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Arrêté de l'Office n° 67, série de 2012 sur la mise en œuvre du programme de poursuite des brevets (IPOPHL-JPO), Philippines

Version la plus récente dans WIPO Lex
Détails Détails Année de version 2012 Dates Entrée en vigueur: 12 mars 2012 Adopté/e: 9 février 2012 Type de texte Textes règlementaires Sujet Brevets (Inventions), Organe de réglementation de la PI

Documents disponibles

Texte(s) principal(aux) Textes connexe(s)
Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Anglais Office Order No. 67, Series of 2012, Implementation of IPOPHL-JPO Patent Prosecution Highway        
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 Implementation of IPOPHL-JPO Patent Prosecution Highway_ Office Order No. 67, series of 2012

08 March 2012

67 '11 ' OFFICE ORDER NO. __ Series of 2012


The Intellectual Property Office of the Philipp ines (IPOPHL) - Japan Patent Office (JPO) Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) on work sharing signed on February 9,2012 will take effect on March 12, 2012.

Applications to be prosecuted under the PPH shall be subject to the guidelines herein attached as Annex A.

Applicants and agents who wish to avail of the PPH shall duly accomplish the PPH Request Form herein attached as Anne x B, and seasonably file the same .

Under the IPOPHL- JPO PPH Agreement, JPO work products shall serve as additional reference by the IPOPHL Examiners.

For guidance.

ATTY. e oR.~LOR Directo r General

Republic of the Philippines ~ INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE

Intellectual Property Centre, World Finance Plaza, 28 Upper McKinley Road , . McKinley Hill Town Center, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City , Philippines 1634 n fIll. I'D Iv

• www .ipophil.gov .ph.T:+632-2386300.F: +632-8569293.mail@ipo phil.gov .ph .!/ 1

ANNEXA Part I PPH using the national work products from the ,JP O

Procedures to file a request to the IPOPHL (Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines) for Pate nt Prosecution Highway Pilot

Program between the IPOPHL and the JPO (Japan Patent Office)

Part I PPH using the national work products from the JPO

Applicants can request accelerated examination by a prescribed procedure including

submission of relevant documents on an application which is filed with the IPOPHL and satisfies

the following requirements under the IPOPHL-JPO Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) pilot

program based on the JPO application.

When filing a request for the PPH pilot program, an applicant must submit a request form to the


The Offices may terminate the PPH pilot program if the volume of participation exceeds

manageable level, or for any other reason. Ex Ante notice will be published if the PPH pilot

program is terminated.

The PPH pilot program will be in effect for three (3) years commencing on March 12, 2012 and

will end on March 11,2015. However, the program may be extended after a joint IPOPHL-JPO

review and assessment of the program implementation.

1. Requirements

(a) The IPOPHL application (including a PCT national phase application) is

(i) an application which validly claims priority under the Paris Convention to the JP O

application(s) (examples are provided in ANNEX I, Figure A, B, C, F, G and H), or

(ii) a PCT national phase application without priority claim (examples are provided in

Annex I, Figure I), or

(iii) an application which validly claims priority under the Paris Convention to the PCT

application(s) without priority claim (examples are provided in ANNEX I, Figure J, K

and L).

The IPOPHL application, which validly claims priority to multiple JPO or direct peT

applications, or which is the divisional application validly based on the originally filed

application that is included in (i) to (iii) above, is also eligible.

(b) At least one corresponding application exists in the JPO and has one or more

claims that are determined to be patentable/allowable by the JPO.

The corresponding application(s) can be the application which forms the basis of the

priority claim, an application which derived from the JPO application which forms the basis

ANNEXA Part I PPH using the nation al work products from the JPO

of the priority claim (e.g., a divisional application of the JPO application or an application

which claims domestic priority to the JPO application (see Figure C in Annex I)), or an JPO

national phase application of a PCT appl ication (see Figures H, I, K and L in Annex I).

Claims are "determined to be allowable/patentable" when the JPO examiner clearly

identified the claims to be allowable/patentable in the latest office action, even if the

application is not granted for patent yet.

The office action includes:

(a) Decision to Grant a Patent

(b) Notification of Reasons for Refusal

(c) Decision of Refusal

(d) Appeal Decision

For example, if the following routine expression is described in the "Notification of Reason

for Refusal " of the JPO, those claims are clearly identified to be allowable/patentable.

"<Claims which has been found no reason for refusal>

At present for invention concerning Claim_ , no reason for refusal is found ."

(c) All claims on file, as originally filed or as amended, for examination under the PPH

must sufficiently correspond to one or more of those claims indicated as allowab le

in the JPO.

Claims are considered to "sufficiently correspond " where, accounting for differences due to

translations and claim format, the claims in the IPOPHL are of the same or similar scope

as the claims in the JPO, or the claims in the IPOPHL are narrower in scope than the

claims in the JPO . In this regard , a claim that is narrower in scope occurs when a JPO

claim is amended to be further limited by an additional feature that is supported in the

specification (description and/o r claims).

A claim in the IPOPHL which introduces a new/different category of claims to those claims

indicated as allowable in the JPO is not considered to sufficiently correspond. For example ,

where the JPO claims only contain claims to a process of manufacturing a product , then

the claims in the IPOPHL are not cons idered to suff iciently correspond if the IPOPHL

claims introduce product claims that are dependent on the corresponding process claims .

Any claims amended or added after the grant of the request for participation in the PPH

pilot program need not to sufficiently correspond to the claims indicated as allowable in the

JPO application.

(d) A request for PPH may be submitted even during the substantive examination stage,

provided that, exam ination on the merits of the application has not been made .


ANNEXA Part I PPH using the national work products from the J PO

2. Documents to be submitted

Documents (a) to (d) below must be submitted by attaching to the PPH request.

(a) Copies of all office actions (which are relevant to substantial examination for

patentability in the JPO) which were issued for the corresponding application by the

JPO, and translations ot tnem',

Either Filipino or English is acceptable as translation language. The applicant does not

have to submit a copy of JPO office actions and translations of them when those

documents are provided via AIPN (JPO's dossier access system) because the office

actions and their machine translations are available for the IPOPHL examiner via the AIPN.

If they cannot be obtained by the IPOPHL examiner via the AIPN , the applicant may be

notified and requested to provide the necessary documents.

(b) Copies of all claims determined to be patentable/allowable by the JPO, and

translations of them.

Either Filipino or English is acceptable as translation language. The applicant does not

have to submit a copy of claims indicated to be allowable/patentable in the JPO, and

translations thereof when the documents are provided via AIPN (JPO's dossier access

system) because they are available for the IPOPHL examiner via the AIPN. If they cannot

be obtained by the IPOPHL examiner via the AIPN , the applicant may be notified and

requested to provide the necessary documents .

(c) Copies of references cited by the JPO examiner

If the references are patent documents, the applicant doesn 't have to submit them

because the IPOPHL usually possesses them. When the IPOPHL does not possess the

patent document, the applicant has to submit the patent document at the examiner's

request. Non-patent literature must always be submitted.

The translations of the references are unnecessary.

(d) Claim correspondence table

The applicant requesting PPH must submit a claim correspondence table, which indicates

how all claims in the IPOPHL application sufficiently correspond to the

patentable/allowable claims in the JPO application.

When claims are just literal translation , the applicant can just write down that "they are the

same" in the table. When claims are not just literal translation, it is necessary to explain the

Machine translations will be admissible, but if it is impossible for the examiner to understand the outline of the translated office action or claims due to insufficient translation , the examiner can request the applicant to resubmit translations.


ANNEXA Part I PPH using the national work p roducts from the JPO

sufficient correspondence of each claim .

When the applicant has already submitted above documents (a) to (d) to the IPOPHL through

simultaneous or past procedures , the applicant may incorporate the documents by reference

and does not have to attach them.

3. PPH request form

Subject: Request for an accelerated examination under the PPH pilot program

Date of filing:

Application number:

Title of the invention :


This application is an application validly claiming the priority under the Paris Convention to the

corresponding JPO application (the applicat ion number is ), and the accelerated

examination is requested under the PPH pilot program . For this purpose, the following documents

are attached :

o Copies of all office actions (which are relevant to substantial examination for patentability in the JPO) which were issued for the corresponding application by the JPO


o translations of them

o Copies of all claims determined to be patentable/allowable by the JPO and o translations of them

o Copies of references cited by the JPO examiner

o Claim correspondence table


ANNEXA Part I PPH using the nati onal work products from the J PO

Claim correspondence table

The claim in


The patentable claim

in the JPO Comments about the correspondence

(Documents to be omitted to submit)


_ ~.L n using the peT international work products from the

Part II PPH using the peT international work products from the JPO

Applicants can request accelerated examination by a prescribed procedure includi

submission of relevant documents on an application which is filed with the IPOPHL and satisfn

the following requirements under the IPOPHL-JPO Patent Prosecution Highway pilot prograr

based on PCT international work products (PCT-PPH pilot program).

When filing a request for the PCT-PPH pilot program, an applicant must submit a request form to


The Offices may terminate the PCT-PPH pilot program if the volume of participation exceeds

manageable level, or for any other reason. Ex Ante notice will be published if the PPH pilot

program is terminated .

The PPH pilot program will be in effect for three (3) years commencing on March 12,2012 and

will end on March 11, 2015. However, the program may be extended after a joint IPOPHL-JPO

review and assessment of the program implementat ion.

1. Requirements

The application which is filed with the IPOPHL and on which the applicant files a request under the

PCT-PPH must satisfy the following requirements :

(1) The latest work product in the international phase of a PCT application corresponding

to the application ("international work product"), namely the Written Opinion of

International Search Authority (WO/ISA), the Written Opinion of International

Preliminary Examination Authority (WO/IPEA) or the International Preliminary

Examination Report (IPER), indicates at least one claim as patentable/allowable (from

the aspect of novelty, inventive steps and industrial applicability).

Note that the ISA and the IPEA which produced the WO/lSA, WO/IPEA and the IPER are

limited to the JPO, but, if priority is claimed, the priority claim can be to an applicat ion in any

Office, see example A' in Annex II (application ZZ can be any national application).

The applicant cannot file a request under PCT-PPH on the basis of an International Search

Report (ISR) only.

In case any observation is described in Box VIII of WO/ ISA, WOIIPEA or IPER which forms the

basis of a PCT-PPH request , the applicant must explain why the claim(s) is/are not subject to

he observation irrespective of whether or not an amendment is submitted to correct the

bservation noted in Box VIII. The application will not be eligible for participating in PCT-PPH

lot program if the applicant does not explain why the claim(s) is/are not subject to the

servation . In this regard , however, it does not affect the decision on the eligibility of the

olication whether the explanation is adequate and/or whether the amendment submitted


Part II PPH using the peT internationa l work products from the U.l v

overcomes the observation noted in Box VIII.

2) The relationship between the application and the corresponding international

application satisfies one of the following requirements:

(A) The application is a national phase application of the corresponding international

application. (See Figures A, A', and A" in Annex II)

(8) The application is a national application as a basis of the priority claim of the

corresponding international application. (See Figure 8 in Annex II)

(C) The application is a national phase application of an international application

claiming priority from the corresponding international application. (See Figure C in

Annex II)

(0) The application is a national application claiming foreign/domestic priority from

the corresponding international application. (See Figure 0 in Annex II)

(E) The application is the derivative application (divisional application and application

claiming domestic priority etc.) of the application which satisfies one of the above

requirements (A) - (0). (See Figures E1 and E2 in Annex II)

(3) All claims on file, as originally filed or as amended, for examination under the PCT-PPH

must sufficiently correspond to one or more of those claims indicated as allowable in

the latest international work product of the corresponding international application.

Claims are considered to "sufficiently correspond" where, accounting for differences due to

translations and claim format, the claims in the IPOPHL are of the same or similar scope as the

claims indicated as allowable in the latest international work product, or the claims in the

IPOPHL are narrower in scope than the claims indicated as allowable in the latest international

work product.

In this regard , a claim that is narrower in scope occurs when a claim indicated as allowable in

the latest international work product is amended to be further limited by an additional feature

that is supported in the specification (description and/or claims).

A claim in the IPOPHL which introduces a new/different category of claims to those claims

indicated as allowable in the latest international work product is not considered to sufficiently

correspond. For example, where the claims indicated as allowable in the latest international

work product only contain claims to a process of manufacturing a product, then the claims in

the IPOPHL are not considered to sufficiently correspond if the IPOPHL claims introduce

product claims that are dependent on the corresponding process claims .

Any claims amended or added after the grant of the request for participation in the PCT-PPH

pilot program need not to sufficiently correspond to the claims indicated as allowable in the

latest international work product.


Part II PPH using t he P C'I' international work products from the J P O

(4) A request for PPH may be submitted even during the substantive examination stage, provided

that, examination on the merits of the application has not been made.

2. Documents to be submitted

The applicant must submit the following documents attached to the request form in filing a

request under PCT-PPH. Some of the documents may not be required to submit in certain


(1) A copy of the latest international work product which indicated the claims to be

patentable/allowable and their Filipino or English translations if they are not in English.

In case the application satisfies the relationship 1.(2)(A), the applicant need not submit a copy

of the International Preliminary Report on Patentability (IPRP) and any English translations

thereof because a copy of these documents is already contained in the file-wrapper of the

application. In addition, if the copy of the latest international work product and the copy of the

translation are available via "PATENTSCOPE (registered trademark):", an applicant need not

submit these documents, unless otherwise requested by the IPOPHL.

\:NOIISA and IPER are usually available as "IPRP Chapter I" and "IPRP Chapter II"

respectively in 30 months after the priority date.)

(2) A copy of a set of claims which the latest international work product of the

corresponding international application indicated to be patentable/allowable and their

Filipino or English translations if they are not in English

If the copy of the set of claims which are indicated to be patentable/allowable is available via

"PATENTSCOPE (registered trademark)" (e.g. the international Patent Gazette has been

published), an applicant need not submit this document unless otherwise requested by the

IPOPHL. Where the set of claims is written in Japanese, the translations thereof must be still

submitted by an applicant.

(3) A copy of references cited in the latest international work product of the international

application corresponding to the application.

If the reference is a patent document, the applicant is not required to submit it. In case the

IPOPHL has difficulty in obtaining the document, however, the applicant may be asked to

submit it. Non-patent literature must always be submitted. Translations of cited references are


2 https://www.wipo.intlpctdb/en/index.jsp


Part II PPH using the P C'I' international work products from the J P O

(4) A claims correspondence table which indicates how all claims in the application

sufficiently correspond to the claims indicated to be patentable/allowable.

When claims are just literal translation, the applicant can just write down that "they are the

same" in the table. When claims are not just literal translation, it is necessary to explain the

sufficient correspondence of each claim based on the criteria 1. (3) (Please refer to the

Example form below).

When an applicant has already submitted the above mentioned documents (1) - (4) to the

IPOPHL through simultaneous or past procedures, the applicant may incorporate the documents

by reference and is thus not required to attach the documents.

3. PCT-PPH request form

Subject: Request for an accelerated examination under the PCT-PPH pilot program

Date of filing:

Application number:

Title of the invention:


This application is a national phase application of a PCT international application (the application

number is ), and the accelerated examination is requested under the

PCT-PPH pilot program. For this purpose, the following documents are attached:

o A copy of the latest international work product which indicated the claims to be patentable/allowable and

o their Filipino or English translations if they are not in English

o A copy of a set of claims which the latest international work product of the corresponding international application indicated to be patentable/allowable and

o their Filipino or English translations if they are not in English

o A copy of references cited in the latest international work product of the international application corresponding to the application

o A claims correspondence table which indicates how all claims in the application sufficiently correspond to the claims indicated to be patentable/allowable


Part II PPH using the peT international work products from the J P O

Claim correspondence table

The claim in


The patentable claim

in the international


Comments about the correspondence

(Documents to be omitted to submit)



o A case meeting requirement (a) (i)- Paris route ­ JPO

app lication

Priority claim

® A case meeting requirement (a) (i)- peT route ­ JPO

app lication II I I

I Priority : claim I I

peT appl icat ion



CD A case meeting requirement (a) (i)- Paris route, Domestic priority ­ JPO


application I I



Domestic : Priority V

JPO application K

IPOPHIL application

Priority claim

r[)'\A case not meeting requirement (a) ~ - Paris route, but the first application is from the third country ­

1 xx application I..: ------,------ ­

Priority claim

pate"tableIAII~NG Priority claim

IPOPHL application --------1l-~~~ri~t 1

XX: the office other than the JPO



@A case not meeting requirement (a) - peT route, but the first application is from the third country ­

I1xx appl icat ion 1-.---- -,---------­ I

: Priority : claim

JPO application


,----_NG\/ L~~~~ le/A l l owab l e )

Priority : IPOPHL DO Request claim

\)I I appli cation for PPH

peT application

XX : the office other than the JPO

o A case meeting requirement (a) (i)- Paris route & Complex priority ­ JPO -----,---- - ----.,: patenta ble/A llow~

application OK I ZZ appl ication


Priority : Priority claim claimI


\)I \)I I

1------------1IPOPHLapplication '----'

ZZ : any office



«3\ A case meeting requirement (a) (i) ~ - Paris route & divisional application ­

application If-o-,---I Patentable/Allowable J I

: Priority : claim V

IPOPHL I-----;-~_~_~_ OK applica tion II

r I

: Divisional I


IPOPHL applica tion

@ A case meeting requirement (a) (i)- peT route ­ JPO 1'-7---~--~-

application :

: Prior ity : claim I

JPO DO I Patentable/Allowable ]I 'V application

peT application

IPOPHL DO r---------i Reque,! -oK applicat ion for PPH



fI\ A case meeting requirement (a) (ii) ~ - Direct peT route ­

JPO DO i patentable/A llo",,~bie]applic ation

PCT IPOPHL DOapplication ,---------,f-------I Req"e'l ) 0 K application for PPHWithout priority claim

fJ\A case meeting requirement (a) (iii) \:!-) -Direct peT & Paris route ­

JPO DO application


Without priority claim I I


OK: Priority I claim V

IPOPHL _______ I Request l applicatio n I for PPH I



fK\A case meeting requirement (a) (iii) ~ - Direct PCT & PCT route ­

JPO DO appl ication

PCT appl ication I

'----'_ _ -----J I

Witho ut prior ity claim : I I OK : Priority


-.y application

PCT appl ication

0 A case meeting requirement (a) (iii) ~ - Direct PCT & PCT route ­

PCT appl ication I


Wi thoul prionly claim I I I

: Priority Patentable/Allowabl e : claim


PCT application ) OKIPOPHL DO Reque"

application for PPH




(A) The application is a national phase application of the corresponding international application.



L.-- ---1 DO

(A') The application is a national phase application of the corresponding international application.

(The corresponding international application claims priority from a national application.)

IZZ Application 1- ---,------ ­ OK

IPtT1 ~

'-------1 DO

ZZ=any office



(A") The application is a national phase application of the corresponding international application.

(The corresponding international appl ication claims priority from an international application.)


'--- --, DO

(8) The application is a national application as a basis of the priority claim of the corresponding international application.

IPOPHL Application t---,­ 1 1

I I 1

1 1 1 1 1


1 1 1

rPtTl ~

OK - - - - -j- ­ - - - ­ --1 PPH



(C) The application is a national phase application of an intern ational application claiming priority from the corresponding international application.




: Priority : Claim I


I P~T I- -------jROI-­ L-----J '-------j DO

(D) The application is a national application claiming foreign/domestic priority from the corresponding international application.


Prior ity Claim




(E1) The application is a divisional application of an application which satisfies the requirement (A).


Divisional application

IIPOPHL Appl ication~

(E2) The application is an application claiming domestic priority from an application which satisfies the requirement (8).

OK IPOPHL Application h-------f-----r-- ­

I : Domestic I I

I : Priority


I .. Claim I

I I IPOPHL Appl ication I




rPt1l ~


I Annex B






DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED 0 Copies of all office actions (which are relevant to substantial examination for patentability in the JPO) which were issued for the corresponding application by the JPO

0 Translations of said office actions if not in English

0 Copy of all claims determined to be patentable/allowable by the JPO

0 Translations of said patentable/allowable claims if not in English

0 Copies of references cited by the JPO examiner

0 Claim correspondence table


For authorized receiving officer of IPOPHL only



(Documents to be omitted to submit)











DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED 0 A copy of the latest international work product wh ich indicated the claims to be patentable/allowable

0 Translation of said latest international work product if not in English

0 A copy of the set of claims which the latest international work product of the corresponding international appl icat ion indicated to be patentable/allowable

0 Trans lations of said patentable/allowab le claims if not in English

0 Copies of references cited in the latest international work product of the international application corresponding to the application

0 Claim correspondence table


For authorized receiving officer of IPOPHL only








(Documents to be omitted to submit)


Applicant submits PPH requests and documents


Receiving Officer ";' BOP Records Officer


PPH Focal Point


BOP Records Officer

~ '\

Législation Se rapporte à (2 texte(s)) Se rapporte à (2 texte(s))
Aucune donnée disponible

N° WIPO Lex PH164