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Постановление «О применении Закона «Об охране полезной модели» (Постановление о полезной модели от 11.05.2004 г., с изменениями, внесенными ст.4 Постановления от 17.12.2004 г.), Германия

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 Utility Model Enforcement Regulations


Utility Model Regulations

Utility Model Ordinance of 11 May 2004 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 890)

last amended by Article 4 of the Ordinance of 17 December 2004 (Federal

Law Gazette I p. 3532)


Chapter 1 General Provision

Section 1 Scope of Application

Chapter 2 Utility Model Applications

Section 2 Filing of the Application

Section 3 Request

Section 4 Application Documents

Section 5 Claims

Section 6 Description

Section 7 Drawings

Section 8 Splitting off

Section 9 German Translations

Chapter 3 Final Provisions

Section 10 Transitory Regulation on Occasion of the Entry into Force of

this Ordinance

Section 11 Transitory Regulation for Future Amendments

Section 12 Entry into Force; Abrogation


Chapter 1 General Provision

Section 1 Scope of Application

(1) In addition to the provisions of the Utility Model Law and the

Ordinance Concerning the German Patent and Trade Mark Office, the

provisions of this ordinance shall apply to procedures before the German

Patent and Trade Mark Office (utility model matters), prescribed in the

Utility Model Law.

(2) German industrial standards, referred to in this ordinance, have been

published by Beuth-Verlag GmbH, Berlin and Cologne, and securely stored

in an archive at the German Patent and Trade Mark Office.


Chapter 2 Utility Model Applications

Section 2 Filing of the Application

An application in writing shall be filed with the German Patent and Trade

Mark Office in respect of any invention for which protection as a utility

model is sought (Sec. 1(1) Utility Model Law).

Section 3 Request

(1) The request for registration of a utility model (Sec. 4(3) No. 2

Utility Model Law) shall be filed on the form prescribed by the German

Patent and Trade Mark Office.

(2) The request shall contain:

1. the following information on the applicant:

a) if the applicant is a natural person, the given name and the family

name or, if registration is sought under the trade name of the applicant,

the trade name as recorded in the Commercial Register;

b) if the applicant is a legal entity or a partnership, the name of this

entity or partnership; the usual abbreviation of the legal form can be

used. If the legal entity or partnership is registered in a register,

the name shall be indicated in a form corresponding to that of the register

entry. In case of a partnership under the Civil Code, the name and address

of at least one partner entitled to act as representative shall also be


it shall be made clear whether the utility model is filed on behalf of

one or more than one individual or partnership, for the applicant under

the trade name or under the civil name;

c) the residence or principal place of business and the address (street

and house number, postal code, town);

2. a short, precise technical title of the subject matter of the utility

model (no trade marks or other fancy titles);

3. a statement that the registration of a utility model is requested for

the invention;

4. if a representative has been appointed, his name and his address;

5. the signatures of all applicants or their representative;

6. if the application relates to a division of a utility model application

(Sec. 4(6) Utility Model Law) (voluntary or due to lack of unity), the

file number and the date of filing of the original application;

7. where the applicant has already sought, at an earlier date, a patent

with effect in the Federal Republic of Germany for the same invention

and wishes to claim its date of filing, a declaration to this effect which


shall be filed with the utility model application (Sec. 5(1) Utility Model

Law - splitting off).

(3) If the residence or principle place of business of the applicant is

not in Germany, the applicant shall also indicate the country in addition

to the town when indicating the address under subsection (2) No. 1 item

c). Furthermore, the applicant may also indicate the district, county

or state where he has his residence or principle place of business or

to whose legal order he is subject to.

(4) If the German Patent and Trade Mark Office has assigned an applicant’s

number to the applicant, this number should be indicated in the


(5) If the German Patent and Trade Mark Office has assigned a

representative’s number or the number of a general power of attorney to

the representative, this number should be indicated.

(6) In the event of employees signing the request on behalf of their

employer who files an application, the authority to sign shall be proved

to the satisfaction of the office; reference shall be made to any

employee’s authority to sign, deposited with the German Patent and Trade

Mark Office, indicating the identification number communicated for this


Section 4 Application Documents

(1) The claims, the description and the drawings shall be filed on separate

sheets in two copies each.

(2) The documents making up the application shall clearly show to which

application they pertain. Following communication of the official file

number, this shall be quoted on all subsequent communications.

(3) The application documents shall not contain any communication

referring to other applications.

(4) The documents shall meet the following requirements:

1. The size of the sheets shall exclusively be A4. The sheets shall be

used in upright position. Only one side of the sheets shall be used; the

typing shall be 1 1/2 spaced. For the drawing, the sheets may, if

appropriate, also be used sideways.


2. The margins of the sheets containing the request, the claims and the

description must be blank. The minimum margins shall be as follows:

top 2.0 cm

left side 2.5 cm

right side 2.0 cm

bottom 2.0 cm

The minimum margins may contain the name, the trade name or other

designation of the applicant as well as the file number of the application.

3. Only typing, printing or other technical methods shall be used. Symbols

not existing on the keyboard may be written by hand.

4. The strong and non-transparent paper shall not be folded and be free

from creases, tears, alterations, erasures and the like.

5. Black, clean and well-defined characters and strokes with sufficient

contrast shall be used uniformly throughout all application documents.

The letters of the type used shall be clearly separated and must not touch.

Section 5 Claims

(1) What is to be protected by the utility model (Sec. 4(3) No. 3 Utility

Model Law) may be specified in one part or in two parts, i.e. divided

in a generic and a characterising portion. In both cases, the version

may be arranged according to the features.

(2) If the two-part version is chosen, the features of the invention on

which the invention is based as state of the art shall be included in

the generic part; the characterising portion shall include the features

of the invention for which protection is sought in connection with the

features of the generic part. The characterising portion shall be preceded

by words such as “characterised in that” or “characterised by” or any

other expression to this effect.

(3) If the claims are arranged according to features or groups of features,

this arrangement shall be set off by starting a new line for each feature

or group of features. The features or groups of features shall be preceded

by subdivision signs clearly set off against the text matter.

(4) The essential features of the invention shall be indicated in the

first claim (principal claim).

(5) An application may contain several independent claims (secondary

claims) provided the principle of unity is respected (Sec. 4(1), second

sentence, Utility Model Law). Subsection 4 shall apply mutatis mutandis.


(6) Any principal or secondary claim may be followed by one or more

dependent claims concerning particular embodiments of the invention.

Dependent claims shall contain a reference to at least one of the preceding

claims. They shall be grouped together to the extent possible and in the

most appropriate way.

(7) If there are several claims, they shall be numbered consecutively

in Arabic numerals.

(8) Except where absolutely necessary, the claims shall not, in respect

of the technical features of the invention, rely on references to the

description or drawings, such as “as described in part ... of the

description”, or “as illustrated in figure ... of the drawing”.

(9) If the application contains drawings, the features indicated in the

claims shall preferably be followed by reference signs, if the

intelligibility of the claim can thereby be increased.

Section 6 Description

(1) The description according to Section 4(3) No. 4 of the Utility Law

shall first state the title of the subject matter of the utility model

as appearing in the request (Sec. 3(2) No. 2).

(2) The description shall further:

1. specify the technical field to which the invention relates unless it

results from the claims or the indications concerning the state of the


2. indicate the prior art known to the applicant which may be considered

for the understanding of the invention and its protectability by

indicating the documents known to the applicant;

3. disclose the technical problem underlying the invention unless it

results from the indicated solution or the indications made under No.

6, in particular, if it is indispensable for the understanding of the

invention or the detailed specification of its contents;

4. indicate the invention for which protection is sought in the claims;

5. indicate, when it is not obvious from the description or the nature

of the invention, the way in which the invention is capable of exploitation

in industry;

6. state any advantageous effects of the invention with reference to the

prior art indicated in the application;


7. describe in detail at least one way of carrying out the invention

claimed, using, where appropriate, examples and the drawings, indicating

the respective reference signs.

(3) The description shall not include trade marks, fancy designations

or indications that are not necessary for explaining the invention.

Repetitions of claims or parts of claims may be replaced by corresponding


Section 7 Drawings

(1) The drawings shall be executed on sheets with the following minimum


top 2.5 cm

left side 2.5 cm

right side 1.5 cm

bottom 1.0 cm

The area used for drawings shall not exceed 26.2 cm x 17.0 cm.

(2) The same sheet of drawings may contain several figures. They shall

be arranged without wasting space, clearly separated from one another,

preferably in an upright position, and be numbered consecutively in Arabic

numerals. Drawings concerning the state of the art are admissible if they

help to understand the invention; however, they shall be clearly marked

as “Stand der Technik” (state of the art).

(3) For the representation of the invention, perspective views and

exploded views may be used in addition to views and sectional views.

Cross-sections shall be indicated by hatching which should not impede

the clear reading of the reference signs and leading lines.

(4) The lines in the drawings should be drawn with the aid of drafting

instruments rather than offhand. The height of the numbers and letters

used in drawings shall not be less than 0.32 cm. For the lettering of

drawings, the Latin and, where customary in technology, other alphabets

shall be used.

(5) The drawings should contain reference signs explained in the

description and/or claims. The same features shall be denoted in all

figures by the same reference signs corresponding to those used in the

description and claims.


(6) The drawings shall not contain text matter, except, when absolutely

indispensable, a single word or words such as “water”, “steam”, “open”,

“closed”, “section on AB”, and, in the case of electric circuits and block

schematic diagrams, a few short catchwords indispensable for


Section 8 Splitting off

(1) Where the applicant has already filed, at an earlier date, a patent

with effect in the Federal Republic of Germany for the same invention,

he may, at the time of filing the utility model application, declare that

the date of filing relevant for the patent application is claimed. Any

priority right claimed in respect of the patent application shall continue

to apply to the utility model application. The right under the first

sentence may be exercised up to the expiration of two months from the

end of the month in which processing of the patent application or any

opposition procedure, if any, is terminated, at the latest, however, by

the end of the tenth year from the date of filing of the patent application

(Sec. 5(1) Utility Model Law). However, the date of filing of the earlier

patent application can only be claimed if the patent application has been

filed after 31 December 1986 (Sec. 4 No. 2 of the Law Amending the Utility

Model Law of 15 August 1986, Federal Law Gazette I p. 1446).

(2) The copy of the patent application in a foreign language (Sec. 5(2)

Utility Model Law) shall be accompanied by a German translation unless

the application documents already constitute a translation of the patent

application drafted in a foreign language.

Section 9 German Translations

(1) German translations of documents forming part of the documentation

relating to the application shall be certified by an attorney-at-law or

patent attorney or be done by an officially authorised translator. The

translator’s signature shall be officially certified (Article 129 of the

Civil Code) and it shall also be certified that he is officially authorised

for such purposes.

(2) German translations of

1. priority documents submitted under the revised Paris Convention for

the Protection of Industrial Property (Federal Law Gazette 1970 II p.

391) or

2. copies of earlier applications (Sec. 6(2) Utility Model Law in

conjunction with Sec. 41(1), first sentence, Patent Law)


shall be furnished only upon invitation by the German Patent and Trade

Mark Office.

(3) German translations of documents

1. not forming part of the documentation relating to the application and

2. filed in English, French, Italian or Spanish,

shall be subsequently furnished only upon invitation by the German Patent

and Trade Mark Office.

(4) If foreign-language documents not forming part of the documentation

relating to the application are filed in languages not mentioned in

subsection (3) No. 2, German translations shall be filed subsequently

within one month after receipt of the documents.

(5) The translation under subsection (3) or (4) shall be certified by

an attorney-at-law or patent attorney or done by an officially authorised

translator. If the translation is not filed in due time, the

foreign-language document shall be deemed to have been received on the

date of receipt of the translation.


Chapter 3 Final Provisions

Section 10 Transitory Regulation on Occasion of the Entry into Force of

this Ordinance

For utility model applications filed before the entry into force of this

ordinance, the provisions of the Order Concerning Utility Model

Applications of 12 November 1986 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 1739), last

amended by Article 22 of the Law of 13 December 2001 (Federal Law Gazette

I p. 3656), shall apply.

Section 11 Transitory Regulation for Future Amendments

For utility model applications filed before the entry into force of

amendments to this ordinance, the provisions of this ordinance in the

version applicable until that date shall apply.

Section 12 Entry into Force; Abrogation

This ordinance shall enter into force on 1 June 2004.

At the same date

1.the Order Concerning Utility Model Applications of 12 November 1986

(Federal Law Gazette I p. 1739), last amended by Article 22 of the Law

of 13 December 2001 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 3656), and

2. the Fourth Order Amending the Order Concerning Utility Model

Applications of 10 June 1996 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 846)

shall be abrogated.


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