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Résolution du Conseil des ministres n° 12 de 2007 concernant le règlement d'application de la loi fédérale n° 24 de 2006 sur la protection des consommateurs, Émirats arabes unis

Version la plus récente dans WIPO Lex
Détails Détails Année de version 2007 Dates Entrée en vigueur: 29 mars 2007 Adopté/e: 29 mars 2007 Type de texte Textes règlementaires Sujet Marques, Divers

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Texte(s) principal(aux) Textes connexe(s)
Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Arabe قرار مجلس الوزراء رقم 12 لسنة 2007 في شأن اللائحة التنفيذية للقانون الاتحادي رقم (24) لسنة 2006 في شأن حماية المستهلك      Anglais Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 12 of 2007 on the Executive Regulations of Federal Law No. 24 of 2006 on the Consumer Protection        
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 CABINET OF MINISTERS' RESOLUTION (12) OF 2007, In respect of Executive Regulation to the Federal Law no. 24 of 2006I n respect of PROTECTION OF CONSUMERS

United Arab Emirates The Cabinet

ةدحتملاةيبرعلاتارامإلاةلود ءارزولاسلجمةسائر



In respect of

Executive Regulation to the Federal Law no. 24 of 2006

In respect of


The Cabinet of Ministers,

Having examined the Constitution, and

Federal Law no. (1) of 1972 in respect of the competencies of ministries and

powers of ministers, as amended;

Federal Law no. (5) of 1975 in respect of the Commercial Registry;

Federal Law no. (1) of 1979 in respect of regulating industrial affairs, as


Federal Law no. (4) of 1979 in respect of combating fraud and deceit in

commercial transactions;

Federal Law no. (18) of 1981 in respect of regulating commercial agencies,

as amended;

United Arab Emirates The Cabinet

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Federal Law no. (8) of 1984 in respect of commercial companies, as


Federal Law no. (5) of 1985 in respect of the Civil Transactions Code as


The Federal Penal Code no. (3) of 1987, as amended;

Federal Law no. (10) of 1992 in respect of evidence in civil and commercial

transactions, as amended;

The Penal Procedures Code under Federal Law no. (35) of 1992, as


Federal Law no. (37) of 1992 in respect of commercial transactions, as


Federal Law no. (9) of 1993 in respect of control over trading and molding

valuable stones and precious metals as amended;

Federal Law no. (18) of 1993 in respect of Code of Commercial Practice, as


Federal Law no. (28) of 2001 in respect of the establishment of Emirates

Authority for Standards & Specifications;

United Arab Emirates The Cabinet

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Federal Law no. (1) of 2003 in respect of establishment of the Federal

Authority of Customs;

Federal Law no. (13) of 2004 in respect of control over import, export and

transit of raw diamonds;

Federal Law no. (17) of 2004 in respect of combating commercial

harbouring (manipulation);

Federal Law no. (1) of 2006 in respect of e-commerce and transactions;

Federal Law no. (2) of 2006 in respect of combating IT crimes;

Federal Law no. (24) of 2006 in respect of protection of consumers;

The Cabinet of Ministers' Resolution no. (207/16) of 2006 on approval of

the Cabinet's draft resolution on the Executive Regulation to Federal Law

no. (24) of 2006 in respect of protection of consumers; and

In the light of the proposal made by the Minister of Economy, as endorsed

by the Cabinet of Ministers;

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Article (1)

In implementation of the provisions hereof, the following words and

expressions shall, unless otherwise required by the context, have the

meanings shown opposite:

The State : The State of the United Arab Emirates

The Ministry : The Ministry of Economy

The Minister The Minister of Economy

The Committee : The High Committee for Consumer Protection

The Department : The Department for Consumer Protection

Competent Authority : The local competent authority within the concerned

Emirate to which the implementation of Law no. (24) of

2006 and the provisions hereof are entrusted.

Approved Standard


: The specifications approved by the Emirates Authority for

Standards & Specifications.

Consumer : Any natural or juridical person receiving any goods or

United Arab Emirates The Cabinet

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service, with or without consideration, to satisfy his

personal need or the needs of others.

Provider : Any natural or juridical person providing a service or

information, or manufacturing, distributing, trading, selling,

supplying, or exporting any goods or involved in the

production or the trading thereof.

Principal Provider : The producer or provider who supplies goods and services

to the distributors, other than consumers.

Promoter : Any natural or juridical person promoting any goods or

service, publicising the same through various advertising

and publicity media.

Goods : Any industrial, agricultural, farm, or recycled product,

including raw materials and components/ingredients of the


Service : Any work performed by any body to the consumer,

whether or not with consideration.

Price : The sale price, rental value, or charge for usage of goods or


Re-call : The withdrawal of any goods, in case a defect is found

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therein, by the provider or through the concerned body in

the State or the country of origin, or in any other state.

Recalled Goods : The goods withdrawn within the State or the country of

origin, or any other state.

Defect : Any fault in the designing, processing, or manufacturing of

any goods, its non-suitability, deformation, or damage

emerging before, during or as a result of use, or due to

non-conformity or non-compliance sufficiently with the

Approved Standard Specifications, the warranty, or

specifications declared or to be declared by the provider; or

any acknowledgement or advertisement relating to or

posted on the goods.

Warranty : The written or implicit acknowledgement made by the

provider, or their representatives, that the goods or service,

subject of warranty, is free from defects, in conformity

with the Approved Standard Specifications, together with

their undertaking to repair any defect or fault affecting the

goods or service within a specific period of time.

Durable Goods : The goods that can be used or utilised for many years.

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Article (2)

The basis for identifying extraordinary pricing shall be as under:

1. Inflation rate within the State.

2. The price for the goods or service over the past periods.

3. The average prices within the State.

4. The average prices within the neighbouring states.

5. The price for the goods or service within the neighbouring


6. The average rate of increase in the price for the goods or


7. The foreign currency exchange rate at the time of importing

the goods or raw materials.

8. Complaints filed by consumers with the Department.

Article (3)

The Department shall prepare studies and reports on extraordinary

circumstances and crises within the market; identify the reasons for

extraordinary increase of prices and shall present the same to the

United Arab Emirates The Cabinet

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Committee to present recommendations as to measures necessary to

control such increase in prices.

The Department may refer to any natural or juridical persons of

expertise in this domain.

Article (4)

In case of any extraordinary circumstances or crisis in the market that

may require swift actions to control extraordinary increase in prices,

the Minister may, under recommendations from the Committee, take

the necessary steps to protect the consumers' interests and to avoid

them any harm.

Article (5)

The following events shall, in particular, constitute a state of monopoly:

1. Sale of goods or services for prices below cost to create a state

of monopoly in the market, which will cause damage to


2. Formation of alliances by more than one provider thus causing

harm to the national economy or consumers' interests.

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3. Agreement, explicit or implicit, by and among providers to fix,

reduce, or increase prices in a declared or clandestine manner

causing harm to the national economy or consumers' interests.

4. Agreement by and among competitors upon dividing the

market amongst themselves on geographical or sales-volume


5. Purchase by the provider of competitive goods or services

from the market with the intent to control prices.

6. Refrain from, halting, or restricting production, supplies, or

presentation of goods or services.

7. Laying conditions by the provider upon a consumer to

purchase an additional goods or service other than that in


Article (6)

Practices, agreements, or contracts - whether written or verbal,

explicit or implicit - shall be prohibited in case the purpose of such

practices, agreements or contracts, or the effect thereof, gives rise to

any state of monopoly.

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Article (7)

The Department shall take the necessary procedures and measures in

accordance with the provisions of Law and this Regulation and the

resolutions handed down in implementation thereof against any

monopoly practices or dealings, which cause damage to the national

economy or consumers.


Article (8)

The rights of consumers shall include the following:

i. Right of protection against products, production operations, or

services causing harm to health or safety.

ii. Right to be provided with the facts that assist them in proper

purchases and consumption.

iii. Right to select from among a number of alternative goods and

services at competitive prices and with quality control.

iv. Right to have his opinion heard, his interests represented

before official and non-official bodies, and his opinions

considered in developing goods and services.

United Arab Emirates The Cabinet

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v. Right to satisfy his basic needs of basic goods and services,

such as food, clothing, shelter, health care, and education.

vi. Right of compensation and fair settlement of his lawful claims,

including compensation for inferior or unsatisfactory goods or

services, or any practices harming consumers.

vii. Right to be educated and to acquire knowledge and skills

necessary to careful selection of goods or services; to be aware

of his basic rights and responsibilities and how to avail of the

same through sustainable awareness programmes.

viii. Right of living in proper environment.

Article (9)

The Department shall entertain complaints from consumers, in coordination with the local authorities, and shall initiate review, investigation, and examination procedures, and hand down the proper decision in this respect in accordance with the provisions of Law and this Regulation.

Any party having interest may complain against the decision handed down by the Department before the Minister within fifteen days from the date of being notified of such decision. Such complaint shall be in writing and on the form prepared by the Department, in which the complainant's capacity and cause of objection, and it shall be signed

United Arab Emirates The Cabinet

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by the complainant or his legal representative. Complaint shall cause the decision to be suspended until the complaint is ruled upon, in approval or dismissal.

Any party having interest may further object the ruling handed down in the complaint before the competent court.


Article (10)

A provider shall adopt the procedures stipulated for herein to recall

goods from the local markets or consumers in the following events:

1. A defect is found by him in the goods.

2. Reports or studies prove the presence of a defect in the goods.

3. Complaints are received from consumers or the concerned

bodies for the presence of a defect in the goods.

4. A memorandum is issued by the Ministry for the recall of the


5. Recall procedures are initiated outside the State for the same


United Arab Emirates The Cabinet

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6. It is established that the goods is not in conformity with the

Approved Standard Specifications.

Article (11)

The provider shall notify the Department in writing not later than

fourteen (14) days of any recall of goods; provided that such notice

shall include the following information:

i. Name of goods and provider, and the country of origin.

ii. Coloured representation (photo) of the goods and the part

defected therein.

iii. Detailed accurate description of the defect and the causes of

which it appeared.

iv. Quantity sold and the quantity to be recalled.

v. Type and nature of probable damages upon consumers.

vi. Procedures adopted by the provider to recall the goods.

vii. Manner of announcing the recall, together with the duration

and timings of such announcements.

viii. Procedures to be adopted by the provider in relation to the

defective goods.

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ix. The time span expected to remedy the defect, provided that

the circumstances and interests of consumers are taken into


The Department shall open a 'recall file,' which shall include the

information set out in this article. The Department may add any other

information or procedures it may deem necessary to the recall of

defective goods, according to the goods type and nature.

Article (12)

The provider shall, in case of recall of any goods, replace or repair the

goods, refund its price, or replace or repair the defective part free of

charge, regardless of the warranty period, according to the type and

nature of the goods and the nature of the defect found therein.

Article (13)

The provider shall bear all the costs of transportation of the defective

goods, dispatch of technicians to replace or repair the defective part

and all the costs entailed in the recall of the goods.

Article (14)

The provider shall, within thirty days from the initiation of the recall

process, provide the Department with a report for the goods repaired

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or replaced, the defective parts repaired, or those for which the prices

are refunded; provided that such report shall include the following:

i. The quantity sold;

ii. The quantity recalled;

iii. Quantity of goods repaired, replaced, or whose prices are


iv. The procedures to be adopted to avoid such defect, if possible.

Article (15)

The provider shall entertain complaints from consumers and settle

the same. In case a fault is repeated on more than three occasions, he

shall notify the principal provider of the same and forward a copy of

such notice to the Ministry.

Article (16)

The Department shall, under a decision from the Minister and in

coordination with the concerned bodies, take the procedures for

recalling defective goods at the provider's expense in the following


1. Failure to take the recall procedures by the provider.

United Arab Emirates The Cabinet

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2. Reluctance or delay by the provider in taking the recall

procedures in the case where it is believed that the defective

goods pose likely risk or harm to consumers.

3. Difficulty in identifying or reaching the provider.

Article (17)

As an exception to the provisions of the above article, the

Department shall take the recall procedures for defective goods in

necessary cases where there exists threat to consumer; and the

provider shall bear the cost of recall.

Article (18)

The Department shall, in coordination with the concerned bodies,

follow up with the goods being recalled within the State or abroad;

and shall regularly inform the Committee of the recall process taking


Article (19)

In case the Department receives any complaint or report for any

defect in any goods, the Department shall investigate the same; and in

case it is established that such defect is in existence, it shall notify the

United Arab Emirates The Cabinet

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provider that it is mandatory to recall the goods within the time limit

laid down by the Department according to the nature of such goods.

Article (20)

The concerned bodies, consumers, and any party having interest may

apply to the Department for the recall of any defective goods;

provided that such application shall be accompanied by supporting

evidence. The Department shall investigate the contents of the

application and take necessary action in its respect.

Article (21)

The provider shall announce the recall of any defective goods as per

the following conditions:

1. Advertise in two local daily newspapers at least twice, provided

that one of them is issued in Arabic, not later than 24 hours

from being notified of the recall; and also on the Ministry's


2. The advertisement shall not be less than 15 cm × 15 cm.

3. The advertisement must include the following information:

United Arab Emirates The Cabinet

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a. Name and address of the provider;

b. The trademark of the goods;

c. Name of goods and country of origin;

d. Description of defect;

e. The instructions consumers should follow to avoid any

likely harm as a result of using the goods;

f. The instructions consumers should follow to have the

goods repaired, replaced, or its price refunded;

And the Department may specify any other medium, duration, and


Article (22)

In case the provider fails to recall the defective goods in accordance

with this Regulation, while aware of the existence of a defect therein,

this shall constitute a case of commercial fraud as per the provisions

of the Federal Law no. (4) of 1979 referred to above; and the

Department shall refer the matter to the Public Prosecution to

institute criminal proceedings against the provider.

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Article (23)

The provider shall (if necessarily required) recall the defective goods

outside the State according to the procedures adopted in such

countries; provided that the provider shall notify the Department in

writing of the procedures of such recall.

Article (24)

Consumers shall have the right to select the manner of remedying any

defective goods, either by way of replacement, repair, or refund of

price; provided that the type and nature of defective goods together

with the time to be taken in remedying the defect shall be taken into

consideration. The consumer shall, according to the type and nature

of defective goods together with the time to be taken in remedying

the defect, be entitled to obtain a substitute goods to avail thereof

free of charge until the remedy procedures are completed.

Article (25)

The provider shall, before carrying out any repair or modification

works to the defective goods, notify consumers in writing and free of

charge of the estimated cost of repair and the validity period for his


United Arab Emirates The Cabinet

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The provider shall also, after completing the repair, specify in the

invoice issued by him the parts replaced and their prices, whether

such parts are new, used, or overhauled. The provider shall bear the

cost of labour charges and provide a warranty to the replaced parts.

Warranty for electric and electronic goods shall not be less than three

months; and in durable goods not less than six months from the date

of delivery after repair. In this case, the warranty shall not cover any

improper use of the goods.

Article (26)

The provider offering used or overhauled goods or those suffering a

certain defect not causing any harm to consumers health or safety

shall declare the condition of such goods clearly thereon and at the

place he is carrying on his activities; and he shall also indicate thereto

in the contract entered into or the invoice issued by him.

Article (27)

No person shall be permitted to advertise in any medium any goods

or service in such manner leading to deceiving or confusing


United Arab Emirates The Cabinet

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Article (28)

The provider shall, upon offering any goods for trading, observe to

post on its cover or container a label in clear readable meaningful

Arabic and in a noticeable manner, which label shall include:

i. Type, nature and components/ingredients of the goods;

ii. The name of the goods;

iii. Date of production or packing;

iv. Date of expiry;

v. Net weight;

vi. Country of origin (name of state without abbreviations,

and must the name must be accompanied by the phrase

'made in' and no other state's flag, than that of the

country of origin, shall be displayed).

vii. Exporting country, if any;

viii. Method of use, if possible;

ix. Proper measuring or weighing unit.

United Arab Emirates The Cabinet

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And the provider shall enclose within the container a detailed

statement in Arabic for the components, ingredients, specifications,

usage directions, and risks involved.

The provider shall, not later than one year from the date of this

Regulation, reconcile his status in harmony with this article for the

goods already imported.

The Minister may recommend any additional information on the

goods, where a resolution shall be passed by the Cabinet.

Article (29)

The provider shall, upon offering/displaying any goods or service,

post the price thereon in the local currency and in a noticeable

manner; or advertise the same in a prominent manner in the place

where the goods or service is offered/displayed.

The provider shall reconcile his status in harmony with this article not

later than two months from the date of this Regulation.

Article (30)

No provider shall be permitted to exercise any form of discrimination

among consumers while selling any goods or service, whether in

terms of price or quality.

United Arab Emirates The Cabinet

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Article (31)

Consumers shall have the right to obtain a date-bearing invoice,

which shall include the following information:

1. Name and address of provider;

2. Description of goods;

3. Sale unit;

4. Quantity or number of units sold;

5. Price of goods in the local currency.

Article (32)

The service provider shall offer warranty for the service provided by

him within a specific period corresponding to the nature of such

service, otherwise be committed to refund the amount paid by the

recipient, or provide another service in the proper manner.

Article (33)

The provider shall guarantee the quality of the goods or services, the

availability of the specifications specified or the conditions imposed

by the consumer in writing. He shall also guarantee the latent defects

which may diminish the value of the goods or service, or render the

same unusable for the purposes for which it is produced according to

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its nature or the terms of the contract entered into by the provider

and consumer.

Article (34)

The provider shall provide the after-sale services, including spare

parts, maintenance for durable goods, for a period not less than five

years, or according to the nature of goods.

Article (35)

Unless specifically stipulated for in this Regulation, the warranty

period for services and various categories of goods provided to

consumers shall be as per the terms and conditions of the contract

entered into by them.

Article (36)

Save the provisions of Articles 28 & 29 in this Regulation, providers

operating in the State at the time this Regulation comes into force

shall, not later than six months from the date this Regulation comes

into force, reconcile their respective status in harmony with this

regulation and the provisions of the Federal Law no. (24) of 2006 as

referred to hereinabove.

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The Minister may, in case of any provider failing to reconcile and

expiry of the time limit, suspend such provider's activities

furthermore not more than one week and refer the matte to the

competent court to take necessary action.

Article (37)

The Minister shall issue the resolutions necessary to the

implementation of the provisions of this Regulation.

Article (38)

This Resolution shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall

come into force from the date this Resolution is issued.

(Signed) Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Prime Minister

Issued by us on:

Date: Rabie I 10, 1428 AH

Corresponding to March 29, 2007 AD

Législation Met en application (1 texte(s)) Met en application (1 texte(s))
Aucune donnée disponible

N° WIPO Lex AE033