The Secretary-General of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of plants (UPOV) presents his compliments to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and has the honor to inform him that the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants of December 2, 1961, as revised at Geneva on November 10, 1972, and on October 23, 1978 (hereinafter referred to as "the 1978 Act"), will enter into force on
November 8, 1981,
that is, one month after the deposit of the required number of instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, in respect of the 1978 Act.
In this connection, it is recalled that instruments of ratification or acceptance in respect of the 1978 Act were deposited:
- on November 3, 1980, by New Zealand,
- on November 12, 1980, by the United States of America,
- on May 19, 1981, by Ireland,
- on June 17, 1981, by the Swiss Confederation,
- on July 21, 1981, by the Republic of South Africa,
- on October 8, 1981, by the Kingdom of Denmark.
Since the number of instruments deposited is more than the required minimum of five instruments and since three of the said instruments were deposited - as required - by States parties to the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants of December 2, 1961 (that is, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Republic of South Africa and the Swiss Confederation), the conditions set forth in Article 33(1) of the 1978 Act for its entry into force have been fulfilled.
Consequently, and in accordance with the provisions of its Article 33(1), the 1978 Act will enter into force on November 8, 1981, with respect to the six States referred to above.
October 30, 1981