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Protocol to the Agreement on the Importation of Educational, Scientific or Cultural Materials

Declaration made upon accession:
"Pursuant to paragraph 16 (a), Australia declares that it will not be bound by Part II, Part IV, Annex C.1, Annex F, Annex G and Annex H of the Protocol."
Declaration made upon ratification:
"Austria shall not be bound by Part II, Annex C.1, Annex F, Annex G and Annex H."
Declaration made upon accession:
"The Government of Barbados hereby declares that it will not be bound by annex H."
Declaration made upon signature:
"In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 16 (a) of the said Protocol, the Government of Belgium made a declaration according to the terms of which it shall not be bound by Part II, Part IV, Annex C.1, Annex F, Annex G and Annex H of the said Protocol, and within the framework of the European Economic Community, it will examine the possibility of accepting Annex C.1 in the light of the position adopted by other Contracting Parties with regard to that Annex."
Declaration: (5 June 2006)
"The Republic of Cyprus declares in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 16(a) of the said Protocol that it shall not be bound by Part II, Part IV, Annex C.1, Annex F, Annex G and Annex H of the said Protocol.
Within a period of one year from the date of the depositary notification transmitting the declaration (i.e., 14 June 2006), none of the Contracting Parties to the said Protocol had notified the Secretary-General of an objection either to the deposit itself or to the procedure envisaged. Consequently, the declaration in question was accepted for deposit upon the above-stipulated one year period, that is on 14 June 2007."
Declaration made upon ratification:
"Pursuant to paragraph 16 (a) of the said Protocol, the Government of Denmark declares that shall not be bound by part II, part IV, annex C.I, annex F, annex G and annex H of the Protocol."
Declaration made upon signature:
"In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 16 (a) of the said Protocol, the Government of Denmark made a declaration according to the terms of which it shall not be bound by Part II, Part IV, Annex C.1, Annex F, Annex G and Annex H of the said Protocol, and within the framework of the European Economic Community, it will examine the possibility of accepting Annex C.1 in the light of the position adopted by other Contracting Parties with regard to that Annex."
Declaration made upon accession:
"Finland shall not be bound by parts II and IV and annexes C.1, F and G of the Protocol."
Declaration made upon ratification:
"... The Government of France shall not be bound by parts II and IV and annexes C.1, F, G and H of the Protocol."
Declaration made upon signature:
"In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 16 (a) of the said Protocol, the Government of France made a declaration according to the terms of which it shall not be bound by Part II, Part IV, Annex C.1, Annex F, Annex G and Annex H of the said Protocol, and within the framework of the European Economic Community, it will examine the possibility of accepting Annex C.1 in the light of the position adopted by other Contracting Parties with regard to that Annex."
Declaration made upon accession:
"The Government of Greece shall not be bound by part II, part IV, and annexes C.1, F, G and H of the Protocol."
With reference to the declaration made by the Government of Iraq, the Secretary-General received from the Government of Israel on May 1, 1979, the following communication:
"The instrument deposited by the Government of Iraq contains a statement of a political character in respect to Israel. In the view of the Government of Israel, this is not the proper place for making such political pronouncements, which are moreover, in flagrant contradiction to the principles, objects and purposes of the Organization. That pronouncement by the Government of Iraq cannot in any way affect whatever obligations are binding upon it under general international law or under particular treaties.
The Government of Israel will, insofar as concerns the substance of the matter, adopt towards the Government of Iraq an attitude of complete reciprocity."
Declaration made upon accession:
"Entry into the above Protocol by the Republic of Iraq shall, however, in no way signify recognition of Israel or be conducive to entry into any relations with it."
Declaration made upon ratification:
"Ireland will not be bound by Part II, Part IV, Annex C.I, Annex F, Annex G and Annex H, or by any of those Parts or Annexes."
Declaration made upon signature:
"In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 16 (a) of the said Protocol, the Government of Ireland made a declaration according to the terms of which it shall not be bound by Part II, Part IV, Annex C.1, Annex F, Annex G and Annex H of the said Protocol, and within the framework of the European Economic Community, it will examine the possibility of accepting Annex C.1 in the light of the position adopted by other Contracting Parties with regard to that Annex."
Declaration made upon ratification:
"(a) Italy shall not be bound by part II, part IV, annex C.1, annex F, annex G and annex H;
(b) Italy, within the framework of the European Economic Community, will examine the possibility of accepting annex C.1 in the light of the position adopted by other Contracting Parties with regard to that annex."
Declaration made upon signature:
"In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 16 (a) of the said Protocol, the Government of Italy made a declaration according to the terms of which it shall not be bound by Part II, Part IV, Annex C.1, Annex F, Annex G and Annex H of the said Protocol, and within the framework of the European Economic Community, it will examine the possibility of accepting Annex C.1 in the light of the position adopted by other Contracting Parties with regard to that Annex."
Declaration made upon accession:
"As provided in paragraph 16 (a) of part VIII of the Protocol the Republic of Lithuania declares that it will not be bound by Part II, Part IV, Annex C.1, Annex F, Annex G and Annex H."
Declaration made upon ratification:
"The Government of Luxembourg will not be bound by Part II, Part IV, Annex C.1, Annex F, Annex G and Annex H of the Protocol and will examine the possibility of accepting Annex C.1 in the light of the position adopted by other Contracting Parties with regard to that Annex."
Declaration made upon signature:
"In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 16 (a) of the said Protocol, the Government of Luxembourg made a declaration according to the terms of which it shall not be bound by Part II, Part IV, Annex C.1, Annex F, Annex G and Annex H of the said Protocol, and within the framework of the European Economic Community, it will examine the possibility of accepting Annex C.1 in the light of the position adopted by other Contracting Parties with regard to that Annex."
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Declaration made upon acceptance:
"In conformity with paragraph 16 (a) of the said Protocol, the Kingdom shall not be bound by part II, part IV, annex C.1, annex F, annex G and annex H thereof."
Declaration made upon signature:
"The Government of the Netherlands made a declaration according to the terms of which it shall not be bound by Part II, Part IV, Annex C.1, Annex F, Annex G and Annex H of the said Protocol, and within the framework of the European Economic Community, it will examine the possibility of accepting Annex C.1 in the light of the position adopted by other Contracting Parties with regard to that Annex."
New Zealand
Declaration made upon signature:
"The Government of New Zealand shall not be bound by annex C.1, annex F and annex H of the Protocol."
Declaration made upon accession:
"Pursuant to article 16 (a) of the Protocol, Portugal shall not be bound by parts II and IV (a) and annexes C.1, F, G and H of the Protocol."
Declaration made upon accession:
"Pursuant to article 16 of the Protocol, Spain shall not be bound by parts II and IV and annexes C.1, F, G and H of the Protocol."
Declaration made upon accession:
"Sweden shall not be bound by Parts II, IV, and Annexes C.1, F, G and H of the Protocol."
United Kingdom
Declaration made upon ratification:
"The United Kingdom shall not be bound by Part II, Part IV, Annex C.1, Annex F, Annex G and Annex H;
The United Kingdom, within the framework of the European Economic Community, will examine the possibility of accepting Annex C.1 in the light of the position adopted by other Contracting Parties with regard to that Annex."
Declaration made upon signature:
"The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland made a declaration according to the terms of which it shall not be bound by Part II, Part IV, Annex C.1, Annex F, Annex G and Annex H of the said Protocol, and within the framework of the European Economic Community, it will examine the possibility of accepting Annex C.1 in the light of the position adopted by other Contracting Parties with regard to that Annex."
United States of America
Declaration made upon ratification:
"Pursuant to article VII, Section 16 (a), of the Protocol, the United States hereby declares that it will not be bound by Annexes C.1, F, G, and H. The United States will examine the possibility of withdrawing this declaration with regard to annex C.1, and of accepting that annex, in the light of the position adopted by other Contracting Parties with regard to that annex."