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Постановление Правительства Грузии № 182 от 03.07.2010 г. «Об утверждении тарифов за предоставление услуг в области патентования, регистрации и депонировании охраняемых объектов интеллектуальной собственности» (с изменениями до Постановления Правительства Грузии № 343 от 07.09.2011 г.), Грузия

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Основной(ые) текст(ы) Основной(ые) текст(ы) Английский Resolution of the Government of Georgia No. 182 of July 3, 2010, on Approval of Fees for the Service Related to Patenting, Registration and Deposition of Intellectual Property Subject-Matters (as amended up to Resolution of the Government of Georgia No. 343 of September 7, 2011)        
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 Resolution No. 182 of July 3, 2010 of the Government of Georgia, on fees for registration of intellectual property objects (as last amended on September 7, 2011)

Resolution of the Government of Georgia No 182 of July 3, 2010 Tbilisi

On Approval of Fees for the Service Related with Patenting, Registration and Deposition of

Intellectual Property Subject-Matters

Article 1. According to Article 77 (5) (b) and Article 47 of the "Patent Law of Georgia", Article 23 of the "Law of Georgia on Design", Article 22 of the "Trademark Law of Georgia", Article 9 of the "Law on Appellations of Origin and Geographical Indications of Goods of Georgia", Article 91(7) and Article 541(7) of the "Law of Georgia on Copyright and Neighboring Rights", the enclosed fees shall be approved for the service related with intellectual property subject-matters provided by "Sakpatenti":

1. Fees for patenting of an invention (Annex N1)

2. Fees for patenting of a utility model (Annex N2)

3. Fees for registration of a design (Annex N3)

4. Fees for registration of a trademark (Annex N 4)

5. Fees for registration of an appellation of origin and geographical indication (Annex N5)

6. Fees for deposition of a work and a database (Annex N6).

Article 11. The fee provided for by this Resolution is an obligatory fee to be paid for a service rendered in relation with intellectual property subject-matters, including value added tax. (21.04.2011 N189)

Article 2. Decree N 51 of July 27, 1999 of the Minister of Economy of Georgia on "Approval of Fees for Protection of Rights in Industrial Property Subject-Matters" shall be declared invalid under Article 5(c) of the Law of Georgia "On the Structure, Powers and Order of Activity of the Government of Georgia".

Article 3. The fees determined by this Resolution shall be applied to applications filed with "Sakpatenti" after the date of effectiveness of this Resolution.

Article 4. The fees provided for in columns 40 and 41 of Annex N4 shall be effective after entering into force of the amendments of the "Trademark Law of Georgia".

Article 5. The fees effective at the moment of filing an application with "Sakpatenti" shall be applied to the application being in the process of proceeding by the date of the effectiveness of this Resolution, including issuing of a patent and certificates for appropriate subject-matters. (28.07.2010 N 215)

Article 5 1. The enclosed fees shall apply to the hearing of appeals filed with "Sakpatenti" after the date of effectiveness of this Resolution, including appeals concerning applications filed with "Sakpatenti" before the date of effectiveness of this Resolution. (28.07.2010 N 215)

Article 6. (21.04.2011 N189)

1. On the fees determined under paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 of Article 1 of this Resolution, applicant inventors and designers shall enjoy a 70% discount, and students, pupils and pensioners shall enjoy a 90% discount.

2. Ministries of Georgia shall be waived from the payment of fees determined under paragraph 5 of Article 1 of this Resolution.

Article 7. The Resolution shall enter into force upon publication.

Prime Minister Nika Gilauri

Annex N 1 (7.09.2011 N 343) Fees for Patenting of an Invention

No. Action USD (equivalent innational currency) Examination as to formal requirements 1 Examination as to formal requirements 90,0 2 Examination as to formal requirements claiming convention

priority 120,0

Substantive Examination 3. Determination of object of protection 90,0 4.* Determination of state of the art for one independent claim 180,0 5.* Determination of state of the art for each independent claim in

excess of one 120,0

Publication 6. Publication of application materials up to 30 pages 60,0 7. Publication of application materials over 30 pages, for each

extra page 2,0

Issue of Patent and Maintenance in Force 8. Registration of patent, issue of patent and maintenance

in force for the first two years 200,0

9. In case of more than one patent owner, issue of each extra patent


10. Maintenance of patent in force for third, fourth, fifth years, per each year


11. Maintenance of patent in force for sixth, seventh, eighth years, per each year


12. Maintenance of patent in force for ninth, tenth, eleventh years, per each year


13. Maintenance of patent in force for twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth years, per each year


14. Maintenance of patent in force for fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth years, per each year


15. Maintenance of patent in force for eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth years, per each year


16. Claim of additional term for patent on medical product invention per each year


17. Reinstatement of patent 100,0

Actions Concerning International Applications 18. Checking of International Application under PCT requirements

and sending off materials 100,0

19. Submission of translation of application in a month 250,0

Actions on Request of Applicant, Patent Owner and/or Third Party 20. Entering corrections and amendments in application materials

for each request 40,0

21. Extension of term for reply to notification-request for each one month


22. Reclamation of application for invention into application for utility model


23. Reclamation of application for utility model into application for invention


24. Request of evaluation of inventive step in each application 150,0 25. Re-examination after issue of patent 180,0 26. Suspension of application processing for each one month period 30,0 27. Claim of convention priority after application filing 60,0 28.* Determination of state of the art for each extra independent claim

after issue of documentary conclusion 120,0

29. Drawing up and issue of a certified copy of application 30,0 30. Making amendments to the Register, except correcting

mechanical mistakes, upon a single request in relation with each one patent


31. Issue of duplicate of patent 60,0 32. Drawing up and issue of a certified extract from the Register 30,0 33. Registration of agreement 100,0 34. Appeal hearing on invention 360,0 35. Claim of correction of mechanical mistakes for 30 pages of

application materials, for one patent 10,0

36. Claim of correction of mechanical mistakes for each extra page of application materials over 30 pages


37. Issue of certified extract on payment of fees 5,0 38. Reinstatement of application rights forfeited due to violation of

terms 100,0

39. Search on bibliographic data in the Register 30,0

4*, 5*, 28*- where the International Search Report and/or International Examination Report are presented to Sakpatenti, the fees for the mentioned actions shall be reduced by 50%.

Annex N 2 (7.09.2011 N 343) Fees for Patenting a Utility Model

No. Action USD (equivalent in national currency)

Examination as to formal requirements 1. Examination as to formal requirements 90,0 2. Examination as to formal requirements claiming convention

priority 120,0

Substantive Examination 3. Determination of object of protection and novelty 90,0

Publication 4. Publication of application materials up to 30 pages 60,0 5. Publication of application materials over 30 pages, for each

extra page 2,0

Issue of Patent and Maintenance in Force 6. Registration of patent, issue of patent and maintenance in

force for the first two years 170,0

7. Maintenance of patent in force for third, fourth years, per each year


8. Maintenance of patent in force for fifth, sixth years, per each year


9. Maintenance of patent in force for seventh, eighth years, per each year


10. Maintenance of patent in force for ninth, tenth years, per each year


11. Reinstatement of patent 100,0 12. In case of more than one patent owner, issue of each

extra patent 20,0

Actions Concerning International Applications 13. Checking of International Application under PCT requirements

and sending off materials 100,0

14. Submission of translation of application in a month 250,0

Actions on Request of Applicant, Patent Owner and Third Party 15 Entering corrections and amendments in application materials,

for each request 40,0

16 Extension of term for reply to notification-request for each one month


17. Request of evaluation of inventive step in each application 150,0 18. Re-examination after issue of patent 180,0 19. Suspension of application processing for each one month

period 30,0

20. Claim of convention priority after the completion of examination as to form


21. Drawing up and issue of one certified copy of application 30,0 22. Entering amendments in the Register, except correction of

mechanical mistakes, upon a single request in relation with each one patent


23. Issue of the duplicate of patent 60,0 24 Drawing up and issue of certified extract from the Register 30,0 25. Issue of certified extract on payment of fees 5,0 26. Registration of agreement 100,0 27. Appeal hearing on utility model 360,0 28. Claim of correction of mechanical mistakes for 30 pages of

application materials, for one patent 10,0

29. Claim of correction of mechanical mistakes for each extra page of application materials over 30 pages


30. Reinstatement of application rights forfeited due to violation of terms


31. Search on bibliographic data in the Register 30,0

Annex N 3 (7.09.2011 N 343) Fees for Registration of a Design

N Action USD (equivalent in national currency)

Examination as to formal requirements 1 Examination as to formal requirements 50,0 2 Examination as to formal requirements on each additional

design 10,0

3 Claim of convention priority 30,0 4. Claim of convention priority for each additional design 10,0

Substantive Examination 5. Substantive examination 80,0 6. Substantive examination on each additional design 10,0

Publication, Issue of Certificate and Maintenance in Force 7. Publication of one design 10,0 8 In case of more than one design owner, issue of each additional

certificate 20,0

9. Registration of design, issue of certificate and maintenance in force for the first five years


10. Registration of design, issue of certificate and maintenance in force for the first five years for each additional design


11. Maintenance of registration in force for subsequent five years 80,0 12. Maintenance of registration in force for subsequent five years

for each additional design 10,0

13. Maintenance of registration in force for five years third time 100,0 14. Maintenance of registration in force for five years third time for

each additional design 10,0

15.. Maintenance of registration in force for five years forth time 300,0 16. Maintenance of registration in force for five years forth time

for each additional design 30,0

17. Maintenance of registration in force for five years fifth time 550,0 18. Maintenance of registration in force for five years fifth time for

each additional design 50,0

Actions on Request of Applicant, Design Owner and/or Third Party 19. Reinstatement of registration 100,0 20. Entering corrections and amendments in application materials

for each request 40,0

21. Making amendments to the Register upon a single request in relation with each additional design


22. Postponement of publication 100,0 23. Extension of term for reply to notification-request for each one

month 30,0

24. Suspension of application processing for each one month period 30,0 25. Drawing up and issue of certified copy of application 30,0 26. Drawing up and issue of a certified extract from the Register 30,0 27. Issue of duplicate of certificate 90,0 28. Issue of certified extract on payment of fees 5,0 29. Registration of agreement 100,0 30. Appeal hearing 200,0 31. Appeal hearing on each additional design 20,0 32. Claim of correction of mechanical mistakes in each certificate 20,0 33. Reinstatement of application rights forfeited due to violation of

terms 30,0

Accelerated Registration 34. Accelerated examination as to formal requirements 100,0

35. Accelerated examination as to formal requirements for each additional design


36. Accelerated substantive examination 160,0 37. Accelerated substantive examination for each additional design 20,0 38. Claim of convention priority 60,0 39. Claim of convention priority for each additional design 20,0 40. Publication of one design 20,0 41. Registration, issue of certificate and maintenance in force for the

first five years 200,0

42. In case of more than one design owner, issue of each additional certificate


Annex N 4 (7.09.2011 N 343) Fees for Registration of a Trademark

No. Action USD (equivalent

in national currency)

1 Examination of trademark as to formal requirements for one class of goods


2 Examination of trademark as to formal requirements for each class of goods in excess of one


3 Examination of collective mark as to formal requirements for one class of goods


4 Examination of collective mark as to formal requirements for each class of goods in excess of one


5 Claim of convention priority 30,0 6 Substantive examination of trademark 120,0 7 Substantive examination of collective mark 310,0 8 Publication 60,0 9 Reinstatement of application proceeding 90,0

10 Registration of trademark, issue of certificate and maintenance in 150,0

force for ten years 11. In case of more than one applicant, issue of each additional

certificate 30,0

12. Renewal of trademark registration for subsequent ten years for one class of goods


13. Renewal of trademark registration for next ten years for each class of goods in excess of one


14. Registration of collective Mark, issue of certificate and maintenance in force for ten years


15. Renewal of collective mark for subsequent ten years for one class of goods


16. Renewal of collective mark for subsequent ten years for more than one class of goods


17. International Application confirmation and sending to the International Bureau of World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)


18. International Application confirmation on additional designation and sending to the International Bureau of World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)


19. Entering corrections and amendments in application materials for each request


20. Suspension of application processing for each one month period 50,0 21. Entering amendments in the Register upon a single request in

relation with each mark 60,0

22. Issue of certified copy of application 30,0 23. Issue of certified extract from Register 30,0 24. Issue of the duplicate of certificate 90,0 25. Issue of the duplicate of certificate annexes 30,0 26. Issue of certified extract on fee payment 5,0 27. Registration of agreement for each one mark 90,0 28. Appeal hearing on trademark 200,0 29. Appeal hearing on collective trademark 400,0 30. Extension of term for submission of requested document for one

month 30,0

31. Examination as to form on trademark application by accelerated procedure for one class of list of goods


32. Substantive examination on trademark application by accelerated procedure for one class of list of goods


33. Examination as to form on trademark application by accelerated procedure for each additional class of list of goods


34. Substantive examination on trademark application by accelerated procedure for each additional class of list of goods


35. Registration of trademark, issue of certificate, publication by accelerated procedure and maintenance in force for ten years


36. Registration of trademark, issue of certificate, publication by accelerated procedure and maintenance in force for ten years for each additional class


Schedule of Individual Fees Applied for Designation in Georgia under the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks

No. Action Swiss Franc

(equivalent in national currency)

37. Designation of international registration in Georgia under the Madrid Protocol for next ten years, for one class of goods


38. Designation of international registration in Georgia under the Madrid Protocol for ten years, for more than one class of goods


39. Renewal of international registration under the Madrid Protocol for subsequent ten years for one class of goods


40. Renewal of international registration under the Madrid Protocol for subsequent ten years for more than one class of goods


Annex N 5 Fees for Registration of an Appellation of Origin and Geographical Indication

No. Action USD (equivalent

in national currency)

1 Examination of application for appellation of origin and geographical indication of goods


2 Publication 50,0 3 Registration of appellation of origin and geographical indication of

goods 160,0

4 Entering amendments in the Register 50,0 5 Issue of certified extract from the Register 30,0

Fees for Deposition of a Work and a Database

No. Action USD (equivalent

in national currency)

1 Fee for work deposition and certificate issue 10,0 2 Fee for database deposition and certificate issue 10,0 3 Fee for issue of duplicate of deposition certificate 5,0


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