On 11 July 2014, the Government of Mexico notified the Secretary-General of the partial withdrawal of the following reservation made upon accession:
The Government of Mexico lodges an express reservation to article 31 of the Convention, and, therefore, refers to the application of article 33 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States.
Reservations made upon accession:
"The Government of Mexico is convinced of the importance of ensuring that all stateless persons can obtain wage-earning employment as a means of subsistence and affirms that stateless persons will be treated, in accordance with the law, under the same conditions as aliens in general, without prejudice to the application of article 7 of the Federal Labour Act, which establishes the proportion of alien workers that employers are authorized to employ in Mexico, as well as other legal principles relating to work by aliens in the country, for which reason the Government of Mexico lodges an express reservation to article 17 of this Convention.
The Government of Mexico lodges an express reservation to article 31 of the Convention, and, therefore, refers to the application of article 33 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States.
The Government of Mexico does not consider itself obliged to guarantee stateless persons greater facilities for their naturalization than those accorded to aliens in general, for which reason it lodges an express reservation to the contents of article 32 of the Convention."