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Loi sur la propriété industrielle du Libéria, Libéria

Texte abrogé 
Détails Détails Année de version 2003 Dates Adopté/e: 20 mars 2003 Type de texte Principales lois de propriété intellectuelle Sujet Brevets (Inventions), Dessins et modèles industriels, Marques, Noms commerciaux, Concurrence, Mise en application des droits, Organe de réglementation de la PI, Propriété industrielle

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Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Anglais Industrial Property Act of Liberia        
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 Industrial Property Act of March 20, 2003






APRIL 30,2003




WI-IEREAS, 111ealllllgtLJl lndustnalization has eluded us for more than 1';0 vears due to both internal and external Impediments coupled With the lack of the political wdl, 'oresipht and insight on the part of our leaders,

WHEREAS. technology will not be transferred to a Third World country such as our without a set of laws 011 the groulld to protect Industrial properties consistent with International standard,

WHEREAS, consistent with national interests in the establishment and promotion of Good Governance under tile Rule of Law ,

\VHEREAS, indusu rahzauon Inthe Third Millcmuum is one of the foremost priorities of the NPP-Ied Governmern

WHEREAS, uniform and comprehensive code for the protecuon and promotion of industrial property, is the best Incentive and guarantee for the attraction of foreign investment into this country,

WHEREAS, scientists, inventors, arnsts, engineers, both local and foreign, must be encouraged to actively engage themselves in the industrialization process oft/lis country by recognizing the fruits of then mvenuve and intellectual endeavors thereby creating a just and conducive business atmosphere

WIILRL:\S, It has become desirable and necessary at this pomt rn time for Government to put in place n specialized agencv consisting of technocrats who will carer directly to matters related to industrial properties exclusively for the Republic of Liberia both locally and internationally,

NOW, THER.EFORE, It IS enacted bv the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Republic of Liberia, 111 Legislature Assembled

Section I


of the Act


I\dllllllistra\ I vc


Purpose of the Act and Orgal1lzatlonallAdministrative Structure/Instructions

1(1) Fhis bodv 01' law shall be known by the title, "Industrial Property Act of Liberia", and shall be referred to and cited as such within the jurisdiction of the Republic of Liberia

(2) The purpose of this Act aforesaid is to provide minimum local and international standa ",j, Cor the protection of all industrial properties which shall come under the control, registration and regulation of the Industrial Property Office of the Republic of Liberia

(3) The provisions of this Act shall apply to patents, trade marks/names, industrial designs and other Industrial properties, except copyright

2( I) There is hereby established an Industrial Property Office for the purpose aforesaid in Section I (2) above, which shall serve as an autonomous agency of GOVClI1l1lent

(2) There IS hereby established a head of the Industrial Property Office, a Director for ln.iustrial Property, who shall be appointed by the President of the Republic of Liberia to effectively manage the affairs of the agency and enforce all the provisions of this Act For this purpose, he is granted the police power to discharge such duties III collaboration with the Ministry of Justice, Commerce, Finance and relevant Agencies of Government

(3) Tile Office of the Director-General shall be an autonomous agency established in the City of Monrovia, County of Montserrado and Republic of Liberia, yet subject to th. oversight responsibility of an established Board of Directors who shall be appointed for a four year term by the President of Liberia

(4) The head, as In Section 2 (2), shall be entrusted with all functions relating to the procedure for the grant of patents and the registration of industrial designs, marks and collect ive marks and for the administration ofgrantecl patents and registered industrial designs, marks and collective marks as specified in this Act and the Regulations.

(5 )(a) The Director General shall be assisted by a Deputy and such Assistant as may be appointed and shall superintend and perform all duties required by this Act and the Regulations and shall have the authority to carry out studies, programs or exchanges of items or services regarding domestic and international industrial property law

(b) Decisions shall be signed by the Director-General or an official designated by him

(',) The Board of Directors shall determine the organizational structure and regulate all questions concerning the financial and budgetary system of the Office of the Director General

(7) The Office ofthe Director-General shall publish in the Official Bulletin all the publi.nuons provided for In this Act

Registers, ( JCliCl:i1


r.ollccunn ol

Errors :!IIJ r:,[CIISIOIl 01'


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( llll'PC[CIl[ 01.

(ulln Appeals

-3- (8)( 11) The Board of Direct ors shall Issue Re:~uhtions prescribing details for the

Implementation of tim Act The Regulations .n.rv III particular, provide for the payment of tees III connection with applications for the grant of patents and for the registration of industrial designs, marks and collective marks and matters related thereto

(b) The Director General may issue Administrative Instructions relating to the procedures under this Act and the Regulations as well as to the other functions of the Office of the Director General

3 ( I)(]) The Office of the Director-General shall maintain separate Registers for patents, industrial designs and marks Collective marks shall be registered in a special section 01' the Register of Marks All the recordings provided for in this Act shall be effected 111 the said Registers

(b) The Registers may be consulted by any person, and any person may obtain extracts therefrom, under the conditions prescribed in the Regulations

4( I ) The Director-General may, subject to any provision in the Regulations, correct an, error of translation or transcription, clerical error or mistake 111 1ll1\ application or document filed with the Office of the Registrar or In any recording effected pursuant to this Act 01 the Regulations

(:2) If the Director-General is satisfied that the circumstances justify it, he may. upon receiving a written request, extend the lime for doing any act or taking am proceeding under this Act and the Regulations, upon notice to the parties concerned and upon such terms as he may direct The extension may he granted though the time for doing the act or taking the proceeding has expired

:; The Director General shall gIve any party to a proceeding before him an opporturutv of being heard before exercismg adverselv to that party any discretionarv power vested in him by this Act or the Regulations

(l( t I The Circuit Court shall have jurisdiction If] cases of dispute relating to the application of this Act and the Regulations and in matters which under this -vct (and the Regulations) are to be referred to the court

(:::) Anv decision taken bv the Director-General under this Act, in particular the grant of a patent or the registration of all industrial design or of a mark or collective mark, or the refusal of an application for such a grant or registration, may be the subject of an appeal by any interested party before the Circuit Court and such appeal shall be filed within (two) months of the date (II' I.lle decision

lnterprciauons. Derinition and Abbreviauon

Iiucrprctauon 7


In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires

("ARIr)O" means the African Regional Industrial Property Organization:)

("Banjul Protocol" means the Protocol on Marks within the Framework of ARIPO:)

"Court" means the court referred to in Section 6( I);

("Harare Protocol' means the Protocol on Patents and industrial Designs Within the Framework of ARIPO;)

"International Classification" means, as regards industrial designs, the classification according to the Locarno Agreement Establishing an International Classification for Industrial Designs and, as regard s marks, the classification according to the Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the purposes of the registration of Marks, of June 15, 1957, as last revised

"Paris Convention" means the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property of March, 20, 1883, as last revised,

"Priority date" means the date of the earlier application that serves as the basis for the right of priority provided for in the Paris convention

"Registers" means the Registers referred to in Section 3(1)(a),

"Regulations" means the Regulations referred to in Section 2 (8)(a)


DclinlllollS 01 "Paicu: .iud or "lnICnIJOn"

M"IICJ Excluded (rom

[':Itcnl Proiccuon

Patentable Inventions



8( I) For the purposes of this Act, "patent" means the title granted to protect an invention

(2)(a) For the purposes of this Act, "intention" means an idea of an inventor which permits in practice the solution to a specific problem in the field of technology

(b) An invention may be, or may relate to, a product or a process

(3) The following, even if they are inventions within the meaning of subsection (2), shall be excluded from patent protection

(II discoveries, scientific theories and mathematical methods,

(l l) schemes, rules or methods for doing business, performing purely mental acts or playing games:

(II I) methods for treatment of the human or animal body by surgery or therapy, as well as diagnostic methods practiced on the human or animal body: this provision shall not apply to products for use in any of those methods

Il( I) An invention is patentable if it IS new, involves an inventive step and is industrially applicable

(2)(a) An invention is new ifit is not anticipated by prior art

(b) Prior art shall consist of everything disclosed to the public, anywhere in the world, by publication in tangible form or by oral disclosure, by use or III any other way, prior to the filing or, where appropriate, the priority date, or the application claiming the invention

(c) For the purposes of paragraph (b), disclosure to the public of the invention shall not be taken into consideration if it occurred with in twelves months preceding the filing date or, where applicable, the priority date of the application and ifit was by reason or in consequence ofacts committed by the applicant or his predecessor in title or of an abuse committed by a third party With regard to the applicant or his predecessor in title

(3) An invention shall be considered as involving an inventive step if, havlng regard to the prior art relevant to the application claiming the invention and as defined in subsection (2)(b), it would not have been obvious to a person having ordinary skill in the art.

(4) An invention shall be considered industrially applicable if it can be made or used in any kind of industry "Industry" shaJl be understood in its broadest sense, it shall cover, in particular, handicraft, agriculture, fishery and sen Ices

!{Iglil 10 Parent. Nannng of inventor


(5) Inventions the commercial exploitation of which would be contrary to public order or moralitv shall not be patentable

I O( I) The right to a patent shall belong to the inventor

(2) If two or more persons have jom: 'y made an invention, the right to the patent shall belong to them jointly

(3) If and to the extent to which two or more persons have made the same invention independently of each other, the person whose application has the earliest filing date or, if priority is claimed, the earliest validly claimed priority date shall have the right to the patent, as long as the said application IS not withdrawn, abandoned or rejected

(4) The right to a patent may be ass.gned, or may be transferred by succession

(5) Where an invention is made in execution of an employment contract, the right to the patent shall belong, In the absence of contractual provisions to the contrary, to the employer

(6) The inventor shall be named as such in the patent, unless in a special written declaration signed by him and addressed to the Registrar he indicates that he wishes not to be named Any promise or undertaking by the inventor made to any person to the effect that he w:11 make such a declaration shall be without legal effect

I I.( 1)The application for a patent shall be filed with the Director general and shall contain a request, a description, one or more claims, one or more drawings (where required), and an abstract It shall be subject to the payment of the prescribed application fee

(2)(a) The request shall contain a petition to the effect that a patent be granted, the name of and other prescribed data concerning the applicant, the inventor and the agent, ifany, and the title ,fthe invention

(b) Where the applicant is not the inventor, the request shall be accompanied by a statement justifying the applicant's right to the patent.

(3) The description shall disclose the invention in a manner sufficiently clear and complete for the invention to be carried out by a person having ordinary skill in the art, and shall, in particular, indicate at least one mode known to the applicant for carrying out the invention.

(4)(a) The claim or claims shall define the matter for which protection is sought The description and the drawings J11?y be used to interpret the claims

(b) Claims shall be clear and concise They shall be fully supported by the description

(5) Drawings shall be required when they are necessary for the understanding of the Invention

(6) The abstract shall merely serve the purpose oftechnical information; ill particular, it shall not be taken into aCCOLu1t for the purpose of interpreting the scope of the protection


Inventions Amend- UiI'ISIOIi 01


Riglit of Pnoruv




hlrclgll Application

- 7-

(7) The applicant may, up to the tim? when the application is in order for grant, withdraw the application at any time during its pendency

12( I) The application shall relate to one invention only or to a group of invennons so linked as to form a smgle general inventive concept.

(2) The applicant may, up to the time when the application is in order for grant, amend the application, provided that the amendment shall not go bevond the disclosure in the initial application,

(3ira) The applicant may, up to the time when the application is in order rOJ grant, divide the application into two or more applications ('divisional applications"), provided that each divisional application shall not go beyond the disclosure in the initial application

(b) Each divisional application shall be entitled to the filing date and, where applicable, the priority date of the initial application

(4) The fact that a patent has been granted on an application that did not comply with the requirement of unity of invention under subsection (1) shall not be a ground for the invalidation of the patent

13( 1) The application may contain a declaration claiming the priority, as provided for in the Paris Convention, of one or more earlier national, regional or international applications filed by the applicant or his predecessor in title in or for any State party to the said Convention (or any Member of the World Trade Organization)

(2) Where the application contains a declaration under subsection (I), the Director General may request that the applicant furnish, within the prescribed lime limit, a copy of the earlier application cenified as correct by the Office With which it was filed

(3) The effect of the said declaration shall be as provided in the Paris Convention

(4) If the Director-General finds that the requirements under this Section and the Regulations penaining thereto have not been fulfilled, the said declaration shall be considered not to have neen made

14,( I ) The applicant shall, at the request of the Director General furnish him with the date and number of any application for a patent filed by him abroad ("foreign application") relating to the same or essentially the same invention as that claimed in the application filed with the Office of the Director General,

(2)(a) The applicant shall, at the request of the Director General, furnish 111111 With the following documents relating to one of the foreign applications referred to in subsection (1)

(i) a copy of any communication received by the applicant concerning the results of any search or examination carried out in respect ofthe foreign application;

(ii) a copy of the patent granted on the basis of the foreign application,

FilIng Date



(iii) a copy of any final decision rejecting the foregoing application or refusing the grant requested in the foreign application

(b) The applicant shall. at the request of L',le Director General, furnish him with a copy of any final decision invalidating the patent granted on the basis l1fthe foregoing application referred to in paragraph (a)

(3) Subsection (2)(a)li) and (iii) shall not apply in respect of information relating to the examination of the same International application in another elected office where the Industrial Property Registry isan elected Office in the meaning of Section 21(ii) and has received or will receive an international preliminary examination report.

15( I) The Director General shall accord as the filing date the date of receipt of the application, provided that, at the time of receipt, the application contains

(i) an express or implicit indication that the granting of a patent is sought;

(ii) indications allowing the identity of the applicant to be established,

(iii) a pan which, on the face of it, appears to be a description of invention

(b) If the Director General finds that the application did not, at the time of receipt, fulfill the requirements referred to in paragraph (a), he shaIJ invite the applicant to file the required correction and shaIJ accord as the filing date the date of receipt of the required correction, but if no correction is made, the application shall be treated as if it had been filed.

(2) Where the application refers to drawings which in fact are not included in the application, the Director General shall invite the applicant to furnish the missing drawings. If the applicant complies with the said invitation, the Director General shall accord as the filing date the date of receipt of the missing drawings Otherwise, Director General shall accord as the filing date the date of receipt of the application and shall treat any reference to the said drawings as non-existent

(J) After according a filing date, the Director General shall examine whether the application complies with the requirements of Section II (I) and (2) and the Regulations pertaining thereto and those requirements of this Act and the Regulations which are designated by the Regulations as formal requirements for the purposes of this Act and whether information requested under Section 14, if any, has been provided

(4) Where the Director General is of the opinion that the application complies with the requirements indicated in subsection (3), the Director General shall take a decision as to whether' the requirements of Section 8(2) and (J), :1 I(n (4) and (5) and J2 and the Regulations pertaining thereto are fulfilied and for this purpose may, as provided for in the Regulations, cause the application to be examined


Grant of Parent; Changes in Patents

Rights Conferred Patent: (ARIPO Patents)


(51 The Director General shall take into account, for the purposes of subsection

(i) the results of any international search report and any International preliminary examination report established under the PACT in relation to the application, and/o:

(it) any search and examination report submitted under Section 14(2)(i) relating to, or a final decision submitted under Section 14(2)(iii) on the refusal to grant a patent on, a corresponding foregoing application; arid/or

(iii) any search and examination report which was carried out upon his request by an external search and examination authoriiv

16(1) Where the Director General finds that the conditions referred to in Section 15(3) and (4) are fulfilled, he shall grant the patent. Otherwise, he shall refuse the application and notify the applicant of that decision.

(2) When he grants a patent, the Director General shall

(i) publish a reference to the grant of the patent;

(ii) Issue to the applicant a certificate of the grant of the patent and a copy of (he patent;

(iii) record the patent;

(iv) make available copies of the patent to the public, on payment of the prescribed fee.

(3) The Director general shall, whenever possible, reach a final decision on the application not later than two years after the commencement of the examination referred to in Section 15(4).

(4) The Director General shall, upon request of the owner of the patent, make changes in the text or drawings of the patent in order to limit the extent ofthe protection conferred thereby provided that the change would not result in the disclosure contained in the patent going beyond the disclosure contained in the initial application on the basis of which the patent was granted

17.(1) The exploitation of the patented invention in Liberia by persons other than the owner of the patent shall require the latter's agreement

(2) For the purposes of this Act, "exploitation" of a patented invention means any of the following acts;

(a) when the patent has been granted in respect of a product.

(i) , making, importing, offering for sale, sellingand using the product;

- J( i·

(ii) stocl,lng such product t("n the purpllses orllll'erins Il)1 sale, sellins or' using,

(b) when the parent has been granted in respect or a process

(i) usinj; the process,

(ii) doing any of the acts referred to in paragraph (a) in respect ofa product obtained directly by means of the process

(3) The owner ofthe patent shall, in addition to any other rights, remedies or actions available to him, have the right, subject to subsect ion (4) hereof and Section 19, to institute court proceedings against any person who infringes the patent by performing, without his agreement, any of the acts referred III In subsection (:') or' who performs acts which makc it likely thdl inrriligenlcill will occu:

(-1)(a) The rights under the patent shal] 110l extend

(i) to acts in respect of articles which have been put on the market in Liberia by the owner of the paten: 01 with his consent, 01

(ii) to the use of articles on aircraft, land vehicles or vessels of other countries which temporarily or accidentally enter the airspace, territory or waters or Liberia: or

(iii) to acts done only fIJI experimental purposes relating to a patented invention: or

(iv) to acts performed by any person who IS good faith, before the filing 01', where priority IS claimed, the priority date of the application on which the patent is granted and in Liberia, was using the invention or was making effective and serious preparations for such use

(b) The right of prior user referred to in paragraph (a)(iv) may be transferred or devolve only together with the enterprise 01' business, or with that part of the enterprise or business, in which the use or preparations for use have been made

(5) A patent in respect of which Liberia IS a designated State, granted by ARIPO by virtue of the Harare Protocol, shall have the same effect in Liberia as a patent granted under this Act, unless the Director General has communicated to ARIPO, in respect of tile application therefor, a decision, in accordance with the provisions of the Protocol, that, if a patent is granted by ARIPO, that patent shall have no effect in Liberia

18( I) Subject to subsection (2), a patent shall expire 20 year's after the tiling date otthc applic.uion Iorthc paten!

(2) In order to maintain the patent or patent application, an annual fee shr.l] be paid In advance to the Director General for each veal', starting one year after the filing date of the application for grant of' the patent A period ofgrace of ;i ': months shall be allowed for the late payment of the annual fee

Exploitation bv Govcrumcm or Person thcrcbx Authorized

- 11-

on payment of the prescribed surcharge, If an annual fee is not paid in accordance with the provisions of this subsection, the patent application shall be deemed to have been withdrawn or the patent shall lapse

19(1) Where

(i) the public Interest, ill particular, national security, nuuirion, health or the development of other vital sectors of the national economy so requires, or

(ii) the (name of the competent judicial or administrative body to be inserted) has determined that the manner ofexploitation, by the owner of the patent or his licensee, is anti-competitive, and the Minister is satisfied that the exploitation of the invention in accordance with this subsection would remedy such practice,

the Director-General may decide that, even without the agreement of the owner ofthe patent, a Government agency or a third person designated by the Minister may exploit a patented invention

(2) The exploitation of the patented invention shall be limited to rhe purpose for which il was authorized and shall be subject to the payment to the said owner of an adequate remuneration therefor, taking into account the economic value of the Director General's authorization, as determined in the said decision, and, where a decision has been taken under paragraph (ii) of subsection (1), the need to correct anti-competitive practices The Director General shall take his decision after hearing the owner of the patent and any interested person if they wish to be heard

(3)(a) A request for the Director General authorization shall be accompanied by evidence that the owner of the patent has received, from the person seeking the authorization, a request for a contractual license. but that person has been unable to obtain such a license on reasonable commercial terms and conditions and within a reasonable time,

(b) paragraph (a) of this subsection shall not apply in cases of'

(i) national emergency or other circumstances of extreme urgency provided, however, that in such cases the owner of the patent shall be notified of the Director

General's decision as soon as reasonably practicable

(ii public non-commercial use, and

(ii anti-competitive practices detcnnined as such by a judicial or administrative body in accordance with subsection ( I )(ii)

(4) The exploitation of a patented invention in the field of semi-conductor technology shall only be authorized either for public non-commercial use or where a Judicial or administrative body has determined that the manner of

Non- Voluntary


exploitation of the patented invention, by the owner of the patent or his licensee, is anti-competitive and if the Director General is satisfied that the issuance of the non-voluntary license would remedy such practice

(5) The authorization shall not exclude

(i) the conclusion of license contracts by the owner of the patent: or

(ii) the continued exercise, by the owner ofthcpat cnt. or his rights under Section 17(2): or

(iiI) the issuance of a non-voluntary license under Section 20

(6) Where a third person has been designated by the Minister, the authorization may only be transferred with the enterprise or business of thai person or with the part of the enterprise or business within which the patented invention I:; being exploited

(7) The exploitation of the invention bv the Government agency 01' third person designated by the Director General shall be predominantly for the supply of the market in Liberia .


(8) Where the exploitation of the invention by the Government agency or third person designated by the Director General IS authorized under subsection (j )(i), it shall be predominantly for the supply of the market in Liberia.

(9) Upon request of the owner of the patent, of the Government agency or of the third person authorized to exploit the patented invention, the Director General may, after hearing the parties, if either or both wish to be heard, vary the terms of the decision authorizing tile exploitation of the patented invention to the extent that changed circumstances justify such variation.

(IO)(a) Upon the request of the owner of the patent, the Director General shall terminate the authorization if he is satisfied, after hearing the parties, if either or both wish to be heard, that the circumstances which led to his decision have ceased to exist and are unlikely to recur or that the Government agency or third person designated by hi has failed to comply with the terms of the decision

(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), the Director General shall not terminate the authorization if he is satisfied that the need for adequate protection of .the legitimate interests of the Government agency or third person designated by him justifies the maintenance of the decision

(I I) The decisions of the Minister under subsections (I) to (9) may be the subject of an appeal before the Civil Court

20,(1 )(a) On request, made to the Director General (Civi: Court) after the expiration of a period of four year~ trtltti the date of filing of ihe patent application or three years frottl the tiMe 6tthe grant of the patent, wHicH ever period expires last. the (Direcldr tJel1H~lj ttiVil, COlin) may issue a HbH-

-13- voluntary license If (he) (it) is satisfied that the patented invention is not exploited or is insufficientlyexploited, by working the invention locally or by importation, in Liberia

(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this subsection, non-voluntary license shall not be issued if the owner of the patent satisfies the Director General (Court) that circumstances exist whichjustify the non-exploitation or insufficient exploitation of the patented invention in Liberia

(2) The decision issuing the non-voluntary license shall fix

(i) the scope and function of the license,

(ii) the time limit within which the licensee must begin to exploit the patented invention, and

(iii) the amount of the adequate remuneration to be paid to the owner of the patent and the conditions of payment.

(3) The beneficiary of the non-voluntary license shall have the right to exploit the patented invention in Liberia according to the terms set out in the decision issuing the license, shall commence the exploitation of the patented invention within the time limited fixed in the said decision and, thereafter, shall exploit the patented invention sufficiently

(4) Ifthe invention claimed in a patent ("later patent") cannot be exploited 111 the country without infringing a patent granted on the basis of an application benefitting from an earlier filing or, where appropriate, priority date ("earlier patent"), and provided that the invention claimed in the later patent involves an important technical advance of considerable economic importance in relation to the invention claimed in the earlier patent, the (Director General) (Court), upon the request of the owner of the later patent, may issue a non-voluntary license to the extent necessary to avoid infringement of the earlier patent.

(5) Where a non-voluntary license is issued under subsection (4), the (Director General) (Court) upon the request of the owner ofthe earlier patent, shall issue a non-voluntary license in respect of the later patent.

(6) In the case of a request for the issuance of a non-voluntary license under subsections (4) and (5), subsection (2) shall apply mutatis mutandis with the proviso that no time limit needs to be fixed

(7) In the case of a non-voluntary license issued under subsection (4), the transfer may be made only with the later patent, or, in the case of a non- voluntary license Issued under subsection (5), only with the earlier patent.

(8) The request for the issuance ofa non-voluntary license shall be subject to payment of the prescribed fee.

(9) Section 19(2) to (10) shall apply mutatis mutandis.

21.( J) Any interested person may request the court to invalidate a patent.

(2) The court shall invalidate the patent if the person requesting the invalidation proves that any of the requirements of Sections 8(2) and (3), 9 and 11(3), (4) and (5) is not fulfilled or if the owner or tile patent is not the inventor or his successor in title.

-] 4-

(3) Any invalidated patent, or claim or part of a claim, shall be regarded as null and vod from the date of the grant of the patent.

(4) The final decision of the court' shall be notified to the Director General who shall record it and publish a reference thereto as soon as possible



Interpretation of Terms concerning the peT

Filing Date and

Effects of


Application Designating . Liberia.

Office of the Director General as Receiving

22. For the purposes of this Act.

(i) "Patent Cooperation Treaty" means the Patent Cooperation Treaty done at Washington on June 19, ]970;

(ii) "designate," "designated Office," "elect," "elected Office." .International application," "international filing date," "international preliminaryexamination" and "receiving Office" have the same meanings as in the Patent Cooperation Treaty

An international application designating Liberia shall, subject to this Pan, be treated as an application for a patent filed under this Act having as its filing date the international filing date accorded under the Patent Cooperation Treaty

24(1) The Office ofthe Director General shall. unless an agreement is in force under subsection (2) act as a receiving office in respect of any international application filed with it by a resident or national of Liberia.

(2) With the consent of the Director General, the Office of the Registrar may make an agreement of the kind referred to ill Rule 19.1 (b) of the Regulations under the Patent Cooperation Treaty whereby (an intergovernmental organization or the national office of another Contracting State of the Patent Cooperation Treaty) shall act instead of the office of the Registrar as receiving office for applicants who are residents or nationals of Liberia.

Filing of International

Application with the

.Office of the Director General

Office of the Director

as Designated Office

Office of the Director

General as Elected


. 25 An international application filed with the Office of the Director General as receiving Office shall be filed in English and the prescribed transmittal fee shall be paid to the Office of the Director General.

26 The Office of the Director General shall Act as a designated Office in respect of an international application in which Liberia is designated for the purposes of obtaining a national patent under this Act.

27. The Office of Director General shall act as an elected Office in respect of an international application in which Liberia is designated as referred to in Section 19 if the applicant elects Liberia for the purposes of international preliminary examination under Chapter 11 ofthe Patent Cooperation


Nationa! Processing


National Phase



Applications In

Accordance with



Dcfiniuon of ..Industrials


Registrable industrial Designs

_I <;

28. The Office of the Director General as designated office or elected Office shall not commence processing of an international application designating Liberia before the expiration of the time limit referred to in Section 29 except if the app.icant complies with the requirements of that Section and files with the Office ofthe Registrar an expressrequest for early commencement ofsuch processmg.

29 The applicant ill respect ofan international application designating Liberia shall, before the expiration of the time limit applicable under Article 22 or 39 of the Patent Cooperation Treaty or of such later time limit as may be prescribed III the Regulations

(i) pay the prescribed fee to the Office of the Registrar; and

(il I ifthe International application was not filed in, or has not been published under the Patent Cooperation Treaty as a translation 1l1l0 English, tile WIth the Office of the Registrar a translation of the international application, containing the prescribed contents, into English

.10 If the applicant does not comply with the requirements of Section 29 within the lime limit referred to in that Section, the International application shall be considered withdrawn for the purposes of this Act

3 I( I ) Tile Utlice of the Registrar shall process international applications in accordance with the provisions of the Patent Cooperation Treaty, the Regulations established thereunder and the Administrative Instructions under those Regulations and with the Provisions of this Act and the Regulations thereunder In the event of conflict, the provisions ofthe Patent Cooperation Treaty, the Regulations thereunder and the Administrative Instructions under those Regulations sha1l apply The Regulations under this Act mav provide lor the processing of international applications in such a case

(b) Fun bel' details concerrnng the processing of international applications by and other functions of the office of the Registrar IS connection with the Patent Cooperation Treaty, including fees payable, time limits and other requirements in relation to international applications, may be included in the Regulations


321 1) For the purposes of this Act, any composition of lines or colors or any three-dimensional form, whether or not associated with lines or colors, is deemed to be an industrial design, provided that such composition or form gives a special appearance to a product of industry or handicraft and can serve a, a pattern tor a product of industry or handicraft

(2) The protection under this Act does not extend to anything in an industrial design which serves solely to obtain a technical result and to the extent that it leaves no freedom as regards arbitrary.

33(1) An industrial design is registrable ifit is new

Right to Rcgulauon of Industrial Design: Naullug of Creator




and Publication




(:2) A,i Industrial design shall be new if it has not been disclosed to the public, anywhere in the world, by publication in tangible form or USl: ur in any other way, prior' to the tiling date 01, where applicable, the prioritv date of the application for registration Section 9(2)(c) shall apply mutatis mutandis

(J) ludusuial designs thai arc contrnry to public order or moralitv shall not be registrable

34 SeCIIUI) 10 shall apply mutatis mutandis

35( I) The application for registration of an industrial design shall be filed with the Registrar and shall contain a request, drawings, photographs 01 other adequate graphic representations ofthe article embodYlllg the industrial design and an indication of the kind of products for which the industrial design is to be used lr rnay be accompanied by a specimen ofthe article embodying the industria: design, where the industrial design is two-dimensional The application shall be subject to the payment of the prescribed application fee

(2)Where the applicant is not the creator, the request shall be accompanied by a statement justifying the applicant's right to the registration of the industrial design

(3) Section IJ shall apply mutatis mutandis

. (4) Two or more industrial designs may be the subject of the same application provided they relate to the same class of the International Classification or to the same set or composition of articles

(5) The application, at the time offiling, may contain a request that the publication ofthe industrial design, upon registration, be deferred for a period not exceeding 1:2 months from the date of filing or, if priority is claimed, from the date of priority, of the application

(6) The applicant may withdraw the application at any time during its pendency

J6( I) The Registrar shall accord as the filing date the date of receipt of the application, provided that, at the time of receipt, the application contains indication allowing the identity of the applicant to be established and the required graphic representation of the article embodying the industrial design. Section IS( I )(b) shall apply mutatis mutandis.

(2) After according a filing date, the Registrar shall examine whether the application complies with the requirements of Section :;5( I) an(I(2) and the Regulations pertaining thereto, whether the application Ice has bCCI] paid and whether the industrial design complies with the requirements of Sections 32 and 33(3) a.id the Regulations pertaining thereto

(3) Where the Registrar finds that the conditions referred to in subsection (2) hereof are fulfilled, he shall register the industrial design, publish a reference to the registration and issue to the applicant a certificate of registration of the industrial design; otherwise, he shall refuse the application

!ZlglliS Couicrrcd

!Zl:glsiriliioll Duration Iblc\lal.:!\RJPO) lndustri.i. lJesigns



(-1)(a) NOIwltllstandlng subsection (:1), where a rcuucs: lias been 111:I[1e under Section J)(5) Io: dererment of publication, UpOl1 rcgisuauon \11' t!«:

incustrial design, neither tile rcpresem auon of tile de:ilgn IIUI' allY Ilk le,lalllll' to the appircat.on shal: lIe upell tu public inspccuon In IIIIS case, i!« Registrar ',Il:i11 pLlbllSh a mcnt rou or the dcicrmcn: ot tile pLlbl,CIIIIUII 0l'lill' industrial design ami inronuation Identtl\'lng the Il':'ISll'I'ed II\VIICI, :IIIU indicating tile tiling date LlI'lh,' lipplication, tile Iengillufthe pellud 1<,)1 WIIICII dcfcrmcn: IIIIS b,,'l'll ICljLlCSIl'd :lIld .uiv ou.cr plt'::,Clllled p:IIlIc';lillIl.'i

(b) At the exptlY olthe perlud ofdofer.nem, the IZe:glstrar shilli pLlb11S11 111'-' registered industrial deslgl!

(c ) The IIISIIJUIIUII III !JruCnlllillgs [lll till: IIII:,IS ,li' :1 'I:~',';[e'l '. Industrial :,esrl(11 durlnl( tile pelluci otdetcrrnent OI'puiJllC:ltioll shall u«

to the condition that tile mtormauou contained III the IZeglSll.T ~IIIU III Ibe tile relating to the applicat.on h.r» bel'll communicated to Ihe person :11:'IIII1S1 \\11\1111

the action IS broul(hl

:;~' (I) The e,'\pll1l11l11UII ul'li I'eglslered industrial deSign III I.ibclia i,y 1".'1'1<111'

other than the reglsleled owner shall require tile agreement or the l.ru c:

(2) For rh,' pllrpuses UIIIIIS !\C1, "Lxpluu.n iou 111:1 1I1,IISIII,11

design means the 111<IKlllg, sellllig or IIIIPllll:llioIIIJI':III1l:lcs IIICUIplll:lllIl" Illc' mdusuia: deslgl!

(3) Section 17(-1)('11(11 :illllil illJfJlv mutau:; IIIUI:llltiIS

-(4) The It:glslt:led owner \11' all mdusuiai design skill. III IIddllll)11 lU 1111\

otner rights, remedies or IICIIUIlS available to hi III, nave tile Ilghl tll IIISlllUle COlin proceedings agamst lilly person who II1lilllges the .uduxuiul

performing wiihour his IIgreelllellt, <IllY ul' the acts leicrred to III :illilsectioll (2) 01 whc performs acts which make it likely that infringement will occur

1.\) The registration of all industria] design shall be Ior a period oftive years from the tllillg dille or the application Ior rcgistratiou The registlal:ull m.r,

be renewed 1'01' t wo further consccuuve periods or liw yellls througli the payment llt' tlie prescribed ILtC i\ period 01' gillce' lll' SI.\ IIIUlllk,i:l:lli I),' allowed forthe laie paviucu; otuic renewal lee ell p<lVlllell1 uflhe iJlcSlO!lbnl surcharge

(IJ) !\lIll1duSIIIIII desigil .n i cspcct uiwiuc]: LILJCIIIiIS II deslL~IIIIICd ~)I:lll',

registered bv AIZII)() bv vntuc of tile Harare Protucol, sh:tli 1I:IVl' IlIe'sall1l'

effect in Liberia as an industrial design registered under this I\CI, 1I1t1ess 11: 1, : Registrar has couununicau-d to I\IUPO, III respect 01'111<.: :,ppIICilIIUII lill.'ll.'l(II, a decision, III accordance with lillt prov.xion.: of Ihl' I'wtllelll, 11I:lt, If .: registrauon IS made bv /\/U]>O, ih.u leglslrallun sh,111 have JIll CI'I'L'CI III


J8(1) r\ny IllleleSll.ld perSlJl1 .u.r, request I Ill' ['llllll I" Illv:tlldllle III,' registrauon of :UI IndUSIJ'IIll clesigil

-I s-

(2) The court shall invalidate the registration if the person requesting the invalidation proves that any of the requirements of Sections :i2 and~~ is not fulfilled or if the registered owner of..he industrial design is not the CrcatC1I111 his successor in title

(3) Section 21(3) and (4) shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Chapter (,


Definition of "Mark" of "Collective Mark" andof "Trude Name"

ACqUlSlli,111 of the Exclusive Right to a Mark: Registrability

39. For the purpose of this Act

(i) "mark" means any visible sign capable of distinguishing the goods ("tl"ildemark") or services ("service mark") of all enterprise,

(ii "collective mark" means any visible sign uesigruued as sucn In the application for registration and capable of distinguishing the origin or any other common characteristic, including the quality, of goods or services ofditTerent enterprises which usc tile sign under the control of the !'cgistered owner of the collective mark

(ii "Trade name" means the name of designation identif\'ing ami distinguishing an enterprise

40( 1) The exclusive right to a mark, as conferred bv this Act, shall be acquired by registration in accordance With the provision thereof

(2) A mark cannot be validly registered

(i) ifit is incapable of distinguishing the goods 01' service: of one enterprises from those of other enterprises:

(ii ) ifit IS cornrarv to public or morality:

(iii) if it IS likely to mislead the public or trade Circles, III particular as regards the geographical origin of tilt' gOU(!:; or services concerned or their nature ,)1 charactensucs:

(IV) If it is Identical with, or is an Imitation or contains ;1.', an element. an armorial bearing, flag anO ot her emblem, a name or abbreviation or initials uftile name 01: 01 oflicial sign 01 hallmark adopted by, ,111\ Stale'

Appucauou (Of



°PPOSIIIOII Regisrrauouof M;lfK


inter "overnrnental organization 01 organiLatlc)[1 created by the international convention, L1nless authorized by the competent authority ofthat Stare 01 urganlzatlon

t v) It'lt IS Identical with, or COlllllSlllglv Slllllldl IU UI consuiutes a translation 01 d mark 01 trade n.um: which IS well known in Liberia 1'01 idcm ical or Similar

or services ofanother cnierunsc. orilu i., will- k novvn am! registered III Liberia ror glleJdS or SI'rVICCS which are not identical or sunilar tu those III resl'ect o: which registration is applied for, provided, In the laue: case, that use of the mark in relation I,) those guods ClI' services would indicate a connection between those guuds UI services and the owue:: of the well-klll)IVII mark and that the Interest or' the owner 01' the well- known mark are likely to be damaged by such lise,

(II) ii' II 1.\ idcnucal with a mark bclunglng Iu it ciillcrcnt !J1U!Jlll:IllI and alreadv UII ih« IZeglslcl, or wn h tile carlic: lillllg 01 priorny dare. III respeci ott hc sallie goods UI services or closelv rclalcd gouds UI services of if II so nearly resembles such a mark as 1U be like!v III deceive or cause confessu»

41,(1) The apphcauon tor Icglslralloll of mark sliall be filed wliit i hc Registrar and shall contain a request, a reproduction of the mark and a list of the goods or services for which registration of the mark is requested, listed under the applicable class or classes of the International Classification It shall be subject [0 the pavmem o! the prescribed applicauon tee

(2)(a) The application may contain a declaration claiming the priority, CIS orovided for in the Paris Convention, of an earlier national or regional application liled by the applicant or his predecessor In title (ill or for any State pliny to the said convention lJI ilIIV Member ofthe world Trade Organization), In which C,lse, i ire ReglsluJi iuav require that the applicum furnish. wnhin iln, prescribed time 1111\1t, a copy of the earlier application, certified as COllect by the office wirh which it was tiled

(b) the erfec: of the Scud declaration shall be ,IS provided III Ille Pam Convenuon. lithe ReglSlrar linds that the requncmcms underthis slltJSeC1IOII and the Regulations pertaining thereto have not been fulfilled, the said declaration shall be considered not to have been made

(3) The applicant m.r, Withdraw the application at an, uine dUllng II, pendency

42( 1)(a) 'r:,lC Registrar shall examine whether the application complies With the requirements uf Secu:»: ·1 I( I) and the Regulations pertaining thereto

(b) The Registrar shall exauune and determine whether the mark IS :1 mark ,10 defined III SecIILllli'J(I) al1l] IS rCL;islrable under Section 40(2)(i) III ( v)

Rights Conferred bv Registration, Duration. RCllC\\'UJ (ARIPO Marks)

-2u- (2)(a) Where the Registrar finds that the conditious referred to in subscct iou

(J) hereof are fulfilled, he shall forthwith cause the application, as accepted, to be published in the prescribed manner

(b) Any Interested person may, with III the prescribed period and III the prescribed manner. give uor.ce III the registrar otopposuion to the registratlllil of the mark on the grounds that one or more of till:' requirements of SCC\IUII 39(i) and 40(2) and the Rcgulauons pertaining thereto arc not I'lillilkd

(c) The Registrar shall send forthwith a copy of such a notice tu the applicant, and, within the prescribed period and III tile prescribed manner tilC applicant shall send to the registrar a counter-statement of the grounds on which he relies tor his application; if he does not do so, he shall be deemed to have abandoned the application

(d) If the applicant sends a counter-statement, the Registrar shall iumisl: a copy thereof to the person giving notice of opposition and, after hearing the parties, if either or both wish to be heard, and considering the merits of the case, shall decide whether the mark should be registered

(e) After an application IS published and until the registration oftbe mark, the applicant has the same privileges and lights as he wuuld have if the mark had been registered, however, it shall be a valid defense IC, all action brought hereunder In respect of an act done after the application was published, if the defendant establishes that the mark could not validly have been registered at the time the act was clone

(3) Where the Registrar finds that the conditions referred to In subsection (1) are fulfilled, and either

(i) the registration of the mark has not been opposed within the prescr-ibed time limit, or

(ii) the registration of the mark has been opposed and the opposition has been decided in the applicant's favor, he shall register the mark, publish a reference to the registration and Issue to the applicant a certificate of registration Otherwise, he shall refuse the application.

43 (I) Tn.: use of a registered mark, in relation to any goods 01 services 1'01 services for which it has been registered, by any person other" than the registered owner shall require the agreement of the laue:

e:2) The registered owner or 3 mark shall, in addition to any other rights, remedies cr actions available to him, have the right to Institute court proceedings against any person who infringes the mark by using, without IllS agreement, the mark as aforesaid or who performs acts which make it likely that infringement will occur The right shall extend to [he use of a sign similar to the regiuered mark and use In relation TO goods and services similar to those for which the mark has been registered, where confusion may arise ill the public.

(3) The rights conferred by registration of a mark shall riot extend tll :ICIO' ill respect l)f aruc!cs which have been put 011 the market ill Liberia ill 1ill' registered owner or with his consent


Removal Oil

Grounds of Non-Usc

Collective Marks

(4)(a) The: Il;!1ISllalll)llllt'illll~HI-; Shdll be tor a pellllO o t tcn ye~II' ['I'UI11 th'~

filing date Ot'\IIC ~Ippilcailull tor registration

(b) ,lhl: reglsllallUll Gr' a marl II\~IY, UpGl1 request. [I'; iCill'IVCd r'ul consecuu.» perl\lll:; otien vcais. pruvided that the rcgl:;lclcl! UWIIl'! P~IYS till'

prescribed It'11C\\:tI ic'l'

(c) t\ pcmili ll['C!lilCC UI'SI\ 111ll11lhs sllall be ailowco ['Ulthe l.u« pd\'IIIl:lll

of the renewal rel: (Ill pavmcm of tl\(; prescribed surcharge

(5) A mark 111 respecl otwhich Liberia IS a designated State, rcgistm:d by ARIPO by virtue of the Banjul Protocol, shall have t:le same effect ill Liberi.. as a mark registeled under this i\Ct, UIlIeSS the Registrar has communicated to ARIPO, In respect of the application therefor, a decision, III accordance with the provisions ofihe Protocol, that, ifa icgisuauon is II1Clde ,\RIPU, that regis.r.uio.: shdll nave IlU clicct III Liberia

44( I lea) Am uueresicd person mav rcques: the l\e!.;I,;\I111 to mvalid.uc tile regisuauou 01 ~I II1~III,:

(b) The IZcgistrar shall invalidate the regisrrauon if the person the invalidation pIIWe:S thai .mv o l tilt: rcquucnu.nt : 01' Se:l:lII)IIS 40(2) is 11:,1 llJilillecl

(c) Any invalidation of a registration of a mark shall be deemed II' h:IVl: been effective as or the date of registration, and it shall be rccorder 11Ile! Il reference thereto published :IS SUO!1 as possible

(2) Any interested persou 1l1~IY I'CCjUC:St the Registrar tu remove iI 11IIuk :'r;1111 the Register, ill respect of any otthe goods or SCIVle:CS'11l respect ufwlll'-.:h II is registered, 011 the ground that lip toone: month prior to tiling the re:qlll':'! tilC mark had,llln Its rcgisuatio», IIOt been used hy the registered lIWllCI 01 II licensee Ourl:lg II contiuuous period of three yelHs or lonuer, provided ::::I! :1

mark shall not be removed ili: IS shllwn thllt special "ilulll1sulllce': the use ofthe IllIII'\.; ami thilt ihcre was no intention not J() lise (II J() Ilhdl'c!Oil the same in respect of those gouds 01 services

45,(1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), Sections 40 to 4'1 shall appiv \() collective marks, except that references therein to Section 39(i) shall be read as 39(ii)

(:!)(a) An ~lppIICIIIIUII IllI' reglst rauon of II collective 1IIIIrk shall deslgllllle I ill'

mark as [ collective mark and shall he accompanied by II COpy of 'Ile

regulations guve1l11l1g the USe oti he collections

(b) The reglstneci owner 01'11 collective mark shall notdj lhl; l\e.;gistral ~Il' any changes made in respect or the regulations referred to ill pill'lIgIliph CI)

(3) III addirion to the grounds provided ill Sccuon c14( I), the Rcgistr.u sheil] invalidate the reglsllilllOl1 of a collective mark if the person reCjui.Osting rLe

invalidation proves that (111)' the registered owner uses rhe mark, or that )~t' uses or pe"wlts its lISl' III COlllr:lVelll!OIl of the regulaliol1.' Il'lel" eel to ::1

subsection (::)(11) or th.u he uses or permits n s lise ill a m,lI1I1l'! liable to deceive track circles or the pULJIIC as to the origin or allY ot her cornn:o.. characteristics of the goods or services concerned

Licensing of Marks And CollectiveMarks

Trade Names

Acts of Unfair


Changes in Ownership License Contracts

46,(1) Any license contract concerning the registration ofa mark OJ all application therefor, shall provide for effective control by the licensor olt!«: quality of the goods or services of the licensee in connection with whic]: the; mark is-used 11' the license contract does not provide for such quality cOIHiDI or if such quality control IS not effectively carried out, the license con.r::.:; shall not be valid

(2) The registration of a collective mark, or an application therefor, nl:I\' not be the subject of a license contract.

47,( I) A name or dcsignauon may not be used as a trade name ifbv 1[:; [1:1111, c: or the use :o which it may be put, It [S contrary to public order or Inuralil\' :111(\ if~ in pan icul.u, it is liable III deceive trade circles or the public liS III the: nut u ofthe enterprise identified by that name

(2)(a) Notwithstanding any laws 01 regulations providing 1'01 any obligation to register trade names such names shall be protected, even prim to UI without registration, against any unlawful act committed by third parties

(b) In particular, any subsequent use of the trade name by a third part", whether as :1 trade name or a mark Dr collective mark, or any such use 01':1 similar trade name or mark, likely [0 mislead the public, shall be deemcrj unlawful

48( 1) Any act of competition contrary to honest practices in industrial or commercial matters shall be unlawful

(2) The following acts, i[1 pan icular, shall be deemed 10 CO[IStlt[IIC ,ICI:; unfair competition

(i) all acts of such ,I n.u.ire liS to create confusio» by illlY IIIClillo whatever with the establishment, the gauds, 01 the indusui.r: or commercial activities of a competitor;

(ii) false allegations in the course of trade of such a nature as [l) discredit till: establishment, the goods or the industrial o: commercial activities of a competitor;

(iii) indications or allegations the use of which in the course o( trade is liable to mislead the public as to tile nature, the manufacturing process, the characteristics, the suiiabiln. le)i thei: purpuse, UI the quamity or the gouds



49,( I) Any change in the ownership of a patent, the registration of an industrial design or the registration of a mark or collective .nark, or in the ownership of an application therefor, shall be in writing and shall, at the; request of 3n':! interested party, tothe Registrar. be recorded aIlCI , except ill the case otan application, published by the: Registrar, Such change shall have' no effect against third parties until such recording is effected.

(2) Any change ill the ownership of the registration ora collective mark, or in the ownership ofan application therefor, shall require previous approval by the Director' General.



Unlawful Acts: Offenses

(3) Any change In the ownership of a trade name must be made with the transfer of the enterprise UI pan thereof identified by that name and shall be

in \Nnting

('1) A cham;e 111 ownership ortl.e registration of a murk UI a collccuve m.r: k shall, nowever. be Invalid If it IS likely to deceive or cause confusion. particularly In regard 10 the nature, origin." manufacturing process, characteristics, or suitability for their purpose, of the goods or services Iii relation to which the mark or collective mark is intended to be used or is beillg used

(5) Any license contract concennng a patent, a registered industrial design or a registered mark, or an application therefor, shall be submitted to the Registrar who shall keep its contents confidential but shall record it and publish a reference thereto Thelicense contract shall have no effect against third parties until such submission has been made

50 Where an applicant's ordinary residence or principal place of business 10 outside Liberia, he shall be I cpresented by a legal practitioner residcn: aile! practicing in Liberia

51(I) Subject to Sections 23('1),25,20,43(3) allli '!tJC;), an Inf'rillgeilleill shall consist of the performance ofany act referred to In Section 23, J7 and 49 In Liberia bv a person other than the owner of th; 'it It: of protection and without the agreement of the latter

(2)(a) On the request of the owner of the title ofprotection, or ofa licensee ifhe has requested the owner to institute court proceedings for a specific relief and the owner has refused or failed to do so, the coun may grant an injunction to prevent infringement an imminent infringement, or an unlawful act referred to In Section 4(2) and 5, award damages and grant any other remedy provided for In the general law

(b) On the request of any competent authority UI any interested perSOII, association or syndicate, In particular of producers, manufacturers 01' traders, the court may grant the same relief in case of an act of unfai: competition referred W rhe Section :;

(3) Any person who knowingly performs an act which constitutes an infringement as defined in subsection (1) hereof 01' an unlawful act as defined In Section 4(:2) and 48 shall be guilty of an offense punishable by a fine not less than L!SO:;OOOO or by Imprisonment for a term not exceeding f years or both.

(4) For the purposes of proceedings, other than criminal proceedings, in respect of the violation of the rights of the owner of the paten: referred to In subsections (I) and (2), where the subject matter orthe patent is a process for obtaining il pioduct the burden of establishing that a product was not made by the process shall be 011 the alleged infringer if (either of) the following condition( s) IS fulfilled

(alieruauve) (i) tlte product is nul'.' (or)

(II a substantial likelihood exists that the product was made by the process atld the owner of the parent has been unable thruugh reasonable efforts to determine the process actually used

Applicauou or

Entry Into Force: Transitional Provisions


(5) II", [\:.,juiring the production of evidence, the Court before which the proceedings referred to in subsection (4) take place shall take into account the legitimate interests ofthe alleged infringer in not disclosing his manufactur.nu and business secrei,

52, The provisions 01 any international treaties- In respect 01' iudusuiul property to which libcria IS a party shall apply to matters dealt with by this Act and. in case ofconflict with provisions ofthis Act, shall prcvail ove: 111l: latter,

53( 1) This Act shall enter Into force on I I t .... ·)

(2) The following are hereby repealed

(list ofe:o;isllng laws)

(3) Notwithstanding the repeal ofTitle 24 (Patent Trade Marks and Section 2.44 (11) of the Act adopting a new Copyright Law ofLiberia of August 19CJ:i patents granted and trademarks registered thereunder shall remain in force but shall, subiect to subsection (4) and (5), be deemed to have been registered under this Act

(4) Patents granted shall remain in force for the expired portion of the period ofprotection provided under this Act. subject to the payment ofannual maintenance fees provided for in this Act


Législation est abrogé(e) par (1 texte(s)) est abrogé(e) par (1 texte(s))
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N° WIPO Lex LR001