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Chapitre: 6 Ordonnance sur les faillites, Hong Kong (Chine)

Version la plus récente dans WIPO Lex
Détails Détails Année de version 2007 Dates Entrée en vigueur: 1 janvier 1932 Adopté/e: 1 janvier 1931 Type de texte Lois en rapport avec la propriété intellectuelle Sujet Droit d'auteur, Mise en application des droits Notes Cette ordonnance vise à modifier la loi relative à la faillite. L'article 65 est une disposition relative à la propriété intellectuelle.

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Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Chinois 破產條例(第6章)         Anglais Bankruptcy Ordinance (Chapter 6)        
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Chapter: 6 BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE Gazette Number Version Date
Long title 30/06/1997


To amend the law relating to bankruptcy.

[1 January 1932]

(Originally 10 of 1931 (Cap 6, 1950 Ed.))


*This Ordinance was amended by the Bankruptcy (Amendment) Ordinance 2005 (18 of 2005). The transitional and savings provisions contained in s. 49 of that Amendment Ordinance are reproduced as follows:

"49. Transitional and savings provisions

(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Ordinance, the amendments effected under this Ordinance (except sections 12, 19 and 32) shall not apply to any case in which the bankruptcy petition was presented before the commencement date, and such case shall continue and be disposed of as if this Ordinance had not been enacted.
(2) This section is in addition to and not in derogation of section 23 of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap 1).
(3) For the purpose of this section, #commencement date (生效日期) means the day appointed by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury under section 1(2) of this Ordinance.".

# Commencement date: 10 December 2007.

Section: 1 Short title 30/06/1997

PART I SHORT TITLE AND INTERPRETATION This Ordinance may be cited as the Bankruptcy Ordinance.

Section: 2 Interpretation L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires"affidavit" (誓章) includes statutory declaration, affirmation and attestation on honour; "bailiff" (執達主任) includes any officer charged with the execution of a writ or other process; "bankruptcy debt" (破產債項), in relation to a bankrupt, means-

(a) any debt or liability to which he is subject at the commencement of the bankruptcy; and
(b) any debt or liability to which he may become subject after the commencement of the bankruptcy (including after his discharge from bankruptcy) by reason of any obligation incurred before the commencement of the bankruptcy; (Added 76 of 1996 s. 2)

"court" (法院、法庭) means the Court of First Instance sitting in its bankruptcy jurisdiction; (Amended 92 of 1975

s. 59; 25 of 1998 s. 2) "debt provable in bankruptcy" (破產案中可證債權、破產案中可證債項) or "provable debt" (可證債權、可證

債項) includes any debt or liability by this Ordinance made provable in bankruptcy; "goods" (貨品) includes all chattels personal; "nominee" (代名人) means the Official Receiver or some person who by reason of his experience and qualifications

is, in the opinion of the court, a suitable person to perform the duties of the nominee specified in sections 20A, 20D, 20E and 20G; (Added 76 of 1996 s. 2)

"oath" (誓言) includes affirmation, declaration and attestation on honour;

"Official Receiver" (破產管理署署長) means the Official Receiver appointed under section 75; (Added 47 of 1984

s. 2) "ordinary resolution" (普通決議) means a resolution decided by a majority in value of the creditors present,

personally or by proxy, at a meeting of creditors and voting on the resolution;

"prescribed" (訂明) means prescribed by general rules within the meaning of this Ordinance;

"property" (財產) includes money, goods, things in action, land and every description of property, whether real or personal and whether situate in Hong Kong or elsewhere, also obligations, easements and every description of estate, interest and profit, present or future, vested or contingent, arising out of or incident to property as above defined; (Amended 47 of 1984 s. 16)

"proposal" (建議) means a proposal for a voluntary arrangement made to his creditors by a debtor; (Added 76 of 1996 s. 2) "provisional trustee" (暫行受託人), in relation to a bankrupt, means-

(a) where no person is appointed as provisional trustee of the property of the bankrupt under section 12(1A), the Official Receiver; or
(b) where any person is appointed as provisional trustee of the property of the bankrupt under section 12(1A), the person; (Added 18 of 2005 s. 2)

"Registrar" (司法常務官) means the Registrar of the High Court, and any Senior Deputy Registrar, Deputy Registrar or Assistant Registrar of the High Court; (Replaced 47 of 1984 s. 2. Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2; 10 of 2005 s. 167)

"resolution" (決議) means ordinary resolution; "secured creditor" (有抵押債權人) means a person holding a mortgage, charge or lien on the property of the debtor or any part thereof, as a security for a debt due to him from the debtor; "special resolution" (特別決議) means a resolution decided by a majority in number and three-fourths in value of the creditors present, personally or by proxy, at a meeting of creditors and voting on the resolution; "trustee" (受託人) means, subject to section 58(1B), the trustee in bankruptcy of a bankrupt's estate; (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 72; 18 of 2005 s. 2) "voluntary arrangement" (自願安排) means a composition in satisfaction of a debtor's debts or a scheme of arrangement of a debtor's affairs. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 2) (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 2) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 167 U.K.]



(1) A petition for a bankruptcy order to be made against a debtor may be presented to the court-
(a) by one of the debtor's creditors or jointly by more than one of them;
(b) by the debtor himself;
(c) by the nominee of, or any person (other than the debtor) who is for the time being bound by, a voluntary arrangement proposed by the debtor and approved by his creditors; or
(d) where a criminal bankruptcy order has been made against the debtor, by the Official Petitioner.
(2) Subject to the following provisions of this Part, the court may make a bankruptcy order on any such

petition. (Replaced 76 of 1996 s. 4)

Section: 4 Conditions to be satisfied in respect of debtor L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
A bankruptcy petition shall not be presented to the court under section 3(1)(a) or (b) unless the debtor
is domiciled in Hong Kong;
is personally present in Hong Kong on the day on which the petition is presented; or
at any time in the period of 3 years ending with that day
has been ordinarily resident, or has had a place of residence, in Hong Kong; or
has carried on business in Hong Kong.
The reference in subsection (1)(c) to a debtor carrying on business includes-
the carrying on of business by a firm or partnership of which the debtor is a member; and
the carrying on of business by an agent or manager for the debtor or for such a firm or partnership. (Replaced 76 of 1996 s. 4)
Section: 5 Other preliminary conditions L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
Where a bankruptcy petition relating to a debtor is presented by a person who is entitled to present a petition under 2 or more paragraphs of section 3(1), the petition is to be treated for the purposes of this Part as a petition under whichever of those paragraphs is specified in the petition.
(2) A bankruptcy petition shall not be withdrawn without the leave of the court.
The court has a general power, if it appears to it appropriate to do so on the grounds that there has been a contravention of rules or for any other reason, to dismiss a bankruptcy petition or to stay such a petition and, where it stays such a petition, it may do so on such terms and conditions as it thinks fit.
Without prejudice to subsection (3), where a petition under section 3(1)(a), (b) or (c) in respect of a debtor is pending at a time when a criminal bankruptcy order is made against him, or is presented after such an order has been so made, the court may on the application of the Official Receiver dismiss the petition if it appears to it appropriate to do so.

(Replaced 76 of 1996 s. 4)

Section: 6 Grounds of creditor's petition L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

Expanded Cross Reference:
6A, 6B, 6C

A creditor's petition must be in respect of one or more debts owed by the debtor, and the petitioning creditor or each of the petitioning creditors must be a person to whom the debt or (as the case may be) at least one of the debts is owed.
Subject to sections 6A to 6C, a creditor's petition may be presented to the court in respect of a debt or debts if, but only if, at the time the petition is presented- <* Note - Exp. X-Ref.: Sections 6A, 6B, 6C *>
the amount of the debt, or the aggregate amount of the debts, is equal to or exceeds $10000 or a prescribed amount;
the debt, or each of the debts, is for a liquidated sum payable to the petitioning creditor, or one or more of the petitioning creditors, either immediately or at some certain, future time, and is unsecured;
the debt, or each of the debts, is a debt which the debtor appears either to be unable to pay or to have no reasonable prospect of being able to pay; and
there is no outstanding application to set aside a statutory demand served under section 6A in respect of the debt or any of the debts.
A debt is not to be regarded for the purposes of subsection (2) as a debt for a liquidated sum by reason only that the amount of the debt is specified in a criminal bankruptcy order.
Notwithstanding subsection (2)(c) and (d), a creditor's petition may be presented if there are reasonable grounds for believing that the debtor intends to depart, or has departed, from Hong Kong and the debtor knows or ought reasonably to know that his departure would result in defeat or delay for his creditors, and this subsection applies irrespective of the reason for his departure.
The Financial Secretary may, by regulation, prescribe an amount greater than $10000 for the purposes of subsection (2)(a).
(Replaced 76 of 1996 s. 4)
For the purposes of section 6(2)(c), the debtor appears to be unable to pay a debt if, but only if, the debt is payable immediately and either-
the petitioning creditor to whom the debt is owed has served on the debtor a demand (known as "the statutory demand") in the prescribed form requiring him to pay the debt or to secure or compound for it to the satisfaction of the creditor, at least 3 weeks have elapsed since the demand was served and the demand has been neither complied with nor set aside in accordance with the rules; or
execution or other process issued in respect of the debt on a judgment or order of any court in favour of the petitioning creditor, or one or more of the petitioning creditors to whom the debt is owed, has been returned unsatisfied in whole or in part.
For the purposes of section 6(2)(c) the debtor appears to have no reasonable prospect of being able to pay a debt if, but only if, the debt is not immediately payable and-
the petitioning creditor to whom it is owed has served on the debtor a demand (also known as "the statutory demand") in the prescribed form requiring him to establish to the satisfaction of the creditor that there is a reasonable prospect that the debtor will be able to pay the debt when it falls due;
at least 3 weeks have elapsed since the demand was served; and
the demand has been neither complied with nor set aside in accordance with the rules. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 4)
Section: 6A Definition of "inability to pay", etc.; the statutory demand L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
Section: 6B Creditor with security L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

Expanded Cross Reference:
6, 6A, 6B, 6C

(1) A debt which is the debt, or one of the debts, in respect of which a creditor's petition is presented need not be unsecured if either-

the petition contains a statement by the person having the right to enforce the security that he is willing, in the event of a bankruptcy order being made, to give up his security for the benefit of all the bankrupt's creditors; or
the petition is expressed not to be made in respect of the secured part of the debt and contains a statement by that person of the estimated value at the date of the petition of the security for the secured part of the debt.

(2) In a case falling within subsection (1)(b) the secured and unsecured parts of the debt are to be treated for the

purposes of sections 6 to 6C as separate debts. <* Note - Exp. X-Ref.: Sections 6, 6A, 6B, 6C *> (Added 76 of 1996 s. 4)

Section: 6C Expedited petition L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

In the case of a creditor's petition presented wholly or partly in respect of a debt which is the subject of a statutory demand under section 6A, the petition may be presented before the end of the 3-week period there mentioned if there is a serious possibility that the debtor's property or the value of any of his property will be significantly diminished during that period and the petition contains a statement to that effect.

(Added 76 of 1996 s. 4)

Section: 6D Proceedings on creditor's petition L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

Expanded Cross Reference:
6, 6A, 6B, 6C

The court shall not make a bankruptcy order on a creditor's petition unless it is satisfied that the debt, or one of the debts, in respect of which the petition was presented is either-
a debt which, having been payable at the date of the petition or having since become payable, has been neither paid nor secured nor compounded for; or
a debt which the debtor has no reasonable prospect of being able to pay when it falls due.
In a case in which the petition contains such a statement as is required by section 6C, the court shall not make a bankruptcy order until at least 3 weeks have elapsed since the service of any statutory demand under section 6A.
(3) The court may dismiss the petition if it is satisfied that the debtor is able to pay all his debts or is satisfied-
that the debtor has made an offer to secure or compound for a debt in respect of which the petition is presented;
that the acceptance of that offer would have required the dismissal of the petition; and
that the offer has been unreasonably refused, and, in determining for the purposes of this subsection whether the debtor is able to pay all his debts, the court shall take into account his contingent and prospective liabilities.
In determining for the purposes of this section what constitutes a reasonable prospect that a debtor will be able to pay a debt when it falls due, it is to be assumed that the prospect given by the facts and other matters known to the creditor at the time he entered into the transaction resulting in the debt was a reasonable prospect.
Nothing in sections 6 to 6C or this section prejudices the power of the court, in accordance with the rules, to authorize a creditor's petition to be amended by the omission of any creditor or debt and to be proceeded with as if things done for the purposes of those sections had been done only by or in relation to the remaining creditors or debts. <* Note - Exp. X-Ref.: Sections 6, 6A, 6B, 6C *>


(Added 76 of 1996 s. 4)

(1) The following provisions shall have effect in the case of a firm carrying on business in Hong Kong

(Repealed 76 of 1996 s. 5)
it shall be sufficient that a bankruptcy order against the firm be made in the firm name, without mentioning the names of the partners, and such bankruptcy order shall affect the joint and separate property of all the partners; (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 5)
the right of a creditor to present a bankruptcy petition against the firm, and the jurisdiction of the court to make a bankruptcy order against the firm, shall not be affected by the fact, if it is so, that all or any of the partners of the firm are not resident or domiciled in Hong Kong. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 5)
The provisions of this section shall, so far as the nature of the case will permit, apply to any person carrying on business in Hong Kong in a name or style other than his own name.
A creditor may present a petition for a bankruptcy order against a firm in the same way as he may present such a petition against a debtor provided that the conditions set out in sections 4(1)(c)(ii), 5, 6, 6A and 6B are met in respect of the firm. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 5)
(Amended 47 of 1984 s. 16)
Immediately on the filing of any petition the Official Receiver may, in cases where he has reason to believe that any offence under this Ordinance or any fraud has been or is about to be perpetrated, by notice sent by messenger or by ordinary post, summon the debtor to attend before him to give such information as he requires, and may, either by himself or his agent authorized by him in writing, enter on any premises occupied by the debtor between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. for the purpose of inspecting his property, stock in trade and books of account.
It shall be the duty of the debtor to furnish the Official Receiver with all such information as it is in the debtor's power to give or to obtain.
If the debtor fails without reasonable cause to attend on the Official Receiver as aforesaid or to furnish him with such information as aforesaid, or if the debtor obstructs the search of the premises or the production of any book or document required in connection therewith, or authorizes or permits any such obstruction, the debtor shall be liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for any term not exceeding 6 months, and every person who takes any part in any such obstruction, whether authorized or permitted by the debtor or not, shall be liable to the like penalty.
A creditor's petition shall be verified by affidavit of the creditor or of some person on his behalf having knowledge of the facts, and shall be served in the prescribed manner. (Amended 39 of 1987 s. 2)
At the hearing the court shall require proof of the debt of the petitioning creditor and of the service of the petition, and, if satisfied with the proof, may make a bankruptcy order in pursuance of the petition. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 6)
If the court is not satisfied with the proof of the petitioning creditor's debt or of the service of the petition, or is satisfied by the debtor that he is able to pay his debts or has a reasonable prospect of being able to pay them, or considers that for other sufficient cause no order ought to be made, the court may dismiss the petition. (Amended 45 of 1986 s.2; 76 of 1996 s. 6)
(4) (Repealed 76 of 1996 s. 6)
Where the debtor appears on the petition and denies that he is indebted to the petitioner, or that he is indebted to such an amount as would justify the petitioner in presenting a petition against him, the court, on such security (if any) being given as the court may require for payment to the petitioner of any debt which may be established against him in due course of law, and of the costs of establishing the debt, may, instead of dismissing the petition, stay all proceedings on the petition for such time as may be required for trial of the question relating to the debt.
Where proceedings are stayed the court may, if by reason of the delay caused by the stay of proceedings or for any other cause it thinks just, make a bankruptcy order on the petition of some other creditor, and shall thereupon dismiss, on such terms as it thinks just, the petition in which proceedings have been stayed as aforesaid. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 6)
(7) (Repealed 76 of 1996 s. 6) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 5 U.K.]
A debtor's petition may be presented to the court only on the ground that the debtor is unable to pay his debts.
The petition shall be accompanied by a statement of the debtor's affairs containing-
such particulars of the debtor's creditors and of his debts and other liabilities and of his assets as may be prescribed; and
such other information as may be prescribed.
A debtor's petition may be presented whether or not the aggregate amount of indebtedness is equal to or
Section: 9 Creditor's petition and order thereon L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
Section: 10 Grounds of debtor's petition L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

exceeds the amount provided for a creditor's petition under section 6(2)(a). (Replaced 76 of 1996 s. 7)

Section: 11 Appearance of Official Receiver on petition L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

On the hearing of any creditor's or debtor's petition it shall be lawful for the Official Receiver to appear and to call, examine and cross-examine any witness and, if he so thinks fit, to support or oppose the making of a bankruptcy order.

(Amended 76 of 1996 s. 73)

Section: 12 Effect of bankruptcy order L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

(1) On the making of a bankruptcy order, the Official Receiver shall thereby become the provisional trustee of the property of the bankrupt, and thereafter, except as directed by this Ordinance, no creditor to whom the bankrupt is indebted in respect of any debt provable in bankruptcy shall have any remedy against the property or person of the bankrupt in respect of the debt, nor shall proceed with or commence any action or other legal proceedings, unless with the leave of the court and on such terms as the court may impose. (Amended 76 of 1996 ss. 8 and 72; 18 of 2005 s. 3)

(1A) In the case of a debtor's petition, the Official Receiver as the provisional trustee may at any time appoint any person to act as the provisional trustee of the property of the bankrupt in his place if he considers that

the value of the property of the bankrupt is unlikely to exceed $200000; and
the person has the qualifications prescribed in Schedule 3. (Added 18 of 2005 s. 3)

(1B) The power of the Official Receiver to appoint a person as provisional trustee includes power to appoint 2 or more persons as joint provisional trustees; but such an appointment must make provision as to the circumstances in which the provisional trustees must act together and the circumstances in which one or more of them may act for the others. (Added 18 of 2005 s. 3)

(1C) The Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury may, by notice published in the Gazette, amend Schedule 3. (Added 18 of 2005 s. 3)

(2) This section shall not affect the power of any secured creditor to realize or otherwise deal with his security. [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 7 U.K.]

Section: 13 Power to appoint interim trustee L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

The court may, if it is shown to be necessary for the protection of the estate, at any time after the presentation of a bankruptcy petition and before a bankruptcy order is made, appoint the Official Receiver to be interim trustee of the property of the debtor or of any part thereof, and direct him to take immediate possession thereof or of any part thereof.

(Amended 76 of 1996 s. 9; 18 of 2005 s. 4)

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 8 U.K.]

Section: 14 Power to stay pending proceedings 30/06/1997
The court may at any time after the presentation of a bankruptcy petition either stay any action, execution or other legal process against the property or person of the debtor or allow it to continue on such terms as it may think just.
Where the court makes an order staying any action or proceedings or staying proceedings generally, the order may be served by sending a copy thereof, under the seal of the court, by post to the address for service of the plaintiff or other party prosecuting such proceeding or to the address of his solicitor.
Without prejudice to the provisions of subsection (1), if the court orders the release of any debtor who is under execution for a civil debt, it may impose such conditions as it thinks fit, and in particular it may require as a condition of such release that the debtor find security to attend in the subsequent bankruptcy proceedings and to abide by all orders of the court relating to the said proceedings.
[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 9 U.K.]
The court may, on the application of the Official Receiver or of any creditor or creditors, and if satisfied that the nature of the debtor's estate or business or the interests of the creditors generally require the appointment of a special manager of the estate or business other than the Official Receiver, appoint a manager thereof accordingly, who shall have such powers (including any of the powers of a receiver) as may be entrusted to him by the Official Receiver. (Amended 18 of 2005 s. 5)
(2) The special manager shall give security and account in such manner as the court may direct.
The special manager shall receive such remuneration as may be fixed by the court. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 10)
Section: 15 Power to appoint special manager L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

(4) The term of office of the special manager shall last until

in a case where a provisional trustee is appointed under section 12(1A), the appointment; or
in any other case, a trustee is appointed or constituted under section 17, 100D(1), 112(4) or 112A(1)(i)

or paragraph 6 of Part II of Schedule 1. (Added 18 of 2005 s. 5) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 10 U.K.]

Section: 16 Advertisement of bankruptcy order L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

Notice of every bankruptcy order, stating the name, address and description of the debtor, the date of the order, and the date of the petition, shall be gazetted by the Official Receiver. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 73)

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 11 U.K.]

Section: 17 Power to make appointment of trustees L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

Proceedings consequent on order

The power to appoint some fit person as trustee (whether the first such trustee or a trustee appointed to fill any vacancy) is exercisable, except at a time when an order for the summary administration of the bankrupt's estate is in force, by a general meeting of the bankrupt's creditors.
Any power to appoint a person as trustee includes power to appoint 2 or more persons as joint trustees; but such an appointment must make provision as to the circumstances in which the trustees must act together and the circumstances in which one or more of them may act for the others.
The appointment of any person as trustee takes effect at the time specified in the creditors' resolution or the court order, as the case may be, appointing him.

(4) This section is without prejudice to the provisions of this Ordinance under which the Official Receiver is, in

certain circumstances, to be trustee. (Replaced 76 of 1996 s. 11)

Section: 17A Summoning of meeting to appoint first trustee L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007
Where a bankruptcy order has been made and no order for the summary administration of the bankrupt's estate has been made, it is the duty of the provisional trustee, as soon as practicable in the period of 12 weeks beginning with the day on which the order was made, to decide whether to summon a general meeting of the bankrupt's creditors for the purpose of appointing a trustee under section 17.
This section does not apply where a criminal bankruptcy order was made and it is subject to the provision made in section 17B(3).
Subject to section 17B, if the provisional trustee decides not to summon such a meeting, he shall, before the end of the period of 12 weeks referred to in subsection (1), give notice of his decision to the court and to every creditor of the bankrupt who is known to the provisional trustee or is identified in the bankrupt's statement of affairs.
(4) On the date of the giving to the court of a notice under subsection (3) the provisional trustee is the trustee. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 11. Amended 18 of 2005 s. 6)
Where in the case of any bankruptcy, the provisional trustee has not yet summoned, or has decided not to summon, a general meeting of the bankrupt's creditors for the purpose of appointing a trustee under section 17, any creditor of the bankrupt may request the provisional trustee to summon such a meeting for that purpose.
If such a request appears to the provisional trustee to be made with the concurrence of not less than 1/4 in value of the bankrupt's creditors (including the creditor making the request), it is the duty of the provisional trustee to summon the requested meeting.
Section: 17B Power of creditors to requisition meeting L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

(3) Where subsection (2) applies, the provisional trustee is required neither to reach a decision for the purposes

of section 17A nor (if he has reached one) to serve any notice under section 17A(3). (Added 76 of 1996 s. 11. Amended 18 of 2005 s. 7)

Section: 18 Statement of affairs L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007
Where a bankruptcy order has been made otherwise than on a debtor's petition, the bankrupt shall submit a statement of his affairs, which shall be verified by affidavit, to the trustee not more than 21 days after the day the order was made.
The statement of affairs shall contain-
such particulars of the bankrupt's creditors and of his debts and other liabilities and of his assets as may be prescribed; and
such other information as may be prescribed.
The trustee may, if he thinks fit- (Amended 18 of 2005 s. 8)
(a) release the bankrupt from his duty under subsection (1); or
extend the period specified in that subsection, and, where the trustee has refused to exercise a power conferred by this section, the court may, if it thinks fit, exercise it.
(4) A bankrupt who, without reasonable excuse- (a) fails to comply with the obligation imposed by this section; or
submits a statement of affairs that does not comply with the prescribed requirements, is guilty of a contempt of court and liable to be punished accordingly (in addition to any other punishment to which he may be subject).
Any person stating himself to be a creditor of the bankrupt may, on payment of the prescribed fee, personally or by agent inspect the statement at all reasonable times and take any copy thereof or extract therefrom, but any person untruthfully so stating himself to be a creditor is guilty of a contempt of court and liable to be punished accordingly on the application of the trustee.

(Replaced 76 of 1996 s. 12. Amended 18 of 2005 s. 8)

Public examination of debtor

Where a bankruptcy order has been made, the Official Receiver or the trustee may at any time before the discharge of the bankrupt apply to the court for the public examination of the bankrupt. (Amended 18 of 2005 s. 9)
Unless the court otherwise orders, the trustee shall make an application under subsection (1) if notice requiring him to do so is given to him, in accordance with the rules, by one of the bankrupt's creditors with the concurrence of not less than 1/4 in value of such creditors (including the creditor giving notice). (Amended 18 of 2005 s. 9)
Where one of the bankrupt's creditors, without the requisite concurrence under subsection (2), so requests, the trustee shall make an application under subsection (1) but, notwithstanding subsection (4), the court may decline to direct that a public examination of the bankrupt be held. (Amended 18 of 2005 s. 9)
On an application under subsection (1), the court shall direct that a public examination of the bankrupt shall be held on a day appointed by the court; and the bankrupt shall attend on that day and be publicly examined as to his affairs, dealings and property.

(4A) The trustee may, before or at any time after making an application under subsection (1), in writing request the creditor at whose instance the application is made to deposit with him within the specified time such sum or further sum as he considers necessary to pay his costs and expenses in holding the public examination. (Added 18 of 2005 s. 9)

(4B) Notwithstanding anything in subsections (2) and (3), the trustee may refuse to make an application under subsection (1) or discontinue the public examination concerned if the creditor to whom a request is made under subsection (4A) fails to comply with the request. (Added 18 of 2005 s. 9)

The following may take part in the public examination of the bankrupt and may question him concerning his affairs, dealings and property and the causes of his failure
the Official Receiver and, in the case of a debtor adjudged bankrupt on a petition under section 3(1)(d), the Official Petitioner;
the trustee; (Amended 18 of 2005 s. 9)
any person who has been appointed as special manager of the bankrupt's estate or business;
any creditor of the bankrupt who has tendered a proof in the bankruptcy.
The bankrupt may, but not at the expense of the estate, employ a solicitor with or without counsel, who may put to him such questions as the court may allow for the purpose of enabling him to explain or qualify any answer given by him, and may make representations on his behalf.
There shall be made in writing such record of the examination as the court thinks proper and the record shall be read over either to or by the bankrupt, signed by him, and verified by affidavit at a venue fixed by the court.
(8) (Repealed 18 of 2005 s. 9)
It shall be the duty of a bankrupt examined under this section to answer all questions that the court may put or allow to be put to him.
Evidence given on oath under this section shall not be admissible in criminal proceedings other than for perjury by the person who gave it.

(Replaced 76 of 1996 s. 13)

Section: 19A (Repealed 76 of 1996 s. 13) L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
Section: 20 Interim order L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

Voluntary arrangements

In the circumstances specified in section 20A, the court may make an interim order under this section.
An interim order has the effect that, during the period for which it is in force-
no bankruptcy petition relating to the debtor may be presented or proceeded with; and
no other proceedings, no execution or other legal process and no distress may be commenced or

continued against the debtor or his property except with the leave of the court. (Replaced 76 of 1996 s. 13)

Section: 20A Application for interim order L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

(1) Application to the court for an interim order may be made where the debtor intends to make a proposal.

The proposal must provide for a nominee to act in relation to the voluntary arrangement either as trustee or otherwise for the purpose of supervising its implementation.
The application may be made-
if the debtor is an undischarged bankrupt, by the debtor, the trustee or the Official Receiver; and
in any other case, by the debtor.
An application shall not be made by an undischarged bankrupt unless he has given notice of the proposal to
the Official Receiver; and
the trustee, if any. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 13)
At any time when an application under section 20A for an interim order is pending the court may stay any action, execution or other legal process against the property or person of the debtor.
Any court in which proceedings are pending against a debtor may, on proof that an application under that section has been made in respect of that debtor, either stay the proceedings or allow them to continue on such terms as it thinks fit.
Section: 20B Effect of application L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

(Added 76 of 1996 s. 13)

Section: 20C Cases in which interim order can be made L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

Expanded Cross Reference:
20A, 20B, 20C, 20D, 20E, 20F, 20G, 20H, 20I, 20J, 20K, 20L

(1) The court shall not make an interim order on an application under section 20A unless it is satisfied-

that the debtor intends to make a proposal;
that on the day of the making of the application the debtor was an undischarged bankrupt or was able to petition for his own bankruptcy; and
that no previous application has been made by the debtor for an interim order in the period of 12 months ending with that day.
The court may make an order if it thinks that it would be appropriate to do so for the purpose of facilitating the consideration and implementation of the debtor's proposal.
Where the debtor is an undischarged bankrupt, the interim order may contain provision as to the conduct of the bankruptcy, and the administration of the bankrupt's estate, during the period for which the order is in force.

(4) Subject to subsections (5) and (6), the provision contained in an interim order by virtue of subsection (3) may include provision staying proceedings in the bankruptcy or modifying any provision of this Ordinance or the rules in their application to the debtor's bankruptcy.

An interim order shall not, in relation to a bankrupt, make provision relaxing or removing any of the requirements of this Ordinance or the rules, unless the court is satisfied that that provision is unlikely to result in any significant diminution in, or in the value of, the debtor's estate for the purposes of the bankruptcy.
Subject to sections 20A to 20L, an interim order made on an application under section 20A ceases to have effect at the end of the period of 14 days beginning with the day after the making of the order. <* Note - Exp. X-Ref.: Sections 20A, 20B, 20C, 20D, 20E, 20F, 20G, 20H, 20I, 20J, 20K, 20L *>
(Added 76 of 1996 s. 13)
Where an interim order has been made on an application under section 20A, the nominee shall, before the order ceases to have effect, submit a report to the court stating-
whether, in his opinion, a meeting of the debtor's creditors should be summoned to consider the debtor's proposal; and
if in his opinion such a meeting should be summoned, the date on which, and time and place at which, he proposes the meeting should be held.
(2) For the purpose of enabling the nominee to prepare his report the debtor shall submit to the nominee-
a document setting out the terms of the voluntary arrangement which the debtor is proposing; and
a statement of his affairs containing-
such particulars of his creditors and of his debts and other liabilities and of his assets as may be prescribed; and
such other information as may be prescribed.
The court may, on an application made by the debtor or the nominee in a case where the nominee has failed to submit the report required by this section, direct that the interim order shall continue, or (if it has ceased to have effect) be renewed, for such further period as the court may specify in the direction.
If the court is satisfied on receiving the nominee's report that a meeting of the debtor's creditors would be summoned to consider the debtor's proposal, the court shall direct that the period for which the interim order has effect shall be extended, for such further period as it may specify in the direction, for the purpose of enabling the debtor's proposal to be considered by his creditors.
Section: 20D Nominee's report on debtor's proposal L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

(5) The court may discharge the interim order if it is satisfied, on the application of the nominee-

that the debtor has failed to comply with his obligations under subsection (2); or
that for any other reason it would be inappropriate for a meeting of the debtor's creditors to be

summoned to consider the debtor's proposal. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 13)

Section: 20E Summoning of creditors' meeting L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
Where it has been reported to the court under section 20D that a meeting of the debtor's creditors should be summoned, the nominee shall, unless the court otherwise directs, summon that meeting for the time, date and place proposed in his report.
The persons to be summoned to the meeting are every creditor of the debtor of whose claim and address the person summoning the meeting is aware.

(3) For this purpose the creditors of a debtor who is an undischarged bankrupt include-

every person who is a creditor of the bankrupt in respect of a bankruptcy debt; and
every person who would be such a creditor if the bankruptcy had commenced on the day on which

notice of the meeting is given. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 13)

Section: 20F Decisions of creditors' meeting L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

(1) A creditors' meeting summoned under section 20E shall decide whether to approve the proposed voluntary arrangement.

(2) The meeting may approve the proposed voluntary arrangement with modifications, but shall not do so


unless the debtor consents to each modification.

(3) The meeting shall not approve any proposal or modification which affects the right of a secured creditor of the debtor to enforce his security, except with the concurrence of the creditor concerned.

(4) The meeting shall not approve any proposal or modification under which-

any debt of the debtor that is given priority under section 38 is to be paid otherwise than in priority to such of his debts as are not given such priority; or
a creditor of the debtor in respect of a debt that is given priority under section 38 is to be paid an

amount that is less than he would be entitled to under the provisions of that section, except with the concurrence of the creditor concerned.

(5) The meeting shall be conducted in accordance with the rules. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 13)

Section: 20G Report of decisions to court L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

(1) After the conclusion in accordance with the rules of the meeting summoned under section 20E, the nominee shall report the result of the meeting to the court and, immediately after so reporting, shall give notice of the result of the meeting to such persons as may be prescribed.

(2) If the report is that the meeting has declined (with or without modifications) to approve the debtor's

proposal, the court may discharge any interim order which is in force in relation to the debtor. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 13)

Section: 20H Effect of approval L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
Where the meeting summoned under section 20E approves the proposed voluntary arrangement (with or without modifications)-
the approved arrangement-
takes effect as if made by the debtor at the meeting; and
binds every person who in accordance with the rules had notice of, and was entitled to vote at, the meeting (whether or not he was present or represented at it) as if he were a party to the arrangement; and
any interim order in force in relation to the debtor immediately before the end of the period of 28 days beginning with the day on which the report with respect to the creditors' meeting was made to the court under section 20G ceases to have effect at the end of that period.
Subsection (1)(b) applies except to such extend as the court may direct for the purposes of any application under section 20J.

(3) Where proceedings on a bankruptcy petition have been stayed by an interim order which ceases to have

effect under subsection (1)(b), that petition is deemed, unless the court otherwise orders, to have been dismissed. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 13)

Section: 20I Effect where debtor an undischarged bankrupt L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

(1) Where the creditors' meeting summoned under section 20E approves the proposed voluntary arrangement (with or without modifications) and the debtor is an undischarged bankrupt, the court may

annul the bankruptcy order by which he was adjudged bankrupt; or
give such directions with respect to the conduct of the bankruptcy and the administration of the bankrupt's estate as it thinks appropriate for facilitating the implementation of the approved voluntary arrangement.

(2) The court shall not annul a bankruptcy order under subsection (1)-

at any time before the end of the period of 28 days beginning with the day on which the report of the creditors' meeting was made to the court under section 20G; or
at any time when an application under section 20J, or an appeal in respect of such an application, is

pending or at any time in the period within which such an appeal may be brought. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 13)

Subject to this section, an application to the court may be made, by any of the persons specified in subsection (2), on one or both of the following grounds-
that a voluntary arrangement approved by a creditors' meeting summoned under section 20E unfairly prejudices the interests of a creditor of the debtor;
that there has been some material irregularity at or in relation to such a meeting.
(2) The persons who may apply under this section are-
the debtor;
a person entitled, in accordance with the rules, to vote at the creditors' meeting;
the nominee (or his replacement under section 20K(3)); and
if the debtor is an undischarged bankrupt, the trustee or the Official Receiver.
An application under this section shall not be made after the end of the period of 28 days beginning with the day on which the report of the creditors' meeting was made to the court under section 20G.
Where on an application under this section the court is satisfied as to either of the grounds mentioned in subsection (1), it may do one or both of the following-
revoke or suspend any approval given by the meeting;
give a direction to any person for the summoning of a further meeting of the debtor's creditors to consider any revised proposal he may make or, in a case falling within subsection (1)(b), to reconsider his original proposal.
Where at any time after giving a direction under subsection (4)(b) for the summoning of a meeting to consider a revised proposal the court is satisfied that the debtor does not intend to submit such a proposal, the court shall revoke the direction and revoke or suspend any approval given at the previous meeting.
Where the court gives a direction under subsection (4)(b), it may also give a direction continuing or, as the case may require, renewing, for such period as may be specified in the direction, the effect in relation to the debtor of any interim order.
In any case where the court, on an application made under this section with respect to a creditors' meeting, gives a direction under subsection (4)(b) or revokes or suspends an approval under subsection (4)(a) or (5), the court may give such supplemental directions as it thinks fit and, in particular, directions with respect to-
things done since the meeting under any voluntary arrangement approved by the meeting; and
such things done since the meeting as could not have been done if an interim order had been in force in relation to the debtor when they were done.

(8) Except in pursuance of the preceding provisions of this section, an approval given at a creditors' meeting

summoned under section 20E is not invalidated by any irregularity at or in relation to the meeting. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 13)

Section: 20K Implementation and supervision of approved voluntary arrangement L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
Where a voluntary arrangement approved by a creditors' meeting summoned under section 20E has taken effect and the debtor, any of his creditors or any other interested person is dissatisfied by any act, omission or decision of the nominee, he may apply to the court; and on such an application the court may
confirm, reverse or modify any act or decision of the nominee;
give him directions; or
make such other order as it thinks fit.
The nominee may apply to the court for directions in relation to any particular matter arising under the voluntary arrangement.

(3) The court may, whenever-

it is expedient to appoint a person to carry out the functions of the nominee; and
it is inexpedient, difficult or impracticable for an appointment to be made without the assistance of the

court, make an order appointing a person who is experienced in insolvency matters, either in substitution for the existing nominee or to fill a vacancy.

(Added 76 of 1996 s. 13)

Section: 20L Default in connection with voluntary arrangement L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

Expanded Cross Reference:
20, 20A, 20B, 20C, 20D, 20E, 20F, 20G, 20H, 20I, 20J, 20K

(1) The court shall not make a bankruptcy order on a petition under section 3(1)(c) (nominee of, or person bound by, voluntary arrangement proposed and approved) unless it is satisfied

that the debtor has failed to comply with his obligations under the voluntary arrangement; or
that information which was false or misleading in any material particular or which contained material omissions-
was contained in any statement of affairs or other document supplied by the debtor under sections 20 to 20K to any person; or <* Note - Exp. X-Ref.: Sections 20, 20A, 20B, 20C, 20D, 20E, 20F, 20G, 20H, 20I, 20J, 20K *>
was otherwise made available by the debtor to his creditors at or in connection with a meeting summoned under those sections; or
that the debtor has failed to do all such things as may for the purposes of the voluntary arrangement have been reasonably required of him by the nominee of the arrangement.

(2) Where a bankruptcy order is made on a petition under section 3(1)(c), any expenses properly incurred as

expenses of the administration of the voluntary arrangement in question shall be a first charge on the bankrupt's estate. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 13)

Section: 21 (Repealed 76 of 1996 s. 13) L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
Section: 22 (Repealed 76 of 1996 s. 13) L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
Section: 23 Provisions where person other than Official Receiver is appointed trustee L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

(1) Where in a bankruptcy a person other than the Official Receiver is appointed trustee, that person-

shall not be capable of acting as trustee until he has notified his appointment to the Official Receiver and given security as provided in subsection (2)(a) to the satisfaction of the Official Receiver;
shall give the Official Receiver such information and such access to and facilities for inspecting the books and documents of the bankrupt, and generally such aid as may be requisite for enabling the Official Receiver to perform his duties under this Ordinance. (Amended 18 of 2005 s. 10)

(2) In the case of a trustee other than the Official Receiver, the following provisions as to security shall have effect, namely-

the security shall be given to the Official Receiver in such manner as he may from time to time direct;
it shall not be necessary that security shall be given in each separate bankruptcy; but security may be given either specially in a particular bankruptcy, or generally, to be available for any bankruptcy in which the person giving security may be appointed, as trustee;
the Official Receiver shall fix the amount and nature of such security, and may from time to time, as he thinks fit, either increase or diminish the amount of special or general security which any person has given;
the cost of furnishing the required security by a trustee, including any premiums which he may pay to a guarantee society, shall be borne by him personally, and shall not be charged against the assets of the estate as an expense incurred in the bankruptcy.

(Replaced 76 of 1996 s. 14)

Section: 24 Creditors' committee L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

(1) The creditors qualified to vote may at their first or any subsequent meeting, by resolution, appoint a creditors' committee to act with the trustee.


(2)-(9) (Repealed 76 of 1996 s. 15)

(10) If there be no creditors' committee any act or thing or any direction or permission by this Ordinance authorized or required to be done or given by the committee may be done or given by the court on the application of the trustee.

(Amended 76 of 1996 s. 15) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 20 U.K.]

Section: 25 (Repealed 76 of 1996 s. 16) L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
Section: 26 Duties of debtor as to discovery and realization of property L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

Control over person and property of debtor

Every debtor against whom a bankruptcy order is made shall, unless prevented by sickness or other sufficient cause, attend the first meeting of his creditors, and shall submit to such examination and give such information as the meeting may require. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 73)
He shall give such inventory of his property, such list of his creditors and debtors, and of the debts due to and from them respectively, submit to such examination in respect of his property or his creditors, attend such other meetings of his creditors, wait at such times on the Official Receiver, special manager or trustee, execute such powers of attorney, conveyances, deeds and instruments, and generally do all such acts and things in relation to his property and the distribution of the proceeds amongst his creditors, as may be reasonably required by the Official Receiver, special manager or trustee or may be provided by this Ordinance, or be prescribed or be directed by the court by any special order or orders made in reference to any particular case or made on the occasion of any special application by the Official Receiver, special manager, trustee or any creditor or person interested.
He shall aid to the utmost of his power in the realization of his property and the distribution of the proceeds among his creditors. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 17)
If a bankrupt wilfully fails to perform the duties imposed on him by this section or to deliver up possession of any part of his property, which is divisible amongst his creditors under this Ordinance and which is for the time being in his possession or under his control, to the Official Receiver or to the trustee or to any person authorized by the court to take possession of it, he shall, in addition to any other punishment to which he may be subject, be guilty of a contempt of court and may be punished accordingly. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 72)
[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 22 U.K.]
The court may, by warrant addressed to any person or persons named therein, cause a debtor to be arrested, and any books, papers, money and goods in his possession or under his control or relating to his affairs to be seized, and him and them to be safely kept as prescribed until such time as the court may order under the following circumstances-
if after presentation of a bankruptcy petition by or against him, it appears to the court that there is probable cause for believing that he has absconded, or is about to abscond, with a view of avoiding payment of a debt, or of avoiding service of a bankruptcy petition, or of avoiding appearance to any such petition, or of avoiding examination in respect of his affairs, or of otherwise avoiding, delaying or embarrassing proceedings in bankruptcy against him;
if, after presentation of a bankruptcy petition by or against him, it appears to the court that there is probable cause for believing that he is about to dispose of or remove his goods with a view to preventing or delaying possession being taken of them by the Official Receiver or trustee, or that there is probable ground for believing that he has concealed or is about to conceal or destroy any of his goods or any books, documents or writings which might be of use to his creditors in the course of his bankruptcy;
if, after service of a bankruptcy petition on him or after a bankruptcy order is made against him he removes any goods in his possession above the value of $50 without the leave of the Official Receiver or trustee; (Amended 37 of 1950 Schedule)
if without good cause shown he fails to attend any examination ordered by the court;
if there is probable cause for believing that he has committed an offence punishable under this Ordinance. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 18)
No payment or composition made or security given after arrest made under this section shall be exempt from the provisions of this Ordinance relating to unfair preferences.
Section: 27 Arrest of debtor under certain circumstances L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

(Amended 76 of 1996 ss. 18 and 73) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 23 U.K.]

Where a bankruptcy order is made against a bankrupt the court, on the application of the Official Receiver or trustee, may from time to time order that for such time, not exceeding 3 months, as the court thinks fit telegrams and post letters and other postal packets, addressed to the bankrupt at any place or places mentioned in the order for redirection, shall be re-directed, sent or delivered by the agent of the telegraph organization or the Post-master General, or the officers acting under them, to the Official Receiver or the trustee or otherwise as the court directs, and the same shall be done accordingly.

(Amended 76 of 1996 ss. 72 and 73)

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 24 U.K.]

The court may, on the application of the Official Receiver or trustee, at any time after a bankruptcy order has been made against a bankrupt summon before it the bankrupt or his spouse, or any person known or suspected to have in his possession any of the estate or effects belonging to the bankrupt or supposed to be indebted to the bankrupt, or any person whom the court may deem capable of giving information respecting the bankrupt, his dealings or property, and the court may require any such person to produce any documents in his custody or power relating to the bankrupt, his dealings or property. (Amended 76 of 1996 ss. 71, 72 and 73)
(1A) The court may require a person referred to in subsection (1), other than the bankrupt, to submit an affidavit to the court containing an account of his dealings with the bankrupt or to produce any documents in his possession or under his control relating to the bankrupt or the bankrupt's dealings, affairs or property. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 19)
If any person so summoned, after having been tendered a reasonable sum, refuses to come before the court at the time appointed, or refuses to produce any such document, having no lawful impediment made known to the court at the time of its sitting and allowed by it, the court may, by warrant, cause him to be apprehended and brought up for examination.
The court may, by itself or by a commissioner appointed for the purpose, examine on oath, either by word of mouth or by written interrogatories, any person so brought before it concerning the bankrupt, his dealings or property and any other matter the court considers relevant. (Amended 76 of 1996 ss. 19 and 72)
(3A) It shall be the duty of a person examined under subsection (3) to answer all questions that the court may put or allow to be put to him. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 19) (3B) Evidence given on oath under this section shall not be admissible in criminal proceedings other than for perjury by the person who gave it. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 19)
If on the examination of any person it appears to the court that he is indebted to the bankrupt, the court may, on the application of the Official Receiver or trustee, order him to pay to the Official Receiver or trustee, at such time and in such manner as to the court seems expedient, the amount admitted or any part thereof, either in full discharge of the whole amount in question or not, as the court thinks fit, with or without costs of the examination. (Amended 76 of 1996 ss. 19 and 72)
If on the examination of any person it appears to the court that he has in his possession any property belonging to the bankrupt, the court may, on the application of the Official Receiver or trustee, order him to deliver to the Official Receiver or trustee such property or any part thereof, at such time and in such manner and on such terms as to the court may seem just. (Amended 76 of 1996 ss. 19 and 72)
The court may, if it thinks fit, order that any person who if in Hong Kong would be liable to be brought before it under this section shall be examined in any place out of Hong Kong by a commissioner appointed for the purpose. (Amended 47 of 1984 s. 16)
In the case of the death of the bankrupt or his spouse or of any other witness whose evidence has been duly taken under this Ordinance, the deposition of the person so deceased purporting to be sealed with the seal of the court, or a copy thereof purporting to be so sealed, shall in all legal proceedings be admitted as evidence of the matters

therein deposed to, saving all just exceptions. (Amended 76 of 1996 ss. 71 and 72)

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 25 U.K.]

The bankruptcy of a person against whom a bankruptcy order has been made-

commences with the day on which the order is made; and
continues until he is discharged under section 30A or 30B. (Replaced 76 of 1996 s. 20)

Expanded Cross Reference:
131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136

Subject to this section, a bankrupt is discharged from bankruptcy by the expiration of the relevant period under this section.
(2) The relevant period referred to in subsection (1) is as follows- (a) where a person has not previously been adjudged bankrupt, the period of 4 years;
where a person has been previously adjudged bankrupt, the period of 5 years, beginning with the commencement of the bankruptcy.
Where the court is satisfied on the application of the trustee or one of the bankrupt's creditors that a valid objection based on one or more of the grounds set out in subsection (4) has been made, the court may order that the relevant period under this section shall cease to run for such period, not exceeding, in the case of a person who-
(a) has not previously been adjudged bankrupt, 4 years; or
has previously been adjudged bankrupt, 3 years, as may be specified in the order.
The grounds on which an objection can be made to the discharge of a bankrupt under this section are as follows-
in the case of a discharge to which subsection (2)(a) applies, that the bankrupt is likely within 5 years of the commencement of the bankruptcy to be able to make a significant contribution to his estate;
that the discharge of the bankrupt would prejudice the administration of his estate;
that the bankrupt has failed to co-operate in the administration of his estate;
that the conduct of the bankrupt, either in respect of the period before or the period after the commencement of the bankruptcy, has been unsatisfactory;
without limiting paragraph (c) or (d), that the bankrupt has departed from Hong Kong and has failed forthwith to return to Hong Kong following a request to do so from the Official Receiver or the trustee;
that the bankrupt has continued to trade after knowing himself to be insolvent;
that the bankrupt has committed an offence under section 129 or any of sections 131 to 136; <* Note -Exp. X-Ref.: Sections 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136 *>
that the bankrupt has failed to prepare an annual report of his earnings and acquisitions for the trustee.

(5) Not less than 3 months before the end of the relevant period under this section, the trustee shall-

send a notice by ordinary mail to the last known address of each proving creditor; or
publish a notice in English and Chinese, respectively, in an English and a Chinese newspaper

circulating in Hong Kong, advising the creditors that-

the bankrupt will, in the absence of an objection, be discharged;
the trustee does or does not intend to object to the discharge and, where he does intend to do so, giving the grounds of the objection;

(iii) each of them has a right to object to the discharge and giving the grounds on which an objection can be based and the procedure for making an objection.

(6) Where the trustee or a creditor objects to the discharge of a bankrupt, he shall-

(a) notify the court; and

in the case of a creditor, also notify the trustee, not less than 14 days before the end of the relevant period under this section, stating the grounds of his objection and
applying for an order under subsection (3).
Where the court has suspended the running of the relevant period under subsection (3), the bankrupt may, at any time, apply to have the suspension lifted and the court may, having regard to the interests of all the parties, lift the suspension or shorten the period during which it will operate.
(8) Where a bankrupt has been discharged, he shall, notwithstanding his discharge- (a) continue to give such information respecting his affairs; and
attend on the trustee at such times, and do such other things, as the trustee requires for the purpose of completing the administration of the estate, and if a discharged bankrupt does not comply with the requirements of this subsection, he shall be guilty of a contempt of court and may be punished accordingly on the application of the trustee.
Where the court grants a discharge under this section, it may, as a condition of granting the discharge, order the bankrupt to continue to make contributions to his estate in such amount and for such period as it considers appropriate but not exceeding a period of 8 years from the date the bankruptcy order was made.
Notwithstanding subsections (1) to (3), where a bankrupt
has, before the commencement of the bankruptcy, left Hong Kong and has not returned to Hong Kong, the relevant period under subsection (1) shall not commence to run until such time as he returns to Hong Kong and notifies the trustee of his return;
after the commencement of his bankruptcy
leaves Hong Kong without notifying the trustee of his itinerary and where he can be contacted; or
fails to return to Hong Kong on a date or within a period specified by the trustee,
the relevant period under subsection (1) shall not continue to run during the period he is absent from
Hong Kong and until he notifies the trustee of his return.
This section is without prejudice to any power of the court to annul a bankruptcy order. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 20)
Notwithstanding that the relevant period under section 30A has not yet expired, a bankrupt who-
has not previously been adjudged bankrupt may, at any time; or
has been previously adjudged bankrupt may, not less than 3 years after the date of the bankruptcy

order, apply to the court for an order discharging him from bankruptcy.

(2) The court shall not make an order under this section if the bankrupt-

has previously entered into-
a composition or scheme of arrangement under this Ordinance, as it existed before the Bankruptcy (Amendment) Ordinance 1996 (76 of 1996) came into operation; or
a voluntary arrangement;
has unsecured liabilities that exceed 150% of the income that the trustee determines was derived by the bankrupt during the year immediately before the date of the bankruptcy order;
has failed to disclose a beneficial interest in any property;
has failed to disclose any liability that existed at the date of the bankruptcy order;
has failed to disclose in his statement of affairs income that he expected in the 12 months following the filing of the statement;
has engaged, after the date of the bankruptcy order, in misleading conduct in relation to a person in respect of an amount or amounts exceeding $15000;
has after the date of the bankruptcy order continued to act as a director or taken part in the management of a company, except with the leave of the court, contrary to section 156 of the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32);
has failed or refused to give his passport or other travel document to the trustee when requested to do so;
has failed to co-operate with the trustee.
A bankrupt shall give notice to the trustee of an application under this section at least 28 days before the date of the hearing and the trustee shall advise each creditor of the application.
The trustee or a creditor may object to the discharge of the bankrupt on one or more of the grounds set out in section 30A(4) and the court may decline to make an order discharging the bankrupt if it is satisfied that the

objection is valid.

(5) Section 30A(8) and (9) applies to a discharge under this section. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 20)

Expanded Cross Reference:
30, 30A, 30B

(1) Subject to subsection (2), sections 30 to 30B apply to a bankruptcy order made before those sections come into operation in respect of which no order to discharge the bankrupt has been made. <* Note - Exp. X-Ref.: Sections 30, 30A, 30B *>

(2) Where a bankrupt

has not previously been adjudged bankrupt and the bankruptcy order was made not less than 42 months; or (Amended 80 of 1997 s. 101)
has previously been adjudged bankrupt and the current bankruptcy order was made not less than 54

months, (Amended 80 of 1997 s. 101) before sections 30 to 30B came into operation, he shall be deemed to be discharged from bankruptcy 12 months after the day this section comes into operation unless, during that 12 month period, the trustee or a creditor files an objection on a ground set forth in section 30A(4)(a) to (h), in which case section 30A applies and the court shall deal with the matter as it sees fit. <* Note - Exp. X-Ref.: Sections 30, 30A, 30B *>

(Added 76 of 1996 s. 20)

(1) For the purposes of an examination under section 29, the court may, on the application of the trustee where the trustee is-

the Official Receiver; or
a certified public accountant as defined in the Professional Accountants Ordinance (Cap 50) or a

solicitor, (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 56) order the Commissioner of Inland Revenue to produce to the court

any return, account or accounts submitted (whether before or after the commencement of the bankruptcy) by the bankrupt to any inland revenue official;
any assessment or determination made (whether before or after the commencement of the bankruptcy) in relation to the bankrupt by any inland revenue official; or

(iii) any correspondence (whether before or after the commencement of the bankruptcy) between the bankrupt and any inland revenue official.

Notwithstanding any other Ordinance, the Commissioner of Inland Revenue shall, within 21 days of the order being made by the court
produce the document in such form as is acceptable to the court; or
apply to the court for the discharge or variation of the order.
Where the court has made an order under subsection (1) for the purposes of any examination or proceedings, the court may, at any time after the document to which the order relates is produced to it, by order authorize the disclosure of the document, or of any part of its contents, to the trustee.
The trustee shall not disclose to any other person the contents of a document disclosed to him by order of the court under this section unless they are disclosed as part of an examination under section 29.

(5) For the avoidance of doubt, no creditor or member of a creditors' committee is entitled to see the contents of

a document disclosed to a trustee under this section. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 21)

Section: 30E Supplies of gas, water, electricity, etc. 36 of 2000 16/06/2000

(1) This section applies where on any day ("the relevant day")

(a) a bankruptcy order is made against a debtor; or

(b) a voluntary arrangement proposed by a debtor is approved at a meeting summoned under section 20E, and in this section "the office-holder" (負責人) means the Official Receiver or the trustee, as the case may be, or, in the case of a voluntary arrangement, the nominee.
(2) If a request falling within subsection (3) is made for the giving after the relevant day of any of the supplies mentioned in subsection (4), the supplier may make it a condition of the giving of the supply that the office-holder personally guarantees the payment of any charges in respect of the supply, but the supplier shall not, directly or indirectly, make it a condition of the giving of the supply that any outstanding charges in respect of a supply given to the debtor before the relevant day are paid.
(3) A request falls within this subsection if it is made-
(a) by or with the concurrence of the office-holder; and
(b) for the purposes of any business which is or has been carried on by the debtor, by a firm or partnership of which the debtor is or was a member, or by an agent or manager for the debtor or for such a firm or partnership.
(4) The supplies referred to in subsection (2) are
(a) a public supply of gas;
(b) a public supply of electricity;
(c) a supply of water under the Waterworks Ordinance (Cap 102);
(d) a supply of telecommunications services by a public telecommunications operator licensed under the

Telecommunications Ordinance (Cap 106). (Amended 36 of 2000 s. 28) (Added 76 of 1996 s. 21)

Section: 31 (Repealed 76 of 1996 s. 22) L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
Section: 32 Effect of order of discharge L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

(1) An order of discharge shall not release the bankrupt-

(a) (Repealed 76 of 1996 s. 23)
(aa) from any liability to pay any amount under a confiscation order made under the Drug Trafficking (Recovery of Proceeds) Ordinance (Cap 405) or under an external confiscation order registered under that Ordinance; or (Added 35 of 1989 s. 32. Amended L.N. 19 of 1991)
(b) (Repealed 76 of 1996 s. 23)
(2) Subject to subsections (1) and (3) to (8), where a bankrupt is discharged, the discharge releases him from all the bankruptcy debts, but has no effect-
(a) on the functions (so far as they remain to be carried out) of the trustee and the operation of the provisions of this Ordinance for the purposes of carrying out those functions; or
(b) on the liability of the discharged bankrupt to make continuing contributions to his estate pursuant to an order made under section 30A(9). (Replaced 76 of 1996 s. 23)
(3) Discharge does not affect the right of any secured creditor of the bankrupt to enforce his security for the payment of a debt from which the bankrupt is released. (Replaced 76 of 1996 s. 23)
(4) An order of discharge shall not release the bankrupt from any debt or liability incurred by means of any fraud or fraudulent breach of trust to which he was a party, or from any debt or liability whereof he has obtained forbearance by any fraud to which he was a party. (Replaced 76 of 1996 s. 23)
(5) Discharge does not release the bankrupt from any liability in respect of a fine imposed for an offence or from any liability under a recognizance except, in the case of a penalty imposed for an offence under an enactment relating to the public revenue or of a recognizance, with the consent of the Financial Secretary. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 23)
(6) Discharge does not, except to such extent and on such conditions as the court may direct, release the bankrupt from any bankruptcy debt which consists in a liability to pay damages for negligence, nuisance or breach of a statutory, contractual or other duty being damages in respect of personal injuries to any person. (Added 76 of 1996
Discharge does not release the bankrupt from such other bankruptcy debts, not being debts provable in his bankruptcy, as may be prescribed. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 23)
Discharge does not release any person other than the bankrupt from any liability (whether as partner or cotrustee of the bankrupt or otherwise) from which the bankrupt is released by the discharge, or from any liability as surety for the bankrupt or as a person in the nature of such a surety. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 23)

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 28 U.K.]

(1) The court may annul a bankruptcy order if it at any time appears to the court that-

on any grounds existing at the time the order was made, the order ought not to have been made; or
to the extent required by the rules, the provable debts and the expenses of the bankruptcy have all, since the making of the order, been either paid or secured to the satisfaction of the court.

(2) The court may annul a bankruptcy order made against a debtor on a petition under section 3(1)(a), (b) or (c) if it at any time appears to the court, on an application by the Official Receiver

that the petition was pending at a time when a criminal bankruptcy order was made against the debtor or was presented after such an order was so made; and
that no appeal is pending against the debtor's conviction of any offence by virtue of which the criminal

bankruptcy order was made, and the court shall annul a bankruptcy order made on a petition under section 3(1)(d) if it at any time appears to the court that the criminal bankruptcy order on which the petition was based has been rescinded in consequence of an appeal.

The court may annul a bankruptcy order whether or not the bankrupt has been discharged from the bankruptcy.
Where the court annuls a bankruptcy order under this section or section 20I, any sale or other disposition of property, payment made or other thing duly done by or under the authority of the Official Receiver, a nominee or a trustee or by the court is valid, but if any of the bankrupt's estate is then vested in such a trustee, it shall vest in such person as the court may appoint or, in default of any such appointment, revert to the bankrupt on such terms (if any) as the court may direct, and the court may include in its order such supplemental provisions as may be authorized by the rules.
Where the court annuls a bankruptcy order under this section or section 20I, the court may make such order as it thinks fit respecting advertising or gazetting of the notice of the annulment and for the costs thereof.

(6) Any interested person may apply for annulment of a bankruptcy order with leave of the court. (Replaced 76 of 1996 s. 24)

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 25 of 1998 s. 2



Proof of debts

Demands in the nature of unliquidated damages arising otherwise than by reason of a contract, tort, promise or breach of trust shall not be provable in bankruptcy. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 25)
Subject to section 42(5), a person having notice of a petition in bankruptcy shall not prove in bankruptcy for any debt or liability contracted by the bankrupt after the date of his so having notice. (Replaced 76 of 1996 s. 25)
Save as aforesaid, all debts and liabilities, present or future, certain or contingent, to which the bankrupt is subject at the date of the bankruptcy order, or to which he may become subject before his discharge by reason of any obligation incurred before the date of the bankruptcy order, including a liability to pay further damages as provided for in section 56A(2)(b) of the High Court Ordinance (Cap 4) (following an award of provisional damages), shall be

deemed to be debts provable in bankruptcy. (Amended 40 of 1986 s. 5; 76 of 1996 ss. 72 and 73; 25 of 1998 s. 2)

(3A) Notwithstanding subsection (3), a debt owing to the Government in respect of a fine or monetary penalty imposed under an Ordinance shall not be provable in bankruptcy. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 25)

(3B) Where a debt provable in bankruptcy is payable in a currency other than Hong Kong dollars, the trustee or, in the case of a voluntary arrangement, the nominee or his replacement under section 20K(3), shall convert the amount of the debt from the foreign currency into Hong Kong dollars at the midpoint between the selling and buying telegraphic transfer rates of exchange quoted by The Hong Kong Association of Banks on the day the bankruptcy order is made or, where no such rates are quoted, at an exchange rate determined by the court. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 25)

(3C) The trustee may pay a dividend in respect of a foreign currency claim either in Hong Kong dollars or in the foreign currency equivalent of Hong Kong dollars, and in the latter case he shall determine the foreign currency equivalent using the same conversion method as in subsection (3B) but as of the day of the payment of the dividend. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 25)

(4) An estimate shall be made by the trustee of the value of any debt or liability provable as aforesaid which by reason of its being subject to any contingency or contingencies, or for any other reason, does not bear a certain value or, alternatively, the trustee may refer such debt or liability to the court for valuation in which case the court shall establish a value in accordance with subsection (7). (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 25)
(5) Any person aggrieved by any estimate made by the trustee as aforesaid may appeal to the court.
(6) (Repealed 76 of 1996 s. 25)
(7) Where the trustee has referred the question of valuation to it under subsection (4), the court may direct the value to be assessed before the court itself without the intervention of a jury and may give all necessary directions for this purpose. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 25)

(7A) The trustee shall make a decision to-

(a) accept; or

(b) reject in whole or in part, a proof of debt within
(i) a period, prescribed by the rules, after the proof is filed with him; or
(ii) such longer period as the court may on application allow, but this subsection does not apply if there is no reasonable prospect of a dividend being paid to the class of creditor to which the proof of debt relates. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 25)

(8) For the purposes of this Ordinance, "liability" (債務) includes-

(a) any compensation for work or labour done;
(b) any obligation or possibility of an obligation to pay money or money's worth on the breach of any express or implied covenant, contract, agreement or undertaking, whether the breach does or does not occur, or is or is not likely to occur or capable of occurring, before the discharge of the bankrupt; (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 72)
(c) generally, any express or implied engagement, agreement or undertaking to pay or capable of resulting in the payment of money or money's worth, whether the payment is, as respects amount, fixed or unliquidated, as respects time, present or future, certain or dependent on any one contingency or on 2 or more contingencies, or, as to mode of valuation, capable of being ascertained by fixed rules or as matter of opinion.

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 30 U.K.]

Where there have been mutual credits, mutual debts or other mutual dealings between a bankrupt against whom a bankruptcy order is made under this Ordinance and any other person proving or claiming to prove a debt under the bankruptcy order, an account shall be taken of what is due from the one party to the other in respect of such mutual dealings and the sum due from the one party shall be set off against any sum due from the other party and the balance of the account, and no more, shall be claimed or paid on either side respectively; but a person shall not be entitled under this section to claim the benefit of any set-off against the property of a bankrupt in any case where he had, at the time of giving credit to the bankrupt, notice that the petition had been presented.

(Amended 33 of 1939; G.N. 840 of 1940 Supp. Schedule; 76 of 1996 ss. 26, 72 and 73)

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 31 U.K.]

Section: 36 Rules as to proof of debts 30/06/1997

The Chief Justice may, with the approval of the Legislative Council, make rules providing for the mode of proving debts, the right of proof by secured and other creditors, the admission and rejection of proofs, and other matters.

(Replaced 33 of 1939; G.N. 840 of 1940 Supp. Schedule) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 32 U.K.]

Section: 37 Priority of costs and charges L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007
The assets remaining after payment of the expenses properly incurred in preserving, getting in or realizing any of the assets of the bankrupt shall, subject to any order of the court, first be liable to the following payments, which shall be made in the following order of priority, namely- (Amended 18 of 2005 s. 11)
the fees, charges and percentages prescribed in the Bankruptcy (Fees and Percentages) Order (Cap 6 sub. leg. C) and payable to the Official Receiver, and costs, charges and expenses incurred or authorized by, the Official Receiver, whether acting as trustee or otherwise, including the costs of any person properly employed by him; (Replaced 18 of 2005 s. 11)
the taxed costs of the petition, including the taxed costs of any person appearing at the hearing of the petition whose costs are allowed by the court but excluding the interest on such costs; (Replaced 18 of 2005 s. 11)
the remuneration of, and fees, disbursements and expenses properly incurred by the special manager, if any; (Replaced 18 of 2005 s. 11)
the costs and expenses of any person who makes the bankrupts statement of affairs; (Replaced 18 of 2005 s. 11)
the taxed charges of any shorthand writer appointed to take any examination under this Ordinance, except expenses properly incurred in preserving, getting in or realizing the assets of the bankrupt; (Added 18 of 2005 s. 11)
the necessary disbursements of any trustee other than the Official Receiver, except expenses properly incurred in preserving, getting in or realizing the assets of the bankrupt; (Added 18 of 2005 s. 11)
the costs of any person properly employed by any trustee other than the Official Receiver; (Added 18 of 2005 s. 11)
the remuneration of any trustee other than the Official Receiver; and (Added 18 of 2005 s. 11)
the actual out-of-pocket expenses necessarily incurred by the creditors committee subject to the approval of the trustee. (Added 18 of 2005 s. 11)
Whenever the court is satisfied that property of a bankrupt in respect of whose estate a bankruptcy order has been made has been preserved for the benefit of the creditors by means of legal proceedings brought by a creditor against the bankrupt without notice of presentation of the petition, the court may in its discretion order the payment of the costs of such legal proceedings or any part of them (taxed as between party and party) out of the estate, with the same priority as to payment as is herein provided in respect of the taxed costs of the petitioner. (Amended 76 of 1996
For the purposes of subsection (1)(e), if the shorthand writer is appointed or authorized by the Official Receiver, the cost of the shorthand notes shall be regarded as an expense properly incurred in getting in or realizing the assets of the bankrupt. (Added 18 of 2005 s. 11)

(Amended 76 of 1996 ss. 72 & 73)

Section: 38 Priority of debts L.N. 119 of 2000 01/12/2000

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 18 of 2005 s. 12

(1) In the distribution of the property of a bankrupt there shall be paid in priority to all other debts

(Repealed 47 of 1984 s. 5)
payment from the Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund under section 18 of the Protection of
Wages on Insolvency Ordinance (Cap 380) to any clerk or servant in respect of wages or salary or both in respect of services rendered to the bankrupt if such payment was made during a period of 4 months before the date of the filing of the petition; and (Amended 48 of 1987 s. 8)
wages and salary (including commission provided that the amount thereof is fixed or ascertainable at the relevant date) of any clerk or servant in respect of services rendered to the bankrupt during a period
beginning 4 months next before the date of the filing of the petition and ending on the making of the bankruptcy order; or (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 73)
beginning 4 months next before the last day of service within the meaning of section 16(4) of the Protection of Wages on Insolvency Ordinance (Cap 380) of any clerk or servant who has made an application for an ex gratia payment under section 15(1) of that Ordinance, and ending on that last day of service, (Replaced 68 of 1996 s. 4)

whichever is the earlier, not exceeding, together with any payment under sub-paragraph (i), $300; (Replaced 12 of 1985 s. 29(4). Amended 48 of 1987 s. 8)

(c) any

payment from the Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund under section 18 of the Protection of Wages on Insolvency Ordinance (Cap 380) to any labourer or workman in respect of wages, whether payable for time or for piece work, in respect of services rendered to the bankrupt if such payment was made during a period of 4 months before the date of the filing of the petition; and
wages of any labourer or workman, whether payable for time or for piece work, in respect of services rendered to the bankrupt during the period-
beginning 4 months next before the date of the filing of the petition and ending on the making of a bankruptcy order; or (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 73)
beginning 4 months next before the last day of service within the meaning of section 16(4) of the Protection of Wages on Insolvency Ordinance (Cap 380) of any labourer or workman who has made an application for an ex gratia payment under section 15(1) of that Ordinance, and ending on that last day of service, (Replaced 68 of 1996 s. 4)

whichever is the earlier, not exceeding, together with any payment under sub-paragraph (i), $100; (Replaced 12 of 1985 s. 29(4). Amended 48 of 1987 s. 8) (ca) any severance payment payable to an employee under the Employment Ordinance (Cap 57), not exceeding in respect of each employee $6000; (Added 54 of 1974 s. 2) (caa) any long service payment payable to an employee under the Employment Ordinance (Cap 57), not exceeding in respect of each employee $8000; (Added 78 of 1985 s. 2)

(cb) any amount due in respect of compensation or liability for compensation under the Employees' Compensation Ordinance (Cap 282) accrued before the date of the bankruptcy order and, where the compensation is a periodical payment, the amount due in respect thereof shall be taken to be the amount of the lump sum for which the periodical payment could, if redeemable, be redeemed on an application being made for that purpose under the Employees' Compensation Ordinance (Cap 282), but this paragraph shall not apply to any amount due in respect of compensation or liability for compensation where the bankrupt has entered into a contract with a person carrying on accident insurance business in Hong Kong in respect of his liability under the Employees' Compensation Ordinance (Cap 282) for personal injury by accident to the employee to whom the compensation or liability for compensation is due; (Added 5 of 1977 s. 2. Amended 47 of 1984 s. 16; 76 of 1996 s. 73)

(cc) any wages in lieu of notice payable to an employee under the Employment Ordinance (Cap 57), not exceeding in respect of each employee one month's wages or $2000 whichever is the lesser; (Added 5 of 1977 s. 2)

(cd) all accrued holiday remuneration becoming payable to any clerk, servant, workman or labourer (or in the case of his death to any other person in his right) on the termination of his employment before or as a consequence of the bankruptcy order; (Added 47 of 1984 s. 5. Amended 76 of 1996 s. 73)

(ce) any payment from the Employees Compensation Assistance Fund under Part IV of the Employees Compensation Assistance Ordinance 1991 (54 of 1991) representing an amount due by the bankrupt in respect of compensation or liability for compensation under the Employees' Compensation Ordinance (Cap 282) accrued before the date of the bankruptcy order; (Added 54 of 1991 s. 47. Amended 76 of 1996 s. 73)

(cf) any amount of unpaid contribution or any amount deemed to be unpaid contribution calculated in accordance with rules made under section 73(1)(n) of the Occupational Retirement Schemes Ordinance (Cap 426) which should have been paid by the bankrupt in accordance with the terms of an occupational retirement scheme within the meaning of that Ordinance before the commencement of the bankruptcy:

Provided that where such amount exceeds $50000 in respect of an employee, 50% of such part of the amount that exceeds $50000 shall not be paid in priority to all other debts under this subsection; (Added 88 of 1992 s. 83)

(cg) (without prejudice to any right or liability under a trust) any amount of salaries deducted by the bankrupt from his employees' salaries for the purpose of making contributions in respect of such employees to the funds of an occupational retirement scheme within the meaning of the Occupational Retirement Schemes Ordinance (Cap 426) which have not been paid into such funds; (Added 88 of 1992 s. 83)

(ch) any amount of unpaid contribution under, or any amount of unpaid contribution calculated in accordance with, the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (Cap 485) which should have been paid by the bankrupt in accordance with the provisions of that Ordinance before the commencement of the bankruptcy:

Provided that where such amount exceeds $50000 in respect of an employee, 50% of such part of the amount that exceeds $50000 shall not be paid in priority to all other debts under this subsection; (Added 80 of 1995 s. 49)

any amount deducted by the bankrupt from the relevant income of his relevant employees for the purpose of making contributions in respect of such relevant employees to the approved trustee of a registered scheme within the meaning of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (Cap 485) which have not been paid to that approved trustee; (Added 80 of 1995 s. 49)
(cj) any sum and interest thereon payable to the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority under section 17(7) of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (Cap 485); (Added 80 of 1995 s. 49)
all statutory debts due from the bankrupt to the Crown at the date of the bankruptcy order and which became due and payable within 12 months next before that date. (Replaced 47 of 1984 s. 5. Amended 76 of 1996 s. 73)

(2)-(2A) (Repealed 76 of 1996 s. 28)
(2B) Where

the date of the receiving order is on or after 1 April 1977; or
a bankruptcy order is made on or after the day the Bankruptcy (Amendment) Ordinance 1996 (76 of

1996) comes into operation, the sum of $8000 shall be deemed to be substituted in each case for the sums of $300 and $100 referred to in paragraphs (b) and (c) respectively, and for the sum of $6000 referred to in paragraph (ca), of subsection (1). (Added 5 of 1977 s. 2. Amended 76 of 1996 s. 28)

(3) The debts specified in subsection (1)(b), (c), (ca), (caa), (cb), (cc), (cd), (ce), (cf), (cg), (ch), (ci) and (cj)(Amended 47 of 1984 s. 5; 78 of 1985 s. 2; 54 of 1991 s. 47; 88 of 1992 s. 83; 80 of 1995 s. 49)

shall have priority over the debts specified in subsection (1)(d);
shall rank equally among themselves; and
shall be paid in full unless the property of the bankrupt is insufficient to meet them, in which case they shall abate in equal proportions among themselves. (Replaced 42 of 1970 s. 2. Amended 54 of 1974 s. 2; 5 of 1977 s. 2)

(3A) (Repealed 47 of 1984 s. 5)

Subject to the provisions contained in section 37 and to the retention of such sums as may be necessary for the costs of administration or otherwise, the foregoing debts shall be discharged forthwith so far as the property of the debtor is sufficient to meet them.
In the event of a landlord or other person distraining or having distrained on any goods or effects of a bankrupt within 3 months next before the date of the bankruptcy order the debts to which priority is given by this section shall be a first charge on the goods or effects so distrained on or the proceeds of the sale thereof. (Amended 42 of 1970 s. 2; 76 of 1996 s. 73)

(5A) Any money paid under a charge under subsection (5) shall be a debt due from the estate of the bankrupt to the landlord or other person distraining or having distrained, and such debt shall be discharged so far as the property of the bankrupt is sufficient to meet it after payment of the debts specified in subsection (1) but before payment of the other debts proved in the bankruptcy. (Added 42 of 1970 s. 2)

(5B) Where any assets have been recovered under an indemnity for costs of litigation given by certain creditors, or have been protected or preserved by the payment of moneys or the giving of indemnity by creditors, or where expenses in relation to which a creditor has indemnified a trustee have been recovered, the court may, on the application of the Official Receiver or the trustee or any such creditor, make such order as it deems just with respect to the distribution of those assets and the amount of those expenses so recovered with a view to giving those creditors an advantage over others in consideration of the risk run by them in so doing. (Added 47 of 1984 s. 5)

(5C) Any remuneration in respect of a period of holiday or of absence from work through sickness or other good cause shall be deemed to be wages in respect of services rendered to the bankrupt during that period. (Added 47 of 1984 s. 5)

(6) This section shall apply in the case of a deceased person who dies insolvent as if he were a bankrupt and as if the date of his death were substituted for the date of the bankruptcy order. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 73)
(7) In the case of partners the joint estate shall be applicable in the first instance in payment of their joint debts and the separate estate of each partner shall be applicable in the first instance in payment of his separate debts. If there is a surplus of the separate estates, it shall be dealt with as part of the joint estate. If there is a surplus of the joint estate, it shall be dealt with as part of the respective separate estates in proportion to the right and interest of each partner in the joint estate. (See Rule 195)
(8) Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, all debts proved in the bankruptcy shall be paid pari passu.
(9) If there is any surplus after payment of the foregoing debts, it shall be applied in payment of interest from the date of the bankruptcy order at the rate specified in section 71(3) on all debts proved in the bankruptcy. (Amended 76 of 1996 ss. 28 & 73)

(10) In this section-

"accrued holiday remuneration" (累算的假日薪酬) includes, in relation to any person, all sums which, by virtue either of his contract of employment or of any enactment (including any order made or direction given under any Ordinance), are payable on account of the remuneration which would, in the ordinary course, have become payable to him in respect of a period of holiday had his employment with the bankrupt continued until he became entitled to be allowed the holiday;

"Employees Compensation Assistance Fund" (僱員補償援助基金) means the fund established by section 7 of the Employees Compensation Assistance Ordinance 1991 (54 of 1991); (Added 54 of 1991 s. 47) "Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund" (破產欠薪保障基金) means the fund deemed to be established and continued in existence under section 6 of the Protection of Wages on Insolvency Ordinance (Cap 380); (Added 12 of 1985 s. 29(4)) "statutory debt" (法定債項) means a debt the liability for which and the amount of which are determined by or under any provision in any Ordinance; (Amended 18 of 2005 s. 12)

"wages" (工資) includes, in relation to any person, any sum which, by virtue of his contract of employment, is payable to him as a Lunar New Year bonus, but does not include any accrued holiday remuneration. (Replaced 47 of 1984 s. 5)

The Bankruptcy (Amendment) Ordinance 1984 (47 of 1984) shall not apply in the case of a bankruptcy where the date of the receiving order occurred before the commencement* of that Ordinance, and, in such a case, the provisions relating to priority of debts which would have applied if that Ordinance had not been enacted shall be deemed to remain in full force. (Added 47 of 1984 s. 5)
The Fifth Schedule to the Protection of Wages on Insolvency Ordinance 1985 (12 of 1985) shall not apply in the case of a bankruptcy where the date of the filing of a petition occurred before the commencement of that Ordinance, and, in such case, the provisions relating to priority of debts which would have applied if that Ordinance has not been enacted shall deemed to remain in full force. (Added 12 of 1985 s. 29(4))
Section 4(a) and (b) of the Protection of Wages on Insolvency (Amendment) Ordinance 1996 (68 of 1996) ("the amending Ordinance") shall not apply in the case of a bankruptcy to which an application under section 15(1) of the Protection of Wages on Insolvency Ordinance (Cap 380) relates where such application is made before the commencement of the amending Ordinance, and, in such case, the provisions relating to priority of debts which would have applied if the amending Ordinance had not been enacted shall be deemed to remain in full force. (Added 68 of 1996 s. 4)

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 33 U.K.]


* Commencement date: 31 August 1984.

Section: 39 Preferential claims in case of apprenticeship 30/06/1997
Where at the time of the presentation of the bankruptcy petition any person is apprenticed or is a trainee solicitor to the bankrupt, the adjudication of bankruptcy shall, if either the bankrupt or the apprentice or trainee solicitor gives notice in writing to the trustee to that effect, be a complete discharge of the indenture of apprenticeship or trainee solicitor contract; and if any money has been paid by or on behalf of the apprentice or trainee solicitor to the bankrupt as a fee, the trustee may, on the application of the apprentice or trainee solicitor or of some person on his behalf, pay such sum as the trustee, subject to an appeal to the court, thinks reasonable, out of the bankrupt's property, to or for the use of the apprentice or trainee solicitor, regard being had to the amount paid by him or on his behalf and to the time during which he served with the bankrupt under the indenture or trainee solicitor contract before the commencement of the bankruptcy and to the other circumstances of the case.
Where it appears expedient to a trustee, he may, on the application of any apprentice or trainee solicitor to the bankrupt or any person acting on behalf of such apprentice or trainee solicitor, instead of acting under the provisions of subsection (1), transfer the indenture of apprenticeship or trainee solicitor contract to some other person.

(Amended 70 of 1991 s. 14) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 34 U.K.]

Section: 40 Landlord's power of distress 30/06/1997

The Landlord or other person to whom any rent is due from the bankrupt may, subject to the provisions of Part III of the Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance (Cap 7), at any time either before or after the commencement of the bankruptcy, distrain upon the goods or effects of the bankrupt for the rent due to him from the bankrupt, with this limitation, that if such distress for rent be levied after the commencement of the bankruptcy, it shall be available only for 6 months' rent accrued due prior to the date of the order of adjudication and shall not be available for rent payable in respect of any period subsequent to the date when the distress was levied, but the landlord or other person to whom the rent may be due from the bankrupt may prove under the bankruptcy for the surplus due for which the distress may not have been available.

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 35 U.K.]

Section: 41 Spouse's claim postponed L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

A bankrupt's spouse shall not be entitled to claim any dividend as a creditor in respect of any money or other estate, lent or entrusted to the bankrupt until all claims of the other creditors of the bankrupt for valuable consideration in money or monies worth have been satisfied.

(Replaced 76 of 1996 s. 29)

Section: 42 Restrictions on dispositions of property L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

Property available for payment of debts

Where a person is adjudged bankrupt, any disposition of property made by that person in the period to which this section applies is void except to the extent that it is or was made with the consent of the court, or is or was subsequently ratified by the court.
Subsection (1) applies to a payment (whether in cash or otherwise) as it applies to a disposition of property and, accordingly, where any payment is void by virtue of that subsection, the person paid shall hold the sum paid for the bankrupt as part of his estate.
This section applies to the period beginning with the day of the presentation of the petition for the bankruptcy order and ending with the vesting of the bankrupt's estate in a trustee.

(4) This section does not give a remedy against any person-

in respect of any property or payment which he received before the commencement of the bankruptcy in good faith, for value and without notice that the petition had been presented; or
in respect of any interest in property which derives from an interest in property referred to in paragraph


Where after the commencement of the bankruptcy the bankrupt has incurred a debt to any person by reason of the making of a payment which is void under this section, that debt is deemed for the purposes of this Ordinance to have been incurred before the commencement of the bankruptcy unless
that person had notice of the bankruptcy before the debt was incurred; or
it is not reasonably practicable for the amount of the payment to be recovered from the person to whom it was made.
A disposition of property is void under this section notwithstanding that the property is not or, as the case may be, would not be comprised in the bankrupt's estate; but nothing in this section affects any disposition made by a person of property held by him on trust for any other person.

(Replaced 76 of 1996 s. 30)

Expanded Cross Reference:
43A, 43B, 43C, 43D, 43E

Subject to this section and sections 43A to 43E, a bankrupt's estate comprises- <* Note - Exp. X-Ref.: Sections 43A, 43B, 43C, 43D, 43E *>
all property belonging to or vested in the bankrupt at the commencement of the bankruptcy; and
any property which by virtue of any of the provisions of this Ordinance is comprised in that estate or is treated as falling within paragraph (a).
Subsection (1) does not apply to
such tools, books, vehicles and other items of equipment as are necessary to the bankrupt for use personally by him in his employment, business or vocation;
such clothing, bedding, furniture, household equipment and provisions as are necessary for satisfying the basic domestic needs of the bankrupt and his family.
Subsection (1) does not apply to property held by the bankrupt on trust for any other person.
References in this Ordinance to property, in relation to a bankrupt, include references to any power exercisable by him over or in respect of property except in so far as the power is exercisable over or in respect of property not for the time being comprised in the bankrupt's estate and cannot be so exercised for the benefit of the bankrupt; and a power exercisable over or in respect of property is deemed to vest in the person entitled to exercise it at the time of the transaction or event by virtue of which it is exercisable by that person (whether or not it becomes so exercisable at that time).
For the purposes of any provision in this Ordinance, property comprised in a bankrupt's estate is so comprised subject to the rights of any person other than the bankrupt (whether as a secured creditor of the bankrupt or otherwise) in relation thereto, but disregarding
any rights in relation to which a statement such as is required by section 6B(1)(a) was made in the petition on which the bankrupt was adjudged bankrupt; and
any rights which have been otherwise given up in accordance with the rules.

(6) This section has effect subject to the provisions of any enactment not contained in this Ordinance under

which any property is to be excluded from a bankrupt's estate. (Replaced 76 of 1996 s. 31)

Subject to this section, the trustee may by notice in writing claim for the bankrupt's estate any property which has been acquired by, or has devolved upon, the bankrupt since the commencement of the bankruptcy.
(2) A notice under this section shall not be served in respect of-
any property falling within section 43(2) or (3); or
any property which is acquired by, or devolves upon, the bankrupt after his discharge.
Subject to subsection (4), upon the service on the bankrupt of a notice under this section the property to which the notice relates shall vest in the trustee as part of the bankrupt's estate; and the trustee's title to that property has relation back to the time at which the property was acquired by, or devolved upon, the bankrupt.
(4) Where, whether before or after service of a notice under this section- (a) a person acquires property in good faith, for value and without notice of the bankruptcy; or
a banker enters into a transaction in good faith and without such notice, the trustee is not in respect of that property or transaction entitled by virtue of this section to any remedy against that person or banker, or any person whose title to any property derives from that person or banker.
References in this section to property do not include any property which, as part of the bankrupt's income, may be the subject of an income payments order under section 43E.
For the purposes of this section, an undischarged bankrupt shall submit to the trustee on each anniversary of the making of the bankruptcy order against him, a statement of his earnings during the preceding year and details of any property he acquired during that period.
A bankrupt who fails or refuses to comply with subsection (6) is guilty of an offence and is liable to imprisonment for 6 months.
The court may refuse to discharge a bankrupt who has not complied with subsection (6). (Added 76 of 1996 s. 31)
property is excluded by virtue of section 43(2) from the bankrupt's estate; and
it appears to the trustee that the realisable value of the whole or any part of that property exceeds the
Section: 43B Vesting in trustee of certain items of excess value L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

cost of a reasonable replacement for that property or that part of it, the trustee may by notice in writing claim that property or, as the case may be, that part of it for the bankrupt's estate.

Upon the service on the bankrupt of a notice under this section, the property to which the notice relates vests in the trustee as part of the bankrupt's estate; and, except against a purchaser in good faith, for value and without notice of the bankruptcy, the trustee's title to that property has relation back to the commencement of the bankruptcy.
The trustee shall apply funds comprised in the estate to the purchase by or on behalf of the bankrupt of a reasonable replacement for any property vested in the trustee under this section; and the duty imposed by this subsection has priority over the obligation of the trustee to distribute the estate.

(4) For the purposes of this section, property is a reasonable replacement for other property if it is reasonably

adequate for meeting the needs met by the other property. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 31)

Section: 43C Time-limit for notice under section 43A or 43B L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
Except with the leave of the court, a notice shall not be served
under section 43A, after the end of the period of 42 days beginning with the day on which it first came to the knowledge of the trustee that the property in question had been acquired by, or had devolved upon, the bankrupt;
under section 43B, after the end of the period of 42 days beginning with the day on which the property in question first came to the knowledge of the trustee.
For the purposes of this section-
anything which comes to the knowledge of the trustee is deemed in relation to any successor of his as trustee to have come to the knowledge of the successor at the same time; and
anything which comes, otherwise than under paragraph (a), to the knowledge of a person before he is the trustee is deemed to come to his knowledge on his appointment taking effect or, in the case of the Official Receiver, on his becoming trustee.

(Added 76 of 1996 s. 31)

Section: 43D Application by bankrupt or creditor to include or exclude items from the bankrupt's estate L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

Expanded Cross Reference:
43, 43A, 43B

(1) Notwithstanding sections 43 to 43B- <* Note - Exp. X-Ref.: Sections 43, 43A, 43B *>


(a) the bankrupt; or

one of the creditors, may apply to the trustee for the inclusion in or exclusion from the estate of a particular item and the trustee may grant the application or refuse it.
Where the bankrupt or any of the creditors objects to the trustee's decision under subsection (1), he may apply to the court and the court may affirm the trustee's decision or reverse it or attach conditions to the original decision.
(Added 76 of 1996 s. 31)
The court may, on the application of the trustee, make an order ("an income payments order") claiming for the bankrupt's estate so much of the income of the bankrupt during the period for which the order is in force as may be specified in the order.
The court shall not make an income payments order the effect of which would be to reduce the income of the bankrupt below what appears to the court to be necessary for meeting the reasonable domestic needs of the bankrupt and his family.
(3) An income payments order shall, in respect of any payment of income to which it is to apply, either-
require the bankrupt to pay the trustee an amount equal to so much of that payment as is claimed by the order; or
require the person making the payment to pay so much of it as is so claimed to the trustee, instead of to the bankrupt.
Where the court makes an income payments order it may, if it thinks fit, discharge or vary any attachment of earnings order that is for the time being in force to secure payments by the bankrupt.
(5) Sums received by the trustee under an income payments order form part of the bankrupt's estate.
For the purposes of this section the income of the bankrupt comprises every payment in the nature of income which is from time to time made to him or to which he from time to time becomes entitled, including any payment in respect of the carrying on of any business or in respect of any office or employment.
(Added 76 of 1996 s. 31)
Notwithstanding anything in this Ordinance, where a bankrupt normally resides in premises which comprise part of his estate, he shall be entitled to continue residing in such premises for a period of 6 months after the making of the bankruptcy order and the court may, on application before the expiry of the 6 month period, make an order extending the entitlement for a further period not exceeding 6 months.
Section: 43E Income payments orders L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
Section: 43F Continuing occupation of family home L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

(2) Where the bankrupt makes an application for an extension, the court shall assume, unless the circumstances

of the case are exceptional, that the interests of the bankrupt's creditors outweigh all other considerations. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 31)

Section: 44 Provisions as to second bankruptcy L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
Where a second or subsequent bankruptcy order is made against a bankrupt, or where an order is made for the administration in bankruptcy of the estate of a deceased bankrupt, then for the purposes of any proceedings consequent upon any such order the trustee in the last preceding bankruptcy shall be deemed to be a creditor in respect of any unsatisfied balance of the debts provable against the property of the bankrupt in that bankruptcy. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 73)
In the event of a second or subsequent bankruptcy order being made against a bankrupt, or in the event of an order being made for the administration in bankruptcy of the estate of a deceased bankrupt, any property acquired by him since he was last adjudged bankrupt, which at the date when the subsequent petition was presented had not been distributed amongst the creditors in such last preceding bankruptcy, shall subject to any disposition thereof made by the Official Receiver or trustee in that bankruptcy, without knowledge of the presentation of the subsequent petition, and subject to the provisions of section 52, vest in the trustee in the subsequent bankruptcy or administration in bankruptcy as the case may be. (Amended 76 of 1996 ss. 32 and 73)

(3) Where the trustee in any bankruptcy receives notice of a subsequent petition in bankruptcy against the bankrupt or after his decease of a petition for the administration of his estate in bankruptcy, the trustee shall hold any property then in his possession which has been acquired by the bankrupt since he was adjudged bankrupt until the subsequent petition has been disposed of, and if on the subsequent petition an order of adjudication or an order for the administration of the estate in bankruptcy is made, he shall transfer all such property or the proceeds thereof (after deducting his costs and expenses) to the trustee in the subsequent bankruptcy or administration in bankruptcy, as the case may be.

[cf. 1926 c. 7 s. 3 U.K.]

Section: 45 Restriction of rights of creditor under execution or attachment L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

Effect of bankruptcy on antecedent and other transactions

Where a creditor has issued execution against the property of a bankrupt or has attached any debt due to him, he shall not be entitled to retain the benefit of the execution or attachment against the trustee of the bankrupt unless he had completed the execution or attachment before the date of the bankruptcy order and before notice of the presentation of any bankruptcy petition by or against the bankrupt. (Amended 76 of 1996 ss. 33 and 73; 18 of 2005 s. 13)
For the purposes of this Ordinance-
an execution against goods is completed by seizure and sale or by the making of a charging order under section 20 of the High Court Ordinance (Cap 4); (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
an attachment of a debt is completed by the receipt of the debt; and
an execution against land is completed by seizure, by the appointment of a receiver, or by the making of a charging order under the said section 20. (Replaced 52 of 1987 s. 44)
(Repealed 76 of 1996 s. 33)
The rights conferred by this section on the trustee in relation to executions against the property of the bankrupt and attachment of debts due to the bankrupt may be set aside by the court in favour of the creditor to such extent and subject to such terms as the court may think fit. (Added 47 of 1984 s. 6. Amended 76 of 1996 s. 33)
[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 40 U.K.]
Where any movable property or negotiable instruments or money of a debtor are taken in execution, and before the receipt or recovery by the judgment creditor of the full amount of the levy, notice is served on the bailiff that a bankruptcy order has been made against the debtor, the bailiff shall on request deliver the movable property, negotiable instruments or money, or any money received in satisfaction or part satisfaction of the execution, to the trustee, but the costs of the execution shall be a fist charge on the property so delivered and the trustee may sell the movable property or negotiable instruments, or an adequate part thereof, or apply the money, for the purpose of satisfying the charge. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 73)
Where, under an execution in respect of a judgment for a sum exceeding $100, the property of a debtor is sold or money is paid in order to avoid sale, the bailiff shall deduct his costs of the execution from the proceeds of sale or the money paid and pay the balance into court, and if within 14 clear days of such sale or payment as aforesaid a bankruptcy petition is presented by or against the debtor, the said balance shall remain in court and if the debtor is adjudged bankrupt the balance shall be paid out to the trustee in the bankruptcy, who shall be entitled to retain the same as against the execution creditor, but otherwise it shall be dealt with as if no bankruptcy petition had been presented.
The rights conferred by this section on the trustee in relation to executions against any movable property or negotiable instruments or money of the debtor may be set aside by the court in favour of the creditor to such extent and subject to such terms as the court may think fit. (Added 47 of 1984 s. 7)
(Amended 18 of 2005 s. 14) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 41(1) U.K.]
(1) Where a person engaged in any trade or business makes an assignment to any other person of his existing or future book debts or any class thereof and is subsequently adjudicated bankrupt, the assignment shall be void against the trustee as regards any book debts which have not been paid before the date of the bankruptcy order, unless the assignment has been registered with the Registrar in a register to be kept by him for that purpose: (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 35)
Section: 46 Duties of bailiff as to goods taken in execution L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007
Section: 47 (Repealed 76 of 1996 s. 34) L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
Section: 48 Avoidance of general assignments of book debts unless registered L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

Provided that nothing in this section shall have effect so as to render void any assignment of book debts due at the date of the assignment from specified debtors, or of debts growing due under specified contracts, or any assignment of book debts included in a transfer of a business made bona fide and for value, or in any assignment of assets for the benefit of creditors generally.

(2) For the purposes of this section, "assignment" (轉讓) includes assignment by way of security and other

charges on book debts. [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 43 U.K.]

Section: 49 Transactions at an undervalue L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
(1) Subject to this section and sections 51 and 51A, where a debtor is adjudged bankrupt and he has at a relevant time (defined in section 51) entered into a transaction with any person at an undervalue, the trustee may apply to the court for an order under this section.
(2) The court shall, on such an application, make such order as it thinks fit for restoring the position to what it would have been if that debtor had not entered into that transaction.
(3) For the purposes of this section and sections 51 and 51A, a debtor enters into a transaction with a person at an undervalue if-
(a) he makes a gift to that person or he otherwise enters into a transaction with that person on terms that provide for him to receive no consideration;
(b) he enters into a transaction with that person in consideration of marriage; or
(c) he enters into a transaction with that person for a consideration the value of which, in money or money's worth, is significantly less than the value, in money or money's worth, of the consideration provided by the debtor.

(Replaced 76 of 1996 s. 36)

Section: 49A (Repealed 76 of 1996 s. 36) L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
Section: 50 Unfair preferences L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
(1) Subject to this section and sections 51 and 51A, where a debtor is adjudged bankrupt and he has at a relevant time (defined in section 51) given an unfair preference to any person, the trustee may apply to the court for an order under this section.
(2) The court shall, on such an application, make such order as it thinks fit for restoring the position to what it would have been if that debtor had not given that unfair preference.
(3) For the purposes of this section and sections 51 and 51A, a debtor gives an unfair preference to a person if-
(a) that person is one of the debtor's creditors or a surety or guarantor for any of his debts or other liabilities; and
(b) the debtor does anything or suffers anything to be done which (in either case) has the effect of putting that person into a position which, in the event of the debtor's bankruptcy, will be better than the position he would have been in if that thing had not been done.
(4) The court shall not make an order under this section in respect of an unfair preference given to any person unless the debtor who gave the unfair preference was influenced in deciding to give it by a desire to produce in relation to that person the effect mentioned in subsection (3)(b).
(5) A debtor who has given an unfair preference to a person who, at the time the unfair preference was given, was an associate of his (otherwise than by reason only of being his employee) is presumed, unless the contrary is

shown, to have been influenced in deciding to give it by such a desire as is mentioned in subsection (4).

(6) The fact that something has been done in pursuance of the order of a court does not, without more, prevent

the doing or suffering of that thing from constituting the giving of an unfair preference. (Replaced 76 of 1996 s. 36)

Subject to subsections (2) and (3), the time at which a debtor enters into a transaction at an undervalue or gives an unfair preference is a relevant time if the transaction is entered into or the unfair preference given-
in the case of a transaction at an undervalue, at a time in the period of 5 years ending with the day of the presentation of the bankruptcy petition on which the debtor is adjudged bankrupt;
in the case of an unfair preference which is not a transaction at an undervalue and is given to a person who is an associate of the debtor (otherwise than by reason only of being his employee), at a time in the period of 2 years ending with that day; and
in any other case of an unfair preference which is not a transaction at an undervalue, at a time in the period of 6 months ending with that day.
Where a debtor enters into a transaction at an undervalue or gives an unfair preference at a time mentioned in subsection (1)(a), (b) or (c) (not being, in the case of a transaction at an undervalue, a time less than 2 years before the end of the period mentioned in subsection (1)(a)), that time is not a relevant time for the purposes of sections 49 and 50 unless the debtor-
(a) is insolvent at that time; or
becomes insolvent in consequence of the transaction or preference, but the requirements of this subsection are presumed to be satisfied, unless the contrary is shown, in relation to any transaction at an undervalue which is entered into by a debtor with a person who is an associate of his (otherwise than by reason only of being his employee).

(3) For the purposes of subsection (2), a debtor is insolvent if-

he is unable to pay his debts as they fall due; or
the value of his assets is less than the amount of his liabilities, taking into account his contingent and

prospective liabilities. (Replaced 76 of 1996 s. 36)

(1) Without prejudice to the generality of section 49(2) or 50(2), an order under either of those sections with respect to a transaction or unfair preference entered into or given by a debtor who is subsequently adjudged bankrupt may (subject as follows)

require any property transferred as part of the transaction, or in connection with the giving of the unfair preference, to be vested in the trustee as part of the estate;
require any property to be so vested if it represents in any person's hands the application either of the proceeds of sale of property so transferred or of money so transferred;
release or discharge (in whole or in part) any security given by the debtor;
require any person to pay, in respect of benefits received by him from the debtor, such sums to the trustee as the court may direct;
provide for any surety or guarantor whose obligations to any person were released or discharged (in whole or in part) under the transaction or by the giving of the unfair preference to be under such new or revived obligations to the person as the court thinks appropriate;
provide for security to be provided for the discharge of any obligation imposed by or arising under the order, for such an obligation to be charged on any property and for the security or charge to have the same priority as a security or charge released or discharged (in whole or in part) under the transaction or by the giving of the unfair preference; and
provide for the extent to which any person whose property is vested by the order in the trustee, or on whom obligations are imposed by the order, is to be able to prove in the bankruptcy for debts or other liabilities which arose from, or were released or discharged (in whole or in part) under or by, the transaction or the giving of the unfair preference.

(2) An order under section 49 or 50 may affect the property of, or impose an obligation on, any person whether or not he is the person with whom the debtor in question entered into the transaction or, as the case may be, the person to whom the unfair preference was given; but such an order-

shall not prejudice any interest in property which was acquired from a person other than that debtor and was acquired in good faith and for value, or prejudice any interest deriving from such an interest; and
shall not require a person who received a benefit from the transaction or unfair preference in good faith and for value to pay a sum to the trustee, except where he was a party to the transaction or the payment is to be in respect of an unfair preference given to that person at a time when he was a creditor of that debtor.

(3) Where a person has acquired an interest in property from a person other than the debtor in question, or has received a benefit from the transaction or unfair preference, and at the time of that acquisition or receipt-

he had notice of the relevant surrounding circumstances and of the relevant proceedings; or
he was an associate of either the debtor in question or the person with whom that debtor entered into

the transaction or to whom that debtor gave the unfair preference, then, unless the contrary is shown, it shall be presumed for the purposes of subsection (2)(a) or (b) that the interest was acquired or the benefit was received otherwise than in good faith.

(4) Any sums required to be paid to the trustee in accordance with an order under section 49 or 50 shall be comprised in the bankrupt's estate.

For the purposes of subsection (3)(a), the relevant surrounding circumstances are (as the case may require)-
the fact that the debtor in question entered into the transaction at an undervalue; or
the circumstances which amounted to the giving of the unfair preference by the debtor in question.
For the purposes of subsection (3)(a), a person has notice of the relevant proceedings if he has notice-
of the fact that the petition on which the debtor in question is adjudged bankrupt has been presented; or
of the fact that the debtor in question has been adjudged bankrupt. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 36)

Expanded Cross Reference:
49, 49A, 50, 51, 51A

For the purposes of sections 49 to 51A, any question whether a person is an associate of another person shall be determined in accordance with this section. <* Note - Exp. X-Ref.: Sections 49, 49A, 50, 51, 51A *>
A person is an associate of a debtor if that person is the debtor's spouse, or is a relative, or the spouse of a relative of the debtor or his spouse.
A person is an associate of a debtor with whom he is in partnership, and of the spouse or a relative of any debtor with whom he is in partnership.
A person is an associate of a debtor whom he employs or by whom he is employed and for this purpose, any director or other officer of a company shall be treated as employed by that company.
A person in his capacity as trustee of a trust is an associate of a debtor if the beneficiaries of the trust include, or the terms of the trust confer a power that may be exercised for the benefit of, that debtor or an associate of that debtor.
A company is an associate of a debtor if that debtor has control of it or if that debtor and persons who are his associates together have control of it.
For the purposes of this section, a person is a relative of a debtor if he is that debtor's brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, lineal ancestor or lineal descendant, treating-
(a) any relationship of the half blood as a relationship of the whole blood and the step child or adopted child of any person as his child; and
an illegitimate child as the legitimate child of his mother and reputed father, and references in this section to a spouse shall include a former spouse.

(8) For the purposes of this section, a debtor shall be taken to have control of a company if-

the directors of the company or of another company which has control of it (or any of them) are accustomed to act in accordance with his directions or instructions, but a debtor shall not be considered to have control of a company by reason only that the directors act on advice given by him in a professional capacity; or
(b) he is entitled to exercise, or control the exercise of, 1/3 or more of the voting power at any general

meeting of the company or of another company which has control of it, and where 2 or more persons together satisfy either of the above conditions, they shall be taken to have control of the company.

(9) In this section, "company" (公司) includes any body corporate (whether incorporated in Hong Kong or elsewhere); and references to directors and other officers of a company and to voting power at any general meeting of

a company shall have effect with any necessary modifications. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 36)

Section: 52 Dealings with undischarged bankrupt L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

(1) (Repealed 76 of 1996 s. 37)

(2) Where any individual, company or firm has ascertained that a person having a deposit, whether a deposit in respect of capital or not, or a credit balance, with such individual, company or firm is an undischarged bankrupt, then it shall be the duty of such individual, company or firm forthwith to inform the Official Receiver and the trustee in the bankruptcy of the existence of the deposit or credit balance, and such individual, company or firm shall not make any payment out of or in respect of the deposit or credit balance except under an order of the court or in accordance with instructions from the Official Receiver or the trustee in the bankruptcy.
(3) In case of any contravention of the provisions of subsection (2) the individual, or the directors and officers of the company, or the partners and manager of the firm, as the case may be, shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine of $1000 and to imprisonment for 6 months.

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 47 U.K.]

Section: 53 Possession of property by trustee 30/06/1997

Realization of property

(1) The trustee shall as soon as may be take possession of the deeds, books and documents of the bankrupt and all other parts of his property capable of manual delivery.
(2) The trustee shall, in relation to and for the purpose of acquiring or retaining possession of the property of the bankrupt, be in the same position as if he were a receiver of the property appointed by the court, and the court may on his application enforce such acquisition or retention accordingly.
(3) Where any part of the property of the bankrupt consists of stock, shares in ships, shares, or any other property transferable in the books of any company, office or person, the trustee may exercise the right to transfer the property to the same extent as the bankrupt might have exercised it if he had not become bankrupt.
(4) Where any part of the property of the bankrupt consists of things in action, such things shall be deemed to have been duly assigned to the trustee.
(5) Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance with respect to property acquired by a bankrupt after adjudication, any treasurer or other officer, or any banker, attorney, clerk, servant, comprador, employer or agent, of a bankrupt, shall pay and deliver to the trustee all money and securities in his possession or power, which he is not by law entitled to retain as against the bankrupt or the trustee. If he does not, he shall be guilty of a contempt of court and may be punished accordingly on the application of the trustee.

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 48 U.K.]

Section: 54 Seizure of property of bankrupt L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

Any person acting under warrant of the court may seize any part of the property of a bankrupt in the custody or possession of the bankrupt or of any other person, and with a view to such seizure may break open any house, building or room of the bankrupt where the bankrupt is supposed to be, or any building or receptacle of the bankrupt where any of his property is supposed to be; and where the court is satisfied that there is reason to believe that property of a bankrupt is concealed in a house or place not belonging to him, the court may if it thinks fit grant a search warrant to any constable or officer of the court, who may execute it according to its tenor.

(Amended 76 of 1996 s. 38)

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 49 U.K.]

Section: 55 Sale of property out of Hong Kong 30/06/1997

Where the bankrupt is possessed of any property out of Hong Kong, the trustee shall require him to join in selling the same for the benefit of the creditors and to sign all necessary authorities, powers, deeds and documents for the purpose, and if and so often as the bankrupt refuses to do so he may be punished for a contempt of court.

(Amended 47 of 1984 s. 16)

Section: 56 (Repealed 76 of 1996 s. 39) L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
Section: 57 (Repealed) 30/06/1997

(Repealed 27 of 1971 s. 15)

Section: 58 Vesting and transfer of property L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

(1) On the making of a bankruptcy order, the property of the bankrupt shall vest in the Official Receiver. (Replaced 18 of 2005 s. 15) (1A) On the appointment of a person other than the Official Receiver as provisional trustee, the property shall forthwith pass to and vest in the provisional trustee appointed. (Added 18 of 2005 s. 15)

(1B) Save in sections 15(4), 17, 17A, 17B, 42(3), 58(2), 60, 79, 80, 81, 85, 85A, 96(1) and 112A, the provisional trustee shall, unless the context otherwise requires, be regarded as the trustee for the purposes of this Ordinance. (Added 18 of 2005 s. 15)

(2) On the appointment of a trustee the property shall forthwith pass to and vest in the trustee appointed.

The property of the bankrupt shall pass from trustee to trustee, including under that term the Official Receiver when he fills the office of trustee, and shall vest in the trustee for the time being during his continuance in office, without any conveyance, assignment or transfer whatever.
[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 53 U.K.]
Where any part of the property of the bankrupt consists of land of any tenure burdened with onerous covenants, of shares or stock in companies, of unprofitable contracts, or of any other property that is unsaleable, or not readily saleable, by reason of its binding the possessor thereof to the performance of any onerous act or to the payment of any sum of money, the trustee, notwithstanding that he has endeavoured to sell or has taken possession of the property or exercised any act of ownership in relation thereto, but subject to the provisions of this section, may, by writing signed by him, at any time within 12 months after the first appointment of a trustee or such extended period as may be allowed by the court, disclaim the property:
Provided that, where any such property has not come to the knowledge of the trustee within 1 month after such appointment, he may disclaim such property at any time within 12 months after he has become aware thereof or such extended period as may be allowed by the court.
The disclaimer shall operate to determine, as from the date of disclaimer, the rights, interests and liabilities of the bankrupt and his property in or in respect of the property disclaimed, and shall also discharge the trustee from all personal liability in respect of the property disclaimed as from the date when the property vested in him, but shall not, except so far as is necessary for the purpose of releasing the bankrupt and his property and the trustee from liability, affect the rights or liabilities of any other person.
A trustee shall not be entitled to disclaim a lease without the leave of the court, except in any cases which may be prescribed by general rules, and the court may, before or on granting such leave, require such notices to be given to persons interested, and impose such terms as a condition of granting leave, and make such orders with respect to fixtures, tenant's improvements and other matters arising out of the tenancy, as the court thinks just.
The trustee shall not be entitled to disclaim any property in pursuance of this section in any case where an application in writing has been made to the trustee by any person interested in the property requiring him to decide whether he will disclaim or not and the trustee has for a period of 28 days after the receipt of the application, or such
extended period as may be allowed by the court, declined or neglected to give notice whether he disclaims the property or not; and in the case of a contract, if the trustee after such application as aforesaid does not within the said period or extended period disclaim the contract, he shall be deemed to have adopted it.
The court may, on the application of any person who is, as against the trustee, entitled to the benefit or subject to the burden of a contract made with the bankrupt, make an order rescinding the contract on such terms as to payment by or to either party of damages for the non-performance of the contract, or otherwise, as to the court may seem equitable, and any damages payable under the order to any such person may be proved by him as a debt under the bankruptcy.
The court may, on application by any person claiming either to have any interest in any disclaimed property or to be under any liability not discharged by this Ordinance in respect of any disclaimed property, and on hearing such persons as it thinks fit, make an order for the vesting of the property in or delivery thereof to any person entitled thereto, or to whom it may seem just that the same should be delivered by way of compensation for such liability as aforesaid, or a trustee for him, and on such terms as the court thinks just; and on any such vesting order being made, the property comprised therein shall vest accordingly in the person therein named in that behalf without any conveyance or assignment for the purpose:
Section: 59 Disclaimer of onerous property L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

Provided that where the property disclaimed is of a leasehold nature the court shall not make a vesting order in favour of any person claiming under the bankrupt, whether as under-lessee or as a person entitled to a mortgage except upon the terms of making that person-

subject to the same liabilities and obligations as the bankrupt was subject to under the lease in respect of the property at the date when the bankruptcy petition was filed; or
if the court thinks fit, subject only to the same liabilities and obligations as if the lease had been

assigned to that person at that date, and in either event (if the case so requires) subject only to the same liabilities and obligations as if the lease had comprised only the property comprised in the vesting order; and any under-lessee or person entitled to a mortgage who declines to accept a vesting order upon such terms shall be excluded from all interest in and security upon the property, and if there is no person claiming under the bankrupt who is willing to accept an order upon such terms, the court shall have power to vest the bankrupt's estate and interest in the property in any person liable either personally or in a representative character and either alone or jointly with the bankrupt to perform the lessee's covenants in the lease, freed and discharged from all estates, incumbrances and interests created therein by the bankrupt. (Amended 47 of 1984 s.10)

(7) Where on the release, removal, resignation or death of a trustee the Official Receiver is acting as trustee, he may disclaim any property which might be disclaimed by a trustee under the foregoing provisions, notwithstanding that the time prescribed by this section for such disclaimer has expired, but such power of disclaimer shall be exercisable only within 12 months after the Official Receiver has become trustee in the circumstances aforesaid or has become aware of the existence of such property, whichever period may last expire. (Amended 18 of 2005 s. 16)

(8) Any person injured by the operation of a disclaimer under this section shall be deemed to be a creditor of

the bankrupt to the extent of the injury and may accordingly prove the same as a debt under the bankruptcy. [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 54 U.K.]

Section: 60 Powers of provisional trustee and trustee to deal with property of the bankrupt L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

(1) Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and to any order of the court, a trustee or the Official Receiver when acting as provisional trustee may do all or any of the following things- (Amended 18 of 2005 s. 17)

(aa) take into his custody or under his control all the property to which the bankrupt is or appears to be entitled; (Added 18 of 2005 s. 17)

sell all or any part of the property of the bankrupt (including the goodwill of the business, if any, and the book debts due or growing due to the bankrupt), by public auction or private contract, with power to transfer the whole thereof to any person or company, or to sell the same in parcels, and any transfer of a business of a bankrupt by the trustee or the Official Receiver when acting as provisional trustee shall be deemed to be exempted from the provisions of the Transfer of Businesses (Protection of Creditors) Ordinance (Cap 49); (Amended 18 of 2005 s. 17)
give receipts for any money received by him, which receipts shall effectually discharge the person paying the money from all responsibility in respect of the application thereof;
prove, rank, claim and draw a dividend in respect of any debt due to the bankrupt;
exercise any powers the capacity to exercise which is vested in the trustee under this Ordinance and execute any powers of attorney, deeds and other instruments for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this Ordinance;
subject to section 61, do all such other things as may be necessary for administering the estate and

distributing its assets. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 40) (Amended 33 of 1939; G.N. 840 of 1940 Supp. Schedule; 20 of 1948 s. 4)

Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Ordinance but subject to subsections (3) and (4), a provisional trustee other than the Official Receiver may do all or any of the following things
take into his custody or under his control all the property to which the bankrupt is or appears to be entitled;
sell or dispose of perishable goods, or any property (other than derivatives, warrants, options, shares or choses in action) the estimated value of which is less than $100000 and is likely to significantly diminish if such property is not immediately sold or disposed of;
subject to section 61, do all such other things as may be necessary for protecting or preserving the bankrupts property;
exercise any power the capacity to exercise which is vested in the provisional trustee under this Ordinance and execute any powers of attorney, deeds and other instruments for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this Ordinance;
subject to section 61, do all such other things as may be necessary for administering the estate pending the appointment of a trustee. (Added 18 of 2005 s. 17)
A provisional trustee other than the Official Receiver may also exercise a power under subsection (1) if the power is exercised under an order of the court or with the prior approval of the Official Receiver. (Added 18 of 2005
A provisional trustee other than the Official Receiver shall not sell or dispose of anything under subsection (2)(b) to a person who is an associate of the bankrupt, unless the sale or disposal is under an order of the court or with the prior approval of the Official Receiver. (Added 18 of 2005 s. 17)
For the purposes of subsection (4), any question whether a person is an associate of another person shall be determined in accordance with section 51B as if-
that section were applicable also for the purposes of such determination; and
references to the debtor in that section were references to the bankrupt in subsection (4). (Added 18 of 2005 s. 17)

(6) The Official Receiver shall not be personally liable for any costs and charges incurred by any person as a

result of any refusal to grant approval under subsection (3) or (4). (Added 18 of 2005 s. 17) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 55 U.K.]

The trustee may, with the permission of the creditors' committee, do all or any of the following things- (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 74)

carry on the business of the bankrupt so far as may be necessary for the beneficial winding up of the same or allow the bankrupt to restructure the business in accordance with conditions determined by the trustee where such restructuring is in the interests of the creditors and, for the purpose of such restructuring, the trustee may permit the debtor to retain any leasehold interest in property in which his business is situated; (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 41)
bring, institute or defend any action or other legal proceeding relating to the property of the bankrupt;
employ a solicitor or other agent to take any proceedings or do any business which may be sanctioned by the creditors' committee; (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 74)
accept as the consideration for the sale of any property of the bankrupt a sum of money payable at a future time subject to such stipulations as to security and otherwise as the committee think fit;
mortgage or pledge any part of the property of the bankrupt for the purpose of raising money for the payment of his debts;
refer any dispute to arbitration, or compromise any debts, claims and liabilities, whether present or future, certain or contingent, liquidated or unliquidated, subsisting or supposed to subsist between the
bankrupt and any person who may have incurred any liability to the bankrupt, on the receipt of such sums, payable at such times and generally on such terms as may be agreed on;
make such compromise or other arrangement as may be thought expedient with creditors or persons claiming to be creditors in respect of any debts provable under the bankruptcy;
make such compromise or other arrangement as may be thought expedient with respect to any claim arising out of or incidental to the property of the bankrupt, made or capable of being made on the trustee by any person or by the trustee on any person;
divide in its existing form amongst the creditors, according to its estimated value, any property which from its peculiar nature or other special circumstances cannot be readily or advantageously sold;
where any right, option or other power forms part of the bankrupt's estate, make payments or incur liabilities for the purpose of obtaining any property which is the subject of the right, option or power; (Added 76 of 1996 s. 41)
if, after taking expert advice, he considers it to be in the interest of the estate to delay conversion of foreign currency into Hong Kong dollars, delay such conversion for the period he considers appropriate, and, where there is no committee, may do so with the concurrence of the court. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 41)

The permission given for the purposes of this section shall not be general permission to do all or any of the above-mentioned things but shall only be a permission to do the particular thing or things for which permission is sought in the specified case or cases.

(Amended 33 of 1939; G.N. 840 of 1940 Supp. Schedule; 20 of 1948 s. 4) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 56 U.K.]

Section: 61A Control of trustee by court L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

The exercise by the trustee of the powers conferred by sections 60 and 61 shall be subject to the control of the court, and any creditor may apply to the court with respect to any exercise or proposed exercise of any of those powers.

(Added 76 of 1996 s. 42)

Section: 62 Power to allow bankrupt to manage property L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

The trustee, with the permission of the creditors' committee, may appoint the bankrupt himself to superintend the management of the property of the bankrupt or of any part thereof, or to carry on the trade (if any) of the bankrupt for the benefit of his creditors, and in any other respect to aid in administering the property, in such manner and on such terms as the trustee may direct.

(Amended 76 of 1996 s. 74)

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 57 U.K.]

Section: 63 Allowance to bankrupt for maintenance or service L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

The trustee may from time to time, with the permission of the creditors' committee, make such allowance as he may think just to the bankrupt out of his property for the support of the bankrupt and his family, or in consideration of his services if he is engaged in winding up his estate, but any such allowance may be reduced by the court.

(Amended 76 of 1996 s. 74) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 58 U.K.]

Section: 64 Right of trustee to inspect goods pawned, etc. L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

Where any goods of a debtor against whom a bankruptcy order has been made are held by any person by way of pledge, pawn or other security, it shall be lawful for the trustee, after giving notice in writing of his intention to do so, to inspect the goods, and where such notice has been given, such person as aforesaid shall not be entitled to realize his security until he has given the trustee a reasonable opportunity of inspecting the goods and of exercising his right of redemption if he thinks fit to do so.

(Amended 76 of 1996 s. 73; 18 of 2005 s. 18)


[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 59 U.K.]

Section: 65 Limitation of trustee's powers in relation to copyright 30/06/1997

Where the property of a bankrupt comprises the copyright in any work or any interest in such copyright and he is liable to pay to the author of the work royalties or a share of the profits in respect thereof, the trustee shall not be entitled to sell or authorize the sale of any copies of the work, or to perform or authorize the performance of the work, except on the terms of paying to the author such sums by way of royalty or share of the profits as would have been payable by the bankrupt, nor shall he, without the consent of the author or of the court, be entitled to assign the right or transfer the interest or to grant any interest in the right by licence, except upon terms which will secure to the author payments by way of royalty or share of the profits at a rate not less than that which the bankrupt was liable to pay.

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 60 U.K.]

Section: 66 Protection of Official Receiver and trustee from personal liability in certain cases L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

Where the Official Receiver or trustee has seized or disposed of any goods, chattels, property or other effects in the possession or on the premises or under the control of a debtor against whom a bankruptcy order has been made and it is thereafter made to appear that the said goods, chattels, property or other effects were not at the date of the bankruptcy order the property of the debtor, the Official Receiver or trustee shall not be personally liable for any loss or damage arising from such seizure or disposal sustained by any person claiming such property nor for the costs of any proceedings taken to establish a claim thereto, unless the court is of opinion that the Official Receiver or trustee has been guilty of mala fides or of gross negligence in respect of the same.

(Amended 76 of 1996 s. 73)

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 61 U.K.]

Section: 67 Declaration and distribution of dividends L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

Distribution of property

Whenever the trustee has sufficient funds in hand for the purpose he shall, subject to the retention of such sums as may be necessary for the expenses of the bankruptcy, declare and distribute dividends among the creditors in respect of the bankruptcy debts which they have respectively proved. (Replaced 76 of 1996 s. 43)
(2)-(3) (Repealed 76 of 1996 s. 43)
Before declaring a dividend, the trustee shall cause notice of his intention to do so to be gazetted and shall also send reasonable notice thereof to each creditor mentioned in the bankrupt's statement who has not proved his debt.

(5) When the trustee has declared a dividend he shall cause to be gazetted and shall send to each creditor who

has proved a notice showing the amount of the dividend and when and how it is payable. [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 62 U.K.]

Section: 68 Joint and separate dividends 30/06/1997
Where one partner of a firm is adjudged bankrupt, a creditor to whom the bankrupt is indebted jointly with the other partners of the firm, or any of them, shall not receive any dividend out of the separate property of the bankrupt until all the separate creditors have received the full amount of their respective debts.
Where joint and separate properties are being administered, dividends of the joint and separate properties shall, unless otherwise directed by the court on the application of any person interested, be declared together and the expenses of and incidental to such dividends shall be fairly apportioned by the trustee between the joint and separate properties, regard being had to the work done for and the benefit received by each property.
[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 63 U.K.]
In the calculation and distribution of a dividend the trustee shall make provision for debts provable in bankruptcy appearing from the bankrupt's statements, or otherwise, to be due to persons resident in places so distant from Hong Kong that in the ordinary course of communication they have not had sufficient time to tender their proofs or to establish them if disputed, and also for debts provable in bankruptcy the subject of claims not yet determined. (Amended 47 of 1984 s. 16)
He shall also make provision for any disputed proofs or claims, and for the expenses necessary for the administration of the estate or otherwise.
Section: 69 Provision for creditors residing at a distance, etc. 30/06/1997

(3) Subject to the foregoing provisions, he shall distribute as dividend all money in hand. [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 64 U.K.]

Section: 70 Right of creditor who has not proved debt before declaration of a dividend 30/06/1997

Any creditor who has not proved his debt before the declaration of any dividend or dividends shall be entitled to be paid out of any money for the time being in the hands of the trustee any dividend or dividends he may have failed to receive before that money is applied to the payment of any future dividend or dividends, but he shall not be entitled to disturb the distribution of any dividend declared before his debt was proved by reason that he has not participated therein.

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 65 U.K.]

Section: 71 Interest on debts L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
Where a bankruptcy debt bears interest, that interest is provable as part of the debt except in so far as it is payable in respect of any period after the commencement of the bankruptcy.
Any surplus remaining after the payment of debts that are proved in bankruptcy shall, before being applied for any other purpose, be applied in paying interest on those debts in respect of the periods during which they have been outstanding since the commencement of the bankruptcy; and interest on preferential debts ranks equally with interest on debts other than preferential debts.
The rate of interest payable under subsection (2) in respect of any debt is whichever is the greater of the following
the rate specified under section 49 of the Supreme Court Ordinance (Cap 4) at the commencement of the bankruptcy; and
the rate applicable to that debt apart from the bankruptcy.
On any debt or sum certain, payable at a certain time or otherwise, whereon interest is not reserved or agreed for, and which is overdue at the date of the commencement of the bankruptcy, the creditor may prove for interest, at a rate not exceeding the rate specified under section 49 of the Supreme Court Ordinance (Cap 4), to that date from the time when the debt or sum has become payable, if the debt or sum is payable by virtue of a written instrument at a certain time, and if payable otherwise, then from the time when a demand in writing has been made, giving notice that interest will be claimed from the date of the demand until the time of payment.
(Replaced 76 of 1996 s. 44)
This section applies where a person is adjudged bankrupt who is or has been a party to a transaction for, or involving, the provision to him of credit.
The court may, on the application of the trustee, make an order with respect to the transaction if the transaction is or was extortionate and was not entered into more than 3 years before the commencement of the bankruptcy.
For the purposes of this section a transaction is extortionate if, having regard to the risk accepted by the person providing the credit-
(a) the terms of it are or were such as to require grossly exorbitant payments to be made (whether unconditionally or in certain contingencies) in respect of the provision of the credit; or
(b) it otherwise grossly contravened ordinary principles of fair dealing, and it shall be presumed, unless the contrary is proved, that a transaction with respect to which an application is made under this section is or, as the case may be, was extortionate.
(4) An order under this section with respect to any transaction may contain such one or more of the following as the court thinks fit
(a) provision setting aside the whole or part of any obligation created by the transaction;
(b) provision otherwise varying the terms of the transaction or varying the terms on which any security for the purposes of the transaction is held;
(c) provision requiring any person who is or was party to the transaction to pay to the trustee any sums paid to that person, by virtue of the transaction, by the bankrupt;
(d) provision requiring any person to surrender to the trustee any property held by him as security for the purposes of the transaction;
(e) provision directing accounts to be taken between any persons.
Section: 71A Extortionate credit transactions L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

(5) Any sums or property required to be paid or surrendered to the trustee in accordance with an order under

this section shall be comprised in the bankrupt's estate. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 44)

Section: 72 Final dividend 30/06/1997
(1) When the trustee has realized all the property of the bankrupt, or so much thereof as can be realized without needlessly protracting the trusteeship, he shall declare a final dividend, but before so doing he shall give notice in manner prescribed to the persons whose claims to be creditors have been notified to him, but not established to his satisfaction, that if they do not establish their claims to the satisfaction of the court within a time limited by the notice, he will proceed to make a final dividend without regard to their claims.
(2) After the expiration of the time so limited or if the court on application by any such claimant grants him further time for establishing his claim, then on the expiration of such further time, the property of the bankrupt shall be divided among the creditors who have proved their debts, without regard to the claims of any other persons.

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 67 U.K.]

Section: 73 No action for dividend 30/06/1997

No action for a dividend shall lie against the trustee, but if the trustee refuses to pay any dividend the court may, if it thinks fit, order him to pay it and also to pay out of his own money interest thereon for the time that it is withheld and the costs of the application.

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 68 U.K.]

Section: 74 Right of bankrupt to surplus 30/06/1997

The bankrupt shall be entitled to any surplus remaining after payment in full of his creditors, with interest, as by this Ordinance provided, and of the costs, charges and expenses of the proceedings under the bankruptcy petition. [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 69 U.K.]

Section: 74A Interpretation 30/06/1997




In this Part and in Schedule 1-

"criminal bankruptcy administration petition" (刑事破產管理呈請) means a petition under section 112 presented by virtue of Schedule 1;

"criminal bankruptcy order" (刑事破產令) means an order made under section 84A of the Criminal Procedure

Ordinance (Cap 221); "criminal bankruptcy petition" (刑事破產呈請) means a bankruptcy petition presented by virtue of Schedule 1. (Amended 39 of 1992 s. 2)

Section: 74B Office and functions of Official Petitioner L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997

Official Petitioner

(1) For the purposes of discharging, in relation to cases in which a criminal bankruptcy order is made, the functions mentioned in subsection (2), there shall be an officer known as the Official Petitioner; and the Secretary for Justice shall, by virtue of his office, be the Official Petitioner. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
(2) The functions of the Official Petitioner shall be-
(a) to consider whether, in a case where a criminal bankruptcy order is made, it is in the public interest that he should himself present a criminal bankruptcy petition;
(b) to present a criminal bankruptcy petition in any such case where he determines it is in the public interest for him to do so;
(c) to make payments, in such cases as he may determine, towards expenses incurred by other persons in connection with proceedings pursuant to a criminal bankruptcy petition or a criminal bankruptcy administration petition;
(d) to exercise, so far as he considers it to be in the public interest to do so, any of the powers conferred on him by Schedule 1. (Amended 39 of 1992 s. 2)
(3) Neither the Official Petitioner nor any person acting under his authority shall be liable to any action or proceeding in respect of anything done or omitted in the discharge, or purported discharge, of the functions of the Official Petitioner under or by virtue of this Ordinance.

(4) Any functions of the Official Petitioner under this Ordinance may be discharged on his behalf by any

person acting with his authority. [cf. 1972 c. 71 s. 9 U.K.]

Section: 74C Effect of criminal bankruptcy order 30/06/1997


Schedule 1 shall apply to give effect to the operation of this Ordinance in a case where a criminal bankruptcy order has been made and to supplement this Ordinance in relation to dispositions made by a person against whom such an order has been made.

(Amended 39 of 1992 s. 2) (Part IIIA added 21 of 1979 s. 2)

Section: 75 Appointment of Official Receiver and other officers L.N. 87 of 2003 28/03/2003

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 18 of 2005 s. 19



(1) The Chief Executive may appoint an Official Receiver and such other officers to hold any of the offices specified in Schedule 2 as may be required to assist the Official Receiver in the performance of his duties. (Amended 18 of 2005 s. 19)
(2) No person shall be appointed Official Receiver or to any of the offices specified in Part I of Schedule 2 unless on the date of such appointment he is qualified to practise as a legal practitioner in Hong Kong, the United Kingdom or in a jurisdiction listed in Schedule 2 to the Legal Officers Ordinance (Cap 87). (Amended 42 of 2000 s. 21)
(3) The Official Receiver and the holder of an office specified in Part I of Schedule 2 shall be deemed to be legal officers for the purpose of the Legal Officers Ordinance (Cap 87) and shall have all rights conferred upon legal officers by that Ordinance.
(4) The holder of an office specified in Schedule 2 may, subject to subsection (5) and any instructions of the Official Receiver, exercise the powers or perform the duties of the office of the Official Receiver.
(5) The holder of an office specified in Part II of Schedule 2 shall not exercise any right conferred by subsection (3) on the holder of an office specified in Part I of Schedule 2.
(6) The Official Receiver shall act under the general authority and direction of the Chief Executive and shall also be an officer of the court. (Amended 18 of 2005 s. 19)

(7) The Chief Executive may, by order published in the Gazette, amend Schedule 2. (Amended 18 of 2005 s.

19) (Replaced 39 of 1992 s. 3)

Section: 76 Status of Official Receiver 30/06/1997
(1) The duties of the Official Receiver shall have relation both to the conduct of the debtor and to the administration of his estate.
(2) The Official Receiver and the holder of an office specified in Schedule 2 may take any affidavit required by any Ordinance to be made before or produced or delivered to or filed with the Official Receiver or the holder of an office specified in Schedule 2 notwithstanding any Ordinance requiring the taking of such affidavit by or before any other person. (Replaced 39 of 1992 s. 4)
(3) All provisions in this or any other Ordinance referring to the trustee in a bankruptcy shall, unless the context otherwise requires or the Ordinance otherwise provides, include the Official Receiver when acting as trustee.
(4) The trustee shall supply the Official Receiver with such information, and give him such access to and facilities for inspecting the bankrupt's books and documents, and generally shall give him such aid, as may be requisite for enabling the Official Receiver to perform his duties under this Ordinance.
[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 72 U.K.]
(1) Any thing done before the commencement* of the Bankruptcy (Amendment) Ordinance 1992 (39 of 1992) by the Registrar General in the capacity of Official Receiver shall be regarded as having been done by the Official Receiver at the time when the thing was done.
(2) Any document which contains a reference to the Registrar General in the capacity of Official Receiver shall have effect on and after the commencement* of the Bankruptcy (Amendment) Ordinance 1992 (39 of 1992) with the substitution for such reference of a reference to the Official Receiver.
(3) In any legal proceedings pending on the commencement* of the Bankruptcy (Amendment) Ordinance 1992 (39 of 1992) to which the Registrar General in the capacity of Official Receiver is a party, the Official Receiver shall as from such commencement be substituted as a party thereto in lieu of the Registrar General and the proceedings shall continue as if the Official Receiver had always been that party.
Section: 76A Transitional provision 30/06/1997

(4) In this section, "Registrar General" (註冊總署署長) means the Registrar General appointed under section

2(1) of the Registrar General (Establishment) Ordinance (Cap 100)+. (Added 39 of 1992 s. 5)


* Commencement date: 1 June 1992.

+ The Registrar General (Establishment) Ordinance was repealed by s. 14 of the Registrar General (Establishment) (Transfer of Functions and Repeal) Ordinance (Cap 439).

Section: 77 Duties of Official Receiver as regards the bankrupt's conduct L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

As regards the conduct of a bankrupt, it shall be the duty of the Official Receiver- (Amended 18 of 2005 s. 20)

(a) to consider any report submitted to him under section 86A and take such action on the report as he considers appropriate; (Replaced 18 of 2005 s. 20)
(b) (Repealed 18 of 2005 s. 20)
to take such part and give such assistance in relation to the prosecution of any bankrupt as the Secretary for Justice may direct. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997; 18 of 2005 s. 20)


(Amended 33 of 1939; G.N. 840 of 1940 Supp. Schedule; 20 of 1948 s. 4; 76 of 1996 s. 72) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 73 U.K.]

Section: 78 Duties of Official Receiver as to bankrupt's estate L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007
As regards the estate of a bankrupt, it shall be the duty of the Official Receiver- (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 72)
to act as interim trustee if so appointed by the court; (Replaced 18 of 2005 s. 21)
(b)-(e) (Repealed 18 of 2005 s. 21)
to advertise the bankruptcy order; (Amended 76 of 1996 ss. 72 and 73)
to act as trustee during any vacancy in the office of trustee.
(Repealed 18 of 2005 s. 21)
For the purpose of his duties as interim trustee, the Official Receiver shall have the same powers as if he were a receiver appointed by the court, but shall, as far as practicable, consult the wishes of the creditors with respect to the management of the bankrupt's property, and may for that purpose, if he thinks it advisable, summon meetings of the persons claiming to be creditors, and shall not, unless the court otherwise orders, incur any expense beyond such as is requisite for the protection of the bankrupt's property or the disposing of perishable goods. (Amended 76 of 1996

(3) (Repealed 18 of 2005 s. 21) (Amended 18 of 2005 s.

21) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 74 U.K.]

Section: 79 Official name of trustee and provisional trustee L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007



Official name

The official name of a provisional trustee shall be the provisional trustee of the property of a bankrupt (inserting the name of the bankrupt).
The official name of a trustee shall be the trustee of the property of a bankrupt (inserting the name of the bankrupt).

(3) By his official name, a provisional trustee or trustee may do all acts that are required or authorized to be

done by him in the execution of his office. (Replaced 18 of 2005 s. 23)

Section: 79A Disqualification for appointment as trustee 30/06/1997


No person being an undischarged bankrupt and no body corporate shall be qualified for appointment to the office of trustee, and-

any appointment made in contravention of this section shall be void; and
where any such person or any body corporate acts as trustee, such person or body corporate shall be

liable to a fine of $5000. (Added 47 of 1984 s. 11)

Section: 79B Corrupt inducement affecting appointment as trustee 30/06/1997

Any person who gives or agrees or offers to give to any creditor of a debtor or bankrupt any valuable consideration with a view to securing his own appointment or nomination, or to securing or preventing the appointment or nomination of some person other than himself, as the trustee shall be liable to a fine of $5000.

(Added 47 of 1984 s. 11)

Section: 80 Power to appoint joint or successive trustees and provisional trustees L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007
When 2 or more persons are appointed as provisional trustees, the appointment shall state whether any act required or authorized to be done by a provisional trustee is to be done by all or any one or more of such persons, but all such persons are in this Ordinance included under the term provisional trustee, and shall be joint tenants of the property of the bankrupt. (Replaced 18 of 2005 s. 24)
(1A) When 2 or more persons are appointed as trustees, the appointment shall state whether any act required or authorized to be done by a trustee is to be done by all or any one or more of such persons, but all such persons are in this Ordinance included under the term trustee, and shall be joint tenants of the property of the bankrupt. (Added 18 of 2005 s. 24)
The creditors may also appoint persons to act as trustees in succession in the event of one or more of the persons first named declining to accept the office of trustee or failing to give security, or of the appointment of any such person not being approved by the court.
[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 77 U.K.]
If a vacancy occurs in the office of a trustee the creditors in general meeting may appoint a person to fill the vacancy and the thereupon the same proceedings shall be taken as in the case of a first appointment.
The Official Receiver shall, on the requisition of any creditor, summon a meeting for the purpose of filling any such vacancy.
If the creditors do not within 3 weeks after the occurrence of a vacancy appoint a person to fill the vacancy, the Official Receiver shall report the matter to the court, and the court may appoint a trustee.
During any vacancy in the office of trustee the Official Receiver shall act as trustee. [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 78 U.K.]
If a vacancy occurs in the office of a provisional trustee, the Official Receiver shall
in a case where the Official Receiver considers that the value of the property of the bankrupt is unlikely to exceed $200000, either appoint another person to fill the vacancy or act as the provisional trustee; or
in any other case, act as the provisional trustee.
The power of the Official Receiver to appoint another person to fill a vacancy may be exercised without a creditors meeting, and it includes power to appoint 2 or more persons as joint provisional trustees; but such an appointment must make provision as to the circumstances in which the provisional trustees must act together and the circumstances in which one or more of them may act for the others.
Section: 81 Proceedings in case of vacancy in office of trustee 30/06/1997
Section: 81A Vacancy in office of provisional trustee L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

(Added 18 of 2005 s. 25)

Section: 82 Discretionary powers of trustee and control thereof L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

Control over trustee

(1) Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, the trustee shall, in the administration of the property of the bankrupt and in the distribution thereof amongst his creditors, have regard to any directions that may be given by resolution of the creditors at any general meeting or by the creditors' committee, and any directions so given by the


creditors at any general meeting shall, in case of conflict, be deemed to override any directions given by the creditors' committee. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 74)

The trustee may from time to time summon general meeting of the creditors for the purpose of ascertaining their wishes, and it shall be his duty to summon meetings at such times as the creditors, by resolution, either at the meeting appointing the trustee or otherwise may direct, and it shall be lawful for any creditor, with the concurrence of one-fourth in value of the creditors (including himself), at any time to request the trustee to call a meeting of the creditors, and the trustee shall call such meeting accordingly within 14 days:
Provided that the person at whose instance the meeting is summoned shall, if so required, deposit with the trustee a sum sufficient to pay the costs of summoning the meeting, such sum to be repaid to him out of the estate if the court so directs. (Amended 18 of 2005 s. 26)
The trustee may apply to the court in manner prescribed for directions in relation to any particular matter arising under the bankruptcy.

(4) Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance the trustee shall use his discretion in the management of the

estate and its distribution among the creditors. [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 79 U.K.]

Section: 83 Appeal to court against trustee 30/06/1997

If the bankrupt or any of the creditors or any other person is aggrieved by any act or decision of the trustee, he may apply to the court, and the court may confirm, reverse or modify the act or decision complained of, and make such order in the premises as it thinks just.

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 80 U.K.]

Section: 84 Control of court over trustee L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
The court shall take cognizance of the conduct of trustees, who shall act in a fiduciary capacity and deal with property under their control honestly, in good faith, with proper skill and competence and in a reasonable manner, and in the event of any trustee not faithfully performing his duties and duly observing all the requirements imposed on him by Ordinance, rules or otherwise with respect to the performance of his duties, or in the event of any complaint being made to the court by any creditor, the Official Receiver, the bankrupt or any other person in regard thereto by notice duly served on the trustee at least 8 clear days before the date of hearing, the court shall inquire into the matter and take such action thereon as may be deemed expedient. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 46)
(1A) Without limiting the generality of the duties imposed on a trustee by subsection (1), in realizing the assets of a bankrupt's estate it shall be the duty of a trustee to take all reasonable care to realize the best price reasonably obtainable in the circumstances. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 46)
The court may either of its own motion or on the application of the Official Receiver at any time require any trustee to answer any inquiry made by it or him in relation to any bankruptcy in which the trustee is engaged and may examine on oath the trustee or any other person concerning the bankruptcy.
The court may also direct an investigation to be made of the books and vouchers of the trustee.
Where on an application under this section the court is satisfied
that the trustee has misapplied or retained, or become accountable for, any money or other property comprised in the bankrupt's estate; or
that a bankrupt's estate has suffered any loss in consequence of any misfeasance or breach of fiduciary

or other duty by a trustee in the carrying out of his functions, the court may order the trustee, for the benefit of the estate, to repay, restore or account for money or other property (together with interest at such rate as the court thinks just) or, as the case may require, to pay such sum by way of compensation in respect of the misfeasance or breach of fiduciary or other duty as the court thinks just, and liability under this section is without prejudice to any liability arising apart from this section. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 46)

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 81 U.K.]

Section: 85 Remuneration of trustee L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

Remuneration and costs

(1) Where the creditors appoint any person to be trustee of a bankrupt's estate, his remuneration (if any) shall

be fixed by an ordinary resolution of the creditors, or, if the creditors so resolve, by the creditors' committee. (Amended 76 of 1996 ss. 72 and 74)

Where the remuneration of the trustee is to be a commission upon the amount received by the trustee, then one part shall be payable on the amount realized by the trustee, after deducting any sums paid to secured creditors out of the proceeds of their securities, and the other part on the amount distributed in dividend.
If one-fourth in number or value of the creditors apply to the Official Receiver or the Official Receiver is of the opinion that the remuneration of a trustee should be reviewed, the Official Receiver may apply to the court and thereupon the court may confirm, increase or reduce the remuneration of the trustee.
The resolution or the creditors' committee, as the case may be, shall specify the expenses which the remuneration is to cover, and no liability shall attach to the bankrupt's estate, or to the creditors, in respect of any such expenses. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 74)
Where a trustee acts without remuneration he shall be allowed out of the bankrupt's estate such proper expenses incurred by him in or about the proceedings of the bankruptcy as the court may approve.
A trustee shall not under any circumstances whatever make any arrangement for or accept from the bankrupt, or any solicitor, auctioneer or any other person who may be employed about a bankruptcy, any gift, remuneration or pecuniary or other consideration or benefit whatever beyond his said remuneration payable out of the estate, nor shall he make any arrangement for giving up, or give up, any part of his remuneration, whether as receiver, manager or trustee, to the bankrupt or any solicitor or other person who may be employed about a bankruptcy.
(Replaced 26 of 1985 s. 2)
The remuneration of the following persons shall be fixed by the Official Receiver in accordance with a scale of fees or on such other basis as the Official Receiver may from time to time approve in writing
a provisional trustee other than the Official Receiver;
in a case where section 112A applies and the first trustee constituted under subsection (1)(i) of that section is not the Official Receiver, that first trustee.
If one-fourth in number or value of the creditors apply to the Official Receiver or the Official Receiver is of the opinion that the remuneration of the provisional trustee or first trustee referred to in subsection (1) should be reviewed, the Official Receiver may apply to the court and thereupon the court may confirm, increase or reduce such remuneration.
Where the provisional trustee or first trustee referred to in subsection (1) has not received any remuneration, the court may, on application, order the payment out of the bankrupts estate to him of such amount as the court considers sufficient to reimburse him for any necessary disbursements incurred by him in the course of the administration of the estate. Such application may be made by the trustee or the Official Receiver.
The provisional trustee or first trustee referred to in subsection (1) shall not under any circumstances whatever make any arrangement for, or accept from the bankrupt, or any solicitor, auctioneer or any other person who may be employed in relation to the bankruptcy, any gift, remuneration or pecuniary or other consideration or benefit whatever to be made or payable to him beyond his said remuneration payable out of the estate, and he shall not make any arrangement for giving up, or give up, any part of his remuneration, whether as receiver, manager or trustee, to the bankrupt or any solicitor, auctioneer or any other person who may be employed in relation to the bankruptcy.
(Added 18 of 2005 s. 27)
Where a trustee or manager receives remuneration for his services as such, no payment shall be allowed in his accounts in respect of the performance by any other person of the ordinary duties which are required by Ordinance or rules to be performed by himself.
Where the trustee is a solicitor he may contract that the remuneration for his services as trustee shall include all professional services.
All bills and charges of solicitors, managers, accountants, auctioneers, brokers and other persons, not being trustees, shall be taxed by the Registrar and no payments in respect thereof shall be allowed in the trustee's accounts without proof of such taxation having been made. The Registrar shall satisfy himself before passing such bills and
charges that the employment of such solicitors and other persons, in respect of the particular matters out of which such charges arise, has been duly sanctioned. The sanction must be obtained before the employment, except in cases of urgency, and in such cases it must be shown that no undue delay took place in obtaining the sanction.
Every such person shall, on request by the trustee (which request the trustee shall make a sufficient time before declaring a dividend), deliver his bill of costs or charges to the Registrar for taxation, and if he fails to do so within 7 days after receipt of the request or such further time as the court on application may grant, the trustee shall declare and distribute the dividend without regard to any claim by him, and thereupon any such claim shall be forfeited as well against the trustee personally as against the estate.

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 83 U.K.]

Section: 86A Duties of trustee as regards the bankrupt's conduct L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

Duties of trustee as regards the bankrupts conduct and estate

(Added 18 of 2005 s. 28)

It shall be the duty of the trustee
to investigate the conduct of the bankrupt; and
to report to the court on any conduct that justifies the court in refusing, suspending or qualifying an order for the bankrupt's discharge.
In the case of a trustee other than the Official Receiver, it shall also be the duty of the trustee
to investigate the conduct of the bankrupt and to immediately report to the Official Receiver when there is reason to believe that the bankrupt has committed an act that constitutes an offence under this Ordinance; and
to take such part and give such assistance in relation to the prosecution of the bankrupt as the Secretary

for Justice or the Official Receiver may direct. (Added 18 of 2005 s. 28)

Section: 86B Duties of trustee as regards the bankrupt's estate L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007
As regards the estate of a bankrupt, it shall be the duty of the trustee
to raise money in any case where in the interests of the creditors it appears necessary so to do;
to preside at the first meeting of creditors if it is summoned;
to issue forms of proxy for use at the meetings of creditors;
to report to the creditors as to any proposal which the bankrupt may have made with respect to the mode of liquidating his affairs;
to advertise the date of the first meeting of creditors and of the bankrupt's public examination, and such other matters as it may be necessary to advertise;
to assist the bankrupt in preparing his statement of affairs in case the bankrupt has no solicitor acting for him and is unable properly to prepare it himself, and for this purpose to employ at the expense of the estate any person or persons to assist in its preparation.
The trustee shall account to the court and pay over all moneys and deal with all securities in such manner as

the court from time to time directs. (Added 18 of 2005 s. 28)

Section: 87 Trustee to provide list of creditors L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

Receipts, payments, accounts, audit

The trustee shall, whenever required by any creditor so to do, provide the creditor with a list of the creditors showing the amount of the debt due to each creditor, and the creditor requiring such list shall pay a fee at the prescribed rate.

(Amended 76 of 1996 s. 47; 18 of 2005 s. 29) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 84 U.K.]

Section: 88 Trustee to provide statement of accounts L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

It shall be lawful for any creditor, with the concurrence of one-fourth of the creditors (including himself), at any time to call upon the trustee to provide the creditors with a statement of the accounts up to the date of such notice, and the trustee shall upon receipt of such notice provide the statement of the accounts:

Provided that the person at whose instance the accounts are provided shall, if so required, deposit with the trustee a sum sufficient to pay the costs of providing the accounts, which sum shall be repaid to him out of the estate if the court so directs.

(Amended 18 of 2005 s. 30)

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 85 U.K.]

Section: 89 Annual statement of proceedings L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007
Every trustee in a bankruptcy shall from time to time, as may be prescribed, and not less than once in every year during the continuance of the bankruptcy, provide the Official Receiver with a statement showing the proceedings in the bankruptcy up to the date of the statement, containing the prescribed particulars and made out in the prescribed form.
The Official Receiver shall cause the statements so provided to be examined, and shall call the trustee to account for any misfeasance, neglect or omission which may appear on the said statements or in his accounts or otherwise, and may apply to the court for an order that the trustee do make good any loss which the estate of the bankrupt may have sustained by the misfeasance, neglect or omission.

(Amended 18 of 2005 s. 31) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 87 U.K.]

Section: 90 Trustee not to pay into private account L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

No trustee in a bankruptcy or nominee under a voluntary arrangement shall pay any sums received by him as trustee into his private banking account or use them otherwise than in the administration of the estate. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 48) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 88 U.K.]

Section: 91 Payment of moneys into bank L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 18 of 2005 s. 32

The Official Receiver shall open in his name as Official Receiver an account at a bank approved by the Chief Executive and shall pay to the credit thereof all sums received by him as such Official Receiver or as trustee, and every trustee in a bankruptcy, other than the Official Receiver, receiving money as such trustee shall open an account at such bank in the name of the bankrupt's estate and shall pay to the credit of such account all sums which may from time to time be received by him as such trustee: (Amended 47 of 1984 s. 12; 76 of 1996 s. 72; 18 of 2005 s. 32)
Provided that the Official Receiver may, on the application of the creditors' committee, authorize any other trustee to make his payments into and out of any other bank specified by the committee in such application, and those payments shall be made in the prescribed manner. (Added 47 of 1984 s. 12. Amended 76 of 1996 s. 74)
If a trustee at any time retains for more than 10 days a sum exceeding $2000, or such other amount as the Official Receiver in any particular case may authorize him to retain, then unless he explains the retention to the satisfaction of the Official Receiver, he shall pay interest on the amount so retained in excess at the rate of 20 per cent per annum, and shall have no claim to remuneration, and may be removed from his office by the Official Receiver and shall be liable to pay any expenses occasioned by reason of his default. (Amended 47 of 1984 s. 12) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 89(5) U.K.]
Any trustee paying money into his private banking account or using it otherwise than in the administration of the estate may without prejudice to any other liability be dismissed from office without remuneration and may be ordered by the court to make good all losses and expenses which the creditors may suffer in consequence of his conduct.
The trustee shall keep a record in writing in which he shall enter a minute of all proceedings had and resolutions passed at any meeting of creditors or of the creditors' committee and a statement of all negotiations and proceedings necessary to give a correct view of the management of the bankrupt's property. Such record shall be produced for inspection to the Official Receiver at any time on demand. (Amended 18 of 2005 s. 33)
The trustee shall also keep an account, to be called the estate account, in the form of an ordinary debtor and creditor account, in which he shall enter from day to day all his receipts and payments as trustee.
The trustee shall produce at every meeting of creditors and at every meeting of the creditors' committee the record and account above-mentioned and also the pass-book of the estate's bank account, and such documents shall be open to the inspection of any creditor at all reasonable times.
(Amended 76 of 1996 s. 74)
A trustee other than the Official Receiver shall keep an account of his receipts and payments as such trustee. (Replaced 18 of 2005 s. 34)
(1A) The Official Receiver may at any time require the trustee to provide him with the account, and the trustee shall comply with the requirement within the specified time. (Added 18 of 2005 s. 34)
The account shall be in a prescribed form, shall be made in duplicate and shall be verified by an affidavit in the prescribed form. (Amended 13 of 1966 Schedule)
The trustee shall provide the Official Receiver with such vouchers and information relating to the account as he requires, and the Official Receiver may at any time require the production of, and inspect, any books or accounts kept by the trustee. (Replaced 39 of 1987 s. 3. Amended 18 of 2005 s. 34)
(3A) The Official Receiver may at any time cause the account to be audited. (Added 39 of 1987 s. 3)
When any such account has been audited (or, as the case may be, forthwith if the Official Receiver decides that the account need not be audited) one copy thereof shall be filed and kept by the Official Receiver, and the other copy shall be delivered to the court for filing, and each copy shall be open on payment of the prescribed fee to the inspection of any creditor or of the bankrupt or of any person interested. (Amended 39 of 1987 s. 3)
(4A) Notwithstanding the fact that unaudited copies of an account have already been filed, the Official Receiver may subsequently cause that account to be audited, and in that event a copy of the audited account shall be filed and kept by the Official Receiver, and a further copy shall be delivered to the court for filing, and each copy shall be open, upon payment of the prescribed fee, to the inspection of any creditor or of the bankrupt or of any person interested. (Added 39 of 1987 s. 3)
The court may if it so desires examine the trustee and, after hearing the explanation, if any, of the trustee, make such order as it may think just for compelling the trustee to make good any loss to the estate which may appear to the court to have been occasioned by any misfeasance, neglect or improper conduct or omission of the trustee. (Amended 39 of 1987 s. 3)
Section: 92 Record and account to be kept by trustee L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007
Section: 93 Audit of trustee's accounts L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 92 U.K.]

Section: 94 Release of trustee L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

Vacation of office by trustee

When the trustee has realized all the property of the bankrupt or so much thereof as can, in his opinion, be realized without needlessly protracting the trusteeship, and distributed a final dividend, if any, or has ceased to act by reason of a voluntary arrangement having been approved, or has resigned or has been removed from his office, he shall apply to the court for his release, and if all the requirements of the court with respect to accounts and with respect to any order of the court against the trustee have been fulfilled, the court may make an order for release accordingly. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 49)
Where the release of a trustee is withheld the court may, on the application of any creditor or person interested, make such order as it thinks just, charging the trustee with the consequences of any act or default he may have done or made contrary to his duty.

(3) An order of the court releasing the trustee shall discharge him from all liability in respect of any act done or default made by him in the administration of the affairs of the bankrupt, or otherwise in relation to his conduct as trustee, but any such order may be revoked on proof that it was obtained by fraud or by suppression or concealment of any material fact.

The provisions of subsections (1), (2) and (3) shall apply to the Official Receiver when he is or is acting as trustee, and when the Official Receiver has been released under this section or any previous similar enactment he shall continue to act as trustee for any subsequent purposes of the administration of the bankrupt's estate but no liability shall attach to him personally by reason of his so continuing in respect of any act done, default made or liability incurred before his release. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 72)
Where the trustee has not previously resigned or been removed, his release shall operate as a removal of him from his office, and thereupon the Official Receiver shall be the trustee.

(6) Where on the release of a trustee the Official Receiver is or is acting as trustee, no liability shall attach to

him personally in respect of any act done or default made or liability incurred by any prior trustee. [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 93 U.K.]

Section: 95 Office of trustee vacated by insolvency L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

If a bankruptcy order is made against a trustee he shall thereby vacate his office of trustee. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 73) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 94 U.K.]

Section: 96 Removal of trustee L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

(1) The creditors may by ordinary resolution, at a meeting specially called for that purpose of which 7 days' notice has been given, remove a trustee, other than the Official Receiver, appointed by them, and may at the same or any subsequent meeting appoint another person to fill the vacancy as provided in case of a vacancy in the office of trustee.

(2) If the court is of opinion

that a trustee, other than the Official Receiver, is guilty of misconduct or fails to perform his duties under this Ordinance; or (Amended 18 of 2005 s. 35)
that his trusteeship is being needlessly protracted without any probable advantage to the creditors; or
that he is by reason of lunacy or continued sickness or absence incapable of performing his duties; or
that his connection with or relation to the bankrupt or his estate or any particular creditor might make it difficult for him to act with impartiality in the interest of the creditors generally; or
that the interests of the creditors require it,

the court may remove him from his office and appoint another person in his place. [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 95 U.K.]

Section: 97 General power of court L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998




(1) Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, the court shall have full power to decide all questions of priorities and all other questions whatsoever, whether of law or fact, which may arise in any case of bankruptcy coming within the cognizance of the court or which the court may deem it expedient or necessary to decide for the purpose of doing complete justice or making a complete distribution of property in any such case.

(2) (Repealed 76 of 1996 s. 50) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 105 U.K.]

Section: 98 Review and appeals in bankruptcy L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

Review and appeals

(1) The court or the Registrar may review, rescind or vary any order made by it or him, as the case may be, under its or his bankruptcy jurisdiction. (Replaced 78 of 1991 s. 2)
(2) Every order of the court or the Registrar shall be subject to appeal to the Court of Appeal. The notice of appeal shall be served within the time for appealing against an order made in the matter of any bankruptcy as specified in Order 59, rule 4(1)(b) of the Rules of the High Court (Cap 4 sub. leg. A). (Amended 92 of 1975 s. 59; 78 of 1991 s. 2; 18 of 2005 s. 36)

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 108 U.K.]

Section: 99 General rules of procedure L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007


(1) The rules and practice of the High Court for the time being for regulating the ordinary civil procedure of the court shall, so far as the same may be applicable and not inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance, be applied to bankruptcy proceedings, and every order of the court made in connection with bankruptcy proceedings may be enforced in the same way as a judgment of the court made in respect of any other civil proceedings may be enforced. (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(2) The Registrar shall in cases of urgency have power to make interim orders and to hear and determine unopposed or ex parte applications and any order so made shall, subject to an appeal to the court, be deemed to be an order of the court.
(3) Subject to rules made under section 113 limiting the power conferred by this subsection, the Registrar sitting in open court shall have power to hear and determine-
(a) unopposed bankruptcy petitions and to make bankruptcy orders thereon; (Amended 37 of 1998 s. 2)
(b) applications to annul bankruptcy orders; (Amended 37 of 1998 s. 2; 18 of 2005 s. 37)
(c) applications for an interim order in respect of a voluntary arrangement; and (Replaced 37 of 1998 s. 2)
(d) applications for discharge from bankruptcy. (Replaced 78 of 1991 s. 3. Amended 18 of 2005 s. 37)
(1) Unless otherwise ordered by the court in a particular case, the Registrar may exercise and perform the powers and duties conferred or imposed upon the court by sections 19 and 29.
(2) The Registrar may, if he exercises the jurisdiction conferred on him by subsection (1) or section 99(3)- (Amended 78 of 1991 s. 4)
(a) refer any matter for the decision or direction of a judge; and
(b) at any time adjourn an examination for further hearing before a judge.
(3) A judge may, if a matter is referred to him under subsection (2)(a), dispose of it himself or refer it back to the Registrar with such directions as he thinks fit.
(4) A judge may, if an examination is adjourned under subsection (2)(b) for further hearing before a judge-
(a) continue the examination;
(b) at any time direct that the examination be continued before the Registrar; and
(c) make such other order and give such directions as he may consider proper.
(5) Any reference in this Ordinance to the court shall include a reference to the Registrar exercising the jurisdiction conferred on him by this section.
(6) Notwithstanding subsection (5), the Registrar, when exercising the jurisdiction conferred by this section, shall not have power to make an order for the committal of a person for contempt of court.
(7) In this section-"Registrar" (司法常務官) means
(a) the Registrar of the High Court;
(aa) any Senior Deputy Registrar of the High Court; (Added 10 of 2005 s. 168)
(b) any Deputy Registrar of the High Court; and
any Assistant Registrar of the High Court appointed by the Chief Justice for the purposes of this
Section: 99A Jurisdiction of Registrar 10 of 2005 08/07/2005

section. (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2) (Added 50 of 1970 s. 2)

Section: 100 Discretionary powers of court L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and to general rules, the costs of and incidental to any proceeding in court under this Ordinance shall be in the discretion of the court. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 51)
The court may at any time adjourn any proceedings before it upon terms, if any, as it may think fit to impose.
The court may at any time amend any written process or proceeding under this Ordinance upon such terms, if any, as it may think fit to impose.
Where by this Ordinance or by general rules the time for doing any act or thing is limited, the court may extend the time either before or after the expiration thereof upon such terms, if any, as the court may think fit to impose.

(5) Subject to general rules, the court may in any matter take the whole or any part of the evidence viva voce or

by interrogatories or upon affidavit or, out of Hong Kong, by commission. (Amended 47 of 1984 s. 16) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 109 U.K.]

Section: 100A Court may make a regulating order L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

Expanded Cross Reference:
100B, 100C, 100D, 100E, 100F, 100G, 100H

Where it appears to the court on application being made by the Official Receiver, the trustee or any creditor at any time after the presentation of a bankruptcy petition, that by reason of the large number of creditors or for any other reason the interest of the creditors so requires, it may, on or after the making of a bankruptcy order, order that the bankruptcy proceedings shall be regulated specially by the court, and such order shall be known as a regulating order. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 73; 18 of 2005 s. 38)
A regulating order shall be published in such manner as the court may direct, and sections 100B to 100H inclusive shall apply to the bankruptcy proceedings where a regulating order has been made but not otherwise. <* Note - Exp. X-Ref.: Sections 100B, 100C, 100D, 100E, 100F, 100G, 100H *>
Where a regulating order is made the Bankruptcy Rules (Cap 6 sub. leg. A) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Official Receiver, trustee and creditors' committee appointed or acting after the making of a regulating order, and to the conduct of any ballot or other proceedings ordered by the court under section 100B or 100F. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 74)
Where any order made under sections 100B to 100G inclusive prescribes any procedure it shall be deemed to be in substitution for the procedure which would be required by this Ordinance but for the making of such order, and in particular where any such order prescribes a procedure for doing something which would otherwise be done at a meeting of creditors no such meeting shall be required to be held. <* Note - Exp. X-Ref.: Sections 100B, 100C, 100D, 100E, 100F, 100G *>

(Added 21 of 1965 s. 2)

Section: 100B First meeting and composition L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

Expanded Cross Reference:
20, 20A, 20B, 20C, 20D, 20E, 20F, 20G, 20H, 20I, 20J, 20K

(1) (Repealed 76 of 1996 s. 52)

The court may order that the wishes of creditors be ascertained for the purpose of accepting or rejecting any proposal in such manner as it may direct without the holding of meetings under section 20E, and for such purpose may direct the manner in which any proposal be communicated to such creditors. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 52)
Without derogating from the generality of subsection (2) the court may direct the holding of a ballot and the use of voting letters.
Notwithstanding anything in sections 20 to 20K, where a majority in number and three-fourths in value of all the creditors who have proved their debt, or who by virtue of section 100H are deemed for voting purposes to have proved a debt exceeding $100, agree to accept a proposal, the proposal shall be deemed to be duly accepted by the creditors, and when approved by the court shall be binding on all the creditors. <* Note - Exp. X-Ref.: Sections 20, 20A, 20B, 20C, 20D, 20E, 20F, 20G, 20H, 20I, 20J, 20K *> (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 52)
(5) (Repealed 76 of 1996 s. 52) (Added 21 of 1965 s. 2)
The court may, on application being made by the Official Receiver or the trustee appointed or acting before the making of the regulating order under section 100A, by order appoint the person who makes the application or any other person recommended by him as trustee of the property of the bankrupt under the regulating order. (Replaced 18 of 2005 s. 39)
Section: 100C (Repealed 76 of 1996 s. 53) L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
Section: 100D Appointment and removal of trustee after the making of regulating order L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

(1A) The court may, on application being made by the Official Receiver, by order remove any trustee appointed under subsection (1) and fill any vacancy. (Added 18 of 2005 s. 39)

(1B) On the making of an order under subsection (1) or (1A), section 81(1), (2) and (3) or 96(1) shall cease to apply to the bankruptcy and any action taken under such provisions before the making of the regulating order in respect of the appointment or removal of a trustee or filling of any vacancy shall cease to have effect. (Added 18 of 2005 s. 39)

The court may by order give such directions to a trustee as it shall think fit. Such directions shall be deemed to be the directions of creditors for the purposes of section 82. Neither a trustee nor the Official Receiver shall be required to summon any meetings of creditors save where the court so orders.
(Added 21 of 1965 s. 2)
The court may on application being made by the Official Receiver or trustee by order appoint such qualified persons as it thinks fit as a creditors' committee for the purpose of superintending the administration of the property of the bankrupt by the trustee, remove any member thereof and fill any vacancy therein. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 74)
The continuing members of the committee, provided there be not less than 2 such continuing members, may act notwithstanding any vacancy in their body.
Upon the making of any order for such appointment, removal or filling of a vacancy the provisions of section 24(1) and any applicable rules related thereto shall cease to apply to the bankruptcy and any action taken under such provisions in respect of any appointment of a creditors' committee, any removal of any member thereof or the filling of any vacancy therein shall cease to have effect. (Amended 76 of 1996 ss. 55 & 74)
Section: 100E Creditors' committee L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

(Added 21 of 1965 s. 2)

Section: 100F Informing creditors and ascertaining their wishes 30/06/1997

The court may by order give such directions to the Official Receiver or trustee as it shall think fit for the purpose of keeping creditors informed of any matter relating to the bankruptcy and for ascertaining their wishes, and may require the Official Receiver or trustee to make such reports to the court as it may specify.

(Added 21 of 1965 s. 2)

Section: 100G Creditors to give notice of intention to take part in public examination L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

(1) The court may order that any creditor wishing to exercise his right to question the bankrupt on his public examination under section 19(5) shall give notice in writing of such intention to- (Amended 18 of 2005 s. 40)


in a case where the Official Receiver is the applicant for the public examination, the Official Receiver; or
in a case where the trustee is the applicant for the public examination, the trustee. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 56; 18 of 2005 s. 40)

(1A) The court may also direct that no creditor may exercise his right to question the bankrupt on his public examination under section 19(5) unless the notice under subsection (1) is received by the Official Receiver or the trustee, as the case may be, within such time as may be specified by the court. (Added 18 of 2005 s. 40)

(2) For the purpose of this section the court may direct that notice of the public examination of a bankrupt shall be published in such manner as it may specify, and notice of such examination or of adjourned hearings thereof shall not be required to be sent to creditors individually.

(Added 21 of 1965 s. 2. Amended 76 of 1996 s. 72)

Section: 100H Proof of debts in the case of banks L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

Expanded Cross Reference:
20, 20A, 20B, 20C, 20D, 20E, 20F, 20G, 20H, 20I, 20J, 20K

Where the bankrupt was carrying on the business of a bank, any creditor who is a depositor, whether on current, savings, deposit, fixed deposit or other account, shall, unless and until the Official Receiver or trustee by notice in writing requires him to make a formal proof of debt, be deemed to have proved his debt- (Amended 18 of 2005 s. 41)
for voting purposes, for the net balance to his credit in the books of the bank on all his accounts taken together, at the date of the bankruptcy order: (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 73)
Provided that if the said balance does not exceed $100 he shall not be deemed to have proved his debt for the purposes of sections 20 to 20K and 100B(4); and <* Note - Exp. X-Ref.: Sections 20, 20A, 20B, 20C, 20D, 20E, 20F, 20G, 20H, 20I, 20J, 20K *> (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 57)
for dividend purposes, for the said balance plus or minus, as the case may be, the net amount of interest accrued due by or to the bank on the said accounts at the date of the bankruptcy order. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 73)
Any debt which is deemed to have been proved by virtue of subsection (1) shall be treated as if a proof thereof had been duly lodged in due time with the Official Receiver or trustee and had been admitted for voting and dividend purposes respectively for the said amounts stated in subsection (1).

(Added 21 of 1965 s. 2)

Section: 101 Consolidation of petitions 30/06/1997

Where 2 or more bankruptcy petitions are presented against the same debtor or against joint debtors the court may consolidate the proceedings or any of them on such terms as the court thinks fit. [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 110 U.K.]

Section: 102 Power to change carriage of proceedings 30/06/1997

Where the petitioner does not proceed with due diligence on his petition the court may either dismiss the petition or substitute as petitioner any other creditor to whom the debtor may be indebted in the amount required by this Ordinance in the place of the petitioning creditor.

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 111 U.K.]

Section: 103 Continuance of proceedings on death of debtor 30/06/1997

If a debtor by or against whom a bankruptcy petition has been presented dies, the proceedings in the matter shall, unless the court otherwise orders, be continued as if he were alive. [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 112 U.K.]

Section: 104 Power to stay proceedings 30/06/1997

The court may at any time, for sufficient reason, make an order staying the proceedings under a bankruptcy petition, either altogether or for a limited time, on such terms and subject to such conditions as the court may think just.

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 113 U.K.]

Section: 105 Power to present petition against one partner L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

Any creditor whose debt is sufficient to entitle him to present a bankruptcy petition against all the partners of a firm may present a petition against any one or more partners of the firm without including the others. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 58) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 114 U.K.]

Section: 106 Power to dismiss petition against some respondents only 30/06/1997

Where there are more respondents than one to a petition the court may dismiss the petition as to one or more of them without prejudice to the effect of the petition as against the other or others of them. [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 115 U.K.]

Section: 107 Actions by trustee and bankrupt's partners 30/06/1997

Where a member of a partnership is adjudged bankrupt the court may authorize the trustee to commence and prosecute any action in the names of the trustee and of the bankrupt's partner; and any release by such partner of the debt or demand to which the action relates shall be void; but notice of the application for authority to commence the action shall be given to him, and he may show cause against it, and on his application the court may, if it thinks fit, direct that he shall receive his proper share of the proceeds of the action, and if he does not claim any benefit therefrom he shall be indemnified against costs in respect thereof as the court directs.

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 117 U.K.]

Section: 108 Actions on joint contracts 30/06/1997

Where a bankrupt is a contractor in respect of any contract jointly with any person or persons, such person or persons may sue or be sued in respect of the contract without the joinder of the bankrupt. [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 118 U.K.]

Section: 109 Proceedings in partnership name 30/06/1997

Any 2 or more persons, being partners, or any person carrying on business under a partnership name, may take proceedings or be proceeded against under this Ordinance in the name of the firm, but in such case the court may, on application by any person interested, order the names of the persons who are partners in such firm or the name of such person to be disclosed in such manner, and verified on oath or otherwise, as the court may direct.

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 119 U.K.]

Section: 110 Disobedience to order of court L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998


Disobedience to order of court

Where default is made by a trustee, bankrupt or other person in obeying any order or direction made or given by the court under this Ordinance, the court may make an immediate order for the committal of such trustee, bankrupt or

other person for contempt of court: Provided that the power given by this section shall be deemed to be in addition to and not in substitution for any other right, remedy or liability in respect of such default. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 72) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 105(5) U.K.]

Application of Ordinance

(Amended 33 of 1939; G.N. 840 of 1940 Supp. Schedule)

A bankruptcy order shall not be made against any corporation, or against any association or company registered under the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32), or any enactment repealed by that Ordinance, or against any partnership registered under the Limited Partnerships Ordinance (Cap 37).

(Amended 76 of 1996 s. 73) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 126 U.K.]

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 25 of 1998 s. 2

Any creditor of a deceased debtor whose debt would have been sufficient to support a bankruptcy petition against the debtor, had he been alive, may present to the court a petition in the prescribed form praying for an order for the administration in bankruptcy of the estate of the deceased debtor, according to the law of bankruptcy.
The petition shall be served on the legal personal representative of the deceased debtor or, if there is none in Hong Kong, on the Official Administrator, and the court may in the prescribed manner, upon proof of the petitioner's debt, unless the court is satisfied that there is a reasonable probability that the estate will be sufficient for the payment of the debts owing by the deceased, make an order for the administration in bankruptcy of the deceased debtor's estate or may upon cause shown dismiss the petition with or without costs. (Amended 47 of 1984 s. 16)
A petition for administration in bankruptcy under this section shall not be presented to the court after proceedings have been commenced under the Rules of the High Court (Cap 4 sub. leg.) for the administration of the deceased debtor's estate but the court may, when satisfied that the estate is insufficient to pay its debts, make an order for the administration in bankruptcy of the estate of the deceased debtor and the like consequences shall ensue as under an administration order made on the petition of a creditor. (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
Upon an order being made for the administration in bankruptcy of a deceased debtor's estate the property of the debtor shall vest in the Official Receiver as trustee thereof and he shall forthwith proceed to realize and distribute it in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance:
Provided that the creditors shall have the same powers as to appointment of trustees and creditors' committees as they have in other cases where the estate of a debtor is being administered or dealt with in bankruptcy, and the provisions of this Ordinance relating to trustees and creditors' committees shall apply to trustees and creditors' committees appointed under the power so conferred. If no creditors' committee is appointed any act or thing or any direction or permission which might have been done or given by a creditors' committee may be done or given by the court. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 74)
With the modifications hereinafter mentioned, all the provisions of Part III (relating to the administration of the property of a bankrupt) and, subject to any modification that may be made therein by general rules under subsection (10) the following provisions, namely section 29 (which relates to inquiries as to the debtor's conduct, dealings and property) and section 86 (which relates to the costs of trustees, managers and other persons) shall, so far as the same are applicable, apply to the case of an administration order under this section in like manner as to an order of adjudication under this Ordinance, and section 40 shall apply as if for the reference to an order of adjudication there were substituted a reference to an administration order under this section.
In the administration of the property of the deceased debtor under an order of administration the Official Receiver or trustee shall have regard to any claim by the legal personal representative of the deceased debtor to payment of the proper funeral and testamentary expenses incurred by him in and about the debtor's estate, and such
claims shall be deemed a preferential debt under the order and shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the provisions of this Ordinance relating to the priority of other debts, be payable in full out of the debtor's estate in priority to all other debts.
If on the administration of a deceased debtor's estate any surplus remains in the hands of the Official Receiver or trustee, after payment in full of all the debts due from the debtor together with the costs of the administration and interest as provided by this Ordinance in case of bankruptcy, such surplus shall be paid over to the legal personal representative of the deceased debtor's estate, or failing such representative, to the Official Administrator.
(8) (Repealed 76 of 1996 s. 59)
A petition for the administration of the estate of a deceased debtor under this section may be presented by the legal personal representative of the debtor or by the Official Administrator; and where a petition is so presented by such a representative or by the Official Administrator this section shall apply subject to such modifications as may be prescribed by general rules made under subsection (10).

(10) General rules for carrying into effect the provisions of this section may be made in the same manner and to

the like effect and extent as in bankruptcy. [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 130 U.K.]

Section: 112A Application of Ordinance to small bankruptcies L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007
Subject to subsection (2), where a bankruptcy order is made against a debtor and- (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 60)
(a) the court receives proof to its satisfaction; or
the provisional trustee reports to the court, that the property of the debtor is not likely to exceed in value $200000, the court may make an order that the debtor's estate be administered in a summary manner, and thereupon the provisions of this Ordinance shall apply subject to the following modifications- (Amended 26 of 1985 s. 3)

(ia) the first meeting of creditors shall be dispensed with; (Replaced 76 of 1996 s. 60)

the provisional trustee shall be the trustee in the bankruptcy; (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 60)
there shall be no creditors' committee, and the trustee may do all things which may be done by a trustee with the permission of a creditors' committee; (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 74)

(iii) such other modifications as may be prescribed with a view to saving expense and simplifying procedure, but nothing in this section shall permit the modification of the provisions of this Ordinance relating to the examination or discharge of the bankrupt. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 72)

(2) The court may, upon the application of the trustee, at any time before the discharge of the bankrupt rescind an order made under subsection (1) and thereupon the administration shall proceed as if the order had not been made. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 72)

(Added 1 of 1976 s. 6. Amended 18 of 2005 s. 42) [cf. 1914 c. 47 s. 129 U.K.]

Section: 113 Power to make general rules 30/06/1997

General rules

The Chief Justice may, with the approval of the Legislative Council, make rules providing for, generally, the carrying into effect the objects of this Ordinance. [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 132(1) U.K.]

Section: 114 Fees and remuneration L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

Fees and remuneration

The Chief Justice may, with the approval of the Legislative Council, by order prescribe a scale of fees and percentages to be charged for or in respect of proceedings under this Ordinance. (Amended 39 of 1987 s. 4)
The court may remit the payment of any particular fee or fees due from any bankrupt, or any part thereof, either absolutely or on such terms as it may think fit. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 72)
The amount of any fees prescribed under this section shall not be limited by reference to the amount of administrative or other costs incurred or likely to be incurred by the Official Receiver in proceedings in bankruptcy or in any particular bankruptcy. (Added 39 of 1987 s. 4)
Orders made under this section may authorize the court to fix any fee or to vary the amount of any fee otherwise prescribed. (Added 39 of 1987 s. 4)
No fee prescribed under this section shall be invalid by reason only of the amount of that fee. (Added 39 of 1987 s. 4)
Fees required to be paid under orders made under this section shall be recoverable as a debt. (Added 39 of 1987 s. 4)
Orders made under this section before the commencement of the Bankruptcy (Amendment) Ordinance 1987 (39 of 1987) and in force immediately before such commencement, shall have effect as from the commencement of that Ordinance as if made under this section as amended by that Ordinance. (Added 39 of 1987 s. 4)


[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 133(1) U.K.]

Section: 115 Disposal of Official Receiver's fees L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

All fees and commissions received by or payable to the Official Receiver on the appointment of a trustee other than himself or for acting as trustee, and any remuneration received by the Official Receiver as an interim trustee or otherwise, shall be paid by such officer forthwith into the general revenue.

(Amended 47 of 1984 s. 13; 18 of 2005 s. 43)

Section: 116 Evidence of proceedings at meetings of creditors 30/06/1997


A minute of proceedings at a meeting of creditors under this Ordinance, signed by a person describing himself as or appearing to be chairman of the meeting, shall be received in evidence without further proof.
Until the contrary is proved every meeting of creditors in respect of the proceedings whereof a minute has been so signed shall be deemed to have been duly convened and held and all resolutions passed or proceedings had thereat to have been duly passed or had.

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 138 U.K.]

Section: 117 Evidence of proceedings in bankruptcy 30/06/1997

Any petition or copy of a petition in bankruptcy, any order or certificate or copy of an order or certificate made by the court, any instrument or copy of an instrument, affidavit or document made or used in the course of any bankruptcy proceedings or other proceedings had under this Ordinance shall, if it appears to be sealed with the seal of the court or purports to be signed by the Registrar, or is certified as a true copy by the Registrar, be receivable in evidence in all legal proceedings whatsoever.

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 139 U.K.]

Section: 118 Swearing of affidavits 25 of 1998 01/07/1997

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 25 of 1998 s. 2

Subject to general rules, any affidavit to be used in a bankruptcy court may be sworn before any person authorized to administer oaths, or in the case of a person who is out of Hong Kong, before a person qualified to administer oaths in the country where he resides.

(Amended 47 of 1984 s. 16; 25 of 1998 s. 2) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 140 U.K.]

Section: 119 Death of debtor or witness L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

In the case of the death of the bankrupt or his spouse, or of a witness whose evidence has been received by the court in any proceeding under this Ordinance, the deposition of the person so deceased, purporting to be sealed with the seal of the court, or a copy thereof purporting to be so sealed, shall be admitted as evidence of the matters therein deposed to.

(Amended 76 of 1996 ss. 71 & 72)

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 141 U.K.]

Section: 120 Statements made to Official Receiver or trustee through an interpreter L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

Any statement made by a bankrupt or creditor in any bankruptcy to the Official Receiver or trustee through an interpreter shall be deemed to have been made to the Official Receiver or trustee as the case may be respectively, and evidence thereof shall be receivable from the Official Receiver or trustee, on it being proved either that the interpreter employed was a sworn interpreter or that he held the substantive or acting appointment of interpreter, or of clerk and interpreter, to the Official Receiver.

(Amended 76 of 1996 s. 72)

Section: 121 Certificate of appointment of trustee 30/06/1997

A certificate of the Official Receiver that a person has been appointed trustee under this Ordinance shall be conclusive evidence of his appointment. [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 143 U.K.]

Section: 122 Computation of time 35 of 1998 18/09/1998


Where by this Ordinance any limited time from or after any date or event is appointed or allowed for the doing of any act or the taking of any proceeding, then in the computation of that limited time the same shall be taken as exclusive of the day of that date or of the happening of that event, and as commencing at the beginning of the next following day; and the act or proceeding shall be done or taken at latest on the last day of that limited time as so computed.
Where the limited time so appointed or allowed is less than 6 days, general holidays as defined by the General Holidays Ordinance (Cap 149) shall not be reckoned in the computation of such time. (Amended 35 of 1998
Where the limited time so appointed or allowed expires on one of the days in this section specified, the act or proceeding shall be considered as done or taken in due time if it is done or taken on the next day afterwards which is not one of the days in this section specified.

(4) The provisions of this section shall take effect notwithstanding anything contained in sections 29, 30 and 31

of the High Court Ordinance (Cap 4). (Amended 92 of 1975 s. 58; 25 of 1998 s. 2) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 145 U.K.]

Section: 123 Service of notices 30/06/1997

All notices and other documents for the service of which no special mode is directed may be sent by post to the last known address of the person to be served therewith. [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 146 U.K.]

Section: 124 Formal defect not to invalidate proceedings L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

(1) No proceeding in bankruptcy shall be invalidated by any formal defect or by any irregularity unless the court is of opinion that substantial injustice has been caused by the defect or irregularity and that the injustice cannot


be remedied by any order of the court.

(2) No defect or irregularity in the appointment or election of a trustee or member of a creditors' committee

shall vitiate any act done by him in good faith. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 74; 18 of 2005 s. 44) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 147 U.K.]

Section: 125 Exemption of documents from stamp duty 30/06/1997
(1) Stamp duty shall not be payable in respect of-
(a) any assurance relating solely to immovable property or personal property which is part of the estate of any bankrupt, and which, after the execution of the assurance, either at law or in equity, is or remains the estate of the bankrupt or of the trustee under the bankruptcy; or
(b) any other instrument relating solely to the property of any bankrupt.
(2) In this section "assurance" (轉易書) includes deed, conveyance, assignment and surrender. (Replaced 31 of 1981 s. 65)
Section: 126 Acting of corporations, partners, etc. 30/06/1997

For all or any of the purposes of this Ordinance a corporation may act by any of its officers authorized in that behalf under the seal of the corporation, a firm may act by any of its members and a lunatic may act by his committee or curator bonis.

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 149 U.K.]

Section: 127 Certain provisions to bind Crown L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

Save as provided in this Ordinance, the provisions of this Ordinance relating to the remedies against the property of a bankrupt, the priorities of debts, the effect of a voluntary arrangement, and the effect of a discharge, shall bind the Crown.

(Amended 76 of 1996 ss. 61 & 72) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 151 U.K.]

Section: 128 Unclaimed and undistributed dividends or funds L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

Unclaimed funds or dividends

(1) Where

(a) a trustee, other than the Official Receiver, under any bankruptcy; or

(b) a nominee under any voluntary arrangement, pursuant to this Ordinance has under his control any unclaimed dividend which has remained unclaimed for more than 6 months, or any money held in trust by the bankrupt for another person, or where, after making a final dividend, he has in his hands or under his control any unclaimed or undistributed money arising from the property of the bankrupt, he shall forthwith pay it to the Official Receiver who shall carry the same to an account to be termed the Bankruptcy Estate Account. The Official Receiver's receipt for the money so paid shall be a sufficient discharge to the trustee in respect thereof. (Amended 1 of 1976 s. 7; 47 of 1984 s. 14; 76 of 1996 ss. 62 and 72)
(1A) Where the Official Receiver is the trustee under any bankruptcy or the nominee under any voluntary arrangement, and, pursuant to this Ordinance has under his control any unclaimed dividend which has remained unclaimed for more than 6 months or where after making a final dividend, he has in his hands or under his control any unclaimed or undistributed money arising from the property of the bankrupt, he shall forthwith transfer the same to the Bankruptcy Estates Account. (Added 1 of 1976 s. 7. Amended 76 of 1996 ss. 62 and 72)
(2) The trustee, whether he has obtained his release or not, may be called upon by the court to account for any unclaimed funds or dividends and any failure to comply with the requisitions of the court in this behalf may be dealt with as a contempt of court.
(3) Any person claiming to be entitled to any moneys paid into the Bankruptcy Estate Account under this Ordinance may, within 5 years of the date when the same was so paid in, apply to the Official Receiver for payment to him of the same, and the Official Receiver, if satisfied that the person claiming is entitled, shall make an order for the
payment to such person of the sum due. Any person dissatisfied with the decision of the Official Receiver may appeal to the court. (Amended 33 of 1939; G.N. 840 of 1940 Supp. Schedule; 1 of 1976 s. 7)
After any money has remained unclaimed in the Bankruptcy Estates Account for a period of 5 years the Official Receiver may transfer such money to the general revenue of Hong Kong. (Replaced 1 of 1976 s. 7)

(5) Before transferring any money under subsection (4) the Official Receiver may give such notice as he thinks

necessary to such parties as he may think fit. (Replaced 1 of 1976 s. 7) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 153(1) U.K.]

(1) Whenever the cash balance standing to the credit of-

(a) the Bankruptcy Estates Account referred to in section 128; or

(b) any account operated by the Official Receiver under section 9l, is in excess of the amount which, in the opinion of the Official Receiver, is required for the time being to answer demands in respect of debtor's estates, the Official Receiver may deposit the whole or any part of that excess with a bank. (Amended 47 of 1984 s.15)

(2) The Official Receiver shall on or after 31 March in each year transfer to the general revenue any interest

paid in respect of deposits under subsection (1). (Added 65 of 1976 s. 5)



(1) Any person who has been adjudged bankrupt shall in each of the cases following be guilty of an offence(Amended 76 of 1996 s. 63)

if he does not to the best of his knowledge and belief fully and truly discover to the trustee all his property, real and personal, and how and to whom and for what consideration and when he disposed of any part thereof, except such part as has been disposed of in the ordinary way of his trade (if any) or laid out in the ordinary expenses of his family, unless he proves that he had no intent to defraud;
if he does not deliver up to the trustee, or as he directs, all such part of his movable or immovable property as is in his custody or under his control and which he is required by law to deliver up, unless he proves that he had no intent to defraud;
if he does not deliver up to the trustee, or as he directs, all books, documents, papers and writings in his custody or under his control relating to his property or affairs, unless he proves that he had no intent to defraud;
if, after the presentation of a bankruptcy petition by or against him or within 12 months next before such presentation, he conceals any part of his property to the value of $50 or upwards or conceals any debt due to or from him, unless he proves that he had no intent to defraud;
if, after the presentation of a bankruptcy petition by or against him or within 12 months next before such presentation, he fraudulently removes any part of his property to the value of $50 or upwards;
if he makes any material omission or misstatement in any statement relating to his affairs, unless he proves that he had no intent to defraud;
if, knowing or having any reason to believe that a false debt has been proved by any person under the bankruptcy, he fails for the period of a month to inform the trustee thereof;
if, after the presentation of a bankruptcy petition by or against him, he prevents or is party or privy to preventing the production of any book, document, paper or writing affecting or relating to his property or affairs, unless he proves that he had no intent to conceal the state of his affairs or to defeat the law;
if, after the presentation of a bankruptcy petition by or against him or within 12 months next before such presentation, he removes, conceals, destroys, mutilates or falsifies or is privy to the removal, concealment, destruction, mutilation or falsification of any book or document affecting or relating to his property or affairs, unless he proves that he had no intent to conceal the state of his affairs or to defeat the law;
(j) if, after the presentation of a bankruptcy petition by or against him or within 12 months next before such presentation, he makes or is privy to the making of any false entry in any book or document affecting or relating to his property or affairs, unless he proves that he had no intent to conceal the state of his affairs or to defeat the law;
(k) if, after the presentation of a bankruptcy petition by or against him or within 12 months next before such presentation, he fraudulently parts with, alters or makes any omission in, or is privy to the fraudulently parting with, altering or making any omission in, any document affecting or relating to his property or affairs;
(l) if, after the presentation of a bankruptcy petition by or against him or at any meeting of his creditors within 12 months next before such presentation, he attempts to account for any part of his property by fictitious losses or expenses;
(m)-(n) (Repealed 21 of 1970 s. 35)
(o) if, within 12 months next before the presentation of a bankruptcy petition by or against him or after the presentation of a bankruptcy petition and before the making of a bankruptcy order, he pawns, pledges or disposes of any property which he has obtained on credit and has not paid for, unless, in the case of a trader, such pawning, pledging or disposing is in the ordinary way of his trade, and unless in any case he proves that he had no intent to defraud; (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 73)
(p) if he is guilty of any false representation or other fraud for the purpose of obtaining the consent of his

creditors or any of them to an agreement with reference to his affairs or to his bankruptcy. (Amended 33 of 1939; G.N. 840 of 1940 Supp. Schedule; 50 of 1991 s. 4)

(2) A person who has sent out of Hong Kong any property which he has obtained on credit and has not paid for shall until the contrary is proved be deemed to have disposed of the same otherwise than in the ordinary way of his trade if, such property not having been paid or accounted for at the date of the bankruptcy order by the person to whom the same was sent, such last-mentioned person does not pay or account for the same within a reasonable time after being called upon to do so by the trustee or cannot be found within a reasonable time. (Amended 47 of 1984 s. 16; 76 of 1996 s. 73)
(3) In any prosecution under subsection (1)(i) the absence of any such book or document as is referred to in the said paragraph shall be prima facie evidence that such book or document was removed by the bankrupt contrary to the provisions of the said paragraph or that he was privy to its removal contrary to those provisions, and thereupon the onus shall be upon the bankrupt to prove that he did not so remove such book or document and that he was not privy to such removal. (Amended 33 of 1939; G.N. 840 of 1940 Supp. Schedule; 76 of 1996 s. 72)
(4) In any prosecution under subsection (1)(i) the mutilation or falsification of any such book or document as is referred to in the said paragraph shall be prima facie evidence that such book or document was mutilated or falsified by the bankrupt in contravention of the provisions of the said paragraph or that he was privy to its mutilation or falsification contrary to those provisions, and thereupon the onus shall be upon the bankrupt to prove that he did not so mutilate or falsify the said book or document and that he was not privy to such mutilation or falsification. (Amended 33 of 1939; G.N. 840 of 1940 Supp. Schedule; 76 of 1996 s. 72)
(5) Any person guilty of an offence in the cases mentioned in subsection (1)(o) shall be liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for 1 year or upon conviction on indictment to imprisonment for 5 years. (Amended 33 of 1939; G.N. 840 of 1940 Supp. Schedule; 50 of 1991 s. 4)

(6) For the purposes of this section, "trustee" (受託人) includes a provisional trustee and the Official Receiver,

whether acting as Official Receiver or as a trustee. (Amended 18 of 2005 s. 45) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 154 U.K. 1926 c. 7 s. 5 U.K.]

(1) If any manager, accountant or book-keeper in the employment of the bankrupt does any act which if committed by the bankrupt would be a contravention of any of the provisions of section 129(1)(i) or (j), or is privy to any such act whether committed by the bankrupt or by any other person, such manager, accountant or book-keeper shall be deemed to be guilty of an offence. (Amended 33 of 1939; G.N. 840 of 1940 Supp. Schedule; 50 of 1991 s. 4; 76 of 1996 s. 72)
(2) Where any person pawns, pledges or disposes of any property in circumstances which amount to an offence under section 129(1)(o), every person who takes in pawn or pledge or otherwise receives the property, knowing it to be pawned, pledged or disposed of in such circumstances as aforesaid, shall be guilty of an offence and shall b e liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for 1 year or upon conviction on indictment to imprisonment for 5 years.
(Amended 33 of 1939; G.N. 840 of 1940 Supp. Schedule; 50 of 1991 s. 4) [cf. 1926 c. 7 s. 5(2) U.K.]
A person who knowingly makes a false statement when proving a debt in bankruptcy or knowingly makes a false statement in an affidavit required under this Ordinance is guilty of an offence and is liable to a fine at level 5 and to imprisonment for 6 months. (Added 76 of 1996 s. 64)
Section: 131 Undischarged bankrupt obtaining credit 30/06/1997

Any undischarged bankrupt shall in each of the cases following be guilty of an offence

if either alone or jointly with any other person he obtains credit to the extent of $100 or upwards from any person without first informing that person that he is an undischarged bankrupt; or
if he engages in any trade or business under a name or names other than that or those under which he was adjudicated bankrupt and in the course of such trade or business obtains credit from any person without first disclosing to such person the name or names under which he was adjudicated bankrupt; or
if he engages in any trade or business under a name or names other than that or those under which he was adjudicated bankrupt without first publishing, once in the Gazette, and in 3 successive issues of 2 local newspapers one of which shall be Chinese, a notice containing the following particulars-
the name or names under which he was adjudicated bankrupt;
the last address at which he carried on any trade or business prior to the adjudication;

(iii) the name or names under which he intends to carry on the trade or business;

the nature of the trade or business which he intends to carry on; and
the address or addresses at which he intends to carry it on.

(Amended 33 of 1939; G.N. 840 of 1940 Supp. Schedule; 20 of 1948 s. 4; 50 of 1991 s. 4) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 155 U.K.]

Section: 132 Frauds by bankrupts, etc. L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

Any person who has been adjudged bankrupt shall in each of the cases following be guilty of an offence(Amended 76 of 1996 s. 63)

(Repealed 21 of 1970 s. 35)
if with intent to defraud his creditors or any of them he has made or caused to be made any gift or transfer of or charge on his property; or
if with intent to defraud his creditors he had concealed or removed any part of his property since or within 2 months before the date of any unsatisfied judgment or order for payment of money obtained against him; or
if with intent to defraud his creditors or any of them he has caused or connived at the levying of any execution against his property. [cf. 1926 c. 7 s. 6 U.K.]

(Amended 33 of 1939; G.N. 840 of 1940 Supp. Schedule; 20 of 1948 s. 4; 50 of 1991 s. 4) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 156 U.K.]

Section: 133 Bankrupt guilty of gambling, etc. L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

(1) Any person who has been adjudged bankrupt shall be guilty of an offence if, having been engaged in any trade or business and having outstanding at the date of the bankruptcy order any debts contracted in the course and for the purposes of such trade or business-(Amended 50 of 1991 s. 4)

he has within 2 years prior to the presentation of the bankruptcy petition materially contributed to or increased the extent of his insolvency by gambling or by rash and hazardous speculations and such gambling or speculations are unconnected with his trade or business; or
he has between the date of the presentation of the petition and the date of the bankruptcy order lost any part of his estate by such gambling or rash and hazardous speculations as aforesaid; or
on being required by the Official Receiver at any time, or in the course of his public examination by the court, to account for the loss of any substantial part of his estate incurred within a period of a year next preceding the date of the presentation of the bankruptcy petition or between that date and the date of the bankruptcy order, he fails to give a satisfactory explanation of the manner in which such loss was incurred:

Provided that, in determining for the purposes of this section whether any speculations were rash and hazardous, the financial position of the accused person at the time when he entered into the speculations shall be taken into consideration. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 65)

(2) A prosecution shall not be instituted against any person under this section except by order of the court.

(Amended 33 of 1939; G.N. 840 of 1940 Supp. Schedule) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 157 U.K.]

Section: 134 Bankrupt failing to keep proper accounts L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

(1) Any person who has been adjudged bankrupt shall be guilty of an offence if, having been engaged in any trade or business during any period in the 2 years immediately preceding the date of the presentation of the bankruptcy petition, he has not kept proper books of account throughout that period and throughout any further period in which he was so engaged between the date of the presentation of the petition and the date of the bankruptcy order, or has not preserved all books of account so kept: (Amended 50 of 1991 s. 4; 76 of 1996 s. 66)

Provided that a person who has not kept or has not preserved such books of account shall not be convicted of an offence under this section-

if his unsecured liabilities at the date of the bankruptcy order did not exceed, in the case of a person who has not on any previous occasion in Hong Kong or elsewhere been adjudged bankrupt or entered into a voluntary arrangement with his creditors, $5000 or in any other case $1000; or (Amended 47 of 1984 s. 16; 76 of 1996 s. 66)
if he proves that in the circumstances in which he traded or carried on business the omission was honest and excusable.
A prosecution shall not be instituted against any person under this section except by order of the court. (Amended 33 of 1939; G.N. 840 of 1940 Supp. Schedule)
For the purposes of this section, a person shall be deemed not to have kept proper books of account if he has not kept such books or accounts as are necessary to exhibit or explain his transactions and financial position in his trade or business, including a book or books containing entries from day to day in sufficient detail of all cash received and cash paid, and where the trade or business has involved dealings in goods, statements of annual stock-takings, and (except in the case of goods sold by way of retail trade to the actual consumer) accounts of all goods sold and purchased showing the buyers and sellers thereof in sufficient detail to enable the goods and the buyers and sellers thereof to be identified. In the case of books or accounts kept in the Chinese language a person shall, for the purposes of this section, be deemed not to have kept proper books of account if he has not kept such books or accounts as may be proved to be usual and necessary, for the purposes aforesaid, in the particular trade or business carried on by the bankrupt. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 72)

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 158 U.K.; 1926 c. 7 s. 7 U.K.]

Section: 135 Bankrupt absconding with property L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

If any person who is adjudged bankrupt after the presentation of a bankruptcy petition by or against him, or within 6 months before such presentation, quits Hong Kong and takes with him, or attempts or makes preparation to quit Hong Kong and take with him, any part of his property to the amount of $100 or upwards, which ought by law to be divided amongst his creditors, he shall (unless he proves that he had no intent to defraud) be guilty of an offence.

(Amended 47 of 1984 s. 16; 50 of 1991 s. 4; 76 of 1996 s. 67)

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 159 U.K.]

Section: 136 Debtor concealing himself to avoid service, etc. L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

If any person against whom a bankruptcy order is made conceals himself or absents himself from his usual or last known place of abode or business or quits Hong Kong, with intent to avoid service of any process in bankruptcy or to avoid examination in respect of his affairs or otherwise to defeat, embarrass or delay any proceedings against him in bankruptcy, he shall be guilty of an offence. A person who, after the presentation of a bankruptcy petition by or against him or within 3 months next before such presentation, conceals or absents himself as aforesaid or quits Hong Kong shall until the contrary is proved be deemed to have concealed or absented himself or quitted Hong Kong with such intent as is mentioned in this section.

(Amended 47 of 1984 s. 16; 50 of 1991 s. 4; 76 of 1996 s. 73) (Repealed 21 of 1970 s. 35)

Section: 137 (Repealed) 30/06/1997
Section: 138 Order by court for prosecution on report of trustee L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

Where the Official Receiver or a trustee in a bankruptcy reports to the court that in his opinion a bankrupt who has been adjudged bankrupt has been guilty of any offence under this Ordinance, or where the court is satisfied upon the representation of any creditor or member of the creditors' committee that there is ground to believe that the bankrupt has been guilty of any such offence, the court shall, if it appears to the court that there is a reasonable probability that the bankrupt will be convicted and that the circumstances are such as to render a prosecution desirable, order that the bankrupt be prosecuted for such offence, but no such order shall be a condition antecedent to any prosecution under this Ordinance.

(Amended 33 of 1939; G.N. 840 of 1940 Supp. Schedule; 76 of 1996 ss. 63, 72 and 74)

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 161 U.K.; cf. 1926 c. 7 s. 8 U.K.]

Section: 139 Criminal liability after discharge or composition L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

Where a bankrupt has been guilty of any criminal offence he shall not be exempt from being proceeded against therefor by reason that he has obtained his discharge or that a voluntary arrangement has been approved. (Amended 76 of 1996 ss. 68 & 72) [cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 162 U.K.]

Section: 140 Trial and punishment of offences L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
A person guilty of an offence under this Ordinance in respect of which no special penalty is imposed by this Ordinance shall be guilty of an offence triable either summarily or upon indictment, and shall be liable to imprisonment for 2 years. (Amended 33 of 1939; G.N. 840 of 1940 Supp. Schedule; 22 of 1950 s. 3; 50 of 1991 s. 4)
Summary proceedings in respect of any such offence shall not be instituted after 1 year from the first discovery thereof either by the Official Receiver or by the trustee in the bankruptcy, or in the case of proceedings instituted by a creditor, by the creditor, nor in any case shall they be instituted after 3 years from the commission of the offence.
In an indictment for an offence under this Ordinance it shall be sufficient to set forth the substance of the offence charged in the words of this Ordinance specifying the offence, or as near thereto as circumstances admit, without alleging or setting forth any debt, trading, adjudication, or any proceedings in, or order, warrant or document of, the court acting under this Ordinance. (Amended 33 of 1939; G.N. 840 of 1940 Supp. Schedule; 76 of 1996 s. 69)

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 164 U.K.; 1926 c. 7 s. 10 U.K.]

Section: 141 Evidence as to frauds by agents L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

A statement or admission made by any person in any compulsory examination or deposition before the court on the hearing of any matter in bankruptcy shall not be admissible as evidence against that person or (unless they married after the making of the statement or admission) against the spouse of that person in any proceeding in respect of an offence under the Theft Ordinance (Cap 210).

(Amended 33 of 1939; G.N. 840 of 1940 Supp. Schedule; 21 of 1970 s.35; 76 of 1996 s. 71)

[cf. 1914 c. 59 s. 166 U.K.]

Section: 142 Summary prosecution 30/06/1997

Any offence under this Ordinance may be dealt with summarily by a magistrate. (Amended 23 of 1933 s.2; 33 of 1939; G.N. 840 of 1940 Supp. Schedule)



(Omitted as spent)

Expanded Cross Reference:
20, 20A, 20B, 20C, 20D, 20E, 20F, 20G, 20H, 20I, 20J, 20K

[sections 74A, 74B & 74C]



    1. 1. Interpretation
    2. In this Schedule-"criminal bankruptcy debt" (刑事破產債項) means a debt deemed to be due to any person by virtue of paragraph 3.
    1. 2. Entitlement to present bankruptcy petition
    2. Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, where a criminal bankruptcy order is made against any person he shall be treated as a debtor against whom grounds exist for a creditor to present a bankruptcy petition. (Added 37 of 1998 s. 2)
  1. 3. Creditors and criminal bankruptcy debts

A person specified in a criminal bankruptcy order as having suffered loss or damage of any amount shall be treated for the purpose of any ensuing proceedings pursuant to-

(a) a bankruptcy petition presented by virtue of paragraph 2; or
(b) a petition under section 112 (administration in bankruptcy of estate of person dying insolvent)

presented by virtue of this Schedule, as a creditor for a debt of that amount provable in the bankruptcy of the person against whom the order was made.



4. Criminal bankruptcy petition

No criminal bankruptcy petition shall be presented by the person who under paragraph 2 is the bankrupt; and, in relation to such a petition presented by a creditor, sections 4, 6 and 6B shall have effect with the following modifications- (Amended 76 of 1996 ss. 70 & 72)

(a) sections 6(2)(a) and (b) and 6B shall not apply to a criminal bankruptcy debt; (Replaced 76 of 1996 s. 70)
(b) section 4(1)(a) shall be omitted. (Replaced 76 of 1996 s. 70)

5. Bankruptcy order

For the purposes of section 9(2) and (3) (matters to be proved before bankruptcy order is made) any criminal bankruptcy debt shall be treated as conclusively proved by the production of a copy of the criminal bankruptcy order in question and the following provisions of that section shall not apply in relation to any debt- (Amended 76 of 1996 ss. 70 & 72)

(a) (Repealed 76 of 1996 s. 70)
(b) subsection (5);
(c) subsection (6).
    1. 6. Trustee of criminal bankrupt's property
    2. Where a person is adjudged bankrupt in proceedings pursuant to a criminal bankruptcy petition the Official Receiver shall in the bankruptcy be the trustee of the property of the bankrupt. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 70)
  1. 7. Proof of criminal bankruptcy debt in bankruptcy proceedings
(1) For the purpose of proving a criminal bankruptcy debt in proceedings pursuant to a criminal bankruptcy petition, a copy of the criminal bankruptcy order specifying the amount deemed by virtue of paragraph 3 to be due as a debt shall, subject to paragraph 5, be treated as sufficient evidence of the debt unless it is shown by any party to the proceedings that the amount of the relevant loss or damage is greater or less than the amount specified in the order or that the loss or damage did not in fact result from any offence specified in the order, and if it is shown by any party to the proceedings that the amount of the relevant loss or damage is other than that specified in the order, paragraph 3 shall have effect as if that other amount had been specified in the order, but without prejudice to the validity of the order if the amount of the relevant loss is shown not to exceed $150000 or such other amount as may be specified in an order made under section 84A(5) of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221).
(2) Nothing in this paragraph or paragraph 3 shall be taken as prejudicing the proof in proceedings pursuant to a criminal bankruptcy petition of debts other than criminal bankruptcy debts.
(3) Nothing in sub-paragraph (1) shall be construed as entitling any person to contend that the offence or offences specified in a criminal bankruptcy order were not committed by the person against whom the order was made.

8. Recovery of assets for benefit of criminal bankrupt's creditors

(1) Without prejudice to any other provision of this Ordinance, sub-paragraph (2) to (5) shall apply, where a person is adjudged bankrupt in proceedings pursuant to a criminal bankruptcy petition, with respect to dispositions of property or any interest in property made by the bankrupt on or after the relevant date, either by way of gift or for an under-value.

In this sub-paragraph, "relevant date" (有關日期) means the date specified in the criminal bankruptcy order (in accordance with section 84A(3)(d) of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221)) as the earliest date on which the offence or, as the case may be, the earliest of the offences, was committed.

(2) On the application of the Official Receiver (in his capacity as trustee) the court may make orders requiring

(a) the person taking under any such disposition; or
(b) subject to sub-paragraph (3), any other person who by virtue of any subsequent disposition acquired (whether or not from the person taking under the bankrupt's disposition) the whole or any part of the property or any interest therein,

to transfer the whole or any part of the property, or such interest as the order may specify, to the trustee, or to make such payments to the trustee as the court thinks just with a view to making available to the creditors the full value of the property or interest disposed of by the bankrupt (including any increase in its value since the disposition was made).

(3) No order shall be made by virtue of sub-paragraph (2)(b) against a person appearing to the court to have given full value for anything taken by him under a relevant disposition or to claim (directly or indirectly) through a person who gave full value.
(4) An order of the court under this paragraph requiring a person to transfer any property or interest may include such consequential directions for giving effect to the order, and be made on such terms (including in particular terms allowing the person to retain or recover consideration given by him for any relevant disposition) as the court thinks just in all the circumstances.
(5) In this paragraph, "disposition" (產權處置) includes any conveyance or assurance of property of any description.

9. Administration in bankruptcy of deceased offender's estate

(1) Where an order for administration is made under section 112 on a criminal bankruptcy administration petition, so much of subsection (4) of that section as enables the creditors to appoint a trustee of the property of the bankrupt in place of the Official Receiver shall not apply. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 72)

(2) Paragraph 7 shall apply in relation to proof of criminal bankruptcy debts in proceedings pursuant to a criminal bankruptcy administration petition as it applies in relation to proof of such debts in proceedings pursuant to a criminal bankruptcy petition.

    1. Bankruptcy proceedings otherwise than by virtue of this Schedule
    2. Where a criminal bankruptcy order has been made against any person and a bankruptcy petition has been presented in respect of him before the order was made, or is presented in respect of him thereafter otherwise than by virtue of paragraph 2, the court may, on the application of the Official Petitioner, dismiss the petition, rescind any receiving order made in pursuance thereof or, if that person has been adjudged bankrupt, annul the adjudication on such terms, if any, as the court thinks fit.
  1. Effect of appeal against conviction
Subject to the provisions of this paragraph, the fact that an appeal is pending against any conviction by virtue of which a criminal bankruptcy order was made shall not preclude the taking of any proceedings by virtue of this Schedule in consequence of the making of the order.
Where a person is adjudged bankrupt in proceedings pursuant to criminal bankruptcy petition, no property shall be distributed by his trustee and no order shall be made by the court under paragraph 8 so long as an appeal is pending against his conviction of any offence by virtue of which the criminal bankruptcy order was made. (Amended

L.N. 65 of 1986; 18 of 2005 s. 46)

For the purposes of this paragraph an appeal against a conviction is pending
in any case until the expiration of the time for giving notice of appeal or applying for leave to appeal under section 83Q of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) (disregarding any extension of time which may be granted under subsection (3) of that section);
if notice of appeal or of application for leave is given during that period and during that period the appellant notifies the Official Receiver thereof, until the determination of the appeal and thereafter for so long as an appeal to the Court of Final Appeal is pending within the meaning of section 84B(5) of that Ordinance. (Amended 79 of 1995 s. 50)
Where in consequence of an appeal a criminal bankruptcy order is rescinded-
any bankruptcy petition bases on the order shall lapse and any adjudication of bankruptcy made in consequence thereof shall cease to have effect, but without prejudice to anything previously done thereunder; (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 70)
where any such adjudication ceases to have effect, the property of the person who was adjudicated bankrupt shall revert to him for all his estate or interest therein; and
the court may, on his application or on the application of the Official Receiver, by order give such directions, if any, as appear to the said court to be necessary or desirable in consequence of the provisions of sub-paragraphs (a) and (b).

(5) Where in consequence of an appeal a criminal bankruptcy order is amended by the deletion of any amount specified therein as the loss or damage suffered by any person, paragraph 3 shall not thereafter apply to that loss or damage but without prejudice to anything done before the amendment takes effect.



12. Presentation of criminal bankruptcy petition by Official Petitioner

The Official Petitioner may present a criminal bankruptcy petition, and a bankruptcy order may be made on that petition. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 73)
Sections 4, 6 and 6B, as modified by paragraph 4 of this Schedule, shall apply to a criminal bankruptcy petition presented by the Official Petitioner as it applies to a petition presented by a creditor. (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 70)
(3) The following provisions
section 9(2) (making of bankruptcy order on creditor's petition); (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 73)
section 9(3) (dismissal of petition); and
(c) (Repealed 76 of 1996 s. 70) shall apply in relation to a criminal bankruptcy petition presented by the Official Petitioner as if any reference to the debt of the petitioning creditor were a reference to any criminal bankruptcy debt within the meaning of this Schedule; and paragraph 5 shall have effect in relation to section 9(2) and (3) as they apply by virtue of this paragraph.

13. Presentation of criminal bankruptcy administration petition by Official Petitioner

(1) The Official Petitioner may present a petition under section 112 in any case in which a creditor could do so by virtue of this Schedule, and an order may be made under that section on that petition.
(2) Section 112(2) shall have effect in relation to a petition presented by the Official Petitioner as if the reference to the petitioner's debt were a reference to any criminal bankruptcy debt within the meaning of this Schedule.

14. Participation of Official Petitioner in proceedings brought by virtue of this Schedule (whether by the Official Petitioner or by a creditor)

(1) In the case of proceedings pursuant to a criminal bankruptcy petition or a criminal bankruptcy administration petition, the Official Petitioner shall be entitled-

(a) to attend any meeting of creditors and, before the meeting, to receive any notice or other document required to be sent before such a meeting to any creditor;
(b) to be a member of any creditors' committee appointed under section 24; (Amended 76 of 1996 ss. 70 & 74)
(c) to be a party to any such proceedings before the court.
(2) In the case of proceedings pursuant to-
(a) a criminal bankruptcy petition or a criminal bankruptcy administration petition, the provisions of the Ordinance mentioned in sub-paragraph (3) shall have effect as if any reference to a creditor, or to a creditor who has proved or tendered a proof, included a reference to the Official Petitioner; and
(b) a criminal bankruptcy administration petition, the expression "a petition under this section" (本條所指的呈請書) in section 112(8) shall include a reference to a petition by the Official Petitioner.
(3) The provisions referred to in sub-paragraph (2) are-
(a) section 15 (power to appoint special manager);
(b) section 18(1) and (5) (statement of affairs); (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 70)
(c) section 19(5) and (10) (public examination of bankrupt); (Amended 76 of 1996 ss. 70 & 72; 18 of 2005 s. 46)
(d) sections 20 to 20K (interim orders and voluntary arrangements); <* Note - Exp. X-Ref.: Sections 20,
20A, 20B, 20C, 20D, 20E, 20F, 20G, 20H, 20I, 20J, 20K *> (Replaced 76 of 1996 s. 70) (e)-(f) (Repealed 76 of 1996 s. 70)
(g) section 86B(1)(d) (report to creditors of bankrupt's proposal); (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 72; 18 of 2005
s. 46)
(h) section 83 (appeal to court against act or decision of trustee). (Amended 76 of 1996 s. 70; 80 of 1997

s. 102)

(Schedule added 21 of 1979 s. 3. Amended 39 of 1992 s. 6) [cf. 1973 c. 62 Schedule 2 U.K.]

[sections 75 & 76]


Assistant Official Receiver (Legal) Assistant Principal Solicitor Senior Solicitor Solicitor


Assistant Director of Accounting Services

Chief Insolvency Officer

Senior Insolvency Officer

Insolvency Officer

Senior Treasury Accountant

Treasury Accountant

Accounting Officer I

Accounting Officer II

Assistant Official Receiver (Case Management) (Schedule 2 replaced L.N. 465 of 1994)

[section 12(1A) & (1C)]

To qualify for appointment under section 12(1A) of this Ordinance, a person shall

a certified public accountant within the meaning of section 2 of the Professional Accountants Ordinance (Cap 50);
a solicitor within the meaning of section 2(1) of the Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap 159); or
(iii) a current member of The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries; and (Amended L.N. 102 of 2007)
satisfy any reasonable conditions that the Official Receiver may impose and has made accessible to the

public. (Schedule 3 added 18 of 2005 s. 47)

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章: 6 破產條例 憲報編號 版本日期
詳題 30/06/1997








    1. 儘管有本條例所載的規定,根據本條例作出的修訂(第12、19及32條除外)不適用於任何在生效日期前已提出破產呈請的個案,而該個案須繼續進行和予以處置,猶如本條例不曾制定一樣。
    2. (2) 本條增補而非減損《釋義及通則條例》(第1章)第23條。
  1. 就本條而言,#“生效日期”(commencement date) 指財經事務及庫務局局長根據本條例第1(2)條指定的日期。”。


條: 1 簡稱 30/06/1997

第I部 簡稱及釋義 本條例可引稱為《破產條例》。

條: 2 釋義 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007


“代名人”(nominee) 指破產管理署署長或某名由於其經驗及資格而獲法院認為是履行第20A、20D、20E及20G條指明的代名人的職責的適當人選的人士; (由1996年第76號第2條增補)

“司法常務官”(Registrar) 指高等法院司法常務官及高等法院的任何高級副司法常務官、副司法常務官或助理司法常務官; (由1984年第47號第2條代替。由1998年第25號第2條修訂;由2005年第10號第167條修訂)

“有抵押債權人”(secured creditor) 指持有債務人財產或其中任何部分的按揭、押記或留置權的人,而所持有的按揭、押記或留置權是作為債務人欠持有人的債項的抵押者;

“自願安排”(voluntary arrangement) 指任何清償債務人債項的債務重整協議或債務人事務的債務償還安排; (由1996年第76號第2條增補)

“決議”(resolution) 指普通決議;


“受託人”(trustee) ,除第58(1B)條另有規定外,指破產案中破產人的產業的受託人; (由1996年第76號第72條修訂;由2005年第18號第2條修訂)

“訂明”(prescribed) 指藉本條例所指的一般規則而訂明;

“建議”(proposal) 指任何債務人向其債權人作出的自願安排的建議; (由1996年第76號第2條增補)

“財產”(property)包括金錢、貨品、據法權產、土地及各類財產,不論是土地財產或非土地財產,亦不論是位於香港或位於其他地方,亦包括上文界定的財產所產生或附帶的義務、地役權及各類產業、權益及利潤,不論是現有的或將來的、或有的或既得的; (由1984年第47號第16條修訂)

“破產案中可證債權”或“破產案中可證債項”(debt provable in bankruptcy) 或“可證債權”或“可證債項”(provable debt) 包括任何藉本條例成為破產案中可予證明的債權、債項或債務;

“破產債項”(bankruptcy debt) 就任何破產人而言,指─

(a) 該破產人在破產開始時須承擔的任何債項或債務;及

(b)因該破產人在破產開始前所招致的任何義務而在破產開始後(包括破產解除後)可能須承擔的任何債項或債務; (由1996年第76號第2條增補) “破產管理署署長”(Official Receiver) 指根據第75條獲委任的破產管理署署長; (由1984年第47號第2條增補) “特別決議”(special resolution) 指在親自出席或由代表出席債權人會議而又就有關決議表決的債權人


“貨品”(goods) 包括一切非土地實產;

“執達主任”(bailiff) 包括負責執行令狀或其他法律程序文件的任何人員;

“普通決議”(ordinary resolution) 指在親自出席或由代表出席債權人會議而又就有關決議表決的債權

人中,佔債權價值過半數者所決定的決議; “誓言”(oath) 包括非宗教式誓詞、聲明及信譽保證; “誓章”(affidavit) 包括法定聲明、非宗教式誓詞及信譽保證; (由2005年第18號第2條修訂) “暫行受託人”(provisional trustee) 就任何破產人而言—

(a) 如沒有人根據第12(1A)條獲委任為破產人財產的暫行受託人,指破產管理署署長;或
(b) 如任何人根據第12(1A)條獲委任為破產人財產的暫行受託人,指該人。 (由2005年第18號第2條增補)

(由1996年第76號第2條修訂) [比照 1914 c. 59 s. 167 U.K.]


自破產呈請至破產解除的法律程序 (由1996年第76號第3條代替)

    1. (1) 為針對任何債務人而作出任何破產令的呈請─
        1. (a)可由該債務人的債權人中的一人向法院提出或由該等債權人中多於一名的債權人共同
        2. 向法院提出;
      1. (b) 可由該債務人本人向法院提出;
      2. (c) 可由一項自願安排的代名人或由當其時受該項自願安排約束的任何人(該債務人除外)向法院提出,而該項自願安排是由該債務人建議並獲其債權人批准的;或
      3. (d) 在刑事破產令已針對該債務人而作出的情況下,可由法定呈請人向法院提出。
  1. (2) 在符合本部中以下條文的規定下,法院可因應任何該等呈請而作出破產令。 (由1996年第76號第4條代替)
    1. (1) 除非債務人─
      1. (a) 以香港為其居籍;
      2. (b) 在呈請提交當日處身於香港;或
      3. (c) 在以該日為終結的3年期間內的任何時間─
條: 4 須就債務人而符合的條件 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

(i) 通常居住於香港或在香港有居住地方;或

(ii) 在香港經營業務, 否則任何人不得根據第3(1)(a)或(b)條向法院提出任何破產呈請。
(2) 第(1)(c)款所提述的任何債務人經營業務之處,包括─
(a) 任何商號或合夥經營業務,而該債務人是該商號或合夥的成員;及
(b) 該債務人、該商號或該合夥的代理人或經理經營業務。 (由1996年第76號第4條代替)
(2) 未經法院許可,不得撤回破產呈請。
條: 5 其他初步條件 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998


條: 6 債權人提出呈請的理由 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

詳列交互參照: 6A, 6B, 6C

  1. 債權人的呈請必須就債務人所欠的一筆或多於一筆的債項而提出,而提出呈請的債權人或每名提出呈請的債權人必須是被拖欠該債項或至少其中一筆債項(視屬何情況而定)的人。
  2. 除第6A至6C條另有規定外,債權人的呈請可就一筆或多於一筆債項而向法院提出,但僅限在以下條件於提出該項呈請時獲符合的情況下方可提出─ 〈* 註─詳列交互參照:第6A,6B,6C條
      1. (a) 該債項的款額或該等債項總額相等於或超過$10000或某個訂明款額;
      2. (b)該債項,或該等債項中的每筆債項,是關乎一筆須立即或在將來某確定時間向提出呈請的債權人或每名提出呈請的債權人償付的經算定款項,並且是無抵押的;
      3. (c)該債項,或該等債項中的每筆債項,是債務人看似無能力償付或是沒有合理的希望有能力償付的債項的;及
      4. (d)並無有待處理的申請要求將一份就該債項或該等債項而根據第6A條送達的法定要求償債書予以作廢。
  3. 就第(2)款而言,任何債項不得僅因一項刑事破產令內指明其款額而被視為是關乎一筆經算定款項的。
  4. 儘管有第(2)(c)及(d)款的規定,如有合理理由相信債務人意圖離開或已離開香港,而該債務人知道或理應知道其離開將會導致其債權人無法追討欠債或導致拖延對其債權人償債,則債權人的呈請可予提出,而不論債務人離開的理由為何,本款均予適用。

(5)為施行第(2)(a)款,財政司司長可藉規例訂明一個大於$10000的款額。 (由1997年第362號法

律公告修訂) (由1996年第76號第4條代替)

    1. 為施行第6(2)(c)條,債務人僅在以下條件獲符合和當任何債項是須立即予以償付的情況下,方屬看似無能力償付該債項的─
      1. (a) 提出呈請的債權人(即被拖欠該債項的債權人)已以訂明表格向債務人送達一份要求償債書(稱為“法定要求償債書”),要求該債務人償付該債項或就該債項提供令該債權人滿意的抵押或作出令該債權人滿意的了結,而自送達該份要求償債書後至少已過了3星期,但該份要求償債書既沒有獲遵從,亦沒有按照規則予以作廢;或
      2. (b)經法院的判決或命令為惠及提出呈請的債權人或多於一名的提出呈請的債權人(即被拖欠該債項的債權人)而就該債項發出的執行判決或其他法律程序文件已被交回但該債項全部或部分未獲清償。
    1. 為施行第6(2)(c)條,債務人僅在以下條件獲符合和當任何債項並非須立即予以償付的情況下,方屬看似沒有合理的希望有能力償付債項的─
      1. (a) 提出呈請的債權人(即被拖欠該債項的債權人)已以訂明表格向債務人送達一份要求償債書(亦稱為“法定要求償債書”),要求該債務人令該債權人信納債務人在債項到期須償付時有合理的希望有能力償付該債項;
      2. (b) 自從送達該份要求償債書後至少已過了3星期;及
      3. (c) 該份要求償債書既沒有獲遵從亦沒有按照規則予以作廢。 (由1996年第76號第4條增補)

詳列交互參照: 6,6A,6B,6C




分,須視為各別的債項。 〈* 註─詳列交互參照:第6,6A,6B,6C條 *〉 (由1996年第76號第4條增補)

條: 6C 特快呈請 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998



條: 6D 因應債權人的呈請而進行的法律程序 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

詳列交互參照: 6,6A,6B,6C

    1. 凡有呈請就一筆債項,或某些債項中的一筆債項而提出,則除非法院信納該債項是一筆符合以下情況的債項,否則法院不得因應債權人的呈請而作出破產令─
      1. (a)該債項在該項呈請的日期已是須償付的或在此之後成為須償付的,但既沒有獲償付,亦沒有就其提供抵押或作出了結;或
      2. (b) 該債項到期須償付時,債務人沒有合理的希望有能力償付。
    1. 如呈請書載有第6C條規定的陳述,則在根據第6A條送達任何法定要求償債書後的3星期屆滿之前,法院不得作出破產令。
    2. (3) 如法院信納債務人有能力償付其全部債項或信納─
      1. (a) 呈請是就某債項提出,而債務人已提出要約,以就該債項提供抵押或作出了結;
      2. (b) 假若該項要約獲接受則需要駁回該項呈請;及
  1. (c) 該項要約已被無理地拒絕, 則法院可駁回該項呈請,此外,法院在為施行本款而裁定該債務人是否有能力償付其全部債項時,須考慮其或有的或預期的負債。
  2. 在為施行本條而裁定甚麼構成債務人於債項到期須償付時有能力償付該債項的合理的希望時,須假設債權人訂立導致該債項的交易時所知道的事實及其他事宜所顯示的希望為合理的希望。
  3. 第6至6C條或本條的條文,並不損害法院按照規則而授權作出以下作為的權力:以刪去任何債權人或債項的方式修訂債權人的呈請和授權着手處理債權人的呈請,而如此着手處理則猶如為施行該等條文而作出的事情僅是由或僅是就餘下的債權人或債項而作出的。 〈* 註─詳列交互參照:第6,6A,6B,6C條 *〉


條: 7 破產令所針對商號的法律責任 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

(1) 以下條文對在香港經營業務的商號有效─

(a) (由1996年第76號第5條廢除)
(b)針對商號作出的破產令,如僅列明商號的名稱而並無提及其合夥人的名字,即已足夠,而該破產令則影響所有合夥人聯權共有的財產及各別的財產; (由1996年第76號第
(c)債權人針對商號提出破產呈請的權利及法院針對商號作出破產令的司法管轄權,不得因商號的全部或任何合夥人並非居於香港,或並非以香港為其居籍的事實(如此等事實屬實的話)而受影響。 (由1996年第76號第5條修訂)
  1. 在有關個案性質許可的範圍內,本條條文適用於任何以本身名字以外的其他名字或名稱而在香港經營業務的人。
    1. 任何債權人可針對商號而提出破產令的呈請,提出的方式與其針對一名債務人而提出該等呈請的方式相同,但須就該商號符合第4(1)(c)(ii)、5、6、6A及6B條中列出的條件。 (由1996年第76號第5條增補)
    2. (由1984年第47號第16條修訂)
    1. 任何呈請書一經提交後,破產管理署署長如有理 由相信有人已犯或將犯本條例所訂的任何罪行,或有人已作出或將作出任何欺詐行為,即可以信差或以普通郵遞方式送交通知書,傳召債務人到其席前提供他所需要的資料。破產管理署署長或獲其以書面授權的代理人,亦可在上午8時至下午6時之間進入債務人所佔用的任何處所,檢查其財產、存貨及帳簿。
    2. (2) 債務人有責任將其有權給予或有權取得的一切資料提供給破產管理署署長。
  2. 如債務人在無合理因由下沒有按上述規定到破產管理署署長席前或向他提供資料,或妨礙對有關處所的搜查,或妨礙出示為進行該項搜查而需要的任何簿冊或文件,或授權或准許他人作出該等妨礙的行為,則在循簡易程序定罪後,可被處為期不超過6個月的監禁,而參予作出該等妨礙行為的每名人士,不論其是否獲債務人授權或准許,均可被處相同的刑罰。
  3. 債權人的呈請書須由債權人或由代債權人行事且知悉有關事實的人以誓章核實,並須以訂明的方式送達。 (由1987年第39號第2條修訂)
  4. 在聆訊時,法院須要求提出呈請的債權人提交債權證明及送達呈請書的證明;法院如信納該等證明,則可依據該項呈請作出破產令。 (由1996年第76號第6條修訂)
    1. 如法院不信納提出呈請的債權人的債權證明或送達呈請書的證明,或債務人使法院信納他有能力償付其債項或有合理的希望有能力償付其債項,或法院認為基於其他充分因由而不應作出任何命令,則法院可駁回呈請。 (由1986年第45號第2條修訂;由1996年第76號第6條修訂)
    2. (4) (由1996年第76號第6條廢除)
  5. 凡債務人出席破產呈請的聆訊,並否認欠呈請人任何債項,或否認所欠款額令呈請人有充分理由針對他 提出呈請,在債務人按法院要求提供保證(如有的話),保證呈請人會獲支付任何循適當法律途徑而確立為債務人須償付的債項,以及為確立該債項所需的訟費,則法院可因應審訊與該債項有關的問題所需的時間,將所有就該項呈請而進行的法律程序擱置,而不將該項破產呈請駁回。
  6. 凡將法律程序擱置,法院可因該項擱置引起延誤,或因法院認為公正的任何其他因由,而應其他債權人提出的呈請作出破產令;在此情況下,法院須隨即按其認為公正的條款,駁回有關呈
請,而上述已予擱置的法律程序是就該呈請而進行的。 (由1996年第76號第6條修訂)
(7) (由1996年第76號第6條廢除)
〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 5 U.K.〕
條: 10 債務人的呈請理由 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
  1. (1) 債務人的呈請只可基於債務人無能力償付其債項的理由向法院提出。
    1. (2) 呈請書須附有一份債務人的資產負債狀況說明書,該說明書須載有─
      1. (a)訂明的該債務人的債權人的詳情、債務人的債項及其他負債的詳情以及債務人的資產的詳情;及
      2. (b) 訂明的其他資料。
  2. 不論債務人欠債的總額是否等於或超過根據第6(2)(a)條所規定的債權人的呈請的款額,均可

提出債務人的呈請。 (由1996年第76號第7條代替)

條: 11 破產管理署署長在呈請的聆訊中出庭 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

就任何債權人或債務人的呈請進行聆訊時,破產管理署署長可出庭,並可傳召、訊問及盤問任何證人,如他認為合適,亦可支持或反對作出破產令。 (由1996年第76號第73條修訂)

條: 12 破產令的效力 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

(1)在破產令作出後,破產管理署署長即藉該命令而成為破產人財產的暫行受託人,此後,除本條例另有指示外,破產人如欠任何債權人任何破產案中可證債項,則除非該債權人獲得法院許可並遵守法院所施加的條款,否則該債權人不得就該債項而從破產人的財產或破產人本人得到任何補救,亦不得進行或開始任何訴訟或其他法律程序。 (由1996年第76號第8及72條修訂;由2005年第18號第3修訂)

(1A) 就債務人的呈請而言,作為暫行受託人的破產管理署署長如認為以下條件獲符合,即可於任何時間委任任何人取代他擔任破產人財產的暫行受託人—

(a) 破產人財產的價值相當可能不超過$200000;及
(b) 該人具有附表3所訂明的資格。 (由2005年第18號第3條增補)

(1B)破產管理署署長委任任何人為暫行受託人的權力,包括委任2名或多於2名的人為共同暫行受託人的權力;但該項委任必須為在何種情況下該等暫行受託人必須一起行事訂立條文,以及為在何種情況下他們當中的一人或多於一人可代表其他人行事而訂立條文。 (由2005年第18號第3條增補)

(1C) 財經事務及庫務局局長可藉在憲報刊登的公告修訂附表3。 (由2005年第18號第3條增補)

(2) 本條不影響任何有抵押債權人將其抵押品變現或以其他方式處理的權力。 [比照 1914 c. 59 s. 7 U.K.]

條: 13 委任臨時受託人的權力 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007


(由1996年第76號第9條修訂;由2005年第18號第4條修訂) [比照 1914 c. 59 s. 8 U.K.]

條: 14 擱置待決法律程序的權力 30/06/1997
  1. 法院可在破產呈請提出後的任何時間,擱置任何針對債務人的財產或其本人而進行的訴訟、判決執行或其他法律程序,或容許該項訴訟、判決執行或法律程序按法院認為公正的條款繼續進行。
  2. 凡法院作出命令擱置任何訴訟或法律程序,或整體地擱置所有法律程序,法院可藉將蓋有法院印章的該命令的副本,以郵遞方式送交原告人或提起該法律程序另一方的送達地址,或送交其律師的地址,作為該命令的送達。
    1. 在以不損害第(1)款條文為原則下,如法院命令免除針對任何債務人執行民事債項判決,則法院可施加其認為合適的條件,尤其可規定該債務人須提供保證,以保證他會在其後的破產法律程序中出席及遵守一切與該程序有關的法院命令,作為該項免除的條件。
    2. 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 9 U.K.〕
    1. 法院在破產管理署署長或任何一名或多於一名債權人提出申請時,如信納基於債務人的產業或業務性質或債權人的一般利益,需要委任破產管理署署長以外的人為該產業或業務的特別經理人,則法院可據此委任經理人管理該產業或業務,而該經理人具有破產管理署署長託付他的各項權力 (包括接管人所具有的任何權力)。 (由2005年第18號第5條修訂)
      1. (2) 特別經理人須按法院指示的方式提供保證及呈交帳目。
      2. (3) 特別經理人須獲付法院釐定的酬金。 (由1996年第76號第10條修訂)
        1. (4) 在—
          1. (a)有人根據第12(1A)條獲委任為暫行受託人的情況下,特別經理人的任期持續至該項委任;或
          2. (b)任何其他情況下,特別經理人的任期持續至有受託人根據第17、100D(1)、112(4)或112A(1)(i)條或附表1第II部第6段獲委任,或有人根據上述任何條文成為受託人。 (由2005年第18號第5條增補)
條: 15 委任特別經理人的權力 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

[比照 1914 c. 59 s. 10 U.K.]

條: 16 破產令的刊登 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998


破產管理署署長在憲報刊登。 (由1996年第76號第73條修訂) 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 11 U.K.〕

條: 17 委任受託人的權力 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998


  1. 除在就破產人的產業所作出的簡易方式管理的命令的有效期外,委任某名合適的人為受託人(不論是首任受託人抑或是獲委任填補空缺的受託人)的權力可在破產人的債權人的大會上行使。
  2. 委任任何人為受託人的權力,包括委任2名或多於2名的人為共同受託人的權力;但該項委任必須為在何種情況下該等受託人一起行事,以及在何種情況下他們當中一名或多於一名的受託人可代表其餘受託人行事而訂立條文。
    1. 委任任何人為受託人的委任,自作出該項委任的債權人的決議或法院的命令(視屬何情況而定)中指明的時間起生效。
    2. (4) 本條並不損害本條例中破產管理署署長據之而在某些情況下成為受託人的條文。 (由1996年第76號第11條代替)
    1. 凡已作出破產令,但沒有作出對破產人的產業作簡易方式管理的命令,則暫行受託人在職責上須於自作出破產令之日起計的12星期的期間內,在切實可行範圍內盡快決定是否為根據第17條委任一名受託人一事而召集該破產人的債權人的大會。
    2. (2) 凡已作出刑事破產令,而該刑事破產令受第17B(3)條訂立的條文所規限,則本條不適用。
    1. 除第17B條另有規定外,如暫行受託人決定不召集大會,則他須在第(1)款所提述的12個星期的期間終結之前,將其決定通知法院和通知為暫行受託人所知悉的或在該破產人的資產負債說明書中所識別的每名債權人。
    2. (4) 在根據第(3)款給予法院通知的當日,暫行受託人即為受託人。 (由1996年第76號第11條增補。由2005年第18號第6條修訂)
  3. 在任何破產案中,如暫行受託人尚未為根據第17條委任受託人的目的召集破產人的債權人的大會,或已決定不召集該大會,則該破產人的任何債權人可請求暫行受託人為該目的而召集該大會。
  4. (2) 如暫行受託人覺得該項請求已獲破產人的債權人(包括作出該項請求的債權人)當中佔不少於債權價值四分之一的債權人的贊同,則暫行受託人在職責上須召集所請求的大會。
條: 17A 為委任首任受託人而召集會議 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007
條: 17B 債權人請求召集大會的權力 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007


據第17A(3)條送達任何通知。 (由1996年第76號第11條增補。由2005年第18號第7條修訂)

條: 18 資產負債狀況說明書 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007
    1. 凡已有任何破產令並非是因應債務人的呈請而作出的,則破產人須在自該命令作出之日起計不超過21天內,向受託人呈交其以誓章核實的資產負債狀況說明書。
        1. (2) 該資產負債狀況說明書須載有─
          1. (a)訂明的該破產人的債權人的詳情、破產人的債項及其他負債的詳情以及破產人的資產的詳情;及
          2. (b) 訂明的其他資料。
      1. (3) 如受託人認為合適,可─ (由2005年第18號第8條修訂)
    2. (a) 免除破產人在第(1)款下的責任;或
    1. (b) 延展該款指明的期間, 此外,凡受託人已拒絕行使獲本條授予的權力,法院如認為合適,可行使該權力。
    2. (4) 任何破產人─
    3. (a) 沒有履行本條施加的義務;或
  1. (b) 呈交一份不符合訂明的規定的資產負債狀況說明書, 而無合理辯解,即屬犯藐視法庭罪,可據此受到處罰(附加於他可受到的任何其他處罰之上)。


理時間查閱該說明書和拿取其副本或摘錄,但任何人如自稱為債權人而事實並非如此,即屬犯藐視法庭罪,須因應受託人的申請而據此受到處罰。 (由1996年第76號第12條代替。由2005年第18號第8條修訂)


  1. 凡已作出破產令,破產管理署署長或受託人可在破產人的破產解除前的任何時間,向法院申請對該破產人進行公開訊問。 (由2005年第18號第9條修訂)
  2. 除非法院另有命令,否則如破產人的債權人中的一名債權人在已獲債權人(包括作出通知的債權人)當中佔不少於債權價值四分之一的債權人的贊同下,按照規則通知受託人,請求他根據第(1)款提出申請,受託人須如此提出申請。 (由2005年第18號第9條修訂)
  3. 凡破產人的債權人中的一名債權人在沒有獲得第(2)款所規定的債權人贊同下如此作出請求,則受託人須根據第(1)款提出申請,但儘管有第(4)款的規定,法院可拒絕對該破產人作出進行公開訊問的指示。 (由2005年第18號第9條修訂)
  4. 法院須因應第(1)款所指的申請,指示在其指定的日期對破產人進行公開訊問,而該破產人須在該日出席並就其事務、交易及財產接受公開訊問。

(4A) 受託人可在應債權人要求根據第(1)款提出申請前或在提出該申請後的任何時間,以書面要求該債權人在指明的時間內,向受託人繳存受託人認為需要的款項或額外款項,以供支付受託人進行公開訊問的費用及開支。 (由2005年第18號第9條增補)

(4B)儘管有第(2)及(3)款的規定,如受託人根據第(4A)款向債權人提出要求而該債權人沒有遵從該要求,受託人可拒絕根據第(1)款提出申請或中止有關的公開訊問。 (由2005年第18號第9條增補)

    1. 以下人士可參與對破產人的公開訊問,並可就有關該破產人的事務、交易及財產及其失敗的因由向其提問─
      1. (a)破產管理署署長及(如屬根據第3(1)(d)條所指的一項呈請而被判定破產的債務人)法定呈請人;
      2. (b) 受託人; (由2005年第18號第9條修訂)
      3. (c) 任何獲委任為該破產人的產業或業務的特別經理人的人;
      4. (d) 已在該宗破產案中提交債權證明表的破產人的任何債權人。
  1. (6) 破產人可聘用律師,亦可轉聘大律師(但開支不得由破產人的產業支付),該律師或大律師可向該破產人提出問題,而該等問題是法院為了使該破產人能解釋其回答或能限定其回答的範圍而容許提出的問題;該律師或大律師亦可代表該破產人作出申述。
    1. 訊問須按法院認為適當的方式作書面紀錄,該紀錄須在法院指定的地點向或由該破產人宣讀、由該破產人簽署並以誓章核實。
      1. (8) (由2005年第18號第9條廢除)
      2. (9) 根據本條接受訊問的破產人有責任回答法院向其提出的或法院容許向其提出的所有問題。
      3. 根據本條經宣誓而作的證供,不得在刑事法律程序中獲接納,但在就該名作此證供的人所

作的偽證罪而進行的刑事法律程序中則除外。 (由1996年第76號第13條代替)

條: 20 臨時命令 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998


  1. (1) 在第20A條指明的情況下,法院可根據本條作出臨時命令。
    1. (2) 臨時命令在其有效期間具有以下效力─
      1. (a) 與債務人有關的破產呈請不得提出或進行;及
      2. (b)除在法院許可下,不得針對債務人或其財產而開始或繼續進行任何其他程序、判決執

行或其他法律程序以及財物扣押。 (由1996年第76號第13條代替)

條: 20A 臨時命令的申請 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

(1) 凡債務人擬作出建議,可向法院申請臨時命令。


    1. (3) 申請可由以下人士提出─
      1. (a) (如債務人是未獲解除破產的破產人)該債務人、受託人或破產管理署署長;及
      2. (b) (在任何其他情況下)債務人。
    1. (4) 除非未獲解除破產的破產人已將建議通知─
      1. (a) 破產管理署署長;及
      2. (b) 受託人(如有的話),

否則任何申請均不得由未獲解除破產的破產人提出。 (由1996年第76號第13條增補)

條: 20B 申請的效力 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
  1. (1) 在根據第20A條提出的臨時命令的申請待決的任何時間,法院可擱置針對債務人的財產或其本人而進行的任何訴訟、判決執行或其他法律上的程序。
  2. 如在任何法院中有針對任何債務人的法律程序待決,則該法院可在有證明已有就該債務人而根據該條提出申請的情況下,擱置該等法律程序或容許該等法律程序在該法院認為合適的條款下繼續進行。


條: 20C 可作出臨時命令的情況 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

詳列交互參照: 20A,20B,20C,20D,20E,20F,20G,20H,20I,20J,20K,20L

(1) 除非法院信納─

(a) 債務人擬提出建議;
(c) 在截至該日為止的12個月期間內,債務人以前並沒有申請作出臨時命令, 否則法院不得因應根據第20A條提出的申請而作出臨時命令。
(2) 如法院認為為方便考慮和實行債務人的建議而作出命令是適當的,可作出命令。
除第20A至20L條另有所指外,因應根據第20A條提出的申請而作出的臨時命令,在自作出該項命令之日後14天的期間終結時停止生效。 〈*註─詳列交互參照:第20A,20B,20C,20D,20E,20F,20G,20H,20I,20J,20K,20L條 *〉
(1) 凡已因應根據第20A條所提出的申請而作出臨時命令,則代名人須在該項命令停止生效前向法院呈交一份報告,述明─
(a) 他是否認為應該召集債務人的債權人的會議,以考慮該債務人的建議;及
(b) (如他認為應該召集上述會議)他建議的會議的舉行日期、時間及地點。
(2) 為使代名人能擬備其報告,債務人須向該代名人呈交─
(a) 一份列出該債務人所建議的自願安排的條款的文件;及
(b) 一份其資產負債狀況說明書,該說明書須載有─
(i) 訂明的其債權人及其債項以及其他負債與其資產的詳情;及
(ii) 訂明的其他資料。

(5) 如法院因應代名人的申請而信納以下事宜,則法院可撤銷臨時命令─

(a) 債務人沒有履行第(2)款指明的義務;或

的。 (由1996年第76號第13條增補)

  1. (1) 凡代名人已根據第20D條向法院報告應該召集一次債務人的債權人的會議,則除非法院另有指示,否則代名人須按其報告所建議的時間、日期及地點而召集該會議。
  2. 被召集參加會議的人,均須為債務人的債權人,且其申索及地址是召集該會議的人所知悉的。

(3) 為此目的,債務人(該債務人是一名未獲解除破產的破產人)的債權人包括─

(a) 每名就破產債項身為該破產人的債權人的人;及
(b) (假如該宗破產案自發出關於該會議的通知之日起已告開始)每名將會如此成為債權人的

人。 (由1996年第76號第13條增補) (1) 根據第20E條召集的債權人的會議,須決定是否批准建議中的自願安排。

條: 20F 債權人的會議的決定 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
  1. 會議可批准經修改的建議中的自願安排,但須在債務人同意每項修改的情況下,方可批准。
  2. 如有任何建議或修改影響債務人的有抵押債權人強制執行其抵押的權利,則除非獲有關債權人的贊同,否則會議不得批准該項建議或修改。

(4) 如根據任何建議或修改─


於其根據該條的條文有權獲償付的款額, 則除非獲有關債權人的贊同,否則會議不得批准該項建議或修改。

(5) 會議須按照規則進行。 (由1996年第76號第13條增補)

條: 20G 向法院作出決定的報告 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998


(2) 如該報告的內容是該會議已拒絕(不論有否作出修改)批准債務人的建議,則法院可撤銷就該

債務人仍屬有效的任何臨時命令。 (由1996年第76號第13條增補)

條: 20H 批准的效力 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
    1. (1) 凡根據第20E條召集的會議批准建議的自願安排(不論有否作出修改),則─
        1. (a) 該項獲批准的安排─
          1. (i) 的生效情況猶如它是由債務人在該會議上作出的一樣;及
          2. (ii) 對按照規則而獲通知該會議並有權在該會議上表決的每名人士具約束力(不論他是否已親自出席或由他人代表他出席該會議);及
      1. (b)緊接自根據第20G條就債權人的會議向法院作出報告之日起計的28天期間終結之前就債務人仍屬有效的任何臨時命令,在該期間終結時即停止生效。
  1. (2) 第(1)(b)款予以適用,但在法院為根據第20J條提出的任何申請而作出指示的範圍內則除外。
  2. 凡因應破產呈請而進行的法律程序被一項臨時命令擱置,而該臨時命令根據第(1)(b)款停止

生效,則除非法院另有指示,否則該項呈請須當作已被駁回。 (由1996年第76號第13條增補)

條: 20I 當債務人是未獲解除破產的破產人時的效力 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998


(a) 廢止該債務人據之而被判定破產的破產令;或


(2) 法院不得在以下時間根據第(1)款廢止一項破產令─


提出該等上訴期間的任何時間。 (由1996年第76號第13條增補)

    1. 在符合本條的規定下,可由第(2)款指明的任何一名人士基於以下一項或兩項理由向法院提出申請─
      1. (a)根據第20E條召集的債權人的會議所批准的自願安排,不公平地損害債務人的債權人的利益;
      2. (b) 在該會議上或在與該會議有關的方面有某項具關鍵性的不符合規定的事。
    2. (2) 以下人士可根據本條提出申請─
      1. (a) 債務人;
      2. (b) 按照規則有權在債權人的會議上表決的人;
      3. (c) 代名人(或第20K(3)條所指的其代替者);及
      4. (d) (如債務人是一名未獲解除破產的破產人)受託人或破產管理署署長。
  1. 在自根據第20G條就債權人的會議向法院作出報告之日起計的28天期間終結後,不得提出本條所指的申請。
    1. 凡法院因應根據本條提出的申請信納第(1)款所述的兩個理由中的任何一個理由,則可作出以下一項或兩項作為─
      1. (a) 撤銷或暫時中止會議所給予的任何批准;
      2. (b)指示任何人召集另一次債務人的債權人的會議,以考慮債務人可作出任何修改的建議,或(如屬第(1)(b)款所指的情況),以再考慮其原本的建議。
  2. 凡在為考慮一項修改的建議而根據第(4)(b)款作出召集會議的指示後的任何時間,法院信納債務人不擬呈交該項建議,則法院須撤銷該項指示並撤銷或暫時中止在以前的會議上所給予的任何批准。
  3. 凡法院根據第(4)(b)款作出指示,則它亦可作出指示,使任何臨時命令中關乎債務人的效力在其指示所指明的期間繼續有效或重新生效(視屬何情況而定)。
    1. 如任何人就債權人的會議而根據本條提出申請,而法院因應該項申請根據第(4)(b)款作出指示或根據第(4)(a)或(5)款撤銷或暫時中止一項批准,則法院可作出其認為合適的補充指示,尤其是就以下事宜作出指示─
      1. (a) 自從該會議以來根據該會議批准的自願安排而作出的事情;及
      2. (b)自從該會議以來作出的事情,而假若在作出該等事情時已有一項臨時命令就該破產人生效,則該等事情是本不可作出的。


議上或在與該會議有關的方面有不符合規定的事而無效。 (由1996年第76號第13條增補)



(a) 確認、推翻或修改該代名人的任何作為或決定;
(b) 向他作出指示;或
(c) 作出法院認為合適的其他命令。
  1. (2) 代名人可就在自願安排下產生的任何特定事宜向法院申請作出指示。
    1. (3) 凡在─
      1. (a) 委任一名人士執行代名人的職能乃屬合宜時;及
      2. (b) 沒有法院協助的情況下作出一項委任乃屬不合宜、困難或不切實可行時,

法院可作出命令委任一名在破產管理事宜方面有經驗的人士取代現有的代名人或填補某一空缺。 (由1996年第76號第13條增補)

條: 20L 與自願安排有關的失責行為 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

詳列交互參照: 20,20A,20B,20C,20D,20E,20F,20G,20H,20I,20J,20K


(a) 債務人沒有根據該自願安排而履行其義務;或
(b) 在任何要項上屬虛假或誤導的資料或載有關鍵性的遺漏的資料─
(i) 曾載於債務人根據第20至20K條而向任何人提供的任何資產負債狀況說明書內;或 〈*註─詳列交互參照:第20,20A,20B,20C,20D,20E,20F,20G,20H,20I,20J,20K條 *〉
(ii) 在根據該等條文召集的一次會議上或在與該次會議有關的情況下,由債務人以其他方式提供予其債權人;或
(c) 債務人沒有作出該項安排的代名人為該自願安排而本可合理要求他作出的全部事情。


致的任何開支,須為該破產人的產業的第一押記。 (由1996年第76號第13條增補)

條: 21 (1996年第76號第13條廢除) L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
條: 22 (1996年第76號第13條廢除) L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
條: 23 關於破產管理署署長以外的人獲委任為受託人的條文 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
    1. (1) 凡在任何破產案中,破產管理署署長以外的任何人獲委任為受託人,則─
      1. (a)在該人已將其獲委任一事通知破產管理署署長並提供令破產管理署署長滿意的第(2)(a)款所訂定的保證之前,該人不能以受託人身分行事;
      2. (b)為使破產管理署署長能根據本條例執行其職責,該人須向破產管理署署長提供必需的資料,並使其能取用必需的破產人簿冊及文件,和提供查閱該等簿冊及文件的必需設備及一般必需的協助。
  1. (2) 如受託人不是破產管理署署長,則以下有關保證的條文須具有效力─
(a) 須以破產管理署署長不時指示的方式,向破產管理署署長提供保證;

擔,且不得作為在該宗破產案中招致的開支而從產業的資產中支付。 (由1996年第76號第14條代替)

條: 24 債權人委員會 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
    1. 有資格表決的債權人,可在其第一次或其後任何會議上,藉決議委出一個債權人委員會,以與受託人一起行事。 (由1996年第76號第15條修訂)
    2. (2) - (9) (由1996年第76號第15條廢除)
  1. 如並無委出債權人委員會,則本條例授權或規定須由債權人委員會作出或給予的任何作為、事情、指示或准許,可由法院應受託人的申請而作出或給予。 (由1996年第76號第15條修訂)

[比照 1914 c. 59 s. 20 U.K.]

條: 25 (1996年第76號第16條廢除) L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
條: 26 破產人在披露經濟狀況及將財產變現方面的責任 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998


  1. 破產令所針對的債務人須出席債權人第一次會議,但因患病或其他充分因由而不能出席者除外。該債務人並須按會議上提出的要求而接受訊問及提供資料。 (由1996年第76號第73條修訂)
  2. 該債務人須按破產管理署署長、特別經理人或受託人的合理要求,或按本條例的規定,或按法院在個別情況下或應破產管理署署長、特別經理人、受託人、任何債權人或任何有利害關係的人的特別申請而藉特別命令訂明或指示的規定,交出債務人的財產清單、其債權人列表及他欠他們的債項列表,以及其債務人列表及他們欠他的債項列表;債務人亦須按該等要求或規定而接受關於其財產或其債權人的訊問、出席其債權人的其他會議、在規定的時間面見破產管理署署長、特別經理人或受託人、簽立授權書、轉易契、契據和文書,並概括地作出關於其財產及關於在其債權人之間分發收益事宜的一切作為及事情。
  3. (3) 該債務人須竭盡所能,協助將其財產變現及將收益在其債權人之間分發。 (由1996年第76號第17條修訂)
    1. 如該破產人故意不履行本條規定其須履行的任何責任,或故意不將其財產中當其時由其管有或控制而根據本條例可在其債權人之間分配的任何部分的管有權,交予破產管理署署長、受託人或獲法院授權接管該部分財產的任何人,則除可處以他應受的任何懲罰外,他亦犯藐視法庭罪,並可據此受罰。 (由1996年第76號第72條修訂)
    2. 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 22 U.K.〕
    1. 在下述情況下,法院可向手令內指名的任何人發出手令,以逮捕債務人及檢取債務人所管有或控制的或與其事務有關的任何簿冊、文據、金錢及貨品,並使債務人及該等簿冊、文據、金錢及貨品按訂明的規定獲得穩妥看管,直至法院藉命令規定的時間為止─
      1. (a)在債務人提出破產呈請後或有人針對債務人提出破產呈請後,如法院覺得有頗能成理的因由相信債務人已潛逃或即將潛逃,而其目的是逃避償付任何債項,或逃避破產呈請書的送達,或逃避就任何該等呈請應訊,或逃避接受有關其事務的訊問,或在其他方面逃避、拖延或妨礙針對他而進行的破產法律程序; (由1996年第76號第18條修訂)
      2. (b)在債務人提出破產呈請後或有人針對債務人提出破產呈請後,如法院覺得有頗能成理的因由相信債務人即將把其貨品脫手或移走,而其目的是防止破產管理署署長或受託人接管其貨品或拖延該項接管,或法院覺得有頗能成理的理由相信債務人已經隱藏或即將隱藏或銷毀其任何貨品或在其破產過程中可能對其債權人有用的任何簿冊、文件或文書;
      3. (c)如在向債務人送達破產呈請書後,或在有破產令針對債務人作出後,債務人未經破產管理署署長或受託人許可,將其所管有而價值超過$50的任何貨品移走; (由1950年第37號附表修訂;由1996年第76號第73條修訂)
      4. (d) 如債務人並無提出好的因由而不出席法院命令進行的任何訊問;
      5. (e) 如有頗能成理的因由相信債務人已犯有根據本條例可予處罰的罪行。 (由1996年第76號第18條修訂)
條: 27 在某些情況下逮捕債務人 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998


獲豁免受本條例中關於不公平的優惠的條文的規限。 (由1996年第76號第18條修訂) [比照 1914 c. 59 s. 23 U.K.]

條: 28 破產人的電報及信件轉寄 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998



[比照 1914 c. 59 s. 24 U.K.]

條: 29 對破產人的行為操守、交易及財產進行的查訊 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

(1)法院應破產管理署署長或受託人的申請,可在針對破產人作出破產令後的任何時間,傳召破產人或其配偶,或傳召據悉管有或被懷疑管有屬於破產人的任何產業或物品的任何人,或應是欠破產人任何債項的人,或法院認為能夠就破產人、其交易或其財產而提供資料的人。法院並可要求任何該等人士出示由其保管或在其權力範圍內而又與破產人、其交易或其財產有關的文件。 (由1996年第76號第71、72及73條修訂)

(1A)法院可要求一名第(1)款提述的人(破產人除外)向法院呈交一份誓章,載有註明其與該破產人所作的交易的帳目或出示由其管有的或控制的並與該破產人或該破產人的交易、事務或財產有關的任何文件。 (由1996年第76號第19條增補)


    1. 法院可自行或由為此目的而委派的專員,對如此被帶到庭上的任何人,就破產人、其交易或其財產及法院認為有關的任何其他事宜而進行經宣誓後的口頭或書面質詢形式的訊問。 (由1996年第76號第19及72條修訂)
    2. (3A)根據第(3)款接受訊問的人有責任回答法院向其提出的或法院容許向其提出的所有問題。(由1996年第76號第19條增補) (3B) 根據本條經宣誓而作的證供,在刑事法律程序中(在作此證供的人被控犯偽證罪的刑事法律程序中則除外)不得予以接納。 (由1996年第76號第19條增補)
  1. 如在任何人接受訊問後法院覺得該人對破產人欠有債項,則法院應破產管理署署長或受託人的申請,可命令該人在法院認為合宜的時間及以法院認為合宜的方式,向破產管理署署長或受託人繳付該人所承認款額的款項或其中任何部分,而該項付款是否清償全部有關款項,則視乎法院認為合適者而定,法院並可命令該人繳付或無須繳付該項訊問的訟費。 (由1996年第76號第19條及72條修訂)
  2. 如在任何人接受訊問後法院覺得該人管有屬於破產人的任何財產,則法院應破產管理署署長或受託人的申請,可命令該人在法院認為公正的時間並按法院認為公正的方式及條款,將該等財產或其中任何部分交付破產管理署署長或受託人。 (由1996年第76號第19條及72條修訂)
  3. 法院如認為合適,可命令任何若身在香港則可根據本條被帶出庭的人,在香港以外任何地方,接受為此目的而委派的專員的訊問。 (由1984年第47號第6條修訂)
  4. 如破產人、其配偶或其他證人去世,而死者的證供已根據本條例妥為錄取,則該名死者所作而看來是已加蓋法院印章的筆錄供詞,或該供詞的一份看來是已如此加蓋印章的副本,須在所有法律程序中獲接納為該供詞內所述事情的證據,但一切為求公正而作例外處理者除外。 (由1996年第76號第71及72條修訂)

[比照 1914 c. 59 s. 25 U.K.]


(a) 自作出該破產令之日開始;及
(b) 繼續直至他根據第30A或30B條獲解除破產為止。 (由1996年第76號第20條代替)

詳列交互參照: 131,132,133,134,135,136

  1. (1) 在符合本條的規定下,破產人在本條所指的有關期間屆滿時,即獲解除破產。
    1. (2) 第(1)款提述的有關期間如下─
      1. (a) 就以前從未被判定破產的人而言,自破產開始起計的4年期;
      2. (b) 就以前曾被判定破產的人而言,自破產開始起計的5年期。


(a) 就以前從未被判定破產的人而言,4年期;或
(b) 就以前曾被判定破產的人而言,3年期。

(4) 根據本條對破產人的破產解除提出反對時可基於的理由如下─


(b) 破產人的破產解除將會損害對其產業的管理;
(c) 在對破產人產業的管理方面,破產人並不合作;
(d) 破產人就破產開始前的期間或就破產開始後的期間的行為操守並不令人感到滿意;
(f) 破產人在知悉自己無力償債後仍繼續營商;
(g)破產人已犯第129條或第131至136條中的任何一條所訂的罪行; 〈*註─詳列交互參照:第131,132,133,134,135,136條 *〉
(h) 破產人沒有為受託人擬備一份其入息及財產的取得的周年報告。

(5) 在本條所指的有關期間終結前不少於3個月,受託人須─

(a) 以平郵將通知寄到每名證明債權的債權人的最後為人所知的地址;或

(b) 將通知在行銷於香港的一份中文報章及一份英文報章上分別以中文及英文刊登, 告知債權人─
(i) 該破產人在沒有反對的情況下將獲解除破產;
(iii) 他們每個人均有反對該項破產解除的權利,並說明反對可基於的理由和提出反對的手續。
(a) 通知法院;及
(b) (如他是一名債權人)亦須通知受託人, 說明其反對的理由並申請根據第(3)款作出的命令。

(8) 凡破產人已獲解除破產,則儘管他已獲解除破產,他仍須─

(a) 繼續提供予受託人為完成對產業的管理而要求的關於該破產人的事務的資料;及

求的其他事情, 而任何已獲解除破產的破產人如沒有遵從本款的規定,即屬犯藐視法庭罪,並可應受託人申請據此而受罰。


(10) 儘管有第(1)至(3)款的規定,凡破產人─

(b) 在其破產開始後─
(i) 離開香港,而沒有將其行程和聯絡處通知受託人;或
(ii) 沒有在受託人指明的日期或期間內返回香港,


  1. 本條並不損害法院廢止破產令的任何權力。 (由1996年第76號第20條增補)
  2. (1) 即使第30A條所指的有關期間尚未屆滿,任何破產人如─

(a) 以前從未被判定破產,可在任何時間;或

(b) 以前曾被判定破產,可在破產令的日期後不少於3年, 向法院申請一項為其解除破產的命令。
(2) 如破產人有以下情況,法院不得根據本條作出命令─
(a) 該破產人以前曾─
(i) 根據以在《1996年破產(修訂)條例》(1996年第76號)實施前的狀況為準的本條例與其債權人訂立債務重整協議或債務償還安排;或
(ii) 訂立自願安排;
(c) 該破產人沒有披露在任何財產方面的實益權益;
(d) 該破產人沒有披露在該破產令的日期存在的任何債務;
(f) 該破產人在該破產令的日期後就一筆超過$15000的款項或合計超過$15000的多於一筆款項,曾就一名人士作出誤導的行為;
(h) 該破產人在被要求將其護照或其他旅行證件交予受託人時,沒有照辦或拒絕照辦;
(i) 沒有與受託人合作。

(5) 第30A(8)及(9)條適用於本條所指的破產解除。 (由1996年第76號第20條增補)

詳列交互參照: 30,30A,30B

(1)除第(2)款另有規定外,第30至30B條適用於在該等條文實施前作出的破產令,但解除破產令須是尚未就破產令作出的。 〈* 註─詳列交互參照:第30,30A,30B條 *〉

(2) 凡破產人─

(a)以前從未被判定破產,而該破產令是在第30至30B條實施前不少於42個月的期間內作出的;或 〈* 註─詳列交互參照:第30,30A,30B條 *〉 (由1997年第80號第101條修訂)
(b)以前曾有一次被判定破產,而現行的破產令是在第30至30B條實施前不少於54個月的期間內作出的, 〈* 註─詳列交互參照:第30,30A,30B條 *〉 (由1997年第80號第101條修訂)



(1) 凡受託人屬─

(a) 破產管理署署長;或

(b) 律師或《專業會計師條例》(第50章)所界定的會計師, (由2004年第23號第56條修訂) 則為進行第29條所指的訊問的目的,法院可因應該受託人的申請,命令稅務局局長向法院出示─
(i) 破產人向任何稅務人員呈交的(不論是在破產開始之前或之後)任何報稅表或一份或多於一份的帳目;
(ii) 任何稅務人員就破產人所作的(不論是在破產開始之前或之後)任何評稅單或釐定書;或
(iii) 破產人與任何稅務人員之間(不論是在破產開始之前或之後)的任何通信。
(2) 儘管有任何其他條例的規定,稅務局局長須於法院作出命令的21天內─
(a) 以法院可接受的形式出示文件;或
(b) 向法院申請撤銷或更改該命令。


任何文件內容。 (由1996年第76號第21條增補)

(1) 凡在任何一日(“有關日期”)─

(a) 有破產令針對一名債務人作出;或

(b) 由一名債務人建議的自願安排在根據第20E條召集的會議上獲批准, 則本條予以適用,而在本條中,“負責人”(the office-holder) 指破產管理署署長或受託人(視屬何情況而定);就一項自願安排而言,則指代名人。
    1. (3) 在以下情況下提出的要求,即為本款所指的要求─
      1. (a) 由負責人提出或在其贊同下提出的;及
      2. (b)為債務人、該債務人是或曾經是成員的商號或合夥、或該債務人的或該商號或合夥的代理人或經理現在所經營或曾經營的業務而提出的。
    1. (4) 以下乃第(2)款提述的供應─
      1. (a) 向公眾供應氣體;
      2. (b) 向公眾供應電;
      3. (c) 根據《水務設施條例》(第102章)供應水;
      4. (d) 根據《電訊條例》(第106章)獲發牌的公眾電訊經營商所提供的電訊服務。 (由1996年第76號第21條增補)
    1. (1) 破產解除令並不使破產人得以免除償付下列債項或債務─
        1. (a) (由1996年第76號第23條廢除)
        2. (aa)凡根據《販毒(追討得益)條例》(第405章)作出任何沒收令或登記任何外地沒收令,則根據該沒收令或外地沒收令而須支付任何款項的法律責任;或 (由1989年第35號第32條增補。由1991年第19號法律公告修訂)
      1. (b) (由1996年第76號第23條廢除)

款的法律責任, 並沒有任何效力。 (由1996年第76號第23條代替)

  1. 破產解除並不影響破產人的任何有扺押債權人強制執行其扺押以償付該破產人得以免除的債項的權利。 (由1996年第76號第23條代替)
  2. 破產解除令並不使破產人得以免除償付因破產人有份參與的任何欺詐或欺詐違反信託而招致的任何債項或債務,或破產人藉其有份參與的任何欺詐而獲得延期償付的任何債項或債務。 (由1996年第76號第23條代替)
  3. 破產解除並不免除破產人就因任何罪行而遭施加的罰款的法律責任,亦不免除破產人因簽擔保而引致的任何法律責任,但如屬就與公共收入有關的成文法則所訂的罪行而施加的罰款或簽擔保,而財政司司長同意免除,則屬例外。 (由1996年第76號第23條增補。由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
  4. 除在法院指示的範圍內及條件下,破產解除並不免除破產人償付包含於一項法律責任的任何破產債項,而該項法律責任是就對任何人造成的身體損傷而須為疏忽、妨擾或違反任何法定的、合約訂明的或其他職責作出損害賠償。 (由1996年第76號第23條增補)
  5. (7) 破產解除並不免除破產人償付其他破產債項(並非訂明的其破產案中可證債項者)。 (由1996年第76號第23條增補)
  6. 凡破產人因破產解除而獲免除法律責任,則任何其他人(不論該人是作為該破產人的合夥人或共同受託人或其他),並不因該項破產解除而獲免除該法律責任或獲免除該其他人作為破產人的保證人或作為具保證人性質的人的法律責任。 (由1996年第76號第23條增補)

[比照 1914 c. 59 s. 28 U.K.]

(1) 如法院在任何時間覺得─

(a) 基於在作出破產令時存在的任何理由,該破產令本不應作出;或

已在獲法院滿意的情況下予以扺押, 則法院可廢止該破產令。



的, 此外,如法院在任何時間覺得根據第3(1)(d)條提出的呈請所基於的刑事破產令已由於上訴而被撤銷,法院須廢止因應該項呈請而作出破產令。

(3) 不論破產人是否已獲解除破產,法院可廢止任何破產令。

  1. 凡法院根據本條或第20I條廢止一項破產令,則由破產管理署署長、代名人或受託人或法院所作的,或在其授權下所作的財產售賣或其他產權處置、付款或其他妥為作出的事情,均屬有效,但如破產人的產業中有任何部分產業當時是歸屬該受託人的,則須歸屬由法院委任的人士,如法院並無作出該項委任,則須在法院指示的條款(如有的話)下復歸予破產人,此外,法院可將根據規則所批准的補充條文列入其命令中。
  2. 凡法院根據本條或第20I條廢止一項破產令,則法院可就關於該項廢止的廣告宣傳或憲報刊登關於該項廢止的公告及其費用,作出法院認為合適的命令。

(6) 任何有利害關係的人可在獲法院許可的情況下,申請廢止一項破產令。 (由1996年第76號第24條代替)






  1. 性質屬於未經算定損害賠償的要求,而又並非因合約、侵權行為、許諾或違反信託而引起者,不得在破產案中予以證明。 (由1996年第76號第25條修訂)
  2. 除第42(5)條另有規定外,任何人如在某日知悉一項破產呈請,則不得就破產人在他知悉該項破產的日期後所訂約承擔的任何債項或債務而在破產案中提出證明。 (由1996年第76號第25條代替)
  3. 除上述規定外,破產人在破產令的日期須承擔的所有債項與債務,或因其在破產令的日期前所招致的任何義務而在獲破產解除前可能須承擔的所有債項與債務,包括《高等法院條例》(第4章)第56A(2)(b)條所規定的(在判予臨時損害賠償後)支付進一步損害賠償的法律責任,不論該等債項


(3A) 儘管有第(3)款的規定,就根據任何條例而施加的罰款或金錢上的刑罰而欠政府的債項,不屬破產案中可證債項。 (由1996年第76號第25條增補)

(3B) 凡一項破產案中可證債項是須以一種並非港元的貨幣償付的,則受託人或(就一項自願安排而言)代名人或第20K(3)條所指的其代替者,須將該債項的款額從外幣折算為港元,並須以作出該破產令之日由香港銀行公會報價的買入與賣出兌換電匯率之間的中位數進行折算,如無該等兌換率報價,則須以法院釐定的兌換率折算。 (由1996年第76號第25條增補)

(3C)受託人可就一項外幣申索而以港元或以與港元等值的外幣而支付攤還債款,如以外幣支付,受託人須以與第(3B)款所述的相同的折算方法釐定與港元等值的外幣,但須以支付攤還債款的日期進行折算。 (由1996年第76號第25條增補)

(4)任何破產案中可證債權或債務,如因其須視乎一宗或多於一宗或有事件的發生或因其他理由而無明確的價值,則受託人須對該債權或債務的價值作出估計,但受託人亦可選擇將該債權或債務轉呈法院作估值,而在此情況下,法院須按照第(7)款釐定價值。 (由1996年第76號第25條修訂)

  1. (5) 任何人如因受託人作出的上述估計而受屈,可向法院提出上訴。
  2. (6) (由1996年第76號第25條廢除)
  3. 凡受託人根據第(4)款將估值的問題轉呈法院,則法院可指示有關價值須由法院本身在無陪

審團參與的情況下作出評估,法院並可為此而作出一切所需的指示。 (由1996年第76號第25條修訂) (7A) 受託人須決定─

(a) 接受債權證明;或

(b) 全部或部分拒絕債權證明, 並須在以下期間內作出該決定─
(i) 在接獲呈交予他的債權證明後規則所訂明的期間內;或
(ii) 在法院應申請而容許的較長期間內, 但如沒有合理的希望將攤還債款支付予債權證明所關乎的類別的債權人,則本款並不適用。 (由1996年第76號第25條增補)

(8) 為施行本條例,“債務”(liability) 包括─

(a) 工作或勞動的補償;
(b)因任何明示或隱含的契諾或任何明示或默示的合約、協議或承諾遭違反而產生的支付金錢或金錢等值的義務,或招致該等義務的可能性,不論該項違反是否在破產人獲破產解除前發生、相當可能發生或能不能夠發生; (由1996年第76號第72條修訂)

[比照 1914 c. 59 s. 30 U.K.]



〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 31 U.K.〕



終審法院首席法官可在立法局批准下,就證明債權的方式、有抵押債權人及其他債權人提出證明的權利、對債權證明予以接納和拒絕以及其他事宜訂立規則。 (由1939年第33號代替;由1940年第840號政府公告補充附表代替。由1998年第25號第2條修訂) 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 32 U.K.〕

(1)除法院另有命令外,在支付為保存或取得破產人的任何資產或將破產人的任何資產變現而正當地招致的開支後,破產人的剩餘資產須首先用作支付以下款項,各項付款須按以下優先次序作出─ (由2005年第18號第11條修訂)

(a)《破產(費用及百分率)令》(第6章,附屬法例C)訂明的,並須繳付予破產管理署署長的費用、收費及按百分率計算的收費,及破產管理署署長所招致或批准的訟費、收費及開支,包括他正當地聘用的任何人的費用,而不論破產管理署署長是以受託人身分或是以其他身分行事; (由2005年第18號第11條代替)

(b)呈請的經評定的訟費,包括在呈請的聆訊中出庭並獲法庭判給訟費的任何人的經評定訟費在內,但不包括該等訟費的利息; (由2005年第18號第11條代替)
(c) 特別經理人(如有的話)的酬金和由他正當地招致的費用、墊付支出及開支; (由2005年第18號第11條代替)
(d) 任何填寫破產人的資產負債狀況說明書的人的費用及開支; (由2005年第18號第11條代替)
(e)任何獲委任記錄根據本條例進行的任何訊問的速記員的經評定收費,但為保存或取得破產人的資產或將破產人的資產變現而正當地招致的開支除外; (由2005年第18號第11條增補)
(f)破產管理署署長以外的任何受託人的必需墊付支出,但為保存或取得破產人的資產或將破產人的資產變現而正當地招致的開支除外; (由2005年第18號第11條增補)
(g) 由破產管理署署長以外的任何受託人正當地聘用的任何人的費用; (由2005年第18號第11條增補)
(h) 破產管理署署長以外的任何受託人的酬金;及 (由2005年第18號第11條增補)
(i) 債權人委員會在有需要的情況下招致的實際現金付款開支,但該等開支須獲受託人核准。 (由2005年第18號第11條增補)
  1. 如已就破產人的產業作出破產令,而法院信納因某債權人在不知悉某項呈請已經提出的情況下針對破產人而提起法律程序,使破產人的財產得以為其債權人的利益而保存,則法院可酌情決定而命令從該產業中撥款支付該法律程序的訟費或其任何部分(按訴訟各方對評基準評定),而該項付款所具有的優先權,與本條就呈請人的經評定訟費而規定的優先權相同。 (由1996年第76號第27條修訂)
  2. 就第(1)(e)款而言,如速記員是由破產管理署署長委任或授權的,則有關速記紀錄的費用須視為為取得破產人的資產或將破產人的資產變現而正當地招致的開支。 (由2005年第18號第11條增




(1) 在分發破產人的財產時,須在償付所有其他債項前優先償付以下各項─

(a) (由1984年第47號第5條廢除)
(b) 任何─
(i) 根據《破產欠薪保障條例》(第380章)第18條,就任何文員或受僱人向破產人提供服務而應得的工資及薪金或兩者之一,在提交呈請書當日之前4個月期間內,從破產欠薪保障基金撥付的款項;及
(ii) 任何文員或受僱人在下述期間內向破產人提供服務而應得的工資及薪金(包括佣金,但其款額在有關日期必須是固定或可確定的)─
(A)自緊接提交呈請書當日之前4個月期間的首日起計,至作出破產令當日止的一段期間;或 (由1996年第76號第73條修訂)
(B)如任何文員或受僱人已根據《破產欠薪保障條例》(第380章)第15(1)條申請特惠款項,則自緊接該條例第16(4)條所指的服務的最後一天之前4個月期間的首日起計,至該服務的最後一天止的一段期間, (由1996年第68號第4條代替)

兩者以較早的期間為準,而所撥付款項連同根據第(i)節撥付的款項,以不超過$300為限; (由1985年第12號第29(4)條代替。 由1987年第48號第8條修訂)

(c) 任何─

(i) 根據《破產欠薪保障條例》(第380章)第18條,就任何勞工或工人向破產人提供服務而應得的工資(不論按時計或按件計),在提交呈請書當日之前4個月期間內,從破產欠薪保障基金撥付的款項;及
(ii) 任何勞工或工人在下述期間內向破產人提供服務而應得的工資(不論按時計或按件計)─
(A)自緊接提交呈請書當日之前4個月期間的首日起計,至作出破產令當日止的一段期間;或 (由1996年第76號第73條修訂)
(B)如任何勞工或工人已根據《破產欠薪保障條例》(第380章)第15(1)條申請特惠款項,則自緊接該條例第16(4)條所指的服務的最後一天之前4個月期間的首日起計,至該服務的最後一天止的一段期間, (由1996年第68號第4條代替)

兩者以較早的期間為準,而所撥付款項連同根據第(i)節撥付的款項,以不超過$100為限; (由1985年第12號第29(4)條代替。由1987年第48號第8條修訂) (ca) 根據《僱傭條例》(第57章)須支付予僱員的任何遣散費,以每名僱員不超過$6000為限; (由1974年第54號第2條增補) (caa) 根據《僱傭條例》(第57章)須支付予僱員的任何長期服務金,以每名僱員不超過$8000為限; (由1985年第78號第2條增補)

(cb) 就《僱員補償條例》(第282章)所指的補償或支付補償的法律責任而欠下的任何款額,而該項補償或支付補償的法律責任是在破產令的日期前產生的;如該項補償屬按期付款,則就該項補償而欠下的款額,須視為在根據《僱員補償條例》(第282章)提出的贖回該按期付款的申請中可用作贖回該按期付款(如屬可贖回者)的整筆款額;但如破產人須向某僱員支付補償或承擔支付補償的法律責任,並已就其根據《僱員補償條例》(第282章)須對該僱員意外身體受傷承擔的法律責任,與任何在香港經營意外保險業務的人訂立合約,則本段不適用於就該項補償或支付補償的法律責任而須支付的款額; (由1977年第5號第2條增補。由1984年第47號第16條修訂;由1996年第76號第73條修訂)

(cc)根據《僱傭條例》(第57章)須支付予僱員的任何代通知金,以每名僱員不超過一個月薪金或$2000為限,兩者以較小的數額為準; (由1977年第5號第22條增補)

(cd) 凡在破產令作出前或因破產令而終止僱用任何文員、受僱人、工人或勞工,則指須支付給該人(如該人去世,則須支付給享有其權利的任何其他人)的所有累算的假日薪酬; (由1984年第47號第5條增補;由1996年第76號第73條修訂)

(ce)根據《僱員補償援助條例》(第365章)第IV部從僱員補償援助基金中撥付的款項,所付款項代表破產人就破產令日期前根據《僱員補償條例》(第282章)產生的補償或支付補償的法律責任而欠付的款額; (由1991年第54號第47條增補;由1996年第76號第73條修訂)


但如就某名僱員而須支付的該款額超過$50000,則佔超出額50%的款額不得根據本款優先於任何其他債項予以償付; (由1992年第88號第83條增補)

(cg) (在以不損害任何信託下的權利或法律責任為原則下)破產人為向《職業退休計劃條例》(第426章)所指的任何職業退休計劃的基金就該等僱員作出供款,而自其僱員薪金中扣除但又未曾撥付予該等基金的任何款額的薪金; (由1992年第88號第83條增補)

(ch) 在《強制性公積金計劃條例》(第485章)下或按照該條例計算的款額,而該款額是破產人按照該條例的條文而在破產開始前應已支付的: 但如就某名僱員而須支付的該款額超過$50000,則佔超出額50%的款額不得根據本款優先於任何其他債項予以償付; (由1995年第80號第49條增補)

(ci)破產人為向《強制性公積金計劃條例》(第485章)所指的註冊計劃的核准受託人就該等有關僱員作出供款,而自其有關僱員的有關入息中扣除但又未曾撥付予該核准受託人的任何款額; (由1995年第80號第49條增補)
(cj)根據《強制性公積金計劃條例》(第485章)須支付予強制性公積金計劃管理局的任何款項及其利息; (由1995年第80號第49條增補。由1998年第4號第2條修訂)
(d)破產人在破產令的日期欠官方的所有法定債項,而該等債項是在緊接該日期前12個月內已到期應付的。 (由1984年第47號第5條代替。由1996年第76號第73條修訂)

(2)-(2A) (由1996年第76號第28條廢除)
(2B) 凡─

(a) 接管令的日期是1977年4月1日或之後;或

(b) 破產令是在《1996年破產(修訂)條例》(1996年第76號)實施當日或之後作出的, 則第(1)(b)及(c)款分別提述的$300及$100,及第(1)(ca)款提述的$6000,均須當作以$8000取代。 (由1977年第5號第2條增補。由1996年第76號第28條修訂)
(3) 第(1)(b)、(c)、(ca)、(caa)、(cb)、(cc)、(cd)、(ce)、(cf)、(cg)、(ch)、(ci)及(cj)款所指明的債項 ─ (由1984年第47號第5條修訂;由1985年第78號第2條修訂;由1991年第54號第47條修訂;由1992年第88號第83條修訂;由1995年第80號第49條修訂)
(a) 相對於第(1)(d)款所指明的債項,具有優先權;
(b) 彼此具有同等順序攤還次序;及
(c)須悉數償付,但如破產人的財產不足以應付該等債項,則須按相等比例減少該等債項的償付額。 (由1970年第42號第2條代替。由1974年第54號第2條修訂;由1977年第5號第

(3A) (由1984年第47號第5條廢除)

  1. 在符合第37條條文的規定下,並在保留需用以支付行政費用或其他費用的款項後,以上各債項須在債務人的財產足以應付該等債項的範圍內,立即予以清償。
  2. 如業主或其他人在緊接破產令的日期前3個月內扣押或曾扣押破產人的任何貨品或物品,則獲本條賦予優先權的各債項,即為被如此扣押的貨品或物品或出售該等貨品或物品所得收益的第一押記。 (由1970年第42號第2條修訂;由1996年第76號第73條修訂)

(5A) 任何根據第(5)款所指押記而支付的款項,即為破產人的產業欠該名作出扣押或曾作出扣押的業主或其他人的債項,而在償付第(1)款所指明的各債項後,但在償付其他已在破產案中予以證明的債項前,須在破產人的財產足以應付該債項的範圍內,清償該債項。 (由1970年第42號第2條增補)

(5B)凡有任何資產根據某些債權人就訟費所提供的彌償而已獲討回,或藉債權人付款或提供彌償而使任何資產得到保護或得以保存,或如債權人曾就某等開支而向受託人提供彌償,而該等開支已獲討回,則法院應破產管理署署長、受託人或任何該等債權人的申請,可在分發該等資產及如此討回的開支款額方面,作出法院認為公正的命令,以使該等債權人較其他人佔優,作為他們作出上述行動時所冒風險的代價。 (由1984年第47號第5條增補)

(5C)就某段假期或某段因病或其他好的因由缺勤的期間而應得的薪酬,須當作在該段假期或缺勤期間內向破產人提供服務而應得的工資。 (由1984年第47號第5條增補)

  1. 本條適用於去世時無力償債的死者,猶如他是破產人一樣,亦猶如其去世日期取代破產令的日期一樣。 (由1996年第76號第73條修訂)
    1. 如破產人為合夥人,則其聯權共有的產業須首先用於償付其共同債項,而每名合夥人各別的產業則須首先用於償付其各別的債項。如該等各別的產業有盈餘,則須作為該聯權共有的產業的一部分處理。如該聯權共有的產業有盈餘,則須按各合夥人在該產業中所佔權利及權益的比例,將該盈餘作為各合夥人各別的產業的一部分處理。。 (見規則第195條)
    2. (8) 除本條例另有規定外,在破產案中經證明的所有債權均須同時及同等地予以償付。
  2. 如在償付上述債項後有任何盈餘,則須就破產案中經證明的所有債權而以該等盈餘支付利息,自破產令的日期起,以第71(3)條指明的利率計算。 (由1996年第76號第28及73條修訂)
  3. 在本條中─ “工資”(wages) 就任何人而言,包括憑藉該人的僱傭合約而須支付予該人作為農曆新年花紅的任何款項,但不包括任何累算的假日薪酬; (由1984年第47號第5條代替) “法定債項”(statutory debt) 指藉或根據任何條例的任何條文而決定法律責任及款額的債項; (由2005年第18號第12條修訂) “破產欠薪保障基金”(Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund) 指根據《破產欠薪保障條例》(第380章)第6條當作已設立並繼續存在的基金; (由1985年第12號第29(4)條增補)

“累算的假日薪酬”(accrued holiday remuneration) 就任何人而言,包括假若該人繼續受僱於破產人直



“僱員補償援助基金”(Employees Compensation Assistance Fund) 指藉《僱員補償援助條例》(第365章)第7條設立的基金。 (由1991年第54號第47條增補)

  1. 凡在任何破產案中,如破產令日期是在《1984年破產(修訂)條例》+(1984年第47號)生效*之前,則該條例不適用於該宗破產案,而在該情況下,假若該條例未曾制定則會適用的關於債項優先權的條文,須當作仍然完全有效。 (由1984年第47號第5條增補)
  2. 凡在任何破產案中,如提交呈請書的日期是在《破產欠薪保障條例》(第380章)生效之前,則該條例的附表5不適用於該宗破產案,而在該情況下,假若該條例未曾制定則會適用的關於債項優先權的條文,須當作仍然完全有效。 (由1985年第12號第29(4)條增補)
  3. 在任何與根據《破產欠薪保障條例》(第380章)第15(1)條作出的申請有關的破產案中,如提出該申請日期是在《1996年破產欠薪保障(修訂)條例》(1996年第68號)(“修訂條例”)生效之前,則在該宗破產案中,修訂條例第4(a)及(b)條不適用,而在該情況下,假若修訂條例不曾制定則會適用的關於債項優先權的條文,須當作仍然完全有效。 (由1996年第68號第4條增補)

[比照 1914 c. 59 s. 33 U.K.]


+ “《1984年破產(修訂)條例》”乃“Bankruptcy (Amendment) Ordinance 1984”之譯名。
條: 39 學徒的優先申索權 30/06/1997

(由1991年第70號第14條修訂) [比照 1914 c. 59 s. 34 U.K.]

條: 40 業主的扣押權 30/06/1997


〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 35 U.K.〕

條: 41 配偶的申索的延期 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998



條: 42 對財產產權處置的限制 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998


  1. 凡任何人被判定破產,則該人在本條適用的期間內作出的任何財產產權處置均屬無效,但如該財產產權處置是或曾是在法院同意下作出的或事後經由或曾經經由法院追認的,則在該同意的或該追認的範圍內屬例外。
  2. 第(1)款適用於一項付款(不論是以現金或其他方式支付的),如同該款適用於一項財產產權處置一樣;據此,凡有任何付款憑藉該款而屬無效,則獲付款的人須為破產人持有該筆款項作為該破產人的部分產業。
    1. 本條適用於自提出要求作出破產令的呈請當日開始並以破產人的產業歸屬受託人為終止的期間。
    2. (4) 本條並不就以下事宜而給予針對任何人的補救─
      1. (a)該人在破產開始之前,在不知悉已有呈請提出的情況下真誠地為換取有值代價而收的財產或付款的;或
      2. (b) 從一項(a)段提述的財產的權益得到的財產權益。
    1. 凡在破產開始之後,破產人由於作出一項根據本條屬無效的付款而招致一筆欠任何人的債項,則就本條例而言,該債項須當作是在該破產開始之前已招致的,除非─
      1. (a) 在招致該債項之前,該人已知悉該項破產;或
      2. (b) 從獲得該項付款的人處追討該筆付款並非是合理地切實可行的。
  3. (6) 即使任何財產並非或並不會(視屬何情況而定)包括在破產人的產業內,該財產的產權處置根據本條均屬無效;但本條的條文並不影響以信託形式為任何其他人持有財產的人對該財產所作出的產權處置。


詳列交互參照: 43A,43B,43C,43D,43E

    1. (1) 在符合本條及第43A至43E條的規定下,破產人的產業由以下項目組成─ 〈* 註─詳列交互參照:第43A,43B,43C,43D,43E條 *〉
      1. (a) 在破產開始時屬於或歸屬破產人的所有財產;及
      2. (b) 憑藉本條例的任何條文而包括在該產業內的或被視為(a)段所指的任何財產。
        1. (2) 第(1)款不適用於─
          1. (a)破產人在其受僱工作、業務或職業中為供其本人使用而必需有的工具、簿冊、車輛及其他設備項目;
          2. (b)為滿足破產人及其家庭的基本家庭需要而必需有的衣物、寢具、家具、家居設備及供應品。
      1. (3) 第(1)款不適用於破產人以信託形式為任何其他人持有的財產。
  1. 在本條例中凡提述與破產人有關的財產之處,包括提述破產人對財產或就財產而可行使的權力(但如該項權力是對或就當其時並沒有包括在該破產人的產業內的財產而可行使的,且為該破產人的利益是不能如此行使的則除外);對財產或就財產而可行使的權力,須當作歸屬在致使該權力可由某人行使的交易或事件所作出或發生的時間有權行使該權力的人(不論該項權力在該時間是否屬可行使的)。
    1. 就本條例的任何條文而言,組成破產人的產業的財產,須在須受破產人外的任何人(不論是作為該破產人的有扺押債權人與否)在財產方面的權利的規限下組成該破產人的產業,但可不理會─
        1. (a)任何權利,而就該等權利,在呈請書內曾作出一項第6B(1)(a)條所規定的陳述,而該破
        2. 產人是因應該項呈請被判定破產的;及
      1. (b) 在其他情況下已按照規則放棄的任何權利。


等條文的規限下,本條具有效力。 (由1996年第76號第31條代替)

    1. 在符合本條的規定下,受託人可藉書面通知,為破產人的產業而申索自破產開始以來該破產人所取得的財產或轉予該破產人的任何財產。
    2. (2) 任何人不得就以下財產送達本條所指的通知─
      1. (a) 第43(2)或(3)條所指的任何財產;或
      2. (b) 破產人在破產解除後取得的財產或在破產解除後轉予破產人的任何財產。
    1. 除第(4)款另有規定外,在根據本條向破產人送達通知後,該通知所關乎的財產即須作為該破產人的產業中的一部分而歸屬受託人,而受託人對該財產的所有權追溯至該破產人取得該財產或該財產轉予該破產人的時間。
    2. (4) 不論在根據本條送達通知之前或之後,凡─
    3. (a) 任何人以有值代價且在不知悉破產的情況下真誠地取得財產;或
  1. (b) 任何銀行真誠地且在不知悉破產的情況下進行一項交易, 則受託人無權就該財產或交易憑藉本條針對該人或該銀行或任何其他人(如他對任何財產的所有權是從該人或該銀行得到的)而獲得補救。
  2. 在本條中提述財產之處,並不包括提述任何作為破產人收入的一部分的且可屬第43E條所指的收入付款令的標的之財產。
    1. 為施行本條,任何未獲解除破產的破產人須在針對他而作出破產令的每一周年日向受託人呈交一份說明書,說明他在上一年的期間的入息與在該期間他所取得的任何財產的詳細資料。
      1. (7) 任何破產人不遵守或拒絕遵守第(6)款的條文,即屬犯罪,可處監禁6個月。
      2. (8) 法院可拒絕為任何不遵守第(6)款的條文的破產人解除破產。 (由1996年第76號第31條增補)
        1. (1) 凡─
          1. (a) 憑藉第43(2)條從破產人的產業中摒除任何財產;及
          2. (b)受託人覺得該財產的全部或其任何部分的可變現價值超過該財產或該財產的部分的合

理代替物的成本, 則受託人可藉書面通知為破產人的產業申索該財產或該財產的部分(視屬何情況而定)。

  1. 在根據本條向破產人送達通知後,該通知所關乎的財產即作為該破產人的產業中的一部分而歸屬受託人;此外,除對一名付出有值代價且不知悉破產的情況的真正買主而言外,受託人對該財產的所有權追溯至該破產開始之時。
  2. 受託人須將組成該產業的款項用於為代替根據本條歸屬受託人的任何財產而由破產人或代破產人購買合理的代替物;而本款委以的責任優先於受託人分發該產業的義務。


即為該另一項財產的合理代替物。 (由1996年第76號第31條增補)

條: 43C 送達第43A43B條所指通知的時限 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
    1. (1) 除獲得法院許可外─
      1. (a)自受託人首次知悉有關財產已由破產人取得或已轉予該破產人之日開始起的42天的期間終結後,不得根據第43A條送達通知;
      2. (b)自受託人首次知悉有關財產之日開始起的42天的期間終結後,不得根據第43B條送達通知。
    1. (2) 就本條而言─
      1. (a)受託人獲悉的任何事宜,須當作在相同時間已為以受託人身分作為其繼承者的人所獲悉,及
      2. (b)在受託人成為受託人之前所獲悉的並非(a)段所指的任何事宜,須當作是他在其委任生效時方獲悉的,如受託人是破產管理署署長,則須當作是他在成為受託人時方獲悉的。


條: 43D 破產人或債權人為將某些項目列入破產人的產業中或從破產人的產業中摒除某些項目而提出的申請 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

詳列交互參照: 43,43A,43B

(1) 儘管有第43至43B條的規定─ 〈* 註─詳列交互參照:第43,43A,43B條 *〉

(a) 破產人;或

(b) 任何一名債權人, 可向受託人申請將某一項目列入產業中或從產業中摒除某一項目,而受託人可批准或拒絕該項申請。


院可確認受託人的決定或推翻該決定或將某些條件附加於原本的決定。 (由1996年第76號第31條增補)

條: 43E 收入付款令 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
  1. (1) 法院可因應受託人的申請而作出一項命令(“收入付款令”),為破產人的產業申索在該命令有效的期間並屬該命令指明款額的該破產人的收入。
    1. 如收入付款令會使破產人的收入減低至法院覺得在應付該破產人及其家庭的合理家庭需要方面而必需有的水平之下,則法院不得作出該命令。
    2. (3) 收入付款令須就其適用的收入的付款─
      1. (a) 規定破產人向受託人繳付一筆相等於該命令所申索的款額的款項;或
      2. (b) 規定作出付款的人向受託人(而非向破產人)繳付如此申索的款額。
    1. 凡法院作出收入付款令,如它認為合適,它可解除或更改當其時有效的為確保破產人付款而已作出的任何入息扣押令。
      1. (5) 受託人根據收入付款令而收到的款項即構成破產人的產業的一部分。
      2. 就本條而言,破產人的收入包括不時向他作出的或他不時有權收取的屬收入性質的每項付

款,包括就經營任何業務或就任何職位或受僱工作而收取的任何付款。 (由1996年第76號第31條增補)

條: 43F 繼續佔用家庭住所 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998



權人的利益比所有其他考慮因素更為重要。 (由1996年第76號第31條增補)

條: 44 有關第二次破產的規定 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
  1. 凡針對破產人而第二次作出破產令或其後再作出破產令,或作出命令對已故破產人的遺產進行破產遺產管理,則就任何因上述命令而進行的法律程序而言,上一次破產案中的受託人,須當作為在該破產案中針對破產人的財產而可予證明的債權中未清償部分的債權人。
  2. 如在針對破產人而第二次作出破產令或其後再作出破產令,或如作出命令對已故破產人的遺產進行破產遺產管理,則破產人自上次被判定破產以來所取得的任何財產,若在其後提出呈請之日仍未分發予該上一次破產案中的債權人,則須歸屬其後的破產案的受託人,或歸屬破產遺產管理受託人(視屬何情況而定),但第52條條文另有規定者除外,且如上一次破產案中的破產管理署署長或受託人在不知悉有人其後提出破產呈請的情況下,就該等財產作出任何產權處置,則亦屬例外。(由1996年第76號第32條修訂)
  3. 凡任何破產案的受託人接獲有關其後針對破產人提出的破產呈請的通知,或在破產人去世後接獲有關對其遺產進行破產遺產管理而提出的呈請的通知,該受託人須持有破產人自被判定破產以來所取得而當時是由該受託人管有的財產,直至其後提出的呈請已獲完成處理為止;如根據其後提出的呈請而作出判決令或作出對有關遺產進行破產遺產管理的命令,則該受託人須將所有該等財產或其收益(於扣除該受託人的收費及開支後),轉讓予其後的破產案的受託人,或轉讓予破產遺產管理受託人(視屬何情況而定)。

(由1996年第76號第73條修訂) 〔比照 1926 c. 7 s. 3 U.K.〕

條: 45 債權人根據判決的執行或財產的扣押而得的權利所受的限制 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007


(1)凡任何債權人已針對破產人的財產提起法律程序以執行判決,或已扣押他人欠破產人的任何債項,則除非在破產令的日期前,並在該債權人知悉破產人提出破產呈請或知悉有人針對破產人提出破產呈請前,該債權人已完成執行判決或完成扣押,否則相對於破產人的受託人而言,該債權人無權保留藉執行判決或藉扣押而得的利益。 (由1996年第76號第33及73條修訂;由2005年第18號第13條修訂)

(2) 為施行本條例─

(a)凡針對貨品執行判決,則藉檢取及售賣貨品,或根據《高等法院條例》(第4章)第20條作出押記令,即為完成執行; (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
(b) 凡扣押任何債項,則藉收取該債款,即為完成扣押;及
(c)凡針對土地執行判決,則藉佔有土地,或委任接管人或根據上述第 20條作出押記令,

即為完成執行。 (由1987年第52號第44條代替)

(3) (由1996年第76號第33條廢除)

    1. 在對破產人財產執行判決及扣押他人欠破產人的債項方面,本條賦予受託人的權利,可由法院在其認為合適的範圍內及按其認為合適的條款,為惠及有關債權人而予以作廢。 (由1984年第47號第6條增補。由1996年第76號第33條修訂)
    2. [比照 1914 c. 59 s. 40 U.K.]
  1. 凡在執行判決時扣押債務人的任何動產、可流轉票據或金錢,而在判定債權人收取或討回藉該項扣押追討的全部款項前,執達主任已獲送達通知,述明已針對債務人作出破產令,執達主任須在接獲請求時,將該動產、可流轉票據、金錢或其已收取以用作清償或部分清償執行判決所涉及款項的金錢,交付受託人,但執行判決的費用,須為如此交付的財產上的第一押記,而受託人可為清償該項押記所涉及的款項而將該動產或可流轉票據或其中足以用作該項清償的部分出售,或將該等金錢用於清償該項押記所涉及的款項。 (由1996年第76號第73條修訂)
  2. (2) 凡任何判決所涉及的款項超過$100,而債務人的財產根據該項判決的執行被出售,或有付款作出以避免該項出售,則執達主任須從該項出售所得收益或從所支付的款項中扣除執行判決的費用,並須將餘款交存法院;如在該項出售或付款之時起計14整天內,債務人本人提出破產呈請,或有人針對債務人提出破產呈請,則上述餘款須由法院保存,並在債務人被判定破產後付給破產案受託人,而相對於執行判決的債權人而言,該破產案受託人有權保留該等餘款;但在其他情況下,該等餘 款須猶如未曾提出破產呈請一樣予以處理。
    1. 在針對債務人的動產、可流轉票據或金錢而執行判決方面,本條所授予受託人的權利,可由法院在其認為適合的範圍內及按其認為適合的條款,為惠及有關債權人而予以作廢。 (由1984年第47號第7條增補)
    2. (由2005年第18號第14條修訂) [比照 1914 c. 59 s. 41(1) U.K.]
  3. 凡從事任何行業或業務的人,將其現有的或將來的帳面債項或其中任何類別轉讓予任何其他人,而其後被判定破產,相對於受託人而言,在破產令的日期之前尚未償付的帳面債項的範圍內,該項轉讓即屬無效,但如該項轉讓已獲司法常務官登記在其為此目的而備存的登記冊內則除外︰ (由1996年第76號第35條修訂)
條: 46 執達主任對執行判決時所扣押貨品的職責 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007
條: 47 (1996年第76號第34條廢除) L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
條: 48 帳面債項的全面轉讓如無登記則無效 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998


  1. (2) 為施行本條,“轉讓”(assignment) 包括作為抵押的帳面債項轉讓及其他帳面債項的押記。 [比照 1914 c. 59 s. 43 U.K.]
  2. 在符合本條以及第51及51A條的規定下,凡任何債務人被判定破產,而該債務人在(第51條
條: 49 以低於一般價值而訂立的交易 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998


  1. 法院須因應該項申請而作出法院認為合適的命令,以將狀況回復到假若該債務人不曾訂立該項交易便本會出現的狀況。
    1. 就本條以及第51及51A條而言,如有以下情況,任何債務人即屬與任何人以低於一般價值而訂立交易─
      1. (a)該債務人向該人作出饋贈或以其他方式與該人訂立交易,而交易的條款訂定該人不收取任何代價;
      2. (b) 該債務人以結婚為代價,與該人訂立交易;或
      3. (c)該債務人為一項代價而與該人訂立一項交易,而該項代價的價值(以金錢或金錢等值衡

量)明顯地低於該債務人提供的代價的價值(以金錢或金錢等值衡量)。 (由1996年第76號第36條代替)

條: 49A (1996年第76號第36條廢除) L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
條: 50 不公平的優惠 14 of 2003 09/05/2003
  1. 在符合本條以及第51及51A條的規定下,凡任何債務人被判定破產,而該債務人在(第51條界定的)某一有關時間已將一項不公平的優惠給予任何人,則受託人可根據本條向法院申請作出一項命令。
  2. 法院須因應該項申請而作出法院認為合適的命令,以將狀況回復到假若該債務人不曾給予該等不公平的優惠便本會出現的狀況。
    1. 就本條以及第51及51A條而言,如有以下情況,任何債務人即屬將不公平的優惠給予任何人 ─
      1. (a)該人是該債務人的其中一名債權人或是該債務人的任何債項或其他負債的保證人或擔保人;及
      2. (b)該債務人作出任何事情或容受作出任何事情,而(在任何其中一種情況下)該等事情具有將該人置於比假若該人不曾作出該等事情便本會出現的狀況較佳的狀況的效力。
  3. 法院不得就給予任何人的不公平的優惠而根據本條作出一項命令,但如給予該項不公平的優惠的債務人希望對該人產生第(3)(b)款所述的效力並在決定給予該項優惠時受如此的希望影響,則屬例外。
  4. 如任何債務人已將一項不公平的優惠給予任何人,而該人在獲給予該項優惠時,是該債務人的有聯繫人士(如只由於他是其僱員則除外),則除非有相反證明,否則須推定該債務人在決定給予該項優惠時,是受第(4)款所述的希望影響的。


不公平的優惠。 (由2003年第14號第24條修訂) (由1996年第76號第36條代替)

條: 51 4950條所指的“有關時間” L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

(1) 除第(2)及(3)款另有規定外,如某項交易或某項不公平的優惠─

(a) (如屬一項以低於一般價值而訂立的交易)是在債務人據之而被判定破產的破產呈請的提

出當日屆滿的5年期間內某個時間訂立的; (b)(如屬一項不公平的優惠,而該項優惠並非是一項以低於一般價值而訂立的交易,並且是給予債務人的一名有聯繫人士(如只由於他是其僱員則除外))是在該日屆滿的2年期間內某個時間給予的;及

(c) (如屬其他的不公平的優惠,而該項優惠並非是以低於一般價值而訂立的交易優惠)是在

該日屆滿的6個月期間給予的, 則該債務人以低於一般價值而訂立的該項交易或給予該項不公平的優惠的時間,即為有關時間。

    1. 凡任何債務人在(1)(a)、(b)或(c)款所述的時間,以低於一般價值而訂立一項交易,或給予一項不公平的優惠(但如屬一項以低於一般價值而訂立的交易,該時間並非是少於第(1)(a)款所述的期間屆滿之前的2年的時間),則除非該債務人有以下情況,否則就第49及50條而言,該時間並非有關時間─
    2. (a) 在該時間無力償債;或
    1. (b) 由於該項交易或優惠而變成無力償債, 但除非有相反證明,否則就由一名債務人與其有聯繫人士(如只由於他是其僱員則除外)以低於一般價值而訂立的任何交易而言,須推定本款的規定已獲符合。
    2. (3) 就第(2)款而言,任何債務人如有以下情況,即屬無力償債─
      1. (a) 該債務人的債項到期須償付時,他沒有能力償付;或
      2. (b) 如將其或有的及預期的負債考慮在內,則其資產值少於其負債額。 (由1996年第76號第36條代替)
    1. 在以下損害第49(2)或50(2)條的概括性的原則下,在就一名其後被判定破產的債務人訂立的一項交易或給予的一項不公平的優惠而根據第49(2)或50(2)條作出的命令,可作出以下規定─
        1. (a)規定作為該項交易的一部分而轉讓的財產,或與給予該項不公平的優惠有關的所轉讓的財產,須作為產業的一部分而歸屬受託人;
        2. (b)(如任何財產在任何人手中代表如此轉讓的財產出售後所得的收益或如此轉讓後的金錢的運用)規定將該等財產歸屬受託人;
      1. (c) (全部或部分)免除或解除該債務人提供的抵押;
        1. (d) 規定任何人須就其從該債務人處收取的利益向受託人支付法院所指示的款項;
        2. (e)(如任何保證人或擔保人對任何人的義務根據該項交易或由於給予該項不公平的優惠而獲免除或解除)就該保證人或擔保人須對該人承擔法院認為適當的新訂的或恢復生效的義務,作出規定;
      2. (f)就由該項命令所施加的或根據該命令所產生的任何義務的解除而提供的低押,或就該等義務須就任何財產作出的押記,或就該抵押或押記的優先權須與根據該項交易或由於給予該項不公平的優惠而獲(全部或部分)免除或解除的抵押或押記的優先權相同等事宜,作出規定;及
      3. (g)就任何其財產根據該項命令而歸屬受託人的人,或任何被該項命令施加義務的人,在何種範圍內能夠為根據該項交易或由於給予該項不公平的優惠而產生的或獲(全部或部分)免除或解除的債項或其他債務而在破產案中提出證明,作出規定。
    1. 第49或50條所指的命令,可影響任何人的財產或可對任何人施加義務,而不論該人是否為與有關的債務人訂立該項交易的人或獲給予該項不公平的優惠的人(視屬何情況而定);但該項命令 ─
      1. (a)不得損害從該債務人以外的任何人處真誠地並以付出價值而取得的任何財產權益,亦不得損害從該等權益衍生的任何權益;及
      2. (b)不得規定真誠地並付出價值而從該項交易或不公平的優惠獲取利益的任何人向破產人的產業的受託人支付一筆款項,但如該人曾是該項交易的一方或該筆付款是就當該人



(a) 已知悉有關的周圍情況及有關的法律程序;或

平的優惠的人的有聯繫人士, 則除非有相反證明,否則就第(2)(a)或(b)款而言,須推定該項權益並非是真誠地取得或該利益並非是真誠地收取的。


    1. (5) 就第(3)(a)款而言,以下乃屬有關的周圍情況(按情況所需而定)─
      1. (a) 有關的債務人以低於一般價值而訂立交易的事實;或
      2. (b) 構成有關的債務人給予該項不公平的優惠的有關情況。
    1. (6) 就第(3)(a)款而言,如任何人知悉以下事實,即屬知悉有關的法律程序─
      1. (a) 有關的債務人據之被判定破產的呈請已提出;或
      2. (b) 有關的債務人已被判定破產。 (由1996年第76號第36條增補)

詳列交互參照: 49,49A,50,51,51A

  1. (1) 就第49至51A條而言,任何人是否為另一人的有聯繫人士此一問題,須按照本條決定。 〈* 註─詳列交互參照:第49,49A,50,51,51A條 *〉
  2. 任何人如是任何債務人的配偶,或是該債務人或其配偶的親屬,或是該債務人或其配偶的親屬的配偶,則該人即為該債務人的有聯繫人士。
  3. 與任何債務人組成合夥的任何人即為該債務人的有聯繫人士,亦是與其組成合夥的任何債務人的配偶或親屬的有聯繫人士。
  4. 任何人均為他所僱用的或僱用他的任何債務人的有聯繫人士,而就此而言,一間公司的任何董事或其他高級人員,須視為獲該公司僱用。
  5. 如某項信託的受益人包括任何債務人或該債務人的有聯繫人士,或包括一項可為該債務人或其任何有聯繫人士的利益而行使的權力,則任何屬該項信託的受託人的人,即為該債務人的有聯繫人士。
  6. 如任何債務人控制一間公司或該債務人及身為該債務人的有聯繫人士的人一起控制該公司,則該公司即為該債務人的有聯繫人士。
    1. 就本條而言,任何人如是任何債務人的兄弟、姊妹、伯父、叔父、舅父、姑丈、姨丈、伯母、嬸母、舅母、姑母、姨母、姪、甥、姪女、甥女、直系祖先或直系後裔,該人即屬該債務人的親屬,而─
    2. (a) 任何半血親關係須視為全血親關係,任何人的繼子女或領養子女則須視為其子女;及
  7. (b) 非婚生子女須視為其母親與其據稱的父親的婚生子女, 此外,在本條中凡提述配偶之處,須包括前配偶。

(8) 就本條而言,如有以下情況,任何債務人須視為控制一間公司─

(a) 該公司的董事或控制該公司的另一間公司的董事(或該等董事中的任何董事),習慣於按照該債務人的指示或指令行事,但任何債務人不得只因該等董事按他以專業人士身分

三分之一或以上的表決權或控制三分之一或以上的表決權的行使, 此外,如2名或多於2名的人合起來符合上述兩項條件之一,則他們須視作控制該公司。

(9)在本條中,“公司”(company) 包括不論是否在香港或其他地方成立的法人團體;此外,凡提述任何公司的董事及其他高級人員之處與提述在任何公司的任何大會上的表決權之處,在作必要的變通後具有效力。


條: 52 與未獲解除破產的破產人的交易 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

(1) (1996年第76號第37條廢除)



屬何情況而定),循簡易程序定罪後,可處罰款$1000及監禁6個月。 [比照 1914 c. 59 s. 47 U.K.]

條: 53 受託人對財產的管有 30/06/1997


  1. 受託人須在可能範圍內盡快接管破產人的契據、簿冊與文件,以及破產人的所有其他可用人手交付的財產。
  2. 在取得或保留對破產人財產的管有方面,並為取得或保留對該等財產的管有,受託人所具地位,猶如他是法院所委任的該等財產的接管人一樣,而法院應受託人的申請,可據此而強制執行對該等財產的取得或保留。
    1. 破產人財產的任何部分如包括股額、船舶股份、股票或可在任何公司或辦事處或任何人的簿冊上作轉讓的任何其他財產,在破產人假若不曾破產則可行使轉讓 該等財產的權利的範圍內,受託人可行使該項權利。
    2. (4) 破產人財產的任何部分如包括據法權產,該等權產須當作已妥為轉讓給受託人。
  3. 除本條例就破產人被判定破產後所取得的財產而另有規定外,破產人的任何司庫員或其他人員,或破產人的任何銀行、律師或大律師、文員、受僱人、買辦、僱主或代理人,須將其所管有或控制而在法律上無權針對破產人或受託人予以保留的所有金錢及抵押品,支付及交付予受託人。如他不如此辦理,即屬犯藐視法庭罪,並可在受託人提出申請時,據此而受罰。

[比照 1914 c. 59 s. 48 U.K.]

條: 54 對破產人財產的檢取 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998


6 -破產條例


法院人員即可按該搜查令的意旨執行該令。 (由1996年第76號第38條修訂) 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 49 U.K.〕

條: 55 在香港以外的財產的出售 30/06/1997



條: 56 (1996年第76號第39條廢除) L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
條: 57 (廢除) 30/06/1997


條: 58 財產的歸屬及轉讓 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

(1) 破產令一經作出,破產人的財產即歸屬破產管理署署長。 (由2005年第18號第15條代替) (1A) 破產管理署署長以外的任何人一經獲委任為暫行受託人,有關財產隨即轉移予並歸屬獲委任的暫行受託人。 (由2005年第18號第15條增補)

(1B)就本條例而言,除文意另有所指外,暫行受託人須視為受託人(但在第15(4)、17、17A、17B、42(3)、58(2)、60、79、80、81、85、85A、96(1)及112A條中則例外)。 (由2005年第18號第15條增補)

  1. (2) 受託人一經委出,有關財產隨即轉移並歸屬獲委任的受託人。
  2. 破產人的財產須從一受託人轉移予另一受託人,而受託人一詞包括出任受託人期間的破產

管理署署長;破產人的財產須在當其時的受託人在任期間歸屬該受託人,而無須任何轉易或轉讓。 [比照 1914 c. 59 s. 53 U.K.]

條: 59 對負有繁苛條件的財產的卸棄 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007
    1. 凡破產人財產中,有任何部分包括屬任何保有形式的土地,而該土地負有責任繁苛的契諾,或包括公司股份或股額,或包括無利可圖的合約,或包括任何其他財產,而該財產因對其管有人有約束力,規定管有人須作出責任繁苛的作為,或須支付款項,致不能出售或不能隨時出售,則受託人即使已盡力出售或已取得該財產的管有,或已就該財產作出行使擁有權的作為,仍可在首次委任受託人後12個月內或在法院容許延展的期間內的任何時間,以書面並加以簽署而卸棄該財產,但本條 另有規定者除外︰
    2. 但如任何該等財產的存在,是受託人在該首次委任後1個月內仍不知情者,則受託人可在他察覺該財產的存在後12個月內或在法院容許延展的期間內的任何時間,卸棄該財產。
    1. 該項卸棄具有以下效用,即將破產人及其財產在遭卸棄財產中或就遭卸棄財產而享有的權利與權益和承擔的法律責任,自卸棄日期起予以終結,並將受託人就遭卸棄財產而承擔的所有個人法律責任,自遭卸棄財產歸屬受託人當日起予以解除,但除為解除破產人及其財產及受託人的任何
    2. 法律責任而有需要者外,該項卸棄並不影響任何其他人的權利或法律責任。
  1. 凡未經法院許可,受託人無權卸棄任何租契,但在一般規則所訂明的情況下除外。法院在批給卸棄許可之前或之時,可規定向有利害關係的人發出法院認為公正的各項通知;法院並可施加其認為公正的條款作為批給該項許可的條件,並就固定附竹着物、租客作出的改善及因租賃而產生的其他事宜作出法院認為公正的命令。
  2. 任何人如在任何財產中有利害關係,並已向受託人提出書面申請,要求受託人決定他會否卸棄該財產,而受託人在接獲該申請後28天內或在法院容許延展的期間內,拒絕發出或忽略發出通知表示其會否卸棄該財產,則受託人無權依據本條卸棄該財產;如屬合約的情況,受託人若在接獲上述申請後,並無在上述期間或上述經延展的期間內卸棄該份合約,則須當作他已採納該份合約。
  3. 如任何人相對於受託人而言有權享有與破產人所訂合約的利益或須承擔該合約的義務,則法院應該人的申請,可作出命令,按法院認為公正的、關於任何一方因該合約不獲履行而須支付或獲支付的損害賠償或關於其他事宜的條款,將該合約撤銷;根據該命令須支付予任何該等人士的任何損害賠償,可由該人在破產案中作為債權予以證明。
  4. 任何人如聲稱在任何遭卸棄的財產中有任何權益,或聲稱就任何遭卸棄的財產承擔任何並無藉本條例獲得解除的法律責任,則法院應該人的申請,並在聆聽其認為合適的人的陳詞後,可作出命令,按法院認為公正的條款,將該財產歸屬或交付予任何有權獲得該財產的人,或歸屬或交付予將該財產交付予他以就上述法律責任作出補償看似是公正的人,或歸屬或交付予該人的受託人;任何該等歸屬令一經作出,該命令中所指的財產即據此歸屬予該命令中就此事而指名的人,而無須為此作出任何轉易或轉讓︰



予該人則該人須承擔者一樣, 而該等條款亦須規定,在上述任何一種情況下(如情況有所需要),該人須承擔的法律責任及義務,僅猶如該租契若只包括該歸屬令中所指的財產則該人須承擔者一樣;任何分承租人或任何有權獲得按揭的人如拒絕接受按該等條款作出的歸屬令,則須被排除於該財產的所有權益及該財產上的所有抵押之外;如並無任何藉破產人提出申索的人願意接受按該等條款作出的命令,則法院具有權力將破產人就該財產享有的產業權及權益歸屬任何有法律責任履行該租契所載的承租人契諾的人,不論該人是以個人或代表人身分承擔該責任,亦不論該人是單獨或是與破產人共同承擔該責任,而該人並不受破產人就該財產設定的一切產業權、產權負擔及權益的約束。 (由1984年第47號第10條修訂)

(7)凡受託人獲免除職務、被免任、辭職或死亡,而由破產管理署署長出任受託人,破產管理署署長可卸棄受託人根據前述條文可卸棄的任何財產,即使本條就該等卸棄而訂明的時間已屆滿亦然,但該項卸棄權只可在破產管理署署長在上述情況下成為受託人後12個月內行使,或在他知悉該財產的存在後12個月內行使,兩者以較遲屆滿的期間為準。 (由2005年第18號第16條修訂)


損害的款額為限,該人並可據此而在有關破產案中將該款額作為債權予以證明。 [比照 1914 c. 59 s. 54 .K.]

(1)除本條例條文及法院任何命令另有規定外,受託人或是以暫行受託人身分行事的破產管理署署長可作出以下所有或其中任何事情─ (由2005年第18號第17條修訂)

(aa) 將破產人有權獲得或看似有權獲得的所有財產收歸受託人保管或控制; (由2005年第18號第17條增補)

(a)出售破產人的所有財產或其任何部分(包括商譽,如有的話,及已到期應繳或將到期應繳予破產人的帳面債項),而出售可以公開拍賣或私人合約方式進行;受託人並有權將該財產全部轉讓予任何人或任何公司或將該財產分份出售;受託人或是以暫行受託人身分行事的破產管理署署長就破產人任何業務作出的任何轉讓,須當作豁免受《業務轉讓(債權人保障)條例》(第49章)的條文規限; (由2005年第18號第17條修訂)
(c) 就任何欠破產人的債項作出債權證明、要求順序攤還和提出申索,並支取攤還債款;

(由1996年第76號第40條增補) (由1939年第33號修訂;由1940年第840號政府公告補充附表修訂;由1948年第20號第4條修訂)

    1. 除第(3)及(4)款另有規定外,儘管有本條例的任何其他條文的規定,破產管理署署長以外的暫行受託人可作出以下所有或其中任何事情—
      1. (a) 將破產人有權獲得的或看似有權獲得的所有財產收歸他保管或控制;
      2. (b) 將易毀消貨品或估值在$100000以下並且如不立即出售或處置則相當可能會嚴重貶值的破產人的任何其他財產(衍生工具、認股權證、認購權、股份或據法權產除外)出售或處置;
      3. (c)在符合第61條的規定下,作出為保護或保存破產人的財產而需要作出的所有其他事情;
      4. (d)為使本條例的條文生效,行使任何權力(行使該權力的能力須是根據本條例歸於暫行受託人的),並簽立任何委託書、契據及其他文書;
      5. (e)除第61條另有規定外,作出為在委任受託人之前管理有關產業而需要作出的所有其他事情。 (由2005年第18號第17條增補)
  1. 破產管理署署長以外的暫行受託人亦可在根據法院命令行事或獲得破產管理署署長的事先批准的情況下,行使第(1)款所指的權力。 (由2005年第18號第17條增補)
    1. 破產管理署署長以外的暫行受託人不得根據第(2)(b)款向破產人的有聯繫人士出售任何東西或將任何東西處置轉予該人,但如該項出售或處置是根據法院命令作出或在獲得破產管理署署長的事先批准下作出的,則不在此限。 (由2005年第18號第17條增補)
        1. (5) 就第(4)款而言,任何人是否另一人的有聯繫人士此一問題,須按照第51B條決定,猶如—
          1. (a) 該條亦就該項決定而適用一樣;及
          2. (b) 在該條中凡提述“債務人”之處,即提述第(4)款所指的“破產人”一樣。 (由2005年第18號第17條增補)
      1. 破產管理署署長無須對因拒絕給予第(3)或(4)款所指的批准以致任何人招致的任何訟費及費

用承擔個人法律責任。 (由2005年第18號第17條增補) [比照 1914 c. 59 s. 55 U.K.]

在債權人委員會准許下,受託人可作出以下所有或其中任何事情─ (由1996年第76號第74條修


所決定的條件而重整業務,但如此重整業務必須符合債權人的利益,此外,為如此重整的目的,受託人可准許債務人保留其業務所在地址的任何物業的租賃權益; (由1996年第76號第41條修訂)
(c) 聘用律師或其他代理人進行經債權人委員會認許的任何法律程序或任何業務; (由1996年第76號第74條修訂)
(e) 為籌措款項以償還破產人的債項,將破產人財產的任何部分按揭或質押;
(i) 如任何財產因其獨特性質或其他特別情況而不能隨時出售或不能在有利情況下出售,則將該財產以其現有形式並按其估值分配予各債權人;
(j) 在任何權利、認購權或其他權力構成破產人的產業的一部分的情況下,為獲得作為該權力、認購權或權力的標的之財產而作出付款或招致負債; (由1996年第76號第41條增補)
(k)在聽取專家意見後,如他認為延遲將外幣折算成港元是有利於該產業的,則延遲如此折算一段其認為適當的期間,此外,凡並無審查委員會,則可在法院贊同下如此行事。 (由1996年第76號第41條增補)

為本條的施行而給予的准許,並非就作出以上所有事情或其中任何事情而給予的一般准許,而只是就作出在指明個案中尋求准許作出的某件事情或某些事情而給予的准許。 (由1939年第33號修訂;由1940年第840號政府公告補充附表修訂;由1948年第20號第4條修訂) 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 56 U.K.〕

受託人行使第60及61條授予的權力,須受法院的控制;而任何債權人可就行使或擬行使任何該等權力向法院提出申請。 (由1996年第76號第42條增補)


(由1996年第76號第74條修訂) 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 57 U.K.〕

條: 63 破產人生活津貼或服務津貼 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

在債權人委員會准許下,受託人可不時從破產人的財 產中將受託人認為公正的津貼額撥付予破產人,以供破產人及其家庭生活之用。如破產人參與其產業的結束事宜,則該津貼即為破產人提供服務所得的代價,但法院可削減任何該等津貼額。

(由1996年第76號第74條修訂) 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 58 U.K.〕

條: 64 受託人檢查已當押等貨品的權利 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007



[比照 1914 c. 59 s. 59 U.K.]

條: 65 受託人在版權方面的權力限制 30/06/1997


〔比照1914 c. 59 s. 60 U.K.〕

條: 66 在某些情況下破產管理署署長及受託人無須承擔個人法律責任 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998



〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 61 U.K.〕

條: 67 攤還債款的宣布和派發 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998


(1)每當受託人手中有足夠款項可用於此目的時,他除保留為支付破產案開支所需的款項外,須就債權人已分別證明的破產債項而宣布攤還債款並將其派發予債權人。 (由1996年第76號第43條代

6 -破產條例


(2)-(3) (由1996年第76號第43條廢除)



通知,說明該次攤還債款的款額及支付的時間與方式。 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 62 U.K.〕

條: 68 共同及各別的攤還債款 30/06/1997
  1. 凡商號的一名合夥人被判定破產,而該破產人與商號的其他合夥人或其中任何人共同欠某債權人債項,該債權人不得收取從該破產人的個別財產中支付的任何攤還債款,直至該破產人獨自欠債的所有債權人已各自收取其債權的全部款額為止。
    1. 凡管理聯權共有的財產及各別的財產,該等聯權共有的財產及各別的財產的攤還債款須一併公布,但如任何有利害關係的人提出申請而法院另有指示,則不在此限;該等攤還債款所涉及或附帶的開支,須由受託人在該等聯權共有的財產與各別的財產之間公平分攤,分攤時須考慮為每項財產所辦理的工作及每項財產所獲得的利益。
    2. 〔比照1914 c. 59 s. 63 U.K.〕
  2. 在計算及派發攤還債款時,如破產人的說明書或其他方面顯示破產人欠下破產案中可證債項,而由於有關債權人居住的地方遠離香港,而循一般通訊程序,該等債權人並無足夠時間提交其債權證明表或在該等證明表受爭議時確立其債權證明,則受託人須就該等債項預留款項。此外,受託人亦須為尚未釐定的申索所涉及而又是破產案中可證的債項預留款項。 (由1984年第47號第16條修訂)
  3. 受託人亦須為任何受爭議的債權證明表或申索,和為有關產業的管理或其他方面所需的開支,預留款項。
條: 69 為債權人居住於遠方等情況預留款項 30/06/1997

(3) 除前述條文另有規定外,受託人須將其手中所有款項作為攤還債款而派發。 〔比照1914 c. 59 s. 64 U.K.〕

條: 70 在攤還債款宣布前尚未證明債權的債權人的權利 30/06/1997


〔比照1914 c. 59 s. 65 U.K.〕

條: 71 債項的利息 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
  1. 凡任何破產債項是衍生利息的,則該利息即為該債項的部分可證債項,但如該利息就該破產開始後的任何期間是須支付的,則屬例外。
    1. 在償付已在破產案中予以證明的債項後剩下的任何盈餘,在用作任何其他用途前,須用於償付自破產開始以來就該等債項尚未清償期間的該等債項的利息;而須優先償付的債項的利息與並非屬須優先償付的債項的利息,具有同等順序攤還次序。
    2. (3) 就任何債項而根據第(2)款須支付的利息,其利率是以下利率中的較高者─
      1. (a) 在破產開始時根據《最高法院條例》(第4章)第49條指明的利率;及
      2. (b) 除破產案外適用於該債項的利率。
    1. 如在某時間或在其他情況下須支付的任何已肯定的債項或款項,其利息並沒有獲預留或同意支付,且在破產開始之日該利息已逾期未付,則債權人可就該利息作出證明,而該利息以不超過《最高法院條例》(第4章)第49條指明的利率,(如該債項或款項是憑藉一份文書而須在某時間支付的),自該債項或款項須支付之時起計至該破產開始之日止,或(如該債項或款項是並非如此憑藉而須支付的)自以書面要求支付利息之時起計至該破產開始之日止,此外,債權人亦須通知謂其將會申索自要求支付利息之日起直至利息獲得支付之日止的期間內的利息。
    2. (由1996年第76號第44條代替)
  2. 凡任何人被判定破產,而該人是或已經是一項向其提供信貸的交易的一方或涉及向其提供信貸的交易的一方,則本條予以適用。
  3. 如某項交易是或曾經是敲詐性的交易且並非是在破產開始前3年以前訂立的,則法院可因應受託人的申請,就該項交易作出命令。
    1. 就本條而言,在顧及提供信貸的人所接受的風險後,如一項交易有以下情況,則屬敲詐性的交易─
    2. (a)該項交易的條款規定或曾規定就該信貸的提供而須支付嚴重過高的款項(不論是無條件地支付或在某些有事件發生時支付的);或
  4. (b) 該項交易在其他方面嚴重違反公平交易的一般原則, 此外,除非相反證明成立,否則如有一項申請是根據本條而就一項交易作出的,則該項交易須推定是或曾經是(視屬何情況而定)敲詐性的。
    1. 根據本條就任何交易而作出的命令,可載有法院認為合適的以下一項或多於一項內容的規定─
      1. (a) 將因該項交易而產生的全部或任何部分的義務予以作廢;
      2. (b) 以其他方式更改該項交易的條款或更改為該項交易而持有任何抵押的條款;
      3. (c)規定是或曾是該項交易的一方的人向受託人償付破產人憑藉該項交易而向該人支付的任何款項;
      4. (d) 規定任何人向受託人交回他為該項交易而持有的作為抵押的任何財產;
      5. (e) 指示在任何人之間須顧及的事。
    2. (5) 按照本條所指的命令而須向受託人償付或交出的任何款項或財產,須組成破產人的產業。 (由1996年第76號第44條增補)
  5. 當受託人已將破產人的全部財產變現,或已將其中可予變現而不致使有關託管無需要地延長的部分財產變現,則受託人須宣布末期攤還債款,但在宣布前須向曾通知他以債權人身分提出申索但不獲受託人信納的人,以訂明的方式發出通知,說明他們如在該通知所限定的時間內未能確立其申索而使法院信納,則受託人將不顧他們的申索而派發末期攤還債款。
  6. 在如此限定的時間屆滿後,或如法院應任何該等申索人提出的申請而給予他更長的時間以證明其申索,則在該段更長的時間屆滿後,破產人的財產須分配給已證明債權的債權人,而無須顧及任何其他人的申索。

〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 67 U.K.〕

條: 73 不得就攤還債款進行訴訟 30/06/1997


〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 68 U.K.〕

條: 74 破產人獲付盈餘的權利 30/06/1997

當破產人的債權人已獲悉數償付其債權及本條例所訂定的利息,而根據破產呈請進行的法律程序所涉及的訟費、收費及開支亦已悉數獲支付,如有任何盈餘剩下,則破產人有權獲付該盈餘。 [比照 1914 c. 59 s. 69 U.K.]

條: 74A 釋義 30/06/1997




在本部及附表1中─ “刑事破產令”(criminal bankruptcy order)指根據《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第84A條作出的命

令; “刑事破產呈請”(criminal bankruptcy petition) 指憑藉附表1提出的破產呈請; “刑事破產管理呈請”(criminal bankruptcy administration petition) 指第112條所指憑藉附表1提出的呈

請。 (由1992年第39號第2條修訂)

條: 74B 法定呈請人的職位及職能 L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997


    1. 在有刑事破產令作出的個案中,為使第(2)款所提及的職能得以履行,現設法定呈請人一職,由律政司司長憑藉其職位出任。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
    2. (2) 法定呈請人的職能如下─
      1. (a) 考慮在有刑事破產令作出的個案中,由他本人提出刑事破產呈請是否符合公眾利益;
      2. (b) 如他決定由他提出刑事破產呈請是符合公眾利益的,則提出刑事破產呈請;
      3. (c)在他決定付款的個案中,付款以支付其他人在依據刑事破產呈請或刑事破產管理呈請而 進行的法律程序中所招致的開支;
      4. (d) 在他認為符合公眾利益的範圍內,行使附表1賦予他的任何權力。 (由1992年第39號第2條修訂)
  1. 法定呈請人或獲其授權行事的人在根據或憑藉本條例履行法定呈請人的職能時,或當其意是根據或憑藉本條例履行法定呈請人的職能時,無須因其辦理或不辦理任何事情而在任何訴訟或法


(4) 法定呈請人根據本條例而具有的任何職能,可由獲其授權行事的任何人代其履行。 [比照 1972 c. 71 s. 9 U.K.]

條: 74C 刑事破產令的效力 30/06/1997


附表1適用於任何有刑事破產令作出的個案,使本條例得以在該個案中實施;對於該命令所針對的人作出的財產處置,附表1亦適用,以補充本條例。 (由1992年第39號第2條修訂) (第IIIA部由1979年第21號第2條增補)

條: 75 破產管理署署長及其他人員的委任 L.N. 7 of 2007 19/03/2007



  1. 行政長官可委任破產管理署署長,亦可按需要而委任其他人員出任附表2所指明的任何職位,以協助破產管理署署長執行其職責。 (由2005年第18號第19條修訂)
  2. 任何人除非在委任之日符合香港、聯合王國或《律政人員條例》(第87章)附表2所列地區的法律執業者資格,否則不得被委任為破產管理署署長或被委任附表2第I部所指明的任何職位。 (由2000年第42號第21條修訂;由2007年第7號法律公告修訂)
  3. 就《律政人員條例》(第87章)而言,破產管理署署長及附表2第I部所指明職位的出任人,須被當作律政人員,並須具有該條例賦予律政人員的一切權利。
  4. 除第(5)款另有規定或破產管理署署長另有指示外,附表2所指明職位的出任人,可行使破產管理署署長的權力或履行破產管理署署長的職責。
  5. 附表2第II部所指明職位的出任人,不得行使附表2第I部所指明職位的出任人根據第(3)款獲賦予的任何權利。
    1. (6) 破產管理署署長須根據行政長官的一般授權及一般指示行事,並為法院人員。 (由2005年第18號第19條修訂)
      1. (7) 行政長官可藉在憲報刊登命令而修訂附表2。 (由2005年第18號第19條修訂) (由1992年第39號第3條代替)
      2. (1) 破產管理署署長的職責,與債務人的行為操守及債務人產業的管理均有關係。
  6. 任何條例如規定任何誓章須在破產管理署署長或附表2所指明職位的出任人面前作出、向其出示或交付或送交存檔,則破產管理署署長及附表2所指明職位的出任人均可為該等誓章監誓,即使任何條例規定該等誓章須由任何其他人監誓或須在任何其他人面前作出,亦是如此。 (由1992年第39號第4條代替)
  7. 本條例或任何其他條例的所有條文中凡提述破產案受託人之處,除文意另有所指或本條例或該其他條例另有規定外,均包括以受託人身分行事的破產管理署署長。
條: 76 破產管理署署長的地位 30/06/1997


[比照1914 c. 59 s. 72 U.K.]

條: 76A 過渡性條文 30/06/1997
  1. 任何事情如是在《1992年破產(修訂)條例》+(1992年第39號)生效日期*前由註冊總署署長以破產管理署署長身分作出,須視為在該事情作出時已由破產管理署署長作出。
  2. 任何文件內如提述以破產管理署署長身分行事的註冊總署署長,則在《1992年破產(修訂)條例》+(1992年第39號)生效日期*及之後,該文件的效力一如以破產管理署署長的提述代替該等提述。
  3. (3) 在《1992年破產(修訂)條例》+(1992年第39號)生效日期*待決的任何法律程序中的一方,如是以破產管理署署長身分行事的註冊總署署長,則自該生效日期起,須由破產管理署署長代替註冊總署署長作為該法律程序的一方,而該法律程序須繼續進行,猶如破產管理署署長一直是該方一樣。

(4) 在本條中,“註冊總署署長”(Registrar General) 指根據《註冊總署署長(人事編制)條例》(第

100章)++第2(1)條獲委任的註冊總署署長。 (由1992年第39號第5條增補)


+ “《1992年破產(修訂)條例》”乃“Bankruptcy (Amendment) Ordinance 1992”之譯名。


條: 77 破產管理署署長在破產人行為操守方面的職責 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

對於破產人的行為操守,破產管理署署長的職責如下─ (由2005年第18號第20條修訂)

(a) 考慮任何根據第86A條向他呈交的報告,並就報告採取他認為適當的行動; (由2005年第18號第20條代替)
(b) (由2005年第18號第20條廢除)
(c)按律政司司長的指示參與和協助檢控任何破產人。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂;

由2005年第18號第20條修訂) (由1939年第33號修訂;由1940年第840號政府公告補充附表修訂;由1948年第20號第4條修訂;由1996年第76號第72條修訂)

[比照 1914 c. 59 s. 73 U.K.]

條: 78 破產管理署署長在破產人產業方面的職責 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007
    1. (1) 對於破產人的產業,破產管理署署長的職責如下─ (由1996年第76號第72條修訂)
      1. (a) 如獲法院委任為臨時受託人,則擔任臨時受託人; (由2005年第18號第21條代替)
      2. (b)-(e) (由2005年第18號第21條廢除)
      3. (f) 刊登破產令; (由1996年第76號第72及73條修訂)
      4. (g) 在受託人職位出現空缺時出任受託人。
      5. (h) (由2005年第18號第21條廢除)
  1. 破產管理署署長為執行其作為臨時受託人的職責而具有的權力,猶如他是法院委任的接管

人而具有的一樣,但他須在切實可行範圍內,就破產人的財產管理事宜諮詢債權人的意願,如他認為合宜,可為此目的而召集聲稱是債權人的人開會;除非法院命令另有規定,否則他不得在保護破產人的財產或處理易毀消貨品方面所必需的開支以外,招致任何其他開支。 (由1996年第76號第72條修訂)

(3) (由2005年第18號第21條廢除) (由2005年第18號第21條修

訂) [比照 1914 c. 59 s. 74 U.K.]

條: 79 受託人及暫行受託人的正式名稱 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007


受託人及暫行受託人 (由2005年第18號第22條代替)


  1. (1) 暫行受託人的正式名稱為“破產人 的財產暫行受託人”(填上破產人姓名)。
  2. (2) 受託人的正式名稱為“破產人的財產受託人”(填上破產人姓名)。
  3. 暫行受託人或受託人可以他的正式名稱,作出所有規定由他在執行其職務時作出或他獲授

權在執行其職務時作出的作為。 (由2005年第18號第23條代替)

條: 79A 無資格獲委任為受託人 30/06/1997



(a) 任何違反本條作出的委任,均屬無效;及

$5000。 (由1984年第47號第11條增補)

條: 79B 影響受託人的委任的舞弊誘因 30/06/1997



條: 80 委任共同或繼任受託人及暫行受託人的權力 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007


行受託人獲授權作出的任何作為,是否須由所有該等人士或其中任何一人或多於一人作出,但所有該等人士均在本條例中包括在“暫行受託人”一詞內,並且是破產人財產的聯權共有人。 (由2005年第18號第24條代替)

(1A)當2名或多於2名的人獲委任為受託人時,該項委任須述明規定由受託人作出或受託人獲授權作出的任何作為,是否須由所有該等人士或其中任何一人或多於一人作出,但所有該等人士均在本條例中包括在“受託人”一詞內,並且是破產人財產的聯權共有人。 (由2005年第18號第24條增補)


士的委任不獲法院批准時,債權人亦可委任其他人士繼任為受託人。 [比照1914 c. 59 s. 77 U.K.]

條: 81 受託人職位出現空缺時的程序 30/06/1997
    1. 如受託人職位出現空缺,則債權人在大會上可委任一名人士填補該空缺,並須隨即採取與首次委任時相同的程序。
    2. (2) 在任何債權人提出要求時,破產管理署署長須為填補任何該等空缺而召集會議。
    1. 債權人如在空缺出現後3星期內並無委任任何人士填補該空缺,則破產管理署署長須向法院報告此事,而法院可委任一名受託人。
      1. (4) 當受託人職位出現空缺時,破產管理署署長須出任受託人。 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 78 U.K.〕
      2. (1) 如暫行受託人職位出現空缺,破產管理署署長須—
條: 81A 暫行受託人職位的空缺 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007


(b) (在任何其他情況下)擔任暫行受託人。



條: 82 受託人的酌情決定權及該權力所受控制 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007


  1. 在符合本條例條文的規定下,受託人在管理破產人財產及將該財產分發予債權人時,須顧及債權人在任何大會上藉決議所給予的任何指示,或債權人委員會所給予的任何指示;兩者間如有衝突,則債權人在任何大會上給予的任何指示,須當作凌駕於債權人委員會所給予的任何指示。(由1996年第76號第74條修訂)
  2. 為確定債權人的意願,受託人可不時召集債權人大會,而受託人有責任按債權人在委任受託人的會議上或在其他情況下藉決議而指示的時間召集會議。任何債權人如獲佔債權價值四分之一的債權人(包括該債權人本人在內)贊同,可在任何時間請求受託人召開債權人會議,而受託人須據此於14天內召開該會議:

但該名要求召集該會議的人,如被要求繳存一筆足以支付召集會議費用的款項,則須向受託人繳存該款項;如法院有所指示,該人可從有關產業中獲退還該筆款項。 (由2005年第18號第26條修訂)

  1. (3) 受託人可就破產案所引起的任何事宜,按訂明的方式向法院申請指示。
  2. 在符合本條例條文的規定下,受託人須在管理破產人產業及將該產業分發予債權人時行使

其酌情決定權。 [比照 1914 c. 59 s. 79 U.K.]

條: 83 針對受託人向法院上訴 30/06/1997

破產人、任何債權人或任何其他人如因受託人的任何作為或決定而受屈,可向法院提出申請,而法院可確認、推翻或修改被申訴的作為或決定,並就此而作出其認為公正的命令。 [比照 1914 c. 59 s. 80 U.K.]

條: 84 法院對受託人的控制 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
    1. 法院須審理受託人的行為操守,受託人須以受信人身分行事並須誠實地、真誠地、以適當的技巧及能力並以合理的方式處理由其控制的財產,如任何受託人沒有忠誠地執行其職責,亦沒有妥為遵從所有藉條例、規則或在其他方面施加於他而又與其職責的執行有關的規定,或如任何債權人、破產管理署署長、有關破產人或任何其他人藉著於聆訊日期的至少8整天前向受託人妥為送達通知而向法院作出任何該方面的投訴,則法院須就有關事宜進行查訊及採取被認為是合宜的行動。(由1996年第76號第46條修訂)
    2. (1A) 在不局限根據第(1)款委以受託人的職責的概括性的原則下,在將破產人的產業變現時,受託人在職責上須採取一切合理程度的謹慎措施,以在當時情況下屬合理可得的最佳價格變現。 (由1996年第76號第46條增補)
    1. 法院可自行動議或應破產管理署署長的申請,在任何時間要求任何受託人就法院或破產管理署署長所提出、與該受託人所參與進行的破產案有關的查訊作出回答,亦可就有關的破產案而向受託人或任何其他人作經宣誓的訊問。
      1. (3) 法院亦可指示對受託人的簿冊及憑單進行調查。
        1. (4) 凡法院因應一項根據本條提出的申請而信納─
          1. (a)受託人曾不當地運用或曾保留組成該破產人的產業的任何金錢或其他財產或應為任何金錢或其他財產負責;或
          2. (b)破產人的產業是因該產業的受託人在執行其職能方面的失當行為或違反受信人的職責

或其他職責而蒙受任何損失的, 則法院可命令受託人為該產業的利益而償還或歸還金錢或其他財產(連同以法院認為公正的利率計算後所得的利息)或對該等金錢或該其他財產負責,或按情況所需,就該失當行為或違反受信人的職責或其他職責而償付法院認為公正的款項以作為補償;此外,本條所指的法律責任不得損害除本條外而產生的任何法律責任。 (由1996年第76號第46條增補)

[比照 1914 c. 59 s. 81 U.K.]

條: 85 受託人的酬金 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998


(1) 債權人如委任任何人為破產人的產業的受託人,則該受託人的酬金(如有的話)須藉債權人的

普通決議釐定,或如債權人議決由債權人委員會釐定,則須由債權人委員會釐定。 (由1996年第76號第72及74條修訂)

  1. 凡受託人的酬金是從受託人所收款項中抽取佣金而得者,則其中一部分須來自受託人變現所得的款項,但須先減去從有抵押債權人所持抵押品的收益中支付該等債權人的款項,而另一部分則須來自用作派發攤還債款的款項。
  2. 如佔債權人人數或債權價值四分之一的債權人向破產管理署署長提出申請,或如破產管理署署長認為受託人的酬金應予檢討,則破產管理署署長可向法院申請,而法院可隨即確認、增加或削減受託人的酬金。
  3. (4) 有關的決議或債權人委員會(視屬何情況而定)須指明受託人酬金中所包括的開支,而對於任何該等開支,破產人的產業或債權人均無任何法律責任。 (由1996年第76號第74條修訂)
  4. 凡受託人在無酬金的情況下行事,則須准許他從破產人的產業中支取他在破產法律程序中所招致或就破產法律程序而招致並獲法院批准的正當開支。
  5. 在任何情況下,受託人除了從有關產業中支付給他的上述酬金外,不得為任何饋贈、酬金、金錢代價或其他代價、金錢利益或其他利益而作出任何安排,或接受破產人、任何律師、拍賣商或就有關破產案而獲聘用的任何其他人的饋贈、酬金、金錢代價或其他代價、金錢利益或其他利益,亦不得將其本人作為接管人、經理人或受託人所得酬金的任何部分,安排讓與或讓與破產人或任何律師或就有關破產案而獲聘用的任何其他人。


(1) 以下人士的酬金須按照破產管理署署長不時以書面批准的收費表或其他基準釐定—

(a) 破產管理署署長以外的暫行受託人;


  1. 如佔債權人人數或債權價值四分之一的債權人向破產管理署署長提出申請,或破產管理署署長認為第(1)款所提述的暫行受託人或首任受託人的酬金應予檢討,則破產管理署署長可向法院申請,而法院可應該申請而確認、增加或削減該酬金。
  2. 凡第(1)款所提述的暫行受託人或首任受託人並未獲付任何酬金,則法院可應申請,命令自破產人的產業中向他支付法院認為足以補還他在管理破產人產業過程中招致的必需的墊付支出。上述申請可由有關受託人或破產管理署署長提出。
    1. 在任何情況下,第(1)款所提述的暫行受託人或首任受託人除了從有關產業中支付給他的上述酬金外,不得為須向他作出或支付給他的任何饋贈、酬金、金錢代價或其他代價、金錢利益或其他利益而作出任何安排,或接受破產人、任何律師、拍賣商或就有關破產案而獲聘用的任何其他人的饋贈、酬金、金錢代價或其他代價、金錢利益或其他利益,亦不得將或安排將其本人作為接管人、經理人或受託人所得酬金的任何部分,讓與破產人、任何律師、拍賣商或就有關破產案而獲聘用的任何其他人。
    2. (由2005年第18號第27條增補)
  3. 凡任何受託人或經理人就他作為受託人或經理人所提供的服務而收取酬金,則不得就任何其他人執行條例或規則規定須由該受託人或經理人本人執行的一般職務,而作出任何記入該受託人或經理人帳目的付款。


  1. 非受託人身分的律師、經理人、會計師、拍賣商、經紀及其他人的一切訟費單及收費單,均須由司法常務官評定;如無證明顯示已作出該項評定,則不得就該等訟費單及收費單作出任何記入受託人帳目的付款。司法常務官在通過該等訟費單及收費單前,須信納在產生該等費用的有關事宜中聘用該等律師及其他人是經妥為認許的。除非在緊急情況下,否則該項認許須在聘用前取得,而在緊急情況下,亦必須證明在取得認許方面並無任何不當延誤。
  2. (4) 上述各人須應受託人的請求(受託人須在宣布攤還債款前的足夠時間提出該項請求),將其訟費單或收費單交付司法常務官以供評定。上述任何人如沒有在接獲該項請求後7天內,或在法院應任何申請而批予的較長期間內如此辦理,則受託人須宣布並派發攤還債款而無須顧及該人所提出的任何申索,而相對於受託人本人及有關產業而言,任何該等申索權即告喪失。

[比照 1914 c. 59 s. 83 U.K.]

條: 86A 受託人在破產人行為操守方面的職責 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

受託人在破產人行為操守及產業方面的職責 (由2005年第18號第28條增補)

    1. (1) 受託人有職責—
      1. (a) 調查破產人的行為操守;及
      2. (b)將任何足以令法院拒絕作出或暫時中止破產人的破產解除令或就該命令施加約制的行為操守,向法院報告。
    1. (2) 如受託人不是破產管理署署長,該受託人亦有職責—
      1. (a)調查破產人的行為操守,並在有理由相信破產人曾作出構成本條例所訂的罪行的作為時,立即向破產管理署署長報告;及
      2. (b) 按律政司司長或破產管理署署長的指示參與和協助檢控破產人。 (由2005年第18號第28條增補)
    1. (1) 對於破產人的產業,受託人的職責如下—
      1. (a) 如覺得為債權人的利益而需籌措款項,則籌措款項;
      2. (b) 如召集債權人第一次會議,則主持該次會議;
      3. (c) 發出委託書表格,以供債權人會議上使用;
      4. (d) 就破產人可能已作出的有關結束其事務的方式的建議,向債權人報告;
      5. (e) 刊登債權人第一次會議日期、公開訊問破產人的日期及其他需予刊登的事情;
      6. (f)如破產人無代表律師,而又不能妥當地自行擬備其資產負債狀況說明書,則協助破產人擬備該說明書,並可為此目的而聘用任何一名或多於一名的人協助該項擬備工作,所涉及的開支由破產人的產業支付。
  1. (2) 受託人須按法院不時指示的方式,向法院呈交帳目、交付所有款項及處理所有抵押品。 (由2005年第18號第28條增補)
條: 86B 受託人在破產人產業方面的職責 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007
條: 87 受託人須提供債權人列表 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007


每當任何債權人提出要求,受託人須向其提供一份列出每名債權人債權款額的債權人列表,而要求取得該列表的債權人須按訂明的收費率繳付費用。 (由1996年第76號第47條修訂;由2005年第18號第29條修訂) [比照 1914 c. 59 s. 84 U.K.]

條: 88 受託人須提供帳目報表 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007


但該名要求提供該等帳目的人,如被要求繳存一筆足以支付提供該等帳目所需費用的款項,即須向受託人繳存該款項;如法院有所指示,則該人可從有關產業中獲退還該筆款項。 (由2005年第18號第30條修訂) [比照 1914 c. 59 s. 85 U.K.]

條: 89 法律程序周年報表 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007
  1. 每名破產案受託人須在破產人破產期間不時按訂明的時間,而每年不得少於一次,向破產管理署署長提供一份報表,該報表須說明截至報表日期為止就破產案進行的法律程序,並須載有訂明的細則和以訂明的格式擬備。
  2. 破產管理署署長須安排將如此提供的報表審閱,並須要求受託人解釋在上述報表中或在受託人帳目中或在其他方面可能顯示的任何失當行為、疏忽或遺漏,並可向法院申請,要求命令受託人補償任何因該項失當行為、疏忽或遺漏而令破產人產業蒙受的損失。

(由2005年第18號第31條修訂) [比照 1914 c. 59 s. 87 U.K.]

條: 90 受託人不得存款入私人帳戶 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998


私人銀行帳戶,亦不得將該等款項用於管理破產人產業以外的用途。 (由1996年第76號第48條修訂) 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 88 U.K.〕

條: 91 將款項存入銀行 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998


(1)破產管理署署長須以破產管理署署長的名義在行政長官所批准的銀行開立帳戶,並須將其作為破產管理署署長或受託人而收取的全部款項存入該帳戶內,而破產案中每名以受託人名義收取款項的受託人(破產管理署署長除外),均須以破產人的產業的名義在該銀行開立帳戶,並須將其作為受託人而不時收取的款項存入該帳戶內︰ (由1984年第47號第12條修訂;由1996年第76號第72條修訂;由2005年第18號第32條修訂)

但破產管理署署長應債權人委員會的申請,可授權任何其他受託人在該委員會於申請中所指明的任何其他銀行提存款項,而該等款項的提存須按訂明的方式進行。 (由1984年第47號第12條增補。由1996年第76號第74條修訂)

  1. 如受託人在任何時間將一筆超過$2000的款項保留逾10天,或將一筆超過破產管理署署長在任何個案中授權他保留之數額的款項保留逾10天,則除非他就該項保留作出令破產管理署署長滿意的解釋,否則他須就其保留的超額部分支付利息,以年率20釐計算,並且他不得申索任何酬金,亦可被破產管理署署長免任,並須承擔法律責任支付因其失責而引起的任何開支。(由1984年第47號第12條修訂) [比照 1914 c. 59 s. 89(5) U.K.]
  2. 任何受託人如將款項存入其私人銀行帳戶或用於管理破產人產業以外的用途,則在以不影響任何其他法律責任為原則下,該受託人可被免任和不獲支付任何酬金,並可被法院命令補償債權人因該受託人的行為操守而蒙受的一切損失及開支。
  3. 受託人須備存書面紀錄,以記下就債權人或債權人委員會任何會議的一切程序及所通過的一切決議而作的會議紀錄,和為正確反映破產人財產的管理情況而需要的一切協商及程序的陳述。該紀錄須隨時應破產管理署署長的要求而出示,以供他查閱。 (由2005年第18號第33條修訂)
  4. 受託人亦須備存一份帳目,名為產業帳目,形式與普通的債務人及債權人帳目相同,受託人須在該帳目上逐日記入其作為受託人的一切收支。


人產業的銀行帳戶存摺,而該等文件須在所有合理時間公開給任何債權人查閱。 (由1996年第76號第74條修訂)

    1. (1) 破產管理署署長以外的受託人,須備存一份他作為受託人的收支帳目。 (由2005年第18號第34條代替)
    2. (1A) 破產管理署署長可隨時要求受託人向他提供上述帳目,而受託人須在指明時間內遵從該項要求。 (由2005年第18號第34條增補)
  1. (2) 該帳目須具訂明格式,一式兩份,並須以訂明格式的誓章核實。 (由1966年第13號附表修訂)


署長可隨時要求出示受託人所備存的任何簿冊或帳目,並予以查閱 (由1987年第39號第3條代替) (3A) 破產管理署署長可隨時安排審計該帳目。 (由1987年第39號第3條增補)

    1. 破產管理署署長須在任何該等帳目經審計後(或如破產管理署署長決定該帳目無須審計,則隨即)將該帳目的一份存檔及保存,另一份則須交付法院存檔,而每一 份均須公開給已繳付訂明費用的任何債權人、破產人或任何有利害關係的人查閱。 (由1987年第39號第3條修訂)
    2. (4A) 即使任何未經審計的帳目已予存檔,破產管理署署長仍可於其後安排將該帳目審計,而在此情況下,破產管理署署長須將該經審計的帳目一份存檔及保存,另一份則交付法院存檔,而每一份均須公開給已繳付訂明費用的任何債權人、破產人或任何有利害關係的人查閱。 (由1987年第39號第3條增補)
  1. (5) 法院如欲訊問受託人,則可對受託人進行訊問,而在聆聽受託人的解釋(如有的話)後,法院可作出其認為公正的命令,以強制受託人對法院覺得由於受託人的任何失當行為、疏忽、不當的行為操守或不當的不作為而使破產人產業蒙受的任何損失,作出補償。 (由1987年第39號第3條修訂)

[比照 1914 c. 59 s. 92 U.K.]

條: 94 免除受託人的職務 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998


  1. 當受託人已將破產人的全部財產變現,或已將其中他認為可在不會不必要地延長託管的情況下變現的部分財產變現,並已派發末期攤還債款(如有的話),或受託人因一項自願安排獲得批准而已停任受託人,或已辭職或被免任,則他須向法院申請免除其職務。如受託人已符合法院在帳目方面和在針對受託人的法院命令方面的所有規定,則法院可據此作出命令免除其職務。 (由1996年第76號第49條修訂)
  2. 凡受託人不獲批准免除職務,法院可應任何債權人或有利害關係的人的申請,作出其認為公正的命令,使受託人承擔其可能曾作出的任何違反其職責的作為或失責行為的後果。
  3. 法院免除受託人職務的命令,須就受託人在管理破產人事務方面的任何作為或失責而解除其所有法律責任,或在其他方面就其作為受託人的行為操守而解除其所有法律責任;但如證明任何該等命令是藉欺詐或藉隱藏或隱瞞任何具關鍵性的事實而獲得的,則該命令可被撤銷。
  4. 第(1)、(2)及(3)款條文適用於正出任受託人或以受託人身分行事的破產管理署署長,而破產管理署署長根據本條或任何以前的類似成文法則獲免除職務後,他仍須為其後與管理破產人的產業有關的任何事情而繼續以受託人身分行事,但他無須因其如此繼續行事而為其獲免除職務前所作的任何作為或失責行為或所招致的任何法律責任,承擔任何個人法律責任。 (由1996年第76號第72條修訂)
  5. 凡受託人先前並無辭職或被免任,其職務的免除具有免去其職位的效用,而破產管理署署長即成為受託人。
  6. 凡在免除受託人職務後,由破產管理署署長出任受託人或以受託人身分行事,他無須為任何前任受託人所作的任何作為、所犯的任何失責或所招致的任何法律責任而承擔任何個人法律責任。

[比照 1914 c. 59 s. 93 U.K.]

條: 95 受託人因無力償債而離職 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

如有破產令針對任何受託人作出,該受託人須因此而離職。 (由1996年第76號第73條修訂) 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 94 U.K.〕

條: 96 將受託人免任 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007


(2) 如法院認為─

(a) 破產管理署署長以外的受託人行為不當或並無根據本條例執行其職責;或 (由2005年第18號第35條修訂)
(b) 該受託人的託管正不必要地延長,而債權人頗不可能因此得益;或
(c) 該受託人因精神錯亂或長期患病或缺勤而無能力執行其職責;或
(e) 為債權人的利益而有此必要,


[比照 1914 c. 59 s. 95 U.K.]

條: 97 法院的一般權力 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

第VI部 法院的組織、程序及權力 司法管轄權


(2) (由1996年第76號第50條廢除) 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 105 U.K.〕

條: 98 破產案中的覆核及上訴 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007


  1. (1) 法院或司法常務官可覆核、撤銷或更改由法院或司法常務官(視屬何情況而定)根據其破產司法管轄權而作出的任何命令。 (由1991年第78號第2條代替)
  2. 任何人均可就法院或司法常務官的任何命令而向上訴法庭上訴。上訴通知書須於《高等法院規則》(第4章,附屬法例A)第59號命令第4(1)(b)條規則所指明的針對在破產事宜中作出的命令上訴的時限內送達。 (由1975年第92號第59條修訂;由1991年第78號第2條修訂;由1998年第25號第2條修訂;由2005年第18號第36條修訂)

[比照 1914 c. 59 s. 108 U.K.]

條: 99 關於程序的一般規則 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007


  1. 高等法院當其時用以規管法院一般民事訴訟程序的規則及慣例,均適用於破產法律程序,但僅以可適用者及不抵觸本條例規定者為限;法院所作出關於破產法律程序的每項命令,可按法院就任何其他民事訴訟程序而作出的判決的強制執行方式,予以強制執行。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
  2. 司法常務官在緊急情況下有權作出臨時命令,亦有權聆訊及裁定無人反對的或單方面的申請。任何如此作出的命令,除非有人就其向法院上訴,否則須當作法院的命令。
    1. 除根據第113條訂立的規則在限制本款所授權力方面另有規定外,進行公開聆訊的司法常務官有權聆訊及裁定─
      1. (a) 無人反對的破產呈請,並根據該呈請作出破產令; (由1998年第37號第2條修訂)
      2. (b) 要求廢止破產令的申請; (由1998年第37號第2條修訂;由2005年第18號第37條修訂)
      3. (c) 要求就自願安排而作出臨時命令的申請;及 (由1998年第37號第2條代替)
      4. (d) 要求解除破產的申請。 (由1991年第78號第3條代替。由2005年第18號第37條修訂)
  3. 除非法院在某個案中另有命令,否則司法常務官可行使與執行第19及29條授予法院的權力或施加於法院的職責。
    1. (2) 司法常務官如行使第(1)款或第99(3)條授予他的司法管轄權,則可─ (由1991年第78號第4條修訂)
      1. (a) 將任何事情轉呈一名法官決定或作出指示;及
      2. (b) 在任何時間將一宗訊問押後,以便在一名法官席前作進一步聆訊。
    1. 如有任何事情根據第(2)(a)款轉呈一名法官,該名法官可親自處理該事情,或作出其認為合適的指示而將該事情發還司法常務官處理。
        1. (4) 如一宗訊問根據第(2)(b)款押後,以便在一名法官席前作進一步聆訊,法官可─
          1. (a) 繼續進行該宗訊問;
          2. (b) 在任何時間指示將該宗訊問在司法常務官席 前繼續進行;及
          3. (c) 作出他認為恰當的其他命令及作出他認為恰當的指示。
      1. (5) 本條例中凡提述法院之處,須包括提述行使本條所授予的司法管轄權的司法常務官。
  4. 儘管有第(5)款的規定,司法常務官在行使本條所授予的司法管轄權時,並無權力作出命令,以某人犯藐視法庭罪而將他交付羈押。
    1. (7) 在本條中─ “司法常務官”(Registrar) 指─
      1. (a) 高等法院司法常務官;
        (aa) 高等法院任何高級副司法常務官; (由2005年第10號第168條增補)
      2. (b) 高等法院任何副司法常務官;及
      3. (c) 由終審法院首席法官為施行本條而委任的高等法院任何助理司法常務官。 (由1970年第50號第2條增補。由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
  5. 除本條例條文及一般規則另有規定外,根據本條例在法院進行的任何法律程序的訟費及該法律程序附帶引起的訟費,均由法院酌情決定。 (由1996年第76號第51條修訂)
  6. (2) 法院可於任何時間按其認為適合施加的條款(如有的話),將在其席前進行的任何法律程序押後。
  7. (3) 法院可於任何時間按其認為適合施加的條款(如有的話),修訂本條例所指的任何法律程序文件或修改本條例所指的任何法律程序。
  8. 凡本條例或一般規則對作出任何作為或事情的時間加以限制,則法院可按其認為適合施加的條款(如有的話),在該時限屆滿之前或之後延展該時限。
條: 99A 司法常務官的司法管轄權 10 of 2005 08/07/2005
條: 100 法院的酌情決定權 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998


以委託方式錄取全部或部分證供。 (由1984年第47號第16條修訂) [比照 1914 c. 59 s. 109 U.K.]

條: 100A 法院可作出規管令 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

詳列交互參照: 100B,100C,100D,100E,100F,100G,100H

6 -破產條例

  1. 凡破產管理署署長、受託人或任何債權人在任何破產呈請提出後的任何時間提出申請,而法院覺得由於債權人人數眾多或由於任何其他理由,為債權人的利益而需要法院作出下述命令,則法院可於作出破產令之時或之後,下令有關的破產法律程序須由法院特別規管,而該命令則稱為規管令。 (由1996年第76號第73條修訂;由2005年第18號第38條修訂)
  2. 規管令須按法院所指示的方式公布,而第100B至100H條適用於已有規管令作出的破產法律程序,但不適用於其他情況。 〈* 註─詳列交互參照:第100B,100C,100D,100E,100F,100G,100H條 *〉
  3. 凡有規管令作出,則《破產規則》(第6章,附屬法例A)經必要的變通後,適用於在規管令作出後獲委任或行事的破產管理署署長、受託人及債權人委員會,亦適用於法院根據第100B或100F條下令進行的任何投票或其他程序。 (由1996年第76號第73條修訂)
  4. 凡根據第100B至100G條作出的命令訂明任何程序,該程序須當作取代若非有該命令作出則本條例會規定的程序,尤其是凡任何該等命令訂明作出某事的程序,而若非因該命令則該事會在債
權人會議上作出者,則在該命令作出後無須舉行該等會議。 〈 *註─詳列交互參照:第1 00B,
100C,100D,100E,100F,100G條 *〉
條: 100B 第一次會議及債務重整協議 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

詳列交互參照: 20,20A,20B,20C,20D,20E,20F,20G,20H,20I,20J,20K

(1) (由1996年第76號第52條廢除)

    1. 為接受或拒絕接受任何建議,法院可命令按其指示的方式確定債權人的意願,而無須舉行第20E條所指的會議;法院並可為此目的而就任何將建議轉達該等債權人的方式作出指示。 (由1996年第76號第52條修訂)
    2. (3) 在以不減損第(2)款的概括性為原則下,法院可就舉行投票及使用表決信之事作出指示。
    1. (4) 儘管有第20至20K條的規定,在已證明債權的所有債權人中,或在憑藉第100H條就表決事宜而被當作已證明超過$100債權的所有債權人中,如有佔人數過半數且佔債權價值四分之三的債權人同意接受一項建議,則該建議須當作已獲各債權人妥為接受,經法院批准後,對所有債權人均具約束力。 〈*註─詳列交互參照:第20,20A,20B,20C,20D,20E,20F,20G,20H,20I,20J,20K條 *〉 (由1996年第76號第52條修訂)
    2. (5) (由1996年第76號第52條廢除) (由1965年第21號第2條增補)
  1. (1) 法院可應破產管理署署長或在根據第100A條作出規管令前獲委任或行事的受託人的申請,藉命令委任提出該申請的人或該人所推薦的任何其他人出任規管令所指的破產人財產受託人。 (由2005年第18號第39條代替)
條: 100C (1996年第76號第53條廢除) L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
條: 100D 在規管令作出後受託人的委任及免任 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

(1A) 法院可應破產管理署署長的申請,藉命令將根據第(1)款委任的任何受託人免任,和填補任何空缺。 (由2005年第18號第39條增補) (1B)第(1)或(1A)款所指的命令一經作出,則第81(1)、(2)及(3)或96(1)條即停止適用於有關的破產案,而在規管令作出之前根據該等條文就任何受託人的委任、免任或任何空缺的填補而採取的任何

行動,即停止有效。 (由2005年第18號第39條增補)


的指示。除非法院有所命令,否則受託人或破產管理署署長均無須召集任何債權人會議。 (由1965年第21號第2條增補)

條: 100E 債權人委員會 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
    1. 法院可應破產管理署署長或受託人的申請,藉命令委任其認為合適的合資格人士組成債權人委員會,以監督受託人對破產人財產的管理,亦可藉命令將該委員會的任何委員免任,和填補該委員會內的任何空缺。
    2. (2) 即使該委員會內有任何空缺,該委員會的留任委員只要人數不少於2人,仍可行事。
  1. 任何作出該等委任、免任或填補空缺的命令一經作出,則第24(1)條及與該項命令有關的任何適用的規則的條文即停止適用於有關的破產案,而根據該等條文就債權人委員會的委出、該委員會任何委員的免任或任何空缺的填補而採取的任何行動,即停止生效。 (由1996年第76號第55條修訂)

(由1965年第21號第2條增補 。由1996年第76號第74條修訂)

條: 100F 通知債權人及確定其意願 30/06/1997



條: 100G 債權人須發出擬參與公開訊問的意向通知書 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

(1)如任何債權人欲根據第19(5)條在對破產人進行的公開訊問中行使其詢問破產人的權利,則法院可命令該債權人將其此項意向以書面通知— (由2005年第18號第40條修訂)

(a) (如該項公開訊問的申請人是破產管理署署長)破產管理署署長;或
(b) (如該項公開訊問的申請人是受託人)受託人。 (由1996年第76號第56條修訂;由2005年第18號第40條修訂)

(1A)法院亦可作出指示,規定除非破產管理署署長或受託人(視屬何情況而定)在法院指明的時間內接獲第(1)款所指的通知,否則有關債權人不得根據第19(5)條在對破產人進行的公開訊問中行使其詢問破產人的權利。 (由2005年第18號第40條增補)


公告,而關於該項訊問或其押後聆訊的通知則無須向個別債權人送交。 (由1965年第21號第2條增補。由1996年第76號第72條修訂)

條: 100H 銀行的債權證明 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

詳列交互參照: 20,20A,20B,20C,20D,20E,20F,20G,20H,20I,20J,20K



6 -破產條例

餘額,證明其債權︰ (由1996年第76號第73條修訂)


明其債權;及 〈*註─詳列交互參照:第20,20A,20B,20C,20D,20E,20F,

20G,20H,20I,20J,20K條 *〉 (由1996年第76號第57條修訂)

(b)就派發攤還債款事宜而言,已就上述淨餘額加上或減去(視屬何情況而定)銀行在破產令的日期就該等帳戶應支付或應收取的累算淨利息後所得的款項,證明其債權, (由1996年第76號第73條修訂)

除非與直至破產管理署署長或受託人以書面通知要求該債權人作出正式的債權證明。 (由2005年第18號第41條修訂)



條: 101 呈請的合併 30/06/1997

凡有2項或多於2項的破產呈請針對同一債務人或針對共同債務人而提出,法院可按其認為合適的條款將有關的法律程序或任何該等程序合併。 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 110 U.K.〕

條: 102 改變法律程序的進行的權力 30/06/1997

凡呈請人並無在其呈請的進行方面作出應盡的努力,法院可撤銷其呈請,或以債務人向其欠下本條例所規定款額的任何其他債權人,取代該名提出呈請的債權人而成為呈請人。 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 111 U.K.〕

條: 103 債務人去世後法律程序的繼續 30/06/1997

如提出破產呈請的債務人或破產呈請所針對的債務人去世,則除非法院另有命令,否則有關事件的法律程序須繼續進行,猶如該債務人仍在生一樣。 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 112 U.K.〕

條: 104 擱置法律程序的權力 30/06/1997

法院在有充分理由的情況下,可於任何時間作出命令,按其認為公正的條款及條件,將根據破產呈請進行的法律程序完全擱置或擱置一段限定的期間。 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 113 U.K.〕

條: 105 針對一名合夥人提出呈請的權力 30/06/1997

任何債權人的債權如足以使其有權針對任何商號的所有合夥人提出破產呈請,則該債權人可針對該商號的任何一名或多於一名合夥人提出呈請,而該項呈請無須包括其他合夥人。 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 114 U.K.〕

條: 106 只撤銷針對某些答辯人的呈請的權力 30/06/1997

凡任何呈請的答辯人多於一人,法院可就其中一人或多於一人撤銷該項呈請,而該項撤銷並不損害該項呈請對其餘一人或多於一人的效力。 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 115 U.K.〕

條: 107 受託人及破產人的合夥人提出的訴訟 30/06/1997


〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 117 U.K.〕

條: 108 有關共同合約的訴訟 30/06/1997

凡破產人與一名或多於一名人士共同是任何合約的一方,則該人或該等人士無須聯同破產人亦可就該合約而起訴或被起訴。 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 118 U.K.〕

條: 109 以合夥名義進行的法律程序 30/06/1997


〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 119 U.K.〕

條: 110 不服從法院命令 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998




凡任何受託人、破產人或其他人不服從法院根據本條例作出的任何命令或指示,法院可立即作出命令,將該受託人、破產人或其他人以藐視法庭罪交付羈押︰ (由1996年第76號第72條修訂) 但本條所授予的權力,須當作增補而非取代任何人就該項不服從而具有或須承擔的任何其他權利、補救方法或法律責任。 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 105(5) U.K.〕



破產令不得針對任何法團、根據《公司條例》(第32章)或該條例所廢除的任何成文法則而註冊的任何組織或公司、或根據《有限責任合夥經營條例》(第37章)註冊的任何合夥而作出。 (由1996年第76號第73條修訂) [比照 1914 c. 59 s. 126 U.K.]



  1. 任何已故債務人欠任何債權人的債項,如足以支持該債權人在該債務人在生時針對他提出破產呈請,則該債權人可向法院提交訂明格式的呈請書,請求法院按照破產法作出命令,對該名已故債務人的遺產進行破產 遺產管理。
  2. 該呈請書須送達該名已故債務人的合法遺產代理人,如在香港並無其合法遺產代理人,則須將呈請書送達遺產管理官;除非法院信納有關遺產合理地頗有可能足夠支付該名已故債務人所欠的債項,否則法院可在呈請人提出有關其債權的證明後,按訂明的方式下令對該名已故債務人的遺產進行破產遺產管理,或可在有人提出因由時,撤銷該項呈請,並判呈請人須繳付或無須繳付訟費。 (由1984年第47號第16條修訂)
  3. 在根據《高等法院規則》(第4章,附屬法例A)就已故債務人的遺產管理而進行的法律程序開始後,不得根據本條向法院提出破產遺產管理的呈請;但法院如信納有關遺產不足以償付其所欠債項,則可命令對該名已故債務人的遺產進行破產遺產管理,其後果與根據債權人的呈請而作出遺產管理令的後果相同。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
    1. 對已故債務人的遺產進行破產遺產管理的命令一經作出,該債務人的財產即歸屬作為該財產受託人的破產管理署署長,而破產管理署署長須隨即按照本條例的規定將該等財產變現及分發︰
    2. 但債權人在委出受託人及債權人委員會方面所具權力,與他們在其他以破產程序管理或處理債務人產業的情況下所具權力相同;本條例有關受託人及債權人委員會的規定,適用於根據如此授予的權力而委出的受託人及債權人委員會。如並無委出債權人委員會,則債權人委員會本可作出的任何作為或事情或本可給予的任何指示或批准,可由法院作出或給予。 (由1996年第76號第74條修訂)
  4. 經下述修訂後,第Ⅲ部所有條文(關於破產人財產的管理),以及經作出在第(10)款下訂立的一般規則所作變通後的以下條文,即第29條(關於對債務人的行為操守、交易及財產進行的查訊)及第86條(關於受託人、經理人及其他人的訟費),在適用範圍內均適用於根據本條作出的遺產管理令,一如其適用於根據本條例作出的判決令;此外,第40條亦適用,猶如該條凡提述判決令之處,即以提述本條所指的遺產管理令取代一樣。
  5. 破產管理署署長或受託人根據遺產管理令管理已故債務人的財產時,須顧及已故債務人的合法遺產代理人就其處理債務人遺產時所招致的喪葬費及遺囑管理費而提出的申索;該等申索須當作根據遺產管理令須優先償付的債項,而即使本條例對其他債項的優先權另有相反規定,該等申索仍須優先於所有其他債項而從債務人的產業中悉數償付。
    1. 在管理已故債務人的遺產時,如在悉數清償債務人所欠全部債項及悉數支付破產管理費及本條例就破產案所訂定的利息後,破產管理署署長或受託人手上仍有盈餘款項,則須將該盈餘付給已故債務人的合法遺產代理人,如無人出任該代理人,則須付給遺產管理官。
    2. (8) (由1996年第76號第59條廢除)
  6. 債務人的合法遺產代理人或遺產管理官,可提交本條所指、要求管理已故債務人遺產的呈請書;凡該代理人或遺產管理官如此提交呈請書,本條經作出在第(10)款下訂立的一般規則所訂明的變通後,即告適用。


同。 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 130 U.K.〕

條: 112A 條例對小額破產案的適用範圍 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

(1) 除第(2)款另有規定外,凡任何破產令針對債務人作出,而─ (由1996年第76號第60條修訂)

(a) 法院接獲其所信納的證明;或

(b) 暫行受託人向法院報告, 證明或指出債務人的財產價值相當可能不超過$200000,法院可作出命令,下令以簡易方式管理債務人的產業,而本條例的條文須隨即經以下變通而適用─ (由1985年第26號第3條修訂)

(ia) 第一次債權人會議須予免除; (由1996年第76號第60條代替)

(i) 暫行受託人須出任破產案受託人; (由1996年第76號第60條修訂)
(ii)不設債權人委員會,而受託人可作出受託人在債權人委員會認許下可作出的一切事情; (由1996年第76號第74條修訂)
(iii) 為節省開支及簡化程序而訂明的其他變通,但本條並不准許將本條例中關於訊問破產人或解除其破產的條文變通。 (由1996年第76號第72條修訂)

(2)法院可應受託人的申請,於破產人獲解除破產前的任何時間,將根據第(1)款作出的命令撤銷,而有關的產業管理須隨即進行,猶如該命令不曾作出一樣。 (由1996年第76號第72條修訂)

(由1976年第1號第6條增補。由2005年第18號第42條修訂) [比照 1914 c. 47 s. 129 U.K.]

條: 113 訂立一般規則的權力 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997




終審法院首席法官經立法局批准後可訂立規則,為使本條例各目標得以實施而作出一般規定。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂) 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 132(1) U.K.〕

條: 114 費用及酬金 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998





程序而訂明一份費用及按百分率計算的收費表。 (由1987年第39號第4條修訂;由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

  1. 法院可減免破產人應繳付的任何一項或多於一項費用或其任何部分,而該項減免可以是絕對的,亦可附加法院認為合適的條款。 (由1996年第139號法律公告修訂;由1996年第76號第72條修訂)
  2. 根據本條訂明的任何費用的款額,不受破產管理署署長在破產法律程序或在某破產案中招致或相當可能招致的行政費或其他費用的款額所限制。 (由 1987年第39號第4條增補)
    1. 根據本條作出的命令,可授權法院釐定任何費用或更改任何以其他方式訂明的費用的款額。 (由1987年第39號第4條增補)
    2. (5) 根據本條訂明的費用,不得僅因款額上的問題而無效。 (由1987年第39號第4條增補)
  3. (6) 根據本條作出的命令所規定繳付的費用,可作為 債項予以追討。 (由1987年第39號第4條增補)
  4. 在《1987年破產(修訂)條例》*(1987年第39號)生效日期前根據本條作出而在緊接該生效日期前仍有效的命令,自該條例生效日期起有效,猶如該等命令是根據經該條例修訂後的本條作出的。(*《1987年破產(修訂)條例》乃“Bankruptcy (Amendment) Ordinance 1987”之譯名) (由1987年第39號第4條增補)

〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 133(1) U.K.〕

條: 115 對破產管理署署長費用的處置 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007



條: 116 債權人會議程序的證據 30/06/1997




會議上通過的所有決議或進行的所有程序,亦當作已妥為通過或進行,直至相反證明成立為止。 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 138 U.K.〕

條: 117 破產法律程序的證據 30/06/1997


[比照 1914 c. 59 s. 139 U.K.]

條: 118 誓章的宣誓 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997



除一般規則另有規定外,在破產法庭使用的任何誓章,可在任何獲授權監誓的人面前宣誓;如作誓章的人是在香港以外地方,則可在其居住國家其所居住的國家內有資格監誓的人面前宣誓。 (由1984年第47號第16條修訂;由1998年第25號第2條修訂) 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 140 U.K.〕

條: 119 破產人或證人去世 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998


(由1996年第76號第71及72條修訂) 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 141 U.K.〕

條: 120 透過傳譯員向破產管理署署長或受託人作出的陳述 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998



條: 121 受託人的委任證明書 30/06/1997

由破產管理署署長發出以證明某人已根據本條例獲委任為受託人的證明書,即為該人獲該項委任的確證。 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 143 U.K.〕

條: 122 時間的計算 35 of 1998 s. 5 18/09/1998


  1. 凡本條例指定或容許在任何期限內作出任何作為或進行任何法律程序,而該段期限是自任何日期或該日期之後起計或自任何事件發生之時或之後起計,則在計算該段期限時,並不包括該日期當日或該事件發生當日在內,而是由翌日開始之時起計;而該作為或法律程序最遲須於如此計算的期限內最後一日作出或進行。
  2. 凡如此指定或容許的期限少於6天,則在計算該段期限時,《公眾假期條例》(第149章)所界定的公眾假期不得計算在內。 (由1998年第35號第5條修訂)
  3. 凡如此指定或容許的期限在本條所指明各日期中的某一天屆滿,而有關作為或法律程序是在翌日作出或進行,則該日雖非本條所指明各日期中的某一天,該作為或法律程序仍須被視為已按時作出或進行。


(由1975年第92號第58條修訂;由1998年第25號第2條修訂) 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 145 U.K.〕

條: 123 通知書的送達 30/06/1997

如並無指示特別的方式送達通知書及其他文件,則可將通知書及文件以郵遞方式送交須向其作出送達的人的最後為人所知地址。 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 146 U.K.〕

條: 124 形式上缺點並不使法律程序無效 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007



真誠地作出的任何作為成為無效。 (由1996年第76號第74條修訂;由2005年第18號第44條修訂) [比照 1914 c. 59 s. 147 U.K.]

條: 125 免繳印花稅的文件 30/06/1997
    1. (1) 以下文件無須繳納印花稅 ─
      1. (a)純粹與構成破產人產業一部分的不動產或非土地財產有關的任何轉易書,而該不動產或非土地財產在該轉易書簽立後,在法律上或在衡平法上是或仍然是破產人的產業或破產案受託人的產業;或
      2. (b) 純粹與破產人的財產有關的任何其他文書。
  1. (2) 在本條中,“轉易書”(assurance) 包括契據、轉易契、轉讓契及退回書。 (由1981年第31號第65條代替)
條: 126 法團、合夥人等的行事 30/06/1997


[比照 1914 c. 59 s. 149 U.K.]

條: 127 某些條文對官方有約束力 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

除本條例另有規定外,本條例中關於針對破產人財產取得的補救、債項的優先權、自願安排的效力及解除破產的效力的條文,均對官方有約束力。 (由1996年76號第61及72條修訂) 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 151 U.K.〕


(1) 凡─

(a) 任何破產案中的受託人而非破產管理署署長者;或

(b) 任何自願安排中的代名人, 依據本條例控制任何無人申索的攤還債款,而該攤還債款在其控制下超過6個月無人申索,或該受託人依據本條例控制任何由破產人以信託方式為他人持有的款項,或在派發末期攤還債款後,該受託人手上仍有或仍控制從破產人的財產產生的任何無人申索或未予派發的款項,則該受託人須立即將該等款項繳付予破產管理署署長,而破產管理署署長則須將該等款項撥入一個稱為“破產人產業帳戶”的帳戶內。破產管理署署長就如此繳付的款項而發出的收據,即充分解除受託人就該等款項所負的責任。 (由1976年第1號第7條修訂;由1984年第47號第14條修訂;由1996年第76號第62及72條修訂)
(1A) 凡由破產管理署署長在任何破產案中出任受託人,或在任何自願安排中出任代名人,他並依據本條例控制任何無人申索的攤還債款,而該攤還債款在其控制下超過6個月無人申索,或在派發末期攤還債款後,他手上仍有或仍控制從破產人的財產產生的任何無人申索或未予派發的款項,則他須立即將該等款項轉撥入“破產人產業帳戶”內。 (由1976年第1號第7條增補。由1996年第76號第62及72條修訂)
任何人如聲稱有權獲得根據本條例撥入“破產人產業帳戶”內的任何款項,可於該款項如此撥入該帳戶之日後5年內,向破產管理署署長申請將該款項支付給他。如破產管理署署長信納該人有權獲得該款項,則須作出命令,將該人應得的款項支付給他。任何人如對破產管理署署長的決定不滿,可向法院上訴。 (由1939年第33號修訂;由1940年第840號政府公告補充附表修訂;由1976年第1號第7條修訂)
凡有任何款項在“破產人產業帳戶”內5年無人申索,破產管理署署長可將該款項轉撥入香港政府一般收入內。 (由1976年第1號第7條代替)


通知。 (由1976年第1號第7條代替) 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 153(1) U.K.〕

(1) 在以下帳戶有現金餘款時 ─

(a) 第128條所提述的“破產人產業帳戶”;或

(b) 破產管理署署長根據第91條開立的任何帳戶, 而該現金餘款超過破產管理署署長認為當其時為償付與債務人產業有關的要求而需要的款額,則破產管理署署長可將該超額款項全部或部分存入銀行。 (由1984年第47號第15條修訂)


入內。 (由1976年第65號第5條增補)



    1. (1) 任何人如已被判定破產,則在以下任何一種情況下,該人均屬犯罪─ (由1996年第76號第63條修訂)
      1. (a)如他沒有盡他所知所信,全面並真實地向受託人披露其所有土地財產及非土地財產,和他曾以何方式、向何人、以何代價及於何時就該等財產的任何部分作產權處置,但如他證明他並無意圖欺詐則除外;如曾在其業務(如有的話)的通常運作中就該等財產的任何部分作產權處置,或該等財產的任何部分曾用於支付其家庭日常開支,則該部分不計在內;
      2. (b)如他沒有向受託人交出或按受託人的指示交出其動產或不動產中在他保管或控制下而法律規定他須交出的所有部分,但如他證明他並無意圖欺詐則除外;
      3. (c)如他沒有向受託人交出或按受託人的指示交出在他保管或控制下而與其財產或事務有關的所有簿冊、文件、文據及文書,但如他證明他並無意圖欺詐則除外;
      4. (d)如在他提出或有人針對他提出破產呈請後,或在緊接提出呈請前12個月內,他隱瞞其財產中價值達$50或多於$50的任何部分,或隱瞞別人欠他或他欠別人的任何債項,但如他證明他並無意圖欺詐則除外;
      5. (e)如在他提出或有人針對他提出破產呈請後,或在緊接提出呈請前12個月內,他欺詐地移走其財產中價值達$50或多於$50的任何部分;
      6. (f)如他在任何有關其事務的陳述書中作任何關鍵性的遺漏或錯誤陳述,但如他證明他並無意圖欺詐則除外;
      7. (g)如他知道或有任何理由相信任何人曾在其破產案中證明虛假的債權,但他沒有在1個月內將此事通知受託人;
      8. (h)如在他提出或有人針對他提出破產呈請後,他阻止或參與阻止將任何影響或有關其財產或事務的簿冊、文件、文據或文書出示,但如他證明他並無意圖隱瞞其事務狀況或並無意圖使法律無法執行則除外;
      9. (i) 如在他提出或有人針對他提出破產呈請後,或在緊接提出呈請前12個月內,他移走、隱藏、銷毀、切割或揑改或參與移走、隱藏、銷毀、切割或揑改任何影響或有關其財產或事務的簿冊或文件,但如他證明他並無意圖隱瞞其事務狀況或並無意圖使法律無法執行則除外;
      10. (j) 如在他提出或有人針對他提出破產呈請後,或在緊接提出呈請前12個月內,他在任何影響或有關其財產或事務的簿冊或文件內作出或參與作出任何虛假記項,但如他證明他並無意圖隱瞞其事務狀況或並無意圖使法律無法執行則除外;
      11. (k)如在他提出或有人針對他提出破產呈請後,或在緊接提出呈請前12個月內,他欺詐地將任何影響或有關其財產或事務的文件放棄、更改或在其內作任何遺漏,或參與欺詐地放棄或更改任何該等文件或在其內作任何遺漏;
      12. (l) 如在他提出或有人針對他提出破產呈請後,或在緊接提出呈請前12個月內舉行的其債權人任何會議上,他企圖以虛構的損失或開支就其財產中任何部分作出交代;
      13. (m)-(n) (由1970年第21號第35條廢除)
        1. (o)如在緊接他提出或有人針對他提出破產呈請前12個月內,或在提出破產呈請後而在破產令作出前,他將其以信貸取得而尚未付款的任何財產當押、質押或就該等財產作產權處置;但如他是一名商人,而該當押、質押或產權處置是在其業務的通常運作中作
        2. 出者則除外,又或他證明他並無意圖欺詐亦除外; (由1996年第76號第73條修訂)
      14. (p)如他為取得其債權人或其任何債權人對一項涉及其事務或其破產的協議的同意而作出任何虛假陳述或其他欺詐行為。 (由1939年第33修訂;由1940年第840號政府公告補充附表修訂;由1991年第50號第4條修訂)
  1. 任何人如將其以信貸取得而尚未付款的任何財產調離香港,而接收該財產的人在破產令的日期並未就該財產付款或作出交代,且在受託人提出要求後的一段合理時間內亦無作出上述付款或交代,或接收該財產的人在一段合理時間內無法被尋獲,則在相反證明成立之前,須當作該首述的人並非在其業務的通常運作中就該財產作產權處置。 (由1984年第47號第16條修訂;由1996年第76號第73條修訂)
  2. 在根據第(l)(i)款進行的任何檢控中,凡欠缺該段所提述的任何簿冊或文件,即為破產人違反該段的規定而將該簿冊或文件移走或參與將其移走的表面證據,而破產人隨即負上證明他並無如此移走及並無參與如此移走該簿冊或文件的舉證責任。 (由1939年第33號修訂;由1940年第840號政府公告補充附表修訂;由1996年第76號第72條修訂)
  3. 在根據第(l)(i)款進行的任何檢控中,凡該段所提述的任何簿冊或文件遭切割或揑改,即為破產人違反該段的規定而將該簿冊或文件切割或揑改或參與將其切割或揑改的表面證據,而破產人隨即負上證明他並無如此切割或揑改及並無參與如此切割或揑改該簿冊或文件的舉證責任。 (由1939年第33號修訂;由1940年第840號政府公告補充附表修訂;由1996年第76號第72條修訂)
  4. (5) 任何人在第(1)(o)款所述情況下犯罪,循簡易程序定罪後,可處監禁1年,或循公訴程序定罪後,可處監禁5年。 (由1939年第33號修訂;由1940年第840號政府公告補充附表修訂;由1991年第50號第4條修訂)

(6) 為施行本條,“受託人”(trustee) 包括暫行受託人及破產管理署署長,不論他是以破產管理

署署長或受託人身分行事。 (由2005年第18號第45條修訂) [比照 1914 c. 59 s. 154 U.K.;比照 1926 c. 7 s. 5 U.K.]

  1. 如破產人所僱用的任何經理人、會計師或簿記員作出任何若由破產人作出則屬違反第129(1)(i)或(j)條任何規定的作為,或如該經理人、會計師或簿記員參與由破產人或任何其他人作出的任何該等作為,則該經理人、會計師或簿記員須被當作犯罪。 (由1939年第33號修訂;由1940年第840號政府公告補充附表修訂;由1991年第50號第4條修訂;由1996年第76號第72條修訂)
  2. 如任何人在構成第129(1)(o)條所訂罪行的情況下,將任何財產當押、質押或就任何財產作產權處置,則凡知悉該財產是在上述情況下被當押、質押或有產權處置作出而仍接受該項當押或質押或以其他方式接收該財產的人,即屬犯罪,循簡易程序定罪後,可處監禁1年,或循公訴程序定罪後,可處監禁5年。 (由1939年第33號修訂;由1940年第840號政府公告補充附表修訂;由1991年第50號第4條修訂) 〔比照 1926 c. 7 s. 5(2) U.K.〕
  3. 任何人於在破產案中證明一項債權時明知而作出虛假的陳述或在根據本條例規定的誓章內明知而作出虛假的陳述,即屬犯罪,可處第5級罰款及監禁6個月。 (由1996年第76號第64條增補)


(a) 如他單獨或聯同任何其他人而從任何人獲得$100或多於$100的信貸,而事前並無告知該人他是未獲解除破產的破產人;或
(i) 他被判定破產時所用的一項或多於一項名稱;
(ii) 他被判定破產前經營任何行業或業務的最後地址;
(iii) 他擬用以經營該行業或業務的一項或多於一項名稱;
(iv) 他擬經營的行業或業務的性質;及

(v) 他擬經營該行業或業務的一個或多於一個地址。 (由1939年第33號修訂;由1940年第840號政府公告補充附表修訂;由1948年第20號第4條修訂;由1991年第50號第4條修訂)

〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 155 U.K.〕


(a) (由1970年第21號第35條廢除)
(d) 如他曾意圖欺詐其債權人或其任何債權人而安排或默許針對其財產執行查押。 〔比照

1926 c. 7 s. 6 U.K.〕(由1939年第33號修訂;由1940年第840號政府公告補充附表修訂;由1948年第20號第4條修訂;由1991年第50號第4條修訂) 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 156 U.K.〕

(1)任何人如已被判定破產,而該人曾從事任何行業或業務,並在破產令的日期尚未清償在經營該行業或業務的過程中招致或因該行業或業務而招致的任何債項,則在以下任何一種情況下,該人均屬犯罪─ (由1991年第50號第4條修訂;由1996年第76號第65條修訂)

(b)在有關破產呈請提出當日與破產令的日期之間,他因上述該等賭博或輕率而冒險的投機活動而損失其產業的任何部分;或 (由1996年第76號第65條修訂)
(c)如於任何時間或在法院對他進行公開訊問的過程中,破產管理署署長要求他就其產業在緊接有關破產呈請提出當日之前的1年內或在該日與破產令的日期之間所招致的任何重大部分的損失作出交代,而他並無就如何招致該等損失作出令人滿意的解釋︰ (由1996年第76號第65條修訂)


(2)除藉法院命令外,不得根據本條對任何人提出檢控。 (由1939年第33號修訂;由1940年第840號政府公告補充附表修訂)

〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 157 U.K.〕

條: 134 破產人不備存妥善的帳目 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

(1)任何人如已被判定破產,而該人曾在緊接有關破產呈請提出當日之前2年內的任何期間從事任何行業或業務,但在該整段期間內,以及如他曾於該破產呈請提出當日與破產令的日期之間的任何期間如此從事該行業或業務,則在該其後的整段期間內,他沒有備存妥善的帳簿,或沒有保存如此備存的所有帳簿,即屬犯罪︰ (由1991年第50號第4條修訂;由1996年第76號第66條修訂)


(a)如該人以前在香港或其他地方從未被判定破產,或從未與其債權人訂立任何自願安排,而其無抵押債務在破產令的日期並不超過$5000;如屬任何其他情況,則該人的無抵押債務在該日期並不超過$1000;或 (由1984年第47號第16條修訂;由1996年第76號第66條修訂)
(b) 他證明在其營商或經營業務的情況下,該項不作為是誠實及可予寬宥的。
  1. 除藉法院命令外,不得根據本條對任何人提出檢控。 (由1939年第33號修訂;由1940年第840號政府公告補充附表修訂)
  2. 為施行本條,任何人如沒有備存為展示或解釋其所經營行業或業務方面的交易及財務狀況而需要的簿冊或帳目,則該人須被當作沒有備存妥善的帳簿。上述所需簿冊包括載有每日現金收支充分詳情的記項的一本或多於一本簿冊;如該行業或業務涉及貨品交易,則亦包括周年盤點存貨的報表及(除向實際消費者以零售方式出售的貨品外)所有已售貨品及購入貨品的帳目,該等帳目須載有該等貨品的買賣雙方的充分詳情,使該等貨品及其買賣雙方均可予識別。如該等簿冊或帳目是以中文備存,則任何人若沒有備存經證明為破產人所經營的個別行業或業務中就上述各目的而言是通常需要備存的簿冊或帳目,就本條而言,該人須被當作沒有備存妥善的帳簿。 (由1996年第76號第72條修訂)

〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 158 U.K.;比照 1926 c. 7 s. 7 U.K.〕

條: 135 破產人攜財產潛逃 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998



〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 159 U.K.〕

條: 136 債務人匿藏以逃避送達等 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998


(由1984年第47號第16條修訂;由1991年第50號第4條修訂;由1996年第76號第73條修訂) (由1970年第21號第35條廢除)

條: 137 (廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 138 法院根據受託人報告而作出檢控令 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998




〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 161 U.K.;比照 1926 c. 7 s. 8 U.K.〕

條: 139 解除破產後或債務重整協議後的刑事法律責任 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998

破產人如犯了任何刑事罪行,不得因他已獲解除破產或因任何自願安排已獲批准而獲豁免就該罪行被起訴。 (由1996年第76號第68及72條修訂) 〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 162 U.K.〕

條: 140 罪行的審訊及懲罰 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998
  1. 任何人如犯了本條例所訂的任何罪行,而本條例並無就該罪行施加特別刑罰,則該人即屬犯可循簡易程序或公訴程序審訊的罪行,並可處監禁2年。 (由1939年第33號修訂;由1940年第840號政府公告補充附表修訂;由1950年第22號第3條修訂;由1991年第50號第4條修訂)
  2. 就任何該等罪行而進行的簡易法律程序,不得在破產管理署署長或破產案受託人或(如由任何債權人提出起訴者)提出起訴的債權人最初發現該罪行之時起計1年後提出,在任何情況下亦不得在犯該罪行之時起計3年後提出。
  3. 凡就本條例所訂的任何罪行提起公訴,只須以本條例中用以指明該項罪行的字句而以具體或情況所容許的最近似的字句,列出被控罪行的內容,即已足夠,而無須指稱或列出任何債項、交易、判決或在根據本條例行事的法院進行的任何法律程序或由該法院發出的任何命令、手令或文件。 (由1939年第33號修訂。由1940年第840號政府公告補充附表修訂;由1996年第76號第69條修訂)

〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 164 U.K.;比照 1926 c. 7 s. 10 U.K.〕

條: 141 代理人欺詐行為的證據 L.N. 158 of 1998 01/04/1998




〔比照 1914 c. 59 s. 166 U.K.〕

條: 142 循簡易程序檢控 30/06/1997

本條例所訂的任何罪行,可由裁判官循簡易程序處理。 (由1933年第23號第2條修訂;由1939年第33號修訂;由1940年第840號政府公告補充附表修訂)

條: 143 (已失時效而略去 ) 30/06/1997

第IX部 雜項 (已失時效而略去)

附表: 1 刑事破產令 L.N. 185 of 2007 10/12/2007

詳列交互參照: 20,20A,20B,20C,20D,20E,20F,20G,20H,20I,20J,20K




    1. 1. 釋義
    2. 在本附表中─ “刑事破產債項”(criminal bankruptcy debt) 指憑藉第3段當作欠任何人的債項。
    1. 2. 提出破產呈請的權利
    2. 除本附表的條文另有規定外,凡針對任何人作出刑事破產令,該人須被視為一名債權人具有針對該人而提出破產呈請的理由的債務人。 (由1998年第37號第2條增補)
  1. 3. 債權人及刑事破產債項


(a) 憑藉第2段提出的破產呈請;或

(b) 憑藉本附表提出的、第112條(對無力償債死者的遺產進行破產遺產管理)所指的呈請, 該人須被視為一名債權款額相等於上述款額的債權人,其債權且為該命令所針對的人的中可證債權。


在基於刑事破產令而進行的法律程序中 本條例的適用範圍

4. 刑事破產呈請

凡根據第2段屬破產人者,不得提出刑事破產呈請;對於由債權人提出的何該等呈請,第4、6及6B條經以下變通後對該呈請有效─ (由1996年第76號第70及72條修訂)

(a) 第6(2)(a)及(b)及6B條不適用於刑事破產債項; (由1996年第76號第70條代替)
(b) 第4(1)(a)條須略去。 (由1996年第76號第70條代替)

5. 破產令


(a) (由1996年第76號第70條廢除)
(b) 第(5)款;
(c) 第(6)款。
    1. 6. 刑事破產人財產的受託人
    2. 凡任何人在依據刑事破產呈請而進行的法律程序中被判定破產,破產管理署署長須在該破產案中出任該破產人財產的受託人。 (由1996年第76號第70條修訂)
  1. 7. 破產法律程序中刑事破產債項的證明
  1. 為了在依據刑事破產呈請而進行的法律程序中證明任何刑事破產債項,如刑事破產令中有指明憑藉第3段須當作是債項的欠款額,則除第5段另有規定外,該命令的文本須被視為是該債項的足夠證據;但如該法律程序的任何一方證明有關損失或損害的款額大於或少於該命令所指明的款額,或該損失或損害事實上並非由該命令中所指明的任何罪行所造成,則屬例外。如該法律程序的任何一方證明有關損失或損害的款額並非該命令所指明的款額,則第3段所具效力,猶如該另一款額已在該命令指明一樣。如證明有關的損失款額不超過$150000或不超過根據《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第84A(5)條作出的命令所指明的其他款額,則第3段所具上述效力,並不損害該刑事破產令的有效性。
  2. 在任何依據刑事破產呈請而進行的法律程序中,就刑事破產債項以外的其他債項而提出的證明,不得被視為受本段或第3段損害。
  3. 第(1)節不得解釋為使任何人有權辯稱刑事破產令所指明的一項或多於一項罪行並非由該命令所針對的人所犯。

8. 為刑事破產人的債權人利益而追討資產


在本節中,“有關日期”(relevant date) 指刑事破產令中(按照《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第84A(3)(d)條)指明為有關罪行的最早犯罪日期或多於一項的有關罪行中最早發生者的最早犯罪日期(視屬何情況而定)。

(2) 法院應破產管理署署長(以受託人身分)的申請,可作出命令,規定─

(a) 任何上述產權處置中的受益人;或

分或任何權益(不論是否從破產人所作產權處置中的受益人取得者)的任何其他人, 須將該財產的全部或其中任何部分或該命令所指明的權益轉讓予受託人,或向受託人作出法院認為公正的付款,使債權人可獲得破產人已作產權處置的財產或權益的十足價值(包括在該產權處置作出後的任何增值)。

  1. 如法院覺得任何人對其根據有關的產權處置而取得的任何東西已付十足價值,或覺得任何人是透過已付十足價值的人而(直接或間接)提出申索,則不得憑藉第(2)(b)節而針對該人作出任何命令。
  2. 法院根據本段作出、規定任何人將任何財產或權益轉讓的命令,可包括法院為使該命令生效而作出的相應指示,而該命令可按法院認為在所有情況下均屬公正的條款(尤其是包括容許該人保留或追討其為任何有關的產權處置而付出的代價的條款)作出。

(5) 在本段中,“產權處置”(disposition) 包括任何類別財產的任何轉易。

9. 對已故犯罪者的遺產進行破產遺產管理

  1. 凡按任何刑事破產遺產管理呈請而根據第112條作出遺產管理令,該條第(4)款中使債權人能夠就破產人的財產委任受託人以代替破產管理署署長的條文並不適用。 (由1996年第76號第72條修訂)
  2. 第7段適用於任何在依據刑事破產遺產管理呈請而進行的法律程序中對刑事破產債項的證明,一如其適用於在依據刑事破產呈請而進行的法律程序中對該等債項的證明。
    1. 10. 非憑藉本附表而進行的破產法律程序
    2. 凡已針對任何人作出刑事破產令,而在該命令作出前已有人就該人提出破產呈請,或在該命令作出後有人並非憑藉第2段而就該人提出破產呈請,則法院應法定呈請人的申請,可駁回該項破產呈請和撤銷依據該項呈請而作出的任何接管令,或如該人已被判定破產,則可按法院認為合適的條款(如有的話)廢止該項判決。
  1. 11. 針對定罪而進行的上訴的效力
  1. 除本段另有規定外,如已憑藉任何定罪作出刑事破產令,而針對該項定罪提出的上訴尚待決,則此項事實並不阻止任何人因該項命令的作出而得以憑藉本附表提出任何法律程序。
    1. 凡因任何罪行的定罪而對任何人作出刑事破產令,而該人在依據有關的刑事破產呈請而進行的法律程序中被判定破產,則在針對該項定罪而提出的上訴待決期間,該人的受託人不得分發任何財產,法院亦不得根據第8段作出任何命令。 (由1986年第65號法律公告修訂;由2005年第18號第46條修訂)
        1. (3) 就本段而言,針對任何定罪而提出的上訴在以下情況下均屬待決─
          1. (a) 在任何情況下,直至根據《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第83Q條發出上訴通知書或發出申請上訴許可通知書的期限屆滿時(根據該條第(3)款准予延展的時間不計在內);
          2. (b)如在該期間內發出上訴通知書或發出申請上訴許可通知書,且在該段期間內上訴人將此事通知破產管理署署長,則直至該項上訴獲得裁定時,和其後向終審法院提出的上訴按該條例第84B(5)條所指尚屬待決的期間內。 (由1995年第79號第50條修訂)
        1. (4) 凡任何刑事破產令在上訴時被撤銷,則─
          1. (a)根據該項命令而提出的任何破產呈請即告失效,而因該項呈請而作出的任何破產判決亦停止生效,但上述規定不得影響根據該破產該項判決而已作出的任何事情; (由1996年第76號第70條修訂)
          2. (b)凡任何該等判決停止生效,被判定破產的人在其財產中享有的所有產業權或權益均須復歸予他;及
          3. (c)法院可應該人或破產管理署署長的申請,藉命令作出法院覺得因(a)及(b)節的規定而需要作出或適宜作出的任何指示(如有的話)。
  2. 凡任何刑事破產令在上訴時被修訂,將其中指明為任何人所蒙受損失或損害的款額刪除,則第3段其後不再適用於該項損失或損害,但上述規定不得損害該項修訂生效前已作出的任何事情。



12. 法定呈請人提出刑事破產呈請

  1. (1) 法定呈請人可提出刑事破產呈請,而法院可根據該項呈請作出破產令。 (由1996年第76號第73條修訂)
  2. 第4、6及6B條經本附表第4段加以變通後,適用於由法定呈請人提出的刑事破產呈請,一如其適用於由債權人提出的呈請。 (由1996年第76號第70條修訂)
    1. 以下條文適用於由法定呈請人提出的刑事破產呈請,猶如凡提述提出呈請的債權人的債權之處,即提述本附表所指的任何刑事破產債項;而第5段則對憑藉本段適用的第9(2)及(3)條具有效力。該等條文為─
      1. (a) 第9(2)條(依據債權人的呈請作出破產令); (由1996年第76號第73條修訂)
      2. (b) 第9(3)條(呈請的駁回);及
      3. (c) (由1996年第76號第70條廢除)

13. 法定呈請人提出刑事破產遺產管理呈請

  1. 在任何個案中,如任何債權人憑藉本附表可根據第112條提出呈請,則法定呈請人亦可提出該項呈請,而依據該項呈請則可根據該條作出命令。
  2. 第112(2)條對由法定呈請人提出的呈請具有效力,猶如凡提述呈請人的債權之處,即提述本附表所指的任何刑事破產債項。

14. 法定呈請人參與憑藉本附表提起的法律程序 (不論是由法定呈請人或債權人提起的)

    1. (1) 在依據刑事破產呈請或刑事破產遺產管理呈請而進行的法律程序中,法定呈請人有權─
      1. (a)出席債權人任何會議,並在會議前收取須在該等會議前送交任何債權人的任何通知書或其他文件;
      2. (b) 成為根據第24條委出的任何債權人委員會的委員; (由1996年第76號第70及74條修訂)
      3. (c) 成為在法院進行的任何該等法律程序的一方。
    1. (2) 在依據以下呈請而進行的法律程序中─
      1. (a)如屬依據刑事破產呈請或刑事破產遺產管理呈請而進行者,則第(3)節所述的本條例條文具有效力,猶如凡提述任何債權人或任何已證明其債權或已提交債權證明表的債權人之處,均包括提述法定呈請人;及
      2. (b)如屬依據刑事破產遺產管理呈請而進行者,則第112(8)條中“本條所指的呈請書”(apetition under this section) 一詞,包括提述由法定呈請人所提出的呈請書。
    1. (3) 第(2)節所提述的條文如下─
      1. (a) 第15條(委任特別經理人的權力);
      2. (b) 第18(1)及(5)條(資產負債狀況說明書); (由1996年第76號第70條修訂)
      3. (c) 第19(5)及(10)條(對破產人進行公開訊問); (由1996年第76號第70及72條修訂;由2005年第18號第46條修訂)
      4. (d)第20至20K條(臨時命令及自願安排); 〈*註─詳列交互參照:第20,20A,20B,20C,20D,20E,20F,20G,20H,20I,20J,20K條 *〉 (由1996年第76號第70條代替)
      5. (e)-(f) (由1996年第76號第70條廢除)
      6. (g) 第86B(1)(d)條(就破產人的建議向債權人報告); (由1996年第76號第72條修訂;由2005年第18號第46條修訂)
      7. (h)第83條(針對受託人的作為或決定而向法院上訴)。 (由1996年第76號第70條修訂;由1997年第80號第102條修訂)

(附表1由1979年第21號第3條增補。由1992年第39號第6條修訂) [比照 1973 c. 62 Schedule 2 U.K.]

助理破產管理署署長(法律) 助理首席律師 高級律師 律師
助理庫務署署長 總破產管理主任 高級破產管理主任 破產管理主任 高級庫務會計師 庫務會計師 一級會計主任 二級會計主任





(a) 他是—
(i) 《專業會計師條例》(第50章)第2條所指的會計師;
(ii) 《法律執業者條例》(第159章)第2(1)條所指的律師;或
(iii) 香港特許秘書公會的現行會員;及 (由2007年第102號法律公告修訂)
(b) 他符合破產管理署署長所施加並已提供予公眾查閱的任何合理條件。 (附表3由2005年第18號第47條增補)

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