Consultar por jurisdicción
Protocolo del Acuerdo Europeo para la Protección de las Emisiones de Televisión
Entidad vinculada
Consejo de Europa (CE)
Partes Contratantes/Signatarios
Treaty Actions
Notas adicionales
Notas sobre el territorio
Entrada en vigor :
24 de marzo de 1965
Adoptado/a :
22 de enero de 1965 [ Estrasburgo ]
Derecho de autor
Since its entry into force, this Protocol is an integrant part of the treaty ETS No. 034.
Información histórica
Belgium: Signature: February 2, 1965; Ratification: February 7, 1968; Entry into force: March 8, 1968. Notification of denunciation: December 31, 1989, with effect from January 1, 1990, in accordance with Article 13(2) of the Agreement.
Cyprus: Signature: September 23, 1969; Ratification: January 21, 1970; Entry into force: February 22, 1970. Notification of denunciation: December 31, 1989, with effect from January 1, 1990, in accordance with Article 13(2) of the Agreement.
Spain: Accession: September 22, 1971; Entry into force: October 23, 1971. Notification of denunciation: December 31, 1989, with effect from January 1, 1990, in accordance with Article 13(2) of the Agreement.
Turkey: Signature: May 24, 1974; Ratification: December 19, 1975; Entry into force: January 20, 1976. Notification of denunciation: December 31, 1989, with effect from January 1, 1990, in accordance with Article 13(2) of the Agreement.
Textos disponibles
Protocolo (1 Texto)
Protocolo (1 Texto)
Protocolo del Acuerdo Europeo para la Protección de las Emisiones de Televisión
Entrada en vigor:
24 de marzo de 1965
Fecha del texto:
22 de enero de 1965
Textos disponibles
Protocol to the European Agreement on the Protection of Television Broadcasts
Protocole à l'Arrangement européen pour la protection des émissions de télévision