Ley N° 217-II de 29 de junio de 2001 de Protección Jurídica de los Esquemas de Trazado de los Microcircuitos Integrados, Kazajstán
modificada por la Ley N° 128-VII de 20 de junio de 2022
AtrásVersión más reciente en WIPO LexDetallesDetallesAño de versión2022FechasEnmendado/a hasta:21 de agosto de 2022Adoptado/a:29 de junio de 2001Tipo de texto
Principal legislación de PI
Esquemas de trazado de los circuitos integrados
Materia (secundaria)
Observancia de las leyes de PI y leyes conexas,
Organismo regulador de PI
Notas This consolidated version of the "Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 217-II" takes into account amendments up to "Law No. 128-VII of June 20, 2022, on Amendments to Certain Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan Relating to the Improvement of Legislation on Intellectual Property and State-Guaranteed Legal Aid", which entered into force on different dates (August 21, 2022, December 11, 2022, etc.)
Paragraph 9 under Article 1 of the said amending Law No. 128-VII introduces amendments (in force from August 21, 2022) to the following provisions of this consolidate version:
- Subsection 4 of Article 4.
- The second part of paragraph 1 of Article 11.
- Articles 15, 15-1 and 15-2.
Textos principalesTextos principalesKazajoҚазақстан Республикасының 2001 жылғы 29 маусымдағы № 217 Заңы: Интегралдық микросхемалар топологияларын құқықтық қорғау туралы (ҚР 20.06.2022 ж. № 128-VII өзгерістерімен)
RusoЗакон Республики Казахстан № 217 «О правовой охране топологий интегральных микросхем» InglésLaw No. 217-II of June 29, 2001, on Legal Protection of Topologies of Integrated Microcircuits