Chapter: 455 ORGANIZED AND SERIOUS CRIMES ORDINANCE Gazette Number Version Date
Long title L.N. 145 of 2002 01/01/2003
An Ordinance to create new powers of investigation into organized crimes and certain other offences and into the proceeds of crime of certain offenders; provide for the confiscation of proceeds of crime; make provision in respect of the sentencing of certain offenders; create offences relating to the proceeds of crime or property representing the proceeds of crime; and for ancillary and connected matters.
(Enacted 1994. Amended 26 of 2002 s. 3)
[Sections 2, 25 to 27, 30, 32 to 35 and } 2 December 1994 L.N. 651 of 1994Schedules 1 and 2 The Ordinance, other than sections 2, 25 } 28 April 1995 L.N. 157 of 1995]to 27, 30, 32 to 35 and Schedules 1
and 2
(Originally 82 of 1994)
Section: 1 Short title 30/06/1997
(1) This Ordinance may be cited as the Organized and Serious Crimes Ordinance. (2) (Omitted as spent)
(Enacted 1994)
Section: 2 Interpretation L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007
(1) In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires- "absconded" (潛逃), in relation to a person, includes absconded for any reason whatsoever, and whether or not, before
absconding, the person had been- (a) taken into custody; or (b) released on bail; (Added 90 of 1995 s. 2)
"authorized officer" (獲授權人) means- (a) any police officer; (b) any member of the Customs and Excise Service established by section 3 of the Customs and Excise
Service Ordinance (Cap 342); and (c) any other person authorized in writing by the Secretary for Justice for the purposes of this Ordinance;
(Amended L.N. 362 of 1997) "confiscation order" (沒收令) means an order made under section 8(7); "dealing" (處理), in relation to property referred to in section 15(1) or 25, includes-
(a) receiving or acquiring the property; (b) concealing or disguising the property (whether by concealing or disguising its nature, source, location,
disposition, movement or ownership or any rights with respect to it or otherwise); (c) disposing of or converting the property; (d) bringing into or removing from Hong Kong the property; (e) using the property to borrow money, or as security (whether by way of charge, mortgage or pledge or
otherwise); (Added 90 of 1995 s. 2) "defendant" (被告人) means a person against whom proceedings have been instituted for a specified offence (whether
or not he has been convicted of that offence); "insolvency officer" (債務處理人) means-
(a) the Official Receiver; or (b) any person acting as-
(i) a trustee (including provisional trustee), interim trustee or special manager appointed under the Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6); or (Amended 18 of 2005 s. 48)
(ii) a liquidator, provisional liquidator or special manager appointed under the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32);
"interest" (權益), in relation to property, includes right; "items subject to legal privilege" (享有法律特權的品目) means-
(a) communications between a professional legal adviser and his client or any person representing his client made in connection with the giving of legal advice to the client;
(b) communications between a professional legal adviser and his client or any person representing his client or between such an adviser or his client or any such representative and any other person made in connection with or in contemplation of legal proceedings and for the purposes of such proceedings; and
(c) items enclosed with or referred to in such communications and made- (i) in connection with the giving of legal advice; or (ii) in connection with or in contemplation of legal proceedings and for the purposes of such
proceedings, when they are in the possession of a person who is entitled to possession of them,
but excludes any such communications or items held with the intention of furthering a criminal purpose; "material" (物料) includes any book, document or other record in any form whatsoever, and any article or substance; "organized crime" (有組織罪行) means a Schedule 1 offence that-
(a) is connected with the activities of a particular triad society; (b) is related to the activities of 2 or more persons associated together solely or partly for the purpose of
committing 2 or more acts, each of which is a Schedule 1 offence and involves substantial planning and organization; or
(c) is committed by 2 or more persons, involves substantial planning and organization and involves- (i) loss of the life of any person, or a substantial risk of such a loss; (ii) serious bodily or psychological harm to any person, or a substantial risk of such harm; or (iii) serious loss of liberty of any person;
"premises" (處所) includes any place and, in particular, includes- (a) any vehicle, vessel, aircraft, hovercraft or offshore structure; and (b) any tent or movable structure;
"property" (財產 ) includes both movable and immovable property within the meaning of section 3 of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap 1);
"Registrar" (司法常務官) means the Registrar of the High Court; (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2) "reward" (酬賞) includes a pecuniary advantage; "Schedule 1 offence" (附表1所列罪行) means-
(a) any of the offences specified in Schedule 1; (b) conspiracy to commit any of those offences; (c) inciting another to commit any of those offences; (d) attempting to commit any of those offences; (e) aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring the commission of any of those offences;
"society" (社團) has the same meaning as in section 2(1) of the Societies Ordinance (Cap 151); "specified offence" (指明的罪行) means-
(a) any of the offences specified in Schedule 1 or Schedule 2; (b) conspiracy to commit any of those offences; (c) inciting another to commit any of those offences; (d) attempting to commit any of those offences; (e) aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring the commission of any of those offences.
"triad society" (三合會) includes any society which- (a) uses any ritual commonly used by triad societies, any ritual closely resembling any such ritual or any
part of any such ritual; or (b) adopts or makes use of any triad title or nomenclature;
(2) For the purpose of the definition of "organized crime" (有組織罪行) in subsection (1)- (a) a conspiracy to commit a Schedule 1 offence involves a matter referred to in paragraph (c)(i) to (iii) of
that definition if the pursuit of the agreed course of conduct would at some stage involve that matter; (b) an attempt or incitement to commit a Schedule 1 offence involves a matter referred to in paragraph
(c)(i) to (iii) of that definition if what the person attempting or inciting the commission had in view would involve that matter.
(3) The expressions listed in the left-hand column below are respectively defined or (as the case may be) fall to be construed in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance listed in the right-hand column in relation to those expressions.
Expression Relevant provision
Charging order (押記令) ......................................................... Section 16(2) Gift caught by this Ordinance (受本條例囿制的饋贈) ............ Section 12(9) Making a gift (作出饋贈) ........................................................ Section 12(10) Realisable property (可變現財產) ........................................... Section 12(1) Restraint order (限制令) ......................................................... Section 15(1) Value of gift, payment or reward (饋贈、付款或酬賞的價值) Section 12 Value of property (財產的價值) ............................................. Section 12(4)
(Amended 90 of 1995 s. 2) (4) This Ordinance applies to property whether it is situated in Hong Kong or elsewhere. (5) References in this Ordinance (except in sections 25 and 25A) to offences or organized crimes include a
reference to offences or organized crimes committed before the commencement of this Ordinance; but nothing in this Ordinance imposes any duty or confers any power on any court in or in connection with proceedings against a person for an offence instituted before the commencement of this Ordinance. (Amended 90 of 1995 s. 2)
(6) For the purposes of this Ordinance- (a) a person's proceeds of an offence are-
(i) any payments or other rewards received by him at any time (whether before or after 2 December 1994) in connection with the commission of that offence;
(ii) any property derived or realised, directly or indirectly, by him from any of the payments or other rewards; and
(iii) any pecuniary advantage obtained in connection with the commission of that offence; (b) the value of the person's proceeds of that offence is the aggregate of the values of-
(i) the payments or other rewards; (ii) that property; and (iii) that pecuniary advantage. (Replaced 87 of 1997 s. 36)
(7) For the purposes of this Ordinance- (a) a person's proceeds of organized crime are-
(i) any payments or other rewards received by him at any time (whether before or after 2 December 1994) in connection with the commission of one or more organized crimes;
(ii) any property derived or realised, directly or indirectly, by him from any of the payments or other rewards; and
(iii) any pecuniary advantage obtained in connection with the commission of one or more organized crimes;
(b) the value of the person's proceeds of organized crime is the aggregate of the values of- (i) the payments or other rewards; (ii) that property; and (iii) that pecuniary advantage. (Replaced 87 of 1997 s. 36)
(8) For the purposes of this Ordinance, a person who has at any time (whether before or after the commencement of this Ordinance) received any payment or other reward in connection with the commission of an offence or an organized crime has benefited from that offence or organized crime, as the case may be.
(9) References in this Ordinance to property received in connection with the commission of an offence or organized crime include a reference to property received both in that connection and in some other connection.
(10) Subsections (11) to (17) shall have effect for the interpretation of this Ordinance. (11) Property is held by any person if he holds any interest in it. (12) References to property held by a person include a reference to property vested in his trustee in bankruptcy
or in a liquidator. (13) References to an interest held by a person beneficially in property include, where the property is vested in
his trustee in bankruptcy or in a liquidator, a reference to an interest which would be held by him beneficially if the property were not so vested.
(14) Property is transferred by one person to another if the first person transfers or grants to the other any interest in the property.
(15) Proceedings for an offence are instituted- (a) when a magistrate issues a warrant or summons under section 72 of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap
227) in respect of the offence; (aa) when a person has been arrested for the offence and released on bail or has refused bail; (Added 26 of
2002 s. 3) (b) when a person is charged with the offence after being taken into custody without a warrant; or (c) when an indictment is preferred by the direction or with the consent of a judge under section 24A(1)(b)
of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221), and where the application of this subsection would result in there being more than one time for the institution of proceedings, they shall be taken to have been instituted at the earliest of those times.
(16) Proceedings for an offence are concluded on the occurrence of one of the following events- (a) the discontinuance of the proceedings whether by entry of a nolle prosequi or otherwise; (b) an order or verdict acquitting the defendant, not being an order or verdict which is subject to appeal or
review within the meaning of subsection (17); (c) the quashing of his conviction for the offence except where, under section 83E of the Criminal
Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221), an order is made that he be retried; (d) the grant of the Chief Executive's pardon in respect of the conviction for the offence; (Amended 13 of
1999 s. 3) (e) the court or magistrate sentencing or otherwise dealing with him in respect of his conviction for the
offence where the Secretary for Justice either does not apply for a confiscation order, or applies for a confiscation order and the order is not made; or (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
(f) the satisfaction of a confiscation order made in the proceedings (whether by payment of the amount due under the order or by the defendant serving imprisonment in default).
(16A) An application for a confiscation order made in respect of a defendant where section 8(1)(a)(ii) or (7A) is applicable is concluded-
(a) if the Court of First Instance or the District Court decides not to make such an order, when it makes that decision; or (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(b) if such an order is made as a result of that application, when the order is satisfied. (Added 90 of 1995 s. 2)
(16B) An application under section 20(1A) in respect of a confiscation order made against a defendant is concluded-
(a) if the Court of First Instance decides not to vary that order, when it makes that decision; or (b) if the Court of First Instance varies that order as a result of that application, when the order is satisfied.
(Added 90 of 1995 s. 2. Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2) (17) An order or verdict (including an order or verdict of acquittal) is subject to appeal or review so long as an
appeal, further appeal or review is pending against the order or verdict; and for this purpose an appeal, further appeal or review shall be treated as pending (where one is competent but has not been instituted) until-
(a) (Repealed 79 of 1995 s. 50) (b) the expiration of the time prescribed for instituting the appeal, further appeal or review. (Amended 79
of 1995 s. 50) (18) Subject to subsection (19), nothing in this Ordinance shall require the disclosure of any items subject to
legal privilege. (Added 26 of 2002 s. 3) (19) Subsection (18) shall not prejudice the operation of sections 3, 4 and 5. (Added 26 of 2002 s. 3)
(Enacted 1994)
[cf. 1986 c. 32 s. 38 U.K.]
Section: 3 Requirement to furnish information or produce material L.N. 362 of 1997; 25 of 1998
Remarks: Amendments retroactively made - see 25 of 1998 s. 2
(1) The Secretary for Justice may, for the purpose of an investigation into an organized crime, make an ex parte application to the Court of First Instance for an order under subsection (2) in relation to a particular person or to persons of a particular description. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997; 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(2) The Court of First Instance may, if on such an application it is satisfied that the conditions in subsection (4)(a), (b) and (d) or subsection (4)(a), (c) and (d) are fulfilled, make an order complying with subsection (3) in respect of the particular person, or persons of the particular description, to whom the application relates. (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(3) An order under subsection (2) shall- (a) give particulars of the organized crime under investigation; (b) identify the particular person, or state the particular description of persons, in respect of whom the
order is made; (c) authorize the Secretary for Justice to require the person or persons in respect of whom the order is
made- (i) to answer questions or otherwise furnish information with respect to any matter that reasonably
appears to an authorized officer to be relevant to the investigation; or (ii) to produce any material that reasonably appears to the Secretary for Justice to relate to any matter
relevant to the investigation, or any material of a class that reasonably appears to him so to relate, or both; and (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
(d) contain such other terms (if any) as the Court of First Instance considers appropriate in the public interest, but nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as authorizing the court to order the detention of any person in custody without that person's consent. (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(4) The conditions referred to in subsection (2) are- (a) that there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that the organized crime under investigation has been
committed; (b) where the application relates to a particular person, that there are reasonable grounds for suspecting
that the person has information, or is in possession of material, likely to be relevant to the investigation;
(c) where the application relates to persons of a particular description, that- (i) there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that some or all persons of that description have such
information or are in possession of such material; and (ii) the organized crime could not effectively be investigated if the application was required to relate
to a particular person, whether because of the urgency of the investigation, the need to keep the investigation confidential or the difficulty in identifying a particular person who has relevant information or material; (Amended 90 of 1995 s. 3)
(d) that there are reasonable grounds for believing that it is in the public interest, having regard- (i) to the seriousness of the organized crime under investigation; (ii) to whether or not the organized crime could be effectively investigated if an order under
subsection (2) is not made; (iii) to the benefit likely to accrue to the investigation if the information is disclosed or the material
obtained; and (iv) to the circumstances under which the person or persons may have acquired, or may hold, the
information or material (including any obligation of confidentiality in respect of the information or material and any family relationship with a person to whom the information or material
relates), that an order under subsection (2) should be made in respect of that person or those persons.
(5) Where an order under subsection (2) authorizes the Secretary for Justice to require a person to answer questions or otherwise furnish information with respect to any matter that reasonably appears to an authorized officer to be relevant to an investigation, the Secretary for Justice may by one, or more than one, notice in writing served on that person require him to attend before an authorized officer at a specified time and place, or at specified times and places, and answer questions or otherwise furnish information with respect to any matter that reasonably appears to the authorized officer to be relevant to the investigation. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
(6) Where an order under subsection (2) authorizes the Secretary for Justice to require a person to produce any material that reasonably appears to the Secretary for Justice to relate to any matter relevant to an investigation, or any material of a class that reasonably appears to him so to relate, the Secretary for Justice may by one, or more than one, notice in writing served on that person require him to produce at a specified time and place, or at specified times and places, any specified material that reasonably appears to him so to relate or any material of a specified class that reasonably appears to him so to relate. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
(7) A notice in writing imposing a requirement on a person under subsection (5) or (6) shall- (a) state that a court order has been made under this section and include-
(i) the date of the order; (ii) the particulars of the organized crime under investigation; (iii) where the order is made in respect of that particular person, a statement to that effect; (iv) where the order is made in respect of persons of a particular description and that person is of that
particular description, a statement to that effect; (v) a statement of the authorization given to the Secretary for Justice by the order; and (Amended
L.N. 362 of 1997) (vi) a statement of any other terms of the order relevant to that person;
(b) have annexed to it a copy of the order made under this section, but there may be excluded from such copy- (i) any reference in the order to a particular person other than that person, or to persons of a
particular description not including that person; and (ii) any details in the order that relate only to such particular person or persons of a particular
description; and (c) be substantially in the form specified in Schedule 4 in relation to such notice and in addition shall set
out or have annexed to it subsections (8) to (10) and section 7. (8) An authorized officer may photograph or make copies of any material produced in compliance with a
requirement under this section. (9) A person shall not under this section be required to furnish any information or produce any material relating
to items subject to legal privilege, except that a lawyer may be required to furnish the name and address of his client. (10) An order under subsection (2), and a notice in writing imposing a requirement under subsection (5) or (6),
may be made in relation to information held by, and material in the possession of, a public body as defined in section 28.
(11) A person is not excused from furnishing information or producing any material required under this section on the ground that to do so-
(a) might tend to incriminate him; or (b) would breach an obligation as to secrecy or another restriction upon the disclosure of information or
material imposed by statute or otherwise. (12) A statement by a person in response to a requirement imposed by virtue of this section may not be used
against him in criminal proceedings against him except as follows- (a) in evidence in proceedings under subsection (14) or section 36 of the Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200); or (b) for the purpose of impeaching his credibility in proceedings in respect of any offence where in giving
evidence he makes a statement inconsistent with it. (13) Any person who without reasonable excuse fails to comply with a requirement imposed on him under this
section commits an offence and is liable to a fine at level 6 and to imprisonment for 1 year. (14) Any person who, in purported compliance with a requirement under this section-
(a) makes a statement that he knows to be false or misleading in a material particular; or (b) recklessly makes a statement that is false or misleading in a material particular,
commits an offence and is liable-
(i) on conviction upon indictment to a fine of $500000 and to imprisonment for 3 years; or (ii) on summary conviction to a fine at level 6 and to imprisonment for 1 year.
(15) Where an order under subsection (2) has been made the Secretary for Justice, or a person authorized in writing by the Secretary for Justice for the purpose of this subsection, may, after satisfying any conditions that may be prescribed by rules of court in this respect, obtain a copy of the order; but subject to the foregoing part of this subsection and to subsection (7)(b), no person is entitled to obtain a copy of the order or any part of the order. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
(16) Where a requirement imposed on a person under this section relates to material which consists of information recorded otherwise than in legible form-
(a) the requirement shall have effect as a requirement to produce the material in a form in which it can be taken away;
(b) an authorized officer may by notice in writing served on the person require the person to produce at a specified time and place, or at specified times and places, the material in a form in which it is visible and legible and can be taken away, and may by like notice release the person from any obligation under the requirement to produce the material in the form in which it is recorded.
(17) An application for the discharge or variation of an order made under this section may be made by any person on whom a requirement is imposed under the order.
(18) Rules of court- (a) shall provide for applications by any person on whom a requirement is imposed under an order made
under this section for the discharge or variation of such order; (b) may provide for-
(i) proceedings relating to orders under this section; (ii) conditions that must be satisfied before a person (including the Secretary for Justice) referred to
in subsection (15) may obtain a copy of such order. (Amended 90 of 1995 s. 3; L.N. 362 of 1997)
(19) The Secretary for Security shall prepare a code of practice in connection with- (a) the exercise of any of the powers conferred; and (b) the discharge of any of the duties imposed,
by this section, and any such code shall be laid before the Legislative Council and shall not be promulgated until the code has been approved by the Legislative Council.
(Enacted 1994)
Section: 4 Order to make material available L.N. 362 of 1997; 25 of 1998 s. 2
Remarks: Amendments retroactively made - see 25 of 1998 s. 2
(1) The Secretary for Justice or an authorized officer may, for the purpose of an investigation into- (a) an organized crime; or (b) the proceeds of organized crime of any person who has committed or is suspected of having committed
an organized crime; or (c) the proceeds of a specified offence of any person who has committed, or is suspected of having
committed, that specified offence, make an ex parte application to the Court of First Instance for an order under subsection (2) in relation to particular material or material of a particular description, whether in Hong Kong or, in the case of an application by the Secretary for Justice, elsewhere. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997; 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(2) Subject to subsection (5) and section 28(10), the court may, if on such an application it is satisfied that the conditions in subsection (4)(a), (c) and (d) or subsection (4)(b), (c) and (d) are fulfilled, make an order that the person who appears to the court to be in possession or control of the material to which the application relates shall-
(a) produce the material to an authorized officer for him to take away; or (b) give an authorized officer access to it,
within such period as the order may specify. (3) The period to be specified in an order under subsection (2) shall be 7 days unless it appears to the court that
a longer or shorter period would be appropriate in the particular circumstances of the application.
(4) The conditions referred to in subsection (2) are- (a) where the investigation is into an organized crime, that there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that
the organized crime has been committed; (b) where the investigation is into the proceeds of organized crime or a specified offence of a person-
(i) that the person has committed an organized crime or that specified offence, or that there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that he has committed an organized crime or that specified offence; and
(ii) that there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that the person has benefited from organized crime or that specified offence;
(c) that there are reasonable grounds for believing that the material to which the application relates- (i) is likely to be relevant to the investigation for the purpose of which the application is made; and (ii) does not consist of or include items subject to legal privilege;
(d) that there are reasonable grounds for believing that it is in the public interest, having regard- (i) to the benefit likely to accrue to the investigation if the material is obtained; and (ii) to the circumstances under which the person in possession or control of the material holds or
controls it, as the case may be, (Amended 90 of 1995 s. 4) that the material should be produced or that access to it should be given.
(5) Where an application under subsection (1) relates to material of a particular description, an order under subsection (2) shall only be made where an application in relation to particular material is not reasonably practicable.
(6) Where a court makes an order under subsection (2)(b) in relation to material on any premises it may, on the same or a subsequent application of an authorized officer, order any person who appears to it to be entitled to grant entry to the premises to allow an authorized officer to enter the premises to obtain access to the material.
(7) An application for the discharge or variation of an order made under subsection (2) or (6) may be made by any person who is subject to the order.
(8) Rules of court- (a) shall provide for applications by any person who is subject to an order made under this section for the
discharge or variation of such order; (b) may provide for proceedings relating to orders under this section.
(9) Where material to which an application under this section relates consists of information recorded otherwise than in legible form-
(a) an order under subsection (2)(a) shall have effect as an order to produce the material in a form in which it can be taken away; and
(b) an order under subsection (2)(b) shall have effect as an order to give access to the material in a form in which it is visible and legible.
(10) Where an order made under subsection (2)(a) relates to information recorded otherwise than in legible form, an authorized officer may by notice in writing require the person to produce the material in a form in which it is visible and legible and can be taken away, and may by like notice release the person from any obligation under the order to produce the material in the form in which it was recorded.
(11) An order under subsection (2)- (a) shall not confer any right to production of, or access to, items subject to legal privilege; and (b) may be made in relation to material in the possession or control of a public body as defined in section
28. (Amended 90 of 1995 s. 4) (12) A person is not excused from producing any material in relation to which an order under subsection (2) is
made on the ground that to do so- (a) might tend to incriminate him; or (b) would breach an obligation as to secrecy or another restriction upon the disclosure of information
imposed by statute or otherwise. (13) Any person who without reasonable excuse fails to comply with an order made under subsection (2)
commits an offence and is liable to a fine at level 6 and to imprisonment for 1 year. (14) An authorized officer may photograph or make copies of any material produced under this section.
(Enacted 1994) [cf. 1986 c. 32 s. 27 U.K.]
Section: 5 Authority for search 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997
Remarks: Amendments retroactively made - see 25 of 1998 s. 2
(1) An authorized officer may, for the purpose of an investigation into- (a) an organized crime; (b) the proceeds of organized crime of any person who has committed or is suspected of having committed
an organized crime; (c) the proceeds of a specified offence of any person who has committed, or is suspected of having
committed, that specified offence, apply to the Court of First Instance or the District Court for a warrant under this section in relation to specified premises. (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(2) On such application the court may issue a warrant authorizing an authorized officer to enter and search the premises if it is satisfied-
(a) that a requirement imposed under section 3(6) in relation to material on the premises has not been complied with; or
(b) that an order made under section 4 in relation to material on the premises has not been complied with; or
(c) that the conditions in subsection (3)(a), (c) and (d) or subsection (3)(b), (c) and (d) are fulfilled; or (d) that the conditions in subsection (4)(a), (c) and (d) or subsection (4)(b), (c) and (d) are fulfilled.
(3) The conditions referred to in subsection (2)(c) are- (a) where the investigation is into an organized crime, that there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that
the organized crime has been committed; (b) where the investigation is into the proceeds of organized crime or a specified offence of a person-
(i) that the person has committed an organized crime or that specified offence, or that there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that he has committed an organized crime or that specified offence; and
(ii) that there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that the person has benefited from organized crime or that specified offence;
(c) that the conditions in section 4(4)(c) and (d) are fulfilled in relation to any material on the premises; (d) that it would not be appropriate to make an order under that section in relation to the material because-
(i) it is not practicable to communicate with any person entitled to produce the material; or (ii) it is not practicable to communicate with any person entitled to grant access to the material or
entitled to grant entry to the premises on which the material is situated; or (iii) the investigation for the purposes of which the application is made might be seriously prejudiced
unless an authorized officer could secure immediate access to the material. (4) The conditions referred to in subsection (2)(d) are-
(a) where the investigation is into an organized crime, that there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that the organized crime has been committed;
(b) where the investigation is into the proceeds of organized crime or a specified offence of a person- (i) that the person has committed an organized crime or that specified offence, or that there are
reasonable grounds for suspecting that he has committed an organized crime or that specified offence; and
(ii) that there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that the person has benefited from organized crime or that specified offence;
(c) that there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that there is on the premises material which is likely to be relevant to the investigation for the purpose of which the application is made, but that the material cannot at the time of the application be particularized;
(d) that- (i) it is not practicable to communicate with any person entitled to grant entry to the premises; or (ii) entry to the premises will not be granted unless a warrant is produced; or (iii) the investigation for the purposes of which the application is made might be seriously prejudiced
unless an authorized officer arriving at the premises could secure immediate entry to them. (5) Where an authorized officer has entered premises in the execution of a warrant issued under this section, he
may seize and retain any material, other than items subject to legal privilege, which is likely to be relevant to the investigation for the purpose of which the warrant was issued.
(6) Any person who hinders or obstructs an authorized officer in the execution of a warrant issued under this section commits an offence and is liable-
(a) on conviction upon indictment to a fine of $250000 and to imprisonment for 2 years; or (b) on summary conviction to a fine at level 5 and to imprisonment for 6 months.
(7) An authorized officer may photograph or make copies of any material seized under this section. (8) Notwithstanding section 83 of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap 1), but subject to this
section, a warrant may be issued under this section authorizing entry to premises for the purpose of searching for or seizing material which is known or suspected to be journalistic material. (Added 88 of 1995 s. 6)
(Enacted 1994) [cf. 1986 c. 32 s. 28 U.K.]
Section: 6 Disclosure of information obtained under section 3, 4 or 5 L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997
(1) Where any information subject to an obligation of secrecy under the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap 112) has been obtained from the Commissioner of Inland Revenue or any officer of the Inland Revenue Department under or by virtue of section 3, 4 or 5, that information may be disclosed by any authorized officer to the Secretary for Justice for the purposes of-
(a) any prosecution of a specified offence; (b) any application for a confiscation order; or (c) any application for an order under section 15(1) or 16(1),
but may not otherwise be disclosed. (2) Subject to subsection (1), information obtained by any person under or by virtue of section 3, 4 or 5 may be
disclosed by any authorized officer- (a) to the Department of Justice, the Hong Kong Police Force, the Customs and Excise Department, the
Immigration Department, and the Independent Commission Against Corruption; and (b) where the information appears to the Secretary for Justice to be likely to assist any corresponding
person or body to discharge its functions, to that person or body. (3) Subsection (2) is without prejudice to any other right to disclose information obtained under or by virtue of
section 3, 4 or 5 that may exist apart from subsection (2). (4) In this section, "corresponding person or body" (相應的人員或機構) means any person who or body
which, in the opinion of the Secretary for Justice, has under the law of a place outside Hong Kong, functions corresponding to any of the functions of any body mentioned in subsection (2)(a).
(Enacted 1994. Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
Section: 7 Offence of prejudicing investigation 30/06/1997
(1) Where an order under section 3 or 4 has been made or has been applied for and has not been refused or a warrant under section 5 has been issued, a person who, knowing or suspecting that the investigation in relation to which the order has been made or applied for or the warrant has been issued is taking place-
(a) without lawful authority or reasonable excuse makes any disclosure intending to prejudice the investigation; or
(b) falsifies, conceals, destroys or otherwise disposes of, or causes or permits the falsification, concealment, destruction or disposal of any material- (i) knowing or suspecting that the material is likely to be relevant to the investigation; and (ii) intending to conceal the facts disclosed by the material from persons carrying out the
investigation, commits an offence.
(2) Where a person has been arrested in connection with an investigation specified in subsection (1), that subsection shall not apply as regards any disclosure in respect of the investigation made after such arrest.
(3) A person who commits an offence under this section is liable- (a) on conviction upon indictment to a fine and to imprisonment for 7 years; or (b) on summary conviction to a fine of $500000 and to imprisonment for 3 years.
(Enacted 1994) [cf. 1986 c. 32 s. 31 U.K.]
Section: 8 Confiscation orders L.N. 145 of 2002 01/01/2003
(1) Where- (a) either-
(i) in proceedings before the Court of First Instance or the District Court a person is to be sentenced in respect of one or more specified offences and has not previously been sentenced in respect of his conviction for the offence or, as the case may be, any of the offences concerned; or
(ii) proceedings for one or more specified offences have been instituted against a person but have not been concluded because the person- (A) has died; or (B) has absconded; and
(b) an application is made by or on behalf of the Secretary for Justice for a confiscation order, (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
the Court of First Instance or the District Court, as the case may be, shall act as follows. (Replaced 90 of 1995 s. 6. Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(2) (Repealed 90 of 1995 s. 6) (3) The court shall-
(a) where subsection (1)(a)(i) is applicable- (i) first determine, if the prosecution so requests, whether the specified offence or any of the
specified offences of which the person stands convicted is an organized crime; (ii) then, or where no request has been made under subparagraph (i), first-
(A) impose on the person such period of imprisonment or detention (if any) as is appropriate in respect of the offence or, as the case may be, the offences concerned;
(B) make such order or orders (other than a confiscation order) in relation to sentence as is appropriate in respect of the offence or, as the case may be, the offences concerned, and such order or orders may be or include any order- (I) imposing any fine on the person; (II) involving any payment by the person; or (III) under section 38F or 56 of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Cap 134), or under
section 72, 84A, 102 or 103 of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221); (b) where subsection (1)(a)(ii)(A) is applicable-
(i) first be satisfied that- (A) the person has died; and (B) having regard to all relevant matters before it, the person could have been convicted in
respect of the offence or, as the case may be, the offences concerned; (ii) then, where the court is satisfied under subparagraph (i), determine, if the prosecution so
requests, whether the offence or any of the offences concerned could have been an organized crime;
(c) where subsection (1)(a)(ii)(B) is applicable- (i) first be satisfied that-
(A) the person has absconded and that not less than 6 months have elapsed beginning with the date which is, in the opinion of the court, the date on which the person absconded;
(B) in the case of- (I) a person who is known to be outside Hong Kong and whose exact whereabouts are
known- (aa) reasonable steps have been taken, but have been unsuccessful, to obtain the
return of that person to Hong Kong for the purposes of the proceedings concerned;
(bb) if that person is in custody outside Hong Kong for purposes other than the purposes referred to in sub-sub-sub-subparagraph (aa), he is in such custody by virtue of conduct which would constitute an indictable offence if it had occurred in Hong Kong; and
(cc) notice of those proceedings was given to that person in sufficient time to enable him to defend them;
(II) subject to subsection (3A), a person whose exact whereabouts are not known, reasonable steps have been taken to ascertain the person's whereabouts (including, if appropriate, a step mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (c) or rule 5(1) of Order 65 of the Rules of the High Court (Cap 4 sub. leg. A)) and notice of those proceedings, addressed to that person, has been published in a Chinese language newspaper, and an English language newspaper, circulating generally in Hong Kong; and (Replaced 26 of 2002 s. 3)
(C) having regard to all relevant matters before it, the person could have been convicted in respect of the offence or, as the case may be, the offences concerned;
(ii) then, where the court is satisfied under subparagraph (i), determine, if the prosecution so requests, whether the offence or any of the offences concerned could have been an organized crime. (Replaced 90 of 1995 s. 6)
(3A)Where subsection (3)(c)(i)(B)(II) is applicable, and notwithstanding that the court is satisfied as mentioned in that subsection that actions have been taken, the court may, if it is satisfied that it is in the interests of justice to do so, require that notice of the proceedings mentioned in that subsection be given to the person mentioned in that subsection in such additional manner as the court may direct. (Added 26 of 2002 s. 3)
(4) The court shall then determine- (a) where subsection (1)(a)(i) is applicable, whether the person has benefited from the specified offence or
from that offence taken together with any specified offence of which he is convicted in the same proceedings, or which the court proposes to take or has taken into consideration in determining his sentence;
(b) where subsection (1)(a)(ii) is applicable, whether the person has benefited from the specified offence of which the court is satisfied that he could have been convicted or from that offence taken together with any specified offence of which the court is satisfied that he could have been convicted in the same proceedings or which the court could have taken into consideration in determining his sentence if he had not died or absconded, as the case may be,
and, if he has, whether his proceeds of that specified offence or offences are in total at least $100000. (Replaced 90 of 1995 s. 6)
(5) If the court has determined- (a) where subsection (1)(a)(i) is applicable-
(i) under subsection (3)(a)(i), that the specified offence or any of the specified offences of which the person stands convicted is an organized crime; and
(ii) under subsection (4), that his proceeds of the specified offence or offences referred to in that subsection are in total at least the amount specified in that subsection;
(b) where subsection (1)(a)(ii) is applicable- (i) under subsection (3)(b)(ii) or (c)(ii), as the case may be, that the specified offence or any of the
specified offences concerned could have been an organized crime; and (ii) under subsection (4), that his proceeds of the specified offence or offences referred to in that
subsection are in total at least the amount specified in that subsection, the court shall then determine whether the person has benefited from organized crime. (Replaced 90 of 1995 s. 6)
(6) If the court determines that his proceeds of the specified offence or offences are in total at least the amount specified in subsection (4), the court shall determine in accordance with section 11 the amount to be recovered in his case by virtue of this section.
(7) The court shall then, in respect of the offence or offences concerned, order the person to pay- (a) that amount; or (b) without prejudice to the generality of paragraph (a), such proportion of that amount as it thinks fits
after taking into account any order or orders provided for or referred to in subsection (3)(a)(ii)(B)(I), (II) or (III) which has or have been made in respect of the person. (Replaced 90 of 1995 s. 6)
(a) a person has been convicted of one or more specified offences; (b) an application for a confiscation order has been made in respect of the person; and (c) the person has died or absconded before that application has been concluded,
then that application may still be concluded notwithstanding that death or abscondment, as the case may be. (Added 90 of 1995 s. 6)
(7B) Where subsection (7A) is applicable in relation to a person who has died- (a) subsection (3)(a)(ii)(A) shall not apply in relation to the person; (b) the court shall not make a confiscation order against the person unless it is satisfied that the person has
died. (Added 90 of 1995 s. 6) (7C) Where subsection (7A) is applicable in relation to a person who has absconded, the court shall not make a
confiscation order against the person unless it is satisfied that- (a) the person has absconded; and (b) in the case of-
(i) a person who is known to be outside Hong Kong and whose exact whereabouts are known- (A) reasonable steps have been taken, but have been unsuccessful, to obtain the return of that
person to Hong Kong for the purposes of the proceedings concerned; and (B) notice of those proceedings was given to that person in sufficient time to enable him to
defend them; (ii) subject to subsection (7D), a person whose exact whereabouts are not known-
(A) reasonable steps have been taken to ascertain the person's whereabouts (including, if appropriate, a step mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (c) of rule 5(1) of Order 65 of the Rules of the High Court (Cap 4 sub. leg. A)); and
(B) notice of those proceedings, addressed to that person , has been published in a Chinese language newspaper, and an English language newspaper, circulating generally in Hong Kong. (Replaced 26 of 2002 s. 3)
(7D)Where subsection (7C)(b)(ii) is applicable, and notwithstanding that the court is satisfied as mentioned in that subsection that actions have been taken, the court may, if it is satisfied that it is in the interests of justice to do so, require that notice of the proceedings mentioned in that subsection be given to the person mentioned in that subsection in such additional manner as the court may direct. (Added 26 of 2002 s. 3)
(8) For the purposes of subsection (3)(b)(i)(B) or (ii) or (c)(i)(C) or (ii), information may be furnished to the court after the person has died or absconded, as the case may be. (Replaced 90 of 1995 s. 6)
(8A)For the purposes of any Ordinance conferring rights of appeal in criminal cases, a confiscation order made against a person shall be deemed to be a sentence passed on that person in respect of the offence or offences concerned and, in the case of any such person who has died (whether before or after the making of such order), his personal representative may act on his behalf for those purposes. (Added 90 of 1995 s. 6)
(8B) It is hereby declared that the standard of proof required to determine any question arising under this Ordinance as to-
(a) whether a person has benefited from a specified offence or offences; (b) whether a person has benefited from organized crime; or (c) the amount to be recovered in his case in pursuance of a confiscation order,
shall be on the balance of probabilities. (Added 90 of 1995 s. 6) (8C) The fact that-
(a) under subsection (3)(b)(i)(B) or (c)(i)(C) the court is satisfied that a person could have been convicted in respect of the offence or, as the case may be, the offences concerned;
(b) under subsection (3)(b)(ii) or (c)(ii) the court determines that the offence or any of the offences referred to in subsection (3)(b)(i)(B) or (c)(i)(C) could have been an organized crime,
shall not be admissible in evidence in any proceedings for an offence. (Added 90 of 1995 s. 6) (8D)For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby declared that where an application is made for a confiscation order
in any case where subsection (1)(a)(ii)(A) is applicable, the personal representatives of the deceased person concerned shall, for the purposes of opposing the application, be entitled to be heard on the application and to call, examine and cross-examine any witness. (Added 90 of 1995 s. 6)
(8E) Where- (a) before the commencement of the Organized and Serious Crimes (Amendment) Ordinance 1995 (90 of
1995), proceedings for one or more specified offences have been instituted against a person but have not been concluded because that person has absconded; and
(b) immediately before that commencement, any realisable property of that person is the subject of a charging order or restraint order,
then the provisions of this Ordinance as amended by that Ordinance shall apply in relation to that person as they would apply in relation to a person against whom, on or after that commencement, proceedings for one or more specified offences have been instituted but have not been concluded because that last-mentioned person has absconded. (Added 90 of 1995 s. 6)
(8F) Where- (a) before the commencement of the Organized and Serious Crimes (Amendment) Ordinance 1995 (90 of
1995)- (i) a person has been convicted of one or more specified offences; (ii) an application for a confiscation order has been made in respect of the person; and (iii) the person has absconded before that application has been concluded; and
(b) immediately before that commencement, any realisable property of that person is the subject of a charging order or restraint order,
then the provisions of this Ordinance as amended by that Ordinance shall apply in relation to that person as they would apply in relation to a person to whom subsection (7A) is applicable because he has absconded. (Added 90 of 1995 s. 6)
(9) For the purposes of- (a) subsection (3)(a)(i), (b)(ii) or (c)(ii), the court shall only have regard to evidence such as would be
admissible in criminal proceedings; (b) subsection (3)(a)(i), the court shall only make a determination that a specified offence is an organized
crime if it is so satisfied beyond reasonable doubt. (Amended 90 of 1995 s. 6) (10) Where subsection (1)(a)(ii)(A) or (B) is applicable, the reference in that subsection to "one or more
specified offences" includes any offence previously specified in Schedule 1 or 2, and the other provisions of this section and this Ordinance (including paragraphs (b) to (e) of the definition of "specified offence" in section 2(1) and any subsidiary legislation) shall be construed accordingly. (Added 26 of 2002 s. 3)
(Enacted 1994) [cf. 1986 c. 32 s. 1 U.K.; 1988 c. 33 s. 72 U.K.]
Section: 9 Assessing the proceeds of crime 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997
Remarks: Amendments retroactively made - see 25 of 1998 s. 2
(1) The Court of First Instance or the District Court, as the case may be, may, for the purpose of determining whether- (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(a) where section 8(1)(a)(i) is applicable, a person convicted of a specified offence and found to have committed an organized crime;
(b) where section 8(1)(a)(ii)(A) or (B) is applicable, a person whom the court is satisfied that he could have been convicted of a specified offence being an offence which the court determines that it could have been an organized crime,
has benefited from organized crime, and if he has, of assessing the value of his proceeds of organized crime, make the following assumptions, except to the extent that the defendant (or, in the case of a defendant who has died, his personal representative on his behalf) shows that any of the assumptions are incorrect in his case. (Replaced 90 of 1995 s. 7)
(2) Those assumptions are- (a) that any property appearing to the court-
(i) to have been held by him at any time- (A) since his conviction; or (B) where section 8(1)(a)(ii) is applicable, since the application was made for a confiscation
order in his case, as the case may be; or (Replaced 90 of 1995 s. 7)
(ii) to have been transferred to him at any time since the beginning of the period of 6 years ending when the proceedings were instituted against him,
was received by him, at the earliest time at which he appears to the court to have held it, as his
proceeds of organized crime; (Amended 90 of 1995 s. 7) (b) that any expenditure of his since the beginning of that period was met out of his proceeds of organized
crime; and (Amended 90 of 1995 s. 7) (c) that, for the purpose of valuing any property received or assumed to have been received by him at any
time as his proceeds of organized crime, he received the property free of any other interests in it. (Amended 90 of 1995 s. 7)
(3) For the purpose of assessing the value of the defendant's proceeds of organized crime in a case where a confiscation order, or an order under section 3(6) of the Drug Trafficking (Recovery of Proceeds) Ordinance (Cap 405), has previously been made against him, the court shall leave out of account any proceeds of organized crime that are shown to the court to have been taken into account in determining the amount to be recovered under that order.
(Enacted 1994) [cf. 1986 c. 32 s. 2 U.K.]
Section: 10 Statements, etc. relevant to making confiscation order L.N. 145 of 2002 01/01/2003
(1) Where an application is made for a confiscation order, the prosecutor may tender to the Court of First Instance or the District Court, as the case may be, a statement of matters relevant to any of the following- (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(a) where section 8(1)(a)(ii) is applicable, determining- (i) whether the defendant could have been convicted in respect of the offence or, as the case may be,
the offences concerned; (ii) whether the offence or any of the offences concerned could have been an organized crime;
(b) determining whether the defendant has benefited from a specified offence or an organized crime; (c) assessing the value of the defendant's proceeds of a specified offence or an organized crime.
(Replaced 90 of 1995 s. 8) (1A)Where any statement has been tendered under subsection (1)-
(a) the prosecutor may at any time tender to the court a further such statement; and (b) the court may at any time require the prosecutor to tender to it a further such statement within such
period as it may direct. (Added 90 of 1995 s. 8) (1B) Where any statement has been tendered under subsection (1) and the court is satisfied that a copy of the
statement has been served on the defendant, it may require the defendant- (a) to indicate to it, within such period as it may direct, the extent to which he accepts each allegation in
the statement; and (b) so far as he does not accept any such allegation, to give particulars of any matters on which he
proposes to rely. (Added 90 of 1995 s. 8) (1C) Where the court has given a direction under this section, it may at any time vary it by giving a further
direction. (Added 90 of 1995 s. 8) (2) Where the defendant accepts to any extent any allegation in any statement tendered under subsection (1),
the court may, for the purposes of- (a) where section 8(1)(a)(ii) is applicable, determining-
(i) whether the defendant could have been convicted in respect of the offence or, as the case may be, the offences concerned;
(ii) whether the offence or any of the offences concerned could have been an organized crime; (b) determining whether the defendant has benefited from a specified offence or an organized crime; or (c) assessing the value of his proceeds of a specified offence or an organized crime,
treat his acceptance as conclusive of the matters to which the allegation relates. (Replaced 90 of 1995 s. 8) (3) If the defendant fails in any respect to comply with a requirement under subsection (1B), he may be treated
for the purposes of this section as accepting every allegation in the statement apart from- (Amended 90 of 1995 s. 8) (a) any allegation in respect of which he has complied with the requirement; (Replaced 90 of 1995 s. 8) (b) where section 8(1)(a)(ii) is applicable-
(i) any allegation that he could have been convicted in respect of the offence or, as the case may be, the offences concerned;
(ii) any allegation that the offence or any of the offences concerned could have been an organized crime; (Replaced 90 of 1995 s. 8)
(c) any allegation that he has benefited from a specified offence or organized crime; and (Added 90 of
1995 s. 8) (d) any allegation that any payment or other reward was received by him in connection with the
commission of a specified offence or an organized crime. (Added 90 of 1995 s. 8) (4) Where-
(a) the defendant tenders to the court a statement as to any matters relevant to determining the amount that might be realised at the time the confiscation order is made; and
(b) the prosecutor accepts to any extent any allegation in the statement, the court may, for the purposes of that determination, treat the acceptance by the prosecutor as conclusive of the matters to which it relates.
(5) An allegation may be accepted, or particulars of any matter may be given, for the purposes of this section in writing in a form acceptable to the court. (Replaced 90 of 1995 s. 8)
(6) No acceptance by the defendant under this section that- (a) where section 8(1)(a)(ii) is applicable-
(i) he could have been convicted in respect of the offence or, as the case may be, the offences concerned;
(ii) the offence or any of the offences concerned could have been an organized crime; or (b) any payment or other reward was received by him in connection with the commission of a specified
offence or an organized crime, shall be admissible in evidence in any proceedings for an offence. (Replaced 90 of 1995 s. 8)
(7) In any proceedings on an application made for a confiscation order where section 8(1)(a)(ii) or (7A) is applicable-
(a) if the defendant has died, subsection (1B) shall have effect as if it required a copy of the statement tendered under subsection (1) to be served on the defendant's personal representative;
(b) if the defendant has absconded and section 8(3)(c)(i)(B)(I) or (7C)(b)(i) is not applicable to him, this section shall have effect as if a copy of the statement tendered under subsection (1) had been served on the defendant. (Added 90 of 1995 s. 8)
(8) For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby declared that, where section 8(1)(a)(ii) is applicable, this section shall not prejudice the generality of section 8(8). (Added 90 of 1995 s. 8)
(9) For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby declared that an allegation may be accepted under this section, and may always have been so accepted, whether or not subsection (7)(a) or (b) is applicable to the defendant, and subsection (3) shall be construed accordingly. (Added 26 of 2002 s. 3)
(Enacted 1994) [cf. 1986 c. 32 s. 3 U.K.]
Section: 11 Amount to be recovered under confiscation order 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997
Remarks: Amendments retroactively made - see 25 of 1998 s. 2
(1) Subject to subsection (3), the amount to be recovered in the defendant's case under the confiscation order shall be the amount the Court of First Instance or the District Court, as the case may be, assesses to be the value of the defendant's proceeds of any specified offence to which section 8(4) applies or, where the court has determined under section 8(3)(a)(i) that a specified offence is an organized crime or under section 8(3)(b)(ii) or (c)(ii) that a specified offence could have been an organized crime, all organized crime which he has committed. (Amended 90 of 1995 s. 9; 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(2) If the court is satisfied as to any matter relevant for determining the amount that might be realised at the time the confiscation order is made (whether by an acceptance under section 10 or otherwise), the court may issue a certificate giving the court's opinion as to the matters concerned and shall do so if satisfied as mentioned in subsection (3).
(3) If the court is satisfied that the amount that might be realised at the time the confiscation order is made is less than the amount the court assesses to be the value of the defendant's proceeds for the purpose of subsection (1), the amount to be recovered in the defendant's case under the confiscation order shall be-
(a) the amount appearing to the court to be so realised; or (b) a nominal amount, where it appears to the court (on the information available to it at the time) that the
amount that might be so realised is nil. (Amended 90 of 1995 s. 9)
(Enacted 1994) [cf. 1986 c. 32 s. 4 U.K.]
Section: 11A Interest on amounts to be recovered under confiscation orders 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997
Remarks: Amendments retroactively made - see 25 of 1998 s. 2
(1) The amount to be recovered under a confiscation order shall be treated as a judgment debt for the purposes of-
(a) where the order was made by the Court of First Instance, section 49 of the High Court Ordinance (Cap 4); (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(b) where the order was made by the District Court, section 50 of the District Court Ordinance (Cap 336), and, for those purposes, the date of the confiscation order shall be treated as the date of the judgment debt.
(2) Where by virtue of subsection (1) any interest accrues on the amount to be recovered under a confiscation order, the defendant shall be liable to pay that interest and the amount of the interest shall for the purposes of enforcement be treated as part of the amount to be recovered from him under the confiscation order.
(Added 90 of 1995 s. 10)
Section: 12 Definition of principal terms used 37 of 1998 20/11/1998
(1) In this Ordinance, "realisable property" (可變現財產) means, subject to subsection (2)- (a) any property held by the defendant; (Amended 90 of 1995 s. 11) (b) any property held by a person to whom the defendant has directly or indirectly made a gift caught by
this Ordinance; and (Amended 90 of 1995 s. 11) (c) any property that is subject to the effective control of the defendant. (Added 90 of 1995 s. 11)
(2) Property is not realisable property if- (a) an order under section 102 or 103 of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221); (b) an order under section 38F or 56 of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Cap 134); or (c) an order under section 12AA(1) of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap 201),
is in force in respect of the property. (3) For the purposes of this Ordinance the amount that might be realised at the time a confiscation order is
made against the defendant is- (Amended 90 of 1995 s. 11) (a) the total of the values at that time of all the realisable property held by the defendant, less (b) where there are obligations having priority at that time, the total amounts payable in pursuance of such
obligations, together with the total of the values at that time of all gifts caught by this Ordinance.
(4) Subject to subsections (5) to (10), for the purposes of this Ordinance the value of property (other than cash) in relation to any person holding the property-
(a) where any other person holds an interest in the property, is- (i) the market value of the first-mentioned person's beneficial interest in the property, less (ii) the amount required to discharge any incumbrance (other than a charging order) on that interest;
and (b) in any other case, is its market value.
(5) Subject to subsection (10), references in this Ordinance to the value at any time (referred to in subsection (6) as "the material time" (關鍵時間)) of a gift caught by this Ordinance or of any payment or reward are references to-
(a) the value of the gift, payment or reward to the recipient when he received it adjusted to take account of subsequent changes in the value of money; or
(b) where subsection (6) applies, the value there mentioned, whichever is the greater.
(6) Subject to subsection (10), if at the material time the recipient holds- (a) the property which he received (not being cash); or (b) property which, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly represents in his hands the property which he
received, the value referred to in subsection (5)(b) is the value to him at the material time of the property mentioned in paragraph (a) or, as the case may be, of the property mentioned in paragraph (b), so far as it so represents the property which he received, but disregarding in either case any charging order.
(7) For the purposes of subsection (3), an obligation has priority at any time if it is an obligation of the defendant to-
(a) pay an amount due in respect of a fine, or other order of a court, imposed or made on conviction of an offence, where the fine was imposed or order made before the confiscation order; or
(b) pay any sum which, if the defendant had been adjudged bankrupt or was being wound up, would be among the preferential debts.
(8) In subsection (7)(b) "the preferential debts" (優先債項)- (a) in relation to bankruptcy, means the debts to be paid in priority under section 38 of the Bankruptcy
Ordinance (Cap 6) (assuming the date of the confiscation order to be the date of filing of the petition and of the bankruptcy order made under that Ordinance); and (Amended 37 of 1998 s. 11)
(b) in relation to winding up, means the debts to be paid under section 265 of the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) (assuming the date of the confiscation order to be the date of commencement of the winding up and the relevant date for the purpose of that section).
(9) A gift (including a gift made before the commencement of this Ordinance) is caught by this Ordinance if- (a) it was made by the defendant at any time since the beginning of the period of 6 years ending when the
proceedings were instituted against him; or (b) it was made by the defendant at any time and was a gift of property received by the defendant in
connection with a specified offence or an organized crime committed by him or another; or (c) it was made by the defendant at any time and was a gift of property which in whole or in part directly
or indirectly represented in the defendant's hands property received by him in that connection. (10) For the purposes of this Ordinance-
(a) the circumstances in which the defendant is to be treated as making a gift include those where he transfers property to another person directly or indirectly for a consideration the value of which is significantly less than the value of the consideration provided by the defendant; and
(b) in those circumstances, the preceding provisions of this section shall apply as if the defendant had made a gift of such share in the property as bears to the whole property the same proportion as the difference between the values referred to in paragraph (a) bears to the value of the consideration provided by the defendant.
(11) For the purposes of subsection (1)- (a) property, or an interest in property, may be subject to the effective control of the defendant whether or
not the defendant has- (i) a legal or equitable estate or interest in the property; or (ii) a right, power or privilege in connection with the property;
(b) without limiting the generality of any other provision of this Ordinance, in determining- (i) whether or not property, or an interest in property, is subject to the effective control of the
defendant; or (ii) whether or not there are reasonable grounds to believe that property, or an interest in property, is
subject to the effective control of the defendant, regard may be had to- (A) shareholdings in, debentures over or directorships of a company that has an interest (whether
direct or indirect) in the property; (B) a trust that has a relationship to the property; and (C) family, domestic and business relationships between persons having an interest in the property,
or in companies of the kind referred to in subparagraph (A) or trusts of the kind referred to in subparagraph (B), and other persons. (Added 90 of 1995 s. 11)
(12) Where a person obtains a pecuniary advantage in connection with the commission of an offence, or the commission of one or more organized crimes, he is to be treated for the purposes of this Ordinance as if he had obtained in connection with that offence or those crimes, as the case may be, a sum of money equal to the value of that advantage, and the other provisions of this Ordinance shall be construed accordingly. (Added 87 of 1997 s. 36)
(Enacted 1994) [cf. 1986 c. 32 s. 5 U.K.]
Section: 13 Application of procedure for enforcing confiscation orders L.N. 145 of 2002 01/01/2003
(1) Subject to this section, where the Court of First Instance or the District Court, as the case may be, makes a confiscation order- (Amended 90 of 1995 s. 12; 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(a) the court shall also make an order- (i) subject to subsection (1A), fixing the period within which the amount he is liable to pay under
the confiscation order shall be duly paid; and (ii) fixing a term of imprisonment which the defendant is to serve if any of that amount is not duly
paid within that period (including paid by way of being recovered); and (Replaced 26 of 2002 s. 3)
(b) section 114(1), (3), (4), (5), (6) and (7) of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) shall apply as if- (i) that amount were a fine imposed upon him by the court; and (ii) the term of imprisonment fixed under this section were a term fixed under section 114(1)(c) of
that Ordinance. (1A)The court shall not under subsection (1)(a)(i) fix a period longer than 6 months unless it is satisfied that
there are special circumstances which justify it doing so. (Added 26 of 2002 s. 3) (2) The terms set out in column 2 of the following table shall be the maximum terms of imprisonment under
subsection (1) applicable respectively to the amounts set out opposite thereto.
An amount not exceeding $200000 ............................................................. 12 months An amount exceeding $200000 but not exceeding $500000 ............................ 18 months An amount exceeding $500000 but not exceeding $1 million .......................... 2 years An amount exceeding $1 million but not exceeding $2.5 million ...................... 3 years An amount exceeding $2.5 million but not exceeding $10 million .................... 5 years An amount exceeding $10 million ................................................................ 10 years
(3) Subsections (1) and (2) shall apply in relation to the District Court. (Replaced 90 of 1995 s. 12) (3A)For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby declared that no limitation on the jurisdiction of the District Court
as to the imposition of penalties set out in section 82 of the District Court Ordinance (Cap 336) shall be construed so as to prejudice the operation of subsection (3). (Added 90 of 1995 s. 12)
(4) Where the defendant- (a) becomes liable to serve a term of imprisonment fixed under this section in respect of a confiscation
order; and (b) is also liable to serve a term of imprisonment or detention in respect of the offence or offences
concerned, the term of imprisonment mentioned in paragraph (a) shall not begin to run until after the end of the term of imprisonment or detention mentioned in paragraph (b).
(5) For the purposes of subsection (4)- (a) consecutive terms and terms which are wholly or partly concurrent shall be treated as a single term;
and (b) there shall be disregarded-
(i) any sentence suspended under section 109B of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) which has not taken effect at the time the defendant becomes liable to a term of imprisonment under this section; and
(ii) any term of imprisonment fixed under section 114(1) of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) for which the defendant has not at that time been committed.
(6) Sections 86 and 109A of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) shall not apply in relation to fixing a
term of imprisonment under this section. (Amended 90 of 1995 s. 12) (7) This section shall not apply in relation to a confiscation order where section 8(1)(a)(ii) or (7A) is applicable.
(Added 90 of 1995 s. 12) (8) At the end of each day's sitting of the Court of First Instance or the District Court, the Registrar of the High
Court or District Court, as the case may be, shall deliver (or cause to be delivered) to the Commissioner of Correctional Services a certificate, in the form specified in Schedule 5, in respect of each term of imprisonment fixed under this section. (Added 90 of 1995 s. 12. Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(9) A certificate referred to in subsection (8) shall be a sufficient warrant to the Commissioner of Correctional Services for receiving into his custody the defendant named in the certificate and for carrying into effect the term of imprisonment fixed under this section in respect of that defendant. (Added 90 of 1995 s. 12)
(Enacted 1994) [cf. 1986 c. 32 s. 6 U.K.]
Section: 14 Cases in which restraint orders and charging orders may be made
L.N. 145 of 2002 01/01/2003
(1) The powers conferred on the Court of First Instance by sections 15(1) and 16(1) are exercisable where- (a) proceedings have been instituted in Hong Kong against the defendant for a specified offence or-
(i) an application for a confiscation order has been made in respect of the defendant where section 8(1)(a)(ii) or (7A) is applicable; or
(ii) an application has been made under section 20(1A) in respect of a confiscation order made against the defendant; (Replaced 90 of 1995 s. 13)
(b) the proceedings have not, or the application has not, as the case may be, been concluded; (Replaced 90 of 1995 s. 13. Amended 26 of 2002 s. 3)
(ba) subject to subsection (1A), if section 2(15)(aa) is applicable to an offence, the Court of First Instance is satisfied that, in all the circumstances of the case, there is reasonable cause to believe that the defendant may be charged with the offence after further investigation is carried out; and (Added 26 of 2002 s. 3)
(c) the Court of First Instance is satisfied that there is reasonable cause to believe- (i) in the case of an application referred to in paragraph (a)(ii), that the Court of First Instance will
be satisfied as specified in section 20(1A); (ii) in any other case, that the defendant has benefited from that specified offence. (Replaced 90 of
1995 s. 13) (1A)Subject to subsection (1B), where a power conferred on the Court of First Instance by section 15(1) or 16(1)
is exercisable only on the ground mentioned in subsection (1)(ba), then the Court of First Instance shall specify a date on which any restraint order or charging order arising from that ground shall expire, being a date-
(a) subject to paragraph (b), not later than is reasonably necessary for the purposes of the investigation concerned mentioned in subsection (1)(ba); and
(b) in any case, not later than 6 months after the date on which that order is made. (Added 26 of 2002 s. 3) (1B) The Court of First Instance may extend a restraint order or charging order mentioned in subsection (1A)-
(a) on the ground only that the Court of First Instance is satisfied that the defendant will be charged with the offence concerned after further investigation is carried out;
(b) subject to paragraph (c), not longer than is reasonably necessary for the purposes of that investigation; and
(c) in any case, for not more than 6 months. (Added 26 of 2002 s. 3) (2) Those powers are also exercisable where the Court of First Instance is satisfied-
(a) that, whether by the laying of an information or otherwise, a person is to be charged with a specified offence; and
(b) that there is reasonable cause to believe that he has benefited from that specified offence. (3) For the purposes of sections 15 and 16, in relation to the exercise of those powers at any time before
proceedings have been instituted, references in this Ordinance- (a) to the defendant shall be construed as references to the person referred to in subsection (2)(a); (b) to the prosecutor shall be construed as references to the person who the Court of First Instance is
satisfied is to have the conduct of the case for the prosecution in the proposed proceedings; and (c) to realisable property shall be construed as if, immediately before that time, proceedings had been
instituted against the person referred to in subsection (2)(a) for a specified offence. (4) Where the Court of First Instance has made an order under section 15(1) or 16(1) by virtue of subsection
(2), the Court of First Instance shall discharge the order if proceedings in respect of the offence are not instituted within such time as the Court of First Instance considers reasonable.
(Enacted 1994. Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2) [cf. 1986 c. 32 s. 7 U.K.]
Section: 15 Restraint orders L.N. 145 of 2002 01/01/2003
(1) The Court of First Instance may by order (referred to in this Ordinance as a "restraint order" (限制令)) prohibit any person from dealing with any realisable property, subject to such conditions and exceptions as may be specified in the order. (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(2) A restraint order may apply- (a) to all realisable property held by a specified person, whether the property is described in the order or
not; and (b) to realisable property held by a specified person, being property transferred to him after the making of
the order. (3) This section shall not have effect in relation to any property for the time being subject to a charge under
section 16. (4) A restraint order-
(a) may be made only on an application by the prosecutor; (b) may be made on an ex parte application to a judge in chambers; and (c) shall provide for notice to be given to persons affected by the order.
(5) A restraint order- (a) may be discharged or varied in relation to any property; and (b) shall be discharged on the conclusion of the proceedings or application concerned. (Replaced 90 of
1995 s. 14) (6) An application for the discharge or variation of a restraint order may be made by any person affected by it. (7) Where the Court of First Instance has made a restraint order, the Court of First Instance may at any time
appoint a receiver- (a) to take possession of any realisable property; and (b) in accordance with the directions of the Court of First Instance, to manage or otherwise deal with any
property in respect of which he is appointed, subject to such exceptions and conditions as may be specified by the Court of First Instance; and may require any person having possession of property in respect of which a receiver is appointed under this section to give possession of it to the receiver. (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(8) (Repealed 90 of 1995 s. 14) (9) Where the Court of First Instance has made a restraint order, an authorized officer may, for the purpose of
preventing any realisable property being removed from Hong Kong, seize the property. (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2) (10) Property seized under subsection (9) shall be dealt with in accordance with the directions of the Court of
First Instance. (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2) (11) Where any property specified in a restraint order is immovable property the order shall, for the purposes of
the Land Registration Ordinance (Cap 128)- (a) be deemed to be an instrument affecting land; and (b) be registrable as such in the Land Registry under that Ordinance in such manner as the Land Registrar
thinks fit. (12) An authorized officer may, by notice in writing served on a person who holds any realisable property the
subject of a restraint order, require the person to deliver to the authorized officer, to the extent that it is practicable to do so, documents, or copies of documents, or any other information (in whatever form), in his possession or control which may assist the authorized officer to determine the value of the property. (Added 26 of 2002 s. 3)
(13) A person who receives a notice under subsection (12) shall, as soon as is practicable after receipt of the notice, comply with the notice to the extent that it is practicable to do so taking into account the nature of the realisable property the subject of the restraint order concerned. (Added 26 of 2002 s. 3)
(14) A disclosure made in order to comply with a requirement under subsection (12)- (a) shall not be treated as a breach of any restriction upon the disclosure of information imposed by
contract or by any enactment, rule of conduct or other provision; (b) shall not render the person who made it liable in damages for any loss arising out of-
(i) the disclosure; (ii) any act done or omitted to be done in relation to the property concerned in consequence of the
disclosure. (Added 26 of 2002 s. 3) (15) Any person who contravenes subsection (13) commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine at
level 5 and to imprisonment for 1 year. (Added 26 of 2002 s. 3) (16) A person who knowingly deals in any realisable property in contravention of a restraint order commits an
offence. (Added 26 of 2002 s. 3) (17) A person who commits an offence under subsection (16) is liable-
(a) on conviction upon indictment to a fine of $500000 or to the value of the realisable property the subject of the restraint order concerned which has been dealt with in contravention of that order, whichever is the greater, and to imprisonment for 5 years; or
(b) on summary conviction to a fine of $250000 and to imprisonment for 2 years. (Added 26 of 2002 s. 3) (Enacted 1994)
[cf. 1986 c. 32 s. 8 U.K.]
Section: 16 Charging orders in respect of land, securities, etc. L.N. 145 of 2002 01/01/2003
(1) The Court of First Instance may make a charging order on realisable property for securing the payment to the Government- (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(a) where a confiscation order has not been made, of an amount equal to the value from time to time of the property charged; and
(b) in any other case, of an amount not exceeding the amount payable under the confiscation order. (2) For the purposes of this Ordinance, a charging order is an order made under this section imposing on any
such realisable property as may be specified in the order a charge for securing the payment of money to the Government.
(3) A charging order- (a) may be made only on an application by the prosecutor; (b) may be made on an ex parte application to a judge in chambers; (c) shall provide for notice to be given to persons affected by the order; and (d) may be made subject to such conditions as the Court of First Instance thinks fit and, without prejudice
to the generality of this paragraph, such conditions as it thinks fit as to the time when the charge is to become effective. (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(4) Subject to subsection (6), a charge may be imposed by a charging order only on- (a) any interest in realisable property, being an interest held beneficially by the defendant or by a person to
whom the defendant has directly or indirectly made a gift caught by this Ordinance- (i) in any asset of a kind specified in Schedule 3; or (ii) under any trust; or
(b) any interest in realisable property held by a person as trustee of a trust if the interest is in such an asset or is an interest under another trust and a charge may by virtue of paragraph (a) be imposed by a charging order on the whole beneficial interest under the first mentioned trust.
(5) In any case where a charge is imposed by a charging order on any interest in an asset of a kind specified in Schedule 3, the Court of First Instance may provide for the charge to extend to any interest, dividend or other distribution payable and any bonus issue in respect of the asset. (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(6) In relation to a charging order, the Court of First Instance- (a) may make an order discharging or varying it; and (b) shall make an order discharging the charging order-
(i) on the conclusion of the proceedings or application concerned; or (ii) on payment into the Court of First Instance of the amount payment of which is secured by the
charge. (Replaced 90 of 1995 s. 15. Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2) (7) An application for the discharge or variation of a charging order may be made by any person affected by it. (8) Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, a charge imposed by a charging order shall have the like effect
and shall be enforceable in the same manner as an equitable charge created by the person holding the beneficial interest or, as the case may be, the trustee, by writing under his hand.
(9) An authorized officer may, by notice in writing served on a person who holds any realisable property the subject of a charging order, require the person to deliver to the authorized officer, to the extent that it is practicable to do so, documents, or copies of documents, or any other information (in whatever form), in his possession or control which may assist the authorized officer to determine the value of the property. (Added 26 of 2002 s. 3)
(10) A person who receives a notice under subsection (9) shall, as soon as is practicable after receipt of the notice, comply with the notice to the extent that it is practicable to do so taking into account the nature of the realisable property the subject of the charging order concerned. (Added 26 of 2002 s. 3)
(11) A disclosure made in order to comply with a requirement under subsection (9)- (a) shall not be treated as a breach of any restriction upon the disclosure of information imposed by
contract or by any enactment, rule of conduct or other provision; (b) shall not render the person who made it liable in damages for any loss arising out of-
(i) the disclosure; (ii) any act done or omitted to be done in relation to the property concerned in consequence of the
disclosure. (Added 26 of 2002 s. 3) (12) Any person who contravenes subsection (10) commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine at
level 5 and to imprisonment for 1 year. (Added 26 of 2002 s. 3) (13) A person who knowingly deals in any realisable property in contravention of a charging order commits an
offence. (Added 26 of 2002 s. 3) (14) A person who commits an offence under subsection (13) is liable-
(a) on conviction upon indictment to a fine of $500000 or to the value of the realisable property the subject of the charging order concerned which has been dealt with in contravention of that order, whichever is the greater, and to imprisonment for 5 years; or
(b) on summary conviction to a fine of $250000 and to imprisonment for 2 years. (Added 26 of 2002 s. 3) (Enacted 1994)
[cf. 1986 c. 32 s. 9 U.K.]
Section: 17 Realisation of property 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997
Remarks: Amendments retroactively made - see 25 of 1998 s. 2
(1) Where- (a) a confiscation order is made (including any case where section 8(1)(a)(ii) or (7A) is applicable);
(Amended 90 of 1995 s. 16) (b) the order is not subject to appeal or review within the meaning of section 2(17); and (c) the proceedings in which it was made have not been concluded,
the Court of First Instance may, on an application by the prosecutor, exercise the powers conferred by subsections (2) to (6).
(2) The Court of First Instance may appoint a receiver in respect of realisable property. (3) The Court of First Instance may empower a receiver appointed under subsection (2), under section 15 or in
pursuance of a charging order- (a) to enforce any charge imposed under section 16 on realisable property or on any interest, dividend or
other distribution payable and any bonus issue in respect of such property; and (b) in relation to any realisable property other than property for the time being subject to a charge under
section 16, to take possession of the property subject to such conditions or exceptions as may be specified by the Court of First Instance.
(4) The Court of First Instance may order any person having possession of realisable property to give possession of it to any such receiver.
(5) The Court of First Instance may empower any such receiver to realise any realisable property in such manner as the Court of First Instance may direct.
(6) The Court of First Instance may order any person holding an interest in realisable property to make such payment to the receiver in respect of any beneficial interest held by the defendant or, as the case may be, the recipient of a gift caught by this Ordinance as the Court of First Instance may direct and the Court of First Instance may, on the payment being made, by order transfer, grant or extinguish any interest in the property.
(7) Subsections (4) to (6) do not apply to property for the time being subject to a charge under section 16.
(8) The Court of First Instance shall not in respect of any property exercise the powers conferred by subsection (3)(a), (5) or (6) unless a reasonable opportunity has been given for persons holding any interest in the property to make representations to the Court of First Instance.
(Enacted 1994. Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2) [cf. 1986 c. 32 s. 11 U.K.]
Section: 18 Application of proceeds of realisation and other sums 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997
Remarks: Amendments retroactively made - see 25 of 1998 s. 2
(1) Subject to subsection (2), the following sums in the hands of a receiver appointed under section 15 or 17 or in pursuance of a charging order, that is-
(a) the proceeds of the enforcement of any charge imposed under section 16; (b) the proceeds of the realisation, other than by the enforcement of such a charge, of any property under
section 15 or 17; and (c) any other sums, being property held by the defendant,
shall first be applied in payment of such expenses incurred by a person acting as an insolvency officer as are payable under section 23(2) and then shall, after such payments (if any) as the Court of First Instance may direct have been made out of those sums- (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(i) be payable to the Registrar; and (ii) be applied on the defendant's behalf towards the satisfaction of the confiscation order in the manner
provided by subsection (3).
(2) If, after the amount payable under the confiscation order has been fully paid, any such sums remain in the hands of such a receiver, the receiver shall distribute those sums-
(a) among such of those who held property which has been realised under this Ordinance; and (b) in such proportions,
as the Court of First Instance may direct after giving a reasonable opportunity for such persons to make representations to the Court of First Instance. (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(3) The receipt of any sum by the Registrar on account of an amount payable under a confiscation order shall reduce the amount so payable, but the Registrar shall apply the sum received for the purposes specified in this section and in the order so specified.
(4) The Registrar shall first pay any expenses incurred by a person acting as an insolvency officer and payable under section 23(2) but not already paid under subsection (1).
(5) If the sum was paid to the Registrar by a receiver appointed under section 15 or 17 or in pursuance of a charging order, the Registrar shall next pay the receiver's remuneration and expenses.
(6) After making- (a) any payment required by subsection (4); and (b) in a case to which subsection (5) applies, any payment required by that subsection,
the Registrar shall reimburse any amount paid under section 24(2). (7) Any balance in the hands of the Registrar after he has made all payments required by the foregoing
subsections shall be paid into the general revenue. (Amended 90 of 1995 s. 17) (Enacted 1994)
[cf. 1986 c. 32 s. 12 U.K.]
Section: 19 Exercise of powers by Court of First Instance or receiver 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997
Expanded Cross Reference:
15, 16, 17, 18
Remarks: Amendments retroactively made - see 25 of 1998 s. 2
(1) This section applies to the powers conferred on the Court of First Instance by sections 15 to 18, or on a
receiver appointed under section 15 or 17 or in pursuance of a charging order. <* Note - Exp. X-Ref.: Sections 15, 16, 17, 18 *> (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(2) Subject to subsections (3), (4), (5) and (6), the powers shall be exercised with a view to making available for satisfying the confiscation order or, as the case may be, any confiscation order that may be made in the defendant's case the value for the time being of realisable property held by any person by the realisation of such property.
(3) In the case of realisable property held by a person to whom the defendant has directly or indirectly made a gift caught by this Ordinance, the powers shall be exercised with a view to realising no more than the value for the time being of the gift.
(4) The powers shall be exercised with a view to allowing any person other than the defendant or the recipient of any such gift to retain or recover the value of any property held by him.
(5) An order may be made or other action taken in respect of a debt owed by the Government. (6) In exercising those powers, no account shall be taken of any obligations of the defendant or of the recipient
of any such gift which conflict with the obligation to satisfy the confiscation order. (Enacted 1994)
[cf. 1986 c. 32 s. 13 U.K.]
Section: 20 Variation of confiscation orders 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997
Remarks: Amendments retroactively made - see 25 of 1998 s. 2
(1) If, on an application by the prosecutor or the defendant (or, in the case of a defendant who has died, his personal representative on his behalf) in respect of a confiscation order, the Court of First Instance is satisfied that the realisable property is inadequate for the payment of any amount remaining to be recovered under the confiscation order, the Court of First Instance shall make an order- (Amended 90 of 1995 s. 19)
(a) substituting for the amount to be recovered under the confiscation order such lesser amount as the Court of First Instance thinks just in all the circumstances of the case; and
(b) substituting for the term of imprisonment fixed under section 13 in respect of the amount to be recovered under the confiscation order a shorter term determined in accordance with that section in respect of the lesser amount.
(1A)If, on an application by the prosecutor made in respect of a confiscation order, the Court of First Instance is satisfied that any of the conditions referred to in subsection (1B) are fulfilled, the Court of First Instance may make an order-
(a) substituting for the amount to be recovered under the confiscation order such greater amount as the Court of First Instance thinks just in all the circumstances of the case; and
(b) substituting for the term of imprisonment fixed under section 13 in respect of the amount to be recovered under the confiscation order a greater term determined in accordance with that section in respect of the greater amount. (Added 90 of 1995 s. 19)
(1B) The conditions referred to in subsection (1A) are- (a) the value of the defendant's proceeds of any specified offence or offences or organized crime was
greater than the value of the defendant's proceeds of the specified offence or offences or organized crime, as the case may be, assessed by the Court of First Instance or the District Court, as the case may be, at the time of the making of the confiscation order;
(b) the prosecutor becomes aware of realisable property, the existence of which was not known to him at the time of the making of the confiscation order;
(c) the amount realised from the defendant's proceeds of the specified offence or offences or organized crime, as the case may be, is greater than the amount the Court of First Instance or the District Court, as the case may be, assessed to be the amount to be recovered under he confiscation order. (Added 90 of 1995 s. 19)
(2) For the purposes of this section- (Amended 90 of 1995 s. 19) (a) in the case of realisable property held by a person who has been adjudged bankrupt or whose estate has
been sequestrated the Court of First Instance shall take into account the extent to which any property held by him may be distributed among creditors; and
(b) the Court of First Instance may disregard any inadequacy in the realisable property which appears to the Court of First Instance to be attributable wholly or partly to anything done by the defendant for the
purpose of preserving any property held by a person to whom the defendant had directly or indirectly made a gift caught by this Ordinance from any risk of realisation under this Ordinance.
(3) No application shall be entertained by the Court of First Instance under subsection (1A) if it is made after the end of the period of 6 years beginning with the date on which the confiscation order concerned was made. (Added 90 of 1995 s. 19)
(Enacted 1994. Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2) [cf. 1986 c. 32 s. 14 U.K.]
Section: 21 Bankruptcy of defendant, etc. L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007
Expanded Cross Reference:
15, 16, 17, 18
(1) Where a person who holds realisable property is adjudged bankrupt- (a) property for the time being subject to a restraint order made before the order adjudging him bankrupt;
and (b) any proceeds of property realised by virtue of section 15(7) or 17(5) or (6) for the time being in the
hands of a receiver appointed under section 15 or 17, are excluded from the property of the bankrupt for the purposes of the Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6).
(2) Where a person has been adjudged bankrupt, the powers conferred on the Court of First Instance by sections 15 to 18 shall not be exercised in relation to- <* Note - Exp. X-Ref.: Sections 15, 16, 17, 18 *> (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(a) property for the time being comprised in the property of the bankrupt for the purposes of the Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6); and
(b) property which is to be applied for the benefit of creditors of the bankrupt by virtue of a condition imposed under section 30A(9) of the Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6). (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 97)
(3) Nothing in the Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6) shall be taken as restricting, or enabling the restriction of, the exercise of the powers conferred on the Court of First Instance by sections 15 to 18. <* Note - Exp. X-Ref.: Sections 15, 16, 17, 18 *> (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(4) Subsection (2) does not affect the enforcement of a charging order- (a) made before the order adjudging the person bankrupt; or (b) on property which was subject to a restraint order when the order adjudging him bankrupt was made.
(5) Where, in the case of a debtor, an interim trustee stands appointed under section 13 of the Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6) and any property of the debtor is subject to a restraint order, the powers conferred on the interim trustee by virtue of that Ordinance do not apply to property for the time being subject to the restraint order. (Amended 18 of 2005 s. 48)
(6) Where a person is adjudged bankrupt and has directly or indirectly made a gift caught by this Ordinance- (a) a court shall not make an order under-
(i) section 49 or 50 of the Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6); or (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 97) (ii) section 60 of the Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap 219), in respect of the making of a gift at any time when- (A) proceedings for a specified offence have been instituted against him but have not been
concluded; (B) an application-
(I) for a confiscation order has been made in respect of the person where section 8(1)(a)(ii) or (7A) is applicable; or
(II) has been made under section 20(1A) in respect of a confiscation order made against the person,
and the application has not been concluded; or (C) property of the person to whom the gift was made is subject to a restraint order or charging order;
and (Replaced 90 of 1995 s. 20) (b) any order made under any of the sections referred to in paragraph (a)(i) or (ii) after the conclusion of
the proceedings or application shall take into account any realisation under this Ordinance of property held by the person to whom the gift was made. (Replaced 90 of 1995 s. 20)
(Enacted 1994)
[cf. 1986 c. 32 s. 15 U.K.]
Section: 22 Winding up of company holding realisable property 25 of 1998 01/07/1997
Expanded Cross Reference:
15, 16, 17, 18
Remarks: Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 25 of 1998 s. 2
(1) Where realisable property is held by a company and an order for the winding up of the company has been made or a resolution has been passed by the company for voluntary winding up, the functions of the liquidator (or any provisional liquidator) shall not be exercisable in relation to-
(a) property for the time being subject to a restraint order made before the relevant time; and (b) any proceeds of property realised by virtue of section 15(7) or 17(5) or (6) for the time being in the
hands of a receiver appointed under section 15 or 17. (2) Where, in the case of a company, such an order has been made or such a resolution has been passed, the
powers conferred on the Court of First Instance by sections 15 to 18 shall not be exercised in relation to any realisable property held by the company in relation to which the functions of the liquidator are exercisable- <* Note - Exp. X- Ref.: Sections 15, 16, 17, 18 *> (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(a) so as to inhibit him from exercising those functions for the purpose of distributing any property held by the company to the company's creditors; or
(b) so as to prevent the payment out of any property of expenses (including the remuneration of the liquidator or any provisional liquidator) properly incurred in the winding up in respect of the property.
(3) Nothing in the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) shall be taken as restricting, or enabling the restriction of, the exercise of the powers conferred on the Court of First Instance by sections 15 to 18. <* Note - Exp. X-Ref.: Sections 15, 16, 17, 18 *> (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(3A)Subsection (3) shall apply to any proceedings relating to an appeal, further appeal or review against any exercise of the powers referred to in that subsection as if the court hearing the appeal, further appeal or review, as the case may be, were the Court of First Instance. (Added 90 of 1995 s. 21. Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(4) Subsection (2) does not affect the enforcement of a charging order made before the relevant time or on property which was subject to a restraint order at the relevant time.
(5) In this section- "company" (公司) means any company which may be wound up under the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32); "the relevant time" (有關時間) means-
(a) where no order for the winding up of the company has been made, the time of the passing of the resolution for voluntary winding up;
(b) where such an order has been made and, before the presentation of the petition for the winding up of the company by the Court of First Instance, such a resolution had been passed by the company, the time of the passing of the resolution; and (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(c) in any other case where such an order has been made, the time of the making of the order. (Enacted 1994)
[cf. 1986 c. 32 s. 17 U.K.]
Section: 23 Insolvency officers dealing with property subject to restraint order
(1) Without prejudice to the generality of any provision contained in the Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6), the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) or any other Ordinance, where-
(a) any insolvency officer seizes or disposes of any property in relation to which his functions are not exercisable because it is for the time being subject to a restraint order; and
(b) at the time of the seizure or disposal he believes, and has reasonable grounds for believing, that he is entitled (whether in pursuance of an order of a court or otherwise) to seize or dispose of that property,
he shall not be liable to any other person in respect of any loss or damage resulting from the seizure or disposal except
in so far as the loss or damage is caused by his negligence; and the insolvency officer shall have a lien on the property, or the proceeds of its sale, for such of his expenses as were incurred in connection with the liquidation, bankruptcy or other proceedings in relation to which the seizure or disposal purported to take place and for so much of his remuneration as may reasonably be assigned for his acting in connection with those proceedings.
(2) Any insolvency officer who incurs expenses- (a) in respect of such property as is mentioned in subsection (1)(a) and in so doing does not know and has
no reasonable grounds to believe that the property is for the time being subject to a restraint order; or (b) other than in respect of such property as is so mentioned, being expenses which, but for the effect of a
restraint order, might have been met by taking possession of and realising the property, shall be entitled (whether or not he has seized or disposed of that property so as to have a lien under that subsection) to payment of those expenses under section 18(1) or (4).
(Enacted 1994) [cf. 1986 c. 32 s. 17A U.K.]
Section: 24 Receivers: supplementary provisions 30/06/1997
(1) Where a receiver appointed under section 15 or 17 or in pursuance of a charging order takes any action- (a) in relation to property which is not realisable property, being action which he would be entitled to take
if it were such property; (b) believing, and having reasonable grounds for believing, that he is entitled to take that action in relation
to that property, he shall not be liable to any person in respect of any loss or damage resulting from his action except in so far as the loss or damage is caused by his negligence.
(2) Any amount due in respect of the remuneration and expenses of a receiver so appointed shall, if no sum is available to be applied in payment of it under section 18(5), be paid by the prosecutor or, in a case where proceedings for a specified offence are not instituted, by the person on whose application the receiver was appointed.
(Enacted 1994) [cf. 1986 c. 32 s. 18 U.K.]
Section: 24A Interpretation L.N. 12 of 2003 01/04/2003
In this Part and Schedule 6, unless the context otherwise requires- "certificate of identity" (身分證明書), "document of identity" (簽證身分書), "identity card" (身分證) and "travel
document" (旅行證件) have the meanings respectively assigned to them under section 2 of the Immigration Ordinance (Cap 115);
"currency" (貨幣), "exchange transaction" (兌換交易) and "money changer" (貨幣兌換商) have the meanings respectively assigned to them under section 2 of the Money Changers Ordinance (Cap 34);
"money" (金錢) means money in whatever form or currency; "premises" (處所) includes place; "record" (紀錄) includes, in addition to a record in writing-
(a) a disc, tape or other device in which data other than visual images are embodied so as to be capable, with or without the aid of some other equipment, of being reproduced from the disc, tape or other device; and
(b) a film, tape or other device in which visual images are embodied so as to be capable, with or without the aid of some other equipment, of being reproduced from the film, tape or other device;
"remittance agent" (匯款代理人)- (a) subject to paragraph (b), means a person who provides a service to another person or persons as a
business, of one or more of the following- (i) sending, or arranging for the sending of, money to;
(ii) receiving, or arranging for the receipt of, money from; or (iii) arranging for the receipt of money in, a place outside Hong Kong;
(b) does not include- (i) an authorized institution within the meaning of the Banking Ordinance (Cap 155); (ii) an authorized insurer or authorized insurance broker within the meaning of the Insurance
Companies Ordinance (Cap 41); (iii) a corporation licensed under Part V of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571) to carry
on a business in any regulated activity within the meaning of Schedule 5 to that Ordinance or the licensed representative of such corporation within the meaning of that Ordinance; (Replaced 5 of 2002 s. 407)
(iv) (Repealed 5 of 2002 s. 407) "remittance transaction" (匯款交易) means a service falling within paragraph (a) of the definition of "remittance
agent". (Part IVA added 8 of 2000 s. 2)
Section: 24B Register of remittance agents and money changers L.N. 81 of 2000 01/06/2000
(1) The Secretary for Security shall, by notice in the Gazette- (a) appoint a public officer to be the responsible officer for the purposes of this section; (b) specify an address to which a notice required to be given under this section to the responsible officer
shall be sent. (2) The responsible officer shall maintain a register, in such form as he thinks fit, containing-
(a) the name of every remittance agent and the address of every premises in Hong Kong at which a remittance agent provides, whether in whole or in part and whether or not any other activity is carried on in the premises, a service as a remittance agent;
(b) the name of every money changer and the address of every premises in Hong Kong at which a money changer carries on, whether in whole or in part and whether or not any other activity is carried on in the premises, business as a money changer; and
(c) such other particulars of remittance agents and money changers as the responsible officer thinks fit. (3) The register shall be kept at such place as is notified by the responsible officer by notice in the Gazette. (4) A person who is already, immediately before the commencement of this section, a remittance agent or
money changer shall, not later than 3 months after that commencement, send a notice in writing to the responsible officer at the specified address stating, in the case of a remittance agent, the particulars required to be included in the register under subsection (2)(a) and, in the case of a money changer, the particulars required to be included in the register under subsection (2)(b).
(5) A person who becomes a remittance agent or money changer on or after the commencement of this section shall, not later than 1 month after so becoming a remittance agent or money changer, as the case may be, send a notice in writing to the responsible officer at the specified address stating, in the case of a remittance agent, the particulars required to be included in the register under subsection (2)(a) and, in the case of a money changer, the particulars required to be included in the register under subsection (2)(b).
(6) Where a person ceases to be a remittance agent or money changer, or any particulars given by the person to the responsible officer under subsection (4) or (5) changes subsequent to the original submission, then the person shall not later than 3 months after the event send a notice in writing to the responsible officer at the specified address informing the responsible officer of his ceasing to be a remittance agent or money changer, or of such change, as the case may be.
(7) Any person may, with effect from such date and during such hours as shall be notified by the responsible officer by notice in the Gazette-
(a) inspect the register; (b) with the consent of the responsible officer, obtain a copy of an entry in the register or an extract from
the register. (8) A person who, without reasonable excuse, contravenes subsection (4), (5) or (6) commits an offence and is
liable on conviction to a fine at level 5. (9) A person who sends any particulars under subsection (4), (5) or (6) which are false in a material particular
commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine at level 6 and to imprisonment for 6 months.
(10) In this section- "register" (紀錄冊) means the register maintained under subsection (2); "responsible officer" (負責人員) means the responsible officer appointed under subsection (1)(a); "specified address" (指明地址) means the address specified under subsection (1)(b).
(Part IVA added 8 of 2000 s. 2)
Section: 24C Duty on remittance agents and money changers to keep records L.N. 262 of 2006 26/01/2007
(1) This section shall not apply to a remittance transaction or exchange transaction which is less than $8000 in value or an equivalent amount in any other currency. (Amended L.N. 262 of 2006)
(2) A remittance agent shall- (a) not complete a remittance transaction unless the remittance agent keeps a record of-
(i) if the transaction falls within paragraph (a)(i) of the definition of "remittance agent" in section 24A, the particulars specified in Part 1 of Schedule 6;
(ii) if the transaction falls within paragraph (a)(ii) of the definition of "remittance agent" in section 24A, the particulars specified in Part 2 of Schedule 6;
(iii) if the transaction falls within paragraph (a)(iii) of the definition of "remittance agent" in section 24A, the particulars specified in Part 3 of Schedule 6;
(b) verify the name and identity of the instructor or recipient referred to in the particulars, as the case may be, by reference to his certificate of identity, document of identity, identity card or travel document, if such instructor or recipient appears in person; and
(c) keep that record for not less than 6 years after the date of the transaction notwithstanding that the remittance agent may have ceased his business subsequent to the transaction.
(3) A money changer shall- (a) not complete an exchange transaction (and notwithstanding section 3(1)(c) of the Money Changers
Ordinance (Cap 34)) unless the money changer keeps a record of the particulars specified in Part 4 of Schedule 6;
(b) verify the name and identity of the client referred to in the particulars by reference to his certificate of identity, document of identity, identity card or travel document, if such client appears in person; and
(c) keep that record for not less than 6 years after the date of the transaction notwithstanding that the money changer may have ceased his business subsequent to the transaction.
(4) A remittance agent who contravenes subsection (2), or a money changer who contravenes subsection (3), commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine at level 6 and to imprisonment for 3 months.
(5) The Secretary for Security may, by notice in the Gazette, amend- (a) the amount specified in subsection (1); (b) Schedule 6.
(Part IVA added 8 of 2000 s. 2)
Section: 24D Criminal liability L.N. 81 of 2000 01/06/2000
(1) If a person employed by a remittance agent does an act which would be an offence under section 24C(4) if done by a remittance agent, each of the following persons is guilty of that offence as if he were a remittance agent who had committed the offence and each person is liable to the penalty prescribed for the offence-
(a) the person employed by the remittance agent, unless the person shows that he exercised reasonable diligence to avoid the commission of the offence;
(b) the remittance agent, unless the remittance agent took reasonable steps to prevent the commission of the offence; and
(c) where the employer of the person is a corporation, each director, manager, secretary and other similar officer of the corporation and any person purporting to act in any of those capacities unless he took reasonable steps to prevent the commission of the offence.
(2) Subject to subsection (3), for the purposes of this section, a person is deemed to be a director of a corporation if he occupies the position of a director by whatever name he may be called or is a person in accordance with whose directions or instructions a director of the corporation acts.
(3) A person shall not, by reason only that a director of the corporation acts on advice given by him in a
professional capacity, be taken to be a person in accordance with whose directions or instructions a director acts. (4) If a partner in a partnership of remittance agents commits an offence under section 24C(4) and it is proved
that the offence was committed with the consent or connivance of, or was attributable to any neglect on the part of, any other partner of the partnership, that other partner shall be guilty of the like offence.
(5) This section shall apply to and in relation to a money changer as it applies to and in relation to a remittance agent as if any reference in subsections (1) to (4) to a remittance agent were a reference to a money changer.
(Part IVA added 8 of 2000 s. 2)
Section: 24E Power of authorized officers to enter premises and inspect books, etc.
L.N. 81 of 2000 01/06/2000
(1) Subject to subsection (6), where an authorized officer has a reasonable suspicion that a remittance agent has committed an offence under this Part (in this section referred to as the "suspected offence" (嫌疑罪行)), he may, with such assistants as may be necessary, enter any premises where the activities of the remittance agent are being carried on and may demand the production of and inspect the remittance agent's records relating to any remittance transaction carried out by the remittance agent or relating to his activities as a remittance agent, and may take notes, copies or extracts thereof or therefrom.
(2) Where pursuant to subsection (1) an authorized officer has entered any premises where the activities of a remittance agent are being carried on, he may seize any records relating to any remittance transaction carried out by the remittance agent or relating to his activities as a remittance agent that the officer reasonably believes to be related to the suspected offence.
(3) Any records seized under subsection (2) shall, as soon as practicable after such seizure, be delivered to the Commissioner of Police or the Commissioner of Customs and Excise, or to some person nominated by either Commissioner in that behalf, by the authorized officer who seized them.
(4) Where any records seized under subsection (2) are delivered in accordance with subsection (3) to the Commissioner of Police or the Commissioner of Customs and Excise, or to some person nominated by either Commissioner in that behalf, the Commissioner of Police, the Commissioner of Customs and Excise or that person, as the case may be, shall, if no prosecution is instituted within 6 months after such delivery in respect of the suspected offence to which they relate, return, or arrange for the return of, such records to the remittance agent from whom they were so seized.
(5) This section shall apply to and in relation to a money changer as it applies to and in relation to a remittance agent as if any reference in subsections (1) to (4)-
(a) to a remittance agent were a reference to a money changer; (b) to a remittance transaction were a reference to an exchange transaction.
(6) An authorized officer shall not exercise his power under subsection (1) in respect of premises which are domestic premises except pursuant to a warrant issued under subsection (7).
(7) A magistrate may, if satisfied by information upon oath that there are reasonable grounds for the suspected offence, issue a warrant authorizing an authorized officer, with such assistants as may be necessary, to exercise his power under subsection (1) in respect of any domestic premises where the activities of the remittance agent concerned are being carried on.
(8) In this section, "domestic premises" (住宅處所) means any premises or place used exclusively for residential purposes and constituting a separate household unit.
(Part IVA added 8 of 2000 s. 2)
Section: 25 Dealing with property known or believed to represent proceeds of indictable offence
(1) Subject to section 25A, a person commits an offence if, knowing or having reasonable grounds to believe that any property in whole or in part directly or indirectly represents any person's proceeds of an indictable offence, he deals with that property.
(2) In proceedings against a person for an offence under subsection (1), it is a defence to prove that- (a) he intended to disclose to an authorized officer such knowledge, suspicion or matter as is mentioned in
section 25A(1) in relation to the act in contravention of subsection (1) concerned; and (b) there is reasonable excuse for his failure to make disclosure in accordance with section 25A(2).
(3) A person who commits an offence under subsection (1) is liable- (a) on conviction upon indictment to a fine of $5000000 and to imprisonment for 14 years; or (b) on summary conviction to a fine of $500000 and to imprisonment for 3 years.
(4) In this section and section 25A, references to an indictable offence include a reference to conduct which would constitute an indictable offence if it had occurred in Hong Kong.
(Enacted 1994. Replaced 90 of 1995 s. 22)
Section: 25A Disclosure of knowledge or suspicion that property represents proceeds, etc. of indictable offence
L.N. 173 of 2004 07/01/2005
(1) Where a person knows or suspects that any property- (a) in whole or in part directly or indirectly represents any person's proceeds of; (b) was used in connection with; or (c) is intended to be used in connection with,
an indictable offence, he shall as soon as it is reasonable for him to do so disclose that knowledge or suspicion, together with any matter on which that knowledge or suspicion is based, to an authorized officer.
(2) If a person who has made a disclosure referred to in subsection (1) does any act in contravention of section 25(1) (whether before or after such disclosure), and the disclosure relates to that act, he does not commit an offence under that section if-
(a) that disclosure is made before he does that act and he does that act with the consent of an authorized officer; or
(b) that disclosure is made- (i) after he does that act; (ii) on his initiative; and (iii) as soon as it is reasonable for him to make it.
(3) A disclosure referred to in subsection (1)- (a) shall not be treated as a breach of any restriction upon the disclosure of information imposed by
contract or by any enactment, rule of conduct or other provision; (b) shall not render the person who made it liable in damages for any loss arising out of-
(i) the disclosure; (ii) any act done or omitted to be done in relation to the property concerned in consequence of the
disclosure. (4) In the case of a person who was in employment at the relevant time, this section shall have effect in relation
to disclosures to the appropriate person in accordance with the procedure established by his employer for the making of such disclosures as it has effect in relation to disclosures to an authorized officer.
(5) A person commits an offence if, knowing or suspecting that a disclosure has been made under subsection (1) or (4), he discloses to any other person any matter which is likely to prejudice any investigation which might be conducted following that first-mentioned disclosure.
(6) In proceedings against a person for an offence under subsection (5), it is a defence to prove- (a) that he did not know or suspect that the disclosure concerned was likely to be prejudicial in the way
referred to in that subsection; or (b) that he had lawful authority or reasonable excuse for making that disclosure.
(7) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine at level 5 and to imprisonment for 3 months.
(8) A person who commits an offence under subsection (5) is liable- (a) on conviction upon indictment to a fine of $500000 and to imprisonment for 3 years; or (b) on summary conviction to a fine at level 6 and to imprisonment for 1 year.
(9) Information obtained under or by virtue of a disclosure referred to in subsection (1) may be disclosed- (a) by any authorized officer to the Department of Justice, the Hong Kong Police Force, the Customs and
Excise Department, the Immigration Department, and the Independent Commission Against Corruption, for the purpose of combating crime; and
(b) by any authorized officer to the authorities or persons responsible for investigating or preventing crime, or handling the disclosure of knowledge or suspicion on property relating to crime, of any place outside Hong Kong which the authorized officer thinks fit, for the purpose of combating crime. (Added 21 of 2004 s. 24)
(10) Subsection (9) is without prejudice to any other right to disclose information obtained under or by virtue of a disclosure referred to in subsection (1) that may exist apart from subsection (9). (Added 21 of 2004 s. 24)
(Enacted 1994. Added 90 of 1995 s. 22)
Section: 26 Restriction on revealing disclosure under section 25A L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997
(1) Subject to subsection (2), no witness in any civil or criminal proceedings shall be obliged- (a) to reveal that a disclosure was made under section 25A(1) or (4); (Amended 90 of 1995 s. 23) (b) to reveal the identity of any person as the person making the disclosure; or (c) to answer any question if the answer would lead, or would tend to lead, to the revealing of any fact or
matter referred to in paragraph (a) or (b). (2) Subsection (1) shall not apply in any proceedings-
(a) for an offence under section 25 or 25A or this section; or (Amended 90 of 1995 s. 23) (b) where the court is of the opinion that justice cannot fully be done between the parties without revealing
the disclosure or the identity of any person as the person making the disclosure. (3) Subject to subsections (4), (5) and (6), no person shall publish or broadcast any information so as to reveal
or suggest- (a) that a disclosure was made under section 25A(1) or (4); or (Amended 90 of 1995 s. 23) (b) the identity of any person as the person making the disclosure.
(4) In subsection (3), "information" (資料)- (a) includes a report of any civil or criminal proceedings; (b) does not include information published for statistical purposes by, or under the authority of, the
Government. (5) Subsection (3) shall not apply in respect of proceedings-
(a) against the person making the disclosure for an offence under section 25 or 25A; or (Amended 90 of 1995 s. 23)
(b) for an offence under this section. (6) The court or a magistrate may, if satisfied that it is in the interests of justice to do so, by order dispense with
the requirements of subsection (3) to such extent as may be specified in the order. (7) If information is published or broadcast in contravention of subsection (3), each of the following persons-
(a) in the case of publication as part of a newspaper or periodical publication, any proprietor, editor, publisher and distributor thereof;
(b) in the case of a publication otherwise than as part of a newspaper or periodical publication, any person who publishes it and any person who distributes it;
(c) in the case of a broadcast, any person who broadcasts the information and, if the information is contained in a programme, any person who transmits or provides the programme and any person having functions in relation to the programme corresponding to those of the editor of a newspaper or periodical publication,
commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine at level 5 and to imprisonment for 6 months. (8) Proceedings for an offence under this section shall not be instituted except with the consent of the Secretary
for Justice. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997) (9) In this section-
"broadcast" (廣播) includes broadcast by radio, film, videotape or television; "publish" (出版) means publish in writing.
(Enacted 1994)
Section: 27 Sentencing in respect of specified offences 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997
Remarks: Amendments retroactively made - see 25 of 1998 s. 2
(1) This section applies where, in proceedings in the District Court or the Court of First Instance, a person has been convicted of a specified offence. (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(2) The prosecution may furnish information to the court regarding any or all of the following- (a) the nature and extent of any harm caused, directly or indirectly, to any person by the act in respect of
which the person has been so convicted; (b) the nature and extent of any benefit, whether financial or otherwise, that accrued or was intended to
accrue, directly or indirectly, to that or any other person from that act; (c) the prevalence of that specified offence; (d) the nature and extent of any harm, whether direct or indirect, caused to the community by recent
occurrences of that specified offence; (e) the nature and extent of the total benefit, whether financial or otherwise, accruing directly or indirectly
to any person from recent occurrences of that specified offence. (3) Only information that would be admissible in evidence in criminal proceedings (including proceedings in
respect of sentencing) may be furnished to the court under subsection (2). (4) If the prosecution so requests, the court shall determine whether the evidence adduced at the trial or, if the
conviction followed a plea of guilty, the matters accepted by the court prior to conviction show that the specified offence was an organized crime.
(5) The prosecution shall not request a determination under subsection (4) unless it has given notice to the person of its intention to seek such a determination, and unless such notice has been given prior to the plea last entered by the person or within such further time as may have been allowed by the court under subsection (6).
(6) If a person has pleaded guilty to a specified offence and it appears to the court, having regard to the time at which the prosecution was informed of the accused's intention to plead guilty, that it would be in the interests of justice to allow the prosecution further time within which to give the notice provided for in subsection (5), the court may order accordingly and may specify such period for that purpose as it considers reasonable in the circumstances, and if notice is given pursuant to an order under this subsection the court may allow the accused to withdraw his plea of guilty.
(7) The court shall not make a determination under subsection (4) that a specified offence was an organized crime unless, subsequent to his receipt of the notice required to be given under subsection (5), the person convicted has been given an opportunity to be heard on the matter.
(8) If in making a determination under subsection (4) the court determines that the specified offence was an organized crime by reason of its connection with the activities of a particular triad society, the prosecution may furnish information to the court regarding the nature and extent of those activities and the way in which the offence was connected with those activities.
(9) The court may receive and take into account regarding a matter referred to in subsection (8) any information which it considers reliable in the circumstances.
(10) Where the prosecution seeks to furnish information to a court under this section regarding any matter referred to in subsection (2) or (8), the court shall allow the person convicted an opportunity to object to the reception of the information, and where any such information is received by the court the court shall allow the person an opportunity to furnish information regarding that same matter.
(11) Subject to subsections (12) and (13), where a court is satisfied beyond reasonable doubt- (a) that the specified offence was an organized crime; or (b) as to any information furnished under subsection (2) or (8),
or where any such matter is agreed by the person convicted, the court shall have regard to such matter when it passes a sentence on the person for the relevant specified offence and may, if it thinks fit, pass a sentence on the person for that offence that is more severe than the sentence it would, in the absence of such matter, have passed.
(12) If an application has been made for a confiscation order under section 8, the court shall not have regard for the purpose of subsection (11) to any proceeds of a specified offence or organized crime to which the application for the confiscation order relates.
(13) A sentence passed pursuant to subsection (11) shall not exceed the maximum penalty permitted by law for the offence.
(14) This section operates without prejudice to any other information that may be furnished to a court before a person is sentenced, or to any other information to which a court shall or may have regard when sentencing a person for any offence.
(15) This section does not apply to a person who is convicted of a specified offence committed before the
commencement of this section. (Enacted 1994)
Section: 28 Disclosure of information held by public bodies 25 of 1998; 13 of 1999
Expanded Cross Reference:
15, 16, 17
Remarks: Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 25 of 1998 s. 2; 13 of 1999 s. 3
(1) Subject to subsection (4), the Court of First Instance may, on an application by the prosecutor, order any material mentioned in subsection (3) which is in the possession of a public body to be produced to the Court of First Instance within such period as the Court of First Instance may specify.
(2) The power to make an order under subsection (1) is exercisable if- (a) the powers conferred on the Court of First Instance by sections 15(1) and 16(1) are exercisable by
virtue of section 14(1); or (b) those powers are exercisable by virtue of section 14(2) and the Court of First Instance has made a
restraint or charging order which has not been discharged, but where the power to make an order under subsection (1) is exercisable by virtue only of paragraph (b), section 14(3) shall apply for the purposes of this section as it applies for the purposes of sections 15 and 16.
(3) The material referred to in subsection (1) is any material which- (a) has been submitted to an officer of a public body by the defendant or by a person who has at any time
held property which was realisable property; (b) has been made by an officer of a public body in relation to the defendant or such a person; or (c) is correspondence which passed between an officer of a public body and the defendant or such a
person, and an order under that subsection may require the production of all such material or of a particular description of such material, being material in the possession of the body concerned.
(4) An order under subsection (1) shall not require the production of any material unless it appears to the Court of First Instance that the material is likely to contain information that would facilitate the exercise of the powers conferred on the Court of First Instance by sections 15 to 17 or on a receiver appointed under section 15 or 17 or in pursuance of a charging order. <* Note - Exp. X-Ref.: Sections 15, 16, 17 *>
(5) The Court of First Instance may by order authorize the disclosure to such a receiver of any material produced under subsection (1) or any part of such material; but the Court of First Instance shall not make an order under this subsection unless a reasonable opportunity has been given for an officer of the public body to make representations to the Court of First Instance.
(6) Material disclosed in pursuance of an order under subsection (5) may, subject to any conditions contained in the order, be further disclosed for the purposes of the functions under this Ordinance of the receiver or the Court of First Instance.
(7) The Court of First Instance may by order authorize the disclosure to an authorized officer of any material produced under subsection (1) or any part of such material; but the Court of First Instance shall not make an order under this subsection unless-
(a) a reasonable opportunity has been given for an officer of the public body to make representations to the Court of First Instance; and
(b) it appears to the Court of First Instance that the material is likely to be relevant in exercising functions relating to the investigation of specified offences.
(8) Material disclosed in pursuance of an order under subsection (7) may, subject to any conditions contained in the order, be further disclosed for the purposes of functions relating to the investigation of specified offences.
(9) Material may be produced or disclosed in pursuance of this section notwithstanding any obligation as to secrecy or other restriction upon the disclosure of information imposed by statute or otherwise.
(10) An order under subsection (1) and, in the case of material in the possession of a public body, an order under section 4(2) may require any officer of the public body (whether named in the order or not) who may for the time being be in possession of the material concerned to comply with it, and such an order shall be served as if the
proceedings were civil proceedings against the Government. (Amended 13 of 1999 s. 3) (11) In this section "public body" (公共機構) means-
(a) any Government department; and (b) any body specified by the Chief Executive under subsection (12). (Amended 13 of 1999 s. 3)
(12) The Chief Executive may, by notice in the Gazette, specify a body to be a public body for the purposes of this section. (Amended 13 of 1999 s. 3)
(Enacted 1994. Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2) [cf. 1986 c. 32 s. 30 U.K.]
Section: 29 Compensation L.N. 362 of 1997; 25 of 1998
Expanded Cross Reference:
15, 16, 17
Remarks: Amendments retroactively made - see 25 of 1998 s. 2
(1) If an investigation is begun against a person for a specified offence or offences and any of the following circumstances occur, namely-
(a) no proceedings are instituted against that person; (b) proceedings are instituted against that person but do not result in his conviction for any specified
offence (including any proceedings referred to in section 8(1)(a)(ii) where no confiscation order is made against that person);
(ba) that person absconds after proceedings are instituted against him and subsequently- (i) he ceases to be an absconder; and (ii) either-
(A) those proceedings are continued or reinstituted but do not result in his conviction for any specified offence; or
(B) those proceedings are not continued or reinstituted within a reasonable period after it is known to the Secretary for Justice that he has ceased to be an absconder; or (Added 90 of 1995 s. 25. Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
(c) proceedings are instituted against that person and he is convicted of one or more specified offences, but (i) the conviction or convictions concerned are quashed; or (ii) he is granted a pardon in respect of the conviction or convictions concerned,
the Court of First Instance may, on application by a person who held property which was realisable property (or, in the case of such a person who has died, his personal representative on his behalf), order compensation to be paid by the Government to the applicant if, having regard to all the circumstances, it considers it appropriate to make such an order.
(2) The Court of First Instance shall not order compensation to be paid under subsection (1) unless it is satisfied-
(a) subject to subsection (3A), that there has been some serious default on the part of any person concerned in the investigation or prosecution of the offence or offences concerned; and
(b) that the applicant has suffered loss in consequence of anything done in relation to the property by or in pursuance of an order of the Court of First Instance under sections 15 to 17. <* Note - Exp. X-Ref.: Sections 15, 16, 17 *>
(3) Subject to subsection (3A), the Court of First Instance shall not order compensation to be paid under subsection (1) in any case where it appears to the Court of First Instance that the investigation would have been continued, or the proceedings would have been instituted or continued, as the case may be, if the serious default had not occurred.
(3A)Subsections (2)(a) and (3) shall not apply to any case to which subsection (1)(ba) is applicable. (Added 90 of 1995 s. 25)
(4) Without prejudice to subsection (1), where- (a) a disclosure is made by any person in accordance with section 25A(2) in relation to any property;
(b) in consequence of the disclosure and for the purposes of an investigation or prosecution in respect of a specified offence or offences any act is done or omitted to be done in relation to that property; and
(c) no proceedings are instituted against any person in respect of that offence or those offences or no order is made by the Court of First Instance under section 15 or 16 in relation to that property,
the Court of First Instance may, on application by a person who held the property, order compensation to be paid by the Government to the applicant if, having regard to all the circumstances, it considers it appropriate to make such an order.
(5) The Court of First Instance shall not order compensation to be paid under subsection (4) unless it is satisfied-
(a) that there has been some serious default on the part of any person concerned in the investigation or prosecution of the offence or offences concerned and that, but for that default, the act or omission referred to in subsection (4)(b) would not have occurred; and
(b) the applicant has, in consequence of the act or omission referred to in subsection (4)(b), suffered loss in relation to the property.
(6) The amount of compensation to be paid under this section shall be such as the Court of First Instance thinks just in all the circumstances of the case.
(Enacted 1994. Amended 90 of 1995 s. 25; 25 of 1998 s. 2) [cf. 1986 c. 32 ss. 19 & 24(3) U.K.]
Section: 30 Rules of court 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997
Remarks: Amendments retroactively made - see 25 of 1998 s. 2
The power to make rules of court under section 54 of the High Court Ordinance (Cap 4) shall include power to make rules of court for the purposes of this Ordinance.
(Enacted 1994. Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
Section: 31 Amendment of amount in section 8(4) and Schedules 13 of 1999 01/07/1997
Remarks: Amendments retroactively made - see 13 of 1999 s. 3
Subject to the approval of the Legislative Council, the Chief Executive in Council may by order amend the amount specified in section 8(4) and the Schedules.
(Enacted 1994. Amended 13 of 1999 s. 3)
Section: 32 Savings 30/06/1997
This Ordinance operates without prejudice to the Drug Trafficking (Recovery of Proceeds) Ordinance (Cap 405).
(Enacted 1994)
Section: 33 (Omitted as spent) 30/06/1997
(Omitted as spent) (Enacted 1994)
(Omitted as spent) (Enacted 1994)
Section: 34 (Omitted as spent) 30/06/1997
Section: 35 (Omitted as spent) 30/06/1997
(Omitted as spent) (Enacted 1994)
(Omitted as spent) (Enacted 1994)
Section: 36 (Omitted as spent) 30/06/1997
15 of 2007 06/07/2007
[sections 2, 8 & 31] (Replaced 26 of 2002 s. 3)
Common law offences
1. murder 2. kidnapping 3. false imprisonment 4. conspiracy to pervert the course of justice
Statutory offences
Offence Description* 5. Import and Export Ordinance (Cap 60)
section 6A import or export of strategic commodities section 6C import of certain prohibited articles section 6D(1) and (2) export of certain prohibited articles section 6E carriage, etc. of prescribed articles in Hong Kong waters
importing or exporting unmanifested cargo section 18
6. Immigration Ordinance (Cap 115) section 37D(1) arranging passage to Hong Kong of unauthorized entrants
carrying an illegal immigrant section 38(4) false statements, forgery of documents and use and section 42(1) and (2) possession of forged documents
7. Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Cap 134) section 4(1) trafficking in dangerous drugs section 4A(1) trafficking in purported dangerous drugs section 6(1) manufacturing a dangerous drug
8. Gambling Ordinance (Cap 148) section 5 operating, managing or controlling gambling establishment
bookmaking section 7(1)
9. Societies Ordinance (Cap 151) section 19 penalties on an office-bearer, etc. of an unlawful society
allowing a meeting of an unlawful society to be held on section 21 premises section 22 inciting etc., a person to become a member of an unlawful
society 10. Money Lenders Ordinance (Cap 163)
section 24(1) lending money at an excessive interest rate 11. Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200)
section 24 section 25
section 53
section 54 section 55 section 60 section 61 section 71 section 75(1) section 98(1) section 100(1) section 105
section 118 section 119 section 120 section 129 section 130 section 131 section 134
section 137 section 139
12. Theft Ordinance (Cap 210) section 9 section 10 section 11(1) section 16A section 17 section 18 section 18D section 19 section 23(1) and (4) section 24(1)
13. Offences against the Person Ordinance (Cap 212)
section 17
14. Firearms and Ammunition Ordinance (Cap 238)
section 13 section 14
14A. Trade Descriptions Ordinance (Cap 362)
section 9(1) and (2)
section 12 (provided that for the purpose of this Ordinance, an offence under section 12 of the Trade Descriptions Ordinance does not include an offence relating only to false trade description)
threatening a person with intent assaulting with intent to cause certain acts to be done or
omitted causing explosion likely to endanger life or property attempt to cause explosion, or making or keeping explosive
with intent to endanger life or property making or possession of explosive destroying or damaging property threats to destroy or damage property forgery possessing a false instrument with intent counterfeiting notes and coins with intent custody or control of counterfeit notes and coins with intent importation and exportation of counterfeit notes and coins rape procurement of person by threats procurement of person by false pretences trafficking to or from Hong Kong in persons control over person for purpose of unlawful sexual act or
prostitution causing prostitution of person detention of person for unlawful sexual act or in vice
establishment living on earnings of prostitution keeping a vice establishment
theft robbery burglary fraud (Added 45 of 1999 s. 6) obtaining property by deception obtaining a pecuniary advantage by deception procuring false entry in certain records false accounting blackmail handling stolen goods
shooting or attempting to shoot, or wounding or striking with intent to do grievous bodily harm
possession of arms or ammunition without licence dealing in arms or ammunition without a licence
offences in respect of infringement of trade mark rights import or export of goods bearing forged trade mark
being accessory to certain offences committed outside Hong Kong (Added L.N. 11 of 2000)
section 22 (provided that for the purpose of this Ordinance, "offence under this Ordinance" referred to in section 22 of the Trade Descriptions Ordinance only means an offence under- (a) section 9(1) or (2) of that
Ordinance; or (b) section 12 of that Ordinance,
excluding any offence relating only to false trade description)
15. Drug Trafficking (Recovery of Proceeds) Ordinance (Cap 405)
section 25(1) dealing with property known or believed to represent proceeds of drug trafficking (Replaced 26 of 2002 s. 3)
16. Organized and Serious Crimes Ordinance (Cap 455)
section 25(1) dealing with property known or believed to represent proceeds of indictable offence (Replaced 26 of 2002 s. 3)
17. Weapons of Mass Destruction (Control of Provision of Services) Ordinance (Cap 526)
section 4 providing services that assist the development, production, acquisition or stockpiling of weapons of mass destruction (Added 90 of 1997 s. 15)
18. Copyright Ordinance (Cap 528) section 118(1), (4) and (8) offences relating to making or dealing with infringing
(provided that for the purpose of this copies Ordinance, "infringing copy" referred to in section 118(1) and (4) of the Copyright Ordinance does not include a copy of a work which is an infringing copy by virtue only of section 35(3) of that Ordinance and which was lawfully made in the country, territory or area where it was made)
section 120(1), (2), (3) and (4) (provided that for the purpose of this offences relating to making infringing copies outside Hong Ordinance, "infringing copy" referred Kong (Added L.N. 11 of 2000) to in section 120(1) and (3) of the Copyright Ordinance does not include a copy of a work which is an infringing copy by virtue only of section 35(3) of that Ordinance and which was lawfully made in the country, territory or area where it was made) (Amended 15 of 2007 s. 77)
19. Chemical Weapons (Convention) Ordinance (Cap 578)
section 5 prohibition against using, developing or producing, acquiring, stockpiling, retaining, participating in the transfer of, engaging in military preparations, or in preparations of a military nature, intending to use, chemical weapons, or assisting, encouraging or inducing anyone to engage in any activity prohibited by the
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction, signed at Paris on 13 January 1993 (Added 26 of 2003 s. 44)
Note: * The short description of offences in this Schedule is for ease of reference only.
Schedule: 2 OTHER SPECIFIED OFFENCES 22 of 2008 04/07/2008
[sections 2, 8 & 31] (Replaced 26 of 2002 s. 3)
Common law offences
1. manslaughter
2. conspiracy to defraud
Statutory offences
Offence Description* 3. Import and Export Ordinance (Cap 60)
section 14 alteration of vessel, aircraft or vehicle for the purpose of smuggling
section 14A construction, etc., of vessels for the purpose of smuggling section 18A assisting, etc., in export of unmanifested cargo section 35A assisting, etc., in carriage of prohibited, etc., articles
4. Immigration Ordinance (Cap 115) section 37DA(1) assisting unauthorized entrant to remain
5. Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Cap 134) section 5(1) supplying or procuring a dangerous drug to or for
unauthorized persons section 9(1), (2) and (3) offences relating to cannabis plant or opium poppy section 35(1) keeping or managing a divan for the taking of dangerous
drugs section 37(1) permitting premises to be used for unlawful trafficking,
manufacturing or storage of dangerous drugs
6. Gambling Ordinance (Cap 148) section 14 providing money for unlawful gambling or for an unlawful
lottery section 15(1) permitting premises to be used as gambling establishment
7. Registration of Persons Ordinance (Cap 177)
section 7A possession of forged identity cards
8. Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200) section 72 copying a false instrument section 73 using a false instrument section 74 using a copy of a false instrument
section 76 making or possessing equipment for making a false instrument
section 99(1) section 101
passing, etc. counterfeit notes and coins making or custody or control of counterfeiting materials
and implements
9. Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap 201)
section 4(1) section 4(2)
section 4(2A) section 4(2B)
section 5(1)
section 5(2)
section 5(3)
section 5(4)
section 6(1) section 6(2)
section 9(1)
section 9(2)
bribery of public servant soliciting or accepting bribes in the capacity of a public
servant (Added L.N. 229 of 2007) bribery of Chief Executive (Added 22 of 2008 s. 6) soliciting or accepting bribes in the capacity of Chief
Executive (Added 22 of 2008 s. 6) bribery of public servant for giving assistance, etc. in
regard to contracts (Replaced 22 of 2008 s. 6) soliciting or accepting bribes in the capacity of a public
servant for giving assistance, etc. in regard to contracts (Added L.N. 229 of 2007)
bribery of Chief Executive for giving assistance, etc. in regard to contracts (Added 22 of 2008 s. 6)
soliciting or accepting bribes in the capacity of Chief Executive for giving assistance, etc. in regard to contracts (Added 22 of 2008 s. 6)
bribery for procuring withdrawal of tenders soliciting or accepting bribes for withdrawal of tenders
(Added L.N. 229 of 2007) soliciting or accepting bribes in the capacity of an agent
(Added L.N. 229 of 2007) bribery of agent
10. Theft Ordinance (Cap 210) section 12(1) section 18A
aggravated burglary obtaining services by deception
11. Offences against the Person Ordinance (Cap 212) section 19 wounding or inflicting grievous bodily harm
12. Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221)
section 90(1) doing an act with intent to impede apprehension or prosecution of offender
(Enacted 1994)
Note: * The short description of offences in this Schedule is for ease of reference only.
25 of 1998 01/07/1997
Remarks: Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 25 of 1998 s. 2
[sections 16 & 31]
1. Land in Hong Kong.
2. Securities of any of the following kinds- (a) Government stock; (b) stock of any body incorporated in Hong Kong; (c) stock of any body incorporated outside Hong Kong or of any state or territory outside Hong Kong,
being stock registered in a register kept at any place within Hong Kong; (d) units of any unit trust in respect of which a register of the unit holders is kept at any place within Hong
3. In this Schedule- (a) the terms "Government stock" (政府證券) and "land" (土地) have the same meaning as in section 2
of the High Court Ordinance (Cap 4); (b) the terms "stock" (股份) and "unit trust" (單位信託基金) have the same meaning as in section 20A
of that Ordinance. (Enacted 1994. Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
L.N. 362 of 1997; 25 of 1998
Remarks: Amendments retroactively made - see 25 of 1998 s. 2
[section 3(7)(c)]
To : ......................................................... (name and address of person)
1. On ...................................., in the Court of First Instance, Hong Kong an order was made (date) by the Hon. Mr.
Justice .................................................... under section 3 of the Organized and Serious Crimes Ordinance (Cap 455) for the purpose of an investigation into an organized crime. A copy of the order as it relates to you is annexed to this Notice.
2. Particulars of the organized crime under investigation are- (a) offence : ........................................................................................ (b) Date of offence : ........................................................................................ (c) Place of offence : ........................................................................................ (d) Other particulars : ........................................................................................
*3. The order was made in respect of you.
*3. The order was made in respect of ............................................., and you are a person of (description of persons)
that description.
4. The order authorizes the Secretary for Justice to require a person referred to in paragraph 3 above-
*(a) to answer questions or otherwise furnish information with respect to any matter that reasonably appears to an authorized officer to be relevant to the investigation;
*(b) to produce any material that reasonably appears to the Secretary for Justice to relate to any matter relevant to the investigation, or any material of a class that reasonably appears to him to so relate.
5. This Notice requires you- *(a) to attend before ....................................................................................................,
(name and description of authorized officer) at .........................................................................................................................
(place of interview) on ........................................................................................................................
(date and time of interview) to answer questions or otherwise furnish information with respect to any matter that reasonably appears to the authorized officer to be relevant to the investigation;
*(b) to produce at ....................................................................................................... (time(s) and place(s))
the following material or class of material- ...........................................................................................................................
6. The order also requires ...................................................................................................... (other terms of the order relevant to the person)
7. NOTE: 1. This Notice has important legal consequences. It is in your interests to read the provisions of the Ordinance set out with this Notice, and to seek legal advice in relation to your rights and obligations under the Notice.
2. You may be accompanied by a solicitor and a barrister when you attend to answer questions or furnish information in compliance with paragraph 5(a) of the notice, or to produce material in compliance with paragraph 5(b) of the notice.
Dated this day of 19 .
....................................................... for and on behalf of the Secretary for Justice.
* Delete as appropriate. (Enacted 1994. Amended L.N. 362 of 1997; 25 of 1998 s. 2)
25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997
Remarks: Amendments retroactively made - see 25 of 1998 s. 2
[sections 13(8) & 31]
To the Commissioner of Correctional Services.
Whereas the Court of First Instance/District Court*-
(a) on the ...... day of ........... 19 .....- (i) sentenced ..................... (name of defendant) in respect of the specified offence/offences*, within the
meaning of the Organized and Serious Crimes Ordinance (Cap 455), of .................................................................................. .............................................................................. ........................................ ...................................................................................................................... (particulars of offence/offences*); and
*(ii) imposed a period of imprisonment/detention* of ........ months/years* in respect of that offence/those offences*; and
(b) on the ......... day of ............... 19 ........ made a confiscation order under section 8(7)(a) of the Organized and Serious Crimes Ordinance (Cap 455) that that defendant pay the amount of $............... :
This is to certify that on the ....... day of ............ 19 ....... the Court of First Instance/District Court* made an order under section 13 of the Organized and Serious Crimes Ordinance (Cap 455) fixing a term of imprisonment of ....... months/years* which that person is to serve if any of the amount to be paid under that confiscation order is not paid or recovered on or before the ...... day of ........... 19 .....
Dated this ......... day of ............. 19 ......
............................................... Registrar of the
High Court/District Court*.
* Delete where inapplicable.
Note: Section 13(4) of the Organized and Serious Crimes Ordinance (Cap 455) provides that where a person becomes liable to serve a term of imprisonment fixed under section 13 of that Ordinance in respect of a confiscation order and is also liable to serve a term of imprisonment (or detention) in respect of the specified offence or offences concerned, that first-mentioned term of imprisonment shall not begin to run until after the end of that second-mentioned term of imprisonment (or detention).
(Enacted 1994. Schedule 5 added 90 of 1995 s. 26. Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
L.N. 262 of 2006 26/01/2007
[sections 24A & 24C]
1. Transaction serial number 2. Currency and amount involved 3. Date and time of receiving instructions from instructor(s)/sender(s) 4. Instruction details (including method of delivery and/or acknowledgement) 5. Name, identity card number (or certificate of identity, document of identity or travel document number with
place of issue), telephone number and address of instructor(s) 6. Name, identity card number (or certificate of identity, document of identity or travel document number with
place of issue), telephone number and address of sender(s) (Amended L.N. 262 of 2006) 7. Bank account(s) involved, if any 8. Name and particulars of recipient(s) 9. Currency and amount to each recipient
10. Date and time sent
1. Transaction serial number 2. Currency and amount involved 3. Date and time of receiving instructions by the agent 4. Instruction details (including method of receipt and/or acknowledgement) 5. Name and address, or name and bank account number of instructor(s) 6. Name, telephone number and address of sender(s) 7. Bank account(s) involved, if any 8. Name, identity card number (or certificate of identity, document of identity or travel document number with
place of issue), telephone number, address or, if payment is to be made into a Hong Kong bank account, the name of the account holder and account number, of the recipient(s) apart from the remittance agent
9. Currency and amount involved by each recipient 10. Date and time received by recipient(s)
1. Transaction serial number 2. Currency and amount involved 3. Date and time of receiving instructions from instructor(s) 4. Instruction details (including method of delivery and/or acknowledgement) 5. Name, identity card number (or certificate of identity, document of identity or travel document number with
place of issue), telephone number and address of instructor(s) 6. Date and time of giving instructions to agent outside Hong Kong 7. Bank account(s) involved, if any 8. Name, particulars, telephone number and address of recipient(s) 9. Currency and amount to each recipient
10. Name, identity card number (or certificate of identity, document of identity or travel document number with place of issue), telephone number and address of sender(s). (Added L.N. 262 of 2006)
1. Transaction serial number 2. Date and time of transaction 3. Currencies and amount exchanged 4. Exchange rate 5. Name, identity card number (or certificate of identity, document of identity or travel document number with
place of issue) of client 6. Telephone number and address of client
(Schedule 6 added 8 of 2000 s. 3)
章: 455 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 憲報編號 版本日期
詳題 L.N. 145 of 2002 01/01/2003
附表1及2 }
1994年12月2日 1994年第651號法律公告
35條及 }
}附表1及2外 1995年4月28日 1995年第157號法律公告]
條: 1 簡稱 30/06/1997
(1) 本條例可引稱為《有組織及嚴重罪行條例》。
(2) (已失時效而略去)
條: 2 釋義 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007
(1) 在本條例中,除文意另有所指外─
“三合會”(triad society) 包括任何以下社團─
(a) 使用三合會普遍使用的任何儀式、任何與該等儀式十分相似的儀式或該等儀式的任何
(b) 採用或利用任何三合會名銜或稱謂術語的社團;
“司法常務官”(Registrar) 指高等法院司法常務官; (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
“有組織罪行”(organized crime) 指附表1所列罪行,而且是─
(a) 與某三合會的活動相關的;
(b) 與2名或以上的人的活動有關連的,而該等人聯合一起的唯一或部分目的是為作出2項
(c) 由2名或以上的人所犯的,而且涉及相當程度的策劃及組織,以及─
(i) 有人喪失生命或有人有喪失生命的相當程度的危險;
(ii) 有人在身體或心理上受嚴重傷害或有人有受該等傷害的相當程度的危險;或
(iii) 有人嚴重喪失自由;
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 1
“沒收令”(confiscation order) 指根據第8(7)條發出的命令;
“享有法律特權的品目”(items subject to legal privilege) 指─
(a) 專業法律顧問和他的當事人或當事人代表之間,就有關向當事人提供法律意見而作出
(b) 專業法律顧問和他的當事人或當事人代表之間,或該等顧問、當事人或當事人代表和
(c) 該等通訊中所附有或提及的品目,而該等品目又是─
(i) 與提供法律意見有關而作出的;或
(ii) 就有關法律程序或在預期進行法律程序的情況下及為該等法律程序而作出的,
“附表1所列罪行”(Schedule 1 offence) 指─
(a) 附表1所指明的任何罪行;
(b) 串謀犯任何該等罪行;
(c) 煽惑他人犯任何該等罪行;
(d) 企圖犯任何該等罪行;
(e) 協助、教唆、慫使或促致他人犯任何該等罪行;
“物料”(material) 包括任何書、文件或其他任何形式的紀錄,以及任何物品或物質;
“社團”(society) 的涵義與《社團條例》(第151章)第2(1)條中該詞的涵義相同;
“指明的罪行”(specified offence) 指─
(a) 附表1或附表2所指明的任何罪行;
(b) 串謀犯任何該等罪行;
(c) 煽惑他人犯任何該等罪行;
(d) 企圖犯任何該等罪行;
(e) 協助、教唆、慫使或促致他人犯任何該等罪行;
“被告人”(defendant) 指已就指明的罪行提起的法律程序中被檢控的人(不論該人是否被定罪);
“財產”(property) 包括依照《釋義及通則條例》(第1章)第3條所界定的動產與不動產;
“處所”(premises) 包括任何地方,尤其是─
(a) 任何車輛、船隻、航空器、氣墊船或離岸結構物;及
(b) 任何帳幕或可移動的結構物;
(a) 收受或取得該財產;
(b) 隱藏或掩飾該財產(不論是隱藏或掩飾該財產的性質、來源、所在位置、處置、調動或
(c) 處置或轉換該財產;
(d) 將該財產運入香港或調離香港;
(e) 以該財產借貸,或作保證(不論是藉押記、按揭或質押或其他方式); (由1995年第90號
“債務處理人”(insolvency officer) 指─
(a) 破產管理署署長;或
(b) 用以下身分行事的人─
(i) 根據《破產條例》(第6章)委任的受託人(包括暫行受託人)、臨時受託人或特別經理
人;或 (由2005年第18號第48條修訂)
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 2
(ii) 根據《公司條例》(第32章)委任的清盤人、臨時清盤人或特別經理人;
“酬賞”(reward) 包括金錢利益;
(a) 已被拘押;或
(b) 已獲保釋; (由1995年第90號第2條增補)
“獲授權人”(authorized officer) 指─
(a) 任何警務人員;
(b) 根據《海關條例》(第342章)第3條設立的海關的任何成員;及
(c) 任何為施行本條例而獲律政司司長書面授權的人; (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
“權益”(interest) 就財產而言,包括權利。
(2) 就第(1)款的“有組織罪行”(organized crime) 的定義而言─
(a) 如就串謀犯附表1所列罪行而在實行協定的行為過程中會在某階段涉及該定義(c)(i)至(iii)
(b) 如企圖或煽惑犯附表1所列罪行的人所構想的事會涉及該定義(c)(i)至(iii)段所提述的事
(3) 下表左欄所列詞句的含義,分別由右欄相對列出的條文界定,或依照右欄所列條文的內容
詞句 有關條文
押記令(Charging order) 第16(2)條
受本條例囿制的饋贈(Gift caught by this Ordinance) 第12(9)條
作出饋贈(Making a gift) 第12(10)條
可變現財產(Realisable property) 第12(1)條
限制令(Restraint order) 第15(1)條
饋贈、付款或酬賞的價值(Value of gift, payment or reward) 第12條
財產的價值(Value of property) 第12(4)條
(4) 本條例適用於任何在香港及在其他地方的財產。
(5) 本條例(除第25及25A條外)凡提述罪行或有組織罪行,所指包括本條例生效日期前所犯的罪
有關的事情,本條例並無委予法庭任何職責,亦無賦予任何權力。 (由1995年第90號第2條修訂)
(6) 就本條例而言─
(a) 任何人從某罪行的得益為─
(i) 在任何時間(不論在1994年12月2日之前或之後),因犯該罪行的關係而由他收受的
(ii) 他直接或間接從任何上述款項或其他酬賞得來的任何財產或將該等款項或酬賞變
(iii) 因犯該罪行的關係而獲取的任何金錢利益;
(b) 該人從該罪行的得益的價值為以下各項的價值的總和─
(i) 上述款項或其他酬賞;
(ii) 該財產;及
(iii) 該金錢利益。 (由1997年第87號第36條代替)
(7) 就本條例而言─
(a) 任何人從有組織罪行的得益為─
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 3
(i) 在任何時間(不論在1994年12月2日之前或之後),因犯一項或多於一項有組織罪行
(ii) 他直接或間接從任何上述款項或其他酬賞得來的任何財產或將該等款項或酬賞變
(iii) 因犯一項或多於一項有組織罪行的關係而獲取的任何金錢利益;
(b) 該人從有組織罪行的得益的價值為以下各項的價值的總和─
(i) 上述款項或其他酬賞;
(ii) 該財產;及
(iii) 該金錢利益。 (由1997年第87號第36條代替)
(8) 就本條例而言,任何人於任何時間(不論是在本條例生效日期之前或之後),因犯某罪行或有
(9) 本條例凡提述因犯某罪行或有組織罪行的關係而收受的財產,所指包括因該種關係及其他
(10) 第(11)至(17)款適用於本條例的解釋。
(11) 任何人持有財產上的任何權益,即屬持有該財產。
(12) 凡提述任何人所持有的財產,所指包括歸其破產案受託人或清盤人名下的財產。
(13) 凡提述任何人在某項財產上實益持有的權益,而該項財產如果已歸其破產案受託人或清盤
(14) 一個人將財產上的任何權益移轉或授予另一人,即算是該人將財產移轉給該另一人。
(15) 當以下事情發生時,即是提起刑事法律程序─
(a) 裁判官就有關罪行根據《裁判官條例》(第227章)第72條簽發手令或傳票;
(aa) 任何人因有關罪行而被逮捕但獲保釋或拒絕保釋; (由2002年第26號第3條增補)
(b) 任何人在無手令的情況下受拘押後被控以有關罪行;或
(c) 根據《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第24A(1)(b)條在法官指示或同意之下,提起公訴,
(16) 當以下任何一種事情發生時,刑事法律程序即告結束─
(a) 因控方提出中止檢控或其他原因而引致法律程序中止;
(b) 法庭命令或裁定被告人無罪釋放,而有關命令或裁決是第(17)款意指的不受上訴或覆核
(c) 被告人的定罪被撤銷,但法庭根據《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第83E條命令重審被
(d) 行政長官赦免被告人所犯罪行的定罪; (由1999年第13號第3條修訂)
(e) 凡律政司司長並無申請沒收令,或律政司司長申請沒收令但並無沒收令發出,而法庭
或裁判官就有關定罪對被告人判處刑罰或以其他方式處置;或 (由1997年第362號法律
(f) 法律程序中所發出的沒收令得到圓滿執行(不論所用方法是繳付根據命令須繳的款額,
(16A) 在第8(1)(a)(ii)或(7A)條適用的情況下,若就被告人而提出申請發出沒收令─
(a) 如原訟法庭或區域法院決定不發出沒收令,則在原訟法庭或區域法院作出該項決定
時;或 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
(b) 如因該項申請而發出沒收令,則在該命令得到圓滿執行時,
該項申請即算是結束。 (由1995年第90號第2條增補)
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 4
(16B) 就針對被告人的沒收令而根據第20(1A)條提出的申請─
(a) 如原訟法庭決定不更改該命令,則在原訟法庭作出該項決定時;或
(b) 如原訟法庭因該項申請而更改該命令,則在該命令得到圓滿執行時,
該項申請即算是結束。 (由1995年第90號第2條增補。由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
(17) 法庭或裁判官的命令或裁決(包括判令被告人無罪釋放的命令或裁決),在該命令或裁決可能
(a) (由1995年第79號第50條廢除)
(b) 指截至提出上訴、再上訴或覆核的訂明期限結束為止的期間。 (由1995年第79號第50條
(18) 除第(19)款另有規定外,本條例並不規定披露任何享有法律特權的品目。 (由2002年第26號
(19) 第(18)款不影響第3、4及5條的實施。 (由2002年第26號第3條增補)
[比照 1986 c. 32 s. 38 U.K.]
條: 3 提供資料或提交物料的規定 L.N. 362 of 1997; 25 of 1998; 13 of 1999
(1) 為偵查有組織罪行,律政司司長可向原訟法庭提出單方面申請,就某人或某類別的人根據
第(2)款發出命令。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂;由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
(2) 原訟法庭如信納第(4)(a)、(b)及(d)款或第(4)(a)、(c)及(d)款的條件已經符合,可應如此單方面
提出的申請,就與申請有關的人或與申請有關的類別的人,發出符合第(3)款規定的命令。 (由1998
(3) 根據第(2)款發出的命令須─
(a) 說明該正在偵查中的有組織罪行的詳情;
(b) 指出命令所針對的人或述明該命令所針對的人的類別;
(c) 授權律政司司長向命令所針對的人或類別的人提出要求,要其─
(i) 就獲授權人合理地覺得是與偵查有關的任何事情回答問題或提供資料;或
(ii) 提交任何律政司司長合理地覺得是與關乎偵查的事情有關的任何物料或某種類的
或要求該人兩者皆作;及 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
(d) 載有原訟法庭認為符合公眾利益而宜於加上的其他條款,但本段不得解釋為授權法庭
未得任何人的同意而命令將該人拘留。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
(4) 第(2)款所指的條件是─
(a) 有合理理由懷疑有人犯了該正在偵查中的有組織罪行;
(b) 如第(1)款申請是針對某人的,有合理理由懷疑該人擁有資料或管有物料,而該等資料
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 5
(c) 如該申請是關於某類別的人,而─
(i) 有合理理由懷疑該類別中某些或全部人擁有該等資料或管有該等物料;及
(ii) 不論是因偵查需迫切進行、偵查需保密或擁有有關資料或物料的人的身分是難於
(d) 經考慮─
(i) 該偵查中的有組織罪行的嚴重性;
(ii) 若不根據第(2)款發出命令,能否有效地偵查該有組織罪行;
(iii) 披露資料或取得物料後對偵查可能帶來的利益;及
(iv) 該人或該等人所可能獲得或持有的資料或物料,是在何種情況下獲得或持有的(包
關係), (由1995年第90號第3條修訂)
(5) 凡根據第(2)款發出的命令,授權律政司司長要求某人就獲授權人合理地覺得是與偵查有關
資料。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
(6) 凡根據第(2)款發出的命令,授權律政司司長要求某人將律政司司長合理地覺得是與關乎偵
類的物料提交。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
(7) 根據第(5)或(6)款所送達的書面通知,須─
(a) 說明法庭已根據本條發出命令,並且須─
(i) 載有命令的日期;
(ii) 說明該有組織罪行的詳情;
(iii) 如命令是針對該人而發出的,說明此情況; (由1995年第90號第3條修訂)
(iv) 如命令是針對某類別的人而發出,而該人是屬於該類別的,說明此情況;
(v) 說明命令中授予律政司司長的權力;及 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
(vi) 說明該命令中與該人有關的其他條款;
(b) 已夾附根據本條所發出的命令的副本,但該副本可不包括─
(i) 在該命令中對該人以外的某人的提述,或對不包括該人在內的某類別的人的提
(ii) 在該命令中只與該某人或只與屬該某類別的人有關的任何詳情;及
(c) 實質上是以附表4所指明的關於該通知的表格作出,此外並須將第(8)至(10)款及第7的絛
(8) 對於為遵從根據本條所提要求而提交的任何物料,獲授權人可將該物料攝影或複印。
(9) 任何人不得根據本條被要求提供或提交任何與享有法律特權的品目有關的資料或物料,但
(10) 根據第(2)款所發出的命令或根據第(5)或(6)款就施加要求所作的書面通知,可就關乎第 28
(11) 任何人不得以會有下述情況為理由,而不遵從根據本條提出的要求提供資料或提交物料─
(a) 提供資料或提交物料會傾向於使該人獲罪;或
(b) 提供資料或提交物料會違反法規或其他規定所施加的保密責任或對披露資料或物料的
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 6
(12) 因遵從憑藉本條施加的要求而作的陳述,不可在針對陳述者的刑事法律程序中用於針對
(a) 在根據第(14)款或《刑事罪行條例》(第200章)第36條提起的法律程序中作為證據;或
(b) 在有關任何罪行、且該人作出與該陳述不相符的證供的法律程序中,用以對其可信程
(13) 任何人無合理辯解而不遵從根據本條向他施加的要求,即屬犯罪,可處第6級罰款及監禁1
(14) 任何人在看來是遵從根據本條施加的要求時─
(a) 作出他知道在要項上虛假或有誤導成分的陳述;或
(b) 罔顧後果地作出在要項上虛假或有誤導成分的陳述,
(i) 循公訴程序定罪後,可處罰款$500000及監禁3年;或
(ii) 循簡易程序定罪後,可處第6級罰款及監禁1年。
(15) 凡一項命令已根據第(2)款發出,律政司司長或其為本款的目的而書面授權的代表,可在符
定的情況外,任何人均無權獲取該命令的整份或任何部分的副本。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
(16) 凡根據本條施加於任何人的要求所關乎的物料為並非以可以閱讀的形式記錄的資料─
(a) 則須當該要求為將物料以一種可以帶走的形式提交的要求;
(b) 獲授權人可藉送達該人的書面通知,要求該人在指明的時間及地點,或在指明的不同
(17) 撤銷或更改根據本條發出的命令的申請,可由根據該項命令被施加要求的人提出。
(18) 法庭規則─
(a) 須就根據本條發出的命令而據此被施加要求的人申請撤銷或更改該等命令的申請事
(b) 可就下述事項作出規定─
(i) 關乎根據本條發出的命令的法律程序;
(ii) 第(15)款所指的人(包括律政司司長)獲取該命令的副本前所必須符合的條件。 (由
(19) 保安局局長須就─ (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
(a) 行使本條所賦予的權力;及
(b) 執行本條所委以的職責,
制定實務守則,而任何此類守則均須提交立法會會議席上省覽,並須得立法會批准始可頒布。 (由
條: 4 提交物料令 L.N. 362 of 1997; 25 of 1998
(1) 為偵查下述事項,律政司司長或獲授權人可就某物料或某類別的物料,向原訟法庭提出單
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 7
在其他地方─ (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂;由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
(a) 有組織罪行;或
(b) 已犯或被懷疑已犯有組織罪行的人從有組織罪行的得益。
(c) 已犯或被懷疑已犯指明的罪行的人從該罪行的得益。
(2) 除第5款及第28(10)條另有規定外,法庭接獲該項申請後,如信納已經符合第(4)(a)、(c)及(d)
(a) 將物料提交給獲授權人帶走;或
(b) 讓獲授權人取覽該物料。
(3) 除非法庭覺得就個別申請的特別情況適宜給予較長或較短期限,否則根據第(2)款發出的命
(4) 第(2)款所指的條件是─
(a) (如偵查是針對某有組織罪行的)有合理理由懷疑有人已犯該有組織罪行;
(b) 如偵查是針對某人從有組織罪行或指明的罪行的得益的─
(i) 該人已犯有組織罪行或該指明的罪行,或有合理理由懷疑該人已犯有組織罪行或
(ii) 有合理理由懷疑該人已從有組織罪行或該指明的罪行中獲利;
(c) 有合理理由相信與申請有關的物料─
(i) 相當可能與申請所關的偵查有關者;及
(ii) 並不包括享有法律特權的品目,亦並非由該等品目組成;
(d) 經考慮─
(i) 取得物料後對偵查可能帶來的利益;及
(ii) 管有或控制物料的人在何種情況下持有或控制(視屬何情況而定)該物料, (由1995
(5) 凡根據第(1)款提出的申請是關乎某類別的物料的,則第(2)款所指的命令只可在就某物料提
(6) 凡法庭根據第(2)(b)款就任何處所內的物料發出命令,法庭可應獲授權人在同一或隨後的申
(7) 要求撤銷或更改根據第(2)或(6)款發出的命令的申請,可由受制於該命令的人提出。
(8) 法庭規則─
(a) 須就受制於根據本條發出的命令的人申請撤銷或更改該等命令的申請事宜,作出規
(b) 可就關乎根據本條所發出的命令的法律程序作出規定。
(9) 凡與根據本條提出的申請有關的物料為並非以可閱讀形式記載的資料─
(a) 根據第(2)(a)款發出的命令,須當為一項飭令將物料以一種可以帶走的形式,提交給獲
(b) 根據第(2)(b)款發出的命令,須當為一項飭令將物料以一種可以看到及可以閱讀的形
(10) 凡根據第(2)(a)款發出的命令所關乎的資料並非以可閱讀形式記錄,獲授權人可藉書面通
(11) 根據第(2)款發出的命令─
(a) 不得賦予要求提交或取覽享有法律特權的品目的權力;及
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 8
(b) 可就第28條界定的公共機構所管有或控制的物料而發出。 (由1995年第90號第4條修訂)
(12) 任何人不得以若提交物料會出現下述情況為理由,而不提交與根據第(2)款發出的命令有關
(a) 提供資料或提交物料會傾向於使該人獲罪;或
(b) 提供資料或提交物料會違反法規或其他規定所施加的保密責任或對披露資料或物料的
其 他限制。
(13) 任何人無合理辯解而不遵從根據第(2)款發出的命令,即屬犯罪,可處第6級罰款及監禁1
(14) 獲授權人可將根據本條提交的物料攝影或複印。
[比照 1986 c. 32 s. 27 U.K.]
條: 5 搜查的權限 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997
(1) 為偵查下述事項,獲授權人可向原訟法庭或區域法院申請,要求就指明的處所根據本條發
出手令─ (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
(a) 有組織罪行;
(b) 已犯或被懷疑已犯有組織罪行的人從有組織罪行的得益;
(c) 已犯或被懷疑已犯指明的罪行的人從該罪行的得益。
(2) 法庭接獲該項申請後,如信納─
(a) 就某處所內的物料根據第3(6)條施加的要求未予遵從;或
(b) 根據第4條就處所內的物料發出的命令,未予遵從;或
(c) 已符合第(3)(a)、(c)及(d)款或第(3)(b)、(c)及(d)款的條件;或
(d) 已符合第(4)(a)、(c)及(d)款或第(4)(b)、(c)及(d)款的條件,
(3) 第(2)(c)款所指的條件是─
(a) (如偵查是針對某有組織罪行的)有合理理由懷疑有人已犯該有組織罪行;
(b) 如偵查是針對某人從有組織罪行或指明的罪行的得益的─
(i) 該人已犯有組織罪行或該指明的罪行,或有合理理由懷疑該人已犯有組織罪行或
(ii) 有合理理由懷疑該人已從有組織罪行或該指明的罪行中獲利;
(c) 就該處所內任何物料而言,已符合第4(4)(c)及(d)條的條件;
(d) 由於下列原因,不適宜根據該條就該物料發出命令─
(i) 如要聯絡任何有權提交有關物料的人,並不切實可行;或
(ii) 如要聯絡任何有權准許別人取覽有關物料的人,或任何有權准許別人進入有關物
(iii) 除非獲授權人能立即取覽有關物料,否則與該項申請有關的偵查可能受到嚴重妨
(4) 第(2)(d)款所指的條件是─
(a) (如偵查是針對某有組織罪行的)有合理理由懷疑有人已犯該有組織罪行;
(b) 如偵查是針對某人從有組織罪行或指明的罪行的得益的─
(i) 該人已犯有組織罪行或該指明的罪行,或有合理理由懷疑該人已犯有組織罪行或
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 9
(ii) 有合理理由懷疑該人已從有組織罪行或該指明的罪行中獲利;
(c) 有合理理由懷疑該處所內相當可能藏有與該申請所關的偵查有關的物料,而在提出申
(d) (i) 如要聯絡任何有權准許別人進入該處所的人,並不切實可行;或
(ii) 除非出示手令,否則不會獲准進入該處所;或
(iii) 除非獲授權人到達該處所時能立即進入該處所,否則該項申請所關的偵查可能受
(5) 凡獲授權人執行根據本條簽發的手令進入處所後,可扣押及扣留任何相當可能與該手令所
(6) 任何人阻撓或妨礙獲授權人執行根據本條簽發的手令,即屬犯罪─
(a) 循公訴程序定罪後,可處罰款$250000及監禁2年;或
(b) 循簡易程序定罪後,可處第5級罰款及監禁6個月。
(7) 獲授權人可將根據本條扣押的任何物料攝影或複印。
(8) 即使《釋義及通則條例》(第1章)第83條已有規定,但在符合本條的規定下,法庭可根據本
條發出手令,授權為搜尋或扣押被知為或被懷疑是新聞材料的物料的目的而進入處所。 (由1995年
[比照 1986 c. 32 s. 28 U.K.]
條: 6 根據第3、4或5條獲取的資料的披露 L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997
(1) 根據或憑藉第3、4或5條而從稅務局局長或稅務局人員根據《稅務條例》(第112章)獲得的受
(a) 檢控任何人犯指明的罪行;
(b) 申請沒收令;或
(c) 申請根據第15(1)或16(1)條發出命令,
(2) 除第(1)款另有規定外,任何人根據或憑藉第3、4或5條獲取的資料,可由任何獲授權人向下
(a) 律政司、香港警務處、香港海關、入境事務處及廉政公署;及 (由1995年第90號第5條
(b) (如律政司司長覺得資料相當可能有助於任何相應的人員或機構履行職能)該人員或機
(3) 並非因為第(2)款而享有的將憑藉或根據第3、4或5條獲取的資料披露的權利,不受第(2)款的
(4) 在本條中,“相應的人員或機構”(corresponding person or body) 指律政司司長認為根據香港
條: 7 妨害偵查罪行 30/06/1997
(1) 凡法庭已根據第3或4條發出命令,或已有要求根據第3或4條發出命令的申請提出而申請沒
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 10
(a) 並無合法授權或合理辯解而作出意圖妨害偵查的任何披露;或
(b) 將任何物料竄改、隱藏、毀滅或或以其他方式處置,或導致或准許此等情況發生,而
(i) 知道或懷疑該物料相當可能是與該宗偵查有關的;及
(ii) 意圖向進行該宗偵查的人隱藏該物料所披露的事實,
(2) 凡有人因第(1)款所指明的偵查的關係而被捕,則該款對逮補後就該宗偵查所作的披露並不
(3) 任何人犯本條所訂的罪行─
(a) 循公訴程序定罪後,可處罰款及監禁7年;或
(b) 循簡易程序定罪後,可處罰款$500000及監禁3年。
[比照 1986 c. 32 s. 31 U.K.]
條: 8 沒收令 L.N. 145 of 2002 01/01/2003
(1) 凡─
(a) 有以下情況─
(i) 在原訟法庭或區域法院審理的法律程序中,某人就一項或一項以上的指明的罪行
處刑罰;或 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
(ii) 已就一項或一項以上的指明的罪行對某人提起法律程序,但由於以下原因該等法
(A) 該人已死;或
(B) 該人已潛逃;而
(b) 律政司司長或其代表申請發出沒收令, (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
原訟法庭或區域法院須按以下規定行事。 (由1995年第90號第6條代替。由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
(2) (由1995年第90號第6條廢除)
(3) 法庭─
(a) 在第(1)(a)(i)款適用的情況下─
(i) 如控方提出有關要求,須先裁定該人被定罪的指明的罪行或任何該等指明的罪行
(ii) 然後(或如控方沒有根據第(i)節提出有關要求,則先)須就有關的罪行─
(A) 對該人判以適當的監禁或拘留期限(如有的話);
(B) 發出一項或一項以上與判處刑罰有關的適當命令(沒收令除外),而該命令或該
(I) 對該人判以罰款的任何命令;
(II) 涉及須由該人付款的任何命令;或
(III) 根據《危險藥物條例》(第134章)第38F或56條,或《刑事訴訟程序條例》
(b) 在第(1)(a)(ii)(A)款適用的情況下─
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 11
(i) 須先─
(A) 信納該人已死;及
(B) 在考慮向該法庭提出的一切有關事項後,信納該人本可就有關的罪行被定
(ii) 然後凡法庭根據第(i)節信納有關事項,(如控方提出有關要求)須裁定該有關的罪行
(c) 在第(1)(a)(ii)(B)款適用的情況下─
(i) (A) 須先信納該人已潛逃,而且自法庭認為是該人潛逃之日起已過了不少於6個月
(B) 如─
(I) 該人為人所知是在香港以外地方,而且其確實下落亦為人所知,亦須先
(aa) 已為了有關的法律程序的目的而採取合理步驟使該人能解回香港,
(bb) (如該人是為(aa)次小分節所指目的以外的目的而被拘押在香港以外
(cc) 已向該人發出關於該等法律程序的充分事先通知以令他能夠提出答
(II) (在不抵觸第(3A)款的條文下)該人的確實下落不為人所知,亦須先信納已
訟的通知;及 (由2002年第26號第3條代替)
(C) 亦須先在考慮向該法庭提出的一切有關事項後信納該人本可就有關的罪行被
(ii) 然後凡法庭根據第(i)節信納有關事項,(如控方提出有關要求)須裁定該有關的罪行
或任何該等有關的罪行是否本可是有組織罪行。 (由1995年第90號第6條代替)
(3A) 在第(3)(c)(i)(B)(II)款適用的情況下,即使法庭如該款所述信納已採取行動,如法庭信納規定
出該規定。 (由2002年第26號第3條增補)
(4) 然後法庭─
(a) 在第(1)(a)(i)款適用的情況下,須裁定該人是否曾經從該指明的罪行中獲利,或該人是
(b) 在第(1)(a)(ii)款適用的情況下,須裁定該人是否曾經從法庭信納假如他沒有死亡或潛逃
上。 (由1995年第90號第6條代替)
(5) 如法庭─
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 12
(a) 在第(1)(a)(i)款適用的情況下─
(i) 已根據第(3)(a)(i)款裁定該人被定罪的指明的罪行或任何該等指明的罪行是有組織
(ii) 已根據第(4)款裁定他從該款所提述的該指明的罪行或該等指明的罪行的得益總計
(b) 在第(1)(a)(ii)款適用的情況下─
(i) 已根據第(3)(b)(ii)或(c)(ii)款裁定該指明的罪行或任何該等指明的罪行本可是有組織
(ii) 已根據第(4)款裁定他從該款所提述的該指明的罪行或該等指明的罪行的得益總計
法庭然後須裁定該人是否曾經從有組織罪行中獲利。 (由1995年第90號第6條代替)
(6) 法庭如決定他從該等指明的罪行得益總計不少於第(4)款所指明的款額,必須依照第11條釐
(7) 法庭然後須就有關的罪行,命令該人─
(a) 繳付該款額;或
(b) 在不影響(a)段的一般性的規定下,繳付該款額的一部分,而該部分的款額是法庭在考
當的。 (由1995年第90號第6條代替)
(7A) 凡─
(a) 某人已就一項或一項以上的指明的罪行被定罪;
(b) 已就該人申請發出沒收令;及
(c) 在該項申請結束前該人已死或已潛逃,
則縱使該人已死或已潛逃(視屬何情況而定),該項申請仍可結束。 (由1995年第90號第6條增補)
(7B) 在第(7A)款就已死的人而適用的情況下─
(a) 第(3)(a)(ii)(A)款不得就該人而適用;
(b) 除非法庭信納該人已死,否則它不得針對該人而發出沒收令。 (由1995年第90號第6條
(7C) 在第(7A)款就已潛逃的人而適用的情況下,除非─
(a) 法庭信納該人已潛逃;及
(b) 如─
(i) 該人為人所知是在香港以外地方,而且其確實下落亦為人所知,法庭亦信納─
(A) 已為了有關的法律程序的目的而採取合理步驟使該人能解回香港,但並不成
(B) 已向該人發出關於該等法律程序的充分事先通知以令他能夠提出答辯;
(ii) (在不抵觸第(7D)款的條文下)該人的確實下落不為人所知,法庭亦信納—
(A) 已採取合理步驟(如適當的話,包括《高等法院規則》(第4章,附屬法例A)第
(B) 已於在香港普遍行銷的中英文報章各一份刊登致予該人關於該等訴訟的通
知, (由2002年第26號第3條代替)
否則法庭不得針對該人而發出沒收令。 (由1995年第90號第6條增補)
(7D) 在第(7C)(b)(ii)款適用的情況下,即使法庭如該款所述信納已採取行動,如法庭信納規定將
該規定。 (由2002年第26號第3條增補)
(8) 為第(3)(b)(i)(B)或(ii)或(c)(i)(C)或(ii)款的目的,有關的資料可在該人死後或潛逃後(視屬何情
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 13
(8A) 為任何賦予有關刑事案件的上訴權的條例的目的,針對某人而發出的沒收令,須視為就有
為該等目的代表該人行事。 (由1995年第90號第6條增補)
(8B) 現聲明︰在決定因本條例而引起的關乎以下事項的任何問題時,須以相對可能性的衡量為
(a) 某人是否曾經從一項或一項以上的指明的罪行中獲利;
(b) 某人是否曾經從有組織罪行中獲利;或 (由1997年第80號第102條修訂)
(c) 就該人的案件而依據沒收令須追討的款額。 (由1995年第90號第6條增補)
(8C) 如─
(a) 根據第(3)(b)(i)(B)或(c)(i)(C)款法庭信納某人本可就有關的罪行被定罪;
(b) 法庭根據第(3)(b)(ii)或(c)(ii)款裁定第(3)(b)(i)(B)或(c)(i)(C)款所提述的該罪行或任何該等
則法庭如此信納或裁定此一事實不得在任何刑事法律程序中接納為證據。 (由1995年第90號第6條增
(8D) 為免生疑問,現聲明︰凡在第(1)(a)(ii)(A)款適用的任何情況下有要求發出沒收令的申請提
及盤問任何證人。 (由1995年第90號第6條增補)
(8E) 凡─
(a) 在《1995年有組織及嚴重罪行(修訂)條例》(1995年第90號)生效之前,已就一項或一項
(b) 在緊接該條例生效之前,該人的任何可變現財產為一項押記令或限制令的標的,
潛逃而尚未結束。 (由1995年第90號第6條增補)
(8F) 凡─
(a) 在《1995年有組織及嚴重罪行(修訂)條例》(1995年第90號)生效之前─
(i) 某人已就一項或一項以上的指明的罪行被定罪;
(ii) 已就該人申請發出沒收令;及
(iii) 在該項申請結束前該人已潛逃;及
(b) 在緊接該條例生效之前,該人的任何可變現財產為一項押記令或限制令的標的,
用的人而適用。 (由1995年第90號第6條增補)
(9) 就─
(a) 第(3)(a)(i)、(b)(ii)或(c)(ii)款而言,法庭只可考慮可在刑事法律程序中接納為證據的證
(b) 第(3)(a)(i)款而言,法庭須在無合理疑點的情況下信納某指明的罪行是有組織罪行,方
可裁定該指明的罪行是有組織罪行。 (由1995年第90號第6條修訂)
(10) 在第(1)(a)(ii)(A)或(B)款適用的情況下,該款中對“一項或一項以上的指明的罪行”的提
條“指明的罪行”的定義(b)至(e)段及任何附屬法例)均須據此解釋。 (由2002年第26號第3條增補)
[比照 1986 c. 32 s. 1 U.K.;1988 c. 33 s. 72 U.K.]
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 14
條: 9 犯罪得益的評計 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997
(1) 原訟法庭或區域法院─ (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
(a) 在第8(1)(a)(i)條適用的情況下,為裁定就指明的罪行被定罪及被判定犯有組織罪行的
(b) 在第8(1)(a)(ii)(A)或(B)條適用的情況下,為裁定法庭信納本可就指明的罪行(而法庭裁定
說任何該等假設屬不準確,則該等假設不能成立。 (由1995年第90號第7條代替)
(2) 該等假設為─
(a) 依法庭認為是─
(i) 被告人─
(A) 在定罪之後的任何時間;或
(B) 在第8(1)(a)(ii)條適用的情況下,在就他的案件提出申請發出沒收令後的任何
曾經持有的任何財產;或 (由1995年第90號第7條代替)
(ii) 自被告人被起訴日期6年前起計的以後,曾經移轉予被告人的任何財產,
間; (由1995年第90號第7條修訂)
(b) 被告人自起訴日期6年前起計,一直以來的任何開支,都是由他從有組織罪行的得益中
支付;及 (由1995年第90號第7條修訂)
(c) 為評定他在任何時間收受或假設曾經收受屬他從有組織罪行的得益的財產的價值,該
(3) 為評計被告人從有組織罪行的得益的價值,如法庭過去曾對被告人發出沒收令或根據《販
[比照 1986 c. 32 s. 2 U.K.]
條: 10 與發出沒收令有關的陳述書等 L.N. 145 of 2002 01/01/2003
(1) 凡有發出沒收令的申請,檢控官可向原訟法庭或區域法院呈交陳述書,陳述任何以下事情
─ (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
(a) 在第8(1)(a)(ii)條適用的情況下─
(i) 關於裁定被告人是否本可就有關的罪行被定罪的事情;
(ii) 關於裁定該有關的罪行或任何該等有關的罪行是否本可是有組織罪行的事情;
(b) 關於裁定被告人是否曾經從指明的罪行或有組織罪行中獲利的事情;
(c) 關於評計被告人從指明的罪行或有組織罪行的得益的價值的事情。 (由1995年第90號第
(1A) 凡檢控官已根據第(1)款呈交陳述書─
(a) 檢控官可隨時向法庭呈交另一份該類陳述書;及
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 15
(b) 法庭可隨時要求檢控官在法庭指示的期間內,向其呈交另一份該類陳述書。 (由1995年
(1B) 凡檢控官已根據第(1)款呈交陳述書,而法庭信納該陳述書的副本已經送達被告人─
(a) 法庭可要求被告人在法庭指示的期間內,向法庭表示對陳述書內每一項的指稱在甚麼
(b) 如被告人不承認其中任何指稱,法庭可要求他提供打算依據的事情的詳情。 (由1995年
(1C) 凡法庭已根據本條作出指示,它可隨時作出另一指示更改該指示。 (由1995年第90號第8條
(2) 凡被告人對根據第(1)款呈交的陳述書所作的指稱,在任何程度上予以承認,法庭─
(a) 在第8(1)(a)(ii)條適用的情況下─
(i) 可為裁定該被告人是否本可就有關的罪行被定罪的目的;
(ii) 可為裁定該有關的罪行或任何該等有關的罪行是否本可是有組織罪行的目的;
(b) 可為裁定該被告人是否曾經從指明的罪行或有組織罪行中獲利的目的;或
(c) 可為評計該被告人從指明的罪行或有組織罪行的得益的價值的目的,
將被告人所承認的,作為該等指稱所關乎的事情的定論。 (由1995年第90號第8條代替)
(3) 被告人如在任何方面未有遵從法庭根據第(1B)款作出的要求,為施行本條,可視為承認陳
述書內除以下各項指稱外的每一項指稱─ (由1995年第90號第8條修訂)
(a) 被告人已就其遵從法庭要求的任何指稱; (由1995年第90號第8條代替)
(b) 在第8(1)(a)(ii)條適用的情況下─
(i) 任何指被告人本可就有關的罪行被定罪的指稱;
(ii) 任何指該有關的罪行或任何該等有關的罪行本可是有組織罪行的指稱; (由1995年
(c) 任何指被告人曾經從指明的罪行或有組織罪行中獲利的指稱;及 (由1995年第90號第8
(d) 任何指被告人曾經收受的任何款項或其他酬賞是因犯指明的罪行或有組織罪行的關係
而 收受的指稱。 (由1995年第90號第8條增補)
(4) 凡─
(a) 由被告人向法庭呈交陳述書,陳述任何與決定在發出沒收令時變現可得的款額有關的
(b) 檢控官對陳述書所載的任何指稱,在任何程度上予以接納,
(5) 為施行本條,任何一方承認指稱,或提出任何論據的詳情,可以書面以法庭認為可接納的
形式作出。 (由1995年第90號第8條代替)
(6) 被告人如根據本條承認─
(a) 在第8(1)(a)(ii)條適用的情況下─
(i) 他本可就有關的罪行被定罪;或
(ii) 該有關的罪行或任何該等有關的罪行本可是有組織罪行;或
(b) 他曾經收受的任何款項或其他酬賞是因犯指明的罪行或有組織罪行的關係而收受的,
該項承認不得在任何刑事法律程序中接納為證據。 (由1995年第90號第8條代替)
(7) 在第8(1)(a)(ii)或(7A)條適用的情況下,在關於申請發出沒收令的任何法律程序中─
(a) 如被告人已死,則第(1B)款具有效力,猶如該款規定將根據第(1)款呈交的陳述書的副本
(b) 如被告人已潛逃,而且第8(3)(c)(i)(B)(I)或(7C)(b)(i)條對其並不適用,則本條具有效力,
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 16
本已送達該被告人一樣。 (由1995年第90號第8條增補)
(8) 為免生疑問,現聲明︰在第8(1)(a)(ii)條適用的情況下,本條不影響第8(8)條的一般性規定。
(9) 為免生疑問,現聲明:不論第(7)(a)或(b)款是否適用於被告人,任何指稱均可根據本條予以
承認或接納,且從來均可如此承認或接納,而第(3)款須據此解釋。 (由2002年第26號第3條增補)
[比照 1986 c. 32 s. 3 U.K.]
條: 11 根據沒收令追討的款額 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997
(1) 除第(3)款另有規定外,根據沒收令須向被告人追討的款額是原訟法庭或區域法院評計為被
價值。 (由1995年第90號第9條修訂;由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
(2) 法庭如信納任何與決定發出沒收令時變現可得的款額有關的事情(不論是否根據第10條或其
(3) 法庭如信納在發出沒收令時變現可得的款額少於法庭為施行第(1)款而評計為被告人的得益
(a) 須為法庭覺得在發出沒收令時變現可得的款額;或
(b) 在法庭(以其當時得到的資料衡量)覺得變現可得的款額為零的情況下,須為象徵式款
額。 (由1995年第90號第9條修訂)
[比照 1986 c. 32 s. 4 U.K.]
條: 11A 根據沒收令追討的款額的利息 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997
(1) 如沒收令─
(a) 由原訟法庭發出,根據該命令須追討的款額須為施行《高等法院條例》(第4章)第49條
(b) 由區域法院發出,根據該命令須追討的款額須為施行《區域法院條例》(第336章)第50
而為施行該等條文,沒收令的日期須視為判決債項的日期。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
(2) 凡利息憑藉第(1)款而就根據沒收令須追討的款額累算,被告人須繳付該等利息,而為執行
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 17
條: 12 主要詞語的定義 37 of 1998 20/11/1998
(1) 除第(2)款另有規定外,在本條例內“可變現財產”(realisable property) 指─
(a) 被告人持有的任何財產; (由1995年第90號第11條修訂)
(b) 被告人曾經對他直接或間接作出受本條例囿制的饋贈的人所持有的任何財產;及 (由
(c) 實際上受被告人控制的任何財產。 (由1995年第90號第11條增補)
(2) 任何財產,如以下的命令對其有效,則不屬於可變現財產─
(a) 根據《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第102或103條發出的命令;
(b) 根據《危險藥物條例》(第134章)第38F或56條發出的命令;或
(c) 根據《防止賄賂條例》(第201章)第12AA(1)條發出的命令。
(3) 為施行本條例,在對被告人發出沒收令時變現可得的款額是─ (由1995年第90號第11條修
(a) 被告人持有的所有可變現財產在當時的總值,減去
(b) 為履行當時任何須優先履行的責任而須支付的款項的總額,
(4) 除第(5)至(10)款另有規定外,為施行本條例,就財產持有人而言,財產(除現金外)的價值─
(a) 如他人持有該財產的權益,是─
(i) 該財產持有人就該財產所持有的實益權益的市值,減去
(ii) 用以消除該權益的任何附帶承擔(除押記令外)所須支付的款額;及
(b) 在任何其他情況下,是該財產的市值。
(5) 除第(10)款另有規定外,本條例內提述受本條例囿制的饋贈,或任何款項或酬賞在任何時間
(在第(6)款內稱為“關鍵時間”(the material time)) 的價值,所指為以下的一項,而以兩個價值中較大
(a) 饋贈、付款或酬賞在收受的時候對收受人的價值,但該價值須隨事後的幣值轉變而調
(b) 如第(6)款適用,該款所述的價值。
(6) 除第(10)款另有規定外,如收受人在關鍵時間持有─
(a) 他曾收受的財產(現金除外);或
(b) 在他手中的財產,而其全部或部分、直接或間接代表他曾收受的,
(7) 為施行第(3)款,如被告人須承擔以下責任,則該等責任在任何時間均有優先權─
(a) 繳付因法庭在定罪後判處的罰款或發出的其他命令而須繳付的款額,而該罰款或命令
(b) 繳付被告人被裁定破產或被清盤時,即會成為優先債項的款項。
(8) 在第(7)(b)款內,“優先債項”(the preferential debts)─
(a) 就破產而言,指《破產條例》(第6章)第38條規定必須優先償付的債項(假設沒收令日期
為提交呈請書日期及根據該條例發出破產令的日期);及 (由1998年第37號第11條修訂)
(b) 就清盤而言,指《公司條例》(第32章)第265條規定償付的債項(假設沒收令日期為清盤
(9) 凡屬以下饋贈(包括本條例生效日期之前所作出的饋贈的),都是受本條例囿制的饋贈─
(a) 由被告人在被起訴日期6年前起計的以後任何時間作出的;或
(b) 由被告人在任何時間作出的,而所饋贈的是被告人因自己或他人犯指明的罪行或有組
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 18
(c) 由被告人在任何時間作出的,而所饋贈的是在被告人手中的財產,而其全部或部分、
(10) 為施行本條例─
(a) 被告人被視為作出饋贈的情況,包括他將財產直接或間接移轉給他人,而所得的代價
(b) 在上述情況下,引用本條以上條文時,須視作被告人將有關財產的一部分作為饋贈,
(11) 為施行第(1)款─
(a) 財產或財產的權益均可實際上受被告人控制,而不論被告人是否擁有─
(i) 該財產的法定或衡平法上的產業權或權益;或
(ii) 與該財產有關連的權利、權力或特權;
(b) 在不限制本條例任何其他條文的一般性的規定下,在決定─
(i) 財產或財產的權益是否實際上受被告人控制時;或
(ii) 是否有合理理由相信該財產或財產的權益實際上是受被告人控制時,
(A) 擁有財產的(不論是直接或間接的)權益的公司的股份持有情況、就該公司發行的債
(B) 與該財產有關係的信託;及
(C) 擁有該財產的權益、(A)節所指類別的公司的權益或(B)節所指類別的信託的權益的
人與其他人之間的家族關係、家庭關係及業務上的關係。 (由1995年第90號第11條
(12) 凡任何人因犯某罪行或因犯一項或多於一項有組織罪行獲取金錢利益,則為本條例的目
利益的款項一樣,而本條例其他條文須據此解釋。 (由1997年第87號第1(2)及36條增補)
[比照 1986 c. 32 s. 5 U.K.]
條: 13 沒收令執行程序的應用 L.N. 145 of 2002 01/01/2003
(1) 除本條另有規定外,凡原訟法庭或區域法院發出沒收令─ (由1995年第90號第12條修訂;由
(a) 法庭亦須發出命令─
(i) (在符合第(1A)款的規定下)訂定一段期間,規定被告人在沒收令下須繳付的款額須
(ii) 訂定一段監禁期,如該款額沒有在第(i)節所指的期間內全數妥為繳付(包括經追討
而獲付),便將被告人在該段監禁期內監禁;及 (由2002年第26號第3條代替)
(b) 須引用《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第114(1)、(3)、(4)、(5)、(6)及(7)條,猶如─
(i) 該款額是法庭對他判處的罰款;及
(ii) 根據本條訂定的監禁期即根據該條例第114(1)(c)條訂定的監禁期。
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 19
(1A) 法庭根據第(1)(a)(i)款訂定的期間不得超過6個月,但如法庭信納情況特殊,有充分理由訂定
較長的期間,則不在此限。 (由2002年第26號第3條增補)
(2) 下表右欄列出的期限,為根據第(1)款分別就左欄相對所列款額可訂定的最高監禁期。
$20萬及以下 ........................................ 12個月
$20萬以上至$50萬 ................................... 18個月
$50萬以上至$100萬 .................................. 2年
$100萬以上至$250萬 ................................. 3年
$250萬以上至$1000萬 ................................ 5年
$1000萬以上 ........................................ 10年
(3) 第(1)及(2)款適用於區域法院。 (由1995年第90號第12條代替。由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
(3A) 為免生疑問,現聲明︰《區域法院條例》(第336章)第82條對區域法院在判以刑罰方面的司
法管轄權所列明的限制,不得解釋為影響第(3)款的施行。 (由1995年第90號第12條增補。由1998年第
(4) 凡被告人─
(a) 就沒收令被判處接受根據本條訂定期限的監禁;及
(b) 已就有關的罪行被判處接受另一期限的監禁或拘留,
(5) 為施行第(4)款─
(a) 連續的期限及全部或部分同期執行的期限,須視為一段期限;及
(b) (i) 根據《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第109B條判處緩期執行的刑罰,而在被告人
根據本條被判處接受一段期限的監禁時仍未生效的;及 (由1995年第90號第12條修
(ii) 根據《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第114(1)條訂定,而當時被告人仍未被判處的
(6) 《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第86及109A條不適用於法庭根據本條訂定的監禁期。 (由
(7) 在第8(1)(a)(ii)或(7A)條適用的情況下,本條不適用於沒收令。 (由1995年第90號第12條增補)
(8) 原訟法庭或區域法院每日聆訊完畢後,高等法院司法常務官或區域法院司法常務官,須向
書。 (由1995年第90號第12條增補。由1998年第25號第2條修訂;由2000年第28號第47條修訂)
(9) 第(8)款所指的證明書須為具充分效力的手令,使懲教署署長能將該證明書上點名的被告人
拘押,並執行根據本條對該被告人所訂定的監禁期限。 (由1995年第90號第12條增補)
[比照 1986 c. 32 s. 6 U.K.]
條: 14 限制令、押記令可於甚麼情況下發出 L.N. 145 of 2002 01/01/2003
(1) 第15(1)及16(1)條賦予原訟法庭的權力,可於以下情況下行使─
(a) 檢控被告人犯指明的罪行的法律程序巳於香港提起或─
(i) 在第8(1)(a)(ii)或(7A)條適用的情況下,已就被告人申請發出沒收令;或
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 20
(ii) 已根據第20(1A)條就針對被告人而發出的沒收令提出申請; (由1995年第90號第13
(b) 該等法律程序或該項申請尚未結束; (由1995年第90號第13條代替。由2002年第26號第3
(ba) 在第2(15)(aa)條適用於某罪行的情況並在第(1A)款的規限下,原訟法庭信納就案件的所
有情況而言,有合理理由相信經進一步偵查後,被告人有可能被控以該罪行;及 (由
(c) 如有關的情況─
(i) 屬(a)(ii)段所指的申請時,原訟法庭信納有合理理由相信原訟法庭會如第20(1A)條
(ii) 屬任何其他情況時,原訟法庭信納有合理理由相信被告人曾經從該指明的罪行中
獲利。 (由1995年第90號第13條代替)
(1A) 除第(1B)款另有規定外,如第15(1)或16(1)條賦予原訟法庭的權力只可基於第(1)(ba)款的情況
(a) 在符合(b)段的規定下,不得超過為進行第(1)(ba)款所述的有關偵查而合理地需用的時
(b) 無論如何,不得超過該命令作出之日後6個月。 (由2002年第26號第3條增補)
(1B) 原訟法庭可延長第(1A)款所述的限制令或押記令的有效期,該項延期—
(a) 只可基於原訟法庭信納在作出進一步的偵查後,被告人將會被控以有關罪行;
(b) 在符合(c)段的規定下,不得超過為進行該偵查而合理地需用的時間;及
(c) 無論如何,不得超過6個月。 (由2002年第26號第3條增補)
(2) 該等權力亦可於以下情況下行使─
(a) 原訟法庭信納某人將會被控以指明的罪行,不論是以告發或其他方式提控;及
(b) 原訟法庭信納有合理理由相信該人曾從該指明的罪行中獲利。
(3) 為施行第15及16條,如在提起法律程序前的任何時間行使該等權力,則在本條例中─
(a) 凡提述被告人,須解釋為第(2)(a)款所指的人;
(b) 凡提述檢控官,須解釋為原訟法庭信納為將會負責進行檢控的人;及
(c) 凡提述可變現財產,須當作於緊接該時間之前已對第(2)(a)款所指的人就指明的罪行提
(4) 原訟法庭憑藉第(2)款而根據第15(1)或16(1)條發出命令後,如有關該罪行的法律程序沒有在
[比照 1986 c. 32 s. 7 U.K.]
條: 15 限制令 L.N. 145 of 2002 01/01/2003
(1) 原訟法庭可藉命令(在本條例稱為“限制令”(restraint order)) 禁止任何人處理任何可變現財
產;命令可附帶條件及例外情況,容許在符合該等條件或例外情況下處理可變現財產。 (由1998年
(2) 限制令可適用於─
(a) 命令內指明的人所持有的所有可變現財產,不論有關財產是否在命令內說明;及
(b) 命令內指明的人所持有的可變現財產,而有關財產是在法庭發出命令後才移轉給他
(3) 對於正受根據第16條發出的押記令所限的財產,本條並無效力。
(4) 限制令─
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 21
(a) 只可在檢控官提出申請後發出;
(b) 可由法官在內庭應單方面申請而發出;及
(c) 須附有向受該命令影響的人發出通知的規定。
(5) 限制令─
(a) 可就任何財產予以撤銷或更改;及
(b) 在有關的法律程序或申請結束之後,必須撤銷。 (由1995年第90號第14條代替)
(6) 撤銷或更改限制令的申請,可由任何受該命令影響的人提出。
(7) 原訟法庭發出限制令之後,可隨時委任接管人,在不違背原訟法庭所指明的條件或例外情
(a) 接管任何可變現財產;及
(b) 依照原訟法庭的指示,管理或以其他方式處理他受委接管的任何財產,
原訟法庭並可要求任何管有有關財產 (即根據本條委任接管人接管的財產)的人,將該財產交予接管
人接管。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
(8) (由1995年第90號第14條廢除)
(9) 原訟法庭發出限制令之後,獲授權人為防止任何可變現財產調離香港,可將有關財產扣
押。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
(10) 根據第(9)款扣押的財產,須依照原訟法庭的指示處理。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
(11) 限制令內指明的任何財產如為不動產,為施行《土地註冊條例》(第128章),該命令─
(a) 須視為涉及土地的文書;及
(b) 可根據該條例,以土地註冊署署長認為適當的方式,在土地註冊署註冊為涉及土地的
(12) 如任何人持有任何屬限制令標的之可變現財產,獲授權人可藉送達該人的書面通知,規定
值的文件、文件副本或任何其他資料(不論屬何形式)。 (由2002年第26號第3條增補)
(13) 任何持有屬有關限制令標的之可變現財產的人如接獲第(12)款所指的通知,須在其後於切實
(14) 為遵從第(12)款的規定而作出的披露—
(a) 不得當為違反合約或任何成文法則、操守規則或其他條文對披露資料所施加的任何規
(b) 不得令作出披露的人承擔以下事情而引致的任何損失負上支付損害賠償的法律責任—
(i) 該項披露;
(ii) 該項披露所引致的就有關財產而作出的作為或不作為。 (由2002年第26號第3條增
(15) 任何人違反第(13)款,即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處第5級罰款及監禁1年。 (由2002年第26號
(16) 任何人明知而在違反限制令的情況下處理任何可變現財產,即屬犯罪。 (由2002年第26號第
(17) 任何人犯第(16)款所訂的罪行—
(a) 一經循公訴程序定罪,可處監禁5年及罰款,罰款額為$500000或屬有關限制令的標的而
(b) 一經循簡易程序定罪,可處罰款$250000及監禁2年。 (由2002年第26號第3條增補)
[比照 1986 c. 32 s. 8 U.K.]
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 22
條: 16 就土地、證券等財產發出押記令 L.N. 145 of 2002 01/01/2003
(1) 原訟法庭可就可變現財產發出押記令,以作為向政府繳付以下款額的押記─ (由1998年第25
(a) 如沒收令未曾發出,相等於押記財產不時價值的款額;及
(b) 在其他情形下,不超過根據沒收令所須繳付的款額。
(2) 為施行本條例,“押記令”指根據本條發出、以命令內指明的可變現財產作為押記以擔保
(3) 押記令─
(a) 只可在檢控官提出申請後發出;
(b) 可由法官在內庭應單方面申請而發出;
(c) 須附有向受該命令影響的人發出通知的規定;及
(d) 可符合某些條件下發出,這些條件是原訟法庭認為適當的條件以及(在不影響本段的一
般性規定下)原訟法庭認為在押記生效時間方面適當的條件。 (由1998年第25號第2條修
(4) 除第(6)款另有規定外,押記令只可用以下財產作為押記─
(a) 可變現財產的任何權益,而是由被告人實益持有的,或是由被告人直接或間接向他作
(i) 屬於附表3指明的資產類別的;或
(ii) 在任何信託形式下持有的;或
(b) 由一個人以受託人身分持有的可變現財產的權益,但須是屬於該資產的,或須是屬於
(5) 如押記令將屬於附表3所指明類別的資產的權益作為押記,原訟法庭可規定將就有關資產而
交付的利息、股息、其他分發的利益,以及派發的紅利,包括在押記物之內。 (由1998年第25號第2
(6) 對於押記令,原訟法庭─
(a) 可發出命令將之撤銷或更改;及
(b) 須在以下情況發出命令將之撤銷─
(i) 有關的法律程序或申請已經結束;或
(ii) 押記令所保證交付的款額已經交付原訟法庭。 (由1995年第90號第15條代替。由
(7) 撤銷或更改押記令的申請,可由受該命令影響的任何人提出。
(8) 除本條例另有規定外,押記令所施加的押記,與由實益權益持有人或受託人以書面親筆簽
(9) 如任何人持有任何屬押記令標的之可變現財產,獲授權人可藉送達該人的書面通知,規定
值的文件、文件副本或任何其他資料(不論屬何形式)。 (由2002年第26號第3條增補)
(10) 任何持有屬有關押記令標的之可變現財產的人如接獲第(9)款所指的通知,須在其後於切實
(11) 為遵從第(9)款的規定而作出的披露—
(a) 不得當為違反合約或任何成文法則、操守規則或其他條文對披露資料所施加的任何規
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 23
(b) 不得令作出披露的人承擔以下事情而引致的任何損失負上支付損害賠償的法律責任—
(i) 該項披露;
(ii) 該項披露所引致的就有關財產而作出的作為或不作為。 (由2002年第26號第3條增
(12) 任何人違反第(10)款,即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處第5級罰款及監禁1年。 (由2002年第26號
(13) 任何人明知而在違反押記令的情況下處理任何可變現財產,即屬犯罪。 (由2002年第26號第
(14) 任何人犯第(13)款所訂的罪行—
(a) 一經循公訴程序定罪,可處監禁5年及罰款,罰款額為$500000或屬有關押記令的標的而
(b) 一經循簡易程序定罪,可處罰款$250000及監禁2年。 (由2002年第26號第3條增補)
[比照 1986 c. 32 s. 9 U.K.]
條: 17 財產的變現 25 of 1998 01/07/1997
(1) 凡─
(a) 沒收令(包括第8(1)(a)(ii)或(7A)條適用的任何情況)已經發出; (由1995年第90號第16條修
(b) 該命令不受第2(17)條所指的上訴或覆核所限;及
(c) 發出沒收令的法律程序未曾結束,
(2) 原訟法庭可委任接管人,接管可變現財產。
(3) 原訟法庭可授權予根據第(2)款、第15條或押記令而委任的接管人─
(a) 執行任何根據第16條施加於可變現財產上的押記,和執行根據第16條施加於就該筆財產
(b) 就不受根據第16條發出的押記令所限的可變現財產,在不抵觸原訟法庭所指明的條件
(4) 原訟法庭可命令任何管有可變現財產的人,將可變現財產交予上述任何接管人。
(5) 原訟法庭可授權予上述任何接管人,依照原訟法庭指示的方式,將任何可變現財產變現。
(6) 原訟法庭可命令任何持有可變現財產的權益的人,就被告人或受本條例囿制的饋贈的收受
(7) 第(4)至(6)款不適用於正受根據第16條發出的抵押令所限的財產。
(8) 在有關財產的權益持有人未獲得合理機會向原訟法庭申述意見之前,原訟法庭不得就任何
[比照 1986 c. 32 s. 11 U.K.]
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 24
條: 18 變現得益及其他款項的運用 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997
(1) 除第(2)款另有規定外,在根據第15或17條或押記令而委任的接管人手中的以下款項,即─
(a) 因執行根據第16條施加的任何押記權而獲得的得益;
(b) 因根據第15或17條將任何財產變現而獲得的得益(因執行押記權而獲得的得益除外);及
(c) 屬於被告人所持有的財產的任何其他款項,
原訟法庭的指示扣除任何支出之後─ (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
(i) 交付予司法常務官;及
(ii) 依照第(3)款規定的方式,為被告人繳付根據沒收令所須付的款項。
(2) 如根據沒收令須繳的款額全數清償後,仍剩有款項在接管人手中,接管人須於有關人等獲
(a) 分發予原訟法庭所指示的而曾持有根據本條例變現的財產的人;及
(b) 依照原訟法庭所指示的比率分發。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
(3) 司法常務官收到的任何就沒收令繳付的款項,須用作扣除要繳付的款項中的相同數額,但
司法常務官須 將收到的款項用於本條指明的用途,及依本條指明的次序使用。
(4) 司法常務官須首先支付以債務處理人身分行事的人所招致的開支,而這些開支是根據第
(5) 如該款項是由根據第15或17條或押記令而委任的接管人交付司法常務官的,則司法常務官
(6) 司法常務官─
(a) 在作出第(4)款規定的付款後;及
(b) 在第(5)款適用的情況下,作出該款規定的付款後,
(7) 在司法常務官作出上述各款所規定的付款後的餘款,須撥入政府一般收入。 (由1995年第90
[比照 1986 c. 32 s. 12 U.K.]
條: 19 原訟法庭或接管人權力的行使 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997
第15、16、 17、 18條
(1) 本條適用於第15至18條所賦予原訟法庭,或賦予根據第15或17條或押記令而委任的接管人
的權力。 〈* 註─詳列交互參照:第15、16、17、18條 *〉 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
(2) 除第(3)、(4)、(5)及(6)款另有規定外,當行使上述權力時,須以將任何人持有的可變現財產
(3) 如某人持有的可變現財產是由被告人直接或間接向他作出的饋贈,而該饋贈是受本條例囿
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 25
(4) 當行使上述權力時,須以容許被告人及上述饋贈收受人以外的任何人保留或追討他所持有
(5) 對於政府所欠債項,可由原訟法庭發出命令,亦可採取其他辦法處理。 (由1998年第25號第
(6) 行使該等權力時,不須理會被告人或上述饋贈的收受人所承擔的任何與圓滿執行沒收令的
責任相抵觸的其他責任。 (由1995年第90號第18條修訂)
[比照 1986 c. 32 s. 13 U.K.]
條: 20 沒收令的更改 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997
(1) 如經檢控官或被告人(或在被告人已死的情況下,作為其代表的遺產代理人)就沒收令提出申
請,原訟法庭信納有關可變現財產不足以清償根據該沒收令尚須追討的餘額,便須發出命令─ (由
(a) 以原訟法庭認為在案件所有情況下算是公平的較低款額,替代根據沒收令須追討的款
(b) 按上述較低款額,依照第13條定出較短監禁期,以替代原本按根據沒收令須追討的款
(1A) 如經檢控官就沒收令提出申請,原訟法庭信納已經符合第(1B)款所指的條件,它可發出命
(a) 以原訟法庭認為在案件所有情況下算是公平的較高款額,替代根據沒收令須追討的款
(b) 按上述較高款額,依照第13條定出較長監禁期,以替代原本根據沒收令須追討的款額
而依照該條訂定的監禁期。 (由1995年第90號第19條增補)
(1B) 第(1A)款所指的條件為─
(a) 被告人從任何一項或一項以上指明的罪行或從有組織罪行的得益的價值,大於原訟法
(b) 檢控官發覺有可變現財產,而他在沒收令發出時是不知道該財產的存在的;
(c) 將被告人從該指明的罪行或該等指明的罪行或有組織罪行的得益變現後,所得的款額
大於原訟法庭或區域法院所評計的根據沒收令須追討的款額。 (由1995年第90號第19條
(2) 為施行本條─ (由1995年第90號第19條修訂)
(a) 如可變現財產的持有人已被裁定破產,或該人的產業已被暫時扣押,原訟法庭須考慮
(b) 如原訟法庭覺得可變現財產的不足,可完全或部分歸因於被告人曾作出任何行動,以
(3) 申請如於沒收令發出日期起計的6年後提出,則原訟法庭不得根據第(1A)款受理該項申請。
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 26
[比照 1986 c. 32 s. 14 U.K.]
條: 21 被告人破產及其他 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007
(1) 凡持有可變現財產的人被裁定破產,為施行《破產條例》(第6章),以下財產不算入破產人
(a) 當時正受限制令所限的財產,而限制令是在裁定破產令之前發出的;及
(b) 當時已在根據第15或17條委任的接管人手中,憑藉第15(7)或17(5)或(6)條將財產變現而
(2) 任何人被裁定破產後,第15至18條賦予原訟法庭的權力不得就以下財產而行使─ 〈* 註─
詳列交互參照:第15、16、17、18條 *〉 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
(a) 為施行《破產條例》(第6章),當時包括在破產人財產內的財產;及
(b) 因憑藉《破產條例》(第6章)第30A(9)條施加的條件而須為債權人的利益運用的財產。
(3) 《破產條例》(第6章)的任何規定,不得視為限制第15至18條所賦予原訟法庭的權力的行
使,或使該等權力的行使受到限制。 〈* 註─詳列交互參照:第15、16、17、18條 *〉 (由1998年第
(4) 押記令如─
(a) 在裁定有關的人破產的命令發出之前已發出;或
(b) 在裁定破產令發出時,供押記的財產已經受到限制令所限,
(5) 凡在債務人方面已根據《破產條例》(第6章)第13條委出臨時受託人,而債務人有任何財產
正受限制令規限,則臨時受託人藉該條例而獲賦的權力,不適用於當時受限制令規限的財產。 (由
(6) 凡任何人被裁定破產,而他又曾經直接或間接作出受本條例囿制的饋贈─
(a) 法庭不得就饋贈的作出而根據─
(i) 《破產條例》(第6章)第49或50條;或 (由1996年第76號第97條修訂)
(ii) 《物業轉易及財產條例》(第219章)第60條,
(A) 檢控他犯指明的罪行的法律程序已經提起但尚未結束;
(B) (I) 在第8(1)(a)(ii)或(7A)條適用的情況下,已就該人申請發出沒收令,而該項申請
(II) 已根據第20(1A)條就針對該人發出沒收令而提出申請,而該項申請尚未結
(C) 饋贈收受人的財產受限制令或押記令所限;及 (由1995年第90號第20條代替)
(b) 在該等法律程序或該項申請結束後,根據(a)(i)或(ii)段所指任何條文發出的任何命令,
須顧及根據本條例對饋贈收受人所持有的財產的任何變現。 (由1995年第90號第20條代
[比照 1986 c. 32 s. 15 U.K.]
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 27
條: 22 可變現財產持有公司的清盤 25 of 1998 01/07/1997
(1) 凡一間公司持有可變現財產,而清盤命令已就該公司發出或該公司已通過決議自動清盤,
(a) 當時正受限制令所限的財產,而限制令是在有關時間前發出的;及
(b) 當時已在根據第15或17條委任的接管人手中,憑藉第15(7)或17(5)或(6)條將財產變現而
(2) 就一間公司而言,如第(1)款所指的命令已經發出,或該款所指的決議已經通過,則第15至
─ 〈* 註─詳列交互參照:第15、16、17、18條 *〉 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
(a) 以限制清盤人履行他的職能,以期將公司持有的任何財產分發予公司的債權人;或
(b) 以阻止從任何財產中支付在清盤過程中就該等財產正當支出的費用(包括清盤人或臨時
(3) 《公司條例》(第32章)的任何規定,不得視為限制第15至18條所賦予原訟法庭的權力的行
使,或使該等權力的行使受到限制。 〈* 註─詳列交互參照:第15、16、17、18條 *〉 (由1998年第
(3A) 凡有人針對行使第(3)款所指的權力提出上訴、再上訴或覆核,則該款適用於有關該上訴、
再上訴或覆核的法律程序,猶如聆訊該上訴、再上訴或覆核的法庭是原訟法庭。 (由1995年第90號
(4) 第(2)款不影響在有關時間前所發出的押記令的執行,亦不影響在有關時間以受限制令所限
(5) 在本條內─
“公司”(company) 指任何可以根據《公司條例》(第32章)進行清盤的公司;
“有關時間”(the relevant time) 的意思─
(a) 如沒有對有關公司發出清盤命令,是指通過自動清盤的決議的時間;
(b) 如上述命令已經發出,而在向原訟法庭提出稟狀申請將有關公司清盤前,該公司已通
過自動清盤的決議,則是指通過該決議的時間;及 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
(c) 在上述命令已經發出的其他情況下,是指發出該命令的時間。
[比照 1986 c. 32 s. 17 U.K.]
條: 23 債務處理人處理受限制令 所限的財產 30/06/1997
(1) 凡─
(a) 任何債務處理人扣押或處置任何財產,但因該財產當時受限制令所限,他是不能對它
(b) 在扣押或處置該財產時,他相信並且有合理理由相信他有權(無論是依據法庭的命令或
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 28
(2) 債務處理人在以下情況下招致開支(不論他是否已扣押或處置有關財產,以便享有根據第
(a) 他就第(1)(a)款所述的財產招致開支,而當時他不知道,亦無合理理由相信,該財產是
(b) 非因第(1)(a)款所述財產而招致開支,而若非限制令的效力,該等開支是可能藉接管有
[比照 1986 c. 32 s. 17A U.K.]
條: 24 接管人: 補充條文 30/06/1997
(1) 凡根據第15或17條或押記令而委任的接管人─
(a) 對並非可變現的財產採取任何行動,而如果該財產屬於可變現財產,該項行動是他有
(b) 他相信,並且有合理理由相信,他有權就該財產採取該項行動,
(2) 接管人的薪酬及開支,如沒有款項可供司法常務官根據第18(5)條支付,須由檢控官支付;
[比照 1986 c. 32 s. 18 U.K.]
條: 24A 釋義 L.N. 12 of 2003 01/04/2003
“身分證明書”(certificate of identity)、“簽證身分書”(document of identity)、“身分證”(identity card)
及“旅行證件”(travel document) 各自具有《入境條例》(第115章)第2條分別給予該等詞語的涵
“金錢”(money) 指屬任何形式或貨幣的金錢;
“紀錄”(record) 除包括書面紀錄之外,還包括—
(a) 包含視覺影像以外的資料的紀錄碟、紀錄帶或其他器件,而其包含的資料能夠在有或
(b) 包含視覺影像的膠卷、紀錄帶或其他器件,而所包含的視覺影像能夠在有或沒有其他
“處所”(premises) 包括地方;
“貨幣”(currency)、“兌換交易”(exchange transaction) 及“貨幣兌換商”(money changer) 各自具有
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 29
“匯款代理人”(remittance agent)—
(a) 除(b)段另有規定外,指作為一項業務而向他人提供以下一項或多於一項服務的人—
(i) 將金錢或安排將金錢送往香港以外地方;
(ii) 從香港以外地方或安排從香港以外地方收取金錢;或
(iii) 安排在香港以外地方收取金錢;
(b) 但不包括—
(i) 《銀行業條例》(第155章)所指的認可機構;
(ii) 《保險公司條例》(第41章)所指的獲授權保險人或獲授權保險經紀;
(iii) 根據《證券及期貨條例》(第571章)第V部獲發牌經營該條例附表5所指的任何受規
管活動的業務的法團或該條例所指的該法團的持牌代表; (由2002年第5號第407條
(iv) (由2002年第5號第407條廢除)
“匯款交易”(remittance transaction) 指在“匯款代理人”(remittance agent) 的定義(a)段範圍內的服務。
條: 24B 匯款代理人及貨幣兌換商紀錄冊 L.N. 81 of 2000 01/06/2000
(1) 保安局局長須藉憲報公告─
(a) 為施行本條而委任一名公職人員作為負責人員;
(b) 指明一個地址,凡根據本條規定須送交負責人員的通知均須送往該地址。
(2) 負責人員須按其認為適當的格式備存一份紀錄冊,該紀錄冊須載有─
(a) 所有匯款代理人的姓名或名稱,及匯款代理人在香港提供匯款代理人服務的每個處所
(b) 所有貨幣兌換商的姓名或名稱,及貨幣兌換商在香港經營貨幣兌換業務的每個處所的
(c) 負責人員認為適當的其他關於匯款代理人及貨幣兌換商的詳情。
(3) 紀錄冊須存放於負責人員以憲報公告所公布的地方。
(4) 任何在緊接本條的生效日期前是匯款代理人或貨幣兌換商的人,須在本條生效日期後3個月
(5) 任何在本條生效日期當日或之後成為匯款代理人或貨幣兌換商的人,須在成為匯款代理人
(6) 凡任何人不再是匯款代理人或貨幣兌換商,或該人根據第(4)或(5)款給予負責人員的任何詳
(7) 任何人可自負責人員以憲報公告所公布的日期起,在該公告所述的時間內─
(a) 查閱紀錄冊;
(b) 在負責人員同意下,獲取紀錄冊內所記載事項的副本或紀錄冊的摘錄。
(8) 任何人無合理辯解而違反第(4)、(5)或(6)款,即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處第5級罰款。
(9) 任何人根據第(4)、(5)或(6)款送交詳情,而該等詳情在要項上失實,該人即屬犯罪,一經定
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 30
(10) 在本條中─
“指明地址”(specified address) 指根據第(1)(b)款指明的地址;
“負責人員”(responsible officer) 指根據第(1)(a)款委任的負責人員;
“紀錄冊”(register) 指根據第(2)款備存的紀錄冊。
條: 24C 匯款代理人及貨幣兌換商備存紀錄的責任 L.N. 262 of 2006 26/01/2007
(1) 本條不適用於價值少於$8000(或等值的其他貨幣款額)的匯款交易或兌換交易。 (由2006年第
(2) 匯款代理人─
(a) 須備存—
(i) 附表6第1部所指明的詳情的紀錄,否則不得完成在第24A條中“匯款代理人”的定
(ii) 附表6第2部所指明的詳情的紀錄,否則不得完成在第24A條中“匯款代理人”的定
(iii) 附表6第3部所指明的詳情的紀錄,否則不得完成在第24A條中“匯款代理人”的定
(b) 在上述詳情內提述的指示人或收款人(視屬何情況而定)是親身到來的情況下,須核對該
(c) 須將上述紀錄備存,為期不少於自交易日期終結之時起計的6年,即使該匯款代理人在
(3) 貨幣兌換商─
(a) (儘管有《貨幣兌換商條例》(第34章)第3(1)(c)條的規定)須備存附表6第4部所指明的詳情
(b) 在上述詳情內提述的顧客是親身到來的情況下,須核對該人的身分證明書、簽證身分
(c) 須將上述紀錄備存,為期不少於在交易日期終結之時起計的6年,即使該貨幣兌換商在
(4) 任何匯款代理人違反第(2)款,或任何貨幣兌換商違反第(3)款,即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處
(5) 保安局局長可藉憲報公告,修訂─
(a) 第(1)款指明的款額;
(b) 附表6。
條: 24D 刑事法律責任 L.N. 81 of 2000 01/06/2000
(1) 如任何匯款代理人所僱用的人作出的某項作為,假若是由匯款代理人作出的,即屬第24C(4)
(a) 作出該項作為的人,但如他證明他已作出合理的努力避免該罪行發生,則不屬犯該罪
(b) 該名匯款代理人,除非他已採取合理步驟防止該罪行發生;及
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 31
(c) 如作出該項作為的人的僱主是一個法團,則為該法團的每名董事、經理、秘書及其他
(2) 除第(3)款另有規定外,就本條而言,如某人擔任董事職位(不論他的稱銜為何),或如法團
(3) 不得只因法團的董事按某人以專業身分給予的意見行事,而視該等董事是按照該人的指示
(4) 如匯款代理人合夥的任何合夥人犯第24C(4)條所訂罪行,且證明該罪行是在該合夥的任何其
(5) 本條適用於貨幣兌換商並就貨幣兌換商而適用,一如其適用於匯款代理人並就匯款代理人
條: 24E 獲授權人進入處所及查閱簿冊等的權力 L.N. 81 of 2000 01/06/2000
(1) 在符合第(6)款的規定下,凡獲授權人合理地懷疑某匯款代理人已犯本部所訂罪行(在本條中
稱為“嫌疑罪行”(suspected offence)),他可連同所需的協助人員,進入內有該代理人的活動正在進
(2) 凡任何獲授權人已依據第(1)款進入內有某匯款代理人的活動正在進行的任何處所,如他合
(3) 根據第(2)款檢取的任何紀錄,須於檢取後在切實可行範圍內,盡快由檢取該等紀錄的獲授
(4) 凡自某匯款代理人處檢取的紀錄按照第(3)款交付警務處處長或海關關長,或警務處處長或
(5) 本條適用於貨幣兌換商並就貨幣兌換商而適用,一如其適用於匯款代理人並就匯款代理人
(a) 凡提述匯款代理人之處,均為對貨幣兌換商的提述一樣;
(b) 凡提述匯款交易之處,均為對兌換交易的提述一樣。
(6) 除非獲授權人依據根據第(7)款發出的手令行事,否則他不得就住宅處所行使他在第(1)款下
(7) 如裁判官根據經宣誓後所作的告發,信納有合理依據懷疑有關罪行已發生,他可發出手令
(8) 在本條中,“住宅處所”(domestic premises) 指任何純粹作居住之用並構成獨立住戶單位的
條: 25 處理已知道或相信為代表從可公訴罪行的得益的財產 30/06/1997
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 32
(1) 除第25A條另有規定外,如有人知道或有合理理由相信任何財產全部或部分、直接或間接代
(2) 在檢控任何人犯第(1)款所訂的罪行的法律程序中,被告人可證明以下事情作為免責辯護─
(a) 他曾意圖就違反第(1)款的有關作為而向獲授權人披露第25A(1)條所述的知悉、懷疑或事
(b) 他未能按照第25A(2)條作出披露是有合理辯解的。
(3) 任何人犯第(1)款所訂的罪行─
(a) 循公訴程序定罪後,可處罰款$5000000及監禁14年;或
(b) 循簡易程序定罪後,可處罰款$500000及監禁3年。
(4) 在本條及第25A條中,凡提述可公訴罪行之處,包括若在香港發生即會構成可公訴罪行的行
條: 25A 對財產是代表從可公訴罪行的得益等的知悉或懷疑的披露 L.N. 173 of 2004 07/01/2005
(1) 凡任何人知道或懷疑任何財產是─
(a) 全部或部分、直接或間接代表任何人從可公訴罪行的得益;
(b) 曾在與可公訴罪行有關的情況下使用;或
(c) 擬在與可公訴罪行有關的情況下使用,
(2) 已作出第(1)款所指的披露的人如作出(不論是在作出該項披露之前或之後)違反第25(1)條的
(a) 該項披露是在他作出該作為之前作出的,而且他作出該作為是得到獲授權人的同意
(b) 該項披露─
(i) 是在他作出該作為之後作出的;
(ii) 是由他主動作出的;及
(iii) 是他在合理範圍內盡快作出的。
(3) 第(1)款所指的披露─
(a) 不得視為違反合約或任何成文法則、操守規則或其他條文對披露資料所施加的任何限
(b) 不得令作出披露的人須對以下事情所引致的任何損失負上支付損害賠償的法律責任─
(i) 該項披露;
(ii) 該項披露所引致的就有關財產而作出的作為或不作為。
(4) 如任何人在有關時間是受僱的,則凡該人是按其僱主所定下的程序向適當的人作出披露
(5) 任何人如知道或懷疑已有任何披露根據第(1)或(4)款作出,而仍向其他人披露任何相當可能
(6) 在檢控任何人犯第(5)款所訂的罪行的法律程序中,被告人可證明以下事情作為免責辯護─
(a) 他不知道亦沒有懷疑有關的披露相當可能會如該款所提述般造成損害;或
(b) 他有合法授權作出該項披露或對作出該項披露有合理辯解。
(7) 任何人違反第(1)款,即屬犯罪,經定罪後,可處第5級罰款及監禁3個月。
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 33
(8) 任何人犯第(5)款所訂的罪行─
(a) 循公訴程序定罪後,可處罰款$500000及監禁3年;或
(b) 循簡易程序定罪後,可處第6級罰款及監禁1年。
(9) 根據或憑藉第(1)款所指的披露而取得的資料,可—
(a) 由任何獲授權人為打擊罪行的目的向律政司、香港警務處、香港海關、入境事務處及
(b) 由任何獲授權人為打擊罪行的目的,披露予在該獲授權人認為適當的香港以外任何地
管當局或人員。 (由2004年第21號第24條增補)
(10) 如將根據或憑藉第(1)款所指的披露而取得的資料披露的任何其他權利並非因第(9)款而存
在,則該權利並不因第(9)款而受到影響。 (由2004年第21號第24條增補)
條: 26 限制將根據第25A條所作的披露公開 L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997
(1) 除第(2)款另有規定外,在任何民事或刑事法律程序中,不得迫使任何證人─
(a) 公開有人曾經根據第25A(1)或(4)條作出披露; (由1995年第90號第23條修訂)
(b) 公開某人為披露人;或
(c) 回答任何問題,如答案會直接或間接引致公開(a)或(b)段所指的任何事情。
(2) 在任何法律程序中,如有以下情況,則第(1)款不適用─
(a) 所檢控的是第25或25A條或本條所訂的罪行;或 (由1995年第90號第23條修訂)
(b) 法庭認為必須公開該項披露或某人為披露人,方能在各當事人之間秉行公正。
(3) 除第(4)、(5)及(6)款另有規定外,無論何人,均不得出版或廣播任何引致以下後果的資料─
(a) 公開或暗示有人曾經根據第25A(1)或(4)條作出披露;或 (由1995年第90號第23條修訂)
(b) 公開或暗示某人為披露人。
(4) 在第(3)款中,“資料”(information)─
(a) 包括任何民事或刑事法律程序的報導;
(b) 不包括為統計目的由政府出版或經政府批准而出版的資料。
(5) 第(3)款不適用於─
(a) 檢控披露人犯第25或25A條所訂的罪行的法律程序;或 (由1995年第90號第23條修訂)
(b) 審訊本條所訂的罪行的法律程序。
(6) 法庭或裁判官如信納如此做法有利於司法公正,可藉命令將第(3)款的規限免除至命令內指
(7) 如有資料在違反第(3)款的情況下出版或廣播,以下各人都屬犯罪,經定罪後,可處第5級罰
(a) (如果出版的資料是報章或期刊的一部分)報章或期刊的東主、編輯、出版人及發行人;
(b) (如果出版的資料不是報章或期刊的一部分)出版或發行該出版資料的人;
(c) (如果是廣播資料)廣播資料的人,及在資料屬於節目內容的情況下,傳播或提供節目的
(8) 未經律政司司長同意,不得提起檢控本條所訂的罪行的法律程序。 (由1997年第362號法律
(9) 在本條中─
“出版”(publish) 指以文字出版;
“廣播”(broadcast) 包括以無線電訊、電影、錄像帶或電視廣播。
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 34
條: 27 指明的罪行的判刑 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997
(1) 凡在區域法院或原訟法庭的法律程序中,有人就指明的罪行被定罪,本條即予適用。 (由
(2) 控方可向法庭提供關於下述全部或任何事項的資料─ (由1995年第90號第24條修訂)
(a) 該人被如此定罪所據的作為直接或間接導致他人受損害的性質及程度;
(b) 因該作為而對該人或任何其他人直接或間接帶來的利益或希望藉此帶來的利益(不論是
(c) 該指明的罪行的普遍程度;
(d) 因最近發生的該指明的罪行而直接或間接導致社區受損害的性質及程度;
(e) 因最近發生的該指明的罪行而對任何人直接或間接帶來的總利益(不論是否財務上的利
(3) 只有可在刑事法律程序(包括就判刑而進行的法律程序)中接受納為證據的資料,才可根據第
(4) 如控方提出請求,法庭須對在審訊時提出的證據或(如定罪是在承認控罪後作出的情況下)法
(5) 控方不得根據第(4)款請求法庭作出裁定,除非控方已向有關的人發出通知,謂控方擬尋求
獲得此裁定,及除非此通知是在該人上次就控罪作出回答之前或在法 庭根據第(6)款所容許的較長時
(6) 如某人已就某項指明的罪行認罪,而法庭在顧及控方獲通知謂被告人擬承認控罪的時間
(7) 除非在法庭接獲根據第(5)款所須發出的通知後,被定罪的人已獲給予機會就有關事項陳
(8) 在根據第(4)款作出裁定時,如法庭裁定有關的指明的罪行因為與某三合會的活動有關連而
(9) 法庭可就第(8)款所提述的事項而收取及考慮其認為在有關的情況下是可靠的資料。
(10) 凡控方尋求根據本條就第(2)或(8)款所提述的任何事項向法庭提供資料,法庭須讓被定罪的
(11) 除第(12)及(13)款另有規定外,凡法庭─
(a) 在無合理疑點的情況下信納該指明的罪行屬有組織罪行;或
(b) 在無合理疑點的情況下信納根據第(2)或(8)款提供的資料,
(12) 如有人根據第8條提出沒收令的申請,就第(11)款而言,法庭不得顧及該沒收令的申請所涉
(13) 依據第(11)款所判處的刑罰不得超逾法律所容許的對該罪行的最高罰則。
(14) 本條的實施並不影響在任何人被判刑前,可向法庭提供的任何其他資料,或法庭在對任何
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 35
(15) 對任何就本條生效日期前所犯的指明的罪行被定罪的人,本條並不適用。
條: 28 公共機構所持有的資料的披露 25 of 1998; 13 of 1999
(1) 除第(4)款另有規定外,原訟法庭可應檢控官的申請,命令將公共機構所管有而又屬於第(3)
(2) 根據第(1)款發出命令的權力,可在以下情況下行使─
(a) 可憑藉第14(1)條行使第15(1)及16(1)條賦予原訟法庭的權力;或
(b) 可憑藉第14(2)條行使該等權力,及原訟法庭已經發出限制令或押記令,而該等命令未
(3) 第(1)款所指的物料,是─
(a) 由被告人,或由在任何時間曾經持有可變現財產的人,呈交公共機構人員的任何物
(b) 由公共機構人員就被告人或該人而造的任何物料; 或
(c) 屬於公共機構人員和被告人或該人之間的通信的任何物料,
(4) 除非原訟法庭覺得有關物料相當可能包含某些資料,而這些資料有助於原訟法庭行使第15
(5) 原訟法庭可藉命令批准向該接管人披露根據第(1)款提交的任何物料,或物料的任何部分;
(6) 依據第(5)款發出的命令而披露的物料,除命令內另有條件規限外,為接管人或原訟法庭履
(7) 原訟法庭可藉命令批准向獲授權人披露根據第(1)款提交的任何物料,或物料的任何部分;
(a) 該公共機構的人員已經獲得合理機會向原訟法庭申述意見;及
(b) 原訟法庭覺得該物料相當可能與行使關於偵查指明的罪行的職能有關的,
(8) 依據第(7)款發出的命令而披露的物料,除命令內另有條件規限外,為了與偵查指明的罪行
(9) 縱使法規或其他方面規定有保密責任或對資料的披露有其他限制,仍可依據本條提交或披
(10) 根據第(1)款發出的命令及(在物料由公共機構管有的情況下)根據第4(2)條發出的命令,可以
(11) 在本條中,“公共機構”(public body) 指─
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 36
(a) 任何政府部門;及
(b) 任何由行政長官根據第(12)款指明的機構。 (由1999年第13號第3條修訂)
(12) 行政長官可藉憲報公告,指明任何機構為本條所指的公共機構。 (由1999年第13號第3條修
[比照 1986 c. 32 s. 30 U.K.]
條: 29 賠償 L.N. 362 of 1997; 25 of 1998
(1) 如在對任何人就一項或更多指明的罪行展開偵查之後,有以下任何一種情形出現─
(a) 沒有起訴該人;
(b) 曾起訴該人,但結果並無就任何指明的罪行將他定罪(包括第8(1)(a)(ii)條所指的法律程
(ba) 當起訴該人後該人潛逃,其後─
(i) 該人不再是潛逃者;及
(ii) (A) 法律程序繼續或再提起,但結果並無就任何指明的罪行將他定罪;或
(B) 在律政司司長知道該人不再是潛逃者之後的合理時間內法律程序並沒有繼續
或再提起;或 (由1995年第90號第25條增補。由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
(c) 曾起訴該人,而他就一項或更多指明的罪行被定罪,但─
(i) 有關的定罪被推翻;或
(ii) 他被赦免有關的定罪,
原訟法庭如在考慮所有情況後認為適宜,可應曾持有可變現財產的人 (或在該人已死的情況下,作為
(2) 原訟法庭除非信納以下兩項,否則不得根據第(1)款命令作出賠償─
(a) 除第(3A)款另有規定外,參與調查或檢控該罪行的任何人曾犯嚴重錯失;及
(b) 因遵照或依據原訟法庭根據第15至17條發出的命令而就該財產所作出的任何行動,已引
(3) 除第(3A)款另有規定外,在參與調查或檢控該罪行的任何人曾犯嚴重錯失的情況下,即使
(3A) 在第(2)(a)及(3)款均不適用於第(1)(ba)款適用的任何情況。 (由1995年第90號第25條增補)
(4) 在不影響第(1)款的施行的情況下,凡─
(a) 任何人按照第25A(2)條就任何財產作出披露;
(b) 由於該項披露,及為了對指明的罪行作出偵查或提起檢控,就該財產作出任何作為或
(c) 沒有就該罪行起訴任何人,原訟法庭亦無根據第15或16條就該財產發出命令,
(5) 原訟法庭除非信納以下兩項,否則不得根據第(4)款命令作出賠償─
(a) 參與調查或檢控該罪行的任何人曾犯嚴重錯失,而如無該錯失,第(4)(b)款所指的作為
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 37
(b) 因第(4)(b)款所指的作為或不作為,已引致申請人在該財產方面蒙受損失。
(6) 根據本條須付的賠償額,為原訟法庭認為根據案件所有情況屬於公平的款額。
[比照 1986 c. 32 ss. 19及24(3) U.K.]
條: 30 法庭規則 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997
條: 31 修訂第8(4)條的款額及附表 13 of 1999 01/07/1997
條: 32 保留條文 30/06/1997
條: 33 (已失時效而略去) 30/06/1997
條: 34 (已失時效而略去) 30/06/1997
條: 35 (已失時效而略去) 30/06/1997
條: 36 (已失時效而略去) 30/06/1997
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 38
附表: 1 與“有組織罪行”及“指明的罪行”的定義有關的罪行 15 of 2007 06/07/2007
1. 謀殺
2. 綁架
3. 非法禁錮
4. 串謀妨礙司法公正
5. 《進出口條例》
6. 《入境條例》
7. 《危險藥物條例》
8. 《賭博條例》
9. 《社團條例》
10. 《放債人條例》
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例
第24(1)條 以過高利率貸款
11. 《刑事罪行條例》
第24條 蓄意威脅他人
第25條 襲擊他人意圖導致其作出或不作出某些作為
第53條 引起可能危害生命財產的爆炸
第54條 企圖引起爆炸或製造、藏有炸藥意圖危害生命或令財
第55條 製造或管有炸藥
第60條 摧毀或損壞財產
第61條 威脅將財產摧毀或損壞
第71條 偽造
第75(1)條 管有虛假文書意圖不軌
第98(1)條 仿製鈔票及硬幣意圖不軌
第100(1)條 保管或控制仿製鈔票及硬幣意圖不軌
第105條 輸入及輸出仿製鈔票及硬幣
第118條 強姦
第119條 以威脅促使他人與人性交
第120條 以欺詐促使他人與人性交
第129條 販運人口進入或離開香港
第130條 控制他人為使其作出非法的性行為或賣淫
第131條 導致他人賣淫
第134條 禁錮他人於賣淫場所或為使其作出非法的性行為
第137條 依靠賣淫收入為生
第139條 經營賣淫場所
12. 《盜竊罪條例》
第9條 盜竊
第10條 搶劫
第11(1)條 入屋犯法
第16A條 欺詐 (由1999年第45號第6條增補)
第17條 以欺騙手段取得財產
第18條 以欺騙手段取得金錢利益
第18D條 促致在某些紀錄裏產生虛假項目
第19條 偽造帳目
第23(1)及(4)條 勒索
第24(1)條 處理贓物
13. 《侵害人身罪條例》
第17條 意圖造成身體嚴重傷害而射擊、企圖射擊、傷人或打
14. 《火器及彈藥條例》
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 40
第13條 無牌管有槍械或彈藥
第14條 無牌經營槍械或彈藥
14A. 《商品說明條例》
第9(1)及(2)條 與侵犯商標權利有關的罪行
第12條 進口或出口有偽造商標的貨品
(但就本條例而言,《商品說 身為某些在香港以外地方所犯罪行的從犯 (由2000年
明條例》第22條提述的“本條 第11號法律公告增補)
(a) 該條例第9(1)或(2)條所
(b) 該條例第12條所訂的罪
15. 《販毒(追討得益)條例》
第25(1)條 處理已知道或相信為代表販毒得益的財產 (由2002年
16. 《有組織及嚴重罪行條例》
第25(1)條 處理已知道或相信為代表從可公訴罪行的得益的財產
17. 《大規模毀滅武器(提供服務的管
第4條 提供協助發展、生產、取得或貯存大規模毀滅武器的
服務 (由1997年第90號第15條增補)
18. 《版權條例》
第118(1)、(4)及(8)條 關於製作侵犯版權複製品或進行侵犯版權複製品交易
(但就本條例而言,《版權條 的罪行
例 》 第 118(1) 及 (4) 條 提 述 的
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 41
複製品) 關於在香港以外地方製作侵犯版權複製品的罪行 (由
第120(1)、(2)、(3)及(4)條 2000年第11號法律公告增補)
例 》 第 120(1) 及 (3) 條 提 述 的
複製品) (由2007年第15號第77
19. 《化學武器(公約)條例》
第5條 禁止使用、發展或生產、獲取、儲存、保有、參與轉
毀此種武器的公約》禁止的任何活動 (由2003年
* 本附表就各罪行所作的簡單述要僅供參考用。
附表: 2 其他的指明的罪行 22 of 2008 04/07/2008
1. 誤殺
2. 串謀詐騙
罪行 述要*
3. 《進出口條例》
第14條 船隻、飛機或車輛改裝以作走私用途
第14A條 建造船隻作走私用途等
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 42
第18A條 協助輸出未列艙單貨物等
第35A條 協助運載禁制物品等
4. 《入境條例》
第37DA(1)條 協助未獲授權進境者留下 (由1997年第80號第103條
5. 《危險藥物條例》
第5(1)條 向未獲授權人供應危險藥物或為未獲授權人獲取危
第9(1)、(2)及(3)條 關於大蔴植物或鴉片罌粟的罪行
第35(1)條 經營或管理煙窟以供人在其內吸食危險藥物
第37(1)條 准許處所作非法販運、製造或儲存危險藥物之用
6. 《賭博條例》
第14條 提供金錢以用於非法賭博或非法獎券遊戲
第15(1)條 准許處所使用作為賭場
7. 《人事登記條例》
第7A條 管有偽造身分證
8. 《刑事罪行條例》
第72條 複製虛假文書
第73條 使用虛假文書
第74條 使用虛假文書的副本
第76條 製造或管有用以製造虛假文書的設備
第99(1)條 以仿製鈔票及硬幣亂真
第101條 製造、保管或控制仿製用的材料及用具
9. 《防止賄賂條例》
第4(1)條 賄賂公職人員
第4(2)條 以公職人員身分索取或接受賄賂 (由2007年第229號法
第4(2A)條 賄賂行政長官 (由2008年第22號第6條增補)
第4(2B)條 以行政長官身分索取或接受賄賂 (由2008年第22號第6
第5(1)條 為合約事務上給予協助等而向公職人員作的賄賂 (由
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 43
第5(2)條 以公職人員身分為合約事務上給予協助等而索取或接
受賄賂 (由2007年第229號法律公告增補)
第5(3)條 為合約事務上給予協助等而向行政長官作的賄賂 (由
第5(4)條 以行政長官身分為合約事務上給予協助等而索取或接
受賄賂 (由2008年第22號第6條增補)
第6(1)條 為使他人撤回投標而作的賄賂
第6(2)條 索取或接受為使人撤回投標而作的賄賂 (由2007年第
第9(1)條 以代理人身分索取或接受賄賂 (由2007年第229號法律
第9(2)條 賄賂代理人
10. 《盜竊罪條例》
第12(1)條 嚴重入屋犯法
第18A條 以欺騙手段取得服務
11. 《侵害人身罪條例》
第19條 傷人或對他人身體加以嚴重傷害
12. 《刑事訴訟程序條例》
第90(1)條 作出作為意圖阻礙捉拿或起訴犯罪者
* 本附表就各罪行所作的簡單述要僅供參考用。
附表: 3 可予施加押記令的資產 25 of 1998 01/07/1997
1. 在香港的土地。
2. 以下各種證券─
(a) 政府證券;
(b) 在香港成立的任何公司的股份;
(c) 在香港以外成立的公司的股份,或香港以外任何國家或地區的股份,而已登記在存放在
(d) 任何單位信託基金的單位,而單位持有人的登記冊是存放在香港境內的。
3. 在本附表中─
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 44
(a) “政府證券”(Government stock) 及“土地”(land) 的含義與《高等法院條例》(第4章)第2
(b) “股份”(stock) 及“單位信託基金”(unit trust) 兩詞的含義,與該條例第20A條所指的相
附表: 4 有組織及嚴重罪行條例(第455章) L.N. 362 of 1997; 25 of 1998
1. 於.................................. 在香港原訟法庭............................................................
2. 現正偵查的有組織罪行詳情如下─
(a) 罪行 ︰.............................................................................................
(b) 犯罪日期︰.............................................................................................
(c) 犯罪地點︰.............................................................................................
(d) 其他詳情︰.............................................................................................
*3. 該命令是就你而發出的。
*3. 該命令是就.................................................. 而發出的,而你是該類別的人。
4. 該命令授權律政司司長向上述第3段中所提述的人提出要求,要其─
*(a) 就獲授權人合理地覺得是與偵查有關的任何事情回答問題或提供資料;
*(b) 提交任何律政司司長合理地覺得是與關乎偵查的事情有關的任何物料,或屬律政司司
5. 本通告要求你─
*(a) 於.............................................................................................................
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 45
*(b) 於.............................................................................................................
6. 本命令並要求.......................................................................................................
7. 註︰1. 本通知具有重要的法律後果,為你的利益着想,你應閱讀本通知所載的本條例的條文,
2. 你在遵從本通知第5(a)段出席回答問題或提供資料時,或在遵從本通知第5(b)段提交物料
日期︰19 年 月 日。
( 代行)
附表: 5 關乎根據《有組織及嚴重罪行條例》(第455章)第13條所訂 定的監禁期限的判處刑罰證明書
L.N. 247 of 2000 01/09/2000
鑑於原訟法庭/區域法院* ─
(a) 於19......年.......月.......日─
(i) 對........................................................................................(被告人姓名)犯了《有組織及嚴重罪
行條例》(第455章)所指的指明的罪行 .................
....................................................................................................................... !
*(ii) 就該罪行/該等罪行*判以監禁/拘留*...............月/年*;及
(b) 於19.........年..........月..........日根據《有組織及嚴重罪行條例》(第455章)第8(7)(a)條發出沒收
日期︰19..........年...........月..........日 !
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 46
附表: 6 匯款代理人及貨幣兌換商所須記錄的詳情 L.N. 262 of 2006 26/01/2007
1. 交易編號
2. 涉及的貨幣及款額
3. 接獲各指示人/匯款人指示的日期及時間
4. 指示細節(包括交付及/或認收方式)
5. 各指示人的姓名、身分證號碼(或身分證明書、簽證身分書或旅行證件的號碼及發出地)、電話號
6. 各匯款人的姓名或名稱、身分證號碼(或身分證明書、簽證身分書或旅行證件的號碼及發出地)、
電話號碼及地址 (由2006年262號法律公告修訂)
7. 涉及的各銀行帳戶(如有的話)
8. 各收款人的姓名或名稱及詳情
9. 匯給每名收款人的貨幣及款額
10. 匯出日期及時間
1. 交易編號
2. 涉及的貨幣及款額
3. 代理人接獲指示的日期及時間
4. 指示細節(包括收款及/或認收方式)
5. 各指示人的姓名或名稱及地址,或其姓名或名稱及銀行帳戶號碼
6. 各匯款人的姓名或名稱、電話號碼及地址
7. 涉及的各銀行帳戶(如有的話)
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 47
8. 各收款人(除匯款代理人外)的姓名或名稱、身分證號碼(或身分證明書、簽證身分書或旅行證件
9. 每名收款人涉及的貨幣及款額
10. 各收款人收款日期及時間
1. 交易編號
2. 涉及的貨幣及款額
3. 接獲各指示人指示的日期及時間
4. 指示細節(包括交付及/或認收方式)
5. 各指示人的姓名或名稱、身分證號碼(或身分證明書、簽證身分書或旅行證件的號碼及發出地)、
6. 向香港以外地方的代理人發出指示的日期及時間
7. 涉及的各銀行帳戶(如有的話)
8. 各收款人的姓名或名稱、詳情、電話號碼及地址
9. 匯給每名收款人的貨幣及款額
10. 各匯款人的姓名或名稱、身分證號碼(或身分證明書、簽證身分書或旅行證件的號碼及發出地)、
電話號碼及地址 (由2006年262號法律公告增補)
1. 交易編號
2. 交易日期及時間
3. 兌換的貨幣及款額
4. 兌換率
5. 顧客的姓名或名稱、身分證號碼(或身分證明書、簽證身分書或旅行證件的號碼及發出地)
6. 顧客的電話號碼及地址
第 455 章 - 有組織及嚴重罪行條例 48