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Loi sur l'investissement étranger et le transfert de technologie, 2049(1992), Népal

Version la plus récente dans WIPO Lex
Détails Détails Année de version 2001 Dates Adopté/e: 12 novembre 1992 Type de texte Lois en rapport avec la propriété intellectuelle Sujet Brevets (Inventions), Marques

Documents disponibles

Texte(s) principal(aux) Textes connexe(s)
Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Anglais Foreign Investment And Technology Transfer Act, 2049 (1992)        


ACT, 2049 (1992)

Date of Authenticationand publication

Amendment Acts 27 kartik 049 (12 Nov. 1992)

  1. The Foreign Investment And Technology Transfer ( first Amendment) Act, 2052 2052/10/10 (24 Jan.,1996)
  2. Amendment by Some Nepal Laws Amendment Act, 20572057/4/26 (10 Aug. 2000)
  3. Income tax Acts, 2058 2058.12.19


Preamble Whereas, in the process of industrialization of the country, it is expedient to promote foreign investment and technology transfer for making the economy viable, dynamic and competitive through the maximum mobilization of the limited capital, human and the other natural resources.

Be it enacted by Parliament in the twenty first year of the reign of His Majesty's King Birendra Bir Birkram Shah Dev.

1. Short Title and Commencement: (1) This Act may be called "The Foreign Investment And Technology Transfer Act, 2049 (1992)"

(2) This Act shall come into force immediately .

2. Definitions: Unless the subject or context otherwise requires, in this Act:

"Industry" means any industry as referred to in Section 3 of the Industrial Enterprises Act, 2049 (1992).
"Foreign Investment" means the following investment made by a foreign

It came into force on 18 kartik 2054.

investor in any industry"

Investment in Share (Equity)
Reinvestment of the earnings derived from the investment as referred to in Sub-section (1) above,
Investment made in the form of loan or loan facilities.
"Technology Transfer" means any transfer of technology to be made under an agreement between an industry and a foreign investor on the following matters:
Use of any technological right, specialization, formula, process, patent or technical know-how of foreign origin.
Use of any trademark of foreign ownership.
Acquiring any foreign technical, consultancy, management and marketing service.
"Foreign Investor" means any foreign individual, firm, company or corporate body involved in foreign investment or technology transfer including foreign government or international agency.
"Board" means the Industrial Promotion Board Constituted under Section 12 of the Industrial Enterprises Act, 1992.
"Department" means the Department of Industries or Department of cottage and Small Industries of Government of Nepal or any other department office or agency as specified by Government of Nepal.
"Prescribed" or "As prescribed" means prescribed or as prescribed in the Rules made under this Act or in an order issued by the Government of Nepal by notification published in Nepal Gazette.

3. Permission to be Obtained: (1) Permission of the Department shall be required

to be obtained for foreign investment or technology transfer.

(2) A person desiring to avail the foreign investment or technology transfer shall be required to make an application to the Department in the prescribed form along with the prescribed particulars for obtaining permission in that behalf. (3) If an application is made pursuant to Sub-section (2) the Department shall, in the case of an industry with fixed assists up to five hundred million rupees, itself, and in the case of an industry with fixed assets in excess thereof, in accordance with the decision of the Board, grant permission within thirty days from the date of application. The Department shall communicate the decision made in regard to such permission to the applicant. (4) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-section (1) and (2) no permission shall be granted for making foreign investment in the industries set forth in the Annex.

Provided that permission may be granted for the transfer of technology in such industries.

  1. ..................... ×
  2. Facilities and Concessions: (1) ........................(1a).....

Amendment by first Amendment Amendment by first Amendment × Repeal by first Amendment Repeal by Some Nepal Laws revision Act, 2057 Repeal by Income Tax Act, 2058

(2) A foreign investor making investment in foreign currency shall be

entitled to repatriate the following amount outside Nepal:

a) The amount received by the sale of the share of foreign investment as a whole or any part thereof.

b) The amount received as profit or divided in lieu of the foreign investment.

c) The amount received as the payment of the principal of and interest on any foreign loan.

(3) A foreign investor shall be entitled to repatriate outside Nepal the amount received under an agreement for the transfer of technology in such currency as set forth in the concerned agreement.

6. Provisions Relating to Visa: (1) A foreign national visiting Nepal in connection with undertaking any study or carrying out any research with the objective of making investment in Nepal shall be provided a non tourist visa for up to six months.

(2) A foreign investor or dependent family or authorized representative of such a foreign investor and department family of such authorized representative shall for the purpose of stay in Nepal be provided a business visa until the foreign investment is retained.

Provided that a foreign investor who, at a time, makes investment in an amount no less than one hundred thousand United States dollar or in convertible foreign currency equivalent thereto, and his/her dependent family shall be granted a residential visa until such investment is retained.

Amendment by first Amendment

7. Settlement of Disputes: (1) If any dispute arises between a foreign investor,

national investor or the concerned industry, the concerned parties shall be required to settle the dispute by mutual consultations in the presence of the Department.

If the dispute could not be settled in the manner as referred to in Sub-section (1) it shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the prevailing arbitration Rules of the United Nations commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL).
The arbitration shall be held in Kathmandu. The laws of Nepal shall be applicable in the arbitration.

(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-sections (1), (2) and (3) above, disputes arising in regard to foreign investment made in the industries with investment as prescribed may be settled as mentioned in the foreign investment agreement.

  1. Power to Frame Rules: Government of Nepal may frame necessary Rules for carrying out the objectives of this Act.
    1. This Act to Prevail: Notwithstanding anything contained in the existing laws, matters stipulated under this Act and Rules made thereunder shall be dealt accordingly.
    2. 9A. Power to Make Alternation or Amendment in Annex: Government of Nepal may, by notification in the Nepal Gazette, make necessary alterations or amendments in Part (B) of the Annex.
  2. Repeal and Savings: (1) The Foreign Investment and Technology Act, 1981 is hereby repealed.

Inserted by First amendment .

(2) All acts performed or action taken under the Foreign Investment and Technology Act, 1981 shall deemed to have been performed or taken under this Act.


(Relating to Sub-section (4) of Section (3) Industries not to be granted permission for making foreign investment)

Part (A)

  1. Cottage Industries.
  2. Personal Service Business (Business such as Hair Cutting, Beauty Parlour, Tailoring, Driving Training etc.)
  3. Arms and Ammunition Industries.
  4. Explosives, Gunpowder
  5. Industries related to Radio-Active Materials.
  6. Real Estate Business (Excluding Construction Industries)
  7. Motion Pictures Business (Produced in national languages and the language of the nation)
  8. Security Printing
  9. Currencies and Coinage Business

Part (B)

  1. Retail Business
  2. Travel Agency
  3. Trekking Agency
  4. Water Rafting
  5. Pony Trekking
  6. Horse Riding
  7. Cigarette, Bidi (Tobacco), Alcohol (excluding those exporting more that 90%)
  8. Internal Courier Service
  9. Atomic Energy
  10. Tourist Lodging
  11. Poultry Farming
  12. Fisheries
  13. Bee-Keeping
  14. Consultancy Services such as Management, Accounting, Engineering and Legal Services. 15. Beauty parlour 16. Domestic food processing methods in rent .

17. Local Catering Service 18. Rural tourism

Inserted by a notification published in the Nepal gazette dated 2058.5.21

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