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Règlement n° 2 de 2009 portant modification de la loi sur la propriété intellectuelle, Australie

Version la plus récente dans WIPO Lex
Détails Détails Année de version 2009 Dates Entrée en vigueur: 12 décembre 2009 Adopté/e: 25 novembre 2009 Type de texte Textes règlementaires Sujet Brevets (Inventions), Dessins et modèles industriels, Noms commerciaux, Propriété industrielle Notes Le présent règlement modifie le Règlement sur les brevets de 1991 (Annexe 1) pour permettre au commissaire aux brevets de participer pleinement aux arrangements de transfert électronique de documents. Le règlement crée également des modifications mineures de procédures dans le Règlement sur les marques de 1995 (Annexe 2) et le Règlement sur les dessins et modèles de 2004 (Annexe 3).
Les modifications dans les brevets concernent la demande du brevet, y compris les spécifications des brevets standard, l'exigence de divulgation et l’accomplissement de la demande de base.

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Intellectual Property Law Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 2)1

Select Legislative Instrument 2009 No. 332

I, QUENTIN BRYCE, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, make the following Regulations under the Patents Act 1990, the Trade Marks Act 1995 and the Designs Act 2003.

Dated 25 November 2009

QUENTIN BRYCE Governor-General

By Her Excellency’s Command

KIM CARR Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research

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1 Name of Regulations 2 2 Commencement 2 3 Amendment of Patents Regulations 1991 2 4 Amendment of Trade Marks Regulations 1995 2 5 Amendment of Designs Regulations 2004 2

Schedule 1 Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991 3

Schedule 2 Amendments of Trade Marks Regulations 1995 8

Schedule 3 Amendment of Designs Regulations 2004 10

1 Name of Regulations These Regulations are the Intellectual Property Law Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 2).

2 Commencement These Regulations commence on 12 December 2009.

3 Amendment of Patents Regulations 1991 Schedule 1 amends the Patents Regulations 1991.

4 Amendment of Trade Marks Regulations 1995 Schedule 2 amends the Trade Marks Regulations 1995.

5 Amendment of Designs Regulations 2004 Schedule 3 amends the Designs Regulations 2004.

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Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991 Schedule 1

Schedule 1 Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991 (regulation 3)

[1] Subregulation 1.3 (1), after definition of acceptance insert approved digital library means a library or oth er facility that the Commissioner specifies as a digital library, for this definition, in the Official Journal. Example The library administered by th e International Bureau of th e World Intellectual Property Organization, known as th e “Digital Access Serv ice for Priority Documents” or “DAS”.

[2] Regulation 1.6, heading substitute

1.6 Disclosure in basic applications — general

[3] After regulation 1.6 insert

1.6A Disclosure in basic applications — use of approved digital library

(1) For section 8 of the Act, a specification or other docum ent is taken to have been filed in respect of, and at the same time as, a basic application if: (a) the Commissioner is satisfied that a cop y of the

specification or docum ent has been m ade available for inspection by the Comm issioner in an approved digital library; and

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Schedule 1 Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991

(b) the specification or document was made available within the period mentioned in subregulation 1.6 (1).

(2) However, if the Commissioner is satisfied that the specification or other document: (a) was made available for inspection by the Commissioner in

the approved digital library within the period mentioned in subregulation 1.6 (1); but

(b) is no longer available for inspection; the specification or other docum ent is taken to have been filed in respect of, and at the same time as, the basic application only if the specification or other doc ument is again made available for inspection by the Commissioner in the approved digital library, or given to the Comm issioner, no later than 2 m onths after the day on which the Commissioner notifies the applicant or patentee that the Comm issioner has not been able to inspect the specification or other doc ument in the approved digital library.

[4] After regulation 1.7 insert

1.8 Completion of applications (1) A person who m akes an app lication or request using an

application form must: (a) comply with any directions given on the form; and (b) provide information for each p art of the for m that

describes the information as being mandatory.

(2) A person who m akes an app lication or request using an application procedure other than a form must: (a) comply with any directions given as part of the procedure;

and (b) provide information for each part of the procedure that

describes the information as being mandatory. Example An online application facility.

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Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991 Schedule 1

[5] Regulation 3.2A substitute

3.2A Specifications — standard patents (1) A patent request for a standard patent must:

(a) be in the approved form; and (b) be in English; and (c) comply substantially with the requirements of Schedule 3.

(2) A complete specification for a standard patent must: (a) be in the approved form; and (b) be in English; and (c) comply substantially with the requirements of Schedule 3.

(3) If the Commissioner treats an application for a standard patent as having been filed, the Comm issioner may, within 1 m onth from the date of filing of the application, direct the applicant to do anything necessary to ensure that the patent request and complete specification comply with th e requirements mentioned in subregulations (1) and (2). Note See regulation 3.5 for what happens if certain information required for an application is not filed.

(4) If: (a) the Commissioner gives the applicant a direction under

subregulation (3) to assist the Commissioner in deciding whether a filed abstract is in accordance w ith these Regulations; and

(b) the Commissioner has specified in the direction a period of not less than 1 m onth within which the applicant m ust comply with the direction; and

(c) the applicant does not comply with the direction before the end of the period;

the complete application to which the paten t request a nd complete specification relate lapses at the end of the period.

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Schedule 1 Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991

(5) Subject to subregulation (4 ), if an applic ant to whom a direction has been given unde r subregulation (3) does not comply with the direction within 2 months from the date of the direction, the application lapses.

(6) If an application lapses unde r subregulation (4 ) or (5), the Commissioner must: (a) advertise that fact in the Official Journal; and (b) tell the applicant that the complete application has lapsed.

[6] Regulation 3.22 substitute

3.22 Disclosure of patent documents and information to International Bureau etc

(1) The Commissioner may disclose any or all of the following to the International Bureau or a foreign patent office: (a) the patent application or patent; (b) a document given by the applicant, or another person, to

the Commissioner in connec tion with the patent application or patent;

(c) a document in the Comm issioner’s possession that relates to the patent application or the application of the patent;

(d) any information in the Commissioner’s possession that relates to a docum ent mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (c);

whether or not the application is open for public inspection.

(2) However, if the patent application, document or information is not open for public inspection, the Comm issioner must not disclose the application, docum ent or information without the consent of the applicant. Note Section 194 of th e Act also authorises the Commissioner to give a person certain information about patents, patent applications and other documents in certain circumstances.

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Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991 Schedule 1

(3) The Commissioner m ay disclose the pa tent application, document or information by depositing it in an approved digital library or by any other means.

[7] Paragraph 4.3 (1) (d) omit

[8] Regulation 8.6, heading substitute

8.6 Particulars required for Convention application — general

[9] After regulation 8.6 insert

8.6A Particulars required for Convention application — use of approved digital library

(1) For subregulation 8.6 (3), a certified copy is taken to have been filed if the Commissioner is satisfied that the certified copy: (a) has been made available for inspection by the

Commissioner in an approved digital library; and (b) was made available with in the period mentioned in

subregulation 8.6 (3).

(2) However, if the Commissione r is satisf ied that the c ertified copy: (a) was made available for inspection by the Commissioner in

the approved digital library within the period mentioned in subregulation 8.6 (3); but

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Schedule 1 Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991

(b) is no longer available for inspection; the certified copy is taken to have been filed in respect of, and at the same time as, the basic ap plication only if the cer tified copy is again m ade available for inspection by the Commissioner in the approved dig ital library, or given to the Commissioner, no later than 2 months after the day on which the Commissioner no tifies the applicant or pa tentee that the Commissioner has not been able to inspect the certified copy in the approved digital library.

[10] Regulation 22.8A omit

[11] Subregulation 22.16 (1), definition of document substitute document does not include: (a) a patent request for a standard patent; or (b) a patent request for an innovation patent; or (c) a specification; or (d) an abstract.

[12] Schedule 3, heading substitute

Schedule 3 Formal requirements for documents to be filed (paragraph 3.2A (1) (c), paragraph 3.2A (2) (c), subparagraph 3.2B (1) (a) (ii), paragraph 10.2 (1) (a) and subregulation 22.16 (2))

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Amendments of Trade Marks Regulations 1995 Schedule 2

Schedule 2 Amendments of Trade Marks Regulations 1995 (regulation 4)

[1] Subregulation 21.2 (3) omit

[2] Subregulation 21.2 (5) omit

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Schedule 3 Amendment of Designs Regulations 2004

Schedule 3 Amendment of Designs Regulations 2004 (regulation 5)

[1] Regulation 11.17 omit

Note 1. All legislative instruments and compilations are registered on the Federal

Register of Legislative Instru ments kept under the Legislative Instruments Act 2003. See http://www.frli.gov.au.

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