À propos de la propriété intellectuelle Formation en propriété intellectuelle Respect de la propriété intellectuelle Sensibilisation à la propriété intellectuelle La propriété intellectuelle pour… Propriété intellectuelle et… Propriété intellectuelle et… Information relative aux brevets et à la technologie Information en matière de marques Information en matière de dessins et modèles industriels Information en matière d’indications géographiques Information en matière de protection des obtentions végétales (UPOV) Lois, traités et jugements dans le domaine de la propriété intellectuelle Ressources relatives à la propriété intellectuelle Rapports sur la propriété intellectuelle Protection des brevets Protection des marques Protection des dessins et modèles industriels Protection des indications géographiques Protection des obtentions végétales (UPOV) Règlement extrajudiciaire des litiges Solutions opérationnelles à l’intention des offices de propriété intellectuelle Paiement de services de propriété intellectuelle Décisions et négociations Coopération en matière de développement Appui à l’innovation Partenariats public-privé Outils et services en matière d’intelligence artificielle L’Organisation Travailler avec nous Responsabilité Brevets Marques Dessins et modèles industriels Indications géographiques Droit d’auteur Secrets d’affaires Académie de l’OMPI Ateliers et séminaires Application des droits de propriété intellectuelle WIPO ALERT Sensibilisation Journée mondiale de la propriété intellectuelle Magazine de l’OMPI Études de cas et exemples de réussite Actualités dans le domaine de la propriété intellectuelle Prix de l’OMPI Entreprises Universités Peuples autochtones Instances judiciaires Ressources génétiques, savoirs traditionnels et expressions culturelles traditionnelles Économie Financement Actifs incorporels Égalité des genres Santé mondiale Changement climatique Politique en matière de concurrence Objectifs de développement durable Technologies de pointe Applications mobiles Sport Tourisme PATENTSCOPE Analyse de brevets Classification internationale des brevets Programme ARDI – Recherche pour l’innovation Programme ASPI – Information spécialisée en matière de brevets Base de données mondiale sur les marques Madrid Monitor Base de données Article 6ter Express Classification de Nice Classification de Vienne Base de données mondiale sur les dessins et modèles Bulletin des dessins et modèles internationaux Base de données Hague Express Classification de Locarno Base de données Lisbon Express Base de données mondiale sur les marques relative aux indications géographiques Base de données PLUTO sur les variétés végétales Base de données GENIE Traités administrés par l’OMPI WIPO Lex – lois, traités et jugements en matière de propriété intellectuelle Normes de l’OMPI Statistiques de propriété intellectuelle WIPO Pearl (Terminologie) Publications de l’OMPI Profils nationaux Centre de connaissances de l’OMPI Série de rapports de l’OMPI consacrés aux tendances technologiques Indice mondial de l’innovation Rapport sur la propriété intellectuelle dans le monde PCT – Le système international des brevets ePCT Budapest – Le système international de dépôt des micro-organismes Madrid – Le système international des marques eMadrid Article 6ter (armoiries, drapeaux, emblèmes nationaux) La Haye – Le système international des dessins et modèles industriels eHague Lisbonne – Le système d’enregistrement international des indications géographiques eLisbon UPOV PRISMA UPOV e-PVP Administration UPOV e-PVP DUS Exchange Médiation Arbitrage Procédure d’expertise Litiges relatifs aux noms de domaine Accès centralisé aux résultats de la recherche et de l’examen (WIPO CASE) Service d’accès numérique aux documents de priorité (DAS) WIPO Pay Compte courant auprès de l’OMPI Assemblées de l’OMPI Comités permanents Calendrier des réunions WIPO Webcast Documents officiels de l’OMPI Plan d’action de l’OMPI pour le développement Assistance technique Institutions de formation en matière de propriété intellectuelle Mesures d’appui concernant la COVID-19 Stratégies nationales de propriété intellectuelle Assistance en matière d’élaboration des politiques et de formulation de la législation Pôle de coopération Centres d’appui à la technologie et à l’innovation (CATI) Transfert de technologie Programme d’aide aux inventeurs WIPO GREEN Initiative PAT-INFORMED de l’OMPI Consortium pour des livres accessibles L’OMPI pour les créateurs WIPO Translate Speech-to-Text Assistant de classification États membres Observateurs Directeur général Activités par unité administrative Bureaux extérieurs Avis de vacance d’emploi Achats Résultats et budget Rapports financiers Audit et supervision
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Règlement sur le droit d'auteur 1969 (Mesures de protection technologique), Australie

Texte abrogé 
Détails Détails Année de version 2017 Dates Adopté/e: 28 avril 1969 Type de texte Textes règlementaires Sujet Droit d'auteur, Mise en application des droits, Organe de réglementation de la PI Notes The Copyright (Technological Protection Measures) Regulations 196 was repealed on April 1, 2018.

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 Copyright (Technological Protection Measures)

Prepared by the Office of Parliamentary Counsel, Canberra

Copyright (Technological Protection Measures)

Regulations 1969

Statutory Rules No. 58, 1969

made under the

Copyright Act 1968

Compilation No. 16

Compilation date: 22 December 2017

Includes amendments up to: F2017L01648

Registered: 5 January 2018

Authorised Version F2018C00039 registered 05/01/2018

About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Copyright (Technological Protection Measures) Regulations

1969 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 22 December 2017 (the

compilation date).

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending

laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.

Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any

uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Legislation Register

(www.legislation.gov.au). The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the

compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced

amendments, see the series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled law.

Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments

If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an

application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are

included in the endnotes.

Editorial changes

For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the

modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show

the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the

series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled law.

Self-repealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the

law, details are included in the endnotes.

Authorised Version F2018C00039 registered 05/01/2018

Copyright (Technological Protection Measures) Regulations 1969 i

Compilation No. 16 Compilation date: 22/12/17 Registered: 5/1/18


Part 1—Preliminary 1 1 Name of regulations.......................................................................... 1

3 Interpretation..................................................................................... 1

Part 3B—Technological protection measures 2 20Y Meaning of copyright material ......................................................... 2

20Z Prescribed acts .................................................................................. 2

Schedule 10A—Prescribed acts 3

Endnotes 5

Endnote 1—About the endnotes 5

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key 6

Endnote 3—Legislation history 7

Endnote 4—Amendment history 9

Authorised Version F2018C00039 registered 05/01/2018

Authorised Version F2018C00039 registered 05/01/2018

Preliminary Part 1

Regulation 1

Copyright (Technological Protection Measures) Regulations 1969 1

Compilation No. 16 Compilation date: 22/12/17 Registered: 5/1/18

Part 1—Preliminary

1 Name of regulations

These Regulations are the Copyright (Technological Protection Measures)

Regulations 1969.

3 Interpretation

In these Regulations, unless the contrary intention appears:

the Act means the Copyright Act 1968.

Authorised Version F2018C00039 registered 05/01/2018

Part 3B Technological protection measures

Regulation 20Y

2 Copyright (Technological Protection Measures) Regulations 1969

Compilation No. 16 Compilation date: 22/12/17 Registered: 5/1/18

Part 3B—Technological protection measures

20Y Meaning of copyright material

In this Part:

copyright material means a work or other subject-matter in which copyright


20Z Prescribed acts

For paragraphs 116AN(9)(c) and 132APC(9)(c) of the Act, the doing of the acts

mentioned in Schedule 10A is prescribed.

Authorised Version F2018C00039 registered 05/01/2018

Prescribed acts Schedule 10A

Copyright (Technological Protection Measures) Regulations 1969 3

Compilation No. 16 Compilation date: 22/12/17 Registered: 5/1/18

Schedule 10A—Prescribed acts (regulation 20Z)

Item Topic Description of prescribed act

1 Interoperability with

computer programs

1.1 The reproduction or adaptation by a person of a computer

program of a kind mentioned in section 47D of the Act to achieve

interoperability of an independently created article with the

program or any other program in the circumstances mentioned in

that section

Note: For the doing of an act to achieve interoperability with

an independently created computer program, see

subsections 116AN(3) and 132APC(3) of the Act

2 Educational


2.1 The reproduction or communication by, or on the premises

of, an educational institution of copyright material of a kind, and

in the circumstances, mentioned in Division 2A of Part VB of the


2.2 An act by a person that does not infringe copyright because

of Division 4 of Part IVA of the Act

2.3 Use by a person of a work (other than a computer game) or

other subject matter that is not an infringement of copyright in the

work or other subject matter because of subsection 200AB(1) of

the Act because the use is covered by subsection 200AB(3) (use

by body administering educational institution) of the Act

3 Assistance to persons

with a print disability

3.1 The reproduction or communication by an institution

assisting persons with a print disability for provision of assistance

to those persons of copyright material of a kind, and in the

circumstances, mentioned in Division 3 of Part VB of the Act

3A Access by or for

persons with a


3A. 1 Fair dealing with, or use of, copyright material other than a

computer game by a person that is not an infringement of

copyright in the material because of Division 2 (access by or for

persons with a disability) of Part IVA of the Act

4 Libraries or archives 4.1 The reproduction or communication by a library of a kind

mentioned in section 49 of the Act, or archives, of part or the

whole of an article or published work to a person for research or

study in the circumstances mentioned in that section

4.2 The reproduction or communication by a library or archives

of part or the whole of an article or published work to another

library or archives in the circumstances mentioned in section 50

of the Act

4.3 The reproduction or communication by a library or archives


(a) a work for a purpose, and in the circumstances, mentioned in

section 51A of the Act; and

(b) an unpublished sound recording or cinematograph film for

research or study, or with a view to publication, in the

circumstances mentioned in section 110A of the Act; and

Authorised Version F2018C00039 registered 05/01/2018

Schedule 10A Prescribed acts

4 Copyright (Technological Protection Measures) Regulations 1969

Compilation No. 16 Compilation date: 22/12/17 Registered: 5/1/18

Item Topic Description of prescribed act

(c) a sound recording or cinematograph film for the preservation

or replacement of the sound recording or cinematograph film,

or for research, in the circumstances mentioned in

section 110B of the Act

4.4 An act by a person that does not infringe copyright because of

Division 3 of Part IVA of the Act

5 Sound recordings for


5.1 The making of a copy of a sound recording in association

with other matter solely for broadcasting it in the circumstances

mentioned in section 107 of the Act

5.2 The broadcasting of a sound recording in the circumstances

mentioned in section 109 of the Act

6 Malfunctioning


protection measures

6.1 The gaining of access to copyright material to which a

technological protection measure has been applied if:

(a) the technological protection measure is not operating

normally; and

(b) a replacement technological protection measure is not

reasonably available

6.2 The gaining of access to copyright material that is protected

by a technological protection measure that interferes with or

damages a product in which it is installed (the host product) or

another product used in conjunction with the host product:

(a) to prevent damage, or further damage, to the host product or

another product by the technological protection measure; or

(b) to repair the host product or another product (if circumvention

of the technological protection measure is necessary to enable

the repair to be carried out)

Authorised Version F2018C00039 registered 05/01/2018


Endnote 1—About the endnotes

Copyright (Technological Protection Measures) Regulations 1969 5

Compilation No. 16 Compilation date: 22/12/17 Registered: 5/1/18


Endnote 1—About the endnotes

The endnotes provide information about this compilation and the compiled law.

The following endnotes are included in every compilation:

Endnote 1—About the endnotes

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Endnote 4—Amendment history

Abbreviation key—Endnote 2

The abbreviation key sets out abbreviations that may be used in the endnotes.

Legislation history and amendment history—Endnotes 3 and 4

Amending laws are annotated in the legislation history and amendment history.

The legislation history in endnote 3 provides information about each law that has amended (or

will amend) the compiled law. The information includes commencement details for amending

laws and details of any application, saving or transitional provisions that are not included in

this compilation.

The amendment history in endnote 4 provides information about amendments at the provision

(generally section or equivalent) level. It also includes information about any provision of the

compiled law that has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law.

Editorial changes

The Legislation Act 2003 authorises First Parliamentary Counsel to make editorial and

presentational changes to a compiled law in preparing a compilation of the law for

registration. The changes must not change the effect of the law. Editorial changes take effect

from the compilation registration date.

If the compilation includes editorial changes, the endnotes include a brief outline of the

changes in general terms. Full details of any changes can be obtained from the Office of

Parliamentary Counsel.

Misdescribed amendments

A misdescribed amendment is an amendment that does not accurately describe the

amendment to be made. If, despite the misdescription, the amendment can be given effect as

intended, the amendment is incorporated into the compiled law and the abbreviation “(md)”

added to the details of the amendment included in the amendment history.

If a misdescribed amendment cannot be given effect as intended, the abbreviation “(md not

incorp)” is added to the details of the amendment included in the amendment history.

Authorised Version F2018C00039 registered 05/01/2018


Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

6 Copyright (Technological Protection Measures) Regulations 1969

Compilation No. 16 Compilation date: 22/12/17 Registered: 5/1/18

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

ad = added or inserted o = order(s)

am = amended Ord = Ordinance

amdt = amendment orig = original

c = clause(s) par = paragraph(s)/subparagraph(s)

C[x] = Compilation No. x /sub-subparagraph(s)

Ch = Chapter(s) pres = present

def = definition(s) prev = previous

Dict = Dictionary (prev…) = previously

disallowed = disallowed by Parliament Pt = Part(s)

Div = Division(s) r = regulation(s)/rule(s)

ed = editorial change reloc = relocated

exp = expires/expired or ceases/ceased to have renum = renumbered

effect rep = repealed

F = Federal Register of Legislation rs = repealed and substituted

gaz = gazette s = section(s)/subsection(s)

LA = Legislation Act 2003 Sch = Schedule(s)

LIA = Legislative Instruments Act 2003 Sdiv = Subdivision(s)

(md) = misdescribed amendment can be given SLI = Select Legislative Instrument

effect SR = Statutory Rules

(md not incorp) = misdescribed amendment Sub-Ch = Sub-Chapter(s)

cannot be given effect SubPt = Subpart(s)

mod = modified/modification underlining = whole or part not

No. = Number(s) commenced or to be commenced

Authorised Version F2018C00039 registered 05/01/2018


Endnote 3—Legislation history

Copyright (Technological Protection Measures) Regulations 1969 7

Compilation No. 16 Compilation date: 22/12/17 Registered: 5/1/18

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Number and year FRLI registration or


Commencement Application, saving and

transitional provisions

58, 1969 28 Apr 1969 1 May 1969 (r 2 and gaz

1969, p 2543)

148, 1981 23 June 1981 23 June 1981 —

355, 1981 18 Dec 1981 18 Dec 1981 —

65, 1982 12 Mar 1982 12 Mar 1982 —

126, 1983 5 Aug 1983 5 Aug 1983 —

128, 1983 5 Aug 1983 5 Aug 1983 —

293, 1983 1 Dec 1983 1 Dec 1983 —

175, 1984 1 Aug 1984 1 Aug 1984 —

275, 1984 5 Oct 1984 5 Oct 1984 —

34, 1987 12 Mar 1987 12 Mar 1987 —

125, 1988 24 June 1988 24 June 1988 —

4, 1990 25 Jan 1990 25 Jan 1990 —

5, 1990 25 Jan 1990 25 Jan 1990 —

76, 1990 23 Mar 1990 23 Mar 1990 —

301, 1990 28 Sept 1990 1 Oct 1990 (r 1 and Gazette

1990, No. S261)

165, 1992 25 June 1992 25 June 1992 —

228, 1993 26 Aug 1993 26 Aug 1993 —

129, 1995 15 June 1995 1 July 1995 —

359, 1998 22 Dec 1998 22 Dec 1998 —

7, 2001 13 Feb 2001 13 Feb 2001 —

8, 2001 13 Feb 2001 4 Mar 2001 (r 2) —

405, 2004 23 Dec 2004 1 Jan 2005 (r 2) —

15, 2005 25 Feb 2005 (F2005L00311) 26 Feb 2005 —

328, 2006 14 Dec 2006 (F2006L04029) 1 Jan 2007 —

249, 2010 29 Oct 2010 (F2010L02831) 30 Oct 2010 —

149, 2011 19 Aug 2011 (F2011L01698) 20 Aug 2011 —

227, 2011 16 Dec 2011 (F2011L02708) 27 Dec 2011 —

31, 2013 18 Mar 2013 (F2013L00479) Sch 5 (item 1): 15 Apr 2013

(s 2)

90, 2015 19 June 2015 (F2015L00854) Sch 2 (items 75–79): 1 July

2015 (s 2(1) item 2)

Authorised Version F2018C00039 registered 05/01/2018


Endnote 3—Legislation history

8 Copyright (Technological Protection Measures) Regulations 1969

Compilation No. 16 Compilation date: 22/12/17 Registered: 5/1/18

Name Registration Commencement Application, saving and

transitional provisions

Acts and Instruments

(Framework Reform)

(Consequential Amendments)

Regulation 2016

29 Feb 2016 (F2016L00170) Sch 1 (item 15): 5 Mar 2016

(s 2(1) item 1)

Copyright Legislation

Amendment (Technological

Protection Measures)

Regulations 2017

18 Dec 2017 (F2017L01648) Sch 1 (items 1–11): 22 Dec

2017 (s 2(1) item 1)

Authorised Version F2018C00039 registered 05/01/2018


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Copyright (Technological Protection Measures) Regulations 1969 9

Compilation No. 16 Compilation date: 22/12/17 Registered: 5/1/18

Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Part 1

Part 1 heading................................ ad. 1990 No. 5

r. 1 ................................................. rs. 1998 No. 359

am F2017L01648

r 2 .................................................. rep LA s 48D; F2017L01648 (amdt never applied (Sch 1 item 2))

r. 3 ................................................. am. 2011 No. 227; F2016L00170; F2017L01648

r. 3A .............................................. ad. 1983 No. 128

rep. 1990 No. 76

r. 4 ................................................. rs. 1981 No. 148

am. 1981 No. 355

rep. 1990 No. 4

r. 4A .............................................. ad. 1981 No. 148

am. 1981 No. 355

rep. 1990 No. 4

Part 2 heading................................ ad. 1990 No. 5

rep F2017L01648

Part 2 ............................................. rep F2017L01648

r. 4B............................................... ad. 1981 No. 148

rep F2017L01648

r. 4BA............................................ ad. 2001 No. 8

rep F2017L01648

r. 4C............................................... ad. 1987 No. 34

rep F2017L01648

r. 4D .............................................. ad. 2001 No. 8

rep F2017L01648

r. 4E............................................... ad. 2011 No. 149

rep F2017L01648

r 5 .................................................. rep F2017L01648

r. 5A .............................................. ad. 1981 No. 148

am. 1984 No. 175

rep. 1990 No. 76

r. 6 ................................................. am. 1981 Nos. 148 and 355; 1983 No. 126; 1992 No. 165

rep F2017L01648

r 7 .................................................. rep F2017L01648

r. 8 ................................................. rs. 1992 No. 165

rep. 2010 No. 249

rr. 9–13 .......................................... am. 1992 No. 165

Authorised Version F2018C00039 registered 05/01/2018


Endnote 4—Amendment history

10 Copyright (Technological Protection Measures) Regulations 1969

Compilation No. 16 Compilation date: 22/12/17 Registered: 5/1/18

Provision affected How affected

rep. 2010 No. 249

r. 14 ............................................... rep. 2010 No. 249

r 15 ................................................ rep F2017L01648

r. 15A ............................................ ad. 1983 No. 293

rep. 1992 No. 165

r 16 ................................................ rep F2017L01648

r. 17 ............................................... rs. 1990 No. 301

rep F2017L01648

Part 3 heading................................ ad. 1990 No. 5

rep F2017L01648

Part 3 ............................................. rep F2017L01648

r. 17A ............................................ ad. 1988 No. 125

rs. 2001 No. 8

rep F2017L01648

r. 17B............................................. ad. 1993 No. 228

rep. 2001 No. 8

r 18 ................................................ rep F2017L01648

r 19 ................................................ rep F2017L01648

r. 19A ............................................ ad. 2011 No. 149

rep F2017L01648

r. 20 ............................................... rep. 1981 No. 148

ad. 2001 No. 8

rep F2017L01648

r. 20AA.......................................... ad. 2011 No. 149

rep F2017L01648

Part 3A .......................................... ad. 2004 No. 405

rep F2017L01648

r. 20A ............................................ ad. 2004 No. 405

rep F2017L01648

r. 20B............................................. ad. 2004 No. 405

rep F2017L01648

r. 20C............................................. ad. 2004 No. 405

rep F2017L01648

r. 20D ............................................ ad. 2004 No. 405

rep F2017L01648

r. 20E............................................. ad. 2004 No. 405

rep F2017L01648

r. 20F ............................................. ad. 2004 No. 405

rep F2017L01648

r. 20G ............................................ ad. 2004 No. 405

Authorised Version F2018C00039 registered 05/01/2018


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Copyright (Technological Protection Measures) Regulations 1969 11

Compilation No. 16 Compilation date: 22/12/17 Registered: 5/1/18

Provision affected How affected

rep F2017L01648

r. 20H ............................................ ad. 2004 No. 405

rep F2017L01648

r. 20I .............................................. ad. 2004 No. 405

rep F2017L01648

r. 20J.............................................. ad. 2004 No. 405

rep F2017L01648

r. 20K ............................................ ad. 2004 No. 405

rep F2017L01648

r. 20L............................................. ad. 2004 No. 405

rep F2017L01648

r. 20M............................................ ad. 2004 No. 405

rep F2017L01648

r. 20N ............................................ ad. 2004 No. 405

rep F2017L01648

r. 20P ............................................. ad. 2004 No. 405

rep F2017L01648

r. 20Q ............................................ ad. 2004 No. 405

rep F2017L01648

r. 20R............................................. ad. 2004 No. 405

rep F2017L01648

r. 20S ............................................. ad. 2004 No. 405

rep F2017L01648

r. 20T............................................. ad. 2004 No. 405

rep F2017L01648

r. 20U ............................................ ad. 2004 No. 405

rep F2017L01648

r. 20V ............................................ ad. 2004 No. 405

rep F2017L01648

r. 20W............................................ ad. 2004 No. 405

rep F2017L01648

r. 20X ............................................ ad. 2004 No. 405

rep F2017L01648

Part 3B

Part 3B........................................... ad. 2006 No. 328

r. 20Y ............................................ ad. 2006 No. 328

r. 20Z............................................. ad. 2006 No. 328

Part 4 heading................................ ad. 1990 No. 5

rep F2017L01648

Part 4 ............................................. rep F2017L01648

Authorised Version F2018C00039 registered 05/01/2018


Endnote 4—Amendment history

12 Copyright (Technological Protection Measures) Regulations 1969

Compilation No. 16 Compilation date: 22/12/17 Registered: 5/1/18

Provision affected How affected

r. 21 ............................................... am. 1981 Nos. 148 and 355; 1995 No. 129

rs. 1998 No. 359; No. 31, 2013

am No 90, 2015

rep F2017L01648

r. 22 ............................................... am. 1981 No. 148

rep. 1981 No. 355

ad. 1995 No. 129

rs. 1998 No. 359; No. 31, 2013

rep F2017L01648

r. 22A ............................................ ad. 1995 No. 129

rs. No. 31, 2013

rep F2017L01648

r. 22B............................................. ad. No. 31, 2013

am No 90, 2015

rep F2017L01648

r. 23 ............................................... am. 1981 Nos. 148 and 355

rep F2017L01648

Part 5 heading................................ rs. 2001 No. 8

rep F2017L01648

Part 5 ............................................. ad. 1990 No. 5

rep F2017L01648

r. 23A ............................................ ad. 1990 No. 5

rs. 1998 No. 359

am. 2001 No. 8; 2005 No. 15

rep F2017L01648

r. 23B............................................. ad. 1990 No. 5

am. 1998 No. 359; 2001 No. 8

rep F2017L01648

r. 23C............................................. ad. 1990 No. 5

am. 1998 No. 359

rs. 2001 No. 8

rep F2017L01648

r. 23D ............................................ ad. 1990 No. 5

rep F2017L01648

r. 23E............................................. ad. 1990 No. 5

am. 1998 No. 359

rs. 2001 No. 8

rep F2017L01648

r. 23F ............................................. ad. 1990 No. 5

am. 1998 No. 359; 2001 No. 8

Authorised Version F2018C00039 registered 05/01/2018


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Copyright (Technological Protection Measures) Regulations 1969 13

Compilation No. 16 Compilation date: 22/12/17 Registered: 5/1/18

Provision affected How affected

rep F2017L01648

r. 23G ............................................ ad. 1990 No. 5

rs. 2001 No. 8

rep F2017L01648

r. 23H ............................................ ad. 1990 No. 5

rep F2017L01648

r. 23HA.......................................... ad. 2001 No. 8

rep F2017L01648

r. 23HB.......................................... ad. 2001 No. 8

rep F2017L01648

r. 23J.............................................. ad. 1990 No. 5

am. 2005 No. 15

rep F2017L01648

Part 5A heading............................. rs. 2001 No. 8

rep F2017L01648

Part 5A .......................................... ad. 1990 No. 76

rep F2017L01648

r. 23JA........................................... ad. 1990 No. 76

am. 2001 No. 8; 2006 No. 328

rep F2017L01648

r. 23JB ........................................... ad. 1990 No. 76

rs. 2006 No. 328

rep F2017L01648

r. 23JC ........................................... ad. 1990 No. 76

am. 2001 No. 8; 2006 No. 328

rep F2017L01648

r. 23JD........................................... ad. 1990 No. 76

rs. 2006 No. 328

rep F2017L01648

r. 23JE ........................................... ad. 1990 No. 76

am. 2001 No. 8; 2006 No. 328

rep F2017L01648

r. 23JF............................................ ad. 1990 No. 76

am. 2001 No. 8; 2006 No. 328

rep F2017L01648

r. 23JG........................................... ad. 1990 No. 76

am. 2001 No. 8; 2006 No. 328

rep F2017L01648

r. 23JH........................................... ad. 1990 No. 76

am. 2006 No. 328

Authorised Version F2018C00039 registered 05/01/2018


Endnote 4—Amendment history

14 Copyright (Technological Protection Measures) Regulations 1969

Compilation No. 16 Compilation date: 22/12/17 Registered: 5/1/18

Provision affected How affected

rep F2017L01648

r. 23JJ ............................................ ad. 1990 No. 76

am. 2001 No. 8

rep F2017L01648

r. 23JK........................................... ad. 1990 No. 76

am. 2001 No. 8; 2006 No. 328

rep F2017L01648

r. 23JL ........................................... ad. 1990 No. 76

am. 2006 No. 328

rep F2017L01648

r. 23JLA......................................... ad. 2001 No. 8

rep F2017L01648

r. 23JM .......................................... ad. 1990 No. 76

am. 2006 No. 328

rep F2017L01648

Part 6 ............................................. ad. 1990 No. 5

rep. 1998 No. 359

ad. 2001 No. 8

rep F2017L01648

r. 23K ............................................ ad. 1990 No. 5

rep. 1998 No. 359

ad. 2001 No. 8

rep F2017L01648

r. 23L............................................. ad. 1990 No. 5

rep. 1998 No. 359

ad. 2001 No. 8

rep F2017L01648

Part 6A .......................................... ad. 2006 No. 328

rep F2017L01648

r. 23M............................................ ad. 1990 No. 5

rep. 1998 No. 359

ad. 2006 No. 328

rep F2017L01648

r. 23N ............................................ ad. 1990 No. 5

rep. 1998 No. 359

ad. 2006 No. 328

rep F2017L01648

r. 23O ............................................ ad. 2006 No. 328

rep F2017L01648

r. 23P ............................................. ad. 1990 No. 5

Authorised Version F2018C00039 registered 05/01/2018


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Copyright (Technological Protection Measures) Regulations 1969 15

Compilation No. 16 Compilation date: 22/12/17 Registered: 5/1/18

Provision affected How affected

rep. 1998 No. 359

ad. 2006 No. 328

rep F2017L01648

r. 23Q ............................................ ad. 2006 No. 328

rep F2017L01648

r. 23R............................................. ad. 2006 No. 328

rep F2017L01648

r. 23S ............................................. ad. 2006 No. 328

rep F2017L01648

r. 23T............................................. ad. 2006 No. 328

rep F2017L01648

r. 23U ............................................ ad. 2006 No. 328

rep F2017L01648

r. 23V ............................................ ad. 2006 No. 328

rep F2017L01648

r. 23W............................................ ad. 2006 No. 328

rep F2017L01648

r. 23X ............................................ ad. 2006 No. 328

rep F2017L01648

r. 23Y ............................................ ad. 2006 No. 328

rep F2017L01648

r. 23Z............................................. ad. 2006 No. 328

rep F2017L01648

Part 7 heading................................ ad. 1990 No. 5

rep F2017L01648

Part 7 ............................................. rep F2017L01648

r 24 ................................................ rep F2017L01648

r. 25 ............................................... am. 1983 No. 126

rep F2017L01648

r. 25AA.......................................... ad. 1987 No. 34

rep. 1990 No. 76

ad. 2001 No. 7

rep F2017L01648

r. 25A ............................................ ad. 1981 No. 148

am. 1984 No. 175; 1990 No. 76

rep F2017L01648

r. 25B............................................. ad. 1981 No. 148

rep. 1990 No. 76

ad. 2001 No. 8

rep. 2010 No. 249

Authorised Version F2018C00039 registered 05/01/2018


Endnote 4—Amendment history

16 Copyright (Technological Protection Measures) Regulations 1969

Compilation No. 16 Compilation date: 22/12/17 Registered: 5/1/18

Provision affected How affected

r. 26 ............................................... am. 1981 Nos. 148 and 355

rep F2017L01648

r. 27 ............................................... am. 2001 No. 7; 2006 No. 328

rep F2017L01648

Part 8 heading................................ ad No 90, 2015

rep F2017L01648

Part 8 ............................................. rep F2017L01648

r. 28 ............................................... ad. 2010 No. 249

rep F2017L01648

r 29 ................................................ ad No 90, 2015

rep F2017L01648

The Schedules heading .................. rep. 1981 No. 148

Schedule 1 ..................................... ad. 1981 No. 148

rs. 1981 No. 355

am. 1983 No. 128; 1984 No. 275

rep. 1990 No. 4

Schedule 1A .................................. ad. 1981 No. 355

rep. 1990 No. 4

Schedule 2 ..................................... ad. 1981 No. 148

rs. 1981 No. 355

am. 1982 No. 65; 1983 No. 128; 1984 No. 275

rep. 1990 No. 4

Schedule 3 ..................................... ad. 1981 No. 148

rs. 2001 No. 8; 2010 No. 249

rep F2017L01648

Schedule 3A heading..................... rs. 1998 No. 359

rep F2017L01648

Schedule 3A .................................. ad. 1987 No. 34

rs. 2010 No. 249

rep F2017L01648

Schedule 3B heading ..................... rs. 1998 No. 359

rep F2017L01648

Schedule 3B................................... ad. 1987 No. 34

rs. 2010 No. 249

rep F2017L01648

Schedule 4 ..................................... ad. 1981 No. 148

rep. 1990 No. 76

ad. 2001 No. 8

rs. 2010 No. 249

rep F2017L01648

Authorised Version F2018C00039 registered 05/01/2018


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Copyright (Technological Protection Measures) Regulations 1969 17

Compilation No. 16 Compilation date: 22/12/17 Registered: 5/1/18

Provision affected How affected

Schedules 5.................................... ad. 1981 No. 148

rep. 1990 No. 76

ad. 2011 No. 149

rep F2017L01648

Schedule 6 ..................................... ad. 1981 No. 148

rep. 1990 No. 76

Schedule 7 ..................................... ad. 1981 No. 148

rep. 1990 No. 76

First Schedule heading

Renumbered Schedule 8 ................ 1981 No. 148

rep F2017L01648

Schedule 8 ..................................... rs. 1983 No. 126; 1992 No. 165; 2010 No. 249

rep F2017L01648

Second Schedule heading

Renumbered Schedule 9 ................

1981 No. 148

rep F2017L01648

Schedule 9 ..................................... rep. 1995 No. 129

ad. 2001 No. 8

rs. 2010 No. 249

rep F2017L01648

Third Schedule heading

Renumbered Schedule 10 .............. 1981 No. 148

rep F2017L01648

Schedule 10 ................................... rep. 1981 No. 355

ad. 2004 No. 405

rep F2017L01648

Schedule 10A

Schedule 10A ................................ ad. 2006 No. 328

am F2017L01648

Fourth Schedule heading

Renumbered Schedule 11 .............. 1981 No. 148

rep F2017L01648

Schedule 11 ................................... am. 2001 No. 8

rs. 2010 No. 249

rep F2017L01648

Schedule 11AA heading ................ rs. 1998 No. 359

am. 2001 No. 8

rep F2017L01648

Schedule 11AA.............................. ad. 1990 No. 5

Authorised Version F2018C00039 registered 05/01/2018


Endnote 4—Amendment history

18 Copyright (Technological Protection Measures) Regulations 1969

Compilation No. 16 Compilation date: 22/12/17 Registered: 5/1/18

Provision affected How affected

am. 1998 No. 359; 2001 No. 8

rs. 2010 No. 249

rep F2017L01648

Schedule 11AB.............................. ad. 2001 No. 8

rs. 2010 No. 249

rep F2017L01648

Schedule 11AC.............................. ad. 2001 No. 8

am. 2005 No. 15

rs. 2010 No. 249

rep F2017L01648

Schedule 11A ................................ ad. 1990 No. 34

rs. 1990 No. 76; 2010 No. 249

rep F2017L01648

Schedule 11B................................. ad. 1987 No. 34

rep. 1990 No. 76

ad. 2001 No. 8

rs. 2010 No. 249

rep F2017L01648

Schedule 11C................................. ad. 1987 No. 34

rep. 1990 No. 76

ad. 2006 No. 328

rep F2017L01648

Fifth Schedule heading

Renumbered Schedule 12 .............. 1981 No. 148

rep F2017L01648

Schedule 12 ................................... rs. 2010 No. 249

rep F2017L01648

Authorised Version F2018C00039 registered 05/01/2018

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