ACT, 1946.*
[ B u r m a A c t I , 1946.] (1st July, 1941)
W h e r e a s it is expedient to make provision for th e protection o f inventions and designs to take effect from the expiry of th e Burma Patents and Designs Act, 1939;
* * * * * It is hereby enacted as follows ะ 1. ( / ) This Act may be called as Burma Patents and Designs (Emergency
Provisions) Act. 1946. (2) This Act shall be deemed to come into force งท the 1st July 1941- 2. Until the Burma Patents and Designs Act, 1945 conies into operation,
the India Patents and Designs Act, 1911, shall continue to have effect in Burma as if, notwithstanding the separation of India and Burma, Burma had continued to be a part of India, and accordingly references in that Act to the Advocate General, the High Court and to the District Court, shall be deemed to include references to the Attorney General of the Union of Burma, the High Court and the D istrict Courts in the Union of Burma, and the President of the Union of Burma shall be regarded as one of the authorities to whom certain documents are to be sent under section 72 of that Act.
’ Published in BurmaGaicttc11946, P a rt I, p age 56.
Burm I ct V of 1V J5. In d ia Ac I II of V)\ i.
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