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Constitución de la República de Fiji, Fiji

Versión más reciente en WIPO Lex
Detalles Detalles Año de versión 2013 Fechas Entrada en vigor: 7 de septiembre de 2013 Adoptado/a: 6 de septiembre de 2013 Tipo de texto Leyes marco Materia Otros Notas The Constitution of the Republic of Fiji 2013 was the fourth constitution of Fiji since its independence from the United Kingdom in 1970.
Before the adoption of this Constitution, Fiji has had 3 constitutions: the Constitutions 1970, 1990 and 1997.

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Textos principales Textos principales Fiyiano Yavunivakavulewa Ni Matanitu Tugalala O Viti         Hindi Constitution of the Republic of Fiji      Inglés Constitution of the Republic of Fiji        
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 Constitution of the Republic of Fiji











1. The Republic of Fiji 2. Supremacy of the Constitution 3. Principles of constitutional interpretation 4. Secular State 5. Citizenship


6. Application 7. Interpretation of this Chapter 8. Right to life 9. Right to personal liberty 10. Freedom from slavery, servitude, forced labour and human trafficking 11. Freedom from cruel and degrading treatment 12. Freedom from unreasonable search and seizure 13. Rights of arrested and detained persons 14. Rights of accused persons 15. Access to courts or tribunals 16. Executive and administrative justice 17. Freedom of speech, expression and publication 18. Freedom of assembly 19. Freedom of association 20. Employment relations 21. Freedom of movement and residence 22. Freedom of religion, conscience and belief 23. Political rights 24. Right to privacy 25. Access to information 26. Right to equality and freedom from discrimination 27. Freedom from compulsory or arbitrary acquisition of property 28. Rights of ownership and protection of iTaukei, Rotuman and Banaban lands 29. Protection of ownership and interests in land 30. Right of landowners to fair share of royalties for extraction of minerals 31. Right to education 32. Right to economic participation 33. Right to work and a just minimum wage


34. Right to reasonable access to transportation 35. Right to housing and sanitation 36. Right to adequate food and water 37. Right to social security schemes 38. Right to health 39. Freedom from arbitrary evictions 40. Environmental rights 41. Rights of children 42. Rights of persons with disabilities 43. Limitation of rights under states of emergency 44. Enforcement 45. Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission



46. Legislative authority and power of Parliament 47. Exercise of legislative powers 48. Presidential assent 49. Coming into force of laws 50. Regulations and similar laws 51. Parliamentary authority over international treaties and conventions


52. Members of Parliament 53. Proportional representation system 54. Composition of Parliament 55. Voter qualification and registration 56. Candidates for election to Parliament 57. Candidates who are public officers 58. Term of Parliament 59. Writ for election 60. Date of nomination 61. Date of polling 62. Early dissolution of Parliament 63. Vacation of seat of member of Parliament 64. Next candidate to fill vacancy 65. Vacancies in membership 66. Court of Disputed Returns 67. Sessions of Parliament 68. Quorum 69. Voting


70. Committees 71. Standing orders 72. Petitions, public access and participation 73. Powers, privileges, immunities and discipline 74. Power to call for evidence


75. Electoral Commission 76. Supervisor of Elections 77. Speaker and Deputy Speaker of Parliament 78. Leader of the Opposition 79. Secretary-General to Parliament 80. Remunerations



81. The President of Fiji 82. President acts on advice 83. Qualification for appointment 84. Appointment of President 85. Term of office and remuneration 86. Oath of office 87. Resignation 88. Chief Justice to perform functions in absence of President 89. Removal from office


90. Responsible Government 91. Cabinet 92. Office of the Prime Minister 93. Appointment of Prime Minister 94. Motion of no confidence 95. Appointment of Ministers 96. Attorney-General



97. Judicial authority and independence 98. Supreme Court


99. Court of Appeal 100. High Court 101. Magistrates Court 102. Other courts 103. Court rules and procedures 104. Judicial Services Commission 105. Qualification for appointment 106. Appointment of Judges 107. Other appointments 108. Judicial department employees 109. Oath of office 110. Term of office 111. Removal of Chief Justice and President of the Court of Appeal for cause 112. Removal of judicial officers for cause 113. Remuneration of judicial officers


114. Independent Legal Services Commission 115. Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption 116. Solicitor-General 117. Director of Public Prosecutions 118. Legal Aid Commission 119. Mercy Commission 120. Public Service Disciplinary Tribunal 121. Accountability and Transparency Commission 122. Existing appointments



123. Values and principles 124. Public officers must be citizens 125. Public Service Commission 126. Functions of the Public Service Commission 127. Permanent secretaries 128. Appointment of ambassadors


129. Fiji Police Force 130. Fiji Corrections Service 131. Republic of Fiji Military Forces



132. Constitutional Offices Commission 133. Functions of the Constitutional Offices Commission


134. 135.

Application Terms and conditions of office

136. Remuneration and allowances 137. Removal from office for cause 138. Performance of functions of commissions and tribunals


139. 140.

Raising of revenue Consolidated Fund

141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147.

Appropriations to be authorised by law Authorisation of expenditure in advance of appropriation Appropriation and taxing measures require ministerial consent Annual budget Guarantees by Government Public moneys to be accounted for Standing appropriation of Consolidated Fund for payment of certain salaries and allowances

148. Standing appropriation of Consolidated Fund for other purposes



149. Code of conduct


150. Freedom of information


151. Auditor-General 152. Functions of Auditor-General


153. Reserve Bank of Fiji




154. State of emergency


155. Immunity granted under the Constitution of 1990 continues 156. Immunity granted under the Limitation of Liability for Prescribed Political

Events Decree 2010 continues 157. Further immunity 158. Immunity entrenched


159. Amendment of Constitution 160. Procedure for amendment 161. Amendments before 31 December 2013



162. Short title and commencement


163. Interpretation


164. Repeals Part D—TRANSITIONAL

165. Office of the President 166. Prime Minister and Ministers 167. Public or Constitutional officers 168. Finance 169. Functions of Parliament and Speaker 170. Elections 171. Succession of institutions 172. Preservation of rights and obligations 173. Preservation of laws 174. Judicial proceedings





RECOGNISING the indigenous people or the iTaukei, their ownership of iTaukei lands, their unique culture, customs, traditions and language;

RECOGNISING the indigenous people or the Rotuman from the island of Rotuma, their ownership of Rotuman lands, their unique culture, customs, traditions and language;

RECOGNISING the descendants of the indentured labourers from British India and the Pacific Islands, their culture, customs, traditions and language; and

RECOGNISING the descendants of the settlers and immigrants to Fiji, their culture, customs, traditions and language,

DECLARE that we are all Fijians united by common and equal citizenry;

RECOGNISE the Constitution as the supreme law of our country that provides the framework for the conduct of Government and all Fijians;

COMMIT ourselves to the recognition and protection of human rights, and respect for human dignity;

DECLARE our commitment to justice, national sovereignty and security, social and economic wellbeing, and safeguarding our environment,




The Republic of Fiji 1. The Republic of Fiji is a sovereign democratic State founded on the values of—

(a) common and equal citizenry and national unity;

(b) respect for human rights, freedom and the rule of law;

(c) an independent, impartial, competent and accessible system of justice;

(d) equality for all and care for the less fortunate based on the values inherent in this section and in the Bill of Rights contained in Chapter 2;

(e) human dignity, respect for the individual, personal integrity and responsibility, civic involvement and mutual support;

(f) good governance, including the limitation and separation of powers;

(g) transparency and accountability; and

(h) a prudent, efficient and sustainable relationship with nature.

Supremacy of the Constitution 2.—(1) This Constitution is the supreme law of the State.

(2) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, any law inconsistent with this Constitution is invalid to the extent of the inconsistency.

(3) This Constitution shall be upheld and respected by all Fijians and the State, including all persons holding public office, and the obligations imposed by this Constitution must be fulfilled.

(4) This Constitution shall be enforced through the courts, to ensure that––

(a) laws and conduct are consistent with this Constitution;

(b) rights and freedoms are protected; and

(c) duties under this Constitution are performed.

(5) This Constitution cannot be abrogated or suspended by any person, and may only be amended in accordance with the procedures prescribed in Chapter 11.

(6) Any attempt to establish a Government other than in compliance with this Constitution shall be unlawful, and––

(a) anything done to further that attempt is invalid and of no force or effect; and

(b) no immunities can lawfully be granted under any law to any person in respect of actions taken or omitted in furtherance of such an attempt.


Principles of constitutional interpretation 3.—(1) Any person interpreting or applying this Constitution must promote the

spirit, purpose and objects of this Constitution as a whole, and the values that underlie a democratic society based on human dignity, equality and freedom.

(2) If a law appears to be inconsistent with a provision of this Constitution, the court must adopt a reasonable interpretation of that law that is consistent with the provisions of this Constitution over an interpretation that is inconsistent with this Constitution.

(3) This Constitution is to be adopted in the English language and translations in the iTaukei and Hindi languages are to be made available.

(4) If there is an apparent difference between the meaning of the English version of a provision of this Constitution, and its meaning in the iTaukei and Hindi versions, the English version prevails.

Secular State 4.—(1) Religious liberty, as recognised in the Bill of Rights, is a founding principle

of the State.

(2) Religious belief is personal.

(3) Religion and the State are separate, which means—

(a) the State and all persons holding public office must treat all religions equally;

(b) the State and all persons holding public office must not dictate any religious belief;

(c) the State and all persons holding public office must not prefer or advance, by any means, any particular religion, religious denomination, religious belief, or religious practice over another, or over any non-religious belief; and

(d) no person shall assert any religious belief as a legal reason to disregard this Constitution or any other law.

Citizenship 5.—(1) All citizens of Fiji shall be known as Fijians.

(2) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, all Fijians have equal status and identity, which means that they are equally—

(a) entitled to all the rights, privileges and benefits of citizenship; and

(b) subject to the duties and responsibilities of citizenship.

(3) Citizenship of Fiji shall only be acquired by birth, registration or naturalisation.


(4) Citizens of Fiji may hold multiple citizenship, which means that—

(a) upon accepting the citizenship of a foreign country, a person remains a citizen of Fiji unless he or she renounces that status;

(b) a former citizen of Fiji, who lost that citizenship upon acquiring foreign citizenship, may regain citizenship of Fiji, while retaining that foreign citizenship unless the laws of that foreign country provide otherwise; and

(c) upon becoming a citizen of Fiji, a foreign person may retain his or her existing citizenship unless the laws of that foreign country provide otherwise.

(5) A written law shall prescribe—

(a) the conditions upon which citizenship of Fiji may be acquired and the conditions upon which a person may become a citizen of Fiji;

(b) procedures relating to the making of applications for citizenship by registration or naturalisation;

(c) conditions relating to the right to enter and reside in Fiji;

(d) provisions for the prevention of statelessness;

(e) rules for the calculation of periods of a person’s lawful presence in Fiji for the purpose of determining citizenship;

(f) provisions relating to the renunciation and deprivation of citizenship; and

(g) such other matters as are necessary to regulate the granting of citizenship.



Application 6.—(1) This Chapter binds the legislative, executive and judicial branches of

government at all levels, and every person performing the functions of any public office.

(2) The State and every person holding public office must respect, protect, promote and fulfil the rights and freedoms recognised in this Chapter.

(3) Aprovision of this Chapter binds a natural or legal person, taking into account—

(a) the nature of the right or freedom recognised in that provision; and

(b) the nature of any restraint or duty imposed by that provision.

(4) Alegal person has the rights and freedoms recognised in this Chapter, to the extent required by the nature of the right or freedom, and the nature of the particular legal person.

(5) The rights and freedoms set out in this Chapter apply according to their tenor and may be limited by—

(a) limitations expressly prescribed, authorised or permitted (whether by or under a written law) in relation to a particular right or freedom in this Chapter;

(b) limitations prescribed or set out in, or authorised or permitted by, other provisions of this Constitution; or

(c) limitations which are not expressly set out or authorised (whether by or under a written law) in relation to a particular right or freedom in this Chapter, but which are necessary and are prescribed by a law or provided under a law or authorised or permitted by a law or by actions taken under the authority of a law.

(6) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, this Chapter applies to all laws in force at the commencement of this Constitution.

(7) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, laws made, and administrative and judicial actions taken, after the commencement of this Constitution, are subject to the provisions of this Chapter.

(8) To the extent that it is capable of doing so, this Chapter extends to things done or actions taken outside Fiji.

Interpretation of this Chapter 7.—(1) In addition to complying with section 3, when interpreting and applying

this Chapter, a court, tribunal or other authority—

(a) must promote the values that underlie a democratic society based on human dignity, equality and freedom; and


(b) may, if relevant, consider international law, applicable to the protection of the rights and freedoms in this Chapter.

(2) This Chapter does not deny, or prevent the recognition of, any other right or freedom recognised or conferred by common law or written law, except to the extent that it is inconsistent with this Chapter.

(3) A law that limits a right or freedom set out in this Chapter is not invalid solely because the law exceeds the limits imposed by this Chapter if the law is reasonably capable of a more restricted interpretation that does not exceed those limits, and in that case, the law must be construed in accordance with the more restricted interpretation.

(4) When deciding any matter according to common law, a court must apply and, where necessary, develop common law in a manner that respects the rights and freedoms recognised in this Chapter.

(5) In considering the application of this Chapter to any particular law, a court must interpret this Chapter contextually, having regard to the content and consequences of the law, including its impact upon individuals or groups of individuals.

Right to life 8. Every person has the right to life, and a person must not be arbitrarily deprived

of life.

Right to personal liberty 9.—(1) A person must not be deprived of personal liberty except—

(a) for the purpose of executing the sentence or order of a court, whether handed down or made in Fiji or elsewhere, in respect of an offence of which the person had been convicted;

(b) for the purpose of executing an order of a court punishing the person for contempt of the court or of another court or tribunal;

(c) for the purpose of executing an order of a courtmade to secure the fulfilment of an obligation imposed on the person by law;

(d) for the purpose of bringing the person before a court in execution of an order of a court;

(e) if the person is reasonably suspected of having committed an offence;

(f) with the consent of the person’s parent or lawful guardian or upon an order made by a court, for the purpose of the person’s education or welfare during any period ending not later than the date of his or her 18th birthday;

(g) for the purpose of preventing the spread of an infectious or contagious disease;


(h) for the purpose of the person’s care or treatment or for the protection of the community if he or she is, or is reasonably suspected to be, of unsound mind, addicted to drugs or alcohol, or a vagrant; or

(i) for the purpose of preventing the unlawful entry of the person into Fiji or of effecting the expulsion, extradition or other lawful removal of the person from Fiji.

(2) Subsection (1)(c) does not permit a court to make an order depriving a person of personal liberty on the ground of failure to pay maintenance or a debt, fine or tax, unless the court considers that the person has wilfully refused to pay despite having the means to do so.

(3) If a person is detained pursuant to a measure authorised under a state of emergency—

(a) the person must, as soon as is reasonably practicable and in any event within 7 days after the start of the detention, be given a statement in writing, in a language that the person understands, specifying the grounds of the detention;

(b) the person must be given the opportunity to communicate with, and to be visited by—

(i) his or her spouse, partner or next-of-kin;

(ii) a legal practitioner;

(iii) a religious counsellor or a social worker; and

(iv) a medical practitioner;

(c) the person must be given reasonable facilities to consult with a legal practitioner of his or her choice;

(d) the detention must, within one month and thereafter at intervals of not more than one month, be reviewed by a court; and

(e) at any review by a court, the person may appear in person or be represented by a legal practitioner.

(4) At any review of the detention under subsection (3), the court may make such orders as to the continued detention of the person.

Freedom from slavery, servitude, forced labour and human trafficking 10.—(1) A person must not be held in slavery or servitude, or subjected to forced

labour or human trafficking.


(2) In this section, “forced labour” does not include—

(a) labour required in consequence of a sentence or order of a court;

(b) labour reasonably required of a person serving a term of imprisonment, whether or not required for the hygiene or maintenance of the prison; or

(c) labour required of a member of a disciplined force as part of his or her duties.

Freedom from cruel and degrading treatment 11.—(1) Every person has the right to freedom from torture of any kind, whether

physical, mental or emotional, and from cruel, inhumane, degrading or disproportionately severe treatment or punishment.

(2) Every person has the right to security of the person, which includes the right to be free from any form of violence from any source, at home, school, work or in any other place.

(3) Every person has the right to freedom from scientific or medical treatment or procedures without an order of the court or without his or her informed consent, or if he or she is incapable of giving informed consent, without the informed consent of a lawful guardian.

Freedom from unreasonable search and seizure 12.—(1) Every person has the right to be secure against unreasonable search of his

or her person or property and against unreasonable seizure of his or her property.

(2) Search or seizure is not permissible otherwise than under the authority of the law.

Rights of arrested and detained persons 13.—(1) Every person who is arrested or detained has the right—

(a) to be informed promptly, in a language that he or she understands, of—

(i) the reason for the arrest or detention and the nature of any charge that may be brought against that person;

(ii) the right to remain silent; and

(iii) the consequences of not remaining silent;

(b) to remain silent;

(c) to communicate with a legal practitioner of his or her choice in private in the place where he or she is detained, to be informed of that right promptly and, if he or she does not have sufficientmeans to engage a legal practitioner and the interests of justice so require, to be given the services of a legal practitioner under a scheme for legal aid by the Legal Aid Commission;


(d) not to be compelled to make any confession or admission that could be used in evidence against that person;

(e) to be held separately from persons who are serving a sentence, and in the case of a child, to be kept separate from adults unless that is not in the best interests of the child;

(f) to be brought before a court as soon as reasonably possible, but in any case not later than 48 hours after the time of arrest, or if that is not reasonably possible, as soon as possible thereafter;

(g) at the first court appearance, to be charged or informed of the reasons for the detention to continue, or to be released;

(h) to be released on reasonable terms and conditions, pending a charge or trial, unless the interests of justice otherwise require;

(i) to challenge the lawfulness of the detention in person before a court and, if the detention is unlawful, to be released;

(j) to conditions of detention that are consistent with human dignity, including at least the opportunity to exercise regularly and the provision, at State expense, of adequate accommodation, nutrition, and medical treatment; and

(k) to communicate with, and be visited by,—

(i) his or her spouse, partner or next-of-kin; and

(ii) a religious counsellor or a social worker.

(2) Whenever this section requires information to be given to a person, that information must be given simply and clearly in a language that the person understands.

(3) A person who is deprived of liberty by being detained, held in custody or imprisoned under any law retains all the rights and freedoms set out in this Chapter, except to the extent that any particular right or freedom is incompatible with the fact of being so deprived of liberty.

Rights of accused persons 14.—(1) A person shall not be tried for—

(a) any act or omission that was not an offence under either domestic or international law at the time it was committed or omitted; or

(b) an offence in respect of an act or omission for which that person has previously been either acquitted or convicted.

(2) Every person charged with an offence has the right—

(a) to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law;


(b) to be informed in legible writing, in a language that he or she understands, of the nature of and reasons for the charge;

(c) to be given adequate time and facilities to prepare a defence, including if he or she so requests, a right of access to witness statements;

(d) to defend himself or herself in person or to be represented at his or her own expense by a legal practitioner of his or her own choice, and to be informed promptly of this right or, if he or she does not have sufficient means to engage a legal practitioner and the interests of justice so require, to be given the services of a legal practitioner under a scheme for legal aid by the Legal Aid Commission, and to be informed promptly of this right;

(e) to be informed in advance of the evidence on which the prosecution intends to rely, and to have reasonable access to that evidence;

(f) to a public trial before a court of law, unless the interests of justice otherwise require;

(g) to have the trial begin and conclude without unreasonable delay;

(h) to be present when being tried, unless—

(i) the court is satisfied that the person has been served with a summons or similar process requiring his or her attendance at the trial, and has chosen not to attend; or

(ii) the conduct of the person is such that the continuation of the proceedings in his or her presence is impracticable and the court has ordered him or her to be removed and the trial to proceed in his or her absence;

(i) to be tried in a language that the person understands or, if that is not practicable, to have the proceedings interpreted in such a language at State expense;

(j) to remain silent, not to testify during the proceedings, and not to be compelled to give self-incriminating evidence, and not to have adverse inference drawn from the exercise of any of these rights;

(k) not to have unlawfully obtained evidence adduced against him or her unless the interests of justice require it to be admitted;

(l) to call witnesses and present evidence, and to challenge evidence presented against him or her;

(m) to a copy of the record of proceedings within a reasonable period of time and on payment of a reasonably prescribed fee;


(n) to the benefit of the least severe of the prescribed punishments if the prescribed punishment for the offence has been changed between the time the offence was committed and the time of sentencing; and

(o) of appeal to, or review by, a higher court.

(3) Whenever this section requires information to be given to a person, that information must be given as simply and clearly as practicable, in a language that the person understands.

(4) A law is not inconsistent with subsection (1)(b) to the extent that it—

(a) authorises a court to try a member of a disciplined force for a criminal offence despite his or her trial and conviction or acquittal under a disciplinary law; and

(b) requires the court, in passing sentence, to take into account any punishment awarded against the member under the disciplinary law.

Access to courts or tribunals 15.—(1) Every person charged with an offence has the right to a fair trial before

a court of law.

(2) Every party to a civil dispute has the right to have the matter determined by a court of law or if appropriate, by an independent and impartial tribunal.

(3) Every person charged with an offence and every party to a civil dispute has the right to have the case determined within a reasonable time.

(4) The hearings of courts (other than military courts) and tribunals established by law must be open to the public unless the interests of justice require otherwise.

(5) Subsection (4) does not prevent—

(a) the making of laws relating to the trials of children, or to the determination of family or domestic disputes, in a closed court; or

(b) the exclusion by a court or tribunal from particular proceedings (except the announcement of the decision of the court or tribunal) of a person other than parties and their legal representatives if a law empowers it to do so in the interests of justice, public morality, the welfare of children, personal privacy, national security, public safety or public order.

(6) Every person charged with an offence, every party to civil proceedings, and every witness in criminal or civil proceedings has the right to give evidence and to be questioned in a language that he or she understands.

(7) Every person charged with an offence and every party to civil proceedings has the right to follow the proceedings in a language that he or she understands.


(8) To give effect to the rights referred to in subsections (6) and (7), the court or tribunal concerned must, when the interests of justice so require, provide, without cost to the person concerned, the services of an interpreter or of a person competent in sign language.

(9) If a child is called as a witness in criminal proceedings, arrangements for the taking of the child’s evidence must have due regard to the child’s age.

(10) The State, through law and other measures, must provide legal aid through the Legal Aid Commission to those who cannot afford to pursue justice on the strength of their own resources, if injustice would otherwise result.

(11) If any fee is required to access a court or tribunal, it must be reasonable and must not impede access to justice.

(12) In any proceedings, evidence obtained in a manner that infringes any right in this Chapter, or any other law, must be excluded unless the interests of justice require it to be admitted.

Executive and administrative justice 16.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution and such other limitations as

may be prescribed by law—

(a) every person has the right to executive or administrative action that is lawful, rational, proportionate, procedurally fair, and reasonably prompt;

(b) every person who has been adversely affected by any executive or administrative action has the right to be given written reasons for the action; and

(c) any executive or administrative action may be reviewed by a court, or if appropriate, another independent and impartial tribunal, in accordance with law.

(2) The rights mentioned in subsection (1) shall not be exercised against any company registered under a law governing companies.

(3) This section shall not have retrospective effect, and shall only apply to executive and administrative actions taken after the first sitting of the first Parliament elected under this Constitution.

Freedom of speech, expression and publication 17.—(1) Every person has the right to freedom of speech, expression, thought,

opinion and publication, which includes—

(a) freedom to seek, receive and impart information, knowledge and ideas;

(b) freedom of the press, including print, electronic and other media;


(c) freedom of imagination and creativity; and

(d) academic freedom and freedom of scientific research.

(2) Freedom of speech, expression, thought, opinion and publication does not protect—

(a) propaganda for war;

(b) incitement to violence or insurrection against this Constitution; or

(c) advocacy of hatred that—

(i) is based on any prohibited ground of discrimination listed or prescribed under section 26; and

(ii) constitutes incitement to cause harm.

(3) To the extent that it is necessary, a law may limit, or may authorise the limitation of, the rights and freedoms mentioned in subsection (1) in the interests of—

(a) national security, public safety, public order, public morality, public health or the orderly conduct of elections;

(b) the protection or maintenance of the reputation, privacy, dignity, rights or freedoms of other persons, including—

(i) the right to be free from hate speech, whether directed against individuals or groups; and

(ii) the rights of persons injured by inaccurate or offensive media reports to have a correction published on reasonable conditions established by law;

(c) preventing the disclosure, as appropriate, of information received in confidence;

(d) preventing attacks on the dignity of individuals, groups of individuals or respected offices or institutions in a manner likely to promote ill will between ethnic or religious groups or the oppression of, or discrimination against, any person or group of persons;

(e) maintaining the authority and independence of the courts;

(f) imposing restrictions on the holders of public offices;

(g) regulating the technical administration of telecommunications; or

(h) making provisions for the enforcement of media standards and providing for the regulation, registration and conduct of media organisations.


(4) In this section, “hate speech” means an expression in whatever form that encourages, or has the effect of encouraging discrimination on a ground listed or prescribed under section 26.

Freedom of assembly 18.—(1) Every person has the right, peaceably and unarmed, to assemble,

demonstrate, picket and to present petitions.

(2) To the extent that it is necessary, a law may limit, or may authorise the limitation of, the right mentioned in subsection (1)—

(a) in the interests of national security, public safety, public order, public morality, public health or the orderly conduct of elections;

(b) for the purpose of protecting the rights and freedoms of others; or

(c) for the purpose of imposing restrictions on the holders of public offices.

Freedom of association 19.—(1) Every person has the right to freedom of association.

(2) A law may limit, or may authorise the limitation of, the right mentioned in subsection (1)—

(a) in the interests of national security, public safety, public order, public morality, public health or the orderly conduct of elections;

(b) for the purpose of protecting the rights and freedoms of others;

(c) for the purpose of imposing restrictions on the holders of public offices;

(d) for the purpose of regulating trade unions, or any federation, congress, council or affiliation of trade unions, or any federation, congress, council or affiliation of employers;

(e) for the purposes of regulating collective bargaining processes, providing mechanisms for the resolution of employment disputes and grievances, and regulating strikes and lockouts; or

(f) for the purpose of regulating essential services and industries, in the overall interests of the Fijian economy and the citizens of Fiji.

Employment relations 20.—(1) Every person has the right to fair employment practices, including humane

treatment and proper working conditions.

(2) Every worker has the right to form or join a trade union, and participate in its activities and programmes.


(3) Every employer has the right to form or join an employers’ organisation, and to participate in its activities and programmes.

(4) Trade unions and employers have the right to bargain collectively.

(5) A law may limit, or may authorise the limitation of, the rights mentioned in this section—

(a) in the interests of national security, public safety, public order, public morality, public health or the orderly conduct of elections;

(b) for the purposes of protecting the rights and freedoms of others;

(c) for the purposes of imposing restrictions on the holders of public offices;

(d) for the purposes of regulating trade unions, or any federation, congress, council or affiliation of trade unions, or any federation, congress, council or affiliation of employers;

(e) for the purposes of regulating collective bargaining processes, providing mechanisms for the resolution of employment disputes and grievances, and regulating strikes and lockouts; or

(f) for the purposes of regulating essential services and industries, in the overall interests of the Fijian economy and the citizens of Fiji.

Freedom of movement and residence 21.—(1) Every person has the right to freedom of movement.

(2) Every citizen has the right to apply for and be issued a passport or similar travel document, in accordance with any condition prescribed by written law.

(3) Every citizen, and every other person lawfully in Fiji, has the right to move freely throughout Fiji and the right to leave Fiji.

(4) Every citizen, and every other person who has a right to reside in Fiji, has the right to reside in any part of Fiji.

(5) Every person who is not a citizen but is lawfully in Fiji has the right not to be expelled from Fiji except pursuant to an order of a court or a decision of the Minister responsible for immigration on a ground prescribed by law.

(6) A law, or anything done under the authority of a law, is not inconsistent with the rights granted by this section to the extent that the law—

(a) provides for the detention of the person or enables a restraint to be placed on the person’s movements, whether—

(i) for the purpose of ensuring his or her appearance before a court for trial or other proceedings;


(ii) in consequence of his or her conviction for an offence; or

(iii) for the purpose of protecting another person from apprehended violence;

(b) provides for a person who is a non-citizen to be detained or restrained as a consequence of his or her arrival in Fiji without the prescribed entry documentation;

(c) provides for the extradition, on the order of the High Court, of a person from Fiji;

(d) provides for the removal from Fiji, on the order of the High Court, of any child who had previously been unlawfully removed from another country, for the purpose of restoring the child to the lawful custody of his or her parent or lawful guardian;

(e) provides for the removal from Fiji of a person who is not a citizen for the purpose of enabling the person to serve a sentence of imprisonment in the country of the person’s citizenship in relation to a criminal offence of which he or she has been convicted in Fiji; or

(f) regulates, controls or prohibits the entry of persons on to land or property owned or occupied by others.

(7) To the extent that it is necessary, a law may limit, or may authorise the limitation of, the rights mentioned in this section—

(a) in the interests of national security, public safety, public order, public morality, public health or the orderly conduct of elections;

(b) for the purpose of protecting the rights and freedoms of others;

(c) for the purpose of protecting the ecology of any area;

(d) for the purpose of imposing a restriction on the person that is reasonably required to secure the fulfilment of an obligation imposed on the person by law; or

(e) for the purpose of imposing reasonable restrictions on the holders of public offices as part of the terms and conditions of their employment.

(8) Section 9(3) and (4) apply to a person whose right to freedom of movement is restricted pursuant to a measure authorised under a state of emergency in the same way as they apply to a person detained pursuant to such a measure.

Freedom of religion, conscience and belief 22.—(1) Every person has the right to freedom of religion, conscience and belief.


(2) Every person has the right, either individually or in community with others, in private or in public, to manifest and practise their religion or belief in worship, observance, practice or teaching.

(3) Every person has the right not to be compelled to—

(a) act in any manner that is contrary to the person’s religion or belief; or

(b) take an oath, or take an oath in a manner, that––

(i) is contrary to the person’s religion or belief; or

(ii) requires the person to express a belief that the person does not hold.

(4) Every religious community or denomination, and every cultural or social community, has the right to establish, maintain and manage places of education whether or not it receives financial assistance from the State, provided that the educational institution maintains any standard prescribed by law.

(5) In exercising its rights under subsection (4), a religious community or denomination has the right to provide religious instruction as part of any education that it provides, whether or not it receives financial assistance from the State for the provision of that education.

(6) Except with his or her consent or, in the case of a child, the consent of a parent or lawful guardian, a person attending a place of education is not required to receive religious instruction or to take part in or attend a religious ceremony or observance if the instruction, ceremony or observance relates to a religion that is not his or her own or if he or she does not hold any religious belief.

(7) To the extent that it is necessary, the rights and freedoms set out in this section may be made subject to such limitations prescribed by law—

(a) to protect—

(i) the rights and freedoms of other persons; or

(ii) public safety, public order, public morality or public health; or

(b) to prevent public nuisance.

Political rights 23.—(1) Every citizen has the freedom to make political choices, and the right to—

(a) form or join a political party;

(b) participate in the activities of, or recruit members for, a political party; and

(c) campaign for a political party, candidate or cause.


(2) Every citizen has the right to free, fair and regular elections for any elective institution or office established under this Constitution.

(3) Every citizen who has reached the age of 18 years has the right—

(a) to be registered as a voter;

(b) to vote by secret ballot in any election or referendum under this Constitution;

(c) to be a candidate for public office, or office within a political party of which the citizen is a member, subject to satisfying any qualifications for such an office; and

(d) if elected, to hold office.

(4) A law may limit, or may authorise the limitation of, the rights mentioned in this section—

(a) for the purpose of regulating the registration of voters, and prescribing persons who do not have or have ceased to have the right to be registered as a voter;

(b) for the purpose of regulating the registration of political parties and prescribing persons who do not have the rights prescribed under subsection (1) and subsection (3)(c) and (d);

(c) for the purpose of regulating persons who are not eligible to contest for a place in Parliament or in a public office, or an office within a political party; or

(d) for the purpose of imposing restrictions on the holders of public offices (as defined in any such law) from the rights set out in this section.

Right to privacy 24.—(1) Every person has the right to personal privacy, which includes the right


(a) confidentiality of their personal information;

(b) confidentiality of their communications; and

(c) respect for their private and family life.

(2) To the extent that it is necessary, a law may limit, or may authorise the limitation of, the rights set out in subsection (1).

Access to information 25.—(1) Every person has the right of access to—

(a) information held by any public office; and


(b) information held by another person and required for the exercise or protection of any legal right.

(2) Every person has the right to the correction or deletion of false or misleading information that affects that person.

(3) To the extent that it is necessary, a law may limit, or may authorise the limitation of, the rights set out in subsection (1), and may regulate the procedure under which information held by a public office may be made available.

Right to equality and freedom from discrimination 26.—(1) Every person is equal before the law and has the right to equal protection,

treatment and benefit of the law.

(2) Equality includes the full and equal enjoyment of all rights and freedoms recognised in this Chapter or any other written law.

(3) A person must not be unfairly discriminated against, directly or indirectly on the grounds of his or her—

(a) actual or supposed personal characteristics or circumstances, including race, culture, ethnic or social origin, colour, place of origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, birth, primary language, economic or social or health status, disability, age, religion, conscience, marital status or pregnancy; or

(b) opinions or beliefs, except to the extent that those opinions or beliefs involve harm to others or the diminution of the rights or freedoms of others,

or on any other ground prohibited by this Constitution.

(4) Alaw or an administrative action taken under a lawmay not directly or indirectly impose a limitation or restriction on any person on a prohibited ground.

(5) Every person has the right of access, membership or admission, without discrimination on a prohibited ground, to shops, hotels, lodging-houses, public restaurants, places of public entertainment, clubs, education institutions, public transportation services, taxis and public places.

(6) The proprietor of a place or service referred to in subsection (5) must facilitate reasonable access for persons with disabilities to the extent prescribed by law.

(7) Treating one person differently from another on any of the grounds prescribed under subsection (3) is discrimination, unless it can be established that the difference in treatment is not unfair in the circumstances.


(8) A law, or an administrative action taken under a law, is not inconsistent with the rights mentioned in this section on the ground that it—

(a) appropriates revenues or other moneys for particular purposes;

(b) imposes a retirement age on a person;

(c) imposes a restriction on persons employed or engaged in a State service, or confers on them a privilege or advantage not imposed or conferred on other persons;

(d) imposes restrictions on persons who are not citizens, or confers on them a privilege or advantage, not imposed or conferred on citizens;

(e) makes provision with respect to adoption, marriage, devolution of property on death, and pension;

(f) excludes persons from holding certain public offices; or

(g) to the extent necessary and without infringing the rights or freedoms set out in any other section of this Chapter, gives effect to the communal ownership of iTaukei, Rotuman and Banaban lands and access to marine resources, or the bestowing of iTaukei, Rotuman and Banaban chiefly title or rank.

Freedom from compulsory or arbitrary acquisition of property 27.—(1) Every person has the right not to be deprived of property by the State

other than in accordance with a written law referred to in subsection (2), and no law may permit arbitrary acquisition or expropriation of any interest in any property.

(2) A written law may authorise compulsory acquisition of property—

(a) when necessary for a public purpose; and

(b) on the basis that the owner will be promptly paid the agreed compensation for the property, or failing agreement, just and equitable compensation as determined by a court or tribunal, after considering all relevant factors, including—

(i) the public purpose for which the property is being acquired;

(ii) the history of its acquisition by the owner;

(iii) the market value of the property;

(iv) the interests of any person affected by the acquisition; and

(v) any hardship to the owner.


(3) Nothing contained in, or done under the authority of, a law is inconsistent with this section to the extent that the law makes provision for the acquisition of property by way of—

(a) taxation;

(b) sequestration of bankrupt estates;

(c) confiscation of the proceeds of crime;

(d) penalty for breach of the law;

(e) satisfaction of a mortgage, charge or lien; or

(f) execution of a judgment of a court or tribunal.

Rights of ownership and protection of iTaukei, Rotuman and Banaban lands 28.—(1) The ownership of all iTaukei land shall remain with the customary owners

of that land and iTaukei land shall not be permanently alienated, whether by sale, grant, transfer or exchange, except to the State in accordance with section 27.

(2) Any iTaukei land acquired by the State for a public purpose after the commencement of this Constitution under section 27 or under any written law shall revert to the customary owners if the land is no longer required by the State.

(3) The ownership of all Rotuman land shall remain with the customary owners of that land and Rotuman land shall not be permanently alienated, whether by sale, grant, transfer or exchange, except to the State in accordance with section 27.

(4) Any Rotuman land acquired by the State for a public purpose after the commencement of this Constitution under section 27 or under any written law shall revert to the customary owners if the land is no longer required by the State.

(5) The ownership of all Banaban land shall remain with the customary owners of that land and Banaban land shall not be permanently alienated, whether by sale, grant, transfer or exchange, except to the State in accordance with section 27.

(6) Any Banaban land acquired by the State for a public purpose after the commencement of this Constitution under section 27 or under any written law shall revert to the customary owners if the land is no longer required by the State.

Protection of ownership and interests in land 29.—(1) All ownership of land, and all rights and interests in land leases and land

tenancies that existed immediately before the commencement of this Constitution shall continue to exist under this Constitution.

(2) No law shall be made to diminish or adversely affect the rights and interests in land leases and land tenancies, whether existing immediately before the commencement of this Constitution or made or issued after the commencement of this Constitution.


(3) All land lessees and land tenants have the right not to have their land leases or land tenancies terminated other than in accordance with their land leases or land tenancies.

(4) Parliament and Cabinet, through legislative and other measures, must ensure that all land leases and land tenancies provide a fair and equitable return to the landowners whilst protecting the rights of land lessees and land tenants, including security and protection of tenure of land leases and land tenancies and terms and conditions of land leases and land tenancies which must be just, fair and reasonable.

(5) All land that existed as freehold land immediately before the commencement of this Constitution shall remain as freehold land even if it is sold or purchased, unless it is sold to the State or is acquired by the State for a public purpose under section 27.

(6) For the purposes of this section—

“land leases” or “land tenancies” includes sub-leases, sub-tenancies and tenancies-at-will, but shall not include leases, agreements or tenancies for any building, structure or dwelling, whether used for residential, commercial, industrial or for tourism purposes, and shall not include any leases, agreements or tenancies for any fixture, equipment, plant or fittings on any land; and

“land lessees” or “land tenants” includes sub-lessees, sub-tenants or tenants- at-will of land leases or land tenancies.

Right of landowners to fair share of royalties for extraction of minerals 30.—(1) All minerals in or under any land or water, are owned by the State, provided

however, that the owners of any particular land (whether customary or freehold), or of any particular registered customary fishing rights shall be entitled to receive a fair share of royalties or other money paid to the State in respect of the grant by the State of rights to extract minerals from that land or the seabed in the area of those fishing rights.

(2) A written law may determine the framework for calculating fair shares under subsection (1), taking into account all relevant factors, including the following—

(a) any benefit that the owners received or may receive as a result of mineral exploration or exploitation;

(b) the risk of environmental damage;

(c) any legal obligation of the State to contribute to a fund to meet the cost of preventing, repairing or compensating for any environmental damage;

(d) the cost to the State of administering exploration or exploitation rights; and

(e) the appropriate contribution to the general revenue of the State to be made by any person granted exploration or exploitation rights.


Right to education 31.—(1) Every person has the right to—

(a) early childhood education;

(b) primary and secondary education; and

(c) further education.

(2) The Statemust take reasonablemeasures within its available resources to achieve the progressive realisation of the right—

(a) to free early childhood, primary, secondary and further education; and

(b) to education for persons who were unable to complete their primary and secondary education.

(3) Conversational and contemporary iTaukei and Fiji Hindi languages shall be taught as compulsory subjects in all primary schools.

(4) The State may direct any educational institution to teach subjects pertaining to health, civic education and issues of national interest, and any educational institution must comply with any such directions made by the State.

(5) In applying any right under this section, if the State claims that it does not have the resources to implement the right, it is the responsibility of the State to show that the resources are not available.

Right to economic participation 32.—(1) Every person has the right to full and free participation in the economic

life of the State, which includes the right to choose their own work, trade, occupation, profession or other means of livelihood.

(2) The State must take reasonable measures within its available resources to achieve the progressive realisation of the rights recognised in subsection (1).

(3) To the extent that it is necessary, a law may limit, or may authorise the limitation of, the rights set out in subsection (1).

Right to work and a just minimum wage 33.—(1) The State must take reasonable measures within its available resources

to achieve the progressive realisation of the right of every person to work and to a just minimum wage.

(2) In applying any right under this section, if the State claims that it does not have the resources to implement the right, it is the responsibility of the State to show that the resources are not available.


Right to reasonable access to transportation 34.—(1) The State must take reasonable measures within its available resources to

achieve the progressive realisation of the right of every person to have reasonable access to transportation.

(2) In applying any right under this section, if the State claims that it does not have the resources to implement the right, it is the responsibility of the State to show that the resources are not available.

Right to housing and sanitation 35.—(1) The State must take reasonable measures within its available resources to

achieve the progressive realisation of the right of every person to accessible and adequate housing and sanitation.

(2) In applying any right under this section, if the State claims that it does not have the resources to implement the right, it is the responsibility of the State to show that the resources are not available.

Right to adequate food and water 36.—(1) The State must take reasonable measures within its available resources to

achieve the progressive realisation of the right of every person to be free from hunger, to have adequate food of acceptable quality and to clean and safe water in adequate quantities.

(2) In applying any right under this section, if the State claims that it does not have the resources to implement the right, it is the responsibility of the State to show that the resources are not available.

Right to social security schemes 37.—(1) The State must take reasonable measures within its available resources

to achieve the progressive realisation of the right of every person to social security schemes, whether private or public, for their support in times of need, including the right to such support from public resources if they are unable to support themselves and their dependents.

(2) In applying any right under this section, if the State claims that it does not have the resources to implement the right, it is the responsibility of the State to show that the resources are not available.

Right to health 38.—(1) The State must take reasonable measures within its available resources

to achieve the progressive realisation of the right of every person to health, and to the conditions and facilities necessary to good health, and to health care services, including reproductive health care.

(2) A person must not be denied emergency medical treatment.


(3) In applying any right under this section, if the State claims that it does not have the resources to implement the right, it is the responsibility of the State to show that the resources are not available.

Freedom from arbitrary evictions 39.—(1) Every person has the right to freedom from arbitrary evictions from his or

her home or to have his or her home demolished, without an order of a court made after considering all the relevant circumstances.

(2) No law may permit arbitrary evictions.

Environmental rights 40.—(1) Every person has the right to a clean and healthy environment, which

includes the right to have the natural world protected for the benefit of present and future generations through legislative and other measures.

(2) To the extent that it is necessary, a law or an administrative action taken under a law may limit, or may authorise the limitation of, the rights set out in this section.

Rights of children 41.—(1) Every child has the right—

(a) to be registered at or soon after birth, and to have a name and nationality;

(b) to basic nutrition, clothing, shelter, sanitation and health care;

(c) to family care, protection and guidance, which includes the equal responsibility of the child’s parents to provide for the child—

(i) whether or not the parents are, or have ever been, married to each other; and

(ii) whether or not the parents are living together, have lived together, or are separated;

(d) to be protected from abuse, neglect, harmful cultural practices, any form of violence, inhumane treatment and punishment, and hazardous or exploitative labour; and

(e) not to be detained, except as a measure of last resort, and when detained, to be held—

(i) only for such period of time as is necessary; and

(ii) separate from adults, and in conditions that take account of the child’s sex and age.

(2) The best interests of a child are the primary consideration in every matter concerning the child.


Rights of persons with disabilities 42.—(1) A person with any disability has the right—

(a) to reasonable access to all places, public transport and information;

(b) to use sign language, Braille or other appropriate means of communication; and

(c) to reasonable access to necessary materials, substances and devices relating to the person’s disability.

(2) A person with any disability has the right to reasonable adaptation of buildings, infrastructure, vehicles, working arrangements, rules, practices or procedures, to enable their full participation in society and the effective realisation of their rights.

(3) To the extent that it is necessary, a law or an administrative action taken under a law may limit, or may authorise the limitation of, the rights set out in this section.

Limitation of rights under states of emergency 43.—(1) Any law enacted or promulgated in consequence of a declaration of a state

of emergency under this Constitution—

(a) may limit a right or freedom set out in this Chapter (with the exception of the rights and freedoms set out in sections 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 22 and 26) only to the extent that—

(i) the limitation is strictly necessary and required by the emergency; and

(ii) the law is consistent with Fiji’s obligations under international law applicable to a state of emergency; and

(b) takes effect only when it has been published in the Gazette.

(2) A person detained under a law contemplated in subsection (1) retains all the rights recognised in this Chapter, subject only to the limitations referred to in subsection (1).

Enforcement 44.—(1) If a person considers that any of the provisions of this Chapter has been

or is likely to be contravened in relation to him or her (or, in the case of a person who is detained, if another person considers that there has been, or is likely to be, a contravention in relation to the detained person), then that person (or the other person) may apply to the High Court for redress.

(2) The right to make application to the High Court under subsection (1) is without prejudice to any other action with respect to the matter that the person concerned may have.


(3) The High Court has original jurisdiction—

(a) to hear and determine applications under subsection (1); and

(b) to determine questions that are referred to it under subsection (5),

and may make such orders and give such directions as it considers appropriate.

(4) The High Court may exercise its discretion not to grant relief in relation to an application or referral made under this section if it considers that an adequate alternative remedy is available to the person concerned.

(5) If in any proceedings in a subordinate court any question arises as to the contravention of any of the provisions of this Chapter, the member presiding in the proceedings may, and must if a party to the proceedings so requests, refer the question to the High Court unless, in the member’s opinion (which is final and not subject to appeal), the raising of the question is frivolous or vexatious.

(6) When the High Court gives its decision on a question referred to it under this section, the court in which the question arose must dispose of the case in accordance with—

(a) the decision; or

(b) if the decision is the subject of appeal to the Court of Appeal or to the Supreme Court –– the decision of the Court of Appeal or the Supreme Court, as the case may be.

(7) The Attorney-General may, on behalf of the State, intervene in proceedings before the High Court that relate to a matter concerning a provision in this Chapter.

(8) If the proceedings before the High Court relate to a matter concerning a provision of this Chapter, the High Court must not proceed to hear and determine the matter until it is satisfied that notice of the matter has been given to theAttorney-General and a reasonable time has elapsed since the giving of the notice for consideration by the Attorney-General of the question of intervention in the proceedings.

(9) A notice under subsection (8) is not required to be given to the Attorney-General if the Attorney-General or the State is a party to the proceedings.

(10) The Chief Justice may make rules for the purposes of this section with respect to the practice and procedure of the High Court (including rules with respect to the time within which applications are to be made to the High Court).

Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission 45.—(1) The Human Rights Commission established under the Human Rights

Commission Decree 2009 continues in existence as the Human Rights and Anti- Discrimination Commission.


(2) The Commission consists of—

(a) a chairperson, who must be a person who is or is qualified to be appointed as a judge; and

(b) 4 other members,

appointed by the President on the advice of the Constitutional Offices Commission.

(3) In advising the President as to the person to be appointed as chairperson or other members of the Commission, the Constitutional Offices Commission must have regard not only to their personal attributes but also to their knowledge or experience of the various aspects of matters likely to come before the Commission.

(4) Subject to this Constitution, the Commission is responsible for—

(a) promoting the protection and observance of, and respect for, human rights in public and private institutions, and to develop a culture of human rights in Fiji;

(b) education about the rights and freedoms recognised in this Chapter, as well as other internationally recognised rights and freedoms;

(c) monitoring, investigating and reporting on the observance of human rights in all spheres of life;

(d) making recommendations to Government concerning matters affecting the rights and freedoms recognised in this Chapter, including recommendations concerning existing or proposed laws;

(e) receiving and investigating complaints about alleged abuses of human rights and take steps to secure appropriate redress if human rights have been violated, including making applications to court for redress or for other forms of relief or remedies;

(f) investigating or researching, on its own initiative or on the basis of a complaint,anymatter inrespectofhumanrights,andmakerecommendations to improve the functioning of public or private entities;

(g) monitoring compliance by the State with obligations under treaties and conventions relating to human rights; and

(h) performing any other functions or exercising any powers as are conferred on the Commission by a written law.

(5) Subject to this Constitution, any person has the right to lodge a complaint with the Commission, alleging that a right or freedom in this Chapter has been denied, violated or infringed, or is threatened.


(6) Subject to this Constitution, the Commission has other powers, duties and functions, as set out in the Human Rights Commission Decree 2009 or in any other written law.

(7) In the performance of its functions or the exercise of its authority and powers, the Commission shall be independent and shall not be subject to the direction or control of any person or authority, except by a court of law or as otherwise prescribed by written law.

(8) The Commission shall have the authority to appoint, remove and discipline all staff (including administrative staff) in the Commission.

(9) The Commission has the authority to determine all matters pertaining to the employment of all staff in the Commission, including—

(a) the terms and conditions of employment;

(b) the qualification requirements for appointment and the process to be followed for appointment, which must be an open, transparent and competitive selection process based on merit;

(c) the salaries, benefits and allowances payable, in accordance with its budget as approved by Parliament; and

(d) the total establishment or the total number of staff that are required to be appointed, in accordance with the budget as approved by Parliament.

(10) The salaries, benefits and allowances payable to any person employed by the Commission are a charge on the Consolidated Fund.

(11) Parliament shall ensure that adequate funding and resources are made available to the Commission, to enable it to independently and effectively exercise its powers and perform its functions and duties.

(12) TheCommission shall have control of its own budget and finances, as approved by Parliament.




Legislative authority and power of Parliament 46.—(1) The authority and power to make laws for the State is vested in Parliament

consisting of the members of Parliament and the President, and is exercised through the enactment of Bills passed by Parliament and assented to by the President.

(2) No person or body other than Parliament has authority to make any law in Fiji, except under authority conferred by this Constitution or by a written law.

Exercise of legislative powers 47.—(1) Any member of Parliament may introduce a Bill in Parliament, but only

the Minister responsible for finance, or another Minister authorised by Cabinet, may introduce a Money Bill, as described in subsection (4).

(2) Parliament may proceed to consider any Bill in accordance with its standing orders, which must provide—

(a) a structured process for the introduction, deliberation, amendment and enactment of Bills; and

(b) sufficient time to elapse between the steps in the process for members and committees to give due consideration to each Bill.

(3) A Bill may proceed more quickly than permitted by the standing orders if—

(a) when the Bill was introduced, the mover requested that Parliament approve consideration of the Bill without delay; and

(b) a majority of the members of Parliament voted in support of that request.

(4) In this section, a Money Bill is any Bill that—

(a) imposes, increases, alters, remits, grants exemptions from, reduces or abolishes taxes;

(b) imposes charges on a public fund or varies or repeals any of those charges;

(c) appropriates public money or otherwise relates to public moneys;

(d) raises or guarantees any loan, or its repayment;

(e) deals with the receipt, custody, investment, issue or audit of money; or

(f) deals with anything incidental to those matters.


Presidential assent 48.—(1) When a Bill has been passed by Parliament, the Speaker must present it to

the President for assent.

(2) Within 7 days after receipt of a Bill, the President must provide his or her assent.

(3) If the President does not assent to a Bill within the period set out in subsection (2), the Bill will be taken to have been assented to on the expiry of that period.

Coming into force of laws 49.—(1) Within 7 days after a Bill has been assented to, the Attorney-General must

publish the Bill in the Gazette as an Act of Parliament.

(2) An Act of Parliament comes into force—

(a) on a date determined by or in accordance with the Act; or

(b) on the 7th day after its publication in the Gazette, if the Act does not determine a date or does not provide for a date to be determined.

Regulations and similar laws 50.—(1) No person may make regulations or issue any other instrument having the

force of law, except as expressly authorised by this Constitution or a written law.

(2) A person making any regulations or issuing any instrument having the force of law must, so far as practicable, provide reasonable opportunity for public participation in the development and review of the law before it is made.

Parliamentary authority over international treaties and conventions 51. An international treaty or convention binds the State only after it has been

approved by Parliament.


Members of Parliament 52. The members of Parliament shall be chosen by secret ballot in free and fair

elections administered by the Electoral Commission, in accordance with this Constitution and any written law governing elections.

Proportional representation system 53.—(1) The election of members of Parliament is by a multi-member open list

system of proportional representation, under which each voter has one vote, with each vote being of equal value, in a single national electoral roll comprising all the registered voters.


(2) Subject to subsections (3) and (4), in each general election of members of Parliament, the seats in Parliament must be awarded to candidates in proportion to—

(a) the total number of votes cast for each political party contesting the general election, which shall be determined by totalling the number of votes cast for each candidate of that political party; and

(b) the total number of votes cast for each independent candidate, if any, provided however that an independent candidate shall only be eligible to be awarded one seat in Parliament.

(3) A political party or an independent candidate shall not qualify for any seat in Parliament unless the political party or the independent candidate receives at least 5% of the total number of votes cast.

(4) A written law shall make provisions relating to the election of members of Parliament, including prescribing rules for awarding seats in Parliament under subsection (2), that accord with an internationally accepted method for awarding seats to candidates within an open list system of proportional representation.

Composition of Parliament 54.—(1) For the first general election of members of Parliament held under this

Constitution, Parliament shall consist of 50 members, elected in accordance with this Constitution.

(2) For each general election of members of Parliament after the first general election held under this Constitution, the Electoral Commission shall, at least one year before any such general election, review the composition of Parliament and may, if necessary, increase or decrease the total number of members of Parliament to ensure that, as far as practicable, at the date of any such review, the ratio of the number of members of Parliament to the population of Fiji is the same as the ratio of the number of members of Parliament to the population of Fiji at the date of the first general election held under this Constitution.

(3) In conducting a review under subsection (2), the Electoral Commission shall have regard to the population of Fiji as ascertained from the most recent census, the Register of Voters or any other official information available.

(4) If the Electoral Commission makes a determination to alter the composition of Parliament in exercise of its powers under subsection (2), then the composition of Parliament shall, for the purpose of the general election of members of Parliament to be held after the date of the determination, be deemed to be amended to such number of members as determined by the Electoral Commission.

(5) A written law may make further provisions to give effect to the review under subsection (2).


Voter qualification and registration 55.—(1) Every citizen who is or will be the age of 18 years and over on or before

the date of the issue of the writ for the next election of members to Parliament, has the right to be registered as a voter, in the manner and form prescribed by a written law governing elections or registration of voters.

(2) A person who—

(a) is serving a sentence of imprisonment of 12 months or longer imposed by a court in Fiji or by a court of another country;

(b) is under a law in force in Fiji, adjudged or declared to be of unsound mind; or

(c) is serving a period of disqualification from registration as a voter under a law relating to electoral offences,

does not have the right to be registered as a voter.

(3) A person who is registered as a voter and who, after his or her registration as a voter—

(a) is serving a sentence of imprisonment of 12 months or longer imposed by a court in Fiji or by a court of another country;

(b) is under a law in force in Fiji, adjudged or declared to be of unsound mind; or

(c) is serving a period of disqualification from registration as a voter under a law relating to electoral offences,

ceases to be a registered voter.

(4) Every person who is registered as a voter has the right to vote in the election of members of Parliament.

(5) The Electoral Commission must maintain a single, national common Register of Voters.

(6) Every citizen who is registered as a voter and who is—

(a) resident in Fiji on the day of the elections is entitled to vote in that election; or

(b) not a resident of Fiji or is not present in Fiji on the day of the elections, but is the holder of a valid Fijian passport, is entitled to vote to the extent provided in any written law governing elections.


Candidates for election to Parliament 56.—(1) A candidate for election to Parliament must be either nominated by a

registered political party or nominated as an independent candidate in accordance with the laws governing elections.

(2) A person may be a candidate for election to Parliament only if the person—

(a) is a citizen of Fiji, and does not hold citizenship of any other country;

(b) is registered on the Register of Voters;

(c) is ordinarily resident in Fiji for at least 2 years immediately before being nominated;

(d) is not an undischarged bankrupt;

(e) is not a member of the Electoral Commission, and has not been a member of that Commission at any time during the 4 years immediately before being nominated;

(f) is not subject to a sentence of imprisonment when nominated;

(g) has not, at any time during the 8 years immediately before being nominated, been convicted of any offence under any law for which the maximum penalty is a term of imprisonment of 12 months or more; and

(h) has not been found guilty of any offence under a law relating to elections, registration of political parties or registration of voters.

(3) The total number of candidates which a political party may nominate for any general election must not be more than the total number of seats in Parliament, and the total number of candidates which a political party may nominate for any by-election must not be more than the total number of vacant seats in Parliament for which the by- election is being held.

(4) A written law may make provision relating to the nomination of candidates for election to Parliament.

(5) Every candidate, and every political party nominating a candidate, must comply with any written law governing elections.

Candidates who are public officers 57.—(1) Aperson who holds a public office is deemed to have vacated that office at

the time at which his or her signed nomination as a candidate for election to Parliament is delivered to the relevant returning officer or to the person who under the laws governing elections is authorised to receive nominations of candidates.

(2) A person who has held office as a member of the Electoral Commission or as the Supervisor of Elections is ineligible to be nominated as a candidate for election to Parliament for 4 years after ceasing to hold that office.


(3) For the purposes of this section, “public office” means—

(a) any office in, or as a member of, a statutory authority, a commission, or a board established by or continued in existence by this Constitution or any written law;

(b) an office in respect of which this Constitution makes provision;

(c) an office established by written law;

(d) an office of a judicial officer or an office of any court or tribunal established by this Constitution or any written law;

(e) any office in a State service, including public service and the disciplined force;

(f) any office in a trade union registered under the Employment Relations Promulgation 2007 or any other written law (whether elected or appointed to that office, and including any position or arrangement under which a person receives remuneration, salary, allowances or fees from a trade union);

(g) any office in any federation, congress, council or affiliation of trade unions (whether elected or appointed to that office, and including any position or arrangement under which a person receives remuneration, salary, allowances or fees from any federation, congress, council or affiliation of trade unions); or

(h) any office in any federation, congress, council or affiliation of employers (whether elected or appointed to that office, and including any position or arrangement under which a person receives remuneration, salary, allowances or fees from any federation, congress, council or affiliation of employers).

(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in subsection (3), for the purposes of this section, “public office” does not include the office of the Prime Minister, the office of a Minister, the office of the Deputy Speaker, the office of the Leader of the Opposition or an office held by a Minister by virtue of his or her appointment as a Minister.

Term of Parliament 58.—(1) Subject to this section, Parliament, unless sooner dissolved in accordance

with this Constitution, continues for 4 years from the date of its first meeting after a general election of the members of Parliament.

(2) The President may, acting on the advice of the Prime Minister, from time to time in the like manner prorogue Parliament by proclamation.


(3) The President may, acting on the advice of the Prime Minister, dissolve Parliament by proclamation, but only after a lapse of 3 years and 6 months from the date of its first meeting after a general election of the members of Parliament.

Writ for election 59.—(1) The writ for the election of members of Parliament shall be issued by the

President on the advice of the Prime Minister.

(2) The writ for a general election must be issued within 7 days from the expiry of Parliament or from the proclamation of its dissolution by the President.

(3) The writ for a by-election must be issued within 7 days from the date when a seat or seats in Parliament become vacant, or within 7 days from the date of determination by the Court of Disputed Returns if an application is made to it under section 63(5) or section 66.

Date of nomination 60. The last day for the receipt of a nomination of a candidate for election to

Parliament is 14 days after the date of the issue of the writ. Date of polling

61. Polling commences no later than 30 days after the last day for the receipt of nominations.

Early dissolution of Parliament 62.—(1) Notwithstanding section 58(3), the President must declare Parliament

dissolved early if Parliament has adopted a resolution to dissolve early, supported by at least two-thirds of the members of Parliament.

(2) A resolution for early dissolution of Parliament under subsection (1) may be moved—

(a) only on the grounds that theGovernment lacks the confidence of Parliament;

(b) only by the Leader of the Opposition; and

(c) only if Parliament has first rejected a motion of no confidence in the Prime Minister under section 94.

(3) No motion for early dissolution may be moved within—

(a) 18 months immediately after the beginning of Parliament’s term; or

(b) 6 months immediately before the end of Parliament’s ordinary 4 year term.

Vacation of seat of member of Parliament 63.—(1) The seat of a member of Parliament becomes vacant if the member—

(a) dies, or resigns by giving to the Speaker a signed resignation;

(b) with the member’s consent, becomes the holder of a public office (as defined in section 57);


(c) ceases to have the right to be a registered voter in an election to Parliament;

(d) ceases to have the right to be nominated as a candidate for election to Parliament under section 56;

(e) is an undischarged bankrupt;

(f) is absent from 2 consecutive meetings of Parliament without having obtained the permission of the Speaker;

(g) resigns from the political party for which he or she was a candidate at the time he or she was elected to Parliament;

(h) votes or abstains from voting in Parliament contrary to any direction issued by the political party for which he or she was a candidate at the time he or she was elected to Parliament, without obtaining the prior permission of the political party; or

(i) is expelled from the political party for which he or she was a candidate at the time he or she was elected to Parliament and—

(i) the expulsion was in accordance with the rules of the political party relating to party discipline; and

(ii) the expulsion did not relate to any action taken by the member in his or her capacity as a member of a committee of Parliament.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1)(g), the seat of the member of Parliament becomes vacant only upon receipt by the Speaker of a written notification signed by the leader and the secretary of the political party notifying the Speaker that the member has resigned from the political party.

(3) For the purposes of subsection (1)(h), the seat of the member of Parliament becomes vacant only upon receipt by the Speaker of a written notification signed by the leader and the secretary of the political party notifying the Speaker that the member has voted or abstained from voting in Parliament contrary to any direction issued by the political party, without obtaining the prior permission of the political party.

(4) For the purposes of subsection (1)(i), the seat of the member of Parliament becomes vacant only upon receipt by the Speaker of a written notification signed by the leader and the secretary of the political party notifying the Speaker that the member has been expelled from the political party.

(5) If a member of Parliament whose seat becomes vacant under subsection (1) seeks to question or challenge the validity of his or her seat in Parliament becoming vacant, the member must, within 7 days of the member’s seat becoming vacant, by way of a proceeding, make an application to the Court of Disputed Returns for a declaration on whether the seat of the member has become vacant.


(6) Any application made to the Court of Disputed Returns under this section must be determined by the Court of Disputed Returns within 21 days of the date when the application is made to it.

(7) Adetermination by the Court of Disputed Returns under this section is final and not subject to any appeal.

(8) If the member of Parliament whose seat becomes vacant under subsection (1) makes an application to the Court of Disputed Returns under subsection (5), the member is taken to be suspended from Parliament pending the determination by the Court of Disputed Returns.

Next candidate to fill vacancy 64.—(1) Subject to subsection (3), if the seat held by a member of Parliament

who is a member of a political party becomes vacant, then the Electoral Commission must award that seat to the candidate of the same party who, in the most recent general election, is the highest ranked out of those candidates of that party who did not get elected to Parliament and who is still available to serve at the time of the vacancy (as may be determined by a written law governing elections), provided however that if no candidate in the most recent general election from that same political party is available, then a by-election must be held to fill the vacancy.

(2) Subject to subsection (3), if the seat held by a member of Parliament who is an independent member becomes vacant during the term of Parliament, then a by-election must be held to fill the vacancy.

(3) If the seat held by a member of Parliament becomes vacant more than 3 years and 6 months after the first meeting of Parliament following the most recent general election, then the seat so vacated shall remain vacant until the next general election.

Vacancies in membership 65. Parliament may act despite a vacancy in its membership, and the presence at,

or the participation in, its proceedings of a person not entitled to be a member does not invalidate the proceedings.

Court of Disputed Returns 66.—(1) The High Court is the Court of Disputed Returns and has original

jurisdiction to hear and determine—

(a) by way of a petition, a question whether a person has been validly elected as a member of Parliament; and

(b) by way of a proceeding, an application for a declaration on whether the seat of a member of Parliament has become vacant.

(2) The validity of an election of a person as a member of Parliament may only be disputed by petition addressed to the Court of Disputed Returns and not otherwise.


(3) The petition under subsection (1)(a)

(a) may only be brought by—

(i) a person who had the right to vote in the election concerned;

(ii) a person who was a candidate in the election concerned; or

(iii) the Attorney-General; and

(b) except if corrupt practice is alleged, must be brought within 21 days of the declarations of the poll.

(4) If the petitioner in a petition under subsection (1)(a) is not the Attorney-General, the Attorney-General may intervene in the petition.

(5) Proceedings pursuant to subsection (1)(b) may only be brought by—

(a) a member of Parliament;

(b) a registered voter; or

(c) the Attorney-General.

(6) If the proceedings under subsection (1)(b) are not brought by the Attorney- General, the Attorney-General may intervene in the proceedings.

(7) Notwithstanding anything contained in subsection (5), proceedings under subsection (1)(b) cannot be brought under this section by the member of Parliament whose seat is the subject of the proceeding, and any proceeding by any suchmember which seeks to question or challenge the validity of his or her seat in Parliament becoming vacant must only be brought under section 63.

(8) The Court of Disputed Returns must make a determination on any petition or proceeding within 21 days of the date when the petition or proceeding is brought before it.

(9) Adetermination by the Court of Disputed Returns under this section is final and not subject to any appeal.

Sessions of Parliament 67.—(1) After a general election of members of Parliament, the Parliament shall be

summoned to meet by the President no later than 14 days after the announcement of the results of the general election.

(2) At the first meeting, the agenda of business shall include—

(a) swearing-in of members, presided over by the Secretary-General to Parliament;

(b) the election of the Speaker in accordance with section 77, presided over by the Secretary-General to Parliament;


(c) swearing-in of the Speaker, presided over by the Secretary-General to Parliament;

(d) the election and swearing-in of the Deputy Speaker, presided over by the Speaker;

(e) in the event that the Prime Minister has not assumed office under section 93(2), the appointment of the Prime Minister by the members of Parliament in accordance with section 93(3); and

(f) the election of the Leader of the Opposition, presided over by the Speaker, and conducted in accordance with section 78.

(3) Other sessions of Parliament commence on a date appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister but no longer than 6 months must elapse between the end of one session and the start of another.

(4) If—

(a) Parliament is not in session; and

(b) the President receives a request in writing from not less than one-third of the members of Parliament requesting that Parliament be summoned to meet to consider without delay a matter of public importance,

the President shall summon Parliament to meet.

(5) If—

(a) Parliament is in session but more than 2 months have elapsed between the sitting of Parliament; and

(b) the Speaker receives a request in writing from the Prime Minister or from not less than one-third of the members of Parliament requesting that a sitting be held to consider without delay a matter of public importance,

the Speaker must call a sitting of Parliament within one week of the date on which the request was made.

(6) Subject to this section, the sittings of Parliament are held at such times and places as Parliament determines in accordance with its rules and orders.

Quorum 68.—(1) A sitting of Parliament may not begin, or continue, unless at least one-

third of the members of Parliament are present.

(2) A vote on a Bill may not be held in Parliament unless a majority of the members of Parliament are present.

(3) The Speaker must adjourn a sitting if a quorum is not present.


Voting 69.—(1) Except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, any question proposed

for decision in Parliament must be determined by a majority vote of the members present and voting.

(2) On a question proposed for decision in Parliament—

(a) the person presiding does not have a casting vote; and

(b) in the case of an equality of votes, the question is deemed to be lost.

(3) The person presiding must not be counted when considering the number of members for the purpose of voting, or determining if a quorum is present.

Committees 70. Parliament must, under its rules and orders, establish committees with the

functions of scrutinising Government administration and examining Bills and subordinate legislation and such other functions as are specified from time to time in the rules and orders of Parliament.

Standing orders 71.—(1) Parliament may make standing orders and rules for the order and conduct

of business and proceedings in Parliament and its committees and for the way in which its powers, privileges and immunities may be exercised and upheld.

(2) Before the first sitting of the first Parliament elected under this Constitution, the Prime Minister shall, in consultation with the Attorney-General, prepare, and publish in the Gazette, the standing orders of Parliament, for adoption by Parliament at its first sitting.

Petitions, public access and participation 72.—(1) Parliament must—

(a) conduct its business in an open manner, and hold its sittings and those of its committees, in public; and

(b) facilitate public participation in the legislative and other processes of Parliament and its committees.

(2) Parliament and its committees may not exclude the public, including any media, from any sitting unless, in exceptional circumstances, the Speaker has ordered the exclusion of the public on grounds that are reasonable and justifiable.

Powers, privileges, immunities and discipline 73.—(1) Every member of Parliament, and anyone else speaking in Parliament,


(a) freedom of speech and debate in Parliament or its committees, subject to the standing orders; and


(b) parliamentary privilege and immunity in respect of anything said in Parliament or its committees.

(2) Parliament may prescribe the powers, privileges and immunities of members of Parliament and may make rules and orders for the discipline of members of Parliament.

Power to call for evidence 74.—(1) Parliament, and each of its committees, has the power to summon any

person to appear before it for the purpose of giving evidence or providing information.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), Parliament and each of its committees has the same powers as the High Court to—

(a) enforce the attendance of witnesses and examine them on oath, affirmation or otherwise; and

(b) compel the production of documents or other materials or information as required for its proceedings.


Electoral Commission 75.—(1) The Electoral Commission established under the State Services Decree

2009 continues in existence.

(2) The Commission has the responsibility for the registration of voters and the conduct of free and fair elections in accordance with the written law governing elections and any other relevant law, and in particular for—

(a) the registration of citizens as voters, and the regular revision of the Register of Voters;

(b) voter education;

(c) the registration of candidates for election;

(d) the settlement of electoral disputes, including disputes relating to or arising from nominations, but excluding election petitions and disputes subsequent to the declaration of election results; and

(e) monitoring and enforcing compliance with any written law governing elections and political parties.

(3) The Commission has such other functions as are conferred on it by this Constitution or a written law.

(4) The Commission must make an annual report to the President concerning the operations of the Commission and must submit a copy of its annual report to Parliament.


(5) The Commission may at other times make such reports to the President and Parliament as it thinks fit.

(6) The Commission consists of a chairperson who is or is qualified to be a Judge, and 6 other members.

(7) The chairperson and the members of the Commission shall be appointed by the President, on the advice of the Constitutional Offices Commission.

(8) A person is not qualified for appointment as a member if he or she is—

(a) a member of Parliament;

(b) the holder of a public office (other than an office of Judge);

(c) a member of a local authority; or

(d) a candidate for election to Parliament.

Supervisor of Elections 76.—(1) The office of the Supervisor of Elections established under the State

Services Decree 2009 continues in existence.

(2) The Supervisor of Elections, acting under the direction of the Electoral Commission,—

(a) administers the registration of voters for elections of members to Parliament;

(b) conducts—

(i) elections of members of Parliament; and

(ii) such other elections as Parliament prescribes; and

(c) may perform such other functions as are conferred by written law.

(3) The Supervisor of Elections must comply with any directions that the Electoral Commission gives him or her concerning the performance of his or her functions.

(4) The Supervisor of Elections is appointed by the President on the advice of the Constitutional Offices Commission following consultation by the Constitutional Offices Commission with the Electoral Commission.

Speaker and Deputy Speaker of Parliament 77.—(1) At its first sitting after a general election, and whenever required to fill a

vacancy, Parliament must elect, by simple majority vote—

(a) a Speaker, who is not a member of Parliament but who is qualified to be a candidate for election as a member of Parliament; and


(b) a Deputy Speaker from amongst the members of Parliament (excluding Ministers).

(2) The Speaker and the Deputy Speaker assumes office by taking the oath or affirmation of allegiance and office set out in the Schedule, as administered by the Secretary-General to Parliament.

(3) The Speaker shall preside over every sitting of Parliament.

(4) The Deputy Speaker must perform the duties of the Speaker if the Speaker is absent from duty or from Fiji or is, for any other reason, unable to perform those duties.

(5) If the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker is unable to perform the duties of the Speaker, the members of Parliament must elect one of their members to preside at meetings of Parliament.

(6) The Speaker, Deputy Speaker, or any other person presiding at any time, in the performance of the functions of the Speaker—

(a) is independent and subject only to this Constitution and any other law;

(b) serves to secure the honour and dignity of Parliament;

(c) is responsible for ensuring—

(i) the rights and privileges of all members; and

(ii) public access to the proceedings of Parliament and its committees;

(d) has authority to maintain order and decorum in Parliament, in accordance with its standing orders and parliamentary tradition; and

(e) must act impartially, and without fear, favour or prejudice.

(7) The office of the Speaker becomes vacant—

(a) on the day immediately before the first meeting of Parliament after a general election; or

(b) if, before that day, the Speaker—

(i) resigns by giving to the President a written notice of resignation;

(ii) becomes the holder of another public office;

(iii) ceases to have the right to be registered as a voter in an election to Parliament;

(iv) is absent from 2 consecutive meetings of Parliament; or

(v) is removed from office by a resolution supported by not less than two-thirds of the members of Parliament.


(8) The office of the Deputy Speaker becomes vacant if the Deputy Speaker—

(a) resigns by giving to the Speaker a written notice of resignation;

(b) vacates his or her seat as a member of Parliament;

(c) is appointed as a Minister; or

(d) is removed from office by a resolution supported by not less than two- thirds of the members of Parliament.

Leader of the Opposition 78.—(1) The members of Parliament who—

(a) do not belong to the Prime Minister’s political party and are members of the opposition party or a coalition of opposition parties;

(b) do not belong to any party which is in coalition with, or which supports, the Prime Minister’s political party; or

(c) are independent candidates who do not support the Prime Minister or the Prime Minister’s political party,

must elect a person from amongst themselves to be the Leader of the Opposition, in accordance with this section.

(2) At the first sitting of Parliament after a general election, the Speaker must call for nominations from those members of Parliament mentioned in subsection (1), and, if only one person is nominated and seconded, the Speaker shall declare that person elected as the Leader of the Opposition, but if more than one person is nominated and seconded, the Speaker must conduct a vote, as follows—

(a) if after the first vote, any nominee has the support of the majority of the members of Parliament mentioned in subsection (1), the Speaker shall declare that person elected as the Leader of the Opposition; and

(b) if no nominee in the first vote receives the support of the majority of the members of Parliament mentioned in subsection (1), a second vote must be held within 24 hours of the first vote and the nominee who has the support of the majority of the members of Parliament mentioned in subsection (1) in the second vote shall be declared by the Speaker as being elected as the Leader of the Opposition.

(3) If after the second vote held under subsection (2), no person receives the support of the majority of the members of Parliament mentioned in subsection (1), the position of the Leader of the Opposition shall remain vacant until such time the majority of the members of Parliament mentioned in subsection (1) write to the Speaker requesting him or her to call for fresh nominations for the election of the Leader of the Opposition in accordance with the procedure set out in subsection (2).


(4) If a majority of the members mentioned in subsection (1) consider that the person who is the Leader of the Opposition should no longer hold the position of the Leader of the Opposition, then they shall inform the Speaker of their decision and they may elect another member of Parliament mentioned in subsection (1), in accordance with the procedure set out in subsection (2).

(5) Upon the expiry or dissolution of Parliament, the Leader of the Opposition continues in office until the next appointment of a Prime Minister.

(6) If a Leader of the Opposition is unable to be elected in accordance with this section, then the provisions of this Constitution providing for any action by the Leader of the Opposition, including any advice, nomination or consultation of the Leader of the Opposition, are of no effect, and an appointment may be made or action may be taken under a provision of this Constitution without reference to the Leader of the Opposition.

Secretary-General to Parliament 79.—(1) This section establishes the office of the Secretary-General to Parliament.

(2) The Secretary-General to Parliament shall be appointed by the President on the advice of the Constitutional Offices Commission.

(3) The Secretary-General to Parliament has the same status as that of a permanent secretary and shall be responsible to the Speaker for the efficient, effective and economical management of Parliament.

(4) The Secretary-General to Parliament is the principal procedural advisor to the Speaker, and to all members of Parliament and committees of Parliament.

(5) The Secretary-General to Parliament is responsible for all the functions as may be conferred on him or her by the standing orders of Parliament.

(6) In the performance of the functions or the exercise of the authority and powers, the Secretary-General to Parliament shall be independent and shall not be subject to the direction or control of any person or authority, except the Speaker, a court of law or as otherwise prescribed by written law.

(7) The Secretary-General to Parliament shall have the authority to appoint, remove and discipline all staff (including administrative staff) in Parliament.

(8) The Secretary-General to Parliament has the authority to determine all matters pertaining to the employment of all staff in Parliament, including—

(a) the terms and conditions of employment;

(b) the qualification requirements for appointment and the process to be followed for appointment, which must be an open, transparent and competitive selection process based on merit;


(c) the salaries, benefits and allowances payable, in accordance with its budget as approved by Parliament; and

(d) the total establishment or the total number of staff that are required to be appointed, in accordance with the budget as approved by Parliament.

(9) The salaries, benefits and allowances payable to the Secretary-General to Parliament and any person employed in Parliament are a charge on the Consolidated Fund.

(10) Parliament shall ensure that adequate funding and resources are made available to the Secretary-General to Parliament, to enable him or her to independently and effectively exercise the powers and perform the functions and duties of the Secretary- General to Parliament.

Remunerations 80. The remuneration, including salaries and allowances and benefits, payable to,

the President, the Prime Minister, other Ministers, the Leader of the Opposition, the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of Parliament and a member of Parliament shall be prescribed by a written law, and must not be varied to their disadvantage, except as part of an overall austerity reduction similarly applicable to all officers of the State.




The President of Fiji 81.—(1) This section establishes the office of the President.

(2) The President is the Head of State, and the executive authority of the State is vested in the President.

(3) The President shall perform the ceremonial functions and responsibilities as the Commander-in-Chief of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces.

(4) The President shall open each annual session of Parliament with an address outlining the policies and programmes of the Government.

President acts on advice 82. In the exercise of his or her powers and executive authority, the President acts

only on the advice of Cabinet or a Minister or of some other body or authority prescribed by this Constitution for a particular purpose as the body or authority on whose advice the President acts in that case.

Qualification for appointment 83.—(1) A person shall not be qualified to be nominated for the office of the

President unless he or she—

(a) has had a distinguished career in any aspect of national or international life, whether in the public or private sector;

(b) holds only a Fijian citizenship;

(c) is not a member of, or holds any office in, any political party;

(d) is not a candidate for election to any other office in the State; and

(e) has not, at any time during the 6 years immediately before being nominated, been convicted of any offence under any law.

(2) A person holding a public office is not required to resign from that office before accepting nomination for President, but the appointment of the person as the President has the effect of terminating his or her service in that office.

(3) Nothing in this section prevents the President from holding a public office, by virtue of his or her appointment as the President, under any written law.


Appointment of President 84.—(1) The President shall be appointed by Parliament in accordance with this


(2) Whenever a vacancy arises in the office of the President, the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition shall nominate one name each to the Speaker who shall put both the names to the floor of Parliament for voting by the members of Parliament.

(3) The person who receives the support of the majority of the members of Parliament present shall be appointed as the President, and the Speaker shall publicly announce the name of the President.

(4) In the event that both persons nominated receive the same number of votes, the Speaker shall conduct the voting again after 24 hours, and voting shall continue until such time a person nominated as the President receives the support of the majority of the members of Parliament, provided however that if after 3 rounds of voting, no person receives the support of the majority of the members of Parliament, then the person nominated by the Prime Minister shall be announced by the Speaker as being appointed as the President by Parliament.

(5) If the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition nominate the same person, then no voting shall take place and the Speaker shall publicly announce that person as being appointed as the President by Parliament.

Term of office and remuneration 85.—(1) The President holds office for 3 years, and is eligible for re-appointment

for one further term of 3 years, but is not eligible for re-appointment after that.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), in determining whether a person is eligible for appointment or re-appointment, any period served before the commencement of this Constitution shall be taken into account.

(3) The President shall receive such remuneration, allowances and other benefits, as prescribed by a written law made under section 80.

Oath of office 86. Before taking office, the President must take before the Chief Justice the oath

or affirmation of allegiance and office as set out in the Schedule in a public ceremony.

Resignation 87. The President may resign from office by delivering a written notice of

resignation to the Prime Minister who shall table the notice in Parliament.

Chief Justice to perform functions in absence of President 88. If the President is absent from duty or from Fiji or is, for any other reason,

unable to perform the functions of the President or if the office of the President becomes vacant for any reason, then the functions of the office of the President shall be performed by the Chief Justice.


Removal from office 89.—(1) The President may be removed from office for inability to perform the

functions of office (whether arising from infirmity of body or mind or any other cause) or for misbehaviour, and may not otherwise be removed.

(2) Removal of the President from office must only be done pursuant to this section.

(3) If the Prime Minister considers that the question of removing the President from office ought to be investigated, then—

(a) the Prime Minister shall request the Chief Justice to establish—

(i) in the case of alleged misbehaviour—a tribunal, consisting of a chairperson and 2 other members each of whom is, or is eligible to be, a Judge; or

(ii) in the case of alleged inability to perform the functions of office—a medical board, consisting of a chairperson and 2 other members, each of whom is a qualified medical practitioner,

and the Prime Minister shall notify the President of the request;

(b) the Chief Justice, who must act on the request, shall establish the tribunal or medical board, as the case may be; and

(c) the tribunal or medical board shall enquire into the matter and furnish a written report, including its advice on whether the President should be removed from office, to the Chief Justice, who shall refer the report to the Prime Minister for tabling in Parliament.

(4) In deciding whether to remove the President from office, Parliament must act in accordance with the advice given by the tribunal or the medical board, as the case may be.

(5) The President is taken to be unable to perform the functions of his or her office during the period starting on the day on which the President receives notification under subsection (3)(a) and ending on the day a decision is made under subsection (4).

(6) The report of the tribunal or the recommendations of the medical board, as the case may be, made under subsection (3) shall be made public.



Responsible Government 90. Governments must have the confidence of Parliament.

Cabinet 91.—(1) Cabinet consists of the Prime Minister as chairperson, and such number

of Ministers as determined by the Prime Minister.

(2) Cabinet members are accountable individually and collectively to Parliament, for the exercise of their powers and the performance of their functions.

(3) A Minister must appear before Parliament, or a committee of Parliament, when required, and answer any question concerning a matter for which the Minister is responsible.

(4) Cabinet members must provide Parliament with full and regular reports concerning matters for which they are responsible.

(5) Cabinet may seek an opinion from the Supreme Court on any matter concerning the interpretation or application of this Constitution.

Office of the Prime Minister 92.—(1) The Prime Minister is the head of the Government.

(2) The PrimeMinister shall keep the President generally informed about the issues relating to the governance of Fiji.

(3) The Prime Minister—

(a) appoints Ministers with such titles, portfolios and responsibilities as the Prime Minister determines from time to time;

(b) dismisses Ministers; and

(c) by notice published in the Gazette, assigns to any Minister or to himself or herself responsibility for the conduct of a specified part of the business of the Government, including responsibility for the general direction and control over a branch or branches of the public service or over a disciplined force and responsibility for the implementation and administration of each Act, provided however that the responsibility for any part of the business of Government that is not specifically assigned shall remain with the Prime Minister.

(4) The Prime Minister shall appoint a Minister to act in the office of the Prime Minister during any period, or during all periods, when the Prime Minister is absent from duty or from Fiji or is, for any other reason, unable to perform the functions of office, and a notification of the appointment of the Acting Prime Minister must be published in the Gazette.


Appointment of Prime Minister 93.—(1) The Prime Minister must be a member of Parliament.

(2) After a general election, the member elected to Parliament who is the leader of one political party which has won more than 50% of the total number of seats in Parliament assumes office as the Prime Minister by taking before the President the oath or affirmation of allegiance and office (which the President must administer) as set out in the Schedule.

(3) After a general election, if no one political party has won more than 50% of the total number of seats in Parliament, then, at the first sitting of Parliament, the Speaker must call for nominations from members of Parliament and, if only one person is nominated and seconded, then that person assumes office as the Prime Minister by taking before the President the oath or affirmation of allegiance and office (which the President must administer) as set out in the Schedule; but if more than one person is nominated and seconded, the Speaker must conduct a vote, as follows—

(a) if after the first vote, a person who is nominated has the support of more than 50% of the members of Parliament, then that person assumes office as the Prime Minister by taking before the President the oath or affirmation of allegiance and office (which the President must administer) as set out in the Schedule;

(b) if after the first vote, no person who is nominated receives the support of more than 50% of the members of Parliament, a second vote must be held within 24 hours of the first vote and, if after the second vote, a person who is nominated has the support of more than 50% of the members of Parliament, then that person assumes office as the PrimeMinister by taking before the President the oath or affirmation of allegiance and office (which the President must administer) as set out in the Schedule;

(c) if after the second vote, no person who is nominated receives the support of more than 50% of the members of Parliament, a third vote must be held within 24 hours of the second vote and, if after the third vote, a person who is nominated has the support of more than 50% of the members of Parliament, then that person assumes office as the PrimeMinister by taking before the President the oath or affirmation of allegiance and office (which the President must administer) as set out in the Schedule; and

(d) if after the third vote, no person receives the support of more than 50% of the members of Parliament, the Speaker shall notify the President in writing of the inability of Parliament to appoint a Prime Minister, and the President shall, within 24 hours of the notification, dissolve Parliament and issue the writ for a general election to take place in accordance with this Constitution.


(4) A vacancy arises if the Prime Minister—

(a) resigns, by written notice to the President;

(b) ceases to be, or ceases to qualify to be, a member of Parliament; or

(c) dies.

(5) If a vacancy arises in the office of the Prime Minister under subsection (4), then the Speaker shall immediately convene Parliament and call for nominations from members of Parliament for the office of the Prime Minister and, if only one person is nominated and seconded, then that person assumes office as the Prime Minister by taking before the President the oath or affirmation of allegiance and office (which the President must administer) as set out in the Schedule, but if more than one person is nominated and seconded, the Speaker must conduct a vote, as follows—

(a) if after the first vote, a person who is nominated has the support of more than 50% of the members of Parliament, then that person assumes office as the Prime Minister by taking before the President the oath or affirmation of allegiance and office (which the President must administer) as set out in the Schedule;

(b) if after the first vote, no person who is nominated receives the support of more than 50% of the members of Parliament, a second vote must be held within 24 hours of the first vote and, if after the second vote, a person who is nominated has the support of more than 50% of the members of Parliament, then that person assumes office as the PrimeMinister by taking before the President the oath or affirmation of allegiance and office (which the President must administer) as set out in the Schedule;

(c) if after the second vote, no person who is nominated receives the support of more than 50% of the members of Parliament, a third vote must be held within 24 hours of the second vote and, if after the third vote, a person who is nominated has the support of more than 50% of the members of Parliament, then that person assumes office as the PrimeMinister by taking before the President the oath or affirmation of allegiance and office (which the President must administer) as set out in the Schedule; and

(d) if after the third vote, no person receives the support of more than 50% of the members of Parliament, the Speaker shall notify the President in writing of the inability of Parliament to appoint a Prime Minister, and the President shall, within 24 hours of the notification, dissolve Parliament and issue the writ for a general election to take place in accordance with this Constitution.

(6) The Prime Minister shall serve for the full term of Parliament, unless dismissed in a motion of no confidence under section 94, and shall not be otherwise dismissed.


(7) The Prime Minister and other Ministers continue in office until the next Prime Minister assumes office after a general election in accordance with this section.

Motion of no confidence 94.—(1) The Prime Minister may only be dismissed by a motion of no confidence,

which must also propose the name of another member of Parliament to be the Prime Minister.

(2) Amotion of no confidence must be called for a vote within 24 hours of it being introduced.

(3) Amotion of no confidence passes if it is supported by at least a majority of the members of Parliament.

(4) If a motion of no confidence passes—

(a) the incumbent Prime Minister immediately ceases to hold office;

(b) every other member of Cabinet is deemed to have resigned; and

(c) the person proposed to be the Prime Minister, in the motion, assumes that office immediately upon being sworn in by the President.

(5) If a motion of no confidence fails against the incumbent Prime Minister, no further motion of no confidence may be introduced against him or her for at least 6 months.

Appointment of Ministers 95.—(1) Subject to section 96(3), a Minister must be a member of Parliament.

(2) Each member of Cabinet assumes office by taking the oath or affirmation of allegiance and office set out in the Schedule, as administered by the President.

(3) Each Minister continues in office unless he or she—

(a) is removed by the Prime Minister;

(b) ceases to be, or ceases to qualify to be, a member of Parliament; or

(c) resigns by delivering a written notice of resignation to the Prime Minister.

(4) The Prime Minister may appoint a Minister to act in the office of another Minister during any period, or during all periods, when the other Minister is absent from duty or from Fiji or is, for any other reason, unable to perform the functions of office, and a notification of the appointment of anActing Minister must be published in the Gazette.

Attorney-General 96.—(1) The Minister appointed as the Attorney-General is the chief legal adviser

to the Government.


(2) A person is not qualified to be appointed as the Attorney-General unless he or she—

(a) is admitted as a legal practitioner in Fiji and has had not less than 15 years post-admission practice as a legal practitioner whether in Fiji or abroad; and

(b) has not been found guilty of any disciplinary proceeding involving legal practitioners whether in Fiji or abroad, including any proceeding by the Independent Legal Services Commission or any proceeding under the law governing legal practitioners, barristers and solicitors prior to the establishment of the Independent Legal Services Commission.

(3) If the Prime Minister considers that there are no members of Parliament who—

(a) belong to the Prime Minister’s political party;

(b) belong to any political party in coalition with the Prime Minister’s political party; or

(c) are independent candidates who support the Prime Minister,

who are qualified, suitable or available to be appointed as the Attorney-General, then the Prime Minister may appoint a person who is not a member of Parliament as the Attorney-General if that person—

(i) is a legal practitioner who is qualified to be appointed as the Attorney-General under subsection (2); and

(ii) is qualified to be a candidate for election to Parliament under section 56.

(4) A person appointed as the Attorney-General under subsection (3) shall be entitled to take part in Cabinet as a Minister, and to sit in Parliament, provided however that he or she shall not be eligible to vote in Parliament.

(5) Any person appointed as the Attorney-General must not, during the term of his or her appointment as the Attorney-General, practice as a legal practitioner in a law firm or have any interest in a law firm or have any law firm practice under his or her name.

(6) The Prime Minister may appoint a Minister or a member of Parliament or another person (in accordance with subsection (3)) who is qualified to be appointed as the Attorney-General to act as the Attorney-General during any period, or during all periods, when the Attorney-General is absent from duty or from Fiji or is, for any other reason, unable to perform the functions of office, and a notification of the acting appointment must be published in the Gazette.

(7) Subsection (5) does not apply to any person appointed to act as the Attorney- General under subsection (6).




Judicial authority and independence 97.—(1) The judicial power and authority of the State is vested in the Supreme

Court, the Court of Appeal, the High Court, the Magistrates Court, and in such other courts or tribunals as are created by law.

(2) The courts and all judicial officers are independent of the legislative and executive branches of Government, and are subject only to this Constitution and the law, which they must apply without fear, favour or prejudice.

(3) No person may interfere with the judicial functioning of the courts, or unreasonably interfere with the administrative functioning of the courts.

(4) Parliament and Cabinet, through legislative and other measures, must assist and protect the courts to ensure their independence, impartiality, accessibility and effectiveness.

(5) Parliament must ensure that the Judiciary has adequate financial and other resources to perform its functions and exercise its powers properly.

(6) The Judiciary has control of its own budget and finances, as approved by Parliament.

Supreme Court 98.—(1) The Supreme Court consists of—

(a) the Chief Justice, who is the President of the Supreme Court; and

(b) such other Judges as are appointed as Judges of the Supreme Court, to serve as the occasion requires.

(2) If deemed necessary by the Chief Justice, any of the Justices of Appeal may sit on a matter being heard by the Supreme Court.

(3) The Supreme Court—

(a) is the final appellate court;

(b) has exclusive jurisdiction, subject to such requirements as prescribed by written law, to hear and determine appeals from all final judgments of the Court of Appeal; and

(c) has original jurisdiction to hear and determine constitutional questions referred under section 91(5).

(4) An appeal may not be brought to the Supreme Court from a final judgment of the Court of Appeal unless the Supreme Court grants leave to appeal.


(5) In the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction, the Supreme Court may—

(a) review, vary, set aside or affirm decisions or orders of the Court of Appeal; or

(b) make any other order necessary for the administration of justice, including an order for a new trial or an order awarding costs.

(6) Decisions of the Supreme Court are, subject to subsection (7), binding on all other courts of the State.

(7) The Supreme Court may review any judgment, pronouncement or order made by it.

Court of Appeal 99.—(1) The Court of Appeal consists of—

(a) a Judge, other than the Chief Justice, who is appointed as the President of the Court of Appeal; and

(b) such other Judges as are appointed as Justices of Appeal.

(2) If deemed necessary by the President of the Court of Appeal, any of the Judges of the High Court, other than the Chief Justice, may sit on a matter being heard by the Court of Appeal.

(3) The Court of Appeal has jurisdiction, subject to this Constitution and to such requirements as prescribed by written law, to hear and determine appeals from all judgments of the High Court, and has such other jurisdiction as is conferred by written law.

(4) Appeals lie to the Court of Appeal as of right from a final judgment of the High Court in any manner arising under this Constitution or involving its interpretation.

(5) A written law may provide that appeals lie to the Court of Appeal, as of right or with leave, from other judgments of the High Court in accordance with such requirements as prescribed in that written law or under the rules pertaining to the Court of Appeal.

High Court 100.—(1) The High Court consists of—

(a) the Chief Justice;

(b) such other Judges as are appointed as Judges of the High Court;

(c) Masters of the High Court; and

(d) Chief Registrar of the High Court.

(2) The jurisdiction and powers of the Masters of the High Court and the Chief Registrar of the High Court shall be prescribed by written law.


(3) The High Court has unlimited original jurisdiction to hear and determine any civil or criminal proceedings under any law and such other original jurisdiction as is conferred on it under this Constitution or any written law.

(4) The High Court also has original jurisdiction in any matter arising under this Constitution or involving its interpretation.

(5) The High Court has jurisdiction, subject to conferral by written law of rights of appeal and to such requirements as may be prescribed by written law, to hear and determine appeals from all judgments of the Magistrates Court and other subordinate courts.

(6) The High Court has jurisdiction to supervise any civil or criminal proceedings before a Magistrates Court or other subordinate courts and may, on an application duly made to it, make such orders, issue such writs and give such directions as it considers appropriate to ensure that justice is duly administered by the Magistrates Court and other subordinate courts.

(7) If in any proceedings in a Magistrates Court or a subordinate court, a question arises as to the interpretation of this Constitution, the Magistrates Court or a subordinate court may decide the matter, and its decision may be appealed as of right to the High Court.

Magistrates Court 101.—(1) The Magistrates Court consists of—

(a) the Chief Magistrate; and

(b) such other Magistrates as are appointed by the Judicial Services Commission.

(2) The Magistrates Court has such jurisdiction as conferred by a written law. Other courts

102. A written law may establish and determine the authority of other courts, tribunals or commissions, which may have a status similar to the High Court, the Magistrates Court, or other subordinate courts.

Court rules and procedures 103.—(1) The President of the Supreme Court may make rules of court and

issue directions, consistent with this Constitution or a written law, for regulating and prescribing the practice and procedure to be followed in the Supreme Court.

(2) The President of the Court of Appeal may make rules of court and issue directions, consistent with this Constitution or a written law, for regulating and prescribing the practice and procedure to be followed in the Court of Appeal.

(3) The Chief Justice may make rules of court and issue directions, consistent with this Constitution or a written law, for regulating and prescribing the practice and procedure to be followed in the High Court and the Magistrates Court.


Judicial Services Commission 104.—(1) The Judicial Services Commission established under the Administration

of Justice Decree 2009 continues in existence, and shall consist of—

(a) the Chief Justice, who is to be the chairperson;

(b) the President of the Court of Appeal;

(c) the Permanent Secretary responsible for justice;

(d) a legal practitioner to be appointed by the President on the advice of the Chief Justice following consultation by the Chief Justice with the Attorney- General and who—

(i) has not less than 15 years post-admission practice; and

(ii) has not been found guilty of any disciplinary proceeding involving legal practitioners whether in Fiji or abroad, including any proceeding by the Independent Legal Services Commission or any proceeding under the law governing legal practitioners, barristers and solicitors prior to the establishment of the Independent Legal Services Commission; and

(e) a person, not being a legal practitioner, appointed by the President on the advice of the Chief Justice following consultation by the Chief Justice with the Attorney-General.

(2) In addition to the functions conferred on it elsewhere in this Constitution, the Commission may investigate complaints about judicial officers.

(3) In addition to the functions conferred on it by or under this Constitution, the Commission has such other powers and functions as may be prescribed by a written law.

(4) The Commission shall be responsible for promoting programmes for the continuing education and training of Judges and judicial officers.

(5) The Commission shall be responsible for the efficient functioning of the Judiciary.

(6) The Commission may regulate its own procedure and may make such rules and regulations as it deems fit for regulating and facilitating the performance of its functions.

(7) The Commission shall provide regular updates and advice to the Attorney- General on any matter relating to the Judiciary or the administration of justice.

(8) In the performance of its functions or the exercise of its authority and powers, the Commission shall be independent and shall not be subject to the direction or control of any person or authority, except by a court of law or as otherwise prescribed by written law.


(9) The secretary of the Commission shall be the Chief Registrar, or any other person performing the functions of that office.

(10) The quorum for the meetings of the Commission shall consist of the chairperson and 2 other members.

(11) The members of the Commission referred to in subsection (1)(d) and (e) shall be appointed for a term of 3 years and shall be eligible for re-appointment.

(12) The members of the Commission referred to in subsection (1)(d) and (e) shall be entitled to such remuneration as determined by the President acting on the advice of the Chief Justice following consultation by the Chief Justice with the Attorney-General, and any such remuneration must not be varied to their disadvantage, except as part of an overall austerity reduction similarly applicable to all officers of the State.

(13) The members of the Commission referred to in subsection (1)(d) or (e) may be removed from office for inability to perform the functions of office (whether arising from infirmity of body or mind or any other cause) or for misbehaviour, and may not otherwise be removed.

(14) Removal from office of the members of the Commission referred to in subsection (1)(d) or (e) must be pursuant to subsection (15).

(15) If the Chief Justice, following consultation with the Attorney-General, considers that the question of removal of the member of the Commission referred to in subsection (1)(d) or (e) from office ought to be investigated, then—

(a) the Chief Justice appoints—

(i) in the case of alleged misbehaviour—a tribunal, consisting of a chairperson and not less than 2 other members, selected from amongst persons who hold or are qualified to hold the office of a Judge; and

(ii) in the case of alleged inability to perform the functions of office—a medical board, consisting of a chairperson and 2 other members, each of whom is a qualified medical practitioner;

(b) the tribunal or medical board enquires into the matter and furnishes a written report of the facts to the President and advises the President of its recommendation whether or not the member of the Commission referred to in subsection (1)(d) or (e) should be removed from office; and

(c) in deciding whether or not to remove the member of the Commission referred to in subsection (1)(d) or (e) from office, the President must act in accordance with the advice of the tribunal or medical board, as the case may be.


(16) The President on the advice of the Chief Justice following consultation by the Chief Justice with the Attorney-General may, on such terms and conditions as he or she deems fit, suspend the member of the Commission referred to in subsection (1)(d) or (e) from office pending investigation and pending referral to and appointment of a tribunal or a medical board under subsection (15), and may at any time, revoke the suspension.

(17) The suspension of the member of the Commission referred to in subsection (1)(d) or (e) from office under subsection (16) ceases to have effect if the President determines that the person should not be removed from office.

(18) The report of the tribunal or the recommendations of the medical board, as the case may be, made under subsection (15) shall be made public.

Qualification for appointment 105.—(1) The making of appointments to a judicial office is governed by the

principle that judicial officers should be of the highest competence and integrity.

(2) A person is not qualified for appointment as a Judge unless he or she—

(a) holds, or has held a high judicial office in Fiji or in another country prescribed by law; or

(b) has had not less than 15 years post-admission practice as a legal practitioner in Fiji or in another country prescribed by law, and has not been found guilty of any disciplinary proceeding involving legal practitioners whether in Fiji or abroad, including any proceeding by the Independent Legal Services Commission or any proceeding under the law governing legal practitioners, barristers and solicitors prior to the establishment of the Independent Legal Services Commission.

(3) A person is not qualified for appointment as a Magistrate unless he or she—

(a) holds, or has held a judicial office in Fiji or in another country prescribed by law; or

(b) has had not less than 10 years post-admission practice as a legal practitioner in Fiji or in another country prescribed by law, and has not been found guilty of any disciplinary proceeding involving legal practitioners whether in Fiji or abroad, including any proceeding by the Independent Legal Services Commission or any proceeding under the law governing legal practitioners, barristers and solicitors prior to the establishment of the Independent Legal Services Commission.

Appointment of Judges 106.—(1) The Chief Justice and the President of the Court of Appeal are appointed

by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister following consultation by the Prime Minister with the Attorney-General.


(2) The Judges of the Supreme Court, the Justices of Appeal and the Judges of the High Court are appointed by the President on the recommendation of the Judicial Services Commission following consultation by it with the Attorney-General.

(3) The President may, on the advice of the Prime Minister following consultation by the Prime Minister with the Attorney-General, appoint a Judge or a person who is qualified for appointment as a Judge to act as the Chief Justice during any period, or during all periods, when the office of the Chief Justice is vacant or when the Chief Justice is absent from duty or from Fiji or is, for any reason, unable to perform the functions of office.

(4) The President may, on the recommendation of the Judicial Services Commission following consultation by it with the Attorney-General, appoint a person to act as a Judge of the High Court during any period or during all periods, when an office of a Judge of the High Court is vacant or when a Judge is absent from duty or from Fiji or is, for any reason, unable to perform the functions of office.

(5) A person is not eligible to be appointed under subsection (4) unless he or she is qualified for appointment as a Judge.

Other appointments 107.—(1) The Judicial Services Commission has the authority to appoint

Magistrates, Masters of the High Court, the Chief Registrar, and other judicial officers as may be prescribed by any written law.

(2) Inmaking appointments under subsection (1), the Judicial Services Commission must consult with the Attorney-General.

Judicial department employees 108.—(1) The Judicial Services Commission has the authority to appoint, remove

and take disciplinary action against all non-judicial officers employed in the Judiciary.

(2) The Judicial Services Commission has the authority to determine all matters pertaining to the employment of non-judicial officers employed in the Judiciary, including—

(a) the terms and conditions of employment;

(b) the qualification requirements for appointment and the process to be followed for appointment, which must be an open, transparent and competitive selection process based on merit;

(c) the salaries, benefits and allowances payable, in accordance with its budget as approved by Parliament; and

(d) the total establishment or the total number of non-judicial officers that are required to be appointed, in accordance with the budget as approved by Parliament.


(3) The Judicial Services Commission may by written notice delegate its powers and authority under this section to the Chief Registrar.

Oath of office 109. Before taking office, a Judge or Magistrate must take before the President, the

oath or affirmation of allegiance and office set out in the Schedule.

Term of office 110.—(1) A person who is not a citizen of Fiji and who is appointed to be a Judge

in Fiji serves for a period not exceeding 3 years determined in each case by the Judicial Services Commission at the time of appointment, and may be eligible for re-appointment.

(2) Any other appointment as a Judge continues until the Judge reaches retirement age, which is—

(a) for the Chief Justice, President of the Court of Appeal, Judges of the Supreme Court and Justices of Appeal—the age of 75; and

(b) for the Judges of the High Court—the age of 70.

(3) A person who retired as a Judge of the High Court, but has not reached the age of 75, is eligible for appointment as a Judge of the Supreme Court or as a Justice of Appeal.

Removal of Chief Justice and President of the Court of Appeal for cause 111.—(1) The Chief Justice or the President of the Court of Appeal may be removed

from office for inability to perform the functions of his or her office (whether arising from infirmity of body or mind or any other cause) or for misbehaviour, and may not otherwise be removed.

(2) Removal of the Chief Justice or the President of the Court of Appeal from office must be by the President pursuant to this section.

(3) If the President, acting on the advice of the Prime Minister considers that the question of removing the Chief Justice or the President of the Court of Appeal from office ought to be investigated, then—

(a) the President, acting on the advice of the Prime Minister, shall appoint—

(i) in the case of alleged misbehaviour—a tribunal, consisting of a chairperson and not less than 2 other members, selected from amongst persons who hold or have held high judicial office in Fiji or in another country; and

(ii) in the case of alleged inability to perform the functions of office—a medical board, consisting of a chairperson and 2 other members, each of whom is a qualified medical practitioner;


(b) the tribunal or medical board enquires into the matter and furnishes a written report of the facts to the President and advises the President of its recommendation whether or not the Chief Justice or the President of the Court of Appeal should be removed from office; and

(c) in deciding whether or not to remove the Chief Justice or the President of the Court of Appeal, the President must act on the advice of the tribunal or medical board, as the case may be.

(4) The President may, on the advice of the Prime Minister, suspend the Chief Justice or the President of the Court of Appeal from office pending investigation and pending referral to and appointment of a tribunal or a medical board under subsection (3), and may at any time, revoke the suspension.

(5) The suspension of the Chief Justice or the President of the Court of Appeal from office under subsection (4) ceases to have effect if the President determines that the Chief Justice or the President of the Court of Appeal should not be removed from office.

(6) The report of the tribunal or the recommendations of the medical board, as the case may be, made under subsection (3) shall be made public.

Removal of judicial officers for cause 112.—(1) A Judge, Magistrate, Master of the High Court, the Chief Registrar

or any other judicial officer appointed by the Judicial Services Commission may be removed from office for inability to perform the functions of his or her office (whether arising from infirmity of body or mind or any other cause) or for misbehaviour, and may not otherwise be removed.

(2) Removal of a Judge, Magistrate, Master of the High Court, the Chief Registrar or any other judicial officer appointed by the Judicial Services Commission from office must be by the President pursuant to this section.

(3) If the President, acting on the advice of the Judicial Services Commission, considers that the question of removing a Judge, Magistrate, Master of the High Court, the Chief Registrar or any other judicial officer appointed by the Judicial Services Commission from office ought to be investigated, then—

(a) the President, acting on the advice of the Judicial Services Commission, shall appoint—

(i) in the case of alleged misbehaviour—a tribunal, consisting of a chairperson and not less than 2 other members, selected from amongst persons who hold or have held high judicial office in Fiji or in another country; and

(ii) in the case of alleged inability to perform the functions of office—a medical board, consisting of a chairperson and 2 other members, each of whom is a qualified medical practitioner;


(b) the tribunal or medical board enquires into the matter and furnishes a written report of the facts to the President and advises the President of its recommendation whether or not the Judge, Magistrate, Master of the High Court, the Chief Registrar or any other judicial officer appointed by the Judicial Services Commission should be removed from office; and

(c) in deciding whether or not to remove a Judge, the President must act on the advice of the tribunal or medical board, as the case may be.

(4) The President may, acting on the advice of the Judicial Services Commission, suspend the Judge, Magistrate, Master of the High Court, the Chief Registrar or any other judicial officer appointed by the Judicial Services Commission from office pending investigation and pending referral to and appointment of a tribunal or a medical board under subsection (3), and may at any time, revoke the suspension.

(5) The suspension of the Judge, Magistrate, Master of the High Court, the Chief Registrar or any other judicial officer appointed by the Judicial Services Commission from office under subsection (4) ceases to have effect if the President determines that the Judge, Magistrate, Master of the High Court, the Chief Registrar or any other judicial officer appointed by the Judicial Services Commission should not be removed from office.

(6) The report of the tribunal or the recommendations of the medical board, as the case may be, made under subsection (3) shall be made public.

(7) This section does not apply to the Chief Justice or the President of the Court of Appeal.

Remuneration of judicial officers 113.—(1) The salaries and benefits payable to, or in respect of, a judicial officer

must not be varied to the disadvantage of that judicial officer, except as part of an overall austerity reduction similarly applicable to all officers of the State.

(2) The salaries and benefits payable to the Chief Justice and the President of the Court of Appeal shall be determined by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister following consultation by the Prime Minister with the Attorney-General.

(3) The salaries and benefits payable to any person appointed as a Judge (other than the Chief Justice and the President of the Court of Appeal), Magistrate, Master of the High Court, the Chief Registrar or other judicial officers appointed by the Judicial Services Commission shall be determined by the Judicial Services Commission, following consultation with the Prime Minister and the Attorney-General.

(4) The remuneration and benefits payable to or in respect of a judicial officer are a charge on the Consolidated Fund.

(5) A judicial officer is protected from civil or criminal action for anything said or done, or omitted to be done, in the performance of a judicial function.



Independent Legal Services Commission 114.—(1) The Independent Legal Services Commission established by the Legal

Practitioners Decree 2009 continues in existence.

(2) The Commission shall consist of a Commissioner, who is, or is qualified to be appointed as a Judge.

(3) The Commissioner shall be appointed by the President, on the advice of the Judicial Services Commission following consultation by the Judicial Services Commission with the Attorney-General.

(4) The Commissioner shall be appointed for a term of 3 years and shall be eligible for re-appointment.

(5) The President may, on the recommendation of the Judicial Services Commission following consultation by it with the Attorney-General, appoint a person to act as the Commissioner during any period or during all periods, when the office of the Commissioner is vacant or when the Commissioner is absent from duty or from Fiji or is, for any reason, unable to perform the functions of office.

(6) The Commissioner may be removed from office for inability to perform the functions of his or her office (whether arising from infirmity of body or mind or any other cause) or for misbehaviour, and may not otherwise be removed.

(7) The procedure for removal of the Commissioner from office shall be the same as the procedure for removal of a judicial officer under section 112.

(8) The authority, functions and responsibilities of the Commission shall be prescribed by written law, and a written law may make further provisions for the Commission.

(9) In the performance of his or her functions or the exercise of his or her authority and powers, the Commissioner shall be independent and shall not be subject to the direction or control of any person or authority, except by a court of law or as otherwise prescribed by written law.

(10) The Commissioner shall be entitled to such remuneration as determined by the President acting on the advice of the Judicial Services Commission following consultation by the Judicial Services Commission with the Attorney-General, and any such remuneration must not be varied to their disadvantage, except as part of an overall austerity reduction similarly applicable to all officers of the State.

(11) The Commission may regulate its own procedure andmaymake such rules and regulations as it deems fit for regulating and facilitating the performance of its functions.

(12) The Commission shall provide regular updates and advice to the Attorney- General on any matter relating to its functions and responsibilities.


Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption 115.—(1) The Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption established by

the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption Promulgation 2007 continues in existence.

(2) The Commission shall consist of a Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner and such other officers as may be appointed by law.

(3) The authority, functions and responsibility of the Commission shall be prescribed by written law, and a written law may make further provisions for the Commission.

(4) Without prejudice to subsection (3), the Commission may—

(a) investigate, institute and conduct criminal proceedings;

(b) take over investigations and criminal proceedings that fall under its responsibility and functions as prescribed by law, and which may have been initiated by another person or authority; and

(c) discontinue, at any stage before judgment is delivered, criminal proceedings instituted or conducted by it.

(5) The powers of the Commissioner and the Deputy Commissioner may be exercised by him or her personally, his or her delegate, or through other persons acting on his or her instructions.

(6) In the performance of its functions or the exercise of its authority and powers, the Commission shall be independent and shall not be subject to the direction or control of any person or authority, except by a court of law or as otherwise prescribed by written law.

(7) In exercising its powers and performing its functions and duties, the Commission shall be guided by the standards established under the United Nations Convention Against Corruption.

(8) The Commission may regulate its own procedure and may make such rules and regulations as it deems fit for regulating and facilitating the performance of its functions.

(9) The Commission shall provide regular updates and advice to the Attorney- General on any matter relating to its functions and responsibilities.

(10) The Commissioner and the Deputy Commissioner have the authority to appoint, remove and discipline all staff (including administrative staff) in the Commission.

(11) The Commissioner and the Deputy Commissioner have the authority to determine all matters pertaining to the employment of all staff in the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption, including—

(a) the terms and conditions of employment;


(b) the qualification requirements for appointment and the process to be followed for appointment, which must be an open, transparent and competitive selection process based on merit;

(c) the salaries, benefits and allowances payable, in accordance with its budget as approved by Parliament; and

(d) the total establishment or the total number of staff that are required to be appointed, in accordance with the budget as approved by Parliament.

(12) The Commissioner and the Deputy Commissioner shall be entitled to such remuneration as determined by the President acting on the advice of the Judicial Services Commission following consultation by the Judicial Services Commission with the Attorney-General, and any such remuneration must not be varied to their disadvantage, except as part of an overall austerity reduction similarly applicable to all officers of the State.

(13) The salaries, benefits and allowances payable to any person employed in the Commission are a charge on the Consolidated Fund.

(14) Parliament shall ensure that adequate funding and resources are made available to the Commission, to enable it to independently and effectively exercise its powers and perform its functions and duties.

Solicitor-General 116.—(1) The office of the Solicitor-General established by the State Services

Decree 2009 continues in existence.

(2) The Solicitor-General is responsible for—

(a) providing independent legal advice to Government and to the holder of a public office, on request;

(b) preparing draft laws on the request of Cabinet;

(c) maintaining a publicly accessible register of all written law;

(d) representing the State in court in any legal proceedings to which the State is a party, other than criminal proceedings; and

(e) performing any other functions assigned by this Constitution, any written law, Cabinet or the Attorney-General.

(3) The Solicitor-General, with the permission of the court, may appear as a friend of the court in any civil proceedings to which the State is not a party.

(4) The Solicitor-General must be a person who is qualified to be appointed as a Judge.


(5) The Solicitor-General shall be appointed by the President on the recommendation of the Judicial Services Commission following consultation by the Judicial Services Commission with the Attorney-General.

(6) The President may, on the recommendation of the Judicial Services Commission following consultation by it with the Attorney-General, appoint a person to act as the Solicitor-General during any period or during all periods, when the office of the Solicitor- General is vacant or when the Solicitor-General is absent from duty or from Fiji or is, for any reason, unable to perform the functions of office.

(7) The Solicitor-General has the same status as that of a permanent secretary and shall be responsible as the Permanent Secretary for the Office of the Attorney-General and may be assigned such additional responsibilities as permanent secretary.

(8) The Solicitor-General shall have the same term of office as a Judge of the High Court, and shall be paid such remuneration as determined by the Judicial Services Commission in consultation with the Attorney-General, provided however that such remuneration shall not be less than that payable to a Judge of the High Court or a permanent secretary and any such remuneration must not be varied to his or her disadvantage, except as part of an overall austerity reduction similarly applicable to all officers of the State.

(9) The Solicitor-General may be removed from office for inability to perform the functions of his or her office (whether arising from infirmity of body or mind or any other cause) or for misbehaviour, and may not otherwise be removed.

(10) The procedure for removal of the Solicitor-General from office shall be the same as the procedure for removal of a judicial officer under section 112.

(11) The Solicitor-General shall have the authority to appoint, remove and institute disciplinary action against all staff (including administrative staff) in the Office of the Attorney-General.

(12) The Solicitor-General has the authority to determine all matters pertaining to the employment of all staff in the Office of the Attorney-General, including—

(a) the terms and conditions of employment;

(b) the qualification requirements for appointment and the process to be followed for appointment, which must be an open, transparent and competitive selection process based on merit;

(c) the salaries, benefits and allowances payable, in accordance with its budget as approved by Parliament; and

(d) the total establishment or the total number of staff that are required to be appointed, in accordance with the budget as approved by Parliament.


(13) The salaries, benefits and allowances payable to any person employed in the Office of the Attorney-General are a charge on the Consolidated Fund.

(14) Any functions assigned to the Solicitor-General may be exercised in person or by subordinate officers acting in accordance with general or special instructions.

Director of Public Prosecutions 117.—(1) The office of the Director of Public Prosecutions established under the

State Services Decree 2009 continues in existence.

(2) The Director of Public Prosecutions must be a person who is qualified to be appointed as a Judge.

(3) The Director of Public Prosecutions shall be appointed by the President on the recommendation of the Judicial Services Commission following consultation by the Judicial Services Commission with the Attorney-General.

(4) The President may, on the recommendation of the Judicial Services Commission following consultation by it with the Attorney-General, appoint a person to act as the Director of Public Prosecutions during any period or during all periods, when the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions is vacant or when the Director of Public Prosecutions is absent from duty or from Fiji or is, for any reason, unable to perform the functions of office.

(5) The Director of Public Prosecutions shall be appointed for a term of 7 years and is eligible for re-appointment, and shall be paid such remuneration as determined by the Judicial Services Commission in consultation with the Attorney-General provided however that such remuneration shall not be less than that payable to a Judge of the High Court and any such remuneration must not be varied to his or her disadvantage, except as part of an overall austerity reduction similarly applicable to all officers of the State.

(6) The Director of Public Prosecutions may be removed from office for inability to perform the functions of his or her office (whether arising from infirmity of body or mind or any other cause) or for misbehaviour, and may not otherwise be removed.

(7) The procedure for removal of the Director of Public Prosecutions from office shall be the same as the procedure for removal of a judicial officer under section 112.

(8) The Director of Public Prosecutions may—

(a) institute and conduct criminal proceedings;

(b) take over criminal proceedings that have been instituted by another person or authority (except proceedings instituted by the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption);


(c) discontinue, at any stage before judgment is delivered, criminal proceedings instituted or conducted by the Director of Public Prosecutions or another person or authority (except proceedings instituted or conducted by the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption); and

(d) intervene in proceedings that raise a question of public interest that may affect the conduct of criminal proceedings or criminal investigations.

(9) The powers of the Director of Public Prosecutions may be exercised by the Director personally, or through other persons acting on the Director’s instructions.

(10) In the exercise of the powers conferred under this section, the Director of Public Prosecutions shall not be subject to the direction or control of any other person or authority, except by a court of law or as otherwise prescribed by this Constitution or a written law.

(11) The Director of Public Prosecutions may appoint any legal practitioner whether from Fiji or from another country to be a public prosecutor for the purposes of any criminal proceeding.

(12) The Director of Public Prosecutions shall have the authority to appoint, remove and institute disciplinary action against all staff (including administrative staff) in the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

(13) The Director of Public Prosecutions has the authority to determine all matters pertaining to the employment of all staff in the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, including—

(a) the terms and conditions of employment;

(b) the qualification requirements for appointment and the process to be followed for appointment, which must be an open, transparent and competitive selection process based on merit;

(c) the salaries, benefits and allowances payable, in accordance with its budget as approved by Parliament; and

(d) the total establishment or the total number of staff that are required to be appointed, in accordance with the budget as approved by Parliament.

(14) The salaries, benefits and allowances payable to any person employed in the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions are a charge on the Consolidated Fund.

(15) Parliament shall ensure that adequate funding and resources are made available to the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, to enable it to independently and effectively exercise its powers and perform its functions and duties.


Legal Aid Commission 118.—(1) The Legal Aid Commission established by the Legal Aid Act 1996

continues in existence.

(2) The Commission shall provide free legal aid services to those members of the public who cannot afford the services of a legal practitioner, in accordance with such rules and guidelines as may be prescribed by or under a written law.

(3) The authority, functions and responsibility of the Commission shall be prescribed by written law, and a written law may make further provisions for the Commission.

(4) The Commission may regulate its own procedure and may make such rules and regulations as it deems fit for regulating and facilitating the performance of its functions.

(5) In the performance of its functions or the exercise of its authority and powers, the Commission shall be independent and shall not be subject to the direction or control of any person or authority, except by a court of law or as otherwise prescribed by written law.

(6) The Commission shall have the authority to appoint, remove and discipline all staff (including administrative staff) in the Commission.

(7) The Commission has the authority to determine all matters pertaining to the employment of all staff in the Commission, including—

(a) the terms and conditions of employment;

(b) the qualification requirements for appointment and the process to be followed for appointment, which must be an open, transparent and competitive selection process based on merit;

(c) the salaries, benefits and allowances payable, in accordance with its budget as approved by Parliament; and

(d) the total establishment or the total number of staff that are required to be appointed, in accordance with the budget as approved by Parliament.

(8) The salaries, benefits and allowances payable to any person employed in the Commission are a charge on the Consolidated Fund.

(9) Parliament shall ensure that adequate funding and resources are made available to the Commission, to enable it to independently and effectively exercise its powers and perform its functions and duties.

(10) The Commission shall have the control of its own budget and finances, as approved by Parliament.

(11) The Commission shall provide regular updates and advice to the Attorney- General on any matter relating to its functions and responsibilities.


Mercy Commission 119.—(1) The Commission on the Prerogative of Mercy established under the

State Services Decree 2009 continues in existence as the Mercy Commission.

(2) The Commission consists of—

(a) the Attorney-General who is to be its chairperson; and

(b) 4 other members appointed by the President, acting on the advice of the Judicial Services Commission, following consultation by it with the Attorney-General.

(3) On the petition of any convicted person, the Commission may recommend that the President exercise a power of mercy by—

(a) granting a free or conditional pardon to a person convicted of an offence;

(b) postponing the carrying out of a punishment, either for a specific or indeterminate period; or

(c) remitting all or a part of a punishment.

(4) The Commission may dismiss a petition that it reasonably considers to be frivolous, vexatious or entirely without merit, but otherwise—

(a) must consider a report on the case prepared by—

(i) the Judge who presided at the trial; or

(ii) the Chief Justice, if a report cannot be obtained from the presiding Judge;

(b) must consider any other information derived from the record of the case or elsewhere that is available to the Commission; and

(c) may consider the views of the victims of the offence.

(5) The President must act in accordance with the recommendations of the Commission.

(6) The members of the Commission referred to in subsection (2)(b) shall be appointed for a term of 3 years and shall be eligible for re-appointment.

(7) The President may, on the recommendation of the Judicial Services Commission following consultation by it with the Attorney-General, appoint a person to act as a member of the Commission during any period or during all periods, when there is a vacancy in the membership of the Commission or when a member is absent from duty or from Fiji or is, for any reason, unable to perform the functions of office.


(8) The members of the Commission referred to in subsection (2)(b) may be removed from office for inability to perform the functions of office (whether arising from infirmity of body or mind or any other cause) or for misbehaviour, and may not otherwise be removed.

(9) The procedure for removal of the members of the Commission referred to in subsection (2)(b) from office shall be the same as the procedure for removal of a judicial officer under section 112.

(10) In the performance of its functions or the exercise of its authority and powers, the Commission shall be independent and shall not be subject to the direction or control of any person or authority, except by a court of law or as otherwise prescribed by written law.

(11) The members of the Commission referred to in subsection (2)(b) shall be entitled to such remuneration as determined by the President acting on the advice of the Judicial Services Commission following consultation by the Judicial Services Commission with the Attorney-General, and any such remuneration must not be varied to their disadvantage, except as part of an overall austerity reduction similarly applicable to all officers of the State.

(12) The Commissionmay regulate its own procedure andmaymake such rules and regulations as it deems fit for regulating and facilitating the performance of its functions.

(13) The quorum for the meetings of the Commission shall consist of the chairperson and 2 other members.

(14) The Commission shall provide regular updates and advice to Parliament on any matter relating to its functions and responsibilities.

Public Service Disciplinary Tribunal 120.—(1) This section establishes the Public Service Disciplinary Tribunal.

(2) The Tribunal shall consist of a chairperson and 2 other members, appointed by the President, on the advice of the Judicial Services Commission following consultation by it with the Attorney-General.

(3) The chairperson of the Tribunal must be a person who is, or is qualified to be appointed as a Judge.

(4) The members of the Tribunal shall be appointed for a term of 3 years and shall be eligible for re-appointment.

(5) The President may, on the recommendation of the Judicial Services Commission following consultation by it with the Attorney-General, appoint a person to act as a member of the Tribunal during any period or during all periods, when there is a vacancy in the membership of the Tribunal or when a member is absent from duty or from Fiji or is, for any reason, unable to perform the functions of office.


(6) The members of the Tribunal may be removed from office for inability to perform the functions of office (whether arising from infirmity of body or mind or any other cause) or for misbehaviour, and may not otherwise be removed.

(7) The procedure for removal of the members of the Tribunal from office shall be the same as the procedure for removal of a judicial officer under section 112.

(8) The authority, functions and responsibilities of the Tribunal shall be prescribed by written law, and a written law may make further provisions for the Tribunal.

(9) In addition to such other functions as may be conferred by written law, the Tribunal shall have the function of hearing and determining disciplinary action instituted by—

(a) the Public Service Commission—against any permanent secretary; or

(b) a permanent secretary, the Solicitor-General, the Director of Public Prosecutions or the Secretary-General to Parliament—against any person employed in their respective ministries or offices.

(10) Any decision of the Tribunal shall be subject to review by the High Court.

(11) Awritten law may make further provision for the Tribunal, including rules and procedures for the hearings before the Tribunal.

(12) In the performance of its functions or the exercise of its authority and powers, the Tribunal shall be independent and shall not be subject to the direction or control of any person or authority, except by a court of law or as otherwise prescribed by written law.

(13) The members of the Tribunal shall be entitled to such remuneration as determined by the President acting on the advice of the Judicial Services Commission following consultation by the Judicial Services Commission with the Attorney-General, and any such remuneration must not be varied to their disadvantage, except as part of an overall austerity reduction similarly applicable to all officers of the State.

(14) The Tribunal may regulate its own procedure and may make such rules and regulations as it deems fit for regulating and facilitating the performance of its functions.

(15) The Tribunal shall provide regular updates and advice to Parliament on any matter relating to its functions and responsibilities.

(16) The salaries, benefits and allowances payable to the members of the Tribunal are a charge on the Consolidated Fund.

(17) Parliament shall ensure that adequate funding and resources are made available to the Tribunal, to enable it to independently and effectively exercise its powers and perform its functions and duties.


Accountability and Transparency Commission 121.—(1) This section establishes the Accountability and Transparency


(2) The Commission shall consist of a chairperson and 2 other members appointed by the President, on the advice of the Judicial Services Commission following consultation by it with the Attorney-General.

(3) The chairperson of the Commission must be a person who is, or is qualified to be appointed as a Judge.

(4) The members of the Commission shall be appointed for a term of 3 years and shall be eligible for re-appointment.

(5) The President may, on the recommendation of the Judicial Services Commission following consultation by it with the Attorney-General, appoint a person to act as a member of the Commission during any period or during all periods, when there is a vacancy in the membership of the Commission or when a member is absent from duty or from Fiji or is, for any reason, unable to perform the functions of office.

(6) The members of the Commission may be removed from office for inability to perform the functions of office (whether arising from infirmity of body or mind or any other cause) or for misbehaviour, and may not otherwise be removed.

(7) The procedure for removal of the members of the Commission from office shall be the same as the procedure for removal of a judicial officer under section 112.

(8) The authority, functions and responsibilities of the Commission shall be prescribed by written law, and a written law may make further provisions for the Commission.

(9) A written law shall provide the Commission with the jurisdiction, authority and powers to receive and investigate complaints against permanent secretaries and all persons holding a public office.

(10) In the performance of its functions or the exercise of its authority and powers, the Commission shall be independent and shall not be subject to the direction or control of any person or authority, except by a court of law or as otherwise prescribed by written law.

(11) The members of the Commission shall be entitled to such remuneration as determined by the President acting on the advice of the Judicial Services Commission following consultation by the Judicial Services Commission with the Attorney-General, and any such remuneration must not be varied to their disadvantage, except as part of an overall austerity reduction similarly applicable to all officers of the State.

(12) The Commissionmay regulate its own procedure andmaymake such rules and regulations as it deems fit for regulating and facilitating the performance of its functions.


(13) The Commission shall provide regular updates and advice to Parliament on any matter relating to its functions and responsibilities.

(14) The Commission shall have the authority to appoint, remove and discipline all staff (including administrative staff) in the Commission.

(15) The Commission has the authority to determine all matters pertaining to the employment of all staff in the Commission, including—

(a) the terms and conditions of employment;

(b) the qualification requirements for appointment and the process to be followed for appointment, which must be an open, transparent and competitive selection process based on merit;

(c) the salaries, benefits and allowances payable, in accordance with its budget as approved by Parliament; and

(d) the total establishment or the total number of staff that are required to be appointed, in accordance with the budget as approved by Parliament.

(16) The salaries, benefits and allowances payable to any person employed in the Commission are a charge on the Consolidated Fund.

(17) Parliament shall ensure that adequate funding and resources are made available to the Commission, to enable it to independently and effectively exercise its powers and perform its functions and duties.

(18) TheCommission shall have control of its own budget and finances, as approved by Parliament.

Existing appointments 122. Nothing in this Chapter affects the continuance of a person in an office

for which this Chapter makes provision for, under an appointment made before the commencement of this Constitution.




Values and principles 123. The values and principles of State service include—

(a) high standards of professionalism, including professional ethics and integrity;

(b) prompt and faithful implementation of Government policies and administration of laws;

(c) being free from corruption;

(d) efficient, effective and economic use of public resources;

(e) prompt response to requests and questions from the public, and delivery of service to the public, in a manner that is respectful, effective, impartial, fair, and equitable;

(f) accountability for administrative conduct;

(g) transparency, including—

(i) timely, accurate disclosure of information to the public; and

(ii) prompt, complete and candid reporting to Parliament, as required by law;

(h) cultivation of good human resource management and career development practices, to maximise human potential; and

(i) recruitment and promotion based on—

(i) objectivity, impartiality and fair competition; and

(ii) ability, education, experience and other characteristics of merit.

Public officers must be citizens 124. A person or authority exercising power to appoint a person to a public office

(other than an office for which Chapter 5 makes provision) must not appoint a person who is not a citizen except with the approval of the Prime Minister.

Public Service Commission 125.—(1) The Public Service Commission established under the State Services

Decree 2009 continues in existence.


(2) The Public Service Commission consists of—

(a) a chairperson; and

(b) not less than 3 and not more than 5 other members,

appointed by the President on the advice of the Constitutional Offices Commission.

(3) If the position of the chairperson of the Public Service Commission is vacant or the chairperson is absent from duty or from Fiji or is, for any other reason, unable to perform the functions of office, the President may, on the advice of the Constitutional Offices Commission, appoint a person to act as the chairperson of the Public Service Commission.

(4) The President may, on the advice of the Constitutional Offices Commission, appoint a person to act as a member of the Public Service Commission during any period, or during all periods, when the member is absent from duty or from Fiji or is, for any other reason, unable to perform the functions of office.

Functions of the Public Service Commission 126.—(1) Subject to this section and other sections of this Constitution, the Public

Service Commission has the following functions—

(a) to appoint permanent secretaries, with the agreement of the Prime Minister;

(b) to remove permanent secretaries, with the agreement of the Prime Minister;

(c) to institute disciplinary action against permanent secretaries; and

(d) to make such other appointments and perform such other duties, functions and responsibilities as may be prescribed by written law.

(2) The functions of the Public Service Commission do not extend to—

(a) an office of a Judge or an office that is the responsibility of the Judicial Services Commission;

(b) an office that is the responsibility of another body prescribed by written law;

(c) an office in the Republic of Fiji Military Forces, Fiji Police Force or the Fiji Corrections Service; or

(d) an office in respect of which this Constitution makes provision.

Permanent secretaries 127.—(1) There is established within each ministry the office of a permanent

secretary, which is an office in the public service.


(2) Each ministry is to be under the administration of a permanent secretary, and any department of Government that is not part of any ministry shall be under the administration of the permanent secretary responsible for the Office of the Prime Minister.

(3) The permanent secretary of a ministry is responsible to the Minister concerned for the efficient, effective and economical management of the ministry or any department under the ministry.

(4) The Public Service Commission, with the agreement of the Prime Minister, may at any time re-assign one or more permanent secretaries amongst the various ministries of the State.

(5) A permanent secretary may resign from office by giving written notice to the Public Service Commission.

(6) A permanent secretary shall be entitled to such remuneration as determined by the Public Service Commission following the agreement of the Prime Minister, and any such remuneration must not be varied to their disadvantage, except as part of an overall austerity reduction similarly applicable to all officers of the State.

(7) The permanent secretary of each ministry shall have the authority to appoint, remove and institute disciplinary action against all staff of the ministry, with the agreement of the Minister responsible for the ministry.

(8) The permanent secretary of each ministry, with the agreement of the Minister responsible for the ministry, has the authority to determine all matters pertaining to the employment of all staff in the ministry, including—

(a) the terms and conditions of employment;

(b) the qualification requirements for appointment and the process to be followed for appointment, which must be an open, transparent and competitive selection process based on merit;

(c) the salaries, benefits and allowances payable, in accordance with its budget as approved by Parliament; and

(d) the total establishment or the total number of staff that are required to be appointed, in accordance with the budget as approved by Parliament.

Appointment of ambassadors 128.—(1) The Prime Minister may, on the advice of the Minister responsible

for foreign affairs, make appointments to offices of ambassador, or of other principal representative, of the State to another country or an international organisation.

(2) The Prime Minister may, on the advice of the Minister responsible for foreign affairs, remove a person from an office referred to in subsection (1).



Fiji Police Force 129.—(1) The Fiji Police Force established under a written law continues in


(2) The office of the Commissioner of Police established under the State Services Decree 2009 continues in existence.

(3) The Fiji Police Force is under the command of the Commissioner of Police.

(4) The Commissioner of Police is appointed by the President, on the advice of the Constitutional Offices Commission following consultation with the Minister responsible for the Fiji Police Force.

(5) The Commissioner of Police is responsible for—

(a) the organisation and administration of the Fiji Police Force; and

(b) the deployment and control of its operations,

and, subject to subsection (6), is not subject to the direction or control by any other person or authority in relation to those matters.

(6) The Minister responsible for the Fiji Police Force may from time to time issue general policy directions to the Commissioner of Police and, if such a direction has been issued, the Commissioner of Police must act in accordance with it.

(7) The Commissioner of Police has the following powers in relation to the Fiji Police Force for all ranks, members and other employees, of the Fiji Police Force—

(a) to appoint persons to the Fiji Police Force;

(b) to remove persons from the Fiji Police Force; and

(c) to take disciplinary action against persons in the Fiji Police Force,

and all written laws governing the Fiji Police Force shall be construed accordingly.

(8) The Commissioner of Police, with the agreement of the Minister responsible for the Fiji Police Force, has the authority to determine all matters pertaining to the employment of all staff in the Fiji Police Force, including—

(a) the terms and conditions of employment;

(b) the qualification requirements for appointment and the process to be followed for appointment, which must be an open, transparent and competitive selection process based on merit;


(c) the salaries, benefits and allowances payable, in accordance with its budget as approved by Parliament; and

(d) the total establishment or the total number of staff that are required to be appointed, in accordance with the budget as approved by Parliament.

(9) A written law may prescribe provisions relating to the Fiji Police Force.

Fiji Corrections Service 130.—(1) The Fiji Corrections Service established under a written law continues in


(2) The office of the Commissioner of the Fiji Corrections Service established under the State Services Decree 2009 continues in existence.

(3) The Fiji Corrections Service is under the command of the Commissioner of the Fiji Corrections Service.

(4) The Commissioner of the Fiji Corrections Service is appointed by the President, on the advice of the Constitutional Offices Commission, following consultation with the Minister responsible for the Fiji Corrections Service.

(5) The Commissioner of the Fiji Corrections Service is responsible for—

(a) the organisation and administration of the Fiji Corrections Service; and

(b) the deployment and control of its operations,

and, subject to subsection (6), is not subject to the direction or control by any other person or authority in relation to those matters.

(6) The Minister responsible for the Fiji Corrections Service may from time to time issue general policy directions with respect to the Fiji Corrections Service and, if such a direction has been issued, the Commissioner of the Fiji Corrections Service must act in accordance with it.

(7) The Commissioner of the Fiji Corrections Service has the following powers in relation to the Fiji Corrections Service for all ranks, members and other employees of the Fiji Corrections Service—

(a) to appoint persons to the Fiji Corrections Service;

(b) to remove persons from the Fiji Corrections Service; and

(c) to take disciplinary action against persons in the Fiji Corrections Service,

and all written laws governing the Fiji Corrections Service shall be construed accordingly.


(8) The Commissioner of the Fiji Corrections Service, with the agreement of the Minister responsible for the Fiji Corrections Service, has the authority to determine all matters pertaining to the employment of all staff in the Fiji Corrections Service, including—

(a) the terms and conditions of employment;

(b) the qualification requirements for appointment and the process to be followed for appointment, which must be an open, transparent and competitive selection process based on merit;

(c) the salaries, benefits and allowances payable, in accordance with its budget as approved by Parliament; and

(d) the total establishment or the total number of staff that are required to be appointed, in accordance with the budget as approved by Parliament.

(9) A written law may prescribe provisions relating to the Fiji Corrections Service.

Republic of Fiji Military Forces 131.—(1) The Republic of Fiji Military Forces established under the State Services

Decree 2009 continues in existence.

(2) It shall be the overall responsibility of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces to ensure at all times the security, defence and well-being of Fiji and all Fijians.

(3) The Commander of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces shall be responsible for exercising military executive command of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces.

(4) The Commander of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces is appointed by the President, on the advice of theConstitutionalOfficesCommission, following consultation with the Minister responsible for the Republic of Fiji Military Forces.

(5) The Commander of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces has the following powers in relation to the Republic of Fiji Military Forces for all ranks, members and other employees of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces—

(a) to appoint persons to the Republic of Fiji Military Forces;

(b) to remove persons from the Republic of Fiji Military Forces; and

(c) to take disciplinary action against persons in the Republic of Fiji Military Forces,

and all written laws governing the Republic of Fiji Military Forces shall be construed accordingly.


(6) The Commander of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces, with the agreement of the Minister responsible for the Republic of Fiji Military Forces, has the authority to determine all matters pertaining to the employment of all staff in the Republic of Fiji Military Forces, including—

(a) the terms and conditions of employment;

(b) the qualification requirements for appointment and the process to be followed for appointment, which must be an open, transparent and competitive selection process based on merit;

(c) the salaries, benefits and allowances payable, in accordance with its budget as approved by Parliament; and

(d) the total establishment or the total number of staff that are required to be appointed, in accordance with the budget as approved by Parliament.

(7) A written law may prescribe provisions relating to the Republic of Fiji Military Forces.


Constitutional Offices Commission 132.—(1) This section establishes the Constitutional Offices Commission.

(2) The Commission shall consist of—

(a) the Prime Minister, who shall be the chairperson;

(b) the Leader of the Opposition;

(c) the Attorney-General;

(d) 2 persons appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister; and

(e) 1 person appointed by the President on the advice of the Leader of the Opposition.

(3) The Commission may regulate its own procedure and may make such rules and regulations as it deems fit for regulating and facilitating the performance of its functions.

(4) The Commission shall provide regular updates and advice to Parliament on any matter relating to its functions and responsibilities.

(5) In the performance of its functions or the exercise of its authority and powers, the Commission shall be independent and shall not be subject to the direction or control of any person or authority, except by a court of law or as otherwise prescribed by written law.


(6) The quorum for the meetings of the Commission shall consist of the chairperson and 2 other members.

(7) The secretary of the Commission shall be the Solicitor-General.

(8) The members of the Commission referred to in subsection (2)(d) and (e) hold office for a term of 3 years and are eligible for re-appointment.

(9) The members of the Commission referred to in subsection (2)(d) and (e) are entitled to such remuneration and allowances as determined by the President, and the remuneration and allowances must not be varied to their disadvantage during their term in office, except as part of an overall austerity reduction similarly applicable to all officers of the State.

(10) The members of the Commission referred to in subsection (2)(d) or (e) may be removed from office for inability to perform the functions of office (whether arising from infirmity of body or mind or any other cause) or for misbehaviour, and may not otherwise be removed.

(11) Removal from office of the members of the Commission referred to in subsection (2)(d) and (e) must be pursuant to subsection (12).

(12) If the Chief Justice, following consultation with the Attorney-General, considers that the question of removal of the member of the Commission referred to in subsection (2)(d) or (e) from office ought to be investigated, then—

(a) the Chief Justice appoints—

(i) in the case of alleged misbehaviour—a tribunal, consisting of a chairperson and not less than 2 other members, selected from amongst persons who hold or are qualified to hold the office of a Judge; and

(ii) in the case of alleged inability to perform the functions of office—a medical board, consisting of a chairperson and 2 other members, each of whom is a qualified medical practitioner;

(b) the tribunal or medical board enquires into the matter and furnishes a written report of the facts to the President and advises the President of its recommendation whether or not the member of the Commission referred to in subsection (2)(d) or (e) should be removed from office; and

(c) in deciding whether or not to remove the member of the Commission referred to in subsection (2)(d) or (e) from office, the President must act in accordance with the advice of the tribunal or medical board, as the case may be.


(13) The President on the advice of the Chief Justice following consultation by the Chief Justice with the Attorney-General may, on such terms and conditions as he or she deems fit, suspend the member of the Commission referred to in subsection (2)(d) or (e) from office pending investigation and pending referral to and appointment of a tribunal or a medical board under subsection (12), and may at any time, revoke the suspension.

(14) The suspension of the member of the Commission referred to in subsection (2)(d) or (e) from office under subsection (13) ceases to have effect if the President determines that the person should not be removed from office.

(15) The report of the tribunal or the recommendations of the medical board, as the case may be, made under subsection (12) shall be made public.

Functions of the Constitutional Offices Commission 133. TheConstitutional Offices Commission has such functions and responsibilities

as prescribed in this Constitution or by any other written law, and shall be responsible for providing advice to the President for the appointment of the following offices—

(a) the chairperson and the members of the Human Rights and Anti- Discrimination Commission;

(b) the chairperson and the members of the Electoral Commission;

(c) Supervisor of Elections;

(d) Secretary-General to Parliament;

(e) the chairperson and the members of the Public Service Commission;

(f) Commissioner of Police;

(g) Commissioner of the Fiji Corrections Service;

(h) Commander of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces;

(i) Auditor-General; and

(j) Governor of the Reserve Bank of Fiji.


Application 134. This Part applies to—

(a) Supervisor of Elections;

(b) Secretary-General to Parliament;

(c) Commissioner of Police;

(d) Commissioner of the Fiji Corrections Service;


(e) Commander of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces;

(f) Auditor-General;

(g) Governor of the Reserve Bank of Fiji;

(h) the members of the Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission;

(i) the members of the Electoral Commission; and

(j) the members of the Public Service Commission.

Terms and conditions of office 135.—(1) Subject to this section, a person holding the office referred to in section

134(a) to (g) holds office for 5 years and is eligible for re-appointment.

(2) Subject to this section, a person holding the office referred to in section 134(h) to (j) holds office for 3 years, and is eligible for re-appointment.

(3) The appointment of a person to whom this Part applies is subject to the terms and conditions (if any) set out in it.

(4) In the performance of his or her duties or functions or the exercise of his or her powers, a person to whom this Part applies is not subject to the direction or control by any person, except as provided under this Constitution or by a written law.

Remuneration and allowances 136.—(1) A person to whom this Part applies is entitled to such remuneration

and allowances as determined by the President on the advice of the Constitutional Offices Commission, and the remuneration and allowances must not be varied to their disadvantage during his or her term in office, except as part of an overall austerity reduction similarly applicable to all officers of the State.

(2) In advising the President on the remuneration and allowances payable to a person to whom this Part applies, the Constitutional Offices Commission must establish an independent committee (not comprising any holder of a public office) which shall advise the Constitutional Offices Commission on the appropriate remuneration and allowances that should be payable to a person to whom this Part applies.

Removal from office for cause 137.—(1) A person to whom this Part applies may be removed from office for

inability to perform the functions of his or her office (whether arising from infirmity of body or mind or any other cause) or for misbehaviour, and may not otherwise be removed.

(2) Removal from office must be pursuant to this section.


(3) If the Constitutional Offices Commission considers that the question of removal from office ought to be investigated, then—

(a) the Constitutional Offices Commission appoints—

(i) in the case of alleged misbehaviour—a tribunal, consisting of a chairperson and not less than 2 other members, selected from amongst persons who hold or are qualified to hold the office of a Judge; and

(ii) in the case of alleged inability to perform the functions of office—a medical board, consisting of a chairperson and 2 other members, each of whom is a qualified medical practitioner;

(b) the tribunal or medical board enquires into the matter and furnishes a written report of the facts to the President and advises the President of its recommendation whether or not the person concerned should be removed from office; and

(c) in deciding whether or not to remove the person concerned from office, the President must act in accordance with the advice of the tribunal or medical board, as the case may be.

(4) The President on the advice of the Constitutional Offices Commission may, on such terms and conditions as he or she deems fit, suspend the person concerned from office pending investigation and pending referral to and appointment of a tribunal or a medical board under subsection (3), and may at any time, revoke the suspension.

(5) The suspension of the person concerned from office under subsection (4) ceases to have effect if the President determines that the person should not be removed from office.

(6) The report of the tribunal or the recommendations of the medical board, as the case may be, made under subsection (3) shall be made public.

Performance of functions of commissions and tribunals 138.—(1) This section applies to—

(a) Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission;

(b) Electoral Commission;

(c) Judicial Services Commission;

(d) Legal Aid Commission;

(e) Mercy Commission;

(f) Public Service Disciplinary Tribunal;


(g) Accountability and Transparency Commission;

(h) Public Service Commission;

(i) Constitutional Offices Commission; and

(j) any tribunal or medical board established or appointed under this Constitution to consider the question of removal from office of any person.

(2) A commission, tribunal or board to which this section applies may by regulation make provision for regulating and facilitating the performance of its functions.

(3) A decision of a commission, tribunal or board to which this section applies requires the concurrence of a majority of its members and the commission, tribunal or board to which this section applies may act despite the absence of a member but, if, in a particular case, a vote is taken to decide a question and the votes cast are equally divided, the person presiding must exercise a casting vote.

(4) Subject to this section, a commission, tribunal or board to which this section applies may regulate its own procedure.

(5) In the performance of its functions or the exercise of its powers, a commission, tribunal or board to which this section applies is not subject to the direction or control of any other person or authority, except as otherwise provided by this Constitution.

(6) Nothing in subsection (5) limits the responsibility of the Government for the structure of the State service, nor the Government’s general policy responsibility for the management of the State service.

(7) In addition to the functions conferred on it by or under this Constitution, a commission, tribunal or board to which this section applies has such powers and other functions (if any) as are prescribed by written law.

(8) The validity of the transaction of business of a commission, tribunal or board to which this section applies is not affected if a person who was not entitled to do so took part in the proceedings.

(9) A commission, tribunal or board to which this section applies has the same powers as the High Court in respect of attendance and examination of witnesses (including the administration of oaths and the examination of witnesses abroad) and in respect of production of documents.



Raising of revenue 139.—(1) The raising by the Government of revenue or moneys, whether through

the imposition of taxation or otherwise, must be authorised by or under a written law.

(2) No taxation or fee may be imposed, waived or varied by the State, except as provided by written law.

(3) If a written law permits the waiver or variation of any tax or fee—

(a) a record of each waiver or variation must be maintained together with the reason for it; and

(b) each waiver or variation, and the reason for it, must be reported to the Auditor-General.

(4) No law may exempt, or authorise the exemption of, a public officer from payment of any tax or fee by reason of—

(a) the office held by that public officer; or

(b) the nature of the work of the public officer.

Consolidated Fund 140.—(1) All revenue or moneys raised or received for the purposes of the State or

Government must be paid into one Consolidated Fund.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to revenue or moneys that are payable by or under a written law into some other fund established for a specific purpose or that may, by or under a written law, be retained by the authority receiving them for the purposes of defraying the expenses of that authority.

Appropriations to be authorised by law 141. Moneys must not be withdrawn from the Consolidated Fund or from a fund

referred to in section 140(2) except under an appropriation made by law.

Authorisation of expenditure in advance of appropriation 142.—(1) Subject to any written law, if the Appropriation Act for a year has not

come into operation by the beginning of the year, the Minister responsible for finance may, to the extent and subject to the conditions prescribed by any written law, authorise the withdrawal of moneys from the Consolidated Fund for the ordinary services of Government.

(2) The total amount authorised for withdrawal under subsection (1) must not exceed one-third of the appropriations made for the ordinary services of Government in respect of the immediately preceding year.


Appropriation and taxing measures require ministerial consent 143. Any written law, that—

(a) appropriates revenue or moneys or increases such an appropriation;

(b) imposes taxation or an increase in taxation; or

(c) reduces the amount of any debt due to the State,

may only be passed by Parliament with the consent of Cabinet, as signified by the Minister responsible for finance.

Annual budget 144.—(1) In respect of each year ending on 31 December or on such other day as

Parliament prescribes, the Minister responsible for finance must cause to be laid before Parliament an annual budget, reflecting estimates of revenue and of capital and current expenditure for the year, in respect of the ordinary services of the Government and services of Parliament.

(2) A written law may prescribe the manner in which annual estimates are to be prepared.

Guarantees by Government 145.—(1) The Government must not guarantee the financial ability of any person

or body in respect of a loan or otherwise unless the giving of the guarantee is authorised by Parliament in accordance with conditions prescribed by law.

(2) Parliament, by resolution, may require the Minister responsible for finance to present to Parliament, within 7 days after the resolution, information concerning any particular loan or guarantee, including all information necessary to show—

(a) the extent of the total indebtedness by way of principal and accumulated interest;

(b) the use made or to be made of the proceeds of the loan or the purpose of the guarantee;

(c) the provisions made for servicing or repayment of the loan; and

(d) the progress made in the repayment of the loan.

Public moneys to be accounted for 146. All public moneys must be dealt with and accounted for in accordance with

law and otherwise in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the public sector.

Standing appropriation of Consolidated Fund for payment of certain salaries and allowances 147.—(1) This section applies to—

(a) the President;

(b) a judicial officer;


(c) the Supervisor of Elections;

(d) the Secretary-General to Parliament;

(e) the Solicitor-General;

(f) the Director of Public Prosecutions;

(g) the Commissioner and the Deputy Commissioner of the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption;

(h) the Commissioner of Police;

(i) the Commissioner of the Fiji Corrections Service;

(j) the Commander of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces;

(k) the Auditor-General;

(l) the chairperson and members of the Human Rights andAnti-Discrimination Commission;

(m) the chairperson and members of the Electoral Commission;

(n) the chairperson and members of the Accountability and Transparency Commission;

(o) the members of the Judicial Services Commission referred to in section 104(1)(d) and (e);

(p) the members of the Mercy Commission referred to in section 119(2)(b);

(q) the chairperson and members of the Public Service Disciplinary Tribunal;

(r) the chairperson and members of the Public Service Commission;

(s) the members of the Constitutional Offices Commission referred to in section 132(2)(d) and (e); and

(t) the chairperson and members of any tribunal or medical board established or appointed under this Constitution to consider the question of removal from office of any person.

(2) The salaries or allowances payable to a person to whom this section applies are payable out of the Consolidated Fund, which is appropriated accordingly.

Standing appropriation of Consolidated Fund for other purposes 148.—(1) All debt charges for which the State is liable and all pension benefits

(except to the extent that they are a charge on another fund and have been paid out of that fund to the person or authority to whom payment is due) are payable out of the Consolidated Fund, which is appropriated accordingly.


(2) In this section—

“debt charges” means interest, sinking fund charges, amounts due in respect of repayment or amortisation of debt, and other expenditure incurred in connection with the raising of loans on the security of the revenue of the State or the Consolidated Fund;

“eligible service” means service in a public office but does not include service in a naval, military or air force; and

“pension benefits” means pensions, compensation, gratuities or other like payments payable to persons in respect of their eligible service or to their spouses, dependents, or personal representatives in respect of that service.




Code of conduct 149. A written law shall—

(a) establish a code of conduct which shall be applicable to the President, Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Prime Minister, Ministers, members of Parliament, holders of offices established by or continued in existence under this Constitution or under any written law, members of commissions, permanent secretaries, ambassadors or other principal representatives of the State, and persons who hold statutory appointments or governing or executive positions in statutory authorities, and to such other offices (including public offices) as may be prescribed by written law;

(b) establish rules, processes and procedures for the implementation of the code of conduct by the Accountability and Transparency Commission;

(c) provide for the monitoring by the Accountability and Transparency Commission of compliance with the code of conduct by the officers mentioned in paragraph (a);

(d) make provision for the investigation of alleged breaches of the code of conduct and enforcement of the code of conduct by the Accountability and Transparency Commission, including through criminal and disciplinary proceedings, and provide for the removal from office of those officers who are found to be in breach of the code of conduct;

(e) provide for the protection of whistle-blowers, being persons who, in good faith, make disclosures that an officer mentioned in paragraph (a) has contravened any written law or has breached the code of conduct or has engaged in fraudulent or corrupt practices; and

(f) provide for the annual declaration by the officers mentioned in paragraph (a) of the assets and liabilities and financial interests of the officer, and of such other direct relatives of the officer as may be prescribed, to the Accountability and Transparency Commission, and for such declarations to be accessible to the public.


Freedom of information 150. Awritten law shall make provision for the exercise by a member of the public

of the right to access official information and documents held by the Government and its agencies.



Auditor-General 151.—(1) The office of the Auditor-General established under the State Services

Decree 2009 continues in existence.

(2) The Auditor-General is appointed by the President on the advice of the Constitutional Offices Commission, following consultation with theMinister responsible for finance.

(3) The President may, on the advice of the Constitutional Offices Commission, appoint a person to act as the Auditor-General during any period, or during all periods, when the office of the Auditor-General is vacant or when the Auditor-General is absent from duty or from Fiji or is, for any reason, unable to perform the functions of office.

Functions of Auditor-General 152.—(1) At least once in every year, the Auditor-General shall inspect, audit and

report to Parliament on—

(a) the public accounts of the State;

(b) the control of public money and public property of the State; and

(c) all transactions with or concerning the public money or public property of the State.

(2) In the report, the Auditor-General must state whether, in his or her opinion—

(a) transactions with or concerning the public money or public property of the State have been authorised by or pursuant to this Constitution or any written law; and

(b) expenditure has been applied to the purpose for which it was authorised.

(3) A written law may make further provisions in relation to the office of the Auditor-General and may confer further functions and powers on the Auditor-General.

(4) In the performance of his or her duties, the Auditor-General or a person authorised by him or her has access to all records, books, vouchers, stores or other Government property in the possession, custody or control of any person or authority.

(5) In the performance of his or her functions or the exercise of his or her authority and powers, the Auditor-General shall be independent and shall not be subject to the direction or control of any person or authority, except by a court of law or as otherwise prescribed by written law.

(6) The Auditor-General shall have the authority to appoint, remove and discipline all staff (including administrative staff) in the office of the Auditor-General.


(7) The Auditor-General has the authority to determine all matters pertaining to the employment of all staff in the office of the Auditor-General, including—

(a) the terms and conditions of employment;

(b) the qualification requirements for appointment and the process to be followed for appointment, which must be an open, transparent and competitive selection process based on merit;

(c) the salaries, benefits and allowances payable, in accordance with its budget as approved by Parliament; and

(d) the total establishment or the total number of staff that are required to be appointed, in accordance with the budget as approved by Parliament.

(8) The salaries, benefits and allowances payable to any person employed in the office of the Auditor-General are a charge on the Consolidated Fund.

(9) Parliament shall ensure that adequate funding and resources are made available to the Auditor-General, to enable him or her to independently and effectively exercise his or her powers and perform his or her functions and duties.

(10) TheAuditor-General shall have control of the budget and finances of the office of the Auditor-General, as approved by Parliament.

(11) A written law may provide that the accounts of a specified body corporate are not subject to audit by the Auditor-General but are to be audited as prescribed in that written law.

(12) If the written law under subsection (11) so provides, it must also empower the Auditor-General to review those audits and report the results of a review.

(13) The Auditor-General must submit a report made by him or her to the Speaker of Parliament and must submit a copy to the Minister responsible for finance.

(14) Within 30 days of receipt, or if Parliament is not sitting, on the first day after the end of that period, the Minister responsible for finance must lay the report before Parliament.



Reserve Bank of Fiji 153.—(1) The Reserve Bank of Fiji is the central bank of the State, whose primary

objects are—

(a) to protect the value of the currency in the interest of balanced and sustainable economic growth;

(b) to formulate monetary policy;

(c) to promote price stability;

(d) to issue currency; and

(e) to perform other functions conferred on it by a written law.

(2) In pursuing its primary objects, the Reserve Bank of Fiji must perform its functions independently and without fear, favour or prejudice, but there must be regular consultation between the Reserve Bank of Fiji and the Minister responsible for finance.

(3) The powers and functions of the Reserve Bank of Fiji are those customarily exercised and performed by central banks.

(4) The Governor of the Reserve Bank of Fiji shall be appointed by the President on the advice of the Constitutional Offices Commission, following consultation with the Minister responsible for finance.

(5) A written law must provide for the composition, powers, functions and operations of the Reserve Bank of Fiji.

(6) TheReserveBankofFijimust deliver quarterly and annual reports toParliament, and any other reports when required by law, or requested by resolution.



State of emergency 154.—(1) The Prime Minister may, on the recommendation of the Commissioner

of Police and the Commander of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces, declare a state of emergency in Fiji, or in a part of Fiji, and may make regulations relating to a state of emergency, if there are reasonable grounds to believe that—

(a) the security and safety of all or part of Fiji is threatened; and

(b) it is necessary to declare a state of emergency to deal effectively with the threatening circumstances.

(2) If the declaration of a state of emergency is made when Parliament is sitting, the Prime Minister must, within 24 hours upon making the declaration, refer the declaration to Parliament for confirmation of the declaration.

(3) If the declaration of a state of emergency is made when Parliament is not sitting, the Speaker must, within 48 hours upon the making of the declaration, seek confirmation of the declaration from the members of Parliament through such measures of communication as necessary.

(4) If a majority of the members of Parliament confirm the declaration made by the Prime Minister, then the declaration shall continue for a period of one month from the date of confirmation, and may be renewed by a further vote in Parliament.

(5) If a majority of the members of Parliament do not confirm the declaration made by the Prime Minister, then the declaration and any actions taken under the declaration shall be deemed to be of no effect.



Immunity granted under the Constitution of 1990 continues 155. Notwithstanding the abrogation of the Constitution Amendment Act 1997 and

despite the repeal of the Constitution of 1990, Chapter XIV of the Constitution of 1990 continues in force in accordance with its tenor, and the immunity granted in Chapter XIV of the Constitution of 1990 shall continue.

Immunity granted under the Limitation of Liability for Prescribed Political Events Decree 2010 continues 156.—(1) The immunities granted to prescribed persons for prescribed political

events under the Limitation of Liability for Prescribed Political Events Decree 2010 shall continue in existence.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Constitution, the Limitation of Liability for Prescribed Political Events Decree 2010 shall, in its entirety, continue in existence and shall not be reviewed, amended, altered, repealed or revoked by Parliament.

Further immunity 157. Absolute and unconditional immunity is irrevocably granted to any person

(whether in their official or personal or individual capacity) holding the office of, or holding the office in, as the case may be—

(a) the President;

(b) the Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers;

(c) Republic of Fiji Military Forces;

(d) Fiji Police Force;

(e) Fiji Corrections Service;

(f) Judiciary;

(g) public service; and

(h) any public office,

from any criminal prosecution and from any civil or other liability in any court, tribunal or commission, in any proceeding including any legal, military, disciplinary or professional proceedings and from any order or judgment of any court, tribunal or commission, as a result of any direct or indirect participation, appointment or involvement in the Government from 5 December 2006 to the date of the first sitting of the first Parliament elected after the commencement of this Constitution, provided however any such immunity shall not apply to any act or omission that constitutes an offence under sections 133 to 146, 148 to 236, 288 to 351, 356 to 361, 364 to 374, and 377 to 386 of the Crimes Decree 2009 (as prescribed in the Crimes Decree 2009 at the date of the commencement of this Constitution).


Immunity entrenched 158.—(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Constitution, this Chapter

and any immunity granted or continued in this Chapter shall not be reviewed, amended, altered, repealed or revoked.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Constitution, no court or tribunal shall have the jurisdiction to accept, hear or make any decision or order with respect to any challenge against the provisions of this Chapter and any immunity granted or continued in this Chapter.

(3) No compensation shall be payable by the State to any person in respect of damage, injury or loss to his or her property or person caused by or consequent upon any conduct from which immunity has been granted under this Chapter.



Amendment of Constitution 159.—(1) Subject to subsection (2), this Constitution, or any provision of this

Constitution, may be amended in accordance with the procedure prescribed in this Chapter, and may not be amended in any other way.

(2) No amendment to this Constitution may ever—

(a) repeal any provision in Chapter 10 of this Constitution or in Part D of Chapter 12 of this Constitution;

(b) infringe or diminish the effect of any provision in Chapter 10 of this Constitution or in Part D of Chapter 12 of this Constitution; or

(c) repeal, infringe or diminish the effect of this Chapter.

Procedure for amendment 160.—(1) A Bill for the amendment of this Constitution must be expressed as a Bill

for an Act to amend this Constitution.

(2) A Bill for the amendment of this Constitution must be passed by Parliament in accordance with the following procedure—

(a) the Bill is read 3 times in Parliament;

(b) at the second and third readings, it is supported by the votes of at least three-quarters of the members of Parliament;

(c) an interval of at least 30 days elapses between the second and third readings and each of those readings is preceded by full opportunity for debate; and

(d) the third reading of the Bill in Parliament does not take place until after the relevant committee of Parliament has reported on the Bill to Parliament.

(3) If a Bill for the amendment of this Constitution is passed by Parliament in accordance with subsection (2), then the Speaker shall notify the President accordingly, who shall then refer the Bill to the Electoral Commission, for the Electoral Commission to conduct a referendum for all registered voters in Fiji to vote on the Bill.

(4) The referendum for the purposes of subsection (3) shall be conducted by the Electoral Commission in such manner as prescribed by written law.

(5) The Electoral Commission shall, immediately after the referendum, notify the President of the outcome and shall publish the outcome of the referendum in the media.

(6) If the outcome of the referendum is that three-quarters of the total number of the registered voters have voted in favour of the Bill, then the President must assent to the Bill, which shall come into force on the date of the Presidential assent or on such other date as prescribed in the Bill.


(7) In this section, the use of the word “amend” or “amendment” is intended to be understood broadly, so that the section applies to any proposal to repeal, replace, revise, or alter any provision of this Constitution.

Amendments before 31 December 2013 161.—(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Chapter, on or before 31

December 2013, the President acting on the advice of Cabinet may, by Decree published in the Gazette, make such amendments to this Constitution, as are necessary to give full effect to the provisions of this Constitution or to rectify any inconsistency or errors in any provision of this Constitution.

(2) Cabinet can only advise the President for an amendment to this Constitution under subsection (1) if Cabinet obtains certification of the Supreme Court for the amendment.

(3) For the avoidance of doubt, this section shall expire on, and be of no effect after, 31 December 2013.




Short title and commencement 162.—(1) This Constitution may be cited as the Constitution of the Republic of


(2) This Constitution shall come into force on 7 September 2013.


Interpretation 163.—(1) In this Constitution, unless the contrary intention appears—

Act” means an Act of Parliament, a Decree or a Promulgation;

adult” means an individual who is 18 years of age or over;

Bill of Rights” means the rights and freedoms set out in Chapter 2;

child” means an individual who has not reached the age of 18 years;

commission” means a commission established by, or continued in existence under, this Constitution;

Constitution of 1990” means the Constitution set out in the Constitution of the Sovereign Democratic Republic of Fiji (Promulgation) Decree 1990;

corrupt practices” includes—

(a) any attempt to improperly influence a public officer;

(b) to influence peddling, bribery, or extortion;

(c) misuse of inside information for personal gain;

(d) requesting or accepting any benefit to which a person is not lawfully entitled;

(e) withholding any service, benefit, decision or judgment, or threatening a person with the exercise of a lawful power against that person, or implying any such practice, in order to extort a personal benefit or to improperly obtain the person’s consent to any action or omission;

(f) unlawfully taking or demanding any private property;

(g) misuse or misapplication of public property for personal purposes, or theft of public property; and

(h) converting or selling public assets for personal gain;


criminal proceedings” means proceedings before any court, other than a military court, in which a person is prosecuted for allegedly committing an offence, including an appeal, a case presented on the basis of agreed facts, or a question of law reserved;

department” means a department of the public service, under a ministry;

disability” includes any physical, sensory, mental, psychological or other condition, or illness that—

(a) has, or is perceived by significant sectors of the community to have, a significant adverse effect on an individual’s ability to participate fully and effectively in society on an equal basis with others; or

(b) forms the basis of unfair discrimination;

disciplinary law” means a written law regulating the discipline of any disciplined force;

disciplined force” means—

(a) the Republic of Fiji Military Forces;

(b) the Fiji Police Force; or

(c) the Fiji Corrections Service;

electoral offences” includes an offence under a law governing elections and includes any offence under any law governing registration of voters and registration of political parties;

Fiji” or “Republic of Fiji” means the territories which immediately before 10 October 1970 constituted the Colony of Fiji and includes any other territory declared by Parliament to form part of Fiji;

Gazette” means the Government of the Republic of Fiji Gazette published by order or under the authority of the Government, or a supplement to the Gazette;

Government” means the Government of the State;

human trafficking” includes trafficking of persons as defined or prescribed by a written law;

Judge” means a Judge of the High Court (including the Chief Justice), a Justice of Appeal (including the President of the Court of Appeal) or a Judge of the Supreme Court;


judicial officer” includes a Judge of the High Court (including the Chief Justice), a Justice of Appeal (including the President of the Court of Appeal), a Judge of the Supreme Court, Magistrate, Masters of the High Court, the Chief Registrar and other judicial officers appointed by the Judicial Services Commission;

law” includes all written law;

minerals” includes all minerals extracted from land or seabed and includes natural gases;

oath” includes affirmation;

oath or affirmation of allegiance and office” means the oath or affirmation of allegiance and office as set out in the Schedule;

person” means a natural or legal person, including a company or association or body of persons whether corporate or unincorporated;

political party” means an organised group or association of persons striving for participation in the political life or Government of the Republic of Fiji that has been registered under a written law regulating the organisation of political parties;

prescribed” means prescribed in, by or under a written law;

President” means the President of the Republic of Fiji appointed under Chapter 4 and includes any person appointed or holding office under Part D of this Chapter;

property” includes any vested or contingent right to, or interest in or arising from—

(a) land, or permanent fixtures on, or improvements to, land;

(b) goods or personal property;

(c) intellectual property; or

(d) money or negotiable instruments;

public office” means—

(a) anofficecreatedby, or continued inexistenceunder, thisConstitution;

(b) an office in respect of which this Constitution makes provision;

(c) an office of a member of a commission;

(d) an office in a State service;


(e) an office of Judge;

(f) an office of Magistrate or an office in a court created by written law;

(g) an office in, or as a member of, a statutory authority; or

(h) an office established by written law;

public officer” means the holder of a public office;

public service” means the service of the State in a civil capacity but does not include—

(a) service in the judicial branch;

(b) service in the office of a member of a commission; or

(c) service in an office created by, or continued in existence under, this Constitution;

session”, in relation to Parliament, means a sitting of Parliament starting when it first meets after a prorogation of Parliament or a dissolution of Parliament and ending when Parliament is next prorogued or Parliament is next dissolved;

sentence of imprisonment” does not include a suspended sentence or a sentence of imprisonment with the option of a fine;

sitting”, in relation to Parliament, means a period during which Parliament is sitting continuously without adjournment, and includes any period during which Parliament is in committee;

Speaker” means the Speaker of Parliament;

State” means the Republic of Fiji;

state of emergency” means a state of emergency proclaimed under Chapter 9;

State service” means the public service and the disciplined force;

subordinate court” means any court of law established for the State other than the High Court, Court of Appeal, Supreme Court or a court established by a disciplinary law;

subordinate law” means any instrument made in exercise of a power to make the instrument conferred by an Act, and includes regulations, rules, orders, by-laws or declarations;

this Constitution” means the Constitution of the Republic of Fiji; and

written law” means an Act, Decree, Promulgation and subordinate law made under those Acts, Decrees or Promulgations.


(2) A reference in this Constitution to a power to make appointments to a public office includes a reference to—

(a) a power to make appointments on the promotion or transfer to the office; and

(b) a power to appoint a person to act in the office while it is vacant or its holder is unable to perform the functions of the office.

(3) In this Constitution, unless the contrary intention appears, a reference to the holder of an office by the term designating his or her office includes a reference to any person for the time being acting in the office.

(4) A person who has been appointed to an office established by this Constitution may resign from the office by notice in writing signed by him or her addressed to the person or authority by whom he or she was appointed, and the resignation takes effect—

(a) at the time or on the date specified in the notice; or

(b) when the notice is received by the person or authority to whom it is addressed,

whichever is the later.

(5) A reference in this Constitution to a power to remove a person from a public office includes a reference to—

(a) a power to require the person to retire from office;

(b) a power to terminate the contract on which the person is employed; or

(c) a power not to renew the contract on which the person is employed.

(6) Areference in this Constitution to amending any law (including this Constitution) is a reference to—

(a) repealing it with or without replacing it by another law;

(b) modifying, varying, revising or altering it by amendment or otherwise;

(c) suspending its operation; or

(d) making other provision that is inconsistent with it.

(7) A person, authority or body upon whom the functions are conferred by this Constitution has power to do everything necessary or convenient to be done for, or in connection with, the performance of those functions.

(8) A reference in this Constitution to the Minister in relation to the doing of anything, the participation in any consultation or the receipt of any report is a reference to the Minister who, for the time being, has been assigned responsibility for the part of the business of the Government relating to the subject matter of the activity concerned.


(9) Unless the contrary intention appears, a reference in this Constitution to a Minister includes a reference to the Minister for the time being acting for and on behalf of the first mentioned Minister.

(10) A provision of this Constitution to the effect that a person or authority is not subject to the direction or control of any other person or authority in the performance of functions or the exercise of powers is not to be construed as precluding a court of law from exercising jurisdiction in relation to a question whether the first mentioned person or authority has performed the functions or exercised the powers in accordance with this Constitution or whether that person or authority should or should not perform the functions or exercise the powers.

(11) A power conferred by this Constitution to make, grant or issue any instrument (including a proclamation, order, regulation or rule), or to give any direction, includes the power, exercisable in the like manner, to repeal, rescind, revoke, amend or vary the instrument or direction.

(12) For the avoidance of doubt, use of the word “must” in this Constitution imports obligation to the same extent as if the word “shall” were used.

(13) A reference in this Constitution to an office named in this Constitution is to be read with any formal alteration necessary to make it applicable in the circumstances.

(14) In this Constitution, unless the context otherwise requires—

(a) if a word or expression is defined in this Constitution, any grammatical variation or cognate expression of the word or expression has a corresponding meaning, read with the changes required by the context; and

(b) the word “includes” means “includes, but is not limited to”.

(15) In calculating time between 2 events for any purpose under this Constitution, if the time is expressed—

(a) as days, the day on which the first event occurs is to be excluded, and the day by which the last event may occur is to be included;

(b) as months, the time period ends at the beginning of the day in the relevant month—

(i) that has the same number as the date on which the period began, if that month has a corresponding date; or

(ii) that is the last day of that month, in any other case; or

(c) as years, the period of time ends at the beginning of the date of the relevant year that corresponds to the date on which the period began.

(16) If a period of time prescribed by this Constitution for any purpose is 6 days or less, Sundays and public holidays are not to be counted when calculating the time.


(17) If, in any particular circumstance, the period of time prescribed by this Constitution ends on a Sunday or a public holiday, the period extends to the first subsequent day that is not a Sunday or public holiday.

(18) If a particular time is not prescribed by this Constitution for performing a required act, the act must be done without unreasonable delay, and as often as the occasion requires.

(19) If any person has authority under this Constitution to extend a period of time prescribed by this Constitution, the authority may be exercised either before or after the end of the period, unless a contrary intention is expressly mentioned in the provision conferring the authority.

(20) Except to the extent that this Constitution provides otherwise, if a person has vacated an office established under this Constitution, the person may, if qualified, again be appointed, elected or otherwise selected to hold the office in accordance with this Constitution.

(21) The Schedule is a part of this Constitution, and every use of the expression “this Constitution” includes the Schedule.

(22) Any person required under any law to take an oath or affirmation of allegiance and office must take the appropriate oath or affirmation set out in the Schedule.


Repeals 164. Subject to Part D of this Chapter and other provisions of this Constitution, the

following written laws are repealed—

(a) Executive Authority of Fiji Decree 2009;

(b) Revenue and Expenditure Decree 2009;

(c) State Services Decree 2009;

(d) Office of the Vice-President and Succession Decree 2009; and

(e) Administration of Justice Decree 2009.


Office of the President 165.—(1) Notwithstanding the repeal of the Executive Authority of Fiji Decree

2009, the President appointed under the Executive Authority of Fiji Decree 2009 shall continue to hold office for the term of his or her appointment made under the Executive Authority of Fiji Decree 2009, and any re-appointment to the office of the President must be done in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.


(2) The President appointed under the Executive Authority of Fiji Decree 2009 shall continue to exercise executive authority of Fiji and exercise all the powers (including making laws by Decree on the advice of Cabinet) vested in him or her under the Executive Authority of Fiji Decree 2009, until the first sitting of the first Parliament under this Constitution.

(3) If any vacancy arises in the office of the President before the first sitting of the first Parliament under this Constitution, then another person shall be appointed to the office of the President in accordance with the Executive Authority of Fiji Decree 2009.

(4) Notwithstanding the repeal of the Office of the Vice-President and Succession Decree 2009, until the first sitting of the first Parliament under this Constitution, if the office of the President is vacant or if the President is absent from duty or from Fiji or is, for any reason, unable to perform the functions of the office of the President, then the functions of the office of the President shall be performed by the Chief Justice.

Prime Minister and Ministers 166.—(1) Notwithstanding the repeal of the Executive Authority of Fiji Decree

2009, the Prime Minister and other Ministers appointed under the Executive Authority of Fiji Decree 2009 shall continue in office until a Prime Minister assumes office under section 93 of this Constitution.

(2) The Prime Minister and other Ministers shall continue to exercise all the authority and powers vested in the Prime Minister and other Ministers under the Executive Authority of Fiji Decree 2009 until a Prime Minister assumes office under section 93 of this Constitution.

(3) Notwithstanding its repeal and notwithstanding anything contained in this Constitution, the Executive Authority of Fiji Decree 2009 shall continue to be in force until the first sitting of the first Parliament under this Constitution.

(4) Notwithstanding the repeal of the laws mentioned in Part C of this Chapter and notwithstanding anything contained in this Constitution, until the first sitting of the first Parliament under this Constitution, subordinate laws shall be made in accordance with laws, rules and procedures applicable prior to the commencement of this Constitution.

Public or Constitutional officers 167.—(1) Any person who immediately before the date of commencement of this

Constitution holds or is acting in a public office shall, from the date of the commencement of this Constitution hold or act in that office or the corresponding public office established by this Constitution as if he or she had been appointed to do so in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution and shall be deemed to have taken any oath or affirmation required upon such appointment by any existing law.

(2) The provision of this section shall be without prejudice to any power conferred by or under this Constitution to make provision for the abolition of offices or for the removal from office of persons holding or acting in any office.


(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Constitution, until the first sitting of the first Parliament elected under this Constitution, any function, power or duty that is conferred under this Constitution on the Constitutional Offices Commission shall be performed by the Prime Minister.

(4) For the avoidance of doubt, the members of the Constitutional Offices Commission referred to in section 132(2)(d) and (e) shall only be appointed after the first sitting of the first Parliament elected under this Constitution, and the Constitution Offices Commission shall not hold any meeting until after the first sitting of the first Parliament elected under this Constitution.

(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Constitution, sections 79(8), 108(2), 116(12), 117(13), 121(15), 127(8), 129(8), 130(8), 131(6) and 152(7) shall only take effect from 1 January 2014.

Finance 168. Notwithstanding the repeal of the Revenue and Expenditure Decree 2009 and

the provisions of Chapter 7 of this Constitution, the Revenue and Expenditure Decree 2009 shall continue to be in force until the first sitting of the first Parliament under this Constitution.

Functions of Parliament and Speaker 169.—(1) Notwithstanding the repeal of the laws mentioned in Part C of this

Chapter, any function that has to be performed by the Speaker in this Constitution shall, until the first sitting of the first Parliament under this Constitution, be performed by the Prime Minister.

(2) Notwithstanding the repeal of the laws mentioned in Part C of this Chapter, any function that has to be performed by Parliament in this Constitution shall, until the first sitting of the first Parliament under this Constitution, be performed by Cabinet.

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Constitution, until the first sitting of the first Parliament elected under this Constitution, any function, power or duty that is conferred under this Constitution on the Leader of the Opposition shall be performed by the Prime Minister.

Elections 170.—(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in Chapter 4 of this Constitution,

the first general election for members of Parliament under this Constitution shall be held on a date to be determined by the President, on the advice of the Prime Minister, provided however that the first general election must be held no later than 30 September 2014.

(2) For the first general election of members of Parliament under this Constitution, the date on which such general election shall be held shall be publicly announced by the President at least 60 days before the date of the general election.

(3) The writ for the first general election of members of Parliament under this Constitution shall be issued by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister, at least 44 days before the date of the general election.


(4) For the first general election of members of Parliament under this Constitution, the last day for the receipt of a nomination of a candidate for election to Parliament shall be 30 days before the date of the general election.

(5) Until such time the Electoral Commission or a Supervisor of Elections is appointed under this Constitution, the functions of the Electoral Commission or the Supervisor of Elections shall be performed by the Permanent Secretary responsible for elections.

Succession of institutions 171.—(1) An office or institution established under this Constitution shall be the

legal successor of the corresponding office or institution existing immediately before the commencement of this Constitution.

(2) Upon its appointment under this Constitution, the Supervisor of Elections shall be the legal successor to the office of the Registrar of Voters under the Electoral (Registration of Voters) Decree 2012 and to the office of the Registrar under the Political Parties (Registration, Conduct, Funding and Disclosures) Decree 2013.

Preservation of rights and obligations 172.—(1) Except to the extent that this Constitution expressly provides otherwise,

all rights and obligations, however arising, of the State and subsisting immediately before the commencement of this Constitution shall continue as rights and obligations of the State under this Constitution.

(2) All permits, licences, rights or similar undertakings of the State issued to any person, and in force immediately before the commencement of this Constitution shall continue in the same terms from that date.

(3) Alldelegations thathadbeengivenbefore thecommencementof thisConstitution by a person referred to any law repealed under Part C of this Chapter and which were in force immediately before the commencement of this Constitution, shall continue in force after the commencement of this Constitution, as if given by a corresponding commission or person referred to in this Constitution.

(4) All proceedings before a commission or a person referred to in any law repealed under Part C of this Chapter that had commenced but had not been determined on the date of the commencement of this Constitution shall continue after the commencement of this Constitution as if they had been commenced before the corresponding commission or person referred to in this Constitution.

(5) Any complaint lodged with the Human Rights Commission established under the Human Rights Commission Decree 2009 but which had not been determined by the date of the commencement of this Constitution shall continue to be dealt with by the Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission established under section 45 of this Constitution, provided however that any complaint made to the Human Rights and Anti-


Discrimination Commission after 21 August 2013 must be limited to matters, events or incidents which occurred or occur after 21 August 2013, and the Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission must not in any way deal with any complaint made to it after 21 August 2013 if the complaint relates to matters, events or incidents occurring before 21 August 2013.

Preservation of laws 173.—(1) Subject to subsection (2), all written laws in force immediately before

the date of commencement of this Constitution (other than the laws referred to in Part C of this Chapter) shall continue in force as if they had been made under or pursuant to this Constitution, and shall be construed with such modifications, adaptations, qualifications and exceptions as may be necessary to bring them into conformity with this Constitution.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Constitution, any Promulgation, Decree or Declaration (other than the laws referred to in Part C of this Chapter) and any subordinate laws made under any such Promulgation, Decree or Declaration—

(a) made or as may be made between 5 December 2006 until the first sitting of the first Parliament under this Constitution; and

(b) which are in force and have not been repealed or replaced by another Promulgation, Decree or Declaration or by any subordinate laws made under any such Promulgation, Decree or Declaration (as the case may be),

shall continue to be in force in their entirety.

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Constitution, any Promulgation, Decree or Declaration (other than the laws referred to in Part C of this Chapter) and any subordinate laws made under any such Promulgation, Decree or Declaration—

(a) made or as may be made between 5 December 2006 until the first sitting of the first Parliament under this Constitution; and

(b) which are in force and have not been repealed or replaced by another Promulgation, Decree or Declaration or by any subordinate laws made under any such Promulgation, Decree or Declaration (as the case may be),

may be amended by Parliament after the commencement of this Constitution, provided however that no such amendment shall—

(i) have any retrospective effect;

(ii) in any way nullify any decision made under these laws; or

(iii) grant any compensation, damages, relief, remedy or reparation to any person affected by these laws.


(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Constitution, no court or tribunal (including any court or tribunal established or continued in existence by the Constitution) shall have the jurisdiction to accept, hear, determine, or in any other way entertain, or to grant any order, relief or remedy, in any proceeding of any nature whatsoever which seeks or purports to challenge or question—

(a) the validity or legality of any Promulgation, Decree or Declaration, and any subordinate laws made under any such Promulgation, Decree or Declaration (including any provision of any such laws), made or as may be made between 5 December 2006 until the first sitting of the first Parliament under this Constitution;

(b) the constitutionality of any Promulgation, Decree or Declaration, and any subordinate laws made under any such Promulgation, Decree or Declaration (including any provision of any such laws), made or as may be made between 5 December 2006 until the first sitting of the first Parliament under this Constitution;

(c) any Promulgation, Decree or Declaration, and any subordinate laws made under any such Promulgation, Decree or Declaration (including any provision of any such laws), made or as may be made between 5 December 2006 until the first sitting of the first Parliament under this Constitution, for being inconsistent with any provision of this Constitution, including any provision of Chapter 2 of this Constitution; or

(d) any decision made or authorised, or any action taken, or any decision which may be made or authorised, or any action which may be taken, under any Promulgation, Decree or Declaration, and any subordinate laws made under any such Promulgation, Decree or Declaration (including any provision of any such laws), made or as may be made between 5 December 2006 until the first sitting of the first Parliament under this Constitution, except as may be provided in or authorised by any such Promulgation, Decree or Declaration (including any provision of any such laws), made or as may be made between 5 December 2006 until the first sitting of the first Parliament under this Constitution.

(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Constitution, despite the repeal of the Administration of Justice Decree 2009, subsections (3), (4), (5), (6) and (7) of section 5 of the Administration of Justice Decree 2009 shall continue to apply to any Promulgation, Decree or Declaration, and any subordinate laws made under any such Promulgation, Decree or Declaration (including any provision of any such laws), made or as may be made between 5 December 2006 until the first sitting of the first Parliament under this Constitution.


(6) All written laws that had been made but had not come into force on the date of the commencement of this Constitution may be brought into force in accordance with their terms and shall apply as if enacted or made under or pursuant to this Constitution.

Judicial proceedings 174.—(1) The courts established by the Administration of Justice Decree 2009

shall continue in existence.

(2) All proceedings in the courts established under the Administration of Justice Decree 2009 that had commenced but had not been determined on the date of the commencement of this Constitution shall continue as if the provisions of this Constitution were in force at their commencement.

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Constitution, sections 23, 23A, 23B, 23C, and 23D of the Administration of Justice Decree 2009 shall continue in force and shall not be amended, revised, altered or repealed, and the courts established by, or continued in existence under, this Constitution shall not have jurisdiction to—

(a) accept, hear or determine any matter for which the jurisdiction of the courts is excluded under the Administration of Justice Decree 2009 or under any Promulgation, Decree, Declaration or under any other written law; or

(b) accept, hear or determine any proceeding which had been terminated under the Administration of Justice Decree 2009 or under any Promulgation, Decree, Declaration or under any other written law.




Part A—Allegiance


I, .............., swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Republic of Fiji according to law, and I will obey, observe, uphold and maintain the Constitution of the Republic of Fiji. So help me, God!

AFFIRMATION OF ALLEGIANCE I, .............., do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Republic of Fiji according to law, and I will obey, observe, uphold and maintain the Constitution of the Republic of Fiji.

Part B—For Taking Office

OATH FOR PRESIDENT I, .............., swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Republic of Fiji, and that I will obey, observe, uphold and maintain the Constitution of the Republic of Fiji and all other laws of Fiji; and I will devote myself to the well-being of the Republic of Fiji and all Fijians, protect and promote their rights and well and truly serve the Republic of Fiji in the office of the President. So help me, God!

AFFIRMATION FOR PRESIDENT I, .............., do solemnly and sincerely and truly declare and affirm that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Republic of Fiji, and that I will obey, observe, uphold and maintain the Constitution of the Republic of Fiji and all other laws of Fiji; and I will devote myself to the well-being of the Republic of Fiji and all Fijians, protect and promote their rights and well and truly serve the Republic of Fiji in the office of the President.

OATH FOR MINISTERS I, .............., being appointed as Prime Minister/Minister, swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Republic of Fiji, and that I will obey, observe, uphold and maintain the Constitution of the Republic of Fiji and all other laws of Fiji; and I solemnly and sincerely promise to hold my office with honour, dignity and integrity, to be a true and faithful counsellor, not to divulge any secret matter entrusted to me, and to perform the functions of my office conscientiously and to the best of my ability. So help me, God!


AFFIRMATION FOR MINISTERS I, .............., being appointed as Prime Minister/Minister, do solemnly and sincerely and truly declare and affirm that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Republic of Fiji, and that I will obey, observe, uphold and maintain the Constitution of the Republic of Fiji and all other laws of Fiji; and I solemnly and sincerely promise to hold my office with honour, dignity and integrity, to be a true and faithful counsellor, not to divulge any secret matter entrusted to me, and to perform the functions of my office conscientiously and to the best of my ability.

OATH FOR JUDICIAL OFFICERS I, .............., swear that, as a judicial officer within the courts of Fiji, I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Republic of Fiji, and that I will obey, observe, uphold and maintain the Constitution of the Republic of Fiji and all other laws of Fiji; and I solemnly and sincerely promise that I will defend the rule of law and the rights of the people, and will do justice to all persons without fear, favour or prejudice, in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Fiji and the law. So help me, God!

AFFIRMATION FOR JUDICIAL OFFICERS I, .............., do solemnly and sincerely and truly declare and affirm that, as a judicial officer within the courts of Fiji, I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Republic of Fiji, and that I will obey, observe, uphold and maintain the Constitution of the Republic of Fiji and all other laws of Fiji; and I solemnly and sincerely promise that I will defend the rule of law and the rights of the people, and will do justice to all persons without fear, favour or prejudice, in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Fiji and the law.

OATH FOR MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT I, .............., swear that, as a member of Parliament of Fiji, I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Republic of Fiji, and that I will obey, observe, uphold and maintain the Constitution of the Republic of Fiji and all other laws of Fiji; and I solemnly and sincerely promise that I will defend the rule of law and the rights of the people, and will act with integrity and diligently carry out my responsibilities, in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Fiji and the law. So help me, God!

AFFIRMATION FOR MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT I, .............., do solemnly and sincerely and truly declare and affirm that, as a member of Parliament of Fiji, I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Republic of Fiji, and that I will obey, observe, uphold and maintain the Constitution of the Republic of Fiji and all other laws of Fiji; and I solemnly and sincerely promise that I will defend the rule of law and the rights of the people, and will act with integrity and diligently carry out my responsibilities, in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Fiji and the law.



OATH FOR SPEAKER/DEPUTY SPEAKER OF PARLIAMENT I, .............., swear that, as the Speaker/Deputy Speaker of Parliament, I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Republic of Fiji, and that I will obey, observe, uphold and maintain the Constitution of the Republic of Fiji and all other laws of Fiji; and I solemnly and sincerely promise that I will defend the rule of law and the rights of the people, maintain the dignity and honour of Parliament to the best of my ability, and act without fear, favour or prejudice, in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Fiji and the law. So help me, God!

AFFIRMATION FOR SPEAKER/DEPUTY SPEAKER OF PARLIAMENT I, .............., do solemnly and sincerely and truly declare and affirm that, as the Speaker/ Deputy Speaker of Parliament, I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Republic of Fiji, and that I will obey, observe, uphold and maintain the Constitution of the Republic of Fiji and all other laws of Fiji; and I solemnly and sincerely promise that I will defend the rule of law and the rights of the people, maintain the dignity and honour of Parliament to the best of my ability, and act without fear, favour or prejudice, in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Fiji and the law.

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 Yavunivakavulewa Ni Matanitu Tugalala O Viti











1. Na Matanitu Tugalala o Viti 2. Cecere ni Yavunivakavulewa 3. Vakadewataki ni Yavunivakavulewa 4. Matanitu Vakavuravura 5. Lewenivanua


6. Na kena vakayagataki 7. iVakamacala ni Wase qo 8. Dodonu ni bula 9. Dodonu ni galala ni tamata

10. Galala mai na veivakabobulataki, cakacaka veivakasaurarataki, kei na veivolitaki vakabutobuto ni tamata

11. Galala mai na veivakalolomataki kei na itovo lolovira 12. Galala mai na veivakasaqarai kei na veivesu vakailoa 13. Dodonu ni tamata tauri vakavesu kei na tamata vesu vakawawa 14. Dodonu ni tamata beitaki 15. Vakayagataki ni mataveilewai se mataveivaqaqai 16. Dodonu ni tamata me baleta na vakatulewa ni vakailesilesi ni matanitu kei na

vakatulewa ni veiqaravi raraba vakalawa 17. Galala ni vosa doudou, kena matanataki kei na vakauitukutuku 18. Galala ni soqoni 19. Galala ni vakaisoqosoqo 20. Veimaliwai vakacakacaka 21. Galala ni veitosoyaki kei na vakaitikotiko 22. Galala ni sokalou, rai vakayalo kei na vakabauta 23. Dodonu vakapolitiki 24. Dodonu kei na galala yadua 25. Vakayagataki ni itukutuku 26. Dodonu ni tamata me qaravi vakatautauvata ena mata ni lawa kei na galala

mai na veivakaduiduitaki 27. Galala mai na kena tauri vakalawa se tauri vakaveitalia na iyau 28. Dodonu ni taukeni kei na taqomaki ni qele ni iTaukei, Rotuma kei na Rabi 29. Taqomaki ni taukeni kei na gagadre ni vakayagataki qele 30. Dodonu ni itaukei ni qele ena kena wasei vakadodonu na isau ni kena

vakayagataki na iyaubula


31. Dodonu ni vuli 32. Dodonu ni vakaitavi ena bula vakailavo 33. Dodonu ni cakacaka kei na isau e veiganiti 34. Dodonu ni tamata yadua me vakayagataka na veimataqali sala ni veitosoyaki 35. Dodonu ni veivakavaletaki kei na tikosavasava 36. Dodonu ni vakarautaki vakamatau ni kakana kei na wainigunu 37. Dodonu ni tamata yadua me vakarautaki vua na veivuke raraba 38. Dodonu ni tikobulabula 39. Galala mai na veivakatalai vakaveitalia 40. Dodonu ni tamata me baleta na veikabula 41. Nodra dodonu na gone 42. Dodonu ni lewenivanua e vakaleqai vakayago 43. Yalani ni dodonu ena gauna ni tikoleqa vakamatanitu 44. Dodonu ni tamata kevaka e vakaleqai na nona dodonu e virikotori ena Lawa

ni Dodonu 45. Matabose ni Dodonu ni Tamata kei na Valuti ni Veivakaduiduitaki



46. Na lewa ni buli lawa kei na kaukauwa ni Palimedi 47. Taurivaki na kaukauwa ni buli lawa 48. Veitokoni ni Peresitedi 49. Taurivaki ni lawa 50. Lawasau kei na lawa veitikivi 51. Kaukauwa ni Palimedi me baleta na veidinadinati kei na veimatanitu


52. Lewenipalimedi 53. iWalewale ni veidigidigi veiraurau 54. iDabedabe ena Palimedi 55. Dodonu ni veidigidigi kei na volayaca 56. Mata vakaturi ni veidigidigi i na Palimedi 57. Mata vakaturi era vakailesilesi ni valenivolavola ni lewenivanua 58. Gauna ni Palimedi 59. iVakaro tabaki ni veidigidigi 60. Tikinisiga ni veivakaturi 61. Tikinisiga ni Veidigidigi 62. Bokoci totolo ni Palimedi 63. Lala ni idabedabe ena Palimedi 64. Mata vakaturi tarava me tawana na itutu lala 65. iTutu lala 66. Mataveilewai ni Kudru ni Veidigidigi 67. Bose ni Palimedi


68. iWiliwili vakabau 69. Na Veidigidigi 70. Veikomiti 71. iTuvatuva ni Palimedi 72. iVolanikudru, galala ni vakaitavi ni lewenivanua 73. Kaukauwa, dodonu, galala kei na itotogi 74. Kaukauwa ni kaci ivakadinadina


75. Matabose ni Veidigidigi 76. iLiuliu ni Veidigidigi 77. Sipika kei na iVukevuke ni Sipika ni Palimedi 78. iLiuliu ni iToniveisaqa 79. Vunivola Levu ni Palimedi 80. iSau ni Veiqaravi



81. Na Peresitedi e Viti 82. Peresitedi e vakatulewa ena ivakasala 83. iVakatagedegede me digitaki kina na Peresitedi 84. Digitaki ni Peresitedi 85. Gauna kei na isau ni veiqaravi 86. Bubului 87. Kere vakacegu 88. Navosavakadua me na veisosomitaki vua na Peresitedi 89. Vagalalataki mai valenivolavola


90. Matanitu Veiliutaki 91. Boseyaco 92. Valenivolavola ni Paraiminisita 93. Digitaki ni Paraiminisita 94. Mosoni ni tawa veivakabauti 95. Digitaki ni Minisita 96. Vunilawa



97. Kaukauwa kei na tuvakaikoya ni mataveilewai 98. Mataveilewai Cecere


99. Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru 100. Mataveilewai e Cake 101. Mataveilewai e Ra 102. Mataveilewai lalai tale e so 103. Lawa kei na ivakarau ni mataveilewai 104. Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai 105. Veika me rawati ena veidigitaki 106. Digitaki ni Daunilewa 107. Veidigitaki tale e so 108. Vakailesilesi ena tabana ni mataveilewai 109. Bubului 110. Gauna ni veiqaravi 111. Vu ni vakacegui ni Navosavakadua kei na Peresitedi ni Mataveilewai ni

Rogokudru 112. Vu ni vakacegui ni vakailesilesi ni mataveilewai 113. iSau ni vakailesilesi ni mataveilewai


114. Matabose ni Lawa Tuvakaikoya 115. Matabose Tuvakaikoya e Valuta na Cakacaka Butobuto 116. Daunilawa Levu 117. Daireketa ni Veibeitaki ni Matanitu 118. Matabose ni Veivuke Vakalawa 119. Matabose ni Veivosoti 120. Mataveivaqaqai ni Kudru ni Cakacaka Vakamatanitu 121. Matabose ni Veiqaravi Vakadodonu kei na Veiqaravi Savasava 122. iTutu tawani



123. Veika me vakabibitaki ka rokovi 124. Mera lewenivanua tudei na cakacaka vakamatanitu 125. Matabose ni Cakacaka Vakamatanitu 126. iTavi ni Matabose ni Cakacaka Vakamatanitu 127. Vunivola tudei 128. Digitaki ni Mata e Vanuatani


129. Tabana ni Ovisa 130. Tabana ni Veivakadodonutaki e Viti 131. Tabana ni Mataivalu e Viti



132. Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa 133. iTavi ni Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa


134. Vakayagataki 135. iVakarau kei na iwalewale ni valenivolavola 136. iSau kei na oco 137. Vu ni vakacegui mai na nona itutu 138. Qaravi ni itavi ni matabose kei na mataveivaqaqai


139. Rawati ni iyau 140. Umailavo Cokovata ni Matanitu 141. Me vakadonui vakalawa na vakayagataki ilavo 142. Kaukauwa me vakayagataki na ilavo ni bera na veivakadonui vakalawa 143. E gadrevi na veivakadonui ni Minisita ena wasewasei ni ilavo se na musu

ivakacavacava 144. iTuvatuva ni ilavo vakayabaki 145. Veivakadeitaki vakailavo ni Matanitu 146. Vakamatatataki na ilavo ni lewenivanua 147. Yavu ni kena vakayagataki na Umailavo Cokovata ni Matanitu me baleta e

so na isau kei na oco 148. Vakadonui ni kena vakayagataki na Umailavo Cokovata ni Matanitu ena so

tale na inaki



149. iVakarau ni cakacaka


150. Galala ni tukutuku


151. Daunifika Levu 152. iTavi ni Daunifika Levu


153. Baqe ni Maroroi iLavo e Viti


154. Tikoleqa vakamatanitu



155. 156.

157. 158.

Tomani na veivagalalataki me vaka e virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa 1990 Tomani ni veivagalalataki me vaka e virikotori ena Dikiri ni Yalani ni Veika e Lavaki Me Qaravi Kina Na Veika Vakapolitiki 2010 Veivagalalataki tale e so Vakadeitaki ni veivagalalataki


159. Veisautaki ni Yavunivakavulewa 160. iWalewale ni kena veisautaki 161. Veisau ena Yavunivakavulewa ni se bera na ika31 ni Tiseba, 2013



162. Ulutaga lailai kei na kena itekitekivu


163. iVakamacala Tabana C—BOKOCI

164. Bokoci


165. Valenivolavola ni Peresitedi 166. 167.

Paraiminisita kei na Minisita ni Boseyaco Vakailesilesi ena valenivolavola ni lewenivanua se na Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa

168. Veika vakailavo 169. 170. 171.

iTavi ni Palimedi kei na Sipika Veidigidigi Veisosomitaki ni valenivolavola

172. 173. 174.

Taqomaki ni dodonu kei na kena itavi Taqomaki ni lawa Veilewai vakalawa






ROKOVA na itaukei ni vanua se kawa itaukei, na nodra taukena na kedra qele, na nodra itovo, ivakarau kei na vosa;

ROKOVA na itaukei ni vanua o Rotuma, mai na yanuyanu o Rotuma, na nodra taukena na kedra qele, nodra itovo, ivakarau kei na vosa;

ROKOVA na kawatamata era mai cakacaka mai Idia ni se qali tu vakaPeretania, kei na Pasifika, na nodra itovo, ivakarau kei na vosa; ka

ROKOVA na kawatamata era mai tiko e Viti, na nodra itovo, ivakarau kei na vosa;

TUSANAKA nida sa kai Viti eda sa dua bau na umatamata;

ROKOVA na Yavunivakavulewa ni lawa cecere duadua ni noda vanua ka vakarautaka na ituvatuva ni kena qaravi na Matanitu kei ira na lewei Viti;

CUQENA na rokovi kei na taqomaki ni dodonu ni lewenivanua kei na dokai ni itovo ni lewenivanua;

TUSANAKA na noda maroroya na lawa, galala vakamatanitu kei na veitaqomaki, bula raraba kei na bula vakailavo, kei na taqomaki ni veikabula; ka




Na Matanitu Tugalala o Viti 1. Na Matanitu Tugalala o Viti e matanitu tuvakaikoya, yavutaki ena—

(a) dua bau na umatamata kei na duavata vakalewenivanua;

(b) rokovi na dodonu ni tamata yadua, galala kei na lawa;

(c) mataveilewai e tuvakaikoya, nuitaki, sega ni vakatabakidua vua e dua, ka rawa nida vakayagataka na veiqaravi ni mataveilewai;

(d) qaravi vakatautauvata ni lewenivanua era sega ni rawaka, yavutaki ena veika e vakabibitaki ena tikina qo, kei na Lawa ni Dodonu ni Tamata me vaka e virikotori ena Wase 2;

(e) rokovi kei na dokai ni tamata yadua, na dina, na qaravi itavi, kei na veitokoni;

(f) na ivakarau ni veiliutaki vinaka, okati kina na wasei se yalani ni kaukauwa vakalawa;

(g) cakacaka vakadodonu kei na veirogocitaki ni cakacaka; kei na (h) maroroi kei na taqomaki ni veikabula.

Cecere ni Yavunivakavulewa 2.—(1) Na Yavunivakavulewa qo e lawa cecere duadua ni Matanitu.

(2) Ia kevaka e dua tale na tikina ena Yavunivakavulewa qo e yalana e dua na lawa e sega ni salavata kei na Yavunivakavulewa qo, ena sega ni vakabau.

(3) Na itavi e vakarota na Yavunivakavulewa qo e dodonu me vakamuri ka rokovi vei ira kece na kai Viti kei na Matanitu, oka kina na tamata cakacaka ena valenivolavola ni lewenivanua, kei na itavi e vakarota na Yavunivakavulewa qo me vakayacori.

(4) Na Yavunivakavulewa qo e dodonu me vaqaqacotaka na mataveilewai me vakadeitaka na—

(a) lawa kei na ivakarau me salavata na Yavunivakavulewa qo;

(b) maroroi na dodonu kei na galala; kei na

(c) qaravi ni itavi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

(5) Na Yavunivakavulewa qo e sega ni rawa ni bokoca se vakarubeca e dua na tamata, ka rawa ga ni veisautaki ena iwalewale e virikotori ena Wase 11.


(6) E cala vakalawa na kena sagai me vakaduri e dua na Matanitu ka sega ni vakarota na Yavunivakavulewa qo, kei na—

(a) veika e navuci me vakavotukanataka na sasaga qo ena sega ni vakabau se wili; ka

(b) na sega ni dua na lawa me na vagalalataka e dua na tamata e navuca se vakayacora na cakacaka qo.

Vakadewataki ni Yavunivakavulewa 3.—(1) Ke dua na tamata e vakadewataka se taurivaka na Yavunivakavulewa

qo, me tokona na inaki kei na kena yavu, oya me rokovi na tamata yadua ka me kua na veivakaduiduitaki.

(2) Ke dua na lawa e sega ni salavata kei na Yavunivakavulewa qo, na mataveilewai me na vakarautaka e dua na kena ivakavakadewa vakalawa me veiganiti kei na veika e virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

(3) Me taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo ena vosa vakaPeretania ia me na vakarautaki tiko na kena vakadewa vakaiTaukei kei na kena vakaIdia.

(4) Kevaka e dua na tiki ni Yavunivakavulewa qo e duidui na kena ibalebale ena vosa vakaiTaukei kei na kena vakaIdia me na vakabau na vosa vakaPeretania.

Matanitu Vakavuravura 4.—(1) Na galala ni vakabauta vakalotu me vaka e sa vakadonui ena Lawa ni

Dodonu ni Tamata, e yavu ni ivakavuvuli e Viti.

(2) Na vakabauta vakalotu e ka ni tamata yadua.

(3) E sega ni okati vata na lotu kei na Matanitu, e kena ibalebale ya ni—

(a) na Matanitu kei ira na vakailesilesi ni valenivolavola ni lewenivanua e dodonu mera rokova na veimatalotu kece;

(b) na Matanitu kei ira na kena vakailesilesi ni valenivolavola ni lewenivanua mera kua ni vakatulewataka e dua na vakabauta vakalotu;

(c) na Matanitu kei ira na kena vakailesilesi ni valenivolavola ni lewenivanua mera kua ni totaka e dua na matalotu, isoqosoqo lotu, se mata vakabauta, oka tale ga kina na vakabauta sega ni yavutaki vakalotu; ka

(d) me kua ni dua na tamata me vakayagataka na nona vakabauta vakalotu me vakacala vakalawa na Yavunivakavulewa qo se dua tale na lawa tabaki.


Lewenivanua 5.—(1) Na lewenivanua taucoko e Viti era vakatokai mera kai Viti.

(2) Ia kevaka e dua tale na tikina ena Yavunivakavulewa qo e yalana, na kai Viti taucoko era tautauvata ka dua na umatamata, kena ibalebale nira tautauvata—

(a) ena nodra taqomaki ena dodonu ni tamata yadua, vakayagataka na galala ni lewenivanua e Viti; ka

(b) yavutaki ena itavi vakalewenivanua.

(3) Na tauri ivolatara mo lewenivanua e Viti, e rawa ga ni vakayacori kevaka o sucu, volai se o sa dede na nomu mai tiko i Viti.

(4) Na lewenivanua e Viti ena rawa mera taukena e vicavata na ivolatara ni lewenivanua tudei ni vanuatani, kena ibalebale—

(a) ena rawa mo lewenivanua tudei e vanuatani, o se oka tiko ga mo lewenivanua e Viti, vakavo sara ke o kerea me boko na nomu lewenivanua e Viti;

(b) ke dua a lewenivanua tu e Viti qai sa bokoci ni kerea me lai lewenivanua e vanuatani, ena rawa ni volai tale me lewenivanua e Viti, ka maroroya tiko na nona lewenivanua e vanuatani vakavo ke sega ni vakadonuya na lawa ni vanua ya; kei na

(c) dua e sa mai lewenivanua e Viti, ena rawa vua me taukena tiko ga na nona lewenivanua ena vanua taumada vakavo ke sega ni vakadonuya na lawa ni vanua ya.

(5) Na lawa tabaki e dodonu me vakamacalataka—

(a) na rawati ni volatara ni lewenivanua kei na iwalewale ni nona lewenivanua e Viti e dua na tamata;

(b) na ituvatuva ni kena vakarautaki na ivolatara ni lewenivanua ena ivola kerekere se na dede ni nona tiko e Viti;

(c) na iwalewale ni curuvanua se vakaitikotiko e Viti;

(d) na ituvatuva me vakadeitaka na lewenivanua e Viti;

(e) na lawa me cakacakataki kina na balavu ni gauna me tiko kina e Viti, ena qai vakatautaki kina na soli vua ni ivolatara me lewenivanua;

(f) na ituvatuva ni kena vakasukai se bokoci na ivolatara ni lewenivanua tudei; kei na

(g) veika tale e so e gadrevi ena kena vakadeitaka na soli ni ivolatara ni lewenivanua.



Na kena vakayagataki 6.—(1) Na Wase qo e kovuta na tabana ni bulilawa, mataveilewai kei na veiliutaki

vakamatanitu, okati kina na tamata cakacaka ena valenivolavola ni lewenivanua.

(2) Na Matanitu kei na tamata cakacaka ena valenivolavola ni lewenivanua e dodonu mera doka, maroroya, vakadewataka ka muria na dodonu kei na galala e virikotori ena Wase qo.

(3) E dua na tiki ni Wase qo e kovuta na tamata se matakabani, okati kina—

(a) na dodonu se galala e virikotori ena tiki ni Wase qo; kei na

(b) vakatatabu se itavi e virikotori ena tiki ni Wase qo.

(4) Na matakabani e tu vua na dodonu kei na galala me vaka e virikotori ena Wase qo, me yacova na kena iyalayala e vakatarai me vakayagataki kina na dodonu se na galala qo ka na vakatautaki tale ga ena ituvaki ni matakabani.

(5) Na dodonu kei na galala e vakamacalataki ena Wase qo ena rawa ni yalani ena—

(a) so na vanua vakarautaki se vakadonui (veitalia ke virikotori ena lawa tabaki se sega) ena tiki ni dodonu se galala ena Wase qo;

(b) so na vanua vakarautaki se vakadonui ena dua na tikina vakarautaki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo; se

(c) so na vanua e sega ni vakarautaki se vakadonui (veitalia ke virikotori ena lawa tabaki se sega) ena tiki ni dodonu se galala ena Wase qo; ia e gadrevi ka tauyavutaki vakalawa se vakarautaki ena dua na lawa se vakadonui vakalawa se vakayacori ena veivakadonui vakalawa.

(6) Kevaka e dua tale na tikina ena Yavunivakavulewa qo e yalana, na Wase qo e okati kina na lawa taucoko ena gauna sa taurivaki kina na Yavunivakavulewa qo.

(7) Kevaka e dua tale na tikina ena Yavunivakavulewa qo e yalana, na lawa buli, na veiqaravi kei na lewa e tau ni sa taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo, era na vakarurugi ena Wase qo.

(8) Na Wase qo e kovuta na veika e yaco ena taudaku ni vanua o Viti, ia e vakayalayala ga ena kaukauwa ni lawa.


iVakamacala ni Wase qo 7.—(1) Ena iKuri ni veika e toqai ena tikina 3, na veigauna kece e vakamacalataki

se vakayagataki kina na Wase qo, na mataveilewai, mataveivaqaqai se dua na matabose se tabacakacaka e cake—

(a) e dodonu me tutaka ka vakamacalataka na ivalavala ni bula ni tu galala e rokovi kina na bula ni tamata, duavata kei na dodonu; kei na

(b) ke yaga, me rawa ni vakasamataka tale ga na lawa levu kei vuravura e rawa ni vakayagataki ena maroroi ni dodonu kei na galala ena Wase qo.

(2) Na Wase qo e sega ni cakitaka se tarova na kena kilai na dodonu se galala e umani ena lawa raraba se lawa tabaki, vakavo ke sega ni duavata kei na lawa ena Wase qo.

(3) E dua na lawa e yalana na dodonu kei na galala e vakamacalataki ena Wase qo, e sega ni kena ibalebale ni sega na kena kaukauwa ni sa veicalati kei na iyalayala e dusimaka na Wase qo, kevaka e rawa ni vakaukauwataki na yalani ni kena vakamacalataki, me kua kina ni sivia na iyalayala e dusimaka na Wase qo. Ena tikina oya, e dodonu me vakaukauwataki na yalani ni kena ivakamacala.

(4) Ena gauna e vakatulewataki kina e dua na lawa raraba, na mataveilewai e dodonu me vakayagataka se, kevaka e gadrevi, me bulia na lawa raraba ena ivakarau e doka na dodonu kei na galala me vaka e virikotori ena Wase qo.

(5) Na kena vakasamataki me vakayagataki na Wase qo ena dua tale na lawa, e dodonu vua na mataveilewai me vakamacalataka na Wase qo me veiganiti kei na lawa qo, okati kina na kena revurevu vua na tamata yadua se ilawalawa.

Dodonu ni bula 8. Na tamata yadua e tu vua na dodonu me bula, ka me kua ni kautani vakaveitalia

na nona bula.

Dodonu ni galala ni tamata 9.—(1) E sega ni dodonu me vakuwai e dua mai na nona galala, vakavo—

(a) ena inaki ni kena sa vakayacori na vakatulewa ni mataveilewai e Viti se dua tale na vanua ena vuku ni cala vakalawa;

(b) ena inaki ni kena vakayacori na vakatulewa mai na mataveilewai ka totogitaka e dua ena saqati ni mataveilewai se dua tale mai na dua na mataveilewai se mataveivaqaqai;

(c) ena inaki ni kena vakayacori na vakatulewa mai na mataveilewai a vakayacora na veilewai me rawata na veika e vinakati me vakayacori vakalawa vua e dua;

(d) ena inaki ni nona kau mai e dua ena mataveilewai me rawa ni tau vua na lewa;


(e) kevaka e kilakasamitaki ni vakayacora e dua na cala vakalawa;

(f) ena veivakadonui ni itubutubu se dauniveisusu se mai na dua na vakatulewa ni mataveilewai vua e dua, ena inaki ni nona bula se veika vakavuli ni bera ni yabaki 18;

(g) ena inaki ni kena tarovi na mate veitauvi se mate veidewavi;

(h) ena inaki ni nona maroroi e dua, qaravi se taqomaki ni itikotiko kevaka e kilakasamitaki ni leqa ni vakasama, leqa ni waigaga se wai ni veivakamatenitaki se tamata dau kerekere; se

(i) ena inaki ni kena taqomaki me kua ni dua e curu vakailoa e Viti se na kena nakiti me vakatalai se vakautani vakalawa mai Viti.

(2) Na wasetiki (1)(c) e sega ni vakatara e dua na mataveilewai me tauca na ivakaro me cakitaki kina e dua mai na nona galala, ena kena sega ni saumi na ilavo ni veiqaravi, dinau, itotogi se ivakacavacava, vakavo ke raica na mataveilewai ni a nakita o koya me kua ni sauma, ia a rawa ni sauma.

(3) Kevaka e dua e tauri tiko vakavesu me vaka na kaukauwa e tiko ena gauna ni tikoleqa vakamatanitu—

(a) e dodonu me soli vua ena kena gauna totolo duadua ena loma ni 7 na siga mai na gauna e tauri kina vakavesu e dua na itukutuku volai ena vosa e kila ka vakamatatataki kina na yavu ni nona vesu;

(b) e dodonu me soli vua na gauna me veitalanoa ka me sikovi mai vei—

(i) watina, itokani se wekana voleka;

(ii) e dua na daunilawa;

(iii) daunivakasala vakalotu se dauveiqaravi ni bula raraba; kei na

(iv) dua na vuniwai;

(c) e dodonu me soli vua e dua na vanua matau me veitalanoa kina kei na daunilawa e digitaka o koya;

(d) na tauri vakavesu ni tamata e dodonu me dikeva na mataveilewai ena loma ni 1 na vula, kei na gauna lavaki ia me kua ni sivia e dua na vula; kei

(e) na kena dau dikevi tale na tauri vakavesu ena mataveilewai e dodonu vua e dua me matataki koya ga mai se matataki mai vua e dua na daunilawa.

(4) Kevaka e mani dikevi tale na tauri vakavesu ni tamata me vaka e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (3), na mataveilewai me na vakatulewataka na kena tomani na nona vesu.


Galala mai na veivakabobulataki, cakacaka veivakasaurarataki, kei na veivolitaki vakabutobuto ni tamata 10.—(1) Na tamata e sega ni dodonu me vakayacori vua na cakacaka ni

veivakabobulataki se veivakasaurarataki se na veivolitaki vakabutobuto ni tamata.

(2) Na “cakacaka ni veivakasaurarataki” ena tikina qo, e sega ni oka kina—

(a) na cakacaka e dodonu me vakayacori ena itotogi se ivakaro e tauca e dua na mataveilewai;

(b) na cakacaka e dodonu me cakacakataka e dua ka tiki ni kena itotogi e valeniveivesu, kevaka e cakacaka ni tikobulabula se taqomaki ni valeniveivesu; se

(c) na cakacaka e dodonu me cakava e dua ena tabana ni veitaqomaki me vaka ni tiki ni nona itavi.

Galala mai na veivakalolomataki kei na itovo lolovira 11.—(1) Na tamata taucoko e tu vua na dodonu me galala mai na veivakararawataki

vakayago, vakavakasama se vakayalo kei na dodonu me galala mai na veivakalolomataki, itovo lolovira, se ivalavala se totogitaki vakaca.

(2) Na tamata taucoko e tu vua na dodonu ni nona taqomaki, wili kina na galala mai na veivalavala kaukauwa mai vale, koronivuli, vanua ni cakacaka se dua tale na vanua.

(3) Na tamata taucoko e tu vua na dodonu me kua ni vakayacori vua e dua na ivakarau ni vakadidike se vakadidike vakavuniwai, se ivalavala e sega ni vakarota na mataveilewai se a sega ni kerei na nona veivakadonui, se kevaka e sega ni rawa ni solia na nona veivakadonui qai sega ni kerei na veivakadonui ni itubutubu se dauniveisusu.

Galala mai na veivakasaqarai kei na veivesu vakailoa 12.—(1) Na tamata taucoko e tu vua na dodonu ni nona taqomaki mai na

veivakasaqarai vakailoa kei na vesu vakailoa ni nona iyau.

(2) Na veivakasaqarai se na veivesu vakailoa e sega ni vakatarai vakavo ke sa vakatarai vakalawa.

Dodonu ni tamata tauri vakavesu kei na tamata vesu vakawawa 13.—(1) Na tamata e vesu se vesu vakawawa, e tu vua na dodonu me—

(a) tukuni ena kena gauna totolo duadua, ena vosa e kila—

(i) na vu ni nona vesu se vesu vakawawa kei na matailalai ni itotogi ena tau vua;

(ii) na nona dodonu oya me kua ni vakamacala se sauma e dua na taro; kei na

(iii) veika ena yaco ke vakamacala se sauma e dua na taro;


(b) kua ni vakamacala se sauma e dua na taro;

(c) veitalanoa taurua kei na daunilawa e sa digitaka ena vanua e vesu tu kina vakawawa, me na vakasalataki ena gauna totolo duadua. Ia, kevaka ena sega ni sauma rawa e dua na daunilawa, ia ena vuku ni lewa dodonu e gadrevi me dua na daunilawa, me vakarautaki mai na Matabose ni Veivuke Vakalawa;

(d) kua ni vakasaurarataki mera vakatusa se vakadinadinataka na itukutuku e rawa ni vakayagataki me beitaki kina;

(e) nodra wasei tani mai vei ira na totogitaki tiko, na gone lalai me wasei tani mai vei ira na qase vakavo ke sega ni vinaka vua na gone;

(f) na kau yani ena mataveilewai ena gauna totolo duadua, ia me kua ni lailai mai na 48 na aua mai na gauna e vesu kina, ke sega ni rawa, ena kena gauna totolo duadua;

(g) ena imatai ni nona rairai ena mataveilewai, me na beitaki se vakasalataki ena vu ni kena tosoi na nona vesu vakawawa se na nona talaci;

(h) na talaci ena dua na lewa matau, me yacova na gauna ena beitaki se veilewai tale kina, vakavo kevaka na lewa dodonu e gadreva me kua ni talaci;

(i) me bolea vakalawa na nona vesu vakawawa ena mataveilewai, ke cala vakalawa na veivesu, me na talaci;

(j) na ivakarau ni totogi me salavata kei na ivakarau matau e dau vakayacori vei keda na tamata, wili kina na vakaukauwa yago wasoma, na kena vakarautaki na icili, kakana kei na veiqaravi vakavuniwai mai na ilavo ni Matanitu; kei na

(k) ra sikovi ka veitalanoa vata kei na—

(i) nona lewenivale, itokani se wekana voleka; kei na

(ii) daunivakasala vakalotu kei na dauveiqaravi ni bula raraba.

(2) Ena gauna e gadrevi kina ena tikina qo e so na itukutuku me soli vua e dua, na itukutuku ya e dodonu me rawarawa, ka volai vakamatata ena vosa e kila.

(3) Na tamata e kau tani na nona galala ena vuku ni nona vesu vakawawa, se tauri vakavesu ena lawa, ena maroroya tiko ga na dodonu kei na galala e virikotori ena Wase qo, vakavo ke dua na dodonu se galala e sega ni salavata kei na kena kautani na nona galala vakatamata.


Dodonu ni tamata beitaki 14.—(1) E tu na nona dodonu na tamata me kua ni veilewaitaki ena vuku ni—

(a) nona cakava se sega ni cakava e dua na ivalavala, ia e sega ni cala vakalawa e Viti se na lawa levu kei vuravura ena gauna e cakava se a sega ni cakava kina; se

(b) nona cakava se sega ni cakava e dua na ivalavala e cala vakalawa sa vakayacora oti qai talaci se vauci kina vakalawa.

(2) Ni dua e sa vauci ena dua na cala vakalawa, e tu vua na dodonu me—

(a) vakatokai ni tawa cala me yacova ni sa vakadeitaki vakalawa ni cala;

(b) vakamatatataki vakaivola ka vakamacalataki ena vosa e kila na matailalai ni itotogi ena tau vua;

(c) soli vua e dua na gauna vinaka kei na veika e so e rawa ni vakarautaka me valataki koya kina, qo e oka kina na dodonu e tu me soli vua na itukutuku ni ivakadinadina ke gadreva me wilika;

(d) matataki koya ga se me sauma e dua na daunilawa e sa digitaka me valataki koya, me vakaraitaki tale ga vua na nona dodonu qo ena gauna totolo, ia kevaka ena sega ni sauma rawa e dua na daunilawa, ia ena vuku ni lewa dodonu e gadrevi me dua na daunilawa, me vakarautaki mai na Matabose ni Veivuke Vakalawa, ka me na vakaraitaki vua na dodonu qo ena kena gauna totolo;

(e) vakamacalataki taumada vua na ivakadinadina ena vakararavi kina na dauniveibeitaki kei na kena soli na galala me dikeva na ivakadinadina ya;

(f) dolavi raraba na veilewai vakavo ena vuku ni lewa dodonu, e gadrevi me yalani o ira era rawa ni tiko ena veilewai;

(g) me tekivutaki ka vakacavari na veilewai ena kena gauna matau;

(h) na tiko ena gauna ni veilewai, vakavo—

(i) ke sa ciqoma na mataveilewai ni sa soli oti vua na samani se vakamuri e so tale na ivalavala me tiko kina ena veilewai qai digitaka me kua ni tiko; se

(ii) kevaka e vakadredretaka na veilewai na nona ivakarau ena gauna ni veilewai, ena vagalalataki koya na mataveilewai ka toso ga na veilewai;

(i) vakayacori na veilewai ena vosa e kila o koya e beitaki, se me vakadewataki vua ena vosa e kila, me sauma na Matanitu;


(j) kua ni vakamacala se sauma e dua na taro, kua ni soli vakadinadina ena gauna ni veilewai, ka me kua ni rawai me solia na itukutuku e rawa ni coko tale kina, ia kevaka e vakayagataka na nona dodonu e virikotori ena wasetiki qo, me kua ni dua na kena macala e veibasai kei na inaki ni dodonu e virikotori ena wasetiki qo;

(k) kua ni vakayagataki na itukutuku tauri vakailoa me beitaki kina, vakavo ke baleta na lewa dodonu e gadrevi me vakayagataki na itukutuku;

(l) kacivi ira era vakadinadina ena vukuna kei na kena vakaraitaki na ivakadinadina, ka me bolea na ivakadinadina e tiko me baleti koya;

(m) taura e dua na ilavelave ni veilewai ena dua na gauna vakarautaki, ka me vakarautaka tale ga na kena isau vakailavo;

(n) totogitaki ena itotogi lailai duadua kevaka e sa veisautaki na itotogi ni cala vakalawa e cakava, mai na gauna e vakayacori kina na cala kei na gauna e tau kina na itotogi; kei na

(o) rogoci se dikevi tale na itotogi ena mataveilewai e cecere cake.

(3) Ena gauna e gadrevi kina ena tikina qo e so na itukutuku me soli vua e dua, na itukutuku ya e dodonu me rawarawa, ka volai vakamatata ena vosa e kila.

(4) Kevaka e dua na lawa e—

(a) solia na veivakadonui vua na mataveilewai me veilewaitaki e dua na lewenitabana ni veitaqomaki ena dua na cala vakalawa a vauci kina se talaci ena lawa ni veivakadodonutaki; kei na

(b) gadreva na mataveilewai, ena gauna e tau kina na itotogi, me vakasamataka tale ga na itotogi e tau ena lawa ni veivakadodonutaki;

ena sega ni veicalati kei na wasetiki (1)(b).

Vakayagataki ni mataveilewai se mataveivaqaqai 15.—(1) Ke dua na tamata e beitaki vakalawa, e tu vua na dodonu me vakayacori

vakamatau na veilewai, me vakayacori raraba, ka me rogoca na mataveilewai e tuvakaikoya ka sega ni tokona e dua na ilawalawa.

(2) O ira kece era tiki ni dua na veilecalecavi vakalawa e tu vei ira na dodonu me vakamatatataki na veilecalecavi vakalawa qo mai na mataveilewai se kevaka e veiganiti, me vakamatatataki ena mataveivaqaqai tuvakaikoya ka sega ni tokona e dua na ilawalawa.

(3) O ira era vauci ena dua na cala vakalawa kei ira era tiki ni dua na veilecalecavi vakalawa, e tu vei ira na dodonu me rogoci na nodra kisi ena loma ga ni dua na gauna vakarautaki.


(4) Na rogoci ni kisi ena mataveilewai (vakavo na veilewai vakaivalu) kei na mataveivaqaqai e yavutaki vakalawa e dodonu me dola vei ira na lewenivanua vakavo ke sega ni vakatarai ena vuku ni lewa dodonu.

(5) Na wasetiki (4) e sega ni tarova—

(a) na kena buli na lawa me baleta na nodra veilewaitaki o ira na gone se na kena vakatautaki na veileti ni vuvale i na mataveilewai ka sega ni dola raraba; se

(b) nona vakatabui e dua mai na mataveilewai se mataveivaqaqai ena gauna ni veilewai (vakavo ke kacivaka na mataveilewai se mataveivaqaqai na nona vakatulewa) e sega ni oka kina e so tale na ilawalawa kei na nodra daunilawa kevaka e dua na tikini lawa e vakatara na nona sogoti ena lewa dodonu, ivakarau vinaka ni tamata, na nona tikobulabula na gone, na veika e maroroi, taqomaki ni vanua, se taqomaki ni bula ni lewenivanua.

(6) O ira era vauci ena dua na cala vakalawa, o ira na ito era tiki ni dua na veilecalecavi vakalawa kei ira kece na vakadinadina ena veilecalecavi vakalawa e tu vei ira na dodonu mera soli tukutuku ka mera sauma na vakatataro ena vosa e kila.

(7) O ira era vauci ena cala vakalawa kei ira kece era tiki ni dua na veileti vakalawa e tu nodra dodonu mera vakamuria na veilewai ena vosa e kila.

(8) Me vakaibalebale na dodonu a soli ena wasetiki (6) kei na (7), na mataveilewai se na mataveivaqaqai e dodonu, ke gadrevi ena vuku ni lewa dodonu, me vakarautaka na daunivakadewa se dua e kenadau ena nodra veitalanoa na galu, ka sega ni lavaki na kena isau vua e gadreva na veiqaravi qo.

(9) Kevaka e dua na gone e kacivi me lai vakadinadina ena mataveilewai, na kena tauri na itukutuku ni gone me veiganiti kei na nona yabaki.

(10) Na Matanitu me na vakarautaka na veivuke vakalawa e na lawa kei na so tale na sala ni veivuke vakalawa, mai vua na Matabose ni Veivuke Vakalawa vei ira era sega ni rawa ni sauma vakailavo, de mani sega ni tau na lewa dodonu.

(11) Kevaka ena lavaka na ilavo na mataveilewai se mataveivaqaqai, sa dodonu me yavutaki vakavinaka ia me kua ni ivakatatao ena kena vakayagataki na veiqaravi ni mataveilewai.

(12) Ena veilewai, na kena taurivaki na ivakadinadina e na sala e sega ni veiganiti kei na dodonu ena Wase qo se dua tale na lawa, me kua ni vakabau, vakavo sara ena vuku ni lewa dodonu e gadrevi me vakabau na ivakadinadina.


Dodonu ni tamata me baleta na vakatulewa ni vakailesilesi ni matanitu kei na vakatulewa ni veiqaravi raraba vakalawa

16.—(1) Vakavo ke dua na tikini Yavunivakavulewa qo e sega ni salavata na dodonu e virikotori ena wasetiki qo, ke yalani vakalawa na dodonu qo—

(a) na tamata taucoko e tu vei ira na dodonu mera qaravi vinaka vakalawa, me qaravi vakadodonu, vakatautauvata, ka me vakamuri vakavinaka na kena ivakarau, kei na kena lewai ena gauna totolo na vakatulewa mai vei ira na vakailesilesi ni matanitu kei na nodra vakatulewa na veiqaravi raraba vakalawa;

(b) na tamata taucoko e valeqai vakaca mai na veiqaravi ni veiliutaki vakamatanitu se veiqaravi raraba e tiko vua na dodonu me volai vakaivola vua na vunileqa a vakayacori vua; kei na

(c) na vakatulewa ni veiliutaki vakamatanitu kei na veiqaravi raraba ena rawa ni dikeva tale na mataveilewai, se dua tale na mataveivaqaqai e donu vakalawa, ke gadrevi.

(2) Na dodonu e virikotori ena wasetiki (1) e sega ni kovuta na kabani e volai vakalawa ena lawa e vauci ira na kabani.

(3) Na tikina qo ena sega ni vauca na veika sa yaco oti, ia ena qai vauca na veiliutaki vakamatanitu kei na veiqaravi raraba ena tikinisiga e sa na dabe oti kina na imatai ni bose ni Palimedi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

Galala ni vosa doudou, kena matanataki, kei na vakauitukutuku 17.—(1) Na tamata yadua e tu vua na dodonu me vosa doudou ena galala, na kena

matanataki, vakasama, nanuma, kei na kena tabaki, qo e okati kina na—

(a) galala ni vakasaqaqara, ciqoma ka wasea na itukutuku, kilaka kei na nomu nanuma;

(b) galala ni vakauitukutuku, oka kina na itukutuku tabaki, itukutuku vakau ena livaliva kei na so tale na iwalewale ni vakauitukutuku;

(c) galala ni vakanananu kei na bulika; kei na

(d) galala ni vuli vata kei na galala ni vakadidike vakasaenisi.

(2) Galala ni vosa doudou, kena matanataki, vakasama, nanuma kei na itukutuku tabaki e sega ni wili kina—

(a) na kena vakau na itukutuku me baleta na ivalu;

(b) na kena bukani na vakacaca se na sasaga me saqata na Yavunivakavulewa qo; se


(c) na kena navuci na veicati ka—

(i) yavutaki ena dua na yavu tabu ni veivakaduiduitaki e volai e na tikina 26; ka

(ii) okati kina na kena bukani na vakacaca.

(3) Na lawa e na rawa ni yalana, se vakadonuya na kena yalani na dodonu kei na galala e virikotori ena wasetiki (1), ia na vakayacori ga ena gauna e gadrevi kina me yalani, qo ena vuku ni—

(a) taqomaki ni matanitu, bula ni lewenivanua, ivakarau vinaka ni lewenivanua, tikobulabula ni tamata, se na qaravi vinaka ni veidigidigi;

(b) na kena taqomaki se maroroi vinaka na irogorogo, itukutuku maroroi, itovo vakaturaga, dodonu se galala ni so tale na tamata, okati kina—

(i) na dodonu me kua ni tau na vosa ni veivakacacani, se cavuti vakadodonu vua, se cavuti vua na matailawalawa; kei

(ii) na dodonu ni tamata e vakamavoataki na yalona ena itukutuku kaburaki e sega ni dina se veivakacacani me vakadodonutaki na itukutuku ka tabaki ena ituvatuva matau e virikotori ena lawa;

(c) qarauni ni vakacilai ni itukutuku vunitaki, me vaka e ciqomi ena veivakabauti;

(d) qarauni mai na vakacacani ni ivakarau vinaka ni tamata yadua, mataisoqosoqo, se valenivolavola rokovi se veitabana ena ivakarau e rawa ni vakavuna na yaloca ena kawatamata se matalotu se na veibuturaki sobu se veivakaduiduitaki vua, na tamata se matailawalawa;

(e) vakadeitaki tiko na kaukauwa kei na tuvakaikoya ni mataveilewai;

(f) lavaki na vakatatabu vei ira na vakailesilesi ni valenivolavola ni lewenivanua;

(g) vakalawataki na veigacagaca bibi ni veiqaravi ni vakauitukutuku ena livaliva; se

(h) vakarautaki e so na lawa me vakaukauwataka na ivakarau ni vakauitukutuku, ka vakarautaka na kena cakacaka, tabaki vakalawa kei na ivakarau ni veiqaravi ni veitabana ni vakauitukutuku.

(4) Ena tikina qo, “vosa ni veivakacacani” e kena ibalebale na ivakarau taucoko e matanataki ka na rawa ni vakauqeta na veivakaduiduitaki me vaka e vakamacalataki ena tikina 26.


Galala ni soqoni 18.—(1) Na tamata taucoko e tiko vua na dodonu, ena sala malumu ka sega na

vakaiyaragi, mera kumukumuni vata, vakaraitaka nodra kudru, dabe ena vuku ni kudru, ka mera vola ka vakaraitaka na nodra vakatutu.

(2) Na lawa ena rawa ni yalana, se vakadonuya na kena yalani na dodonu e virikotori ena wasetiki (1), ia na vakayacori ga ena gauna e gadrevi kina me yalani, qo ena vuku ni—

(a) taqomaki ni matanitu, taqomaki ni bula ni lewenivanua, ivakarau vinaka ni tamata, tikobulabula ni tamata, se na qaravi vinaka ni veidigidigi;

(b) taqomaki ni dodonu kei na galala ni tamata; se

(c) lavaki na vakatatabu vei ira na vakailesilesi ni valenivolavola ni lewenivanua.

Galala ni vakaisoqosoqo 19.—(1) Na tamata taucoko e tiko nona dodonu me lewe ni dua na isoqosoqo.

(2) Na lawa e na rawa ni yalana, se vakadonuya na yalani ni dodonu e virikotori ena wasetiki (1), qo ena vuku ni—

(a) taqomaki ni matanitu, taqomaki ni bula ni lewenivanua, ivakarau vinaka ni lewenivanua, tikobulabula ni tamata, se na qaravi vinaka ni veidigidigi;

(b) taqomaki ni dodonu kei na galala ni tamata;

(c) lavaki na vakatatabu vei ira na vakailesilesi ni valenivolavola ni lewenivanua;

(d) tabaki vakalawa na isoqosoqo ni tamata cakacaka, kei na isoqosoqo ni tamata dau veivakacakacakataki;

(e) vakaituvatuvataki ka qarai na iwali ni itovo vakacakacaka, a vakarautaki na ituvatuva me qarava na iwali ni duidui kei na kudru, ka vakaituvatuvataka na vakabesebese kei na vakuwai ni tamata cakacaka mai valenicakacaka; se

(f) vakaituvatuvataki na cicivaki ni tabana ni veiqaravi e gadrevi kei na cicivaki ni veimataqali matacakacaka e gadrevi, ena vuku ni taraicake ni bula vakailavo e Viti kei na lewei Viti.

Veimaliwai vakacakacaka 20.—(1) Na tamata taucoko e tiko vei ira na dodonu mera qaravi vakatautauvata

ena gauna ni cakacaka, okati kina na nodra qaravi vinaka kei na tuvaki vinaka ni valenicakacaka.


(2) Na tamata cakacaka e tiko vei ira na dodonu mera tauyavutaka se lewena e dua na isoqosoqo ni tamata cakacaka ka cuqena na kena itavi kei na kena porokaramu.

(3) Na tamata dau veivakacakacakataki e tu vei ira na dodonu mera tauyavutaka se lewena na isoqosoqo ni tamata dau veivakacakacakataki, ka cuqena na kena itavi kei na kena porokaramu.

(4) Na isoqosoqo ni tamata cakacaka kei na tamata dau veivakacakacakataki e tu na nodrau dodonu me rau veitalanoataka na iwali ni itovo vakacakacaka.

(5) Na lawa ena rawa ni yalana, se vakadonuya na kena yalani, na dodonu e virikotori ena tikina qo, ia na vakayacori ga ena gauna e gadrevi kina me yalani, qo ena vuku ni—

(a) taqomaki ni matanitu, taqomaki ni bula ni lewenivanua, ivakarau vinaka ni tamata, tikobulabula ni tamata, se na qaravi vinaka ni veidigidigi;

(b) taqomaki ni dodonu kei na galala ni tamata;

(c) lavaki na vakatatabu vei ira na vakailesilesi ni valenivolavola ni lewenivanua;

(d) tabaki vakalawa na isoqosoqo ni tamata cakacaka, kei na isoqosoqo ni tamata dau veivakacakacakataki;

(e) vakaituvatuvataki ka qarai na iwali ni itovo vakacakacaka, vakarautaki na ituvatuva me qarava na kena iwali na duidui kei na kudru, ka vakaituvatuvataka na vakabesebese kei na vakuwai ni tamata cakacaka mai na valenicakacaka; se

(f) vakaituvatuvataki na cicivaki ni tabana ni veiqaravi e gadrevi kei na cicivaki ni veimataqali matacakacaka e gadrevi, ena vuku ni taraicake ni bula vakailavo e Viti kei na lewei Viti.

Galala ni veitosoyaki kei na vakaitikotiko 21.—(1) Na tamata taucoko e tu vua na dodonu ni galala ni veitosoyaki.

(2) Na lewenivanua e tu vei ira na dodonu mera kerea ka me soli vei ira na ivolatara ni curuvanua, se na ivola ni veitosoyaki, e salavata kei na ivakaro e veidonui kei na lawa tabaki.

(3) Na lewenivanua kei ira kece era vakatarai vakalawa mera tiko e Viti e tu vei ira na dodonu ni veitosoyaki e Viti kei na dodonu mera gole i vanuatani.

(4) Na lewenivanua e Viti, kei ira e tiko na nodra dodonu mera vakaitikotiko i Viti, e tu vei ira na dodonu mera vakaitikotiko ena vanua era gadreva e Viti.


(5) O ira kece era sega ni lewenivanua e Viti, ia era vakatarai vakalawa mera tiko e Viti, e tu vei ira na dodonu mera kua ni vakasavi e Viti vakavo sara ke sa vakatulewataka na mataveilewai se sa solia na Minisita ni curuvanua na vakatulewa me vaka e virikotori vakalawa.

(6) Na lawa se dua na ka e davo vakalawa, e sega ni veicoqacoqa kei na dodonu e virikotori ena tikina qo, kevaka e volai vakalawa—

(a) na nona vesu vakawawa e dua na tamata se vakatabui vua na veitosoyaki, ena vuku—

(i) ni kena vakadeitaki me na rairai ena mataveilewai;

(ii) ni revurevu ni cala e beitaki kina; se

(iii) ni taqomaki ni dua tale na lewenivanua mai na itovo kaukauwa ni tamata vesu vakawawa;

(b) ni dua na tamata e sega ni lewenivanua me vesu se tauri vakawawa ena vuku ni nona curu mai e Viti ka sega na ivolatara ni curuvanua;

(c) vakasavi e dua na tamata e Viti, ena vakatulewa ni Mataveilewai e Cake;

(d) vagalalataki mai Viti ena vakatulewa ni Mataveilewai e Cake, e dua na gone e kau tani mai vakatawadodonu mai vanuatani, ena inaki ni nona vakasukari na gone vua na nona itubutubu se dauniveisusu e kilai vakalawa;

(e) vakarautaki na nona vakasavi ena nona vanua dina e dua na tamata e sega ni lewenivanua e Viti, qo me qai lai colata ena nona vanua na kena totogi e valeniveivesu, ena vuku ni cala vakalawa a totogitaki kina e Viti; se

(f) vakalawataka, tarova se vakatabuya na curu vakailoa ena dua na vanua se itikotiko ni dua tale.

(7) Na lawa ena rawa ni yalana, se vakadonuya na yalani ni dodonu e virikotori ena tikina qo, ia na vakayacori ga ena gauna e gadrevi kina me yalani, qo ena vuku ni—

(a) taqomaki ni matanitu, taqomaki ni bula ni lewenivanua, ivakarau vinaka ni tamata, tikobulabula ni tamata, se na qaravi vinaka ni veidigidigi;

(b) taqomaki ni dodonu kei na galala ni tamata;

(c) na maroroi ni veikabula;

(d) na vakatatabu e vakataqari vua e dua na lewenivanua me vakaotia kina na itavi e vakacolati vua vakalawa; se

(e) na vakatatabu e vakataqari vua e dua na vakailesilesi ni valenivolavola ni lewenivanua me tiki ni nodra ivakarau ni cakacaka.


(8) Na wasetiki (3) kei na (4) ni tikina 9 e vauci kina e dua na tamata e tarovi nona galala ni veitosoyaki, ka virikotori ena lawa ni tikoleqa vakamatanitu, me vaka kina na tamata vesu vakawawa.

Galala ni sokalou, rai vakayalo kei na vakabauta 22.—(1) Na tamata yadua e tu vua na dodonu ni galala ni sokalou, rai vakayalo kei

na vakabauta.

(2) Na tamata yadua e tu vua na dodonu, kevaka o koya taudua se lewe ni isoqosoqo me matanataka na nodra vakabauta e matana levu se sokalou e tawa raici, rokova, matanataka, se vakatavulica.

(3) Na tamata yadua e tu vua na dodonu me kua ni vakasaurarataki me—

(a) cakava na ivakarau e veicoqacoqa kei na nona sokalou se vakabauta; se

(b) bubului, se me bubului ena ivakarau, e—

(i) veicoqacoqa kei na nona qaravi kalou se vakabauta; se

(ii) lavaka e dua na tamata me vakaraitaka na vakabauta e sega ni nona vakabauta.

(4) Na veisoqosoqo lotu se matavakabauta, kei na veisoqosoqo vakavanua se kawatamata, e tu vei ira na dodonu mera tauyavutaka, qarava ka cicivaka na nodra koronivuli, kevaka mada ga e sega na veivuke vakailavo mai na Matanitu, me vakadeitaka tiko ga na koronivuli na ivakatagedegede e virikotori ena lawa.

(5) Ena vakayagataki ni dodonu ena wasetiki (4), na isoqosoqo lotu se matavakabauta e tu vei ira na dodonu mera vakavulici na vuli ni lotu me tiki ni veivakavulici, kevaka mada ga e sega na veivuke vakailavo mai na Matanitu ena vakavulici ni vuli ni lotu.

(6) Ke dua e vuli, e tu nona dodonu me kua ni vakavulici ena vuli ni lotu, vakaitavi se tiko ena sokalou e sega ni salavata kei na nona vakabauta se sega ni tiko ena dua na matavakabauta. Ia, ena vakatautaki ena nona veivakadonui, se kevaka e gone, me vakadonuya na nona itubutubu se dauniveisusu vakalawa.

(7) Na dodonu kei na galala e virikotori ena tikina qo, e rawa ni yalani vakalawa, ia na vakayacori ga ena gauna e gadrevi kina me yalani—

(a) me taqomaki—

(i) na dodonu kei na galala ni tamata tale e so; se

(ii) ena taqomaki ni bula ni lewenivanua, ivakarau vinaka ni tamata, se na tikobulabula ni tamata; se

(b) na tarovi ni tiko yavavala ni lewenivanua.


Dodonu vakapolitiki 23.—(1) Na lewenivanua taucoko e Viti, e tu na nodra galala mera digitaka na

matapolitiki, kei na dodonu—

(a) me tauyavutaka se lewena e dua na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki;

(b) me vakaitavi ena cakacaka e lavaki se vakacuru lewenivanua i na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki; kei na kena

(c) vunautaki na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki, matavakaturi se na ka e vakabauta na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki.

(2) Na lewenivanua e tu vei ira na dodonu mera vakaitavi ena veidigidigi e vakayacori vakasavasava ka matau ka solia vua na veimatavakaturi kei na veimatapolitiki mera cakacaka ena galala, kei na vakauitukutuku me vakayacori ena galala, kei na mataveilewai me soli vua na galala ni vakatulewa ka me vakayacori vakawasoma na veidigidigi ena kena digitaki na lewenimatabose se valenivolavola e yavutaki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

(3) Na lewenivanua kece e sa yacova na yabaki 18 e tu vei ira na dodonu—

(a) mera volayaca ni veidigidigi;

(b) mera veidigidigi vuni ka me kua ni kilai na nona digidigi ena dua na veidigidigi, se na ivakarau ni veidigidigi era vakaitavi kina na lewenivanua volayaca, mera ciqoma se sega e dua na vakatutu;

(c) me mata vakaturi ni valenivolavola ni lewenivanua, se dua na valenivolavola ni isoqosoqo vakapolitiki e lewena, kevaka e rawata na veika e gadrevi me lewena na valenivolavola ya; kei na

(d) kena digitaki, me tawana na valenivolavola.

(4) Na lawa e na rawa ni yalana, se vakadonuya na yalani ni dodonu e virikotori ena tikina qo, ena vuku ni—

(a) kena tabaki vakalawa na nodra volayaca na lewenivanua, kei na kena vakaivolataki na tamata e sega na nona dodonu se tarovi me volayaca me veidigidigi;

(b) kena tabaki vakalawa na veimatapolitiki vata kei na kena vakaivolataki na tamata e sega na nona dodonu e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (1) kei na wasetiki 3(c) kei (d);

(c) kena tabaki vakalawa na tamata era sega ni vakatarai mera veiqati ena dua na itutu e Palimedi se ena valenivolavola ni lewenivanua, se dua ga na valenivolavola ena loma ni matailawalawa vakapolitiki; se


(d) ena vuku ni yalani ni dodonu e dua e taura tiko na itutu ena valenivolavola ni lewenivanua (me vaka e vakamacalataki ena lawa) ka virikotori ena tikina qo.

Dodonu kei na galala yadua 24.—(1) Na tamata yadua e tu vua na dodonu kei na galala yadua, qo e okati kina

na dodonu ni kena—

(a) maroroi na itukutuku vuni ni dua na lewenivanua;

(b) maroroi na itukutuku vuni ni nodra veitalanoa se veivolavolai; kei na

(c) rokovi na nodra bula vakaitaukei kei na gauna vakavuvale.

(2) Na lawa e na rawa ni yalana, se vakadonuya na kena yalani, na dodonu e virikotori ena wasetiki (1), ia na vakayacori ga ena gauna e gadrevi kina me yalani.

Vakayagataki ni itukutuku 25.—(1) Na tamata yadua e tu vua na dodonu me vakayagataka na—

(a) itukutuku e maroroi tu ena dua na valenivolavola ni lewenivanua; kei na

(b) itukutuku e tu vua e dua, ka gadrevi me vakayagataki se taqomaki kina e dua na dodonu vakalawa.

(2) Na tamata yadua e tu vua na dodonu me vakadodonutaka se bokoca na itukutuku lasutaki se veivakacalai me baleti koya.

(3) Ena gauna e gadrevi kina me yalani, na lawa e na rawa ni yalana, se vakadonuya na kena yalani, na dodonu e virikotori ena wasetiki (1), ka rawa ni vakalawataka na kena vakayagataki na itukutuku maroroi ena dua na valenivolavola ni lewenivanua.

Dodonu ni tamata me qaravi vakatautauvata ena mata ni lawa kei na galala mai na veivakaduiduitaki 26.—(1) Na tamata yadua e tu vua na dodonu me qaravi vakatautauvata ena mata

ni lawa.

(2) Na dodonu ni tamata me qaravi vakatautauvata ena mata ni lawa e okati kina na kena vakayagataki vakatautauvata na dodonu kei na galala e virikotori ena Wase qo se na dua tale na lawa tabaki.

(3) Na veivakaduiduitaki e vakatabui vakalawa kevaka e yaco vua e dua na tamata ena vuku ni—

(a) nona ivakarau se kena ituvaki, oka kina na veimatatamata e lewena, nona itovo vakavanua, kawatamata, kuliniyago, na nona yavutu, kevaka e yalewa se tagane, kevaka e tagane, na nona digitaka me vinakata na tagane, kevaka e yalewa, na nona digitaka me vinakata na yalewa, se nona


digitaka me vinakata ruarua na yalewa kei na tagane, nomu digitaka se vakaraitaka mo bulataka na bula vakatagane se bula vakayalewa, kevaka e gone susu se sucu ena daku ni vakamau, vosanisucu, ituvaki ni bula se bula vakailavo, vakaleqai vakayago, yabaki ni bula, nomu vakabauta, lewa e loma, vakawati se sega, se kevaka e bukete; se

(b) nomu vakasama se vakabauta, vakavo kevaka na vakasama se vakabauta qo e vakamavoataka tale e so na tamata se na kena vakalailaitaka na nona dodonu se galala tale e so,

se ena dua tale na tikina e vakatabui ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

(4) Na lawa se dua na vakatulewa e vakayacori ena dua na lawa ena sega ni rawa ni vakayagataka na yavu e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (3) me yalana na nona dodonu e dua.

(5) Na tamata yadua e tu vua na dodonu me lewena se curuma na sitoa, otela, valenikana, vanua ni veivakamarautaki, valenidanisi, tabana ni vuli, lori ni veivakaleleci, teksi, kei na vanua dola raraba, ka me kua ni vakaduiduitaki ena dua na yavu e virikotori ena wasetiki (3).

(6) Na itaukei ni vanua dola raraba se itaukei ni vanua ni veiqaravi me vaka e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (5) me vakarautaka e so na gaunisala me vakarawarawataka na veitosoyaki vei ira na vakaleqai vakayago me vaka e virikotori ena lawa.

(7) Ni sega ni tautauvata na nodrau qaravi e rua na tamata ena vuku ni dua na tikina e vakatabui ena wasetiki (3), ya sa wili me veivakaduiduitaki, vakavo ke rawa ni vakadeitaki ni na veivakaduiduitaki ya e ganita na vanua e vakayacori kina.

(8) Na lawa se na vakatulewa e vakayacori ena dua na lawa tabaki, e sega ni veicoqacoqa kei na dodonu e virikotori ena tikina qo kevaka e—

(a) na isau e veiganiti se dua na ilavo e vakatabakidua ena dua na inaki;

(b) surevaki na yabaki ni vakacegu vua e dua;

(c) surevaki na vakatatabu vua e dua na tamata cakacaka se vakaitavi vakamatanitu, se solia vei ira na ka vinaka se yaga ka sega ni surevaki se soli vua e dua;

(d) surevaki na vakatatabu vei ira era sega ni lewenivanua e Viti, se soli vei ira na ka e vinaka se yaga ka sega ni surevaki se soli vei ira na lewenivanua;

(e) vakarautaka na veika vakaivola me baleta na gone vakacabecabe, vakamau, dewa na taukeni ni iyau ena vuku ni mate kei na peniseni;


(f) vakatabui na tamata me taura na itutu ena so na valenivolavola ni lewenivanua; se

(g) me yalani ena gauna e gadrevi kina ka me kua ni veicoqacoqa kei na dodonu se na galala e virikotori ena dua na tikina ena Wase qo, e vakatara na kena taukeni vakavanua na kedra qele kei na nodra vakayagataka na iyaubula mai waitui o ira na iTaukei, Rotuma kei na Rabi se na ivakarau ni kena soli na itutu ni veiliutaki ni iTaukei, Rotuma kei na Rabi.

Galala mai na kena tauri vakalawa se tauri vakaveitalia na iyau 27.—(1) Na tamata yadua e tu vua na dodonu me kua ni kauta tani na Matanitu na

nona iyau vakavo ke vakatarai ena lawa tabaki ka virikotori ena wasetiki (2), ka sega ni dua na lawa me vakatara na kena tauri vakaveitalia se na kena kovei na iyau.

(2) Na lawa tabaki e rawa ni vakatara na kena tauri vakalawa na iyau, ni—

(a) vakayacori e dua na inaki raraba; kei na

(b) kena saumi vakadodonu na itaukei ni iyau ena isau ni iyau sa veidinadinatitaki, se ke sega ni yacovi rawa e dua na veidinadinati, me dua ga na isau vakatautauvata me vaka e sa vakatulewa kina na mataveilewai se mataveivaqaqai, ni oti na kena raici na veika kece e kovuti kina, oka kina na—

(i) kena rawati na iyau me vakayacori ena dua na inaki raraba;

(ii) itukutuku ni kena rawati na iyau mai vua na itaukei ni iyau;

(iii) isau ni iyau;

(iv) tamata yadua e tiko na nona gagadre me baleta na iyau; kei na

(v) nona sotava na dredre o itaukei ni iyau.

(3) Na kena tauri na iyau ena lawa tabaki se kevaka e volai vakalawa na kena tauri na i yau e sega ni veicoqacoqa kei na tikina qo kevaka e vakayacori ena—

(a) saumi ni ivakacavacava;

(b) vesuki vakalawa na esiteti sa beqaravu;

(c) vesuki ni iyaya e taurivaki ena cala vakalawa;

(d) totogi e tau ena voroki ni lawa;

(e) kena saumi na mokiti, saumi na itotogi se saumi na dinau me sere mai na iyau vesu; se

(f) vakayacori na lewa ni mataveilewai se mataveivaqaqai.


Dodonu ni taukeni kei na taqomaki ni qele ni iTaukei, Rotuma kei na Rabi 28.—(1) Na qele ni iTaukei mera taukena tiko ga na itaukei ni qele, ena sega tale

ga ni rawa ni volitaki, soli, tokitaki se veisautaki, vakavo ni tauri Vakamatanitu me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27.

(2) Ke dua na qele ni iTaukei e taura na Matanitu ena dua na inaki raraba ni oti na kena taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27 se ena dua na lawa tabaki, me na vakasukai tale vei ira na kena itaukei ke sa sega ni vakayagataka na qele na Matanitu.

(3) Na qele ni Rotuma mera taukena tiko ga na itaukei ni qele, ena sega tale ga ni rawa ni volitaki, soli, tokitaki se veisautaki, vakavo ni tauri Vakamatanitu me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27.

(4) Ke dua na qele ni Rotuma e taura na Matanitu ena dua na inaki raraba ni oti na kena taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27 se ena dua na lawa tabaki, me na vakasukai tale vei ira na kena itaukei ke sa sega ni vakayagataka na qele na Matanitu.

(5) Na qele ni Rabi mera taukena tiko ga na itaukei ni qele, ena sega tale ga ni rawa ni volitaki, soli, tokitaki se veisautaki, vakavo ni tauri Vakamatanitu me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27.

(6) Ke dua na qele ni Rabi e taura na Matanitu ena dua na inaki raraba ni oti na kena taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27 se ena dua na lawa tabaki, me na vakasukai tale vei ira na kena itaukei ke sa sega ni vakayagataka na qele na Matanitu.

Taqomaki ni taukeni kei na gagadre ni vakayagataki qele 29.—(1) Na taukeni taucoko ni qele, na dodonu kei na gagadre yadua me baleta na

qele, oka kina na qele saumi se lisitaki, a se tiko ni se bera ni taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo, me na tomani tiko ga ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

(2) Ena sega ni dua na lawa ena buli me vakamalumalumutaka se vakaleqa na taukeni kei na gagadre ni qele saumi se lisitaki a se tiko ni se bera ni taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo, me na tomani tiko ga ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

(3) O ira era lisitaka na qele e tu vei ira na dodonu me kua ni muduki koso na nodra veidinadinati ni lisi vakavo ke muduki ena veidinadinati ni lisi a sainitaki, kei na veisau e vakayacori vakalawa me baleta na veidinadinati ni lisi ena sega ni veisautaka e dua na veidinadinati e sa tu ena kena lisitaki na qele.

(4) Na Palimedi kei na Boseyaco, ena vuku ni buli lawa kei na walewale tale e so, me vakadeitaka ni qele saumi se lisitaki e veiganiti kei na ilavo e rawata na itaukei ni qele ka maroroya tale ga na nodra dodonu o ira era lisitaka na qele, oka kina na maroroi ni balavu ni gauna kei na vakarau kei na ituvatuva ni lisitaki qele e dodonu me rawati ena savasava, ka sega ni veivakaduiduitaki.


(5) Na qele kece era oka me qele voli vakadua ni bera na taurivaki ni Yavunivakavulewa qo me na oka tiko ga vaka qele volivakadua, vakavo kevaka e volitaki vua na Matanitu se taura na Matanitu ena inaki raraba me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27.

(6) Ena vuku ni tikina qo—

qele lisitaki” se “qele saumi” oka kina na lisitiki ni qele lisitaki kei na lisitiki ni qele saumi, ia e sega ni okati kina na lisi se veidinadinati ni vale, vale nibisinisi, vale nibuliyaya kei na vuku ni saravanua, ena sega ni oka kina na lisi se veidinadinati ni yaya tudei ni vale, na misini, se na gacagaca ni vale ena dua na tikiniqele; kei na

“ira na saumi lisi” se “ira na saumi qele” e wili kina ira na saumi lisitiki, se na yalovinaka ni taukei ni qele me toso na lisi.

Dodonu ni itaukei ni qele ena kena wasei vakadodonu na isau ni kena vakayagataki na iyaubula 30.—(1) Na iyaubula taucoko e vanua se i wai e taukena na Matanitu; ia e tu tale

ga na nodra dodonu na itaukei ni qele (kevaka e taukeni vakavanua se voli vakadua), se o ira na volai vakalawa na nodra dodonu ni iqoliqoli vakavanua e tu na nodra dodonu mera taura e dua na iwase ni ilavo e saumi ena Matanitu ena veivakadonui ni Matanitu me vakayagataki na iyaubula mai na qele se matasawa e oka tiko ena loma ni iqoliqoli vakavanua e sa volai vakalawa.

(2) Na lawa tabaki me na vakadeitaka na ituvatuva ni kena cakacakataki na wasei vakadodonu ni ivotavota me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (1), oka kina—

(a) na ivotavota era tara tiko na itaukei ni iyaubula se era rawa ni tara, vu mai na vakadidike se na vakayagataki ni iyaubula;

(b) na ririko ni kena vakacacani na veika e tu wavoliti keda;

(c) ke dua na itavi vakalawa ni Matanitu me cau vakailavo me rawa ni sotavi na isau ni kena tarovi, vakavinakataki se saumi na kena vakacacani na veika e tu wavoliti keda;

(d) na kena sauma na Matanitu na kena vakatulewataki ni dodonu ena kena vakadikevi, vakayagataki na iyaubula; kei na

(e) na cau e veiganiti me sauma e dua e vakatarai me vakadidiketaka se vakayagataka na iyaubula, me sauma vua na Matanitu.

Dodonu ni vuli 31.—(1) Na tamata yadua e tu vua na dodonu me—

(a) virisova;

(b) vuli ena paraimiri kei na sekendri; kei na

(c) vuli torocake.


(2) Na Matanitu me na vakayagataka e dua na ituvatuva e veiganiti ena veika sa tu rawa me na qai rawata na kena yacovi na dodonu—

(a) me kua ni saumi na nodra vuli na gone, wili kina na paraimiri, sekendri kei na vulitorocake; kei na

(b) nodra vuli o ira era sega ni vakacavara na nodra vuli ena paraimiri kei na sekendri.

(3) Me na vakavulici ena veikoronivuli ni paraimiri na vosa vakaiTaukei kei na vosa vakaIdia e sa taurivaki tiko ena gauna qo.

(4) E tu na dodonu vei ira na Matanitu me na vakasalataka e dua na tabana ni vuli ena vakavulici ni so na lesoni e salavata na tikobulabula, na vakavulici ni tamata yadua ena nona dodonu kei na galala vakalewenivanua, kei na vakavulici ni veika yadudua me baleta na Matanitu, kei na dua na tabana ni vuli e dodonu me na muria e dua na ivakasala e vakarautaka na Matanitu.

(5) Ena taurivaki ni dodonu ena tikina qo, kevaka e vakaraitaka na Matanitu ni sega ni tiko vua na ivurevure ni veika me baleta na kena taurivaki na dodonu, e nona itavi na Matanitu me vakaraitaka ni sega vua na ivurevure.

Dodonu ni vakaitavi ena bula vakailavo 32.—(1) Na tamata yadua e tu vua na dodonu me vakaitavi ena bula vakailavo

ni Vanua, qo e oka kina na dodonu ni nodra digitaka na nodra cakacaka, se so tale na gaunisala ni rawa ilavo.

(2) Na Matanitu me na vakayagataka e dua na ituvatuva e veiganiti ena veika sa tu rawa me na qai rawati na kena yacovi na dodonu e virikotori ena wasetiki (1).

(3) Na lawa ena rawa ni yalana, se vakadonuya na kena yalani, na dodonu e virikotori ena wasetiki (1), ia na vakayacori ga ena gauna e gadrevi kina me yalani.

Dodonu ni cakacaka kei na isau e veiganiti 33.—(1) Na Matanitu me na vakayagataka e dua na ituvatuva e veiganiti ena veika

sa tu rawa me qai rawati na dodonu ni tamata yadua me cakacaka ka me saumi ena isau e veiganiti.

(2) Ena kena taurivaki na dodonu ena tikina qo, kevaka e vakaraitaka na Matanitu ni sega ni tiko vua na ivurevure ni veika me baleta na kena taurivaki na dodonu, e nona itavi na Matanitu me vakaraitaka ni sega vua na ivurevure.

Dodonu ni tamata yadua me vakayagataka na veimataqali sala ni veitosoyaki 34.—(1) Na Matanitu me na vakayagataka e dua na ituvatuva e veiganiti kei na

veika sa tu rawa me qai rawati na dodonu ni tamata yadua me vakayagataka na veimataqali sala ni veitosoyaki.


(2) Ena kena taurivaki na dodonu ena tikina qo, kevaka e vakaraitaka na Matanitu ni sega ni tiko vua na ivurevure ni veika me baleta na kena taurivaki na dodonu, e nona itavi na Matanitu me vakaraitaka ni sega vua na ivurevure.

Dodonu ni veivakavaletaki kei na tikosavasava 35.—(1) Na Matanitu me na vakayagataka e dua na ituvatuva e veiganiti kei na

veika sa tu rawa me qai rawati na dodonu ni tamata yadua me rawa nira vakavaletaki vakamatau kei na tikosavasava.

(2) Ena kena taurivaki na dodonu ena tikina qo, kevaka e vakaraitaka na Matanitu ni sega ni tiko vua na ivurevure ni veika me baleta na kena taurivaki na dodonu, e nona itavi na Matanitu me vakaraitaka ni sega vua na ivurevure.

Dodonu ni vakarautaki vakamatau ni kakana kei na wainigunu 36.—(1) Na Matanitu me na vakayagataka e dua na ituvatuva e veiganiti kei na

veika sa tu rawa me qai rawati na dodonu ni tamata yadua, me galala mai na via kana, me tu vua na kakana vakarautaki vakavinaka ena kena ivakarau dodonu, kei na dodonu ni vakarautaki vakamatau ni wainigunu savasava.

(2) Ena kena taurivaki na dodonu ena tikina qo, kevaka e vakaraitaka na Matanitu ni sega ni tiko vua na ivurevure ni veika me baleta na kena taurivaki na dodonu, e nona itavi na Matanitu me vakaraitaka ni sega vua na ivurevure.

Dodonu ni tamata yadua me vakarautaki vua na veivuke raraba 37.—(1) Na Matanitu me na vakayagataka e dua na ituvatuva e veiganiti kei na

veika sa tu rawa me qai rawati na dodonu ni tamata yadua, me vakarautaki vua na veivuke raraba me vukei ena gauna e gadrevi kina, qo e oka kina na veivuke Vakamatanitu kevaka e gadreva na veivuke na tamata yadua kei ira era vakararavi vua.

(2) Ena kena taurivaki na dodonu ena tikina qo, kevaka e vakaraitaka na Matanitu ni sega ni tiko vua na ivurevure ni veika me baleta na kena taurivaki na dodonu, e nona itavi na Matanitu me vakaraitaka ni sega vua na ivurevure.

Dodonu ni tikobulabula 38.—(1) Na Matanitu me na vakayagataka e dua na ituvatuva e veiganiti kei na

veika sa tu rawa me qai rawati na dodonu ni tamata yadua me tikobulabula, ena ivakarau kei na veika e gadrevi ena tikobulabula, kei na veiqaravi ni kena maroroi na bula, oka kina na tikobulabula vakamatavuvale.

(2) Me kua ni dua e vakuwai mai ena veiqaravi totolo vakavuniwai.

(3) Ena kena taurivaki na dodonu ena tikina qo, kevaka e vakaraitaka na Matanitu ni sega ni tiko vua na ivurevure ni veika me baleta na kena taurivaki na dodonu, e nona itavi na Matanitu me vakaraitaka ni sega vua na ivurevure.


Galala mai na veivakatalai vakaveitalia 39.—(1) Na tamata yadua e tu vua na dodonu me kua ni vakatalai vakaveitalia mai

nona vale se me basuraki nona vale ke sega ni vakaroti mai na mataveilewai.

(2) E tabu vakalawa na veivakatalai vakaveitalia.

Dodonu ni tamata me baleta na veikabula 40.—(1) Na tamata yadua e tu vua na dodonu me savasava ka bulabula na veika tu

wavoliti koya, qo e oka kina na dodonu ni kena maroroi na veikabula mera vinaka kina na itabatamata ena gauna qo kei ira era muri mai me vaka e virikotori ena lawa tabaki kei na ituvatuva tale e so.

(2) Na lawa ena rawa ni yalana se vakadonuya na kena yalani na dodonu e virikotori ena tikina qo, ia na vakayacori ga ena gauna e gadrevi kina me yalani.

Nodra dodonu na gone 41.—(1) Na gone yadua e tu vua na dodonu—

(a) me volai ena gauna ga e sucu kina, me vakatokayacataki, ka lewena e dua na matanitu;

(b) me vakarautaki vua na kakana bulabula, vakaisulutaki, vakavaletaki, tikosavasava kei na tikobulabula;

(c) me qaravi vakavinaka mai na matavuvale, taqomaki, ka vakasalataki, oka kina na nodrau vakaitavi vakatautauvata na itubutubu ena nona qaravi na gone—

(i) veitalia ke rau sega ni vakamau na itubutubu; ka

(ii) veitalia ke rau tiko vata na itubutubu se sega, rau a tiko vata ena dua na gauna, se rau sa veibiu;

(d) me taqomaki mai na kena rawa ni vakayacori vua e dua na itovo e veivakamavoataki, sega ni kauwaitaki, itovo vakavanua e rawa ni veivakamavoataki, itovo kaukauwa, itovo vakamanumanu kei na nona totogitaki, kei na veivakacakacakataki e rawa ni mavoa kina se lolovira; ka

(e) me kua ni vesu, vakavo ke sa sega tale ni dua na iwali e tiko, ia kevaka e vesu, me—

(i) vesu ena gauna ga e gadrevi kina; ka me

(ii) kua ni vesu vata kei ira na qase, kei na vanua e vesu kina me veiraurau kei na nona yalewa se tagane kei na nona yabaki ni bula.

(2) Na nona bula vinaka, qaravi vinaka, taqomaki ka susugi vinaka na gone e usutu ni veika ena raici me baleta na gone.


Dodonu ni lewenivanua e vakaleqai vakayago 42.—(1) Na tamata e vakaleqai vakayago, e tu vua na dodonu—

(a) me curu i na veivanua, vakayagataka na veisala ni veitosoyaki e dola raraba, ka taura na itukutuku;

(b) me vakayagataka e dua na ivakarau ni veivosaki se na vakauitukutuku e ganiti ira na galu kei na mataboko; kei na

(c) kena vakarautaki vakarawarawa na iyaya me vukea na tamata e vakaleqai vakayago.

(2) Ni dua e vakaleqai vakayago e tu vua na dodonu me vakarawarawataki na nona vakayagataka na veivale, na lori, na nona vakaitavi vakacakacaka, kei na vakarautaki ni lawa me rawa nira vakaitavi ena bula ni lewenivanua ka me vakadeitaki kina na nodra dodonu.

(3) Na lawa e na rawa ni yalana, se vakadonuya na yalani ni dodonu e virikotori ena tikina qo, ia na vakayacori ga ena gauna e gadrevi kina me yalani.

Yalani ni dodonu ena gauna ni tikoleqa vakamatanitu 43.—(1) Ni dua na lawa e sa vakadonui se sa taurivaki ena vuku ni tikoleqa

vakamatanitu ena Yavunivakavulewa qo—

(a) ena rawa ni yalana na dodonu se galala e yavutaki ena Wase qo (vakavo na dodonu kei na galala yavutaki ena tikina 8,10,11,13,14,15,16, 22 kei na 26) ia ena qai yalani ga ena gauna e gadrevi kina—

(i) na kena yalani ena vakatabakidua ena kena gadrevi ena gauna ni tikoleqa vakamatanitu; kei na

(ii) lawa e salavata kei na itavi ni vanua o Viti ena lawa levu kei vuravura ka dau vakayagataki ena gauna ni tikoleqa vakamatanitu; ka na

(b) taurivaki ga ena gauna e sa tabaki i na iTukutuku Tabaki Vakamatanitu.

(2) Ke dua e vesu ena wasetiki (1), e tu vua na dodonu e virikotori ena Wase qo, vakavo ke yalani me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (1).

Dodonu ni tamata kevaka e vakaleqai na nona dodonu e virikotori ena Lawa ni Dodonu 44.—(1) Ke dua na tamata e vakabauta ni dua na nona dodonu e virikotori ena Wase

qo e sa vakaleqai se rawa ni vakaleqai (se, ke dua e vesu tiko, ka vakabauta e dua tale na tamata ni rawa ni vakaleqai na nona dodonu na tamata e vesu tiko) na tamata qo (se na tamata e vesu tiko) e rawa ni kerea na Mataveilewai e Cake me dikevi na tabana qo.

(2) Na dodonu ni kena kerei ena Mataveilewai e Cake me dikeva na kena vakaleqai na dodonu ni tamata me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (1), ena sega ni tarova na nona dodonu na tamata qo ena vuku ni so tale na veivuke vakalawa e tiko me baleti koya.


(3) Na Mataveilewai e Cake e tu vua na kaukauwa—

(a) me rogoca ka vakatulewataka ena nona kudru e dua e vakaleqai na nona dodonu me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (1); kei na

(b) kena vakatulewataki na vakatataro a kau cake mai ena wasetiki (5);

ka rawa ni solia na ivakaro kei na ivakasala e matau.

(4) Na Mataveilewai e Cake e rawa ni vakatulewa vakamatau me kua ni vakadonuya na kerekere e biu cake yani, se e yavutaki ena wasetiki qo kevaka e vakabauta ni tiko tale e dua na iwali e rawa ni vakayagataki.

(5) Kevaka e rogoci ena dua na mataveilewai lalai e so na vakatataro me baleta na kena saqati na veitikina e so ena Wase qo, sa nona itavi na Daunilewa me vagolea na vakatataro i na Mataveilewai e Cake, se ena nona kerekere e dua na ilawalawa i na kisi, na mataveilewai lalai e rawa ni vagolea na vakatataro i na Mataveilewai e Cake. Ia, na vagolei ni vakatataro i na Mataveilewai e Cake ena sega ni vakayacori kevaka ena nona nanuma na Daunilewa (ka na sega ni rawa ni rogoci tale na nona vakatulewa) kevaka na taro e vinakati me vagolei ena Mataveilewai e Cake e vaqitoqito se veivakacudrui.

(6) Ni sa vakatulewa na Mataveilewai e Cake ena vakatataro e vagolei ena tikina qo, sa itavi ni mataveilewai e kau cake mai kina na vakatataro me bokoca na kisi yavutaki ena—

(a) vakatulewa; se

(b) na vakatulewa ni Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru se Mataveilewai Cecere kevaka e rogoci tale ena mataveilewai e rua qo.

(7) Na Vunilawa e rawa ni curubotea na veilewai ena Mataveilewai e Cake ena vuku ni Matanitu, ena kena dikevi e dua na iulutaga ena Wase qo.

(8) Ke dua na veilewai ena Mataveilewai e Cake me baleta e dua na iulutaga ena Wase qo, na Mataveilewai e Cake me na kua ni rogoca ka vakatulewa kina me yacova ni sa soli na kena notisi vua na Vunilawa, ka me soli vua e dua na gauna me vakatulewa ena nona vakaitavi ena veilewai.

(9) Na notisi ena wasetiki (8) e sega ni gadrevi me soli vua na Vunilawa kevaka e tiki tiko ni veilewai na Vunilawa se na Matanitu.

(10) Navosavakadua ena rawa ni virikotora e so na lewa ena tikina qo me baleta na ivakarau ni veiqaravi ena Mataveilewai e Cake (oka kina na gauna e rawa ni vakayacori kina na kerekere ena Mataveilewai e Cake).

Matabose ni Dodonu ni Tamata kei na Valuti ni Veivakaduiduitaki 45.—(1) Na Matabose ni Dodonu ni Tamata e tauyavutaki ena Dikiri ni Matabose

ni Dodonu ni Tamata 2009, me na tomani tiko me Matabose ni Dodonu ni Tamata kei na Valuti ni Veivakaduiduitaki.


(2) Na Matabose me na lewena—

(a) e dua na Jemeni, ka rawa ni digitaki me Daunilewa; kei na

(b) 4 tale na lewena,

me digitaka na Peresitedi ena ivakasala ni Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa.

(3) Ena kena vakasalataki na Peresitedi ena nona digitaka e dua me Jemeni se o iratou na lewena na Matabose, na Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa me na raica na nodratou itovo, me raica tale ga na nodratou kila vakacakacaka ena itaba duidui ni veiqaravi e ratou lako mai kina ka rawa ni basika ena gauna e dabe kina na Matabose.

(4) Vakavo ke vakarautaki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, na itavi ni Matabose me—

(a) vakatetea na taqomaki, dikevi na kena rokovi na dodonu ni tamata ena veimatabose taucoko, ka me vakatorocaketaka na itovo ni dodonu ni tamata e Viti;

(b) vakayaco vuli me baleta na dodonu kei na galala e taurivaki ena Wase qo, oka kina na dodonu kei na galala e taurivaki ka vakayagataki ena veimatanitu e vuravura;

(c) wanonova,vaqaqa ka volaitukutukutaka na kena vakamuri na dodonu ni tamata ena veitaba taucoko ni bula;

(d) vakatututaka i na Matanitu na veiulutaga e so e vakaleqa tiko na dodonu kei na gagala taurivaki ena Wase qo, vakakina na vakatutu me baleta na lawa sa tiko rawa kei na kena e se qai vakarau buli;

(e) ciqoma ka vaqaqa na kudru e so me baleta na veibeitaki ni kena voroki na dodonu ni tamata, ka cavuikalawa me walia, kevaka sa vakadinadinataki ni sa voroki na dodonu ni tamata, oka kina na kena vakatututaki ena mataveilewai se me vaqarai e so tale na iwali vinaka;

(f) vaqaqa se vakadidiketaka ena nona vakatulewa ga se ena dua na kudru ni lewenivanua, e dua na kudru e baleta na dodonu ni tamata ka soli ivakasala me vakavinakataka na tabana oqo;

(g) wanonova matua na Matanitu ena veiyalayalati kei na veidinadinati sa vakadeitaka kei na veimatanitu me baleta na dodonu ni tamata yadua; kei na

(h) vakayacori ni itavi tale e so, se na kena vakayagataki na kaukauwa e solia na lawa tabaki vua na Matabose.

(5) Vakavo ke vakarautaki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, na tamata yadua e tu vua na dodonu me vakaraitaka nona kudru i na Matabose, me vakaraitaka kina na nona dodonu kei na galala e yavutaki ena Wase qo, e sega ni vakamuri se vakacacani.


(6) Vakavo ke vakarautaki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, na Matabose e tu tale ga vua na kaukauwa me vaka e virikotori ena Dikiri ni Matabose ni Dodonu ni Tamata Yadua 2009 se na so tale na lawa tabaki.

(7) Ena kena qaravi na itavi se na kena vakayagataki na nona kaukauwa ni Matabose, ena dodonu me tuvakaikoya, sega ni lewai mai vua e dua se dua na matabose se tabacakacaka, vakavo ke vakatulewa ni mataveilewai se virikotori ena dua na lawa tabaki.

(8) Na Matabose e tu vua na kaukauwa me digitaka, vakaceguya se totogitaki ira na kena vakailesilesi (oka kina o ira na cakacaka vakavunivola).

(9) Na Matabose e tu vua na kaukauwa me vakadeitaka na veika e baleti ira na vakailesilesi ni Matabose, qo e oka kina na—

(a) ivakarau kei na iwalewale ni cakacaka;

(b) ivakatagedegede ni vuli e gadrevi kei na ivakarau me vakamuri me baleta na veivakacakacakataki, ka dodonu me dola raraba, vakarawarawataki, valataki vakasavasava, ia na veidigitaki me yavutaki ena rawaka;

(c) isau, idole, kei na oco me saumi, e dodonu me veiganiti kei na ivotavota vakailavo e vakadonuya na Palimedi; kei na

(d) levu ni vakailesilesi vakadeitaki se levu ni vakailesilesi e digitaki, e dodonu me veiraurau kei na ivotavotava vakailavo e vakadonuya na Palimedi.

(10) Na isau, idole kei na oco me soli vua e dua na tamata cakacaka ena Matabose me saumi mai na Umailavo Cokovata ni Matanitu.

(11) Na Palimedi me vakadeitaka ni na vakarautaki e dua na ivotavota vakailavo ena Matabose, me rawa ni vakatulewa ka qarava ga vakaikoya na nona itavi.

(12) Na Matabose me na lewa na kena vakayagataki na ituvatuva vakailavo e sa vakadonuya na Palimedi.




Na lewa ni buli lawa kei na kaukauwa ni Palimedi 46.—(1) Na kaukauwa ni buli lawa ni Matanitu sa vakatikori e na Palimedi era

lewena na lewenipalimedi kei na Peresitedi, vakadonui ena lawa vakaturi e pasitaki ena Palimedi ka tokona na Peresitedi.

(2) E sega ni dua na tamata se matabose, vakavo ga na Palimedi e tiko vua na kaukauwa me bulia na lawa kei Viti, vakavo ga ena kaukauwa e solia na Yavunivakavulewa qo se dua na lawa tabaki.

Taurivaki na kaukauwa ni buli lawa 47.—(1) E rawa vua e dua na lewenipalimedi me vakatura e dua na lawa i na

Palimedi. Ia na Minisita ni ilavo se dua na Minisita e vakadonuya na Boseyaco ena rawa ni vakatututaka e dua na Lawa Vakaturi ni iLavo me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (4).

(2) Na Palimedi me na qai vakadonuya e dua na Lawa Vakaturi ni sa vakamuria vinaka mai na kena yavu ni vakadonui ni lawa, ka dodonu me umani kina—

(a) na ituvatuva vakarautaki ni kena vakamacalataki taumada, veivosakitaki, veisautaki kei na kena vakadeitaki na Lawa Vakaturi; kei na

(b) kena soli na gauna ena ituvatuva vakarautaki vei ira na lewenipalimedi kei na nodra komiti lalai mera dikeva vakavinaka na Lawa Vakaturi.

(3) Na Lawa Vakaturi ena rawa ni vakatotolotaki na kena vakadonui kevaka—

(a) na gauna e vakamacalataki taumada kina na Lawa Vakaturi, o koya e vakatututaka ena imatai ni gauna, e kerea ena Palimedi me vakadonui vakatotolo na Lawa Vakaturi; kei na

(b) nodra vakadonuya na iwase levu ni Palimedi na Lawa Vakaturi qo.

(4) Ena tikina qo, na Lawa Vakaturi ni iLavo, e dua ga na Lawa Vakaturi ka—

(a) lavaki, vakalevutaki, veisautaki, vakasukari, vagalalataki mai, vakalailaitaki se bokoci ni ivakacavacava;

(b) lavaka na ivakacavacava ina ilavo ni matanitu se vakaduiduitaka se bokoca na ivakacavacava;

(c) vakarautaka na ilavo ni matanitu se so tale na ituvatuva me baleta na ilavo ni matanitu;


(d) vakadonuya se veivakadeitaki, ena soli ni dinau se na kena sausaumi;

(e) baleta na kena ciqomi, maroroi, vakatubu ilavo, soli, se ilovi na vakayagataki ni ilavo; se

(f) qarava na leqa e vure mai ena ulutaga e cake.

Veitokoni ni Peresitedi 48.—(1) Ni sa vakadonui na Lawa Vakaturi mai na Palimedi, na Sipika me

vakaraitaka vua na Peresitedi me tokona.

(2) Ena loma ni 7 na siga ena nona taura na Lawa Vakaturi na Peresitedi, me na solia na nona veitokoni ena lawa vakaturi.

(3) Kevaka e sega ni tokona na Peresitedi na Lawa Vakaturi ena loma ni gauna yalataki me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (2), na Lawa Vakaturi sa na vakabau ena gauna e cava kina na gauna yalataki ena wasetiki (2).

Taurivaki ni lawa 49.—(1) Ena loma ni 7 na siga ni oti na kena tokoni e dua na Lawa Vakaturi, na

Vunilawa me tabaka na Lawa Vakaturi ena iTukutuku Tabaki Vakamatanitu me Lawa ni Palimedi.

(2) Na Lawatu ni Palimedi ena taurivaki—

(a) ena tikinisiga e vakatulewataki se virikotori ena Lawatu; se

(b) ena ika7 ni siga ni tabaki oti ena iTukutuku Tabaki Vakamatanitu, kevaka e sega ni vakadeitaki na tikinisiga ena Lawatu.

Lawasau kei na lawa veitikivi 50.—(1) Na tamata yadua e tabu vakalawa me buli lawasau, se tabaka e dua na ivola

e tiko kina na kaukauwa vakalawa vakavo kevaka e vakadonuya na Yavunivakavulewa qo se lawa tabaki.

(2) Na tamata yadua e bulia tiko e dua na lawasau, se tabaka e dua na ivola e tiko kina na kaukauwa vakalawa e dodonu me solia e dua na gauna mera vakaitavi na lewenivanua ena kena buli kei na raicilesu na tikinilawa ni se bera ni tabaki.

Kaukauwa ni Palimedi me baleta na veidinadinati kei na veimatanitu 51. Na veidinadinadinati kei na veimatanitu e vauca na Matanitu kevaka sa

vakadonui mai na Palimedi.



Lewenipalimedi 52. Na lewenipalimedi mera digitaki ena veidigidigi vuni ka vakayacori ena savasava

ka vakamatau ka solia vua na veimatavakaturi kei na veimatapolitiki mera cakacaka ena galala, kei na kena vakau na itukutuku me vakayacori ena galala, kei na mataveilewai me soli vua na galala ni vakatulewa ka qarava na cakacaka ni veidigidigi na Matabose ni Veidigidigi, me vaka e virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo se dua na lawa tabaki e kovuta na kena ivakarau ni kena vakayacori na veidigidigi.

iWalewale ni veidigidigi veiraurau 53.—(1) Na lewenipalimedi era na digitaki ena iwiliwili ni mata dola raraba. Ena

iwalewale ni veidigidigi qo, na levu na dabedabe e winitaka e dua na matapolitiki se ilawalawa ni matavakaturi, ena veiraurau kei na levu ni digidigi e rawata na matapolitiki se ilawalawa ni matavakaturi. Ena iwalewale ni veidigidigi qo na tamata taucoko e veidigidigi me dua na nona idigidigi, qo e kena ibalebale ni digidigi ni lewenivanua yadua e wiliki vakatautauvata ka na tu tale ga e dua na ivola ni veidigidigi vakamatanitu e tabaki kina o ira na lewenivanua taucoko era volayaca ni veidigidigi.

(2) Vakavo ke yalani ena wasetiki (3) kei na (4), na gauna ni veidigidigi i Palimedi, na idabedabe e soli vua e dua na mata me na veiraurau kei na—

(a) levu taucoko ni digidigi ena isoqosoqo vakapolitiki e duri ena veidigidigi, ena vakadeitaki ena levu taucoko ni digidigi e rawata na mata vakaturi ni isoqosoqo vakapolitiki oya; kei na

(b) levu taucoko ni digidigi vua e dua na mata tuvakaikoya, ke dua, ia na mata tuvakaikoya me soli ga vua e dua na idabedabe i na Palimedi.

(3) Na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki se mata tuvakaikoya ena sega ni rawata e dua na idabedabe i na Palimedi vakavo kevaka na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki se na mata tuvakaikoya qo e rawata ga e lailai mai na 5% na levu taucoko ni digidigi.

(4) Na lawa tabaki me vakarautaka na ivakarau ni nodra digitaki na mata i na Palimedi, oka kina na ivakaro ni tawani ni idabedabe e Palimedi me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (2), salamuria kei na ivakarau sa ciqomi ka taurivaki ena veimatanitu e vuravura me baleta na ivakaro ni tawani ni dabedabe vei ira na mata vakaturi dola raraba ena iwalewale ni veidigidigi veiraurau.

iDabedabe ena Palimedi 54.—(1) Ena imatai ni veidigidigi e vakayacori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, na

Palimedi me na lewena e 50 na mata digitaki.

(2) Ena veigauna e vakayacori kina na veidigidigi ni lewenipalimedi ni oti na imatai ni veidigidigi ena kena sa taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo, na Matabose ni Veidigidigi, ni se vo e 1 na yabaki me vakayacori na veidigidigi, me na railesuva na idabedabe, kevaka


e gadrevi me vakalevutaka se vakalailaitaka na iwiliwili ni lewenipalimedi, me vakadeitaka ena gauna e railesuvi kina me veiraurau na iwiliwili ni lewenipalemedi kei na lewenivanua e Viti ena gauna a vakayacori kina na imatai ni veidigidigi ena Yavunivakalewa qo.

(3) Ena kena vakayacori na cakacaka ni kena railesuvi na lewenipalimedi me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (2), na Matabose ni Veidigidigi me na vakasamataka tale ga na iwiliwili ni lewenivanua e Viti me vaka e vakadeitaki mai na iwiliwili ni lewenivanua se qai vakayacori oti, na iVola ni Volayaca ni Veidigidig, se mai na dua tale na itukutuku vakadeitaki vakamatanitu.

(4) Kevaka sa vakatulewataka na Matabose ni Veidigidigi me veisautaka na iokaoka ni dabedabe ena Palimedi me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (2) ena vuku ni veidigidigi e vakayacori ena gauna sa caka oti kina na veisautaki ni iokaoka ni dabedabe ena Palimedi, na lewenipalimedi e sa na veisautaki me vaka e sa vakatulewataka na Matabose ni Veidigidigi.

(5) Na lawa tabaki ena qai vakarautaka na veitikina me vakamatatataka na railesu ena wasetiki (2).

Dodonu ni veidigidigi kei na volayaca 55.—(1) Na lewenivanua kece sa yacova na yabaki 18, se sa sivia na yabaki 18, se

ni se bera ni vakarautaki na ivakaro tabaki ni veidigidigi tarava, e tu vua na dodonu me volayaca me veidigidigi, ena ivakarau kei na iwalewale e virikotori ena lawa tabaki ni veidigidigi se na lawa tabaki ni volayaca ni veidigidigi.

(2) Ke dua na tamata e—

(a) cakacakataka tiko na nona itotogi e valeniveivesu me rauta e 12 na vula se sivia me vaka e vakatulewa kina na mataveilewai e Viti se na mataveilewai e vanuatani;

(b) e sa vakadeitaki ena lawa e Viti ni sega ni tuvaki vinaka na nona ivakarau ni vakasama; se

(c) cakacakataka tiko na itotogi ni vakuwai mai na volayaca ni veidigidigi, ni basuka na lawa ni veidigidigi,

e sega vua na dodonu me volayaca me veidigidigi.

(3) Na tamata e sa volayaca me veidigidigi, ni sa mai oti na nona volayaca, e sa mai—

(a) cakacakataka tiko na nona itotogi e valeniveivesu me rauta e 12 na vula se sivia me vaka e vakatulewa kina na mataveilewai e Viti se na mataveilewai e vanuatani;


(b) vakadeitaki ena lawa e Viti ni sega ni tuvaki vinaka na nona ivakarau ni vakasama; se

(c) cakacakataka tiko na gauna ni totogi ni vakuwai mai na volayaca ni veidigidigi, ni basuka na lawa ni veidigidigi,

e sa na bokoci na yacana mai na volayaca ni veidigidigi.

(4) Na tamata yadua e sa volayaca me veidigidigi, e tu vua na dodonu me digitaka na nodra mata i na Palimedi ena gauna ni veidigidigi.

(5) Na Matabose ni Veidigidigi e dodonu me maroroya e dua na iVola ni Volayaca ni Veidigidigi e Viti.

(6) Na lewenivanua kece era sa volayaca mera veidigidigi ka—

(a) vakaitikotiko e Viti ena siga ni veidigidigi, sa rawa ni veidigidigi; se

(b) sega ni vakaitikotiko e Viti se sega ni tiko e Viti ena siga ni veidigidigi, ia ka kilai vakamatanitu ni bula tiko na nona taukena na ivolatara ni curuvanua e Viti, sa dodonu me veidigidigi ia me salamuria na lawa tabaki ni veidigidigi.

Mata vakaturi ni veidigidigi i na Palimedi 56.—(1) Na mata ni veidigidigi i na Palimedi me vakaturi mai na dua na isoqosoqo

vakapolitiki e vakamatanitutaki se vakaturi me mata tuvakaikoya ka salamuria na lawa tabaki ni veidigidigi.

(2) E dua na tamata ena rawa me mata i na veidigidigi ni Palimedi kevaka—

(a) e lewenivanua ga e Viti ka sega ni lewenivanua ni dua tale na matanitu;

(b) e volai ena iVola ni Volayaca ni Veidigidigi;

(c) sa lewenivanua oti e Viti ni bera e 2 na yabaki me qai mai vakaturi;

(d) e sega ni beqaravu;

(e) e sega ni lewe ni Matabose ni Veidigidigi, se a lewe tu ni Matabose, ni bera e 4 na yabaki me qai mai vakaturi;

(f) e sega ni cakacakataka tiko na nona itotogi e valeniveivesu ena gauna sa vakaturi kina;

(g) e sega ni totogitaki ena vuku ni dua na cala vakalawa ka kena iyalayala ni totogi e 12 na vula se sivia e valeniveivesu ena 8 na yabaki ni se bera ni vakaturi kina ena veidigidigi; se


(h) e sega ni vakadeitaki vakalawa ni vakayacora e dua na cala ena lawa ni veidigidigi se lawa ni volayaca ni soqosoqo vakapolitiki se lawa ni volayaca ni veidigidigi.

(3) Na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki e rawa ni vakatura e vica na nona mata ia me lailai mai na iwiliwili taucoko ni dabedabe ena Palimedi kei na levu ni mata vakaturi ni isoqosoqo vakapolitiki me kua ni sivia na iwiliwili ni dabedabe lala ena Palimedi ena dua na veidigidigi tubukoso.

(4) Na lawa tabaki ena qai vakamatatataka na veitikina me baleta na nodra vakaturi na mata ni veidigidigi.

(5) Na mata vakaturi kece kei na veisoqosoqo vakapolitiki era vakatura na nodra mata, mera vakamuria na veilawa tabaki kece e baleta na veidigidigi.

Mata vakaturi era vakailesilesi ni valenivolavola ni lewenivanua 57.—(1) Na vakailesilesi ena valenivolavola ni lewenivanua, e vakabauti ni sa

vagalalataka na valenivolavola ena gauna e ciqomi kina na nona ivola sainitaki me duri i na veidigidigi ena Palimedi vua na vakailesilesi se o koya na vakailesilesi e lesi vakalawa ni veidigidigi me ciqoma na yaca ni mata vakaturi.

(2) Na tamata a lewena tu na Matabose ni Veidigidigi se iLiuliu ni Veidigidigi, e sega ni vakatarai me vakatututaki me tu ena veidigidigi i na Palimedi me yacova ni oti e 4 na yabaki mai na nona taura tu na itutu ya.

(3) Ena tikina qo, “na valenivolavola ni lewenivanua” e kena ibalebale—

(a) e dua na valenivolavola se lewena e dua na matabose tuvakaikoya se matabose e tauyavutaki se sa tauyavu mai liu ena Yavunivakavulewa qo se na lawa tabaki;

(b) na valenivolavola e yavutaki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo;

(c) na valenivolavola tauyavutaki ena lawa tabaki;

(d) na valenivolavola qarava na veika vakalawa se valenivolavola ni veilewai se mataveivaqaqai e tauyavutaki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo se lawa tabaki;

(e) na valenivolavola ni Matanitu, okati kina na vakailesilesi vakamatanitu, kei na tabana ni veitaqomaki;

(f) na valenivolavola ni isoqosoqo ni tamata cakacaka ka rejisitataki ena Poromoliqeti ni Tamata Cakacaka 2007 kei na lawa tabaki tale e so (ke vakaturi se lesi me lewena na valenivolavola, okati kina na veitutu vakacakacaka se ituvatuva vakacakacaka e saumi kina vakailavo, se ilavo lavaki mai na soqosoqo ni tamata cakacaka);


(g) na valenivolavola ni matailawalawa cokovata, isoqosoqo, matabose se okati kina na matabose ni tamata cakacaka (ke vakaturi se lesi me lewena na valenivolavola, okati kina na veitutu vakacakacaka se ituvatuva vakacakacaka e saumi kina vakailavo, se ilavo lavaki mai na matailawalawa cokovata, isoqosoqo, matabose se na matabose ni tamata cakacaka); se

(h) na valenivolavola ni matailawalawa cokovata, isoqosoqo, matabose se okati kina na isoqosoqo ni dauveivakacakacakataki(ke vakaturi se lesi me lewena na valenivolavola, okati kina na veitutu vakacakacaka se ituvatuva vakacakacaka e saumi kina vakailavo, se ilavo lavaki mai na matailawalawa cokovata, isoqosoqo, matabose se isoqosoqo ni dauniveivakacakacakataki).

(4) Ia ena veika e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (3), ena vuku ni tikina qo, na “valenivolavola ni lewenivanua” e sega ni okati kina na valenivolavola ni Paraiminisita, valenivolavola ni Minisita, valenivolavola ni iVukevuke ni Sipika, valenivolavola ni iLiuliu ni iToniveisaqa se dua na valenivolavola ni Minisita se o ira era digitaki mera Minisita.

Gauna ni Palimedi 58.—(1) Ena vuku ni tikina qo, na Palimedi me na tomani me 4 na yabaki mai na

imatai ni bose ni oti na kena digitaki e dua na lewenipalimedi, vakavo ke sa bokoci totolo ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

(2) Na Peresitedi e rawa ni vakarota me rube na Palimedi ena ivakasala ni Paraiminisita.

(3) Na Peresitedi e rawa ni vakarota me bokoci na Palimedi ena ivakasala ni Paraiminisita, ia na rawa ga ni bokoca ni sa oti e 3 na yabaki kei na 6 na vula mai na imatai ni siga ni bose ni oti kena digitaki na lewenipalimedi.

iVakaro tabaki ni veidigidigi 59.—(1) Na Peresitedi me na solia na ivakaro tabaki ni veidigidigi ni lewenipalimedi

ena nona ivakasala na Paraiminisita.

(2) Na ivakaro tabaki ni veidigidigi me na soli ena loma ni 7 na siga ni bera ni cava se mai na gauna e sa vakarota kina na Peresitedi me boko na Palimedi.

(3) Na ivakaro tabaki ni veidigidigi tubukoso me na tabaki ena loma ni 7 na siga mai na tikinisiga e lala kina na idabedabe e Palimedi, se ena loma ni 7 na siga mai na tikinisiga e vakadeitaka na Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru ni Veidigidigi kevaka e dua na ivola ni kudru e kau cake ena tikina 63(5) se tikina 66.

Tikinisiga ni veivakaturi 60. Na iotioti ni siga me na ciqomi kina e dua na mata vakaturi ena veidigidigi i na

Palimedi e 14 na siga mai na gauna e tabaki kina na ivakaro ni veidigidigi.

Tikinisiga ni Veidigidigi 61. Me na caka na veidigidigi ka me kua ni bera mai na 30 na siga mai na kena

ciqomi na iotioti ni veivakaturi.


Bokoci totolo ni Palimedi 62.—(1) E dina ni virikotori ena tikina 58(3), ia na Peresitedi me na tusanaka na

bokoci totolo ni Palimedi ke sa taurivaka na Palimedi na vakatutu me bokoci totolo, ka sa duavata kina e rua na ikatolu ni lewenipalimedi.

(2) Na vakatutu ni kena bokoci totolo na Palimedi ena wasetiki (1) ena rawa ni vakaturi—

(a) kevaka e lailai na veivakabauti ni Matanitu mai na Palimedi;

(b) mai vua na iLiuliu ni iToniveisaqa; kevaka

(c) e saqata e liu na Palimedi na vakatutu ni tawa veivakabauti vua na Paraiminisita me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 94.

(3) Ena sega ni dua na vakatutu ni bokoci totolo ni Palimedi ena rawa ni vakayacori ena loma ni—

(a) 18 na vula ni se qai dola ga na Palimedi; se

(b) 6 na vula ni se bera ni cava na veiqaravi ni Palimedi ena loma ni 4 na yabaki.

Lala ni idabedabe ena Palimedi 63.—(1) Na lewenipalimedi e na lala na nona idabedabe kevaka e:

(a) mate, se solia na nona ivola kerekere ni vakacegu vua na Sipika;

(b) ena nodra veivakadonui na lewenipalimedi, e lewena na valenivolavola ni lewenivanua (me vaka e vakamacalataki ena tikina 57);

(c) e sega vua na dodonu me volayaca me vakaitavi ena veidigidigi;

(d) e sega vua na dodonu me digitaki me mata vakaturi ena veidigidigi me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 56;

(e) beqaravu ka se bera ni sauma vakaoti nona dinau; se

(f) sega ni tiko ena rua na dabe veitaravi ni Palimedi, qai sega ni kerea na veivakadonui ni Sipika;

(g) sa kerea nona vakacegu mai na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki a lewena ena gauna a digitaki kina;

(h) vakaitavi se tiko qai sega ni via vakaitavi ena veidigidigi e Palimedi, ka veibasai kei na ivakasala e soli vua mai na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki e lewena ena gauna e digitaki kina e Palimedi, ka sega ni soli mai na veivakadonui mai na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki qo; se


(i) vakacegui mai na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki e lewena ena gauna a digitaki kina me lewenipalimedi ka—

(i) na veivakacegui qo e salamuria na ivakaro ni veitotogitaki ni isoqosoqo vakapolitiki qo; ka

(ii) na veivakacegui qo e sega ni vakayacori ena nona itavi vakalewenikomiti e palimedi.

(2) Ena inaki e virikotori ena wasetiki (1)(g), na idabedabe ni lewenipalimedi ena vagalalataki ga ni sa taura na Sipika na ivola ni veivakadeitaki ka sa saini tiko kina na iliuliu kei na vunivola ni isoqosoqo vakapolitiki e lewena na lewenipalimedi qo, me vakaraitaka tiko ni sa kerea na lewenipalimedi me sa vakacegu.

(3) Ena inaki e virikotori ena wasetiki (1)(h), na idabedabe ni lewenipalimedi ena vagalalataki ena gauna sa taura kina na Sipika na ivola ni veivakadeitaki ka sa saini tiko kina na iliuliu kei na vunivola ni isoqosoqo vakapolitiki e lewena na lewenipalimedi qo, me vakaraitaka tiko ni na lewenipalimedi qo e vakaitavi ena veidigidigi se tiko qai sega ni via vakaitavi ena veidigidigi e Palimedi, ka veibasai kei na ivakasala e solia vua na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki ka sega tale ga ni soli na veivakadonui mai na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki.

(4) Ena inaki e virikotori ena wasetiki (1)(i), na idabedabe ni lewenipalimedi ena vagalalataki ena gauna sa taura kina na Sipika na ivola ni veivakadeitaki ka sa saini tiko kina na iliuliu kei na vunivola ni isoqosoqo vakapolitiki e lewena na lewenipalimedi qo, me vakaraitaka ni sa vakacegui mai ena isoqosoqo vakapolitiki na lewenipalimedi qo.

(5) Ke dua na lewenipalimedi e vagalalataki mai na nona idabedabe e Palimedi ena ivakarau e virikotori ena wasetiki (1), ka vinakata me kauta cake nona vakatataro se me saqata na kena vakabau na nona vagalalataki mai na nona idabedabe e Palimedi, na lewenipalimedi qo, ena loma ni 7 na siga mai na nona vagalalataki, me kerea na Mataveilewai ni Kudru ni Veidigidigi me vakatulewataka na kena vagalalataki na idabedabe e Palimedi.

(6) Na kerekere e kau cake mai ena Mataveilewai ni Kudru ni Veidigidigi ena tikina qo e dodonu me na vakatulewa kina na Mataveilewai ni Kudru ni Veidigidigi ena loma ni 21 na siga mai na siga e ciqoma kina na kerekere qo.

(7) Na lewa e sa tauca na Mataveilewai ni Kudru ni Veidigidigi ena tikina qo me na tudei ka na sega ni rawa me dua tale na mataveilewai me railesuva.

(8) Ia kevaka na lewenipalimedi e vagalalataki mai na nona idabedabe e Palimedi ena ivakarau e virikotori ena wasetiki (1) e kauta cake nona kudru ena Mataveilewai ni Kudru ni Veidigidigi me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (5), ena waraki tiko na vakatulewa ni Mataveilewai, na lewenipalimedi qo me na vakacegui tuvakawawa mai na Palimedi.


Mata vakaturi tarava me tawana na itutu lala 64.—(1) Ena vakatautaki na wasetiki (3), ke sa lala na idabedabe ni dua na

lewenipalimedi e lewena e dua na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki, me na solia na Matabose ni Veidigidigi na idabedabe ya vua na mata vakaturi mai na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki e lewena na mata e sa mai lala na nona idabedabe. Ia me soli na idabedabe vua na mata vakaturi tarava ka levu duadua na iwiliwili ni nona digidigi ena veidigidigi se qai vakayacori oti mai vei ira na kena vo ni mata vakaturi era sega ni digitaki me lewenipalimedi, ia era rawa ni vakaitavi ena gauna e vagalalataki kina na idabedabe (e rawa ni vakatautaki ena lawa tabaki ni veidigidigi). Ia kevaka e sega ni dua na mata vakaturi ena veidigidigi se qai vakayacori oti mai na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki e lewena na mata e sa mai lala na nona idabedabe, me na qaravi e dua na veidigidigi tubukoso me rawa ni tawani na idabedabe lala.

(2) Ena vakatautaki na wasetiki (3), kevaka e lala na idabedabe ni lewenipalimedi tuvakaikoya ena gauna ni Palimedi, me na qaravi e dua na veidigidigi tubukoso me rawa ni vakatawani na idabedabe.

(3) Ke lala e dua na idabedabe ena Palimedi me sivia na 3 na yabaki 6 na vula ni oti na imatai ni bose ni Palimedi mai na veidigidigi se qai vakayacori oti, ena vakalalai tiko ga na itutu ya me yacova na veidigidigi tarava.

iTutu lala 65. Na Palimedi ena qarava tiko ga na nona itavi ka na vakabau tiko ga na nona

lewa veitalia ke lala e dua na idabedabe, kei na nona tiko se vakaitavi e dua na tamata e sega ni lewenipalimedi.

Mataveilewai ni Kudru ni Veidigidigi 66.—(1) Na Mataveilewai e Cake e Mataveilewai ni Kudru ni Veidigidigi, ka tu

vua na kaukauwa vakalawa me rogoca ka vakatulewa ena—

(a) ivola ni kudru ni vakatataro ena kena digitaki vakadodonu e dua na lewenipalimedi; kei na

(b) kena kerei vakaveilewai me tusanaki kevaka e dua na idabedabe e Palimedi e sa lala.

(2) Na kena digitaki vakadodonu se sega e dua na lewenipalimedi e rawa ga ni veiletitaki ena ivola ni kudru e biu vua na Mataveilewai ni Kudru ni Veidigidigi ka na sega ni rawa ni rogoci tale ena dua na vanua.

(3) Na kudru ena wasetiki (1)(a)

(a) ena rawa ni kau cake mai vua—

(i) e dua e tu na nona dodonu ni digidigi ena veidigidigi;

(ii) e dua a mata vakaturi ena veidigidigi; se

(iii) na Vunilawa; ka


(b) vakavo ke vakasamataki ni oka kina na cakacaka vakabutobuto, na kudru me na kau cake ena loma ni 21 na siga mai na kena kacivaki na macala ni veidigidigi.

(4) Na Vunilawa e rawa ni curubotea na veilewai me baleta e dua na kudru e kau cake ena wasetiki (1)(a) kevaka e sega ni lewena na veilewai ya.

(5) Na kerekere vakaveilewai me vaka e virikotori e na wasetiki (1)(b) e rawa ni kauta cake mai na—

(a) dua na lewenipalimedi;

(b) dua na lewenivanua volayaca ena veidigidigi; se

(c) Vunilawa.

(6) Na Vunilawa e rawa ni curubotea na veilewai me baleta na kerekere vakaveilewai e kau cake ena wasetiki (1)(b) kevaka e sega ni lewena na veilewai ya.

(7) E dina ni virikotori ena wasetiki (5), ia na veilewai e kau cake mai ena wasetiki (1)(b) ena sega ni rawa me kauta cake mai ena tikina qo na lewenipalimedi e vagalalataki mai e na nona idabedabe e Palimedi, kei na veilewai kece e kauta cake mai e dua na lewenipalimedi me baleta na vakatataro se nona saqata na kena vakabau na nona vagalalataki mai na nona idabedabe e Palimedi me na vakayacori ga ena ivakarau e virikotori ena tikina 63.

(8) Na Mataveilewai ni Kudru ni Veidigidigi e dodonu me na vakatulewataka na kudru se na veilewai kece e kau cake mai ena loma ni 21 na siga mai na siga e ciqoma kina na kudru se na veilewai qo.

(9) Na lewa e sa tauca na Mataveilewai ni Kudru ni Veidigidigi ena tikina qo me na tudei ka na sega ni rawa me dua tale na mataveilewai me railesuva.

Bose ni Palimedi 67.—(1) Ni sa oti na veidigidigi raraba ni lewenipalimedi, na Peresitedi ena

samanitaka na dabe ni Palimedi, ia na gauna e dabe kina me kua ni lailai mai na 14 na siga ni oti na kena vakarogotaki na macala ni veidigidigi.

(2) Ena imatai ni dabe, na ituvatuva ni bose na:

(a) nodra bubului na lewenipalimedi, me liutaka na Vunivola Levu ni Palimedi;

(b) na digitaki ni Sipika me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 77, me liutaka na Vunivola Levu ni Palimedi;

(c) bubului ni Sipika, me liutaka na Vunivola Levu ni Palimedi;

(d) na digitaki kei na bubuluitaki ni iVukevuke ni Sipika, me liutaka na Sipika;


(e) kevaka e se sega ni tekivu veiqaravi na Paraiminisita me vaka e virikoroti ena tikina 93(2), na digitaki ni Paraiminisita me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 93(3); kei na

(f) digitaki ni iLiuliu ni iToniveisaqa, me liutaka na Sipika me na vakayacori ena kena ivakarau me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 78.

(3) Na Peresitedi ena lokuca na gauna ena dabe tale kina na Palimedi ena ivakasala ni Paraiminisita, ia me kua ni sivia e vula 6 na gauna e cava kina e dua na dabe ni Palimedi kei na kena tekivutaki tale e dua na dabe.

(4) Kevaka—

(a) e sega ni se dabe na Palimedi; ka

(b) sa ciqoma e dua na ivola kerekere na Peresitedi mai vei ira e sega ni lailai mai na dua na ikatolu ni lewenipalimedi, me kerei na dabe ni Palimedi me veivosakitaki vakatotolo e dua na itukutuku bibi;

na Peresitedi me na samanitaka na dabe ni Palimedi.

(5) Kevaka—

(a) sa sivi e vula rua na kena sega ni dabe na Palimedi; ka

(b) ciqoma na Sipika e dua na ivola kerekere mai vua na Paraiminisita se mai vei ira na lewenipalimedi e sega ni lailai mai na dua na ikatolu me kerea na dabe ni Palimedi me veivosakitaki vakatotolo e dua na itukutuku bibi;

na Sipika me kaciva e dua na dabe ni Palimedi ena loma ni 1 na macawa a yaco yani kina na ivola kerekere.

(6) Vakavo ke yalani ena tikina qo, na dabe ni Palimedi ena vakayacori ga ena gauna kei na vanua e sa lewa na Palimedi ena lewa kei na ivakaro e dodonu me salamuria.

iWiliwili vakabau 68.—(1) Ena sega ni rawa ni tekivu se tomani e dua na dabe ni Palimedi, vakavo

ke sa tiko e dua na ikatolu ni lewenibose.

(2) Ena sega ni caka na digidigi ni Lawa Vakaturi vakavo ke lewe levu na lewenipalimedi era tiko.

(3) Na Sipika me na vakarubeca na dabe ke sega ni yacovi na iwiliwili vakabau era tiko rawa.


Na Veidigidigi 69.—(1) Vakavo ke vakarautaki tale ena dua tale na tikini Yavunivakavulewa qo,

ke dua na vakatataro e gadrevi kina na vakatulewa ni Palimedi e dodonu me vakatautaki ena iwase levu ni lewenipalimedi era tiko ka rawa ni veidigidigi.

(2) Ena vakatataro e vakaturi me vakatulewa kina na Palimedi—

(a) o koya e veiliutaki e sega nona digidigi; ka

(b) ena kisi ni tautauvata na digidigi, na vakatataro e vakaturi sa na rawa ni vakadrukai.

(3) O koya e veiliutaki ena sega ni oka ena cakacakataki ni iwiliwili ni lewenibose ena inaki ni veidigidigi, se na vakadeitaki ni iwiliwili vakabau era tiko.

Veikomiti 70. Na Palimedi me na vakaduria ena nona ituvatuva kei na ivakaro e so tale na

komiti lalai me nodra itavi na kena vakadeuci na veiqaravi Vakamatanitu, dikevi ni Lawa Vakaturi kei na lawa lalai kei na qaravi ni itavi tale e so me vaka e vakamatatataki ena lewa kei na ivakaro ni Palimedi.

iTuvatuva ni Palimedi 71.—(1) Na Palimedi me na bulia na ituvatuva kei na ivakaro me baleta na lewa

kei na ivakarau ni bose ena Palimedi kei na kena veikomiti ena sala me muri me rawa ni laveti kina na kena kaukauwa, dokai kei na kena taqomaki.

(2) Ni bera na isevu ni dabe ni imatai ni Palimedi e digitaki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, na Paraiminisita ena ivakasala ni Vunilawa me na vakarautaka ka tabaka ena iTukutuku Tabaki Vakamatanitu, na ituvatuva ni Palimedi me na taurivaki ena imatai ni dabe.

iVolanikudru, galala ni vakaitavi ni lewenivanua 72.—(1) Na Palimedi e dodonu me na—

(a) vakayacora na nona veiqaravi ena sala rarama, me vakayacori raraba na dabe ni Palimedi kei na bose ni komiti lalai; ka

(b) vukea na vakaitavi raraba ni lewenivanua ena buli ni lawa kei na nodra vakaitavi ena ituvatuva tale e so ni Palimedi kei na ituvatuva ni kena veikomiti.

(2) E sega ni dodonu vua na Palimedi kei ira na kena veikomiti mera vakuwai na lewenivanua, oka kina o ira na tabana ni tukutuku mai na dua na dabe ni Palimedi, vakavo ke sa lewa na Sipika mera tarovi ena so na yavu yaga ka matata.


Kaukauwa, dodonu, galala kei na itotogi 73.—(1) O ira taucoko na lewenipalimedi kei ira kece na vosa ena Palimedi e tu

vei ira na—

(a) galala mera vosa ka veisaqasaqa ena Palimedi se ena loma ni veikomiti, ia me salamuria toka ga na ituvatuva ni Palimedi; kei na

(b) dodonu ni vosa ena galala ka taqomaki mai na veilewaitaki vakalawa ni vosa kece e tau ena Palimedi se ena veikomiti.

(2) Na Palimedi e rawa ni bulia na ivakaro me baleta na nona kaukauwa, dokai kei na kena taqomaki na lewenipalimedi ka rawa tale ga ni bulia na ituvatuva kei na ivakaro me baleta na nodra ivakarau na lewenipalimedi.

Kaukauwa ni kaci ivakadinadina 74.—(1) Na Palimedi kei ira na kena veikomiti e tu vei ira na kaukauwa mera

samanitaka e dua, ena inaki ni kena soli na ivakadinadina se soli itukutuku.

(2) Ena inaki ni wasetiki (1), na Palimedi kei ira na kena veikomiti e tu vei ira na kaukauwa e tautauvata kei na Mataveilewai e Cake ena—

(a) kena vakaukauwataki na nodra tiko na soli ivakadinadina kei na nodra soli itukutuku bubuluitaki; kei na

(b) kena vakaukauwataki na vakarautaki ni itukutuku se veika tale e so se itukutuku gadrevi me vakayagataki.


Matabose ni Veidigidigi 75.—(1) Na Matabose ni Veidigidigi e tauyavutaki ena Dikiri ni Veiqaravi

Vakamatanitu 2009 ena tomani tiko ga.

(2) Na itavi ni Matabose me qarava na volayaca ni lewenivanua kei na qaravi ni veidigidigi e vakayacori vakasavasava ka vakamatau, e solia vua na veimatavakaturi kei na veimatapolitiki mera cakacaka ena galala, kei na vakauitukutuku me vakayacori ena galala, kei na mataveilewai me soli vua na galala ni vakatulewa me vaka e virikotori ena lawa tabaki ni veidigidigi kei na lawa tale e so, vakabibi—

(a) na nodra volayaca na lewenivanua mera veidigidigi, kei na kena railesuvi wasoma na iVola ni Volayaca ni Veidigidigi;

(b) na nodra vakavulici na dau veidigidigi;

(c) na nodra volayaca na mata i na veidigidigi;


(d) na iwali ni duidui e vu mai ena veidigidigi, okati kina na duidui e vu mai na vakatututaki ni mata, ia e sega ni okati kina na ivola ni kudru se duidui e vu mai na macala ni veidigidigi; kei na

(e) raici me vaqaqacotaki ka vakamuri na lawa tabaki ni veidigidigi kei na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki.

(3) Na Matabose e tiko tale ga na nona itavi me vaka e viritokori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo se e na lawa tabaki.

(4) Na Matabose me vakarautaka e dua na ripote vakayabaki vua na Peresitedi me baleta na veiqaravi ni Matabose ka dodonu me vakarautaka e dua na kena ilavelave ena Palimedi.

(5) Na Matabose e rawa tale ga ni vakarautaka ena gauna e gadrevi kina na ripote me soli vua na Peresitedi kei na Palimedi.

(6) Na Matabose e lewena e dua na Jemeni ka Daunilewa se rawa me taura na itutu oya, kei na 6 tale na lewena.

(7) Na Peresitedi me digitaka na Jemeni kei iratou na lewena na Matabose, ena ivakasala ni Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa.

(8) Ena sega ni dua e vakatarai me lewenimatabose kevaka e—

(a) lewenipalimedi;

(b) taura tiko e dua na itutu ena valenivolavola ni lewenivanua (vakavo na valenivolavola ni Daunilewa);

(c) lewena na matabose ni vakatulewataki ni veiqaravi e Viti; se

(d) mata vakaturi e na veidigidigi.

iLiuliu ni Veidigidigi 76.—(1) Na valenivolavola ni iLiuliu ni Veidigidigi a tauyavutaki ena Dikiri ni

Veiqaravi Vakamatanitu 2009, ena tomani tiko ga.

(2) Na iLiuliu ni Veidigidigi, ena veiqaravi ena vakatulewa ni Matabose ni Veidigidigi, ena—

(a) qarava na volayaca ni veidigidigi ni lewenipalimedi;

(b) qarava na—

(i) digitaki ni lewenipalimedi; kei na

(ii) so tale na veidigidigi e vakatulewataka na Palimedi me vakayacori; ka

(c) rawa ni qarava tale e so na itavi e virikotori ena lawa tabaki.


(3) Na iLiuliu ni Veidigidigi me na vakamuria na vakatulewa mai na Matabose ni Veidigidigi me baleta na qaravi ni nona itavi.

(4) Na Peresitedi ena digitaka na iLiuliu ni Veidigidigi, ena ivakasala ni Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa, ni sa vakayacora oti na Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa na veitalanoa kei na Matabose ni Veidigidigi.

Sipika kei na iVukevuke ni Sipika ni Palimedi 77.—(1) E na imatai ni dabe ni Palimedi ni oti na veidigidigi, kei na gauna e gadrevi

me vakatawani na idabedabe lala, na Palimedi me digitaka, ena nodra duavata na lelevu—

(a) na Sipika, e sega ni lewenipalimedi ia e rawa ni mata vakaturi ena veidigidigi me lewenipalimedi; kei na

(b) iVukevuke ni Sipika ena dua ga vei ira na lewenipalimedi (vakuwai na Minisita).

(2) Na Sipika kei na iVukevuke ni Sipika ena bubului se yalayala ni bera ni tekivu na nona veiqaravi me vaka e vakamacalataki ena iKuri ni Yavunivakavulewa qo, ka na qarava na Vunivola Levu ni Palimedi.

(3) Na Sipika ena liutaka na bose taucoko ni Palimedi.

(4) Na iVukevuke ni Sipika me na qarava na itavi ni Sipika kevaka e sega ni tiko rawa se gole e vanuatani na Sipika, se so tale na vuna e sega ni qarava rawa kina na nona itavi.

(5) Kevaka na Sipika se iVukevuke ni Sipika e sega ni tiko me qarava na itavi vakaSipika, o ira na lewenipalimedi mera digitaka e 1 me liutaka na bose ni Palimedi.

(6) Na Sipika, iVukevuke ni Sipika se e dua e liutaka na bose, ena itavi vakaSipika—

(a) e tuvakaikoya ka vakamuria ga na Yavunivakavulewa qo kei na lawa tale e so;

(b) raica me maroroi na kena dokai kei na itovo vakaturaga ena loma ni Palimedi;

(c) e nona itavi me raica—

(i) na nodra dodonu na lewenipalimedi; kei na

(ii) nodra vakacurumi na lewenivanua ena bose ni Palimedi kei na kena komiti;

(d) tiko vua na dodonu me vakadeitaka na ivakarau kei na itovo ni bose, me vaka e virikotori ena ituvatuva ni Palimedi kei na itovo ni Palimedi; ka me

(e) vakatulewa vakasavasava, vakadoudou, ka sega ni veivakaduiduitaki.


(7) Ena lala na itutu ni Sipika—

(a) ena siga e se bera kina na imatai ni bose ni Palimedi ni sa oti na veidigidigi; se

(b) kevaka, ni se bera na siga ya, na Sipika—

(i) me na solia na nona ivola ni vakacegu vua na Peresitedi;

(ii) taura tale e dua na itutu ena valenivolavola ni lewenivanua;

(iii) vakuwai vua na dodonu ni volayaca ena veidigidigi;

(iv) e sega ni tiko ena rua na bose veitaravi ni Palimedi; se

(v) vakacegui mai na nona itutu ena veitokoni ni sivia e rua na ikatolu ni lewenipalimedi.

(8) Ena lala na itutu ni iVukevuke ni Sipika kevaka—

(a) e solia nona ivola ni kere vakacegu vua na Sipika ni Palimedi;

(b) e vagalala mai nona idabedabe ni lewenipalimedi;

(c) e sa digitaki me Minisita; se

(d) vakacegui mai na nona itutu ka tokona e sivia e rua na ikatolu ni lewenipalimedi.

iLiuliu ni iToniveisaqa 78.—(1) Na lewenipalimedi era—

(a) sega ni lewena na nona isoqosoqo vakapolitiki na Paraiminisita, ra lewena na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki ni iToniveisaqa se matailawalawa ni iToniveisaqa;

(b) sega ni oka ena dua na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki se matailawalawa vata, se tokona, na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki ni Paraiminisita; se

(c) mata tuvakaikoya e sega ni tokona na Paraiminisita,

e dodonu mera digitaka e dua me iLiuliu ni iToniveisaqa, me vaka e virikotori ena tikina qo.

(2) Ena imatai ni bose ni Palimedi ni oti na veidigidigi, na Sipika me na kaciva na yaca era sa vakatura na lewenipalimedi ka volai koto ena wasetiki (1), ia, kevaka e vakaturi ga e 1 na yaca mani tokoni, na Sipika ena vakadonuya me iLiuliu ni iToniveisaqa; ia kevaka e sivia e 1 na yaca e vakaturi ka tokoni, na Sipika ena kaciva e dua na veidigidigi, vaqo—

(a) ke oti na imatai ni digidigi, e levu na lewenipalimedi e tokona e dua na yaca e vakaturi mai na lewenipalimedi e volai koto ena wasetiki (1), na Sipika ena vakadonuya me iLiuliu ni iToniveisaqa; kei na


(b) ke sega ni levu era tokona na imatai ni veidigidigi e dua na yaca e vakaturi mai na lewenipalimedi e volai koto ena wasetiki (1), me na vakayacori tale na ikarua ni veidigidigi ena loma ni 24 na aua mai na imatai ni veidigidigi, ia kevaka e na ikarua ni veidigidigi e dua na mata vakaturi e tokona e lewe levu na lewenipalimedi e vakamacalataki tiko e na wasetiki (1), sa na vakadonuya na Sipika me iLiuliu ni iToniveisaqa.

(3) Ni oti na ikarua ni veidigidigi me vaka e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (2), qai sega ni dua na yaca e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (1) era tokona e lewelevu na lewenipalimedi, na itutu ni Liuliu ni iToniveisaqa ena vakalalai tiko me yacova na gauna e lewe levu na lewenipalimedi e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (1), era vola kerekere vua na Sipika me qaravi vou tale na veidigidigi ka vakatututaki vou tale na yaca me taura na iLiuliu ni iToniveisaqa, me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (2).

(4) Kevaka e levu na lewenipalimedi e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (1) era vakaraitaka me sa vakacegui na iLiuliu ni iToniveisaqa mai na nona itutu, mera na vakaraitaka vua na Sipika ni Palimedi, mera digitaka tale e dua na iLiuliu ni iToniveisaqa mai na lewenipalimedi e toka ena wasetiki (1), me vakamuri na ituvatuva e vakamacalataki toka ena wasetiki (2).

(5) Ni sa oti se sa bokoci na Palimedi, na itutu ni iLiuliu ni iToniveisaqa ena tomani tiko ga me yacova ni sa digitaki na Paraiminisita vou.

(6) Ke sa sega ni digitaki rawa na iLiuliu ni iToniveisaqa ena tikina qo, na veitikina ni Yavunivakavulewa qo e vakarautaka na itavi ni iLiuliu ni iToniveisaqa, oka kina na veivakasalataki, na veivakaturi se na veitalanoa ni iLiuliu ni iToniveisaqa, e na sega ni wili. Na vakayacori ni veidigitaki se na veicakacaka tale e so ena Yavunivakavulewa qo e sa na vakayacori ga ka sega ni tarogi vua na iLiuliu ni iToniveisaqa.

Vunivola Levu ni Palimedi 79.—(1) Na tikina qo e tauyavutaka na valenivolavola ni Vunivola Levu ni Palimedi.

(2) Na Peresitedi ena digitaka na Vunivola Levu ni Palimedi ena ivakasala ni Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa.

(3) Na Vunivola Levu ni Palimedi e tautauvata na nona itutu kei na vunivola tudei ka ripote vua na Sipika ena kena cicivaki vakamatau ni Palimedi.

(4) Na Vunivola Levu ni Palimedi e daunivakasala liu me baleta na ivalavala ni Palimedi vua na Sipika, na lewenipalimedi kei na veikomiti ni Palimedi.

(5) Na Vunivola Levu ni Palimedi e qarava na itavi e soli vua ena ituvatuva ni Palimedi.

(6) Ena kena qaravi na itavi se na kena vakayagataki na kaukauwa, na Vunivola Levu ni Palimedi ena tuvakaikoya, sega ni lewai mai vua e dua se dua na matabose se tabacakacaka, vakavo ke vakatulewa ni Sipika, na mataveilewai se virikotori ena dua na lawa tabaki.


(7) Na Vunivola Levu ni Palimedi e tu vua na kaukauwa me digitaka, vakaceguya, se totogitaka e dua na vakailesilesi (oka kina o ira na cakacaka vakavunivola) ena Palimedi.

(8) Na Vunivola Levu ni Palimedi e tu vua na kaukauwa me vakadeitaka na veika me baleti ira na vakailesilesi ni Palimedi, oka kina na—

(a) ivakarau kei na iwalewale ni cakacaka;

(b) ivakatagedegede ni vuli e gadrevi kei na ivakarau me vakamuri me baleta na veivakacakacakataki, ka dodonu me dola raraba, vakarawarawataki, valataki vakasavasava, ia na veidigitaki me yavutaki ena rawaka;

(c) isau, idole, kei na oco me saumi, e dodonu me veiganiti kei na ivotavota ni ilavo e vakadonuya na Palimedi; kei na

(d) levu ni vakailesilesi vakadeitaki se levu ni vakailesilesi e digitaki, e dodonu me veiraurau kei na ivotavota vakailavo e vakadonuya na Palimedi.

(9) Na isau, idole kei na oco me soli vua na Vunivola Levu ni Palimedi kei ira na vakailesilesi ni Palimedi me saumi mai ena Umailavo Cokovata ni Matanitu.

(10) Na Palimedi me vakadeitaka ni na vakarautaki e dua na ivotavota vakailavo vua na Vunivola Levu ni Palimedi, me rawa ni vakatulewa ka qarava ga vakaikoya na itavi ni Vunivola Levu ni Palimedi.

iSau ni Veiqaravi 80. Na isau ni veiqaravi, okati kina na isau ni cakacaka, na oco kei na idole, e saumi

vua na Peresitedi, Paraiminisita, Minisita, iLiuliu ni iToniveisaqa, Sipika, iVukevuke ni Sipika ni Palimedi kei na lewenipalimedi ena tabaki vakalawa, ka me kua ni veisautaki vakavo ke vakayacori e dua na veisau me vakalailaitaki kina na isau, ia na veisau me vakayacori vakatautauvata vei ira kece na vakailesilesi vakamatanitu.




Na Peresitedi e Viti 81.—(1) Na tikina qo e tauyavutaka na valenivolavola ni Peresitedi.

(2) Na Peresitedi e iLiuliu ni Vanua o Viti, e tu vua na vakatulewa cecere duadua ni Matanitu.

(3) Na Peresitedi me vakaitavi ena ivakarau vakaivalu me vaka ni Komada Liuliu ni Mataivalu e Viti.

(4) Na Peresitedi me dolava na imatai ni bose ni Palimedi ka vakamacalataka na polisi kei na ituvatuva ni Matanitu ena veiyabaki.

Peresitedi e vakatulewa ena ivakasala 82. Ena nona vakatulewa cecere, na Peresitedi ena vakatulewa ga ena ivakasala ni

Boseyaco se Minisita se dua tale na tabana vakacakacaka se matabose e virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

iVakatagedegede me digitaki kina na Peresitedi 83.—(1) O ira era tawana na itutu ni Peresitedi e dodonu me—

(a) dua e kilai vinaka na nona veiqaravi e Viti se veiyasai vuravura, ena tabana vakamatanitu se tabana tuvakaikoya;

(b) lewenivanua ga e Viti;

(c) sega ni lewena, se vakaitutu ena dua na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki;

(d) sega ni mata vakaturi ni veidigidigi ena dua tale na valenivolavola ena Matanitu; ka

(e) sega ni se totogitaki ena cala vakalawa ena dua na gauna, ena loma ni 6 na yabaki ni se bera ni digitaki kina.

(2) E dua e taura tiko na itutu ena valenivolavola ni lewenivanua e na sega ni gadrevi me vakacegu mai na nona itutu ni se bera ni taura na itutu ni Peresitedi, ia na nona digitaki me Peresitedi ena vakacegui mai na itutu e taura tiko.

(3) Na tikina qo ena sega ni tarova na Peresitedi mai na veiqaravi ena valenivolavola ni lewenivanua, me baleta na nona digitaki me Peresitedi, ena lawa tabaki.

Digitaki ni Peresitedi 84.—(1) Na Palimedi me digitaka na Peresitedi ena iwalewale e virikotori ena

tikina qo.


(2) Kevaka e lala na itutu vakaPeresitedi, na Paraiminisita kei na iLiuliu ni iToniveisaqa me rau na vakatura e yadua na yaca vua na Sipika, mera qai digitaka na lewenipalimedi na Peresitedi.

(3) Na yaca vakaturi e tokona e lelevu na lewenipalimedi, ena vakatikori me Peresitedi, ka na vakaraitaka na Sipika na yacana na Peresitedi.

(4) Ke mani tautauvata na iwiliwili ni digidigi vei rau na mata vakaturi, me na qarava tale na Sipika e dua na veigidigi ni oti e 24 na aua. Ena tomani na qaravi ni veidigidigi me yacova ni sa nona na iwiliwili levu duadua o koya e sa digitaki me Peresitedi mai vei ira na lewenipalimedi; ia kevaka sa oti na ika3 ni wavoki ni veidigidigi qai se sega ni dua e nona na iwiliwili levu, na mata e vakatura na Paraiminisita e na kacivaka na Sipika ni sa digitaki me Peresitedi.

(5) Ke tautauvata na nodrau digidigi na Paraiminisita kei na iLiuliu ni iToniveisaqa, ena sega ni qaravi tale na veidigidigi, ka na kacivaka raraba na Sipika o koya sa digitaka na Palimedi me Peresitedi.

Gauna kei na isau ni veiqaravi 85.—(1) Na Peresitedi me veiqaravi ena loma ni 3 na yabaki, ka rawa ni tosoi na

nona veiqaravi ena 3 tale na yabaki, ia ena sega ni rawa ni tosoi tale ni oti oya.

(2) Ena vuku ni wasetiki (1), ena kena vakadeitaki nona digitaki se tosoi na nona veiqaravi e dua, ena vakabau na nona veiqaravi taumada ni se bera ni taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo.

(3) Na Peresitedi me na soli vua na isau ni veiqaravi, oco kei na idole tale e so me vaka e virikotori ena lawa tabaki e buli ena tikina 80.

Bubului 86. Ni se bera ni lewena na valenivolavola ni Peresitedi na Peresitedi, me na

vosa bubului ena matanalevu, me na bubului ena matana na Navosavakadua me vaka e vakamacalataki ena iKuri ni Yavunivakavulewa qo.

Kere vakacegu 87. E rawa ni kerea nona vakacegu na Peresitedi ena nona vola e dua na ivola ni

kere vakacegu vua na Paraiminisita me na qai vakaraitaka ena Palimedi.

Navosavakadua me na veisosomitaki vua na Peresitedi 88. Ena gauna e cegu se gole kina vakacakacaka i vanuatani na Peresitedi, se ena

dua tale na inaki, e sega ni qarava rawa na nona itavi, se lala na itutu vakaPeresitedi, e na qai qarava na itavi vakaPeresitedi na Navosavakadua.

Vagalalataki mai valenivolavola 89.—(1) Na Peresitedi ena rawa ni vakacegui mai na nona itutu ke sega ni qarava

rawa na itavi lavaki (ke vu mai na tauvimate vakayago se vaka vakasama, se ena dua tale na ka) se ena itovo ca, ka na sega ni vakacegui ena dua tale na iwalewale.

(2) Na vakacegui ni Peresitedi mai na nona veiqaravi me na vakayacori ga ena tikina qo.


(3) Kevaka e nanuma na Paraiminisita me na vaqaqai na nona vakacegui na Peresitedi—

(a) Na Paraiminisita me na qai kerea na Navosavakadua me tauyavutaka—

(i) ena kisi ni itovo ca—na mataveivaqaqai, me lewena e dua na Jemeni kei na 2 tale, me rau Daunilewa se rawa ni Daunilewa; se

(ii) ena kena nanumi ni sega ni qarava rawa na nona itavi—na matabose ni bula me na lewena e dua na Jemeni kei na rua tale, me rau vakaivola vakavuniwai,

kei na Paraiminisita me na vakaraitaka vua na Peresitedi na gagadre qo;

(b) Navosavakadua, me na cakacakataka na kerekere, me na tauyavutaka na mataveivaqaqai se na matabose ni bula; kei na

(c) mataveivaqaqai se matabose ni bula me dikeva na leqa qo qai vakarautaka e dua na kena ripote vua na Navosavakadua, oka ena ripote na vakatutu ni nona vakacegui na Peresitedi. Navosavakadua ena qai vagolea na ripote vua na Paraiminisita me na qai vakaraitaka ena Palimedi.

(4) Ena kena vakatulewataki na vakacegui ni Peresitedi, na Palimedi me na vakatulewa vakamatau ka salavata na ivakasala ni mataveivaqaqai kei na matabose ni bula.

(5) Na Peresitedi ena wili me sega ni vakayacora na nona itavi ena siga e taura kina na itukutuku me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (3)(a) ka na cava ena gauna e soli kina na vakatulewa ena wasetiki (4).

(6) Na ripote ni mataveivaqaqai se na vakatutu ni matabose ni bula, ena vuku ni kisi qo, me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (3) me vakaraitaki raraba.


Matanitu Veiliutaki 90. Na Matanitu me tiko vua na veivakabauti ni Palimedi.

Boseyaco 91.—(1) Na Boseyaco me lewena ka kena Jemeni na Paraiminisita, kei ira na

Minisita e digitaka na Paraiminisita.

(2) Na leweniboseyaco era na tarogi yadua se vakailawalawa ena nodra vakatulewa kei na itavi era qarava e Palimedi.

(3) Na Minisita me rairai e Palimedi, se ena dua na komiti e Palimedi, ena gauna e gadrevi kina, ka me sauma e so na vakatataro me baleta na nona itavi.


(4) Na leweniboseyaco me na vakarautaka e Palimedi na ripote ni veika e ratou qarava.

(5) Na Boseyaco me taro ivakasala i na Mataveilewai Cecere ena vuku ni kena vakamacalataki na Yavunivakavulewa qo.

Valenivolavola ni Paraiminisita 92.—(1) Na Paraiminisita e iliuliu ni Matanitu.

(2) Na Paraiminisita me na dau vakaraitaka tiko vua na Peresitedi na veika kece me baleta na liutaki ni matanitu o Viti.

(3) Na Paraiminisita—

(a) me digitaki ira na Minisita ena nodra itutu, kei na nodra itavi;

(b) vakaceguya na Minisita; ka

(c) tabaki ena iTukutuku Tabaki Vakamatanitu, na veiqaravi ni dua na Minisita ena itavi me qaravi ena cakacaka ni matanitu, oka kina na itavi ena tabana ni veiqaravi vakamatanitu se tabana ni veitaqomaki ena kena cakacakataki kei na qaravi ni Lawatu, ia na cakacaka ni Matanitu e sega ni lesi vakatabakidua i na dua na tabana, me qarava ga na Paraiminisita.

(4) Na Paraiminisita me na digitaka e dua na Minisita me Paraiminisita Vakatawa ena gauna e yali kina vakacakacaka e Viti se gole tu e vanuatani, se ena dua tale na iulubale, e sega ni qarava rawa na nona itavi, me na qai tabaki ena iTukutuku Tabaki Vakamatanitu na kena digitaki na Paraiminisita Vakatawa.

Digitaki ni Paraiminisita 93.—(1) Na Paraiminisita e dodonu me lewenipalimedi.

(2) Ni oti na veidigidigi, na mata e sa digitaki me lewenipalimedi ka iliuliu ni isoqosoqo vakapolitiki e qaqa ni sivia na 50% na idabedabe ni Palimedi e rawata, me cabeta na itutu vakaParaiminisita, vosa bubului e matai Peresitedi (me liutaka na Peresitedi) me vaka e virikotori ena iKuri ni Yavunivakavulewa qo.

(3) Ni qaravi oti na veidigidigi, kevaka e sega ni dua na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki e rawata e sivia na 50% na iwiliwili e Palimedi, ena matai ni dabe ni Palimedi na Sipika ena kaciva na nodra vakatutu na lewenipalimedi, kevaka e dua ga na yaca e vakatututaki qai tokoni, sa na cabeta o koya na itutu vakaParaiminisita, me vosa bubului e matai Peresitedi (me liutaka na Peresitedi) me vaka e virikotori ena iKuri ni Yavunivakavulewa qo; ia kevaka e sivia e dua na yaca e vakatututaki qai tokoni, na Sipika me na qarava e dua na veidigidigi me vaka e vakamacalataki toka qo—

(a) ni oti na imatai ni veidigidigi, kevaka era sa tokona e sivia na 50% na lewenipalimedi e dua na yaca vakaturi, sa na vakadeitaki o koya me Paraiminisita ka me vosa bubului e matai Peresitedi (me liutaka na Peresitedi) me vaka e virikotori ena iKuri ni Yavunivakavulewa qo;


(b) ni oti na imatai ni veidigidigi, ke sega ni dua na yaca vakaturi e sivai na 50% na digidigi mai vei ira na lewenipalimedi, me na vakayacori tale na ikarua ni veidigidigi ena loma ga ni 24 na aua mai na imatai ni veidigidigi, ke sa rawata e dua na yaca vakaturi ena ikarua ni veidigidigi e 50% na digidigi ena cabeta na itutu vakaParaiminisita ka vosa bubului e matai Peresitedi me vaka e virikotori ena iKuri ni Yavunivakavulewa qo;

(c) ni oti na ikarua ni veidigidigi, ke sega ni dua na yaca vakaturi ena karua ni veidigidigi e sivia na 50% na nodra digidigi na lewenipalimedi, ena qaravi na ikatolu ni veidigidigi ena loma ni 24 na aua mai na ikarua ni veidigidigi, ia ni sa oti na ikatolu ni veidigidigi, sa rawata na yaca vakaturi e sivia na 50% na nodra digidigi na lewenipalimedi, sa na cabeta na itutu vakaParaiminisita ka vosabubului e matai Peresitedi me vaka e virikotori ena iKuri ena Yavunivakavulewa qo; ka

(d) ni oti na ikatolu ni veidigidigi, qai sega ni dua na yaca vakaturi e digitaki e rawata e sivia na 50% na nodra digidigi na lewenipalimedi, sa na volavola na Sipika vua Peresitedi ni sa sega ni rawa ni digitaka na Palimedi e dua na Paraiminisita, na Peresitedi me na vakatulewa ena loma ni 24 na aua me bokoca na Palimedi ka solia na ivakaro tabaki me caka na veidigidigi me vaka e volai ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

(4) Ena lala na itutu vakaParaiminisita kevaka e—

(a) kerea nona vakacegu vakaivola vua na Peresitedi;

(b) cegu, se vakatabui, me lewenipalimedi; se

(c) mate.

(5) Ke sa lala na itutu vakaParaiminisita me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (4), me qai kaciva totolo na Sipika me dabe na Palimedi, kerei na nodra vakatutu na lewenipalimedi me baleta na itutu ni Paraiminisita, ke sa vakatututaki e dua na mata vakaturi qai tokoni, sa na cabeta na itutu vakaParaiminisita, vosa bubului e matai Peresitedi (me liutaka na Peresitedi) me vaka e virikotori ena iKuri ni Yavunivakavulewa qo; na Sipika me na qarava e dua na veidigidigi me vaka e vakamacalataki toka qo—

(a) ni oti na imatai ni veidigidigi, kevaka era sa tokona e sivia na 50% na lewenipalimedi e dua na yaca vakaturi, sa na vakadeitaki o koya me Paraiminisita ka me vosa bubului e matai Peresitedi (me liutaka na Peresitedi) me vaka e virikotori ena iKuri ni Yavunivakavulewa qo;

(b) ni oti na imatai ni veidigidigi, ke sega ni dua na yaca vakaturi e sivia na 50% na nodra digidigi na lewenipalimedi, me na vakayacori tale na ikarua ni veidigidigi ena loma ga ni 24 na aua mai na imatai ni veidigidigi, ke sa rawata e dua na yaca vakaturi ena ikarua ni veidigidigi e 50% na digidigi, ena cabeta na itutu vakaParaiminisita, vosa bubului e matai Peresitedi (me liutaka na Peresitedi) me vaka e virikotori ena iKuri ni Yavunivakavulewa qo;


(c) ni oti na ikarua ni veidigidigi, ke sega ni dua na yaca vakaturi e sivia na 50% na nodra digidigi na lewenipalimedi, ena qaravi na ikatolu ni veidigidigi ena loma ni 24 na aua, ia ni sa oti na ikatolu ni veidigidigi ka sa rawata na yaca vakaturi e sivia na 50% na digidigi, sa na cabeta na itutu vakaParaiminisita ka vosa bubului e matai Peresitedi (me liutaka na Peresitedi) me vaka e virikotori ena iKuri ni Yavunivakavulewa qo; kei na

(d) ke sa oti na ikatolu ni veidigidigi, qai sega ni dua na yaca vakaturi e rawata e sivia na 50% na nodra digidigi na lewenipalimedi, sa na volavola na Sipika vua na Peresitedi ni sa sega ni digitaka rawa na Palimedi e dua na Paraiminisita, na Peresitedi me na vakatulewa ena loma ni 24 na aua me bokoca na Palimedi ka solia na lewa ni veidigidigi me vaka virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

(6) Na Paraiminisita me na vakaotia na nona yabaki ni veiqaravi, vakavo kevaka e vakacegui ena mosoni ni tawa veivakabauti me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 94, ka na sega ni vakacegui ena dua tale na iwalewale.

(7) Na Paraiminisita kei ira na Minisita mera na tomana tiko ga na nodra veiqaravi me yacova na digitaki ni Paraiminisita vou ni oti na veidigidigi me vaka e virikotori ena tikina qo.

Mosoni ni tawa veivakabauti 94.—(1) Na Paraiminisita ena rawa ga ni vakacegui ena mosoni ni tawa veivakabauti,

me salavata na mosoni qo e dua na yaca vakaturi e lewenipalimedi me Paraiminisita.

(2) Na mosoni ni tawa veivakabauti me vakayacori na kena veidigidigi ena loma ni 24 na aua mai na gauna e vakaraitaki kina.

(3) Ena vakadonui na mosoni ni tawa veivakabauti ke lewe levu na lewenipalimedi era tokona.

(4) Kevaka sa vakadonui na mosoni ni tawa veivakabauti—

(a) na vakacegui ena gauna oya na Paraiminisita;

(b) era na vakacegui tale ga ena nodra itutu na leweniboseyaco; ka

(c) na yaca vakaturi mai na mosoni me na vosa bubului vua na Peresitedi me Paraiminisita.

(5) Kevaka sa druka na mosoni ni tawa veivakabauti me baleta na Paraiminisita, ena sega ni dua tale na mosoni ni tawa veivakabauti me na vakaturi ena loma ni 6 na vula.

Digitaki ni Minisita 95.—(1) Na Minisita e dodonu me lewenipalimedi, vakavo ena tikina 96(3).

(2) Na leweniboseyaco mera na vosa bubului se yalayala e matai Peresitedi ni bera nira veiqaravi, me vaka e virikotori ena iKuri ni Yavunivakavulewa qo.


(3) Na Minisita era na tomana tiko ga na nodra itutu vakavo ke—

(a) vakacegui ira na Paraiminisita;

(b) vakacegu se vakatabui me lewenipalimedi; se

(c) solia na nona ivola ni vakacegu vua na Paraiminisita.

(4) Na Paraiminisita e rawa ni digitaka e dua na Minisita me Minisita vakatawa ena itutu sa lala ni dua tale na Minisita ena gauna e sega ni vakayacora kina na nona itavi, kevaka e gole tu i vanuatani, se ena dua tale na inaki e sega ni qarava kina na nona itavi vakacakacaka, ka me na tabaki vakaivola na Minisita vakatawa ena iTukutuku Tabaki Vakamatanitu.

Vunilawa 96.—(1) Na Minisita e digitaki me Vunilawa e daunivakasala vakalawa ni Matanitu.

(2) Ena sega ni rawa ni digitaki e dua me Vunilawa vakavo ke—

(a) sa vakadonui me daunilawa e Viti, ka sega ni lailai mai na 15 na yabaki na nona veiqaravi vakadaunilawa e Viti se vanuatani; ka

(b) se sega ni bau cala vakalawa ena veivaqaqai ni veitotogitaki ni Matabose Vakalawa Tuvakaikoya se ena veivaqaqai e vauci ira na daunilawa, solisita kei na berisita ni bera ni tauyavu na Matabose Vakalawa Tuvakaikoya.

(3) Kevaka e raica na Paraiminisita ni sega ni dua na lewenipalimedi e—

(a) lewena na nona isoqosoqo vakapolitiki;

(b) lewena na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki e matailawalawa kei na isoqosoqo ni politiki ni Paraiminisita; se

(c) mata tuvakaikoya ka tokona na Paraiminisita,

ka yacova na ivakatagedegede e vinakati, ganita se rawa ni taura na itutu ni Vunilawa, na Paraiminisita e rawa ni qai digitaka e dua e sega ni lewenipalimedi me Vunilawa kevaka e—

(i) daunilawa ka rawa ni taura na itutu ni Vunilawa me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (2); ka

(ii) e rawa ni mata ena veidigidigi ena Palimedi me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 56.

(4) Na tamata e digitaki me Vunilawa ena wasetiki (3) ena rawa ni leweniboseyaco ena itutu vakaMinisita, ka dua na nona idabedabe ena Palimedi, ia ena sega ni rawa ni vakaitavi ena veidigidigi e na Palimedi.


(5) Na tamata digitaki me Vunilawa, me kua ni veiqaravi vakadaunilawa ena dua na valenivolavola ni daunilawa se gadreva me veiqaravi ena dua na valenivolavola ni daunilawa, se me tiko na yacana ena dua na veiqaravi vakadaunilawa.

(6) Na Paraiminisita ena rawa ni digitaka e dua na Minisita se dua tale na lewenipalimedi se dua tale na tamata (me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (3) ka rawa ni digitaki me Vunilawa me taura vakawawa na itutu vakaVunilawa ena gauna e sega ni rawa ni qarava kina na nona itavi, gole vakacakacaka e vanuatani, se ena dua tale na inaki, se sega ni qarava na nona itavi vakacakacaka, me na tabaki vakaivola na Vunilawa vakatawa ena iTukutuku Tabaki Vakamatanitu.

(7) Na wasetiki (5) e vakuwai vua e dua e Vunilawa vakatawa ena wasetiki (6).




Kaukauwa kei na tuvakaikoya ni mataveilewai 97.—(1) Na kaukauwa ni mataveilewai ena matanitu e vakarurugi ena Mataveilewai

Cecere, Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru, Mataveilewai e Cake, Mataveilewai e Ra kei na mataveilewai lalai tale e so se mataveivaqaqai yavutaki vakalawa.

(2) Na mataveilewai kei ira taucoko na vakailesilesi ni mataveilewai, era tugalala mai na bulilawa kei na veiliutaki vakamatanitu, ka vakarurugi ga ena Yavunivakavulewa qo kei na lawa ka dodonu mera vakatulewa vakadoudou, ka sega na veivakaduiduitaki.

(3) E tabu vua e dua me siova na cakacaka ni mataveilewai se siova na veika vakaivola ni mataveilewai.

(4) Na Palimedi kei na Boseyaco e na gaunisala e bulia na lawa kei na cakacakaca e veiganiti, me vukea ka taqomaka na mataveilewai, me rokovi kina na galala ni mataveilewai, veiqaravi vakatautauvata, vakayagataki ni veiqaravi kei na vakatulewa tudei.

(5) E itavi ni Palimedi me raica ni veiganiti na veika vakailavo kei na veigacagaca ni veiqaravi, me rawa ni qarava vinaka na mataveilewai na nona itavi.

(6) Na Mataveilewai e vakatulewataka ga na nodratou ivotavota vakailavo ena veivakadonui ni Palimedi.

Mataveilewai Cecere 98.—(1) Na Mataveilewai Cecere e lewena na—

(a) Navosavakadua, ka Peresitedi ni Mataveilewai Cecere; kei na

(b) Daunilewa tale e so era digitaki mera vakatulewa ena Mataveilewai Cecere, mera vakaitavi ena gauna e gadrevi kina.

(2) Na Daunilewa ni Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru e rawa ni dabe me rogoca na kisi e vakayacori ena Mataveilewai Cecere ke vaka e raica o Navosavakadua ni gadrevi.

(3) Na Mataveilewai Cecere e—

(a) iotioti ni mataveilewai me rogoci kina e dua na kisi;

(b) tiko vua na lewa cecere duadua, me vaka e vakaroti ena lawa tabaki, me rogoca ka vakatulewa ena lewa sa tauca na Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru; ka

(c) tiko vua na lewa cecere me rogoca ka vakatulewa ena vakatataro ni Yavunivakavulewa me vaka e vakamacalataki ena tikina 91(5).


(4) Na Mataveilewai Cecere ena sega ni rawa ni dikeva tale na vakatulewa ni Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru vakavo kevaka sa vakadonui.

(5) Ena nona vakatulewa na Mataveilewai Cecere e rawa ni—

(a) raicalesu, veisautaka, biuta vakatikitiki, se vakadeitaka na nona vakatulewa na Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru; se

(b) vakatauca na lewa ka gadrevi me baleta na veiqaravi vakalawa, okati kina na lewa me rogoci vou tale na kisi se na lewa me saumi e dua na ilavo.

(6) Vakavo ke virikotori ena wasetiki (7), na lewa ni Mataveilewai Cecere e vauca na mataveilewai kece e Viti.

(7) Na Mataveilewai Cecere e rawa ni railesuva na vakatulewa ka tauca.

Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru 99.—(1) Na Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru e lewena—

(a) e dua na Daunilewa, ia e sega ni Navosavakadua, me digitaki me Peresitedi ena Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru; kei na

(b) Daunilewa tale e so era digitaki mera Daunilewa ni Rogokudru.

(2) O ira na Daunilewa mai na Mataveilewai e Cake vakavo na Navosavakadua e rawa ni rogoca na kisi e vakayacori ena Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru kevaka e raica na Peresitedi ni Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru ni gadrevi.

(3) Na Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru e tiko vua na kaukauwa, vakavo ke virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo kei na veilawa tabaki tale e so, me rogoca ka vakatulewa ena lewa sa tauca na Mataveilewai e Cake ka tu vua na kaukauwa tale e so e vakadeitaki ena lawa tabaki.

(4) Na taro kece se vakavakadewa me baleta na Yavunivakavulewa qo e rawa ni dikeva tale na Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru ena gauna sa vakatulewa oti kina na Mataveilewai e Cake.

(5) Na lawa tabaki e rawa ni vakarautaka na kena kau cake na kudru mai na Mataveilewai e Cake i na Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru, ka rawa ni kau cake ga vakadodonu se kerei na veivakadonui ni Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru, ia ena kau cake ga ena lawa e vauca na Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru.

Mataveilewai e Cake 100.— (1) Na Mataveilewai e Cake e lewena na—

(a) Navosavakadua;

(b) Daunilewa era digitaki mera tauca na lewa ena Mataveilewai e Cake;

(c) Masta ni Mataveilewai e Cake; kei na

(d) Vunivola Levu ni Mataveilewai e Cake.


(2) Na kaukauwa kei na raraba ni veiqaravi ni Masta ni Mataveilewai e Cake kei na Vunivola Levu ni Mataveilewai e Cake me na yavutaki ena lawa tabaki.

(3) Na Mataveilewai e Cake e tu vua na kaukauwa me rogoca na kisi taucoko me vaka e virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo se na lawa tabaki tale e so.

(4) Na Mataveilewai e Cake e tu vua na kaukauwa me vakatulewa ena dua na kisi me baleta na Yavunivakavulewa qo se na kena vakadewataki.

(5) Na Mataveilewai e Cake e tu vua na kaukauwa, ia ena kena vakadeitaki mai na lawa tabaki, me na rogoca tale ka vakatulewa ena kisi e kau cake mai na Mataveilewai e Ra kei na vei mataveilewai lalai tale e so.

(6) Na Mataveilewai e Cake e tu vua na kaukauwa me vakasala ena kisi taucoko e rogoci ena Mataveilewai e Ra se mataveilewai lalai tale e so ka rawa tale ga ni solia na vakatulewa tale e so kevaka e gadreva ena kena cicivaki vakavinaka na Mataveilewai e Ra kei na mataveilewai lalai tale e so.

(7) Kevaka e vure cake mai na vakatataro me baleta na vakamacalataki ni Yavunivakavulewa ena Mataveilewai e Ra se mataveilewai lalai tale e so, na Mataveilewai e Ra se mataveilewai lalai tale e so me vakatulewa kina, ia sa tiko na dodonu ena Mataveilewai e Cake me rogoca kevaka e dua na ilawalawa ena kisi e sega ni duavata kei na vakatulewa ena Mataveilewai e Ra se mataveilewai lalai tale e so.

Mataveilewai e Ra 101.—(1) Na Mataveilewai e Ra e lewena na—

(a) Daunilewa Liu ni Mataveilewai e Ra; kei

(b) ira tale na Daunilewa ni Mataveilewai e Ra era digitaki mai na Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai.

(2) Na rabailevu ni veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai e Ra e virikotori vakalawa.

Mataveilewai lalai tale e so 102. Na lawa tabaki e rawa ni tauyavutaka ka vakadeitaka na kaukauwa e soli vua na

mataveilewai lalai tale e so, ka rawa ni tautauvata na nona itutu me vaka na Mataveilewai e Cake, Mataveilewai e Ra se na mataveilewai lalai tale e so.

Lawa kei na ivakarau ni mataveilewai 103.—(1) Na Peresitedi ni Mataveilewai Cecere me na vakarautaka na lawa ni

mataveilewai, solia tale ga na ivakaro dodonu me veidonui kei na Yavunivakavulewa qo se na lawa tabaki, ena kena vakarautaki na ivakaro se ituvatuva me vakamuri e na Mataveilewai Cecere.

(2) Na Peresitedi ni Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru me na vakarautaka na lawa ni mataveilewai, me na solia tale ga na ivakaro dodonu me veidonui kei na Yavunivakavulewa qo se na lawa tabaki, ena kena vakarautaki na ivakaro se ituvatuva me vakamuri ena Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru.


(3) Navosavakadua me na vakarautaka na lawa ni mataveilewai, me na solia tale ga na ivakaro dodonu me veidonui kei na Yavunivakavulewa qo se na lawa tabaki, ena kena vakarautaki na ivakaro se na ituvatuva me muri ena Mataveilewai e Cake kei na Mataveilewai e Ra.

Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai 104.—(1) Na Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai e tauyavutaki ena Dikiri ni

Veiqaravi Raraba ni Lawa 2009 ena tomani tiko ga, ka lewena—

(a) na Navosavakadua me kena Jemeni;

(b) na Peresitedi ni Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru;

(c) na Vunivola Tudei ni Tabacakacaka ni Lawa;

(d) e dua na daunilawa a digitaka na Peresitedi ena nona ivakasala na Navosavakadua salamuria na nodrau veitalanoa kei na Vunilawa ka—

(i) e sega ni lailai na 15 na yabaki nona veiqaravi vakadaunilawa; kei na

(ii) segani sebau totogitakienacalavakalawanicakacakavakadaunilawa e Viti se vanuatani, oka tale ga kina na veilewai ena Matabose Vakalawa Tuvakaikoya se dua na veilewai ena lawa e vauci ira na daunilawa, berisita kei na solisita ni sebera ni tauyavu na Matabose Vakalawa Tuvakaikoya; kei na

(e) e dua e sega ni daunilawa, ka digitaka na Peresitedi ena ivakasala ni Navosavakadua me salamuria na nodrau veitalanoa kei na Vunilawa.

(2) Me iKuri ni nona itavi me vaka e virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, na Matabose e rawa tale ga ni vaqaqa na veikudru e ciqoma me baleti ira na vakailesilesi ni Mataveilewai.

(3) Na Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai ena rawa ni vakarautaka na ivakaro me qaravi vinaka kina na cakacaka ni matabose.

(4) Na Matabose me cuqena na nodra vuli na Daunilewa kei na vakailesilesi ni Mataveilewai.

(5) Na Matabose e nona itavi me wanonova na kena cicivaki vakamatau na Mataveilewai.

(6) Na Matabose e rawa ni vakalawataka na nona ituvatuva ni veiqaravi, rawa tale ga ni vakadavora e so na lewa se lawasau e gadrevi ena kena cicivaki na kena itavi.

(7) Na Matabose me na solia wasoma na itukutuku kei na ivakasala vua na Vunilawa me baleta na mataveilewai se na veiqaravi vakalawa.

(8) Ena kena qaravi na itavi se na kena cakacakataki na kaukauwa kei na lewa ni Matabose, ena dodonu me na tuvakaikoya, kua ni rogoca se muria na nona lewa e dua tale, vakavo ke lewa ni mataveilewai se virikotori ena lawa tabaki.


(9) Na Vunivola Levu ni Mataveilewai e Cake se e dua e qarava na itavi ni valenivolavola qo ena vunivola ni Matabose.

(10) Na iwiliwili vakabau ena gauna ni bose, na Jemeni kei na 2 tale na lewena.

(11) Na lewenimatabose e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (1)(d) kei na (e) era na veiqaravi me 3 na yabaki ka na rawa nira digitaki tale.

(12) Na lewenimatabose e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (1)(d) kei na (e) me na vakadeitaka na kedra isau ni veiqaravi na Peresitedi ena veivakasalataki ni Navosavakadua salamuria na nodrau veitalanoa kei na Vunilawa, ia me kua ni veisautaki na kedra isau vakavo ke vakayacori e dua na veisau me vakalailaitaki kina na isau ia na veisau me vakayacori vakatautauvata vei ira kece na vakailesilesi vakamatanitu.

(13) Na lewenimatabose e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (1)(d) se (e) era na rawa ni vakacegui mai na nodra itutu ke sega ni ra qarava rawa na itavi lavaki (ke vu mai na tauvimate vakayago se vakasama, se ena dua tale na ka) se ena itovo ca, ka na sega ni vakacegui ena dua tale na iwalewale.

(14) Na veivakacegui mai na dua na itutu ni lewenimatabose e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (1)(d) se (e) me salavata kei na wasetiki (15).

(15) Kevaka e nanuma na Navosavakadua ena nona veitalanoa kei na Vunilawa me vaqaqai na vakacegui ni lewenimatabose e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (1)(d) se (e), me na—

(a) digitaka na Navosavakadua—

(i) ena kisi ni itovo ca—na mataveivaqaqai, me lewena e dua na Jemeni ka sega ni lailai mai na 2 tale me lewena, e digitaki mai vei ira era taura tiko se era na rawa ni taura na itutu ni Mataveilewai e Cake; ka

(ii) ena kena nanumi ni sega ni qarava rawa na nona itavi—na matabose ni bula me na lewena e dua na Jemeni kei na rua tale, me rau vakaivola vakavuniwai;

(b) na mataveivaqaqai se matabose ni bula me dikeva na leqa qo qai vakarautaka e dua na kena ripote vua na Peresitedi ka na vakasalataka na Peresitedi ena nona vakatutu kevaka me vakacegui se sega na lewenimatabose e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (1)(d) se (e); kei na

(c) kena vakatulewataki na vakacegui ni lewenimatabose e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (1)(d) se (e), na Peresitedi me na vakatulewa vakamatau ka salavata na ivakasala ni mataveivaqaqai se na matabose ni bula.

(16) Na Peresitedi, ena veivakasalataki ni Navosavakadua salamuria na nodrau veitalanoa kei na Vunilawa, e rawa, ena ivakarau kei na iwalewale e nanuma ni veiganiti, me vakaceguya vakawawa e dua na lewenimatabose e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (1) (d) se (e), ena gauna e vakayacori tiko kina na veivaqaqai se ena gauna e waraki tiko kina na kena soli kei na kena digitaki na mataveivaqaqai se na matabose ni bula ena wasetiki (15), ka na rawa tale ga me bokoca na veivakacegui vakawawa.


(17) Na kena vakacegui vakawawa ena wasetiki (16) e dua na lewenimatabose e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (1)(d) se (e) ena muduki kevaka e sa vakadeitaka na Peresitedi me na kua ni vakacegui.

(18) Na ripote ni mataveivaqaqai se na vakatutu ni matabose in bula e vakarautaki ena wasetiki (15) me na vakaraitaki raraba.

Veika me rawati ena veidigitaki 105.—(1) Ena nona digitaki e dua na vakailesilesi ena mataveilewai, me tiko vua

na ivakatagedegede cecere duadua ni dina kei na cakacaka savasava.

(2) Ena sega ni rawa ni dua me cabeta na itutu vakaDaunilewa vakavo ke— (a) taura tiko, se a taura e dua na itutu cecere ena mataveilewai e Viti se

vanuatani me vaka e virikotori ena lawa; se

(b) sega ni lailai mai na 15 na yabaki na nona cakacaka vakadaunilawa e Viti se vanuatani me vaka e virikotori ena lawa, ka sega ni se bau totogitaki ena cala vakalawa ni cakacaka vakadaunilawa e Viti se vanuatani, oka tale ga kina na veilewai ena Matabose Vakalawa Tuvakaikoya se dua na veilewai ena lawa e vauci ira na daunilawa, berisita kei na solisita ni sebera ni tauyavu na Matabose Vakalawa Tuvakaikoya.

(3) Ena sega ni rawa ni digitaki e dua me Daunilewa ena Mataveilewai e Ra, vakavo ke—

(a) taura tiko, se sa taura oti e dua na itutu ena mataveilewai e Viti se vanuatani me vaka e virikotori ena lawa; se

(b) sega ni lailai mai na 10 na yabaki na nona cakacaka vakadaunilawa e Viti se vanuatani me vaka e virikotori ena lawa, ka sega ni se bau totogitaki ena cala vakalawa ni cakacaka vakadaunilawa e Viti se vanuatani, oka tale ga kina na veilewai ena Matabose Vakalawa Tuvakaikoya se dua na veilewai ena lawa e vauci ira na daunilawa, berisita kei na solisita ni sebera ni tauyavu na Matabose Vakalawa Tuvakaikoya.

Digitaki ni Daunilewa 106.—(1) Na Peresitedi e digitaka na Navosavakadua kei na Peresitedi ni

Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru e na nona veivakasalataki na Paraiminisita salamuria na nodrau veitalanoa na Paraiminisita kei na Vunilawa.

(2) Na Peresitedi e digitaka na Daunilewa ena Mataveilewai Cecere, Daunilewa ni Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru, kei na Daunilewa ni Mataveilewai e Cake mai na vakatutu ni Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai salamuria na ivakasala ni Vunilawa.

(3) Na Peresitedi me na digitaka e dua me taura vakatawa na itutu ni Navosavakadua mai na ivakasala ni Paraiminisita salamuria na veivakadonui ni Paraiminisita kei na Vunilawa, ena gauna e lala kina na itutu se ena gauna e yali se gole kina vakacakacaka i vanuatani na Navosavakadua, se ena dua na inaki e sega ni qarava rawa kina na nona itavi.


(4) Na Peresitedi me na digitaka e dua me taura vakatawa na itutu ni Daunilewa ena Mataveilewai e Cake, mai na vakatutu ni Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai salamuria na ivakasala ni Vunilawa, ena gauna e lala kina na itutu se ena gauna e yali se gole kina vakacakacaka i vanuatani na Daunilewa, se ena dua na inaki e sega ni qarava rawa kina na nona itavi.

(5) Ena sega ni rawa ni digitaki e dua me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (4), vakavo ke ganita me digitaki me Daunilewa.

Veidigitaki tale e so 107.—(1) Na Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai e tu vua na kaukauwa me digitaka

na Daunilewa ena Mataveilewai e Ra, Masta ni Mataveilewai e Cake, Vunivola Levu ni Mataveilewai e Cake kei na so tale na vakailesilesi ni mataveilewai me vaka e virikotori ena lawa tabaki.

(2) Ni qaravi na veidigitaki me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki(1), na Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai me rau na veirogoci kei na Vunilawa.

Vakailesilesi ena tabana ni mataveilewai 108.—(1) Na Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai e tu vua na kaukauwa me

digitaka, vakaceguya, totogitaki ira era sega ni daunilawa ka ra cakacaka ena Mataveilewai.

(2) Na Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai e tu vua na kaukauwa me raica na veika baleti ira na vakailesilesi era sega ni daunilawa ka ra cakacaka ena Mataveilewai, qo e oka kina na—

(a) ivakarau kei na iwalewale ni cakacaka;

(b) ivakatagedegede ni vuli e gadrevi kei na ivakarau me vakamuri me baleta na veivakacakacakataki, ka dodonu me dola raraba, vakarawarawataki, valataki vakasavasava, ia na veidigitaki me yavutaki ena rawaka;

(c) na isau, idole, kei na oco me saumi e dodonu me veiganiti kei na ivotavota vakailavo e vakadonuya na Palimedi; kei na

(d) levu ni vakailesilesi vakadeitaki se levu ni vakailesilesi digitaki era sega ni daunilawa, e dodonu me veiraurau kei na ivotavota vakailavo e vakadonuya na Palimedi.

(3) Na Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai e rawa ni vola vakaivola me soli na nona kaukauwa e virikotori ena tikina qo vua na Vunivola Levu ni Mataveilewai.

Bubului 109. Na Daunilewa ni Mataveilewai e Cake se Daunilewa ni Mataveilewai e Ra

me na vosa bubului e matai Peresitedi ni bera ni tekivu na veiqaravi me vaka e virikotori ena iKuri ni Yavunivakavulewa qo.


Gauna ni veiqaravi 110.—(1) Ni dua e sega ni lewenivanua e Viti qai digitaki me Daunilewa ni

Mataveilewai e Cake e Viti, ena veiqaravi me 3 na yabaki, ka na vakatulewataka na Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai na balavu ni nona veiqaravi ka rawa ni tosoi tale na nona yabaki ni veiqaravi.

(2) Na veidigitaki tale e so ni Daunilewa ena tomani tiko ga ni yacova na nodra yabaki ni vakacegu, qo na—

(a) Navosavakadua, Peresitedi ni Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru, Daunilewa ni Mataveilewa Cecere kei na Daunilewa ni Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru— yabaki 75; kei na

(b) Daunilewa ni Mataveilewai e Cake—yabaki 70.

(3) Ni dua na Daunilewa ni Mataveilewai e Cake e sa vakacegu ka se bera ni yacova na yabaki 75, e rawa ni digitaki me Daunilewa ni Mataveilewai Cecere se Daunilewa ni Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru.

Vu ni vakacegui ni Navosavakadua kei na Peresitedi ni Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru 111.—(1) Na Navosavakadua se na Peresitedi ni Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru ena

rawa ni vakacegui mai na nona itutu ke sega ni qarava rawa na itavi lavaki (ke vu mai na tauvimate vakayago se vakasama, se ena dua tale na ka) se ena itovo ca, ka na sega ni vakacegui ena dua tale na iwalewale.

(2) Na Peresitedi ena rawa ni vakaceguya na Navosavakadua se na Peresitedi ni Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru mai na nona veiqaravi me vaka e virikotori ena tikina qo.

(3) Kevaka e nanuma na Peresitedi ena ivakasala ni Paraiminisita me na vaqaqai na nona vakacegui na Navosavakadua se na Peresitedi ni Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru—

(a) na Peresitedi ena ivakasala ni Paraiminisita, me na tauyavutaka—

(i) ena kisi ni itovo ca—na mataveivaqaqai, me lewena e dua na Jemeni kei na 2 tale era digitaki mai vei ira na taura tiko se a taura tu na itutu levu ni mataveilewai e Viti se vanuatani; ka

(ii) ena kena nanumi ni sega ni qarava rawa na nona itavi—na matabose ni bula me na lewena e dua na Jemeni kei na rua tale, me rau vakaivola vakavuniwai.

(b) na mataveivaqaqai se matabose ni bula me dikeva na leqa qo qai vakarautaka e dua na kena ripote vua na Peresitedi, vakasalataka na Peresitedi ena vakatutu kevaka me vakacegui se sega na Navosavakadua se na Peresitedi ni Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru; kei na

(c) kena vakatulewataki na vakacegui ni Navosavakadua se na Peresitedi ni Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru, na Peresitedi me na vakatulewa vakamatau, salavata na ivakasala ni mataveivaqaqai se na matabose ni bula.


(4) Na Peresitedi, ena ivakasala ni Paraiminisita, e rawa ni vakaceguya tuvakawawa na Navosavakadua se na Peresitedi ni Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru ena gauna e vakayacori kina na veivaqaqai kei na kena soli vua ka tauyavutaki na mataveivaqaqai se matabose ni bula ena wasetiki (3) ka rawa tale ga ni laveta na ivakaro tuvakawawa.

(5) Na kena vakacegui vakawawa na Navosavakadua se Peresitedi ni Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (4), ena mudu kevaka e sa vakadeitaka na Peresitedi me kua ni vakacegui na Navosavakadua se na Peresitedi ni Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru.

(6) Na ripote ni mataveivaqaqai se na vakatutu ni matabose ni bula, ena vuku ni kisi qo, me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (3) me vakaraitaki raraba.

Vu ni vakacegui ni vakailesilesi ni mataveilewai 112.—(1) Na Daunilewa, Daunilewa ni Mataveilewai e Ra, Masta ni Mataveilewai e

Cake, Vunivola Levu ni Mataveilewai e Cake se dua tale na vakailesilesi ni mataveilewai e digitaka na Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai ena rawa ni vakacegui mai na nona itutu ke sega ni qarava rawa na itavi lavaki (ke vu mai na tauvimate vakayago se vakasama, se ena dua tale na ka) se ena itovo ca, ka na sega ni vakacegui ena dua tale na iwalewale.

(2) Na Peresitedi e rawa ni vakaceguya e dua na Daunilewa, Daunilewa ni Mataveilewai e Ra, Masta ni Mataveilewai e Cake, Vunivola Levu ni Mataveilewai e Cake se dua tale na vakailesilesi ni mataveilewai e digitaka na Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai me vaka e virikotori ena tikina qo.

(3) Kevaka e nanuma na Peresitedi ena ivakasala ni Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai, me na vaqaqai na vakacegui ni dua na Daunilewa, Daunilewa ni Mataveilewai e Ra, Masta ni Mataveilewai e Cake, Vunivola Levu ni Mataveilewai e Cake se dua tale na vakailesilesi ni mataveilewai e digitaka na Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai me na—

(a) tauyavutaka na Peresitedi ena ivakasala ni Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai—

(i) ena kisi ni itovo ca—na mataveivaqaqai, me lewena e dua na Jemeni kei na 2 tale, era digitaki mai vei ira na taura tiko se a taura tu na itutu levu ni mataveilewai e Viti se vanuatani; kei na

(ii) ena kena nanumi ni sega ni qarava rawa na nona itavi—na matabose ni bula me na lewena e dua na Jemeni kei na rua tale, me rau vakaivola vakavuniwai.

(b) na mataveivaqaqai se matabose ni bula me dikeva na leqa qo qai vakarautaka e dua na kena ripote vua na Peresitedi, vakasalataka na Peresitedi ena vakatutu kevaka me vakacegui se sega e dua na Daunilewa, Daunilewa ni Mataveilewai e Ra, Masta ni Mataveilewai e Cake, Vunivola Levu ni Mataveilewai e Cake se dua tale na vakailesilesi ni mataveilewai e digitaka na Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai; kei na


(c) kena vakatulewataki na vakacegui ni Daunilewa, na Peresitedi me na vakatulewa vakamatau ka salavata na ivakasala ni mataveivaqaqai se na matabose ni bula.

(4) Na Peresitedi, ena ivakasala ni Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai, e rawa ni vakaceguya tuvakawawa e dua na Daunilewa, Daunilewa ni Mataveilewai e Ra, Masta ni Mataveilewai e Cake, Vunivola Levu ni Mataveilewai e Cake se dua tale na vakailesilesi ni mataveilewai e digitaka na Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai ena gauna e vakayacori kina na veivaqaqai kei na kena soli vua ka tauyavutaki na mataveivaqaqai se matabose ni bula ena wasetiki (3) ka rawa tale ga ni laveta na ivakaro tuvakawawa.

(5) Na kena vakacegui vakawawa na Daunilewa, Daunilewa ni Mataveilewai e Ra, Masta ni Mataveilewai e Cake, Vunivola Levu ni Mataveilewai e Cake se dua tale na vakailesilesi ni mataveilewai e digitaka na Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (4), ena mudu kevaka sa vakadeitaka na Peresitedi me na kua ni vakacegui na Daunilewa, Daunilewa ni Mataveilewai e Ra, Masta ni Mataveilewai e Cake, Vunivola Levu ni Mataveilewai e Cake se dua tale na vakailesilesi ni mataveilewai e digitaka na Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai.

(6) Na ripote ni mataveivaqaqai se na vakatutu ni matabose ni bula, ena vuku ni kisi qo, me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (3) me vakaraitaki raraba.

(7) E sega ni oka ena tikina qo na Navosavakadua se Peresitedi ni Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru.

iSau ni vakailesilesi ni mataveilewai 113.—(1) Na isau ni veiqaravi, okati kina na idole, e saumi vua na vakailesilesi

ni mataveilewai e digitaka na Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai me kua ni veisautaki vakavo ke vakayacori e dua na veisau me vakalailaitaki kina na isau ia na veisau me vakayacori vakatautauvata vei ira kece na vakailesilesi vakamatanitu.

(2) Na isau ni veiqaravi, okati kina na idole, e saumi vua na Navosavakadua kei na Peresitedi ni Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru me na vakadeitaka na Peresitedi ena ivakasala ni Paraiminisita salamuria na nodrau veitalanoa kei na Vunilawa.

(3) Na isau ni veiqaravi, okati kina na idole, e saumi vua e dua na Daunilewa (sega ni wili kina na Navosavakadua kei na Peresitedi ni Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru), Daunilewa ni Mataveilewai e Ra, Masta ni Mataveilewai e Cake, na Vunivola Levu ni Mataveilewai e Cake se na vakailesilesi ni mataveilewai e digitaka na Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai me na vakadeitaka na Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai salamuria na veitalanoa ni Matabose kei na Paraiminisita kei na Vunilawa.

(4) Na vakailesilesi ni mataveilewai e digitaka na Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai e taqomaki ena gauna ni veilewai ena dua na ka e tukuna se cakava, se sega ni cakava, ena nona qarava na nona itavi.



Matabose ni Lawa Tuvakaikoya 114.—(1) Na Matabose ni Lawa Tuvakaikoya a tauyavutaki ena Dikiri ni Daunilawa

2009 me na tomani tiko ga.

(2) Na Matabose ni Lawa Tuvakaikoya me na lewena na Komisina, e Daunilewa se rawa ni digitaki me Daunilewa.

(3) Na Peresitedi me na digitaka na Komisina ena veivakasalataki ni Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai kei na Vunilawa.

(4) Na Komisina ena veiqaravi me 3 na yabaki ka rawa ni na digitaki tale.

(5) Na Peresitedi e rawa ni digitaka e dua me taura vakatawa na itutu ni Komisina, ena ivakasala ni Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai salamuria na nodrau veitalanoa kei na Vunilawa, ena gauna e lala kina na itutu se ena gauna e yali se gole kina vakacakacaka i vanuatani, se ena dua na inaki e sega ni qarava rawa kina na nona itavi.

(6) Na Komisina ena rawa ni vakacegui mai na nona itutu ke sega ni qarava rawa na itavi lavaki (ke vu mai na tauvimate vakayago se vakasama, se ena dua tale na ka) se ena itovo ca, ka na sega ni vakacegui ena dua tale na iwalewale.

(7) Na iwalewale ni nona vakacegui na Komisina me na tautauvata kei na iwalewale ni veivakacegui ni vakailesilesi ni mataveilewai ka vakamacalataki ena tikina 112.

(8) Na lewa kei na itavi ni Matabose me na vakamacalataki ena lawa tabaki ka na rawa ni vakamacalataki tale ga ena lawa tabaki na iKuri ni itavi ni Matabose.

(9) Na Komisina, ena nona qaravi itavi se vakatulewa, ena tuvakaikoya ka na sega ni lewai mai vua e dua na tamata, se matabose, se tabacakacaka vakavo ke vakatulewa ni mataveilewai se virikotori ena dua na lawa tabaki.

(10) Na isau ni veiqaravi ni Komisina ena vakadeitaka na Peresitedi ena ivakasala ni Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai salamuria na nodrau veitalanoa kei na Daunilawa, ia na isau me kua ni veisautaki vakavo ke vakayacori e dua na veisau me vakalailaitaki kina na isau ia na veisau me vakayacori vakatautauvata vei ira kece na vakailesilesi vakamatanitu.

(11) Na Matabose e rawa ni vakalawataka na nona ituvatuva ni veiqaravi ka rawa tale ga ni vakadavora e so na lewa se lawasau e gadrevi me baleta na qaravi ni kena itavi.

(12) Na Matabose me na solia wasoma na itukutuku kei na ivakasala vua na Vunilawa me baleta na kena cicivaki kei na nona itavi.

Matabose Tuvakaikoya e Valuta na Cakacaka Butobuto 115.—(1) Na Matabose Tuvakaikoya e Valuta na Cakacaka Butobuto e tauyavutaki

ena Poromoliqeti ni Matabose Tuvakaikoya e Valuta na Cakacaka Butobuto 2007 me na tomani tiko ga.


(2) Na Matabose me na lewena e dua na Komisina, iVukevuke ni Komisina kei na so tale na vakailesilesi e digitaki vakalawa.

(3) Na lewa kei na itavi ni Matabose me na vakamacalataki ena lawa tabaki, ka na rawa ni vakarautaki ena lawa tabaki e so tale na itavi ni Matabose.

(4) Vakavo ke vakarautaki ena wasetiki (3), na Matabose e rawa ni—

(a) vaqaqa, biuta vata ka qarava na veika me baleta na basulawa;

(b) qarava na veivaqaqai kei na veika me baleta na basulawa e nona itavi me vaka e virikotori ena lawa a tekivutaka e dua tale na tamata se valenivolavola; kei na

(c) kena muduki ni se bera ni tau na lewa e dua na veilewai ni basulawa e tekivutaka se valataka tiko.

(5) Na kaukauwa ni Komisina kei na Komisina Veivuke ni Matabose e rawa ni vakayagataka ga o koya, koya e veisosomitaki, se koya e tara vakatawa na itavi ena nona ivakasala.

(6) Ena kena qaravi na itavi se na kena vakayagataki na nona kaukauwa, na Matabose ena tuvakaikoya ka na sega ni lewai mai vua e dua se dua na matabose se tabacakacaka vakavo ke vakatulewa ni mataveilewai se virikotori ena dua na lawa tabaki.

(7) Ena kena qaravi na itavi se na kena vakayagataki na nona kaukauwa, na Matabose me na muria na ivakarau ni veiyalayalati ni Matabose kei Vuravura ena valuti ni cakacaka butobuto.

(8) Na Matabose e rawa ni vakalawataka na nona ituvatuva ni veiqaravi, rawa tale ga ni vakadavora e so na lewa se lawasau e gadrevi me baleta na kena cicivaki na kena itavi.

(9) Na Matabose me na solia wasoma na itukutuku kei na ivakasala vua na Vunilawa me baleta na kena cicivaki kei na nona itavi.

(10) Na Komisina kei na iVukevuke ni Komisina ni Matabose e tu vua na kaukauwa me digitaka, vakaceguya, se totogitaka e dua na vakailesilesi (oka kina o ira na cakacaka vakavunivola) ena Matabose.

(11) Na Komisina kei na iVukevuke ni Komisina ni Matabose e tu vua na kaukauwa me vakadeitaka na veika me baleti ira na vakailesilesi ni Matabose Tuvakaikoya e Valuta na Cakacaka Butobuto, qo oka kina na—

(a) ivakarau kei na iwalewale ni cakacaka;

(b) ivakatagedegede ni vuli e gadrevi kei na ivakarau me vakamuri me baleta na veivakacakacakataki, ka dodonu me dola raraba, vakarawarawataki, valataki vakasavasava, ia na veidigitaki me yavutaki ena rawaka;


(c) na isau, idole, kei na oco me saumi e dodonu me veiganiti kei na ivotavota ni ilavo e vakadonuya na Palimedi; kei na

(d) levu ni vakailesilesi vakadeitaki se levu ni vakailesilesi e digitaki, e dodonu me veiraurau kei na ivotavota vakailavo e vakadonuya na Palimedi.

(12) Na isau ni veiqaravi ni Komisina kei na iVukevuke ni Komisina ena vakadeitaka na Peresitedi ena ivakasalataki ni Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai salamuria na nodrau veitalanoa kei na Daunilawa, ia na isau me kua ni veisautaki vakavo ke vakayacori e dua na veisau me vakalailaitaki kina na isau, ia na veisau me vakayacori vakatautauvata vei ira kece na vakailesilesi vakamatanitu.

(13) Na isau, idole kei na oco me soli vua e dua na tamata cakacaka ena Matabose me saumi mai ena Umailavo Cokovata ni Matanitu.

(14) Na Palimedi me vakadeitaka ni na vakarautaki e dua na ivotavota vakailavo ena Matabose, me rawa ni vakatulewa ka qarava ga vakaikoya na nona itavi.

Daunilawa Levu 116.—(1) Na valenivolavola ni Daunilawa Levu e tauyavutaki ena Dikiri ni

Veiqaravi Vakamatanitu 2009, me na tomani tiko ga.

(2) Na Daunilawa Levu e qarava na:

(a) soli ni ivakasala e dodonu vakalawa i na Matanitu se e na valenivolavola e kerea;

(b) volalawa e gadreva na Boseyaco;

(c) vakarautaka vakarawarawa e dua na rejisita ni lawa tabaki taucoko;

(d) matataka na Matanitu ena mataveilewai ena kisi kece e oka kina na Matanitu, ia e sega ni wili kina na veilewai ni basulawa; kei na

(e) dua tale na itavi e gadrevi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, lawa tabaki, Boseyaco se na Vunilawa.

(3) Na Daunilawa Levu, ena rawa ni lai lawalawa mai kei na mataveilewai ena dua na kisi ka sega ni oka kina na Matanitu.

(4) Na Daunilawa Levu me dua e rawa ni digitaki me Daunilewa.

(5) Na Peresitedi me na digitaka na Daunilawa Levu ena ivakasala ni Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai, salamuria na nodrau veitalanoa na Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai kei na Vunilawa.

(6) Na Peresitedi me na digitaka e dua me taura vakatawa na itutu ni Daunilawa Levu mai na ivakasala ni Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai, salamuria na nodrau veitalanoa kei na Vunilawa, ena gauna e lala kina na itutu se ena gauna e yali se gole kina vakacakacaka i vanuatani, se e na dua na inaki e sega ni qarava rawa kina na nona itavi.


(7) Na Daunilawa Levu e tautauvata na nona itutu kei na Vunivola Tudei ka qarava na itavi ni Vunivola Tudei ena Valenivolavola ni Vunilawa ka rawa ni na taura e so tale na itavi e lesi vua ena nona itutu vaka Vunivola Tudei.

(8) Na Daunilawa Levu me na tautauvata na nona gauna ni veiqaravi kei na Daunilewa ni Mataveilewai e Cake, ka na vakatulewataka na kena isau kei na idole na Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai salamuria na nodrau veitalanoa kei na Vunilawa, ia na isau me kua ni lailai mai na isau e saumi vua na Daunilewa ni Mataveilewai e Cake se na Vunivola Tudei, ia na isau me kua ni veisautaki vakavo ke vakayacori e dua na veisau me vakalailaitaki kina na isau, na veisau me vakayacori vakatautauvata vei ira kece na vakailesilesi vakamatanitu.

(9) Na Daunilawa Levu ena rawa ni vakacegui mai na nona itutu ke sega ni qarava rawa na itavi lavaki (ke vu mai na tauvimate vakayago se vakasama, se ena dua tale na ka) se ena itovo ca, ka na sega ni vakacegui ena dua tale na iwalewale.

(10) Na ivakarau ni nona vakacegui na Daunilawa Levu me na tautauvata na ivakarau ni nodra vakacegui na Daunilewa kei na vakailesilesi ni Mataveilewai e digitaka na Matabose Veiqaravi me vaka e vakamacalataki ena tikina 112.

(11) Na Daunilawa Levu e tiko vua na kaukauwa me vakacakacakataka, vakaceguya, se totogitaka na vakailesilesi taucoko (oka kina o ira na cakacaka vakavunivola) ena valenivolavola ni Vunilawa.

(12) Na Daunilawa Levu e tiko vua na kaukauwa me vakatulewataka na veika vakacakacaka me baleti ira na vakailesilesi ena Valenivolavola ni Vunilawa, okati kina—

(a) na ivakarau kei na iwalewale ni cakacaka;

(b) na ivakatagedegede ni vuli e gadrevi kei na ivakarau me vakamuri me baleta na veivakacakacakataki, ka dodonu me dola raraba, vakarawarawataki, valataki vakasavasava, ia na veidigitaki me yavutaki ena rawaka;

(c) na isau, idole kei na oco me saumi, e dodonu me veiganiti kei na ivotavota vakailavo e vakadonuya na Palimedi; kei na

(d) levu taucoko ni vakailesilesi vakadeitaki se levu ni vakailesilesi e digitaki, e dodonu me veiraurau kei na ivotavota vakailavo e vakadonuya na Palimedi.

(13) Na isau, idole kei na oco, e saumi vua e dua na tamata cakacaka ena valenivolavola ni Vunilawa me tauri mai na Umailavo Cokovata ni Matanitu.

(14) E dua na itavi e vakacolati vua na Daunilawa Levu e rawa ni qarava ga o koya se dua tale na tamata cakacaka ena ivakasala raraba se soli ga ena dua na inaki.


Daireketa ni Veibeitaki ni Matanitu 117.—(1) Na Valenivolavola ni Daireketa ni Veibeitaki ni Matanitu e tauyavutaki

ena Dikiri ni Matanitu 2009, me na tomani tiko ga.

(2) Na Daireketa ni Veibeitaki ni Matanitu me dua e rawa ni digitaki me Daunilewa.

(3) Na Peresitedi ena digitaka na Daireketa niVeibeitaki ni Matanitu ena ivakasala ni Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai ni salamuria na nodrau veitalanoa na Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai kei na Vunilawa.

(4) Na Peresitedi me na digitaka e dua me taura vakatawa na itutu ni Daireketa ni Veibeitaki ni Matanitu mai na ivakasala ni Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai salamuria na nodrau veitalanoa kei na Vunilawa, ena gauna e lala kina na itutu se ena gauna e yali se gole kina vakacakacaka i vanuatani, se ena dua na inaki e sega ni qarava rawa kina na nona itavi.

(5) Na Daireketa ni Veibeitaki ni Matanitu me veiqaravi me 7 na yabaki, ka rawa me na toso tale na nona veiqaravi, kei na kena isau kei na idole ena vakatautaka na Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai ni oti na nodrau veitalanoa kei na Vunilawa, na isau kei na idole qo me kua ni lailai mai na kedra isau na Daunilewa ni Mataveilewai e Cake, ia na isau me kua ni veisautaki vakavo ke vakayacori e dua na veisau me vakalailaitaki kina na isau, ia na veisau me vakayacori vakatautauvata vei ira kece na vakailesilesi vakamatanitu.

(6) Na Daireketa ni Veibeitaki ni Matanitu ena rawa ni vakacegui mai na nona itutu ke sega ni qarava rawa na itavi lavaki (ke vu mai na tauvimate vakayago se vakasama, se ena dua tale na ka) se ena itovo ca, ka na sega ni vakacegui ena dua tale na iwalewale.

(7) Na ivakarau ni nona vakacegui na Daireketa ni Veibeitaki ni Matanitu me na tautauvata na ivakarau ni nodra vakacegui na Daunilewa kei na vakailesilesi ni mataveilewai e digitaka na Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai me vaka e vakamacalataki ena tikina 112.

(8) Na Daireketa ni Veibeitaki ni Matanitu e rawa ni:

(a) tekivutaka ka qarava na veilewai ni basulawa;

(b) qarava na veilewai ni basulawa sa tekivuna e dua se dua tale na matabose se tabacakacaka (vakavo na kisi eratou qarava na Matabose Tuvakaikoya me Valuta na Cakacaka Butobuto);

(c) muduka ni se bera ni tau na lewa e dua na kisi ni basulawa e tekivutaka se valataka tiko na Daireketa ni Veibeitaki ni Matanitu se dua na tamata se matabose se tabacakacaka (vakavo na veilewai eratou qarava na Matabose Tuvakaikoya me Valuta na Cakacaka Butobuto); kei na

(d) curubotea na veilewai e rawa ni vakavu taro vei ira na lewenivanua, ka rawa ni vakaleqa na veilewai ni basulawa se veivaqaqai ni basulawa.


(9) Na Daireketa ni Veibeitaki ni Matanitu e rawa ni vakayagataka ga nona kaukauwa se o koya e tara vakatawa na itavi ena nona ivakasala.

(10) Ena vakayagataki ni kaukauwa ena tikina qo, na Daireketa ni Veibeitaki ni Matanitu ena sega ni rogoca na vakatulewa ni dua tale na tamata, se matabose, se tabacakacaka, vakavo ke vakarota na mataveilewai se virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo se na lawa tabaki.

(11) Na Daireketa ni Veibeitaki ni Matanitu e rawa ni digitaka e dua ga na daunilawa e Viti se vanuatani me Dauniveibeitaki ni Matanitu ena veilewai ni basulawa.

(12) Na Daireketa ni Veibeitaki ni Matanitu e tiko vua na kaukauwa me vakacakacakataka, vakaceguya, se totogitaka na vakailesilesi taucoko (oka kina o ira na veiqaravi e valenivolavola) ena valenivolavola ni Daireketa ni Veibeitaki ni Matanitu.

(13) Na Daireketa ni Veibeitaki ni Matanitu e tiko vua na kaukauwa me vakatulewataka na veika vakacakacaka ni vakailesilesi ena Valenivolavola ni Daireketa ni Veibeitaki ni Matanitu, oka kina—

(a) na ivakarau kei na iwalewale ni cakacaka;

(b) na ivakatagedegede ni vuli e gadrevi kei na ivakarau me vakamuri me baleta na veivakacakacakataki, ka dodonu me dola raraba, vakarawarawataki, valataki vakasavasava, ia na veidigitaki me yavutaki ena rawaka;

(c) na isau, idole kei na oco me saumi, e dodonu me veiganiti kei na ivotavota vakailavo e vakadonuya na Palimedi; kei na

(d) levu ni vakailesilesi vakadeitaki se levu ni vakailesilesi e digitaki, e dodonu me veiraurau kei na ivotavota vakailavo e vakadonuya na Palimedi.

(14) Na isau, idole kei na oco, e saumi vua e dua na tamata cakacaka ena Valenivolavola ni Daireketa ni Veibeitaki ni Matanitu me tauri mai na Umailavo Cokovata ni Matanitu.

(15) Na Palimedi me raica me veiganiti na ivotavota vakailavo kei na veika e gadrevi ena cakacaka i na Valenivolavola ni Daireketa ni Veibeitaki ni Matanitu, qo me rawa ni vakayagataka vinaka ka vakayagataka ena galala na kaukauwa e tiko vua ena qaravi ni itavi.

Matabose ni Veivuke Vakalawa 118.—(1) Na Matabose ni Veivuke Vakalawa a tauyavutaki ena Lawa ni Veivuke

Vakalawa 1996, ena tomana tiko ga na nona veiqaravi.

(2) Na Matabose ena solia na veivuke vakalawa vei ira na lewenivanua era sega ni sauma rawa na veiqaravi ni daunilawa, ka veidonui kei na lewa kei na tuvatuva e virikotori ena lawa tabaki.

(3) Na kaukauwa, kei na itavi ni Matabose e yavutaki ena lawa tabaki ka na rawa tale ga ni vakarautaki ena lawa tabaki na iKuri ni itavi ni Matabose.


(4) Na Matabose e rawa ni vakalawataka na nona ituvatuva ni veiqaravi ka rawa tale ga ni vakadavora e so na lewa se lawasau e gadrevi me baleta na kena cicivaki na kena itavi.

(5) Ena nona qaravi itavi se na vakayagataki ni kaukauwa e tu vua, na Matabose ena tuvakaikoya ka sega ni vakarogoca na vakatulewa ni dua na tamata, se matabose, se tabacakacaka, vakavo ga na ivakaro ni mataveilewai se na ivakaro ena lawa tabaki.

(6) Na Matabose e tu vua na kaukauwa me vakacakacakataka, vakaceguya, se totogitaka na vakailesilesi taucoko (oka kina o ira na veiqaravi e valenivolavola) ena valenivolavola ni Matabose.

(7) Na Matabose e tu vua na kaukauwa me vakatulewataka na veika vakacakacaka me baleti ira na vakailesilesi ena Matabose, okati kina—

(a) na ivakarau kei na iwalewale ni cakacaka;

(b) na ivakatagedegede ni vuli e gadrevi kei na ivakarau me vakamuri me baleta na veivakacakacakataki, ka dodonu me dola raraba, vakarawarawataki, valataki vakasavasava, ia na veidigitaki me yavutaki ena rawaka;

(c) na isau, idole kei na oco me saumi, e dodonu me veiganiti kei na ivotavota vakailavo e vakadonuya na Palimedi; kei na

(d) levu taucoko ni vakailesilesi vakadeitaki se levu ni vakailesilesi e digitaki, e dodonu me veiraurau kei na ivotavota vakailavo e vakadonuya na Palimedi.

(8) Na isau, idole kei na oco, e saumi vua e dua na tamata cakacaka ena valenivolavola ni Matabose me tauri mai na Umailavo Cokovata ni Matanitu.

(9) Na Palimedi me raica me veiganiti na ivotavota ni ilavo kei na veika e gadrevi ena cakacaka i na Valenivolavola ni Matabose, qo me rawa ni vakayagataka vinaka ka vakayagataka ena galala na kaukauwa e tiko vua, ena qaravi ni itavi.

(10) Na Matabose ena vakatulewa ena ituvatuva vakailavo me vaka e sa vakadonuya na Palimedi.

(11) Na Matabose me na solia wasoma na itukutuku kei na ivakasala vua na Vunilawa me baleta na kena qaravi na nona itavi.

Matabose ni Veivosoti 119.—(1) Na Matabose ni Dodonu ni Solia na Veivosoti a tauyavutaki ena Dikiri

ni Veiqaravi Vakamatanitu 2009, ena tomana tiko ga na nona veiqaravi me Matabose ni Veivosoti.

(2) Na Matabose e lewena—

(a) na Vunilawa ka kena Jemeni; kei na

(b) 4 tale na lewenimatabose e digitaka na Peresitedi ena ivakasala ni Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai ni oti na veitalanoa kei na Vunilawa.


(3) Ena ivola kerekere ni dua e vakacalai vakalawa, na Matabose me vakatututaka vua na Peresitedi, me vakayagataki na nona kaukauwa ni veivosoti me—

(a) vagalalataki mai na itotogi e beitaki vua;

(b) tosoi na gauna me tau kina na totogi, ena gauna yalataki se dua na gauna e sega ni yalataki; se

(c) bokoca taucoko se bokoca e so na itotogi.

(4) Na Matabose ena sega ni ciqoma na ivola kerekere kevaka e ratou vakabauta ni sega na betena, ena vakavuna na rere, se sega sara ga ni dodonu me rogoci, ia ena vakabau kevaka—

(a) e wilika na ripote ni kisi e vakarautaka na—

(i) Daunilewa e rogoca na kisi oya; se

(ii) Navosavakadua, kevaka e sega ni tauri rawa mai e dua na ripote mai vua na Daunilewa a rogoca na kisi oya;

(b) me vakayagataka tale ga na itukutuku tale e so e vure mai na itukutuku ni kisi se na itukutuku mai taudaku e taura rawa na Matabose ni Veivosoti; ka

(c) rawa vua na Matabose me vakasamataka tale ga na nodra rai na vakaleqai ena kisi qo.

(5) Na Peresitedi me vakatulewa ena nodratou vakatutu na Matabose.

(6) Na lewenimatabose e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (2)(b) me na veiqaravi me 3 na yabaki ka na rawa ni digitaki tale.

(7) Na Peresitedi e rawa ni digitaka e dua me taura vakatawa na itutu ni lewenimatabose, ena ivakasala ni Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai salamuria na nodrau veitalanoa kei na Vunilawa, ena gauna e lala kina na itutu se ena gauna e yali se gole kina vakacakacaka i vanuatani na lewenimatabose, se ena dua ga na inaki e sega ni qarava rawa kina na nona itavi.

(8) Na lewenimatabose e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (2)(b), ena rawa ni vakacegui mai na nona itutu ke sega ni qarava rawa na itavi lavaki (ke vu mai na tauvimate vakayago se vakasama, se ena dua tale na ka) se ena itovo ca, ka na sega ni vakacegui ena dua tale na iwalewale.

(9) Na ivakarau ni nona vakacegui na lewenimatabose e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki 2(b) me na tautauvata na ivakarau ni nodra vakacegui na Daunilewa kei na vakailesilesi ni mataveilewai me vaka e vakamacalataki ena tikina 112.

(10) Ena vakayagataki ni kaukauwa ena tikina qo, na Matabose ena sega ni rogoca na vakatulewa ni dua tale na tamata, matabose, se tabacakacaka, vakavo ke vakarota na mataveilewai se virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo se na lawa tabaki.


(11) Na lewenimatabose e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (2)(b) me na saumi ena isau ni veiqaravi e vakatautaka na Peresitedi ena ivakasala ni Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai ni salamuria na veitalanoa kei na Daunilawa, ia na isau me kua ni veisautaki vakavo ke vakayacori e dua na veisau me vakalailaitaki kina na isau, ia na veisau me vakayacori vakatautauvata vei ira kece na vakailesilesi vakamatanitu.

(12) Na Matabose e rawa ni vakalawataka na nona ituvatuva ni veiqaravi ka rawa tale ga ni vakadavora e so na lewa se lawasau e gadrevi me baleta na kena qaravi na itavi.

(13) Na iwiliwili vakabau ena gauna ni bose na Jemeni kei na rua tale na lewena.

(14) Na Matabose me na solia wasoma na itukutuku kei na ivakasala i na Palimedi me baleta na nona itavi kei na kena cicivaki.

Mataveivaqaqai ni Kudru ni Cakacaka Vakamatanitu 120.—(1) Na tikina qo e tauyavutaka na Mataveivaqaqai ni Kudru ni Cakacaka


(2) Na Mataveivaqaqai me lewena e dua na Jemeni kei na 2 tale e digitaka na Peresitedi, ena ivakasala ni Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai ni oti na veitalanoa kei na Vunilawa.

(3) Na Jemeni ni Mataveivaqaqai me dua e lewena tiko, se rawa ni lewena na itutu ni Daunilewa.

(4) Na lewenimataveivaqaqai me na veiqaravi me 3 na yabaki, ka rawa ni na digitaki tale me veiqaravi.

(5) Na Peresitedi e rawa ni digitaka e dua me taura vakatawa na itutu ni lewenimataveivaqaqai, ena ivakasala ni Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai salamuria na nodra veitalanoa kei na Vunilawa, ena gauna e lala kina na itutu se ena gauna e yali se gole kina vakacakacaka i vanuatani na lewe ni Mataveivaqaqai, se ena dua ga na inaki e sega ni qarava rawa kina na nona itavi.

(6) Na lewe ni Mataveivaqaqai ena rawa ni vakacegui mai na nona itutu ke sega ni qarava rawa na itavi lavaki (ke vu mai na tauvimate vakayago se vakasama, se ena dua tale na ka) se ena itovo ca, ka na sega ni vakacegui ena dua tale na iwalewale.

(7) Na ivakarau ni nona vakacegui na lewenimataveivaqaqai me na tautauvata kei na ivakarau ni nodra vakacegui na Daunilewa kei na vakailesilesi ni mataveilewai me vaka e vakamacalataki ena tikina 112.

(8) Na kaukauwa kei na itavi ni Mataveivaqaqai e yavutaki ena lawa tabaki, ena rawa tale ga ni vakarautaki ena lawa tabaki na iKuri ni itavi ni Mataveivaqaqai.


(9) Me iKuri ni itavi ena lawa tabaki, na Mataveivaqaqai me rogoca ka vakatulewataka na itotogi me baleta na ivakarau ni cakacaka ni vakailesilesi vakamatanitu ka vakatauca na—

(a) Matabose ni Veiqaravi Vakamatanitu–vua e dua na vunivola tudei; se

(b) vunivola tudei, Daunilawa Levu, Daireketa ni Veibeitaki ni Matanitu, se Vunivola Levu ni Palimedi—vua e dua na vakailesilesi ena nona Tabacakacaka se Valenivolavola.

(10) Na vakatulewa ni Mataveivaqaqai qo ena rawa ni railesuva na Mataveilewai e Cake.

(11) Na lawa tabaki ena rawa ni vakarautaka na veitikina ni Mataveivaqaqai, oka kina na ivakarau kei na ituvatuva ni rogoci ni kisi.

(12) Ena vakayagataki ni kaukauwa ena tikina qo, na Mataveivaqaqai ena sega ni rogoca na vakatulewa ni dua tale na tamata, se matabose, se tabacakacaka vakavo ke vakarota na mataveilewai se virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo se na lawa tabaki.

(13) Na lewenimataveivaqaqai me na saumi ena isau ni veiqaravi e vakatautaka na Peresitedi ena ivakasala ni Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai ni salamuria na veitalanoa kei na Daunilawa, na isau me kua ni veisautaki vakavo ke vakayacori e dua na veisau me vakalailaitaki kina na isau, na veisau me vakayacori vakatautauvata vei ira kece na vakailesilesi vakamatanitu.

(14) Na Mataveivaqaqai e rawa ni vakalawataka na nona ituvatuva ni veiqaravi ka rawa tale ga ni vakadavora e so na lewa se lawasau e gadrevi me baleta na kena qaravi na itavi.

(15) Na Mataveivaqaqai me na solia wasoma na itukutuku kei na ivakasala i na Palimedi me baleta na nona itavi kei na kena qaravi.

(16) Na isau, idole kei na oco, e saumi vua na lewenimataveivaqaqai me tauri mai na Umailavo Cokovata ni Matanitu.

(17) Na Palimedi me raica me veiganiti na ivotavota ni ilavo kei na veika e gadrevi ena cakacaka ni Mataveivaqaqai, qo me rawa ni vakayagataka vinaka ka vakayagataka ena galala na kaukauwa e tiko vua, ena qaravi ni itavi.

Matabose ni Veiqaravi Vakadodonu kei na Veiqaravi Savasava 121.—(1) Na tikina qo e tauyavutaka na Matabose ni Veiqaravi Vakadodonu kei

na Veiqaravi Savasava.

(2) Na Matabose me lewena e dua na Jemeni, kei na 2 tale na lewena e digitaka na Peresitedi ena ivakasala ni Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai ni oti na veitalanoa kei na Vunilawa.

(3) Na Jemeni ni Matabose, me Daunilewa se dua e rawa ni Daunilewa.


(4) Na lewenimatabose ena veiqaravi me 3 na yabaki ka rawa ni digitaki tale me veiqaravi.

(5) Na Peresitedi e rawa ni digitaka e dua me taura vakatawa na itutu ni lewenimatabose, ena ivakasala ni Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai salamuria na nodra veitalanoa kei na Vunilawa, ena gauna e lala kina na itutu se ena gauna e yali se gole kina vakacakacaka i vanuatani na lewenimatabose, se ena dua ga na inaki e sega ni qarava rawa kina na nona itavi.

(6) Na lewenimatabose ena rawa ni vakacegui mai na nona itutu ke sega ni qarava rawa na itavi lavaki (ke vu mai na tauvimate vakayago se vakasama, se ena dua tale na ka) se ena itovo ca, ka na sega ni vakacegui ena dua tale na iwalewale.

(7) Na ivakarau ni nona vakacegui na lewenimatabose me na tautauvata na ivakarau ni nodra vakacegui na Daunilewa se vakailesilesi ni mataveilewai e digitaka na Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai me vaka e vakamacalataki ena tikina 112.

(8) Na kaukauwa, kei na itavi ni Matabose e yavutaki ena lawa tabaki ka na rawa tale ga ni vakarautaki ena lawa tabaki na iKuri ni itavi ni Matabose.

(9) Na lawa tabaki ena solia vua na Matabose na lewa kei na kaukauwa me ciqoma ka vaqaqa na kudru me baleta na Vunivola Tudei ni matanitu kei na vakailesilesi ni valenivolavola ni lewenivanua.

(10) Ena vakayagataki ni kaukauwa ena tikina qo, na Matabose ena sega ni rogoca na vakatulewa ni dua tale na tamata, se matabose, se tabacakacaka vakavo ke vakarota na mataveilewai se virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo se na lawa tabaki.

(11) Na lewenimatabose me na saumi ena isau ni veiqaravi e vakatautaka na Peresitedi ena ivakasala ni Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai ni salamuria na veitalanoa kei na Vunilawa, ia na isau me kua ni veisautaki vakavo ke vakayacori e dua na veisau me vakalailaitaki kina na isau, na veisau me vakayacori vakatautauvata vei ira kece na vakailesilesi Vakamatanitu.

(12) Na Matabose e rawa ni vakalawataka na nona ituvatuva ni veiqaravi ka rawa tale ga ni vakadavora e so na lewa se lawasau e gadrevi me baleta na kena qaravi na itavi.

(13) Na Matabose me na solia wasoma na itukutuku kei na vakasala i na Palimedi me baleta na nona itavi kei na kena qaravi.

(14) Na Matabose e tu vua na kaukauwa me vakacakacakataka, vakaceguya, se totogitaka na vakailesilesi taucoko (oka kina o ira na veiqaravi e valenivolavola) ena valenivolavola ni Matabose.

(15) Na Matabose e tu vua na kaukauwa me vakatulewataka na veika vakacakacaka me baleti ira na vakailesilesi ena Matabose, okati kina—

(a) na ivakarau kei na iwalewale ni cakacaka;


(b) na ivakatagedegede ni vuli e gadrevi kei na ivakarau me vakamuri me baleta na veivakacakacakataki, ka dodonu me dola raraba, vakarawarawataki, valataki vakasavasava, ia na veidigitaki me yavutaki ena rawaka;

(c) na isau, idole kei na oco me saumi, e dodonu me veiganiti kei na ivotavota vakailavo e vakadonuya na Palimedi; kei na

(d) levu taucoko ni vakailesilesi vakadeitaki se levu ni vakailesilesi e digitaki, e dodonu me veiraurau kei na ivotavota vakailavo e vakadonuya na Palimedi.

(16) Na isau, idole kei na oco, e saumi vua na lewenimatabose me tauri mai na Umailavo Cokovata ni Matanitu.

(17) Na Palimedi me raica me veiganiti na ivotavota vakailavo kei na veika e gadrevi ena cakacaka ni Matabose, qo me rawa ni vakayagataka vinaka ka vakayagataka ena galala na kaukauwa e tiko vua, ena qaravi ni itavi.

(18) Na Matabose ena vakatulewa ga ena ituvatuva vakailavo me vaka e sa vakadonuya na Palimedi.

iTutu tawani 122. Na Wase qo ena sega ni vakaleqa na itutu e virikotori ena Wase qo ka sa tawani

tiko mai ni bera ni vakayagataki na Yavunivakavulewa qo.




Veika me vakabibitaki ka rokovi 123. Na veika me vakabibitaki ka rokovi ena veiqaravi vakamatanitu e okati kina


(a) ivakatagedegede cecere ni veiqaravi, okati kina na ivakarau vinaka kei na dina;

(b) kena vakayacori vakadodonu na ituvatuva ni Matanitu kei na kena taurivaki na lawa;

(c) galala mai na cakacaka vakabutobuto;

(d) vakayagataki vakamatau ni iyau ni matanitu;

(e) na kena rogoci ka saumi totolo na vakatataro ni lewenivanua kei na nodra qaravi e na sala e veidokai, dodonu, veiganiti, savasava ka vakatautauvata;

(f) nuitaki ena ivakarau ni veiqaravi;

(g) cakacaka savasava me vaka na—

(i) vakasavui ni itukutuku dina ena kena gauna donu vei ira na lewenivanua; kei na

(ii) totolo, taucoko kei na dina ni itukutuku e vakasavui i na Palimedi me vaka e toqai tu ena lawa;

(h) vakayacori vakadodonu na vakatulewa ni tamata cakacaka kei na vakatoroicaketaki ni cakacaka e curumi me rawa ni taucoko na cakacaka; kei na

(i) vakacurumi ni tamata cakacaka kei na tosoi ni itutu vakacakacaka me vakatautaki ena—

(i) veitalanoararaba,kuanivakatabakidua,kamevalatakivakasavasava; kei na

(ii) rawati ni veika lavaki, vuli, kila vakacakacaka kei na vei rawaka tale e so.

Mera lewenivanua tudei na cakacaka vakamatanitu 124. E dua na tamata, se matabose, se tabacakacaka e digitaka e dua na vakailesilesi

ni valenivolavola ni lewenivanua (sega ni okati na valenivolavola e virokotori ena Wase 5) me kua ni digitaka e dua e sega ni lewenivanua e Viti, vakavo kevaka sa vakadonuya na Paraiminisita.


Matabose ni Cakacaka Vakamatanitu 125.—(1) Na Matabose ni Cakacaka Vakamatanitu e tauyavutaki ena Dikiri ni

Veiqaravi Vakamatanitu 2009, me na tomani tiko ga.

(2) Na Matabose ni Cakacaka Vakamatanitu me na lewena e—

(a) dua na Jemeni; ka

(b) kua ni lailai mai na 3 na lewena, ka me kua tale ga ni sivia na 5,

me digitaka na Peresitedi ena ivakasala ni Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa.

(3) Kevaka e lala na itutu ni Jemeni ni Matabose ni Veiqaravi Vakamatanitu se gole vakacakacaka i vanuatani, se ena dua na inaki e sega ni qarava rawa kina na nona itavi, na Peresitedi ena ivakasala ni Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa, e rawa ni digitaka e dua me taura vakatawa na itutu ni Jemeni ni Matabose ni Cakacaka Vakamatanitu.

(4) Na Peresitedi me na digitaka e dua me lewenibose vakatawa ena Matabose ni Cakacaka Vakamatanitu, mai na ivakasala ni Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa, ena dua na gauna se ena gauna kece e gole vakacakacaka i vanuatani, se ena dua na inaki e sega ni qarava rawa kina na nona itavi o ira na lewenimatabose ni Cakacaka Vakamatanitu.

iTavi ni Matabose ni Cakacaka Vakamatanitu 126.—(1) Ena vuku ni tikina qo kei na veitikina tale ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, na

Matabose ni Cakacaka Vakamatanitu e nona itavi me—

(a) digitaka na vunivola tudei ena nona veivakadonui na Paraiminisita;

(b) vakaceguya na vunivola tudei ena nona veivakadonui na Paraiminisita;

(c) totogitaka na vunivola tudei; ka

(d) cakava e so tale na veidigitaki, qarava na itavi tale e so me vaka e vakamacalataki vakalawa.

(2) Na itavi ni Matabose ni Cakacaka Vakamatanitu e sega ni yacova—

(a) na valenivolavola ni Daunilewa se valenivolavola e qarava na Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai;

(b) na valenivolavola e veiqaravi i na dua tale na tabana ni veiqaravi me vaka e vakamacalataki ena lawa tabaki;

(c) na valenivolavola ni Mataivalu ni Viti, Tabana ni Ovisa se na Tabana ni Veivakadodonutaki; se

(d) na valenivolavola e tauyavutaki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.


Vunivola tudei 127.—(1) Na tiko ena veivalenivolavola ni matanitu na valenivolavola ni vunivola

tudei, ka na valenivolavola ena loma ni matanitu.

(2) Na veitabana taucoko ni matanitu e vakarurugi ena veiliutaki ni kena vunivola tudei kei na Tabana e sega ni okati kina e dua na Tabacakacaka e vakarurugi ena veiliutaki ni vunivola tudei ena Valenivolavola ni Paraiminisita.

(3) Na vunivola tudei ni dua na valenivolavola ni matanitu e veiqaravi vua na kena Minisita ena taucoko, vakavotukana kei na kena vakatulewataki na iyau ni valenivolavola se dua tale na tabana ena valenivolavola.

(4) Na Matabose ni Veiqaravi Vakamatanitu ena veivakadonui ni Paraminisita, e rawa ni lesia e dua se so tale na vunivola tudei ena veitabana Vakamatanitu.

(5) Ena rawa ni kerea vakaivola na nona vakacegu e dua na vunivola tudei vua na Matabose ni Cakacaka Vakamatanitu.

(6) Na vunivola tudei me na saumi ena isau ni veiqaravi e vakatautaka na Matabose ni Cakacaka Vakamatanitu ena veivakadonui ni Paraiminisita, na isau me kua ni veisautaki vakavo ke vakayacori e dua na veisau me vakalailaitaki kina na isau, ia na veisau me vakayacori vakatautauvata vei ira kece na vakailesilesi vakamatanitu.

(7) Na vunivola tudei ni veivalenivolavola vakamatanitu e tu vua na lewa me digitaka, vakaceguya ka vaqaqai ira na tamata cakacaka ena loma ni valenivolavola ena nona veivakadonui na kena Minisita.

(8) Na vunivola tudei ni veivalenivolavola vakamatanitu, ena veivakadonui ni kena Minisita, e tu vua na kaukauwa me vakatulewa ena veika kece vakacakacaka me baleti ira na vakailesilesi ni valenivolavola, oka kina na—

(a) ivakarau kei na iwalewale ni cakacaka;

(b) ivakatagedegede ni vuli e gadrevi kei na ivakarau me vakamuri me baleta na veivakacakacakataki, ka dodonu me dola raraba, vakarawarawataki, valataki vakasavasava, ia na veidigitaki me yavutaki ena rawaka;

(c) na isau, idole, kei na oco me saumi e dodonu me veiganiti kei na ivotavota vakailavo e vakadonuya na Palimedi; kei na

(d) levu ni vakailesilesi vakadeitaki se levu ni vakailesilesi e digitaki, e dodonu me veiraurau kei na ivotavota vakailavo e vakadonuya na Palimedi.

Digitaki ni Mata e Vanuatani 128.—(1) Na Paraiminisita e rawa, ena ivakasala ni Minisita ni Vanuatani, me

digitaki ira na vakailesilesi ni Valenivolavola ni Mata e Vanuatani se so tale na vakailesilesi e vanuatani se vakailesilesi ni isoqosoqo e vuravura.

(2) Na Paraminisita e rawa, ena ivakasala ni Minisita ni Vanuatani, me vakaceguya e dua mai na valenivolavola me vaka e vakamacalataki tiko ena wasetiki (1).



Tabana ni Ovisa 129.—(1) Na Tabana ni Ovisa a tauyavutaki ena lawa tabaki ena tomani tiko ga.

(2) Na valenivolavola ni Komisina ni Ovisa e tauyavutaki ena Dikiri ni Veiqaravi Vakamatanitu 2009, ena tomani tiko ga.

(3) Na Tabana ni Ovisa e liutaka na Komisina ni Ovisa.

(4) Na Peresitedi, ena veivakasalataki ni Matabose ni Yavunivakavulewa, ena digitaka na Komisina ni Ovisa ni salamuria na nona veitalanoa kei na Minisita e qarava na Tabana ni Ovisa.

(5) Na Komisina ni Ovisa e qarava na kena—

(a) vakarautaki kei na kena cicivaki na Tabana ni Ovisa; kei na

(b) veilesi kei na vakatulewataki ni kena veiqaravi,

kevaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (6), e sega ni okati ena idusidusi se vakatulewa ni dua tale na tamata, se matabose, se tabacakacaka me baleta na itavi e virikotori ena wasetiki qo.

(6) Na Minisita e qarava na Tabana ni Ovisa ena dau vakarautaka na ituvatuva raraba vua na Komisina ni Ovisa ka dodonu me na vakayacora na veika e lavaki mai me vaka ga na kena inaki.

(7) Na Komisina ni Ovisa e tu vua na kaukauwa ena veitutu kece ni Tabana ni Ovisa, kei ira na vakailesilesi tale e so era lewena na Tabana ni Ovisa, me—

(a) digitaka na vakailesilesi ni Tabana ni Ovisa;

(b) vakacegui ira mai na Tabana ni Ovisa; ka

(c) totogitaki ira na vakailesilesi ena Tabana ni Ovisa,

kei na lawa tabaki kece e vauca na Tabana ni Ovisa me na vakadewataki vakamatau.

(8) Na Komisina ni Ovisa, ena veivakadonui ni Minisita e qarava na Tabana ni Ovisa, e tu vua na kaukauwa me vakatulewa ena veika kece vakacakacaka me baleti ira na Ovisa, oka kina na—

(a) ivakarau kei na iwalewale ni cakacaka;

(b) ivakatagedegede ni vuli e gadrevi kei na ivakarau me vakamuri me baleta na veivakacakacakataki, ka dodonu me dola raraba, vakarawarawataki, valataki vakasavasava, ia na veidigitaki me yavutaki ena rawaka;

(c) na isau, idole, kei na oco me saumi e dodonu me veiganiti kei na ivotavota ni ilavo e vakadonuya na Palimedi; kei na


(d) levu ni vakailesilesi vakadeitaki se levu ni vakailesilesi e digitaki, e dodonu me veiraurau kei na ivotavota vakailavo e vakadonuya na Palimedi.

(9) Na lawa tabaki me na vakamacalataki kina na veika e baleta na Tabana ni Ovisa

Tabana ni Veivakadodonutaki e Viti 130.—(1) Na Tabana ni Veivakadodonutaki e Viti e tauyavutaki ena lawa tabaki,

me na tomani tiko ga.

(2) Na valenivolavola ni Komisina ni Veivakadodonutaki e Viti e tauyavutaki ena Dikiri ni Veiqaravi Vakamatanitu 2009 me na tomani tiko ga.

(3) Na Tabana ni Veivakadodonutaki e Viti e vakarurugi ena vakatulewa ni Komisina ni Veivakadodonutaki.

(4) Na Peresitedi e digitaka na Komisina ni Veivakadodonutaki, ena ivakasala ni Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa, salamuria na nodra veitalanoa kei na Minisita e qarava na Tabana ni Veivakadodonutaki.

(5) Na Komisina ni Veivakadodonutaki e qarava na—

(a) vakarautaki kei na kena cicivaki na Tabana ni Veivakadodonutaki e Viti; kei na

(b) veilesi kei na vakatulewataki ni kena veiqaravi, kevaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (6),

e sega ni okati ena idusidusi se vakatulewa ni dua tale na tamata, se matabose, se tabacakacaka me baleta na itavi e virikotori ena wasetiki qo.

(6) Na Minisita e qarava na Tabana ni Veivakadodonutaki e Viti, ena dau solia na ituvatuva raraba me baleta na Tabana ni Veivakadodonutaki e Viti, kevaka sa soli, me na vakamuria na Komisina ni Veivakadodonutaki.

(7) Na Komisina ni Veivakadodonutaki e tu vua na kaukauwa ena veitutu kece ni Tabana ni Veivakadodonutaki e Viti, kei ira na vakailesilesi tale e so e lewena na Tabana ni Veivakadodonutaki e Viti, me—

(a) digitaka na vakailesilesi ni Tabana ni Veivakadodonutaki e Viti;

(b) vakacegui ira mai na Tabana ni Veivakadodonutaki e Viti; ka

(c) totogitaki ira na vakailesilesi ena Tabana ni Veivakadodonutaki e Viti,

kei na lawa tabaki kece e vauca na Tabana ni Veivakadodonutaki e Viti me na vakadewataki vakamatau.


(8) Na Komisina ni Veivakadodonutaki, ena veivakadonui ni Minisita e qarava na Tabana ni Veivakadodonutaki e Viti, e tu vua na kaukauwa me vakatulewa ena veika kece vakacakacaka me baleti ira na lewe ni Tabana ni Veivakadodonutaki e Viti, oka kina na—

(a) ivakarau kei na iwalewale ni cakacaka;

(b) ivakatagedegede ni vuli e gadrevi kei na ivakarau me vakamuri me baleta na veivakacakacakataki, ka dodonu me dola raraba, vakarawarawataki, valataki vakasavasava, ia na veidigitaki me yavutaki ena rawaka;

(c) na isau, idole, kei na oco me saumi e dodonu me veiganiti kei na ivotavota vakailavo e vakadonuya na Palimedi; kei na

(d) levu ni vakailesilesi vakadeitaki se levu ni vakailesilesi e digitaki, e dodonu me veiraurau kei na ivotavota vakailavo e vakadonuya na Palimedi.

(9) Na lawa tabaki me na vakamacalataki kina na veika e baleta na Tabana ni Veivakadodonutaki e Viti.

Tabana ni Mataivalu e Viti 131.—(1) Na Tabana ni Mataivalu e Viti e tauyavutaki ena Dikiri ni Veiqaravi

Vakamatanitu 2009, ena tomani tiko ga.

(2) Na itavi raraba ni Tabana ni Mataivalu e Viti me raica ena gauna taucoko na maroroi, taqomaki kei na tiko sautu ni noda vanua kei na kai Viti.

(3) Na Komada ni Mataivalu me raica na kena tutaki na veiqaravi ni Tabana ni Mataivalu e Viti.

(4) Na Peresitedi e digitaka na Komada ni Mataivalu ena ivakasala ni Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa, salamuria na nodra veitalanoa kei na Minisita e qarava na Tabana ni Mataivalu e Viti.

(5) Na Komada ni Mataivalu e tu vua na kaukauwa ena veitutu kece ni Tabana ni Mataivalu e Viti, kei ira na vakailesilesi tale e so e lewena na Tabana ni Mataivalu e Viti, me—

(a) digitaka na vakailesilesi ni Tabana ni Mataivalu e Viti; .

(b) vakacegui ira mai na Tabana ni Mataivalu e Viti; ka

(c) totogitaki ira na vakailesilesi ena Tabana ni Mataivalu e Viti,

kei na lawa tabaki kece e vauca na Tabana ni Mataivalu e Viti me na vakadewataki vakamatau.


(6) Na Komada ni Mataivalu, ena veivakadonui ni Minisita e qarava na Tabana ni Mataivalu e Viti, e tu vua na kaukauwa me vakatulewa ena veika kece vakacakacaka me baleti ira na lewe ni Tabana ni Mataivalu e Viti, oka kina na:

(a) ivakarau kei na iwalewale ni cakacaka;

(b) ivakatagedegede ni vuli e gadrevi kei na ivakarau me vakamuri ena veivakacakacakataki, ka dodonu me dola raraba, vakarawarawataki, valataki vakasavasava, ia na veidigitaki me yavutaki ena rawaka;

(c) na isau, idole, kei na oco me saumi e dodonu me veiganiti kei na ivotavota vakailavo e vakadonuya na Palimedi; kei na

(d) levu ni vakailesilesi vakadeitaki se levu ni vakailesilesi e digitaki, e dodonu me veiraurau kei na ivotavota vakailavo e vakadonuya na Palimedi.

(7) Na lawa tabaki e vakamacalataki kina na veika me baleta na Tabana ni Mataivalu e Viti.


Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa 132.—(1) E tauyavutaki ena tikina qo na Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni


(2) Na Matabose me na lewena na—

(a) Paraiminisita, me Jemeni;

(b) iLiuliu ni iToniveisaqa;

(c) Vunilawa;

(d) 2 tale me digitaka na Peresitedi ena ivakasala ni Paraiminisita; kei na

(e) 1 me digitaka na Peresitedi ena ivakasala ni iLiuliu ni iToniveisaqa.

(3) Na Matabose e rawa ni vakalawataka na nona ituvatuva ni veiqaravi ka rawa tale ga ni vakadavora e so na lewa se lawasau e gadrevi me baleta na kena qaravi na itavi.

(4) Na Matabose me na solia wasoma na itukutuku kei na ivakasala vua na Palimedi me baleta na nona itavi kei na kena qaravi.

(5) Ena vakayagataki ni kaukauwa ena tikina qo, na Matabose ena sega ni vakarogoca na vakatulewa ni dua tale na tamata, se matabose, se tabacakacaka, vakavo ke vakarota na mataveilewai se virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo se na lawa tabaki.

(6) Na iwiliwili vakabau ena bose ni Matabose me na lewena na Jemeni kei na rua tale na lewena.

(7) Na vunivola ni Matabose na Daunilawa Levu.


(8) Na lewenimatabose e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki 2(d) kei na (e) me na veiqaravi me 3 na yabaki ka rawa ni na digitaki tale me veiqaravi.

(9) Na lewenimatabose e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (2)(d) kei na (e) me na saumi ena isau ni veiqaravi kei na oco e vakatautaka na Peresitedi, na isau kei na oco me kua ni veisautaki ena gauna ni nodra veiqaravi vakavo ke vakayacori e dua na veisau me vakalailaitaki kina na isau, ia na veisau me vakayacori vakatautauvata vei ira kece na vakailesilesi vakamatanitu.

(10) Na lewenimatabose e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (2)(d) se na (e) ena rawa ni vakacegui mai na nona itutu ke sega ni qarava rawa na itavi lavaki (ke vu mai na tauvimate vakayago se vakasama, se ena dua tale na ka) se ena itovo ca, ka na sega ni vakacegui ena dua tale na iwalewale.

(11) Na veivakacegui mai na dua na itutu ni lewenimatabose e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (2)(d) kei na (e) me salavata kei na wasetiki (12).

(12) Kevaka e nanuma na Navosavakadua ena nona veitalanoa kei na Vunilawa me vaqaqai na vakacegui ni lewenimatabose e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (2)(d) se (e), me na—

(a) digitaka na Navosavakadua –

(i) ena kisi ni itovo ca—na mataveivaqaqai, me lewena e dua na Jemeni ka sega ni lailai mai na 2 tale me lewena, e digitaki mai vei ira era taura tiko se era na rawa ni taura na itutu ni Daunilawa ni Mataveilewai e Cake; kei na

(ii) kena nanumi ni na sega ni qarava rawa na nona itavi—na matabose ni bula me na lewena e dua na Jemeni kei na rua tale, me rau vakaivola vakavuniwai;

(b) na mataveivaqaqai se matabose ni bula me dikeva na leqa qo qai vakarautaka e dua na kena ripote vua na Peresitedi, na vakasalataka na Peresitedi ena nona vakatutu kevaka me vakacegui se sega na lewenimatabose e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (2)(d) se (e); kei na

(c) kena vakatulewataki na vakacegui ni lewenimatabose e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (2)(d) se (e), na Peresitedi me na vakatulewa vakamatau ka salavata na ivakasala ni mataveivaqaqai se na matabose ni bula.

(13) Na Peresitedi, ena vakasala ni Navosavakadua salamuria na nodrau veitalanoa kei na Vunilawa, e rawa ni vakaceguya tuvakawawa e dua na lewenimatabose e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (2)(d) se (e) ena gauna e vakayacori kina na veivaqaqai kei na kena soli vua ka tauyavutaki na mataveivaqaqai se matabose ni bula ena wasetiki (12) ka rawa tale ga ni laveta na ivakaro tuvakawawa.


(14) Na kena vakacegui tuvakawawa ena wasetiki (13) na lewenimatabose e vakamacalataki ena parakaravu (d) se (e) ena wasetiki (2), ena mudu kevaka e sa vakadeitaka na Peresitedi me na kua ni vakacegui na lewenimatabose.

(15) Na ripote ni mataveivaqaqai se na vakatutu ni matabose ni bula e vakarautaki ena wasetiki (12) me na vakaraitaki raraba.

iTavi ni Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa 133. Na Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa e yavutaki na nona itavi

ena Yavunivakavulewa qo kei na lawa tabaki tale e so, me soli ivakasala vua na Peresitedi ena kena digitaki na—

(a) Jemeni kei ira na lewena na Matabose ni Dodonu ni Tamata kei na Valuti ni Veivakaduiduitaki;

(b) Jemeni kei ira na lewena na Matabose ni Veidigidigi;

(c) iLiuliu ni Veidigidigi;

(d) Vunivola Levu ni Palimedi;

(e) Jemeni kei na Lewe ni Matabose ni Veiqaravi Vakamatanitu;

(f) Komisina ni Ovisa;

(g) Komisina ni Tabana ni Veivakadodonutaki;

(h) Komada ni Mataivalu e Viti;

(i) Daunifika Levu; kei na

(j) Kovana ni Baqe ni Maroroi iLavo e Viti.


Vakayagataki 134. Na tabana qo e baleta na—

(a) iLiuliu ni Veidigidigi;

(b) Vunivola Levu ni Palimedi;

(c) Komisina ni Ovisa; (d) Komisina ni Tabana ni Veivakadodonutaki;

(e) Komada ni Mataivalu e Viti;

(f) Daunifika Levu;

(g) Kovana ni Baqe ni Maroroi ni iLavo e Viti;


(h) O ira na lewena na Matabose ni Dodonu ni Tamata kei na Valuti ni Veivakaduiduitaki;

(i) O ira na lewena na Matabose ni Veidigidigi; kei na

(j) O ira na lewena na Matabose ni Veiqaravi Vakamatanitu.

iVakarau kei na iwalewale ni valenivolavola 135.—(1) Ena vuku ni tikina qo, na tamata e vakaitutu ena valenivolavola ka

vakamacalataki ena tikina 134(a) kina (g) me tawana na itutu me 5 na yabaki ka rawa ni digitaki tale me veiqaravi.

(2) Ena vuku ni tikina qo, na tamata e vakaitutu ena valenivolavola ka vakamacalataki ena tikina 134(h) kina (j) me tawana na itutu me 3 na yabaki ka rawa ni digitaki tale me veiqaravi.

(3) Na veidigitaki ena Tabana qo ena vakatau ena ivakarau kei na iwalewale (kevaka e dua) e vakarautaki ena Tabana qo.

(4) Ena nodra qaravi itavi se na vakayagataki ni nodra kaukauwa, o ira era digitaki ena Tabana qo e sega ni okati ena idusidusi se vakatulewa ni dua tale na tamata vakavo ke vakarautaki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo se na lawa tabaki.

iSau kei na oco 136.—(1) O ira era okati ena Tabana qo e dodonu mera na vakaivotavota ena isau

kei na oco e vakatulewa kina na Peresitedi ena ivakasala ni Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa, ia me na kua ni vakalailaitaki na ivotavota ena isau kei na oco ena gauna ni nona veiqaravi, vakavo ke vakayacori e dua na veisau me vakalailaitaki kina na isau, ia na veisau me vakayacori vakatautauvata vei ira kece na vakailesilesi Vakamatanitu.

(2) Ena veivakasalataki ni Peresitedi me baleta na isau kei na oco mera saumi kina o ira era okati ena Tabana qo, na Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa me tauyavutaka e dua na komiti tuvakaikoya (sega ni oka kina o ira era lewena na valenivolavola ni lewenivanua) me vakasalataka na Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa ena isau kei na oco me saumi vei ira era okati ena Tabana qo.

Vu ni vakacegui mai na nona itutu 137.—(1) E dua e okati ena Tabana qo ena rawa ni vakacegui mai na nona itutu ke

sega ni qarava rawa na itavi lavaki (ke vu mai na tauvimate vakayago se vakasama, se ena dua tale na ka) se ena itovo ca, ka na sega ni vakacegui ena dua tale na iwalewale.

(2) Na veivakacegui mai na dua na itutu me salavata kei na tikina qo.

(3) Kevaka e nanuma na Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa me vaqaqai na vu ni veivakacegui, na—

(a) Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa me na digitaka—

(i) ena kisi ni itovo ca—na mataveivaqaqai, me lewena e dua na Jemeni kei na 2 tale, era digitaki mai vei ira era taura tiko se era na rawa ni taura na itutu ni Daunilewa; kei na


(ii) ena kena nanumi ni sega ni qarava rawa na nona itavi—na matabose ni bula me na lewena e dua na Jemeni kei na rua tale, me rau vakaivola vakavuniwai;

(b) na mataveivaqaqai se matabose ni bula me dikeva na leqa qo qai vakarautaka e dua na kena ripote vua na Peresitedi ka veivakasalataki ena vakatutu kevaka me vakacegui se sega o koya e taura na itutu ena Tabana qo; kei na

(c) kena vakatulewataki na vakacegui ni dua e taura na itutu ena Tabana qo, na Peresitedi me na vakatulewa vakamatau ka salavata na ivakasala ni mataveivaqaqai se na matabose ni bula.

(4) Na Peresitedi, ena ivakasala ni Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa, e rawa, ena ivakarau kei na iwalewale e nanuma ni veiganiti, me vakaceguya tuvakawawa e dua e taura na itutu ena Tabana qo, ena gauna e vakayacori tiko kina na veivaqaqai se ena gauna e waraki tiko kina na kena soli kei na kena digitaki na mataveivaqaqai se na matabose ni bula ena wasetiki (3), ka na rawa tale ga me bokoca na veivakacegui tuvakawawa.

(5) Na kena vakacegui tuvakawawa e dua e taura na itutu me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (4) ena muduki kevaka sa vakadeitaka na Peresitedi me na kua ni vakacegui.

(6) Na ripote ni mataveivaqaqai se na vakatutu ni matabose ni bula, ena vuku ni kisi qo, me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (3) me vakaraitaki raraba.

Qaravi ni itavi ni matabose kei na mataveivaqaqai 138.—(1) Na tikina qo e oka kina na—

(a) Matabose ni Dodonu ni Tamata kei na Valuti ni Veivakaduiduitaki; (b) Matabose ni Veidigidigi;

(c) Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai; (d) Matabose ni Veivuke Vakalawa; (e) Matabose ni Veivosoti;

(f) Mataveivaqaqai ni Kudru ni Veiqaravi Vakamatanitu;

(g) Matabose ni Veiqaravi Vakadodonu kei na Veiqaravi Savasava;

(h) Matabose ni Veiqaravi Vakamatanitu; (i) Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa; kei na

(j) mataveivaqaqai se na matabose ni bula e tauyavutaki se digitaki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, me dikeva na kena vakacegui e dua.

(2) Na matabose se mataveivaqaqai e kovuti ena tikina qo, e rawa ni vakarautaka vakalawa na ivakarau ni kena qaravi tavi.


(3) Na vakatulewa ni matabose se mataveivaqaqai e kovuti ena tikina qo ena gadreva na duavata ni lewe levu ni lewenimatabose, ka na rawa ni vakatulewa tiko ga kevaka e sega ni tiko e dua na lewenimatabose, ia kevaka e sa vakayacori na veidigidigi me vakadeitaki kina e dua na taro, ka mai tai na digidigi, o koya e liutaka na bose e na vakayagataka na nona dodonu ni digidigi.

(4) Vakavo ke vakarautaki ena tikina qo, na matabose se mataveivaqaqai e kovuti ena tikina qo me na vakalawataka na nona ituvatuva ni veiqaravi.

(5) Ena nona qaravi itavi se na vakayagataki ni nona kaukauwa, na matabose se mataveivaqaqai e sega ni okati ena idusidusi se vakatulewa ni dua tale na tamata, se matabose, se tabacakacaka, vakavo ke vakarautaki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

(6) E sega ni dua na tikina ena wasetiki (5) e yalana na itavi ni Matanitu me baleta na ituvatuva ni veiqaravi Vakamatanitu, se na polisi me baleta na cicivaki ni veiqaravi Vakamatanitu.

(7) Ena iKuri ni itavi e soli vua ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, na matabose se mataveivaqaqai e tiko vua na kaukauwa kei na itavi tale e so (kevaka e vakarautaki) me vaka e vakarautaki vakalawa.

(8) Ena sega ni vakaleqai na veiqaravi ni matabose se mataveivaqaqai, kevaka e dua e sega ni dodonu me mai vakaitavi, a mai vakaitavi.

(9) Na matabose se mataveivaqaqai e kovuti ena tikina qo e tautauvata na nona kaukauwa kei na Mataveilewai e Cake ena vuku ni kena kacivi kei na vakatarogi e dua e soli vakadinadina (okati kina na veika vakaivola ni bubului kei na vakatarogi ni soli vakadinadina ni dua e tiko mai vanuatani) kei na vakarautaki ni veika vakaivola.



Rawati ni iyau 139—(1) Na rawati ni iyau se ilavo ni Matanitu, mai na ivakacavacava se dua tale

na ivurevure ni rawaka, e dodonu me vakadonui ena lawa tabaki.

(2) Ena sega ni dua na ivakacavacava se ilavo lavaki me na vakataqari, boko se veisautaka na Matanitu vakavo sara kevaka e virikotori ena lawa tabaki.

(3) Kevaka e dua na lawa tabaki e vakatara me bokoci se veisautaki na ivakacavacava se ilavo lavaki—

(a) me maroroi na ivola tukutuku ni kena bokoci se veisautaki kei na kena ivakamacala; kei na

(b) kena bokoci se veisautaki kei na kena ivakamacala, me qai ripotetaki vua na Daunifika Levu.

(4) E sega ni dua na lawa me vakagalalataka se soli na dodonu vua e dua na vakailesilesi ni valenivolavola ni lewenivanua me na kua ni sauma na ivakacavacava se na ilavo lavaki, ena vuku ni—

(a) itutu e qarava; se

(b) itavi e qarava ena valenivolavola ni lewenivanua.

Umailavo Cokovata ni Matanitu 140.—(1) Na ilavo taucoko e rawata se ciqoma na Matanitu me na vakacurumi ena

Umailavo Cokovata ni Matanitu.

(2) Na wasetiki (1) e sega ni okati kina na iyau se ilavo me saumi e na dua na lawa tabaki ena loma ni dua tale na tobu ni ilavo e tauyavutaki ena dua na inaki se maroroya e dua, se matabose, se tabacakacaka ena dua na lawa tabaki ena vagalalataki ni sausaumi ni tabacakacaka oya.

Me vakadonui vakalawa na vakayagataki ilavo 141. Me kua ni tarai na ilavo mai na Umailavo Cokovata ni Matanitu se na tobu

ni ilavo e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki 140(2), vakavo kevaka sa vakadonui vakalawa.

Kaukauwa me vakayagataki na ilavo ni bera na veivakadonui vakalawa 142.—(1) Vakavo ke yalani ena lawa tabaki, kevaka e se bera ni taurivaki na

Lawatu ni Vakayagataki iLavo ena itekivu ni dua na yabaki, na Minisita ni ilavo e tu vua na kaukauwa me vakadonuya na vakayagataki ni ilavo ena tobu ni Umailavo Cokovata ni Matanitu me baleta na veiqaravi ni Matanitu, ia qo me vakamuria na ivakarau me vaka e virikotori ena lawa tabaki.

(2) Na levu ni ilavo e vakadonui me vakayagataki me baleta na veiqaravi ni Matanitu me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (1), me kua ni sivia na dua na ikatolu ni ilavo a vakayagataki ena yabaki sa oti.


E gadrevi na veivakadonui ni Minisita ena wasewasei ni ilavo se na musu ivakacavacava 143. Na lawa tabaki, e—

(a) vakamacalataka na vakayagataki ni iyau, ilavo se tubu ni kena vakayagataki;

(b) lavaka na saumi ni ivakacavacava se me vakatubura na saumi ni ivakacavacava; se

(c) vakalailaitaka na dinau me saumi i na Matanitu,

ena qai vakadonuya ga na Palimedi kevaka e tokona na Boseyaco, ka sainitaka na Minisita ni iLavo.

iTuvatuva ni ilavo vakayabaki 144.—(1) Ni cava na yabaki ena ika31 ni Tiseba se na tikinisiga e vakadonuya

na Palimedi, na minisita ni ilavo me vakamacalataka na ituvatuva ni ilavo vakayabaki i na Palimedi, vakaraitaki kina vakacaca, na levu ni ilavo ena rawati kei na kena ena vakayagataki, ka kovuti tale ga kina na veiqaravi ni matanitu kei na veiqaravi ni Palimedi.

(2) Na lawa tabaki me na vakadavora na ivakarau ni kena vakarautaki na ituvatuva ni ilavo vakayabaki.

Veivakadeitaki vakailavo ni Matanitu 145.—(1) Na Matanitu me kua ni vakadeitaka vakalawa na rawaka vakailavo ni dua

na tamata se tabana ena soli ni dinau ni so tale na inaki, vakavo ke soli mai na veivakadonui ni Palimedi, ena kena ivakarau ka vakamacalataki vakalawa.

(2) Kevaka e sa duavata na Palimedi, na Minisita ni ilavo me na vakamacalataka ena lomani 7 na siga mai na kena duavata na Palimedi, na itukutuku me baleta e dua na soli dinau se na veivakadeitaki vakailavo, oka ena itukutuku kece me vakaraitaka na—

(a) balavu ni gauna e vauci kina na dinau kei na kena tubu;

(b) vakayagataki se na kena qai vakayagataki na ilavo e rawa mai na dinau se na inaki ni veivakadeitaki vakailavo;

(c) lawa e vauca na sausaumi ni dinau; kei na

(d) vanua sa yaco tiko kina na saumi ni dinau.

Vakamatatataki na ilavo ni lewenivanua 146. Na ilavo ni lewenivanua me na raici me vakamatatataki me vaka e virikotori

ena lawa se ena kena ivakarau vakafika e vakayagataki vakalevu ena veitabana kece e ciqomi raraba.

Yavu ni kena vakayagataki na Umailavo Cokovata ni Matanitu me baleta e so na isau kei na oco 147.—(1) Na tabana qo e kovuta na—

(a) Peresitedi; (b) vakailesilesi ni Mataveilewai;


(c) iLiuliu ni Veidigidigi;

(d) Vunivola Levu ni Palimedi;

(e) Daunilawa Levu;

(f) Daireketa ni Veibeitaki ni Matanitu;

(g) Komisina kei na iVukevuke ni Komisina ni Matabose Tuvakaikoya e Valuta na Cakacaka Butobuto;

(h) Komisina ni Ovisa; (i) Komisina ni Tabana ni Veivakadodonutaki; (j) Komada ni Mataivalu e Viti; (k) Daunifika Levu; (l) Jemeni kei na Matabose ni Dodonu ni Tamata kei na Valuti ni

Veivakaduiduitaki; (m) Jemeni kei ira na lewena na Matabose ni Veidigidigi; (n) Jemeni kei na Matabose ni Veiqaravi Vakadodonu kei na Veiqaravi

Savasava; (o) lewe ni Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai e vakamacalataki ena tikina

104(1)(d) kei na (e); (p) lewe ni Matabose ni Veivosoti e vakamacalataki ena tikina 119(2)(b); (q) na Jemeni kei na lewe ni Mataveivaqaqai ni Kudru ni Veiqaravi

Vakamatanitu; (r) na Jemeni kei na lewena na Matabose ni Cakacaka Vakamatanitu; (s) lewe ni Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa e vakamacalataki

ena tikina 132(2)(d) kei na (e); kei na

(t) Jemeni kei ira na lewena na mataveivaqaqai se matabose ni bula e tauyavutaki se digitaki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo me dikeva na kena vakacegui e dua mai na nona itutu.

(2) Na isau se idole e saumi vua e dua me vaka e vakamacalataki ena tikina qo me tauri mai na Umailavo Cokovata ni Matanitu.

Vakadonui ni kena vakayagataki na Umailavo Cokovata ni Matanitu ena so tale na inaki 148.—(1) Na dinau kece e oka kina na Matanitu kei na ilavo musuki (vakavo na

ilavo e sa saumi ena dua tale na tobu ka sa saumi oti vua e dua na tamata, se matabose, se tabacakacaka e dodonu me saumi) me na saumi mai na Umailavo Cokovata ni Matanitu ka me vakayagataki vakamatau.


(2) Ena tikina qo—

“dinau lavaki” kena ibalebale na, tubu, na sausaumi ena tobu e tauyavutaka na Matanitu ena inaki ni vakalailaitaki ni saumi ni dinau se na kena saumi na dinau e se bera ni saumi kei na kena voli na iyau maroroi vua na Matanitu, na levu ni ilavo dinautaki me saumi lesu kei na so tale na ilavo e vakayagataki ena vakatuburi ni ilavo kerei ena kena maroroi na ilavo ni Matanitu se ena tobu ni Umailavo Cokovata ni Matanitu;

“Veiqaravi e ganita” kena ibalebale na veiqaravi raraba ena valenivolavola ni lewenivanua, sega ni okati kina na veiqaravi ena mataivalu e wai, mataivalu e vanua kei na mataivalu e macawa; kei na

“idole ni peniseni” kena ibalebale na ilavo ni vakacegu, ivakayaga, ilavo saumi taumada se so tale na sausaumi e soli vua e dua ena nona veiqaravi se vei ira na watidra, luvedra, se dua ga e matataki koya mai.




iVakarau ni cakacaka 149. Na lawa tabaki me na—

(a) tauyavutaka e dua na ivakarau ni cakacaka e veiganiti vua na Peresitedi, Sipika, iVukevuke ni Sipika, Paraiminisita, Minisita, Lewenipalimedi, o ira na taura na itutu ni valenivolavola a tauyavutaka se tomani na kena qaravi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo se ena lawa tabaki, lewenimatabose, Vunivola Tudei, Mataki se ira na mata ni matanitu kei ira na taura na itutu e tauyavutaki vakalawa se ira na veiliutaki ena veitabacakacaka e tauyavutaki vakalawa, kei na vakailesilesi tale e so (oka kina na valenivolavola ni lewenivanua ) me vaka e virikotori ena lawa tabaki;

(b) tauyavutaka na lewa, iwalewale kei na ituvatuva me na cakacakataka kina na Matabose ni Veiqaravi Vakadodonu kei na Veiqaravi Savasava na ivakarau ni cakacaka;

(c) vakarautaka na iwalewale ni kena vakaraica na Matabose ni Veiqaravi Vakadodonu kei na Veiqaravi Savasava mera vakamuria na ivakarau ni cakacaka o ira na vakailesilesi ni valenivolavola e vakamacalataki tiko ena parakaravu (a);

(d) vakarautaka na iwalewale ni vaqaqai, na voroki ni ivakarau ni cakacaka kei na kena vaqaqacotaki na ivakarau ni cakacaka mai na Matabose ni Veiqaravi Vakadodonu kei na Veiqaravi Savasava, e oka kina na kena ivalavala ena mataveilewai ni basulawa kei na iwalewale ni veitotogitaki, kei na kena vakarautaki na nodra vakacegui na tamata cakacaka era voroka na ivakarau ni cakacaka;

(e) vakarautaka na nodra taqomaki na dau soli tukutuku vuni, ka cakava vakadodonu, vakadinadinataki ira na vakailesilesi e vakamacalataki ena parakaravu (a) nira basuka na lawa tabaki, voroka na ivakarau ni cakacaka se vakaitavi ena cakacaka butobuto; kei na

(f) vakarautaka e dua na itukutuku ena veiyabaki mai vei ira na vakailesilesi ena valenivolavola e vakamacalataki ena parakaravu (a) kei na wekadra voleka e vakamacalataki vakalawa i na Matabose ni Veiqaravi Vakadodonu kei na Veiqaravi Savasava me baleta na nodra iyau, veika e lavaki mera sauma, kei na nodra tubu vakailavo ka me vakatarai mera kila na lewenivanua.



Galala ni itukutuku 150. Na lawa tabaki e dodonu me vakamatatataka na nodra dodonu na lewenivanua

mera kila, taura na itukutuku kei na ivola ni itukutuku e tiko ena veivalenivolavola Vakamatanitu kei na kena veitabana.


Daunifika Levu 151.—(1) NaValenivolavola ni Daunifika Levu e tauyavutaki enaDikiri niVeiqaravi

Vakamatanitu 2009, me na tomani tiko ga.

(2) Na Peresitedi ena digitaka na Daunifika Levu ena ivakasala ni Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa, salamuria na nodra veitalanoa kei na Minisita ni ilavo.

(3) Ena ivakasala ni Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa, na Peresitedi me na digitaka e dua me Daunifika Levu vakatawa ena gauna e gole vakacakacaka kina i vanuatani, se ena dua na inaki e sega ni qarava rawa kina na nona itavi na Daunifika Levu.

iTavi ni Daunifika Levu 152.—(1) Na Daunifika Levu e dodonu me raica ka dikeva ena veiyabaki, ka

vakarautaka na kena ripote i na Palimedi na—

(a) vakayagataki ilavo ni Matanitu;

(b) lewa ni kena vakayagataki na ilavo se iyau ni Matanitu; kei na

(c) itukutuku vakailavo kece baleta na ilavo se iyau ni Matanitu.

(2) Me vakarautaka na Daunifika Levu ena ripote na nona nanuma kevaka na—

(a) itukutuku vakailavo ni iyau se ilavo ni Matanitu sa vakadonuya se vakadonui tu ena Yavunivakavulewa qo se na lawa tabaki; kei na

(b) inaki ni kena vakayagataki na ilavo me vaka sa vakadonui taumada.

(3) E rawa tale ga ni biu ena lawa tabaki e so na cakacaka e salavata kei na valenivolavola ni Daunifika Levu ka rawa ni solia e so tale na itavi kei na kaukauwa ni Daunifika Levu.

(4) Ena kena qaravi na itavi, na Daunifika Levu se dua e sa vakadonuya o koya e rawa ni raica na ivola ni ilavo kei na iyau e taukena na Matanitu.

(5) Ena nodra qaravi itavi se ena vakayagataki ni nodra kaukauwa, na Daunifika Levu e sega ni okati ena idusidusi se vakatulewa ni dua tale na tamata, se matabose, se tabacakacaka, vakavo ke vakatulewa kina na mataveilewai se vakarautaki ena lawa tabaki.


(6) Na Daunifika Levu e tu vua na kaukauwa me vakacakacakataka, vakaceguya, se totogitaka na vakailesilesi taucoko (oka kina o ira na veiqaravi e valenivolavola) ena Valenivolavola ni Daunifika Levu.

(7) Na Daunifika Levu e tu vua na kaukauwa me vakatulewa ena veika kece vakacakacaka me baleti ira na cakacaka ena loma ni Valenivolavola ni Daunifika Levu, oka kina na—

(a) ivakarau kei na iwalewale ni cakacaka;

(b) ivakatagedegede ni vuli e gadrevi kei na ivakarau me vakamuri ena veivakacakacakataki, e dodonu me dola raraba, vakarawarawataki, valataki vakasavasava, ia na veidigitaki me yavutaki ena rawaka;

(c) na isau, idole, kei na oco me saumi e dodonu me veiganiti kei na ivotavota vakailavo e vakadonuya na Palimedi; kei na

(d) levu ni vakailesilesi vakadeitaki se levu ni vakailesilesi e digitaki, e dodonu me veiraurau kei na ivotavota vakailavo e vakadonuya na Palimedi.

(8) Na isau, idole kei na oco e saumi vua na vakailesilesi ni Valenivolavola ni Daunifika Levu me tauri mai na Umailavo Cokovata ni Matanitu.

(9) Na Palimedi me vakadeitaka ni na vakarautaki e dua na ivotavota vakailavo vua na Daunifika Levu, me rawa ni vakatulewa ka qarava ga vakaikoya na nona itavi.

(10) Na Daunifika Levu me na vakatulewataka na ituvatuva vakailavo ni Valenivolavola ni Daunifika Levu, me vaka e sa vakadonui mai Palimedi.

(11) Na lawa tabaki ena rawa ni vakuwai kina na dikevi ni akaude ni dua na tabana mai vua na Daunifika Levu, ia me na dikevi ga me vaka e virikotori ena lawa tabaki oya.

(12) Ke sa vakarautaki ena lawa tabaki ena wasetiki (11), e dodonu me vaqaqacotaka na Daunifika Levu na raicilesu ni vakadidike e sa vakayacori oti ka ripotetaka na kena macala.

(13) Na Daunifika Levu e dodonu me vakarautaka e dua na ripote vua na Sipika ni Palimedi ka dua tale ga na ilavelave vua na Minista ni ilavo.

(14) Na Minista ni ilavo e dodonu me biuta e dua na ripote i na Palimedi ena loma ni 30 na siga ni ciqomi oti na ripote, ia kevaka e sega ni dabe tiko na Palimedi, me qai biu na ripote ena imatai ni siga ni sa oti kina e 30 na siga mai na siga e ciqoma kina na ripote.


Tabana D—BAQE NI MAROROI ILAVO E VITI Baqe ni Maroroi iLavo e Viti

153.—(1) Na Baqe ni Maroroi iLavo e Viti e baqe levu ni Matanitu ka nona itavi me—

(a) maroroya na bibi ni ilavo ena vuku ni kena vakadeitaki na toso ni bula vakailavo;

(b) vakarautaka na yavutu ni veikavakailavo;

(c) vakatetea na dei ni isau;

(d) vota na ilavo; kei na

(e) qaravi ni itavi tale e so e vakamacalataki tu ena lawa tabaki.

(2) Ena qaravi ni itavi qo, na Baqe ni Maroroi iLavo e Viti e dodonu me qarava ga vakaikoya na itavi qo ka me veiqaravi ena doudou, me kua ni vakatabakidua vua e dua na veiqaravi, ia me wasoma na veirogocitaki kei na Minisita ni iLavo.

(3) Na lewa kei na itavi ni Baqe ni Maroroi iLavo e Viti me na tautauvata kei na vei baqe ni matanitu tale e so e vuravura.

(4) Na Peresitedi ena digitaka na Kovana ni Baqe ni Maroroi iLavo e Viti ena ivakasala ni Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa me na salamuria na veitalanoa kei na Minisita ni ilavo.

(5) Na lawa tabaki me na vakarautaka na cakacaka, kaukauwa, itavi kei na ituvatuva ni Baqe ni Maroroi iLavo e Viti.

(6) Na Baqe ni Maroroi iLavo e Viti me na vakamacalataka i na Palimedi na ripote vakavulatolu kei na so tale na ripote e gadrevi me soli ena lawa tabaki se kerei me baleta e dua na inaki.



Tikoleqa vakamatanitu 154.—(1) Na Paraiminisita e rawa, ena veivakasalataki ni Komisina ni Ovisa kei

na Komada ni Mataivalu e Viti me vakaraitaka na tikoleqa vakamatanitu e Viti se dua na yasai Viti, ka rawa ni vakadavora e so na lawasau e veiganiti kei na gauna ni tikoleqa, kevaka e vakabauti ni—

(a) na vanua kece se dua na vanua e Viti e rawa ni vakaleqai; kei na

(b) bibi ni kena vakaraitaki na tikoleqa ni matanitu me rawa ni sotavi na veika ena rawa ni vakavuleqa.

(2) Kevaka e vakaraitaki na tikoleqa vakamatanitu ena gauna e dabe tiko kina na Palimedi, na Paraiminisita me ena loma ni 24 na aua mai na kena vakaraitaki na tikoleqa vakamatanitu, vakaraitaka e Palimedi na tikoleqa vakamatanitu me vakadeitaka na Palimedi.

(3) Kevaka e vakaraitaki na tikoleqa vakamatanitu ni sega ni dabe na Palimedi, na Sipika e dodonu me na kerea na nodra veivakadeitaki na lewenipalimedi ena veimataqali gaunisala ni veitaratara e rawa ena loma ni 48 na aua mai na gauna sa vakaraitaki kina na tikoleqa vakamatanitu.

(4) Kevaka e iwase levu ni lewenipalimedi era duavata ena veika e vakaraitaka na Paraiminisita, ena qai tomani na kena vakaraitaki me dua na vula mai na tikinisiga e tau kina na veivakadonui mai Palimedi, ka rawa ni vakavoui tale ena veidigidigi ena Palimedi.

(5) Kevaka na iwase levu ni lewenipalimedi e sega ni duavata ina veika e vakaraitaka na Paraiminisita, e na sega ni vakabau na kena vakaraitaki na tikoleqa vakamatanitu kei na veika kece e vakayacori ena itukutuku sa vakaraitaki.



Tomani na veivagalalataki me vaka e virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa ni 1990 155. E dina ni sa bokoci na Yavunivakavulewa ni 1997 kei na Yavunivakavulewa

ni 1990, ia na Wase XIV ni Yavunivakavulewa ni 1990 ena vakabau tiko ga, kei na soli ni galala e virikotori ena Wase XIV ni Yavunivakavulewa ni 1990 ena vakabau tiko ga.

Tomani ni veivagalalataki me vaka e virikotori ena Dikiri ni Yalani ni Veika e Lavaki Me Qaravi Kina Na Veika Vakapolitiki 2010

156.—(1) Na veivagalalataki e soli vei ira era vakaitavi ena veika e yaco vakapolitiki me vaka e vakamacalataki ena Dikiri ni Yalani ni Veika e Lavaki Me Qaravi Kina Na Veika Vakapolitiki 2010 me tomani tiko ga.

(2) Veitalia na veika e vakarautaki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, na Dikiri ni Yalani ni Veika e Lavaki Me Qaravi Kina Na Veika Vakapolitiki 2010, ena vakabau taucoko ka na tomani tiko ga, ka na sega ni rawa ni raicalesu, veisautaka, vukica, vakadaroya se bokoca na Palimedi.

Veivagalalataki tale e so 157. Na veivagalalataki e taucoko ka sega ni vakatau ena dua na ka e soli vua ka

sega ni rawa ni bokoci mai vei ira na vakailesilesi e liutaka e dua na valenivolavola, se taura tiko na itutu (ena nona veiqaravi vakacakacaka, se vakatamata yadua) me vaka na—

(a) Peresitedi; (b) Paraiminisita kei ira na lewe ni Boseyaco; (c) Tabana ni Mataivalu e Viti; (d) Tabana ni Ovisa; (e) Tabana ni Veivakadodonutaki; (f) Tabana ni Mataveilewai;

(g) veiqaravi vakamatanitu; kei na

(h) valenivolavola ni lewenivanua,

mai na veibeitaki ni basulawa, mai na dua na veileti se ena dua na ka e lavaki mai na mataveilewai, mataveivaqaqai, se matabose ena dua na veilewai, oka kina na veilewai vakalawa, mataivalu, iwalewale ni veitotogitaki, se na veilewai vakacakacaka kei na ivakaro se vakatulewa ni mataveilewai, mataveivaqaqai se matabose, vu mai na nona vakaitavi, digitaki se lewena na matanitu mai na ika5 ni Tiseba, 2006 yacova na imatai ni dabe ni imatai ni Palimedi, ni sa tauri oti na Yavunivakavulewa qo; ia na veivagalalataki ena sega ni vakabau ena dua na ka e vakayacori se sega ni vakayacori ka wili me cala vakalawa ena tikina 133 i na 146, 148 i na 236, 288 i na 351, 356 i na 361, 364 i na 374, kei na 377 i na 386 ni Dikiri ni Basulawa 2009 (ka vakarautaki ena Dikiri ni Basulawa 2009 ena gauna e tauri kina na Yavunivakavulewa qo).


Vakadeitaki ni veivagalalataki 158.—(1) E dina ni virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, ia na Wase qo kei na

veivagalalataki e soli se tomani ena Wase qo ena sega ni rawa ni raicilesu, veisautaki, vukici, vakadaroi se bokoci.

(2) E dina ni virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, ia ena sega ni dua na mataveilewai, se mataveivaqaqai me na ciqoma, rogoca se vakatulewa ena vuku ni kena saqati na Wase qo kei na veivagalalataki e soli se tomani ena Wase qo.

(3) Ena sega ni sauma na Matanitu e dua na ivakayaga vua e dua kevaka na iyau se tamata e vakacacani, mavoa se yali, vu mai na itovo e vakayacori ena kena soli na veivagalalataki ena tikina qo.



Veisautaki ni Yavunivakavulewa 159.—(1) Vakavo ke vakarautaki ena wasetiki (2), na Yavunivakavulewa qo, se dua

na tiki ni Yavunivakavulewa qo ena rawa ni veisautaki, ia me salavata kei na iwalewale e vakamacalataki tiko ena Wase qo, ka na sega ni rawa ni veisautaki tale ena dua tale na iwalewale.

(2) Kevaka e veisautaki e dua na tiki ni Yavunivakavulewa qo, ena sega ni rawa ni—

(a) bokoca e dua na tikina ena Wase 10 se na Tabana D ni Wase 12 ena Yavunivakavulewa qo;

(b) vakacacana se vakalailaitaka na kena kaukauwa e dua na tikina ena Wase 10 se Tabana D ni Wase 12 ni Yavunivakavulewa qo; se

(c) bokoca, vakacacana se vakamalumalumutaka na tikina qo.

iWalewale ni kena veisautaki 160.—(1) Na Lawa Vakaturi me veisau kina na Yavunivalavulewa qo e dodonu me

cavuti ni Lawa Vakaturi ni Lawatu me veisau kina na Yavunivakavulewa.

(2) Me na pasitaki rawa mai Palimedi na Lawa Vakaturi, me muria na iwalewale qo—

(a) me wiliki vakatolu na Lawa Vakaturi i na Palimedi;

(b) me tokona e tolu na ikava ni lewenipalimedi ena kena wiliki oti vakarua kei na kena katolu ni wiliki;

(c) me na dua na cegu ka me kua ni lailai mai na 30 na siga ena loma ni ikarua kei na ikatolu ni wiliwili, ka me na salamuria na kena veivosakitaki ni sa oti e dua na iwiliwili; ka

(d) na ikatolu ni kena wiliki na Lawa Vakaturi ena sega ni vakayacori vakavo ke ratou sa vakarautaka na kena ripote i na Palimedi na kena komiti tudei.

(3) Kevaka e dua na Lawa Vakaturi me veisautaka na Yavunivakavulewa qo, qai sa vakadonui mai Palimedi me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (2), na Sipika me na vakaraitaka vua na Peresitedi, ka na vakauta na Lawa Vakaturi na Peresitedi vua na Matabose ni Veidigidigi, mera veidigidigi ka ra vakaitavi kina na lewenivanua volayaca ena dua na vakatutu.

(4) Na veidigidigi ka ra vakaitavi kina na lewenivanua volayaca ena dua na vakatutu me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (3) me na qarava na Matabose ni Veidigidigi me vaka e virikotori ena lawa tabaki.

(5) Ni qaravi oti ga na veidigidigi era vakaitavi kina na lewenivanua ena dua na vakatutu, na Matabose ni Veidigidigi me vakaraitaka vua na Peresitedi na kena macala ka me na soli na kena macala qo vei ira na dauvolaitukutuku me tabaki.


(6) Ke sa tolu na ikava na iwiliwili ni lewenivanua volayaca era tokona na Lawa Vakaturi, na Peresitedi me na tokona na Lawa Vakaturi ka me vaqaqacotaki sara ena tikinisiga e tokona kina na Peresitedi se e na dua na siga e vakamacalataki ena Lawa Vakaturi.

(7) Ena tikina qo na vakayagataki ni vosa na “veisau” kei na “veisautaki” e vinakati me kilai raraba me rawa ni vakayagataki ena dua na vakatutu me bokoci, sosomitaki, vakadodonutaki se na kena vukici e dua na ka e vakarautaki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

Veisau ena Yavunivakavulewa ni se bera na ika31 ni Tiseba, 2013 161.—(1) Ni se bera na ika31 ni Tiseba 2013, na Peresitedi ena ivakasala ni

Boseyaco, e rawa ni tabaka vakaDikiri ena iTukutuku Tabaki Vakamatanitu na veiveisau ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, e gadrevi me vakadeitaki na veitiki ni Yavunivakavulewa qo se me vakadodonutaki e dua na veilecalecavi se cala ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, e dina ni virikotori ena Wase qo.

(2) Na Boseyaco e rawa ga ni vakasalataka na Peresitedi ena veisautaki ni Yavunivakavulewa, me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (1), kevaka e sa taura na Boseyaco na veivakadonui ni Mataveilewai Cecere me vakayacori na veisau.

(3) Ena kena tarovi na vakatitiqa, na tikina qo ena sega ni vakabau ni sa oti na ika31 ni Tiseba, 2013.




Ulutaga lailai kei na kena itekitekivu 162.—(1) Na Yavunivakavulewa qo e rawa ni vakatokai me Yavunivakavulewa ni

Matanitu Tugalala o Viti.

(2) Na Yavunivakavulewa qo me na taurivaki ena ika7 ni Sepiteba, 2013.


iVakamacala 163.—(1) Ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, vakavo ke basika e dua na ivakamacala e

veibasai, na—

“Lawatu” e vakaibalebale e na Lawatu ni Palimedi, Dikiri se Poromoliqeti;

“qase” e vakaibalebale vua e dua sa yacova na yabaki 18 se sa sivia;

“Lawa ni Dodonu” e vakaibalebale ena dodonu kei na galala e vakamacalataki ena Wase 2;

“gone” e vakaibalebale vua e dua e se bera ni yacova na yabaki 18;

“matabose” e vakaibalebale ena matabose e tauyavutaki, se tomani tiko ena Yavunivakavulewa qo;

“Yavunivakavulewa ni 1990” e vakaibalebale ena Yavunivakavulewa ni Matanitu Tugalala o Viti (Poromoliqeti) Dikiri 1990;

“cakacaka butobuto” e okati kina—

(a) na sasaga butobuto mo rawata na lomamu vua e dua na vakailesilesi vakamatanitu;

(b) tokona na volitaki ni waigaga ni veivakamatenitaki, se veivaqumi;

(c) vakayagataki vakatawadodonu na itukutuku vuni mo rawata kina na lomamu;

(d) lavaka se ciqoma na isau se idole ni veiqaravi ka sega ni dodonu me saumi;

(e) taura vakawawa ka vakailoa na veiqaravi, idole, vakatulewa, se vakasaurarataka e dua ena kaukauwa vakalawa, se e dua na itovo veivolekati, mo rawata kina na lomamu se me solia na veivakadonui na tamata oya;


(f) taura vakailoa se suguraki iko mo taura e dua na iyau e taukena e dua tale;

(g) vakasabusabutaka se vakayagataka na iyau ni lewenivanua, se butakoca na iyau qo; kei na

(h) veisautaka se volitaka na iyau ni matanitu mo rawa ilavo kina;

“veilewai ni basulawa” e vakaibalebale ena veilewai ena mataveilewai, vakavo ga na veilewai vakaivalu, qo na nona beitaki e dua ena nona cala, se me bolea na vakatulewa, kisi e rogoci ena ivakadinadina, se na taro me baleta na lawa;

“Tabana” e vakaibalebale ena tabana vakamatanitu ka vakarurugi ena dua na tabacakacaka;

“vakaleqai vakayago” okati kina na tauvimate vakayago se vakasama se dua tale na mataqali mate, e—

(a) vakadinadinataki se raici mai vei ira na kenadau ni dau vakaleqa na nona veiqaravi e dua mai vua e dua e tuvaki vinaka na nona bula; se

(b) bucina na veivakaduiduitaki.

“lawa ni tabana ni veitaqomaki” e vakaibalebale ena lawa tabaki e vakamacalataka na itotogi ena tabana ni veitaqomaki;

“tabana ni veitaqomaki” e vakaibalebale—

(a) i na Tabana ni Mataivalu e Viti;

(b) i na Tabana ni Ovisa; se

(c) i na Tabana ni Veivakadodonutaki;

“basuka na lawa ni veidigidigi” okati kina na basuki ni lawa ni veidigidigi, na lawa e vauca na volayaca ni veidigidigi kei na volayaca ni soqosoqo vakapolitiki;

“ Viti” se “Matanitu Tugalala o Viti” e vakaibalebale ena vanua a qali tu vakoloni ni bera na ika10 ni Okotova, 1970 ka okati tale ga kina na vanua e vakadonuya na Palimedi me qali mai Viti;

“iTukutuku Tabaki Vakamatanitu” e vakaibalebale ena iTukutuku Tabaki Vakamatanitu Tugalala o Viti ka tabaki ena vakatulewa ni Matanitu, se dua tale na itukutuku e dau tabaki me kena ikuri ena iTukutuku Tabaki Vakamatanitu;

“Matanitu” e vakaibalebale ena Matanitu e Viti;


“veivolitaki vakabutobuto ni tamata” e okati kina na volitaki vakabutobuto ni tamata me vaka e virikotori ena lawa;

“Daunilewa” e vakaibalebale vua e dua na Daunilewa ena Mataveilewai e Cake (okati kina o Navosavakadua), na Daunilewa ni Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru (okati kina na Peresitedi ni Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru) se e dua na Daunilewa ena Mataveilewai Cecere;

“vakailesilesinimataveilewai”eokatikinaeduanaDaunilewaenaMataveilewai e Cake (okati kina o Navosavakadua), na Daunilewa ni Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru (okati kina na Peresitedi ni Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru), e dua na Daunilewa ena Mataveilewai Cecere, Daunilewa ena Mataveilewai e Ra, Masta ni Mataveilewai e Cake; Vunivola Levu ni Mataveilewai e Cake, kei na vakailesilesi ni mataveilewai e digitaka na Matabose Veiqaravi ni Mataveilewai;

“lawa” okati kina na lawa taucoko e tabaki;

“iyaubula” e okati kina na iyaubula kece e kau mai na qele se ena loma ni waitui ka oka tale ga kina na kasi;

“bubului” okati kina na yalayala;

“bubului ni Yalodina” e vakaibalebale ena vosa bubului e vakamacalataki ena iKuri ni Yavunivalavulewa qo;

“tamata” e vakaibalebale vua na tamata se na matakabani, okati kina na kabani se mata veitokani se na isoqosoqo ni tamata, ke rejisitataki vakalawa se sega;

“isoqosoqo vakapolitiki” e vakaibalebale i na dua na matailawalawa era sasagataka mera vakaitavi ena bula vakapolitiki e na Matanitu Tugalala o Viti ka sa volai ena rejisita ni ivola ni soqosoqo vakapolitiki me vaka e vakamacalataki ena lawa tabaki ni veidigidigi;

“virikotori” e vakaibalebale ena virikotori ena lawa tabaki;

“Peresitedi” e vakaibalebale vua na Peresitedi ena Matanitu Tugalala o Viti ka digitaki ena iwalewale e sa virikotori ena Wase 4, okati kina na tamata e digitaki se taura tiko na itutu me vaka e vakamacalataki ena Tabana D ena Wase qo;

“iyau” okati kina na nomu dodonu se nomu dodonu e vakatau ena so na ka, se na nomu gadreva se gagadre e vu mai ena—

(a) qele, veikatudei, se vakatorocaketaki ni qele; (b) iyaya se iyau vakaitaukei;

(c) ka buli ena vakasama ka rawa ni rejisitataki; se

(d) ilavo se ivola me saumi mai kina na ilavo.


“valenivolavola ni lewenivanua” e vakaibalebale kina—

(a) valenivolavola e tauyavutaki, se tomani tiko ena Yavunivakavulewa qo;

(b) valenivolavola e vakarautaki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo;

(c) valenivolavola ni lewenimatabose;

(d) valenivolavola ni veiqaravi ni Matanitu;

(e) valenivolavola ni Daunilewa; (f) valenivolavola ni Mataveilewai e Ra se valenivolavola ena

mataveilewai e tauyavutaki ena lawa tabaki; (g) valenivolavola ni matabose tuvakaikoya se dua e lewena; se (h) valenivolavola e tauyavutaki ena lawa tabaki.

“vakailesilesi ena valenivolavola ni lewenivanua” e vakaibalebale vua e dua e vakaitutu ena valenivolavola ni lewenivanua;

“veiqaravi ni matanitu” e vakaibalebale ena veiqaravi ni Matanitu vei ira na lewenivanua ka sega ni oka kina na—

(a) veiqaravi ni mataveilewai;

(b) veiqaravi ena valenivolavola ni dua na matabose; se

(c) veiqaravi e tauyavutaki, se veiqaravi e tomani enaYavunivakavulewa qo;

“gauna ni bose” ena Palimedi, e vakaibalebale ena gauna e dabe kina na Palimedi ni oti kena rube se bokoci na Palimedi ka qai oti ni sa vakarubeci se sa bokoci tale na Palimedi;

“tau ni totogi” e sega ni wili kina na veilewai ka vakarubeci se na tau ni totogi kevaka e lavaki me totogi ilavo;

“dabe” e na Palimedi, e vakaibalebale ena gauna e bose tiko kina na Palimedi ka sega ni vakarubeci, ka okati tale ga na gauna e bose kina na komiti ni Palimedi;

“Sipika” e vakaibalebale vua na Sipika ni Palimedi;

“Vakamatanitu” e vakaibalebale ena Matanitu Tugagala o Viti;

“tikoleqa vakamatanitu” e vakaibalebale ena gauna e tikoleqa kina na matanitu me vaka e vakamacalataki ena Wase 9;

“cakacaka Vakamatanitu” e vakaibalebale ena cakacaka Vakamatanitu kei na tabana ni veitaqomaki;


“Mataveilewai lalai tale e so” e vakaibalebale i na dua na mataveilewai tauyavutaki vakalawa e Viti ka sega ni oka kina na Mataveilewai e Cake, Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru, Mataveilewai Cecere, se dua tale na mataveilewai ka tauyavutaki vakalawa ena vuku ni veitotogitaki ni ivakarau ni cakacaka;

“Lawa veivuke” e vakaibalebale ena dua na vakatulewa e vakaturi ena dua na kaukauwa me vakadeitaka na vakatulewa e soli ena lawa tabaki, okati kina na lawasau, lewa, ivakaro, lawatiki se itukutuku;

“Yavunivakavulewa qo” e vakaibalebale ena Yavunivakavulewa ni Matanitu Tugalala o Viti 2013; kei na

‘lawa tabaki” e vakaibalebale ena Lawatu, Dikiri, Poromoliqeti kei na lawa veivuke e yavutaki mai na Lawatu, Dikiri kei na Poromoliqeti.

(2) Na vakayagataki ni Yavunivakavulewa qo me digitaki kina e dua me lewena na valenivolavola ni lewenivanua e okati kina na—

(a) kaukauwa ni veidigitaki me tosocake na itutu se lesi ena valenivolavola; kei na

(b) kaukauwa me digitaka e dua me taura vakatawa na itutu lala ena vuku ni nona sega ni tiko rawa se sega ni qarava rawa na nona itavi o koya e nona na itutu.

(3) E na Yavunivakavulewa qo,vakavo ke sega ni salavata na kena inaki, na kena cavuti e dua e taura tiko na itutu e oka kina e dua e taura vakatawa tiko na itutu oya.

(4) E dua sa digitaki ena dua na itutu e tauyavutaki e na Yavunivakavulewa qo, ena rawa ni kere vakacegu ena nona solia na nona ivola ni kere vakacegu, me sainitaka ka vakauta vua na tamata, se matabose, se tabacakacaka e veidigitaki, ka na vakacegui ena gauna—

(a) e vakamatatataki tu ena ivola ni kere vakacegu; se

ni sa ciqoma na ivola o koya e volai vua na ivola;

koya ga e muri vei rau.

(5) Na vakayagataki ni Yavunivakavulewa qo me vakacegui e dua e lewena na valenivolavola ni lewenivanua e okati kina na—

(a) kaukauwa me vakaceguya e dua mai na nona itutu;

(b) kaukauwa me vakaceguya na konitaraki ni dua na vakailesilesi; se

(c) kaukauwa me kua ni tosoi na nona konitaraki e dua na vakailesilesi.


(6) Ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, na kena gadrevi me veisautaki na lawa (oka kina na Yavunivakavulewa qo) ena oka kina na kena—

(a) bokoci ka sosomitaki se sega ni sosomitaki tale vua e dua tale na lawa;

(b) taracake, veivukiyaki, railesuvi se veisautaki ena kena vakacurumi e so na veisau;

(c) bokoca na kena vakayagataki; se

(d) bulia e so tale na lawa e sega ni veiganiti vata.

(7) E dua na tamata, matabose se tabacakacaka e soli vua na itavi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, e tu vua na kaukauwa me vakatulewataka na veika e gadrevi, se veiganiti kei na qaravi ni itavi.

(8) Na ivakamacala ni Yavunivakavulewa qo me baleta na veiqaravi ni Minisita, na nona vakaitavi ena veitalanoa, se ciqoma na ripote, e vakaibalebale vua na Minisita e lesi vua na itavi ni Matanitu ena gauna ya.

(9) Vakavo ke sega ni salavata na kena inaki, na ivakamacala ena Yavunivakavulewa qo me baleta e dua na Minisita e oka kina na Minisita vakatawa ka mai taura vakawawa tiko na itutu qo ena vukuna na Minisita.

(10) Ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, ena kena vakamacalataki e dua na tamata, se matabose, se tabacakacaka e sega ni vakarorogo se vakarurugi vua e dua se dua na matabose se tabacakacaka ena nona qaravi itavi se vakayagataka na nona kaukauwa, e sega ni kena ibalebale me tarova na kaukauwa ni mataveilewai me vaqaqa na tamata, se matabose, se tabacakacaka kevaka e sa vakayacora se vakayagataka na nona kaukauwa me vaka e virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo se kevaka na tamata ya, matabose se tabacakacaka e dodonu se sega ni dodonu me vakayacora se vakayagataka na nona kaukauwa.

(11) Na kaukauwa e soli ena Yavunivakavulewa qo me buli, vakadonuya se solia e dua na ivola (okati kina na itukutuku ni matanitu, ivakaro, lawasau se lewa) se vakatulewa, e soli tale ga kina na kaukauwa me bokoci, veisautaki na vakatulewa.

(12) Me kua kina na lomatarotaro, na vakayagataki ni “e dodonu” ena Yavunivakavulewa qo e tautauvata na nodra itavi ke vakayagataki na “e rawa”.

(13) Na kena cavuti e dua na valenivolavola ena Yavunivakavulewa qo me wiliki kina na veisau e rawa ni yaco ena yacana.

(14) Ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, kevaka ena dua na veisau, ena gadrevi kina—

(a) kevaka e dua na vosa se ivakamacala e vakaibalebale enaYavunivakavulewa qo, me wiliki ka raici na kena ibalebale ena iyatuvosa; kei na

(b) vosa na “okati” e vakaibalebale ena “okati ia e sega ni yalani na kena ibalebale”.


(15) Ni via kilai na maliwa ni gauna e vakayacori kina e 2 na soqoni ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, kevaka e vakadeitaki na gauna me—

(a) siga, na siga ena tekivu kina na gauna yalataki ena sega ni okati, ia na iotioti ni siga ena gauna yalataki me na okati;

(b) vula, ena cava na gauna yalataki ena mataka ni siga ena vula oya—

(i) kevaka e tautauvata na tikinisiga ena vula a tekivu kina, ke tautauvata na tikinisiga ena vula e rua; se

(ii) ena iotioti ni siga ni vula ya, kevaka e sega ni vakakina; se

(c) yabaki, ena cava na gauna yalataki ena itekivu ni tikinisiga ni yabaki oya mai na tikinisiga a tekivu oti kina na gauna yalataki ena tikinisiga a tekivu kina.

(16) Kevaka e lavaka na Yavunivakavulewa qo na gauna yalataki me 6 na siga se lailai mai na 6 na siga, na Sigatabu kei na olodei e sega ni wiliki ena gauna yalataki.

(17) Kevaka e Sigatabu se olodei na gauna yalataki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, ena toso na gauna yalataki ina siga tarava ka sega ni Sigatabu se olodei.

(18) Kevaka e sega na gauna yalataki me qaravi kina e dua na itavi e na Yavunivakavulewa qo, na itavi qo me qaravi ena kena gauna totolo duadua, ka me veiganiti ena gauna e gadrevi kina.

(19) Kevaka e dua na tamata e tu vua na kaukauwa me tosoya na gauna yalataki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, na kaukauwa qo ena rawa ni vakayagataki ena itekivu se sa oti na gauna yalataki, vakavo ke vure cake mai e so na ile ena tikina e veicoqacoqo i na vakayagataki ni lawa.

(20) Vakavo ke duatani na ivakamacala ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, ni dua e vakacegu mai na nona itutu ka tauyavutaki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, kevaka e tiko vua na veika e gadrevi ena itutu oya, e rawa vua me taura tale na itutu, se me digitaki me vaka e virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

(21) Na iKuri e tiki ni Yavunivakavulewa qo, kei na veigauna e cavuti kina na “Yavunivakavulewa qo” e okati tale ga kina na iKuri.

(22) Kevaka e dua me vosa bubului se vosa yalayala ena vuku ni dua na valenivolavola me vaka e virikotori ena lawa, e dodonu me bubului se yalayala ena tikina donu e sa vakarautaki ena iKuri ni Yavunivakavulewa qo.



Bokoci 164. Kevaka e yalani ena Tabana D ni Wase qo, kei na so tale na tikina ena

Yavunivakavulewa qo, na lawa tabaki qo era sa bokoci, na—

(a) Dikiri ni Veiliutaki Vakamatanitu e Viti 2009;

(b) Dikiri ni iYau kei na kena Vakayagataki 2009;

(c) Dikiri ni Veiqaravi Vakamatanitu 2009; (d) Dikiri ni Valenivolavola ni iVukevuke ni Peresitedi kei na kena

Veisosomitaki 2009; kei na (e) Dikiri ni Veiqaravi Raraba ni Lawa 2009.


Valenivolavola ni Peresitedi 165.—(1) E dina ni sa bokoci na Dikiri ni Veiliutaki Vakamatanitu e Viti 2009, me

vaka ni a digitaki kina na Peresitedi, ena taura tiko ga na itutu vakaPeresitedi ena balavu ni gauna e vakarautaki ena Dikiri ni Veilutaki Vakamatanitu e Viti 2009, ka kevaka e tosoi na nona veiqaravi me na vakamuria na kena iwalewale e virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

(2) Na Peresitedi a digitaki ena Dikiri ni Veiliutaki Vakamatanituni e Viti 2009, me na vakayagataka tiko ga na kaukauwa e tiko vua (okati kina na buli lawa ena veivakasalataki ni Boseyaco) ka soli vua ena Dikiri ni Veiliutaki Vakamatanitu e Viti 2009, me yacova na imatai ni dabe ni Palimedi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

(3) Kevaka sa lala na itutu ni Peresitedi ni bera na imatai ni dabe ni Palimedi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, me na digitaki tale e dua me taura na itutu me vaka e virikotori ena Dikiri ni Veiliutaki Vakamatanitu e Viti 2009.

(4) E dina ni sa bokoci na Dikiri ni Valenivolavola ni iVukevuke ni Peresitedi kei na kena Veisosomitaki 2009, me yacova na imatai ni dabe ni Palimedi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, kevaka sa lala na valenivolavola ni Peresitedi se gole e vanuatani se ena dua tale na inaki ka sega ni qarava rawa kina na nona itavi, sa na taura vakatawa na itutu qo o Navosavakadua.

Paraiminisita kei na Minisita ni Boseyaco 166.—(1) E dina ni sa bokoci na Dikiri ni Veiliutaki Vakamatanitu e Viti 2009, na

Paraiminisita kei ira na Minisita e digitaki ena Dikiri ni Veiliutaki Vakamatanitu e Viti 2009 me na taura tiko ga na itutu vakaParaiminisita kei iratou na lewe ni Boseyaco me yacova ni sa dua na Paraiminisita vou e taura na itutu me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 93 ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

(2) Na Paraiminisita kei ira na Minisita mera vakayagataka tiko ga na kaukauwa e soli vei ira ena Dikiri ni Veiliutaki Vakamatanitu e Viti 2009, me yacova ni sa dua na Paraiminisita vou e sa taura na itutu me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 93 ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.


(3) E dina ni virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, ka dina tale ga ni sa bokoci na Dikiri ni Veiliutaki Vakamatanitu e Viti 2009, ia ena taurivaki tiko ga me yacova na imatai ni dabe ni Palimedi me vaka e virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

(4) E dina ni virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, ni sa bokoci na lawa ena Tabana C ni Wase qo, ia na lawa veivuke mera na buli me veiganiti kei na lawa, ivakaro kei na ituvatuva e vakayagataki ni se bera ni taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo me yacova na i sevu ni dabe ni imatai ni dabe ni Palimedi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

Vakailesilesi ena valenivolavola ni lewenivanua se na Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa 167.—(1) Kevaka e dua e digitaki me taura se taura vakatawa e dua na itutu ena

valenivolavola ni lewenivanua ni bera na tikinisiga me taurivaki kina na Yavunivakavulewa qo, mai na gauna e taurivaki kina na Yavunivakavulewa qo, me na taura se taura vakatawa tiko ga na valenivolavola ni lewenivanua e tauyavutaki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo me vaka ga a digitaki ena tuvatuva ni Yavunivakavulewa qo, ka sa na tauri ni sa vosa bubului se yalayala oti me vaka e virikotori ena lawa; ia o ira era dodonu mera vakacegui mai na nodra itutu ena veika e virikotori ena lawa.

(2) Na tikina qo e sega ni oka kina na kaukauwa e soli ena Yavunivakavulewa qo me vakarautaka na lawa me bokoca e dua na valenivolavola se me vakaceguya e dua na vakailesilesi taura tiko se taura vakatawa e dua na itutu.

(3) E dina ni virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, ia na veiqaravi, kaukauwa se na itavi ni Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa me na vakayacora tiko na Paraiminisita, me yacova na isevu ni dabe ni imatai ni Palimedi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

(4) Me kua na lomatarotaro, o ira na lewena na Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa e vakamacalataki tiko ena tikina 132 (2)(d) kei na (e), me na digitaki ni sa oti na isevu ni dabe ni imatai ni Palimedi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, kei na Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa e sega ni dodonu mera bose me yacova ni sa vakayacori oti na isevu ni dabe ni imatai ni Palimedi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

(5) E dina ni virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, ia na tikina 79(8), 108(2), 116(12), 117(13), 121(15), 127(8), 129(8), 130(8), 131(6) kei na 152(7) ena qai taurivaki ena imatai ni Janueri, 2014.

Veika vakailavo 168. E dina ni sa bokoci na Dikiri ni iYau kei na kena Vakayagataki 2009 kei

na veitikina ena Wase 7 ni Yavunivakavulewa qo, ia na Dikiri ni iYau kei na kena Vakayagataki 2009 na taurivaki tiko me yacova na isevu ni dabe ni imatai ni Palimedi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

iTavi ni Palimedi kei na Sipika 169.—(1) E dina ni sa bokoci na lawa ena Tabana C ni Wase qo, ia na itavi me

qarava na Sipika ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, na qarava na Paraiminisita me yacova na isevu ni dabe ni imatai ni Palimedi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.


(2) E dina ni sa bokoci na lawa ena Tabana C ni Wase qo, ia na itavi me qarava na Palimedi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, na qarava na Boseyaco me yacova na isevu ni dabe ni imatai ni Palimedi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

(3) E dina ni virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, na kaukauwa se itavi me qarava na iLiuliu ni iToniveisaqa ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, me na qarava na Paraiminisita me yacova na isevu ni dabe ni imatai ni Palimedi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

Veidigidigi 170.—(1) E dina ni vakamacalataki ena Wase 4 ni Yavunivakavulewa qo, na imatai

ni veidigidigi ni lewenipalimedi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, me na vakayacori ena tikinisiga e vakadeitaka na Peresitedi, ena ivakasala ni Paraiminisita, ia na imatai ni veidigidigi me kua ni bera mai na ika30 ni Seviteba, 2014.

(2) Ena isevu ni dabe ni imatai ni Palimedi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, na tikinisiga me na qaravi kina na veidigidigi me na kaburaka na Peresitedi me kua ni lailai mai na 60 na siga ni bera na veidigidigi.

(3) iVakaro tabaki ni veidigidigi ni lewenipalimedi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, me na solia na Peresitedi ena ivakasala ni Paraiminisita, ia na iVakaro tabaki me soli me kua ni lailai mai na 44 na siga ni bera na veidigidigi.

(4) Ena isevu ni dabe ni imatai ni Palimedi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, na iotioti ni siga me ciqomi kina na mata me duri ena veidigidigi me 30 na siga ni bera na veidigidigi.

(5) Me yacova na gauna me na qai digitaki kina na Matabose ni Veidigidigi se na iLiuliu ni Veidigidigi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, na itavi ni Matabose ni Veidigidigi se na iLiuliu ni Veidigidigi me na qarava tiko mada na Vunivola Tudei e vakarurugi vua na Valenivolavola ni Veidigidigi.

Veisosomitaki ni valenivolavola 171.—(1) Na valenivolavola era tauyavutaki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, mera

na valenivolavola kilai vakalawa ni valenivolavola era a tauyavu ni bera ni tauri na Yavunivakavulewa qo.

(2) Ena veidigitaki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, na iLiuliu ni Veidigidigi me na isosomi kilai vakalawa ni valenivolavola ni Vunivola ni Volayaca ni Veidigidigi me vaka e virikotori ena Dikiri ni Veidigidigi(Volayaca ni Veidigidigi) 2012 kei na valenivolavola ni Vunivola ena Dikiri ni Soqosoqo Vakapolitiki (Volayaca,Vakarau,Veivakailavotaki, Vakamacalataki) 2013.

Taqomaki ni dodonu kei na kena itavi 172.—(1) Kevaka e duatani na kena ivakamacala ena Yavunivakavulewa

qo, na dodonu kei na itavi taucoko e vakayagataki tiko mai ni bera ni taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo, mera taurivaki tiko ga mera dodonu ka itavi ni Matanitu ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.


(2) Na ivola ni veivakadonui, laiseni, dodonu se dua na veiqaravi e vakayacora na Matanitu vua e dua na tamata, ni bera ni taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo, ena vakabau tiko ga.

(3) Na vakatulewa taucoko e soli ni bera ni taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo mai vua e dua ena lawa a bokoci ena Tabana C ni Wase qo, a taurivaki ni se bera ni taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo, ena vakabau tiko ga ena gauna sa taurivaki kina na Yavunivakavulewa qo, me vaka e solia e dua na matabose se tamata e vakamacalataki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

(4) Na veilewai taucoko a qarava na matabose se dua na tamata ena lawa a mai bokoci ena Tabana C ni Wase qo, e sa tekivu ka se bera ni vakatulewataki ena gauna e taurivaki kina na Yavunivakavulewa qo, e na tomani tiko ena gauna sa taurivaki kina na Yavunivakavulewa qo, me vaka ga na kena rogoci tiko mai ena matabose se tamata e vakamacalataki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

(5) Kevaka e dua na kudru e kau cake vua na Matabose ni Dodonu ni Tamata e tauyavutaki ena Dikiri ni Matabose ni Dodonu ni Tamata 2009, se bera ni vakatulewataki ena gauna e taurivaki kina na Yavunivakavulewa qo, ena tomani tiko ga na kena dikeva na Matabose ni Dodonu ni Tamata kei na Valuti ni Veivakaduiduitaki e tauyavutaki ena tikina 45 ni Yavunivakavulewa qo, ia na kudru e kau cake vua na Matabose ni Dodonu ni Tamata kei na Valuti ni Veivakaduiduitaki ni sa oti na ika21 ni Okosita 2013 me na yalani ga ena veika e sa yaco sa yaco oti mai na ika21 ni Okosita 2013, ia na Matabose ni Dodonu ni Tamata kei na Valuti ni Veivakaduiduitaki ena sega ni rawa ni dikeva e dua na kudru e kau cake vua ni sa oti na ika21 ni Okosita 2013 kevaka na kudru e baleta na veika e yaco ni se bera na ika21 ni Okosita 2013.

Taqomaki ni lawa 173.—(1) Vakavo ke yalani ena wasetiki (2), na lawa tabaki taucoko e sa

vakayagataki ni bera ni taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo, (sega ni okati kina na lawa e vakamacalataki ena Tabana C ni Wase qo) ena taurivaki tiko me vaka ga e buli ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, ka me ra moici ka vakaibalebaletaki vakavinaka me veidonui kei na Yavunivakavulewa qo.

(2) E dina ni virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, na Poromoliqeti, Dikiri se iTukutuku (sega ni okati kina na lawa e vakamacalataki ena Tabana C ni Wase qo) kei na lawa veivuke a buli ena Poromoliqeti, Dikiri se na iTukutuku qo—

(a) tauyavutaki se na rawa ni tauyavutaki ena ika5 ni Tiseba, 2006 me yacova na isevu ni dabe ni imatai ni Palimedi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo; kei na

(b) taurivaki tiko mai ka sega ni bokoci se sosomitaki vua e dua tale na Poromoliqeti, Dikiri se na iTukutuku se na lawa veivuke a buli ena Poromoliqeti, Dikiri se na iTukutuku qo,

me na tomani tiko ga.


(3) E dina ni virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, ia na Poromoliqeti, Dikiri se iTukutuku (sega ni okati kina na lawa e vakamacalataki ena Tabana C ni Wase qo) kei na lawa veivuke a buli Poromoliqeti, Dikiri se na iTukutuku qo ka—

(a) tauyavutaki se rawa ni tauyavutaki ena ika5 ni Tiseba, 2006 me yacova na imatai ni dabe ni Palimedi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo; ka

(b) taurivaki tiko mai ka sega ni bokoci se sosomitaki vua e dua tale na Poromoliqeti, Dikiri se na iTukutuku se na veilawa lalai a buli ena Poromoliqeti, Dikiri se na iTukutuku qo,

e rawa ni veisautaka na Palimedi ni sa taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo, ia na veisau qo ena sega ni—

(i) vauca na veika sa yaco oti;

(ii) bokoca na vakatulewa e sa tau oti ena lawa qo; se

(iii) solia na ivakayaga, isau ni vakacaca, isau ni veivuke se na isau ni vakavinakataki vua e dua na tamata e tarai ena lawa e vakamacalataki ena tikina qo,

(4) E dina ni virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, ia e sega ni dua na mataveilewai se na mataveivaqaqai (oka kina na mataveilewai se mataveivaqaqai e tauyavutaki se tomani tiko ena Yavunivakavulewa qo) me na ciqoma, rogoca, vakatulewataka se ena dua na gaunisala e nanuma, se me soli ivakaro se isau ni vakavinakataki ena dua na veilewai e kau cake mai me saqata se kauta mai e so na vakatataro me baleta na—

(a) kena donu vakalawa e dua na Poromoliqeti, Dikiri se na iTukutuku se na lawa veivuke e buli ena Poromoliqeti, Dikiri se na iTukutuku qo (oka kina na kedra veitikina kece) e tauyavutaki se na rawa ni tauyavutaki ena ika5 ni Tiseba, 2006 me yacova na isevu ni dabe ni imatai ni Palimedi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo;

(b) kena veivadonui ena vuku ni Yavunivakavulewa qo na Poromoliqeti, Dikiri se na iTukutuku se na lawa veivuke e buli ena Poromoliqeti, Dikiri se na iTukutuku qo (oka kina na kedra veitikina kece) e tauyavutaki se na rawa ni tauyavutaki ena ika5 ni Tiseba, 2006 me yacova na isevu ni dabe ni imatai ni Palimedi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo;

(c) kena sega ni salavata kei na Yavunivakavulewa qo oka kina na veitikina ena Wase 2 ena Yavunivakavulewa qo na Poromoliqeti, Dikiri se na iTukutuku se na lawa veivuke e buli ena Poromoliqeti, Dikiri se na iTukutuku qo (oka kina na kedra veitikina kece) e tauyavutaki se na rawa ni tauyavutaki ena ika5 ni Tiseba, 2006 me yacova na isevu ni dabe ni imatai ni Palimedi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo; se


(d) lewa se na veivadonui, se na ivalavala e vakayacori se na lewa e rawa me vakayacori se vakadonui, se na ivalavala e rawa ni vakayacori ena Poromoliqeti, Dikiri se na iTukutuku se na lawa veivuke e buli ena Poromoliqeti, Dikiri se na iTukutuku qo (oka kina na kedra veitikina kece) e tauyavutaki se na rawa ni tauyavutaki ena ika5 ni Tiseba, 2006 me yacova na isevu ni dabe ni imatai ni Palimedi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

(5) E dina ni virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, ka dina tale ga ni sa bokoci na Dikiri ni Veiqaravi Raraba ni Lawa 2009, ia na wasetiki (3) (4) (5) (6) kei na (7) ka virikotori ena tikina 5 ena Dikiri ni Veiqaravi Raraba ni Lawa 2009 sa na tomani tiko ga ka na vakabau vei na Poromoliqeti, Dikiri se na iTukutuku se na lawa veivuke e buli ena Poromoliqeti, Dikiri se na iTukutuku qo (oka kina na kedra veitikina kece) e tauyavutaki se na rawa ni tauyavutaki ena ika5 ni Tiseba, 2006 me yacova na isevu ni dabe ni imatai ni Palimedi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

(6) Na lawa tabaki sa buli ka se bera ni taurivaki ena tikinisiga sa taurivaki kina na Yavunivakavulewa qo, me na taurivaki ena sala e veiganiti vei ira, ka me na vakayagataki me vaka e virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

Veilewai vakalawa 174.—(1) Na mataveilewai a tauyavutaki ena Dikiri ni Veiqaravi Raraba ni Lawa

2009, me na tomani tiko ga.

(2) Na veilewai ena mataveilewai a tauyavutaki ena Dikiri ni Veiqaravi Raraba ni Lawa 2009 sa tekivutaki ka se bera ni vakatulewataki ena gauna e taurivaki kina na Yavunivakavulewa qo, me na tomani tiko ga me vaka ga e taurivaki mai ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

(3) E dina ni virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, na tikina 23, 23A, 23B, 23C kei na 23D ni Dikiri ni Veiqaravi Raraba ni Lawa 2009 me na tomani tiko ga, ka na sega ni rawa ni veisautaki, railesuvi se bokoci, kei na mataveilewai a tauyavutaki se tomani tiko ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, e sega ni tu vua na kaukauwa vakalawa me—

(a) ciqoma, rogoca se vakatulewataka e dua na tikina e sega ni wili kina na veiqaravi ni mataveilewai ena Dikiri ni Veiqaravi Raraba ni Lawa 2009; se ena Poromoliqeti, Dikiri, iTukutuku se ena veilawa tabaki tale e so; se

(b) ciqoma, rogoca se vakatulewataka e dua na veilewai sa bokoci ena Dikiri ni Veiqaravi Raraba ni Lawa 2009, se ena Poromoliqeti, Dikiri, iTukutuku se ena veilawa tabaki tale e so.




Tabana A—Yalodina

VOSA BUBULUI ENA YALODINA O yau o, ........................, au sa bubuluitaka niu na dinata ka qarava ena yalodina na vanua o Viti kei na lawa ni vanua, meu na doka, rokova ka tutaka naYavunivakavulewa e Viti. Ni vukei au, noqu Kalou!

VOSA YALAYALA ENA YALODINA O yau o,,........................, au sa yalataka mai na vuniyaloqu taucoko niu na dinata ka qarava ena yalodina na vanua o Viti kei na lawa ni vanua, meu na doka, rokova ka tutaka na Yavunivakavulewa e Viti.

Tabana B—Vakaitutu

VOSA BUBULUI NI PERESITEDI O yau o, ................................., au sa bubuluitaka niu na dinata ka qarava ena yalodina na vanua o Viti, au na doka, rokova ka tutaka na Yavunivakavulewa e Viti kei na lawa ni Matanitu e Viti; au na qarava na vanua o Viti kei na kena umatamata, au bubuluitaka niu na tutaka na dodonu ni tamata yadua, kau na qarava ena yalodina na vanua o Viti ena valenivolavola ni Peresitedi. Ni vukei au, noqu Kalou!

VOSA YALAYALA NI PERESITEDI O yau o, ................................. au sa yalataka mai na vuniyaloqu taucoko niu na dinata ka qarava ena yalodina na vanua o Viti, au na doka, rokova ka tutaka na Yavunivakavulewa e Viti kei na lawa ni Matanitu e Viti; au na qarava na vanua o Viti kei na kena umatamata, au yalataka niu na tutaka na dodonu ni tamata yadua, kau na qarava ena yalodina na vanua o Viti ena valenivolavola ni Peresitedi.

VOSA BUBULUI NI MINISITA O yau o, ...................................... au sa digitaki meu Paraiminisita/Minisita, au bubuluitaka niu na qarava ena yalodina na vanua o Viti, au na doka, rokova ka tutaka na Yavunivakavulewa kei na lawa ni Matanitu e Viti; au bubuluitaka niu na maroroya na irogorogo ni valenivolavola ena kena ivakatagedegede cecere duadua, meu daunivakasala vinaka, meu maroroya na itukutuku bibi sa nuitaki vei au, meu na qarava na noqu itavi ena yaloqu taucoko kei na noqu igu taucoko. Ni vukei au, noqu Kalou!

VOSA YALAYALA NI MINISITA O yau o, ...................................... au sa digitaki meu Paraiminisita/Minisita, au yalataka mai na vuniyaloqu taucoko niu na dinata ka qarava ena yalodina na vanua o Viti, au na doka, rokova ka tutaka na Yavunivakavulewa kei na lawa ni Matanitu e Viti; au yalataka niu na maroroya na irogorogo ni valenivolavola ena kena ivakatagedegede cecere duadua, meu daunivakasala vinaka, meu maroroya na itukutuku bibi sa nuitaki vei au, ka meu na qarava na noqu itavi ena yaloqu taucoko kei na noqu igu taucoko.


VOSA BUBULUI NI DAUNILEWA O yau o, ................................ au bubuluitaka ena itutu vakadaunilewa ena mataveilewai e Viti, niu na qarava ena yalodina na matanitu o Viti, au na doka, rokova ka tutaka naYavunivakavulewa kei na lawa ni Matanitu e Viti, au bubuluitaka niu na tutaka na lawa kei na dodonu ni tamata yadua, au na sega ni rere se veivakaduiduitaki ena vakatulewataki vakasavasava ni lawa, ena vakamuri vakavinaka ni Yavunivakavulewa kei na lawa. Ni vukei au, noqu Kalou!

VOSA YALAYALA NI DAUNILEWA O yau, o, ................................ au yalataka mai na vuniyaloqu taucoko niu na dinata ka qarava ena yalodina na itutu vakadaunilewa ena mataveilewai e Viti, niu na qarava ena yalodina na matanitu o Viti, au na doka, rokova ka tutaka na Yavunivakavulewa kei na lawa ni Matanitu e Viti, au yalataka niu na tutaka na lawa kei na dodonu ni tamata yadua, au na sega ni rere se veivakaduiduitaki ena vakatulewataki vakasavasava ni lawa ena vakamuri vakavinaka ni Yavunivakavulewa kei na lawa e Viti.

VOSA BUBULUI NI LEWENIPALIMEDI O yau o, ................................ au bubuluitaka ena itutu ni lewenipalimedi e Viti, niu na qarava ena yalodina na matanitu o Viti, au na doka, rokova ka tutaka naYavunivakavulewa kei na lawa ni Matanitu e Viti, au bubuluitaka niu na tutaka na lawa kei na dodonu ni tamata yadua, au bubuluitaka niu na qarava ena yalodina na noqu itavi ena kena vakamuri vakavinaka na Yavunivakavulewa kei na lawa e Viti. Ni vukei au, noqu Kalou!

VOSA YALAYALA NI LEWENIPALIMEDI O yau o, ................................ au yalataka mai na vuniyaloqu taucoko niu na dinata ka qarava ena yalodina na itutu ni lewenipalimedi e Viti, niu na qarava ena yalodina na matanitu o Viti, au na doka, rokova ka tutaka na Yavunivakavulewa kei na lawa ni Matanitu e Viti, au yalataka niu na tutaka na lawa kei na dodonu ni tamata yadua, au yalataka niu na qarava ena yalodina na noqu itavi ena kena vakamuri vakavinaka na Yavunivakavulewa kei na lawa e Viti.

VOSA BUBULUI NI SIPIKA/IVUKEVUKE NI SIPIKA NI PALIMEDI O yau o, ................................ au bubuluitaka ena itutu ni Sipika/iVukevuke ni Sipika ni Palimedi, niu na qarava ena yalodina na matanitu o Viti, au na doka, rokova ka tutaka na Yavunivakavulewa kei na lawa ni Matanitu e Viti, au bubuluitaka niu na tutaka na lawa kei na dodonu ni tamata yadua, au bubuluitaka niu na maroroya na irogorogo ni Palimedi ena kena ivakatagedegede cecere duadua, au na sega ni rere se veivakaduiduitaki ena vakatulewataki vakasavasava naYavunivakavulewa kei na lawa. Ni vukei au, noqu Kalou!


VOSA YALAYALA NI SIPIKA/IVUKEVUKE NI SIPIKA NI PALIMEDI O yau o, ................................ au yalataka mai na vuniyaloqu taucoko niu na dinata ka qarava ena yalodina na itutu ni Sipika/iVukevuke ni Sipika ni Palimedi, niu na qarava ena yalodina na matanitu o Viti, au na doka, rokova ka tutaka na Yavunivakavulewa kei na lawa ni Matanitu e Viti, au yalataka niu na tutaka na lawa kei na dodonu ni tamata yadua, au yalataka niu na maroroya na irogorogo ni Palimedi ena kena ivakatagedegede cecere duadua, au na sega ni rere se veivakaduiduitaki ena vakatulewataki vakasavasava na Yavunivakavulewa kei na lawa.




Berisita – Barristers Boseyaco – Cabinet Bubului – Oath

Daireketa ni Daunivebeitaki ni Matanitu – Director of Public Prosecution Daunifika Levu – Auditor General Daunilawa – Legal Practitioner Daunilawa Levu – Solicitor General Daunilewa – Judges/Judicial Officers Daunilewa ni Mataveilewai e Ra – Magistrates Dauniveisusu – Legal Guardian Dodonu – Rights Dodonu ni Tamata – Human Rights iDole – Benefits Dikiri – Decree Dikiri ni Basulawa 2009 – Crimes Decree 2009 Dikiri ni Daunilawa 2009 – Legal Practitioners Decree 2009 Dikiri ni Matabose ni Dodonu ni Tamata 2009 – Human Rights Commission Decree 2009 Dikiri ni Soqosoqo Vakapolitiki (Volayaca, iVakarau, Veivakailavotaki, Vakamacalataki) 2013 – Political Parties (Registration, Conduct, Funding, Disclosure) Decree 2013 Dikiri ni Valenivolavola ni Vukevuke ni Peresitedi kei na Veisosomitaki 2009 – Office of the Vice President and Succession Decree 2009 Dikiri ni Veidigidigi (Volayaca ni Veidigidigi) 2012 – Electoral (Registration of Voters) Decree 2012 Dikiri ni Veiliutaki Vakamatanitu e Viti 2009 – Executive Authority Decree 2009 Dikiri ni Veiqaravi Raraba ni Lawa 2009 – Administration of Justice Decree 2009 Dikiri ni Veiqaravi Vakamatanitu 2009 – State Services Decree 2009 Dikiri ni Yalani ni Veika e Lavaki me Qaravi kina na VeikaVakapolitiki 2010 – Limitation of Liability for Prescribed Political Events Decree 2010 Dikiri ni iYau kei na kena Vakayagataki 2009 – Revenue and Expenditure Decree

Digidigi vuni – Secret ballot

Gacagaca ni vale – fittings Galala – Freedom Galala ni tamata – Personal Liberty

Kabani Vakalawataki – Registered Company Kaukauwa ni Buli Lawa – Legislative Authority



Kasi – Natural gases Kawatamata– Ethnicity Komada iLiuliu ni Mataivalu – Commander-in-Chief Komisina ni Ovisa – Commissioner of Police iKuri – Schedule

Lawalevu kei Vuravura – International Laws Lawa ni Dodonu – Bill of Rights Lawa Raraba – Common Law Lawasau - Regulation Lawa Tabaki – Written Law Lawa Vakaturi - Bill Lawa Veitikivi - Similar laws Lawatiki - By-law Lawatu- Act iLiuliu ni iToniveisaqa – Opposition Leader iLiuliu ni Veidigidigi – Supervisor of Election Lisitiki – Sub-Lease/Sub-Tenancy

Matabose – Commission Matabose ni Bula – Medical Board Matabose ni Cakacaka Vakamatanitu – Public Service Commission Matabose ni Dodonu ni Tamata kei na Valuti ni Veivakaduiduitaki – Human rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission Matabose ni Mataveilewai – Judicial Service Commission Matabose ni Vakatulewataka na Veiqaravi e Viti – Local Authority Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa – Constitutional Offices Commission Matabose ni Veidigidigi- Electoral Commission Matabose ni Veiqaravi Vakadodonu kei na Veiqaravi Savasava – Accountability and Transparency Commission Matabose ni Veivosoti – Mercy Commission Matabose ni Veivuke Vakalawa – Legal Aid Commission Matabose Vakalawa Tuvakaikoya – Independent Legal Services Commission Matabose Tuvakaikoya – Statuary authority Matailawalawa – Federation Matanitu Vakavuravura – Secular state Matatamata – Race Mata Vakaturi – Candidate Mataveilewai – Judicial/Court Mataveilewai Cecere – Supreme Court Mataveilewai e Cake – High Court Mataveilewai e Ra – Magistrate Court Mataveilewai lalai – Subordinate courts Mataveilewai ni Kudru ni Veidigidigi – Court of Disputed Returns


Mataveilewai ni Rogokudru – Court of Appeal Mataveivaqaqai – Tribunal Minisita – Minister Mosoni ni tawa veivakabauti – Motion of no confidence

Navosavakadua – Chief Justice Na veidigidigi ni lewenivanua volayaca me baleta e dua na vakatutu – referendum Na veilewai e vakayacori vakamatau, vakayacori raraba, ka me rogoca na mataveilewai tuvakaikoya ka sega ni tokona e dua na ilawalawa – fair trial

Oco – Allowance

Paraiminisita – Prime Minister Peresitedi – President Poromoleqeti – Promulgation Poromoliqeti ni Tamata Cakacaka 2007 – Employment Relations Promulgation 2007 Public office – Valenivolavola ni lewenivanua Public officer – Vakailesilesi ena valenivolavola ni lewenivanua

Qele lisitaki – lease Qele saumi – tenancy Qele volivakadua – Freehold Land

iSau ni Veiqaravi – Remuneration Sipika – Speaker of Parliament Soqosoqo ni TamataDauveivakacakacakataki – Council orAffiliation of Employers Soqosoqo ni Tamata Cakacaka – Trade Union Soqosoqo vakapolitiki – Political Parties

Tabacakacaka ni iLavo – Ministry of Finance Tabana ni Ovisa – Fiji Police Force Tabana – Part Tabana ni Veitaqomaki – Disciplinary Forces Tikina – Section Tikobulabula – Public health Tikoleqa Vakamatanitu – State of emergency iTukutuku – Declaration iTukutuku Tabaki Vakamatanitu – Gazette iTuvatuva ni Palimedi – Standing Orders

Umailavo Cokovata ni Matanitu – Consolidated Fund Umatamata - Nationality


Vakabesebese – Strike Vakailesilesi ena valenivolavola ni lewenivanua – Public office Valenivolavola ni lewenivanua – Public officer Valenivolavola Vakamatanitu – State office iVakaro Tabaki ni Veidigidigi – Writs for election Veidigidigi – General elections Veidigidigi tubukoso – By-election Veidinadinati – Agreement Veilewai ni basulawa – Criminal proceedings Veilewai ni veileti – Civil proceedings Veiliutaki Vakamatanitu – Executive Veiqaravi Raraba – Administration/Administrative Veitaqomaki Vakamatanitu – National security Veivagalalataki – Immunity Virisova – Early Childhood Education Vosanisucu – primary language/mother tongue Veivolitaki Vakabutobuto ni Tamata – Human Trafficking iVola ni Volayaca ni Veidigidigi – National Common Register for Voters Vunilawa – Attoney General Vunivola Levu ni Palimedi – Secretary General to Parliament Vunivola Levu ni Mataveilewai e Cake – Chief Registrar Vunivola Tudei – Permanent Secretary

iWalewale ni Veidigidigi – Electoral System iWalewale ni Veidigidigi Veiraurau – Proportional Representation System Wase – Chapter Wasetiki – Subsection

Yalayala – Affirmation iYau – Revenue iYaubula – Minerals Yavunivakavulewa – Constitution Yaya tudei ni vale – fixtures

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