Declaration made upon signature:
"(a) As regards Article 17, paragraph 1, granting stateless persons the right to engage in wage-earning employment, [the Government of the Philippines] finds that this provision conflicts with the Philippine Immigration Act of 1940, as amended, which classifies as excludable aliens under Section 29 those coming to the Philippines to perform unskilled labour, and permits the admission of pre-arranged employees under Section 9 (g) only when there are no persons in the Philippines willing and competent to perform the labour or service for which the admission of aliens is desired.
(b) As regards Article 31, paragraph 1, to the effect that 'the Contracting States shall not expel a stateless person lawfully in their territory, save on grounds of national security or public order', this provision would unduly restrict the power of the Philippine Government to deport undesirable aliens under Section 37 of the same Immigration Act which states the various grounds upon which aliens may be deported.
Upon signing the Convention [the Philippine Government], therefore hereby [registers] its non-conformity to the provisions of Article 17, paragraph 1, and Article 31, paragraph 1, thereof, for the reasons stated in (a) and (b) above."