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Loi portant modification de la loi sur les marques (Journal officiel du Monténégro, n° 18/2014), Monténégro

Version la plus récente dans WIPO Lex
Détails Détails Année de version 2014 Dates Adopté/e: 26 mars 2014 Type de texte Principales lois de propriété intellectuelle Sujet Marques Sujet (secondaire) Mise en application des droits, Organe de réglementation de la PI Notes Cette loi a été adoptée le 26 mars 2014, promulguée par le décret n° 01-486/2 du 3 avril 2014, et publiée dans le Journal officiel du Monténégro n° 18/2014 du 11 avril 2014.

L'article 34 de la loi stipule qu'elle entrera en vigueur le huitième jour de la date de sa publication au Journal officiel du Monténégro.

Documents disponibles

Texte(s) principal(aux) Textes connexe(s)
Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Monténégrin Zakon o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o žigu (Službeni list CG, br. 18/2014)         Anglais Law on Amendments to the Law on Trademarks (Official Gazette of Montenegro, No. 18/2014)        
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Zakon од 26. марта 2014 o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o žigu (Проглашено Указом бр 01-486/2 од 3. априла 2014)


Na osnovu člana 95 tačka 3 Ustava Crne Gore donosim



Proglašavam Zakon o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o žigu, koji je donijela Skupština Crne Gore 25. saziva, na drugoj sjednici prvog redovnog (proljećnjeg) zasijedanja u 2014. godini, dana 26. marta 2014. godine.
Broj: 01-486/2
Podgorica, 3. aprila 2014. godine
Predsjednik Crne Gore,

Filip Vujanović, s.r.

Na osnovu člana 82 stav 1 tačka 2 Ustava Crne Gore i Amandmana IV stav 1 na Ustav Crne Gore, Skupština Crne Gore 25. saziva, na drugoj śednici prvog redovnog (proljećnjeg) zasijedanja u 2014. godini, dana 26. marta 2014. godine, donijela je



Član 1
U Zakonu o žigu („Službeni list CG“, br. 72/10 i 44/12) u članu 2 stav 2 poslije riječi
„predstaviti“ dodaju se riječi: „i koji je pogodan za razlikovanje roba, odnosno usluga jednog pravnog ili fizičkog lica od roba, odnosno usluga drugog pravnog ili fizičkog lica”.
U stavu 3 poslije riječi “crteža” dodaju se zarez i riječ “boje”.
U stavu 4 riječ “i” zamjenjuje se riječju “ili”.
Član 2
U članu 6 stav 1 tačka 14 briše se.
U stavu 2 riječi: „stavom 1 tač. 2, 3 i 4“ zamjenjuju se riječima: „ stavom 1 tač. 2 do 5“.
Član 3
U članu 7 stav 1 tačka 1 riječi: „istu vrstu roba“ zamjenjuju se riječima: „istovjetne robe“. U stavu 1 tačka 2 mijenja se i glasi:
„2) ako zbog istovjetnosti ili sličnosti s ranijim žigom i zbog istovjetnosti ili sličnosti s robama, odnosno uslugama koje žig obuhvata postoji vjerovatnoća dovođenja javnosti u zabludu, što uključuje vjerovatnoću asocijacije na raniji žig;“
U stavu 2 tačka 3 mijenja se i glasi:
„3) žig koji je na dan prijave za registraciju ili na dan prvenstva, ako je pravo prvenstva zatraženo, dobro poznat u Crnoj Gori u smislu člana 6bis Pariske konvencije.”
Stav 4 mijenja se i glasi:
„Prilikom utvrđivanja da li je žig iz stava 2 tačka 3 ovog člana dobro poznat u Crnoj Gori u smislu člana 6bis Pariske konvencije, uzima se u obzir u kojoj mjeri je relevantni dio javnosti upoznat sa žigom, uključujući i poznavanje do koga je došlo promocijom žiga.”
Stav 6 mijenja se i glasi:
„Na osnovu prigovora neće se registrovati prijavljeni žig koji je istovjetan sa ranijim žigom ili sličan ranijem žigu, a zatražena je registracija za robe, odnosno usluge koje nijesu
slične robama, odnosno uslugama za koje je registrovan raniji žig kada taj raniji žig ima reputaciju u Crnoj Gori i kada bi korišćenje kasnijeg žiga bez opravdanog razloga nepošteno iskoristilo ili štetilo distinktivnom karakteru ili ugledu ranijeg žiga.”
Član 4
U članu 8 stav 1 mijenja se i glasi:
„Na osnovu prigovora nosioca žiga iz države članice Pariske unije za zaštitu industrijske svojine (u daljem tekstu: Pariska unija) ili države članice Svjetske trgovinske organizacije, žig se ne može registrovati na ime njegovog trgovačkog zastupnika ili predstavnika bez saglasnosti nosioca žiga, osim ako trgovački zastupnik ili predstavnik opravda svoj postupak.”
Stav 4 mijenja se i glasi:
„Na osnovu prigovora neće se registrovati prijavljeni žig ako je u momentu podnošenja podnosilac prijave žiga postupao nepošteno.”
Član 5
U članu 10 stav 2 tačka 3 mijenja se i glasi:
„3) svaki znak koji je istovjetan sa njegovim žigom ili sličan njegovom žigu u odnosu na robe, odnosno usluge koje nijesu slične robama, odnosno uslugama za koje je žig registrovan, kad taj žig ima reputaciju u Crnoj Gori i kad korišćenje tog znaka bez opravdanog razloga nepošteno iskorišćava distinktivni karakter ili ugled žiga ili im šteti.”
Poslije stava 2 dodaju se tri nova stava koji glase:
„Prava koja proizilaze iz žiga imaju dejstvo prema trećim licima od datuma objave registracije žiga.
Izuzetno od stava 3 ovog člana, nosilac žiga ima pravo na naknadu štete za radnje preduzete nakon dana objave prijave žiga, a koje će nakon objave registracije žiga biti zabranjene.
Sud ne može odlučiti o zahtjevu iz stava 4 ovog člana dok se ne objavi registracija žiga.“
Član 6
Naziv člana 11 mijenja se i glasi: „Upotreba žiga“.
U stavu 1 u uvodnoj rečenici poslije riječi „licima“ dodaju se riječi: „dozvoli, odnosno“. U stavu 1 tačka 2 poslije riječi „ili“ dodaju se riječi: „nuđenje ili“.
U stavu 2 riječ „znaka“ zamjenjuje se riječju „žiga“.
Član 7
U članu 14 poslije stava 1 dodaje se novi stav koji glasi:
„Korišćenje iz stava 1 ovog člana mora biti u skladu sa dobrim poslovnim običajima i praksom u industrijskoj ili trgovačkoj djelatnosti.”
Dosadašnji stav 2 postaje stav 3.
Član 15 mijenja se i glasi:
Član 8
„Stavljanjem u promet robe koja je obilježena žigom od strane nosioca žiga ili uz njegovu izričitu saglasnost, na području Crne Gore, iscrpljuju se isključiva prava koja proizilaze iz žiga u odnosu na tu robu, osim ako postoje opravdani razlozi na osnovu kojih nosilac žiga zadržava isključiva prava koja proizilaze iz žiga.
Stavljanjem u promet robe koja je obilježena žigom od strane nosioca žiga ili uz njegovu izričitu saglasnost, na području neke od država Evropske unije odnosno država koje su strane ugovornice Ugovora o Evropskom ekonomskom prostoru, iscrpljuju se isključiva prava koja proizilaze iz žiga u odnosu na tu robu, osim ako postoje opravdani razlozi na osnovu kojih nosilac žiga zadržava isključiva prava koja proizilaze iz žiga.
Opravdanim razlogom iz st. 1 i 2 ovog člana smatra se naročito promijenjeno ili pogoršano stanje robe nakon njenog stavljanja u promet.“
U članu 17 stav 1 mijenja se i glasi:
Član 9
„Ako u periodu od pet godina od dana registracije žiga, nosilac prava nije stvarno koristio žig za robe, odnosno usluge za koje je registrovan ili ako je prestao sa korišćenjem u neprekidnom periodu od pet godina, primjenjuju se odredbe čl. 33, 33a, 53 i 54 ovog zakona, osim ako postoje opravdani razlozi za nekorišćenje žiga.”
Član 10
Član 21 mijenja se i glasi:

„Razdvajanje prijave

Član 21
Prijava u kojoj je navedeno više vrsta roba, odnosno usluga (u daljem tekstu: prvobitna prijava) može se, po zahtjevu podnosioca prijave do upisa žiga u Registar, razdvojiti na dvije ili više prijava, razdvajanjem spiska roba, odnosno usluga.
Razdvojene prijave zadržavaju datum podnošenja i datum prvenstva prvobitne prijave, ako
je pravo prvenstva zatraženo.
Podaci o razdvojenim prijavama žigova upisuju se u registar prijava i objavljuju u
Službenom glasilu ako je prvobitna prijava objavljena.
Sadržaj zahtjeva iz stava 1 ovog člana i dokumentaciju koja se podnosi uz zahtjev propisuje Ministarstvo.”
Član 11
U članu 28 poslije stava 4 dodaju se dva nova stava koji glase:
„Ako se podnosilac prijave u roku iz st. 3 i 4 ovog člana ne izjasni o postojanju razloga za odbijanje registracije iz člana 6 ovog zakona u odnosu na sve robe ili usluge za koje se traži registracija ili u svom izjašnjenju ne ospori razloge za odbijanje registracije, nadležni organ će rješenjem odbiti prijavu za registraciju u cjelini.
Ako se podnosilac prijave u roku iz st. 3 i 4 ovog člana ne izjasni o postojanju razloga za djelimično odbijanje registracije iz člana 6 ovog zakona ili ako nakon dobijanja izjašnjenja o razlozima za odbijanje registracije u odnosu na sve robe ili usluge nadležni organ utvrdi da znak ne ispunjava uslove za registraciju u odnosu na pojedine robe ili usluge, rješenjem će djelimično odbiti prijavu za registraciju.”
Član 12
U članu 29 poslije stava 1 dodaje se novi stav koji glasi:
„Ako je prijava za registraciju žiga djelimično odbijena, podaci iz prijave u odnosu na robe ili usluge za koje se registracija može odobriti, objaviće se nakon pravosnažnosti rješenja iz člana 28 stav 6 ovog zakona.”
Dosadašnji stav 2 postaje stav 3.
Član 33 mijenja se i glasi:
Član 13

„Razmatranje prigovora

Član 33
Ako se podnosilac prijave izjasni o prigovoru u roku iz člana 32 stav 3 ovog zakona, nadležni organ cijeni opravdanost razloga navedenih u prigovoru i izjašnjenju podnosioca prijave.
Nosilac ranijeg žiga koji je na dan objavljivanja prijave bio registrovan najmanje pet godina, a koji je podnio prigovor na registraciju žiga dužan je da na zahtjev podnosioca prijave:
1) dokaže da je u periodu od pet godina koji prethodi datumu objavljivanja prijave stvarno
koristio žig u Crnoj Gori u skladu sa članom 17 ovog zakona za robe, odnosno usluge za koje je registrovan i koje navodi kao razlog za prigovor, ili
2) pruži dokaze o opravdanim razlozima za njegovo nekorišćenje.
Ako nosilac ranijeg žiga ne dokaže korišćenje žiga iz stava 2 tačka 1 ovog člana ili ne pruži dokaze iz stava 2 tačka 2 ovog člana, nadležni organ će rješenjem odbiti prigovor.
Ako je raniji žig korišćen samo za dio roba, odnosno usluga za koje je registrovan, u postupku razmatranja prigovora smatraće se da je registrovan samo za taj dio roba, odnosno usluga."
Član 14
Poslije člana 33 dodaje se novi član koji glasi:

„Osnovanost prigovora

Član 33a
Ako nadležni organ u postupku razmatranja prigovora utvrdi da je prigovor neosnovan, prigovor se rješenjem odbija.
Ako nadležni organ u postupku razmatranja prigovora utvrdi da je prigovor osnovan, registracija žiga iz objavljene prijave odbija se rješenjem u cjelini ili djelimično za određene vrste roba ili usluga.
Rješenje iz člana 33 stav 3 ovog zakona i st. 1 i 2 ovog člana nadležni organ dostavlja
podnosiocu prijave i podnosiocu prigovora.
Na rješenje iz stava 2 ovog člana može se izjaviti žalba Ministarstvu.
Ako se podnosilac prijave ne izjasni na prigovor u propisanom roku, zatražena registracija žiga odbija se u granicama zahtjeva navedenih u prigovoru.
Nadležni organ može da u postupku po prigovoru odredi usmenu raspravu."
Član 15
U članu 34 stav 1 poslije riječi “postupka” dodaju se riječi: ”ako je usljed tog propuštanja došlo do gubitka prava iz prijave žiga ili gubitka prava na žig”.
U stavu 3 poslije riječi: "nastavak postupka" brišu se zarez i riječi: “ako još nije došlo do gubitka prava i”.
U članu 37 stav 1 mijenja se i glasi:
Član 16
„Na zahtjev nosioca žiga u Registar se upisuju promjene koje se odnose na promjenu imena i adrese nosioca žiga, promjenu spiska roba, odnosno usluga, ispravljanje grešaka u tekstu ili prepisu ili ispravljanje druge očigledne greške.”
Poslije stava 4 dodaju se dva nova stava koji glase:
„Odredbe st. 1 do 4 ovog člana primjenjuju se i na upis promjena u prijavi za registraciju žiga.
Ako je prijava objavljena, promjene izvršene upisom u registar prijava objavljuju se u
Službenom glasilu.”
Član 51 mijenja se i glasi:
Član 17

„Poništaj žiga

Član 51
Kada je izvršena registracija žiga suprotno čl. 6 do 8 ovog zakona, nadležni sud može poništiti registrovani žig, u cjelini ili djelimično.
Tužba za poništaj registrovanog žiga može se podnijeti za svo vrijeme trajanja prava na žig, kao i nakon isteka vremena trajanja prava.
U slučajevima registracije žiga suprotno članu 6 ovog zakona, tužbu može da podnese
svako zainteresovano lice, državni tužilac i nadležni organ po službenoj dužnosti.
U slučajevima registracije žiga suprotno članu 7 ovog zakona, tužbu može da podnese nosilac ranijeg žiga.
U slučajevima registracije žiga suprotno članu 8 ovog zakona, tužbu može da podnese lice
čije je pravo povrijeđeno.
Kada je žig registrovan suprotno članu 6 ovog zakona, žig će se poništiti ako razlozi za poništaj postoje u trenutku donošenja odluke o poništavanju žiga.“
Član 18
Poslije člana 51 dodaje se novi član koji glasi:

„Poništaj kolektivnog žiga

Član 51a
Nadležni sud može poništiti registrovani kolektivni žig iz razloga utvrđenih članom 51 stav 1 ovog zakona, kao i u slučaju kada su izmjene i dopune opšteg akta o korišćenju kolektivnog žiga suprotne članu 47 ovog zakona.
Tužbu za poništaj kolektivnog žiga iz stava 1 ovog člana može podnijeti svako zainteresovano lice, državni tužilac i nadležni organ po službenoj dužnosti."
Član 19
Član 52 mijenja se i glasi:

„Dodatni uslovi

Član 52
Kada je žig registrovan suprotno članu 6 stav 1 tač. 2 do 5 ovog zakona, žig može biti poništen samo ako je tužba za poništaj podnijeta u roku od deset godina od datuma registracije žiga.
Kada je žig registrovan suprotno članu 6 stav 1 tač. 2 do 5 ovog zakona, žig neće biti
poništen ako nosilac žiga dokaže da je žig nakon registracije i usljed njegovog korišćenja stekao distinktivno obilježje u odnosu na robe ili usluge za koje je registrovan.
Žig ne može biti poništen na osnovu ranijeg žiga koji nije stekao reputaciju u Crnoj Gori u
skladu sa ovim zakonom do datuma prava prvenstva kasnijeg žiga.
Žig ne može biti poništen zato što je u sukobu s ranijim žigom, ako taj raniji žig ne ispunjava uslove iz člana 17 ovog zakona i ako je raniji žig na datum podnošenja tužbe za poništaj žiga bio registrovan najmanje pet godina.
Ako je raniji žig iz stava 4 ovog člana korišćen samo u odnosu na dio roba ili usluga za koje je registrovan, za potrebe ispitivanja tužbe za poništaj žiga smatraće se da je registrovan samo za taj dio roba ili usluga.
Kada razlozi za poništaj žiga postoje u odnosu na samo neke robe ili usluge za koje je žig
registrovan, poništaj žiga obuhvata samo te robe ili usluge."
Član 20
Poslije člana 52 dodaje se novi član koji glasi:

„Dostavljanje presude

Član 52a
Sud je dužan da pravosnažnu presudu kojom je poništio žig u cjelini ili djelimično dostavi nadležnom organu i strankama u postupku, bez odlaganja.
Proglašenje žiga ništavim nadležni organ upisuje u Registar i objavljuje u Službenom
Član 53 mijenja se i glasi:
Član 21

„Ukidanje žiga

Član 53
Nadležni sud može da donese odluku o ukidanju registrovanog žiga, u cjelini ili djelimično, ako nosilac žiga ili lice koje je on ovlastio, u neprekidnom vremenskom periodu od pet godina od datuma registracije, odnosno od datuma kad je žig poslednji put korišćen, bez opravdanih razloga, nije u skladu sa članom 17 ovog zakona, stvarno koristilo u Crnoj Gori žig za robe ili usluge za koje je taj žig registrovan.
Nadležni sud će odbiti tužbeni zahtjev za ukidanje žiga, ako je korišćenje žiga započeto ili je nastavljeno poslije isteka neprekidnog vremenskog perioda od pet godina u kome žig nije korišćen, a prije podnošenja tužbe za ukidanje žiga, osim ako je do započinjanja ili nastavljanja korišćenja žiga došlo nakon što je nosilac žiga saznao da će biti podnijeta tužba za ukidanje njegovog žiga i ako je korišćenje započeto ili nastavljeno u periodu od tri mjeseca prije podnošenja tužbe za ukidanje.
Nadležni sud može da donese odluku o ukidanju registrovanog žiga, u cjelini ili djelimično i, ako taj žig nakon datuma registracije zbog:
1) činjenja ili nečinjenja nosioca žiga postane u trgovini uobičajeni pojam za robe,
odnosno usluge za koje je registrovan;
2) korišćenja od strane nosioca žiga ili uz njegovu saglasnost za robe, odnosno usluge za koje je registovan može dovesti javnost u zabludu, naročito u pogledu vrste, kvaliteta i geografskog porijekla te robe odnosno usluga.“
Član 22
Član 54 mijenja se i glasi:

„Tužba i odluka po tužbi

Član 54
Tužbu za ukidanje registrovanog žiga može da podnese svako zainteresovano lice.
Kada razlozi za ukidanje registrovanog žiga postoje samo u vezi nekih roba, odnosno usluga za koje je žig registrovan, odlukom o ukidanju registrovanog žiga obuhvataju se samo te robe, odnosno usluge.
Sud je dužan da pravosnažnu presudu kojom je ukinuo žig, u cjelini ili djelimično, dostavi nadležnom organu i strankama u postupku, bez odlaganja.
Ukidanje registrovanog žiga nadležni organ upisuje u Registar i objavljuje u Službenom
Član 55 mijenja se i glasi:
Član 23

„Zahtjev za utvrđivanje i zahtjev za prestanak povrede žiga

Član 55
Protiv lica koje je neovlašćenim vršenjem neke od radnji iz čl. 10 i 11 ovog zakona povrijedilo žig, nosilac žiga može tužbom kod nadležnog suda zahtijevati utvrđivanje povrede žiga.
Protiv lica iz stava 1 ovog člana, nosilac žiga može tužbom zahtijevati prestanak povrede i
zabranu takve ili slične povrede i ubuduće, pod prijetnjom plaćanja novčane kazne.
Protiv lica koje je vršenjem neke radnje prouzrokovalo ozbiljnu opasnost da će žig biti povrijeđen u smislu čl. 10 i 11 ovog zakona, nosilac žiga može tužbom zahtijevati prestanak vršenja te radnje i zabranu povrede žiga, pod prijetnjom plaćanja novčane kazne.
Zahtjevi iz st. 1, 2 i 3 ovog člana mogu se postaviti i protiv lica koje u obavljanju svoje
privredne djelatnosti pruža usluge koje se koriste u radnjama kojima se vrši povreda žiga, odnosno od kojih prijeti povreda žiga.
Tužbe iz st. 1 i 2 ovog člana mogu se podnijeti u roku od pet godina od dana izvršene
povrede žiga.
Ako tužilac dokaže da je lice iz stava 1 ovog člana postupalo namjerno, tužbe iz st. 1 i 2 ovog člana mogu se podnositi za svo vrijeme trajanja zaštite žiga.
Tužba iz stava 3 ovog člana može se podnijeti u roku od pet godina od dana preduzimanja radnje od koje prijeti povreda žiga."
Član 24
Poslije člana 55 dodaju se tri nova člana koji glase:

„Zahtjev za oduzimanje i uništenje predmeta

Član 55a
Protiv lica koje je neovlašćenim vršenjem neke od radnji iz čl. 10 i 11 ovog zakona povrijedilo žig, nosilac žiga može tužbom zahtijevati da se proizvodi kojima se vrši povreda žiga povuku iz prometa, oduzmu ili unište.
Mjeru iz stava 1 ovog člana nosilac žiga može da zahtijeva i u odnosu na alate, opremu i druge predmete koji se koriste samo za proizvodnju ili stvaranje proizvoda kojima se vrši povreda žiga.
Mjere iz st. 1 i 2 ovog člana sud će odrediti na teret tuženog, osim ako postoje naročiti razlozi da tako ne odluči.
Prilikom određivanja mjera iz st. 1 i 2 ovog člana sud će uzeti u obzir sve okolnosti slučaja, a naročito da one budu srazmjerne prirodi i intenzitetu povrede, kao i interese trećih strana.
Tužbe iz st. 1 i 2 ovog člana mogu se podnijeti u roku od pet godina, od dana izvršene

Zahtjev za naknadu štete, uobičajenu naknadu i povraćaj stečenog bez osnova

Član 55b
Nosilac žiga može od lica koje mu je neovlašćenim vršenjem neke od radnji iz čl. 10 i 11 ovog zakona prouzrokovalo štetu tužbom da zahtijeva naknadu štete prema opštim pravilima o naknadi štete utvrđenim zakonom kojim se uređuju obligacioni odnosi.
Umjesto zahtjeva za naknadu štete iz stava 1 ovoga člana, kada okolnosti slučaja to
opravdavaju i ako je tuženi postupao neovlašćeno, nosilac žiga može tužbom da zahtijeva plaćanje naknade u iznosu koji bi, obzirom na okolnosti, mogao zahtijevati na osnovu ugovora o licenci, da je zaključen.
Ako dokaže da je tuženi postupao namjerno ili krajnjom nepažnjom, nosilac žiga može
tužbom zahtijevati trostruki iznos naknade iz stava 2 ovog člana.
Protiv lica koje je bez osnova u pravnom poslu ili u zakonu preduzimanjem neke od radnji iz čl. 10 i 11 ovog zakona povrijedilo žig i time steklo neku korist, nosilac žiga može, bez obzira na krivicu tuženog, tužbom zahtijevati vraćanje ili naknadu vrijednosti ostvarenih koristi prema opštim pravilima o sticanju bez osnova u skladu sa zakonom kojim se uređuju obligacioni odnosi.
Tužbe iz st. 1 i 4 ovog člana mogu se podnijeti u rokovima koji su određeni zakonom kojim se uređuju obligacioni odnosi.
Tužbe iz st. 2 i 3 ovog člana mogu se podnijeti u roku od tri godine od dana kada je tužilac saznao za povredu i učinioca, odnosno najkasnije u roku od pet godina od dana kada je povreda učinjena.

Zahtjev za objavljivanje presude

Član 55c
U slučajevima iz čl. 55, 55a i 55b ovog zakona nosilac žiga može zahtijevati da pravosnažna presuda kojom je, djelimično ili u cjelini, usvojen tužbeni zahtjev bude objavljena u štampanom ili elektronskom mediju o trošku tuženog.
Sud će, u granicama tužbenog zahtjeva, odlučiti u kojem će sredstvu javnog informisanja
presuda biti objavljena, kao i o obimu objavljivanja (u cjelini ili djelimično) presude.
Ako sud odluči da se objavi samo dio presude, odrediće, u granicama tužbenog zahtjeva, da se objavi najmanje izreka i, prema potrebi, dio presude iz kojeg je vidljiva vrsta povrede i lice koje je izvršilo povredu žiga."
Član 56 mijenja se i glasi:
Član 25

„Privremene mjere zbog povrede žiga

Član 56
Na zahtjev nosioca žiga koji učini vjerovatnim da je došlo do povrede žiga ili da prijeti neposredna opasnost od povrede žiga, sud određuje privremenu mjeru kojom se daje nalog:
1) protivniku obezbjeđenja da prestane, odnosno odustane od činjenja kojim se vrši povreda žiga a, po potrebi, isti nalog sud daje i posredniku čije usluge koriste treća lica da bi izvršila povredu žiga;
2) da se od protivnika obezbjeđenja, odnosno posrednika privremeno oduzmu ili povuku
iz prometa proizvodi kojima se vrši povreda žiga, odnosno alati, oprema i drugi predmeti koji se koriste samo za proizvodnju ili stvaranje proizvoda kojima se vrši povreda žiga.
Na zahtjev nosioca žiga koji učini vjerovatnim da je došlo do povrede žiga prilikom
obavljanja privredne djelatnosti u cilju pribavljanja privredne ili ekonomske koristi i da mu zbog takve povrede prijeti nenadoknadiva šteta, pored privremenih mjera iz stava 1 ovoga člana, sud može da naloži:
1) oduzimanje pokretnih i nepokretnih stvari u svojini protivnika obezbjeđenja koje nijesu u neposrednoj vezi s povredom;
2) zabranu raspolaganja sredstvima kod finansijskih institucija i raspolaganja drugom imovinom protivnika obezbjeđenja.
Radi određivanja i izvršenja privremenih mjera iz stava 2 ovoga člana, sud može da naloži
protivniku obezbjeđenja ili drugom licu koje raspolaže bankarskim, finansijskim i drugim ekonomskim podacima da te podatke dostavi ili da obezbijedi pristup drugim potrebnim podacima i dokumentaciji.
Sud je dužan da čuva tajnost podataka i dokumenata iz stava 3 ovog člana i zabrani svaku njihovu zloupotrebu.“
Član 26
Poslije člana 56 dodaje se novi član koji glasi:

„Određivanje privremenih mjera bez obavještavanja

Član 56a
„Privremene mjere iz člana 56 stav 1 ovog zakona sud može da odredi i bez obavještavanja protivnika obezbjeđenja, ako nosilac žiga učini vjerovatnim da u slučaju obavještavanja protivnika obezbjeđenja privremena mjera neće biti djelotvorna ili da prijeti opasnost od nastanka nenadoknadive štete.
Privremene mjere iz člana 56 stav 2 ovog zakona sud može da odredi i bez obavještavanja
protivnika obezbjeđenja ako nosilac žiga učini vjerovatnim da privremena mjera neće biti djelotvorna ili da je s obzirom na naročito teške okolnosti povrede to potrebno.
U slučajevima iz st. 1 i 2 ovog člana sud će rješenje o privremenoj mjeri dostaviti
protivniku obezbjeđenja odmah po njenom izvršenju.
Ako tužba nije podnesena, rok za podnošenje tužbe u cilju opravdanja privremene mjere ne može biti duži od 20 radnih, odnosno 31 kalendarski dan od dana dostavljanja rješenja o određivanju privremene mjere nosiocu žiga, u zavisnosti od toga koji rok kasnije ističe.
Odredbe člana 56 ovog zakona i ovog člana ne isključuju mogućnost određivanja
privremenih mjera u skladu sa odredbama ovog zakona i zakona kojim se uređuje izvršni postupak."
Član 57 mijenja se i glasi:
Član 27

„Privremene mjere za obezbjeđenje dokaza

Član 57
Na zahtjev nosioca žiga koji učini vjerovatnim da je došlo do povrede žiga ili da prijeti neposredna opasnost od povrede žiga, sud može da odredi privremenu mjeru radi obezbjeđenja dokaza, a naročito da naloži:
1) protivniku obezbjeđenja da izradi detaljan opis predmeta za koje nosilac žiga učini vjerovatnim da se njima vrši povreda žiga, sa ili bez uzimanja primjeraka tih predmeta;
2) oduzimanje predmeta za koje nosilac žiga učini vjerovatnim da se njima vrši povreda žiga;
3) oduzimanje proizvoda, alata, opreme i drugih predmeta koji su korišćeni za proizvodnju
i distribuciju predmeta za koje nosilac žiga učini vjerovatnim da se njima vrši povreda žiga, kao i poslovne dokumentacije koja se na to odnosi.
Privremene mjere iz stava 1 ovog člana sud može da odredi u hitnim slučajevima i bez obavještavanja protivnika obezbjeđenja ako nosilac žiga učini vjerovatnim da u slučaju obavještavanja protivnika obezbjeđenja privremena mjera neće biti djelotvorna ili da prijeti opasnost od nastanka nenadoknadive štete.
U slučajevima iz stava 2 ovog člana sud će rješenje o privremenoj mjeri dostaviti protivniku obezbjeđenja odmah po njenom izvršenju.
Ako tužba nije podnesena, rok za podnošenje tužbe u cilju opravdanja privremene mjere
ne može biti duži od 20 radnih, odnosno 31 kalendarski dan od dana dostavljanja rješenja o određivanju privremene mjere nosiocu žiga, pri čemu je rok za podnošenje tužbe rok koji kasnije ističe.
Odredbe st. 1 do 4 ovog člana ne isključuju mogućnost određivanja privremenih mjera u skladu sa odredbama ovog zakona i zakona kojim se uređuje izvršni postupak, kao i mjera za obezbjeđenje dokaza u skladu sa zakonom kojim se uređuje parnični postupak.“
Član 28
Član 58 mijenja se i glasi:

„Pribavljanje dokaza u parničnom postupku

Član 58
Kada se jedna stranka u parničnom postupku za zaštitu žiga od povrede u skladu sa čl. 55 do 59b ovog zakona poziva na određeni dokaz i tvrdi da se on nalazi kod druge stranke ili pod njenom kontrolom, sud će tu stranku pozvati da podnese odnosni dokaz, u određenom roku.
Kada nosilac žiga kao tužilac u tužbi za zaštitu žiga od povrede u skladu sa čl. 55 do 59b
ovog zakona učini vjerovatnim da je došlo do povrede žiga prilikom obavljanja privredne djelatnosti u cilju pribavljanja privredne ili ekonomske koristi, sud će na njegov zahtjev pozvati tuženog da u određenom roku dostavi bankarske, finansijske ili slične poslovne dokumente, isprave i druge dokaze koji se nalaze kod njega ili su pod njegovom kontrolom.
Kad stranka koja je pozvana da podnese dokaze iz st. 1 i 2 ovog člana negira da se dokazi
nalaze kod nje ili pod njenom kontrolom, sud može radi utvrđivanja te činjenice da izvodi dokaze.
U pogledu prava stranke da uskrati podnošenje dokaza shodno se primjenjuju odredbe o
uskraćivanju svjedočenja zakona kojim se uređuje parnični postupak.
Sud će, s obzirom na sve okolnosti, po svom slobodnom uvjerenju cijeniti od kakvog je značaja to što stranka kod koje se dokaz nalazi ili pod čijom se kontrolom dokaz nalazi neće da postupi po rješenju suda kojim joj je naloženo da podnese dokaz ili suprotno uvjerenju suda poriče da se dokaz nalazi kod nje ili pod njenom kontrolom."
Član 59 mijenja se i glasi:
Član 29

„Obaveza pružanja informacija

Član 59
Nosilac žiga koji je pokrenuo parnični postupak za zaštitu žiga od povrede može da zahtijeva dostavljanje podataka o porijeklu i distributivnim kanalima proizvoda kojima se vrši povreda žiga.
Zahtjev iz stava 1 ovog člana može se podnijeti protiv:
1) tuženog u parničnom postupku iz stava 1 ovog člana;
2) lica koje u obavljanju svoje privredne djelatnosti posjeduje proizvode za koje nosilac prava učini vjerovatnim da se njima vrši povreda žiga;
3) lica koje u obavljanju svoje privredne djelatnosti pruža usluge za koje nosilac prava
učini vjerovatnim da se njima vrši povreda žiga;
4) lica koje u obavljanju svoje privredne djelatnosti pruža usluge koje se koriste u radnjama za koje nosilac prava učini vjerovatnim da se njima vrši povreda žiga;
5) lica koje je od lica iz tač. 1 do 4 ovog stava označeno kao lice koje učestvuje u proizvodnji ili distribuciji proizvoda ili pružanju usluga za koje nosilac prava učini vjerovatnim da se njima vrši povreda žiga.
Zahtjev iz stava 1 može se podnijeti kao zahtjev u parnici, tužba ili zahtjev za određivanje
privremene mjere.
Zahtjev iz stava 1 ovog člana sadrži naročito podatke o:
1) imenima, odnosno nazivima i adresama proizvođača i distributera, dobavljača i drugih prethodnih držalaca robe, kao i prodavaca na veliko i prodavaca na malo kojima je ta roba namijenjena;
2) količinama proizvedenih, izrađenih, isporučenih, primljenih ili naručenih proizvoda, kao i cijenama ostvarenim za te proizvode.
Lice prema kojem je postavljen zahtjev iz stava 1 ovog člana može da odbije dostavljanje tih podataka iz razloga iz kojih se po odredbama zakonom kojim se uređuje parnični postupak može uskratiti svjedočenje.
Ako lice prema kojem je postavljen zahtjev iz stava 1 ovog člana odbije dostavljanje podataka bez opravdanog razloga, odgovara za štetu u skladu sa zakonom kojim se uređuju obligacioni odnosi.
Odredbe ovog člana ne isključuju primjenu čl. 57 i 58 ovog zakona, propisa o načinu korišćenja povjerljivih podataka u građanskim i krivičnim postupcima, propisa kojima se uređuje odgovornost za zloupotrebu prava na dobijanje podataka, kao i primjenu propisa kojima se uređuje obrada i zaštita ličnih podataka."
Član 30
Poslije člana 59 dodaju se četiri nova člana koja glase:

„Alternativne mjere

Član 59a
Na zahtjev tuženog u parničnim postupcima iz čl. 55 do 59 i člana 59b ovog zakona koji dokaže da nije postupao namjerno, sud može umjesto mjere koju je zahtijevao nosilac žiga odrediti plaćanje novčane naknade nosiocu žiga, ako bi izvršenje te mjere tuženom uzrokovalo nesrazmjernu štetu i ako se novčana naknada, obzirom na sve okolnosti slučaja, može smatrati razumnom i zadovoljavajućom naknadom za povredu žiga.

Lica ovlašćena za podnošenje zahtjeva za zaštitu prava

Član 59b
Pored nosioca žiga, odnosno lica koje ovlasti u skladu s opštim propisima o zastupanju, zaštitu žiga od povrede u skladu sa čl. 55 do 59 ovog zakona mogu zahtijevati i sticalac isključive licence u mjeri u kojoj je stekao pravo iskorišćavanja žiga, kao i profesionalna organizacija za zaštitu prava koja ima pravo da zastupa nosioca prava intelektualne svojine u skladu sa zakonom.

Hitnost i primjena odredaba drugih zakona

Član 59c
Postupci zbog povrede prava iz čl. 55 do 59 ovog zakona su hitni.
Na postupke zbog povrede prava iz čl. 55 do 59 ovog zakona u svim pitanjima koja nijesu uređena ovim zakonom primjenjuju se zakonom kojim se uređuje parnični, odnosno izvršni postupak.
Troškovi postupaka iz čl. 55 do 59 ovog zakona naknađuju se u skladu sa zakonom kojim
se uređuju parnični, odnosno izvršni postupak.

Podnošenje tužbe za poništaj i ukidanje žiga

Član 59d
Povodom postupaka pokrenutih u svrhu zaštite žiga u skladu sa čl. 55 do 59 ovog zakona, tuženi može da podnese tužbe za poništaj i ukidanje žiga iz čl. 51 do 54 ovog zakona.
U slučaju podnošenja tužbi za poništaj i/ili ukidanje žiga, sud će, s obzirom na sve
okolnosti slučaja i u skladu sa opštim propisima kojima se uređuju parnični, odnosno izvršni postupak, odrediti hoće li zastati s postupkom zaštite žiga od povrede i pod kojim uslovima, odnosno da li će spojiti postupke radi zajedničkog raspravljanja.“
Član 31
Poslije člana 62 dodaju se dva nova poglavlja i četiri nova člana koji glase:
Član 62a
Nadzor nad sprovođenjem ovog zakona i propisa koji su donijeti na osnovu ovog zakona vrši Ministarstvo.
Inspekcijski nadzor nad sprovođenjem ovog zakona vrši organ uprave nadležan za poslove inspekcijskog nadzora.

Postupak inspekcijskog nadzora

Član 62b
Na pitanja inspekcijskog nadzora koja ovim zakonom nijesu posebno uređena primjenjuje se zakon kojim se uređuje inspekcijski nadzor.
Postupak inspekcijskog nadzora pokreće se po službenoj dužnosti ili na pisani zahtjev nosioca žiga (u daljem tekstu: zahtjev) ili lica koje ima njegovo ovlašćenje za podnošenje zahtjeva na osnovu opštih pravila o zastupanju.
Zahtjev iz stava 2 ovog člana može biti pojedinačan, kada se odnosi na određenu vrstu i količinu robe ili opšti, kada se odnosi na sve količine određene robe za određeni vremenski period.
Zahtjev iz stava 2 ovog člana obavezno sadrži podatke na osnovu kojih se može
identifikovati roba kojom se vrši povreda žiga, kao i dokaz da je podnosilac zahtjeva nosilac žiga, a ako se radi o opštem zahtjevu i vremenski period na koji se zahtjev odnosi.

Obezbjeđenje, troškovi postupka i naknada štete

Član 62c
Kada u postupku inspekcijskog nadzora ocijeni da je izvršena povreda žiga, nadležni inspektor je dužan da preduzme upravne mjere i radnje koje su uređene zakonom kojim se uređuje inspekcijski nadzor.
Ako ocijeni da je s obzirom na okolnosti slučaja to opravdano, nadležni inspektor može, u postupku pokrenutom po zahtjevu, određivanje mjera iz stava 1 ovog člana usloviti davanjem odgovarajućeg obezbjeđenja podnosioca zahtjeva u svrhu naknade troškova čuvanja privremeno oduzete robe ili štete koja nastane zbog propusta podnosioca zahtjeva ili neosnovanog oduzimanja predmeta.
Troškovi postupka pokrenutog po zahtjevu nosioca prava koji se povoljno okončao po subjekat nadzora padaju na teret podnosioca zahtjeva.
Nadležni inspektor nije odgovoran za naknadu štete koja nastane zbog neosnovanog privremenog oduzimanja robe po zahtjevu nosioca prava.
Ukoliko se u postupku utvrdi da je roba po zahtjevu nosioca prava oduzeta neosnovano,
podnosilac zahtjeva dužan je da vlasniku robe, odnosno licu od kojeg je roba oduzeta nadoknadi štetu nastalu zbog privremenog oduzimanja robe.

Prekršaji protiv žiga

Član 62d
Novčanom kaznom od 1.500 eura do 20.000 eura kazniće se za prekršaj pravno lice koje bez dozvole nosioca žiga ili drugog lica koje je takvu dozvolu ovlašćeno da dâ:
1) stavlja zaštićeni znak na robu, njenu ambalažu ili sredstva za obilježavanje robe (član
11 stav 1 tačka 1);
2) nudi robu, stavlja je u promet, skladišti u te svrhe ili nudi ili obavlja usluge pod zaštićenim znakom (član 11 stav 1 tačka 2);
3) uvozi ili izvozi robu pod zaštićenim znakom (član 11 stav 1 tačka 3);
4) koristi zaštićeni znak na poslovnim dokumentima ili u reklami (član 11 stav 1 tačka 4). Za prekršaj iz stava 1 ovog člana kazniće se fizičko lice i odgovorno lice u pravnom licu
novčanom kaznom od 500 Eur-a do 2.000 eura.
Za prekršaj iz stava 1 ovog člana kazniće se i preduzetnik novčanom kaznom od 1.300 eura do 6.000 eur-a.
Predmeti koji su bili namijenjeni ili korišćeni samo za izvršenje prekršaja ili koji su nastali
izvršenjem prekršaja iz stava 1 ovog člana oduzeće se i uništiti, bez obzira da li su svojina učinioca.“
Član 32
Poslije člana 65 dodaje se novi član koji glasi:

„Odložena primjena

Član 65a
Odredba člana 15 stav 2 ovog zakona primjenjivaće se od dana pristupanja Crne Gore
Evropskoj uniji.“

Prestanak važenja

Član 33
Danom stupanja na snagu ovog zakona prestaje da važi član 4 stav 1 tačka 5, član 21 i član
26 tač. 2 do 7 Zakona o primjeni propisa kojima se uređuje zaštita prava intelektualne svojine
(„Službeni list RCG", broj 45/05).

Stupanje na snagu

Član 34
Ovaj zakon stupa na snagu osmog dana od dana objavljivanja u "Službenom listu Crne
Broj: 07-2/13-1/4
Podgorica, 26. mart 2014. godine

Skupština Crne Gore 25. saziva


Ranko Krivokapić, s.r.

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Law on Amendments to the Law on Trademarks (Official Gazette of Montenegro No. 18/2014)

Pursuant to Article 95, item 3 of the Constitution of Montenegro, I hereby pass the



I hereby promulgate the Law on Amendments to the Law on Trademarks, adopted by the
25th Assembly of the Parliament of Montenegro, at the second sitting of the first regular
(spring) session in 2014, held on 26th March 2014.
Number: 01-486/2
Podgorica, 3rd April 2014
The President of Montenegro,

Filip Vujanovic, sgd.

Pursuant to Article 82, paragraph 1, item 2 of the Constitution of Montenegro and Amendment IV, paragraph 1 to the Constitution of Montenegro, the 25th Assembly of the Parliament of Montenegro, at the second sitting of the first regular (spring) session in 2014, held on 26th March 2014, adopted the



This Law has been published in the "Official Gazette of

Montenegro", No. 18/2014 from 11.04.2014.

Article 1
In the Law on Trademarks ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", No. 72/10 and 44/12), in Article 2, paragraph 2, after the word "represented" the following words shall be added: "and which is capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one legal or natural person from goods or services of another legal or natural person".
In paragraph 3, after the word "drawings" a comma and the word "colours" shall be added. In paragraph 4, the word "and” shall be replaced by the word "or".
Article 2
In Article 6, paragraph 1, item 14 shall be deleted.
In paragraph 2, the words: "paragraph 1, items 2, 3 and 4" shall be replaced by words: "paragraph 1, items 2 to 5".
Article 3
In Article 7, paragraph 1, item 1, the words: "the same type of goods" shall be replaced by words: "identical goods".
In paragraph 1, item 2 shall be amended to read as follows:
"2) Should, because of the identity with, or similarity to the earlier trademark and because of the identity or similarity with goods or services covered by the trademark, there exists a likelihood of confusion of the public, which includes a likelihood of association with the earlier trademark;"
In paragraph 2, item 3 shall be amended to read as follows:
"3) A trademark which is well known in Montenegro on the day of application for the registration or on the day of priority right, if the priority has been claimed, pursuant to Article
6bis of the Paris Convention."
Paragraph 4 shall be amended to read as follows:
"In establishing whether the trademark referred to in paragraph 2, item 3 of this Article is well known in Montenegro pursuant to Article 6bis of the Paris Convention, the familiarity of the relevant part of the public with the trademark shall be taken into account, including their familiarity with the trademark as a consequence of trademark-related marketing activities."
Paragraph 6 shall be amended to read as follows:
"Based on an opposition a new trademark for which the registration application has been filed shall not be registered if such trademark is identical or similar to an earlier trademark, and the registration of goods or services has been sought which are not similar to goods or services for which the earlier trademark has been registered, when this earlier trademark has a reputation in Montenegro and when the use of the later trademark without due cause would take unfair advantage of, or be detrimental to, the distinctive character or repute of the earlier trademark."
Article 4
In Article 8, paragraph 1 shall be amended to read as follows:
"Based on an opposition of the trademark holder from a member state of the Paris Union for the protection of Industrial Property (hereinafter referred to as: "Paris Union") or from a member state of the World Trade Organisation, a trademark cannot be registered in the name of its trade agent or representative without the consent of the trademark holder, unless the trade agent or representative justifies his/her action."
Paragraph 4 shall be amended to read as follows:
"Based on an opposition, a trademark shall not be registered if the trademark applicant acted unfairly at the time of filing."
Article 5
In Article 10, paragraph 2, item 3 shall be amended to read as follows:
"3) Any sign which is identical with, or similar to, his/her trademark in relation to goods or services which are not similar to goods or services for which the trademark has been registered, where such trademark has a reputation in Montenegro and where use of that sign without due cause takes unfair advantage of, or is detrimental to, the distinctive character or the repute of the trademark."
After paragraph 2, three new paragraphs shall be added to read as follows:
"Rights arising from trademark shall produce effect on third parties from the date of publication of trademark registration.
Notwithstanding paragraph 3 of this Article, the trademark holder shall be entitled to
compensation of damage for actions taken after the date of publication of trademark application, and which shall be prohibited after publication of trademark registration.
The Court can not decide on the request referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article until the
trademark registration is published."
Article 6
The title of Article 11 shall be amended to read as: "Use of a Trademark ".
In paragraph 1, in the introductory sentence, after the word "prohibit" the following words shall be added: "or allow".
In paragraph 1, item 2, after the word "or" the following words shall be added: "offering
In paragraph 2, the word "sign" shall be replaced by the word "trademark".
Article 7
In Article 14, after paragraph 1, a new paragraph shall be added to read as follows:
"Using referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be in accordance with good business customs and practice in industrial or trade activity."
The present paragraph 2 shall become paragraph 3.
Article 8
Article 15 shall be amended to read as follows:
"Putting on the market of goods that are marked with a trademark by the trademark holder or with his/her explicit consent, in the territory of Montenegro, shall exhaust the exclusive rights arising from the trademark in relation to those goods, unless there are legitimate reasons based on which the trademark holder retains the exclusive rights arising from the trademark.
Putting on the market of goods that are marked with a trademark by the trademark holder or with his/her explicit consent, in the territory of some of the countries of the European Union or countries that are Parties to the Agreement on European Economic Area, shall exhaust the exclusive rights arising from the trademark in relation to those goods, unless there are legitimate reasons based on which the trademark holder retains the exclusive rights arising from the trademark.
A legitimate reason referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall be considered especially to be changed or impaired condition of the goods after their putting on the market."
Article 9
In Article 17, paragraph 1 shall be amended to read as follows:
"Should the trademark holder failed to actually use the trademark for goods or services for which such trademark has been registered within a period of five years following the
trademark registration or if such use has been suspended during an uninterrupted period of five years, the provisions of Articles 33, 33a, 53 and 54 of this Law shall apply, unless justified reasons exist for non-use."
Article 10
Article 21 shall be amended to read as follows:

"Application Division

Article 21
The application specifying several types of goods or services (hereinafter referred to as: "the initial application") may, at the request of the applicant, be divided into two or more applications, before the trademark is entered into the Register, by dividing the list of goods or services.
The divided applications shall preserve the filing date of the initial application and its priority date, if the priority right has been claimed.
Data on divided trademark applications shall be entered into the application records and published in the Official Gazette if the initial application has been published.
The content of the request referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article and the documentation
to be submitted with the request shall be prescribed by the Ministry."
Article 11
In Article 28, after paragraph 4, two new paragraphs shall be added to read as follows: "Should the applicant fail to submit his/her observations about the existence of grounds
for refusing the registration referred to in Article 6 of this Law, within the time period referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Article, in relation to all the goods or services for which registration is sought, or fail to dispute the grounds for refusing the registration in his/her observations, the competent authority shall render a decision refusing the application for registration in whole.
Should the applicant fail to submit his/her observations about the existence of grounds for partial refusing of the registration referred to in Article 6 of this Law, within the time period referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Article, or should the competent authority, after receiving the observations about the grounds for refusing the registration in relation to all the goods or services, determine that the sign does not meet the requirements for registration in relation to certain goods or services, it shall render a decision refusing the application for registration partially."
Article 12
In Article 29, after paragraph 1, a new paragraph shall be added to read as follows:
"If the application for the registration of a trademark has been partially refused, the data from the application in relation to goods or services for which the registration may be approved shall be published after the final decision referred to in Article 28, paragraph 6 of this Law."
The present paragraph 2 shall become paragraph 3.
Article 13
Article 33 shall be amended to read as follows:

"Review of the Opposition

Article 33
Should the applicant submit his/her observations regarding the opposition within a time period referred to in Article 32, paragraph 3 of this Law, the competent authority shall assess the validity of the reasons stated in the opposition and in the applicant’s observations.
The holder of the earlier trademark who has been registered for at least five years at the day of publication of the application, and who has opposed the trademark registration, shall be obliged, at the request of the applicant:
1) to prove that during a period of five years prior to the date of publication of the
application he/she has been actually using the trademark in Montenegro in accordance with Article 17 of this Law for goods or services for which it has been registered and which he/she states as the reason for an opposition, or
2) to offer proof of justified reasons for not using the trademark.
Should the holder of the earlier trademark fail to prove the use of the trademark referred to in paragraph 2, item 1 of this Article or should he/she fail to offer proof referred to in paragraph 2, item 2 of this Article, the competent authority shall render a decision refusing the opposition.
If the earlier trademark has been used only for some goods or services for which it has been registered, it shall be considered, in the course of the opposition procedure, that such trademark has been registered only for those particular goods or services."
Article 14
After Article 33, a new Article shall be added to read as follows:

"Merits of the Opposition

Article 33a
Should the competent authority, in the course of the opposition procedure, determine that the opposition is without merits, it shall render a decision refusing the opposition.
Should the competent authority, in the course of the opposition procedure, determine
that the opposition has merits, it shall render a decision refusing the trademark registration of the published application, either entirely or in part for certain goods and/or services.
The competent authority shall forward the decision referred to in Article 33, paragraph 3 of this Law and paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article to the applicant and to the opponent.
The decision referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article shall be subject to an appeal which can be filed with the Ministry.
Should the applicant fail to submit his/her observations within a prescribed time period, the requested trademark registration shall be refused within the limits of the requests stated in the opposition.
The competent authority may, in the course of the opposition procedure, set an oral hearing."
Article 15
In Article 34, paragraph 1, after the word "proceedings" the following words shall be added: "if due to such failure the loss of rights from the trademark application or trademark rights have come into effect".
In paragraph 3, after the words: "continuation of the procedure" a comma and the
following words shall be deleted: "if the loss of right has not come into effect".
Article 16
In Article 37, paragraph 1 shall be amended to read as follows:
"At the request of the trademark holder, the changes related to the change of the name and address of the trademark holder, alteration of the list of goods or services, correcting of errors in the text or copy or correcting of other obvious error shall be entered into the Register."
After paragraph 4, two new paragraphs shall be added to read as follows:
"The provisions of paragraphs 1 to 4 of this Article shall also apply to entry of changes in the application for the registration of a trademark.
If the application has been published, the changes made by entering into the application records shall be published in the Official Gazette."
Article 17
Article 51 shall be amended to read as follows:

"Annulment of the Trademark

Article 51
If the trademark has been registered contrary to the provisions of Articles 6 to 8 of this
Law, the competent court may annul the registered trademark in whole or in part.
The claim for annulment of the registered trademark may be filed for the entire duration of the trademark right, as well as after the expiration of the right duration.
In cases of trademark registration contrary to Article 6 of this Law, the claim may be filed by any interested party, the State Prosecutor and the competent authority ex officio.
In cases of trademark registration contrary to Article 7 of this Law, the claim may be filed by the holder of the earlier trademark.
In cases of trademark registration contrary to Article 8 of this Law, the claim may be filed by the person whose right has been infringed.
When the trademark has been registered contrary to Article 6 of this Law, the trademark
shall be annulled if the grounds for annulment exist at the time of rendering of the decision on the trademark annulment."
Article 18
After Article 51, a new Article shall be added to read as follows:

"Annulment of the Collective Trademark

Article 51a
The competent court may annul the registered collective trademark for the reasons set forth in Article 51, paragraph 1 of this Law, as well as in the case when amendments to the general act on collective trademark use are contrary to Article 47 of this Law.
The claim for annulment of the collective trademark referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article may be filed by any interested party, the State Prosecutor and the competent authority ex officio."
Article 19
Article 52 shall be amended to read as follows:

"Additional Conditions

Article 52
When the trademark has been registered contrary to Article 6, paragraph 1, items 2 to 5 of this Law, the trademark may be annulled only if the claim for annulment has been filed within ten years from the date of trademark registration.
When the trademark has been registered contrary to Article 6, paragraph 1, items 2 to 5 of this Law, the trademark shall not be annulled if the trademark holder proves that the trademark has, after registration and due to its use, acquired a distinctive character in relation to goods or services for which it has been registered.
The trademark may not be annulled on the basis of an earlier trademark which has not acquired a reputation in Montenegro in accordance with this Law until the priority date of the later trademark.
The trademark may not be annulled because it conflicts with an earlier trademark, if the earlier trademark does not meet the requirements referred to in Article 17 of this Law and if the earlier trademark has been registered for at least five years on the date of filing of the claim for annulment of the trademark.
If the earlier trademark referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article has been used only in relation to the part of the goods or services for which it has been registered, it shall be considered for the needs of the examination of the claim for annulment of the trademark that it has been registered only for that part of the goods or services.
When the reasons for annulment of the trademark exist in relation to only some goods or services for which the trademark has been registered, the trademark annulment shall include only those goods or services."
Article 20
After Article 52, a new Article shall be added to read as follows:

"Submission of Verdict

Article 52a
The court shall be obliged to submit the final verdict by which it has annulled the trademark in whole or in part to the competent authority and the parties to the proceedings, without delay.
The competent authority shall enter in the Register and publish in the Official Gazette the declaration of invalidity of the trademark."
Article 21
Article 53 shall be amended to read as follows:

"Revocation of Trademark

Article 53
The competent court may render a decision on the revocation of the registered trademark, in whole or in part, if the holder of the trademark or a person authorised by him/her has, for an uninterrupted period of five years from the date of registration, i.e. the date when the trademark has been last used, without a justified reason, in accordance with Article 17 of this Law failed to actually use the trademark in Montenegro for goods or services for which such trademark has been registered.
The competent court shall reject the claim for revocation of the trademark, if the use of the trademark has begun or has continued following the expiry of an uninterrupted five-year period of non-use of the trademark and prior to the submission of a claim for revocation of the trademark, except if the commencement or continuation of use of the trademark has occurred after the holder of the trademark has become aware that a claim for the revocation of his/her trademark is going to be submitted and if the use has begun or has continued within a period of three months prior to the submission of a claim for the revocation.
The competent court may render a decision on the revocation of the registered trademark, in whole or in part and, if such trademark after the date of registration due to:
1) acts or omissions of the trademark holder has become an ordinary term in trade for
goods or services for which it has been registered;
2) use by the trademark holder or with his consent for goods or services for which it has been registered may mislead the public, in particular regarding the type, quality and geographical origin of the goods or services."
Article 22
Article 54 shall be amended to read as follows:

"Claim and Decision on Claim

Article 54
Any interested party may file a claim for revocation of the registered trademark.
When the reasons for revocation of the registered trademark exist in relation to only some goods or services for which the trademark has been registered, the decision on the revocation of the registered trademark shall include only those goods or services.
The court shall be obliged to submit the final verdict by which it has revoked the
trademark in whole or in part to the competent authority and the parties to the proceedings, without delay.
The competent authority shall enter in the Register and publish in the Official Gazette the revocation of the registered trademark."
Article 23
Article 55 shall be amended to read as follows:

"Claim for Establishing and Claim for Termination of the Trademark Infringement

Article 55
The trademark holder may request by a claim at the competent court establishing of the trademark infringement against a person who has infringed the trademark by unauthorised exercise of any of the activities referred to in Articles 10 and 11 of this Law.
The trademark holder may request by a claim against the person referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article termination of the infringement and prohibition of such or similar infringement in the future, under the threat of payment of fine.
Against a person who has, by exercise of an activity, caused a serious danger to the
trademark to be infringed within the meaning of Articles 10 and 11 of this Law, the trademark holder may request by a claim cessation of such activity and prohibition of trademark infringement, under the threat of payment of fine.
Claims referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this Article may also be filed against a person who, in carrying out his/her economic activity, provides services that are used in activities which infringe the trademark, i.e. which threaten the trademark infringement.
Claims referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article may be filed within five years from the date of trademark infringement.
If the plaintiff proves that the person referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article has acted intentionally, the claims referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article may be filed for the entire duration of trademark protection.
The claim referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article may be filed within five years from the date of undertaking of activity which threatens the trademark infringement."
Article 24
After Article 55, three new Articles shall be added to read as follows:

"Claim for Seizure and Destruction of Objects

Article 55a
Against a person who has infringed the trademark by unauthorised exercise of any of the activities referred to in Articles 10 and 11 of this Law, the trademark holder may request by a claim removal from trade, seizure or destruction of products which infringe trademark .
The trademark holder may also request the measure referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article in relation to tools, equipment and other objects used only for manufacturing or creating the products which infringe trademark.
The court shall impose measures referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article at the expense of the defendant, unless there are particular reasons not to decide so.
When imposing measures referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, the court shall take into account all the circumstances of the case, in particular that they are proportionate to the nature and intensity of the infringement, as well as the interests of third parties.
The claims referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article may be filed within five years from the date of infringement.

Claim for Compensation of Damage, Usual Compensation and Return of without Merits Acquired Benefits

Article 55b
The trademark holder may request compensation of damage by a claim from the person who has caused him/her damage by unauthorised exercise of any of the activities referred to in Articles 10 and 11 of this Law, according to the general rules on compensation of damage stipulated by the law governing obligatory relations.
Instead of the request for compensation of damage referred to in paragraph 1 of this
Article, when the circumstances of the case justify that and if the defendant acted without authorisation, the trademark holder may request by a claim the payment of compensation in an amount which, under the circumstances, he/she could request on the basis of a license agreement, if it has been concluded.
If he/she proves that the defendant acted intentionally or by gross negligence, the
trademark holder may request by a claim the triple amount of compensation referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article.
Against a person who has infringed the trademark and thus acquired some benefit without
merits in a legal transaction or in the law by undertaking any of the activities referred to in Articles 10 and 11 of this Law, the trademark holder may, regardless of the defendant's guilt, request by a claim the return or compensation of values of acquired benefits according to the general rules on acquisition without merits, in accordance with the law governing obligatory relations.
The claims referred to in paragraphs 1 and 4 of this Article may be filed within the periods stipulated by the law governing obligatory relations.
The claims referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article may be filed within three years from the date the plaintiff became aware of the infringement and the offender, i.e. no later than within five years from the date of infringement.

Request for Publication of Verdict

Article 55c
In cases referred to in Articles 55, 55a and 55b of this Law, the trademark holder may request the final verdict, by which the claim has been approved in part or in whole, to be published in printed or electronic media at the expense of the defendant.
The court shall, within the limits of the claim, decide in which media the verdict will be
published, as well as on the scope of the publication (in whole or in part) of the verdict.
If the court decides that only a part of the verdict should be published, it shall determine, within the limits of the claim, that at least the operative part should be published and, if necessary, part of the verdict from which the type of infringement and the person who has infringed the trademark can be seen."
Article 25
Article 56 shall be amended to read as follows:

"Provisional Measures for Trademark Infringement

Article 56
At the request of the trademark holder who makes it probable that the trademark has been infringed or that there is imminent threat of trademark infringement, the court shall impose a provisional measure giving the order to:
1) the opponent of the securing to cease or desist from acting that infringes the trademark and, if necessary, the court shall also give the same order to the intermediary whose services are used by third parties in order to infringe the trademark;
2) temporary seize from the opponent of the securing or the intermediary or remove from
trade products which infringe trademark, i.e. tools, equipment and other objects used only for manufacturing or creating the products which infringe trademark.
At the request of the trademark holder who makes it probable that the trademark has been infringed when carrying out economic activity in order to obtain commercial or economic benefit and that there is a threat of irreparable damage to him/her due to such infringement, in addition to the provisional measures referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, the court may order:
1) seizure of movable and immovable objects owned by the opponent of the securing that are not directly related to the infringement;
2) prohibition on disposal of assets at financial institutions and disposal of other assets of the opponent of the securing.
For imposing and enforcement of provisional measures referred to in paragraph 2 of this
Article, the court may order the opponent of the securing or other person who disposes the banking, financial and other economic data to submit these data and provide access to other necessary data and documents.
The court shall be obliged to protect the confidentiality of data and documents referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article and prohibit any misuse thereof."
Article 26
After Article 56, a new Article shall be added to read as follows:

"Imposing Provisional Measures without Notice

Article 56a
"The court may impose provisional measures referred to in Article 56, paragraph 1 of this Law without notifying the opponent of the securing if the trademark holder makes it probable that otherwise provisional measure will not be effective or that there is a threat of irreparable damage.
The court may also impose provisional measures referred to in Article 56, paragraph 2 of this Law without notifying the opponent of the securing if the trademark holder makes it probable that the provisional measure will not be effective or that, given the particularly difficult circumstances of the infringement, these measures are necessary.
In cases referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, the court shall deliver a decision on provisional measure to the opponent of the securing immediately upon its execution.
If the claim has not been filed, the deadline for filing the claim in order to justify the
provisional measure may not be longer than 20 working days, i.e. 31 calendar days from the date of submission of the decision on imposing the provisional measure to the trademark holder, depending on which period expires later.
The provisions of Article 56 of this Law and this Article shall not exclude the possibility of imposing provisional measures in accordance with the provisions of this Law and the law governing enforcement proceedings."
Article 27
Article 57 shall be amended to read as follows:

"Provisional Measures for Securing of Evidence

Article 57
At the request of the trademark holder who makes it probable that the trademark has been infringed or that there is imminent threat of trademark infringement, the court may impose a provisional measure for securing of evidence, and in particular it may order:
1) to the opponent of the securing to give a detailed description of the objects for which the trademark holder makes it probable that they perform infringement of the trademark, with or without taking samples of these objects;
2) seizure of the objects for which the trademark holder makes it probable that they
perform infringement of the trademark;
3) seizure of products, tools, equipment and other objects used for manufacturing and distribution of objects for which the trademark holder makes it probable that they perform infringement of the trademark, as well as business documents relating thereto.
The court may impose provisional measures referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article in
cases of emergency and without notifying the opponent of the securing if the trademark holder makes it probable that otherwise provisional measure will not be effective or that there is a threat of irreparable damage.
In cases referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, the court shall deliver a decision on the provisional measure to the opponent of the securing immediately upon its execution.
If the claim has not been filed, the deadline for filing the claim in order to justify the provisional measure may not be longer than 20 working days, i.e. 31 calendar days from the date of submission of the decision on imposing the provisional measure to the trademark holder, whereby the deadline for filing the claim shall be the period which expires later.
The provisions of paragraphs 1 to 4 of this Article shall not exclude the possibility of
imposing provisional measures in accordance with the provisions of this Law and the law governing enforcement proceedings, as well as the measures for securing of evidence in accordance with the law governing civil proceedings."
Article 28
Article 58 shall be amended to read as follows:

"Securing of Evidence in Civil Proceedings

Article 58
When one party in litigation for protection of trademark against infringement in accordance with Articles 55 to 59b of this Law refers to certain evidence, claiming that it is with the other party or under his/her control, the court shall invite that party to submit such evidence within a specified time period.
When the trademark holder, as a plaintiff in the claim for protection of trademark against infringement in accordance with Articles 55 to 59b of this Law, makes it probable that the trademark infringement occurred when carrying out economic activity in order to obtain commercial or economic benefit, the court shall at his/her request require from the defendant
to provide banking, financial and similar business documents, papers and other evidence found at him/her or under his/her control, within a specified time period.
When the party that has been requested to submit evidence referred to in paragraphs 1 and
2 of this Article denies that these evidences are in his/her possession or under his/her control, the court may, in order to establish this facts, present evidences.
Regarding the rights of a party to withhold the submission of evidence, the provisions on
withholding the witnessing shall be applied in accordance with the law governing civil proceedings.
The court shall, regarding all the circumstances, by its own belief, conclude of what importance is the occasion in which a party, having the evidence in possession or under control, does not want to comply with the court decision to submit evidence or, contrary to the court’s belief, denies that the evidence is in his/her possession or under his/her control."
Article 29
Article 59 shall be amended to read as follows:

"Obligation to Provide Information

Article 59
The trademark holder, who initiated litigation to protect the trademark against infringement, may require the submission of data on the origin and distribution channels of products which infringe the trademark.
The request referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article may be filed against:
1) a defendant in civil proceedings referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article;
2) a person who, in carrying out his/her economic activity, possesses products for which the holder of rights makes it probable that they infringe the trademark;
3) a person who, in carrying out his/her economic activity, provides services for which the holder of rights makes it probable that they infringe the trademark;
4) a person who, in carrying out his/her economic activity, provides services that are used
in activities for which the holder of rights makes it probable that they infringe the trademark;
5) a person who has been, by the person referred to in items 1 to 4 of this paragraph, designated as a person involved in the manufacturing or distribution of products or provision of services for which the holder of rights makes it probable that they infringe the trademark.
The request referred to in paragraph 1 may be filed as a request in civil proceedings, claim
or request for imposing provisional measure.
The request referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall in particular contain the following information:
1) names, i.e. titles and addresses of manufacturers and distributors, suppliers and other previous holders of goods, as well as wholesalers and retailers to which these goods are intended;
2) quantities of produced, manufactured, delivered, received or ordered products, as well
as the prices obtained for these products.
A person, against whom the request referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article has been filed, may refuse to submit the data for reasons from which according to the provisions of the law governing civil proceedings this person may refuse to testify.
If the person, against whom the request referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article has been filed, refuses to provide information without a legitimate reason, he/she shall be liable for damage in accordance with the law governing obligatory relations.
The provisions of this Article shall not exclude the application of Articles 57 and 58 of this Law, regulations on the use of classified information in civil and criminal proceedings, regulations governing liability for misuse of the right to obtain information, as well as the application of regulations governing processing and protection of personal data."
Article 30
After Article 59, four new Articles shall be added to read as follows:

"Alternative Measures

Article 59a
At the request of the defendant in civil proceedings referred to in Articles 55 to 59 and Article 59b of this Law who proves that he/she has not been acting intentionally, the court may impose, instead of the measure requested by the trademark holder, the payment of monetary compensation to the holder of the trademark, if the execution of that measure to the defendant would cause disproportionate harm and if monetary compensation, considering all the circumstances of the case, may be considered a reasonable and satisfactory compensation for the trademark infringement.

Persons Authorised to Submit Requests for the Protection of Rights

Article 59b
Besides the trademark holder, i.e. a person authorised by him/her in accordance with the general regulations on representation, the protection of trademark against infringement in accordance with Articles 55 to 59 of this Law may be required by the holder of an exclusive license to the extent to which he/she has acquired the right to use the trademark, as well as by the professional organisation for the protection of the rights which has the right to represent the holder of intellectual property rights in accordance with the law.

Urgency and Application of Provisions of Other Laws

Article 59c
Proceedings for infringement of rights referred to in Articles 55 to 59 of this Law shall be urgent.
The law governing civil or enforcement proceedings shall be applied to proceedings for infringement of rights referred to in Articles 55 to 59 of this Law in all matters that are not regulated by this Law.
Costs of proceedings referred to in Articles 55 to 59 of this Law shall be compensated in accordance with the law governing civil or enforcement proceedings.

Filing a Claim for Annulment and Revocation of Trademark

Article 59d
Regarding proceedings initiated for the purpose of trademark protection in accordance with Articles 55 to 59 of this Law, the defendant may file a complaint for annulment and revocation of the trademark referred to in Articles 51 to 54 of this Law.
In the case of filing claims for annulment and/or revocation of the trademark, the court
shall, having regard to all circumstances of the case and in accordance with the general regulations governing civil or enforcement proceedings, determine whether it shall suspend
the proceedings of protection of the trademark from infringement and under which conditions, or whether it shall merge the proceedings for joint discussion."
Article 31
After Article 62, two new chapters and four new Articles shall be added to read as follows:
"Xa. SUPERVISION Article 62a
Supervision of the implementation of this Law and regulations adopted on the basis of this
Law shall be carried out by the Ministry.
Inspection supervision of the implementation of this Law shall be carried out by the administrative authority responsible for inspection supervision tasks.

Inspection Supervision Procedure

Article 62b
The law governing inspection supervision shall apply to matters of inspection supervision that are not specifically regulated by this Law.
Inspection supervision procedure shall be initiated ex officio or at the written request of the trademark holder (hereinafter referred to as the "request") or a person having his/her authorisation to submit the request on the basis of the general rules on representation.
The request referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article may be individual, when it refers to a specific type and quantity of goods or general, when it refers to all quantities of specific goods for a specific time period.
The request referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article shall contain data which can identify
goods that infringe the trademark as well as evidence that the applicant is the trademark holder and, if it is a general request, also the time period to which the request refers.

Securing, Costs of Proceedings and Compensation of Damage

Article 62c
When the competent inspector assesses in the inspection supervision procedure that there has been the trademark infringement, he/she shall be obliged to take administrative measures and actions regulated by the law governing inspection supervision.
If he/she assesses that it is justified given the circumstances of the case, the competent
inspector may, in the proceedings initiated at the request, condition imposing of measures referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article by giving adequate securing of the applicant for the purpose of compensation of costs for storage of temporarily seized goods or damage incurred due to the failure of the applicant or unjustified seizure of objects.
The costs of the proceedings initiated at the request of the holder of rights which has been resolved in favour of the subject of supervision shall be borne by the applicant.
The competent inspector shall not liable for compensation of damage incurred due to unjustified temporary seizure of goods at the request of the holder of rights.
If it is determined in the proceedings that the goods have been unjustifiably seized at the
request of the holder of rights, the applicant shall be obliged to compensate the damage incurred due to temporary seizure of goods to the owner of the goods or the person from whom the goods have been seized.

Misdemeanours against Trademark

Article 62d
A fine ranging from EUR 1,500 to EUR 20,000 shall be imposed to a legal person which, without the permission of the trademark holder or other person authorised to give such permission:
1) affixes a trademark to the goods, its packaging or on means used for marking the goods
(Article 11, paragraph 1, item 1);
2) offers goods, puts them on the market, stock them for those purposes or offers or supplies services under the trademark (Article 11, paragraph 1, item 2);
3) imports or exports the goods under the trademark (Article 11, paragraph 1, item 3);
4) uses the trademark on business papers or in advertising (Article 11, paragraph 1, item
A fine ranging from EUR 500 to EUR 2,000 shall be imposed to a natural person and the
responsible person in the legal person for the misdemeanour referred to in paragraph 1 of this
A fine ranging from EUR 1,300 to EUR 6,000 shall also be imposed to an entrepreneur for the misdemeanour referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.
Objects that have been intended or used only for infringement or that have been created by infringement referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be seized and destroyed, regardless of whether they are property of the offender."
Article 32
After Article 65, a new Article shall be added to read as follows:

"Deferred Application

Article 65a
The provision of Article 15, paragraph 2 of this Law shall be applied from the date of accession of Montenegro to the European Union"

Cessation of Validity

Article 33
On the date of entry into force of this Law, Article 4, paragraph 1, item 5, Article 21 and Article 26, items 2 to 7 of the Law on Application of Regulations Governing the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights ("Official Gazette of RoM", No. 45/05) shall cease to be valid.

Entry into Force

Article 34
This Law shall enter into force on the eighth day of its publication in the "Official Gazette of Montenegro".
Number: 07-2/13-1/4

Podgorica, 26th March 2014

25th Assembly of the Parliament of Montenegro

The President, Ranko Krivokapic, sgd.

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