E.I. Dupont de Nemours and Co. (Assignee of Inventors Carini, Duncia and Wong) vs. Director Emma C. Francisco (in her Capacity as Director General of the Intellectual Property Office), Director Epifanio M. Evasco (in his Capacity as the Director of the Bureau of Patents), and Therapharma, Inc., G.R. No. 174379. August 31, 2016.,
НазадДата решения31 августа 2016 г.Постановляющий органВерховный судИнстанция постановляющего органаПоследняя инстанцияВид процедурыСудебный (Административный)ПредметПатенты (изобретения)Истец/апеллянтE.I. Dupont de Nemours and Co. (Assignee of Inventors Carini, Duncia and Wong)Ответчик/ответчик по апелляцииDirector Emma C. Francisco (in her Capacity as Director General of the Intellectual Property Office), Director Epifanio M. Evasco (in his Capacity as the Director of the Bureau of Patents), And Therapharma, Inc.Ключевые слова
Public domain,
Abandoned application,
Inexcusable negligence,
Right of priority,
Patent application
Решения/ПостановлениеАнглийскийE.I. Dupont de Nemours and Co. (Assignee of Inventors Carini, Duncia and Wong) vs. Director Emma C. Francisco (in her Capacity as Director General of the Intellectual Property Office), Director Epifanio M. Evasco (in his Capacity as the Director of the Bureau of Patents), and Therapharma, Inc., G.R. No. 174379. August 31, 2016. PDFHTMLСоответствующее законодательство