246 Corporation, doing business under the name and style of Rolex Music Lounge vs. Hon. Reynaldo B. Daway, in his capacity as Presiding Judge of Branch 90 of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Montes Rolex S.A. and Rolex Centre Phil. Limited, G.R. No. 157216. November 20, 2003.,
RetourDate du jugement20 novembre 2003JuridicitonCour suprêmeDegrés de juridictionInstance finaleType de procédureJudiciaire (civil)SujetMarques, Mise en application des droitsPlaignant/Requérant246 Corporation, doing business under the name and style of Rolex Music LoungeDéfendeurHon. Reynaldo B. Daway, in his capacity as Presiding Judge of Branch 90 of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Montes Rolex S.A. and Rolex Centre Phil. LimitedMots clés
Trademark infringement,
Likelihood of confusion,
Well-known mark,
Confusing similarity,
Junior user
Jugement/DécisionAnglais246 Corporation, doing business under the name and style of Rolex Music Lounge vs. Hon. Reynaldo B. Daway, in his capacity as Presiding Judge of Branch 90 of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Montes Rolex S.A. and Rolex Centre Phil. Limited, G.R. No. 157216. November 20, 2003. PDFHTMLLégislation pertinente