- The Seeds and Plant Varieties (Seeds)Regulations
- (Subsidiary Legislation)
- Citation
- Interpretation
- Prescribed Seeds
- Seed Testing Station
- Seed Regulation Committee
- Seed Allocation Panel Sub-Committee
- Application for Consideration as Seed Grower
- Registration of Seed Growers
- Registration of Seed Merchant
- Seed Certification
- Seed Inspection
- Seed Processing
- Seed Sampling
- Seed Testing
- Packing, Labelling and Sealing
- Validity Certification and Quality Declaration
- Seed Sale
- Seed Sellers
- Post Control Plots
- Seed Importation and Exportation
- Appeals
- Offences and Penalties
- Protection from Liability in Certain Cases
- (Subsidiary Legislation)
- BR
- PB
- B
- CL
- C2-C4
- (a)
- Nil
- 7.8
- —
- FOURTH SCHEDULE—\(contd.\)
- 12
- 10.0
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- 14.0
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- 11.0
- 9.0
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- 9.0
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- 11.0
- 575.00
- Form SR 3SIXTH SCHEDULE—\(Contd.\)
- Species
- Variety
- Crop
- Hectares
- Application for Field Inspection of a Seed Crop—
- form SR 6aSIXTH SCHEDULE—\(Contd.\) \(r. 11 \
- Form SR 7SIXTH SCHEDULE—\(Contd.\)\(r. 11 \(
- Form SR 8SIXTH SCHEDULE—\(contd.\)\(r. 14 \(
- Form SR 9SIXTH SCHEDULE—\(Contd.\)\(r. 14 \(
- (e.g. noxious weeds, seed borne diseases observed in field)
- Form SR 10aSIXTH SCHEDULE—\(Contd.\)\(r. 14 \
- Form SR 10bSIXTH SCHEDULE—\(Contd.\) \(r. 14
- Form SR 11SIXTH SCHEDULE—\(Contd.\)\(r. 15 \
- Form SR 12SIXTH SCHEDULE—\(Contd.\)\(r. 18 \
- Form SR 13SIXTH SCHEDULE—\(Contd.\)\(r. 18 \
- P.O. Box 1679, NAKURU
- Weight in kg.
- P.O. Box 30028, NAIROBI
- Weight in kg.
The Seeds and Plant Varieties (Seeds)
(Subsidiary Legislation)
First Schedule
Second Schedule
Third Schedule
Fourth Schedule
Fifth Schedule
Sixth Schedule
“basic seed” means a mixture of two or more seed lots of the same cultivar of different origin into one composite bulk;
“breeder’s seed” means seed which has been produced by a person or institution responsible for the maintenance of the cultivar;
“certified seed” means progeny of basic seed or certified seed of higher classes;
“cultivar” means a subdivision of any seed species which can be distinguished from other subdivisions of that species by means of growth, plant type, flower or other physiological characteristics;
“compulsory certification” means mandatory certification for those cultivars that have been tested in National Performance Trial, officially released and indexed;
“Director” means the director of the National Seed Quality Control Service;
“dressing” means a stage of seed processing where application of chemical substances on the surfaces of seeds is done for the purposes of controlling pests or diseases;
“field inspection” means an examination of a crop seed field including checking for effective isolation distance, hectarage of the seed field, off-types, foreign cultivar and diseased plants as part of the seed certification programme;
“Government certified seed” means seeds in respect of which a certificate has been issued in accordance with these Regulations;
“germinated seeds” means lots in respect of which in the course of germination tests have produced seedlings with normal growth characteristics of the shoot and root systems;
“Government tested seeds” means seed lots tested in accordance with these Regulations
“isolation” means the required distance or time between two crops of the same species or between two crops of too closely related species to prevent contamination either mechanically or by pollination;
“labelling” means the process of affixing a tag or identification mark so as to ensure correct identification of any container of seed;
“licensed seed seller” means any person or institution licensed to sell Government tested and certified seeds only;
“noxious weeds” means a plant declared to be a noxious weed under section 3 of the Suppression of Noxious Weeds Act;
Cap. 325.
“off-type plant” means a plant which does not exhibit the recognized and prescribed growth habits and characteristics of the cultivar being grown;
“official seed tester” means an officer designated to be an official seed tester by the authorized officer;
“official seed sample” means a seed sample taken in accordance with these Regulations; “parental material” means the propagating material from which the breeder’s seed is raised; “post control” means the growing of plants from seed lots which have been certified to further
determine and confirm cultivar purity and freedom from disease infection;
“pre-basic” means progeny of breeder’s seed;
“private sample” means any sample submitted to the seed testing laboratory other than the
official sample;
“purity” means the percentage by weight of pure seeds as determined by purity analysis in the seed laboratory;
“pure germinating seed” means the proportion of pure seed in a seed lot capable of
germinating into normal seedlings under optimal germination conditions;
“records” means any records required to be kept under these Regulations;
“registered seed grower” means a person or institution officially recognized by the authorized
officer and the Seed allocation panel as suitable to grow seed crops;
“registered seed merchant” means a person or firm or institution officially recognized by the Seed Committee as suitable to produce, process or sell seed;
“sealing” means the stage in processing whereby a seed container is sealed to prevent any tampering;
“seed” means that part of the crop species which is used for propagation either as a seed in botanical sense which is developed from a fertilized ovule, or a seedling, or some other parts such as a corm, cutting, bulb, root scion, set, split, tuber or stem, which is not a seed in a botanical sense
and which is used for vegetative propagation;
“seed analyst” means a suitably qualified person on the staff of an official testing station;
“seed class” means a stage in a seed multiplication system well defined in respect of parental
seed standards of cultivation and seed quality;
“seed health” means the degree of freedom from seed borne diseases and pests;
“seed crop” means a crop that is grown for the specific purpose of producing seed;
“seed industry” means the entire chain linked stages that start with breeding and crop
improvement through seed multiplication, processing, certification and ends with seed distribution;
“seed inspector” means a suitably qualified person on the staff of the official inspection station;
“seed lot” means a specified quantity of seed which measures to prescribed maximum weight and which is represented by one sample in laboratory seed testing or in post control plots, and is homogeneous and physically identifiable by a unique reference number;
“seed processing” means all those treatments that the seed is subjected to other than testing, between harvesting and sale;
“seed production” means all the operations leading up to and including final harvesting of the seed from the seed crop field;
“seed quality” means seed lots that have met the minimum standards and hence are of high cultivar purity, high genetic and physical purity, are free from noxious weeds, seed borne diseases and pests and have germination capacity;
“seed testing” means the examination of a sample of seed with a view to determining its quality for the purpose of producing a specific commercial crop;
“seed testing laboratory” means a laboratory for the testing of seed declared by notice in the Gazette to be a seed testing laboratory in accordance with the provisions of the Act;
“standard” means the level of quality achieved during field inspection or a laboratory test as defined in these Regulations;
“standard seed” means seed that is marketed after standards have been relaxed on account of emergency or disaster so that such seed is subjected only to laboratory tests and post control observation;
“storage” means a stage of seed processing in which seed is maintained in a condition such that minimum deterioration of seed lots occur;
“technical grounds” means grounds for appeal in cases of rejection in hybrid seed production where an inspector did not consider all the factors of the seed crop prior to rejecting the crop;
“test report” means a seed testing laboratory report made on a private sample and on official seed sample;
“tested seed” means a sample of an official seed lot in respect of which these are valid laboratory test certificates;
“Tribunal” means the Seeds and Plants Tribunal established under section 28 of the Act;
“weed” means any plant of type or species different from a crop species growing in or near a registered seed crop so as to constitute a threat to the registered seed crop or the seed produced from it.
Prescribed Seeds
3. The seeds of the plant species set out in the First Schedule shall be the prescribed seeds for the purposes of the Act.
Seed Testing Station
4. The National Seed Quality Control Service established under section 11 of the Act shall be the official seed testing station.
Seed Regulation Committee
5.—(1) There shall be a committee to be known as the Seed Regulation Committee, which shall consist of—
- (a)
- the Director of Agriculture, who shall be the chairman;
- (b)
- the Director, Kenya Agricultural Research Institute;
- (c)
- the Managing Director, Kenya Seed Company;
- (d)
- the General Manager, Horticultural Crop Development Authority;
- (e)
- the Director, Kenya Forestry Research Institute;
- (f)
- the Director, National Seed Quality Control Service who shall be the Secretary;
- (g)
- one representative of the Kenya Grain Growers’ Co operative Union; and
- (h)
- the Chief Executive, Kenya National Farmers’ Union
- (2)
- The Committee may co-opt such number of members not exceeding three to represent such interests as it may from time to time determine.
- (3)
- The functions of the Committee shall be—
- (a)
- to develop seed policy;
- (b)
- to modify or alter certification standards;
- (c)
- to make recommendations for the registration or deregistration of seed merchants;
- (d)
- to moderate cases of appeal by aggrieved persons; and
- (e)
- to renew and recommend appropriate seed certification fees.
- (4)
- The Committee shall meet at least once in a year to review seed regulations and to make recommendations as may from time to time be appropriate to the Minister.
Seed Allocation Panel Sub-Committee
6.—(1) There shall be a Sub-Committee of the Seeds Regulations Committee to be known as the Seed Growers Allocation Panel which shall consist of—
- (a)
- the Provincial Director of Agriculture who shall be the chairman;
- (b)
- the director of the Commodity Research Centre for the seed crops under deliberation;
- (c)
- the Director, National Seed Quality Control Service who shall be the secretary;
- (d)
- the Managing Director, Kenya Seed Company; and
- (e)
- the General Manager, Horticultural Crops Development Authority.
- (2)
- The Panel may co-opt such number of members not exceeding three to represent such interests as it may from time to time determine.
- (3)
- The Panel shall meet at least once a year to select eligible applicants for growing seed crops for compulsory certification.
Application for Consideration as Seed Grower
7.—(1) Any person, grower, institution or seed merchant wishing to be considered as a seed grower shall apply in writing to the secretary of the Seed Growers Allocation Panel.
- (2)
- Each application shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee prescribed in the Fifth Schedule and shall be in respect of the growing of one crop only.
- (3)
- The Panel shall not approve any application in respect of land in which during the proceeding season, other cultivars of the crop or closely related crops have been grown.
Registration of Seed Growers
8.—(1) Successful applicants under regulation 7 shall be eligible for registration as seed growers on completing Form SR 1 in the Sixth Schedule and payment of the fee prescribed in the Fifth Schedule.
- (2)
- Upon registration, the Director shall issue the applicant with a certificate of registration in Form SR 2 in the Sixth Schedule, and by virtue of such registration, the owner of the registered crop shall be the registered seed merchant but with respect only to the seed of the registered crop. (3) The Director shall keep a record of all registered seed growers.
- (4)
- Every registered seed grower shall plant the appropriate parent seed for production of his registered seed class and shall keep a record of such parentage including certificates, labels and invoices as the Director may direct.
- (5)
- A registered crop shall not exceed the approved hectarage by more than ten per cent of the total area.
- (6)
- Save where the Director otherwise directs only one or two cultivars of the same species shall be permitted on any farm or field.
Registration of Seed Merchant
9.—(1) Every person who by way of trade or business produces, purchases or otherwise acquires, sells, exposes, keeps, stores or advertises for sale any seeds purported to be government tested and certified shall apply to the secretary, Seed Regulation Committee for registration as a seed merchant.
- (2)
- Every application under paragraph (1) shall be in Form SR 3 in the Sixth Schedule and shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee prescribed in the Fifth Schedule.
- (3)
- The Seed Regulation Committee shall approve for registration, applicants who meet the following conditions— (a) seventy-five per cent of their business is either in processing, production or marketing;
- (b)
- they have adequate trained and competent personnel knowledgeable in seed related matters and conversant with Kenya’s seed industry;
- (c)
- they have established an extensive and comprehensive seed distribution channel of registered agents, subagents and stockists; (d) they have installed all equipment necessary for seed processing and storage.
- (4)
- Candidates whose applications are approved under paragraph (3) shall be entered into the register of seed merchants to be kept by the Director and shall be issued with a certificate of registration in Form SR 4 in the Sixth Schedule.
- (5)
- The certificate issued under paragraph (4) shall specify such conditions as may be necessary with respect to the production, processing or marketing of the seed. (6) Every registered seed merchant shall—
- (a)
- record such particulars of each seed lot Government tested and certified seed produced, purchased, sold or otherwise dealt with by him as may from time to time be prescribed;
- (b)
- keep such records in safe custody for a period of three years from the date of the transaction to which the records relate;
- (c)
- produce such records to any inspector for inspection whenever required during normal working hours;
- (d)
- be obliged to call an inspector to re-sample seed lots whose validity of certification has expired for further re-testing, re-labelling and re-sealing.
- (7)
- Any person who contravenes the provisions of paragraphs (1) and (6) shall be guilty of an offence.
Seed Certification
10.—(1) Only cultivars officially released by the Minister and advanced breeder’s lines which have potential for release shall be eligible for certification.
(2) Seeds shall be certified in eight classes as set out in the Third Schedule.
- (3)
- Any seed crop which contains noxious weeds or seedborne diseases that are difficult to eradicate shall not be eligible for certification.
- (4)
- No seed shall be certified unless it has been produced, inspected, sampled, tested, and it complies with the standards set out in the Fourth Schedule.
- (5)
- Breeders shall maintain the standards of pre-basic and classes of the cultivars approved for certification under paragraph (1).
- (6)
- In cases of natural disasters such as floods, drought or outbreaks of disease, the seed classes and prescribed standards shall be waived by the Minister and the resultant seed shall be classified as standard seed.
Seed Inspection
11.—(1) The seed grower or his agent shall, one month after a seed crop is planted, apply for a field inspection by completing Form SR 5 in the Sixth Schedule and payment of the fee prescribed in the Fifth Schedule.
- (2)
- A field inspection for the purposes of certification shall be conducted by Government seed inspectors and shall be confined to registered seed growers’ fields and the fields of advanced breeder’s lines which have potential for the release as cultivars.
- (3)
- A seed inspector shall have the power of entry into any field registered for field inspection.
- (4)
- A seed inspector conducting a field inspection shall not certify any crop if he is satisfied that it does not meet the standards specified in the Fourth Schedule. (5) The results of each field inspection shall be issued in Form SR 6 in the Sixth Schedule.
- (6)
- Upon completion of a field inspection, any seed crop that meets the prescribed standards shall be accorded its appropriate class.
- (7)
- Upon completion of the final field inspection, a final inspection report shall be filed in Form SR 6A in the Sixth Schedule.
- (8)
- Where a registered grower or his agent disagrees with the results of any field inspection, he may appeal within two days to the Director, for re-inspection.
- (9)
- A re-inspection shall be carried out by a team comprising—
- (i)
- one senior seed inspector;
- (ii)
- one breeder;
- (iv)
- a representative of the seed merchants; and where upon a re-inspection a field is approved, the aggrieved grower shall not pay re-inspection fee.
- (10)
- In hybrid seed production, no appeal shall be lodged on grounds of selfing save on technical grounds only.
- (11)
- Upon harvesting, the seed inspector shall supervise transportation by issuing a transport order in Form SR 7 in the Sixth Schedule after the seed containers have been clearly marked with indelible ink.
Seed Processing
12.—(1) Only registered seed merchants shall process seed.
- (2)
- Registered merchants shall be allowed to have for processing only seed from fields that have been approved, or seed permitted to be imported into Kenya in bulk.
- (3)
- Every seed merchant shall notify the Director before processing any seed lots; and upon such notification, the Director, or his agent shall issue a work order to the merchant in Form SR 8 in the Sixth Schedule.
- (4)
- The Director or his agents may enter and inspect the premises of any merchant processing seed.
- (5)
- During processing, the seed inspectors shall perform machine inspection and lot examination, and order reprocessing where processing is ineffective. (6) Processed seed shall be properly marked and stored separately in identifiable lots.
- (7)
- The merchant shall pay the appropriate lot examination fees as prescribed in the Fifth Schedule.
Seed Sampling
13.—(1) All seed delivered in lorries to seed driers shall be sampled.
- (2)
- All processed lots shall be sampled and the sample shall be provided free of charge for purposes of laboratory seed testing and post control planting and examination. (3) All the samples shall bear a unique seed lot reference number.
- (4)
- Lots shall be created at the time of sampling and shall not exceed the maximum weights prescribed in these Regulations.
- (5)
- Where automatic samplers have not been installed, the seed merchant shall arrange the packages in such a way as to enable the seed inspector to reach all packages and draw samples.
- (6)
- The sampling of seed lots shall be conducted in accordance with the current International Seed Testing Association procedure.
- (7)
- Crops from different fields of the same origin, species and cultivar which have passed field inspection may be blended and bulked to constitute one seed lot. (8) The seed merchant shall provide reliable scales for ascertaining the weight of a seed lot.
- (9)
- The seed merchant shall pay the appropriate fees for seed sampling prescribed in the Fifth Schedule.
Seed Testing
14.—(1) Seed testing for the purposes of certification shall be conducted by an official seed tester and seed analyst in accordance with section 12 of the Act.
- (2)
- The samples to be tested in the seed laboratory shall be official samples drawn by a seed inspector and submitted to an official seed tester together with Form SR 9 in Sixth Schedule, or private samples submitted by farmers or private individuals to the seed testing laboratory. (3) The official seed tester shall—
- (a)
- test seeds in accordance with the international Seed Testing Association procedure for seed testing upon payment of the appropriate fee prescribed in the Fifth Schedule by the merchant or private individual submitting the seed for testing;
- (b)
- record the results of the seed test on a certificate in SR 10A in Sixth Schedule in the case of official samples or Form SR 10B in the Schedule in the case of private samples;
- (c)
- state whether the tested seeds have met the minimum standards of germination capacity, purity and health as set out in the Fourth Schedule and whether they are marketable;
- (d)
- furnish the results of the seed testing to the seed merchant in a test certificate or to the private individual as a test report; (e) furnish a special report where the lot has been tested for unique seed health; and
- (f)
- store the sample under optimal storage conditions for at least twelve months from the date the test results certificate is issued.
Packing, Labelling and Sealing
15.—(1) Seed lots shall not be labelled or sealed before the official seed tester has released a test result certificate, save in cases of early movement of seed.
- (2)
- In case of early movement of seed, the seed merchant shall—
- (a)
- prove that the seed lots passed all other tests;
- (b)
- provide the purchaser with a written statement indicating that the seed lots is being marketed prior to the release of official seed testing results;
- (c)
- upon receipt of an order to stop sale in Form SR 11 in the Sixth Schedule, withdraw all seed lots that have not reached the prescribed minimum standards of germination capacity.
- (3)
- Certified seed lots which have met the prescribed minimum standards shall be packed in bags or containers, securely closed, sealed by a seed inspector and labelled with a certification label whose serial number shall be entered into the work order used in processing the seed.
- (4)
- The certificate label referred to in paragraph (3) shall specify the—
- (a)
- seed class;
- (b)
- species and cultivar of seed;
- (c)
- lot number;
- (d)
- date of sealing;
- (e)
- weight of the packet, bag or container;
- (f)
- warning text in cases where the seed is dressed; and
- (g)
- the approximate date of expiry or period of validity of declaration.
- (5)
- The seed merchant shall pay the appropriate fee for labelling and sealing prescribed in the Fifth Schedule.
- (6)
- No person, other than the ultimate user, shall remove labels, seals or open mechanically sewn or closed packets of seed.
- (7)
- Labelling and sealing shall not be conducted for seed packets of less than ten kilogrammes in weight provided—
- (a)
- that the seed is drawn from sealed containers;
- (b)
- packets or containers are sealed or closed;
- (c)
- the phrase “Government certified” is printed on the packet or container;
- (d)
- the lot number, date of sampling, cultivar name and species name is printed on the packet or container; (e) a warning text, in cases where the seed lot is dressed in printed on the packet or container.
- (8)
- Where certified seed lots are returned for re-packing, the re-packing shall be done only with the approval of the Director and under the supervision of a seed inspector.
- (9)
- Any merchant who sells seed whose quality has been declared under these Regulations and whose weight is less than ten kilograms shall label each package of seed being offered for sale and such label shall state the species, cultivar, seed lot number, date of sampling, weight of the package and period of validity of the declaration.
- (10)
- In cases of natural disasters as provided for under regulation 10 (6), the merchant shall print the expression “Standard Seed” on all seed packets or containers.
- (11)
- Any person who contravenes the provisions of paragraphs (2), (5) and (8) of this regulation shall be guilty of an offence.
Validity Certification and Quality Declaration
16.—(1) Unless earlier revoked—
- (a)
- the validity of certification for cereals, pulses, oil crops and fibre crops shall be twelve months from the date of sampling; and
- (b)
- the validity of certification for herbage grass, legumes, root crops, vegetables and stimulant crops shall be six months from the date of sampling.
- (2)
- Unless earlier revoked, the declaration of quality for all kinds of species of seed shall be valid for twelve months from the date of sampling.
- (3)
- It shall be the responsibility of the seed merchant or agent to call inspectors for re-sampling, re-testing and re-sealing of seed lots whose validity of certification has expired.
- (4)
- Any merchant who contravenes the provisions of this regulation shall be guilty of an offence.
Seed Sale
17.—(1) No seed shall be offered for sale unless it has been certified or it has had its quality declared under regulation 16.
- (2)
- No species of seed specified in the Second Schedule shall be offered for sale unless it has been certified.
- (3)
- The merchant shall, pursuant to the provisions of regulation 16 (1), be responsible for the quality of any seed he sells or offers for sale.
Seed Sellers
18.—(1) Every seed merchant shall appoint an agent, a subagent and stockists with knowledge, ability and appropriate facilities to maintain the quality and viability of the seed offered for sale.
- (2)
- The agent, sub-agent or stockists appointed under paragraph (1) shall apply to the Director for a seed seller’s licence by completing Form SR 12 in the Sixth Schedule.
- (3)
- The Director shall, upon receipt of an application under paragraph (2), and on payment of the fee prescribed in the Fifth Schedule issue a seed seller’s licence in Form SR 13 in the Sixth Schedule.
- (4)
- There shall be attached to the licence issued under this regulation conditions relating to the maintenance of seed to be exposed for sale, and such licence shall be valid for twelve months from the date of issue:
Provided that the Director may vary the duration of validity as he may deem necessary, and shall withdraw such licence where the attached conditions are breached.
(5) No person shall sell seed unless he holds a valid licence issued under this regulation.
- (6)
- The Director or his representative may enter and inspect any premises where seed is stored for sale. (7) The Director shall maintain a register of all seed sellers licensed under this regulation.
- (8)
- A seed inspector or seed analyst shall, on annual basis, conduct sampling and re-testing of all seed stored for sale by licensed sellers and shall issue an order to stop sale in respect of seed lots whose germination capacities are below the minimum prescribed standards.
- (9)
- Where an order to stop sale under paragraph (8) is issued, the merchant shall retrieve the affected seed lots from all agents, sub-agents and stockists and shall destroy all such seed.
Post Control Plots
19.—(1) Seed lots officially sampled and tested under these Regulations shall be grown in post control plots in accordance with the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development scheme for cultivar purity standards; and such plots shall be open to examination and assessment by all parties interested in the seed industry.
(2) Upon completion of the examination and assessment of post control plots, the Director, an officer authorized by him or his agent shall write a report on the number of off-types, foreign cultivars, diseased plants and other diversions observed in the plots, and shall attempt to determine the sources of the diversions and possible remedies to eradicate such diversions in subsequent seasons.
Seed Importation and Exportation
20.—(1) No person shall import seed for sale unless—
(a) he is a registered seed merchant;
- (b)
- such seed complies with the minimum standards set out in the Fourth Schedule, and has been tested for adaptability in Kenya;
- (c)
- he has submitted a notice of intention to import such seed in Form SR 14 in the Sixth Schedule, and has, with the approval of the authorized officer, been issued with a seed import permit in Form SR 15 in the Schedule.
- (2)
- The notice under subparagraph 1(c) shall specify the quantity, the species and the cultivar of the intended import.
- (3)
- Any seed imported under this regulation shall not be sold unless its quality has been examined, tested and post controlled, and the importer has given a unique seed lot number to the consignment.
- (4)
- The marketing of imported seed shall be subject to the provisions of regulation 16 of these Regulations.
- (5)
- All imported seed shall be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate and an international orange certificate of the International Seed Testing Association, and shall meet Kenyan quarantine requirements as set out in the Plant Protection Act.
Cap. 324
- (6)
- The Director may regulate the certification of imported seed lots in accordance with the certification scheme in Kenya, or restrict the importation of any species and cultivar of seeds.
- (7)
- Where there is surplus seed, the authorized officer shall, on written application addressed to him, issue an export permit.
(8) All seed for export shall meet the minimum standards set out in the Fourth Schedule.
21.—(1) Any person aggrieved by the decision of an inspector or the Director may appeal to the Seed Regulation Committee.
(2) Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Seed Regulation Committee may appeal to the Seeds Tribunal.
Offences and Penalties
22.—(1) Any person who—
(a) with intent to defraud, gives false information to a seed inspector or a seed analyst; or
- (b)
- willfully obstructs or interferes with or fails to comply with any lawful order given by any inspector in execution of his powers or duties under these Regulations; or
- (c)
- produces or displays any certificate required to be produced or displayed under these Regulations which is false in any material particular; or
- (d)
- sells or exposes for sale any seed which does not correspond with the description in any certificate required to be produced or displayed under these Regulations; or
(e) contravenes any of the requirements of these Regulations,
shall be guilty of an offence.
(2) Any person found guilty of any offence under these Regulations shall be liable to a fine not exceeding six thousand shillings or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both.
Protection from Liability in Certain Cases
23.—(1) No legal proceedings shall lie against any officer for anything done bona fide and without negligence, in the exercise of their powers, or the performance of their functions or duties under these Regulations.
(2) For the purposes of this regulation, the term “officer” includes any employee of the Kenya Government.
(r. 3)
Cereals | |
Barley………………………………………… | Hordeum vulgare L. |
Finger millet ………………………………… | Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn. |
Maize…………………………………………. | Zae mays S. |
Oats …………………………………………. | Avena sativa L. |
Pearl millet …………………………………… | Pennisetum (L.) R.Br. |
Rice …………………………………………. | Oryza sativa L. |
Rye …………………………………………… | Secale cereale L. |
Sorghum………………………………………. | Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. |
Triticale ………………………………………. | Tricosecale Wittm. |
Wheat ………………………………………. | Triticum spp. |
Pulses | |
Beans …………………………………………. | Phaseolus vulgaris L. |
Broadbeans ……………………….…………. | Vicia faba L. |
Chick peas …………………………..………. | Cicer arietinum L. |
Cluster bean…………………………………. | Cyamopsis tetragonoloba. |
Cowpea ………………………………………. | Vigna unguiculata (L.) Waip. |
Dolichos bean…………………………………. | Dolichos lablab L. |
Pea ………………………………………….. | Pisum sativum L. |
Pigeon pea ……………………………………. | Cajanus cajan. |
Common Vetch ………………………………. | Vicia sativa L. |
Oil Crops | |
Castor bean ………………….. | Ricinus communis L. |
Ground nut …………………………………… | Arachis hypogaea L. |
Jojoba ………………………………………… | Simmondsia chinesis. |
Linseed……………………………………….. | Linum usitatissimum L. |
Oil seed rape………………………………….. | Brassica napus L. |
Safflower …………………………………….. | Carthamus tinctorius L. |
Sesame ……………………………………….. | Sesamum indicum L. |
Sunflower…………………………………….. | Helianthus annus L. |
Soya beans …………………………………… | Glycine max (L.) Merr. |
Fibre Crops | |
Cotton………………………………………… | Gossypium spp. |
Flax ……...……………………………...…… | Linum usitatissimum L. |
Kenaf ………………………………………… | Hibiscus cannabinus L. |
Root and Tuber Crops
Beet ……………………………………..... Beta vulgaris L.
Irish potatoes ……………………………… Solarnum tuberosum.
Turnip ……………………………………… Brassica rapa L.
Pyrethrum ……………………………….. Chrysanthemum spp.
Several other species ……………………… Mostly Liliaceae, Umbilliferae.
Herbage Grasses
Blue stem grass ……………………………. Andropogon spp.
Buffel grass ………………………………… Cenchrus ciliaris L.
Cock’s foot ………………………………… Dactylis glomerata.
Coloured guinea grass …………………… Panicum coloratum.
Columbus grass …………………………. Sorghum almum.
Congo signal ……………………………. Brachiaris ruziziensis.
Paspalum grass ………………………….. Paspalum gayanus.
Rhodes grass ………………………...… Chloris gayana.
Rye grass ………………………………… Lolium spp.
Setaria……………………………………. Setaria anceps.
Sudan …………………………………… Sorghum sudanense.
Love grass ………………………………. Eragrostis spp.
Lawn grass
Bermuda grass …………………………….. Cynodon dactylon.
Pasture Legumes
Butterfly pen ……………………………. Clitoria ternatea.
Centro …………………………………… Centrosema pubescens Benth.
Clover…………………………………….. Trifolium spp.
Greenleaf ……………………………….... Desmodium intorium (Miller).
Leucaena…………………………………. Leucaena lencocephala.
Lucerne ………………………………….. Medicago sativa L.
Lupin …………………………………….. Lupinus spp.
Silver leaf ………………………………... Desmodium uncinatum.
Siratro ……………………………………. Macroptilium atropurpureum.
Stylo ……………………………………. Stylosanthes guianensis.
Amaranth ……………………………… Amaranthus spp.
Artichoke ……………………………… Cynara scolymus.
Asparagus……………………………… Asparagus officinalis.
Beans …………………………………. Phaseolus vulgaris L.
Beet …………………………………… Beta vulgaris L.
Broccoli/Cauliflower…………………… Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.
Brussels sprouts ……………………… Brassica oleracea var. gemnifera.
Cabbage ……………………………… Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.
Canteloupe/Muskmelon……………….. Cucumis melo L.
Carrot ………………………………….. Daucus carota L.
Celery/Celeriac………………………… Apium graveolens L.
Chicory ………………………………. Cichorium intybus L.
Chinese cabbage ……………………... Brassica chinensis L.
Chirvil ………………………………... Anthricus cerefolium.
Collards/Kale ………………………… Brassica oleracea var.
ancephala DC
Corriander ……………………………... Coriandrum sativum.
Cucumber ……………………………… Cucumis sativus L.
Dill …………………………………….. Arethum graveolens L.
Egglants ……………………………….. Solanum melongena L.
Endive …………………………………. Cichorium endivia L.
Garden cress …………………………… Lespidium sativa L.
Karella ………………………………… Cucumis spp.
Kohl rabi ………………………………. Brassica oleracea var.
gongylodes Leek …………………………………… Allium porrum L. Lettuce ………………………………… Lactuca sativa. Okra …………………………………… Hibiscus esculentus L. Onion ………………………………….. Allium cepa L. Parsley…………………………………. Petroselinum crispum (Mill)
Nym. Parsnip ………………………………… Pastinaca sativa L. Pea …………………………………….. Pisum sativum L. Sensulato. Pepper …………………………………. Capsicum spp.
Pumpkin/Squash/ Courgette ………………………………. Cucurbita pepo L. Radish …………………………………. Raphanus sativus L. Rhubarb ……………………………….. Rheum rhaponticum L. Rutabaga ………………………………. Brassica napus var.
napobrassica L. Spinach ………………………………... Spinacea oleracea L. Swiss chard ……………………………. Beta vulgaris. Tomato ………………………………… Lycopersicon esculentum P. Mill. Turnip …………………………………. Brassica rapa L. Water cress …………………………….. Nasturtium officinale Ribr. Water melon …………………………… Citrullus spp.
(r. 10)
Cereals Grasses
Maize Setaria Wheat Rhodes grass Barley Sudan grass Sorghum Congo signal Millet Panicum spp. Oats Columbus grass Triticale
Pulses Pasture legumes
Beans (dry) Centro Beabs (Green podded) Stylo Peas Desmodium Cow peas Clover Pigeon peas Lucerne Siratro Lupins
Oil Crops Root crops
Sunflower Irish potatoes Oil-seed rape Linseed Soyabeans Sesame
(r. 9 (2))
Code | Classes | Seed Parents | Colour of Labels |
Br. | Breeder | Progeny of parental stock | White |
Pb. | Pre-basic | Progeny of parental stock or certified breeders seed | White |
B. | Basic | Progeny certified breeders seed or certified pre-basic seed | White |
C.1 | Cer. 1st gen. | Progeny of certified pre-basic seed or certified basic seed | Blue |
C.2 | Cert. 2nd gen. | Progeny of certified basic seed or certified 1st generation | Pink |
C.3 | Cer. 3rd gen. | Progeny of certified 1st generation or certified 2nd generation | Pink |
C.4 | Cer. 4th gen. | Progeny of certified 2nd generation or certified 3rd generation | Pink |
Std. Seed | Standard Seed | Only used when a serious shortage of seed (for certification) of essential crops occurs | Grey |
Note: (i) Potatoes-stock seed (SS), Pre-basic, basic, CI, CII, CIII.
(ii) Hybrid Maize-Breeders seed, Pre-basic, basic cert. I. (All cases of hybrids).
[Subsidiary] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FOURTH SCHEDULE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(r. 11 (4)) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FIELD AND LABORATORY STANDARDS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A. FIELD STANDARDS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Species | Isolational, Meters (Minimum) | 0ff-types of other Cultivars | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cereals | BR | PB | B | CL | C2-C4 | BR | BR | BI | CI | C2-C | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Maximum Number per | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
100 Plants (Heads) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
*Maize | 400 | 400 | 400 | 200 | 200 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
*Soghum | 400 | 400 | 400 | 200 | 200 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Maximum Number per | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
100 Square Metres | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wheat | 10 | 10 | 10 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Barley | 10 | 10 | 10 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Triticale | 50 | 50 | 50 | 20 | 20 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Oats | 10 | 10 | 10 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Finger Millet | 10 | 10 | 10 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pulses | Maximum Number per | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
100 Plants | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Beans | 50 | 50 | 50 | 25 | 25 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
*Broad Beans | 200 | 200 | 200 | 100 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Soya Beans | 10 | 10 | 10 | 4 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cowpeas | 50 | 50 | 50 | 25 | 25 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pea | 50 | 50 | 50 | 25 | 25 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Oil Crops | Maximum Number per | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
100 Plants | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
†Sunflower | 4,000 | 4,000 | 4,000 | 1,000 | 1,000 | 2m. | 2m. | 2m. | 5m. | 5m. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5f. | 5f. | 5f. | 10f. | 10f. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Safflower | 400 | 400 | 400 | 200 | 200 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rapeseed | 400 | 400 | 400 | 200 | 200 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Herbage Grasses | Maximum Number per | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
100 Square Meters | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
*Rhodes grass | 200 | 200 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 10 | 12 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
*Setaria grass | 200 | 200 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 10 | 12 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Congo Signal | 50 | 50 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 10 | 12 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Guinea grass | 50 | 50 | 50 | 25 | 25 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 10 | 12 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
*Sudan grass | 400 | 400 | 400 | 200 | 200 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Columbus grass | 400 | 400 | 400 | 200 | 200 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pasture Legumes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stylo | 200 | 200 | 200 | 100 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Desmodium | 200 | 200 | 200 | 100 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Siratro | 200 | 200 | 200 | 100 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Clover | 800 | 800 | 800 | 400 | 400 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lucerne | 800 | 800 | 400 | 400 | 400 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Vegetables | Maximum Number per | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
100 Plants | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tomato | 100 | 100 | 100 | 50 | 50 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lettuce | 100 | 100 | 100 | 50 | 50 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Root Crops | Maximum Number per | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
100 Plants | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Potato | 100 | 100 | 100 | 50 | 50 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 |
*Open pollinated.
†Off-types in male parents m. Off-types in female parents f.
- The seed inspector may reject a crop should it be excessively weedy or severely lodged
- Inspection shall be done for the following diseases.
Crop Disease Tolerance
- (a)
- Maize Headsmut (Sphaceiotheca reiliana (Kuhn) 2 plants per hectare Clint) † Loose smut (Ustilago maydis (DC) Corda 2 plants per hectare
- (b)
- Wheat Oat Bunt (Tilletia Foetida (Waiir. Liro) 1 head per 100 sq. m Barley Loose smut (Ustilago spp.) 1 head per 100 sq. m. Triticale † Covered smut (Ustilago hordei (pers.) 1 head per 100 sq. m. Lagerh)
- (c)
- Sorghum Bunt 1 plant per 1,000 plants Mildew 1 plant per 1,000 plants
- (d)
- Beans Halo blight (Pseudomonas phaseolicola) None during final inspection ‡ Anthracnose (collectotricum lindemuthianum) None during final inspection Bean common mosaic virus None during final inspection Common blight (Xanthomonas phaseoli) None during final inspection
- (e)
- Peas & Leaf spots (Ascochyta spp) None during final inspection Cowpeas Pod spots (Mycosphaerella pinodes) None during final inspection Bacterial blight (Xanthomonas vignicola) None during final inspection
- (f)
- Soyabean Bacterial blight (Pseudomonas spp) None during final inspection
‡ Bacterial pustule (Xanthomonas phaseoli) None during final inspection
(g) | Sunflower |
§ | |
(h) | Potatoes |
Sclerotinia wilt and Head rot (Sclerotinia
Verticillium Wilt (Verticillium dahliae)
Botrytis head rot or grey mould (Botrytis
Downey mildew (Plasmopara halstedii)
Alternaria helianthi
Bacterial wilt or Brown rot (Pseudomonas
Wart disease (Synchytrium endobioticum)
Golden nematode (Heterodera rostochionsis)
Ring rot (Corynebacterium sepeclonicum)
Potato spindle viroid
5 plants per 1,000 plants 5 plants per 1,000 plants
5 plants per 1,000 plants 5 plants per 1,000 plants 5 plants per 1,000 plants
Nil during any inspection Nil during any inspection
Nil during any inspection Nil during any inspection
Nil during any inspection Plants per thousand
[Subsidiary] | |||||
FOURTH SCHEDULE—(Contd.) | |||||
SS | PB | B | CI | C2 | |
Black leg (Erwinia spp) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | — |
Severe virus disease (leafroll, Y-group virus, severe mosaic) | 2 | 4 | 5 | 10 | 1 |
Mild mosaic visible in the field 0 5 10 13 15
Fusarium wilt, Verticillium wilt 0 1 2 — 3
Nematodes (Meloidogyne spp. and Ditylechus) 0 0 2 — 3
3. Inspection shall be done for the following weeds:
Crop Weed Tolerance
Wheat Wild Oats (Avena fatua) Nil
Barley Avena sterilis (Avena ludoviciana) Nil
Oats Thorn apple (Datura stramonium) Nil
For tolerance of other weeds see 1 of this table. KEY:
† No roguing
‡ Roguing is notifiable
§ No roguing on disease
4. Hybrid Seed Production
(1) Maize:
Detasselling of female plants shall be inspected at least 3 times during tasselling period.
- (i)
- If 1% or more of the female plants posses receptive silks and more than 1 per 100 of them are shedding pollen at any one inspection, visit or more than 2 per 100 cumulatively during 3 days of inspection (3 inspection visits) then the crop shall be rejected. (ii) The neighbouring seed crop adjacent to a rejected seed shall also be rejected if:
- (a)
- The female plants shedding pollen in the rejected field exceeds either 2 per 100 on any one inspection or 4 per 100 on a combination of 3 visits.
- (b)
- The failed crop shall have more than 2 per 1,000 off-type plants in its pollen parent.
- (c)
- The rejected neighbouring crop has more than 4 smutted plants per hectare.
(iii) The neighbouring seed crop adjacent to a rejected crop shall not be rejected if isolation is in accordance with these regulations.
- (iv)
- All seed fields shall have eight guard rows round the seed field.
- (2)
- Sunflower:
When 2% (basic and above) and 5% (certified) of the female plants have pollen receptive flowers, there should not be more than the number of off-type plant stated in the schedule and also not more than 5 plants per 1,000 female pollen shedders (basic and above) or 10 plants per 1,000 female pollen shedders (certified).
(r. 12(5))
Crop Screens* Screenings Grades (bottom sleve) (mm) Allowed
Hybrid maize 7.8 5 LF, LR, MR, MF, HP Open pollinated maize 6.75 5 LF, LR, MF, MR, HP Wheat 2.2 5 — Barley 2.3 5 —
Oats 2.05 — Triticale 2.0 5 — Potatoes 28.0-45.0 — (5 tubers per 50 bag)
46.0-60.0 — Allowed
* The requirement can be varied depending on variety and general crop performance as may be agreed upon by the Seed Regulation Committee.
l. Maize
A seed lot shall not be allowed to contain more than 2.5 % of cracked, diseased and shrivelled seeds.
2. Wheat, Barley, Oats and Triticale
- (a)
- Maximum of 1 seed per litre will be allowed in basic seed lots and 2 seeds per litre for certified seed lots.
- (b)
- Weed Seeds.—A maximum of 2 seeds per litre will be allowed in basic seed lots and 4 seeds per litre for certified lots. No seed of wild oats, thorn apple or other noxious weeds shall be allowed. (c) Damaged Seeds.—
- (i)
- In basic seed lots a maximum of 10% of naked seeds and 10% of cracked seeds in barley and oats shall be allowed, while for certified seed the maximum will be 5%.
- (ii)
- In basic seed lots a maximum of 10% of all discoloured seeds, e.g. blue pointed seeds (germ end) and 10% of insect damaged seeds allowed, while for certified seed the maximum will be 5%.
- (d)
- Sprouted Seeds.—In basic seed lots a maximum of 10% short sprouts and 5% long sprouts will be allowed while a maximum of 5% short sprouts and 2% long sprouts will be allowed in certified seed lots.
- (e)
- The combination of the factors mentioned in (c) and (d) above shall no exceed 10% for basic seed and 5% for certified seed.
3. Sunflower
- (i)
- Mixtures with other varieties—Maximum of 2 seed per litre allowed.
- (ii)
- Seeds with cracked seed coat—maximum of 5% allowed.
(iii) Noxious weed seed, e.g. Datura—None will be allowed.
4. Beans, Peas and Cowpeas
- (a)
- Mixture with other Crop Seeds.—None allowed in basic seed while a maximum of 1 seed per 1,000 of clearly distinguishable other bean seeds will be allowed for certified seed but seed of other species will not be allowed.
- (b)
- Weed Seeds:—Free from all weed seeds.
- (c)
- Other Factors.
- (i)
- Spotted beans and heat damaged beans—Maximum 0.5% allowed.
- (ii)
- Rejects (insect-damaged beans, off-coloured seeds, beans with cracked skin, broken beans, too small seeds, etc.—Maximum 3 allowed.
5. Rape
Weed Seeds.—A maximum of one seed per litre of wild radish (Raahanu raphanistrum) shall be allowed. No seed of darnel (Lolium temulentum) thorn apple, or wild oats shall be allowed in a seed lot.
6. Sorghum
- (a)
- Mixtures with other Crop Seeds.—A maximum of 1 seed per litre will be allowed in basic seed lots and 2 seeds per litre on certified seed lots.
- (b)
- Weed Seeds.—A maximum of 2 seeds per litre will be allowed in basic seed lots and 4 seeds per litre for certified seed. No seed of wild oat or thorn apple, striga and orobanche shall be allowed.
7. Potatoes
The following diseases/abnormalities will be permitted upto the stated tolerances:
Disease Abnormality Basic Certified
Scab (Streptomyces spp., Spongospora subterrania) 25% 50%
No more than 50% tuber covered) .. .. .. .. Rhizoctonia (Rhizoctonia solani) .. .. .. .. 10% 30% Pink rot (Phytophthora erythroseptica) Soft rot (Erwinia spp) 0% 1% Severe tuber moth .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2% 5%
Mis-shapen and damaged tubers .. .. .. .. 0% 5%
1. Quality requirements with respect to analysis figures concerning purity, germination capacity, other crop seed, weed seed and moisture content.
Species | Minimum Parity % by weight | Maximum other Crops seed % by number | Maximum Weed seeds % by weight | Minumum Germination Capacity % | Maximum Moisture Content % | |
CEREALS | ||||||
Maize .. .. | .. | 99 | trace | trace | 90 | 13 |
Wheat .. .. | .. | 99 | trace | 0.1 | 85 | 13 |
Barley .. .. | .. | 99 | trace | 0.1 | 90 | 13 |
Sorghum .. | .. | 95 | 1 | 1 | 70 | 11 |
Millet .. .. | .. | 95 | 1 | 1 | 70 | 11 |
Oats .. .. | .. | 99 | trace | 0.1 | 85 | 13 |
Triticale .. .. | .. | 99 | 1 | 0.1 | 80 | 13 |
Rye .. .. | .. | 99 | trace | 0.1 | 85 | 13 |
Rice .. .. PULSES | .. | 99 | 1 | 1 | 70 | 11 |
Beans .. .. | .. | 99 | trace | 0.1 | 80 | 15 |
Broadbeans .. | .. | 99 | trace | 0.1 | 80 | 15 |
Chickpeas .. | .. | 99 | 0.1 | 0.5 | 75 | 15 |
Cluster beans .. | .. | 98 | 0.1 | 0.5 | 75 | 15 |
Cowpea .. .. | .. | 98 | 0.1 | 0.3 | 80 | 12 |
Dolichos bean .. | .. | 99 | trace | 0.1 | 80 | 15 |
Pea (garden) .. | .. | 98 | 0.1 | 0.3 | 80 | 12 |
Pigeon peas .. | .. | 98 | 0.1 | 0.3 | 80 | 12 |
Common vetch .. | .. | 93 | trace | 0.1 | 70 | 14 |
French beans .. | .. | 99 | trace | 0.1 | 80 | 15 |
Sugar peas .. OIL CROPS | .. | 98 | 0.1 | 0.3 | 75 | 12 |
Sunflower .. | .. | 99 | trace | trace | 85 | 10.0 |
Oil seed rape .. | .. | 99 | trace | 0.1 | 85 | 10.0 |
Safflower .. | .. | 99 | trace | trace | 85 | 10.0 |
Soya beans .. | .. | 98 | trace | 0.1 | 75 | 14.0 |
Groundnuts .. | .. | 97 | trace | trace | 80 | 14.0 |
Castor beans .. FIBRE CROPS | .. | 98 | trace | 0.1 | 75 | 14.0 |
Cotton .. .. | .. | 98 | — | — | 75 | 10.0 |
Flax .. .. | .. | 98 | — | — | 80 | 10.0 |
Kenaf .. .. ROOT AND TUBER CROPS | .. | 98 | — | — | 75 | 10.0 |
Beet .. .. | .. | 97 | 0.3 | 0.1 | 75 | 11.0 |
Irish-Potato .. | .. | 99 | — | — | — | — |
Turnip .. .. | .. | 98 | 0.5 | 0.3 | 75 | 10.0 |
Species | Minimum Purity % by weight | Maximum other Crops seed % by number | Maximun Weed seeds % by weight | Minimum Germination Capacity % | Maximum Moisture Content % |
FLOWERS | |||||
Pyrethrum .. .. | 30 | — | — | 40 | — |
Other species .. | |||||
Amaranth .. .. | 98 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 75 | 9.0 |
Artichoke .. .. | 98 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 75 | 9.0 |
Asparagus .. .. | 96 | 0.5 | 0.5 | 70 | 9.0 |
Brocolli .. .. | 97 | 1.0 | 0.3 | 75 | 10.0 |
Brussels sprout.. .. | 97 | 1.0 | 0.3 | 75 | 10.0 |
Cabbage .. .. | 97 | 1.0 | 0.3 | 75 | 10.0 |
Canteloupe/melon .. | 98 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 75 | 9.0 |
Carrot .. .. | 95 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 65 | 9.0 |
Cauliflower .. .. | 97 | 1.0 | 0.3 | 70 | 10.0 |
Celeric/Celery.. .. | 97 | 1.0 | 0.5 | 70 | 10.0 |
Chicory .. | 95 | 1.5 | 0.5 | 65 | 10.0 |
Chinese cabbage .. | 97 | 1.0 | 0.3 | 75 | 10.0 |
Collard/kale.. .. | 97 | 1.0 | 0.3 | 75 | 10.0 |
Cucumber .. .. | 98 | 0.1 | 0.3 | 80 | 9.0 |
Dill .. .. | 98 | 0.3 | 0.3 | 65 | 10.0 |
Eggplant .. .. | 96 | 0.5 | 0.3 | 65 | 10.0 |
Endive .. .. | 95 | 1.0 | 0.5 | 65 | 11.0 |
Garden cress .. | 98 | 0.1 | 0.5 | 80 | 9.0 |
Gourdss (Several spicie) .. | 97 | 0.1 | 0-5 | 60 | 9.0 |
Kohl rabi .. .. | 97 | 1.0 | 0.3 | 75 | 10.0 |
Leek .. .. | 97 | 0.5 | 0.5 | 65 | 11.0 |
Lettuce .. .. | 95 | 0.5 | 0.5 | 75 | 8.0 |
Okra .. .. | 98 | 0.1 | 0.5 | 75 | 11.0 |
Onion .. .. | 97 | 0.5 | 0.5 | 70 | 11.0 |
Parsley .. .. | 97 | 1.0 | 0.5 | 65 | 10.0 |
Parsnip .. .. | 98 | 0.1 | 0.5 | 60 | 10.0 |
Pepper .. .. | 97 | 0.5 | 0.5 | 65 | 9.0 |
Pumpkin/squash/ | 98 | 0.1 | 0.3 | 75 | 9.0 |
cougette .. .. | |||||
Radish .. .. | 97 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 60 | 8.0 |
Rhubarb .. .. | 95 | 1.0 | 0.3 | 60 | 6.0 |
Rutabaga .. .. | 98 | 0.5 | 0.3 | 75 | 10.0 |
Spinarch/swiss chard | 97 | 0.5 | 1.0 | 70 | 11.0 |
Tomato .. .. | 97 | 0.5 | 0.3 | 75 | 9.0 |
Turnip .. .. | 98 | 0.5 | 0,3 | 75 | 10.0 |
Water melon .. | 98 | 0.1 | 0.3 | 75 | 9.0 |
Other Vegetable seeds | 95 | 1.0 | 0.5 | 50 | 9.0 |
Grasses | Purity | Germination | PGS % |
Blue stem grass Buffel grass Cock’s foot Paspalum Rye grass Setaria Rhodes grass Sudan grass Congo signal Coloured guinea Columbus grass Love grass LAWN GRASS Bermuda grass PASTURE LEGUMES | 40 same for all grasses | 50 | 20 |
Centro | 98 | 55 | |
Style | 97 | 65 | |
Desmodium | 95 | 70 | |
Clover | 98 | 75 | |
Lucerne | 98 | 75 | |
Siratro | 98 | 80 | |
Glycine | 97 | 70 |
(r. 11(1))
Crop under Certification | Inspection Per Hectare | Minimum Per Field | Re-Inspection on Appeal or at Owner’s Request Per Hectare Min. per Field |
Inbred maize | 140.00 | 1,265.00 | 165.00 575.00 |
Hybrid maize | 140.00 | 1,265.00 | 65.00 575.00 |
Open pollinated maize | 65.00 | 300.00 | 165.00 575.00 |
Wheat (certified) | 65.00 | 300.00 | 165.00 575.00 |
Wheat (standard) | 65.00 | 300.00 | 165.00 575.00 |
Barley (certified) | 65.00 | 300.00 | 165.00 575.00 |
Barley (standard) | 65.00 | 300.00 | 165.00 575.00 |
Oats | 65.00 | 300.00 | 165.00 575.00 |
Grasses (certified) | 65.00 | 300.00 | 165.00 575.00 |
Grasses (standard) | 65.00 | 300.00 | 165.00 575.00 |
Sorghum (certified) | 65.00 | 300.00 | 165.00 575.00 |
Sorghum (standard) | 65.00 | 300.00 | 165.00 575.00 |
Potatoes (certified) | 100.00 | 450.00 | 165.00 575.00 |
Potatoes (standard) | 100.00 | 300.00 | 165.00 575.00 |
Hybrid sunflower | 100.00 | 300.00 | 165.00 575.00 |
Open pollinated | 65.00 | 300.00 | 165.00 575.00 |
sunflower | |||
Safflower | 65.00 | 300.00 | 165.00 575.00 |
Beans (standard) | 65.00 | 300.00 | 165.00 575.00 |
Peas | 65.00 | 300.00 | 165.00 575.00 |
Rape seed | 65.00 | 300.00 | 165.00 575.00 |
Vegetables (certified) | 195.00 | 300.00 | 205.00 575.00 |
Vegetables (standard) | 195.00 | 300.00 | 205.00 575.00 |
Sudan and columbus | 100.00 | 300.00 | 115.00 575.00 |
grass |
Crop Under Certification | Sampling and Lot Examination | Labelling and Sealing per 100 100 kg. | Re-Sampling Seed Lots | Re-Sealing per 100 kg. | |
Min. per Lot | per 100 kg. | ||||
Inbred maize | 7.00 | 7.00 | 230.00 | 3.50 | 3.50 |
Hybrid maize | 7.00 | 7.00 | 230.00 | 3.50 | 3.50 |
Open pollinated maize | 7.00 | 7.00 | 230.00 | 3.50 | 3.50 |
Wheat (certified) | 7.00 | 7.00 | 230.00 | 3.50 | 3.50 |
Wheat (standard) | 17.00 | 17.00 | 230.00 | 3.50 | 3.50 |
Barley (certified) | 7.00 | 7.00 | 230.00 | 3.50 | 3.50 |
Barley (standard) | 17.00 | 17.00 | 230.00 | 3.50 | 3.50 |
Oats | 7.00 | 7.00 | 230.00 | 3.50 | 3.50 |
Grasses (certified) | 35.00 | 35.00 | 230.00 | 3.50 | 3.50 |
Grasses (standard) | 35.00 | 35.00 | 230.00 | 3.50 | 3.50 |
Sorghum (certified) | 7.00 | 7.00 | 230.00 | 3.50 | 3.50 |
Sorghum (standard) | 17.00 | 17.00 | 230.00 | 3.50 | 3.50 |
Potatoes (certified) | 7.00 | 7.00 | 230.00 | 3.50 | 3.50 |
Potatoes (standard) | 17.00 | 17.00 | 230.00 | 3.50 | 3.50 |
Hybrid Sunflower | 7.00 | 7.00 | 230.00 | 3.50 | 3.50 |
Open pollinated sunflower | 7.00 | 7.00 | 230.00 | 3.50 | 3.50 |
Saflower | 7.00 | 7.00 | 230.00 | 3.50 | 3.50 |
Beans (certified) | 7.00 | 7.00 | 230.00 | 3.50 | 3.50 |
Beans (standard) | 17.00 | 17.00 | 230.00 | 3.50 | 3.50 |
Peas | 17.00 | 17.00 | 230.00 | 3.50 | 3.50 |
Vegetables (certified) | 46.00 | 46.00 | 230.00 | 3.50 | 3.59 |
Vegetables (standard) | 46.00 | 46.00 | 230.00 | 3.50 | 3.50 |
- (r.
- 20 (3))
- (r.
- 14 (3) (e))
Crops Under Certification | Minimum fees (500 (kg.) | Fee per (100 Kg.) | fee per (1,000 kg.) | |
Inbred Maize .. .. .. .. .. | .. | 140.00 | 30.00 | 170.00 |
Hybrid Maize .. .. .. .. .. | .. | |||
Open Pollinated Maize .. .. .. | .. | |||
Wheat (Certified) .. .. .. .. | .. | |||
Wheat (Standard) .. .. .. .. | .. | |||
Barley (Certified) .. .. .. .. | .. | |||
Barley (Standard) .. .. .. .. | .. | |||
Triticale (Certified) .. .. .. .. | .. | |||
Triticale (Standard) .. .. .. .. | .. | |||
Oats .. .. .. .. .. | .. | |||
*Grasses (Certified) .. .. .. | .. | 140.00 | 30.00 | |
*Grasses (Standard) .. .. .. .. | .. | 140.00 | 30.00 | |
Sorghum (Certified) .. .. .. .. | .. | 170.00 | ||
Potatoes (Certified) .. .. .. .. | .. | 170.00 | ||
Potatoes (Standard) .. .. .. .. | .. | |||
*Hybrid Sunflower .. .. .. .. | .. | 17.00 | 170.00 | |
*Open Pollination Sunflower .. .. | .. | 30.00 | 170.00 | |
*Rape Seed .. .. .. .. .. | .. | 140.00 | 30.00 | |
*Sanfflower .. .. .. .. .. | .. | 140.00 | 30.00 | |
*Beans (Certified) .. .. .. .. | .. | 170.00 | ||
*Beans (Standard) .. .. .. .. | .. | 170.00 | ||
*Peas .. .. .. .. .. | .. | 170.00 | ||
*Vegetables (Certified) .. .. .. | .. | 140.00 | 30.00 | |
*Vegetables (Standard) .. .. .. | .. | 140.00 | 30.00 | |
*Rye Grass .. .. .. .. .. | .. | 140.00 | 30.00 |
Foot note.—Regularly Imposed crops are marked*
Crops Under Certification | Purity, Germination Moisture Content and Seed Health | Resampling and Re-Testing |
Inbred Maize | 125 | 60.00 |
Hybrid Maize | 125 | 60.00 |
Open Pollinated Maize | 125 | 60.00 |
Wheat (Certified) | 125 | 60.00 |
Wheat (Standard) | 125 | 60.00 |
Barley (Certified) | 125 | 60.00 |
Barley (Standard) | 125 | 60.00 |
Oats | 125 | 60.00 |
Grasses (Certified) | 250 | 115.00 |
Grasses (Standard) | 125 | 115.00 |
Sorghum (Certified) | 125 | 90.00 |
Sorghum (Standard) | 125 | 90.00 |
Potatoes (Certified) | 125 | — |
Potatoes (Standard) | 125 | — |
Hybrid Sunflower | 125 | 60.00 |
Open Pollinated Sunflower | 125 | 60.00 |
Safflower | 125 | 60.00 |
Beans (Certified) | 125 | 70.00 |
Beans (Standard) | 125 | 70.00 |
Peas | 125 | 70.00 |
Rape Seed | 125 | 70.00 |
Vegetables (Certified) | 125 | 70.00 |
Vegetables (Standard) | 125 | 70.00 |
Rye Grass | 125 | 115.00 |
Flowers | 125 | 90.00 |
- (r.
- 8 (1))
- (r.
- 9 (2))
Application fees | Annual fees | |
1. Seed Merchant | 57,500.00 | 10,000.00 |
2. Seed Grower | 200.00 | 100.00 |
3. Seed Sellers | ||
(a) Agent | 120,000.00 | 30,000.00 |
(b) Sub-Agent | 5,000.00 | 3,000.00 |
(c) Stockist | 150.00 | 50.00 |
NOTE.—All payments must be made in crossed cheque in the name of the Director N.S.Q.C.S.
(r. 7 (1))
To: The Director, N.S.Q.C.S. P.O.
Box 1679
NAKURU I, ………………………………………………………………………………………….. (full name) being the owner/lessee of ………………………….. hectares of L.R. No. ………………. .situated in the ……………………………………………………………………………………….. Division of …………………………..……………….. District do hereby apply to be registered as a Seed Grower for ……………………………….……... crop. I have/have not been a seed grower in the past and I have adequate storage facilities to handle the resultant seed.
*The field where I intend to grow the seed crop was previously under
*Do you have adequate isolation? Yes/No
*Do you have enough labour to detassel, rogue, grade, etc.? Yes/No
*If you are a contracted grower, have you been made aware that only seed that has met the minimum standards shall be accepted by the merchant? Yes/No
*If this application is successful you will be required to furnish the details of the crop Form SR 5.
I enclose a non-refundable fee of two hundred shillings (KSh. 200) in a form of cheque in payment of this registration.
*Delete the inapplicable.
Date ………………………….. Signature ……………………………….
FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Application Received ………………………………….
Decision: Approved/Rejected Reg. No. ………………
Note.—Secretary seed growers allocation panel shall notify both the unsuccessful and successful
(r. 8 (2))
Registration No. …………………………………….
To …………………………………………………………………………………. (Name)
of ………………………………………………………………………………… (Address)
You are hereby registered as a Seed Grower to grow ………………………. hectares
of …………………………… (species) on your farm at ………………………………
………………………………………………………………………………………….. This registration is valid from …………………., 19.……. to ………….., 19 ……….. Signature …………………………… Date …………………………..
Director, N.S.Q.C.S.
(r. 9 (2))
The Secretary,
Seed Regulation Committee,
P.O. Box 1679,
NAKURU. I/We hereby apply to be registered as a Seed Merchant under the Name ………………………………………………………………………………………. Postal Address …………………………………………………………………………….. Telephone number …..…………………………………………………………………….. Location of the premises …………………………………………………………………… I/We wish to deal in:
- (i)
- Production
- (ii)
- Processing
(iii) Marketing
(Please tick)
- (1)
- Merchant Do you have adequate and knowledgeable personnel who are conversant with seed matters? .. .. .. .. Yes/No.
- (2)
- Production (i) Do you have adequate land and equipment to handle basic seed? .. .. .. .. Yes/No. (ii) Do you have contractual agreement with growers you have recruited? .. .. .. .. Yes/No. (iii) Do you have adequate field officer to supervise and advise growers on all operations of seed production? Yes/No.
- (3)
- Processing (i) Do you have adequate equipment and machinery to process seed? .. .. .. .. Yes/No. (ii) Do you have adequate storage space? .. .. Yes/No. (iii) Do you have a capacity to print and label packets/containers as required by the regulations? .. .. .. Yes/No.
- (4)
- Marketing (i) Do you have adequate distributive channels that covers all agriculturally important regions of the country? Yes/No.
(ii) Do you have an agent, sub-agent and stockist? .. Yes/No.
(iii) Does your agent, sub-agent and stockist have an agreement with you for distributing seed on your behalf? .. Yes/No.
- (iv)
- Do they have a card that makes them identifiable as your agent, sub-agent or stockist? .. .. Yes/No.
- (v)
- Do they have adequate understanding and knowledge of seed? .. .. .. .. Yes/No.
- (vi)
- Do they have adequate storage facilities? .. Yes/No.
(vii) Do they understand that seed is living and should not be mixed with dangerous chemicals, kept in moist floors, too high humidity and excessive temperatures? .. Yes/No.
(viii) Do they make sales returns to you? .. .. Yes/No.
(ix) Do they know that packets/containers should not be opened, i.e. sell seed in the whole units as packed by you? Yes/No.
The seed will be kept in a store where adequate provisions are available to separate the various seed lots and where no other articles will be kept which could have an adverse effect on the quality of the seeds.
At anytime during official working hours, even without previous appointment, I/we will allow the inspector(s) of the entry of the seed store(s) and thereby provide them/him/her with the facilities necessary to carry out the inspection work as laid down in Seed Regulations. In addition, I/we will send a stock list of all seed lots in our stores on 15th May and 15th November or at such a date as can be mutually agreed upon between the Director, N.S.Q.C.S. and ourselves.
I/we enclose the sum of fifty-seven thousand five hundred shillings (KSh. 57,500) only in payment for this registration in form of a cheque payable to the Director, N.S.Q.C.S.
Declarance: In signing this application, I/we also declare that I/we are conversant with and shall observe the various clauses and conditions of the Seed Regulations.
Date ……………………… Signature …………………………….
Note.—Secretary seed committee shall inform the unsuccessful applicants and shall send back their cheque to them.
(r. 9 (4))
S/No. ………………………………….
For the year 19…………………………
Company ………………………………………………………………………………………
Postal Address …………………………………………………………………………………
Tel. No. ………………………………………………………………………………………..
Location of premises …………………………………………………………………………..
For the category of (i) Agricultural crops
(ii) Horticultural crops Registration No. ……………………………………………………………………………….
Note.—If your renewal is not done for two consecutive years, you shall lose your status and apply a new.
Signature ………………………………. Date ………………………….
Director, N.S.Q.C.S.
(r. 11 (1))
To: The National Seed Quality Control Service,
P.O. Box 1679,
- Full name of grower ……………………………………………………………………….
- Postal Address ………………………………..(3) Tel. No. ………………………
- Farm on which crop is being grown …………………….. L/R. No. …………………….
- Details of crop (Every crop regardless of size must be mentioned separately. A crop is field planted within 5 days).
- Species Variety Crop Lot No. of seed Hectares used
- Seed rate per hectare …………………………………………kg.
- Registered seed merchant to whom the entire seed stock will be sold ……………… ................................................................................................…………………………….
- I enclose a cheque of the sum of shillings………………………………………………… in payment of this inspection and ……………………………………………… number of labels from packets/containers of the seed for this crop(s); as proof of origin.
- The person who will be daily in charge of his seed crop is ………………………………… .................................................................................................……………………………….
- Declaration: In signing this application, I also declare that I am conversant with and shall observe the various clauses and conditions of the Seed Regulations. In case this application is for seed maize, I also declare that I have no knowledge of maize head smut (Sphacelotheca reiliana) on this land for the previous three seasons. In case this application is for seed potatoes, I also declare that I have no knowledge of bacterial wilt (Pseudomonas solanacearum) on this farm for the previous six years.
- Indicate the situation of the different crops, stores access from the nearest public road.
- Number each crop as 1, 2, 3, etc. and complete the following:
Crop No. | Variety | Date Planted | Approximate Date of Harvest | Previous Cropping for the 3 Seasons |
1. | ||||
2. | ||||
3. | ||||
4. | ||||
5. | ||||
6. |
Date ……………………………… Signature of Applicant ………..………………
FORM SR 6 SIXTH SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (r. 11(5)
Growers Name …………………………………… and No. …………………………… Species ....................……………… Variety ………………… Crop No. ………………. Class ……………………………… hectares …………………………………………… Does the crop have proper cultivar characteristics ……………………………………..
Counts | off-types | Diseases | Other Features | Noxious | Other Crops Weeds |
1. | |||||
2. | |||||
3. | |||||
4. | |||||
5. | |||||
6. | |||||
Total | |||||
Average | |||||
Percentage | |||||
Identity |
The isolation distance/time of ……………………. days/meters is adequate/inadequate and should
be corrected.
General condition of crop, e.g. drought, crop husbandry, etc. ………………………………..
Further remarks ……………………………………………………………………………….
Estimated yield …………....................................... bags/hectares.
This crop is approved/rejected.
Signature of seed grower or representative ……………………….. Date ………………………….
Signature ……………..…..………………. Date ….……………….. Director, N.S.Q.C.S.
FORM SR 6A SIXTH SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (r. 11 (7))
Growers Name …………………………………… and No. ……………………………… Species …………………………………… Variety …………………… Crop No. ………. Class ………………………………. hectares ……………………………………………….
Factor | 1st. Inspection | 2nd Inspection | 3rd Inspection | Total No. or % |
Off-types | ||||
Diseases | ||||
Tassels | ||||
Weeds | ||||
Other Crops | ||||
Others (Specify) |
Remarks ...............................................................................................................................................…… ...............................................................................……………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
This crop is approved/rejected. | ||
Date ………………………….. | Signature ………………………………… | |
Director, N.S.Q.C.S. | ||
[Subsidiary] | ||
FORM SR 7 | SIXTH SCHEDULE—(Contd.) | (r. 11 (10)) |
M/s. …………………………………………………………………………………………….. Farm ……………………………………………………………………………………………. You may transport for processing ……………………………………… bags of your seed crop from ……………………….. to …………………… on ………………….……., 19………..
Species ………………………………………….
Variety ………………………………………….
Crop Nos. ………………………………………
Which have been clearly identified with
(state type of identification) ………………………………… Date……………………………
Director, N.S.Q.C.S.
Note.—This order does not revoke the Movement Permit of scheduled crops obtainable from
N.C.P.B. or K.G.G.C.U.
FORM SR 8 | SIXTH SCHEDULE—(CONTD.) | [Subsidiary] (r. 14 (2)) |
The following lot has been cleared and must be inspected for processing.
Merchant ………………………………………………………………………………………..
Grower No. .............................. and Name .......................... Date of Issue......…………………
Species ………………………………….. Variety …………………………………………….
Generation ……………………………Weight of lot before processing ………………….. kg.
Quantity ………………………………….. Cleaning ……………………………………… %
Lot No. ………………………….. Provision germination ………………………………… %
No. of Labels | Serial Nos. of Labels Issue | No. Of Unused Labels | Date of Sealing | No S. of Seals Used | Containers | Sample No. |
Remarks if any ….................................................................….................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………….. The Inspector …………………………..
Place ……………………………………
Date …………………………………….
[Subsidiary] | ||
FORM SR 9 | SIXTH SCHEDULE—(Contd.) | (r. 14 (2)) |
To: |
The Official Seed Tester,
National Seed Quality Control Service,
P.O. Box 1679,
NAKURU. The attached sample is enclosed herewith for testing
A. Details of Sample
- Name of Producer …………………………………………………………………………
- Species …………………………………………………………………………………….
- Variety ………………………………………………. Status ……………………………..
- Lot No. ………………………………………………. Ref. No. ………………………….
- Seed Import Permit No. ………………………….. of ……………. Date …………..……
- Weight of Lot ………………………………………………………………………………
- Seed Dressing ………………………………………………………………………………
- Date of Sampling …………………………………………………………………………..
- Further remarks …………………………………………………………………………….
(e.g. noxious weeds, seed borne diseases observed in field)
B. Test required*
Test to be paid for by ……………………………….. P.O. Box …………………………. Copies to: National Seed Quality Control Service,
- P.O.
- Box 1679, Nakuru.
- P.O.
- Box 249, Kitale.
I certify that this sample was drawn by me in the prescribed manner. ..........................................
The Sampler
Date ……………………………. *To be deleted as necessary.
FORM SR 10A | SIXTH SCHEDULE—(Contd.) | [Subsidiary] (r. 14 (3) (b)) |
OFFICIAL SAMPLE: Date received: | TEST NUMBER | ||||||||||||||||
Lot Number: Weight of lot: | |||||||||||||||||
Crop species and variety: As stated by Seed Inspector | |||||||||||||||||
Country of origin: | |||||||||||||||||
RESULTS OF ANALYSIS | |||||||||||||||||
Purity | Germination | Pure germin-at ing Seeds PxG 100 % | Moisture % | ||||||||||||||
Pure Seed (P) % | Inert Matter (1) % | other crop Seeds (2) % | Weed Seeds (3) % | First Count | Capacity (G) | Hard % | Fresh ungerm Seeds % | remainder % | |||||||||
days | % | days | % |
Special test | |||
Paid | Copies to (1) (2) | ||
Deposit | |||
Govt. | |||
Unpaid |
*Incl. …………………………………….% abnormal sprouts of which …………….. % broken germs. NOTE: Marketable or not marketable
- (1)
- (2)
- (3) .............................................................
Official Seed Tester
Date ………………………………….
Director, N.S.Q.C.S. Seed Testing Laboratory
Any inquiries concerning this test must quote Test number.
FORM SR 10B | SIXTH SCHEDULE—(Contd.) | [Subsidiary] (r. 14 (3) (b)) |
PRINCIPAL SAMPLE: Report on private samples are for the information to the sender only. Date received: | TEST NUMBER | |||||||||||||||
Lot Number: Weight of lot: | ||||||||||||||||
Crop species and variety: As stated by Seed Inspector | ||||||||||||||||
Country of origin: | ||||||||||||||||
RESULTS OF ANALYSIS | ||||||||||||||||
Purity | Germination | Pure germin-at ing Seeds PxG 100 % | Moisture % | |||||||||||||
Pure Seed (P) % | Inert Matter (1) % | other crop Seeds (2) % | Weed Seeds (3) % | First Count | Capacity (G) | Hard % | Fresh ungerm Seeds % | remainder % | ||||||||
days | % | days | % |
*Incl. …………………………………….% abnormal sprouts of which …………….. % broken germs.
- (1)
- (2)
- (3)
............................................................. | |
Official Seed Tester | |
Date …………………………………. | |
Director, N.S.Q.C.S. | |
Seed Testing Laboratory | |
Paid | Copies to |
Deposit | (1) |
Govt. | (2) |
Unpaid | Any inquiries concerning this test must quote |
Test number. |
FORM SR 11 SIXTH SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (r. 15 (2) (c))
Date ………………………… Merchant …………………………………………………………………………………………...….
Address …………………………………………………………………………………….…………
The following lots of seeds are found to be in violation of Seed Regulations:
Species | Variety | Lot No. | No. of Containers | Quantity | Kind of Violation | Sampled | |
Yes | No | ||||||
By this notice you are ordered to hold/these lot/lots of seed in tact at: ……………………………
………....................................................................................………........ until compliance with the law has been achieved and the seed has been released from this order.
As soon as steps have been taken to remove the violation, please advise:
National Seed Quality Control Service,
P.O. Box 1679, Nakuru Tel. ...........................................................
…………………………………………. Other instructions …………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Signed ………………………..
Inspector ……………………..
Date …………………………..
FORM SR 12 SIXTH SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (r. 18 (1) (a))
The National Seed Quality Control Service
P.O. Box 1679 NAKURU Applicant ………………………………………………………………………………………. Address ………………………………………………………………………………………… I hereby apply for seed seller’s licence as an agent/stockist. Name and address of premises …………………………………………………………………. Sub-location ………………………. Location ……………….. Division …………………….. District ……………………………………………………….. Species to be sold ……………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Storage facilities ……………………………………………………………………………….
…………………………………………………………………………………………………. Date …………………………… Signature ……………………………………………………
FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Application received on ………………………………………………………………………. Premises inspected by ………………………………………………………………………… Decision Approved Rejected Licence No. …………………………………………. Date ………………………………….. Signature ……………………………….. Director (N.S.Q.C.S.)
FORM SR 13 SIXTH SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (r. 18 (1) (b))
P.O. Box 1679, NAKURU
Licence No. ……………………………………………………………………………………..
A seed seller’s licence as an agent/sub-agent/stockist is hereby granted to
(Name) …………………………………………………………………………………………
(Address) ……………………………………………………………………………………….
for trading of seeds at (Name of premises)
of the period ……………………………, 19 .……. to ……………………………..,19 .……
This licence is subject to the following conditions:
- The seed must at all times meet minimum germination standards.
- Sealed containers shall not be tampered with.
- Seed will always remain in a cool and dry atmosphere with no direct sunlight.
4. Seed will be kept away from chemicals and such other substances as can be injurious to the seed.
5. Upon licensing the licencee shall
(a) Pay appropriate fee.
(b) Renew the licence upon expiry. Date …………………………………….. ……………………………………….
Director, N.S.Q.C.S.
FORM SR 14 SIXTH SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (r. 20 (1) (b))
To: The National Seed Quality Control Service,
P.O. Box 1679,
I/We hereby apply to the import/export the seeds as described below in accordance with the terms laid down in the Seeds and Plant Varieties Act, and the Seeds Regulations made there in.
- Full name of applicant …………………………………………………………………………..
- Postal Address ………………………………………………………………………………….. Tel. No. .........................................................................................................................................
- N.S.Q.C.S. Registration Number ……………………………………………………………….
- Locational of the stores where the seeds will be kept after arrival …………………………….. ...............................................................................................................................................................
- Quantities on seed of same variety in stock ..............................................……………………….
- Name and address of supplier ..................................................................................................…..
- Particulars of the seed import …………………………………………………………………….
- Declaration from individual merchants: In signing this application, I also declare that the seeds as above will, under no circumstances, be distributed for commercial purposes.
- the seed consignment shall be accompanied by:
Crops species | Variety | Category | Weight in kg. |
- (a)
- Phytosanitary certificate.
- (b)
- The Orange International (I.S.T.A.) certificate
Date ……………………………………… Signature …………………………………………..
(1) Recommendation of the Director, N.S.Q.C.S.
I have examined the application and I have established that:
- (a)
- The cultivar has/has not been tested for adaptability in Kenya.
- (b)
- The source of importation is/is not reliable.
- (c)
- From the sales returns, the quantities of seed of the same cultivar held in stock within the country is …………………….. kilograms/tons.
- (d)
- The applicant has/has not a valid registration certificate. in view of the above, I recommend/do not recommend the application.
Name …………………………………………
Signature ……………………………………
Director, N.S.Q.C.S.
Note.—This is subject to approval by the Director of Agriculture and the Ministry of Supplies and Marketing.
FORM SR 15 SIXTH SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (r. 20 (1) (b))
P.O. Box 30028, NAIROBI
(Seeds and Plant Varieties Act, 1972) S/No. ............................
Permit No. ...........................................................................................................................................
Date .................................................................................................................................................... .
Permission is hereby granted to ...........................................................................................................
of .........................................................................................................................................................
with N.S.Q.C.S. Registration No. ........................................................................................................
to import from .....................................................................................................................................
the following seeds:
Species | Variety | Category | Weight in kg. |
subject to the following conditions:
1. The consignment of seed shall be accompanied by—
(1)Phytosantiary and certificate.
(2)International Orange (I.S.T.A.) certificates
- The consignment shall be subjected to Kenya Plant Quarantine Regulations and on arrival in your stores shall be inspected by plant inspectors.
- The seeds shall not be distributed prior to the outcome of the results of sample unless with express permission of authorized officer or his agent.
- Payment of sampling and testing fees as stipulated in Schedules 5 to the seeds Regulations shall be honoured.
- Fulfilment of commerce/customs requirements and adherence to regulations pertaining to importation of seed.
- Additional conditions : ..................................................................................................................
Signature .................................................
Permanent Secretary Ministry of Agriculture
c.c. The Director, National Seed Quality Control Services,
P.O. Box 1679,