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Chapitre: 362N Ordonnance sur les descriptions commerciales (Informations sur le diamant), Hong Kong (Chine)

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Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Chinois 商品說明(提供關於鑽石的資料)令(第362N章)         Anglais Trade Descriptions (Provision of Information on Diamond) Order (Chapter 362N)        
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Empowering section L.N. 268 of 2008 02/03/2009
(Cap 362, section 4)
[2 March 2009] L.N. 268 of 2008
(Originally L.N. 80 of 2008)
Section: 1 (Omitted as spent) L.N. 268 of 2008 02/03/2009
Section: 2 Interpretation L.N. 268 of 2008 02/03/2009

(1) In this Order (L.N. 168 of 2008) article of diamond (鑽石製品) means any article

(a) which is composed solely of diamond; or (L.N. 168 of 2008)
(b) which is inlaid with diamond for the purpose of adornment; (L.N. 168 of 2008)
(c) (Repealed L.N. 168 of 2008)

diamond (鑽石) has the meaning given to it under the Trade Descriptions (Definition of Diamond) Regulation (Cap 362 sub. leg. L).

(2) An article on which an object is mounted is regarded for the purposes of this Order as an article inlaid with that object. (L.N. 168 of 2008)
(1) Any person who supplies any article of diamond to another person (the buyer) in the course of trade or business at retail level shall, at the time of supply, issue an invoice or receipt to the buyer.
Section: 3 Supply to be accompanied by written particulars L.N. 268 of 2008 02/03/2009

(2) An invoice or receipt issued under subsection (1) shall contain

(a) the full name and address of the supplier;
(b) the price at which the article is supplied;
(c) the date of supply;
(d) a description of the article which shall describe the article (L.N. 168 of 2008)
(i) as being composed solely of diamond;
(ii) where the article is inlaid with both diamond and other precious stone, as being inlaid with both diamond and other precious stone; or

(iii) where the article is inlaid with diamond but with no other precious stone, as being inlaid with

as may be appropriate; and (L.N. 168 of 2008)

(e) where

(i) he total weight of the diamond supplied is known to the supplier, such total weight expressed in carats; or
(ii) the total weight of the diamond supplied is not known to the supplier, a statement that the total weight of the diamond supplied is unknown.
Section: 4 Supplier shall retain invoice or receipt for 3 years L.N. 268 of 2008 02/03/2009
(1) A supplier shall retain a copy of an invoice or receipt issued by him under section 3 for a period of not less than 3 years after the date of issue.
(2) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine at level 2 and imprisonment for 1 month.
(1) No person shall supply or offer to supply any article of diamond in the course of trade or business at retail level unless a notice in the form specified in the Schedule is displayed prominently to all customers at the point of supply or offer.
(2) A notice displayed under subsection (1) shall not be less than 210 mm × 297 mm in size.
(3) The letters and characters appearing on a notice displayed under subsection (1) shall not be less than 5 mm in height.
(1) For the purposes of this Order, where an article of diamond is sold by auction
(a) the auctioneer shall be regarded as the supplier of the article; and
(b) it shall, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, be presumed to be supplied in the course of trade or business at retail level.
(2) For the purposes of this Order, where an article of diamond is offered for sale by auction, it shall
(a) be regarded as being offered for supply by the auctioneer; and
(b) in the absence of evidence to the contrary, be presumed to be offered for supply in the course of trade or business at retail level.


Section: 5 Notice to be displayed L.N. 268 of 2008 02/03/2009
Section: 6 Position of auctioneer L.N. 268 of 2008 02/03/2009
Schedule: SCHEDULE L.N. 268 of 2008 02/03/2009

[section 5]




(Chapter 362 subsidiary legislation N)

Under the laws of Hong Kong, only diamond that falls within the definition in the Trade Descriptions (Definition of Diamond) Regulation (Cap 362 sub. leg. L) can be described as diamond.

A detailed invoice or receipt shall be issued by the supplier in respect of every article of diamond supplied.







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章: 362N 商品說明(提供關於鑽石的資料 ) 憲報編號 版本日期
賦權條文 L.N. 268 of 2008 02/03/2009
(第362章第 4條)
[2009年3月2日] 2008年第268號法律公告
條: 1 (已失時效而略去 ) L.N. 268 of 2008 02/03/2009
條: 2 釋義 L.N. 268 of 2008 02/03/2009
    1. (1) 在本命令中— (2008年第168號法律公告) “鑽石”(diamond) 具有《商品說明(鑽石的定義)規例》(第362章,附屬法例L)給予該詞的意義; “鑽石製品”(article of diamond) 指—
      1. (a) 任何純粹由鑽石構成的製品;或 (2008年第168號法律公告)
      2. (b) 任何為裝飾的目的而嵌有鑽石的製品。 (2008年第168號法律公告)
      3. (c) (由2008年第168號法律公告廢除)
    2. (2) 就本命令而言,鑲有某物件的製品視為嵌有該物件的製品。 (2008年第168號法律公告)
  1. (1) 任何人在零售層面的營商過程或業務運作中供應任何鑽石製品予另一人(“買方”),須在供應該製品時向買方發出發票或收據。
條: 3 供應製品須附有書面詳情 L.N. 268 of 2008 02/03/2009

(2) 根據第(1)款發出的發票或收據須載有下列資料—

(a) 供應人的全名及地址;
(b) 該製品的供應價格;
(c) 供應日期;
(d) 對該製品的說明,該項說明須描述—
(i) 該製品是純粹由鑽石構成;
(ii) (凡該製品既嵌有鑽石亦嵌有其他寶石)該製品既嵌有鑽石亦嵌有其他寶石;或
(iii) (凡該製品嵌有鑽石而並無嵌有其他寶石)該製品嵌有鑽石, 視何者屬適當而定;及 (2008年第168號法律公告)
(e) 下列資料—

(i) (如供應人知道所供應的鑽石的總重量)以開數表達的該等鑽石的總重量;或

(ii) (如供應人不知道所供應的鑽石的總重量)一項陳述,說明所供應的鑽石的總重量不詳。

條: 4 供應人須保留發票或收據 3 L.N. 268 of 2008 02/03/2009



(2) 任何人違反第(1)款,即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處第2級罰款及監禁1個月。

362N -商品說明 (提供關於鑽石的資料 )

條: 5 須展示的告示 L.N. 268 of 2008 02/03/2009


  1. (2) 根據第(1)款展示的告示的大小不得小於210毫米× 297毫米。
  2. (3) 在根據第(1)款展示的告示中出現的字母及字樣的高度不得少於5毫米。
    1. (1) 就本命令而言,凡鑽石製品以拍賣方式出售—
      1. (a) 有關拍賣人須被視為該製品的供應人;及
      2. (b)在沒有相反證據的情況下,該製品須被推定為是在零售層面的營商過程或業務運作中供應的。
    1. (2) 就本命令而言,凡要約以拍賣方式出售鑽石製品,該製品—
      1. (a) 須被視為由有關拍賣人要約供應;及
      2. (b)在沒有相反證據的情況下,須被推定為是在零售層面的營商過程或業務運作中要約供應的。
條: 6 拍賣人的情況 L.N. 268 of 2008 02/03/2009
附表: 附表 L.N. 268 of 2008 02/03/2009



TRADE DESCRIPTIONS 《商品說明(提供關於鑽石的資料)令》
ON DIAMOND) ORDER (第362章,附屬法例N)
(Chapter 362 subsidiary
legislation N)
Under the laws of Hong Kong, 根據香港法例,只有符合《商品
only diamond that falls within the 說明(鑽石的定義)規例》(第362章,
definition in the Trade Descriptions 附屬法例L)中的定義的鑽石,方可被
(Definition of Diamond) Regulation 稱為“鑽石”。
(Cap 362 sub. leg. L) can be described
as “diamond”. 供應人須就所供應的每件鑽石製
A detailed invoice or receipt shall
be issued by the supplier in respect of
every article of diamond supplied.

362N -商品說明 (提供關於鑽石的資料 )

362N -商品說明 (提供關於鑽石的資料 )

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