Disclaimer: The English language text below is provided by the Translation and Terminology Centre for
information only; it confers no rights and imposes no obligations separate from those conferred or imposed by the
legislation formally adopted and published. Only the latter is authentic. The original Latvian text uses masculine
pronouns in the singular. The Translation and Terminology Centre uses the principle of gender-neutral language in
its English translations. In addition, gender-specific Latvian nouns have been translated as gender-neutral terms, e.g.
Translation © 2003 Tulkošanas un terminoloģijas centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre)
Republic of Latvia
Regulation No. 420
Adopted 10 September 2002
Procedures for the Performance of Customs Control Measures for the
Protection of Intellectual Property
Issued pursuant to Section 114, Paragraph three of the Customs Law
1. These Regulations prescribe the procedures by which customs control measures are to be
performed to protect intellectual property, by prohibiting temporary storage, release for free
circulation, exportation, re-exportation, customs warehousing, inward processing, inward
processing under customs control, temporary importation, re-importation, importation to a tax-
free shop, outward processing, transit, importation into a free zone or a free warehouse and
abandonment for the benefit of the State of counterfeit and pirated goods.
2. If there is cause for suspicion that the relevant goods are counterfeit or pirated goods,
temporary storage, release of such for free circulation, exportation, re-exportation, customs
warehousing, inward processing, inward processing under customs control, temporary
importation, re-importation, importation to a tax-free shop, outward processing, transit,
importation into a free zone or a free warehouse and abandonment of the goods for the benefit of
the State shall be discontinued until the measures referred to in Paragraphs 18, 19, 20 and 21 of
these Regulations have been taken.
3. These Regulations shall not apply to non-commercial goods, which are in the personal
luggage of natural persons and do not exceed the quantity for which tax relief is specified.
4. In order to enforce and protect his or her rights, the holder of copyright, neighbouring rights,
trademarks, designs and a patent protected in the Republic of Latvia, or his or her representative
(hereinafter – holder of the right), shall submit to the Central Customs Board of the State
Revenue Service (hereinafter – Central Customs Board) an application for the application of
customs control measures in respect of counterfeit and pirated goods (hereinafter – application).
The application shall be drawn up in writing or by utilising electronic means of data processing
and transmission.
5. The following information shall be indicated in the application:
Translation © 2003 Tulkošanas un terminoloģijas centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) 2
5.1. detailed description of the original goods and the alleged counterfeit or pirated goods
to enable the customs authority to identify such;
5.2. the time period within which the holder of the right requests the performance of
customs control measures; and
5.3. any other information known to the holder of the right which is required in order to
take a decision regarding the protection of copyright, neighbouring rights, trademark, design and
patent rights.
6. The application shall be accompanied by proof that the submitter is the holder of the right of
the relevant goods:
6.1. if the holder of the right submits the application, the following shall be deemed to be
6.1.1. for registered rights — registration confirmation;
6.1.2. for copyright and neighbouring rights — any proof which certifies the
authorship or the status of the holder of the right;
6.2. if the application is submitted by any other person who has the right to the relevant
intellectual property, in addition to the proof referred to in Sub-paragraph 6.1 of these
Regulations, a document shall be submitted which certifies the right of such person to the
relevant intellectual property; and
6.3. if the application is submitted by a representative of the holder of the right or a
representative of a person who has the right to utilise the relevant intellectual property, in
addition to the proof referred to in Sub-paragraphs 6.1 and 6.2 of these Regulations, a document
which certifies the right of such representative to dispose the relevant intellectual property shall
be submitted.
7. The application may be once only or with a specified term of validity. A once-only application
shall apply to a specific alleged consignment of counterfeit or pirated goods or to the goods
referred to in Paragraph 13 of these Regulations, or to a specific customs authority. An
application with a specified term of validity shall apply to all alleged consignments of counterfeit
or pirated goods or all customs authorities within a specific time period.
8. After examination of the application, the Central Customs Board shall notify, in writing or by
utilising electronic means of data processing and transmission, the holder of the right or any
other person who has the right to utilise the relevant intellectual property regarding their
9. If the Central Customs Board finds the application unsubstantiated, it shall indicate the
reasons for refusal to the submitter in writing. The holder of the right has the right to appeal the
decision of the Central Customs Board in accordance with Section 22 of the Law on State
Revenue Service.
10. If the Central Customs Board finds an application to be substantiated, it shall specify a time
limit within which the necessary customs control measures shall be performed. The Customs
Board may extend such time period on the basis of a submission of the holder of the right.
Translation © 2003 Tulkošanas un terminoloģijas centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) 3
11. The Central Customs Board shall forward without delay, but not later than within two
working days, the decision by which the application has been recognised as substantiated, to
customs authorities, as well as notify them of the time period within which customs control
measures shall be performed. If the application is once only, the Central Customs Board shall
forward the referred to decision to the responsible customs authority.
12. The holder of the right whose application has been accepted shall notify the Central Customs
Board if his or her rights have ceased with respect to the relevant intellectual property.
13. If a holder of the right has not submitted an application or it has been recognised as
unsubstantiated, but the customs authority, when subjecting the goods to the activities referred to
in Paragraph 1 of these Regulations, has cause for suspicion that the goods are counterfeit or
pirated goods, the customs authority shall notify without delay, but not later than within 24 hours
the Central Customs Board of the alleged infringement of rights. The Central Customs Board
shall notify without delay, but not later than within 24 hours the holder of the right (if such is
known) or any other person (if such is known) who has the right to utilise the relevant
intellectual property.
14. In the case referred to in Paragraph 13 of these Regulations, the customs authority shall
terminate the release of goods and, after information has been provided to the Central Customs
Board, shall keep the goods under customs control for a time period of up to 10 working days, so
that the holder of the right may submit an application.
15. If the holder of the right has not submitted an application within the time period set out in
Paragraph 14 of these Regulations, the State Revenue Service shall act in conformity with the
requirements prescribed by regulatory enactments.
16. If, on the basis of an application, customs control measures have been taken, and it is
determined that the relevant goods are not counterfeit or pirated goods, the holder of the right
whose provided information has been used to identify the goods, shall cover the following
16.1. losses incurred by persons as a result of the measures taken by the customs
authority; and
16.2. expenses incurred while storing the referred to goods under customs control.
17. After arrest of the goods the holder of the right shall be allowed to ascertain whether the
goods are counterfeit or pirated within a period of ten working days. The customs authority may
extend such time period by ten working days on the basis of a submission from the holder of the
right. The holder of the right need not cover the expenses referred to in Paragraph 16 of these
Regulations, which have been incurred during the relevant time period.
18. The customs authority to which the decision of the Central Customs Board has been
forwarded in accordance with Paragraph 11 of these Regulations, shall ascertain, together with
the holder of the right, whether the goods conform to the description of the counterfeit or pirated
goods referred to in the decision. If the goods conform to the description, the customs authority
shall draw up a report regarding conformity of the goods to the description of counterfeit or
Translation © 2003 Tulkošanas un terminoloģijas centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) 4
pirated goods (Annex). The holder of the right and the responsible official of the customs
authority shall sign the report. The customs authority shall terminate the release of the goods
referred to and shall act in accordance with the procedures set out in regulatory enactments.
19. The customs authority shall inform without delay, but not later than within two working
days, the Central Customs Board and the declarant of the goods regarding its actions in writing
or using electronic means of data processing and transmission.
20. At the request of the holder of the right, the customs authority or the Central Customs Board
shall notify him or her, in conformity with the requirements set out in regulatory enactments, of
the given name, surname, personal identification number and address of the place of residence of
the declarant of the goods and the consignee of the goods, or the name, registration number and
legal address of the merchant, as well as of the quantity of the goods. At the request of the holder
of the right, the Central Customs Board shall also notify him or her of the given name, surname,
personal identification number and address of the place of residence of the manufacturer of the
counterfeit and pirated goods and the consignor of the goods, or the name, registration number
and legal address of the merchant, as well as of the quantity of the goods if such information is
21. The customs authority shall give the holder of the right and the persons who have applied for
a customs regime for the goods or temporary storage of the goods, an opportunity to inspect the
goods the release of which is terminated.
22. During inspection of the goods the customs authority is entitled to take samples which, if
necessary, shall be sent to the holder of the right for the provision of an opinion.
23. In accordance with the powers conferred upon them by regulatory enactments with respect to
legal actions with counterfeit and pirated goods, the Central Customs Board and customs
authorities shall not be liable for the losses or damage caused due to such activities.
Prime Minister A. Bērziņš
Minister for Finance G. Bērziņš
Translation © 2003 Tulkošanas un terminoloģijas centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) 5
Cabinet Regulation No. 420
10 September 2002
Report No. _______
regarding conformity of goods to the description of counterfeit or pirated
The report has been drawn up on the basis of the procedures for the performance of customs
control measures for the protection of intellectual property determined by the Cabinet.
________________________________ __________________________________
(date of drawing up the report) (place of drawing up the report)
Official of the customs authority
(position, given name, surname)
holder of the intellectual property right or representative
(given name, surname, authorisation number and date)
Protected intellectual property
Customs control
Customs regime
Goods transportation type
Vehicle registration number
Goods accompanying documents
Declarant of the goods
Number of the customs inspection report _________ Date _____________
During the customs control it has been determined that the goods conform/do not conform (cross
the inappropriate) to the description of counterfeit or pirated goods.
Goods CN Code Quantity Net weight Value (LVL)
1 2 3 4 5
Drawing up of the report has been notified to the declarant of the goods.
Official of the customs authority
(signature and personal seal imprint)
Holder of the intellectual property right or representative
Translation © 2003 Tulkošanas un terminoloģijas centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) 6
Minister for Finance G. Bērziņš
Publicēts: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 147 (2722), 11.10.2002.
Izdevējs: Ministru kabinets Veids: noteikumi Numurs: 420 Pieņemts: 10.09.2002. Stājas spēkā: 12.10.2002. Zaudē spēku: 01.05.2004.
Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.420
Rīgā 2002.gada 10.septembrī (prot. Nr.38, 1.§)
Kārtība, kādā veicami muitas kontroles pasākumi intelektuālā īpašuma aizsardzībai
Izdoti saskaņā ar Muitas likuma 114.panta trešo daļu
1. Noteikumi nosaka kārtību, kādā veicami muitas kontroles pasākumi intelektuālā īpašuma aizsardzībai, aizliedzot kontrafaktu un pirātisku preču pagaidu uzglabāšanu, izlaišanu brīvam apgrozījumam, izvešanu (eksportu), atpakaļizvešanu, ievešanu muitas noliktavā, ievešanu pārstrādei, ievešanu pārstrādei muitas kontrolē, ievešanu uz laiku, preču atpakaļievešanu, ievešanu beznodokļu tirdzniecības veikalā, izvešanu pārstrādei, tranzītu, ievešanu brīvajā zonā vai brīvajā noliktavā un atteikšanos no precēm par labu valstij.
2. Ja ir pamatotas aizdomas, ka attiecīgās preces ir kontrafaktas vai pirātiskas preces, to pagaidu uzglabāšana, izlaišana brīvam apgrozījumam, izvešana (eksports), atpakaļizvešana, ievešana muitas noliktavā, ievešana pārstrādei, ievešana pārstrādei muitas kontrolē, ievešana uz laiku, preču atpakaļievešana, ievešana beznodokļu tirdzniecības veikalā, izvešana pārstrādei, tranzīts, ievešana brīvajā zonā vai brīvajā noliktavā un atteikšanās no precēm par labu valstij tiek pārtraukta, kamēr nav veikti šo noteikumu 18., 19., 20. un 21.punktā minētie pasākumi.
3. Noteikumi neattiecas uz nekomerciālām precēm, kas ir fizisko personu bagāžā un nepārsniedz daudzumu, par kuru noteikti nodokļu atvieglojumi.
4. Latvijas Republikā aizsargātu autortiesību, blakustiesību, preču zīmes, dizainparauga un patenta tiesību subjekts vai tā pārstāvis (turpmāk - tiesību subjekts) savu tiesību realizēšanai un aizstāvēšanai iesniedz Valsts ieņēmumu dienesta Galvenajā muitas pārvaldē (turpmāk - Galvenā muitas pārvalde) pieteikumu muitas kontroles pasākumu piemērošanai attiecībā uz kontrafaktām vai pirātiskām precēm (turpmāk - pieteikums). Pieteikumu noformē rakstiski vai izmantojot elektroniskos datu apstrādes un pārraides līdzekļus.
5. Pieteikumā norāda šādu informāciju:
5.1. detalizēts oriģinālo preču un iespējamo kontrafakto vai pirātisko preču apraksts, lai muitas iestādei būtu iespējams tās pazīt;
5.2. laikposms, kādā tiesību subjekts lūdz veikt muitas kontroles pasākumus;
5.3. jebkura cita tiesību subjektam zināma informācija, kas nepieciešama, lai pieņemtu lēmumu par autortiesību, blakustiesību, preču zīmes, dizainparauga un patenta tiesību aizsardzību.
6. Pieteikumam pievieno pierādījumu, ka iesniedzējs ir attiecīgo preču tiesību subjekts:
6.1. ja pieteikumu iesniedz tiesību subjekts, par pierādījumu uzskatāms:
6.1.1. reģistrētām tiesībām - reģistrācijas apstiprinājums;
6.1.2. autortiesībām un blakustiesībām - jebkurš pierādījums, kas apliecina autorību vai tiesību subjekta statusu;
6.2. ja pieteikumu iesniedz jebkura cita persona, kurai ir tiesības uz attiecīgo intelektuālo īpašumu, papildus šo noteikumu 6.1.apakšpunktā minētajiem pierādījumiem iesniedzams dokuments, kas apliecina šīs personas tiesības uz attiecīgo intelektuālo īpašumu;
6.3. ja pieteikumu iesniedz tiesību subjekta pārstāvis vai tādas personas pārstāvis, kurai ir tiesības uz attiecīgā
intelektuālā īpašuma izmantošanu, papildus šo noteikumu 6.1. un 6.2.apakšpunktā minētajiem pierādījumiem iesniedzams dokuments, kas apliecina šī pārstāvja tiesības rīkoties ar šo intelektuālo īpašumu.
7. Pieteikums var būt vienreizējs vai ar noteiktu darbības termiņu. Vienreizējs pieteikums attiecas uz konkrētu iespējamu kontrafaktu vai pirātisku preču sūtījumu vai uz šo noteikumu 13.punktā minētajām precēm, vai noteiktu muitas iestādi. Pieteikums ar noteiktu darbības termiņu attiecas uz visiem iespējamiem kontrafaktu vai pirātisku preču sūtījumiem vai visām muitas iestādēm noteiktā laikposmā.
8. Galvenā muitas pārvalde pēc pieteikuma izskatīšanas rakstiski vai izmantojot elektroniskos datu apstrādes un pārraides līdzekļus paziņo par savu lēmumu tiesību subjektam vai jebkurai citai personai, kurai ir tiesības uz attiecīgā intelektuālā īpašuma izmantošanu.
9. Ja Galvenā muitas pārvalde pieteikumu atzīst par nepamatotu, tā iesniedzējam rakstiski norāda atteikuma iemeslus. Tiesību subjektam ir tiesības pārsūdzēt Galvenās muitas pārvaldes lēmumu saskaņā ar likuma "Par Valsts ieņēmumu dienestu" 22.pantu.
10. Ja Galvenā muitas pārvalde pieteikumu atzīst par pamatotu, tā nosaka termiņu, kurā veicami nepieciešamie muitas kontroles pasākumi. Šo laikposmu Galvenā muitas pārvalde var pagarināt, pamatojoties uz tiesību subjekta iesniegumu.
11. Galvenā muitas pārvalde nekavējoties, bet ne vēlāk kā divu darbdienu laikā, nosūta muitas iestādēm lēmumu, ar kuru pieteikums atzīts par pamatotu, kā arī paziņo tām termiņu, kurā veicami muitas kontroles pasākumi. Ja pieteikums ir vienreizējs, Galvenā muitas pārvalde minēto lēmumu nosūta atbildīgajai muitas iestādei.
12. Tiesību subjekts, kura pieteikums ir pieņemts, informē Galveno muitas pārvaldi, ja viņa tiesības uz attiecīgo intelektuālo īpašumu ir beigušās.
13. Ja tiesību subjekts pieteikumu nav iesniedzis vai tas ir atzīts par nepamatotu, taču muitas iestādei, piemērojot šo noteikumu 1.punktā minētās darbības ar precēm, rodas pamatotas aizdomas, ka preces ir kontrafaktas vai pirātiskas, muitas iestāde nekavējoties, bet ne vēlāk kā 24 stundu laikā, informē Galveno muitas pārvaldi par iespējamo tiesību pārkāpumu. Galvenā muitas pārvalde nekavējoties, bet ne vēlāk kā 24 stundu laikā, informē tiesību subjektu (ja tas ir zināms) vai jebkuru citu personu (ja tāda ir zināma), kurai ir tiesības uz attiecīgā intelektuālā īpašuma izmantošanu.
14. Muitas iestāde šo noteikumu 13.punktā minētajā gadījumā pārtrauc preču izlaišanu un pēc tam, kad ir sniegta informācija Galvenajai muitas pārvaldei, glabā preces muitas kontrolē līdz desmit darbdienām, lai tiesību subjekts varētu iesniegt pieteikumu.
15. Ja tiesību subjekts šo noteikumu 14.punktā minētajā termiņā nav iesniedzis pieteikumu, Valsts ieņēmumu dienests rīkojas atbilstoši normatīvo aktu prasībām.
16. Ja, pamatojoties uz pieteikumu, ir veikti muitas kontroles pasākumi un ir konstatēts, ka attiecīgās preces nav kontrafaktas vai pirātiskas, tiesību subjekts, kura sniegtā informācija ir izmantota preču identificēšanai, sedz šādus izdevumus:
16.1. zaudējumus, kas radušies personām muitas iestādes veikto pasākumu dēļ;
16.2. izdevumus, kas radušies, uzglabājot minētās preces muitas kontrolē.
17. Pēc preču aizturēšanas tiesību subjektam desmit darbdienu laikā ļauj pārliecināties par to, vai preces ir kontrafaktas vai pirātiskas. Šo laikposmu muitas iestāde var pagarināt par desmit darbdienām, pamatojoties uz tiesību subjekta iesniegumu. Šo noteikumu 16.punktā minētie izdevumi, kas radušies attiecīgajā laikposmā, tiesību subjektam nav jāsedz.
18. Muitas iestāde, kurai saskaņā ar šo noteikumu 11.punktu ir nosūtīts Galvenās muitas pārvaldes lēmums, kopīgi ar tiesību subjektu noskaidro, vai preces atbilst lēmumā minēto kontrafakto vai pirātisko preču aprakstam. Ja preces šim aprakstam atbilst, muitas iestāde sastāda aktu par preču atbilstību kontrafakto vai pirātisko preču aprakstam (pielikums). Aktu paraksta tiesību subjekts un atbildīgā muitas iestādes amatpersona. Muitas iestāde pārtrauc minēto preču izlaišanu un rīkojas normatīvajos aktos noteiktajā kārtībā.
19. Muitas iestāde nekavējoties, bet ne vēlāk kā divu darbdienu laikā, rakstiski vai izmantojot elektroniskos datu apstrādes un pārraides līdzekļus informē par savu rīcību Galveno muitas pārvaldi un preču deklarētāju.
20. Atbilstoši normatīvo aktu prasībām muitas iestāde vai Galvenā muitas pārvalde pēc tiesību subjekta pieprasījuma paziņo tam preču deklarētāja un preču saņēmēja vārdu, uzvārdu, personas kodu un dzīvesvietas adresi vai komersanta nosaukumu, reģistrācijas numuru un juridisko adresi, kā arī preču daudzumu. Galvenā muitas pārvalde pēc tiesību subjekta pieprasījuma paziņo tam arī kontrafakto vai pirātisko preču ražotāja un preču nosūtītāja vārdu, uzvārdu, personas kodu un dzīvesvietas adresi vai komersanta nosaukumu, reģistrācijas numuru un juridisko adresi, kā arī preču daudzumu, ja šāda informācija ir zināma.
21. Muitas iestāde dod iespēju tiesību subjektam un personām, kas preces ir pieteikušas muitas režīmam vai preču pagaidu uzglabāšanai, apskatīt tās preces, kuru izlaišana ir pārtraukta.
22. Preču pārbaudes laikā muitas iestāde ir tiesīga ņemt paraugus, kurus, ja nepieciešams, nosūta tiesību subjektam atzinuma sniegšanai.
23. Galvenā muitas pārvalde un muitas iestādes saskaņā ar normatīvajos aktos tām piešķirtajām pilnvarām attiecībā uz tiesisku rīcību ar kontrafaktām un pirātiskām precēm nav atbildīgas par šo darbību dēļ nodarītajiem zaudējumiem vai bojājumiem.
Ministru prezidents A.Bērziņš
Finansu ministrs G.Bērziņš
Redakcijas piebilde: noteikumi stājas spēkā ar 2002.gada 12.ok tobri.
© Oficiālais izdevējs "Latvijas Vēstnesis"