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Règlement de 1990 portant modification du règlement sur les brevets, Zambie

Version la plus récente dans WIPO Lex
Détails Détails Année de version 1990 Dates Émis: 22 octobre 1990 Type de texte Textes règlementaires Sujet Brevets (Inventions)

Documents disponibles

Texte(s) principal(aux) Textes connexe(s)
Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Anglais The Patents (Amendment) Regulations, 1990        
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The Patents Act (Laws, 'Volume XIV,Oap. ·692)

The Patents (Amendment) Regulations, 1990

I~ EXERCISE of-the.powers contained in section ninety-six of
thePaten.tsAct, thefollowingRegulationsarehereby made:

1. . These Regulations maybe cited as the Patents (AmendTilileand


ment) Regulations, 1990, and shall be read as one with the :R~tEmtI3Regulati()ns in these Regulations ref~J:Tedto as the Cap. 692,


principal Regulations and shall apply in respect of business . conducted after the publication hereof. .

2. The principal Regulations are amended by the .deletion Beplaee oftheFirstScheduleanclt.he substitubionfherefor of the First

mentof First

Scheduleset outintheAppendixto these Regulations.



. (Regulation 2)




Ocwre8ponding Amount Patents 11iatteror Proceeding K Form No.

1. OD application for a patent (Non'convention) 2,400 1

.2. On convention. application in respect of
each application for protection .
in a
covention country. 2,400

  1. On application for apatellt of addition 2,400 3
  2. Onapplication for gra.rtt of a patent of
    addition instead of an independent patent
    4,480.80 4
  3. On lodging specifica.tion-
    32 5
    Complete .. 96 6
  4. For extension of the Period for lodging
    complete specification 80
  5. On request for post-dating of an application
    under section 17(1)
    az 8

Statutory 1nstrumentB 2nd November, 1990

1~ M aUIIf' or Proceeding

8. For extenaion of timo under sootion 20
Not exoeeding ono month
Not exceeding two months
Not exollllding threo months

O. For 080h extension of timo undor section 21

  1. On applioa.tion for withdrawal of uooeptunoe
  2. Onnotioe of oppoeition to grant ofpatont byobjector .. .. .. ..
  3. On aclaim under section 23(1) for applies
    tion to prooeed in name of claimante ..

lB. On applioation for direotions under seotion

14. On request for sealing of a patent

Iii. On applioation for extension of the period
for requeating the lOaling of a patent
under proviao (iv) to seotion 25(2)Not Exceeding one month
Not exoeeding two months
Not exoeeding three months

HI. On applioa.tion for extension of the period for requesting the sealing of a patent under proviso (v) to seotion 25 (2) Not exceeding one month Each suooeeding month ..

  1. On applioation under lOotion 26 for amendment of patent
  2. On application for oertifioate of payment of renewalf_

Before the expiration of the Third year from the date of oommenoement of the term of a patent referred to in section 29 and in respeot of the Fourth year

Before the expiration of the Fourth year of the term of a patent andin respeot of the Fifth year .,

Before the expiration of the Fifth year of the term of a. patent and in respect of the Sixth year ..

Before the expiration of the Sixth year of the term of a patent and in respeot of the Seventh year

Before the expiration ofthe Seventh year of the term of a patent and in respect of thc Eighth year.. Before the expiration of the Eight year of the term of a patent and in respect of the Nineth year. . , Before'the expiration of the Ninth year of the term of a patent and in respect of the Tenth year .. Before the expiration of the Tenth year of the term of a patent and in respect of theEleventh year










80 160 240

80 80












Form No.


10 11 12 13 14 15









19 19 19 19

2nd NO\Tember, 1990


Ma#er or.Proceeding

Before the expiration of the Eleventh

year of thetennofa patent and in

respeot of'theTwelveth year. . . .

Before the expiration of the Twelveth year of the tenn ofapatent and in respect ofthe Thirteenth year

Before the expiration of the .Thirteenth year of the tenn ofa patent and in respect ofthe Fourteenth year

Before theexpiretion of the Fourteenth year of the tenn ofa patent ana in respect of the Fifteenth year ..

Before the expiration of the Fifteenth year of the tennora .patentand in respect of the Sixteenth year .

. Fora patent beyond the Sixteenth yea under section 30 and in respect of each of the extension year ..

(One.ha.lfonly for these fees is payable on .Patentsendorsed ".LicencesofRight ")

19. Onextensionofthe period for payment of i'enewalfees-Notexoeeding one.month 'Not,exceeding two monthS Not'exceeding three months Not exceeding four months

Not exceeding five months
.Not exceeding six months

  1. Certificate of~yment of renewal fee
  2. On application for restoration of lapsed patent ....
  3. On. notieeof opposition to application for reetoration of lapsed patent • . . .
  4. On a:pplication for endorsement of patent "Licences of Right" . . .'. . .

On capplicationforsettlement af.terms of licence under patent endorsed "Licences afRight" ..

  1. On.application'·.by,.patentee·for cancellation of endorsement of patent "Licences of Right" (Section 36 [1]) •.
    1. On application for canoellation of endorse
    2. .ment .. Licences af Right" (Section 36 [2]) ••
  2. Onn~tioe ofopposition to cancellation of endorsement of patent .. Licences of Right" •. •. .. .. •.
  3. On application for compulsory licence under section 37 •• •. •. . •
  4. On application for amendment of provisional specification or complete specification not yet accepted .. . .
  5. On application for amendment of complete specifications after acceptance up to sooling-

By applicant
After sealing by patentee-



2,240 2,400 2,560 2,720 2,880 3,040

80 160 240 320 400 480

2,400 1,200 32 64 80

32 32 80


80 160



Form No.

19 19 19 19 19 19










Statutory 1nstrumcntB 2nd November, 1090

OON'll/I]llmdin(J A11lottllt Plllm'" 1~ lIIaU«r or Proceeding K Form No.

31. Form of udverbiaeruont of roquost to urnond
IIJlcolfiontion . . . . . . . . 1U


  1. On notice of oppcsibiou to nmendment by
    objector .. .. .. .. .. 24
  2. 011 npplicntion for diroebinns under soction
    47 (U) 48 3-1
  3. On upplioueion for diroouion« unrlor soot.ion
    47 (7) 48 3li

36. On upplioutiou under st\ution ,IK (I) ttl
determine disputes 80 3G

3U. On offer to surrouder u lll\tllllt under
sootion 52.• .. .. .. 64 37

37. On notice of oppoaibion to surrondcr u
patent 32 38

38, FOl' ultering name, uuticnulity, uddress or
uddrcss for servioe in register for ouch
patent 32 39

:.Ill. On nppliontioll for l·ogistru.tion of uu l\Ssigwnout uu1.101' l!<",~ion liB 40

40. On request to enter notice of interest in register

U4 41

41. On request to correct U olericul 01'1'01'
Hi 42

Up to seuling 32Aftar sealing

42. On notice of opposition to tho corrootion 01" G4 43n clerical error

64 44

  1. For duplicate of putenc
  2. On application for rogistration as pn.tent

480 45

agent 8 46

  1. Certificnte of service
  2. Application for eutry of order of court or

32 47

(As fixed

47. General form of advertisement

by the Rogisbrar from time to time) 48

48. ]'01' certifying offico copies. MSS,. or

photographio or printed matter other
than duplicate patent


Under seal



49. For general search of records of 30 minutes' 32

duration or part thereof .. . . . .

50. For inspecting documents or muking oorof documents in respeot of each applice


tion or file or patent

51. 'fI1or photographio copy of any speci~cation or other document (other thl~t a patent form) or drawing per sheet (same charge maintained regnrdless-or whether or not Patent Office equipment is used to pro(Contractduce such copies) •• price as fixed by the Minister from time to time)


Amount PatemB
IISm llfaller orProtJBeding 'K F'ormNo.
2. For photographic copy ofadocument cwhiclhisapatent form I\S prescribed
under the Third Schedule of thePatonts
Regulations c (Double
charge in
item No.
51) (Same
charge main.
regardleBS of
or not
ment is


R. M. CHONGO, LUSAKA Minister oj Commerce aniJlniJ'U8tf"!J

22nd October, 1990

Législation Modifie (1 texte(s)) Modifie (1 texte(s))
Aucune donnée disponible

N° WIPO Lex ZM017