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Chapitre: 106A Règlements sur les télécommunications, Hong Kong (Chine)

Version la plus récente dans WIPO Lex
Détails Détails Année de version 2007 Dates Entrée en vigueur: 1 janvier 1963 Adopté/e: 1 janvier 1962 Type de texte Autres textes Sujet Divers Notes Ces règlements ont été pris en vertu de l'article 37 de l'ordonnance sur les télécommunications (Cap. 106). L'annexe 3 du présent règlement contient des dispositions connexes de la propriété intellectuelle.

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Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Chinois 電訊規例(第106A章)         Anglais Telecommunications Regulations (Chapter 106A)        
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Chapter: 106A TELECOMMUNICATIONS REGULATIONS Gazette Number Version Date
Empowering section 36 of 2000 16/06/2000
(Originally G.N.A. 131 of 1962) (Cap 106, section 37) [1 January 1963]
These regulations may be cited as the Telecommunications Regulations. (36 of 2000 s. 28)
In these regulations-"fee" (費用) means a fee prescribed by these regulations; "licence" (牌照) means a licence granted by the Authority. (L.N. 4 of 1984)
Regulation: 1 Citation 36 of 2000 16/06/2000
Regulation: 1A Interpretation 36 of 2000 16/06/2000
Regulation: 2 Grant of licences by Authority, etc. 36 of 2000 16/06/2000

(1) The Authority may grant any of the licences specified in Parts I and IA of Schedule 1. (L.N. 430 of 1990;

L.N. 28 of 1997)

(2) Save as provided in subregulations (2A), (2B), (2C), (3), (4) and (5), every such licence shall be valid until the first day, in the year next following the year in which it was granted, of the month next following the month in which it was granted. (L.N. 215 of 1973; L.N. 430 of 1990; L.N. 133 of 1995; L.N. 28 of 1997)

(2A) A public radiocommunications service licence or a public radiocommunications service licence (for services other than land mobile services) shall be valid for 10 years from the day on which it is granted, and, subject to the discretion of the Authority, may be extended for a further period of up to 3 years. (L.N. 430 of 1990; L.N. 52 of 1998; 36 of 2000 s. 28)

(2B) A fixed telecommunications network services licence shall be valid for 15 years from the day on which it is granted and, at the discretion of the Authority, may be renewed for such further period not exceeding 15 years as the Authority thinks fit. (L.N. 133 of 1995; 36 of 2000 s. 28)

(2C) A self-provided external telecommunications system (short term) licence shall be valid for a period of 3 months from the day on which it is granted and is not renewable. (L.N. 28 of 1997; 36 of 2000 s. 28)

(3) A broadcast relay station licence shall be valid for 15 years from the day on which it is granted. (L.N. 215 of 1973)
(4) A ship station licence or an aircraft station licence shall be valid from the first day of the month in which it is granted and shall, subject to the conditions thereof, be valid for a period of 12 months thereafter. (L.N. 43 of 1966)
(5) A new ship station licence granted pursuant to an application made under clause 9(d) of the general conditions of a ship station licence shall be valid for a period of 12 months from the first day of the month in which it is granted. (L.N. 406 of 1992)
(5A) A new aircraft station licence granted pursuant to an application made under clause 3(3) of the conditions of an aircraft station licence shall be valid for the same period as the licence replaced thereby would have been valid had such new licence not been granted. (L.N. 406 of 1992)
(6) The fee payable on the grant or renewal of any licence granted or renewed by the Authority shall be the appropriate fee specified in Parts I, IA and II of Schedule 1. (L.N. 215 of 1973; L.N. 4 of 1984; L.N. 301 of 1989;

L.N. 430 of 1990; L.N. 28 of 1997) (6A)-(6E) (Repealed L.N. 430 of 1990)

(7) Every licence granted by the Authority shall be in the appropriate form set out in Schedule 3; the Authority may add such further conditions as he may think necessary either generally or in any particular case and may delete
such of the conditions in any form in Schedule 3 as he thinks fit.
The Authority may, upon payment by the person to be examined of the appropriate fee prescribed in column 3 of Part I or II of Schedule 2, conduct in respect of that person-
any of the examinations specified in column 2 of Part I of Schedule 2 and, if he is satisfied as to the competency of the person examined, issue to him the appropriate certificate of competency; and
any of the tests specified in column 2 of Part II of Schedule 2. (L.N. 130 of 1989)
The Authority may, upon payment of the appropriate fee prescribed in column 3 of Part III of Schedule 2, issue to any person whom he considers suitably qualified a certificate of competency in radiocommunications. (L.N. 130 of 1990; 36 of 2000 s. 28)
Every certificate of competency shall be in such form as the Authority may, from time to time, determine.
The person to whom a certificate of competency is issued shall make a declaration of secrecy in such form as the Authority may, from time to time, determine.
The Authority may, upon payment of the appropriate fee prescribed in column 3 of Part IV of Schedule 2, issue an authority to operate to any person-
who has passed the appropriate test specified in column 2 of Part II of Schedule 2; or
whom he considers suitably qualified. (L.N. 374 of 1990)
Regulation: 3 Examination for the issue of certificates of competency, and tests 36 of 2000 16/06/2000
Regulation: 4 Issue by Authority of certificates authorizing holding of positions in a radiocommunications station 36 of 2000 16/06/2000

(1A) The person to whom an authority to operate is issued may hold such position in a radiocommunications station other than in an aircraft as is specified in the authority to operate, being a position that may, by virtue of a condition of the licence granted under the Ordinance in respect of the radiocommunications station, be held only by a person for the time being holding the authority to operate. (L.N. 374 of 1990; 36 of 2000 s. 28)

The Authority may at any time cancel, or suspend for such period as he thinks fit, any authority to operate issued under subregulation (1) if he is satisfied that the person to whom it was issued has contravened the Ordinance or is incompetent or has been guilty of misconduct in the discharge of his duties in the position that he is thereby authorized to hold. (L.N. 374 of 1990)
Where an authority to operate issued under subregulation (1) is cancelled or suspended, the Authority may by notice in writing require the person to whom the authority to operate was issued to return the same to him within the period specified in such notice, and if such person refuses or neglects to return the authority to operate within the period specified in such notice, he shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine of $10000 and to imprisonment for 6 months. (L.N. 352 of 1981; L.N. 255 of 1994)
The Authority may waive the payment of or refund any fee payable under subregulation (1). (L.N. 374 of 1990)
Every authority to operate shall be-
(a) valid for such period; and
in such form, as the Authority may from time to time determine. (L.N. 374 of 1990)
The person to whom an authority to operate is issued shall make a declaration of secrecy in such form as the Authority may from time to time determine. (L.N. 374 of 1990)
Before the expiry of an authority to operate, the person to whom the authority to operate is issued may, in such form and manner as the Authority may from time to time determine, apply to the Authority for revalidation of the authority to operate, and the Authority may revalidate the authority to operate for such period as he may determine.

(L.N. 374 of 1990)

Regulation: 5 Fee on grant of permit for purposes of section 9 of Ordinance 36 of 2000 16/06/2000

A fee of $150 shall be payable on the grant of a permit for the purpose of section 9 of the Ordinance.

(L.N. 352 of 1981; L.N. 63 of 1985; L.N. 192 of 1988)

Regulation: 6 Loss or destruction of licence or certificate 36 of 2000 16/06/2000

(1) If any licence, certificate or authority to operate granted or issued under these regulations is lost or destroyed, the Authority shall be notified in writing of its loss or destruction as soon as practicable, and may issue a duplicate of the licence, certificate or authority to operate.

(1A) If a duplicate of an amateur station licence is required for a second or subsequent station, the Authority may, upon payment, issue a duplicate. (L.N. 406 of 1992)

Where under subregulation (1) or (1A) the Authority issues-
a duplicate of a licence or certificate, a fee of $55 shall be payable in respect thereof; and
a duplicate of a certificate or an authority to operate specified in Part I or III of Schedule 2, a fee of $55 shall be payable in respect thereof. (L.N. 352 of 1981; L.N. 63 of 1985; L.N. 192 of 1988; L.N. 130 of 1989; L.N. 374 of 1990; L.N. 406 of 1992)
Where no fee is payable on the grant of a licence by virtue of the provisions of regulation 2(5), no fee shall be payable upon the issue of a duplicate under this regulation.
Regulation: 7 No fees payable for amendment of licence 36 of 2000 16/06/2000

Whenever provision is made in the conditions contained in a form of licence in Schedule 3 for the noting of a change of address or for the making of any amendment to a licence by the Authority, no fee shall be charged for such noting or for making any such amendment.

(L.N. 43 of 1966)

Regulation: 8 General provisions relating to licences 36 of 2000 16/06/2000
A licence shall not be assignable except where a condition of the licence expressly provides that it may be transferred and, if there is such a condition, the licence may be transferred only in accordance with such condition.
Where a licence is renewable it may be renewed by payment to the Authority of the renewal fee on or before the date of expiry of the licence to be renewed. (L.N. 238 of 1995)
The Authority may, with the consent of the person to whom the licence is granted, amend the licence by an appropriate endorsement upon it.

(L.N. 4 of 1984)

Regulation: 9 Notices 36 of 2000 16/06/2000

Any notice, request or consent to be given by the Authority under the Ordinance or by virtue of the conditions or terms of any licence may be given under the hand of any duly authorized officer of the Authority and, without derogation from section 356 of the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32), served by post on the addressee at his usual or principal place of business in Hong Kong.

(L.N. 4 of 1984)

Regulation: 10 Surrender of licences 36 of 2000 16/06/2000
Upon the expiry or cancellation of any licence it shall be surrendered to the Authority within 4 weeks of such expiry or cancellation.
Any licensee who fails to comply with subregulation (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of $10000. (L.N. 255 of 1994)
(L.N. 4 of 1984)
No person shall use any apparatus for telecommunications in such manner as to cause direct or indirect interference with any telecommunications service lawfully carried on, or other apparatus for telecommunications lawfully operated in or outside Hong Kong.
The Authority may, by notice in writing to any person possessing any apparatus for telecommunications,
Regulation: 11 Interference 36 of 2000 16/06/2000


require him to take such measures as the Authority may consider expedient and within such time as may be specified in the notice in order to prevent interference of the nature described in subregulation (1).

Any person who knowingly causes direct or indirect interference in contravention of subregulation (1) or fails to comply with any notice given under subregulation (2) shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of $20000. (L.N. 255 of 1994)
(L.N. 4 of 1984; 36 of 2000 s. 28)
The Authority may make tests and measurements in respect of electrical or radiated interference and he shall have the power to determine the measuring apparatus to be used, the method by which and the conditions under which tests are to be made and the manner to be used in computing the amount of any such interference from readings afforded by the measuring apparatus. (L.N. 255 of 1994)
Subject to these regulations, the Authority may at any time make tests and measurements of any apparatus for telecommunications to determine whether it complies with any requirement applicable to it under these regulations or the conditions of the licence under which it is held. (36 of 2000 s. 28)
(L.N. 4 of 1984)
Any person in possession of any apparatus for telecommunications shall, if required to do so by the Authority on reasonable notice in writing, make such apparatus available to the Authority for examination or testing during ordinary office hours at the place where the apparatus is ordinarily kept or such other place, being a place reasonable in the circumstances, as the Authority may specify. (36 of 2000 s. 28)
Any person who, without lawful excuse, fails to comply with notice given under subregulation (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of $20000. (L.N. 255 of 1994)
(L.N. 4 of 1984)
Where a magistrate is satisfied by information on oath that-
there are reasonable grounds for believing that there is, upon any specified premises or in any specified vessel, aircraft or vehicle, apparatus for telecommunications and- (36 of 2000 s. 28)
the apparatus is possessed or used without lawful authority or contrary to the terms of the licence or other authority authorizing such possession or use, and additionally or alternatively;
the Authority has reasonable grounds for examining and testing any apparatus found in or on such premises, vessel, aircraft or vehicle;
access to such premises, vessel, aircraft or vehicle has been demanded, or permission to examine or
Regulation: 12 Tests and measurements in respect of electrical or radiated interference 36 of 2000 16/06/2000
Regulation: 13 Apparatus for telecommunications to be made available for inspection 36 of 2000 16/06/2000
Regulation: 14 Entry and search of premises etc. 36 of 2000 16/06/2000

test any such apparatus has been requested, but in either case has been unreasonably refused, the magistrate may issue his warrant empowering the Authority, or any public officer authorized in writing in that behalf by the Authority to enter and search such premises, vessel, aircraft or vehicle and to examine and test any apparatus found thereon or therein.

(2) Any person who obstructs or hinders the Authority or any public officer acting under the authority of a warrant issued under subregulation (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of $20000 and to imprisonment for 6 months. (L.N. 255 of 1994)

(L.N. 4 of 1984)

Schedule: 1 L.N. 23 of 2005 01/05/2005

[regulation 2]


(L.N. 430 of 1990)


Item Licence Fee

  1. Private Telegraph (Reception) ..................... $ 20 per receiving channel
  2. Private Telegraph (Transmission) ................ $ 55 per station irrespective of the number of transmitting channels.
  3. Private Telegraph (Transmission and Reception) .......... to be assessed on the basis of $22 per receiving channel plus $55 per transmitting station the maximum fee per location not to exceed $1100. (L.N. 234 of 1988)
  4. Ship Station ................................................ $ 150
  5. Aircraft Station .......................................... $ 150
  6. Press Reception (Direct)............................. $1500
  7. General Communication Radio Receiving Station (other
    than a Sound Broadcast Receiving Apparatus) $ 80
  8. Experimental Station ................................. $ 300
  9. Mobile Radio System-
    Fixed Station ....................................... $ 750
    Mobile Station .................................... $ 300
  10. Aeronautical Very High Frequency Fixed Station ......... $1500
  11. Radiophone Communication-Fixed Station ......................................... $ 750 Mobile Station ....................................... $ 370
  12. Induction Communication ............................. $ 150
  13. Radio Dealers (Restricted) .......................... $ 750 or in the case of an auctioneer or pawnbroker, $80.
  14. Radio Dealers (Unrestricted) ....................... $1500
  15. Demonstration, Unrestricted ........................ $ 300
  16. Radiocommunications School ....................... $ 300 (36 of 2000 s. 28)
  17. Amateur Station .......................................... $ 150
  18. Model Control ............................................. $ 55
  19. Industrial, Scientific and Medical Electronic $ 80 Machine ....
  20. Radio Paging System- Fixed Transmitting Station ..................... $ 750 Receiving Station ................................. $ 80
  21. Wide Band Link and Relay Station ............... $ 150 per MHz
  22. Broadcast Relay Station ............................. to be assessed on the basis set out in Part II of this Schedule. (L.N. 430 of 1990)
  23. Closed Circuit Television ............................ to be assessed on the basis set out in Part II of this Schedule. (L.N. 430 of 1990)
  24. Broadcast Radio Relay Station .................... $ 750
    1. Public Non-exclusive Telecommunications Service
    2. Licence .................................... to be assessed on the basis set out in Part II of this Schedule. (L.N. 430 of 1990)
  25. Pleasure Vessel Radio Network Station Licence ... $ 150
  26. Radiodetermination and Conveyance of Commands, Status and Data ................................ $ 80 (L.N. 193 of 1989)
  27. Hotel Television (Transmission) Licence ....... to be assessed on the basis set out in Part II of this Schedule. (L.N. 301 of 1989; L.N. 430 of 1990; 48 of 2000 s. 44)
  28. Public Radiocommunications Service Licence .. to be assessed on the basis set out in Part II of this Schedule. (L.N. 430 of 1990; 36 of 2000 s. 28)
  29. Satellite Master Antenna Television Licence .... to be assessed on the basis set out in Part II of this Schedule. (L.N. 182 of 1991)
  30. Fixed Telecommunications Network Services Licence .. to be assessed on the basis set out in Part II of this Schedule. (L.N. 133 of 1995; 36 of 2000 s. 28)
    1. Self-Provided External Telecommunications System
    2. Licence ....................................................... to be assessed on the basis set out in Part II of this Schedule. (L.N. 291 of 1995; 36 of 2000 s. 28)
  31. Public Radiocommunications Service Licence (for

services other than land mobile services) ......... to be assessed on the basis set out in Part II of this Schedule. (L.N. 52 of 1998; 36 of 2000 s. 28)



Item Licence Fee

1. Self-Provided External Telecommunications System (Short
Term) Licence ........................................ $750

(L.N. 28 of 1997; 36 of 2000 s. 28)




  1. Subject to paragraph 2, a fee of $360 for every 100 outlet points, or part thereof, shall be payable on the grant of a broadcast relay station licence and on the anniversary of the grant thereof in each year thereafter while the licence continues in force.
  2. If, during the period of 12 months after the payment of any such fee-
the number of outlet points increases, there shall be payable at the end of that period, in respect of each additional outlet point, a further fee of 30 cents for each whole month during which the point has been provided; or
the number of outlet points decreases, the Authority shall refund to the licensee at the end of that period a sum of 30 cents, in respect to each outlet point, for each whole month during which the point has been discontinued.


  1. Subject to paragraph 2, a fee of $150 for every transmitter unit and $80 for every reception unit shall be payable on the grant or renewal of a closed circuit television licence.
  2. If, during the period of 12 months following the grant or renewal of the licence-
more than the number of reception units specified in the licence is in operation, there shall be payable at the end of such period, in respect of each additional such reception unit, a further fee of $7 for each whole month during which the reception unit was in operation;
less than the number of reception units specified in the licence is in operation, the Authority shall, at the end of such period, refund to the licensee in respect of each reception unit below that number a sum of $7 for

each whole month during which the reception unit was discontinued.


  1. A fee of $750 shall be payable on the grant or renewal of a public non-exclusive telecommunications service licence.
  2. When apparatus for radiocommunications is possessed, used, established or maintained for the purposes of the service provided, the following additional fees shall be payable on the grant or renewal of the licence
a fee of $750 for every base or fixed station; and
a fee in respect of mobile stations used by the customers of the service calculated at the rate of $15000 for the first 200 stations and a further fee of $7500 for every 100 or part of a 100 mobile stations exceeding


3. For the purposes of determining the fees payable under paragraph 2(a) and (b), the number of stations shall be those functioning at the time when the licence is granted or, as the case may be, renewed.


  1. A fee of $150 for every transmitter unit functioning as an independent source of television programmes and $80 for every reception unit functioning as an independent output from the system shall be payable on the grant or renewal of a hotel television (transmission) licence.
  2. When apparatus for radiocommunications is possessed, used, established or maintained in the distribution system of the service licensed, the following additional fees shall be payable on the grant or renewal of the licence
a fee of $75 per MHz of occupied bandwidth for every radio transmitter in the distribution system; and
a fee of $75 per MHz of occupied bandwidth for every radio receiver in the distribution system.
  1. For the purposes of determining the fees payable under paragraph 2(a) and (b), for the transmitter units and the reception units, the number of units shall be those functioning at the time when the licence is granted or, as the case may be, renewed.
  2. For the purposes of determining the fees payable under paragraph 2(a) and (b), the occupied bandwidth shall be

that occupied at the time when the licence is granted or, as the case may be, renewed. (48 of 2000 s. 44)


1. The annual fee payable on the grant and on the anniversary of the grant of a public radiocommunications service licence in each year while the licence remains in force shall be the sum of-

for the 1st to the 50th base station installed for the Service $1000 per base station
for the 51st to the 100th base station installed for the Service $500 per base station
for the 101st base station installed for the Service and any additional $100 per base station base stations
for the 1st 200 mobile stations or less used by customers of the Service $3600
for every additional 100 mobile stations or less used by customers of $1800
the Service
for every 1 kHz of spectrum assigned to the licensee $50

2. For the purpose of determining the fees payable, the number of stations and the width of the spectrum assigned shall be those authorized or in service at the time when the licence is granted or on the anniversary of the grant.

(L.N. 58 of 1999; L.N. 62 of 2000; 36 of 2000 s. 28; L.N. 29 of 2002; L.N. 33 of 2004; L.N. 23 of 2005)


  1. A fee of $750 shall be payable on the grant or renewal of a satellite master antenna television licence.
  2. A fee of $700 shall be payable for every 100 outlet points or part thereof on the grant or renewal of the licence.
  3. For the purposes of determining the fees payable under paragraph 2, the number of outlet points shall be those functioning at the time when the licence is granted or, as the case may be, renewed.

(L.N. 182 of 1991)


  1. A fee of $1000000 shall be payable on the grant of a fixed telecommunications network services licence and, in each year while the licence remains in force, on the anniversary of the grant of the licence.
  2. A fee of $700 shall be payable on each anniversary of the grant or the renewal of the licence for each 100 customer connections, made by telecommunications line or radiocommunications means, to the Network established and maintained under Schedule 2 to the licence provided by the licensee.
  3. Save as provided in paragraph 4, a fee for use of radio spectrum assigned to the licensee shall be payable on the grant and on each anniversary of the grant of the licence and calculated in accordance with the formula set out below-
where the radio spectrum is assigned exclusively to the licensee
$50 for every 1 kHz or part thereof of spectrum then assigned below 1 GHz;
$(50-4F) for every 1 kHz or part thereof of spectrum then assigned within 1 GHz to 10.999 GHz, where F is the frequency rounded down to the nearest GHz in the band then assigned;
(iii) $(20-F) for every 1 kHz or part thereof of spectrum then assigned within 11 GHz to 18.999 GHz, where F is the frequency rounded down to the nearest GHz in the band then assigned; (iv) $1 for every 1 kHz or part thereof of spectrum assigned at or above 19 GHz;
where any part of the radio spectrum is assigned to the licensee on a non-exclusive or shared basis, the fee calculated in accordance with the formula set out in subparagraph (a) shall be proportionally reduced by a reduction factor equal to the number of users authorized or reserved by the Authority to use that particular part of the radio spectrum. For the avoidance of doubt, the reduction factor is to be determined on the grant and on each anniversary of the grant of the licence.

4. No fee is payable for the use of spectrum within any of the following frequency bands-

6.765 -6.795 MHz

13.553 -13.567 MHz

26.957 -27.283 MHz

40.66 -40.7 MHz
2400 -2500 MHz

5.725 -5.875 GHz

24.0 -24.25 GHz
61 -61.5 GHz
122 -123 GHz
244 -246 GHz

(L.N. 133 of 1995; 36 of 2000 s. 28)


  1. A fee of $750 shall be payable on the grant or renewal of the licence.
    1. 2. If the telecommunications system includes one or more earth stations, the following additional fees, calculated according to the type of earth station, shall be payable on the grant of the licence
      1. (a) a fee of $6000 for a Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) earth station that requires radio frequency co-ordination by the Authority;
      2. (b) a fee of $5000 for a VSAT earth station that does not require radio frequency co-ordination by the Authority;
      3. (c) a fee of $17000 for an earth station, other than a VSAT earth station, that requires radio frequency coordination by the Authority;
      4. (d) a fee of $11000 for an earth station, other than a VSAT earth station, that does not require radio

frequency co-ordination by the Authority, and, for the purposes of this paragraph- "earth station" (地球站) means a station located on the surface of the earth and intended for communication with

one or more satellites; "radio frequency co-ordination" (射頻協調) means radio frequency co-ordination as described in Article 11 of the Radio Regulations issued by the International Telecommunication Union; "VSAT" (小型衞星通訊地球站) means an earth station with an antenna diameter of less than 4 metres (or having the equivalent surface area if not circular in shape).

(L.N. 291 of 1995; 36 of 2000 s. 28)


1. The annual fee payable on the grant and on the anniversary of the grant of the public radiocommunications service licence (for services other than land mobile services) in each year while the licence remains in force shall be the sum of-

(a) $50000 per licence; and
(b) $1000 per land station or land earth station operated by the licensee for the Service.

(L.N. 52 of 1998; 36 of 2000 s. 28)

(Part II added L.N. 430 of 1990) (Schedule 1 replaced L.N. 192 of 1988)

[regulation 3]


Item Examination Fee

  1. 1. For Special Class certificate of competency in radiotelegraphy ........................................ $ 510
  2. 2. For general certificate of competency in radiotelephony .......................................... $ 150
  3. 3. For restricted certificate of competency in radiotelephony............................................ $ 150
  4. 4. For maritime radiocommunications general certificate-Part I ....................................... $ 220 per paper (36 of 2000 s. 28)
  5. 5. For maritime radiocommunications general certificate-Part II ...................................... $ 510 (36 of 2000 s. 28)
  6. 6. For conversion of valid 1st and 2nd Class certificate of competency-Part I ................. $ 220 per paper
    1. 7. For conversion of valid 1st and 2nd Class certificate of competency-
    2. Part II ................ $ 430
  7. For radio amateur's written examination leading to the radio amateur's certificate. ................ $ 350 (L.N. 130 of 1989)


Item Test Fee

  1. Amateur Morse Test ................................................. $ 80
  2. Revalidation test of holder of 1st, 2nd or Special Class certificates of competency in radiotelegraphy............. $ 510
  3. Re-examination on the subject, "Watchkeeping and Communication" for maritime radiocommunications general certificate ...................................................... $ 220 (36 of 2000 s. 28)
    1. Validation test for holder of-
      1. a certificate of competency in radiotelegraphy issued outside
        Hong Kong; or
      2. a GMDSS radio electronic certificate issued outside Hong Kong ........................................... $1500 (23 of 1998 s. 2)
    1. Validation test for holder of-
      1. a certificate of competency in radiotelephony issued outside
        Hong Kong; or
      2. a GMDSS operator's certificate issued outside Hong Kong ....................................................... $ 700 (23 of 1998 s. 2)


Item Issue of certificate of competency Fee

  1. Special Class certificate of competency in radiotelegraphy .......................................................... $ 120
  2. General certificate of competency in radiotelephony ..... $ 120
  3. Restricted certificate of competency in radiotelephony.. $ 120
  4. Maritime radiocommunications general certificate ........ $ 620 (36 of 2000 s. 28)
  5. Radio amateur certificate ........................................... $ 120
  6. First Class Radio Electronic Certificate........................ $ 780 (L.N. 189 of 1991)
  7. Second Class Radio Electronic Certificate ................... $ 780 (L.N. 189 of 1991)
  8. General Operator's Certificate .................................... $ 410 (L.N. 189 of 1991)
  9. Restricted Operator's Certificate ................................. $ 780 (L.N. 189 of 1991)

(L.N. 130 of 1989)


Item Authority to operate Fee

  1. Issue of authority to operate........................................ $ 160
  2. Revalidation of authority to operate.............................. $ 160

(L.N. 374 of 1990) (Schedule 2 replaced L.N. 192 of 1988)

[Regulation 2(7)] TELECOMMUNICATIONS ORDINANCE (Chapter 106)



................................................................................................................................ of .......................................................................................................................... (hereinafter called "the Licensee") having paid to the Telecommunications Authority an issue fee of $ ............................... is hereby licensed, subject to the conditions herein contained-

to possess, establish and maintain a telegraph apparatus for receiving telegraph signals from a channel
between .................................................... and ..............................
............................................................ for the sole purpose of receiving messages concerning the business of
the Licensee as .........................................................


  1. The apparatus shall be operated only by persons authorized by the Licensee in that behalf.
  2. The Schedule attached shall show the address from which telegraph signals may be received. This address must be covered by a valid "Private Telegraph (Transmission) Licence".
  3. Any alteration to the apparatus or channel to which it is connected, shall only be made with the prior approval in writing of the Telecommunications Authority.
  4. The apparatus and this Licence shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by duly authorized officers of the Telecommunications Authority.
    1. This Licence shall continue in force for one year from the date of issue, and thereafter for successive periods of one year so long as the Licensee pays to the Telecommunications Authority in advance before the beginning of each successive period the renewal fee prescribed by or under the regulations for the time being in force:
    2. Provided that the Telecommunications Authority may at any time after the date of issue revoke the Licence or vary the conditions thereof by a notice served in writing on the Licensee or by a notice published in the Gazette addressed to "All Private Telegraph (Reception) Licensees". Any notice given under this clause may take effect either forthwith or on such subsequent dates as may be specified in the notice.
  5. This Licence is not transferable. The Licensee may not change each address at which the apparatus is kept or operated without the written consent to such change of the Telecommunications Authority.
    1. The Licensee shall-
      1. furnish to the Telecommunications Authority his address for correspondence;
      2. give notice promptly in writing to the said Authority of any change of such address; and
      3. when giving the notice referred to in paragraph (b), return this Licence and the Schedule to the said Authority for amendment.
  6. This Licence shall be returned to the Telecommunications Authority when it has expired or been revoked.
  7. Any Licence or Permit however described which the Telecommunications Authority has previously granted to the Licensee in respect of the apparatus is hereby revoked.
    1. This Licence does not authorize the Licensee to do any act which may infringe any copyright which may exist in
    2. the matter received.
  8. 11. The Licensee, and all persons operating any stations which the Licensee is authorized by this Licence to establish and use shall observe and comply with the relevant provisions of the Telecommunication Convention.
  9. 12. In this Licence "Telecommunication Convention" (電信公約) means any Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union and the Regulations annexed thereto, which have from time to time or at any time been acceded to by or applied to Hong Kong.

..................................................... For and on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority.



(L.N. 43 of 1966; L.N. 4 of 1984; 36 of 2000 s. 28)




................................................................................................................................ of ........................................................................................................................... (hereinafter called "the Licensee") having paid to the Telecommunications Authority an issue fee of $ ......... is hereby licensed, subject to the conditions herein contained-

to possess, establish and maintain a telegraph apparatus for transmitting telegraph signals into a channel or channels between ........................................................ and ..................................... for the sole purpose of transmitting messages concerning the business of the Licensee as ...............................................


  1. 1. The apparatus shall be operated only by persons authorized by the Licensee in that behalf.
  2. 2. The address or addresses to which telegraph signals may be transmitted are set out in the Schedule. No telegraph signals may be transmitted to any other addresses.
  3. 3. Any alteration to the apparatus or channels to which it is connected, shall only be made with the prior approval in writing of the Telecommunications Authority.
  4. 4. The apparatus and this Licence shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by duly authorized officers of the Telecommunications Authority.
  5. 5. This Licence shall continue in force for one year from the date of issue, and thereafter for successive periods of one year so long as the Licensee pays to the Telecommunications Authority in advance before the beginning of each successive period the renewal fee prescribed by or under the regulations for the time being in force:

Provided that the Telecommunications Authority may at any time after the date of issue revoke the Licence or vary the conditions thereof by a notice served in writing on the Licensee or by a notice published in the Gazette addressed to "All Private Telegraph (Transmission) Licensees". Any notice given under this clause may take effect either forthwith or on such subsequent dates as may be specified in the notice.

This Licence is not transferable. The Licensee may not change each address at which the apparatus is kept or operated without the written consent to such change of the Telecommunications Authority.

7. The Licensee shall-

(a) furnish to the Telecommunications Authority his address for correspondence;
(b) give notice promptly in writing to the said Authority of any change of such address; and
(c) when giving the notice referred to in paragraph (b), return this Licence and the Schedule to the said Authority for amendment.
  1. 8. This Licence shall be returned to the Telecommunications Authority when it has expired or been revoked.
  2. 9. Any Licence or Permit however described which the Telecommunications Authority has previously granted to the Licensee in respect of the apparatus is hereby revoked.
  3. 10. The Licensee, and all persons operating any stations which the Licensee is authorized by this Licence to establish and use shall observe and comply with the relevant provisions of the Telecommunication Convention.
  4. 11. In this Licence "Telecommunication Convention" (電信公約) means any Constitution and Convention of the

International Telecommunication Union and the Regulations annexed thereto, which have from time to time or at any time been acceded to by or applied to Hong Kong.

................................................... For and on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority.



(L.N. 43 of 1966; L.N. 4 of 1984; 36 of 2000 s. 28)








of ........................................................................................................................... (hereinafter called "the Licensee")

having paid to the Telecommunications Authority an issue fee of $ ............................. is hereby licensed, subject to the

conditions herein contained-to possess, establish and maintain telegraph transmitting and receiving apparatus for the purpose of transmitting and receiving telegraph signals into and from telegraph channels, between ................................................................................... and ...............................................................for the sole purpose of transmitting and receiving messages concerning the business of the Licensee as ......................................................................


  1. 1. The apparatus shall be operated only by persons authorized by the Licensee in that behalf.
  2. 2. The address or addresses to which telegraph signals may be transmitted are set out in the Schedule. No telegraph signals may be transmitted to any other addresses.
  3. 3. Any alteration to the apparatus or channel to which it is connected, shall only be made with the prior approval in writing of the Telecommunications Authority.
  4. 4. The apparatus and this Licence shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by duly authorized officers of the Telecommunications Authority.
    1. 5. This Licence shall continue in force for one year from the date of issue, and thereafter for successive periods of one year so long as the Licensee pays to the Telecommunications Authority in advance before the beginning of each successive period the renewal fee prescribed by or under the regulations for the time being in force:
    2. Provided that the Telecommunications Authority may at any time after the date of issue revoke the Licence or vary the terms, provision or limitations thereof by a notice served in writing on the Licensee or by a notice published in the Gazette addressed to "All Private Telegraph (Transmission and Reception) Licensees". Any notice given under this clause may take effect either forthwith or on such subsequent date as may be specified in the notice.
  5. 6. This Licence is not transferable. The Licensee shall not change the address at which any apparatus is kept or operated without the written consent to such change of the Telecommunications Authority.
    1. 7. The Licensee shall-
      1. (a) furnish to the Telecommunications Authority his address for correspondence;
      2. (b) give notice promptly in writing to the said Authority of any change of such address; and
      3. (c) when giving the notice referred to in paragraph (b), return this Licence and the Schedule to the said Authority for amendment.
  6. 8. This Licence shall be returned to the Telecommunications Authority when it has expired or been revoked.
  7. 9. Any Licence or Permit however described which the Telecommunications Authority has previously granted to the Licensee in respect of the apparatus is hereby revoked.
  8. 10. The Licensee, and all persons operating any stations which the Licensee is authorized by this Licence to establish and use shall observe and comply with the relevant provisions of the Telecommunication Convention.
  9. 11. In this Licence "Telecommunication Convention" (電信公約) means any Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union and the Regulations annexed thereto, which have from time to time or at any time been acceded to by or applied to Hong Kong.

....................................................... For and on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority.


(L.N. 43 of 1966; L.N. 4 of 1984; 36 of 2000 s. 28)




No. ................................. Period of validity: 1 year

In accordance with the Telecommunications Ordinance (Cap 106) and with the Radio Regulations annexed to the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union now in force, this licence is herewith issued, subject to conditions herein contained, to .................................................................................................................................................................................. of ..................................................................................................... (hereinafter referred to as "the Licensee") for the installation and use of the radio equipment described below (hereinafter referred to as "the Station")-

1 2 3
Name of ship or vessel ("the Ship") Call sign or other identification (the "Call Sign") Public correspondence category
a b c d
Equipment Type Power Class of emission Frequency bands or assigned frequencies
4 Transmitters
5 Ship's emergency transmitters
6 Survival craft transmitters
7 Other equipment

For the Issuing Authority: .......................................... ......................................... ........................................ Place Date of Issue Authentication Renewal on or before ..................... GENERAL CONDITIONS Apparatus

  1. When used for transmitting, the Station shall be used only with emissions which are of the classes specified in the Schedule, on the frequencies specified in the Schedule in relation to those respective classes of emission, and with a power not exceeding that specified in the Schedule in relation to the class of emission and frequency in use at the time.
  2. (a) The apparatus comprised in the Station shall be so designed, constructed, maintained and used that the use of the Station does not cause any avoidable interference with any radiocommunications.

(b) Any such apparatus shall at all times comply with-

in case of ships registered in Hong Kong, the Merchant Shipping (Safety) Ordinance (Cap 369) and the regulations made thereunder or, in case of vessels certificated under the Merchant Shipping (Local Vessels) Ordinance (Cap 548), that Ordinance and the regulations made thereunder; and
the relevant performance specifications issued by the Telecommunications Authority.

Operation of the Station

  1. The Licensee and all persons operating the Station shall observe and comply with the relevant provisions of the Telecommunication Convention.
    1. The Licensee shall not permit or suffer any unauthorized person to operate the Station or to have access to the apparatus comprised therein:
    2. Provided that the Licensee shall permit any person, acting in the course of his duty on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority or the Director of Marine, to have access to the Station at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting and testing the apparatus comprised therein. The Licensee shall ensure that persons operating the Station shall observe the conditions of this licence at all times.
    1. The Station shall be operated only by persons authorized by the Licensee in that behalf and possessing the written authority of the Telecommunications Authority to fill the position of operator of a ship's station for radiocommunications of the type of the Station, but these requirements
      1. shall not prevent the use or operation of the Station in time of distress in whatever manner and by any persons for the purpose of attracting attention, making known their position and obtaining help; and
      2. shall not apply when used for receiving messages from radio-determination stations or authorized broadcasting stations.
  2. If any message, the receipt of which is not authorized by this licence, is received, neither the Licensee nor any person using the Station shall make known the contents of any such message, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt to any person except a duly authorized officer of the Telecommunications Authority or a competent legal tribunal, and shall not retain any copy or make any use of any such message, or allow it to be reproduced in writing, copied or made use of.
    1. If the Station is used within the territorial limits of a state or territory outside Hong Kong, such use shall be in accordance with any regulations which may have been made by the relevant administration of such state or territory.
    2. Inspection and closure
  3. (a) The Station shall be closed down at any time on the demand in writing of an officer of the Telecommunications Authority.
The Station shall be open to inspection at all reasonable times by duly authorized officers of the Telecommunications Authority and shall cease to be used at any time on demand in writing of any such officer.
This licence together with any notices of variation served on the Licensee in writing by virtue of the provisions of clause 9(c) of this licence shall be available for inspection, when required, by any person acting in the course of his duty on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority or the Director of Marine and by competent authorities of the countries where the Ship calls.


9. (a) Subject as hereinafter provided, this licence may be renewed from year to year until revoked by the Telecommunications Authority.

The Licensee shall pay to the Telecommunications Authority-
(i) on the issue of this licence the sum prescribed by or under regulations for the time being in force under the Telecommunications Ordinance (Cap 106); and
(ii) in advance in each year on or before the anniversary of the date of issue the renewal fee prescribed by or under the said regulations, and on payment of such fee the Telecommunications Authority shall issue to the Licensee a document in the form of the front page of this licence which shall indicate the date which this licence will be next due for renewal.
(c) The Telecommunications Authority may at any time after the date of issue revoke this licence or vary the terms, provisions or limitations thereof by a notice in writing served on the Licensee, or by a general notice published in the Gazette addressed to all holders of Ship Station Licences. Any notice given under this clause may take effect forthwith or on such subsequent date as may be specified in the notice.
(d) The Licensee shall make application promptly in writing to the Telecommunications Authority for a new licence whenever there is any change-
(i) of his address;
(ii) of the name of the Ship; or
(iii) of the radio equipment fitted.
(e) This licence shall be revoked with effect from the date upon which a new licence is granted. The Licensee shall upon receipt by him of the new licence return this licence to the Telecommunications Authority. No refund shall be made in respect of fees paid for a licence that is revoked.
(f) The Licensee shall pay to the Telecommunications Authority in respect of the new licence the fee prescribed by or under the regulations for the time being in force under the Telecommunications Ordinance (Cap 106).

10. This licence is not transferable and shall be returned forthwith to the Telecommunications Authority

(a) if it has been cancelled;
(b) if it has expired by effluxion of time;
(c) if the Licensee has ceased to be the owner of the Ship;
(d) if, in case of the Ship registered in Hong Kong, the Ship has ceased to be so registered; or
(e) if, in case of a vessel certificated under the Merchant Shipping (Local Vessels) Ordinance (Cap 548), the vessel has ceased to be so certificated.
  1. 11. Nothing in this licence shall be deemed to waive any requirement imposed on the Licensee by or under any Ordinance.
  2. 12. In this licence, "the Telecommunication Convention" (電信公約) means any Constitution and Convention of

the International Telecommunication Union and the Radio Regulations annexed thereto, which for the time being applies to Hong Kong.


............................................................. For the Telecommunications Authority.


Equipment Particulars Maximum Power (dBW) Frequencies (in MHz) Classes of Emission

(L.N. 406 of 1992; 36 of 2000 s. 28; 24 of 2005 s. 55)


No. ...................................................
Period of Validity ...............................

In accordance with the requirements of the Telecommunications Ordinance (Cap 106) and with the Radio Regulations annexed to the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union now in force, this licence is herewith issued for the installation and for the use of the radio equipment described below-

1 2 3 4
Nationality and Registration Mark of the Aircraft Call Sign or other Identification Type of Aircraft Owner of Aircraft
Equipment a b c d
Type Power (Watts) Class of Emission Frequency Bands of Assigned Frequencies
5 Transmitters
6 Survival Craft Transmitters (when applicable)
7 Other Equipment

For the Issuing Authority:

.................................. ......................................... ............................................. Place. Date of Issue. Authentication.

M ................................................................................................................................
of .................................................................................................................................
(hereinafter called "the Licensee") is hereby licensed, subject to the conditions herein contained-

to possess and establish in the aircraft described above (hereinafter called "the aircraft") a transmitting and receiving station for radiocommunications (hereinafter called "the Station" which expression includes any apparatus for radiocommunications in any survival-craft associated with and normally carried by the aircraft); and
to use the Station for the purpose of
transmitting messages by radiocommunications; and
receiving by radiocommunications messages transmitted for general reception by aircraft stations or for reception by the Station, and receiving by radiocommunications messages including programmes transmitted by authorized broadcasting stations;
to possess and establish an aircraft's radar transmitting and receiving station for radio determination (hereinafter called "the Radar Station") in the aircraft; and
to use the Radar Station for transmitting and receiving signals (not being messages having a verbal significance) within the frequency band specified in the Schedule hereto, for the purposes of the determination of position, bearing or distance, or for the gaining of information as to the presence, absence, position or motion of any object or of any objects of any class.


1. (1) The Station and the Radar Station shall be operated only by persons authorized by the Licensee in that behalf, and the Licensee shall not permit or suffer it to be operated by any other person:

Provided that nothing in this Licence shall prevent the use or operation of radiocommunications apparatus in survival-craft in distress in whatever manner may be necessary for the purpose of attracting attention, making known their position and obtained help.

The Licensee and all persons operating the Station and the Radar Station shall observe and comply with the relevant provisions of the Telecommunication Convention.
The apparatus comprised in the Station and the Radar Station shall be so designed, constructed, maintained and used that the use of the Station does not cause any avoidable interference with any radiocommunications.
This Licence shall be available for inspection when required by any person acting in the course of his duty on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority or the Director-General of Civil Aviation and by competent authorities of the countries where the aircraft calls.
No message which is grossly offensive or of an indecent or obscene character shall be transmitted.
    1. If the Station is used for transmitting public correspondence, the following provisions shall apply-
    2. The Licensee shall render to the Telecommunications Authority such accounts as the Telecommunications Authority shall direct in respect of all charges due or payable under the Telecommunication Convention in respect of messages exchanged between the Station and any other stations; and shall pay to the Telecommunications Authority at such times and in such manner as the Telecommunications Authority shall direct all sums which shall be due from the Licensee for such messages. A certified statement of any such sums signed on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority by an officer authorized in that behalf shall for all purposes (including the purposes of any proceedings by or against the Government) be sufficient evidence, unless the contrary is proved, of the facts stated therein.
  1. (1) Subject as hereinafter provided this Licence shall continue in force from year to year until revoked by the Telecommunications Authority.
The Licensee shall pay to the Telecommunications Authority on the issue of this Licence the sum prescribed by or under regulations for the time being in force under the Telecommunications Ordinance (Cap 106) and in advance in each year on or before the anniversary of the date of issue the renewal fee prescribed by or under the said regulations.
The Licensee shall make application promptly in writing to the Telecommunications Authority for a new licence whenever there is any change-
of his address; or
of the radio equipment fitted.
This Licence shall be revoked with effect from the date upon which a new licence is granted. The Licensee shall upon receipt by him of the new licence return this Licence to the said Authority.
The Licensee shall pay to the Telecommunications Authority in respect of the new licence the fee prescribed by or under the regulations for the time being in force under the Telecommunications Ordinance (Cap 106) for an Aircraft Station Licence less an amount equal to one-twelfth of such fee multiplied by the number of months that remain in the unexpired period within which this Licence would have been valid had the same not been revoked. Such number of months shall be calculated from the first day of the month next following the day on which the new licence is granted.

For the purpose of this subclause, in calculating the one-twelfth of the licence fee mentioned herein any fraction of a dollar shall be disregarded.

  1. This Licence is not transferable.
  2. This Licence shall be returned to the Telecommunications Authority when it has been revoked.
  3. Any licence however described which the Telecommunications Authority as previously granted to the Licensee in respect of the Station or the Radar Station is hereby revoked.
  4. 7. Nothing in this Licence shall be deemed to exempt any person from the requirements of the Civil Aviation Ordinance (Cap 448) or any regulation or order made under that Ordinance. (66 of 1997 s. 18)
  5. 8. In this Licence, "the Telecommunication Convention" (電信公約) means any Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union, and the Radio Regulations annexed thereto, which has from time to time or at any time been acceded to by or applied to Hong Kong.

......................................................... For and on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority.

(L.N. 43 of 1966; L.N. 72 of 1972; L.N. 4 of 1984; 29 of 1998 s. 105; 36 of 2000 s. 28; L.N. 326 of 2000)




............................................................................................................................ of ........................................................................................................................................ (hereinafter called "the Licensee") having paid to the Telecommunications Authority an issue fee of $ ............................. is hereby licensed, subject to the conditions herein contained-

(a) to possess, establish and maintain a receiving station for radiocommunications, (hereinafter called "the Station") at .............................................................; and ...............................................................................................................
(b) to use the Station for the sole purpose of receiving press messages sent by stations for radiotelegraphy outside Hong Kong and addressed to all stations, and such press messages addressed to several destinations as are specified in the Schedule hereto.


  1. 1. The apparatus comprised in the Station shall be so designed, constructed, maintained and used that the use of the Station does not cause any interference with any radiocommunications.
  2. 2. The Station and the Licence shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by an officer of the Telecommunications Authority.
  3. 3. The Licensee and all persons operating the Station shall observe and comply with the relevant provisions of the Telecommunication Convention.
  4. 4. This Licence shall continue in force until , and thereafter so long as the Licensee pays to the Telecommunications Authority in advance in each year on or before (date) a renewal fee of $ , provided that the Telecommunications Authority may at any time after the date of issue revoke this Licence or vary the terms, provisions or limitations thereof by a notice in writing served on the Licensee. Any such notice given under this clause may take effect either forthwith or on such subsequent date as may be specified in the notice.
  5. 5. This Licence is not transferable.
  6. 6. This Licence shall be returned to the Telecommunications Authority when it has expired or been revoked.
  7. 7. Any Licence however described which the Telecommunications Authority has previously granted to the Licensee in respect of the Station is hereby revoked.
  8. 8. In this Licence-
    1. (1) "Press message" (新聞訊息) means messages of which the text consists exclusively of information,
    2. comment, reports and narratives on subjects of public interest for the time being intended for publication in a newspaper; or for broadcasting;
  1. (2) (Repealed L.N. 4 of 1984)
  2. (3) "The Telecommunication Convention" (電信公約) means any Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union, and the Radio Regulations annexed thereto, which has from time to time or at any time been acceded to by or applied to Hong Kong;
  3. (4) "Radiocommunications" (無線電通訊) shall mean a system of telecommunications for the transmission of written matter by the use of a signal code.
    1. 9. The Licensee shall-
        1. (a) give notice promptly in writing to the Telecommunications Authority of any change-
          1. (i) of his address;
          2. (ii) of the address of the Receiving Station; or
        2. (iii) of any of the particulars set out in the Licence and the Schedule; and
      1. (b) when giving any notice mentioned in paragraph (a), return this Licence and the Schedule to the said Authority for amendment.
  4. 10. If the power for working the Station is taken from a public electricity supply, no direct connection shall be made between the supply mains and the aerial.
  5. 11. An aerial which crosses above or is liable to fall or to be blown on to any overhead power wire (including electric lighting and tramway wires) or power apparatus shall be guarded to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner of the power wire or power apparatus concerned.
  6. 12. This Licence does not authorize the Licensee to do any act which is an infringement of any copyright which may exist in the matter sent or received.
  7. 13. If any message, the receipt of which is not authorized by this Licence, is received by means of the Station, neither the Licensee nor any person using the Station shall make known the contents of any such message, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt, to any person except a duly authorized officer of the Telecommunications Authority or a competent legal tribunal, and shall not retain a copy or make any use. of any such message, or allow it to be reproduced in writing, copied or made use of.

.............................................................. For and on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority.


Name and Call Sign of Agency Frequencies Used for Hours of Reception Names and Addresses of Recipients of Press Messages
43 of 1966; L.N. 4 of 1984; 36 of 2000 s. 28)
Sending Reception (0000-2400
Station G.M.T.)

(Chapter 106)


Licence No. .....................

M ...................................................................................................................................of (Name in full).


(Address in full). (hereinafter called "the Licensee") is hereby licensed to possess, establish and maintain, subject to the conditions set forth hereon, a Receiving Station containing the apparatus mentioned in the Schedule at ...................................................................................................................(here specify the address where the apparatus is maintained) for the purpose of ................................

Dated this day of 19 .


  1. The Licensee shall not allow the Station to be used for any purpose other than that specified in this Licence.
  2. The Licensee shall enter in a book (hereinafter referred to as the Log Book) the date and time of receipt of each and every message received, the call sign of the sending station and a summary of the message. The Log Book shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by a duly authorized officer of the Telecommunications Authority.
  3. If any message, for the receipt of which the use of the apparatus is not authorized, is unintentionally received, no person shall make known its contents, origin, destination or existence, or the fact of its receipt to any person other than a duly authorized officer of the Telecommunications Authority or a competent legal tribunal, and shall not reproduce in writing, copy or make any use of such message or allow it to be reproduced in writing, copied or made use of.
  4. The Station shall not be used in such a manner as to cause avoidable interference with the working of other telecommunications.
    1. An aerial which crosses above, or is liable to fall upon, or to be blown onto any overhead power wire, including
    2. electric lighting and tramway wires, must be guarded to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner of the power wire concerned. No aerial shall be erected in such a way as to contravene any provision of the Hong Kong Airport (Control of Obstructions) Ordinance (Cap 301) or, in such a way that, in falling or being lowered, it shall occupy or traverse a public thoroughfare.
  5. If an earth connection is used it shall, where possible, consist of a buried metallic plate or tube in the ground external to the building. Where this arrangement is not possible, an efficient connection to a cold water mains' metal pipe may be used. A gas or hot water pipe shall on no account be used. The cross sectional area of the earth conductor wire shall be not less than 4 mm2 (7/0.85). The earth system shall be such that the voltage to ground from the earth terminal of the radio receiver shall not exceed 40 volts R.M.S. under fault conditions.
  6. The Station and this Licence shall be open to inspection at all reasonable times by a duly authorized officer of the Telecommunications Authority.
  7. This Licence is not transferable.
  8. The Licensee shall give notice promptly in writing to the Telecommunications Authority of any change of his address, or the address where the apparatus is maintained or any proposed change in the details mentioned in the Schedule and, when giving such notice, shall return this Licence to the said Authority for amendment.
  9. This Licence shall continue in force for one year from the date of issue and thereafter for successive periods of one year, so long as the Licensee pays to the Telecommunications Authority in advance before the beginning of each successive period the renewal fee prescribed by or under the regulations for the time being in force.
  10. In the event of any contravention by the Licensee of any condition herein or of the Telecommunications Ordinance (Cap 106) the Telecommunications Authority may at any time after the date of issue cancel this Licence by a notice in writing served on the Licensee. Any notice given under this paragraph may take effect forthwith or on any such subsequent date as may be specified in the notice.

Note: (1) This Licence does not authorize any infringement of copy right in the matter received.

(2) A licence is required for apparatus which is rented or hired (See section 8(2) of the Telecommunications Ordinance (Cap 106)).

..................................................... For and on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority.



Make Type Serial No. Frequency Range of Receiver Remarks


Service(s) Operating Authority for Remarks
Authorized Frequencies Reception

(L.N. 195 of 1967; L.N. 294 of 1985; 36 of 2000 s. 28)




................................................................................................................................. of ........................................................................................................................... (hereinafter called "the Licensee") is hereby licensed, subject to the conditions herein contained-

to possess, establish and maintain a transmitting and receiving station for radiocommunications (hereinafter called "the Station") at .................................... ................................................................................................................; and
for the purpose only of testing and developing the radiocommunications apparatus from time to time comprised in the Station, to use the Station for transmitting test messages intended solely for reception within the room in which the Station is situated and receiving the same test messages, and for receiving test messages from any of the stations specified in the Schedule hereto.


1. (a) The Station shall be used only under suppressed radiation conditions, that is to say, in such a way that no electro-magnetic energy capable of reception by any station or apparatus for radiocommunications situated outside the curtilage of the premises in which the Station is situated shall be emitted from the Station.

(b) The Station shall be operated only by persons authorized by the Licensee in that behalf.

  1. The apparatus comprised in the Station shall be so designed, constructed, maintained and used that the use of the Station does not cause any interference with any radiocommunications.
  2. The Licensee shall not permit or suffer any unauthorized person to operate the Station or to have access to the apparatus contained therein. The Licensee shall ensure that persons operating the Station observe the terms, provisions and limitations of this Licence at all times.
  3. The Station, and this Licence, shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by duly authorized officers of the Telecommunications Authority.
    1. This Licence shall continue in force for one year from the date of issue, and thereafter for successive periods of one year so long as the Licensee pays to the Telecommunications Authority in advance before the beginning of each successive period the renewal fee prescribed by or under the regulations for the time being in force:
    2. Provided that the Telecommunications Authority may at any time after the date of issue revoke this Licence or vary the terms, provisions or limitations thereof by a notice in writing served on the Licensee. Any notice given under this clause may take effect either forthwith or on such subsequent date as may be specified in the notice.
  4. This Licence is not transferable.
    1. 7. The Licensee shall-
        1. (a) give notice promptly in writing to the Telecommunications Authority of any change-
          1. (i) of his address; or
          2. (ii) of the location of the premises where the equipment to which the Licence relates is operated; and
      1. (b) when giving any notice mentioned in paragraph (a), return this Licence to the said Authority for amendment.
  5. 8. This Licence shall be returned to the Telecommunications Authority when it has expired or been revoked.
  6. 9. Any Licence however described which has previously been granted to the Licensee in respect of the Station is hereby revoked.
  7. 10. This Licence does not authorize the use of the Station for the reception of messages for the purpose of conveying news or any other information not directly related to the purpose of the testing of the radiocommunications apparatus.
  8. 11. If any message, the receipt of which is not authorized by this Licence, is received by means of the Station, neither the Licensee nor any person using the Station shall make known the contents of any such message, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt to any person except a duly authorized officer of the Telecommunications Authority or a competent legal tribunal, and shall not retain any copy or make use of any such message, or allow it to be reproduced in writing, copied or made use of.
  9. 12. The Licensee, and all persons operating any stations which the Licensee is authorized by this Licence to establish and use shall observe and comply with the relevant provisions of the Telecommunication Convention.
  10. 13. In this Licence "Telecommunication Convention" (電信公約) means any Constitution and Convention of the

International Telecommunication Union and the Radio Regulations annexed thereto, which have from time to time or at any time been acceded to by or applied to Hong Kong.

......................................................... For and on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority.

(L.N. 43 of 1966; L.N. 4 of 1984; 36 of 2000 s. 28)

(Chapter 106)



................................................................................................................................ of .......................................................................................................................... (hereinafter called "the Licensee") is hereby licensed, subject to the conditions attached hereto-

(a) to possess, establish and maintain a transmitting and receiving station for radiotelephony (hereinafter called "the Fixed Station") at .............................................................................................................. ; and
to use the Fixed Station for the purpose of transmitting and receiving spoken messages concerning the business of the Licensee as ......................................................................................................................


  1. Messages referred to in paragraph (b) above may be exchanged between the Stations comprised in the Mobile Radio System licensed in the name of the Licensee, and shown on the second part of the Schedule.
  2. This Licence must be displayed in a glass frame in the Station.
  3. (a) The Stations shall be used only with emissions at the frequencies and of the classes and characteristics respectively specified in the Schedule hereto in relation to the class and characteristic of the emission in use.

(b) The Stations shall be operated only by persons authorized by the Licensee in that behalf.

  1. The apparatus comprised in the Stations shall be so designed, constructed, maintained and used that the use of the Stations does not cause any avoidable interference with any other duly licensed or authorized telecommunications.
    1. The apparatus comprised in the Stations shall at all times comply with the performance specifications shown in the Schedule annexed to this Licence, subject however to such modifications thereof in favour of the Licensee as the Telecommunications Authority may from time to time permit. The Licensee shall not make any alteration in the said apparatus without the previous written consent of the Telecommunications Authority, except-
      1. an alteration the effect of which is to cause the said apparatus to comply, or to continue to comply, with the said specifications; or
      2. a replacement of any component by another component of the same type.
  2. The Licensee shall not permit or suffer any unauthorized person to operate the Stations or to have access to the apparatus contained therein. The Licensee shall ensure that persons operating the Stations observe the terms, provisions and limitations of the Licence at all times.
  3. Every message sent from any of the Stations shall start with an announcement of the call sign of the called and calling Stations. The call sign of the calling Stations shall be repeated at the end of every period of transmission provided that no call sign need be announced more than once in any period of one minute. The Stations shall be called and identified only by their authorized call signs which are specified in the Schedule hereto.
  4. The Stations, and the Licence, shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by duly authorized officers of the Telecommunications Authority.
    1. This Licence shall continue in force so long as the Licensee pays to the Telecommunications Authority in advance on or before the date of expiry ..............................................in each year the renewal fee prescribed by or under the regulations for the time being in force:
    2. Provided that the Telecommunications Authority may at any time after the date of issue revoke the Licence or vary the terms, provisions or limitations thereof by a notice in writing served on the Licensee. Any notice given under this clause may take effect forthwith or on such subsequent date as may be specified in the notice.
  5. The Licence is not transferable.
  6. The Licence shall be returned to the Telecommunications Authority when it has expired been revoked.
  7. Any Licence or Permit however described which the Telecommunications Authority has previously granted to the Licensee in respect of the Stations or any of them is hereby revoked.
    1. The Telecommunications Authority shall be notified promptly of any change of the address of the Licensee, or any proposed change in any of the Stations comprised in the Licence and whenever any such change occurs this Licence and the Schedule must be returned promptly to the Telecommunications Authority for amendment.
    2. (Prior authority is needed before any of the Stations is established in any vehicle, ship, aircraft or place other than as specified in the Schedule to this Licence).
  8. 14. If power for the working of a Fixed Station is taken from a public electricity supply, no direct connection shall be made between the supply mains and the aerial.
  9. 15. If the Fixed Station aerial crosses above or is liable to fall or to be blown on to any overhead power wire (including electric lighting and tramway wires) or power apparatus it must be guarded to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner of the power wire or power apparatus concerned.
  10. 16. The connection of any of the Stations with the public telephone exchange will not be permitted.
  11. 17. Unless the Licence expressly so provides, it does not authorize the relaying of messages received at any Station to any other premises or place, or the communicating of such messages to the public.
  12. 18. If any message, the receipt of which is not authorized by the Licence, is received by means of the Station, neither the Licensee nor any person using the Stations shall make known the contents of any such message, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt to any person except a duly authorized officer of the Telecommunications Authority or a competent legal tribunal, and shall not retain any copy or make any use of any such message, or allow it to be reproduced in writing, copied or made use of.
  13. 19. The Telecommunications Authority may publish at his discretion the Licensee's name and address, and the frequencies allotted for his service, unless the Licensee specifically asks that this should not be done.
  14. 20. The Licensee, and all persons operating any stations which the Licensee is authorized by this Licence to establish and use shall observe and comply with the relevant provisions of the Telecommunication Convention.
  15. 21. In this Licence "Telecommunication Convention" (電信公約) means any Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union and the Radio Regulations annexed thereto, which have from time to time or at any time been acceded to by or applied to Hong Kong.

.......................................................... For and on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority.



Name and Address of Licensee .............................................................................................
............................................................................................................................................. ................................................

1 Call Sign 2 Frequency and Maximum Frequency Tolerance (Para. D applies) 3 Bandwidth of Emission (Para. D applies) 4 Class of Emission (Para. C applies) 5 Maximum Effective Radiated Power (Watts) (Paras. A & B apply) 6 Aerial Characteristics (Paras. A & B apply) 7
Part 1 Fixed Station Part 2 Mobile Stations
Issued ...... 19 .....

For the purposes of the Schedule

A. Effective radiated power (ERP) is the mean radio frequency power multiplied by the gain of the aerial in the horizontal plane. The mean radio frequency power (RFP) will be taken as that delivered to the aerial and generally for the unmodulated condition; but in the case of systems in which the application of modulation causes an increase in the effective carrier power, apart from any change in power due to redistribution between the carrier and sidebands, this will be allowed for.

B. RFP, ERP, and the aerial characteristics will be assessed either by measurements or by calculation from the characteristics of the types of apparatus used, at the discretion of the Telecommunications Authority.

C. The symbols used to designate the classes of emission have the meanings assigned to them in the Telecommunication Convention.

D. "Bandwidth" (頻帶寬度) and "frequency tolerance" (頻差容限) have the meanings assigned to them in the Telecommunication Convention.

(L.N. 43 of 1966; L.N. 4 of 1984; 36 of 2000 s. 28)

(Chapter 106)





FEE ON RENEWAL: ................................................................................................................................. of .......................................................................................................................... (hereinafter called "the Licensee") is hereby licensed, subject to the conditions attached hereto-

(a) to possess, establish and maintain a transmitting and receiving station for radiotelephony (hereinafter called "the Mobile Station") at ............................................................................................................... ; and (Address).
(b) to use the Mobile Station for the purpose of transmitting and receiving spoken messages concerning the business of the Licensee as ......................................................................................................................


  1. 1. Messages referred to in paragraph (b) above may be exchanged between Mobile Stations or between the Mobile Station and a Fixed Station if the latter is duly licensed, in the name of the Licensee, as a Mobile Radio Station System, Fixed Station and be shown in the second part of the Schedule attached to the Fixed Station Licence concurrently held by the Licensee.
  2. 2. This Licence must be displayed in a glass frame in the Station.
  3. 3. This Licence is subject to the conditions attached to the Mobile Radio System Fixed Station Licence.
  4. 4. The Licensee, and all persons operating any stations which the Licensee is authorized by this Licence to establish and use shall observe and comply with the relevant provisions of the Telecommunication Convention.
  5. 5. In this Licence "Telecommunication Convention" (電信公約) means any Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union and the Radio Regulations annexed thereto, which have from time to time or at any time been acceded to by or applied to Hong Kong.

....................................................... For and on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority.

(L.N. 4 of 1984; 36 of 2000 s. 28)




................................................................................................................................. of .......................................................................................................................... (hereinafter called "the Licensee") is hereby licensed, subject to the conditions herein contained-

(a) to possess, establish and maintain at .......................................................... a transmitting and receiving station for radiocommunications (hereinafter called "the Station");
(b) to use the Station for the purpose of transmitting and receiving messages only to aircraft in flight which are owned by or represented exclusively by the Licensee;
(c) messages authorized in paragraph (b) above must relate solely to the business of the airline company and have reference only to the aircraft being communicated with and may not include any message which, in the opinion of the Telecommunications Authority, should properly be transmitted or received by or through the facilities of the Department of Civil Aviation or the general telegraph service.


1. (a) The Station shall be used only with the emissions at the frequencies and of the classes and characteristics respectively specified in the Schedule hereto in relation to the class and characteristics of the emission in use.

(b) The Station shall be operated only by persons authorized by the Licensee in that behalf.

  1. 2. The apparatus comprised in the Station shall be so designed, constructed, maintained and used that the use of the Station does not cause any interference with any other duly licensed or authorized telecommunications.
    1. 3. The apparatus comprised in the Station shall at all times comply with the performance specifications annexed to this Licence, subject however to such modifications thereof in favour of the Licensee as the Telecommunications Authority may from time to time permit. The Licensee shall not make any alterations in the said apparatus without the previous written consent of the Telecommunications Authority, except-
      1. (a) an alteration the effect of which is to cause the said apparatus to comply, or to continue to comply, with the said specifications; or
      2. (b) a replacement of any component by another component or the same type.
  2. The Licensee shall not permit or suffer any unauthorized person to operate the Station or to have access to the apparatus contained therein. The Licensee shall ensure that persons operating the Station observe the terms, provisions and limitations of this Licence at all times.
  3. Every message transmitted from the Station shall start with an announcement of the call sign of the called and calling stations. The call sign of the calling station shall be repeated at the end of every period of transmission provided that no call sign need be announced more than once in any period of one minute. The Station shall be called and identified only by the authorized call sign which is specified in the Schedule hereto.
  4. The Station, and this Licence shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by duly authorized officers of the Telecommunications Authority.
    1. This Licence shall continue in force until the ......................... and thereafter so long as the Licensee pays to the Telecommunications Authority in advance on or before the .................................. and on or before the ................................................... in each subsequent year the renewal fee prescribed by or under the regulation for the time being in force:
    2. Provided that the Telecommunications Authority may at any time after the date of issue revoke this Licence or vary the terms, provisions or limitations thereof by a notice in writing served on the Licensee. Any notice given under this clause may take effect either forthwith or on such subsequent date as may be specified in the notice.
  5. This Licence is not transferable.
  6. This Licence shall be returned to the Telecommunications Authority when it has expired or been revoked.
  7. Any Licence or Permit however described which the Telecommunications Authority has previously granted to the Licensee in respect of the Station is hereby revoked.
    1. The Licensee shall-
        1. give notice promptly in writing to the Telecommunications Authority
          1. of any change of his address;
          2. of any proposed change in the station; or
        2. (iii) of any proposed change of the place at which the station is installed; and
      1. return this Licence and the Schedule to the said Authority for amendment when giving the notice mentioned in paragraph (a)(i) or when the change referred to in paragraph (a)(ii) or (iii) has been effected.
  8. If power for the working of the Station is taken from a public electricity supply, no direct connection shall be made between the supply mains and the aerial.
  9. If the aerial crosses above or is liable to fall or to be blown on to any overhead power wire (including electric lighting and tramway wires) or power apparatus it shall be guarded to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner of the power wire or power apparatus concerned.
  10. The connection of the Station with the public telephone system will not be permitted.
  11. If any message, the receipt of which is not authorized by this Licence, is received by means of the Station, neither the Licensee nor any person using the Station shall make known the contents of any such message, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt to any person except a duly authorized officer of the Telecommunications Authority or a competent legal tribunal, and shall not retain any copy or make any use of any such message, or allow it to be reproduced in writing, copied or made use of.
  12. The Telecommunications Authority may publish at his discretion the Licensee's name and address, and the frequencies allotted for his service.
  13. 17. The Licensee, and all persons operating any stations which the Licensee is authorized by this Licence to establish and use shall observe and comply with the relevant provisions of the Telecommunication Convention.
  14. 18. In this Licence "Telecommunication Convention" (電信公約) means any Constitution and Convention of the

International Telecommunication Union and the Radio Regulations annexed thereto, which have from time to time or at any time been acceded to by or applied to Hong Kong.

...................................................... For and on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority.



Name and Address of Licensee ..............................................................................................

Station Installed (Location) 1 Call Sign 2 Frequency and Maximum Frequency Tolerance (Para. D applies) 3 Bandwidth of Emission (Para. D applies) 4 Class of Emission (Para. C applies) 5 Maximum Effective Radiated Power (Watts) (Paras. A & B apply) 6 Aerial Characteristics (Paras. A & B apply) 7
Issued ......... 19 ......

For the purposes of the Schedule

A. Effective radiated power (ERP) is the mean radio frequency power multiplied by the gain of the aerial in the horizontal plane. The mean radio frequency power (RFP) will be taken as that delivered to the aerial and generally for the unmodulated condition; but in the case of systems in which the application of modulation causes an increase in the effective carrier power, apart from any change in power due to redistribution between the carrier and the side bands, this will be allowed for.

B. RFP, ERP, and the aerial characteristics will be assessed either by measurements or by calculation from the characteristics of the types of apparatus used, at the discretion of the Telecommunications Authority.

C. The symbols used to designate the classes of emission have the meanings assigned to them in the Telecommunication Convention.

D. "Bandwidth" (頻帶寬度) and "frequency tolerance" (頻差容限) have the meanings assigned to them in the Telecommunication Convention.

(L.N. 43 of 1966; L.N. 4 of 1984; 36 of 2000 s. 28)




................................................................................................................................. of .......................................................................................................................... (hereinafter called "the Licensee") is licensed, subject to the conditions herein contained-

to possess, establish and maintain a transmitting and receiving station for radiotelephony (hereinafter
called "the Station") at ............................................................................................................. ; and (Address).
to use the Station for the purpose of
transmitting to any duly authorized station telephone calls originating from the public telephone service;
receiving from any duly authorized station telephone calls for interconnection to the public telephone service.


1. (a) The Station shall be used only with emissions at the frequencies and of the classes and characteristics specified below, and with such power and aerial characteristics as are specified below in relation to the class and characteristics of the emission in use-

1 2 3 4
Transmitting Frequency and Maximum Frequency Tolerance (See Clause 7(d)) Class of Emission (See Clause 7(c)) Maximum Effective Radiated Power (Watts) (See Clause 7(a) & 7(b)) Aerial Characteristics (See Clause 7(a) & 7(b))

(b) The apparatus comprised in the Station shall at all times comply with the same technical standards as may be prescribed by the Telecommunications Authority.

  1. The apparatus comprised in the Station shall be so designed, constructed, maintained and operated that the use of the Station does not cause any avoidable interference with any radiocommunications.
  2. The Station shall be operated only by the Licensee or by persons authorized by the Licensee in that behalf. The Licensee shall not permit or suffer any unauthorized person to have access to the apparatus comprised in the Station. The Licensee shall ensure that persons operating the Station observe the terms, provisions and limitations of the Licence at all times.
    1. The Station, and this Licence shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by duly authorized officers
    2. of the Telecommunications Authority.
    1. 5. (i) This Licence shall continue in force until revoked by the Telecommunications Authority or surrendered by the Licensee in the manner hereinafter provided.
    2. (ii) The Licensee shall pay to the Telecommunications Authority on the issue of this Licence the fee of $ ................... and thereafter in advance in respect of each year so long as this Licence shall continue in force the renewal fee of $ ................................ the first of such renewal fees being in respect of the year beginning ......................, 19 .....
    3. (iii) The Telecommunications Authority may at any time after the date of issue revoke this Licence or vary the terms, provisions or limitations thereof by a notice in writing served on the Licensee. Any notice given under this paragraph may take effect forthwith or on such subsequent date as may be specified in the notice.
      1. (iv) The revocation or surrender of the Licence shall not prejudice any right of action or other remedy of the Telecommunications Authority against the Licensee in respect of any antecedent breach, nonobservance or non-performance by or any accrued liability of the Licensee under any of the terms, provisions or limitations thereof, and in particular the issue fee shall not be returnable in whole or in part.
      2. (v) This Licence shall be returned to the Telecommunications Authority when it has been revoked or surrendered.
      3. (vi) This Licence is not transferable.
    4. (vii) The Licensee shall-
        1. (a) give notice promptly in writing to the Telecommunications Authority
          1. (i) of any change of his address;
          2. (ii) of any proposed change in the station; or
        2. (iii) of any proposed change of the place at which the station is installed; and
      1. (b) return this Licence and the Schedule to the said Authority for amendment when giving the notice mentioned in paragraph (a)(i), or when the change referred to in paragraph (a)(ii) or (iii) has been effected.
  3. 6. Any Licence however described which the Telecommunications Authority has previously granted to the Licensee is hereby revoked.
    1. 7. The following definitions apply to the technical characteristics specified in clause 1(a) of the Licence-
      1. (a) Effective radiated power (ERP) is the mean radio frequency power multiplied by the gain of the aerial in the horizontal plane. The mean radio frequency power (RFP) will be taken as that delivered to the aerial and generally for the unmodulated conditions; but in the case of systems in which the application of modulation causes an increase in the effective carrier power, apart from any change in power due to redistribution between the carrier and the side bands, this will be allowed for.
      2. (b) RFP, ERP and the aerial characteristics will be assessed either by measurements or by calculation from the characteristics of the types of apparatus used, at the discretion of the Telecommunications Authority.
      3. (c) The symbols used to designate the classes of emission have the meanings assigned to them in the Telecommunication Convention.
      4. (d) "Frequency" (頻率) and "frequency tolerance" (頻差容限) have the meanings assigned to them in the Telecommunication Convention.
  1. 8. The Licensee, and all persons operating any stations which the Licensee is authorized by this Licence to establish and use shall observe and comply with the relevant provisions of the Telecommunication Convention.
  2. 9. In this Licence "Telecommunication Convention" (電信公約) means any Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union and the Radio Regulations annexed thereto, which have from time to time or at any time been acceded to by or applied to Hong Kong.


For and on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority.

(L.N. 43 of 1966; L.N. 4 of 1984; 36 of 2000 s. 28)




................................................................................................................................ of .......................................................................................................................... (hereinafter called "the Licensee") is hereby licensed, subject to the conditions herein contained-

to possess, establish and maintain in a vehicle or other mobile object (hereinafter called "the Mobile Station") .............................................................................. ....................................................................... ............................................... (Registered name or number of vehicle or other mobile object) a transmitting and receiving station for radiotelephony; and
to use the Mobile Station for the purpose of-
transmitting to any duly authorized fixed station telephone calls for interconnection to the public telephone service;
receiving from any duly authorized fixed station telephone calls transmitted through the public telephone service.


1. (i) The Mobile Station shall be used only with emissions at the frequencies and of the classes and characteristics specified below, in relation to the class and characteristics of the emission in use-

1 2 3 4
Transmitting Frequency and Maximum Frequency Tolerance (See Clause 7(d)) Class of Emission (See Clause 7(c)) Maximum Effective Radiated Power (Watts) (See Clause 7(a) & 7(b)) Aerial Characteristics (See Clause 7(a) & 7(b))

(ii) The apparatus comprised in the Mobile Station shall at all times comply with the same technical standards as may be prescribed by the Telecommunications Authority.

  1. The apparatus comprised in the Mobile Station shall be so designed, constructed, maintained and operated that the use of the Mobile Station does not cause any avoidable interference with any radiocommunications.
    1. The Mobile Station shall be operated only by the Licensee or by persons authorized by the Licensee in that behalf. The Licensee shall not permit or suffer any unauthorized person to have access to the apparatus comprised in the Mobile Station. The Licensee shall ensure that persons operating the Mobile Station observe
    2. the terms, provisions and limitations of the Licence at all times.
  2. 4. The Mobile Station and this Licence shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by duly authorized officers of the Telecommunications Authority.
    1. 5. (i) This Licence shall continue in force until revoked by the Telecommunications Authority or surrendered by the Licensee in the manner hereinafter provided.
    2. (ii) The Licensee shall pay to the Telecommunications Authority on the issue of this Licence the fee of $..................................................................and thereafter in advance in respect of each year so long as this Licence shall continue in force the renewal fee of $...................................................... the first of such renewal fees being in respect of the year beginning ..........................................., 19 .....
    3. (iii) The Telecommunications Authority may at any time after the date of issue revoke this Licence or vary the terms, provisions or limitations thereof by a notice in writing served on the Licensee. Any notice given under this paragraph may take effect forthwith or on such subsequent date as may be specified in the notice.
      1. (iv) The revocation or surrender of the Licence shall not prejudice any right of action or other remedy of the Telecommunications Authority against the Licensee in respect of any antecedent breach, non-observance or non-performance by or any accrued liability of the Licensee under any of the terms, provisions or limitations thereof, and in particular the issue fee shall not be returnable in whole or in part.
      2. (v) This Licence shall be returned to the Telecommunications Authority when it has been revoked or surrendered.
      3. (vi) This Licence is not transferable.
    4. (vii) The Licensee shall-
        1. (a) give notice promptly in writing to the Telecommunications Authority
          1. (i) of any change of his address;
          2. (ii) of any proposed change in the station; or
        2. (iii) of any proposed change of the place at which the station is installed; and
      1. (b) return this Licence and the Schedule to the said Authority for amendment when giving the notice mentioned in paragraph (a)(i) or when the change referred to in paragraph (a)(ii) or (iii) has been effected.
  3. 6. Any Licence however described which the Telecommunications Authority has previously granted to the Licensee is hereby revoked.
    1. 7. The following definitions apply to the technical characteristics specified in clause 1(i) of the Licence-
      1. (a) Effective radiated power (ERP) is the mean radio frequency power multiplied by the gain of the aerial in the horizontal plane. The mean radio frequency power (RFP) will be taken as that delivered to the aerial and generally for the unmodulated conditions; but in the case of systems in which the application of modulation causes an increase in the effective carrier power, apart from any change in power due to redistribution between the carrier and the side bands, this will be allowed for.
      2. (b) RFP, ERP and the aerial characteristics will be assessed either by measurements or by calculation from the characteristics of the types of apparatus used, at the discretion of the Telecommunications Authority.
      3. (c) The symbols used to designate the classes of emission have the meanings assigned to them in the Telecommunication Convention.
      4. (d) "Frequency" (頻率) and "frequency tolerance" (頻差容限) have the meanings assigned to them in the Telecommunication Convention.
  1. 8. The Licensee, and all persons operating any stations which the Licensee is authorized by this Licence to establish and use shall observe and comply with the relevant provisions of the Telecommunication Convention.
  2. 9. In this Licence "Telecommunication Convention" (電信公約) means any Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union and the Radio Regulations annexed thereto, which have from time to

time or at any time been acceded to by or applied to Hong Kong.

....................................................... For and on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority.

(L.N. 43 of 1966; L.N. 4 of 1984; 36 of 2000 s. 28)




................................................................................................................................. of .......................................................................................................................... (hereinafter called "the Licensee") is hereby licensed, subject to the conditions herein contained-

to possess, establish and maintain at ................................................................. (Address). a transmitting and receiving station for radio telegraphy (hereinafter called "the Fixed Station") and to establish such transmitting and receiving stations for radio telegraphy (hereinafter called "the Mobile Stations") as the Licensee may require; and
to use the Fixed Station and the Mobile Stations (hereinafter collectively called "the Stations") for the purpose of transmitting and receiving messages concerning the business of the Licensee as ............................................... between the Fixed Station on the one hand and the Mobile Stations on the other.


1. (a) The Stations shall operate only in the induction field.

The Stations shall be used only within the frequency bands and with emissions of the classes and with the maximum radiated field, which are respectively specified in the Schedule hereto.
The Stations shall be operated only by persons authorized by the Licensee in that behalf and the Licensee shall ensure that such persons observe the terms, provisions and limitations of the Licence at all times.

2. (a) The apparatus comprised in the Stations shall be so designed, constructed, maintained and used that the use of the Stations does not cause any interference with any radiocommunications, or with the working of any station or circuit duly licensed or authorized by the Telecommunications Authority.

A satisfactory method of frequency stabilization shall be employed in the transmitting apparatus.
The frequency of the transmitting apparatus shall be verified at such times, and by measuring equipment of such accuracy, as may be necessary to ensure that the emissions are within the authorized frequency bands.
  1. The Stations, and this Licence, shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by duly authorized officers of the Telecommunications Authority.
  2. This Licence shall continue in force for one year from the date of issue, and thereafter so long as the Licensee pays to the Telecommunications Authority in advance each year on or before the anniversary date of the issue the renewal fee prescribed by or under the regulations for the time being in force:

Provided that the Telecommunications Authority may at any time after the date of issue revoke this Licence or vary the terms, provisions or limitations thereof by a notice in writing served on the Licensee. Any notice given under this clause may take effect either forthwith or on such subsequent date as may be specified in the notice.

  1. 5. This Licence is not transferable.
    1. 6. The Licensee shall-
        1. (a) give notice promptly in writing to the Telecommunications Authority
          1. (i) of any change of his address; or
          2. (ii) of any proposed change of the place at which the station is installed; and
      1. (b) return the Licence and the Schedule to the said Authority for amendment when giving the notice mentioned in paragraph (a)(i) or when the change referred to in or paragraph (a)(ii) has been effected.
  2. 7. This Licence shall be returned to the Telecommunications Authority when it has expired or been revoked.
  3. 8. Any Licence however described which has previously been granted to the Licensee in respect of the Stations or any of them is hereby revoked.
  4. 9. If power for the working of the Station is taken from a public electricity supply, no direct connection shall be made between the supply mains and the induction loop.
  5. 10. The Licensee, and all persons operating any stations which the Licensee is authorized by this Licence to establish and use shall observe and comply with the relevant provisions of the Telecommunication Convention.
  6. 11. In this Licence "Telecommunication Convention" (電信公約) means any Constitution and Convention of the

International Telecommunication Union and the Radio Regulations annexed thereto, which have from time to time or at any time been acceded to by or applied to Hong Kong.

......................................................... For and on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority.


Frequency Bands (Kc/s.) Classes of Emission (See A below) Maximum Radiated Field
A1, A2, A3, F1, F2, F3 The radiated field at 90 m from the radiating system shall not exceed 20 mV/m.

For the purpose of the Schedule.

A. The symbols used to designate the classes of emission have the meanings assigned to them in the Radio Regulations annexed to or in force under the Telecommunication Convention.

B. "The Telecommunication Convention" (電信公約) means any Constitution and Convention of the International

Telecommunication Union, and the Radio Regulations annexed thereto, which has from time to time or at any time been acceded to by or applied to Hong Kong.

(L.N. 43 of 1966; L.N. 4 of 1984; L.N. 294 of 1985; 36 of 2000 s. 28)




................................................................................................................................ of ........................................................................................................................... (hereinafter called "the Licensee") is hereby licensed, subject to the conditions attached hereto-

to possess and deal in the course of trade or business in apparatus or material for radiocommunications other than transmitting apparatus or in any component parts therefor (hereinafter called "the Licensed Apparatus").


  1. Subject to the provisions of this clause, the Licensee may carry on the business or Radio Dealer at the address shown above only. In the event of the Licensee changing his place of business to an address other than the address shown above, he shall give notice promptly in writing to the Telecommunications Authority of such change, and shall when giving such notice, return this Licence to the said Authority for amendment.
  2. All the Licensed Apparatus shall, unless and until disposed of in accordance with this Licence, be stored at ...............................................................................................and in no other place without the written permission of the Telecommunications Authority.
  3. The Licensed Apparatus shall not be used for or by the Licensee for the purpose of radiocommunications, except under and in accordance with a Licence granted by the Telecommunications Authority.
  4. This Licence Form shall be placed in a glass fronted frame and prominently displayed in the licensed premises at all times.
    1. The Licensee shall-
      1. keep and maintain complete and accurate registers of the Licensed Apparatus and of all his dealings and transactions therewith;
      2. produce such registers and exhibit his stock of such Licensed Apparatus to and on the demand of the Telecommunications Authority or any officer authorized by him in that behalf;
      3. forward to the Telecommunications Authority each month a complete and accurate list of all transactions carried out, which list shall reach the Telecommunications Authority not later than the tenth day of the month subsequent to that to which the list refers.

The list referred to in paragraph (c) above shall consist of four parts, namely, "Goods Purchased", "Goods Sold", "Repairs Carried Out" and "Stock in Hand", in the case of the first three parts the names and addresses of all customers or suppliers shall be included.

  1. This Licence does not permit the Licensee to import, export, sell, hire or purchase or obtain in any manner whatsoever any apparatus or appliances or arts thereof which are or can be used for transmitting purposes.
    1. This Licence shall continue in force for one year from the date of issue, and thereafter so long as the Licensee pays to the Telecommunications Authority in advance in each year on or before the anniversary of the date of issue a renewal fee of $.................:
    2. Provided that the Telecommunications Authority may at any time after the date of issue revoke this Licence or vary the terms, provisions or limitations thereof by a notice in writing served on the Licensee.
  2. This Licence is not transferable.
  3. This Licence shall be returned to the Telecommunications Authority when it has expired or been revoked.
  4. Any Licence however described which has previously been granted to the Licensee in respect of a Radio Dealers Business is hereby revoked.

......................................................... For and on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority.

(L.N. 43 of 1966; 36 of 2000 s. 28)






FEE ON RENEWAL: ...............................................................................................................................

of ........................................................................................................................... (hereinafter called "the Licensee") is

hereby licensed, subject to the conditions attached hereto- to possess and deal in the course of trade or business in apparatus or material for radiocommunications or in any component parts therefor (hereinafter called "the Licensed Apparatus").


  1. The Licensee may carry on the business of Radio Dealer at the address shown above only and shall not, without the consent of the Telecommunications Authority, change such address. If at any time the Licensee wishes to change the address shown above he shall make application in writing to the Telecommunications Authority for consent to the proposed change not less than 10 days before the date on which he intends to make such change. The Licensee shall, when making such application, return this Licence to the said Authority for amendment in the event of consent to the proposed change being granted.
  2. All the Licensed Apparatus shall, unless and until disposed of in accordance with the Licence, be stored at ....................................................................................... and in no other place without the written permission of the Telecommunications Authority.
  3. The Licensed Apparatus shall not be used for or by the Licensee for the purpose of radiocommunications, except under and in accordance with a Licence granted by the Telecommunications Authority.
  4. This Licence Form shall be placed in a glass fronted frame and prominently displayed in the licensed premises at all times.
    1. The Licensee shall-
      1. keep and maintain complete and accurate registers of the Licensed Apparatus and of all his dealings and transactions therewith;
      2. produce such registers and exhibit his stock of such Licensed Apparatus to and on the demand of the Telecommunications Authority or any officer authorized by him in that behalf;
      3. forward each month to the Telecommunications Authority a complete and accurate list of all

transactions carried out, which list shall reach the Telecommunications Authority not later than the tenth day of the month subsequent to that to which the list refers.

The list referred to in paragraph (c) above shall consist of four parts, namely, "Goods Purchased", "Goods Sold", "Repairs Carried Out" and "Stock in Hand", and in the case of the first three parts the names and addresses of all customers or suppliers shall be included.

    1. This Licence shall continue in force for one year from the date of issue and thereafter so long as the Licensee pays to the Telecommunications Authority in advance in each year on or before the anniversary of the date of issue a renewal fee of $ ................:
    2. Provided that the Telecommunications Authority may at any time after the date of issue revoke this Licence or vary the terms, provisions or limitations thereof by a notice in writing served on the Licensee.
  1. This Licence is not transferable.
  2. This Licence shall be returned to the Telecommunications Authority when it has expired or been revoked.
  3. Any Licence, however described, which has previously been granted to the Licensee in respect of a Radio Dealers Business is hereby revoked.

............................................................. For and on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority.

(L.N. 43 of 1966; 36 of 2000 s. 28)






FEE ON RENEWAL: ................................................................................................................................

of ........................................................................................................................... (hereinafter called "the Licensee") is

hereby licensed, subject to the terms, provisions and limitations herein contained

to possess, establish and maintain transmitting and receiving station(s) for radiocommunications (hereinafter called the "Base Station(s)") at locations approved by the Telecommunications Authority and to establish transmitting and receiving station(s) for radiocommunications (hereinafter called "the Mobile Station(s)"); and
to use the Base Station(s) and the Mobile Station(s) (hereinafter collectively called "the Stations") for the purpose of transmitting and receiving, between the Base Station(s) on the one hand and the Mobile Station(s) on the other, or between one of the Mobile Stations and another of the Mobile Stations, spoken test messages for demonstrating the apparatus comprised in the Stations in the course of the Licensee's business as manufacturer or dealer in such apparatus.


1. (a) No messages relating to the business or private affairs of the Licensee or of any other person, company
or organization shall be transmitted or received by means of the Stations.
(b) The Stations shall be operated only by persons authorized by the Licensee in that behalf.
  1. The apparatus comprised in the Stations shall be so designed, constructed, maintained and used that the use of the Stations does not cause any interference with any other duly licensed or authorized telecommunications.
  2. The apparatus comprised in the Stations shall at all times comply with the performance specifications as laid down by the Telecommunications Authority.
  3. The Licensee shall not permit or suffer any unauthorized person to operate the Stations or to have access to the apparatus comprised therein. The Licensee shall ensure that persons operating the Stations observe the terms, provisions and limitations of this Licence at all times.
  4. Every message transmitted from any of the Stations shall start with an announcement of the call sign of the called and calling Stations. The call sign of the calling Stations shall be repeated at the end of every period of transmission provided that no call sign need be announced more than once in any period of one minute. The Stations shall be called and identified only by their authorized call signs listed on the first page of this Licence.
  5. The Stations and this Licence shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by duly authorized officers of the Telecommunications Authority.
    1. This Licensee shall continue in force for one year from the date of issue, and thereafter so long as the Licensee pays to the Telecommunications Authority in advance in each year on or before the anniversary of the date of issue the renewal fee prescribed by order or under the regulations for the time being in force:
    2. Provided that the Telecommunications Authority may at any time after the date of issue revoke this Licence or vary the terms, provisions or limitations thereof by a notice in writing served on the Licensee. Any notice given under this clause may take effect either forthwith or on such subsequent date as may be specified in the notice.
  6. This Licence is not transferable.
  7. This Licence shall be returned to the Telecommunications Authority when it has expired or been revoked.
  8. Any Licence or Permit however described which has previously been granted to the Licensee in respect of the Stations or any of them is hereby revoked.
  9. The Licensee shall give notice promptly in writing to the Telecommunications Authority of any change of his address and, when giving any such notice, return this Licence to the said Authority for amendment. (Prior authority is needed before any demonstration is made).
  10. If power for the working of any Base Station is taken from a public electricity supply, no direct connection shall be made between the supply mains and the aerial.
  11. If any Base Station aerial crosses above or is liable to fall or to be blown on to any overhead power wire (including electric lighting and tramway wires) or power apparatus it shall be guarded to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner of the power wire or power apparatus concerned.
  12. The connection of any of the Stations with the public telephone exchange system will not be permitted.
  13. Unless this Licence expressly so provides, it does not authorize the relaying of messages received at any Station to any other premises or place, or the communicating of such messages to the public, e.g. by loudspeaker.
  14. If any message, the receipt of which is not authorized by this Licence, is received by means of the Stations, neither the Licensee nor any person using the Stations shall make known the contents of any such message, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt to any person except a duly authorized officer of the Telecommunications Authority or a competent legal tribunal, and shall not retain any copy or make use of any such message, or allow it to be reproduced in writing, copied or made use of.
  15. 17. The Licensee, and all persons operating any stations which the Licensee is authorized by this Licence to establish and use shall observe and comply with the relevant provisions of the Telecommunication Convention.
  16. 18. In this Licence "Telecommunication Convention" (電信公約) means any Constitution and Convention of the

International Telecommunication Union and the Radio Regulations annexed thereto, which have from time to time or at any time been acceded to by or applied to Hong Kong.

........................................................ For and on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority.

(L.N. 43 of 1966; L.N. 4 of 1984; 36 of 2000 s. 28)




................................................................................................................................ of ..........................................................................................................................(hereinafter called "the Licensee") is hereby licensed, subject to the terms, provisions and limitations herein contained to possess, establish and maintain, work and maintain a radiocommunications transmitting and receiving station at ........................................................................................ .............................................................................................................................................

(Address) for the sole purpose of instructing pupils in the theory and practice of radiocommunications.


  1. 1. The transmitting apparatus shall not be connected to any aerial and shall be such that the radiation therefrom will not be perceptible outside the building in which the apparatus is installed, except as otherwise specified by the Telecommunications Authority in the Schedule.
  2. 2. The licensed premises and apparatus shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by duly authorized officers of the Telecommunications Authority.
  3. 3. The licensed premises and apparatus shall be closed down at any time if the Telecommunications Authority deems it expedient and notifies the Licensee in writing of his decision so to do.
    1. 4. This Licence shall continue in force for one year from the date of issue and thereafter so long as the Licensee pays to the Telecommunications Authority in advance in each year on or before the anniversary of the date of issue the renewal fee prescribed by or under the regulations for the time being in force:
    2. Provided that the Telecommunications Authority may at any time after the date of issue revoke this Licence or vary the terms, provisions or limitations thereof by a notice in writing served on the Licensee. Any notice given under this clause may take effect either forthwith or on such subsequent date as may be specified in the notice.
  4. 5. This Licence is not transferable.
  5. 6. This Licence shall be returned to the Telecommunications Authority when it has expired or been revoked.
  6. 7. Any Licence or Permit, however described which has previously been granted to the Licensee in respect of the School is hereby revoked.
    1. 8. The Licensee shall-
        1. (a) give notice promptly in writing to the Telecommunications Authority
          1. (i) of any change of his address;
          2. (ii) of any change of the address of the school; or
        2. (iii) of any proposed change in the transmitting apparatus or its characteristics as listed in the Schedule; and
      1. (b) when giving any notice referred to in paragraph (a), return this Licence to the said Authority for amendment.
  7. 9. If any message, the receipt of which is not authorized by this Licence, is received by means of receiving apparatus installed and worked in the School, neither the Licensee nor any person using the said receiving apparatus shall make known the contents of any such message, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt.
  8. 10. The Licensee, and all persons operating any stations which the Licensee is authorized by this Licence to establish and use shall observe and comply with the relevant provisions of the Telecommunication Convention.
  9. 11. In this Licence "Telecommunication Convention" (電信公約) means any Constitution and Convention of the

International Telecommunication Union and the Radio Regulations annexed thereto, which for the time being applies to Hong Kong.

....................................................... For and on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority.


Name and address of Licensee

Location of station

Transmitting apparatus that may be connected to an aerial and radiation therefrom may go beyond the building in which the apparatus is installed-

Description of apparatus

Call Sign

Transmitting Frequency

Maximum Frequency Tolerance

Maximum Effective Radiated Power

Aerial Characteristics

(L.N. 43 of 1966; L.N. 4 of 1984; L.N. 406 of 1992; 36 of 2000 s. 28)





................................................................................................................................ of .............................................................................................................................(hereinafter referred to as "the Licensee") is hereby licensed, subject to the conditions herein contained-

to possess, establish and maintain an amateur transmitting and receiving station for radiocommunications (hereinafter referred to as "the Station");
to use the Station, as a part of the self-training of the Licensee, to communicate with other amateur stations by transmitting and receiving-
messages about matters of a personal nature in which the Licensee, or the person with whom he is in communication, has been directly concerned;
signals (not being in secret code or cypher) which form part of, or relate to, the transmission of such messages.


Limitations of use

  1. The Licensee shall use only classes of emission, powers and frequency bands as authorized by the Telecommunications Authority (hereinafter referred to as "the Authority") in Schedule 1.
    1. (a) The Licensee may establish the Station, as specified by the Authority in Schedule 2-
      1. at a fixed location on a permanent or temporary basis;
      2. on a vehicle within the territory of Hong Kong;

(iii) on a vessel or watercraft registered or licensed in Hong Kong; or

(iv) as a portable station within the territory of Hong Kong.

The Licensee shall not establish the Station aboard an aircraft or other airborne vehicle.
The Licensee shall not change the location of the Station as specified in Schedule 2 without the prior consent of the Authority.
The Licensee shall notify the Authority in writing, in such form as the Authority may specify, of any change in the particulars set forth in Schedule 1 within 72 hours of such change.
The Licensee shall establish the Station subject to restrictions as stipulated by the Authority in Schedule 1.

3. (a) Mobile operation shall not be conducted within the jurisdiction of a state or territory outside Hong Kong except with the permission of the administration of such state or territory.

(b) When a vessel or watercraft is in international waters, the Licensee shall use only those frequency bands which, in accordance with the Telecommunication Convention, have been allocated to the amateur service in the region being visited.

  1. The Licensee shall ensure that only persons authorized by him operate the Station. The Licensee shall ensure that persons operating the Station shall observe the terms, provisions and limitations of this licence at all times.
    1. This licence does not authorize the use of the Station-
      1. for business, advertisement or propaganda purposes; or
      2. for the transmission of news or messages of, or on behalf of, or for the benefit or information of, any organization or any person other than the Licensee and the person with whom he is in communication unless the prior consent of the Authority in writing has been obtained.
    1. Notwithstanding General Condition 5(b), and subject to the limitations in Resolution 640 of the World Administrative Radio Conference 1979, the Licensee may use the Station for international disaster
    2. communications within the frequency bands stipulated in Schedule 1.
    1. (a) Except with the prior consent in writing of the Authority, the Licensee shall not send messages (other than initial calls) for general reception by licensed amateurs, but shall send messages to-
      1. individual licensed amateurs; or
      2. groups of licensed amateurs as long as communication is first established separately with at least one licensed amateur in any such group.
In the case of communication with stations outside Hong Kong, the Licensee shall send the messages in plain language and shall be limited to messages of a technical nature relating to tests, and to remarks of a personal character.
The Licensee shall not transmit such material as music, public broadcasts or speeches.
  1. No message which is offensive, obscene or indecent shall be transmitted from the Station.
    1. If any message, the receipt of which is not authorized by this licence is received, neither the Licensee nor any person using the Station shall make known the contents of any such message, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt to any person except a duly authorized officer of the Authority or a competent legal tribunal, and shall not retain any copy or make any use of any such message, or allow it to be reproduced in writing, copied or made use of.
    2. Apparatus
  2. (a) A satisfactory method of frequency stabilization shall be employed in the transmitting apparatus.
Equipment for frequency and power measurement shall be provided capable of verifying that the transmitting apparatus is operating with emissions within the authorized frequency bands and power limits.
The Station shall be comprised of transmitting and receiving apparatus which is of a type approved by the Authority.

11. (a) The apparatus comprised in the Station shall be so designed, constructed, maintained and used that the use of the Station does not cause any undue interference to other amateur stations, or any other duly licensed or authorized radiocommunications.

(b) At all times, every precaution shall be taken to avoid over-modulation, and to keep the radiated energy within the narrowest possible frequency bands having regard to the class of emission in use. In particular, the radiation of harmonics and other spurious emissions shall be suppressed to such a level that they cause no interference to any radiocommunications. Tests shall be carried out from time to time to ensure that the requirements of this paragraph are met.

    1. An aerial shall be installed and maintained to good engineering standard so as not to pose unacceptable risks to persons or property in the vicinity.
    2. Record of operation
    1. A record of operation of the Station shall be kept in the format and manner stipulated by the Authority in Schedule 1.
    2. Call sign
    1. When the Station is operated, the call sign assigned under this licence shall be used in accordance with the procedure stipulated by the Authority in Schedule 1.
    2. Inspection and close-down
  1. The Station, this licence and the record of operation shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by duly authorized officers of the Authority.
  2. (a) This licence, or its duplicate issued by the Authority, shall be available for inspection upon request by duly

authorized officers of the Authority at each fixed location, vessel or watercraft where the Station is installed.

(b) The Licensee shall-

(i) display on the windscreen of a vehicle in which the Station is installed; or
(ii) affix on a portable apparatus, such disc or document issued by the Authority showing the fact that the Station is licensed.
    1. 17. The Station shall be closed down on the demand of a person acting under the authority of the Authority when undue interference is being caused to other duly licensed or authorized radiocommunications.
    2. Interpretation
  1. 18. In this licence-"messages about matters of a personal nature" (關於個人事務的訊息) does not include messages about business affairs; "messages" (訊息) and "signals" (訊號) include telephony, visual communication, digital communication and telegraphy;

"the Telecommunication Convention" (電信公約) means any Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union, and the Radio Regulations annexed thereto, which for the time being applies to Hong Kong.


  1. 19. The Licensee and all persons operating any stations which the Licensee is authorized by this licence to establish and use shall observe and comply with the relevant provisions of the Telecommunication Convention.
    1. 20. This licence shall continue in force for one year from the date of issue, and thereafter so long as the Licensee pays to the Authority in advance in each year on or before the anniversary date of the issue the renewal fee prescribed by or under the regulations for the time being in force:
    2. Provided that the Authority may at any time after the date of issue revoke this licence or vary the terms, provisions or limitations thereof by a notice in writing served on the Licensee. Any notice given under this clause may take effect forthwith or on such subsequent date as may be specified in the notice.
  2. 21. This licence is not transferable.
  3. 22. This licence or its duplicate issued by the Authority or any disc or document issued by the Authority showing the fact that the Station is licensed shall be returned to the Authority when this licence has expired or been revoked.
  4. 23. Any licence, however described, which has previously been granted to the Licensee in respect of the Station is hereby revoked.
  5. 24. The Authority may publish the Licensee's name and address at his discretion unless the Licensee specifically asks that this should not be done.
  6. 25. This licence does not authorize the Licensee to do any act which is an infringement of any copyright which may exist in the matter sent or received.
    1. 26. The Licensee-
      1. (a) shall give notice, as soon as practicable, in writing to the Authority of any change of his address for correspondence; and
      2. (b) shall return this licence and the Schedules to the Authority for amendment when any of the changes mentioned in paragraph (a) or General Condition 2(c) have been effected.


............................................................ For the Telecommunications Authority.




Location of Station


(L.N. 406 of 1992; 36 of 2000 s. 28)




.................................................................................................................................. of ........................................................................................................................(hereinafter called "the Licensee") is hereby licensed, subject to the conditions herein contained-

to possess, establish and maintain and use a radiocommunications station (hereinafter called "the Station") for the purpose only of controlling the movement of a model vehicle, vessel or aircraft, by means of the emission of electromagnetic energy from transmitting apparatus, and the reception of such energy by receiving apparatus in the model (which transmitting and receiving apparatus are together comprised in the expression "the Station").


  1. The Licence is subject to the following limitations- Emissions: Frequencies: Power: Hours of use: Prohibited areas: The Station shall be operated only (a) by the Licensee personally or (b) in the presence of and under the direct supervision of the Licensee, by any other person authorized by him.
  2. (i) The apparatus comprised in the Station shall be so designed, constructed, maintained and used that the use of the Station does not cause any interference with any other duly licensed or authorized


(ii) A satisfactory method of frequency stabilization shall be employed in the transmitting apparatus.

(iii) The frequency of the transmitting apparatus shall be verified at such times, and by measuring equipment of such accuracy, as may be necessary to ensure that the emissions are within the authorized frequency bands.

(iv) The use of spark transmitting apparatus is specifically forbidden.

  1. 3. The Station and this Licence shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by duly authorized officers of the Telecommunications Authority.
    1. 4. This Licence shall continue in force for one year from the date of issue, and thereafter for successive periods of one year so long as the Licensee pays to the Telecommunications Authority in advance before the beginning of each successive period the renewal fee by or under the regulations for the time being in force:
    2. Provided that the Telecommunications Authority may at any time after the issue revoke this Licence or vary the terms, provisions or limitations thereof by a notice in writing served on the Licensee.
  2. 5. This Licence is not transferable.
  3. 6. This Licence shall be returned to the Telecommunications Authority when it has expired or been revoked.
  4. 7. Any Licence or Permit however described which the Telecommunications Authority has previously granted to the Licensee in respect of the Station is hereby revoked.
  5. 8. The Licensee shall give notice promptly in writing to the Telecommunications Authority of any change of his address and when giving such notice shall forward this Licence to that Authority for amendment.
  6. 9. If power for the working of the Station is taken from a public electricity supply, no direct connection shall be made between the supply mains and the aerial.
  7. 10. The Licensee is advised to check the frequency of the transmitting apparatus whenever it has been subjected to rough treatment and if the transmitting apparatus is not crystal controlled, to check the frequency as shortly before the apparatus is used as is practicable.
  8. 11. The Licensee, and all persons operating any stations which the Licensee is authorized by this Licence to establish and use shall observe and comply with the relevant provisions of the Telecommunication Convention.
  9. 12. In this Licence "Telecommunication Convention" (電信公約) means any Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union and the Radio Regulations annexed thereto, which have from time to time or at any time been acceded to by or applied to Hong Kong.

....................................................... For and on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority.

(L.N. 43 of 1966; L.N. 4 of 1984; 36 of 2000 s. 28)

(Chapter 106)


FEE ON ISSUE: .................................................. PER HIGH FREQUENCY GENERATOR. FEE ON

RENEWAL: .......................................... PER HIGH FREQUENCY GENERATOR
................................................................................................................................ of


called "the Licensee") is hereby licensed, subject to the terms, provisions and limitations herein contained- to possess, maintain and use apparatus at ................................................................ ......................................................................................................... ..................... for the purpose of generating high frequency electro-magnetic energy which shall be used for industrial, scientific and medical processes only.


1. (a) The apparatus shall be used only under suppressed radiation conditions. Radiation outside the internationally allocated frequencies causing interference to communication services shall be suppressed to the satisfaction of the Telecommunications Authority.

(b) The apparatus shall be operated only by persons authorized by the Licensee in that behalf.

  1. The Schedule attached hereto shall show the number of apparatuses covered by this Licence and their operating frequencies.
    1. (1) During the period of validity of this Licence, the Licensee shall not without the consent in writing of the Telecommunications Authority
      1. make any alteration or addition to the apparatus (apparatuses) covered by this Licence; or
      2. change the address of the place where the apparatus (apparatuses) is maintained and used.
If at any time the Licensee wishes to make-
(a) any alteration or addition mentioned in subclause (1)(a); or
a change of address mentioned in subclause (1)(b), he shall make application in writing to the Telecommunications Authority for consent to such alteration, addition or change not less than 10 days before the date on which he intends to make such alteration, addition or change. The Licensee shall, when making such application, return this Licence and the Schedule to the Telecommunications Authority for amendment in the event of the application being granted.
  1. The Licensee shall give notice promptly in writing to the Telecommunications Authority of any change of his postal address and, when giving such notice, shall return this Licence to the said Authority for amendment.
  2. The Station, the apparatus (apparatuses) and this Licence shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by duly authorized officers of the Telecommunications Authority.
    1. This Licence shall continue in force for one year from the date of issue, and thereafter for successive periods of one year so long as the Licensee pays to the Telecommunications Authority in advance before the beginning of each successive period the renewal fee prescribed by or under the regulations for the time being in force:
    2. Provided that the Telecommunications Authority may at any time after the date of issue revoke this Licence or vary the terms, provisions or limitations thereof by a notice served in writing on the Licensee or by a notice published in the Gazette addressed to "All Electronic Industrial Machine Licensees". Any notice given under this clause may take effect either forthwith or on such subsequent date as may be specified in the notice.
  3. This Licence is not transferable.
  4. This Licence shall be returned to the Telecommunications Authority when it has expired or been revoked.
  5. Any previous Licence or Permit however described which the Telecommunications Authority has previously granted to the Licensee in respect of the apparatus is hereby revoked.
  6. The Licensee, and all persons operating any stations which the Licensee is authorized by this Licence to establish and use shall observe and comply with the relevant provisions of the Telecommunication Convention.
  7. 11. In this Licence "Telecommunication Convention" (電信公約) means any Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union and the Radio Regulations annexed thereto, which have from time to time or at any time been acceded to by or applied to Hong Kong.

..................................................... For and on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority.



Date Installed

Operating Frequency

(L.N. 43 of 1966; L.N. 4 of 1984; 36 of 2000 s. 28)




STATIONS ............................................................... Nos. $500 per annum each.
FEE: RECEIVING STATIONS .......................................... Nos. $ 50 per annum
each. ..................................................................................................................................
of .........................................................................................................................................................................................
called "the Licensee") is hereby licensed, subject to the conditions attached hereto-

to establish, possess and maintain fixed transmitting stations (as detailed in the Schedule) for the purpose of communicating to receiving stations by means of selective calling tone only.


  1. 1. The fixed transmitting stations comprised in the system shall not transmit any message or signal other than the selected tones required to actuate the receiving stations.
  2. 2. The apparatus comprising the system shall at all times comply with any performance specifications laid down by the Telecommunications Authority, subject to such modification in favour of the Licensee, as the Telecommunications Authority may from time to time permit.
  3. 3. The apparatus comprising the system shall be so designed, constructed, maintained and used, that the use of the same shall not cause any interference with any other duly licensed or authorized telecommunications.
  4. 4. The stations shall be operated only by persons authorized by the Licensee in that behalf, and the Licensee shall ensure that such authorized persons observe the terms, provisions and limitations of this Licence at all times.
    1. 5. The Licensee, or any other person authorized by him, shall not operate, except for testing purposes, any fixed transmitting station or receiving station unless the fee prescribed by or under the regulations for the time being in force has been paid to the Telecommunications Authority in respect of such fixed transmitting station or receiving station. The Licensee shall number every receiving station and keep a record at all times of the name
    2. and address of every person authorized by the Licensee to operate a receiving station and the number of the receiving station issued to that person.
  5. The apparatus comprising the system and this Licence shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by any duly authorized officer of the Telecommunications Authority.
    1. This Licence shall continue in force so long as the licensee pays to the Telecommunications Authority on or before the date of expiry in each year in respect of every fixed transmitting station and every receiving station specified in this Licence the fee prescribed by or under the regulations for the time being in force:
    2. Provided that the Telecommunications Authority may at any time after the date of issue, revoke the Licence or vary the terms, provisions or limitations thereof by a notice in writing served on the Licensee. Any notice given under this clause may take effect either forthwith or on such subsequent date as may be specified in the notice.
  6. This Licence shall be displayed in a prominent position at the control station.
  7. This Licence is not transferable and shall be returned to the Telecommunications Authority when it has expired or has been revoked.
  8. Any Licence or Permit however described, which the Telecommunications Authority has previously granted to the Licensee in respect of any or all of the stations comprising the system is hereby revoked.
  9. The Telecommunications Authority shall be notified promptly of any change of address of the Licensee, or any proposed change in any of the fixed transmitting stations comprised in the system and whenever any such change occurs this Licence and the Schedule shall be returned promptly to the Telecommunications Authority for amendment. Prior authority on the siting of each fixed transmitting station shall be obtained from the Telecommunications Authority, if any fixed transmitting station is to be resited at a place other than that specified in this Licence.
  10. If the power for the working of a fixed transmitting station is taken from the public electricity supply, no direct connection shall be made between the supply mains and the aerial.
  11. If a fixed transmitting station aerial crosses above or is liable to be blown on to any overhead power wire (including electric lighting or tramway wires) or power apparatus, it shall be guarded to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner of the power wire or power apparatus concerned.
  12. The connection of any of the apparatus comprising the system with the Public Telephone Network is forbidden.
  13. Unless authorized in writing by the Telecommunications Authority, the relaying of messages received at any station to any other premises or place is not permitted.
  14. If any signal or message, the receipt of which is not authorized by this Licence, is received by means of the receiving stations, neither the Licensee nor any person using such stations shall make known the contents of any such signal or message, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt to any person except a duly authorized officer of the Telecommunications Authority or a competent legal tribunal and shall not retain any copy or make any use of such a signal or message, or allow it to be reproduced in writing, copied or made use of.
  15. The Telecommunications Authority may publish at his discretion the Licensee's name and address and the frequencies allotted for the service of the Licensee, unless the Licensee specifically asks that this should not be done.
  16. The Licensee, and all persons authorized by the Licensee to operate any station which the Licensee is authorized by this Licence to establish and use, shall observe and comply with the provisions of the Telecommunication Convention.
  17. 19. In this Licence, "Telecommunication Convention" (電信公約) means any Constitution and Convention of the

International Telecommunication Union and the Radio Regulations annexed thereto, which have from time to time or at any time been acceded to by or applied to Hong Kong.

.......................................................... For and on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority.



Name and address of Licensee:

Location of Fixed Transmitting Stations:

Frequency and Maximum Frequency Tolerance Bandwidth of Emission Class of Emission Maximum Effective Radiated Power (Watts) Aerial Characteristics

For the purposes of the Schedule

A. Effective radiated power (ERP) is the mean radio frequency power multiplied by the gain of the aerial in the horizontal plane. The mean radio frequency power (RFP) will be taken as that delivered to the aerial and generally for the unmodulated condition; but in case of systems in which the application of modulation causes an increase in the effective carrier power, apart from any change in power due to redistribution between the carrier and sidebands, this will be allowed for.

B. RFP, ERP and the aerial characteristics will be assessed either by measurements or by calculation from the characteristics of the types of apparatus used, at the discretion of the Telecommunications Authority.

C. The symbols used to designate the classes of emission have the meanings assigned to them in the Telecommunication Convention.

D. "Bandwidth" (頻帶寬度) and "frequency tolerance" (頻差容限) have the meanings assigned to them in the Telecommunication Convention.

NUMBER OF RECEIVING STATIONS ..................................................................................

(L.N. 37 of 1971; L.N. 4 of 1984; 36 of 2000 s. 28)




(1) ................................................................................................................................ of ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. (hereinafter called "the Licensee"), having paid to the Telecommunications Authority issue fee

of .............................., is hereby licensed, subject to the terms, provisions and limitations herein contained -an

(a) to establish a wide-band link / relay station operating on the assigned frequency/frequencies of ........................... MHz GHz utilizing a bandwidth of ................... MHz at the location referred to in the Schedule hereto; and
(b) to use the wide-band link/relay station for the purpose of sending to and receiving from the station-
(i) Facsimile signals
(ii) Spoken messages

(iii) Signals not having verbal significance but being coded and carrying data.

(2) Limitations: The foregoing licence to use the wide-band link/relay station is subject to the limitations-
(a) The station shall be used only with emissions at the frequency /frequencies and of the class and characteristics respectively specified in the Schedule hereto; and with such power and aerial characteristics as are specified in the Schedule hereto; in relation to the class and characteristics of the emission in use.
(b) The station shall be operated only on the licensee's behalf by persons authorized by the licensee so to do.
(c) The station shall be used only for the purpose of conducting the business of the licensee as ...................................................................................................
(3) Non-Interference: The apparatus comprised in the station shall be so designed, constructed maintained and used that the use of the station does not cause any avoidable interference with any radiocommunications service.
(4) Operators and Access to Apparatus: The licensee shall not permit or suffer any unauthorized person to operate the station or to have access to the apparatus comprised therein. The licensee shall ensure that persons operating the station observe the terms, provisions and limitations of this licence at all times.
(5) Inspection: The station and this licence shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by a person acting under the authority of the Telecommunications Authority.
(6) Station to close down: The station shall be closed down at any time on the demand of a person acting under the
authority of the Telecommunications Authority.
Other stations: Other wide-band link/relay stations may have assigned to them the frequency channels assigned to the station referred to in this licence at the discretion of the Telecommunications Authority.
Period of Licence, Renewal, Revocation and Variation: This licence shall continue in force for one year from the date of issue and thereafter so long as the licensee pays to the Telecommunications Authority in advance in each year on or before the anniversary of the date of issue a renewal fee of ..................................: Provided that the Telecommunications Authority may at any time after the date of issue revoke this licence or vary the terms, provisions or limitations thereof by a notice in writing served on the licensee.
This licence is not transferable.
Other links: Usage of the allocated frequency for other links established by the licensee under the terms of this licence, shall be subject to the approval of the Authority and shall not incur an additional fee.
Application of licence: This licence shall apply to wide-band link and relay systems utilizing frequencies allocated by the Authority above 890 MHz.

.......................................................... For and on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority.


Name and address of Licensee: ............................................................................................... ............................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................. ...............

Location of Station Frequency and Maximum Frequency Tolerance (para. D applies) Bandwidth of Emission (para. D applies) Class of Emission (para. C applies) Pulse characteristics (pulse repetition frequency, pulse duration, pulse rise time-para 2 applies) Effective radiated power in the direction of maximum radiation (Watts) (paras. A & B apply) Aerial Characteristics (paras. A & B apply)

For the purposes of the Schedule

A. Effective Radiated Power (ERP) is the power supplied to the antenna multiplied by the relative gain of the

antenna in a given direction.
The (ERP) shall be expressed in terms of the peak envelope power (Pp), the mean power (Pm), or the carrier
power (Po), whichever is appropriate, taking into account the class of emission used. These powers shall have
the meanings assigned to them in the Telecommunication Convention.

B. ERP and the aerial characteristics will be assessed either by measurements or by calculation from the characteristics of the types of apparatus used, at the discretion of the Telecommunications Authority. For this purpose the appropriate recommendation of the International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR) should be used as a guide.

C. The symbols used to designate the classes of emission have the meanings assigned to them in the Telecommunication Convention.

D. "Bandwidth" (頻帶寬度) and "frequency tolerance" (頻差容限) have the meanings assigned to them in the Telecommunication Convention.
E. Public Repetition Frequency (PRF) is the reciprocal of the minimum interval separating corresponding points (e.g., 50% of the peak amplitude) of successive pulses. Pulse duration (length) of any specific pulse is the interval between the first and the last instance at which the instantaneous amplitude reaches 50% of the peak amplitude. Pulse rise time is the time taken during any specific pulse for the amplitude to increase from 10% to 90% of the peak amplitude.

(L.N. 159 of 1972; L.N. 204 of 1973; 36 of 2000 s. 28)



ISSUE: ................................................................................................................ ................................................................
of .............................................................................................................................................
(hereinafter called "the licensee") is hereby licensed, subject to the conditions herein contained-

(a) to establish and maintain a radio communication receiving station or stations (hereinafter referred to as "the stations") at the place or places specified in the Schedule;
(b) to receive at any of the stations-
(i) sound programmes and broadcast messages (except messages in facsimile) broadcast by the authorized broadcasting stations specified in the Schedule; and
(ii) all television programmes broadcast by the Hong Kong television broadcasting stations specified in the Schedule; and
(c) to connect by wires any of the stations with the premises of a subscriber in the area or areas specified in the Schedule and to distribute thereby to those premises the programmes and messages received in accordance with paragraph (b).


  1. 1. The stations shall be so maintained and operated that they do not cause undue interference with any other radiocommunications station.
  2. 2. (1) If any message which the licensee is not authorized to receive is unintentionally received by means of any of the stations, neither the licensee nor any person operating the station shall disclose the contents of any such message, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt to any person except a public officer authorized by the Authority or a competent court or tribunal, and shall not retain any copy, or make any use, of any such message, or allow it to be reproduced, copied or made use of.

(2) The licensee shall take all practicable steps to prevent such a message from being received by any subscriber.

  1. The licensee shall not originate any material or message which is distributed to subscribers to the system.
  2. `The licensee shall furnish to the Authority such information in relation to the operation of the stations as the Authority may require.
  3. The licensee shall, if required by the Authority in writing so to do, keep a record of the programmes and messages received at the stations and distributed to subscribers, showing the names of the broadcasting stations from which they were received and the approximate times of reception.
  4. Nothing herein contained authorizes the licensee to do any act which is an infringement of any copyright which may exist in any programme or other matter received by the stations.
  5. The licensee shall provide to every subscriber a full and contemporaneous relay of all the sound and television programmes broadcast by the broadcasting stations specified in the Schedule.
  6. All apparatus used by the licensee shall comply with such requirements as may be specified by the authority and shall be so designed, constructed, maintained and operated that the same does not cause any interference with any other means of telecommunications or interference between subscribers.
  7. The system shall be operated only by persons authorized by the licensee in that behalf.
  8. The licensee shall permit any public office authorized in writing by the Authority to inspect at all reasonable times the apparatus used by the licensee and this licence.
  9. Nothing in this licence confers any right to a renewal thereof on its expiry or to the grant of a new licence.
  10. The licensee shall notify the Authority of any extension or modification of the system before the same is carried out.
  11. This licence is not transferable and shall be returned to the Authority if it is revoked or when it has expired.
  12. The licensee shall notify the Authority forthwith of any change of address of the licensee.
  13. The licensee shall ensure that any apparatus which is operated from the public mains supply of electricity is so designed that the said means supply cannot be applied to the aerial or the cable distribution system.
  14. The aerial shall be suitably earthed to guard against lightning strikes and shall be securely mounted.
  15. The Authority may publish the name and address of the licensee and technical details of the system unless the licensee objects thereto on reasonable grounds.
  16. (1) No wire forming part of the system shall cross any street or unleased Government land without the written consent of the Authority.

(2) The licensee shall comply with any conditions imposed, or directions given, by the Authority on the giving of his consent for the purposes of paragraph (1).

19. (1) If in the opinion of the Governor an emergency has arisen, the Authority may from time to time-

issue directions to the licensee concerning the programmes and messages to be distributed to subscribers from any of the stations;
require the licensee to receive by means of any of the stations messages from any specified broadcasting station and distribute those messages to subscribe; and
require the licensee to distribute to subscribers from any of the stations messages of any kind or


The licensee shall comply with any direction given under paragraph (1).
The licensee shall not be entitled to any payment or compensation in respect of the exercise by the Authority of any of the powers conferred on him by this clause.

20. The licensee shall notify the Authority of the charge made by him from time to time to subscribers.


Name and address of the Licensee Location of Relay Stations Broadcasts to be received and distributed

Station Frequency or Channel Point of Reception

Area of distribution

(L.N. 215 of 1973; 29 of 1998 s. 105; 36 of 2000 s. 28)



VALID FOR ONE YEAR FROM (date of issue) ................................................................... FEE:

................................ of ................................................................................................ (hereinafter called "the licensee") is hereby licensed, subject to the conditions herein contained, to establish and maintain a closed circuit television system consisting of a television transmitter unit, with or without an associated audio system, connected by wire to reception units, which system (hereinafter referred to as "the system") is more particularly described in the First Schedule hereto.


  1. The system shall be operated only by the licensee and persons authorized by him in that behalf.
    1. The licensee shall-
      1. furnish to the Telecommunications Authority (hereinafter called "the Authority") his address for correspondence;
      2. forthwith give notice in writing to the Authority of any change of such address; and
      3. when giving the notice referred to in paragraph (b), return this licence to the Authority for amendment.
    1. The licensee shall-
      1. operate the system in such a manner as not to cause interference with any other means of telecommunications; and
      2. comply with any direction given by the Authority for the purpose of avoiding any such interference.
    1. The licensee shall permit any public officer authorized in writing by the Authority to inspect the system and this licence at all reasonable times, and shall forthwith furnish to the Authority any information required by the
    2. Authority in connection with the operation of the system.
  2. (1) The licensee shall not use any instrument, apparatus or material on, or connect or apply any electrical currents to, any part of the system if the same interferes, or is likely to interfere, with the working of any other means of telecommunications.

(2) The licensee shall, on receipt of a notice in writing from the Authority, disconnect or remove any part of the system which, in the opinion of the Authority, is interfering, or is likely to interfere, with the working of any other means of telecommunications.

  1. The licensee shall not operate the system except for the purpose of providing the information or security communication system or other system specified in the Second Schedule hereto.
    1. The licensee shall not transmit by means of the system
        1. any advertising material other than such material as
          1. advertises only the goods or services sold or provided by the licensee; or
          2. is transmitted free of charge by the licensee;
      1. any sound programmes, broadcast messages or television programmes broadcast by any authorized sound broadcasting or television broadcasting stations.
  2. (1) No wire forming part of the system shall cross any street or unleased Government land without the written consent of the Authority.

(2) The licensee shall comply with any conditions imposed or directions given by the Authority on the giving of his consent for the purposes of paragraph (1).

  1. This licence is not transferable.
  2. This licence shall be returned to the Authority when it has expired or been revoked.
  3. Nothing herein contained authorizes the licensee to do any act which is an infringement of any copyright.
  4. The licensee shall ensure that any equipment which is operated from the mains supply of electricity is so designed that the mains supply cannot be applied to the wires of the system.


....................................................... For and on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority.



Location of transmitter unit ....................................................................................................
Number and location of reception units ...................................................................................
Other specifications ..............................................................................................................



(L.N. 215 of 1973; 29 of 1998 s. 105; 36 of 2000 s. 28)




................................................................................................................................ of ............................................................................................................................................ (hereinafter called "the licensee") is hereby licensed, subject to the conditions herein contained-

to establish and maintain a broadcast relay station at the place specified in the Schedule;
to receive *sound/television programmes broadcast by each of the authorized broadcasting stations specified in the Schedule; and
to transmit by radiowave within the area of coverage specified in the Schedule the programmes received in accordance with paragraph (b).

*Delete where inapplicable.


  1. The station shall be operated only by the licensee and persons authorized by him in that behalf.
  2. This licence shall continue in force for one year from the date of issue.
  3. Nothing in this licence confers any right to a renewal thereof on its expiry or to the grant of a new licence.
  4. The licence is not transferable and shall be returned to the Authority if it is revoked or when it has expired.
  5. The licensee shall notify the Authority forthwith of any change of address of the licensee.
  6. The licensee shall furnish to the Authority such information in relation to the operation of the station as the Authority may require.
  7. The licensee shall permit any public officer authorized in writing by the Authority to inspect at all reasonable times the apparatus used by the licensee under this licence.
  8. The licensee shall notify the Authority of any proposed extension or modification of the system before the same is carried out.
  9. Nothing herein contained authorizes the licensee to do any act which is an infringement of any copyright which may exist in any programme or other matter received by the stations.
  10. The licensee shall provide a full and contemporaneous relay of all *sound/television programmes broadcast by each of the broadcasting stations specified in the Schedule.
  11. All apparatus used by the licensee shall comply with those technical requirements specified in the Schedule and shall be so designed, constructed, maintained and operated that the same does not cause undue interference with any other means of telecommunications.
  12. (1) If any message which the licensee is not authorized to receive is unintentionally received by means of any of

the stations, neither the licensee nor any person operating the station shall disclose the contents of any such message, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt to any person except a public officer authorized by the Authority or a competent court or tribunal, and shall not retain any copy, or make any use, of any such message, or allow it to be reproduced, copied or made use of.

(2) The licensee shall take all practicable steps to prevent such a message from being received and re-broadcast.

  1. The licensee shall not interject any message, programme, advertising material or announcement into the relay service except, in the case of an emergency, essential announcements concerning the safety of the public within the area of coverage specified in the Schedule.
  2. The licensee shall maintain a record and enter therein the date and time and contents of every announcement interjected into the relay service.
  3. Any aerial shall be suitably earthed to guard against lightning strikes and shall be securely mounted.
  4. (1) No wire forming part of the system shall cross any public street or unleased Government land without the written consent of the Authority.

(2) The licensee shall comply with any conditions imposed, or directions given, by the Authority on the giving of his consent for the purpose of subparagraph (1).

17. (1) If in the opinion of the Governor an emergency has arisen, the Authority may from time to time-

issue directions to the licensee concerning the programmes and messages to be broadcast from the station;
require the licensee to receive by means of any of the station messages from any specified broadcasting station and broadcast those messages.
The licensee shall comply with any direction given under subparagraph (1).
The licensee shall not be entitled to any payment or compensation in respect of the exercise by the Authority of any of the powers conferred on him by this clause.

..................................................... For and on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority. *Delete where inapplicable.


  1. Location of Broadcast Relay Station
  2. Authorized Broadcasting Transmitting Maximum effective

Stations frequencies radiated power (Watts)

  1. Area of coverage
  2. Technical Requirements

(L.N. 259 of 1982; L.N. 365 of 1987; 29 of 1998 s. 105; 36 of 2000 s. 28)

(Chapter 106)


[ ]*




FEE ON RENEWAL: (or such other fee as may be prescribed)


of .............................................................................................................................................

(hereinafter called "the licensee") is hereby licensed, subject to the conditions hereinafter contained-

to provide a public service (hereinafter called "the service") more particularly described in the First Schedule hereto; and
to possess, establish, use and maintain such radiocommunications apparatus as described in the Second Schedule hereto as may be necessary to provide for service; and
to deal in and demonstrate with a view to sale in the course of trade or business, such apparatus or material for radiocommunications as may be necessary to supply customers of the service.
  1. This licence shall not be construed as granting any exclusive rights to the licensee in the operation of the service.
  2. This licence replaces any licence, however described, which the Telecommunications Authority may have granted to the licensee in respect of the service.


  1. It is an offence for the licensee or his customers to operate licensed apparatus in such a manner as to cause direct or indirect interference with any other telecommunications service lawfully carried on, or other apparatus for telecommunications lawfully operated in or outside Hong Kong.
  2. Under section 34(2) of the Telecommunications Ordinance (Chapter 106) any licence may at any time be cancelled or withdrawn by the Telecommunications Authority or suspended for such period, not exceeding 12 months as the Authority specifies in the event of any contravention by the licensee of the Ordinance (which includes the regulations thereunder) or of any condition to which the licence is subject.
  3. It is an offence upon the expiry or cancellation of this licence not to surrender it to the Telecommunications Authority within 4 weeks of such expiry or cancellation.
  4. (Repealed L.N. 238 of 1995)

* Insert here a description of the service.


This licence is issued subject to the following conditions-

  1. The licensee shall at all times and from time to time during the continuation of this licence operate, maintain and provide the service in a manner satisfactory to the Telecommunications Authority.
  2. The licensee shall at all times perform and observe the requirements and except insofar as the Telecommunications Authority may in writing expressly absolve the licensee from such compliance all provisions of the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union and all regulations and recommendations annexed thereto or made thereunder as are applicable in Hong Kong.
  3. (1) Notwithstanding regulation 8(1) of the Telecommunications Regulations (Cap 106 sub. leg.) the licensee may with the prior consent in writing of the Telecommunications Authority transfer this licence and any

permission or any right or benefit arising therefrom.

Any such consent shall be subject to such conditions as the Telecommunications Authority may impose.
Should any such transfer be made with such consent as aforesaid the licensee shall cause a true copy of the instrument effecting the same to be transmitted to the Telecommunications Authority within 2 months of the date thereof.

4. If the licensee possesses, uses, establishes or maintains apparatus for radiocommunications the following additional conditions shall apply

each fixed or base station shall be used only at the address and with emissions at the frequencies and of the classes and characteristics specified in the Second Schedule hereto, and with such power and aerial characteristics as are specified in the Second Schedule in relation to the class and characteristics of the emission in use;
the apparatus comprised in each fixed or base station shall at all times comply with the technical and performance standards as may be prescribed by the Telecommunications Authority and specified in the Second Schedule;
the apparatus comprised in each fixed, base or mobile station (being a mobile station used by the customer of the licensee) shall be of a type approved by the Telecommunications Authority and shall be so designed, constructed, maintained and operated that its use does not cause any avoidable interference with any radiocommunications;
each fixed or base station shall be operated only by the licensee or a person authorized by the licensee in that behalf. The licensee shall not permit or suffer any person not so authorized to have access to the apparatus comprised in each fixed or base station. The licensee shall ensure that persons operating each fixed or base station observe the conditions of the licence at all times;
the licensee
shall not make any change-
in any fixed or base station; or
in the address at which each fixed or base station is installed, without the prior approval in writing of the Telecommunications Authority;
shall return this licence to the Telecommunications Authority for amendment when a change referred to in sub-subparagraph (i) has been effected;
if power for the working of any fixed or base station is taken from a public electricity supply, no direct connection shall be made between the supply mains and the aerial;
if any fixed or base station aerial crosses above or may fall or be blown onto any overhead power wire (including electric lighting and tramway wires) or power apparatus it shall be guarded to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner of the power wire or power apparatus concerned;
the licensee shall take all reasonable measures to ensure that customers of the service do not cause interference to other users of radiocommunications and shall take all the necessary measures to stop such interference as may occur;
the licensee shall cease to offer service to a customer thereof if instructed to do so by the Telecommunications Authority;
the licensee shall, if so required, provide the Telecommunications Authority with a list of the names, addresses and other details requested by the Telecommunications Authority of the customers of the service annually on a date specified by the Telecommunications Authority by notice to the licensee;
when any person ceases to be a customer of the licensee the licensee shall notify him, in such manner as the Telecommunications Authority may require, that he is no longer exempt from the licensing requirements of the Ordinance in relation to the apparatus used by him as a customer.
  1. The apparatus operated by the licensee shall be operated only on such radio frequencies as the Telecommunications Authority may assign to the licensee and the Telecommunications Authority may refuse to assign further frequencies or require the licensee, by notice to him, to cease to operate the apparatus on any frequency previously assigned to him if in the opinion of the Telecommunications Authority the licensee is not making efficient use of that frequency.
    1. The Telecommunications Authority may, by giving not less than 12 months' notice in writing to the licensee, require him upon such date as may be specified in the notice to cease using any frequency previously assigned
    2. to him by the Telecommunications Authority and to use such new frequency as the Telecommunications Authority may designate.
  2. The licensee shall not enter into any agreement or arrangement whether legally enforceable or not which shall in any way prevent or restrict competition in relation to the operation of the service or any other telecommunications service licensed by the Telecommunications Authority.






Transmitting Frequency

Maximum Frequency Tolerance

Class of Emission

Maximum Effective Radiated Power (Watts)

Aerial Characteristics

Performance and Technical Standards

....................................................... For and on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority.

(L.N. 4 of 1984; 36 of 2000 s. 28)






FEE ON RENEWAL: CALL SIGN OR IDENTIFICATION: .................................................................................................................................

of .............................................................................................................................................

hereinafter called the "Licensee") is hereby licensed, subject to the conditions hereinafter contained, to possess such

apparatus as is specified in the Schedule hereto and to establish and maintain-

a transmitting and receiving station for radiocommunications in the pleasure vessel or location named above (hereinafter called "the Pleasure Vessel Radio Network Station");
transmitting and receiving stations for radiocommunications in the life boats or other survival-crafts associated with and normally carried by the pleasure vessel (hereinafter called "the Survival Craft Stations");
a radar station for the purpose of radio-determination (hereinafter called "the Radar Station") in the pleasure vessel or in any of the life boats or other survival-crafts associated with, and normally carried by, the pleasure vessel.


This licence is issued subject to the following conditions-

1. The apparatus comprised in the Pleasure Vessel Radio Network Station, Survival Craft Stations and Radar Station (hereinafter called "the Stations")-

shall be so designed, constructed, maintained and used that the use of the Stations does not cause any avoidable interference with any radiocommunications; and
shall be maintained in good working conditions and no modification or alteration shall be made without the consent in writing of the Telecommunications Authority (hereinafter called "the Authority").
  1. The Stations shall be used only with emissions which are of the classes specified in the Schedule hereto, on the frequencies specified in the Schedule hereto in relation to those respective classes of emission, and with a power not exceeding that specified in the Schedule hereto in relation to the class of emission and frequency in use at the time.
    1. The Stations shall be operated only by persons possessing a certificate granted by the Authority under regulation 4 of the Telecommunications Regulations (Cap 106 sub. leg.), but this requirement-
      1. shall not apply to stations which operate solely on frequencies above 30 MHz other than frequencies assigned for international use; and
      2. shall not prevent the use or operation of the Stations in time of distress by any person for the purpose of attracting attention, making known their position and obtaining help.
  2. The call sign of the Pleasure Vessel Radio Network Station referred to in the Schedule shall be used whenever it is necessary to identify the Pleasure Vessel Radio Network Station. Such call sign followed by two digits (other than 0 or 1) shall be used to identify any of the Survival Craft Stations. A different combination of digits shall be used in respect of each Survival Craft Station.
  3. The Licensee shall permit any person, acting in the course of his duty on behalf of the Authority or the Director of Marine, to have access to the Stations at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting and testing the apparatus comprised therein.
    1. The Licensee-
      1. shall not make any change in the Stations without the prior approval of the Authority; and
      2. shall give notice in writing, and return this licence for amendment, to the Authority within 4 weeks of any change of any of the particulars set out in the licence and the Schedule.
  4. This licence is not transferable.
  5. The licensee shall at all times perform and observe the requirements and, except insofar as the Authority may in writing expressly absolve the Licensee from such compliance, all provisions of the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union and all regulations and recommendations annexed thereto or made thereunder as are applicable in Hong Kong.
  6. This licence shall continue in force for one year from the date of issue.
  7. The Licensee shall render to the Authority such accounts as the Authority may direct in respect of all charges due or payable under the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union in respect of messages exchanged between the Stations and other stations, and shall pay to the Authority at such times and in such manner as the Authority may direct all sums due from the Licensee for such messages.
  8. Every message sent from the Pleasure Vessel Radio Network Station shall start with an announcement of the call sign of the called and calling stations. The call sign of the calling station shall be repeated at the end of every period of transmission but no call sign need be announced more than once in any period not exceeding one minute. The Pleasure Vessel Radio Network Station shall be called and identified only by its authorized call sign.
    1. If a message not intended for the Licensee or the general use of the public is received by the Stations, the Licensee or any person using the Stations shall not record, disclose or communicate the message unless-
      1. he has had the consent of the originator;
      2. the message indicates that the originator may be involved in any criminal activities; or
      3. the communication or disclosure is to an authorized officer of the Authority or a competent legal tribunal.
  9. No message which is grossly offensive or of an indecent or obscene character shall be sent from the Stations.
  10. The connection of any of the Stations with the public switched telephone system other than through the Hong Kong Coast Station is not permitted.

....................................................... For and on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority.


  1. Name of the Pleasure Vessel or location:
  2. Apparatus:
269 of 1985; 36 of 2000 s. 28)
Equipment Type Call sign Power Class of emission Frequency Equipment Serial No.
(A) (B) (C) (D) Pleasure Vessel Radio Network Transmitter/ Receiver Survival Craft Transmitter/ Receiver Radar Other Equipment

(Chapter 106)



................................................................................................................................ of ............................................................................................................................................. (hereinafter called "the Licensee") is hereby licensed, subject to the conditions herein contained-

to possess, establish and maintain a radio apparatus for the determination of position, velocity and/or other characteristics of an object, or the obtaining of information relating to these parameters, by
means of the propagation properties of radio waves; and
(b) to use the apparatus for the purpose of-
(i) transmitting information of any nature provided otherwise than by means of voice;
(ii) receiving from any duly authorized radio station information of any nature provided otherwise than by means of voice.


  1. 1. The System shall comprise only of the Stations at the locations specified in the Schedule.
  2. 2. All characteristics of the Stations shall conform to the parameters and standards specified in the Schedule.
  3. 3. The apparatus comprised in the Stations shall be so designed, constructed, maintained and used that the use of the Stations does not cause any avoidable interference with any radiocommunications.
  4. 4. The Licensee shall permit any person, acting in the course of his duty on behalf of the Authority, to have access to the Stations at all reasonable time for the purpose of inspecting and testing the apparatus comprised therein.
    1. 5. The Licensee
      1. (a) shall not make any change in the Stations without the prior approval of the Authority;
      2. (b) shall give notice in writing to the Authority within 4 weeks of any change of the particulars set out in the licence and the Schedules.
    1. 6. This Licence shall continue in force so long as the Licensee pays to the Telecommunications Authority in advance on or before the date of expiry in each year the renewal fee prescribed by or under the regulations for the time being in force:
    2. Provided that the Telecommunications Authority may at any time after the date of issue revoke the Licence or vary the terms, provisions or limitations thereof by a notice in writing served on the Licensee. Any notice given under this clause may take effect forthwith or on such subsequent date as may be specified in the notice.
  5. 7. The Licence is not transferable.
  6. 8. The Licence shall be returned to the Telecommunications Authority when it has expired or been revoked.
  7. 9. If any message, the receipt of which is not authorized by the Licence, is received by means of the Station, neither the Licensee nor any person using the Stations shall make known the contents of any such message, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt to any person except a duly authorized officer of the Telecommunications Authority or a competent legal tribunal, and shall not retain any copy or make any use of any such message, or allow it to be reproduced in writing, copied or made use of.
  8. 10. The Licensee, and all persons operating any stations which the Licensee is authorized by this Licence to establish and use shall observe and comply with the relevant provisions of the Telecommunication Convention.
  9. 11. In this Licence "Telecommunication Convention" (電信公約) means any Constitution and Convention of the

International Telecommunication Union and the Radio Regulations annexed thereto, which have from time to time or at any time been acceded to by or applied to Hong Kong.

..................................................... For and on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority.


Location Transmitting Frequency Maximum Frequency Tolerance Class of Emission Maximum Effective Radiated Power Aerial Characteristics Field Strength at Specified Distance Other Performance and Technical Standards

(L.N. 193 of 1989; 36 of 2000 s. 28)



VALID FOR ONE YEAR FROM (date of issue) ................................................................. FEE:

................................................................................................................................. of ............................................................................................................................(hereinafter called "the licensee") is hereby licensed, subject to the conditions herein contained, to establish and maintain a closed circuit television system for hotel television services consisting of a television transmitter unit or units and/or a radio receiver or receivers, with or without an associated audio system, connected by wire and/or* radio and/or* any other electromagnetic means to reception units, which system (hereinafter referred to as "the system") is more particularly described in the First Schedule hereto.

*Delete where appropriate.


  1. The system shall be operated only by the licensee and persons authorized by him in that behalf.
    1. The licensee shall-
      1. furnish to the Telecommunications Authority (hereinafter called "the Authority") his address for correspondence;
      2. forthwith give notice in writing to the Authority of any change of such address; and
      3. when giving the notice referred to in paragraph (b), return this licence to the Authority for amendment.
    1. (1) The licensee shall-
      1. operate the system in such a manner as not to cause interference with any other means of telecommunications;
      2. comply with any direction given by the Authority for the purpose of avoiding any such interference; and
      3. on receipt of a notice in writing from the Authority, disconnect or remove any part of the system which, in the opinion of the Authority, is interfering, or is likely to interfere, with the working of any other means of telecommunications.

(2) The licensee shall not use any instrument, apparatus or material on, or connect or apply any electrical currents to, any part of the system if the same interferes, or is likely to interfere, with the working of any other means of telecommunications.

  1. The licensee shall permit any public officer authorized in writing by the Authority to inspect the system, relevant records and this licence at all reasonable times, and shall forthwith furnish to the Authority any information required by the Authority in connection with the operation of the system.
  2. The licensee shall not operate the system except for the purpose of providing the system specified in the Second Schedule hereto.
  3. 6. The licensee shall ensure that all advertising material transmitted by the system complies with the standards laid down in the Code of Practice relating to Advertising Standards issued under the Television Ordinance (Cap 52).
  4. 7. Advertising material may not be transmitted during the showing of a feature film.
  5. 8. There shall be no limit on the amount of advertising transmitted.
  6. 9. Where the contents of the Code of Practice for Advertising Standards and these General Conditions are in conflict, the General Conditions shall prevail.
  7. 10. The licensee shall submit detailed information on its programmes and any advertising material intended for transmission by the system to the Commissioner for Television and Entertainment Licensing ("CTEL") containing such particulars and at such time as may be required by the same.
  8. 11. The licensee shall make available to CTEL on demand a video-tape of any programme or advertising material intended for transmission by the system. An exception should be made for news, current affairs and sports programmes transmitted to the licensee by microwave or other radio waves.
  9. 12. The licensee shall retain video-tape recordings of all material transmitted by the system for 30 days and shall submit them on demand to CTEL for examination.
    1. 13. The licensee shall ensure that any programme which may contain material unsuitable for children is preceded by a notice in the following form- "WARNING:THIS PROGRAMME CONTAINS MATERIAL WHICH MAY BE
  10. 14. No wire forming part of the system shall cross any street or unleased Government land.
  11. 15. This licence is not transferable.
  12. 16. This licence shall be returned to the Authority when it has expired or been revoked.
  13. 17. Nothing herein contained authorizes the licensee to do any act which is an infringement of any copyright.
  14. 18. The licensee shall ensure that any equipment which is operated from the mains supply of electricity is so designed that the mains supply cannot be applied to the wires of the system.
  15. 19. The licensee may not continue to receive signals on any microwave frequency more than 3 months after the Authority directs the licensee to terminate the reception on that microwave frequency on the ground that the premises containing the system have been passed by a cable of any cable television network licensed by the Government.


.................................................. For and on behalf of the Telecommunications Authority.



Location of transmitter unit or units .........................................................................................
Location of reception units .....................................................................................................
Other specifications ...............................................................................................................



(L.N. 301 of 1989; 29 of 1998 s. 105; 36 of 2000 s. 28; 48 of 2000 s. 44)



DATE OF EXTENSION (if applicable):
PERIOD OF EXTENSION (if applicable):

...................................................................................................................................... of ....................................................................................................................................... (the "licensee") is licensed, subject to the conditions set out in this licence

to provide a public radiocommunications service (the "Service") described in Schedule 1;
to establish, maintain, possess and use the radiocommunications apparatus described in Schedule 2 to provide the Service; and
to deal in and demonstrate with a view to sale in the course of trade or business, such apparatus or material for radiocommunications as may be necessary to supply customers of the Service.


  1. This licence shall not be construed as granting any exclusive rights to the licensee in the provision of the Service.
  2. This licence replaces any licence, however described, which the Authority may have granted to the licensee for the Service.
  3. The licensee shall at all times and from time to time during the continuance of this licence operate, maintain and provide the Service in a manner satisfactory to the Authority.
  4. The licensee shall at all times perform and observe the requirements of the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union and the regulations and recommendations annexed to or made under the Convention as are applicable to Hong Kong except to the extent that the Authority may in writing expressly exempt the licensee from such compliance.
  5. (1) Notwithstanding regulation 8(1) of the Telecommunications Regulations, the licensee may with the prior written consent of the Authority transfer this licence and any permission, right or benefit under this licence.
The consent of the Authority shall be subject to such conditions as the Authority thinks fit.
If the licensee transfers the licence or other right, the licensee shall give the Authority a true copy of the transfer document within 2 months of the date of the transfer.

6. (1) Each base station shall be used only at the location and with emissions at the frequencies and of the classes and characteristics specified in Schedule 2, and with such power and aerial characteristics as are specified in Schedule 2 in relation to the class and characteristics of the emission in use.

The apparatus comprised in each base station shall at all times comply with the technical and performance standards as may be prescribed by the Authority and specified in Schedule 2.
The apparatus comprised in each base or mobile station (being a mobile station used by the customer of the licensee) shall be of a type approved by the Authority and shall be so designed, constructed, maintained and operated that its use does not cause any avoidable interference with any radiocommunications.
Each base station shall be operated only by the licensee or a person authorized by the licensee in that behalf. The licensee shall not permit or suffer any person not so authorized to have access to the apparatus comprised in each base station. The licensee shall ensure that persons operating each base station observe the conditions of the licence at all times.
The licensee
shall not make any change-
in any base station; or
in the address at which each base station is installed,
without the prior approval in writing of the Authority; and
shall return this licence to the Authority for amendment when a change referred to in sub-subparagraph
(a) has been effected.
If power for the working of any base station is taken from a public electricity supply, no direct connection shall be made between the supply mains and the aerial.
If any base station aerial crosses above or may fall or be blown onto any overhead power wire (including electric lighting and tramway wires) or power apparatus it shall be guarded to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner of the power apparatus concerned.
The licensee shall take all reasonable measures to ensure that customers of the Service do not cause interference to other users of radiocommunications and shall take all the necessary measures to stop such interference as may occur.
The licensee shall cease to offer service to a customer if instructed to do so by the Authority.
The licensee shall, if so required, provide the Authority with a list of the names, addresses and other details, requested by the Authority, of the customers of the Service annually on a date specified by the Authority by notice to the licensee.
  1. The apparatus operated by the licensee shall be operated only on such radio frequencies as the Authority may assign to the licensee and the Authority may refuse to assign further frequencies or required the licensee, by notice to him, to cease to operate the apparatus on any frequency previously assigned to him if in the opinion of the Authority the licensee is not making efficient use of that frequency.
  2. The Authority may, by giving not less than 12 months' notice in writing to the licensee, require him upon such date as may be specified in the notice to cease using any frequency previously assigned to him by the Authority and to use such new frequency as the Authority may designate.
  3. The licensee shall not enter into any agreement or arrangement whether legally enforceable or not which shall in any way prevent or restrict competition in relation to the operation of the Service or any other telecommunications service licensed by the Authority.


(Special conditions may be inserted on the Grant or Extension of this Licence)




Location Transmitting Frequencies Maximum Frequency Tolerance Classes of Emission Maximum Effective Radiated Power Aerial Characteristics Other Performance and Technical Standards

.......................................... For the Authority

(L.N. 430 of 1990; 36 of 2000 s. 28)



DATE OF ISSUE: ....................................................................................................................................

of .........................................................................................................................................

(hereinafter called "the licensee") is hereby licensed, subject to the conditions herein contained-

to establish and maintain a satellite master antenna television system or systems (hereinafter referred to as "the system") consisting of a radio communication receiving station or stations at the location or locations specified in the Schedule connected by wire to outlet points at the premises of users of the system within the area or areas specified in the Schedule;
to receive television programmes, teletext services or other subcarrier information and sound programmes transmitted from satellites intended for general reception; (baa) commencing from 1 January 2000, to receive telecommunications messages transmitted from satellites intended for reception by users of the system;

(ba) by connecting the system with a subscription television network pursuant to an agreement between the licensee and the relevant subscription television broadcasting licensee

to receive
television programmes and ancillary telecommunications services; and
functional data signals,
transmitted by the relevant subscription television broadcasting licensee; and
to relay to the subscription television network functional data signals from outlet points of the system referred to in paragraph (a);

(bb) by connecting the system with a programme service pursuant to an agreement between the licensee and the relevant programme service licensee

to receive
television programmes and ancillary telecommunications services; and
functional data signals,
provided by the relevant programme service licensee; and
to relay to the programme service functional data signals from outlet points of the system referred to in paragraph (a);

(bc) by connecting the system with subscription satellite television services pursuant to an agreement between the licensee and the relevant Satellite Television Uplink and Downlink Licensee

to receive
television programmes and ancillary telecommunications services; and
functional data signals,
transmitted by the relevant Satellite Television Uplink and Downlink Licensee; and
to relay to the subscription satellite television services via a telecommunications system or a telecommunications service functional data signals from outlet points of the system referred to in paragraph (a);

(bd) by connecting the system with a telecommunications system or a telecommunications service pursuant to an agreement between the licensee and the licensee, or the exempted person, of the relevant telecommunications system or telecommunications service

(i) to receive telecommunications messages transmitted by the licensee, or the exempted person, of the relevant telecommunications system or telecommunications service; and
(ii) to relay telecommunications messages to the telecommunications system or telecommunications service from outlet points of the system referred to in paragraph (a);

(be) to receive commercial television programmes by connecting the system with a communal aerial broadcast distribution system pursuant to an agreement between the licensee and the relevant communal aerial broadcast distribution system owner; and

(c) to distribute to outlet points of the system referred to in paragraph (a) the programmes, services and signals received in accordance with paragraphs (b), (ba), (baa), (bb), (bc), (bd) and (be).

In this Licence-"ancillary telecommunications services" (附屬電訊服務 ) means

(a) the teletext or other subcarrier information; and

(b) the sound programmes, transmitted in accordance with a subscription television broadcasting licence, a programme service licence or a Satellite Television Uplink and Downlink Licence, as the case may be;

"commercial television broadcasting licensee" (商營電視廣播持牌人) has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Television Ordinance (Cap 52); "commercial television programmes" (商營電視節目) is to be construed according to the meaning of commercial television broadcasting in the Television Ordinance (Cap 52); "communal aerial broadcast distribution system" (公共天線系統) means a coaxial cable system distributing signals transmitted by commercial television broadcasting licensees; "communication" (通訊) includes any communication-

(a) whether between persons and persons, things and things or persons and things; and

(b) whether in the form of speech, music or other sounds; or text, or visual images whether or not animated; or signals in any form or combination of forms; "exempted person" (獲豁免人士) means, in relation to a telecommunications system or a telecommunications service, a person exempted from licensing under the Ordinance;

"functional data signals" (功能數據訊號) means data signals which are necessary for the reception, interruption or cessation of television programmes and ancillary telecommunications services or other functions incidental to the provision of such programmes and services;

"Ordinance" (《條例》) means the Telecommunications Ordinance (Cap 106);

"programme service" (節目服務) means a programme service within the meaning of the Television Ordinance (Cap 52);

"programme service licence" (節目服務牌照) and "programme service licensee" (節目服務持牌人) have the same meaning as in section 2 of the Television Ordinance (Cap 52);

"programme service programmes" (節目服務節目) is to be construed according to the meaning of programme service in the Television Ordinance (Cap 52);

"Satellite Television Uplink and Downlink Licence" (衞星電視上行及下行牌照) means a licence granted under sections 7 and 34 of the Ordinance that has the title "Satellite Television Uplink and Downlink Licence";

"Satellite Television Uplink and Downlink Licensee" (衞星電視上行及下行持牌人) means the holder of a

Satellite Television Uplink and Downlink Licence; "subscription satellite television programmes" (收費衞星電視節目) is to be construed according to the meaning of subscription satellite television services; "subscription satellite television services" (收費衞星電視服務) means the subscription services expressly permitted to be provided in Hong Kong under a Satellite Television Uplink and Downlink Licence; "subscription television broadcasting licence" (收費電視廣播牌照) has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Television Ordinance (Cap 52); "subscription television broadcasting licensee" (收費電視廣播持牌人) and "subscription television network" (收費

電視網絡) have the same meaning as in section 2 of the Television Ordinance (Cap 52);

"subscription television programmes" (收費電視節目) is to be construed according to the meaning of subscription television broadcasting in the Television Ordinance (Cap 52);

"telecommunications service" (電訊服務) means a telecommunications service licensed under the Ordinance, expressed as being licensed in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 7 and 34 of the Ordinance, exempted from licensing under the Ordinance or deemed to be licensed under the Ordinance;

"telecommunications system" (電訊系統 ) means a telecommunications system licensed under the Ordinance, expressed as being licensed in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 7 and 34 of the Ordinance, exempted from licensing under the Ordinance or deemed to be licensed under the Ordinance;

"telecommunications messages" (電訊訊息) means any communication sent or received by telecommunications but does not include-

(a) television programmes, teletext or other subcarrier information, or sound programmes; or
(b) other data signals incidental to the provision of such television programmes, teletext or other subcarrier information, or sound programmes,

transmitted pursuant to a satellite broadcasting service or a terrestrial broadcasting service; "television programme" (電視節目) has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Television Ordinance (Cap 52).


  1. 1. The system shall be operated only by the licensee and persons authorized by him in that behalf.
    1. 2. The licensee shall-
      1. (a) furnish to the Telecommunications Authority (hereinafter called "the Authority") his address for correspondence;
      2. (b) forthwith give notice in writing to the Authority of any change of such address; and
      3. (c) when giving the notice referred to in paragraph (b), return this licence to the Authority for amendment.
    1. 3. (1) The licensee shall-
      1. (a) operate the system in such a manner as not to cause interference with any other means of telecommunications;
      2. (b) comply with any direction given by the Authority for the purpose of avoiding any such interference; and
      3. (c) on receipt of a notice in writing from the Authority, disconnect or remove any part of the system which, in the opinion of the Authority, is interfering, or is likely to interfere, with the working of any other means of telecommunications.

(2) The licensee shall not use any instrument, apparatus or material on, or connect or apply any electrical currents to, any part of the system if the same interferes, or is likely to interfere, with the working of any other means of telecommunications.

4. (1) The licensee shall at all reasonable times, when directed by the Authority, make the system available for inspection and testing by the Authority and any person authorized by the Authority in writing for that purpose.

(2) The licensee shall permit the Authority or any person authorized by the Authority in writing to enter its premises for inspection of records, documents and accounts relating to the licensee's business, at all reasonable times, in order for the Authority to perform his functions under this licence and the Ordinance. The licensee shall also provide copies of such records, documents and accounts to the Authority on demand.
(3) The Authority may make such use of any information obtained under this General Condition as he considers necessary for the administration of this licence and the Ordinance.

5. (1) If any message which the licensee is not authorized to distribute in accordance with General Condition 11 is unintentionally received by means of the system, neither the licensee nor any person operating the system shall disclose the contents of any such message, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt to any person except a public officer authorized by the Authority or a competent court or tribunal, and shall not retain any copy, or make any use, of any such message, or allow it to be reproduced, copied or made use of.

(2) The licensee shall take all practicable steps to prevent such a message from being received by any person.

  1. The licensee shall not originate any material or message which is distributed to users of the system.
  2. Nothing herein contained authorizes the licensee to do any act which is an infringement of any copyright which may exist in any programme or other communication received by the system.
  3. This licence is not transferable and shall be returned to the Authority if it is revoked or when it has expired.
  4. (1) No wire may be laid or maintained across any street or unleased Government land without the written authorization of the Authority.

(2) The licensee shall comply with any conditions imposed, or directions given, by the Authority on the giving of his authorization for the purposes of paragraph (1).

10. (1) The licensee shall not charge or receive the benefit of, directly or indirectly, any fee for the right to receive programmes or other communication distributed by means of the system. (1A) The licensee shall not, except for subscription television programmes, programme service programmes, subscription satellite television programmes, their ancillary telecommunications services and telecommunications messages, facilitate the charging of a fee for the right to receive programmes or other communication received by means of the system.

The licensee shall, except in so far as the Authority may otherwise in writing permit, publish in the manner specified in paragraph (3) a notice specifying, or specifying the method that is to be adopted for determining, the charges and other terms and conditions on which he offers his services.
Publication of the notice referred to in paragraph (2) shall be effected by-
sending a copy to the Authority not later than 7 days prior to the charges becoming effective;
sending a copy to each user of the system 7 days prior to the charges becoming effective;
sending a copy to each new user of the system on connection to the system; and
sending a copy to any other person who may request such a copy.
The licensee shall not levy charges exceeding or in addition to the charges specified in the notice referred to in paragraph (2).
The licensee shall ensure a copy of an agreement
between the licensee and a subscription television broadcasting licensee for the connection of the system with a subscription television network;
between the licensee and a programme service licensee for the connection of the system with a programme service;
between the licensee and a Satellite Television Uplink and Downlink Licensee for the connection of the system with subscription satellite television services;
between the licensee and the licensee, or the exempted person, of a telecommunications system or telecommunications service for the connection of the system with a telecommunications system or a telecommunications service; or
between the licensee and a communal aerial broadcast distribution system owner for the connection of

the system with a communal aerial broadcast distribution system,
is filed with the Authority within 14 days of the agreement being made.

(6) The obligation under paragraph (5) may be waived by the Authority in relation to a particular agreement or agreements of a certain kind.

11. (1) Subject to paragraph (3), the licensee shall distribute only signals intended for general reception. For the purpose of this condition a signal is intended for general reception if-

the programme (or other communication) carried by the signal is not encrypted or where the programme (or other communication) carried by the signal is encrypted, the signal originator has declared publicly and notified the Authority and the Authority is satisfied that (i) the programme (or other communication) is intended for general reception and (ii) he will not charge any fee for the right to view or listen to the programme (or other communication) in Hong Kong; and
neither the licensee nor the users of the system are required to pay a fee to the signal originator or his authorized agent.
(2) For the purpose of paragraph (1)(a), it will be regarded as a public declaration if the signal originator declares publicly by publication in
(a) 1 Chinese language newspaper circulating in Hong Kong; and
(b) 1 English language newspaper circulating in Hong Kong.
(3) The licensee may distribute signals carrying subscription television programmes, programme service programmes, subscription satellite television programmes, their ancillary telecommunications services and telecommunications messages.

12. (1) Subject to paragraph (2), the licensee shall not distribute programmes or other communication carried by signals in an encrypted form to outlet points.

(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1), "programmes or other communication" (節目或其他通訊) does not include subscription television programmes, programme service programmes, subscription satellite television programmes, their ancillary telecommunications services and telecommunications messages.

12A. Without the Authority's consent in writing, the licensee shall not transmit any telecommunications messages received from satellites to any location outside the premises of users of the system.

  1. 13. The transmission plan employed in the system shall be approved by the Authority. The licensee shall distribute programmes, services, telecommunications messages and signals permitted under this licence in accordance with such approved plan and such approved plan may be modified by the Authority from time to time. The Performance Specification for Communal Aerial Distribution System (HKTA 1104) shall be observed unless otherwise directed by the Authority.
    1. 14. (1) The licensee shall submit written confirmation to the Authority that-
      1. (a) any aerial and supporting framework used in the system is capable of sustaining and transmitting to the supporting structure wind loads specified in the Hong Kong Code of Practice on Wind Effects, and that the stability of the supporting building is not affected by any aerial and supporting framework used in the system;
      2. (b) any aerial and supporting framework used in the system is not erected in, over or upon any portion of any street whether or not on land held under lease from the Government, and no part of it is fixed to, or overhangs, the side wall of a building; and
      3. (c) any aerial and supporting framework used in the system is not erected at a level which contravenes height limit provisions of the Hong Kong Airport (Control of Obstructions) Ordinance (Cap 301).
(2) The licensee shall ensure that the state of matters referred to in paragraph (1) shall be maintained throughout the duration of the licence.
(3) The confirmation referred to in paragraph (1) shall be made by a structural engineer registered under section 3 of the Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123).
  1. 15. The licensee shall at all times perform and observe the requirements of the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union and the regulations and recommendations annexed to or made under the Constitution and Convention as are applicable to Hong Kong except to the extent that the Authority may in writing expressly exempt the licensee from such compliance.
  2. 16. The Authority may at his discretion make the terms and conditions of this licence (including any specific conditions, transmission plan and Schedules to this licence) publicly available in any manner he thinks fit.



Location of radio communication receiving station Area of distribution Number of outlet points within each area of distribution

...................................................... For the Telecommunications Authority.

NOTE: Any reference in this form to a service, licence or licensee under the Television Ordinance (Cap 52) shall, with all necessary modifications, be construed to be a reference to a service, licence or licensee under the Broadcasting Ordinance (Cap 562), and the provisions of this licence shall apply accordingly.

(L.N. 182 of 1991; L.N. 362 of 1993; 29 of 1998 s. 105; L.N. 180 of 1999; 36 of 2000 s. 28; 48 of 2000 s. 44)



DATE OF ISSUE: .....................................................................................................................................

of ......................................................................................................................................... (the "licensee") is licensed, subject to the following conditions set out in this licence-

to provide a public fixed telecommunications network service (the "Service"), the scope of which is described in Schedule 1;
to establish and maintain a telecommunications network (the "Network") described in Schedule 2 to provide the Service;
to possess and use the telecommunications installations for radiocommunications described in Schedule 3 to provide the Service; and
to deal in, import and demonstrate, with a view to sale in the course of trade or business, such apparatus or material for radiocommunications as may be necessary to supply customers of the Service.


  1. This licence shall not be construed as granting an exclusive right to the licensee to provide the Service.
  2. This licence replaces any licence or any exemption from licensing, however described, which the Authority may have granted to the licensee for providing the Service.
    1. The grant of this licence does not authorize the licensee to do anything which infringes any exclusive right to provide telecommunications circuits or services granted under any Ordinance. In particular, this licence does not confer any right on the licensee to provide public telephonic communications prior to 30 June 1995.
    2. Transfer
  3. (1) The licensee may only with the prior written consent of the Authority and subject to such reasonable conditions as the Authority thinks fit transfer this licence or any permission, right or benefit under this licence. In giving his consent the Authority will have regard to such matters as he thinks fit including but not limited to the effect which the transfer will have on market structure and the financial and technical competence and viability of the transferee.

(2) Where a licensee is in a dominant position in a market for the provision of a public basic telephonic service over fixed telecommunications networks within the meaning described in General Condition 16(2), it may not without the prior written consent of the Authority, which can be withheld for the purposes of General Condition 10(1), assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of more than 15% of the licensee's assets constituting the Network, other than where the transfer or disposal of those assets is in the ordinary course of the licensee's maintenance, replacement or upgrading of the Network.


    1. If the licensee employs any person under contract for the purpose of the Service, or for the installation, operation or maintenance of the Network (a "Contractor"), the licensee shall continue to be responsible for compliance with the conditions of this licence, and the performance thereof, by any Contractor.
    2. International conventions
  1. (1) The licensee shall at all times perform and observe the requirements of the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union and the regulations and recommendations annexed to it, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the recommendations made by the Radiocommunications Sector and Standardisation Sector established under the Convention, as are stated to be applicable to Hong Kong, and any other international convention, agreement, protocol, understanding or the like to the extent that the instruments described in this paragraph impose obligations on Hong Kong of which the Authority gives notice to the licensee, except to the extent that the Authority may in writing exempt the licensee from such compliance.

(2) Where the Government has been consulted about or is involved in the preparation or negotiation of an international convention, agreement, protocol or understanding or the like or amendments thereto which are on the subject-matter of telecommunications or which relate to another subject-matter but which the Government anticipates could have a material impact on the provision of services under this licence, the Government will, where practicable, provide the licensee with a reasonable opportunity to make a submission stating its views on the matter.

Compliance generally

    1. The licensee shall comply with the Ordinance, Regulations made under the Ordinance, licence conditions or any other instruments which may be issued by the Authority under the Ordinance.
    2. Control of interference and obstruction
  1. (1) The licensee shall take reasonable measures to install, maintain and operate the Service and the Network in such a manner as not to cause any harmful radio interference or physical obstruction to any lawful telecommunications service, or cause any physical obstruction to the installation, maintenance, operation, adjustment, repair, alteration, removal or replacement of the facilities of any lawful telecommunications or utility service provider.
The licensee shall take reasonable measures to ensure that the customers of the Service do not cause harmful radio interference to lawful telecommunications services or utility services through use of the Service.
The Authority may give such reasonable directions as he thinks fit to avoid harmful radio interference or physical obstruction referred to in paragraph (1). The licensee shall comply with the directions.

Inspection and testing of installations

9. (1) On receiving reasonable prior written notice from the Authority, the licensee shall allow the Authority and any person authorized in writing by the Authority for the Authority's own purposes to enter and inspect the offices, places and premises in Hong Kong where the licensee has installed the Network or any equipment associated with the Network, or the provision of the Service, to verify that the licensee is in compliance with the licence conditions.

The licensee shall provide and maintain, up to the reasonable technical standards set by the Authority, facilities to enable the Authority to inspect, test, read or measure, as the case may be, any telecommunications installations, equipment (including, but not limited to testing instruments) or premises used or to be used for the provision of the Service, and may at its option, and shall on the written request of the Authority, and subject to the provision by the Authority of reasonable prior written notice, provide a representative to be present at any such inspection, testing, reading or measurement.
On giving reasonable prior written notice, the Authority may direct the licensee to demonstrate that the Service complies with the technical requirements imposed by the Ordinance and Regulations or any other instruments which may be issued by the Authority under the Ordinance and the licensee shall comply with such directions.
For the purpose of paragraph (2) or (3), the licensee shall provide adequate testing instruments and operating staff.

Provision of Service

10. (1) The licensee shall, subject to Schedule 1 and any Special Conditions of this licence relating to the provision of the Service, at all times during the validity period of this licence operate, maintain and provide a good, efficient and continuous service in a manner satisfactory to the Authority. The Authority may, on application in writing by the licensee, exempt a part or parts of the Service from the requirement of continuous provision.

The licensee shall, subject to Schedule 1 and any Special Conditions of this licence relating to the provision of the Service, provide the Service on its published terms and conditions and at the tariff published in accordance with General Condition 20 (as applicable) on request of a customer whether or not the customer intends the Service to be available for its own use or intends to utilize the Service to provide a lawful telecommunications service to third parties.
Subject to Schedule 1 and any Special Conditions relating to the provision of the Service, the licensee shall comply with a customer request for the Service as tariffed by the licensee in accordance with General Condition 20 where the Service reasonably could be provided by the licensee to the customer at the location at which the Service is requested utilizing the licensee's Network in place at the time of the request.

Customer charter

    1. The licensee shall prepare a customer charter which sets out the minimum standards of service to the licensee's customers and gives guidance to the employees of the licensee in their relations and dealings with customers.
    2. Confidentiality of customer information
  1. (1) The licensee shall not disclose information of a customer except with the consent of the customer, which form of consent shall be approved by the Authority, except for the prevention or detection of crime or the apprehension or prosecution of offenders or except as may be authorized by or under any law.

(2) The licensee shall not use information provided by its customers or obtained in the course of provision of service to its customers other than for and in relation to the provision by the licensee of the Service.

Requirements for interconnection

13. (1) The licensee shall interconnect the Service and the Network with the external public telecommunications network and services operated by Hong Kong Telecom International Limited under its licence granted under the Ordinance and other fixed telecommunications networks and services licensed under the Ordinance and, where directed by the Authority, other telecommunications networks and services licensed, or deemed to be licensed, or exempt from licensing under the Ordinance.

The licensee shall also interconnect the Service and the Network with the fixed telecommunications network and services provided by the Hong Kong Telephone Company Limited under the Telephone Ordinance (Cap 269) prior to 30 June 1995 or licensed under the Telecommunications Ordinance (Cap 106), as the case may be.
The licensee shall use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that interconnection is done promptly, efficiently and at charges which are based on reasonable relevant costs incurred so as to fairly compensate the licensee for those costs.
The licensee shall provide facilities and services reasonably necessary for the prompt and efficient interconnection of the Service and the Network with the telecommunications networks or services of the other entities referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2). Such facilities and services include-
carriage services for codes, messages or signals across and between the interconnected networks;
those necessary to establish, operate and maintain points of interconnection between the licensee's Network and the networks of the other entities, including the provision of transmission capacity to connect between the licensee's Network and networks of the other entities;
billing information reasonably required to enable the other entities to bill their customers;
facilities specified by the Authority pursuant to General Condition 31; and
ancillary facilities and services required to support the above types of interconnection facilities and services.

Numbering plan

14. (1) The licensee shall conform to a numbering plan made or approved by the Authority and any directions given by the Authority in respect of the numbering plan.

The licensee shall at the request of the Authority or otherwise consult the Authority about the arrangements for the allocation and reallocation of numbers and codes within the numbering plan.
Where requested by the Authority, the licensee shall prepare and furnish to the Authority proposals for developing, adding to or replacing the numbering plan relating to the Service.
The licensee shall, in such manner as the Authority may direct, facilitate the portability of numbers assigned to any customer of any fixed telecommunications network service licensee, or the Hong Kong Telephone Company Limited, so that any number so assigned may be used by that customer should it cease to be a customer of any such entity and become a customer of any other fixed telecommunications network service licensee or the Hong Kong Telephone Company Limited, as the case may be.
Directions by the Authority under paragraph (4) include reasonable directions concerning the equitable sharing of all relevant costs associated with providing portability of numbers as between the licensee, any other fixed telecommunications network services licensee, the Hong Kong Telephone Company Limited, and any other person.

Anti-competitive conduct

15. (1) (a) A licensee shall not engage in any conduct which, in the opinion of the Authority, has the purpose or effect of preventing or substantially restricting competition in the operation of the Service or in any market for the provision or acquisition of a telecommunications installation, service or apparatus.

(b) Conduct which the Authority may consider has the relevant purpose or effect referred to in subparagraph (a) includes, but is not limited to

collusive agreements to fix the price for any apparatus or service;
boycotting the supply of goods or services to competitors;

(iii) entering into exclusive arrangements which prevent competitors from having access to supplies or outlets;

(iv) agreements between licensees to share the available market between them along agreed geographic or customer lines.

(2) In particular, but without limiting the generality of the conduct referred to in paragraph (1), a licensee shall not

enter into any agreement, arrangement or understanding, whether legally enforceable or not, which has or is likely to have the purpose or effect of preventing or substantially restricting competition in any market for the provision or acquisition of any telecommunications installations, services or apparatus;
without the authorization of the Authority, make it a condition of the provision or connection of telecommunications installations, services or apparatus that the person acquiring such telecommunications installations, services or apparatus also acquire or not acquire any other service or apparatus either from itself or of any kind from another person; or
give an undue preference to, or receive an unfair advantage from, a business carried on by it or an associated or affiliated company, service or person if, in the opinion of the Authority, competitors could be placed at a significant competitive disadvantage or competition would be prevented or substantially restricted within the meaning of paragraph (1).

Abuse of position

16. (1) Where the licensee is, in the opinion of the Authority, in a dominant position with respect to a market for the relevant telecommunications services, it shall not abuse its position.

A licensee is in a dominant position when, in the opinion of the Authority, it is able to act without significant competitive restraint from its competitors and customers. In considering whether a licensee is dominant, the Authority will take into account the market share of the licensee, its power to make pricing and other decisions, the height of barriers to entry, the degree of product differentiation and sales promotion and such other relevant matters which are or may be contained in guidelines to be issued by the Authority.
(a) A licensee which is in a dominant position within the meaning in paragraph (1) shall be taken to have abused its position if, in the opinion of the Authority, it has engaged in conduct which has the purpose of preventing or substantially restricting competition in a market for the provision or acquisition of telecommunications installations, services or apparatus.

(b) Conduct which the Authority may consider to fall within the conduct referred to in subparagraph (a) includes, but is not limited to

predatory pricing;
price discrimination;

(iii) the imposition of contractual terms which are harsh or unrelated to the subject of the contract;

tying arrangements;
discrimination in supply of services to competitors.

Accounting practices

    1. Where directed by the Authority in writing, the licensee shall implement such accounting practices as specified by the Authority. Such accounting practices are to be consistent with generally accepted accounting practices, where applicable, and may include (but are not limited to) accounting practices which allow for the identification of the costs and charges for different services or types or kinds of services.
    2. Requirement to furnish information to the Authority
  1. (1) The licensee shall furnish to the Authority, in such manner and at such times as the Authority may request in writing, such information related to the business run by the licensee under this licence, including financial information, accounts and other records as the Authority may reasonably require in order to perform his functions under the Ordinance and this licence including but not limited to his functions under General Conditions 15, 16 and 20(4).
Subject to paragraph (3), the Authority may use and disclose information to such person as the Authority thinks fit.
Where the Authority proposes to disclose information obtained and the Authority considers that the disclosure would result in the release of information concerning the business or commercial or financial affairs of a licensee which disclosure would or could reasonably be expected to adversely affect the licensee's lawful business or commercial or financial affairs, the Authority will give the licensee a reasonable opportunity to make representations on the proposed disclosure before the Authority makes a final decision whether to disclose the information.

Inspection of records, documents and accounts

  1. The licensee shall permit the Authority or any person authorized by him in writing for the Authority's own purpose to inspect and if required to make copies of records, documents and accounts relating to the licensee's business for the purpose of enabling the Authority to perform his functions under the Ordinance and this licence.
  2. (1) The licensee shall publish and charge no more than the tariffs for the Service operated under this licence. The tariffs shall include the relevant terms and conditions for the provision of the Service.


Publication shall be effected by-
(a) submission for publication in the Hong Kong Government Gazette and by sending a copy to the Authority on or before the date on which the licensed service is to be introduced;
(b) placing a copy in a publicly accessible part of the principal business place and other business premises of the licensee as advised by the Authority; and
(c) sending a copy to any person who may request it. The licensee shall not levy a charge greater than that is necessary to cover reasonable costs involved.
(3) Where the licensee provides customer equipment integral to the provision of a telecommunications service to its customers, the tariff shall clearly state the price of the customer equipment separately from the charges for the telecommunications service.
(4) The licensee shall not offer any discount to its published tariffs for a particular telecommunications service provided under this licence or customer equipment subject to paragraph (3) (other than a discount calculated in accordance with a formula or methodology approved by the Authority and published together with its tariffs) if, in the opinion of the Authority, the licensee is in a dominant position in any market for or which includes that telecommunications service.
(5) The licensee shall not, without the approval of the Authority, bundle a number of services into a single tariff without also offering each of the constituent services under separate tariffs.
(6) In this General Condition, "a dominant position" (優勢) has the meaning described by General Condition 16(2).

Tariffs revisions

21. (1) The licensee may propose any revision to the tariffs that it has published by submitting details of the proposed revision to the Authority in writing in a form approved by the Authority.

(2) Subject to paragraph (5), the licensee may only proceed to publish the revised tariffs after the Authority has given his approval in writing.
(3) The Authority will not approve the revision where-
(a) he considers that the proposed revision is in contravention of General Condition 15, 16 or 20(4) or any applicable price control arrangements;
(b) he has notified the licensee within 30 days of the date of receipt of the licensee's proposed revision that he does not intend to give his approval.
(4) The Authority will endeavour to consider proposed revisions within 5 business days after the date of receipt of the proposed revision by the Authority and will give written notice by that date whether the Authority requires more time to complete his review of the proposed revision.
(5) Where the Authority has not notified the licensee within 30 days after receiving the licensee's proposed revision, the tariff revision will be deemed to be approved.

Tariffs for new services

22. (1) If the licensee proposes to introduce any new service and charge which is not contained in its published tariffs and conditions of service, it shall notify the Authority of such a proposal. The notification shall be in a written form approved by the Authority. The Authority shall give his approval of the proposed service and charge unless he considers that such service and charge would lead to a contravention of General Condition 15, 16 or 20(4) or any applicable price control arrangements.

(2) The Authority will endeavour to consider a proposal referred to in paragraph (1) within 15 business days of the date of receipt and will give written notice by that date whether the Authority requires more time to complete his review of the proposed service and charge.
(3) Where the Authority has not notified the licensee within 45 days after receiving the licensee's notice that he does not propose to give his approval, the new service and charge will be deemed to be approved.


23. (1) The Authority may, at the written request of the licensee, approve the introduction on a trial basis of-

(a) any service for which there is no published tariff and in such case the licensee may charge its customers for the provision of such service such amount as it considers reasonable; and
(b) any new charging options or billing schemes for existing services.

The Authority shall determine any request for approval within 30 days after the date of receipt of the request.

(2) Any trial service for which the licensee seeks approval pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be-
(a) for the purpose of establishing the technical or commercial feasibility of the trial service;
(b) of a limited duration, not exceeding 6 months; and
(c) offered during the trial period only in a defined geographic area of Hong Kong or to a defined class of customers reasonably suitable for the purposes of conducting a trial of the service.
(3) The Authority may request additional information from the licensee reasonably required by the Authority for the purposes of considering a request from the licensee to approve a trial service.
(4) The Authority may reject a request from the licensee to conduct a trial service where the Authority reasonably concludes that were the tariffs of the requested trial service proposed under General Condition 20, 21 or 22 they would be disallowed under those General Conditions.

Metering accuracy

24. (1) The licensee shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that any metering equipment used in connection with the Service is accurate and reliable.

(2) Upon the written request of the Authority, the licensee shall conduct tests on metering equipment to assess its accuracy, reliability and conformity to the technical standards, if any, specified by the Authority. The licensee shall submit the test result to the Authority within 14 days after the date of the test or such other longer period as the Authority may determine.
(3) The licensee shall keep such records of any metering equipment in such form as may be specified by the Authority and shall supply such records to the Authority on the written request of the Authority.

Directory information and directory information service

25. (1) For the purposes of this General Condition

(a) "directory information" (電話號碼索引資料) means information obtained by the licensee in
the course of the provision of services under this licence concerning or relating to the name, address, business and telephone numbers of each of its customers;
(b) "raw directory information" (原始電話號碼索引資料) means the licensee's directory information held in a basic format relating to all of its customers other than its customers who request that directory information about them not be disclosed.
(2) This General Condition applies only in respect of standard printed directories and other directory databases and services which include all of the names of a licensee's customers listed in alphabetical order and does not apply to classified directories where customers are listed by business or trade category or to other business or specialised directories.
(3) The licensee shall-
(a) unless otherwise agreed by the Authority, publish or arrange at least biennially for the publication of directory information in a printed or other form approved by the Authority, relating to all its customers, other than its customers who request not to be included in a directory to be published ("the printed directory"); and
(b) establish, maintain and operate, or arrange for the establishment, maintenance or operation of a telecommunications service whereby customers may, upon request, be provided with directory information other than that of its customers who request the information not to be disclosed ("the telephonic directory service").
(4) The printed directory and the telephonic directory service provided under paragraph (3) shall be made available free of charge to all of the licensee's customers and shall be provided in a manner satisfactory to the Authority.
(5) The licensee is permitted to make commercial arrangements with one or more of the other fixed telecommunications network service licensees and the Hong Kong Telephone Company Limited to cooperate in the provision jointly by them of either or both of the printed directory and the telephonic directory service which the licensee is required to provide under paragraph (3).
The licensee's printed directory shall be a unified printed directory and the licensee's telephonic directory service shall be a unified telephonic directory service and shall utilise a unified directory database, containing directory information on all customers of all fixed telecommunications network service licensees and the Hong Kong Telephone Company Limited, except for those customers who request that directory information about them not be disclosed. The licensee shall provide, and regularly update, raw directory information about its customers to each other fixed telecommunications network service licensee and the Hong Kong Telephone Company Limited, for which the licensee will be able to impose a charge to fairly compensate it for providing the raw directory information. The licensee shall endeavour to agree with each of the other licensees and the Hong Kong Telephone Company Limited on a reasonable mode of exchange and transmission format for the raw directory information.
Where the licensee is unable to agree with another licensee pursuant to paragraph (6) on what amounts to fair compensation for provision of, or the reasonable mode of exchange and transmission format of, raw directory information, the matter at issue may be referred by either licensee or the Hong Kong Telephone Company Limited to the Authority for determination.
Except with the prior written approval of the Authority, the licensee shall not make use of raw directory information provided by another licensee or the Hong Kong Telephone Company Limited other than for discharging its obligations under this General Condition.

Emergency call service

    1. The licensee shall provide a public emergency call service by means of which any member of the public may, at any time and without incurring any charge, by means of compatible apparatus connected to the Network, communicate as quickly as practicable with the Hong Kong Police Emergency Centre or other entity as directed by the Authority to report an emergency.
    2. Records and plans of the Network
  1. (1) The licensee shall keep records and plans (including overall network plans and cable route maps) of the telecommunications installations, installations for radiocommunications and telecommunications nodes and exchanges provided under this license and any other details concerning the Network as may be reasonably required by the Authority, including but not limited to information from operational support systems, traffic flow information, and database information relating to the manner in which the Network treats calls of a particular kind ("Network Information").
As required by the Authority, the licensee shall make the Network Information available, within reasonable time, to the Authority or to a person authorized in writing by the Authority for inspection for the Authority's own purposes.
The Authority may disclose the Network Information in accordance with General Condition 18(2).
The licensee shall, at the reasonable request of any other licensee under the Ordinance or the Hong Kong Telephone Company Limited if so authorized by the Authority, give reasonable access to its Network Information for the facilitation of network planning, maintenance and reconfiguration required for the purposes of General Conditions 13 and 31. The licensee shall be permitted to charge the requesting party so as to be fairly compensated for the reasonable relevant costs incurred in the provision of such Network Information.
Where the licensee and any other licensee or the Hong Kong Telephone Company Limited that has requested access to the Network Information in accordance with paragraph (4) are unable to agree what amounts to reasonable access (including confidentiality requirements and fair compensation for the reasonable relevant costs incurred) or a reasonable request, the matter at issue may be referred by either the licensee, the other licensee, or the Hong Kong Telephone Company Limited to the Authority for determination.

Network location

28. (1) The licensee shall obtain the consent in writing of the Director of Lands before the commencement of any installation works for its Network under, in, over or upon any unleased Government land.

The licensee shall keep accurate records of the location of the Network installed under, in, over or upon any
The licensee shall record the information referred to under paragraph (2) on route plans drawn on an Ordinance Survey Map background of a scale to be determined by the licensee in consultation with the Director of Highways and the Director of Lands.
The licensee shall, at the request of the Director of Highways, the Director of Lands, the Authority or any person who intends to undertake works in the vicinity of the Network and who is authorized to do so by the Director of Highways, the Director of Lands or the Authority, provide free of charge information about the location of the Network in diagrammatic or other form. The licensee shall make trained staff available on site to indicate the location and nature of the Network to the Director of Highways, the Director of Lands, the Authority or any person authorized by the Director of Highways, the Director of Lands or the Authority.
The licensee shall mark or otherwise identify every wire laid or telecommunications installation installed by the licensee or any Contractor on its behalf throughout the course of the wire, or at the location of the installation, so as to distinguish it from any other wire or telecommunications installation laid or installed in Hong Kong.
The licensee shall provide, at such intervals as the Authority may determine, distinguishable surface markers of the underground position of the Network.

Changes to the Network

29. (1) For the purposes of this licence, a change in the Network is a material change where the implementation of the change would result in the Network no longer being in compliance with any relevant technical standard which the Authority has power to issue.

The licensee shall notify the Authority of any proposals for material changes to the Network and provide him with such information as the Authority reasonably requires.
The licensee shall not, without the prior consent in writing of the Authority, make any material changes which might reasonably be anticipated by the licensee to affect-
any telecommunications service or installation connected to the Network;
a person producing or supplying telecommunications apparatus for connection to the Network;
a licensee under the Ordinance;
the Hong Kong Telephone Company Limited;
a licensee under the Broadcasting Ordinance (Cap 562); or
(f) a customer or a consumer of goods and services provided by any person or entity, if the change is in the opinion of the Authority likely to require modifications or replacements to, or cessation in the production or supply of any of the telecommunications apparatus involved, or if the proposed alteration would require substantial Network reconfiguration or rerouting.
The licensee shall prepare and publish, after consultation with the Authority, its procedures for consulting with and giving notice to persons likely to be affected materially by changes to its Network which are required to be notified in accordance with paragraph (2) and any other changes required to be notified pursuant to any technical standard which the Authority has power to issue. Subject to approval of the Authority, the notification procedures to each of the classes of persons likely to be affected under paragraph

(3) may differ having regard to the practicality and costs of notifying them.

Requirements for road opening

  1. The licensee shall co-ordinate and co-operate with any other fixed telecommunications network services licensee under the Ordinance, the Hong Kong Telephone Company Limited and any other authorized person in respect of road openings and shall, after being consulted by the Authority, comply with any guidelines issued by the Authority.
  2. (1) Where the Authority reasonably forms the opinion that it is in the public interest that certain types of facilities ought to be provided, used or shared by more than one licensee or the Hong Kong Telephone Company Limited, he may issue directions requiring the licensee to co-ordinate and co-operate with any other licensee, the Hong Kong Telephone Company Limited or any other authorized person in respect of

Provision, use and sharing of certain facilities

such provision, use or sharing of any such facility. The licensee shall comply with such directions. Prior to forming any opinion and issuing any direction under this paragraph, the Authority will provide a reasonable opportunity for the licensee, the Hong Kong Telephone Company Limited and any other interested parties to make representations on the matter to the Authority.

(2) In considering the public interest pursuant to paragraph (1), the Authority will take into account-
(a) whether the facility is a bottleneck;
(b) whether the facility can be reasonably duplicated or substituted;
(c) the existence of technical alternatives for the facility;
(d) whether the facility is critical to the supply of service by the licensees;
(e) whether the facility has available capacity having regard to the current and reasonable future needs of the licensee to which the facility belongs;
(f) whether joint use of the facility encourages the effective and efficient use of telecommunications infrastructure; and
(g) the costs, time penalties and inconvenience to the licensees and the public of the alternatives to the shared provision and use of the facility.
(3) Where a fixed telecommunications network service licensee, the Hong Kong Telephone Company Limited or another person authorized by the Authority reasonably requests to share a facility, the licensee shall endeavour to come to an agreement with the requesting party on the terms and conditions, including but not limited to providing for fair compensation to the licensee for the provision, use or sharing of any such facility. If an agreement cannot be reached within a reasonable time and the Authority requires sharing pursuant to paragraph (1), the terms and conditions shall be determined by the Authority.
(4) For the purposes of this General Condition, "facility" (設施) means-
(a) ducts, pits, tunnels and manholes;
(b) towers, masts, poles and antennae;
(c) land, buildings and ancillary equipment at sites on which radiocommunications facilities have been established;
(d) reasonable space within the licensee's, or the Hong Kong Telephone Company Limited's, exchange buildings or other sites for the purposes of locating equipment of another licensee required to establish interconnection between the licensee's and that other licensee's or the Hong Kong Telephone Company Limited's network at that exchange or site;
(e) other telecommunications or ancillary installations, including the in-building risers, cable trays and cable entry points into buildings, reasonably necessary for the efficient provision and establishment of fixed telecommunications networks.

Requirements of installation of lines or cables

32. (1) The Network, or any part of it, if installed under, in, over or upon any public street or other unleased Government land, shall be at such depth, course, route and position as may be determined by the Director of Lands or the Director of Highways.

(2) Without prejudice and in addition to the provisions of any law or Ordinance, in the course of providing, establishing, operating, adjusting, altering, replacing, removing or maintaining the Network for the purposes of this licence, or any part of it, the licensee shall-

(a) exercise all reasonable care, and cause as little inconvenience as possible to the public and as little damage to property as possible; and
(b) make good any physical damage caused to any person having a lawful interest in the land or being lawfully thereon and reinstate the land within a reasonable time in good and workmanlike manner. When it is not practicable to make good any damage or to reinstate the land to the condition in which it existed prior to the damage, the licensee shall pay, promptly and fully, compensation for any damage caused to any person having an interest or right in the land affected.

Restrictions on attachment to public buildings and trees

    1. No part of the Network shall be attached to any Government building except with the prior written consent of the Government Property Administrator or to any Urban Council or Regional Council building except with the prior written consent of the Director of Urban Services or the Director of Regional Services, or to any tree on any Government land except with the prior written consent of the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation, the Director of Urban Services or the Director of Regional Services.
    2. Works in public streets
    1. (1) Where in the course of installing or maintaining the Network the licensee needs to open or break up any public street the licensee shall-
      1. apply to the Director of Highways or the Director of Lands for permission to open or break up the public street;
      2. complete the works for which the licensee has opened or broken up the public street with all due speed and diligence, fill in the ground and remove all construction related refuse caused by its works;
      3. maintain the site of the works in a safe manner including the fencing of the site and the installation of adequate warning lighting at night;
      4. reinstate the street immediately after the completion of the works to the satisfaction of the Director of Highways or the Director of Lands.

(2) If the licensee fails, within any period specified by the Director of Highways or the Director of Lands, to observe any of the requirements of paragraph (1), the Director of Highways or the Director of Lands may take action to remedy the failure. The licensee shall reimburse the Government any such sum as may be certified by the Director of Highways or the Director of Lands to be reasonable cost for executing any works under the terms of this paragraph.

Interference with works of others

35. (1) Where in the course of installing or maintaining the Network, the licensee after obtaining the approval of the Director of Highways breaks up or opens any public street it shall not remove, displace or interfere with any telecommunications line, any gas pipe or water pipe or main or any drain or sewer or any tube, casing, duct, wire or cable for the carriage of electrical current and ancillary installations installed by any other person without that other person's consent.

(2) In the case where the other person holds a licence under the Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap 28), any consent referred to in paragraph (1) is refused, or cannot be obtained for any reason, the licensee may request the consent to proceed from the relevant authority in accordance with the terms of any licence issued to such other person under the Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap 28), if any.

Prohibition of claims against Government

    1. The licensee shall have no claim against the Government in tort or in contract in respect of any disturbance or interruption to any part of the Network due to works carried out by or on behalf of the Government which result in disturbance to the Network.
    2. Licensee to alter Network on notice
  1. (1) The licensee shall, within such reasonable time and in such manner as may be directed by notice in writing by the Director of Highways or the Director of Lands, and at its own expense, alter the course, depth position or mode of attachment of any apparatus forming part of the Network.

(2) Where the Director of Highways or the Director of Lands gives a direction under paragraph (1), General Condition 34 shall apply as if such alteration were part of the installation or maintenance of the Network.

Requirements of telecommunications installations for radiocommunications

38. (1) Each telecommunications installation for radiocommunications operated by or on behalf of the licensee

shall be used only at the location and with emissions and at the frequencies and of the classes and characteristics specified in Schedule 3 and with such power and aerial characteristics as are specified in that Schedule in relation to the class and characteristics of the emission in use.

The apparatus comprised in each telecommunications installation for radiocommunications shall at all times comply with such technical standards as may be issued by the Authority.
The apparatus comprised in a telecommunications installation for radiocommunications shall be of a type approved by the Authority and shall be so designed, constructed, maintained and operated that its use shall not cause any interference to any radiocommunications.
A telecommunications installation for radiocommunications shall be operated only by the licensee or a person authorized by the licensee. The licensee shall not allow an unauthorized person to have access to the apparatus comprised in a telecommunications installation for radiocommunications. The licensee shall ensure that persons operating each telecommunications installation for radiocommunications shall at all times observe the conditions of this licence.
The licensee shall not make a change-
(a) to any telecommunications installation for radiocommunications; or (b) of the location of any installed telecommunications installation for radiocommunications, without the prior approval in writing of the Authority.
If any telecommunications installation or radiocommunications aerial crosses above or may fall or be blown onto any overhead power wire (including electric lighting and tramway wires) or power apparatus it shall be guarded to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner of the power wire or power apparatus concerned.

Use of frequencies

    1. The telecommunications installations for radiocommunications operated by or on behalf of the licensee shall only be operated on such radio frequencies as the Authority may assign. The Authority may by notice require the licensee to cease operating the telecommunications installations for radiocommunications on any frequency assigned to the licensee if in the opinion of the Authority, the licensee is not making efficient use of that portion of the radio frequency spectrum.
    2. Safety
  1. (1) The licensee shall take proper and adequate safety measures for the safeguarding of life and property in connection with all installations, equipment and apparatus operated or used, including safeguarding against exposure to any electrical or radiation hazard emanating from the installations, equipment or apparatus used under this licence.

(2) The licensee shall comply with the safety requirements laid down in any safety specification issued by the Authority and any directions of the Authority in relation to any safety matter.

Purchase of assets

41. (1) If a licensee is-

in a dominant position in a market within the meaning described in General Condition 16(2); or
subject to a Universal Service Obligation specified under the terms of the Special Conditions of its licence and the Ordinance, the Government may elect to take over the licensee's undertaking and purchase its assets if any of the following circumstances occur-
this licence expires;
this licence is revoked;

(iii) the licensee goes into liquidation; or

(iv) the licensee ceases to carry on business:

Provided that if the Government elects to do so it shall give notice in writing not later than 90 days in advance of the expiry of this licence, or immediately upon revocation of this licence or within a reasonable time of the happening of the events at sub-subparagraphs (iii) and (iv).

(2) The selling price shall be agreed between the Government and the licensee on the basis of the fair market value at the time of acquisition determined on the basis that this licence remains in force and that the Network is continuing to be used for the provision of the Service. If no agreement can be reached between the Government and the licensee, the matter shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration Ordinance (Cap 341).


    1. The licensee shall indemnify the Government against any losses, claims, charges, expenses, actions, damages or demands which the Government incurs or which may be made against the Government as a result of or in relation to the activities of the licensee or any employee, agent or contractor of the licensee in relation to the provision of the Service or the installation, maintenance and operation of the Network.
    2. Contravention beyond the licensee's control
  1. (1) The licensee shall not be liable for any breach of this licence where it is able to demonstrate, to the reasonable satisfaction of the Authority, that the breach was caused by circumstances beyond its control and that it has taken all reasonable steps open to it to rectify that breach.
Where the circumstances referred to in paragraph (1) are such that there is an outage or interruption in the Service affecting a significant number of the licensee's customers for a period of more than 7 days the licensee shall provide the Authority with a full report in writing detailing the reasons for the breach and indicating when, or if, it will be able to continue to provide the Service.
If the Authority, after considering a report provided under paragraph (2), is of the reasonable belief that the licensee would be able to provide the Service within a reasonable period of time despite the circumstances outlined in that report the Authority may direct that the licensee recommence the Service within such reasonable period as the Authority may in writing direct. The licensee shall comply with such direction.

Applicability of certain conditions

    1. Where the Authority forms the opinion that a licensee is not in a dominant position with respect to any market for telecommunications services provided under the licence within the meaning of General Condition 16(2), the Authority may by direction in writing, for such period and on such conditions as the Authority may determine, direct that either one or any combination of General Conditions 17, 20, 21, 22 and 23, either completely or as to particular obligations imposed thereunder, shall not apply to the licensee.
    2. Publication of licence
  1. The licensee, or the Authority, may at their discretion make the terms and conditions of this licence, including any specific conditions, publicly available in any manner they think fit.


[Special conditions may be specified by the Authority on the grant or renewal of this licence.]







(L.N. 133 of 1995; 29 of 1998 ss. 24 & 105; L.N. 331 of 1999; 36 of 2000 s. 28; 48 of 2000 s. 44)




..................................................................................................................................of .............................................. ................................................................................................ (hereinafter called "the Licensee") is hereby licensed, subject to the conditions herein contained, to possess, establish and maintain a telecommunications system (hereinafter called "the System") described in Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 and to use the System for transmitting messages or receiving messages, or both, as set out in the conditions attached to this licence.


  1. 1. This licence does not authorize the Licensee to use the System for the operation of a public telecommunications service.
  2. 2. This licence does not authorize the Licensee to do anything which infringes any exclusive right to provide telecommunications or telephone services granted under any Ordinance.
    1. 3. Subject to paragraph 4, the Licensee shall only use the System for carriage of, in the case of
        1. (a) outgoing messages from Hong Kong, messages that originate from the Licensee or, where the Licensee is a company, from
          1. (i) the Licensee's holding company;
          2. (ii) a subsidiary of the Licensee; or
        2. (iii) any affiliated company; and
        1. (b) incoming messages to Hong Kong, messages that are intended for the Licensee or, where the Licensee is a company, for-
          1. (i) the Licensee's holding company;
          2. (ii) a subsidiary of the Licensee; or

(iii) any affiliated company,
and, in this licence

(i) "affiliated company" (相關聯公司) means a company that is a subsidiary of the Licensee's holding company;
(ii) "company" (公司) has the same meaning as in the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32);
(iii) "holding company" (控股公司) has the same meaning as in the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32); and
(iv) "subsidiary" (附屬公司) has the same meaning as in the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32).

4. (1) Where the Licensee is an organization, the Licensee may send outgoing messages from Hong Kong and receive incoming messages to Hong Kong that relate to the common business or activity of the organization.

(2) In this licence, "organization" (組織) means a group of persons, businesses or companies engaged in a common business or activity which group was formed for the specific purpose of furthering such common business or activity, and the Authority shall determine the types of messages that relate to the common

business or activity having regard to the objects as stated in the organization's memorandum and articles of association or other relevant documents relating to its establishment.

    1. 5. The Licensee shall not connect the System with any public telecommunications network in Hong Kong except for the use of circuits as specified in Schedule 1 for relaying messages between the System and the Licensee's
    2. premises, and such connection shall be done in accordance with conditions specified by the Authority.
    1. The Licensee shall at all times comply with the requirements of
      1. the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union and the regulations and recommendations annexed to it;
      2. the provisions of the ITU-R and ITU-T Recommendations made by the International Telecommunication Union that are applicable to Hong Kong; and
      3. any other international convention, agreement, protocol, understanding or similar document of which the Authority gives notice to the Licensee, except to the extent that the Authority may in writing exempt the Licensee from such compliance.
  1. If any message, the receipt of which is not authorized by this licence, is received, neither the Licensee nor any person using the System shall make known the contents of such a message, its origin or destination, or the fact of its receipt to any person except a duly authorized officer of the Authority or a competent legal tribunal, and shall not retain a copy or make use of such a message, nor allow any other person to do so.
  2. If the Licensee employs any person under contract for the installation, operation or maintenance of the System (a "contractor"), the Licensee shall continue to be responsible for compliance with the conditions of this licence, and the performance thereof, by any contractor.
  3. The Licensee shall indemnify the Government against any losses, claims, charges, expenses, actions, damages or demands which the Government incurs or which may be made against the Government as a result of or in relation to the activities of the Licensee or any employee, agent or contractor of the Licensee in relation to the installation, maintenance and operation of the System.
  4. The Licensee shall furnish to the Authority, in such manner and at such times as the Authority may request in writing, such information and accounts as he may reasonably require to perform his functions under the Telecommunications Ordinance (Cap 106) and this licence.
  5. (1) The Licensee shall permit the Authority and any person authorized by him in writing to enter any of the Licensee's offices or premises where telecommunications equipment is installed to inspect any of the telecommunications equipment or to monitor traffic carried by the equipment for the purpose of verifying whether the Licensee is running the System in accordance with this licence.
The Licensee shall afford to the Authority all facilities for-
(a) examining or testing its telecommunications equipment and inspecting offices or facilities used or to be used under this licence; and
monitoring the traffic carried by the licensed equipment and facilities, and the Licensee may be represented by an agent or employee of the Licensee who may be present during but must not interfere with the examining, testing, inspecting or monitoring.
The Authority may from time to time require the Licensee to demonstrate that the System complies with
this licence, the Telecommunications Ordinance (Cap 106) and the Telecommunications Regulations (Cap 106 sub. leg.); and
any technical standards, specifications, codes of practice, directions determinations or orders issued by the Authority from time to time.
  1. The Licensee shall permit the Authority or an officer authorized by him in writing to inspect and make copies of records, documents and accounts relating to the Licensee's business for the purpose of confirming that the Licensee is complying with this licence.
    1. (1) The Licensee shall submit written confirmation to the Authority that-
      1. any aerial and supporting framework used in the System is capable of sustaining and transmitting to the supporting structure wind loads specified in the Hong Kong Code of Practice on Wind Effects, and that the stability of the supporting building is not affected by any aerial and supporting framework used in the System;
        1. any aerial and supporting framework used in the System is not erected in, over or upon any portion of
        2. any street whether or not on land held under lease from the Government, and no part of it is fixed to, or overhangs, the side wall of a building; and
      2. any aerial and supporting framework used in the System is not erected at a level which contravenes height limit provisions of the Hong Kong Airport (Control of Obstructions) Ordinance (Cap 301).
The Licensee shall ensure that the state of matters referred to in subparagraph (1) shall be maintained throughout the duration of this licence.
The confirmation referred to in subparagraph (1) shall be made by a structural engineer registered under section 3 of the Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123).

14. (1) The Licensee shall-

operate the System in such a manner as not to cause harmful interference with any other means of telecommunications; and
comply with any direction given by the Authority for the purpose of avoiding such harmful interference.

(2) The Licensee shall not use any instrument, apparatus or material on, or connect or apply any electrical current to, any part of the System if it causes or is likely to cause harmful interference with the working of any other means of telecommunications.

15. (1) No wire may be laid or maintained across any street or unleased Government land without the prior written consent of the Authority.

(2) The Licensee shall comply with any conditions imposed, or directions given, by the Authority on the giving of his written consent for the purposes of subparagraph (1).

16. (1) Each telecommunications installation for radiocommunications operated by or on behalf of the Licensee shall be used only at the location and with emissions at the frequencies and of the classes and characteristics (including aerial characteristics), and with such power or power density, as specified in Schedule 2.

The apparatus comprised in each telecommunications installation for radiocommunications shall at all times comply with such technical and performance standards as may be specified by the Authority.
The apparatus comprised in a telecommunications installation for radiocommunications shall be of a type approved by the Authority and be so designed, constructed, maintained and operated that its use does not cause any avoidable and harmful interference with any other means of telecommunications.
The Licensee-
shall not make any change-
in any telecommunications installation for radio communication; or
in the location of any installed telecommunications installation for radiocommunications, without the prior approval in writing of the Authority; and
shall return this licence to the Authority for amendment when a change referred to in sub-subparagraph

(a) has been effected.


The following telecommunications installation for radiocommunications and/or wireline communication is authorized to be established and maintained by the Licensee-


Technical particulars of the radiocommunications apparatus comprised in the System as follows-

(L.N. 291 of 1995; 29 of 1998 s. 105; 36 of 2000 s. 28)





................................................................................................................................. of ...................................................................................................................................... (hereinafter called "the Licensee") is hereby licensed, subject to the conditions herein contained-

(a) to possess, establish and maintain a telecommunications system (hereinafter called "the System") described in Schedule 1 and Schedule 2; and to use the System for transmitting messages or receiving messages, or both, as set out in the conditions attached to this licence; and
(b) to possess, establish and maintain the ancillary and associated telecommunications installations (hereinafter called "the Ancillary Installations") described in Schedule 3; and to use the Ancillary Installations in accordance with the conditions attached to this licence and Schedule 3.


  1. 1. This licence does not authorize the Licensee to use the System or the Ancillary Installations for the operation of a public telecommunications service or a satellite broadcasting service.
  2. 2. This licence does not authorize the Licensee to do anything which infringes any exclusive right to provide telecommunications or telephone services granted under any Ordinance.
    1. 3. Subject to paragraph 4, the Licensee shall only use the System for carriage of, in the case of-
        1. (a) outgoing messages from Hong Kong, messages that originate from the Licensee or, where the Licensee is a company, from
          1. (i) the Licensee's holding company;
          2. (ii) a subsidiary of the Licensee; or
        2. (iii) any affiliated company; and
        1. (b) incoming messages to Hong Kong, messages that are intended for the Licensee or, where the Licensee is a company, for-
          1. (i) the Licensee's holding company;
          2. (ii) a subsidiary of the Licensee; or

(iii) any affiliated company,
and, in this licence-

(i) "affiliated company" (相關聯公司) means a company that is a subsidiary of the Licensee's holding company;
(ii) "company" (公司) has the same meaning as in the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32);
(iii) "holding company" (控股公司) has the same meaning as in the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32); and
(iv) "subsidiary" (附屬公司) has the same meaning as in the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32).

4. (1) Where the Licensee is an organization, the Licensee may send outgoing messages from Hong Kong and receive incoming messages to Hong Kong that relate to the common business or activity of the organization.

(2) In this licence, "organization" (組織) means a group of persons, businesses or companies engaged in a common business or activity which group was formed for the specific purpose of furthering such common business or activity, and the Authority shall determine the types of messages that relate to the common business

or activity having regard to the objects as stated in the organization's memorandum and articles of association or other relevant documents relating to its establishment.

  1. 5. The Licensee shall not connect the System or the Ancillary Installations with any public telecommunications network in Hong Kong except for the use of circuits as specified in Schedule 1 for relaying messages between the System and the Licensee's premises, and such connection shall be done in accordance with conditions specified by the Authority.
    1. 6. The Licensee shall at all times comply with the requirements of-
      1. (a) the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union and the regulations and recommendations annexed to it;
      2. (b) the provisions of the ITU-R and ITU-T Recommendations made by the International Telecommunication Union that are applicable to Hong Kong; and
      3. any other international convention, agreement, protocol, understanding or similar document of which the Authority gives notice to the Licensee, except to the extent that the Authority may in writing exempt the Licensee from such compliance.
  2. If any message, the receipt of which is not authorized by this licence, is received, neither the Licensee nor any person using the System or the Ancillary Installations shall make known the contents of such a message, its origin or destination, or the fact of its receipt to any person except a duly authorized officer of the Authority or a competent legal tribunal, and shall not retain a copy or make use of such a message, nor allow any other person to do so.
  3. If the Licensee employs any person under contract for the installation, operation, or maintenance of the System or the Ancillary Installations (a "contractor"), the Licensee shall continue to be responsible for compliance with the conditions of this licence, and the performance thereof, by any contractor.
  4. The Licensee shall indemnify the Government against any losses, claims, charges, expenses, actions, damages or demands which the Government incurs or which may be made against the Government as a result of or in relation to the activities of the Licensee or any employee, agent or contractor of the Licensee in relation to the installation, operation and maintenance of the System and the Ancillary Installations.
  5. The Licensee shall furnish to the Authority, in such manner and at such times as the Authority may request in writing, such information and accounts as he may reasonably require to perform his functions under the Telecommunications Ordinance (Cap 106) and this licence.
  6. (1) The Licensee shall permit the Authority and any person authorized by him in writing to enter any of the Licensee's offices or premises where telecommunications equipment is installed to inspect any of the telecommunications equipment or to monitor traffic carried by the equipment for the purpose of verifying whether the Licensee is running the System and the Ancillary Installations in accordance with this licence.
The Licensee shall afford to the Authority all facilities for-
(a) examining or testing its telecommunications equipment and inspecting offices or facilities used or to be used under this licence; and
monitoring the traffic carried by the licensed equipment and facilities, and the Licensee may be represented by an agent or employee of the Licensee who may be present during but must not interfere with the examining, testing, inspecting or monitoring.
The Authority may from time to time require the Licensee to demonstrate that the System and the Ancillary Installations comply with-
this licence, the Telecommunications Ordinance (Cap 106) and the Telecommunications Regulations (Cap 106 sub. leg.); and
any technical standards, specifications, codes of practice, directions, determinations or orders issued by the Authority from time to time.
  1. The Licensee shall permit the Authority or an officer authorized by him in writing to inspect and make copies of records, documents and accounts relating to the Licensee's business for the purpose of confirming that the Licensee is complying with this licence.
  2. The Licensee shall ensure that the System and the Ancillary Installations are operated in conformity to the safety measures concerning health hazards caused by non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation as set out in the guidelines issued by the Authority from time to time.
    1. (1) The Licensee shall-
      1. operate the System and the Ancillary Installations in such a manner as not to cause harmful interference with any other means of telecommunications; and
      2. comply with any direction given by the Authority for the purpose of avoiding such harmful interference.

(2) The Licensee shall not use any instrument, apparatus or material on, or connect or apply any electrical current to, any part of the System or the Ancillary Installations if it causes or is likely to cause harmful interference with the working of any other means of telecommunications.

15. (1) No wire may be laid or maintained across any street or unleased Government land without the prior written consent of the Authority.

(2) The Licensee shall comply with any conditions imposed, or directions given, by the Authority on the giving of his written consent for the purposes of subparagraph (1).

16. (1) Each telecommunications installation for radiocommunications operated by or on behalf of the Licensee shall be used only at the location and with emissions at the frequencies and of the classes and characteristics (including aerial characteristics), and with such power or power density, as specified in Schedule 2.

The apparatus comprised in each telecommunications installation for radiocommunications shall at all times comply with such technical and performance standards as may be specified by the Authority.
The apparatus comprised in a telecommunications installation for radiocommunications shall be of a type approved by the Authority and be so designed, constructed, maintained and operated that its use does not cause any avoidable and harmful interference with any other means of telecommunications.
The Licensee-

(a) shall not make any change-

in any telecommunications installation for radiocommunications; or
in the location of any installed telecommunications installation for radiocommunications, without the prior approval in writing of the Authority; and
shall return this licence to the Authority for amendment when a change referred to in sub-subparagraph (a) has been effected.


The following telecommunications installation for radiocommunications and/or wireline communication is authorized to be established and maintained by the Licensee-


Technical particulars of the radiocommunications apparatus comprised in the System as follows-


The following ancillary or associated telecommunications installations for radiocommunications and/or wireline communication are authorized to be established, maintained and used by the Licensee-

......................................................... For the Telecommunications Authority.

(L.N. 28 of 1997; 29 of 1998 s. 105; 36 of 2000 s. 28)



DATE OF EXTENSION (if applicable):
PERIOD OF EXTENSION (if applicable):

.................................................................................................................................... of ........................................................................................................................................ ("the licensee") is licensed, subject to the conditions set out in this licence-

to provide a public radiocommunications service ("the Service") described in Schedule 1;
to establish, maintain, possess and use the radiocommunications apparatus described in Schedule 2 to provide the Service; and
to deal in and demonstrate with a view to sale in the course of trade or business, such apparatus or material for radiocommunications as may be necessary to supply customers of the Service.


This licence shall not be construed as granting any exclusive rights to the licensee in the provision of the Service.

This licence replaces any licence, however described, which the Authority may have granted to the licensee for the Service.

The licensee shall at all times and from time to time during the continuance of this licence operate, maintain and provide the Service in a manner satisfactory to the Authority.

The licensee shall at all times perform and observe the requirements of the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union and the regulations and recommendations annexed to or made under the Constitution and Convention as are applicable to Hong Kong except to the extent that the Authority may in writing expressly exempt the licensee from such compliance.

Notwithstanding regulation 8(1) of the Telecommunications Regulations (Cap 106 sub. leg.), the licensee may with the prior written consent of the Authority transfer this licence and any permission, right or benefit under this licence.
The consent of the Authority shall be subject to such conditions as the Authority thinks fit.
If the licensee transfers the licence or other right, the licensee shall give the Authority a true copy of the transfer document within 2 months of the date of the transfer.
Each land station or land earth station shall be used only at the location and with emissions at the frequencies and of the classes and characteristics specified in Schedule 2, and with such power and aerial characteristics as are specified in Schedule 2 in relation to the class and characteristics of the emission in use.
The apparatus comprised in each land station or land earth station shall at all times comply with the technical and performance standards as may be prescribed by the Authority and specified in Schedule 2.
The apparatus comprised in each land station or land earth station or mobile station or mobile earth station (being a mobile station or mobile earth station used by the customer of the licensee) shall be so designed, constructed, maintained and operated that its use does not cause any avoidable interference with any radiocommunications.
Each land station or land earth station shall be operated only by the licensee or a person authorized by the licensee in that behalf. The licensee shall not permit or suffer any person not so authorized to have access to the apparatus comprised in each land station and land earth station. The licensee shall ensure that persons operating each land station or land earth station observe the conditions of the licence at all times.
The licensee
shall not make any change-
in any land station or land earth station; or
in the address at which each land station or land earth station is installed,
without the prior approval in writing of the Authority; and
shall return this licence to the Authority for amendment when a change referred to in sub-subparagraph
(a) has been effected.
If power for the working of any land station or land earth station is taken from a public electricity supply, no direct connection shall be made between the supply mains and the aerial.
If any land station or land earth station aerial crosses above or may fall or be blown onto any overhead power wire (including electric lighting and tramway wires) or power apparatus it shall be guarded to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner of the power apparatus concerned.
The licensee shall take all reasonable measures to ensure that customers of the Service do not cause interference to other users of radiocommunications and shall take all the necessary measures to stop such interference as may occur.

The apparatus operated by the licensee shall be operated only on such radio frequencies as the Authority may assign to the licensee and the Authority may refuse to assign further frequencies or require the licensee, by notice to him, to cease to operate the apparatus on any frequency previously assigned to him if in the opinion of

the Authority the licensee is not making efficient use of that frequency.

  1. 8. The Authority may, by giving not less than 12 months' notice in writing to the licensee, require him upon such date as may be specified in the notice to cease using any frequency previously assigned to him by the Authority and to use such new frequency as the Authority may designate.
  2. 9. The licensee shall not enter into any agreement or arrangement whether legally enforceable or not which shall in any way prevent or restrict competition in relation to the operation of the Service or any other telecommunications service licensed by the Authority.

10. In this licence-"land earth station" (陸地地球站) means an earth station in a mobile-satellite service not intended to be used while in


"land station" (陸地電台) means a station in a mobile service not intended to be used while in motion;

"station" (電台), "earth station" (地球站), "mobile service" (移動業務), "land mobile service" (移地移動業務)

and "mobile-satellite service" (衞星移動業務) have the same meanings as defined in the Radio Regulations annexed to the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union.


(Special conditions may be inserted on the Grant or Extension of this Licence)




Location Transmitting Frequencies Maximum Frequency Tolerance Classes of Emission Maximum Effective Radiated Power Aerial Characteristics Other Performance and Technical Standards

............................................................. For the Telecommunications Authority.

(L.N. 52 of 1998; 36 of 2000 s. 28)

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章: 106A 電訊規例 憲報編號 版本日期
賦權條文 30/06/1997
條: 1 引稱 30/06/1997


條: 1A 釋義 30/06/1997

在本規例中─ “費用”(fee) 指由本規例訂明的費用; “牌照”(licence) 指由局長批給的牌照。


條: 2 由局長批給的牌照等 L.N. 52 of 1998 27/01/1998
  1. 局長可批給附表1第I及IA部指明的任何牌照。 (1990年第430號法律公告;1997年第28號法律公告)
  2. 除第(2A)、(2B)、(2C)、(3)、(4)及(5)款另有規定外,每一個牌照或公共無線電通訊服務牌照(陸地移動業務以外的服務)須有效至它獲批給的年度的下一年度,直至它獲批給的月份的下一個月份的首日為止。 (1973年第215號法律公告;1990年第430號法律公告;1995年第133號法律公告;1997年第28號法律公告;1998年第52號法律公告)

(2A)公共無線電通訊服務牌照或公共無線電通訊服務牌照(陸地移動業務以外的服務)有效10年,由獲批給之日起計,並可在局長酌情決定下,延展一段最長為3年的期間。 (1990年第430號法律公告;1998年第52號法律公告)

(2B)固定電訊網絡服務牌照有效15年,由獲批給之日起計,並可在局長酌情決定下,延續局長認為合適的但不超逾15年的期間。 (1995年第133號法律公告) (2C)自設對外電訊系統(短期)牌照有效期為3個月,由獲批給之日起計,並不可續期。 (1997年第28號法律公告)

(3) 廣播轉播電台牌照有效15年,由獲批給之日起計。 (1973年第215號法律公告)

  1. 船舶電台牌照或航空器電台牌照由獲批給的月份的首日起有效,並須在牌照的條件規限下在隨後12個月的期間有效。 (1966年第43號法律公告)
    1. 因根據船舶電台牌照一般條件第9(d)條作出的申請而批給的新船舶電台牌照有效期為12個月,由獲批給的月份的首日起計。 (1992年第406號法律公告)
    2. (5A)因根據航空器電台牌照條件第3(3)條作出的申請而批給的新航空器電台牌照,其有效期須相等於假若該新牌照未獲批給時,被取替的牌照原應具有的有效期。 (1992年第406號法律公告)
    1. 就局長批給任何牌照或將任何牌照續期而在批給或續期時須支付的費用,為附表1第I、IA及II部指明的適當費用。 (1973年第215號法律公告;1984年第4號法律公告;1989年第301號法律公
    2. 告;1990年第430號法律公告;1997年第28號法律公告) (6A)-(6E) (由1990年第430號法律公告廢除)
    1. 由局長批給的每一牌照,須採用附表3列出的適當表格;局長可一般地或在任何個別情況下,加入他認為需要的進一步條件,而他亦可在其認為合適時刪除附表3任何表格內的條件。
    2. (1) 局長在收到接受考試的人繳付附表2第I或II部第3欄訂明的適當費用後,可向該人進行─
      1. (a)附表2第I部第2欄指明的任何考試,而如他信納接受考試的人合格,可向該人發出適當的資格證書;及
      2. (b) 附表2第II部第2欄指明的任何測驗。 (1989年第130號法律公告)
    1. 局長可在附表2第III部第3欄訂明的適當費用經繳付後,向他認為具有適當資格的人發出無線電通訊的資格證書。 (1989年第130號法律公告)
      1. (3) 每一資格證書須採用局長所不時決定的格式。
      2. (4) 獲發資格證書的人須作保密聲明,其形式可由局長所不時決定。
    1. 局長在附表2第IV部第3欄訂明的適當費用經繳付後,可發出操作授權證明予符合以下情況的任何人─
      1. (a) 已通過附表2第II部第2欄指明的適當測驗;或
      2. (b) 局長認為有適當資格者。 (1990年第374號法律公告)
條: 3 為發出資格證書而進行的考試,以及測驗 30/06/1997
條: 4 局長發出證書授權在無線電通訊電台擔任職位 30/06/1997

(1A)獲發出操作授權證明的人可在無線電通訊電台(但非在航空器上)擔任操作授權證明指明的職位,該職位憑藉就該無線電通訊電台而根據本條例批給牌照的條件,只可由當其時持有操作授權證明的人擔任。 (1990年第374號法律公告)

  1. 局長如信納根據第(1)款獲發出操作授權證明的人,在執行他獲授權擔任職位的職責時已違反本條例或不稱職或犯有不當行為,可在任何時間將該操作授權證明取消或將其暫時吊銷一段他認為合適的期間。 (1990年第374號法律公告)
    1. 凡根據第(1)款發出的操作授權證明被取消或暫時吊銷,局長可藉書面通知,規定獲發出操作授權證明的人在通知指明的期限內,將操作授權證明交還局長,如在通知指明的期限內,該人拒絕交還或忽略交還該操作授權證明,即屬犯罪,一經循簡易程序定罪,可處罰款$10000及監禁6個月。 (1981年第352號法律公告;1994年第255號法律公告)
      1. (4) 局長可免除或退回根據第(1)款須繳付的任何費用。 (1990年第374號法律公告)
        1. (5) 每一操作授權證明─
          1. (a) 其有效期為局長所不時決定的期間;及
          2. (b) 須採用局長所不時決定的格式。 (1990年第374號法律公告)
  2. 獲發出操作授權證明的人須作保密聲明,其形式可由局長不時決定。 (1990年第374號法律公告)
  3. 在操作授權證明屆滿前,獲發出操作授權證明的人可以局長不時決定的形式及方式,向局長申請操作授權證明重新生效,而局長可將操作授權證明重新生效,期間由局長決定。 (1990年第374號法律公告)
條: 5 為施行本條例第 9條而批給許可證的費用 30/06/1997


106A -電訊規例


條: 6 牌照或證書的遺失或損毀 30/06/1997



(2) 凡局長根據第(1)或(1A)款發出─ (1992年第406號法律公告)

(a) 任何牌照或證書的複本,就該複本須繳付費用$55;及
    1. 如憑藉第2(5)條的條文而無須就批給牌照繳付費用,則根據本條而發出複本亦無須繳付費用。
    2. 凡附表3內牌照表格所載的條件,已就局長對地址改變的註明或對牌照作出的任何修訂作出規定,則無須就該項註明或作出的任何上述修訂收取費用。 (1966年第43號法律公告)
  1. 牌照不得轉讓,除非牌照的條件明文規定可予轉讓,而如有該項條件,則牌照只可按照該項條件轉讓。
  2. 如牌照可續期,可在須予續期的牌照屆滿當日或之前向局長繳付續期費用而為牌照續期。(1995年第238號法律公告)
條: 7 修訂牌照無須繳付費用 30/06/1997
條: 8 與牌照有關的一般條文 30/06/1997

(3) 局長可在獲批給牌照的人的同意下,藉在牌照作適當的批註而修訂牌照。 (1984年第4號法律公告)

條: 9 通知 30/06/1997



條: 10 交回牌照 30/06/1997
  1. (1) 任何牌照在屆滿或取消後,須於屆滿或取消的4個星期內,交回局長。
  2. 任何持牌人沒有遵從第(1)款,即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處罰款$10000。 (1994年第255號法

律公告) (1984年第4號法律公告)

條: 11 干擾 30/06/1997
  1. 任何人在使用任何作電訊之用的器具時,其使用方式不得導致直接或間接干擾任何合法進行的電訊服務,或在香港或香港以外合法操作的其他電訊器具。
  2. 局長可藉書面通知任何管有作電訊之用的器具的人,規定該人在通知所指明的時間內,採取局長認為合宜的措施,以防止第(1)款所描述的性質的干擾。


知,即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處罰款$20000。 (1994年第255號法律公告) (1984年第4號法律公告)

條: 12 就電氣或輻射干擾而進行的測試及測量 30/06/1997



其是否符合根據本規例而對其適用的任何規定,或是否符合持有牌照的條件。 (1984年第4號法律公告)

條: 13 作電訊之用的器具須供檢查 30/06/1997



$20000。 (1994年第255號法律公告) (1984年第4號法律公告)

條: 14 進入和搜查處所等 30/06/1997

(1) 凡裁判官根據經宣誓而作的告發信納─

(i) 該器具的管有或使用並無合法權限,或違反牌照條款或違反其他授權該項管有或使用的權限;
(ii) 局長有合理理由檢驗和測試任何在該處所、船隻、航空器或車輛之內或之上發現的任何器具;

但在兩者中任何一種情況下均遭不合理地拒絕, 裁判官可發出其手令,賦權局長或獲局長為此以書面授權的公職人員進入和搜查該處所、船隻、航空器或車輛,並檢驗在其上或其內發現的任何器具。


罪,一經定罪,可處罰款$20000及監禁6個月。 (1994年第255號法律公告) (1984年第4號法律公告) [第2條]

第I部 (1990年第430號法律公告)


牌照 費用

1. 專用電報(接收) ........................................ 每個接收頻道$20。

2. 專用電報(發送) ........................................ 不論發送頻道的數目,每個電台$55。

3. 專用電報(發送及接收) ............................ 以每個接收頻道$22另加每個發送電台$55的基礎作評估─每個地點最高收費不超逾$1100。 (1988年第234號法律公告)

4. 船舶電台 ................................................... $ 150

5. 航空器電台 ............................................... $ 150

6. 新聞接收(直接) ........................................ $1500

7. 一般無線電通訊接收電台(非聲音廣播接收器$ 80
具) ..

8. 實驗電台 ................................................... $ 300

9. 移動無線電系統─
固定電台 ............................................... $ 750
移動電台 ............................................... $ 300

10. 航空甚高頻率固定電台 ........................... $1500

11. 無線電話通訊─
固定電台 ............................................... $ 750
移動電台 ............................................... $ 370

12. 感應通訊 ................................................... $ 150

13. 無線電商(限制) ......................................... $ 750 或如為拍賣商或當押商,則為

14. 無線電商(放寬限制) ................................. $1500

15. 示範,放寬限制 ........................................ $ 300

16. 無線電通訊學校 ........................................ $ 300

17. 業餘電台 .................................................... $ 150

18. 模型控制機 ................................................ $ 55

19. 工業、科學及醫學電子機器 .................... $ 80

20. 無線電傳呼系統─
固定發送電台 ........................................ $ 750
接收電台 ................................................ $ 80

21. 闊頻帶鏈路中繼電台 ................................ 每兆赫$150

  1. 22. 廣播轉播電台 ............................................ 以本附表第II部列出的基礎作評估。 (1990年第430號法律公告)
  2. 23. 閉路電視 .................................................... 以本附表第II部列出的基礎作評估。 (1990年第430號法律公告)
  3. 24. 無線電廣播轉播電台 ................................ $ 750
  4. 25. 公共非專利電訊服務牌照 ........................ 以本附表第II部列出的基礎作評估。 (1990年第430號法律公告)
  5. 26. 遊樂船隻無線電網絡電台牌照 ................ $ 150
  6. 27. 無線電測定以及指令、狀態及數據的傳送 ....... $ 80 (1989年第193號法律公告)
  7. 28. 酒店電視(發送)牌照 ................................... 以本附表第II部列出的基礎作評估。 (1989年第301號法律公告;1990年第430號法律公告;2000年第48號第44條)
  8. 29. 公共無線電通訊服務牌照 ......................... 以本附表第II部列出的基礎作評估。 (1990年第430號法律公告)
  9. 30. 衞星電視共用天線牌照 ............................. 以本附表第II部列出的基礎作評估。 (1991年第182號法律公告)
  10. 31. 固定電訊網絡服務牌照 ............................. 以本附表第II部列出的基礎作評估。 (1995年第133號法律公告)
  11. 32. 自設對外電訊系統牌照 ............................. 以本附表第II部列出的基礎作評估。 (1995年第291號法律公告)
  12. 33. 公共無線電通訊服務牌照(陸地移動業務以外的以本附表第II部列出的基礎作評服務) ................................................. 估。 (1998年第52號法律公告)



牌照 費用

1. 自設對外電訊系統(短期)牌照 .............. $ 750 (1997年第28號法律公告)




  1. 1. 除第2段另有規定外,廣播轉播電台牌照在批給時及其後當牌照持續有效時每年的牌照批給周年日,須就每100個(不足100個亦作100個計算)輸出點,繳付費用$360。
    1. 2. 在繳付任何上述費用後的12個月的期間內,如─
        1. (a)輸出點的數目增加,須在該期間完結時,就每個增加的輸出點在其設置期間的每一整
        2. 月,另繳付費用3角;或
      1. (b)輸出點的數目減少,局長須在該期間完結時,就每個輸出點在其停用期間的每一整月,向持牌人退回3角。


  1. 1. 除第2段另有規定外,閉路電視牌照在批給或續期時,須就每個發射器繳付費用$150及就每個接收器繳付費用$80。
    1. 2. 在牌照批給或續期後的12個月的期間內,如─
      1. (a)操作的接收器數目多於牌照所指明的,須在該期間完結時,就每個增加的接收器在其操作期間的每一整月,另繳付費用$7;
      2. (b)操作的接收器數目少於牌照所指明的,局長須在該期間完結時,就低於該數目的每個接收器在其停用期間的每一整月向持牌人退回$7。



  1. 1. 公共非專利電訊服務牌照在批給或續期時,須繳付費用$750。
    1. 為提供服務而管有、使用、設置或維持作無線電通訊之用的器具,在牌照批給或續期時,另須繳付下述費用─
      1. (a) 就每個基地或固定電台繳付費用$750;及
      2. (b)就該服務的顧客所使用的移動電台繳付費用,以下述比率計算,即首200個電台繳付$15000,而就超逾200個電台,每100個(不足100個亦作100個計算)移動電台另繳付費用$7500。
    1. 為釐定根據第2(a)及(b)段須繳付的費用,電台的數目為牌照在批給或續期時(視屬何情況而定)正在運作的電台的數目。
    2. 酒店電視(發送)牌照
  2. 酒店電視(發送)牌照在批給或續期時,須就每個運作為電視節目的獨立來源的發射器,繳付費用$150,並就每個運作為系統的獨立輸出的接收器,繳付費用$80。
    1. 在領有牌照的服務的分配系統內,管有、使用、設置或維持作無線電通訊之用的器具,須在牌照批給或續期時繳付下述附加費用─
      1. (a) 就分配系統內的每一個無線電發射器所佔用帶寬的每兆赫,繳付費用$75;
      2. (b) 就分配系統內的每一個無線電接收機所佔用帶寬的每兆赫,繳付費用$75。
  3. 為釐定根據第2(a)及(b)段須繳付的費用,就發射器及接收器而言,其數目為牌照在批給或續期時(視屬何情況而定)正在運作的數目。
  4. 為釐定根據第2(a)及(b)段須繳付的費用,佔用帶寬為牌照在批給或續期時(視屬何情況而定)正被

佔用的帶寬。 (2000年第48號第44條)


    1. 公共無線電通訊服務牌照在批給時及當牌照繼續有效時每年的牌照批給周年日,須繳付的每年費用的款額為─
      1. (a) 就該服務而裝置的第1個至第50個基地電台 每個基地電台$1000
      2. (b) 就該服務而裝置的第51個至第100個基地電台 每個基地電台$500
      3. (c) 就該服務而裝置的第101個基地電台及任何額外的基地電台每個基地電台$100
      4. (d) 就該服務的顧客使用的首200個或以下的移動電台 $3600
      5. (e) 就該服務的顧客使用的每100個或以下的額外移動電台 $1800
      6. (f) 就分配予持牌人的每1千赫的頻譜 $50
  1. 為釐定須繳付的費用,電台的數目及獲分配的頻譜寬度為牌照在批給時或在批給的周年日時獲

授權或正被使用者。 (1999年第58號法律公告;2000年第62號法律公告;2002年第29號法律公告;2004年第33號法律公告;2005年第23號法律公告)


  1. 1. 衞星電視共用天線牌照在批給或續期時,須繳付費用$750。
  2. 2. 牌照在批給或續期時,須就每100個(不足100個亦作100個計算)輸出點繳付費用$700。
  3. 為釐定根據第2段所須繳付的費用,輸出點的數目為牌照在批給或續期時(視屬何情況而定)正在

運作的輸出點的數目。 (1991年第182號法律公告)


  1. 固定電訊網絡服務牌照在批給時及當牌照繼續有效時每年的牌照批給周年日,須繳付費用$1000000。
  2. 2. 以電訊線路或無線電通訊方式接駁至根據牌照附表2設置和維持且由持牌人提供的網絡,在牌照批給的周年日或續期時,須就每100個顧客接駁點繳付費用$700。
    1. 3. 除第4段另有規定外,須就使用分配予持牌人的無線電頻譜,在牌照批給時及牌照批給的每一個周年日,按照下列公式繳付費用─
        1. (a) 如無線電頻譜分配予持牌人專用─
          1. (i) 就當時獲分配的1吉赫以下的每1千赫(不足1千赫亦作1千赫計算)頻譜,繳付$50;
          2. (ii) 就當時獲分配在1吉赫至10.999吉赫內的每1千赫(不足1千赫亦作1千赫計算)頻譜,繳付$(50-4F),F是當時獲分配的頻帶內捨入最接近吉赫的頻率;
          3. (iii) 就當時獲分配在11吉赫至18.999吉赫內的每1千赫(不足1千赫亦作1千赫計算)頻譜,繳付$(20-F),F是當時獲分配的頻帶內捨入最接近吉赫的頻率;
          4. (iv) 就獲分配在19吉赫或以上的每1千赫(不足1千赫亦作1千赫計算)頻譜,繳付$1;
      1. (b)如無線電頻譜的任何部分是以非專用或共用形式分配予持牌人,按照(a)段列出的公式計算的費用須按比例減少,而減少因子相等於局長授權使用或預留使用該部分無線電頻譜的人數。為免生疑問,減少因子須在牌照批給時及在牌照批給的每一周年日釐定。
  3. 4. 使用以下任何頻帶內的任何頻譜,無須繳付任何費用─

6.765 ─ 6.795兆赫

  1. ─ 13.567兆赫
  2. ─ 27.283兆赫
  3. ─ 40.7兆赫
    2400 ─ 2500兆赫
  4. ─ 5.875吉赫
  5. ─ 24.25吉赫
    61 ─ 61.5吉赫
    122 ─ 123吉赫
    244 ─ 246吉赫



  1. 1. 牌照在批給或續期時,須繳付費用$750。
    1. 如電訊系統包括1個或多於1個地球站,須在牌照批給時繳付下列按照地球站類型而計算的附加費用─
      1. (a) 就任何需要局長進行射頻協調的小型衞星通訊(VSAT)地球站,繳付費用$6000;
      2. (b) 就任何不需要局長進行射頻協調的小型衞星通訊地球站,繳付費用$5000;
      3. (c) 就任何需要局長進行射頻協調的小型衞星通訊地球站以外的地球站,繳付費用$17000;
      4. (d)就任何不需要局長進行射頻協調的小型衞星通訊地球站以外的地球站,繳付費用



“小型衞星通訊地球站”(VSAT) 指具有直徑小於4米(或如屬非圓形天線,則具有同等表面面積)


“地球站”(earth station) 指位於地球表面並擬與1個或多於1個衞星通訊的地球站;

“射頻協調”(radio frequency co-ordination) 指國際電信聯盟*發出的《無線電規則》#第11條所描

述的射頻協調; (1995年第291號法律公告)

公共無線電通訊服務牌照 (陸地移動業務以外 的服務)

1. 須於公共無線電通訊服務牌照(陸地移動業務以外的服務)批給時及其後當牌照持續有效時每年的牌照批給周年日繳付的年費的款額為─

(a) 每個牌照$50000;及
(b) 每個由該服務的持牌人所操作的陸地電台或陸地地球站$1000。

(1998年第52號法律公告) (第II部由1990年第430號法律公告增補) (附表1由1988年第192號法律公告代替)


* “國際電信聯盟”乃“International Telecommunication Union”之譯名。 # “《無線電規則》”乃“Radio Regulations”之譯名。

附表: 2 23 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997





  1. 1. 無線電報特級資格證書.................................
  2. 2. 無線電話普通資格證書.................................
  3. 3. 有限制的無線電話資格證書.........................
  4. 4. 海上無線電通訊普通證書─第I部................
  5. 5. 海上無線電通訊普通證書─第II部...............
  6. 6. 更換有效的第1及2級資格證書─第I部........
  7. 7. 更換有效的第1及2級資格證書─第II部.......
  8. 8. 考取業餘無線電證書的業餘無線電筆試.....



  1. 1. 業餘無線電莫爾斯電碼測試......................
  2. 2. 一級、二級或特別級無線電報證書的重新生效測驗...................................................
  3. 3. 重考海上無線電通訊普通證書中的“Watchkeeping and Communication” 科目...........................................................
  4. 4. 以下證書持有人的生效測驗—

(a) 在香港以外發出的無線電報資格證書;或



$ 510
$ 150
$ 150
$ 510
$ 430
$ 350 (1989年第


$ 80

$ 510

$ 220

(b) 在香港以外發出的GMDSS無線電電子證書..........................................

5. 以下證書持有人的生效測驗—

(a) 在香港以外發出的無線電話資格證書;或
(b) 在香港以外發出的GMDSS操作員證書...................................................


項 發出資格證書

  1. 1. 無線電報特級資格證書...............................
  2. 2. 無線電話普通資格證書...............................
  3. 3. 有限制的無線電話資格證書.......................
  4. 4. 海上無線電通訊普通證書...........................
  5. 5. 業餘無線電證書...........................................
  6. 6. 一級無線電電子證書...................................
  7. 7. 二級無線電電子證書...................................
  8. 8. 普通操作員證書...........................................
  9. 9. 有限制操作員證書.......................................


項 操作授權證明

  1. 1. 發出操作授權證明.......................................
  2. 2. 操作授權證明的重新生效...........................

$1500 (1998年第

$ 700 (1998年第


$ 120

$ 120

$ 120

$ 620

$ 120

$ 780 (1991年第


$ 780 (1991年第


$ 410 (1991年第


$ 780 (1991年第



費用 $ 160 $ 160







發出日期: 續期日期: 發出費用: 續期費用:

人”),地址為 ............................................................................,已向電訊管理局局長繳付
$ .............................................的發出費用,現獲發牌照,以在本牌照所載的各項條件規限下─

管有、設置和維持一個電報器具作接收介乎 ...........................................
........................................................ 與 ..........................................................
目的純粹為持牌人接收與他本身作為 ...........


  1. 1. 器具須只由獲持牌人為此授權的人操作。
  2. 附錄的附表須顯示接收電報訊號的地址。此地址必須以有效的“Private Telegraph (Transmission)Licence”所涵蓋。
  3. 3. 對器具或器具所連接的頻道的任何更改,須事先獲得電訊管理局局長的書面批准。
  4. 4. 器具及本牌照均須在任何合理時間供電訊管理局局長妥為授權的人員檢查。
    1. 本牌照由發出日期起計持續有效一年,而其後只要持牌人在每段為期一年的接續期間開始前,向電訊管理局局長預先繳付在當其時有效的規例所訂明或根據該規例所訂明的續期費用,則本牌照在接續的每一年均有效:
    2. 但電訊管理局局長可在發出日期後,藉向持牌人送達書面通知,或藉在憲報刊登致予“AllPrivate Telegraph (Reception) Licensees”的公告,在任何時間撤銷本牌照或更改本牌照的條件。根據本條作出的通知或公告可即時生效或於該通知或公告所指明的較後日期生效。
  5. 本牌照不得轉讓。持牌人未得電訊管理局局長對改變存放或操作器具的每一個地址的書面同意,不可改變該地址。
    1. 7. 持牌人須─
      1. (a) 向電訊管理局局長提供其通訊地址;
      2. (b) 將其地址的任何改變,從速以書面通知電訊管理局局長;及
      3. (c) 在作出(b)段提述的通知時,將本牌照及附表交還電訊管理局局長修訂。
  6. 8. 本牌照在屆滿或撤銷後,須交還電訊管理局局長。
  7. 9. 電訊管理局局長以前曾就器具批給持牌人的任何牌照或不論如何描述的許可證,現予以撤銷。
  8. 10. 所接收的材料如有版權,本牌照並無授權持牌人作出任何侵犯該版權的作為。
  9. 持牌人及操作本牌照授權持牌人設置和使用的任何電台的所有人士,均須遵守和遵從電信公約的有關條文。
  10. 12. 在本牌照內,“電信公約”(Telecommunication Convention)指不時或在任何時間為香港參加或適


................................................ 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)







發出日期: 續期日期: 發出費用: 續期費用:

..................................................................................................................(以下稱為 “持牌人 ”),地址
為 .........................................................................................,已向電訊管理局局長繳付
$ .........................................................的發出費用,現獲發牌照,以在本牌照所載的各項條件規限下─

管有、設置和維持一個電報器具,以發送介乎 .......................................
............................................................ 與 ......................................................
目的純粹為持牌人發送與他本身作為 ..............................................................................業務有關的


  1. 1. 器具須只由獲持牌人為此授權的人操作。
  2. 2. 電報訊號可發送往的一個或多於一個地址列載於附表內。電報訊號不可發送往任何其他地址。
  3. 3. 對器具或器具所連接的頻道的任何更改,須事先獲得電訊管理局局長的書面批准。
  4. 4. 器具及本牌照均須在任何合理時間供電訊管理局局長妥為授權的人員檢查。
  5. 本牌照由發出日期起計持續有效一年,而其後只要持牌人在每段為期一年的接續期間開始前,向電訊管理局局長預先繳付在當其時有效的規例所訂明或根據該規例所訂明的續期費用,則本


但電訊管理局局長可在發出日期後,藉向持牌人送達書面通知,或藉在憲報刊登致予“AllPrivate Telegraph (Transmission) Licensees”的公告,在任何時間撤銷本牌照或更改本牌照的條件。根據本條作出的通知或公告可即時生效或於該通知或公告所指明的較後日期生效。

  1. 本牌照不得轉讓。持牌人未得電訊管理局局長對改變存放或操作器具的每一個地址的書面同意,不可改變該地址。
    1. 7. 持牌人須─
      1. (a) 向電訊管理局局長提供其通訊地址;
      2. (b) 將其地址的任何改變,從速以書面通知電訊管理局局長;及
      3. (c) 在作出(b)段提述的通知時,將本牌照及附表交還電訊管理局局長修訂。
  2. 8. 本牌照在屆滿或撤銷後,須交還電訊管理局局長。
  3. 9. 電訊管理局局長以前曾就器具批給持牌人的任何牌照或不論如何描述的許可證,現予以撤銷。
  1. 持牌人及操作本牌照授權持牌人設置和使用的任何電台的所有人士,均須遵守和遵從電信公約的有關條文。
  2. 11. 在本牌照內,“電信公約”(Telecommunication Convention)指不時或在任何時間為香港參加或適用於香港的任何《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》及附錄於該公約的規例。

.............................................. 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)







發出日期: 續期日期: 發出費用: 續期費用:

..................................................................................................................(以下稱為 “持牌人 ”),地址
$ .........................................................的發出費用,現獲發牌照,以在本牌照所載的各項條件規限下─

管有、設置和維持電報發送及接收器具,以發送和接收介乎 ................................................................... 與 ....................................之間的多於一個頻道的電報

訊號,其目的純粹為持牌人發送和接收與他本身作為 .......................................................................................................... 業務有關的訊息。


  1. 1. 器具須只由獲持牌人為此授權的人操作。
  2. 2. 電報訊號可發送往的一個或多於一個地址列載於附表內。電報訊號不可發送往任何其他地址。
  3. 3. 對器具或器具所連接的頻道的任何更改,須事先獲得電訊管理局局長的書面批准。
  4. 4. 器具及本牌照均須在任何合理時間供電訊管理局局長妥為授權的人員檢查。
    1. 本牌照由發出日期起計持續有效一年,而其後只要持牌人在每段為期一年的接續期間開始前,向電訊管理局局長預先繳付在當其時有效的規例所訂明或根據該規例所訂明的續期費用,則本牌照在接續的每一年均有效:
    2. 但電訊管理局局長可在發出日期後,藉向持牌人送達書面通知,或藉在憲報刊登致予“AllPrivate Telegraph (Transmission and Reception) Licensees”的公告,在任何時間撤銷本牌照或更改本牌照的條款、條文或限制。根據本條作出的通知或公告可即時生效或於該通知或公告所指明的較後日期生效。
  5. 本牌照不得轉讓。持牌人未得電訊管理局局長對改變存放或操作器具的地址的書面同意,不得改變該地址。
    1. 7. 持牌人須─
      1. (a) 向電訊管理局局長提供其通訊地址;
      2. (b) 將其地址的任何改變,從速以書面通知電訊管理局局長;及
      3. (c) 在作出(b)段提述的通知時,將本牌照及附表交還電訊管理局局長修訂。
  6. 8. 本牌照在屆滿或撤銷後,須交還電訊管理局局長。
  7. 9. 電訊管理局局長以前曾就器具批給持牌人的任何牌照或不論如何描述的許可證,現予以撤銷。
  8. 持牌人及操作本牌照授權持牌人設置和使用的任何電台的所有人士,均須遵守和遵從電信公約的有關條文。
  9. 11. 在本牌照內,“電信公約”(Telecommunication Convention)指不時或在任何時間為香港參加或適用於香港的任何《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》及附錄於該公約的規例。

.............................................. 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)




(第106章) 香港



號碼 ............... 有效期:1年

按照《電訊條例》(第106章)及附於現正生效的《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》的《無線電規則》#,現發出本牌照予 ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................... (以下稱為 “持牌人 ”),地址為................................................................................................................,以在本牌照所載各項條件規限下,裝置和使用下述無線電設備(以下稱為“該電台”)─

1 2 3
船舶或船隻名稱 呼號或其他識別 公共通訊的種類
(“該船”) (“呼號”)
設備 a b c d
類型 功率 發射類別 頻帶或 獲分配 的頻率
4 發射器
5 船舶緊急發射器
6 救生艇發射器
7 其他設備
.................................. 地點 供發出當局填寫: ................................... 發出日期 .................................. 認證
在 ...................................當日或之前續期
  1. 使用該電台作發送時,所採用的發射須屬附表所指明的發射類別,頻率為附表就各別發射類別所指明的頻率,而功率則不得超逾附表就當時正在使用的發射類別及頻率所指明的功率。
  2. 2. !(a)組成該電台的器具須在設計、構造、維修及使用上,使該電台的使用不致對任何無線電通訊造成任何可避免的干擾。

(b) 任何該等器具─

(i) (如屬香港註冊的船舶)時刻均須符合《商船(安全)條例》(第369章)及根據該條例訂立的規例;而如屬根據《商船(本地船隻)條例》(第548章)領有證明書的船隻,則時刻均須符合該條例及根據該條例訂立的規例;及

(ii) 時刻均須符合電訊管理局局長所發出的有關性能規格。


  1. 3. 持牌人及操作該電台的所有人士均須遵守和遵從電信公約的有關條文。
  2. 持牌人不得准許或容受任何未獲授權的人操作該電台或取用組成該電台的器具:但持牌人須准許任何代表電訊管理局局長或海事處處長執行職務而行事的人,在任何合理時間進入該電台,以檢查和測試組成該電台的器具。持牌人須確保操作該電台的人時刻均遵守本牌照的各項條件。
    1. 該電台須只由獲持牌人為此授權的人操作,而該人並須具有電訊管理局局長發出的書面授權,可以在屬該電台類型的作無線電通訊之用的船舶電台擔任操作員的職位,但此等規定─
      1. (a)不阻止在遇險時任何人為引起注意、告知出事位置和取得援助而以任何方式及由任何人使用和操作該電台;及
      2. (b) 不適用於接收無線電測定電台或認可廣播電台所發出的訊息。
  3. 如接收到未獲本牌照批准接收的任何訊息,持牌人或任何使用該電台的人,除對電訊管理局局長妥為授權的人員或具管轄權的法律審裁處外,不得向任何人透露該訊息的內容、來源或目的地、該訊息的存在或接收到該訊息的事實,亦不得保留該訊息的文本或將該訊息作任何用途,或容許任何人抄錄、複製或使用該訊息。
    1. 如該電台在香港以外的任何國家或領域的地域範圍內使用,則須按照該國家或領域的有關主管機關所訂立的規例而使用。
    2. 檢查及關閉
    1. 8. (a) 電台須在電訊管理局局長的人員以書面提出要求下而在任何時間關閉。
      1. (b)該電台須開放予獲電訊管理局局長妥為授權的人員於任何合理時間進行檢查,而在該名人員以書面提出要求下,該電台須在任何時間停止使用。
      2. (c)本牌照連同憑藉本牌照第9(c)條的條文送達持牌人的更改書面通知,須供任何代表電訊管理局局長或海事處處長執行職務的人在要求時檢查,以及須供該船停靠國家的主管當局在要求時檢查。


9. (a) 除下文另有規定外,本牌照可每年續期,直至電訊管理局局長將牌照撤銷為止。

(b) 持牌人─
(i) 須在本牌照發出時,向電訊管理局局長繳付在《電訊條例》(第106章)下訂立而在當其時有效的規例所訂明或根據該規例所訂明的款項;及
(d) 每當下列事項有任何改變,持牌人須從速以書面向電訊管理局局長申請新牌照─
(i) 持牌人地址;
(ii) 該船的名稱;或
(iii) 所安裝的無線電設備。

10. 本牌照不得轉讓,並且在下列情況下須即時交還電訊管理局局長─

(a) 牌照已被取消;
(b) 牌照因時間期滿而屆滿;
(c) 持牌人不再是該船的船東;
(d) (該船如屬在香港註冊)該船已不再如此在香港註冊;或


  1. 11. 本牌照不得當作免除任何條例所施加或根據任何條例所施加於持牌人的任何規定。
  2. 12. 在本牌照內,“電信公約”(the Telecommunication Convention) 指當其時適用於香港的任何《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》及附錄於該公約的《無線電規則》#。


.............................................. 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)


設備詳情 最大功率(分貝(瓦)) 頻率(兆赫) 發射類別




號碼 .......................................
有效期 ...................................


1 2 3 4
航空器的國籍及 呼號或其他 航空器類型 航空器的擁有人
註冊標記 識別
設備 a b c d
類型 功率 (瓦特) 發射類別 獲分配頻 率的頻帶
5. 發射器
6. 救生艇筏發射器(如適用)
7. 其他設備


.................................. ................................... .................................. 地點 發出日期 認證

..................................................................................................................(以下稱為 “持牌人 ”),地址為 ......................................................................................,現獲發牌照,以在本牌照所載的各項條件規限下─

(a) 在以上描述航空器內(以下稱為“該航空器”)管有和設置一個作無線電通訊之用的發射及接收電台(以下稱為“該電台”,該詞包括在與該航空器相連及其通常運載的任何救生艇筏作無線電通訊之用的任何器具);及
(b) 使用該電台作為─
(i) 藉無線電通訊,發射訊息;及
(ii) 藉無線電通訊,接收供航空器電台一般接收而發射的訊息,或接收供該電台接收而發射的訊息,並藉無線電通訊,接收訊息,包括由認可廣播電台發射的節目;


1. (1)該電台及該雷達電台須只由獲持牌人為此授權的人操作,而持牌人不得准許或容受任何其他人操作該電台及該雷達電台:


  1. (2) 持牌人及操作該電台及該雷達電台的所有人士,均須遵守和遵從電信公約的有關條文。
  2. 組成該電台及該雷達電台的器具須在設計、構造、維修及使用上,使該電台的使用不致對任何無線電通訊造成任何可避免的干擾。
  3. 本牌照須供任何代表電訊管理局局長或民航處處長執行職務而行事的人在要求時檢查,以及須供該航空器停靠國家的主管當局在要求時檢查。
  4. (5) 任何極為令人厭惡的或性質屬不雅或淫褻的訊息,不得發送。
  1. 2. 如該電台用作發送公眾通訊,下列條文即適用─ 持牌人須向電訊管理局局長呈交電訊管理局局長指示根據電信公約就該電台與任何其他電台交換訊息而到期或須繳付的所有費用的帳目;持牌人亦須按電訊管理局局長指示的時間及方式,向電訊管理局局長繳付持牌人就該等訊息而到期的所有款項。為此獲得授權的人員代表電訊管理局局長簽署的任何該等款項的核證報表,就各方面(包括任何由政府提出或針對政府提出的法律程序)而言,除非有相反證明成立,即為該報表內所述事實的充分證據。
    1. 3. (1) 除下文另有規定外,本牌照持續每年有效,直至電訊管理局局長將牌照撤銷為止。
      1. 持牌人須在本牌照發出時,向電訊管理局局長繳付在《電訊條例》(第106章)下訂立而在當其時有效的規例所訂明或根據該規例所訂明的款項,以及須在牌照每年發出周年日當日或之前,預先向電訊管理局局長繳付該規例所訂明或根據該規例所訂明的續期費用。
        1. (3) 每當下列事項有任何改變,持牌人須從速以書面向電訊管理局局長申請新牌照─
          1. (a) 持牌人地址;或
          2. (b) 所安裝的無線電設備。
      2. 本牌照自新牌照批給之日起撤銷。持牌人收到新牌照後,須將本牌照交還電訊管理局局長。
      3. 持牌人須就新牌照向電訊管理局局長繳付費用,該費用是在《電訊條例》(第106章)下訂立而在當其時有效的規例或根據該規例為航空器電台牌照所訂明的費用,減去一筆相等於該費用的十二分之一乘以本牌照若非被撤銷則仍會有效的未屆滿期間內的月份數目之數,該月份數目須以新牌照批給當日的隨後一個月首天起計。


  1. 4. 本牌照不得轉讓。
  2. 5. 本牌照在撤銷後,須交還電訊管理局局長。
  3. 6. 電訊管理局局長以前曾就該電台或該雷達電台批給持牌人不論如何描述的牌照,現予以撤銷。
  4. 本牌照不得當作就《民航條例》(第448章)或根據該條例所訂立的任何規例或命令施加於任何人士的規定,作出任何豁免。 (1997年第66號第18條)
  5. 8. 在本牌照內,“電信公約”(Telecommunication Convention)指不時或在任何時間為香港參加或適用於香港的任何《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》及附錄於該公約的《無線電規則》#。

.............................................. 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)






發出日期: 續期日期: 發出費用: 續期費用:

為 .......................................................................................................................已向電訊管理局局長繳付
$ .................................................的發出費用,現獲發牌照,以在受本牌照所載的各項條件規限下─

(a) 在 ...........................................................................................................
(地址) 管有、設置和維持一個用作無線電通訊的接收電台(以下稱為“該電台”);及


  1. 組成該電台的器具須在設計、構造、維修及使用上,使該電台的使用不致對任何無線電通訊造成任何干擾。
  2. 2. 該電台及本牌照須在任何合理時間供電訊管理局局長的人員檢查。
  3. 3. 持牌人及操作該電台的所有人士,均須遵守和遵從電信公約的有關條文。
  4. 4. 本牌照持續有效直至 為止,而其後只要持牌人在每年 (日期)當日或之前,向電訊管理局局長預先繳付$ 的續期費用,該牌照仍會有效;但電訊管理局局長可在發出日期後,藉向持牌人送達書面通知,在任何時間撤銷本牌照或更改本牌照的條款、條文或限制。根據本條作出的通知可即時生效或於該通知所指明的較後日期生效。
  5. 5. 本牌照不得轉讓。
  6. 6. 本牌照在屆滿或撤銷後,須交還電訊管理局局長。
  7. 7. 電訊管理局局長以前曾就該電台批給持牌人不論如何描述的牌照,現予以撤銷。
    1. 8. 在本牌照內─
        1. (1) “新聞訊息”(Press message) 指任何訊息,其文本只包含公眾感興趣的題材的資訊、評論、
        2. 報告及報導,並於當期時是擬在報章刊登或擬作廣播的;
      1. (2) (由1984年第4號法律公告廢除)
      2. (3) “電信公約”(The Telecommunication Convention) 指已不時或在任何時間為香港參加或適用於香港的任何《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》及附錄於該公約的《無線電規則》#;
      3. (4) “無線電通訊”(Radiocommunications) 指藉使用訊號編碼而將書面材料發射的電訊系統。
    1. 9. 持牌人須─
        1. (a) 就下列事項的改變,從速以書面向電訊管理局局長作出通知─
          1. (i) 持牌人地址;
          2. (ii) 接收電台地址;或
          3. (iii) 本牌照及附表上列出的任何詳情;及
      1. (b) 在作出(a)段述及的通知時,將本牌照及附表交還電訊管理局局長修訂。
  8. 10. 如運作該電台的電力來自公共電力供應,則電源不得與天線直接連接。
  9. 任何天線,如橫跨或可能會墜落或被吹倒在任何架空電線(包括電力照明及電車的電線)或電力器具,則須予以防護,至令有關電線或電力器具的擁有人合理滿意的程度。
  10. 本牌照並無批准持牌人作出任何侵犯任何版權的作為,而該版權是可能存在於發送或接收的材料內的。
  11. 如透過該電台接收到未獲本牌照批准接收的任何訊息,持牌人或任何使用該電台的人,除對電訊管理局局長妥為授權的人員或具管轄權的法律審裁處外,不得向任何人透露該訊息的內容、來源或目的地、該訊息的存在或接收到該訊息的事實,亦不得保留該訊息的文本或將該訊息作任何用途,或容許任何人抄錄、複製或使用該訊息。

.............................................. 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)


發送電台機構 用作接收 接收的時間 新聞訊息接收者的
的名稱及呼號 的頻率 (0000─2400 姓名或名稱及地址



發出日期: 屆滿日期: 發出費用: 續期費用:

牌照號碼 ...............................

.......................................................................................................................................(全名) (以下稱為“持牌人”),地址為 ............................................................................,

(詳細地址) 現獲發牌照於 ...............................................................................................................(在此指明維持該器具的地址)在本牌照所載的各項條件規限下管有、設置和維持一個包含附表述及的器具的接收電台,以 .................................................。

日期:19 年 月 日


  1. 1. 持牌人不得容許該電台用作本牌照指明用途以外的其他用途。
  2. 持牌人須將接收到每個訊息的日期及時間、發送電台的呼號及訊息的摘要,載入一本簿冊(以下稱為日誌簿)內。日誌簿須在任何合理時間,供電訊管理局局長妥為授權的人員檢查。
  3. 如非故意接收到未獲批准使用該器具接收的任何訊息,除對電訊管理局局長妥為授權的人員或具管轄權的法律審裁處外,不得向任何人透露該訊息的內容、來源或目的地、該訊息的存在或接收到該訊息的事實,亦不得抄錄、複製或使用該訊息,或容許任何人抄錄、複製或使用該訊息。
  4. 4. 使用該電台的方式不得對其他電訊運作造成可避免的干擾。
  5. 任何天線,如橫跨或可能會墜落或被吹倒在任何架空電線(包括電力照明及電車的電線),則須予以防護,至令有關電線的擁有人合理滿意的程度。任何天線的豎設形式不得違反《香港機場(障礙管制)條例》(第301章)的任何條文或在其一旦墜落或下降時,該天線不得佔用或橫越公共大道。
  6. 如使用地面接駁,在可能情況下該地面接駁須包含一個埋藏在建築物外地面下的金屬碟或管道。如不可能如此安排,則可採用接駁至冷水供水總喉管的金屬喉管的有效接駁。任何情況下,不得使用氣體或熱水喉管。地面導線的橫截面面積不得少於4平方毫米(7/0.85)。地面系統由無線電接收機的接地端子的電壓在故障情況下,不得超逾40伏特方均根值。
  7. 7. 該電台及本牌照均須在任何合理時間供電訊管理局局長妥為授權的人員檢查。
  8. 8. 本牌照不得轉讓。
  9. 如持牌人的地址或維持器具的地址有改變,或附表述及的細節擬有任何改變,持牌人須從速向電訊管理局局長作出書面通知,並在作出該通知時,將本牌照交還電訊管理局局長修訂。
  10. 本牌照由發出日期起計持續有效一年,而其後只要持牌人在每段為期一年的接續期間開始前,向電訊管理局局長預先繳付在當其時有效的規例所訂明或根據該等規例所訂明的續期費用,則本牌照在接續的每一年均有效。
  11. 如持牌人違反本牌照所載的任何條件或《電訊條例》(第106章),電訊管理局局長可在發出日期後,藉向持牌人送達書面通知而在任何時間撤銷本牌照。根據本段作出的通知可即時生效或於該通知指明的較後日期生效。

註: (1) 本牌照並無批准侵犯接收材料的版權。

(2) 租得或租用的器具須領有牌照(見《電訊條例》(第106章)第8(2)條)。

............................................. 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)



廠名 類型 編號 接收機的頻率範圍 備註


批准的服務 操作頻率 接收的權限 備註





發出日期: 續期日期: 發出費用: 續期費用:

...................................................................................................................(以下稱為“持牌人”),地址為 ..................................................................................................,現獲發牌照,以在本牌照所載的各項條件規限下─

(a) 於 ...............................................................................................管有、


    1. (a)該電台只可在輻射受抑制情況下使用,換言之,在使用該電台時,不得從該電台發射任何能被該電台所在處所的庭園外作無線電通訊之用的任何電台或器具接收的電磁能。
    2. (b) 該電台須只由獲持牌人為此授權的人操作。
  1. 組成該電台的器具須在設計、構造、維修及使用上,使該電台的使用不致對任何無線電通訊造成任何干擾。
  2. 持牌人不得准許或容受任何未獲授權的人操作該電台或取用該電台所載的器具。持牌人須確保操作該電台的人時刻均遵守本牌照的條款、條文及限制。
  3. 4. 該電台及本牌照均須在任何合理時間供電訊管理局局長妥為授權的人員檢查。
    1. 本牌照由發出日期起計持續有效一年,而其後只要持牌人在每段為期一年的接續期間開始前,向電訊管理局局長預先繳付在當其時有效的規例所訂明或根據該等規例所訂明的續期費用,則本牌照在接續的每一年均有效:
    2. 但電訊管理局局長可在發出日期後,藉向該持牌人送達書面通知而在任何時間撤銷本牌照或更改本牌照的條款、條文或限制。根據本條作出的通知可即時生效或於該通知指明的較後日期生效。
  4. 6. 本牌照不得轉讓。
    1. 7. 持牌人須─
        1. (a) 就下列事項的改變,從速以書面向電訊管理局局長作出通知─
          1. (i) 持牌人地址;或
          2. (ii) 本牌照關乎的設備的操作處所地點;及
      1. (b) 在作出(a)段述及的通知時,將本牌照交還電訊管理局局長修訂。
  5. 8. 本牌照在屆滿或撤銷後,須交還電訊管理局局長。
  6. 9. 以前曾就該電台而批給持牌人不論如何描述的牌照,現予以撤銷。
  7. 本牌照並無批准使用該電台接收訊息,作為傳達消息或任何其他與測試無線電通訊器具無直接關係的資訊。
  8. 如透過該電台接收到未獲本牌照批准接收的任何訊息,持牌人或任何使用該電台的人,除對電訊管理局局長妥為授權的人員或具管轄權的法律審裁處外,不得向任何人透露該訊息的內容、來源或目的地、該訊息的存在或接收到該訊息的事實,亦不得保留該訊息的文本或將該訊息作任何用途,或容許任何人抄錄、複製或使用該訊息。
  9. 持牌人及操作根據本牌照持牌人獲批准設置和使用的任何電台的所有操作人士,均須遵守和遵從電信公約的有關條文。
  10. 13. 在本牌照內,“電信公約”(Telecommunication Convention)指不時或在任何時間為香港參加或適用於香港的任何《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》及附錄於該公約的《無線電規則》#。

( 代行)



移動無線電系統 固定電台牌照

發出日期: 續期日期: 發出費用: 續期費用:

.................................................................................................................(以下稱為“持牌人”),地址為 .................................................................................................,現獲發牌照,以在本牌照所載的各項條件規限下─

(a) 在 ...........................................................................................................
(地址) 管有、設置和維持一個作無線電話之用的發射及接收電台(以下稱為“該固定電台”);及
(b) 使用該固定電台發射和接收與持牌人本身作為 ...............................


  1. 上述(b)段提述的訊息,可在以持牌人名義獲發牌照的移動無線電系統所組成的電台(於附表第2部顯示)之間交換。
  2. 2. 本牌照必須放入玻璃框架內在該電台展示。
    1. (a)使用該等電台時所採用的發射,其頻率及類別與特性必須是在本牌照附表內就正在使用的發射類別與特性所分別指明者。
    2. (b) 該電台須只由獲持牌人為此授權的人操作。
  3. 組成該等電台的器具須在設計、構造、維修及使用上,使該等電台的使用不致對任何其他妥為獲發牌照或獲批准的電訊造成任何可避免的干擾。
    1. 組成該等電台的器具須時刻符合附於本牌照的附表所顯示的性能規格,但須受電訊管理局局長不時准許並有利於持牌人而作的修改所規限。除下述情況外,持牌人未得電訊管理局局長事先書面同意,不得對該器具作任何更改─
      1. (a) 該項更改的作用是使該器具符合或繼續符合上述規格;或
      2. (b) 以同類型的其他元件更換任何元件。
    1. 持牌人不得准許或容受任何未獲授權的人操作該等電台或取用該等電台內的器具。持牌人須確
    2. 保操作該電台的人時刻遵守本牌照的條款、條文及限制。
  4. 由任何電台發送的每項訊息,須以宣布被呼喚或呼喚電台的呼號作為開始。呼喚電台的呼號須在每次發送的期間完結時重覆,但在任何1分鐘的期間內,呼號無須宣布多於一次。該等電台只可以本牌照附表內指明的批准呼號被呼喚和識別。
  5. 8. 該等電台及牌照須在任何合理時間供電訊管理局局長妥為授權的人員檢查。
    1. 9. 本牌照持續有效,而只要持牌人在每年的屆滿日 ..................................或之前,向電訊管理局局長預先繳付在當其時有效的規例所訂明或根據該等規例所訂明的續期費用:
    2. 但電訊管理局局長可在發出日期後,藉向持牌人送達書面通知而在任何時間撤銷牌照或更改牌照的條款、條文或限制。根據本條作出的通知可即時生效或於該通知所指明的較後日期生效。
  6. 10. 本牌照不得轉讓。
  7. 11. 本牌照在屆滿或撤銷後,須交還電訊管理局局長。
  8. 電訊管理局局長以前曾就該等電台或任何該等電台而批給持牌人不論如何描述的任何牌照或許可證,現予以撤銷。
  9. 持牌人的地址有任何改變,或本牌照內所包括的任何電台擬作任何改變,須從速通知電訊管理局局長,而每當有該等改變發生時,須從速將本牌照及附表交還電訊管理局局長修訂。(在車輛、船舶、航空器或非本牌照附表內指明的地方設置任何該等電台時,須獲事先許可)。
  10. 14. 如運作固定電台的電力來自公共電力供應,則電源不得與天線直接連接。
  11. 該固定電台的天線,如橫跨或可能會墜落或被吹倒在任何架空電線(包括電力照明及電車的電線)或電力器具,則須予以防護,至令有關電線或電力器具的擁有人合理滿意的程度。
  12. 16. 任何該等電台與公共電話交換機的連接不會獲准許。
  13. 除非本牌照如此明文規定,本牌照並無批准任何電台所接收到的訊息轉播至其他處所或地方,或將該等訊息向公眾傳達。
  14. 如透過該電台接收到未獲本牌照批准接收的任何訊息,持牌人或任何使用該等電台的人,除對電訊管理局局長妥為授權的人員或具管轄權的法律審裁處外,不得向任何人透露該訊息的內容、來源或目的地、該訊息的存在或接收到該訊息的事實,亦不得保留該訊息的文本或將該訊息作任何用途,或容許任何人抄錄、複製或使用該訊息。
  15. 電訊管理局局長可酌情決定公布持牌人的姓名或名稱及地址,以及分配給持牌人使用的頻率,除非持牌人特別要求不要公布。
  16. 持牌人及操作根據本牌照持牌人獲批准設置和使用的任何電台的所有人士,均須遵守和遵從電信公約的有關條文。
  17. 21. 在本牌照內,“電信公約”(Telecommunication Convention)指不時或在任何時間為香港參加或適用於香港的任何《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》及附錄於該公約的《無線電規則》#。

.............................................. 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)



持牌人的姓名或名稱及地址 ......................................................................................

1 電台 呼號 2 頻率及最 大頻差容限 (D段適用) 3 發射頻帶 寬度 (D段適用) 4 發射類別(C段適用) 5 最大有效輻 射功率(瓦特) (A及B段適用) 6 天線特性 (A及B 段適用) 7
第1部 固定電台 第2部 移動電台
於19 ........ .....發出


A. 有效輻射功率(ERP)是平均射頻功率乘以天線在水平面上的增益。平均射頻功率(REP)是指在一般無調制的情況下輸送至天線的功率;但在某些系統中,如使用調制引致有效載波功率增加(如載波及旁頻帶重新分配致使功率有任何改變除外),則增加量無須計算在內。
B. 平均無線電頻率功率、有效輻射功率及天線特性將由電訊管理局局長酌情決定,以所用器具的種類特性的量度或計算作評估。
C. 用以指定發射類別的符號具有電信公約給予該等符號的涵義。
D. “頻帶寬度”(Bandwidth) 及“頻差容限”(frequency tolerance) 具有電信公約給予該等詞的涵義。 (1966年第43號法律公告;1984年第4號法律公告;2000年第36號第28條)



移動無線電系統 移動電台牌照

發出日期: 續期日期: 發出費用: 續期費用:

..................................................................................................................(以下稱為 “持牌人 ”),地址為 ..............................................................................................,現獲發牌照,以在附於本牌照的各項條件規限下─

(a) 於 ...........................................................................................................
(地址) 管有、設置和維持一個作無線電話之用的發射及接收電台(以下稱為“該移動電台”);及
(b) 使用該移動電台以發射和接收與持牌人本身作為 ...........................


  1. 上述(b)段提述的訊息,可在移動電台之間交換;如某固定電台是以持牌人名義作為移動無線電系統的固定電台而妥為領牌,並顯示於持牌人同時持有的固定電台牌照的附表第2部內,則上述訊息可在該移動電台與該固定電台之間交換。
  2. 2. 本牌照必須放入玻璃框架內在該電台展示。
  3. 3. 本牌照須受附於移動無線電系統固定電台牌照的各項條件規限。
  4. 持牌人及操作根據本牌照持牌人獲批准設置和使用的任何電台的所有人士,均須遵守和遵從電信公約的有關條文。
  5. 5. 在本牌照內,“電信公約”(Telecommunication Convention)指不時或在任何時間為香港參加或適用於香港的任何《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》及附錄於該公約的《無線電規則》#。

............................................... 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)





發出日期: 續期日期: 發出費用: 續期費用:

...................................................................................................................(以下稱為“持牌人”),地址為 ...................................................................................................,現獲發牌照,以在本牌照所載的各項條件規限下─

(a) 於 ....................................................................................................管有、設置和維持一個作無線電通訊之用的發射及接收電台(以下稱為“該電台”);
(b) 只是在持牌人擁有或獨家代表的飛行中的航空器,使用該電台以發射和接收訊息;



    1. (a)使用該電台時所採用的發射,其頻率及類別與特性必須是在本牌照附表內就正在使用的發射類別及特性所分別指明者。
    2. (b) 該電台須只由獲持牌人為此授權的人操作。
  1. 組成該電台的器具須在設計、構造、維修及使用上,使該電台的使用不致對任何其他妥為獲發牌照或批准的電訊造成任何干擾。
    1. 組成該電台的器具須時刻符合附於本牌照的性能規格,但須受電訊管理局局長不時准許並有利於持牌人而作的修改所規限。除下述情況外,持牌人未得電訊管理局局長事先書面同意,不得對該器具作任何更改─
      1. (a) 該項更改的作用是使該器具符合或繼續符合上述規格;或
      2. (b) 以同類型的其他元件更換任何元件。
  2. 持牌人不得准許或容受任何未獲授權的人操作該電台或取用該等電台內的器具。持牌人須確保操作該電台的人時刻遵守本牌照的條款、條文及限制。
  3. 由該電台發送的每項訊息,須以宣布被呼喚或呼喚電台的呼號作為開始。呼喚電台的呼號須在每次發送的期間完結時重覆,但在任何1分鐘的期間內,呼號無須宣布多於一次。該電台只可以本牌照附表內指明的批准呼號被呼喚和識別。
  4. 6. 該電台及本牌照須在任何合理時間供電訊管理局局長妥為授權的人員檢查。
    1. 7. 本牌照持續有效直至........................................................為止,而其後只要持牌人在 .........................................或之前及其後每年的 .................................或之前,向電訊管理局局長預先繳付在當其時有效的規例所訂明或根據該等規例所訂明的續期費用,本牌照仍會有效:
    2. 但電訊管理局局長可在發出日期後,藉向持牌人送達書面通知,在任何時間撤銷本牌照或更改本牌照的條款、條文或限制。根據本條作出的通知可即時生效或於該通知所指明的較後日期生效。
  5. 8. 本牌照不得轉讓。
  6. 9. 本牌照在屆滿或撤銷後,須交還電訊管理局局長。
  7. 電訊管理局局長以前曾就該電台而批給持牌人不論如何描述的任何牌照或許可證,現予以撤銷。
    1. 11. 持牌人須─
        1. (a) 在下述情況下,從速以書面向電訊管理局局長作出通知─
          1. (i) 持牌人地址改變;
          2. (ii) 該電台內擬作改變;或
          3. (iii) 對安裝該電台的地點擬作改變;及
      1. (b)在作出(a)(i)段述及的通知時,或在(a)(ii)或(iii)段提述的改變完成時,將本牌照及附表交還電訊管理局局長修訂。
  8. 12. 如運作該電台的電力來自公共電力供應,則電源不得與天線直接連接。
  9. 任何天線,如橫跨或可能會墜落或被吹倒在任何架空電線(包括電力照明及電車的電線)或電力器具,則須予以防護,至令有關電線或電力器具的擁有人合理滿意的程度。
  10. 14. 該電台與公共電話交換機的連接不會獲准許。
    1. 如透過該電台接收到未獲本牌照批准接收的任何訊息,持牌人或任何使用該電台的人,除對電訊管理局局長妥為授權的人員或具管轄權的法律審裁處外,不得向任何人透露該訊息的內容、
    2. 來源或目的地、該訊息的存在或接收到該訊息的事實,亦不得保留該訊息的文本或將該訊息作任何用途,或容許任何人抄錄、複製或使用該訊息。
  11. 16. 電訊管理局局長可酌情決定公布持牌人的姓名或名稱及地址,以及分配給持牌人使用的頻率。
  12. 持牌人及操作根據本牌照持牌人獲批准設置和使用的任何電台的所有人士,均須遵守和遵從電信公約的有關條文。
  13. 18. 在本牌照內,“電信公約”(Telecommunication Convention)指不時或在任何時間為香港參加或適用於香港的任何《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》及附錄於該公約的《無線電規則》#。

.............................................. 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)



持牌人的姓名或名稱及地址 ......................................................................................

安裝的 電台 (地點) 1 呼號 2 頻率及最 大頻差容限 (D段適用) 3 發射頻 帶寬度 (D段適用) 4 發射類別(C段適用) 5 最大有效輻 射功率(瓦特) (A及B段適用) 6 天線特性 (A及B 段適用) 7
於19 ........ .....發出


A. 有效輻射功率(ERP)是平均射頻功率乘以天線在水平面上的增益。平均射頻功率(REP)是指在一般無調制的情況下輸送至天線的功率;但在某些系統中,如使用調制引致有效載波功率增加(如載波及旁頻帶重新分配致使功率有任何改變除外),則增加量無須計算在內。
B. 平均無線電頻率功率、有效輻射功率及天線特性將由電訊管理局局長酌情決定,以所用器具的種類特性的量度或計算作評估。
C. 用以指定發射類別的符號具有電信公約給予該等符號的涵義。
D. “頻帶寬度”(Bandwidth) 及“頻差容限”(frequency tolerance) 具有電信公約給予該等詞的涵義。 (1966年第43號法律公告;1984年第4號法律公告;2000年第36號第28條)


發出日期: 續期日期: 發出費用: 續期費用:

為 .................................................................................................


(a) 於 ...........................................................................................................
(地址) 管有、設置和維持一個作無線電通話之用的發射及接收電台(以下稱為“該電台”);及
(b) 使用該電台以─
(i) 向任何妥為批准的電台發射源自公共電話服務的電話呼喚;
(ii) 由任何妥為批准的電台接收供互連至公共電話服務的電話呼喚。


    1. 1. !(a)使用該電台時所採用的發射,必須是以下所指明的頻率、類別及特性,而其功率及天線特性必須是以下就正在使用的發射類別及特性而指明者─
    2. (b) 組成該電台的器具須時刻符合電訊管理局局長訂明的同一技術標準。
  1. 組成該電台的器具須在設計、構造、維修及操作上,使該電台的使用不致對任何無線電通訊造成任何可避免的干擾。
  2. 該電台須只由持牌人或由獲持牌人為此授權的人操作。持牌人不得准許或容受任何未獲授權的人取用組成該電台的器具。持牌人須確保操作該電台的人時刻遵守本牌照的條款、條文及限制。
  3. 4. 該電台及本牌照須在任何合理時間供電訊管理局局長妥為授權的人員檢查。
    1. 5. (i) 本牌照須持續有效,直至被電訊管理局局長撤銷或由持牌人按下文規定的方式交回。
        1. (ii) 在發出本牌照時,持牌人須向電訊管理局局長繳付$ .....................的費用,並在本牌照仍
        2. 持續生效的其後每年向電訊管理局局長預先繳付$ .....................的續期費用,首次續期費
          用就由19 .........年 .........月 .........日開始的年度繳付。
      1. (iii) 電訊管理局局長可在發出日期後,藉向持牌人送達書面通知,在任何時間撤銷本牌照或更改本牌照的條款、條文或限制。根據本段作出的通知可即時生效或於該通知所指明的較後日期生效。
      2. (iv)牌照的撤銷或交回,不得損害電訊管理局局長就持牌人任何先前的違反、不遵守或不履行的事項,或持牌人根據本牌照的任何條款、條文或限制而產生的任何法律責任而針對持牌人的訴訟權或其他補救,尤其是發出費用不會全部或部分退回。
      3. (v) 本牌照在撤銷或交回後,須交還電訊管理局局長。
      4. (vi) 本牌照不得轉讓。
        1. (vii) 持牌人須─
            1. (a) 在下述情況下,從速以書面向電訊管理局局長作出通知─
              1. (i) 持牌人地址改變;
              2. (ii) 該電台內擬作改變;或
              3. (iii) 對安裝該電台的地點擬作改變;及
          1. (b) 在作出(a)(i)段述及的通知時,或在(a)(ii)或(iii)段提述的改變完成時,將本牌照及附表交還電訊管理局局長修訂。
  4. 6. 電訊管理局局長以前曾批給持牌人不論如何描述的牌照,現予以撤銷。
    1. 7. 以下定義適用於牌照第1(a)條所指明的技術特性─
      1. (a) 有效輻射功率(ERP)是平均射頻功率乘以天線在水平面上的增益。平均射頻功率(REP)是指在一般無調制的情況下輸送至天線的功率;但在某些系統中,如使用調制引致有效載波功率增加(如載波及旁頻帶重新分配致使功率有任何改變除外),則增加量無須計算在內。
      2. (b)平均無線電頻率功率、有效輻射功率及天線特性將由電訊管理局局長酌情決定,以所用器具的種類特性的量度或計算作評估。
      3. (c) 用以指定發射類別的符號具有電信公約給予該等符號的涵義。
      4. (d) “頻率”(Frequency) 及“頻差容限”(frequency tolerance) 具有電信公約給予該等詞的涵義。
  5. 持牌人及操作根據本牌照持牌人獲批准設置和使用的任何電台的所有人士,均須遵守和遵從電信公約的有關條文。
  6. 9. 在本牌照內,“電信公約”(Telecommunication Convention)指不時或在任何時間為香港參加或適用於香港的任何《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》及附錄於該公約的《無線電規則》#。
1 2 3 4
發射頻率及 最大有效輻射
最大頻差容限 發射類別 功率(瓦特) 天線特性
(見第7(d)條 ) (見第7(c)條 ) (見第7(a)及7(b)條) (見第7(a)及7(b)條)

............................................... 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)


電訊條例 (第106章)


發出日期: 續期日期: 發出費用: 續期費用:

..................................................................................................................(以下稱為 “持牌人 ”),地址為 ..............................................................................................,現獲發牌照,以在本牌照所載的各項條件規限下─

(a) 於車輛或其他移動物體 ......................................(車輛或其他移動物體的登記名稱或號碼)管有、設置和維持一個作無線電通話之用的發射及接收電台(以下稱為“該移動電台”);及
(b) 使用該移動電台以─
(i) 向任何妥為批准的固定電台發射互連至公共電話服務的電話呼喚;
(ii) 接收由任何妥為批准的固定電台通過公共電話服務發射的電話呼喚。


    1. 1. !(i)使用該移動電台時所採用的發射,其頻率及類別與特性必須是以下就正在使用的發射類別及特性而指明者─
    2. (ii) 組成該電台的器具須時刻符合電訊管理局局長訂明的同一技術標準。
  1. 組成該移動電台的器具須在設計、構造、維修及操作上,使該移動電台的使用不致對任何無線電通訊造成任何可避免的干擾。
  2. 該移動電台須只由持牌人或由獲持牌人為此授權的人操作。持牌人不得准許或容受任何未獲授權的人取用組成該移動電台的器具。持牌人須確保操作該移動電台的人時刻遵守本牌照的條款、條文及限制。
  3. 4. 該移動電台及本牌照須在任何合理時間供電訊管理局局長妥為授權的人員檢查。
    1. 5. (i) 本牌照須持續有效,直至被電訊管理局局長撤銷或由持牌人按下文規定的方式交回。
      1. (ii)持牌人須在發出本牌照時,向電訊管理局局長繳付$ ..................的費用,並在本牌照仍
        持續生效的其後每年向電訊管理局局長預先繳付$ ...................的續期費用,首次續期費
        用就由19 ........年 .......月 .......開始的年度繳付。
        1. (iii) 電訊管理局局長可在發出日期後,藉向持牌人送達書面通知,在任何時間撤銷本牌照
        2. 或更改本牌照的條款、條文或限制。根據本段作出的通知可即時生效或於該通知所指明的較後日期生效。
      2. (iv)牌照的撤銷或交回,不得損害電訊管理局局長就持牌人任何先前的違反、不遵守或不履行的事項,或持牌人根據本牌照的任何條款、條文或限制而產生的任何法律責任而針對持牌人的訴訟權或其他補救,尤其是發出費用不會全部或部分退回。
      3. (v) 本牌照在撤銷或交回後,須交還電訊管理局局長。
      4. (vi) 本牌照不得轉讓。
        1. (vii) 持牌人須─
            1. (a) 在下述情況下,從速以書面向電訊管理局局長作出通知─
              1. (i) 持牌人的地址改變;
              2. (ii) 該電台內擬作改變;或
              3. (iii) 對安裝該電台的地點擬作改變;及
          1. (b) 在作出(a)(i)段述及的通知時,或在(a)(ii)或(iii)段提述的改變完成時,將本牌照及附表交還電訊管理局局長修訂。
  4. 6. 電訊管理局局長以前曾批給持牌人不論如何描述的牌照,現予以撤銷。
    1. 7. 以下定義適用於牌照第1(i)條所指明的技術特性─
      1. (a) 有效輻射功率(ERP)是平均射頻功率乘以天線在水平面上的增益。平均射頻功率(REP)是指在一般無調制的情況下輸送至天線的功率;但在某些系統中,如使用調制引致有效載波功率增加(如載波及旁頻帶重新分配致使功率有任何改變除外),則增加量無須計算在內。
      2. (b)平均無線電頻率功率、有效輻射功率及天線特性將由電訊管理局局長酌情決定,以所用器具的種類特性的量度或計算作評估。
      3. (c) 用以指定發射類別的符號具有電信公約給予該等符號的涵義。
      4. (d) “頻率”(Frequency) 及“頻差容限”(frequency tolerance) 具有電信公約給予該等詞的涵義。
  5. 持牌人及操作根據本牌照持牌人獲批准設置和使用的任何電台的所有人士,均須遵守和遵從電信公約的有關條文。
  6. 9. 在本牌照內,“電信公約”(Telecommunication Convention)指不時或在任何時間為香港參加或適用於香港的任何《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》及附錄於該公約的《無線電規則》#。
1 2 3 4
發射頻率及 最大有效輻射 天線特性
最大頻差容限 發射類別 功率(瓦特) (見第7(a)
(見第7(d)條 ) (見第7(c)條 ) (見第7(a)及7(b)條) 及7(b)條)

.............................................. 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)



(第106章) 感應通訊牌照

發出日期: 續期日期: 發出費用: 續期費用:

...................................................................................................................(以下稱為“持牌人”),地址為 ..............................................................................................,現獲發牌照,以在本牌照所載的各項條件規限下─

(a) 於 ...........................................................................................................
(地址) 管有、設置和維持一個作無線電電報之用的發射及接收電台(以下稱為“該固定電台”),並如持牌人要求,設置該等作無線電電報之用的發射及接收電台(以下稱為“該等移動電台”);及
(b)使用該固定電台及該等移動電台(以下統稱“該等電台”)以發射和接收該固定電台與該等移動電台之間與持牌人本身作為 ....................的業務有關的訊息。


    1. 1. (a) 該等電台須只在感應場之內操作。
      1. (b)使用該等電台時所採用的頻帶範圍、發射類別及最大輻射場,須為本牌照附表分別指明者。
      2. (c)該等電台須只由獲持牌人為此授權的人操作。持牌人須確保該等人士時刻遵守本牌照的條款、條文及限制。
    1. 2. (a) 組成該等電台的器具須在設計、構造、維修及使用上,使該等電台的使用對任何無線電通訊或對獲電訊管理局局長妥為發牌或批准的電台或線路運作,不致造成任何干擾。
      1. (b) 發射器具須採用令人滿意的頻率穩定方法。
      2. (c)發射器具的頻率須按時採用所需精度的量度設備予以核證,以確保所作的發射是在批准的頻帶範圍內的。
  1. 3. 該等電台及本牌照須在任何合理時間供電訊管理局局長妥為授權的人員檢查。
    1. 本牌照由發出日期起計持續有效一年,而其後只要持牌人在每年的發出日期周年日當日或之前,向電訊管理局局長預先繳付在當其時有效的規例所訂明或根據該等規例所訂明的續期費用,則本牌照仍屬有效:
    2. 但電訊管理局局長可於發出日期後,藉向持牌人送達書面通知,在任何時間撤銷本牌照或更改本牌照的條款、條文或限制。根據本條作出的通知可即時生效或於該通知所指明的較後日期生效。
  2. 5. 本牌照不得轉讓。
    1. 6. 持牌人須─
        1. (a) 在下述情況下,從速以書面向電訊管理局局長作出通知─
          1. (i) 持牌人地址改變;或
          2. (ii) 對安裝該電台的地點擬作改變;及
      1. (b)在作出(a)(i)段述及的通知時,或在(a)(ii)段提述的改變完成時,將本牌照及附表交還電訊管理局局長修訂。
  3. 7. 本牌照在屆滿或撤銷後,須交還電訊管理局局長。
  4. 8. 以前曾就該等電台或任何該等電台批給持牌人不論如何描述的牌照,現予以撤銷。
  5. 9. 如運作該電台的電力來自公共電力供應,則電源不得與感應環路直接連接。
  6. 持牌人及操作根據本牌照持牌人獲批准設置和使用的任何電台的所有人士,均須遵守和遵從電信公約的有關條文。
  7. 11. 在本牌照內,“電信公約”(Telecommunication Convention)指不時或在任何時間為香港參加或適用於香港的任何《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》及附錄於該公約的《無線電規則》。

.............................................. 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)


頻帶 (千周/秒) 發射類別 (見下面A) 最大輻射場
A1、A2、 A3、F1、 F2、F3 距離輻射系統90米的輻射場不得超逾20毫伏/米。


A. 用以指明發射類別的符號具有附於電信公約或根據該公約而生效的《無線電規則》給予該等符號的涵義。
B. “電信公約”(Telecommunication Convention) 指不時或在任何時間為香港參加或適用於香港的任

何《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》及附錄於該公約的《無線電規則》#。 (1966年第43號法律公告;1984年第4號法律公告;1985年第294號法律公告;2000年第36號第28條)



無線電商牌照 (限制)

發出日期: 續期日期: 發出費用: 續期費用:

..................................................................................................................(以下稱為 “持牌人 ”),地址為 ..............................................................................................,現獲發牌照,以在附於本牌照的各項條件規限下─




  1. 在符合本條的規定下,持牌人只可在以上所顯示的地址經營無線電商的業務。持牌人如將他的業務地址改變為一個並非以上所顯示的地址,須將該項改變從速以書面通知電訊管理局局長,並在作出該通知時,將本牌照交還電訊管理局局長修訂。
  2. 2. 所有已領牌器具除非與直至按照本牌照予以處置,須貯存於 ...................... ..................................................................,如無電訊管理局局長的書面許可,不得貯存於其他地方。
  3. 除非根據及按照由電訊管理局局長批給的牌照,否則已領牌器具不得為持牌人用作或由持牌人用作無線電通訊。
  4. 4. 本牌照表格須放入玻璃框架內,並時刻在已領牌的處所顯明地展示。
    1. 5. 持牌人須─
      1. (a) 備存和保存已領牌器具及其對該等器具的所有經營與交易的完整及準確紀錄冊;
      2. (b)在電訊管理局局長或獲電訊管理局局長為此授權的人員要求下,向他們交出該等紀錄冊和展示該等已領牌器具的存貨;
      3. (c)每月向電訊管理局局長送交一份完整及準確的所有交易的清單,清單須不遲於清單所提述的月份的下一個月的第十天送抵電訊管理局局長。

上述(c)段提述的清單須包括4個部分,即“Goods Purchased”、“Goods Sold”、“RepairsCarried Out”及“Stock in Hand”,而首3個部分須包括所有顧客或供應商的姓名或名稱及地址。

  1. 本牌照並無准許持牌人進口、出口、售賣、租用或購買或不論以任何方式取得任何用作或可用作發射用途的器具或裝置或其零件。
    1. 本牌照由發出日期起計持續有效一年,而其後只要持牌人在每年的發出日期周年日當日或之前,向電訊管理局局長預先繳付$ .............................的續期費用,則本牌照仍屬有效:
    2. 但電訊管理局局長可在發出日期後,藉向持牌人送達書面通知,在任何時間撤銷本牌照或更改本牌照的條款、條文或限制。
  2. 8. 本牌照不得轉讓。
  3. 9. 本牌照在屆滿或撤銷後,須交還電訊管理局局長。

10. 以前曾就無線電商業務而批給持牌人不論如何描述的牌照,現予以撤銷。


電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)




無線電商牌照 (放寬限制)

發出日期: 續期日期: 發出費用: 續期費用:

....................................................................................................................(以下稱為“持牌人”),地址為 ..................................................................................................,現獲發牌照,以在附於本牌照的各項條件規限下─



  1. 持牌人只可在以上所顯示的地址經營無線電商的業務,未獲電訊管理局局長同意,不得改變該地址。在任何時間,持牌人如欲改變以上所顯示的地址,須於擬作出該項改變的日期不少於10天前,以書面向電訊管理局局長申請同意。持牌人須於作出該申請時,須將本牌照交還電訊管理局局長,以便建議改變獲批給同意時作出修訂。
  2. 2. 所有已領牌器具除非與直至按照本牌照予以處置,須貯存於 ......................
  3. 除非根據及按照由電訊管理局局長批給的牌照,否則已領牌器具不得為持牌人用作或由持牌人用作無線電通訊。
  4. 4. 本牌照表格須放入玻璃框架內,並時刻在已領牌的處所顯明地展示。
    1. 5. 持牌人須─
      1. (a) 備存和保存已領牌器具及其對該等器具的所有經營與交易的完整及準確紀錄冊;
      2. (b)在電訊管理局局長或獲電訊管理局局長為此授權的人員要求下,向他們交出該等紀錄冊和展示該等已領牌器具的存貨。
      3. (c)每月向電訊管理局局長送交一份完整及準確的所有交易的清單,清單須不遲於清單提述的月份的下一個月的第十天前送抵電訊管理局局長。

上述(c)段提述的清單須包括4個部分,即“Goods Purchased”、“Goods Sold”、“RepairsCarried Out”及“Stock in Hand”,而首3個部分須包括所有顧客或供應商的姓名或名稱及地址。

    1. 本牌照由發出日期起計持續有效一年,而其後只要持牌人在每年的發出日期周年日當日或之前,向電訊管理局局長預先繳付$ ...........................的續期費用,則本牌照仍屬有效:
    2. 但電訊管理局局長可在發出日期後,藉向持牌人送達書面通知,在任何時間撤銷本牌照或更改本牌照的條款、條文或限制。
  1. 7. 本牌照不得轉讓。
  2. 8. 本牌照在屆滿或撤銷後,須交還電訊管理局局長。
  3. 9. 以前曾就無線電商而批給持牌人不論如何描述的牌照,現予以撤銷。

.............................................. 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)




無線電示範牌照 (放寬限制)

發出日期: 呼號:

..................................................................................................................(以下稱為 “持牌人 ”),地址為 .................................................................................................,現獲發牌照,以在本牌照所載的條款、條文及限制規限下─



    1. 1. (a) 任何與持牌人或任何其他人士、公司或組織的業務或私人事務有關的訊息,不得透過該等電台發射或接收。
    2. (b) 該等電台須只由獲持牌人為此授權的人操作。
  1. 組成該等電台的器具須在設計、構造、維修及使用上,使該等電台的使用對其他任何獲妥為發牌或批准的無線電通訊,不致造成任何干擾。
  2. 3. 組成該等電台的器具時刻均須符合電訊管理局局長所規定的性能規格。
  3. 持牌人不得准許或容受任何未獲授權的人操作該等電台或取用組成該等電台的器具。持牌人須確保操作該等電台的人時刻遵守本牌照的條款、條文及限制。
  4. 由任何該等電台發送的每項訊息,須以宣布被呼喚或呼喚電台的呼號作為開始。呼喚電台的呼號須在每次發送的期間完結時重覆,但在任何1分鐘的期間內,呼號無須宣布多於一次。該等電台只可以本牌照首頁所列的批准呼號被呼喚和識別。
  5. 6. 該等電台及本牌照須在任何合理時間供電訊管理局局長妥為授權的人員檢查。
    1. 本牌照由發出日期起計持續有效一年,而其後只要持牌人在每年的發出日期周年日當日或之前,向電訊管理局局長預先繳付在當其時有效的命令所訂明或根據當其時有效的規例所訂明的續期費用,則本條牌照仍屬有效:
    2. 但電訊管理局局長可在發出日期後,藉向持牌人送達書面通知,在任何時間撤銷本牌照或更改本牌照的條款、條文或限制。根據本條作出的通知可即時生效或於該通知所指明的較後日期生效。
  6. 8. 本牌照不得轉讓。
  7. 9. 本牌照在屆滿或撤銷後,須交還電訊管理局局長。
  8. 10. 以前曾就該等電台或任何該等電台而批給持牌人不論如何描述的牌照或許可證,現予以撤銷。
  9. 持牌人須將其地址的任何改變,從速以書面向電訊管理局局長作出通知,並在作出該通知時,將本牌照交還電訊管理局局長修訂。(進行任何示範前須事先獲授權)。
  10. 12. 如運作任何基地電台的電力來自公共電力供應,則電源不得與天線直接連接。
  11. 任何基地電台天線,如橫跨或可能會墜落或被吹倒在任何架空電線(包括電力照明及電車的電線)或電力器具,則須予以防護,至令有關電線或電力器具的擁有人合理滿意的程度。
  12. 14. 任何該等電台與公共電話交換機的連接不會獲准許。
  13. 除非本牌照有明文規定,本牌照並無批准任何電台所接收到的訊息轉播至其他處所或地方,或將該等訊息向公眾傳達(例如藉揚聲器)。
  14. 如透過該等電台接收到未獲本牌照批准接收的訊息,持牌人或任何使用該等電台的人,除對電訊管理局局長妥為授權的人員或具管轄權的法律審裁處外,不得向任何人透露該訊息的內容、來源或目的地、該訊息的存在或接收到該訊息的事實,亦不得保留該訊息的文本或將該訊息作任何用途,或容許任何人抄錄、複製或使用該訊息。
  15. 持牌人及操作根據本牌照持牌人獲批准設置和使用的任何電台的所有人士,均須遵守和遵從電信公約的有關條文。
  16. 18. 在本牌照內,“電信公約”(Telecommunication Convention)指不時或在任何時間為香港參加或適用於香港的任何《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》及附錄於該公約的《無線電規則》#。

.............................................. 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)



發出日期: 續期日期: 發出費用: 續期費用:

為 ..............................................................................................,現獲發牌照,
於 .......................................................................................................

(地址) 純粹為指導學員有關無線電的理論與實務,在本牌照所載的條款、條文及限制規限下,管有、設置和維持、運作和維持一個用作發送和接收的無線電通訊電台。


  1. 發射器具不得與任何天線連接,由該器具所發出的輻射,不得在該器具所安裝的建築物以外感覺得到,但如電訊管理局局長在附表內另有指明,則屬例外。
  2. 2. 已領牌處所及器具須在任何合理時間供電訊管理局局長妥為授權的人員檢查。
  3. 如電訊管理局局長認為合宜,並以書面將其決定通知持牌人,已領牌處所及器具須在任何時間關閉。
    1. 本牌照由發出日期起計持續有效一年,而其後只要持牌人在每年的發出日期周年日當日或之前,向電訊管理局局長預先繳付在當其時有效的規例所訂明或根據該等規例所訂明的續期費用,則本牌照仍屬有效:
    2. 但電訊管理局局長可在發出日期後,藉向持牌人送達書面通知,在任何時間撤銷本牌照或更改本牌照的條款、條文或限制。根據本條作出的通知可即時生效或於該通知所指明的較後日期生效。
  4. 5. 本牌照不得轉讓。
  5. 6. 本牌照在屆滿或撤銷後,須交還電訊管理局局長。
  6. 7. 以前曾就該學校而批給持牌人不論如何描述的牌照或許可證,現予以撤銷。
    1. 8. 持牌人須─
        1. (a) 在下述情況下,從速以書面向電訊管理局局長作出通知─
          1. (i) 持牌人地址改變;
          2. (ii) 學校地址改變;或
          3. (iii) 列於附表的發射器具及其特性擬作改變;及
      1. (b) 在作出(a)段述及的通知時,將本牌照交還電訊管理局局長修訂。
  7. 如透過在學校安裝和運作的接收器具接收到未獲本牌照批准接收的訊息,持牌人或任何使用該接收器具的人不得透露該訊息的內容、來源或目的地、該訊息的存在或接收到該訊息的事實。
  8. 持牌人及操作根據本牌照持牌人獲批准設置和使用的任何電台的所有操作人士,均須遵守和遵從電信公約的有關條文。
  9. 11. 在本牌照內,“電信公約”(Telecommunication Convention)指當時適用於香港的任何《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》及附錄於該公約的《無線電規則》#。

.............................................. 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)








發出日期: 類別:
續期日期: 呼號:

..................................................................................................................(以下稱為 “持牌人 ”),地址為 ...........................................................................................,現獲發牌照,以在本牌照所載的各項條件規限下─

(i) 直接關於持牌人或與他通訊的人的個人事務的訊息;
(ii) 構成發送上述訊息的一部分或與上述訊息有關的訊號(並非密碼或暗號)。



  1. 1. 持牌人只可使用電訊管理局局長(以下稱為“局長”)在附表1批准的發射類別、功率及頻帶。
    1. 2. (a) 持牌人可按局長在附表2所指明,將該電台─
      1. (i) 永久或臨時設置於一個固定地點;
      2. (ii) 設置在香港境內的車輛上;
      3. (iii) 設置於在香港註冊或領牌的船隻或船艇上;或
      4. (iv) 作為便攜式電台設置在香港境內。
      1. (b) 持牌人不得將該電台設置在航空器或其他飛行器上。
      2. (c) 持牌人如事先未獲局長同意,不得改變附表2指明的電台地點。
      3. (d)附表1所列的詳情如有任何改變,持牌人須在該等改變的72小時內,用局長指明的格式,以書面通知局長。
      4. (e) 持牌人須在符合局長在附表1所規定的限制下,設置該電台。
    1. (a)在香港以外的國家或領域的司法管轄權範圍內,不得進行移動式操作,但如獲得該國家或領域的主管機關准許則屬例外。
    2. (b)當船隻或船艇在國際水域時,持牌人只可使用按照電信公約分配予正探訪區域內的業餘服務的頻帶。
  2. 持牌人須確保只有獲他授權的人才可操作該電台。持牌人須確保操作該電台的人時刻遵守本牌照的條款、條文及限制。
    1. 5. 本牌照並無批准該電台作以下用途─
      1. (a) 商業、廣告或宣傳用途;或
      2. (b)發送持牌人及與他通訊的人以外的任何組織或任何人的消息或訊息,或代表該等組織或人士發送消息或訊息,或為該等組織或人士的利益或為該等組織或人士提供資訊而發送消息或訊息,但如事前取得局長書面同意,則屬例外。
  3. 6. 儘管有一般條件第5(b)條的規定,在符合1979年世界無線電行政大會+第640號決議的限制的規定下,持牌人可在附表1所指明的頻帶內,使用該電台作國際災難通訊。
    1. (a)除非事先獲得局長書面同意,持牌人不得傳送訊息予已領牌的業餘者作一般接收(最初呼喚除外),但持牌人須傳送訊息予─
      1. (i) 個別已領牌的業餘者;或
      2. (ii) 已領牌的業餘者團體,但須與任何該等團體內最少一名已領牌的業餘者首先分開建立通訊。
      1. (b)與香港以外的電台通訊時,持牌人須將訊息用明語傳送,並限於與測試有關的技術性質訊息及個人性質的論述。
      2. (c) 持牌人不得發送音樂、公共廣播或演辭的材料。
  4. 8. 該電台不得發送使人厭惡的、淫褻的或不雅的訊息。
  5. 如接收到未獲本牌照批准接收的訊息,持牌人或任何使用該電台的人,除對局長妥為授權的人員或具管轄權的法律審裁處外,不得向任何人透露該訊息的內容、來源或目的地、該訊息的存在或接收到該訊息的事實,亦不得保留該訊息的文本或將該訊息作任何用途,或容許任何人抄錄、複製或使用該訊息。
    1. 10. (a) 發射器具須採用令人滿意的頻率穩定法。
      1. (b)須設置量度頻率及功率的設備,而該等設備須能核證發射器具所作的發射是在批准的頻帶及功率限度內。
      2. (c) 組成該電台的發射及接收器具須為局長認可的類型。
    1. (a)組成該電台的器具須在設計、構造、維修及使用上,使該電台的使用對其他業餘電台,或任何其他獲妥為發牌或批准的無線電通訊,不致造成不當的干擾。
    2. (b)時刻須採取一切預防措施,以避免過度調制,並在顧及所採用的發射類別下,須將輻射能量保持在盡可能最窄的頻帶內。諧波輻射及其他雜散發射尤須壓制至不會干擾任何無線電通訊的水平。此外,亦須不時進行測試,以確保符合本段的規定。
    1. 12. 天線的安裝及維持須符合良好的工程標準,以免對鄰近的人或財物造成不可接受的危險。
    2. 操作紀錄
    1. 13. 該電台的操作紀錄須以局長在附表1規定的格式及方式備存。
    2. 呼號
    1. 14. 當該電台操作時,根據本牌照所分配的呼號須按照局長在附表1規定的程序使用。
    2. 檢查及關閉
  6. 15. 該電台、本牌照及操作紀錄須在任何合理時間供局長妥為授權的人員檢查。
    1. (a)在局長妥為授權的人員要求下,本牌照或局長所發出的本牌照複本,須於安裝該電台的每一個固定地點、船隻或船艇供檢查。
    2. (b) 持牌人須將由局長發出顯示該電台已領牌的標紙或文件─
      1. (i) 展示在安裝該電台的車輛的擋風玻璃上;或
      2. (ii) 張貼在便攜式器具上。
    1. 該電台如對其他獲妥為發牌或批准的無線電通訊正在造成不當的干擾,則在根據局長的權限行事的人要求下,須予以關閉。
    2. 釋義
  7. 18. 在本牌照內─ “訊息”(messages)、“訊號”(signals) 包括電話、可視通訊、數碼通訊及電報; “電信公約”(the Telecommunication Convention) 指當其時適用於香港的任何《國際電信聯盟憲章及公


約》及附錄於該公約的《無線電規則》#; “關於個人事務的訊息”(messages about matters of a personal nature) 不包括關於商業事務的訊息。


  1. 持牌人及操作根據本牌照持牌人獲批准設置和使用的任何電台的所有人士,均須遵守和遵從電信公約的有關條文。
    1. 本牌照由發出日期起計持續有效一年,而其後只要持牌人在每年的發出日期周年日當日或之
    2. 前,向局長預先繳付在當其時有效的規例所訂明或根據該等規例所訂明的續期費用,則本牌照仍屬有效: 但局長可在發出日期後,藉向該持牌人送達書面通知,在任何時間撤銷本牌照或更改本牌照的條款、條文或限制。根據本條作出的通知可即時生效或於該通知所指明的較後日期生效。
  2. 21. 本牌照不得轉讓。
  3. 本牌照、局長所發出的本牌照複本或顯示該電台已領牌的任何標紙或文件,須在本牌照屆滿或撤銷後,交還局長。
  4. 23. 以前曾就該電台批給持牌人不論如何描述的牌照,現予以撤銷。
  5. 24. 局長可酌情決定公布持牌人的姓名或名稱及地址,但持牌人特別要求不要公布則除外。
  6. 25. 傳送或接收的材料如有任何牌權,本牌照並無批准持牌人作出任何侵犯該版權的作為。
    1. 26. 持牌人─
      1. (a) 須於切實可行範圍內盡快將其通訊地址的改變,以書面方式通知局長;及
      2. (b)須在(a)段及一般條件第2(c)條所述及的任何改變完成時,將本牌照及附表交還局長修訂。


.............................................. 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)








電訊條例 (第106章) 模型控制牌照

發出日期: 續期日期: 發出費用: 續期費用:

..................................................................................................................(以下稱為 “持牌人 ”),地址為 .............................................................................................,現獲發牌照,以在本牌照所載的各項條件規限下─



  1. 1. 本牌照須受下列限制規限─ 發射: 頻率: 功率: 使用時段: 受禁區域: 該電台須只由(a)持牌人親自操作或(b)在持牌人在場及直接監督下,由獲持牌人授權的其他人操作。
    1. 2. !(i)組成該電台的器具須在設計、構造、維修及使用上,使該電台的使用對任何其他獲妥為發牌或批准的無線電通訊,不致造成任何干擾。
      1. (ii) 發射器具須採用令人滿意的頻率穩定法。
      2. (iii) 發射器具的頻率須按時用所需精確度的量度設備予以核證,以確保所作的發射是在批准的頻帶範圍內。
      3. (iv) 火花式發射器具明確地禁止使用。
  2. 3. 該電台及本牌照須在任何合理時間供電訊管理局局長妥為授權的人員檢查。
    1. 本牌照由發出日期起計持續有效一年,而其後只要持牌人在每段為期一年的接續期間開始前,向電訊管理局局長預先繳付在當其時有效的規例所訂明或根據該等規例所訂明的續期費用,則本牌照在接續的每一年均有效:
    2. 但電訊管理局局長可在發出日期後,藉向該持牌人送達書面通知,在任何時間撤銷本牌照或更改本牌照的條款、條文或限制。
  3. 5. 本牌照不得轉讓。
  4. 6. 本牌照在屆滿或撤銷後,須交還電訊管理局局長。
  5. 7. 電訊管理局局長以前曾就該電台批給持牌人不論如何描述的牌照,現予以撤銷。
  6. 持牌人的地址如有改變,須從速以書面方式通知電訊管理局局長,並在作出該通知時,將本牌照送交局長修訂。
  7. 9. 如運作該電台的電力來自公共電力供應,則電源不得與天線連接。
  8. 現建議持牌人在每當發射器具受粗率對待後,檢查發射器具的頻率,如發射器具並非由晶體控制,則於切實可行範圍內,在最接近使用該器具前檢查其頻率。
  9. 持牌人及操作根據本牌照持牌人獲批准設置和使用的任何電台的所有人士,均須遵守和遵從電信公約的有關條文。
  10. 12. 在本牌照內,“電信公約”(Telecommunication Convention)指不時或在任何時間為香港參加或適用於香港的任何《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》及附錄於該公約的《無線電規則》#。

.............................................. 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)





發出費用:每個高頻率產生器 ...............................................
續期費用:每個高頻率產生器 ...............................................

..................................................................................................................(以下稱為 “持牌人 ”),地址為 .................................................................................................,現獲發牌照,以在本牌照所載的條款、條文及限制規限下─

在 ...................................................................................................................管有、維持和使用作產生高頻率電磁能之用的器具,而該高頻率電磁能只用作工業、科學及醫學工序。


    1. 1. !(a)器具須只在輻射受抑制的情況下使用。在國際分配頻率以外而對通訊服務造成干擾的輻射須予以壓制,至令電訊管理局局長滿意的程度。
    2. (b) 器具須只由獲持牌人為此授權的人操作。
  1. 2. 附於本牌照的附表須顯示本牌照所涵蓋的器具數目及其操作頻率。
    1. 3. (1) 在本牌照有效期間,持牌人未獲電訊管理局局長的書面同意,不得─
      1. (a) 對本牌照所涵蓋的一個器具或多於一個器具作出任何更改或增添;或
      2. (b) 改變所維持和使用一個器具或多於一個器具的地方的地址。
        1. (2) 在任何時間,持牌人如欲作出─
        2. (a) 在第(1)(a)款述及的任何更改或增添;或
      1. (b) 第(1)(b)款述及的地址改變, 須於他擬作出該項更改、增添或改變的日期不少於10天前,以書面向電訊管理局局長申請同意該項更改、增添或改變。持牌人須於作出該申請時,將本牌照及附表交還電訊管理局局長,以便該申請獲批給時修訂。
    1. 持牌人須將其通信地址的任何改變,從速以書面向電訊管理局局長作出通知,並在作出該通知
    2. 時,將本牌照交還電訊管理局局長修訂。
  2. 該電台、該器具或多於一個器具及本牌照須在任何合理時間供電訊管理局局長妥為授權的人員檢查。
    1. 本牌照由發牌日期起計持續有效一年,而其後只要持牌人在每段為期一年的接續期間開始前,向電訊管理局局長預先繳付在當其時有效的規例所訂明或根據該等規例所訂明的續期費用,則本牌照在接續的每一年均有效:
    2. 但電訊管理局局長可在發出日期後,藉向持牌人送達書面通知,或在憲報刊登一份致予“All Electronic Industrial Machine Licensees”的公告,在任何時間撤銷本牌照或更改本牌照的條款、條文或限制。根據本條作出的通知可即時生效或於該通知所指明的較後日期生效。
  3. 7. 本牌照不得轉讓。
  4. 8. 本牌照在屆滿或撤銷後,須交還電訊管理局局長。
  5. 9. 電訊管理局局長以前曾就該器具批給持牌人不論如何描述的牌照或許可證,現予以撤銷。
  6. 持牌人及操作根據本牌照持牌人獲批准設置和使用的任何電台的所有人士,均須遵守和遵從電信公約的有關條文。
  7. 11. 在本牌照內,“電信公約”(Telecommunication Convention)指不時或在任何時間為香港參加或適用於香港的任何《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》及附錄於該公約的《無線電規則》#。

.............................................. 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)










續期日期: 費用: 固定發射電台 ......................................個 每年每個$500費用: 接收電台 ..............................................個 每年每個$ 50

為 .............................................................................................




  1. 1. 組成該系統的固定發射電台不得發射任何啟動接收電台所需的選擇音頻以外的訊息或訊號。
  2. 組成該系統的器具須時刻符合電訊管理局局長所規定的性能規格,但須受電訊管理局局長不時准許並有利於持牌人而作的修改所規限。
  3. 組成該系統的器具須在設計、構造、維修及使用上,使該器具的使用對任何其他獲妥為發牌或認可的電訊,不致造成任何干擾。
  4. 該等發射電台須只由獲持牌人為此授權的人操作,而持牌人須確保該等獲授權人士時刻遵守本牌照的條款、條文及限制。
  5. 除為測試外,持牌人或任何其他獲持牌人授權的人士均不得操作任何固定發射電台或接收電台,但已就該固定發射電台或接收電台向電訊管理局局長繳付在當其時有效的規例所訂明或根據該等規例所訂明的費用,則屬例外。持牌人須將每個接收電台編號,並時刻備存獲持牌人授權操作接收電台的每名人士的姓名或名稱及地址,以及向該等人士發出的接收電台編號。
  6. 6. 組成該系統的器具及本牌照須在任何合理時間供電訊管理局局長妥為授權的人員檢查。
    1. 只要持牌人在每年的屆滿日當日或之前,就本牌照指明的每個固定發射電台及每個接收電台,向電訊管理局局長繳付在當其時有效的規例所訂明或根據該等規例所訂明的費用,則本牌照持續有效:
    2. 但電訊管理局局長可在發出日期後,藉向持牌人送達書面通知,在任何時間撤銷本牌照或更改本牌照的條款、條文或限制。根據本條發出的通知可即時生效或於該通知所指明的較後日期生效。
  7. 8. 本牌照須展示於控制電台的顯眼位置。
  8. 9. 本牌照不得轉讓,在屆滿或撤銷後,須交還電訊管理局局長。
  9. 電訊管理局局長以前曾就組成該系統的所有或任何該等電台而批給持牌人不論如何描述的牌照或許可證,現予以撤銷。
  10. 持牌人的地址的任何改變,或組成該系統的任何固定發射電台的任何建議改變,須從速通知電訊管理局局長,而每當有任何該等改變發生時,本牌照及附表須從速交還電訊管理局局長修訂。如任何固定發射電台遷移至本牌照所指明地點以外的地方,則須為每個固定發射電台的設置地點,取得電訊管理局局長的事先批准。
  11. 12. 如運作固定發射電台的電力來自公共電力供應,則電源線不得與天線直接連接。
  12. 固定發射電台的天線如橫跨或可能被吹倒在任何架空電線(包括電力照明或電車的電線)或電力器具,則須予以防護,至令有關電線或電力器具的擁有人合理滿意的程度。
  13. 14. 組成該系統的任何器具不得與公共電話網絡連接。
  14. 除非獲電訊管理局局長書面授權,任何電台接收到的訊息不獲准許轉播至任何其他處所或地方。
  15. 如透過該等接收電台接收到未獲本牌照批准接收的訊號或訊息,持牌人或任何使用該等接收電台的人,除對電訊管理局局長妥為授權的人員或具管轄權的法律審裁處外,不得向任何人透露任何該等訊號或訊息的內容、來源或目的地、該等信號或訊息的存在或接收到該等訊號或訊息的事實,亦不得保留該等訊號或訊息的文本或將該等訊號或訊息作任何用途,或容許任何人抄錄、複製或使用該等訊號或訊息。
    1. 電訊管理局局長可酌情決定公布持牌人的姓名及地址,以及為持牌人服務所分配的頻率,但持
    2. 牌人特別要求不要公布則除外。
  16. 持牌人及操作根據本牌照持牌人獲批准設置和使用的任何電台的所有人士,均須遵守和遵從電信公約的有關條文。
  17. 19. 在本牌照內,“電信公約”(Telecommunication Convention)指不時或在任何時間為香港參加或適用於香港的任何《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》及附錄於該公約的《無線電規則》#。

.............................................. 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)





頻率及最 大頻差 容限 發射頻帶 寬度 發射類別 最大有效 輻射功率 (瓦特) 天線特性


A. 有效輻射功率(ERP)是平均射頻功率乘以天線在水平面上的增益。平均射頻功率(REP)是指在一般無調制的情況下輸送至天線的功率;但在某些系統中,如使用調制引致有效載波功率增加(如載波及旁頻帶重新分配致使功率有任何改變除外),則增加量無須計算在內。
B. 平均無線電頻率功率、有效輻射功率及天線特性將由電訊管理局局長酌情決定,以所用器具的種類的特性量度或計算作評估。
C. 用以指定發射類別的符號具有電信公約給予該等符號的涵義。
D. “頻帶寬度”(Bandwidth)、“頻差容限”(frequency tolerance) 具有電信公約給予該等詞的涵義。

接收電台的數目 ............................................................................................................





發出日期: 續期日期: 發出費用: 續期費用:

    1. (1) ............................................................................................................... (以下稱為“持牌人”),地址
      為 .............................................................................................
      ,已向電訊管理局局長繳付 ...........................................................的發出費用,現獲發牌照,以在本牌照
      1. (a)於本牌照附表所提述的地點,設置一個以 .........................兆赫吉赫的獲分配頻率/多於一個的獲分配頻率並使用 .........................兆赫的頻帶寬度操作的闊頻帶鏈路/中繼電台;及
        1. (b) 使用該闊頻帶鏈路/中繼電台,以向該電台傳送和從該電台接收─
          1. (i) 圖文傳真訊號
          2. (ii) 口頭訊息
          3. (iii) 無言詞意義但譯成編碼及載有數據的訊號。
    1. (2) 限制:使用闊頻帶鏈路/中繼電台的上述牌照,須受以下限制規限─
      1. (a)使用該電台時所採用的發射,其頻率/多於一個的頻率及類別與特性必須是本牌照附表所分別指明者;其採用的功率及天線特性亦必須是在附表內就正在使用的發射類別與特性所指明者。
      2. (b) 該電台須只由獲持牌人授權代表持牌人操作的人操作。
      3. (c) 該電台須只用作持牌人進行他本身作為 ..........................................
  1. (3) 不干擾:組成該電台的器具須在設計、構造、維修及使用上使該電台的使用對任何無線電通訊服務,不致造成任何可避免的干擾。
  2. (4) 操作人員及取用器具:持牌人不得准許或容受任何未獲授權的人操作該電台或取用組成該電台的器具。持牌人須確保操作該電台的人時刻遵守本牌照的條款、條文及限制。
  3. (5) 檢查:該電台及本牌照須在任何合理時間供根據電訊管理局局長的權限行事的人檢查。
  4. (6) 關閉電台:於任何時間,在根據電訊管理局局長的權限行事的人要求下,該電台須予以關閉。
    1. (7) 其他電台:電訊管理局局長可酌情決定將本牌照所提述的電台獲分配的頻道,分配予其他闊頻
    2. 帶鏈路/中繼電台。
  5. (8) 牌照的期限、續期、撤銷及更改:本牌照由發出日期起計持續有效1年,而其後只要持牌人在每年的發出日期周年日當日或之前,向電訊管理局局長預先繳付 ......................的續期費用,則本牌照仍屬有效:但電訊管理局局長可在發出日期後,藉向持牌人送達書面通知,在任何時間撤銷本牌照或更改本牌照的條款、條文或限制。
  6. (9) 本牌照不得轉讓。
  7. 其他鏈路:持牌人根據本牌照的條款設置其他鏈路而使用獲分配的頻率時,須經局長批准,並不得引致額外費用。
  8. 牌照的適用範圍:本牌照適用於使用由局長分配高於890兆赫頻率的闊頻帶鏈路及中繼系統。

.............................................. 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)



電台 地點 頻率及最大 頻差容限 (D段適用) 發射頻帶 寬度 (D段適用) 發射類別(C段 適用) 脈沖特性(脈 沖重覆頻率、 脈沖持續 時間、脈沖 上升時間 (第2段 適用) 在最大輻射 方向的有效輻 射功率(瓦特) (A及B段 適用) 天線特性 (A及B 段適用)


A. 有效輻射功率(ERP)是將供應天線的功率乘以該天線在某特定方向的相對增益。 有效輻射功率在顧及所使用的發射類別下,按何者適用而以峰包功率(Pp)、平均功率(Pm)或載波功率(Po)表示。該等功率具有電信公約給予它們的涵義。
B. 有效輻射功率及天線特性將按電訊管理局局長酌情決定,以所用器具種類的特性予以量度或計算作為評估。為此目的,國際無線電通訊諮詢委員會@(CCIR)的適當建議應用以作為指引。
C. 用以指定發射類別的符號具有電信公約給予該等符號的涵義。
D. “頻帶寬度”(Bandwidth)、“頻差容限”(frequency tolerance) 具有電信公約給予該等詞的涵義。
E. 脈沖重覆頻率(PRF)是分隔接續脈沖對應點(例如峰值振幅的50%)的最小相隔時間的倒數。 任何特定脈沖的脈沖持續時間(長度)是瞬時振幅達到峰值振幅的50%的首次與最後一次之間的相

隔時間。 脈沖上升時間是在任何特定脈沖由峰值振幅的10%上升至90%的振幅所需的時間。 (1972年第159號法律公告;1973年第204號法律公告)




發出日期: .................................................................................................................
(以下稱為“持牌人”),地址為 ................................................................................

(b) 在任何該等電台接收─
(i) 由附表指明的獲認可廣播電台廣播的聲音節目及廣播訊息(圖文傳真訊息除外);及
(ii) 由附表指明的香港電視廣播電台廣播的所有電視節目;及


  1. 1. 該等電台須在維修及操作上,使該等電台對任何其他無線電通訊電台不致造成不當的干擾。
    1. (1)如透過任何該等電台非故意地接收到持牌人未獲批准接收的任何訊息,持牌人或任何操作該電台的人,除對局長授權的公職人員或具管轄權的法院或審裁處外,不得向任何人披露該訊息的內容、來源或目的地、該訊息的存在或接收到或該訊息的事實,亦不得保留該訊息的文本或將該訊息作任何用途,或容許任何人抄錄、複製或使用該訊息。
    2. (2) 持牌人須採取一切切實可行的步驟,以防止該訊息被任何用戶接收。
  2. 3. 持牌人不得創始任何材料或訊息,以向系統的用戶分發。
  3. 4. 持牌人須向局長提交局長規定提供的與該等電台操作有關的資料。
  4. 如局長以書面作出規定,持牌人須備存該等電台接收到及向用戶分發的節目及訊息的紀錄,顯示接收節目及訊息所來自的廣播電台的名稱及接收的大約時間。
  5. 該等電台接收到的節目或其他內容如有版權,本牌照並無批准持牌人作出任何侵犯該版權的作為。
  6. 持牌人須就附表所指明的廣播電台廣播的所有聲音及電視節目,向每個用戶提供全面及同時的轉播。
  7. 持牌人使用的所有器具須符合局長指明的規定,並在設計、構造、維修及操作上,對其他電訊設施或在用戶之間不致造成干擾。
  8. 9. 該系統須只由獲持牌人為此授權的人操作。
    1. 持牌人須准許獲局長以書面授權的任何公職人員,在任何合理時間檢查持牌人使用的器具及本
    2. 牌照。
  9. 11. 本牌照並不授予牌照屆滿時續期或批給新牌照的權利。
  10. 12. 持牌人須在系統作出任何擴展或修改前,將擴展或修改一事通知局長。
  11. 13. 本牌照不得轉讓,並須在撤銷或屆滿後交還局長。
  12. 14. 持牌人的地址如有任何改變,持牌人須立即通知局長。
  13. 持牌人須確保使用公共供應電源線操作的器具,在設計上使該供應電源線不能施用於天線或有線分配系統。
  14. 16. 天線須適當地接地以防電擊,並須牢固地架設。
  15. 17. 局長可公布持牌人的姓名或名稱及地址以及系統的技術詳情,除非持牌人以合理理由反對。
    1. 18. (1) 未獲局長書面同意,任何組成該系統一部分的導線不得橫過任何街道或未批租政府土地。
    2. (2) 持牌人須遵從局長在給予第(1)款所指的同意時施加的任何條件或給予的指示。
    1. 19. (1) 如總督認為已發生緊急事故,局長可不時─
      1. (a) 向持牌人發出有關從任何該等電台向用戶分發節目及訊息的指示:
      2. (b)規定持牌人透過任何該等電台從任何指明的廣播電台接收訊息,並將該等訊息向用戶分發;及
      3. (c) 規定持牌人從任何該等電台向用戶分發任何種類或性質的訊息。
      1. (2) 持牌人須遵從根據第(1)款作出的任何指示。
      2. (3) 持牌人無權就局長行使本條授予局長的任何權力而獲得任何付款或補償。
  16. 20. 持牌人須將他不時向用戶收取的費用,通知局長。



電台 頻率或頻道 接收點

分發區域 (1973年第215號法律公告;1998年第29號第105條)




由 ..........................................................................................(發出日期)起計有效1年。 費用:

.................................................................................................................(以下稱為“持牌人”),地址為 ................................................................................................,現獲發牌照,以在本牌照所載的各項條件規限下,設置和維持一個由電視發射器(不論是否有相聯聲頻系統)組成而以導線連接至接收器的閉路電視系統(以下稱為“該系統”),該系統在本牌照的附表1有更詳細的描述。


  1. 1. 該系統須只由持牌人及獲持牌人為此授權的人操作。
    1. 2. 持牌人須─
      1. (a) 向電訊管理局局長(以下稱為“局長”)提交其通信地址;
      2. (b) 將該地址的任何改變,立即給予局長書面通知;及
      3. (c) 在作出(b)段提述的通知時,將本牌照交還局長修訂。
    1. 3. 持牌人須─
      1. (a) 以不致對其他電訊設施造成干擾的方式,操作該系統;及
      2. (b) 遵從局長為避免任何該等干擾而作出的指示。
  2. 持牌人須准許獲局長書面授權的公職人員,在任何合理時間檢查該系統及本牌照,並須立即向局長提交局長規定與該系統的操作有關的任何資料。
    1. (1)如在該系統的任何部分使用任何工具、器具、材料,或將任何電流連接至或施用於該系統的任何部分,以致干擾或相當可能干擾其他電訊設施的運作,則持牌人不得在該系統的任何部分使用該工具、器具或材料,或將任何電流連接至或施用於該系統的任何部分。
    2. (2)持牌人在收到局長的書面通知時,須將局長認為正干擾或相當可能干擾其他電訊設施的運作的該系統的任何部分拆離或移走。
  3. 6. 持牌人除為提供本牌照附表2指明的資訊或保安通訊系統或其他系統外,不得操作該系統。
    1. 7. 持牌人不得透過該系統發送─
        1. (a) 並非下列材料的任何其他宣傳材料─
          1. (i) 只為持牌人售賣或供應的貨品或服務作宣傳的材料;或
          2. (ii) 由持牌人免費發送的材料;
      1. (b) 由認可聲音廣播或電視廣播電台廣播的任何聲音節目、廣播訊息或電視節目。
    1. 8. (1) 未獲局長書面同意,任何組成該系統一部分的導線不得橫過任何街道或未批租政府土地。
    2. (2) 持牌人須遵從局長在給予第(1)款所指的同意時施加的任何條件或給予的指示。
  4. 9. 本牌照不得轉讓。
  5. 10. 本牌照在屆滿或撤銷後,須交還局長。
  6. 11. 本牌照並無批准持牌人作出任何侵犯版權的作為。
  7. 持牌人須確保使用電力供應電源線操作的任何設備,在設計上使該供應電源線不能施用於該系統的導線。


.............................................. 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)

附表1 系統說明

發射器的地點 ..............................................................................................................
接收器的數目及地點 ..................................................................................................
其他規格 ......................................................................................................................







發出日期: 續期日期: 發出費用: 續期費用:

...................................................................................................................(以下稱為“持牌人”),地址為 ..............................................................................................,現獲發牌照,以在本牌照所載的各項條件規限下─

(a) 在附表指明的地方設置和維持一個廣播轉播電台;
(b) 接收由附表指明的每個獲認可廣播電台廣播的*聲音/電視節目;及
(c) 在附表指明的覆蓋區域內,藉無線電波發送按照(b)段接收到的節目。

* 刪去不適用者。


  1. 1. 該電台須只由持牌人或獲持牌人為此授權的人操作。
  2. 2. 本牌照由發出日期起計,持續有效1年。
  3. 3. 本牌照並無授予牌照屆滿時續期或批給新牌照的權利。
  4. 4. 本牌照不得轉讓,並須在撤銷或屆滿後交還局長。
  5. 5. 持牌人的地址如有任何改變,持牌人須立即通知局長。
  6. 6. 持牌人須向局長提交局長規定的與該電台操作有關的資料。
  7. 持牌人須准許獲局長書面授權的公職人員,在任何合理時間檢查持牌人根據本牌照使用的器具。
  8. 8. 持牌人須在系統作出任何建議的擴展或修改前,將建議的擴展或修改一事通知局長。
  9. 該等電台接收到的節目或其他內容如有任何版權,本牌照並無批准持牌人作出任何侵犯該版權的作為。
  10. 10. 持牌人須就附表所指明的每個廣播電台廣播的所有*聲音/電視節目,提供全面及同時的轉播。
  11. 持牌人使用的一切器具須符合附表指明的技術規定,並須在設計、構造、維修及操作上,對任何其他電訊設施不致造成不當的干擾。
    1. (1)如透過任何該等電台非故意地接收到持牌人未獲批准接收的任何訊息,持牌人或任何操作該電台的人,除對局長授權的公職人員或具管轄權的法院或審裁處外,不得向任何人披露該訊息的內容、來源或目的地、該訊息的存在或接收到該訊息的事實,亦不得保留該訊息的文本或將該訊息作任何用途,或容許任何人抄錄、複製或使用該訊息。
    2. (2) 持牌人須採取一切切實可行的步驟,以防止該訊息被接收及再廣播。
  12. 持牌人不得在轉播服務中插入任何訊息、節目、宣傳材料或宣布,但在緊急情況下,附表指明的覆蓋區域內有關公眾安全的必要宣布除外。
  13. 14. 持牌人須備存紀錄,並須就插入轉播服務中的每項宣布的日期、時間及內容載入該紀錄。
  14. 15. 天線須適當地接地以防電擊,並須牢固地架設。
    1. (1)未獲局長書面同意,任何組成該系統一部分的導線不得橫過任何公眾街道或未批租政府土地。
    2. (2) 持牌人須遵從局長為在給予第(1)款所指的同意時施加的任何條件或給予的指示。
    1. 17. (1) 如總督認為已發生緊急事故,局長可不時─
      1. (a) 向持牌人發出有關從該電台廣播的節目及訊息的指示;
      2. (b) 規定持牌人透過任何該等電台從任何指明的廣播電台接收訊息,並將該等訊息廣播。
  1. (2) 持牌人須遵從根據第(1)款作出的任何指示。
  2. (3) 持牌人無權就局長行使本條授予局長的任何權力獲得任何付款或補償。

.............................................. 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)

* 刪去不適用者。


  1. 1. 廣播轉播電台的地點
  2. 2. 認可廣播電台 發射頻率 最大有效輻射功率 (瓦特)
  3. 3. 覆蓋區域
  4. 4. 技術規定 (1982年第259號法律公告;1987年第365號法律公告;1998年第29號第105條)


(第106章) 公共非專利電訊服務牌照 [ ]*

發出日期: 續期日期: 發出費用: 續期費用: (或所訂明的其他費用)

..................................................................................................................(以下稱為 “持牌人 ”),地址為 .................................................................................................,現獲發牌照,以在本牌照以下所載的各項條件規限下─

(a) 提供本牌照附表1有更詳細描述的公共服務(以下稱為“該服務”);及
(b) 管有、設置、使用和維持本牌照附表2所描述為提供該服務所需的無線電通訊器具;及
  1. 2. 本牌照不得解釋為將經營該服務的專有權利批給持牌人。
  2. 3. 電訊管理局局長曾就該服務而批給持牌人不論如何描述的牌照,均由本牌照代替。


  1. 持牌人或其顧客操作已領牌器具的方式,如對其他合法進行的電訊服務或其他在香港以內或以外合法操作的電訊器具造成直接或間接的干擾,即屬犯罪。
  2. 根據《電訊條例》(第106章)第34(2)條,如持牌人違反本條例(包括本條例下的規例)或違反規限本牌照的任何條件,則任何牌照可在任何時間由電訊管理局局長取消或撤回,或暫時吊銷不超逾12個月,期限由電訊管理局局長指明。
  3. 3. 本牌照在屆滿或取消後4個星期內仍未交回電訊管理局局長,即屬犯罪。
  4. 4. (由1995年第238號法律公告廢除)

* 在此處填寫服務說明。



  1. 在本牌照持續有效期間,持牌人須時刻及不時以令電訊管理局局長滿意的方式操作、維持和提供該服務。
  2. 持牌人須時刻履行和遵守各項規定及《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》的所有條文(局長以書面明文免除持牌人遵從者除外),以及附錄於該憲章及公約或在該憲章及公約下訂立而在香港適用的所有規例及建議。
    1. (1)儘管《電訊規例》(第106章,附屬法例)第8(1)條另有規定,在電訊管理局局長事先的書面同意下,持牌人可將本牌照及由本牌照產生的任何准許或任何權利或利益轉讓。
      1. (2) 任何上述同意須受電訊管理局局長施加的條件所規限。
      2. 如作出前述在該項同意下的轉讓,持牌人須安排將達成該項轉讓的文書的真實副本,在該項轉讓的日期起計2個月內發送予電訊管理局局長。
    1. 4. 如持牌人管有、使用、設置或維持作無線電通訊之用的器具,則下列附加條件即予適用─
        1. (a)每個固定電台或基地電台只能在附表2指明的地址使用,並且只能採用附表2指明的發
        2. 射頻率、類別及特性,以及就正使用的發射的類別及特性而言,只能採用附表2指明的功率及天線特性;
      1. (b)組成每個固定電台或基地電台的器具,須時刻符合電訊管理局局長訂明和在附表2指明的技術及性能標準;
      2. (c) 組成每個固定電台、基地電台或移動電台(屬持牌人的顧客所使用的移動電台)的器具,須為電訊管理局局長批准的類型,並須在設計、構造、維修及操作上,使該器具的使用對任何無線電通訊,不致造成可避免的干擾;
      3. (d)每個固定電台或基地電台須只由持牌人或獲持牌人為此授權的人操作。持牌人不得准許或容受任何未獲如此授權的人取用組成每個固定電台或基地電台的器具。持牌人須確保操作每個固定電台或基地電台的人時刻遵守本牌照的各項條件;
        1. (e) 持牌人─
            1. (i) 不得─
              1. (A) 在任何固定電台或基地電台作出任何改變;或
              2. (B) 在未獲電訊管理局局長事先書面批准下,改變安裝每個固定電台或基地電台的地址;
          1. (ii) 須在第(i)分節提述的改變已完成時,將本牌照交還電訊管理局局長修訂;
      4. (f)如運作任何固定電台或基地電台的電力來自公共電力供應,則電源不得與天線直接連接;
      5. (g)固定電台或基地電台的天線,如橫跨或可能會墜落或被吹倒在任何架空電線(包括電力照明及電車的電線)或電力器具,則須予以防護,至令有關電線或電力器具的擁有人合理滿意的程度。
      6. (h)持牌人須採取一切合理措施,以確保該服務的顧客對其他無線電通訊使用者不致造成干擾,並須採取一切必需的措施,以制止可能發生的干擾;
      7. (i) 如電訊管理局局長有此指示,持牌人須停止向其顧客提供服務;
      8. (j) 持牌人如被如此規定,須在電訊管理局局長藉向持牌人發出通知所指明的日期,每年向電訊管理局局長提供一份清單,列明該服務的顧客的姓名或名稱、地址及電訊管理局局長所要求的其他細節;
      9. (k)當任何人不再是持牌人的顧客,持牌人須以電訊管理局局長規定的方式通知該人,表明該人不再獲豁免作為顧客而使用該器具而無須遵守本條例的發牌規定。
  3. 持牌人所操作的器具,須只以電訊管理局局長分配予持牌人的無線電頻率操作,而電訊管理局局長可拒絕分配其他頻率,或如電訊管理局局長認為持牌人並未有效使用該頻率,可藉向持牌人發出的通知,規定他停止以他以前獲分配的任何頻率操作該器具。
  4. 電訊管理局局長可藉向持牌人給予不少於12個月的書面通知,規定他在該通知指明的日期,停止使用他以前獲電訊管理局局長分配的頻率,而使用電訊管理局局長指定的新頻率。
  5. 持牌人不得訂立任何協議或安排,以在任何方面防止或限制與經營該服務或獲電訊管理局局長發牌的任何其他電訊服務有關的競爭,不論該協議或安排是否在法律上可強制執行的。



公共電訊服務的說明 附表2

地址 發送頻率 最大頻差容限 發射類別 最大有效輻射功率(瓦特) 天線特性 性能及技術標準

.............................................. 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)





發出日期: 遊樂船隻名稱或地點:
續期日期: 海事處牌照號碼:
發出費用: (如獲分配)
續期費用: 呼號或識別:

..................................................................................................................(以下稱為 “持牌人 ”),地址為 ..............................................................................................,現獲發牌照,以在本牌照以下所載的各項條件規限下,管有本牌照附表指明的器具,並設置和維持─

(a) 一個作無線電通訊之用的發射及接收電台(以下稱為“該遊樂船隻無線電網絡電台”)於上述指名的遊樂船隻或地點;
(c) 一個作無線電測定之用的雷達電台(以下稱為“該雷達電台”)於該與遊樂船隻或與該遊樂船隻相連及通常由該遊樂船隻運載的任何救生船或其他救生艇。



    1. 組成該遊樂船隻無線電網絡電台、該救生艇電台及該雷達電台(以下稱為“該等電台”)的器具 ─
      1. (a)須在設計、構造、維持及使用上,使該等電台對任何無線電通訊不致造成任何可避免的干擾;及
      2. (b)須維持良好運作狀況,且未獲電訊管理局局長(以下稱為“局長”)書面同意,不得作出修改或更改。
  1. 使用該等電台時所採用的發射,須屬本牌照附表所指明的發射類別,頻率為本牌照附表就各別發射類別所指明的頻率,而功率則不得超逾本牌照附表就當時正在使用的發射類別及頻率所指明的功率。
    1. 3. 該等電台須只由持有局長根據《電訊規例》(第106章,附屬法例)第4條批給的證書的人操作,但此規定─
      1. (a) 不適用於僅以30兆赫以上的頻率(非獲分配為國際用途的頻率)操作的電台;及
      2. (b)不得阻止在遇險時為引起注意、告知出事位置和取得援助而由任何人使用或操作該等電台。
  2. 附表所提述該遊樂船隻無線電網絡電台的呼號須在有需要識別該遊樂船隻無線電網絡電台時使用。該個後面有兩位數(0或1以外)的呼號須用作識別任何該等救生艇電台。就每個救生艇電台須使用不同組合的數字。
  3. 持牌人須准許任何代表局長或海事處處長執行職務而行事的人,在任何合理時間進入該等電台,以檢查和測試組成該等電台的器具。
    1. 6. 持牌人─
      1. (a) 未獲局長事先批准,不得在該等電台作出任何改變;及
      2. (b)在本牌照及附表所列出的詳情有任何改變時,須在4個星期內給予局長書面通知,並將本牌照交還局長修訂。
  4. 7. 本牌照不得轉讓。
  5. 持牌人須時刻履行和遵守各項規定及《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》的所有條文(除非局長以書面明文免除持牌人遵從),以及附錄於該公約或在該公約下訂立而在香港適用的所有規例及建議。
  6. 9. 本牌照由發出日期起計,持續有效1年。
  7. 持牌人須向局長呈交局長指示根據《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》就該等電台與其他電台之間交換訊息而到期或須繳付的所有費用的帳目;持牌人亦須按局長指示的時間及方式,向局長繳付持牌人就該等訊息而到期的款額。
  8. 由該遊樂船隻無線電網絡電台傳送的每項訊息,須以宣布被呼喚及呼喚電台的呼號作為開始,呼喚電台的呼號須在每次發送的期間完結時重覆,但在任何不超逾1分鐘的期間,呼號無須宣布多於一次。該遊樂船隻無線電網絡電台只可以其認可呼號被呼喚和識別。
    1. 如該等電台接收到並非擬發送予持牌人或擬作公眾一般用途的訊息,持牌人或任何使用該等電台的人士不得記錄、披露或傳達該項訊息,除非─
      1. (a) 他已獲得發訊者的同意;
      2. (b) 該項訊息顯示發訊者可能涉及任何刑事活動;或
      3. (c) 該項傳達或披露是向局長所授權的人員或具有管轄權的法律審裁處作出。
  9. 13. 該等電台不得發送任何極為令人厭惡的、屬不雅或淫褻性質的訊息。
  10. 14. 任何該等電台不得並非通過香港海岸電台而與公共轉換電話系統連接。

.............................................. 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)


  1. 1. 遊樂船隻名稱或地點:
  2. 2. 器具:
設備 類型 呼號 功率 發射類別 頻率 設備編號
(A) 遊樂船隻無線電網絡發射器/接收器 (B) 救生艇發射器/接收器(C) 雷達 (D) 其他設備





發出日期: 續期日期: 發出費用: 續期費用:

..................................................................................................................(以下稱為 “持牌人 ”),地址為 .................................................................................................,現獲發牌照,以在本牌照所載的各項條件規限下─

(b) 使用該器具作為─
(i) 發送並非透過聲音提供的任何性質的資訊;
(ii) 從任何妥為認可的無線電台接收並非透過聲音提供的任何性質的資訊。


  1. 1. 該系統須只由位於附表指明的地點的電台組成。
  2. 2. 該等電台的所有特性須符合附表指明的參數及標準。
  3. 組成該等電台的器具須在設計、構造、維修及使用上,使該等電台的使用對任何無線電通訊不致造成任何可避免的干擾。
  4. 持牌人須准許任何代表局長執行職務的人,在任何合理時間進入該等電台,以檢查和測試組成該等電台的器具。
    1. 5. 持牌人─
      1. (a) 未獲局長事先批准,不得在該等電台作出任何改變;
      2. (b) 在本牌照及附表所列出的詳情有任何改變時,須在4個星期內以書面通知局長。
  5. 只要持牌人在每年的牌照屆滿日當日或之前,向電訊管理局局長預先繳付在當其時有效的規例



  1. 7. 本牌照不得轉讓。
  2. 8. 本牌照在屆滿或撤銷後,須交還電訊管理局局長。
  3. 如透過該電台接收到未經本牌照批准接收的訊息,持牌人或任何使用該等電台的人,除對電訊管理局局長妥為授權的人員或具管轄權的法律審裁處外,不得向任何人透露任何該等訊息的內容、來源或目的地、該等訊息的存在或曾接收到該等訊息的事實;亦不得保留該等訊息的文本或將該等訊息作任何用途,或容許任何人抄錄、複製或使用該等訊息。
  1. 持牌人及操作根據本牌照持牌人獲批准設置和使用的任何電台的所有人士,均須遵守和遵從電信公約的有關條文。
  2. 11. 在本牌照內,“電信公約”(Telecommunication Convention)指不時或在任何時間為香港參加或適用於香港的任何《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》及附錄於該憲章及公約的《無線電規則》#。

.............................................. 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)


地點 發射頻率 最大頻差容限 發射類別 最大有效輻射功率 天線特性 在指明距離的場強 其他性能及技術標準





由(發出日期) .............................................................................................起計有效一年 費用: ..................................................................................................................(以下稱為 “持牌人 ”),地址為 ..............................................................................................,現獲發牌照,以在本牌照所載的各項條件規


* 刪去不適用者。


  1. 1. 該系統須只由持牌人及獲持牌人為此授權的人操作。
    1. 2. 持牌人須─
      1. (a) 向電訊管理局局長(以下稱為“局長”)提交其通信地址;
      2. (b) 將該地址的任何改變,立即給予局長書面通知;及
      3. (c) 在作出(b)段提述的通知時,將本牌照交還局長修訂。
    1. 3. (1) 持牌人須─
      1. (a) 以不致對其他電訊設施造成干擾的方式,操作該系統;
      2. (b) 遵從局長為避免任何該等干擾而作出的指示;及
      3. (c)在收到局長的書面通知時,將局長認為正干擾或相當可能會干擾其他電訊設施的運作的該系統的任何部分拆離或移走。
    2. (2)如在該系統的任何部分使用任何工具、器具、材料,或將該系統的任何部分連接或施用電流會干擾或相當可能會干擾其他電訊設施的運作,則持牌人不得在該系統的任何部分使用該工具、器具或材料,或將該系統的任何部分連接或施用該電流。
  2. 持牌人須准許獲局長書面授權的公職人員在任何合理時間檢查該系統、有關紀錄及本牌照,並須立即向局長提交局長規定的與該系統的操作有關的任何資料。
  3. 5. 持牌人除為提供本牌照附表2指明的系統外,不得操作該系統。
  4. 持牌人須確保該系統所發送的一切廣告材料,符合根據《電視條例》(第52章)發出的與廣告標準有關的業務守則所定下的標準。
  5. 7. 在放映故事影片時不得發送廣告材料。
  6. 8. 發送廣告的數量並無限制。
  7. 9. 如廣告標準的業務守則的內容與此等一般條件有抵觸,須以一般條件為準。
  8. 持牌人須就該系統擬發送的節目及任何廣告材料,向影視及娛樂事務管理處處長(“處長”)呈交詳細資料,該等資料須包含處長所規定的詳情,並須按處長規定的時間呈交。
  9. 如處長要求,持牌人須向處長提供該系統擬發送的任何節目或廣告材料的錄影帶。但以微波或其他無線電波發送予持牌人的新聞、時事及體育節目除外。
  10. 持牌人須保留該系統發送的一切材料的錄影帶紀錄,為期30天,並須在處長要求時,呈交處長檢驗。
    1. 13. 持牌人須確保任何有不適合兒童觀看的內容的節目,在節目播出前均發出以下形式的公告─ “WARNING: THIS PROGRAMME CONTAINS MATERIAL WHICH MAY BE UNSUITABLE
  11. 14. 任何組成該系統一部分的導線不得橫過任何街道或未批租政府土地。
  12. 15. 本牌照不得轉讓。
  13. 16. 本牌照在屆滿或撤銷後,須交還局長。
  14. 17. 本牌照並無批准持牌人作出任何侵犯版權的作為。
  15. 持牌人須確保使用電力供應電源線操作的任何設備,在設計上使該供應電源線不能施用於該系統的導線。
  16. 在局長以該系統所在的處所有獲政府發牌的任何有線電視網絡的電纜經過為理由,指示持牌人終止以微波頻率接收後,持牌人不可繼續以任何微波頻率接收訊號為期超過3個月。


.............................................. 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)



發射器或多於一個發射器的地點 ..............................................................................
接收器的地點 ..............................................................................................................
其他規格 ......................................................................................................................







發出日期: 有效期: 延續日期(如適用): 延續期(如適用):

..................................................................................................................(以下稱為 “持牌人 ”),地址為 ..................................................................................................,現獲發給牌照,以在本牌照所列的各項條件規限下─

(a) 提供附表1所描述的公共無線電通訊服務(“該服務”);
(b) 設置、維持、管有和使用附表2所描述的無線電通訊器具以提供該服務;及


  1. 1. 本牌照不得解釋為將提供該服務的專有權利批給持牌人。
  2. 2. 局長曾就該服務而批給不論如何描述的牌照,均由本牌照代替。
  3. 3. 在本牌照持續有效期間,持牌人須時刻及不時以使局長滿意的方式操作、維持和提供該服務。
  4. 持牌人須時刻履行和遵守《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》的各項規定,以及附錄於該公約或在該公約下訂立而在香港適用的規例及建議,但如局長以書面明文豁免持牌人遵從則除外。
    1. (1)儘管《電訊規例》第8(1)條另有規定,在局長事先的書面同意下,持牌人可將本牌照及本牌照下的任何准許、權利或利益轉讓。
      1. (2) 局長的同意須符合局長認為合適的條件。
      2. 持牌人如轉讓本牌照或其他權利,則須於該項轉讓日期起計2個月內,給予局長轉讓文件的真實副本。
    1. (1)每個基地電台只能在附表2指明的地點使用,並且只能採用附表2指明的發射頻率、類別及特性,以及就正使用的發射的類別及特性而言,只能採用附表2指明的功率及天線特性。
      1. (2) 組成每個基地電台的器具,須時刻符合局長訂明和在附表2指明的技術及性能標準。
      2. (3) 組成每個基地電台或移動電台(屬持牌人的顧客所使用的移動電台)的器具,須為局長批准的類型,並須在設計、構造、維修及操作上,使該器具的使用對任何無線電通訊,不致造成任何可避免的干擾。
      3. 每個基地電台須只由持牌人或獲持牌人為此授權的人操作。持牌人不得准許或容受任何未獲如此授權的人取用組成每個基地電台的器具。持牌人須確保操作每個基地電台的人時刻遵守本牌照的各項條件。
        1. (5) 持牌人─
            1. (a) 不得在未獲局長事先書面批准下─
              1. (i) 在任何基地電台作出任何改變;或
              2. (ii) 改變安裝每個基地電台的地址;及
          1. (b) 須在(a)段提述的改變已完成時,將本牌照交還局長修訂。
      4. (6) 如運作任何基地電台的電力來自公共電力供應,則電源不得與天線直接連接。
      5. 基地電台的天線,如橫跨或可能會墜落或被吹倒在任何架空電線(包括電力照明及電車的電線)或電力器具,則須予以防護,至令有關電力器具的擁有人合理滿意的程度。
      6. 持牌人須採取一切合理措施,以確保該服務的顧客對其他無線電通訊的使用者不致造成干擾,並須採取一切必需的措施,以制止可能發生的干擾。
      7. (9) 如局長有此指示,持牌人須停止向某一顧客提供服務。
      8. 持牌人如被如此規定,須在局長藉向持牌人發出通知所指明的日期,每年向該局長提供一份清單,列明該服務的顧客的姓名或名稱、地址及局長所要求的其他細節。
  5. 持牌人所操作的器具,須只以局長分配予持牌人的無線電頻率操作,而局長可拒絕分配其他的頻率,或如局長認為持牌人並未有效使用該頻率,可藉向持牌人作出的通知,規定他停止以他以前獲分配的任何頻率操作該器具。
  6. 局長可藉向持牌人給予不少於12個月的書面通知,規定他在該通知指明的日期,停止使用他以前獲局長分配的頻率,而使用局長指定的新頻率。
  7. 持牌人不得訂立任何協議或安排,以在任何方面防止或限制與經營該服務或獲局長發牌的任何其他電訊服務有關的競爭,不論該協議或安排是否在法律上可強制執行的。


(在批給或延續本牌照時,可載入特別條件) 附表1 公共無線電通訊服務的說明 附表2

地點 發射頻率 最大頻差容限 發射類別 最大有效輻射功率 天線特性 其他性能及技術標準

.............................................. 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)






.................................................................................................................(以下稱為“持牌人”),地址為 ................................................................................................,現獲發牌照,以在本牌照所載的各項條件規限下─


目; (baa) 自2000年1月1日起,接收從衞星發送的擬供該系統的使用者接收的電訊訊息; (ba) 依據持牌人與某收費電視廣播持牌人的協議,將該系統與該收費電視廣播持牌人的收


(i) 以接收該收費電視廣播持牌人發送的—
(A) 電視節目及附屬電訊服務;及
(B) 功能數據訊號;及
(ii) 以將功能數據訊號從(a)段提述的該系統的輸出點轉送至該收費電視網絡;


(i) 以接收該節目服務持牌人所提供的—
(A) 電視節目及附屬電訊服務;及
(B) 功能數據訊號;及
(ii) 以將功能數據訊號從(a)段提述的該系統的輸出點轉送至該節目服務;

(bc) 依據持牌人與某衞星電視上行及下行持牌人的協議,將該系統與該衞星電視上行及下行持牌人所提供的收費衞星電視服務連接—

(i) 以接收該衞星電視上行及下行持牌人發送的—
(A) 電視節目及附屬電訊服務;及
(B) 功能數據訊號;及
(ii) 以將功能數據訊號從(a)段提述的該系統的輸出點經由某電訊系統或某電訊服務轉送至該收費衞星電視服務;


(i) 以接收該電訊系統或電訊服務的持牌人(或獲豁免人士)發送的電訊訊息;及
(ii) 以將電訊訊息從(a)段提述的該系統的輸出點轉送至該電訊系統或電訊服務;

(be) 依據持牌人與某公共天線系統擁有人的協議,將該系統與該公共天線系統連接以接收商營電視節目;及

(c) 將按照(b)、(ba)、(baa)、(bb)、(bc)、(bd)及(be)段接收的節目、服務及訊號分發至(a)段提述的該系統的輸出點。 在本牌照內─ “公共天線系統”(communal aerial broadcast distribution system) 指分發商營電視廣播持牌人發送的訊號的同軸電纜系統; “功能數據訊號”(functional data signals) 指接收、中斷或停止電視節目及附屬電訊服務,或其他就提供該等節目及服務的連帶功能所需的數據訊號; “收費電視節目”(subscription television programmes) 須按照《電視條例》(第52章)的收費電視廣播的涵義予以解釋; “收費電視廣播持牌人”(subscription television broadcasting licensee)、“收費電視網絡”(subscriptiontelevision network) 的涵義與《電視條例》(第52章)第2條中該等詞的涵義相同; “收費電視廣播牌照”(subscription television broadcasting licence) 的涵義與《電視條例》(第52章)第2條中該詞的涵義相同; “收費衞星電視服務”(subscription satellite television services) 指根據衞星電視上行及下行牌照明文准許在香港提供的收費服務; “收費衞星電視節目”(subscription satellite television programmes) 須按照收費衞星電視服務的涵義予以解釋;

“附屬電訊服務”(ancillary telecommunications services) 指按照收費電視廣播牌照、節目服務牌照或衞星電視上行及下行牌照(視屬何情況而定)而發送的─ (1999年第180號法律公告 ;2004年第29號法律公告)

(a) 圖文電視或其他副載波資訊;及

(b) 聲音節目; “《條例》”(Ordinance) 指《電訊條例》(第106章); “通訊”(communication) 包括—
(a) 人與人、物與物或人與物之間的通訊;及
(b)通過下述形式進行的通訊:語言、音樂或其他聲音、文字、影像(不論是否活動的)或任何其他形式的訊號或由不同形式的訊號組成的訊號; “商營電視節目”(commercial television programmes)須按照《電視條例》(第52章)的商營電視廣播的涵義予以解釋; “商營電視廣播持牌人”(commercial television broadcasting licensee) 的涵義與《電視條例》(第52章)第2條中該詞的涵義相同;

“電訊系統”(telecommunications system)指根據《條例》獲發牌照的電訊系統、在行使《條例》第7及34條所授予的權力時明訂為獲發牌照的電訊系統、根據《條例》獲豁免領牌的電訊系統或根據《條例》當作獲發牌照的電訊系統;

“電訊服務”(telecommunications service)指根據《條例》獲發牌照的電訊服務、在行使《條例》第7及34條所授予的權力時明訂為獲發牌照的電訊服務、根據《條例》獲豁免領牌的電訊服務或根據《條例》當作獲發牌照的電訊服務;

“電訊訊息”(telecommunications messages) 指任何藉電訊傳送或接收的通訊,但不包括藉衞星廣播服務或地面廣播服務發送的—

(a) 電視節目、圖文電視或其他副載波資訊、或聲音節目;或


“電視節目”(television programme) 的涵義與《電視條例》(第52章)第2條中該詞的涵義相同;

“節目服務”(programme service) 指《電視條例》(第52章)所指的節目服務;

“節目服務牌照”(programme service licence) 及“節目服務持牌人”(programme service licensee) 的涵義

與《電視條例》(第52章)第2條中該等詞語的涵義相同; “節目服務節目”(programme service programmes)須按照《電視條例》(第52章)的節目服務的涵義予以解釋; “衞星電視上行及下行持牌人”(Satellite Television Uplink and Downlink Licensee) 指衞星電視上行及下行牌照的持有人; “衞星電視上行及下行牌照”(Satellite Television Uplink and Downlink Licence)指根據《條例》第7及34條批給並以“衞星電視上行及下行牌照”為名稱的牌照; “獲豁免人士”(exempted person) 就某電訊系統或電訊服務而言,指根據《條例》獲豁免領牌的人。


  1. 1. 該系統須只由持牌人及獲持牌人為此授權的人操作。
    1. 2. 持牌人須─
      1. (a) 向電訊管理局局長(以下稱為“局長”)提交其通信地址;
      2. (b) 將該地址的任何改變,立即給予局長書面通知;及
      3. (c) 在作出(b)段提述的通知時,將本牌照交還局長修訂。
    1. 3. (1) 持牌人須─
      1. (a) 以不對其他電訊設施造成干擾的方式,操作該系統;
      2. (b) 遵從局長為避免任何該等干擾而作出的指示;及
      3. (c)在收到局長的書面通知時,將局長認為正干擾或相當可能干擾其他電訊設施的運作的該系統的任何部分拆離或移走。



    1. (1)凡局長有指示,持牌人須使該系統能在所有合理時間供局長及局長為此目的而以書面授權的人檢查及測試。
      1. 持牌人須准許局長或局長以書面授權的人,在任何合理時間為執行局長在本牌照及《條例》下的職能進入持牌人的處所,以查閱與持牌人業務有關的紀錄、文件及帳目,持牌人並須應局長要求向局長提供該等紀錄、文件及帳目的副本。
      2. (3) 局長可將根據本條件取得的任何資料按其認為管理本牌照及《條例》所需而予以使用。
    1. (1)如透過該系統非故意地接收到一般條件第11條持牌人未獲批准分發的任何訊息,持牌人或任何操作該系統的人,除對局長授權的公職人員或具管轄權的法院或審裁處外,不得向任何人披露該訊息的內容、來源或目的地、該訊息的存在或曾接收到該訊息的事實,亦不得保留該訊息的文本或將該訊息作任何用途,或容許任何人抄錄、複製或使用該訊息。
    2. (2) 持牌人須採取一切切實可行的步驟,以防止該訊息被任何人接收。
  1. 6. 持牌人不得創始任何材料或訊息,以向該系統的使用者分發。
  2. 該系統所接收到的節目或其他通訊如有任何版權,本牌照並無批准持牌人作出任何侵犯該版權的作為。
  3. 8. 本牌照不得轉讓,並須在撤銷或屆滿後交還局長。
  4. 9. (1) 未獲局長書面批准,不得敷設或維持任何橫過街道或未批租政府土地的導線。

(2) 持牌人須遵從局長為第(1)款所作出的批准而施加的任何條件或給予的指示。

    1. (1)持牌人不得對藉該系統分發的節目或其他通訊的接收權而直接或間接收費,亦不得直接或間接從收費中獲益。 (1A)除收費電視節目、節目服務節目、收費衞星電視節目、該等節目的附屬電訊服務及電訊訊息外,持牌人不得協助收取就藉該系統接收到的節目或其他通訊的接收權利而收取的費用。
      1. 除非局長以書面准許,持牌人須以第(3)款指明的方式發表公告,指明或指明將採用的方法,以釐定他提供其服務的收費及其他條款與條件。
        1. (3) 第(2)款提述的公告須以下述方式發表─
          1. (a) 在收費生效前不遲於7天,向局長送交一份文本;
          2. (b) 在收費生效前7天,向該系統的每位使用者送交一份文本;
          3. (c) 在連接該系統時向該系統的每位新使用者送交一份文本;及
          4. (d) 向要求取得該文本的任何其他人送交一份文本。
      2. 持牌人不得徵收超逾第(2)款提述的公告內指明的收費,亦不得徵收額外於第(2)款提述的公告內指明的收費。
        1. (5) 持牌人須確保在下列任何一份協議訂立後的14天內,將該協議的副本送交局長存檔—
          1. (a) 持牌人與收費電視廣播持牌人就該系統與收費電視網絡連接而訂立的協議;
          2. (b) 持牌人與節目服務持牌人就該系統與節目服務連接而訂立的協議;
          3. (c)持牌人與衞星電視上行及下行持牌人就該系統與收費衞星電視服務連接而訂立的協議;
          4. (d)持牌人與電訊系統或電訊服務的持牌人(或獲豁免人士)就該系統與電訊系統或電訊服務連接而訂立的協議;或
          5. (e) 持牌人與公共天線系統擁有人就該系統與公共天線系統連接而訂立的協議。
      3. (6) 局長可就個別協議或某種類的協議免除第(5)款規定的責任。
    1. (1)除第(3)款另有規定外,持牌人只可分發擬供公眾接收的訊號。就本條件而言,如屬以下情況,某訊號即為擬供公眾接收的訊號─
        1. (a)該訊號傳送的節目(或其他通訊)並無譯成密碼,或當該訊號傳送的節目(或其他通訊)譯成密碼,訊號的創始者已公開聲明和通知局長,而局長信納(i)該節目(或其他通訊)擬供
        2. 公眾接收,及(ii)他將不會就該節目(或其他通訊)在香港的收視權或收聽權收取任何費用;及
      1. (b) 持牌人及該系統的使用者無須向訊號創始者或其授權代理人繳費。
        1. (2) 就第(1)(a)款而言,如訊號創始者於以下報章刊登公開聲明─
        2. (a) 1份流通於香港的中文報章;及
      1. (b) 1份流通於香港的英文報章,
      2. 持牌人可分發傳送收費電視節目、節目服務節目、收費衞星電視節目、該等節目的附屬電訊服務及電訊訊息的訊號。
  1. 12. (1) 除第(2)款另有規定外,持牌人不得分發以密碼形式訊號傳送的節目或其他通訊至輸出點。

(2) 就第(1)款而言,“節目或其他通訊”(programmes or other communication) 不包括收費電視節目、節目服務節目、收費衞星電視節目、該等節目的附屬電訊服務及電訊訊息。


  1. 該系統採用的發送計劃須獲局長認可,持牌人須按照該認可計劃分發本牌照准許的節目、服務、電訊訊息及訊號,局長可不時修改該認可計劃。除非局長有其他指示,共用天線分布系統的性能規格 (HKTA 1104) 須予遵守。
    1. 14. (1) 持牌人須向局長呈交書面確認,以確認─
      1. (a)該系統所使用的任何天線及支撑架構能對支撑結構作出支持和向該結構傳達香港風力效應工作守則所指明的風負載,而支撑建築物的穩固性不受該系統所使使用的天線及支撑架構影響;
      2. (b)該系統所使用的任何天線及支撑架構不是在任何街道的任何部分之內、之上空或之上豎設,不論該土地是否根據租契從政府取得而持有的,而其任何部分不是固定或懸垂於建築物的側牆;及
      3. (c) 該系統所使用的任何天線及支撑架構豎設所在的水平並不違反《香港機場(障礙管制)條例》(第301章)的高度限制的條文。
      1. (2) 持牌人須確保第(1)款提述的事項的狀況於牌照有效期內一直予以維持。
      2. (3) 第(1)款提述的確認須由根據《建築物條例》(第123章)第3條註冊的結構工程師作出。
  2. 15. 持牌人須時刻履行和遵守《國際電信聯盟法規及公約》的各項規定,以及附錄於該法規及公約或在該法規及公約下訂立而適用於香港的規例及建議,但在局長以書面明文豁免持牌人遵守的範圍內則除外。
  3. 16. 局長可以其認為合適的任何方式,酌情讓公眾得知本牌照的條款及條件,包括本牌照的任何特定條件、發送計劃及附表。



無線電通訊接收電台的地點 分發區域 每個分發區域內的輸出點數目


電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)

註︰本表格中對《電視條例》(第52章) 所訂的服務、牌照或持牌人的任何提述,經必要的變通後,須解釋為對《廣播條例》(第562章)所訂的服務、牌照或持牌人的提述,而本牌照的條文須據此適用。






....................................................................................................................(以下稱為“持牌人”),地址為 ..................................................................................................,現獲發牌照,以在本牌照所列的下述各項條件規限下─

(a) 提供公共固定電訊網絡服務(“該服務”),其範圍在附表1描述;
(b) 設置和維持附表2描述的電訊網絡(“該網絡”),以提供該服務;
(c) 管有和使用附表3描述的作無線電通訊之用的電訊裝置,以提供該服務;並且


  1. 1. 本牌照不得解釋為將提供該服務的專有權利批給持牌人。
  2. 2. 局長曾就該服務的提供而批給不論如何描述的牌照或領牌豁免,均由本牌照代替。
    1. 本牌照的批給,並無授權持牌人進行任何事情以侵犯根據任何條例獲批給提供電訊線路或服務的專有權利。本牌照尤其並無賦予持牌人在1995年6月30日前提供公眾電話通訊服務的權利。
    2. 轉讓
  3. (1)持牌人只可在獲局長事先的書面同意,並在局長認為適合的合理條件規限下轉讓本牌照,或轉讓在本牌照下的任何准許、權利或利益。局長在給予同意時,須考慮他認為合適的事宜,包括但不限於該項轉讓對市場結構的影響,以及受讓人在財政及技術上的能力和可行性。



    1. 如持牌人為提供該服務,或為裝置、操作或維持該網絡而以合約形式僱用任何人(“承辦商”),持牌人須繼續對遵從本牌照的各項條件及對任何承辦商須履行該等條件之事,負有責任。
    2. 國際公約
  1. 6. !(1)持牌人須時刻履行和遵守《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》的規定及附錄於該公約的規則及建議;在不局限上文的一般性的原則下,持牌人亦須履行和遵守根據該公約成立的無線電通訊部門及標準部門作出並述明適用於香港的建議,以及其他國際公約、協議、議定書、諒解或同類文件,其範圍是本段所描述的文書對香港施加義務而局長向持牌人作出通知者,但如局長以書面豁免持牌人該項遵從則除外。

(2) 如政府曾被諮詢或參與有關國際公約、協議、議定書或諒解或同類文件或它們的修訂的擬備或商議,而它們是電訊的標的事項,或與其他標的事項有關(但政府預期會對根據本牌照而提供的服務可能有重大影響),則政府將在切實可行的情況下,給予持牌人合理的機會,作出述明對此事的意見的陳詞。


    1. 持牌人須遵從本條例、根據本條例訂立的規例、牌照條件或局長根據本條例可能發出的其他文書。
    2. 對干擾及妨礙的管制
    1. (1)持牌人須採取合理措施以裝置、維持和操作該服務及該網絡,以免對任何合法的電訊服務造成任何有害的無線電干擾或具體妨礙,或對任何合法電訊或公用設施服務提供者在設施的裝置、維持、操作、調校、修理、更改、移走或更換上造成任何具體防礙。
      1. 持牌人須採取合理措施,以確保該服務的顧客不會透過使用該服務而對合法電訊服務或公用設施服務造成有害的無線電干擾。
      2. 局長可發出他認為合適的合理指示,以避免第(1)款提述的有害無線電干擾或具體妨礙。持牌人須遵從該等指示。


9. !(1)持牌人在接獲局長的合理事先書面通知時,須容許局長或局長以書面授權的任何人,為局長本身的目的而進入和檢查持牌人在香港的辦公室、地方及處所,而持牌人是在其內裝置該網絡或與該網絡相關的任何設備或提供該服務的,以核實持牌人遵從發牌條件。

  1. 持牌人須以局長列出的合理技術標準,提供和維持設施,使局長得以檢查、測試、閱讀或量度(視屬何情況而定)用作或將用作提供該服務的電訊裝置、設備(包括但不限於測試工具)或處所,持牌人在局長的書面要求及局長給予合理的事先書面通知下,可自行選擇派出一位代表於檢查、測試、閱讀或量度時在場。
  2. 局長在作出合理的事先書面通知時,可指示持牌人顯示該服務符合本條例及規例或局長根據本條例發出的其他文書所施加的技術規定,而持牌人須遵從該等指示。
  3. (4) 為施行第(2)或(3)款的目的,持牌人須提供足夠的測試工具及操作職員。


10. (1) 在附表1及與提供該服務有關的本牌照任何特別條件的規限下,持牌人須在本牌照的有效期內,時刻以局長滿意的方式,操作、維持和提供良好、有效率及連續性的服務。在持牌人提出書面申請時,局長可豁免該服務的某部分或某些部分受連續提供服務的規定的規限。

  1. 在附表1及與提供該服務有關的本牌照任何特別條件的規限下,持牌人須以其公布的條款及條件,以及按照一般條件第20條(如適用)公布的收費,在顧客的要求下提供該服務,不論該顧客擬將該服務供其本身使用,或擬利用該服務向第三者提供合法的電訊服務。
  2. 在附表1及與提供該服務有關的任何特別條件的規限下,凡持牌人能夠在要求提供該服務的地點,使用持牌人在接獲要求時的適當網絡向顧客合理地提供該服務,持牌人須遵從顧客對該服務(按照一般條件第20條由持牌人收費)的要求。


11. 持牌人須擬備一份顧客約章,列出向持牌人的顧客提供的服務的最低標準,並向持牌人的僱員就他們與顧客的關係及事務往來給予指引。


12. !(1)除非顧客同意,而同意的形式須由局長批准,或為防止或偵查罪行,或為拘捕或檢控罪犯,或獲任何法律授權或根據任何法律獲授權,否則持牌人不得披露顧客的資料。

(2) 持牌人不得使用其顧客提供或在向其顧客提供該服務的過程中取得的資料,但持牌人為提供該服務和與持牌人提供該服務有關而使用者,則屬例外。


13. (1) 持牌人須將該服務及該網絡互連香港國際電訊有限公司根據在本條例下獲批給的牌照而操作的對外公共電訊網絡及服務,和互連根據本條例已領牌的其他固定電訊網絡及服務,而在局長指示下,互連根據本條例已領牌、或當作已領牌或獲豁免領牌的其他電訊網絡及服務。

  1. 持牌人亦須於1995年6月30日前將該服務及該網絡互連香港電話有限公司根據《電話條例》(第269章)提供的固定電訊網絡及服務,或互連根據《電訊條例》(第106章)已領牌的固定電訊網絡及服務(視屬何情況而定)。
  2. 持牌人須合理地盡力,以確保該項互連快速而有效率地作出,並基於所招致的合理有關成本而收費,以能就該等費用向持牌人公平地作出補償。
    1. 持牌人須提供合理所需的設施及服務,以快速而有效率地將該服務及網絡互連第(1)及(2)款提述的其他機構的電訊網絡或服務。該等設施及服務包括─
      1. (a) 經過互連網絡及互連網絡之間的編碼、訊息或訊號的輸送服務;
      2. (b) 設置、操作和維持持牌人的網絡與其他機構的網絡的互連點所需的設施及服務,包括提供發射容量以連接持牌人的網絡與其他機構的網絡;
      3. (c) 合理地需要的帳單資料,使其他機構得以向其顧客發出帳單;
      4. (d) 局長依據一般條件第31條指明的設施;及
      5. (e) 支持上述各類互連設施及服務所需的附屬設施及服務。


14. (1) 持牌人須符合由局長訂立或批准的電話號碼計劃,以及局長就該電話號碼計劃而作出的指示。

  1. 在局長的要求或在其他情況下,持牌人須就該電話號碼計劃內的號碼及編碼的分配或重新分配的安排,諮詢局長。
  2. 如局長提出要求,持牌人須就發展、增加或代替與該服務有關的電話號碼計劃,擬備建議和將該等建議向局長提交。
  3. 持牌人須以局長指示的方式,促進編配予任何固定電訊網絡服務持牌人或香港電話有限公司的顧客的號碼的可調動性,以便在顧客停止作為任何該等機構的顧客而成為任何其他固定電訊網絡服務持牌人或香港電話有限公司的顧客時(視屬何情況而定),顧客仍可使用如此獲編配的號碼。
    1. 局長根據第(4)款作出的指示,包括與持牌人、任何其他固定電訊網絡服務持牌人、香港電話有限公司及其他人之間公平地分擔與提供號碼可攜性相關的所有費用有關的合理指示。
    2. 反競爭行為
    1. (2) 在不局限第(1)款提述的行為的一般性的原則下,持牌人尤其不得─
      1. (a) 在提供或獲取任何電訊裝置、服務或器具的市場方面,訂立具有或相當可能具有防止競爭或實質上限制競爭的目的或效果的任何協議、安排或諒解(不論在法律上是否可強制執行);
      2. (b) 在未獲局長批准下,規定獲取電訊裝置、服務或器具的人亦須從持牌人處獲取或不獲取任何其他服務或器具,或從其他人處獲取或不獲取任何種類的任何其他服務或器具,作為提供或連接該等電訊裝置、服務或器具的條件;或
      3. (c) 在局長認為會置競爭對手於重大不利的競爭位置或在第(1)款所指的防止競爭或實質上是限制競爭的情況下,給予由其本身或相聯或相關聯公司、服務或人士經營的業務不當的優惠,或從由其本身或相聯或相關聯公司、服務或人士經營的業務收取不公平的利益。
15. (1) (a) 持牌人不得從事局長認為在該服務的操作上或在提供或獲取電訊裝置、服務或器
(b) 局長認為具有(a)段提述的目的或作用的行為包括(但不限於)─
(i) 釐定器具或服務的價格的共謀協議;
(ii) 抵制向競爭者供應貨品或服務;
(iii) 訂立各種排外的安排,防止競爭者獲得貨品供應或銷售點;
(iv) 各持牌人之間協議按地理或顧客情況分享現成的市場。


16. (1) 如局長認為持牌人在有關電訊服務的市場上處於優勢,持牌人不得濫用其優勢。

(2) 如局長認為持牌人能夠在不受其競爭者及顧客的重大競爭性限制下而行事,則持牌人便是處於優勢。局長在考慮持牌人是否處於優勢時,須考慮:持牌人的市場佔有率、其作出定價及其他決定的權力、進入市場的障礙難度、產品差異及促銷的程度,以及局長將會發出的指引內載有或可能載有的其他有關事項。

(3) !(a)如局長認為持牌人在提供或獲取電訊裝置、服務或器具的市場內,已從事具有防止競爭或實質上限制競爭的行為,佔有第(1)款所指的優勢的持牌人即被視為已濫用其優勢。

(b) 局長可能認為屬於(a)段所提述的行為的行為包括(但不限於)─

(i) 掠奪式定價;
(ii) 價格上的歧視;
(iii) 訂下苛刻或與合約標的無關的合約條款;
(iv) 附帶條件的安排;
(v) 在向競爭對手提供服務上加以歧視。


    1. 如局長以書面作出指示,持牌人須實施局長所指明的會計常規。該等會計常規須與一般公認的會計常規一致(如適用),並可包括(但不限於)可識別不同服務或服務的類型或種類的成本及收費的會計常規。
    2. 向局長提供資料的規定
    1. 18. (1) 持牌人須按局長書面要求的方式及時間,向局長提交與持牌人根據本牌照所經營業務有關的資料,包括財政資料、帳目及其他局長為履行根據本條例及本牌照所訂的他的職能合理所需的其他紀錄,該等職能包括(但不限於)根據一般條件第15、16及20(4)條所訂者。
      1. (2) 在第(3)款的規限下,局長可使用資料,並向他認為合適的人披露資料。
      2. 凡局長建議披露取得的資料,而局長認為披露資料會導致公布有關某持牌人業務或商業或財務的資料,且資料的披露會或有可能會合理地被預計為對持牌人的合法業務或商業或財務有不利影響,則局長在最後決定是否披露資料前,將給予持牌人合理的機會就建議的披露作出陳述。


    1. 持牌人須准許局長或局長以書面授權的任何人,為局長的目的而檢查與持牌人業務有關的紀錄、文件及帳目,並在有需要時複製該等紀錄、文件及帳目的副本,使局長得以履行根據本條例及本牌照所訂予他的職能。
    2. 收費
    1. 20. (1) 持牌人須公布就根據本牌照操作的該服務的收費,並不得收取高於該等收費的費用。該等收費須包括提供該服務的有關條款及條件。
        1. (2) 公布須以下述方式作出─
          1. (a) 提交以在香港政府憲報刊登,並在引入已領牌服務的當日或該日之前,將文本送交局長;
          2. (b) 按局長的通知,在持牌人主要營業地點及其他營業處所的公眾可到達的部分放置文本;及
          3. (c) 向要求文本的人送交文本。持牌人不得徵收超過支付涉及合理費用所需的收費。
      1. 凡持牌人向顧客提供設備,而該設備為向顧客提供電訊服務整體的一部分,則收費須清楚分開述明顧客設備價格與電訊服務收費。
      2. 如局長認為持牌人在根據本牌照提供的特定電訊服務的任何市場,或在包括該電訊服務的任何市場處於優勢,則持牌人對該電訊服務的已公布收費,或對在第(3)款規限下的顧客設備的已公布收費,不得提供任何折扣(但按照局長批准的公式或方法所計算的折扣,並與其收費一同公布者除外)。
      3. 如未獲局長批准,持牌人不得集合數項服務而一併收取單一費用,而沒有同時提供分開收費的個別服務。
      4. (6) 在本條一般條件內,“優勢”(a dominant position) 具有一般條件第16(2)條所描述的涵義。


21. (1) 持牌人可以局長批准的方式,以書面向局長呈交建議修訂的細節,建議修訂已公布的收費。

  1. (2) 在第(5)款的規限下,持牌人只可在局長已作出書面批准下,着手公布已修訂的收費。
    1. (3) 在下述情況下,局長將不會批准修訂─
      1. (a) 他認為建議修訂違反一般條件第15、16或20(4)條或任何適用的價格管制安排;
      2. (b) 他在接獲持牌人的建議修訂的30天內,已通知持牌人他不擬作出批准。
  2. 局長將盡力在接獲建議修訂後5個營業日內,考慮建議修訂,並在該日期前就他是否需要更多時間完成檢討建議修訂,作出書面通知。
  3. 凡局長在接獲持牌人的建議修訂後的30天內,沒有通知持牌人,該收費修訂將當作獲得批准。


22. (1) 持牌人如建議引入已公布收費及服務條件內並沒有載述的任何新服務及收費,須將該建議通知局長。通知須以局長批准的書面形式作出。除非局長認為該服務及收費會導致違反一般條件第15、16或20(4)條或任何適用的價格管制安排,否則局長須批准該建議的服務及收費。

  1. 局長將盡力在接獲第(1)款提述的建議的15個營業日內,考慮該建議,並在該日前就他是否需要更多時間完成檢討該建議的服務及收費,作出書面通知。
  2. 凡局長在接獲持牌人通知後的45天內,沒有通知持牌人他不擬作出批准,該新服務及收費將當作獲得批准。


23. (1) 局長可在持牌人的書面要求下,批准以試辦形式引入─

(a) 未有公布收費的服務,而在此情況下,持牌人可就提供該服務向顧客收取其認為合理的款額;及

(b) 現有服務的新收費選擇或發出帳單新計劃。

(2) 持牌人依據第(1)款尋求批准的試辦服務須─

(a) 為確定試辦服務在技術或商業上的可行性;
(b) 維持一段有限的期限,以不超逾6個月為限;及
(3) 局長為考慮是否批准持牌人的試辦服務要求,可向持牌人要求局長合理需要的額外資料。
(4) 凡局長合理地斷定所要求進行試辦的服務,如根據一般條件第20、2 1或22條建議收費,則
24. (1) 持牌人須採取一切合理步驟,以確保與該服務相關使用的計帳設備準確可靠。
(2) 在局長的書面要求下,持牌人須對計帳設備進行測試,以評估其準確性、可靠性及是否符
(3) 持牌人須以局長指明的形式,備存計帳設備的紀錄,並在局長的書面要求下,向局長提交
25. (1) 就本條一般條件而言─
(a)“電話號碼索引資料”( directory information)指持牌人在根據本牌照提供服務的過
(b) “原始電話號碼索引資料”(raw directory information) 指持牌人以基本方式持有的有
(2) 本條一般條件只適用於電話號碼索引標準印刷本及其他電話號碼索引資料庫及服務,包括
(3) 持牌人─
(4) 根據第( 3)款所提供的電話號碼索引印刷本及電話號碼索引服務,須免費提供予持牌人的所
(5) 持牌人獲准許與一個或多於一個其他固定電訊網絡服務持牌人及香港電話有限公司訂立商
業安排,合作共同提供下述其中一項或兩項服務,即持牌人根據第( 3)款須要提供的電話號
(6) 持牌人的電話號碼索引印刷本須為統一的電話號碼索引印刷本,而持牌人的電話號碼索引


  1. 凡持牌人未能依據第(6)款就下述事項與另一個持牌人達成協議,即甚麼款額才算是提供原始電話號碼索引資料的公平補償,或何為原始電話號碼索引資料的合理交換模式及發送形式,爭議的事項可由其中一個持牌人或香港電話有限公司提交局長作出決定。
  2. 除非獲局長事先的書面批准,持牌人如非為履行本條一般條件下的義務,不得利用其他持牌人或香港電話有限公司提供的原始電話號碼索引資料。


    1. 持牌人須藉着提供公共緊急呼喚服務,使公眾人士可在任何時間及無須招致任何費用而藉連接該網絡的相容器具,於切實可行範圍內盡快與香港警察緊急中心或局長所指示的其他機構通訊,報告緊急事故。
    2. 網絡的紀錄及圖則
    1. 27. (1) 持牌人須備存根據本牌照所提供的電訊裝置、作無線電通訊之用的裝置及電訊節點及交換機的紀錄及圖則(包括總體網絡圖則及電纜路線圖),以及局長合理所需的關於該網絡的任何其他細節,包括(但不限於):來自操作支援系統的資料、通訊流量資料,以及有關該網絡處理某種類呼喚的方式的資料庫資料(“網絡資料”)。
      1. 如局長有此規定,持牌人須在合理時間內,向局長或局長以書面授權的人提供網絡資料,供局長為其本身目的而檢查。
      2. (3) 局長可按照一般條件第18(2)條披露網絡資料。
      3. 在其他持牌人根據本條例或香港電話有限公司(如局長如此授權)的合理要求下,持牌人須准許他人合理地取用其網絡資料,以促進為施行一般條件第13及31條所需的網絡策劃、保養及重新配置。持牌人須獲准許向提出要求的一方收費,以公平地補償在提供該網絡資料時所招致的合理有關費用。
      4. 凡持牌人與按照第(4)款要求取用網絡資料的其他持牌人或香港電話有限公司就甚麼構成合理取用資料(包括保密規定及所招致的合理有關費用的公平補償)或合理要求,未能達成協議,爭議的事項可由持牌人、其他持牌人或香港電話有限公司提交局長作出決定。


28. (1) 持牌人在任何未批租政府土地下面、之內、上方或之上,展開其網絡的任何裝置工程前,須取得地政總署署長的書面同意。

  1. (2) 持牌人須備存該網絡裝置於任何土地下面、之內、上方或之上的地點的準確紀錄。
  2. 持牌人須記錄根據第(2)款提述的資料於以軍械測量地圖為背景而繪畫的路線圖上,其比例經持牌人諮詢路政署署長及地政總署署長後決定。
  3. 在路政署署長、地政總署署長、局長或其他擬在該網絡附近進行獲路政署署長、地政總署署長或局長授權進行的工程的人的要求下,持牌人須以圖表或其他方式,免費提供有關該網絡地點的資料。持牌人須安排已受訓練職員在現場向路政署署長、地政總署署長、局長或其他獲路政署署長、地政總署署長或局長授權的人顯示該網絡的地點及性質。
    1. 持牌人須在整條導線的敷設路線或在電訊裝置的地點,標示或以其他方式識別持牌人或代
    2. 表持牌人的承建商所敷設的每條導線或所安裝的電訊裝置,以使其區別於在香港所敷設的其他導線或所裝置的其他電訊裝置。
  4. (6) 持牌人須按局長決定的相隔距離,提供該網絡地下位置的地面區別標記。


29. (1) 就本牌照而言,凡在網絡實施改變會導致該網絡不再符合局長有權發出的任何有關技術標準,則該項改變屬重大改變。

  1. 持牌人須就對該網絡作出任何重大改變的建議,通知局長,並向局長提供局長合理地要求的資料。
    1. 如局長認為該項改變相當可能須要修改或更換所涉及的電訊器具,或相當可能須要停止生產或供應該等電訊器具,或建議的更改會需要重大的網絡重組或改換路線,則持牌人未獲局長事先的書面同意,不得作出持牌人合理地預期可能影響下述各項的重大改變─
      1. (a) 任何連繫該網絡的電訊服務或裝置;
      2. (b) 生產或供應連繫該網絡的電訊器具的人;
      3. (c) 本條例下的持牌人;
      4. (d) 香港電話有限公司;
      5. (e) 《廣播條例》(第562章)下的持牌人;或
      6. (f) 任何人或機構提供的貨品及服務的顧客或消費者。
  2. 持牌人經諮詢局長後,須擬備和公布諮詢和通知因其網絡的改變而相當可能受到重大影響的人士的程序,該等改變為按照第(2)款須作出通知的改變,及依據局長有權發出的任何技術標準而須作出通知的其他改變。在局長的批准的規限下,對第(3)款所指相當可能受影響的每類人士作出通知的程序,可按實際情況及通知他們的費用而有所不同。


    1. 就開掘道路之事,持牌人須與在本條例下的其他固定電訊網絡服務持牌人、香港電話有限公司及任何其他獲授權人士協調和合作,並須在獲局長諮詢後,遵從局長發出的任何指引。
    2. 提供、使用和共用某些設施
  1. 31. (1) 凡局長合理地達致見解,為着公眾利益,某類設施應由多於1名持牌人或香港電話有限公司提供、使用或共用,局長可發出指示,規定某持牌人與任何其他持牌人、香港電話有限公司或任何其他獲授權人士在提供、使用或共用該等設施上協調和合作。持牌人須遵從該等指示。局長在達致見解和根據本段發出指示前,將給予持牌人、香港電話有限公司及任何其他有利害關係的各方合理機會,以就該事向局長作出陳述。

(2) 在依據第(1)款考慮公眾利益時,局長將顧及─

(a) 設施是否已達樽頸情況;
(b) 設施能否合理地重複或取代;
(c) 設施的技術替代的存在;
(d) 設施是否為持牌人供應服務的關鍵;
(e) 按設施所屬的持牌人的現時及合理的未來需要,設施是否有可用的容量;
(f) 聯合使用設施會否鼓勵有效和有效率使用電訊基本建設;及
(g) 替代共同提供和使用設施的其他選擇對持牌人及公眾帶來的成本、時間損失及不


  1. 凡固定電訊網絡服務持牌人、香港電話有限公司或另一獲局長授權人士合理地要求共用設施,持牌人須盡力與提出要求的一方就條款及條件達成協議,包括(但不限於)向持牌人為提供、使用或共用該設施而給予公平補償。如在一段合理時間內未能達成協議,而局長依據第(1)款規定共用設施,則該等條款及條件須由局長決定。
    1. (4) 就本條一般條件而言,“設施”(facility) 指─
      1. (a) 導管、地坑、隧道及沙井;
      2. (b) 樓塔、主支架、柱杆及天線;
      3. (c) 土地、建築物及已設置無線電設施的用地的附屬設備;
      4. (d) 在持牌人或在香港電話有限公司的交換機建築物內或其他用地內的合理空間,以在該交換機建築物或用地設置持牌人的網絡與另一持牌人的網絡,或與香港電話有限公司的網絡之間的互連所需而放置該另一持牌人的設備;
      5. (e) 為有效提供和設置固定電訊網絡而合理所需的其他電訊或附屬裝置,包括建築物內的上升器、電纜托架及電纜進入建築物的入口點。


32. (1) 如該網絡或其任何部分裝置在公共街道或其他未批租政府土地下面、之內、上方或之上,其深度、走向、路線及位置須由地政總署署長或路政署署長決定。

(2) 在不損害任何法律或本條例的條文的原則下及作為該等條文的增補,持牌人為本牌照或其任何部分的目的而提供、設置、操作、調校、更改、更換、移走或維持該網絡的過程中,須─

(a) 作出一切合理的謹慎,並盡量對公眾帶來最少的不便及盡量對財產造成最少的損毀;及
(b) 修復對土地有合法權益或合法在該土地上的人造成的實物的損害,並在合理時間內以良好及熟練的方式將土地恢復原狀。如對損害作修復或將土地恢復至損害前的狀況並不切實可行,持牌人須向對受影響土地有權益或權利的人,就其所受的損害從速和全面支付補償。


    1. 除非獲政府產業署署長事先的書面同意,該網絡的任何部分不得附加於任何政府建築物;除非獲市政總署署長或區域市政總署署長的事先書面同意,該網絡的任何部分不得附加於任何市政局或區域市政局的任何建築物;而除非獲漁農自然護理署署長、市政總署署長或區域市政總署署長的事先書面同意,該網絡的任何部分不得附加於政府土地上的任何樹木。
    2. 在公眾街道進行工程
    1. 34. (1) 如持牌人在裝置或維持該網絡的過程中,須開掘或挖開任何公眾街道,持牌人須─
      1. (a) 向路政署署長或地政總署署長申請批准開掘或挖開該公眾街道;
      2. (b) 以應盡的速度及努力完成持牌人已開掘或挖開的該公眾街道上的工程,填平地面和移走所有由工程造成而與建築有關的廢物;
      3. (c) 以安全的方式維持工程所在的地盤,包括在地盤加設欄柵及於夜間裝置足夠的警告照明;
      4. (d) 於工程完成後,立即將街道恢復原狀,至令路政署署長或地政總署署長滿意的程度。

(2) 如持牌人沒有在路政署署長或地政總署署長指明的期間內,遵守第(1)款的任何規定,路政署署長或地政總署署長可採取行動以補救該項不遵守情況。持牌人須向政府償付由路政署署長或地政總署署長核證作為根據本段的條款進行工程的合理費用的款項。


35. (1) 凡在裝置或維持該網絡的過程中,持牌人在取得路政署署長的批准後,開掘或挖開任何公眾街道,在未獲他人同意,不得移走、移位或干擾該他人裝置的其他電訊線路、氣體喉管或水喉管或總喉管或引水渠或污水渠或任何管道、框架、導管、導線或輸送電流的電纜及其他附屬裝置。

(2) 如該他人持有《土地(雜項條文)條例》(第28章)所指的許可證,第(1)款提述的同意遭拒或因任何理由未能取得,持牌人可根據《土地(雜項條文)條例》(第28章)發給該他人的許可證的條款(如有的話),向有關主管當局要求同意着手進行。


    1. 對於由政府或代表政府進行工程而導致該網絡的任何部分受擾亂或中斷而對該網絡構成擾亂,持牌人不得以侵權或合約向政府申索。
    2. 通知持牌人更改該網絡
  1. 37. (1) 在路政署署長或地政總署署長的書面通知指示的合理時間內及方式下,持牌人須自費更改組成該網絡一部分的任何器具的走向、深度、位置或附加模式。

(2) 凡路政署署長或地政總署署長根據第(1)款作出指示,一般條件第34條須予適用,猶如該項更改為該網絡的裝置或維持的一部分。


38. (1) 由持牌人或代表持牌人操作的每個作無線電通訊之用的電訊裝置只能在附表3指明的地點使用,並須採用附表3指明的發射及頻率、類別與特性,而採用的功率及天線特性則為就當時正在採用的發射類別及特性而在該附表指明者。

  1. (2) 組成每個作無線電通訊之用的電訊裝置的器具,須時刻符合局長發出的技術標準。
  2. 組成每個作無線電通訊之用的電訊裝置的器具,須為局長批准的類型,並須在設計、構造、維持及操作上,使該器具的使用對任何無線電通訊,不致造成任何干擾。
  3. 作無線電通訊之用的電訊裝置須只由持牌人或由持牌人授權的人操作。持牌人不得容許未獲授權的人取用組成作無線電通訊之用的電訊裝置的器具。持牌人須確保操作作無線電通訊之用的電訊裝置的人須時刻遵守本牌照的各項條件。
    1. (5) 未獲局長事先的書面批准,持牌人不得改變─
      1. (a) 任何作無線電通訊之用的電訊裝置;或
      2. (b) 已裝置作無線電通訊之用的電訊裝置的地點。
  4. 任何電訊裝置或無線電通訊天線,如橫跨或可能會墜落或被吹倒在任何架空電線(包括電力照明及電車的電線)或電力器具上,該裝置或天線須予以防護,至令有關電線或電力器具的



    1. 39. 由持牌人或代表持牌人操作作無線電通訊之用的電訊裝置只能以局長分配的無線電頻率操作。局長如認為持牌人沒有有效使用該部分的無線電頻譜,可藉通知規定持牌人停止以分配予持牌人的頻率操作作無線電通訊之用的電訊裝置。
    2. 安全
  1. 40. (1) 持牌人須採取適當及足夠的安全措施,以保障與所操作或使用的一切裝置、設備及器具相關的生命及財產的安全,包括免暴露於根據本牌照使用的裝置、設備或器具發散的電力或輻射危險下。

(2) 持牌人須遵從局長定下的任何安全規格內所載的安全規定及局長就安全事宜作出的任何指示。


41. (1) 如持牌人─

(a) 處於一般條件第16(2)條所描述的市場優勢;或
(b) 受到其牌照特別條件的條款所指明的全面服務責任及本條例的規限,如發生下述情況,政府可選擇收購持牌人的業務和購買其資產─
(i) 本牌照屆滿;
(ii) 本牌照被撤銷;
(iii) 持牌人進行清盤;或
(iv) 持牌人停止經營業務:


(2) 售價須由政府與持牌人協議:以當時收購的公平市值為基礎作出,而公平市值是基於本牌照繼續有效及該網絡持續用作提供該服務而予以釐定。如政府與持牌人不能達成協議,該事項須按照《仲裁條例》(第341章)的條文藉仲裁解決。


    1. 持牌人或其任何僱員、代理人或承辦商就提供該服務,或就裝置、維持和操作該網絡的活動引致或與該等活動有關而使政府招致或使他人針對政府提出的損失、申索、收費、支出、訴訟、損害或索求,持牌人須向政府作出彌償。
    2. 非持牌人所能控制的違例事項
  1. 43. (1) 凡能證明並令局長合理地信納,違反本牌照是由非持牌人所能控制的情況造成的,而持牌人已採取一切可採取的合理步驟以糾正該項違反,則持牌人無須對本牌照的任何違反負上法律責任。
  1. 凡第(1)款提述的情況是該服務的中斷或暫停,而影響持牌人相當數目的顧客為期多於7天,持牌人須向局長提交詳盡的書面報告,詳述該項違反的理由和表明何時或可否繼續提供該服務。
  2. 如局長在考慮根據第(2)款提交的報告後,合理地相信即使有該報告所概述的情況,持牌人會在一段合理時間內能夠提供該服務,局長可指示持牌人在局長以書面指示的合理期限內重新提供該服務。持牌人須遵從該指示。


    1. 凡局長達致見解,認為持牌人在根據本牌照而提供的電訊服務市場中並非處於一般條件第16(2)條所指的市場優勢,局長可以書面指示,在局長所決定的期間及按局長所決定的條件,指示一般條件第17、20、21、22及23條的其中一條或它們的任何組合,完全不適用於持牌人,或根據它們而施加的特定責任不適用於持牌人。
    2. 公布牌照
  1. 持牌人或局長可以其認為合適的方式,酌情決定使公眾可獲得本牌照的條款及條件,包括任何特定條件。 特別條件 [特別條件可在本牌照批給或續期時由局長指明。] 附表1 服務的範圍

附表2 網絡的描述

附表3 提供服務的無線電站的技術詳情 (1995年第133號法律公告;1998年第29號第24及105條;1999年第331號法律公告;2000年第36號第28條)





...............................................................................................(以下稱為 “持牌人 ”)地址為 ........................................................................................,現獲發牌照,以在本牌照所載的各項條件規限下,管有、設置和維持附表1及附表2所描述的電訊系統(以下稱為“該系統”),並按附於本牌照的各項條件所列出的內容,使用該系統作發送訊息或接收訊息或作兩者之用。


  1. 1. 本牌照並無授權持牌人使用該系統以經營公共電訊服務。
  2. 本牌照並無授權持牌人作出任何事情而侵犯根據任何條例批給的提供電訊或電話服務的專有權利。
    1. 3. 在符合第4條的規定下,持牌人須只使用該系統載送以下訊息─
        1. (a)如屬由香港向外發出的訊息,只限源自持牌人的訊息,或如持牌人為一間公司,則只限源自─
          1. (i) 持牌人的控股公司;
          2. (ii) 持牌人的附屬公司;或
          3. (iii) 任何相關聯公司;及
        1. (b)如屬輸入香港的訊息,只限擬給予持牌人的訊息,或如持牌人為一間公司,則只限擬給予以下公司的訊息─
          1. (i) 持牌人的控股公司;
          2. (ii) 持牌人的附屬公司;或
          3. (iii) 任何相關聯公司,
          4. (i) “相關聯公司”(affiliated company) 指持牌人的控股公司的附屬公司;
          5. (ii) “公司”(company) 的涵義與《公司條例》(第32章)中該詞的涵義相同;
          6. (iii) “控股公司”(holding company)的涵義與《公司條例》(第32章)中該詞的涵義相同;及
          7. (iv) “附屬公司”(subsidiary) 的涵義與《公司條例》(第32章)中該詞的涵義相同。
    1. (1)凡持牌人是一個組織,持牌人可由香港向外發出訊息或接收輸入香港的訊息,而該等訊息是與該組織的共同業務或活動有關的。
    2. (2) 在本牌照內,“組織”(organization)指從事共同業務或活動的一組人、業務或公司,而該組人、業務或公司是特定為推展該等共同業務或活動而成立的;局長須考慮該組織的組織章程大綱和組織章程細則所述明的宗旨或與該組織的成立有關的其他文件,以決定與該等共同業務或活動有關的訊息類別。
  3. 5. 持牌人不得將該系統連接於香港的任何公共電訊網絡,但供附表1所指明線路使用,以在該系統及持牌人的處所之間轉播訊息除外,而這項連接須按照局長所指明的各項條件進行。
    1. 6. 持牌人須時刻遵從下述規定─
      1. (a) 《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》及附錄於該公約的規例及建議;
      2. (b) 國際電信聯盟※所制訂的ITU-R及ITU-T建議內適用於香港的條文;及
    2. (c) 任何其他國際公約、協議、議定書、諒解或局長向持牌人作出通知的同類文件, 但局長以書面方式豁免持牌人遵從的範圍除外。
    1. 如接收到未獲本牌照批准接收的任何訊息,持牌人或任何使用該系統的人,除對局長妥為授權
    2. 的人員或具管轄權的法律審裁處外,不得向任何人透露該訊息的內容、來源或目的地或接到該訊息的事實,亦不得保留該訊息的文本或將該訊息作任何用途,或容許任何人如此行事。
  4. 如持牌人根據合約僱用任何人以裝置、操作或維持該系統(“承辦商”),持牌人須對任何承辦商在遵從本牌照的各項條件及履行牌照方面,繼續負責。
  5. 持牌人或其任何僱員、代理人或承辦商就該系統的裝置、維持和操作的活動引致或與該等活動有關而使政府招致或使他人針對政府提出的損失、申索、收費、支出、訴訟、損害或索求,持牌人須向政府作出彌償。
  6. 持牌人須按局長以書面要求的方式及時間,向局長交供他根據《電訊條例》(第106章)及本牌照履行職能而合理地需要的資料及帳目。
    1. (1)持牌人須准許局長或獲局長以書面授權的人進入持牌人的任何辦事處或裝置電訊設備的處所,檢查任何電訊設備或監察該等設備所載送的通訊量,以核證持牌人是否按照本牌照營運該系統。
        1. (2) 持牌人須向局長提供一切設施,以─
        2. (a) 檢驗或測試其電訊設備,以及檢查根據本牌照使用或將會使用的辦事處或設施;及
      1. (b) 監察已領牌的設備及設施所載送的通訊量, 而持牌人可由持牌人的代理人或僱員作為代表,在檢驗、測試、檢查或監察時在場,但不得干擾檢驗、測試、檢查或監察。
        1. (3) 局長可不時規定持牌人證明該系統符合─
          1. (a) 本牌照、《電訊條例》(第106章)及《電訊規例》(第106章,附屬法例)的規定;及
          2. (b) 局長不時發出的任何技術標準、規格、業務守則、指示、決定或命令。
  7. 持牌人須准許局長或獲局長以書面授權的人員檢查與持牌人業務有關的紀錄、文件及帳目,並複製其副本,以確定持牌人遵從本牌照。
    1. 13. (1) 持牌人須向局長呈交書面確認,以確認─
      1. (a)該系統所使用的任何天線及支撑架構能支持支撑結構和向支撑結構傳達香港風力效應工作守則所指明的風負載,而支撑建築物的穩固性不受該系統所用的天線及支撑或架構影響;
      2. (b)該系統所使用的任何天線及支撑架構都不得在任何街道的任何部分之內、上方或之上豎設,無論該土地是否根據租契從政府取得而持有的,而其任何部分不得固定或懸垂於建築物的側牆;及
      3. (c) 該系統所使用的任何天線及支撑架構豎設所在的水平不得違反《香港機場(障礙管制)條例》(第301章)的高度限制的條文。
      1. (2) 持牌人須確保第(1)款提述的事項狀況於本牌照有效期內一直予以維持。
      2. (3) 第(1)款提述的確認須由根據《建築物條例》(第123章)第3條註冊的結構工程師作出。
    1. 14. (1) 持牌人須─
      1. (a) 以不致對其他電訊設施造成有害干擾的方式操作該系統;及
      2. (b) 遵從局長為避免該等有害干擾而發出的任何指示。
    2. (2)如在系統的任何部分使用任何工具、器具或材料,或將任何電流連接至或施用於該系統的任何部分,以致對任何其他電訊設施的運作,造成有害干擾,或相當可能造成有害干擾,則持牌人不得在該系統的任何部分使用該等工具、器具或材料,或將任何電流連接至或施用於該系統的任何部分。
    1. 15. (1) 未獲局長事先的書面同意,不得敷設或維持任何橫過街道或未批租政府土地的導線。
    2. (2) 持牌人須遵從局長為第(1)款而在給予書面同意時所施加的任何條件或給予的指示。
  8. 16. (1) 持牌人操作或代表持牌人操作的每個作無線電通訊之用的電訊裝置,須只在附表2指明的地點使用,並須採用附表2指明的發射及頻率、類別與特性(包括天線的特性)和採用附表2指明的


  1. (2) 組成無線電通訊的每個電訊裝置的器具,須時刻符合局長所指明的技術及性能標準。
  2. (3) 組成作無線電通訊之用的電訊裝置的器具,須為局長批准的類型,並須在設計、構造、保養及操作上,使該器具的使用對任何其他電訊設施,不致造成可避免及有害干擾。
    1. (4) 持牌人─
        1. (a) 未獲局長事先的書面批准,不得─
          1. (i) 對作無線電通訊之用的電訊裝置作出任何改變;或
          2. (ii) 對作無線電通訊之用的電訊裝置所裝置的地點作出任何改變;及
      1. (b) 在(a)段提述的改變已完成時,須將牌照交還局長修訂。




組成該系統的無線電通訊器具的技術詳情如下─ (1995年第291號法律公告;1998年第29號第105條;2000年第36號第28條)



自設對外電訊系統 (短期)牌照

發出日期: 屆滿日期:

............................................................................................以下稱為“持牌人”),地址為 ........................................................................................,現獲發牌照,以在本牌照所載的各項條件規限下─



  1. 1. 本牌照並無授權持牌人使用該系統或該等附屬裝置以經營公共電訊服務或衞星廣播服務。
  2. 本牌照並無授權持牌人作出任何事情而侵犯根據任何條例批給的提供電訊或電話服務的專有權利。
    1. 3. 在符合第4條的規定下,持牌人須只使用該系統載送以下訊息─
        1. (a) (如屬由香港向外發出的訊息)只限源自持牌人的訊息,或如持牌人為一間公司,則只限源自─
          1. (i) 持牌人的控股公司;
          2. (ii) 持牌人的附屬公司;或
          3. (iii) 任何相關聯公司;及
        1. (b) (如屬輸入香港的訊息)只限擬給予持牌人的訊息,或如持牌人為一間公司,則只限擬給予以下公司的訊息─
          1. (i) 持牌人的控股公司;
          2. (ii) 持牌人的附屬公司;或
    2. (iii) 任何相關聯公司,
      1. (i) “相關聯公司”(affiliated company) 指持牌人的控股公司的附屬公司;
      2. (ii) “公司”(company) 的涵義與《公司條例》(第32章)中該詞的涵義相同;
      3. (iii) “控股公司”(holding company) 的涵義與《公司條例》(第32章)中該詞的涵義相同;及
      4. (iv) “附屬公司”(subsidiary) 的涵義與《公司條例》(第32章)中該詞的涵義相同。
    1. (1)凡持牌人是一個組織,持牌人可由香港向外發出訊息或接收輸入香港的訊息,而該等訊息是與該組織的共同業務或活動有關的。
    2. (2) 在本牌照內,“組織”(organization)指從事共同業務或活動的一組人、業務或公司,而該組人、業務或公司是特定為推展該等共同業務或活動而成立的;局長須考慮該組織的組織章程大綱和組織章程細則所述明的宗旨或與該組織的成立有關的其他文件,以決定與該等共同業務或活動有關的訊息類別。
  3. 5. 持牌人不得將該系統或該等附屬裝置連接於香港的任何公共電訊網絡,但供附表1所指明線路使用,以在該系統及持牌人的處所之間轉播訊息除外,而這項連接須按照局長所指明的各項條件進行。
    1. 6. 持牌人須時刻遵從下述規定─
      1. (a) 《國際電信聯盟憲章及公約》及附錄於該公約的規例及建議;
      2. (b) 國際電信聯盟※所制訂的ITU-R及ITU-T建議內適用於香港的條文;及
    2. (c) 任何其他國際公約、協議、議定書、諒解或局長向持牌人作出通知的同類文件, 但局長以書面方式豁免持牌人遵從的範圍除外。
  4. 如接收到未獲本牌照批准接收的任何訊息,持牌人或任何使用該系統或該等附屬裝置的人,除對局長妥為授權的人員或具管轄權的法律審裁處外,不得向任何人透露該訊息的內容、來源或目的地或接到該訊息的事實,亦不得保留該訊息的文本或將該訊息作任何用途,或容許任何人如此行事。
  5. 如持牌人根據合約僱用任何人以裝置、操作或維持該系統或該等附屬裝置(“承辦商”),持牌人須對任何承辦商在遵從本牌照的各項條件及履行牌照方面,繼續負責。
  6. 持牌人或其任何僱員、代理人或承辦商就該系統或該等附屬裝置的裝置、維持和操作的活動引致或與該等活動有關而使政府招致或使他人針對政府提出的損失、申索、收費、支出、訴訟、損害或索求,持牌人須向政府作出彌償。
  7. 持牌人須按局長以書面要求的方式及時間,向局長提交他根據《電訊條例》(第106章)及本牌照履行職能而合理地需要的資料及帳目。
    1. (1)持牌人須准許局長或獲局長以書面授權的人進入持牌人的任何辦事處或裝置電訊設備的處所,檢查任何電訊設備或監察該等設備所載送的通訊量,以核證持牌人是否按照本牌照營運該系統及該等附屬裝置。
        1. (2) 持牌人須向局長提供一切設施,以─
        2. (a) 檢驗或測試其電訊設備,以及檢查根據本牌照使用或將會使用的辦事處或設施;及
      1. (b) 監察已領牌的設備及設施所載送的通訊量, 而持牌人可由持牌人的代理人或僱員作為代表,在檢驗、測試、檢查或監察時在場,但不得干擾檢驗、測試、檢查或監察。
        1. (3) 局長可不時規定持牌人證明該系統及該等附屬裝置符合─
          1. (a) 本牌照、《電訊條例》(第106章)及《電訊規例》(第106章,附屬法例)的規定;及
          2. (b) 局長不時發出的任何技術標準、規格、業務守則、指示、決定或命令。
  8. 持牌人須准許局長或獲局長以書面授權的人員檢查與持牌人業務有關的紀錄、文件及帳目,並複製其副本,以確定持牌人遵從本牌照。
  9. 持牌人須確保該系統及該等附屬裝置的操作,符合局長不時發出的指引內所列出有關非游離電磁輻射對健康造成的危險的安全措施。
    1. 14. (1) 持牌人須─
      1. (a) 以不致對其他電訊設施造成有害干擾的方式操作該系統及該等附屬裝置;及
      2. (b) 遵從局長為避免該等有害干擾而發出的任何指示。
    2. (2)如在該系統或該等附屬裝置的任何部分使用任何工具、器具或材料,或將任何電流連接至或施用於該系統或該等附屬裝置或的任何部分,以致對任何其他電訊設施的運作,造成有害干擾,或相當可能造成有害干擾,則持牌人不得在該系統或該等附屬裝置的任何部分使用該等工具、器具或材料,或將任何電流連接至或施用於該系統或該等附屬裝置的任何部分。
    1. 15. (1) 未獲局長事先的書面同意,不得敷設或維持任何橫過街道或未批租政府土地的導線。
    2. (2) 持牌人須遵從局長為第(1)款而在給予書面同意時所施加的任何條件或給予的指示。
    1. (1)持牌人操作或代表持牌人操作的每個作無線電通訊之用的電訊裝置,只能在附表2指明的地點使用,並須採用附表2指明的發射及頻率、類別與特性(包括天線的特性)和採用附表2指明的功率或功率密度。
      1. (2) 組成無線電通訊的每個電訊裝置的器具,須時刻符合局長所指明的技術及性能標準。
      2. 組成作無線電通訊之用的電訊裝置的器具,須是局長批准的類型,並須在設計、構造、保養及操作上,使該器具的使用對任何其他電訊設施,不致造成可避免及有害干擾。
        1. (4) 持牌人─
            1. (a) 未獲局長事先的書面批准,不得─
              1. (i) 對作無線電通訊之用的電訊裝置作出任何改變;或
              2. (ii) 對作無線電通訊之用的電訊裝置所裝置的地點作出任何改變;及
          1. (b) 在(a)段提述的改變已完成時,須將牌照交還局長修訂。







.............................................. 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)




公共無線電通訊服務牌照(陸地移 動業務以外的服務)

發出日期: 有效期: 續期日期(如適用): 續期為期(如適用):

...................................................................................... (以下稱為“持牌人”),地址為 ................................................................................... ,現獲發給牌照,以在本牌照所列的各項條件規限下─

(a) 提供附表1所描述的公共無線電通訊服務(“該服務”);
(b) 設置、維持、管有和使用附表2所描述的無線電通訊器具以提供該服務;及


  1. 1. 本牌照不得解釋為將提供該服務的專有權利批給持牌人。
  2. 2. 局長曾就該服務而批給持牌人的牌照(不論如何描述),均由本牌照代替。
  3. 3. 在本牌照持續有效期間,持牌人須時刻及不時以使局長滿意的方式操作、維持和提供該服務。
  4. 持牌人須時刻履行和遵守《國際電信聯盟法規及公約》的各項規定,以及附錄於該法規及公約或在該法規及公約下訂立而適用於香港的規例及建議,但在局長以書面明文豁免持牌人的範圍內則除外。
    1. (1)儘管《電訊規例》(第106章,附屬法例)第8(1)條另有規定,在局長事先的書面同意下,持牌人可將本牌照及本牌照下的任何准許,權利或利益轉讓。
      1. (2) 局長的同意受局長認為合適的條件所規限。
      2. (3) 持牌人如轉讓本牌照或其他權利,則須於自該項轉讓日期起計的2個月內,給予局長轉讓文件的真實副本。
  5. 6. (1) 每個陸地電台或陸地地球站只能在附表2指明的地點使用,並且其發射的頻率、類別及特性


  1. (2) 組成每個陸地電台或陸地地球站的器具,須時刻符合局長訂明和在附表2指明的技術及性能標準。
  2. (3) 組成每個陸地電台或陸地地球站或移動電台或移動地球站(屬持牌人的顧客所使用的移動電台或移動地球站)的器具,須在設計、構造、維修及操作上,使該器具的使用不致對任何無線電通訊造成任何可避免的干擾。
  3. (4) 每個陸地電台或陸地地球站須只由持牌人或獲持牌人為此授權的人操作。持牌人不得准許或容受任何未獲如此授權的人操作組成每個陸地電台或陸地地球站的器具。持牌人須確保操作每個陸地電台或陸地地球站的人時刻遵守本牌照的各項條件。
    1. (5) 持牌人─
        1. (a) 不得在未獲局長事先書面批准下─
          1. (i) 對任何陸地電台或陸地地球站作出任何改動;或
          2. (ii) 改變安裝每個陸地電台或陸地地球站的地址;及
      1. (b) 須在(a)段提述的改動或改變已完成時,將本牌照交還局長修訂。
  4. 如運作任何陸地電台或陸地地球站的電力取自公共電力供應,則電源不得與天線直接連接。
  5. 陸地電台或陸地地球站的天線,如橫跨或可能會墜落或被吹倒在任何架空電線(包括電力照明及電車的電線)或電力器具,則須予以防護,至令有關電力器具的擁有人合理滿意的程度。
  6. 持牌人須採取一切合理措施,以確保該服務的顧客不致對其他無線電通訊的使用者造成干擾,並須採取一切必需的措施,以制止可發生的干擾。
  1. 持牌人所操作的器具,須只以局長分配予持牌人的無線電頻率操作,而局長可拒絕再分配其他的頻率,如局長認為持牌人並未有效率地使用以前獲分配的頻率,可藉向持牌人作出的通知,規定他停止以該頻率操作該器具。
  2. 局長可藉向持牌人給予不少於12個月的書面通知,規定他在該通知指明的日期,停止使用他以前獲局長分配的頻率,而使用局長指定的新頻率。
  3. 持牌人不得訂立任何協議或安排,以任何方式防止或限制與經營該服務或獲局長發牌的任何其他電訊服務有關的競爭,不論該協議或安排是否在法律上可強制執行的。

10. 在本牌照中─
“陸地地球站”(land earth station) 指衞星移動業務中不擬供移動時使用的地球站;
“陸地電台”(land station) 指移動業務中不擬供移動時使用的電台;
“電台”(station)、“地球站”(earth station)、“移動業務”(mobile service)、“陸地移動業務”(land

mobile service) 及“衞星移動業務”(mobile-satellite service) 的涵義,與附錄於《國際電信聯盟法規及公約》的《無線電規例》中該等詞語的涵義相同。




公共無線電通訊服務的說明 附表2

地點 發射頻率 最大頻差容限 發射類別 最大有效輻射功率 天線特性 其他性能及技術標準

.................................................... 電訊管理局局長 ( 代行)


# “《無線電規則》”乃“Radio Regulations”之譯名。

+ “1979年世界無線電行政大會”乃“World Administrative Radio Conference 1979”之譯名。 @ “國際無線電通訊諮詢委員會”乃“International Radio Consultative Committee”之譯名。
“國際電信聯盟”乃“International Telecommunication Union”之譯名。

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