outside India under section 39.- (1). The request for permission for making patent application outside India shall be made in Form  25.


(2). The request made under sub-rule (1) shall be disposed of by the Controller ordinarily within a period of three months from the date of filing of such request.


32. In CHAPTER VIII, for the existing heading, the following heading shall be substituted, namely:-




33. Rule 73 of the principal rules shall be omitted.


34. After rule 74 of the principal rules, the following rule shall be inserted, namely:-

74A. Inspection of documents related to grant of patent. - After the date  of publication of a grant  of a patent, the application together  with the complete specification and  provisional specification, if any, the drawing  if any,  abstract   and  other  documents related thereto  may  be  inspected  at the appropriate office  by making a written  request to the Controller and on payment of fee and  may  obtain  copies  on payment of fee  specified  in the First Schedule.


35. For rule 78 of the principal rules, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:-

78. Procedure for the  hearing of  proceedings under section 51. - The  procedure specified in rules  55A and 57 to 63 relating to the filing of notice  of opposition, written  statement, reply  statement, leaving evidence,

hearing and  costs  shall,  so  far  as may  be,  apply  to  the  hearing   of an application under  section  51 as they apply  to the hearing of an opposition proceeding.


36. In rule 79 of the principal rules, before the word court wherever it occurs, the words Appellate Board of shall be inserted.


37. In rule 80 of the principal rules, after sub-rule (1), the following sub-rule shall be inserted, namely: -


(1A) The period for payment of renewal fees  so specified in sub-rule (1) may  be extended to such period  not being  more  than  six months  if the request for such  extension of time  is made  in Form 4 with the fee specified in the First  Schedule.


38. In rule 81 of the principal rules,-


(a). in sub-rule (2), for the word accepted, the word granted shall be substituted;


(b) for sub-rule (3), the following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely:-


3(a) If the application for amendment under sub-rule (1) is made after grant of patent and the nature of the proposed amendment is substantive, the application shall be published.


(b) Any person interested in  opposing the application  for amendment shall give a notice of opposition in  Form   14 within three months  from the date of publication of the application.


(c) The procedure specified in rules 57 to 63 relating to the filing of  written statement, reply  statement, leaving evidence, hearing  and  costs  shall, so far as may  be, apply to the hearing  of  the  opposition  under  section  57 as they apply to the hearing of an opposition proceeding.


39. For rule 83 of the principal rules, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:-


83. Publication of the amendment allowed. -The amendments allowed after a patent has been granted, shall be published.


40. In rule 84 of principal rules, for sub- rule (3), the following sub-rule  shall be substituted, namely: -


(3) Where applicant requests for a hearing within the time allowed and the Controller, after giving the applicant such a hearing, is prima facie satisfied  that the failure  to pay  the renewal fees  was unintentional, he shall publish the application.


41. For rule 85 of the, principal rules, the following rule shall be substituted, namely;-


85. Opposition to restoration under section 61. - (1) At any time, within two months from the date of publication of the application under sub-rule (3) of rule 84, any person interested may give notice of opposition thereto in Form 14.


(2) A copy of the notice of opposition shall be sent by the Controller to the applicant.


(3) The  procedure specified  in rules 57 to 63 relating  to the filing of written statement, reply statement,  leaving  evidence, hearing  and costs shall, so far as may be, apply to the hearing of the opposition under section 60 as they apply to the hearing  in the opposition  proceeding.


42. ln rule 86 of the principal rules, for sub-rule (2), the following  sub-rule shall be substituted, namely:-


(2) The Controller shall publish his decision.


43. For rule 87 of the principal rules, the following rules shall be substituted, namely:-


87.  Surrender of Patents.- (1) The Controller shall publish the notice of an offer given under section 63.


(2) Any person interested may, within three months from the date of publication of the notice, give notice of opposition to the Controller in Form 14 in duplicate.


(3) The procedure specified in rules 57 to 63 relating to the  filing  of written   statement,  reply  statement. leaving  evidence,   hearing   and costs  shall,  so far as may be, apply  to the hearing  of the opposition under    section 63 as they apply to the hearing in opposition proceeding.


(4) If the Controller accepts the patentees offer to surrender the patent, he may direct the patentee to return the patent, and on receipt of such patent, the Controller shall by order revoke it and publish the revocation of the patent.


44. In sub-rule (2) of rule 88 of the principal rules, for the words Controller of the courts, the words Controller or Appellate Board or the courts shall be substituted.


45. Rule 89 of the principal rules shall be omitted.


46. In rule 90 of the principal rules, for the word and figures Form 17 occurring at both the places, the word and  figures Form 16 shall  be substituted.


47. For rule 96 of the principal rules, the following rules shall be substituted namely:-


96. Application for  compulsory licence etc.- An application to the Controller for  an  order  under   section  84, section  85,  section  91  or section  92  or  section  92A  shall  be  in Form 17,  or Form  19,  as  the case  may  be.  Except  in  the  case  of  an  application made  by  the Central  Government, the application shall  set  out  the nature of the applicant's interest and terms and conditions of the licence the applicant is willing to accept.


48. In rule 98 of the principal rules,-


(a) in sub-rule (1), for the word advertisement, the word publication shall be substituted;


(b) in sub-rule (6), for the words of opposition to the grant of patents, the words in opposition proceedings shall be substituted.


49. For rule 99 of the principal rules, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:-


99. Manner of publication of the revocation order.- The Controller shall  publish  the order made by him under sub-section (3) of section 85 revoking a patent.


50. In rule 100 of the principal rules, for the word and figures Form 21, the words and figures Form 20 shall be substituted.


51. In rule 101 of the principal rules, in sub-rule (7), for the words of opposition to the grant of patents, the words in opposition proceedings shall be substituted.


52. In rule 102 of the principal rules, -


(a) in sub-rule (1), for the word and figures Form 22, the word and figures Form 21 shall be substituted;


(b) in sub-rule (6), for the words of opposition to the grant of a patent, the words in opposition proceeding shall be substituted.


53. In rule 103 of the principal rules, in sub-rule (1), for the words 'names and addresses, the words names, addresses, specimen signatures and photographs shall be substituted.


54. In rule 108 of the principal rules, after sub-rule (2), the following sub-rule shall be inserted, namely:-


(3)(i) Copies of register of patent agents shall be maintained in each of the branch offices;


(ii) The register of patent agents shall also contain specimen signatures and photographs of the persons registered as patent agents.


55. In rule 109 of the principal rules, in sub-rule (1), for the word and figures Form 23'', the word and figures Form 22 shall be substituted.


56. In rule 110 of the principal rules, for sub-rule (3), the following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely:-


(3)  The qualifying marks for each written paper and for the viva voce examination shall be fifty percent each, of total marks and a candidate shall be declared to have passed the examination only if he obtains an aggregate of sixty percent of the total marks.


57. After rule 111 of the principal rules, the following rule shall be inserted namely:-

111A- Issue of duplicate certificate of patent  agents. - The Controller  may issue a duplicate certificate of registration as patent agent  on  a request  made by  the  person so  registered  as patent agent along with fee specified in the first schedule and contain a statement setting out the circumstances in which the original certificate issued under rule 111 was lost, destroyed and cannot be produced.


58.In rule 112 of the principal rules, for the word and figures Form 23 the word and figures Form 22 shall be substituted.


59. In rule 116 of the principal rules, in sub-rule (2), for the words shall be notified in the Official Gazette the words shall be published shall be substituted.


60. In rule 117 of the principal rules,-

(a) in  sub-rule (1), for the word and  figures Form 24 the  word and figures Form 23 shall be substituted;


(b)in sub-rule (3), for the words shall be notified by the Controller in the Official Gazette, the words shall be published shall be substituted.


61. In rule 118 of the principal rules, in sub- rule (2), for the words ''shall be notified in the Official Gazette, the words shall be published shall be substituted.


62. In rule 120 of the principal rules, the words in the Official Gazette and in such other manner as the Controller may deem fit shall be omitted.


63. For rule 121 of the principal rules, the following rules shall be substituted, namely:-


121. Period within which copies of specification etc  are to be filed.-  The  period  within  which  copies  of specification or corresponding documents  to be filed by the applicant under sub­ section (1) of section 138  shall be three months from the date of communication by the Controller.


121A. Address of Communications.- All communications in relation to any proceeding under the Act or these rules shall be addressed to the Controller at the appropriate office.


64. In rule 123 of the principal rules, the words in the Official Gazette shall be omitted.


65. In rule 124 of the principal rules,-


(a) in sub-rule (1), the words in the Official Gazette shall be omitted;


(b) in sub-rule (4), for the words to the hearing of the Opposition to the grant  of patents, the words in the hearing of the opposition proceeding shall be substituted.


66. For rule 129 of the principal rules, the following rule shall be substituted, namely: -


129. Exercise of discretionary power by the Controller.- Before exercising any discretionary power  under the Act or these  rules  which is likely  to  affect  an applicant for  a patent  or a party  to a proceeding adversely, the Controller shall  give  such applicant  or party, a hearing, after giving him  or them, ten days notice of such hearing  ordinarily.


67. In rule 130 of the principal rules, in sub-rule (1) and (2), for the word  and figures  Form  25, 1he word and  figures Form 24 at both the places shall  be substituted.


68. In rule 131 of the principal rules, -


(a) in sub-rule (1), for  the  word  and figures Form 29 the  word  and figures Form 27 shall be substituted;

(b) in sub-rule (3), the words in the  official Gazette  and in such  other manner as he may deem fit shall be omitted.


69. In rule 134 of the principal rules, in sub- rule (1), for clauses (f), (g) and (k), the following clauses shall respectively be substituted, namely:-


(f) as to when an application for patent  has been refused; (g) as to when a patent has been  gr-anted;

(k) as to when any application is made or action taken involving an entry in the register, publication in the Official Gazette or otherwise, if the nature of the application or action is specified in the request.


70. For rule 138 of the principal rules, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:- ,


138 Power to extend time prescribed:- (1)  Save  as  otherwise provided in the  rules 24, 55 and 80(1A),  the  time  prescribed by these  rules for  doing of  any  act  or  the  taking  of  any  proceeding thereunder may  be extended by  the Controller for a period of one month, if he thinks it fit to do so and upon  such  terms  as he  may direct.


(2) Any request for extension of time made under these rules shall be made before the expiry of prescribed period.


71. For the First Schedule and the Second Schedule to the principal rules, the following Schedules shall be substituted, namely:-







Note :- The principal rules were published in the Gazette of  India vide Notification number SO 493 (E) dated the 2nd May,  2003


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WIPO Lex No. IN017