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Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 1)1

Select Legislative Instrument 2012 No. 66

I, QUENTIN BRYCE, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, make the following regulation under the Patents Act 1990, the Trade Marks Act 1995, the Designs Act 2003 and the Plant Breeder’s Rights Act 1994.

Dated 10 May 2012

QUENTIN BRYCE Governor-General

By Her Excellency’s Command

GREG COMBET Minister for Industry and Innovation

1202874A-120412Z Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2012L01031




1 Name of regulation 2 2 Commencement 2 3 Amendment of Patents Regulations 1991 2 4 Amendment of Trade Marks Regulations 1995 3 5 Amendment of Designs Regulations 2004 4 6 Amendment of Plant Breeder’s Rights Regulations

1994 4

Schedule 1 Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991 5

Schedule 2 Amendments of Trade Marks Regulations 1995 29

Schedule 3 Amendments of Designs Regulations 2004 43

Schedule 4 Amendments of Plant Breeder’s Rights Regulations 1994 52

1 Name of regulation

This regulation is the Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 1).

2 Commencement

This regulation commences as follows: (a) on 1 July 2012:

(i) sections 1 to 6; and (ii) Parts 1 to 4 of Schedule 1; and

(iii) Parts 1 to 4 of Schedule 2; and (iv) Parts 1 to 3 of Schedule 3; and (v) Part 1 of Schedule 4;

(b) on 1 October 2012—the remainder.

3 Amendment of Patents Regulations 1991 (1) Schedule 1 amends the Patents Regulations 1991.

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Section 4

(2) The amendments made by Part 1 of Schedule 1 apply in relation to a declaration required or permitted by the Patents Act 1990 or the Patents Regulations 1991 on or after 1 July 2012.

(3) The amendment made by item [9] of Schedule 1 applies to an international application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty, irrespective of its international filing date, in respect of which the time limit under amended Rule 17.1(b-bis) expires on or after 1 July 2012.

(4) The amendment made by item [10] of Schedule 1 applies to an international application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty whose international filing date is on or after 1 July 2012.

(5) The amendments made by items [11] and [12] of Schedule 1 apply to an international application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty, irrespective of its international filing date, in respect of which an international search is carried out on or after 1 July 2012.

(6) Despite the omission of Rule 82.2 by item [13] of Schedule 1, Rule 82.2 as in force immediately before the commencement of Schedule 1 continues to apply to an international application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty whose international filing date is before 1 July 2012, and in relation to which the six months time limit for the submission of evidence referred to in Rule 82.1(c), as applicable because of Rule 82.2(b) (in force immediately before the commencement of Schedule 1), expires on or after 1 July 2012.

(7) The amendment made by item [14] of Schedule 1 applies to an international application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty, irrespective of its international filing date, in relation to which the six months time limit for the submission of evidence referred to in Rule 82quater.1(a) (inserted by item [14]) expires on or after 1 July 2012.

Amendment of Trade Marks Regulations 1995 (1) Schedule 2 amends the Trade Marks Regulations 1995.

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Section 5

(2) The amendments made by Part 1 of Schedule 2 apply in relation to a declaration required or permitted by the Trade Marks Act 1995 or the Trade Marks Regulations 1995 on or after 1 July 2012.

5 Amendment of Designs Regulations 2004 (1) Schedule 3 amends the Designs Regulations 2004.

(2) The amendment made by Part 1 of Schedule 3 applies in relation to a declaration required or permitted by the Designs Act 2003 or the Designs Regulations 2004 to be given to the Registrar of Designs on or after 1 July 2012.

6 Amendment of Plant Breeder’s Rights Regulations 1994 Schedule 4 amends the 1994.

Plant Breeder’s Rights Regulations

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Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991 Schedule 1

Schedule 1 Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991 (section 3)

Part 1 Amendments relating to declarations

[1] Paragraphs 20.3 (1) (e) and (f)

omit statutory

[2] Subregulation 20.3 (2)

omit statutory

[3] Paragraphs 20.31 (3) (b) and (c)

omit statutory

[4] Subregulation 20.31 (4)

omit statutory

[5] Regulation 22.13


22.13 Declarations

(1) A declaration required or permitted by the Act or these Regulations must be in the approved form. Note Declaration forms in the approved form are available on the IP Australia website at www.ipaustralia.gov.au.

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Schedule 1 Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991

(2) A declaration in the form of a statutory declaration, required or permitted to be given to a person mentioned in subregulation (3), may be given to the person in an electronic form by a means of electronic communication approved by the Commissioner. Note A declaration that is not in the form of statutory declaration may also be given in an electronic form by means of an electronic communication: see section 11 of the Electronic Transactions Act 1999.

(3) For subregulation (2), the following persons may be given declarations, including statutory declarations, in electronic form by electronic means: (a) the Commissioner; (b) the Designated Manager; (c) the Disciplinary Tribunal; (d) the Professional Standards Board.

Part 2 Amendments relating to PCT Rules

[6] Subregulation 1.4 (2)

omit 1 July 2011

insert 1 July 2012

[7] Schedule 2A, before Table of Provisions

omit 1 July, 2010 and 1 July, 2011.

insert 1 July, 2010, 1 July, 2011 and 1 July, 2012.

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Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991 Schedule 1

[8] Schedule 2A, Table of Provisions

after 82ter.1 Errors Concerning the International Filing Date and the

Priority Claim insert

quater Rule 82 Excuse of Delay in Meeting Time Limits

82quater.1Excuse of Delay in Meeting Time Limits

[9] Schedule 2A, Rule 17.1 (b-bis) substitute

(bbis) Where the priority document is, in accordance with the Administrative Instructions, made available to the International Bureau from a digital library prior to the date of international publication of the international application, the applicant may, instead of submitting the priority document, request the International Bureau, prior to the date of international publication, to obtain the priority document from such digital library.

[10] Schedule 2A, Rule 20.7 (b)

substitute (b) Where neither a correction under Article 11 (2) nor a notice under Rule 20.6 (a)

confirming the incorporation by reference of an element referred to in Article 11 (1) (iii) (d) or (e) is received by the receiving Office prior to the expiration of the applicable time limit under paragraph (a), any such correction or notice received by that Office after the expiration of that time limit but before it sends a notification to the applicant under Rule 20.4 (i) shall be considered to have been received within that time limit.

[11] Schedule 2A, Rule 34.1 (c) (ii)

substitute (ii) the patents issued by the Federal Republic of Germany, the People’s

Republic of China, the Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation,

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Schedule 1 Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991

[12] Schedule 2A, Rule 34.1 (e)

substitute (e) Any International Searching Authority whose official language, or one of whose

official languages, is not Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian or Spanish is entitled not to include in its documentation those patent documents of the People’s Republic of China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation and the former Soviet Union as well as those patent documents in the Spanish language, respectively, for which no abstracts in the English language are generally available. English abstracts becoming generally available after the date of entry into force of these Regulations shall require the inclusion of the patent documents to which the abstracts refer no later than six months after such abstracts become generally available. In case of the interruption of abstracting services in English in technical fields in which English abstracts were formerly generally available, the Assembly shall take appropriate measures to provide for the prompt restoration of such services in the said fields.

[13] Schedule 2A, Rule 82.2


[14] Schedule 2A, after Rule 82ter


quaterRule 82 Excuse of Delay in Meeting Time Limits

quater82 .1 Excuse of Delay in Meeting Time Limits

(a) Any interested party may offer evidence that a time limit fixed in the Regulations for performing an action before the receiving Office, the International Searching Authority, the Authority specified for supplementary search, the International Preliminary Examining Authority or the International Bureau was not met due to war, revolution, civil disorder, strike, natural calamity or other like reason in the locality where the interested party resides, has his place of business or is staying, and that the relevant action was taken as soon as reasonably possible.

(b) Any such evidence shall be addressed to the Office, Authority or the International Bureau, as the case may be, not later than six months after the expiration of the time limit applicable in the given case. If such circumstances are proven to the satisfaction of the addressee, delay in meeting the time limit shall be excused.

(c) The excuse of a delay need not be taken into account by any designated or elected Office before which the applicant, at the time the decision to excuse the delay is taken, has already performed the acts referred to in Article 22 or Article 39.

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Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991 Schedule 1

Part 3 Amendments relating to Convention countries

[15] Schedule 4

omit Netherlands (including the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba)

insert Netherlands (including Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten)

[16] Schedule 4

after Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

insert Samoa

Part 4 Amendments relating to fees (commencing on 1 July 2012)

[17] Regulation 1.3

insert approved means, for doing an action or paying a fee, means the means specified for the action or payment by the Commissioner in a notice made under regulation 22.2AA and published by the Commissioner.

[18] Paragraph 22.2 (2) (b)

omit at a hearing

substitute and being heard at an oral hearing

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Schedule 1 Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991

[19] After paragraph 22.2 (2) (b)

insert (ba) the fee for a hearing on the basis of written submissions

only is payable when the written submissions are filed;

[20] After subregulation 22.2 (5)


(6) Paragraph 211 (a) of Schedule 7, as in force on 1 July 2012, applies to: (a) a patent:

(i) that has a date of patent of 1 July 2008 or later; and (ii) the fourth anniversary of which falls on or after

commencement; and (b) a patent application:

(i) filed on or after 1 July 2008; and (ii) the fourth anniversary of which falls on or after


(7) Paragraph 231 (a) of Schedule 7, as in force on 1 July 2012, does not apply to a person in relation to a hearing held after the commencement of this subregulation if: (a) the person requests the hearing, and pays the fee

mentioned in item 230 of Schedule 7, before the commencement of this subregulation; or

(b) the person pays the fee mentioned in paragraph 231 (a) of Schedule 7 for the hearing before the commencement of this subregulation; or

(c) the hearing relates to a representation or request by the person for which the person paid the fee mentioned in item 219, 220 or 229 of Schedule 7 before the commencement of this subregulation.

(8) Paragraph 231 (b) of Schedule 7, as in force on 1 July 2012, does not apply to a person in relation to a hearing held after the commencement of this subregulation if the person pays the fee mentioned in paragraph 231 (b) of Schedule 7 for the hearing before the commencement of this subregulation.

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Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991 Schedule 1

[21] After regulation 22.2


22.2AA Approved means

(1) The Commissioner may, by notice published by the Commissioner, specify one or more means for doing an action mentioned in Schedule 7 or for paying a fee. Examples of actions 1 Filing a request. 2 Filing an application.

(2) The means may be an electronic means or any other means. Note The means become approved means when they are published.

[22] Paragraph 22.2G (4)


(4) A person cannot appear and be heard at an oral hearing if the fee mentioned in paragraph 231 (a) of Schedule 7 has not been paid for the person.

(5) A person is not entitled to a hearing on the basis of written submissions if the fee mentioned in item 231A of Schedule 7 has not been paid.

[23] Schedule 7


Schedule 7 Fees (regulations 22.2, 22.2AA, 22.3 and 22.4)

Part 1 Patent Attorneys

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Schedule 1 Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991

Item Matter Fee ($)

101 Applying for admission to sit for an examination conducted by the Board


102 Applying for grant of a supplementary examination conducted by the Board


103 Applying for a report of reasons for failure of an examination conducted by the Board


104 Applying for registration as a patent attorney 300 105 Annual registration of a patent attorney 350 106 Annual registration fee payable for combined

registration as a patent attorney and trade marks attorney


107 Applying under regulation 20.29, 20.30 or 20.31 250

Part 2 General fees

Item Matter Fee

201 Filing a request for a patent accompanied by a provisional specification:

(a) by approved means; $80 (b) by another means $110

202 Filing a request for an innovation patent accompanied by a complete specification:

(a) by approved means; $150 (b) by another means $180

203 Filing a request for a standard patent accompanied by a complete specification:

(a) by approved means; $340 (b) by another means $370

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Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991 Schedule 1

Item Matter Fee

204 Filing a request for an examination, under $300 section 45 of the Act, of a standard patent request and complete specification for a PCT application if the Patent Office has established an international preliminary examination report under Article 35 of the PCT, other than a report under Rule 44bis.1 of the PCT, in respect of the application

205 Filing a request for an examination, under $490 section 45 of the Act, of a standard patent request and complete specification if item 204 does not apply

206 Filing a request for a modified examination, $300 under section 48 of the Act, of a standard patent request and complete specification

207 Filing a request under paragraph 101A (b) of $500 the Act, by the patentee of an innovation patent, for examination of the complete specification relating to the innovation patent

208 Filing a request under paragraph 101A (b) of the Act, by a person other than the patentee of an innovation patent, for examination of the complete specification relating to the innovation patent:

(a) payable by the person making the $250 request; and

(b) payable by the patentee $250 209 Filing a request under subsection 44 (3) of the $100

Act requiring the Commissioner to direct an applicant to request examination

210 Filing a request under subsection 97 (2) or $800 paragraph 101G (1) (b) of the Act for re-examination of a complete specification

211 Continuation fee under paragraph 142 (2) (d) of the Act, or renewal fee under paragraph 143 (a) of the Act, for:

(a) the fourth anniversary: (i) fee paid by approved means; $300

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Schedule 1 Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991

Item Matter Fee

(ii) fee paid by another means; $350 (b) the fifth anniversary:

(i) fee paid by approved means; $300 (ii) fee paid by another means; $350

(c) the sixth anniversary: (i) fee paid by approved means; $300

(ii) fee paid by another means; $350 (d) the seventh anniversary:

(i) fee paid by approved means; $300 (ii) fee paid by another means; $350

(e) the eighth anniversary: (i) fee paid by approved means; $300

(ii) fee paid by another means; $350 (f) the ninth anniversary:

(i) fee paid by approved means; $300 (ii) fee paid by another means; $350

(g) the tenth anniversary: (i) fee paid by approved means; $500

(ii) fee paid by another means; $550 (h) the eleventh anniversary:

(i) fee paid by approved means; $500 (ii) fee paid by another means; $550

(i) the twelfth anniversary: (i) fee paid by approved means; $500

(ii) fee paid by another means; $550 (j) the thirteenth anniversary:

(i) fee paid by approved means; $500 (ii) fee paid by another means; $550

(k) the fourteenth anniversary: (i) fee paid by approved means; $500

(ii) fee paid by another means; $550 (l) the fifteenth anniversary:

(i) fee paid by approved means; $1 120 (ii) fee paid by another means; $1 170

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Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991 Schedule 1

Item Matter Fee

(m) the sixteenth anniversary: (i) fee paid by approved means; $1 120

(ii) fee paid by another means; $1 170 (n) the seventeenth anniversary:

(i) fee paid by approved means; $1 120 (ii) fee paid by another means; $1 170

(o) the eighteenth anniversary: (i) fee paid by approved means; $1 120

(ii) fee paid by another means; $1 170 (p) the nineteenth anniversary:

(i) fee paid by approved means; $1 120 (ii) fee paid by another means; $1 170

(q) if an extension of the term of a standard patent is granted under section 76 of the Act: (i) the twentieth anniversary, fee paid $2 300

by approved means; (ii) the twentieth anniversary, fee paid $2 350

by another means; (iii) each subsequent anniversary during $2 300

the period of extension, fee paid by approved means;

(iv) each subsequent anniversary during $2 350 the period of extension, fee paid by another means

and, in addition, if the fee is not paid on or $100 for each month, before the anniversary but is paid within or part of a month, in 6 months after the anniversary the period between

the anniversary and the day when the fee is paid

212 Renewal fee under paragraph 143A (d) of the Act for:

(a) the second anniversary: (i) fee paid by approved means; $110

(ii) fee paid by another means; $160

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Schedule 1 Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991

Item Matter Fee

(b) the third anniversary: (i) fee paid by approved means; $110

(ii) fee paid by another means; $160 (c) the fourth anniversary:

(i) fee paid by approved means; $110 (ii) fee paid by another means; $160

(d) the fifth anniversary: (i) fee paid by approved means; $220

(ii) fee paid by another means; $270 (e) the sixth anniversary:

(i) fee paid by approved means; $220 (ii) fee paid by another means $270

(f) the seventh anniversary: (i) fee paid by approved means; $220

(ii) fee paid by another means $270 and, in addition, if the fee is not paid on or $100 for each month, before the anniversary but is paid within or part of a month, in 6 months after the anniversary the period between

the anniversary and the day when the fee is paid

213 Acceptance of a patent request and complete specification under section 49 of the Act:

(a) for acceptance; and $250 (b) if more than 20 claims are contained in $110 for each claim

the specification at acceptance in excess of 20 214 Filing an application or request under $600

section 17, 32 or 36 of the Act 214A National phase entry of a PCT application $340

under paragraph 89 (3) (b) of the Act 215 Filing a request under subregulation 3.25 (1) $550

for the certification referred to in Rule 11.3 (a) of the Budapest Treaty

216 Filing a notice of opposition under $600 regulation 5.3 or 5.3AA

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Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991 Schedule 1

Item Matter Fee

217 Filing a request under subregulation 5.5 (1) for dismissal of opposition

218 Filing an application under subregulation 5.10 (2) for an extension of time

219 Making a representation to the Commissioner, under regulation 5.3A or 5.3B or subregulation 5.9 (3), objecting to a proposed amendment

220 Making a representation to the Commissioner under subparagraph 5.10 (5) (c) (i) objecting to an application or proposed action

221 Filing an application under section 66 of the Act for a duplicate of a patent to be sealed

222 Filing a request for leave to amend: (a) a complete specification relating to an

application for a standard patent, before a request for examination is filed or after the complete specification is accepted; or

(b) a complete specification relating to a standard patent

222A Grant of leave to amend a complete specification relating to a standard patent, or relating to an application for a standard patent, after the complete specification is accepted, if:

(a) more than 20 claims are contained in the complete specification as proposed to be amended; and

(b) the effect of the proposed amendment would be to increase the number of claims in the complete specification

223 Filing a request for leave to amend a patent request for an innovation patent to make it a patent request for a standard patent


$500 for each month or part of a month for which the extension is sought $600




$110 for each additional claim that arises as described in paragraph (b)


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Schedule 1 Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991

Item Matter Fee

224 Filing a request for leave to amend an $250 innovation patent:

(a) after the patent is granted but before a request for examination is filed; or

(b) after the patent is certified 226 Filing an application for an extension of time $100 for each month

under subsection 223 (2) of the Act on a or part of a month for ground specified in paragraph 223 (2) (a) of which the extension the Act is sought

227 Filing an application under subsection 223 (2) $100 of the Act for an extension of time on the ground specified in paragraph 223 (2) (b) of the Act

228 Filing an application for an extension of time $100 for each month under subsection 223 (2A) of the Act or part of a month for

which the extension is sought

229 Filing a request under regulation 22.22 for the $600 exercise of discretionary power

230 Filing a request for a hearing $600 231 Appearing and being heard at an oral hearing

in person or by other means: (a) for the first day; $1 000 less any

amount paid under item 219, 220, 229 or 230 in relation to the hearing

(b) if the hearing runs for more than a day $1 000 for each day, or part of a day, after the first day

231A Hearing on the basis of written submissions $600 less any amount only, where the submissions are filed after the paid under item 219, notice of hearing or invitation to be heard is 220, 229 or 230 in issued relation to the hearing

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Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991 Schedule 1

Item Matter Fee

232 Filing a response to the Commissioner’s report under section 45 or 48 of the Act, if filed more than 12 months, but within 21 months, after the date of the first report on the examination

233 Requesting the supply of a copy of a patent specification

234 Requesting the supply of a copy of a document other than a patent specification:

(a) for more than 6 documents from a single source and supplied at the same time;

(b) otherwise 235 Requesting the supply of a certificate by the

Commissioner 236 Filing a request under subregulation 19.2 (2)

for information that requires an international-type search

238 Filing an application under subsection 70 (1) of the Act for the grant of an extension of the term of a standard patent

239 Filing an application to the Commissioner, for an extension of time under subregulation 3.17A (5):

(a) if the application is filed on or before the date on which notice of acceptance is published

(b) if the application is filed after the date on which notice of acceptance is published

$100 for each month or part of a month, after the 12 months (other than a month in respect of which a fee was paid under this item in relation to the examination) $50

$200 plus $1 per page for each document in excess of 6 documents $50 per document $50

$2 200

$2 000

$100 per month or part of a month

$150 per month or part of a month

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Schedule 1 Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991

Part 3 General fees for international applications

Item Matter Fee

301 Transmittal fee under Rule 14 of the PCT $200 302 Search fee under Rule 16 of the PCT $2 200 303 Additional fee for search under Article $2 200

17 (3) (a) of the PCT 304 Preliminary examination fee under Rule 58 of

the PCT (a) if the international search report was $590

issued by the Patent Office in respect of the international application;

(b) in other cases $820 305 Additional fee for international preliminary $590

examination under Article 34 (3) (a) of the PCT

306 For a copy of a document in accordance with $50 Rule 44.3 (b) or 71.2 (b) of the PCT

307 Late payment fee under Rule 16bis.2 of the PCT the greater of: (a) 50% of the

amount of the unpaid fees specified in the invitation; and

(b) the amount of the transmittal fee;

but not more than 50% of the international filing fee, not taking into account any fee for each sheet of the international application in excess of 30 sheets

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Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991 Schedule 1

Item Matter Fee

308 For processing a request for restoration of $200 priority under Rule 26bis of the PCT.

Part 5 Amendments relating to fees (commencing on 1 October 2012)

[24] Schedule 7, Part 2


Part 2 General fees

Item Matter Fee

201 Filing a request for a patent accompanied by a provisional specification:

(a) by approved means; $110 (b) by another means $210

202 Filing a request for an innovation patent accompanied by a complete specification:

(a) by approved means; $180 (b) by another means $280

203 Filing a request for a standard patent accompanied by a complete specification:

(a) by approved means; $370 (b) by another means $470

204 Filing a request for an examination, under $300 section 45 of the Act, of a standard patent request and complete specification for a PCT application if the Patent Office has established an international preliminary examination report under Article 35 of the PCT, other than a report under Rule 44bis.1 of the PCT, in respect of the application

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Schedule 1 Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991

Item Matter Fee

205 Filing a request for an examination, under $490 section 45 of the Act, of a standard patent request and complete specification if item 204 does not apply

206 Filing a request for a modified examination, $300 under section 48 of the Act, of a standard patent request and complete specification

207 Filing a request under paragraph 101A (b) of $500 the Act, by the patentee of an innovation patent, for examination of the complete specification relating to the innovation patent

208 Filing a request under paragraph 101A (b) of the Act, by a person other than the patentee of an innovation patent, for examination of the complete specification relating to the innovation patent:

(a) payable by the person making the $250 request; and

(b) payable by the patentee $250 209 Filing a request under subsection 44 (3) of the $100

Act requiring the Commissioner to direct an applicant to request examination

210 Filing a request under subsection 97 (2) or $800 paragraph 101G (1) (b) of the Act for re-examination of a complete specification

211 Continuation fee under paragraph 142 (2) (d) of the Act, or renewal fee under paragraph 143 (a) of the Act, for:

(a) the fourth anniversary: (i) fee paid by approved means; $300

(ii) fee paid by another means; $350 (b) the fifth anniversary:

(i) fee paid by approved means; $300 (ii) fee paid by another means; $350

(c) the sixth anniversary: (i) fee paid by approved means; $300

(ii) fee paid by another means; $350

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Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991 Schedule 1

Item Matter Fee

(d) the seventh anniversary: (i) fee paid by approved means; $300

(ii) fee paid by another means; $350 (e) the eighth anniversary:

(i) fee paid by approved means; $300 (ii) fee paid by another means; $350

(f) the ninth anniversary: (i) fee paid by approved means; $300

(ii) fee paid by another means; $350 (g) the tenth anniversary:

(i) fee paid by approved means; $500 (ii) fee paid by another means; $550

(h) the eleventh anniversary: (i) fee paid by approved means; $500

(ii) fee paid by another means; $550 (i) the twelfth anniversary:

(i) fee paid by approved means; $500 (ii) fee paid by another means; $550

(j) the thirteenth anniversary: (i) fee paid by approved means; $500

(ii) fee paid by another means; $550 (k) the fourteenth anniversary:

(i) fee paid by approved means; $500 (ii) fee paid by another means; $550

(l) the fifteenth anniversary: (i) fee paid by approved means; $1 120

(ii) fee paid by another means; $1 170 (m) the sixteenth anniversary:

(i) fee paid by approved means; $1 120 (ii) fee paid by another means; $1 170

(n) the seventeenth anniversary: (i) fee paid by approved means; $1 120

(ii) fee paid by another means; $1 170

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Schedule 1 Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991

Item Matter Fee

(o) the eighteenth anniversary: (i) fee paid by approved means; $1 120

(ii) fee paid by another means; $1 170 (p) the nineteenth anniversary:

(i) fee paid by approved means; $1 120 (ii) fee paid by another means; $1 170

(q) if an extension of the term of a standard patent is granted under section 76 of the Act: (i) the twentieth anniversary, fee paid $2 300

using by approved means; (ii) the twentieth anniversary, fee paid $2 350

by another means; (iii) each subsequent anniversary during $2 300

the period of extension, fee paid by approved means;

(iv) each subsequent anniversary during $2 350 the period of extension, fee paid by another means

and, in addition, if the fee is not paid on or $100 for each month, before the anniversary but is paid within or part of a month, in 6 months after the anniversary the period between

the anniversary and the day when the fee is paid

212 Renewal fee under paragraph 143A (d) of the Act for:

(a) the second anniversary: (i) fee paid by approved means; $110

(ii) fee paid by another means; $160 (b) the third anniversary:

(i) fee paid by approved means; $110 (ii) fee paid by another means; $160

(c) the fourth anniversary: (i) fee paid by approved means; $110

(ii) fee paid by another means; $160

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Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991 Schedule 1

Item Matter Fee

(d) the fifth anniversary: (i) fee paid by approved means; $220

(ii) fee paid by another means; $270 (e) the sixth anniversary:

(i) fee paid by approved means; $220 (ii) fee paid by another means; $270

(f) the seventh anniversary: (i) fee paid by approved means; $220

(ii) fee paid by another means $270 and, in addition, if the fee is not paid on or $100 for each month, before the anniversary but is paid within or part of a month, in 6 months after the anniversary the period between

the anniversary and the day when the fee is paid

213 Acceptance of a patent request and complete specification under section 49 of the Act:

(a) for acceptance; and $250 (b) if more than 20 claims are contained in $110 for each claim

the specification at acceptance in excess of 20 214 Filing an application or request under $600

section 17, 32 or 36 of the Act 214A National phase entry of a PCT application

under paragraph 89 (3) (b) of the Act: (a) fee paid by approved means; $370 (b) fee paid by another means $470

215 Filing a request under subregulation 3.25 (1) $550 for the certification referred to in Rule 11.3 (a) of the Budapest Treaty

216 Filing a notice of opposition under $600 regulation 5.3 or 5.3AA

217 Filing a request under subregulation 5.5 (1) for $600 dismissal of opposition

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Schedule 1 Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991

Item Matter Fee

218 Filing an application under subregulation 5.10 (2) for an extension of time

219 Making a representation to the Commissioner, under regulation 5.3A or 5.3B or subregulation 5.9 (3), objecting to a proposed amendment

220 Making a representation to the Commissioner under subparagraph 5.10 (5) (c) (i) objecting to an application or proposed action

221 Filing an application under section 66 of the Act for a duplicate of a patent to be sealed

222 Filing a request for leave to amend: (a) a complete specification relating to an

application for a standard patent, before a request for examination is filed or after the complete specification is accepted; or

(b) a complete specification relating to a standard patent

222A Grant of leave to amend a complete specification relating to a standard patent, or relating to an application for a standard patent, after the complete specification is accepted, if:

(a) more than 20 claims are contained in the complete specification as proposed to be amended; and

(b) the effect of the proposed amendment would be to increase the number of claims in the complete specification

223 Filing a request for leave to amend a patent request for an innovation patent to make it a patent request for a standard patent

224 Filing a request for leave to amend an innovation patent:

(a) after the patent is granted but before a request for examination is filed; or

(b) after the patent is certified

$500 for each month or part of a month for which the extension is sought $600




$110 for each additional claim that arises as described in paragraph (b)



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Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991 Schedule 1

Item Matter Fee

226 Filing an application for an extension of time $100 for each month under subsection 223 (2) of the Act on a or part of a month for ground specified in paragraph 223 (2) (a) of which the extension the Act is sought

227 Filing an application under subsection 223 (2) $100 of the Act for an extension of time on the ground specified in paragraph 223 (2) (b) of the Act

228 Filing an application for an extension of time $100 for each month under subsection 223 (2A) of the Act or part of a month for

which the extension is sought

229 Filing a request under regulation 22.22 for the $600 exercise of discretionary power

230 Filing a request for a hearing $600 231 Appearing and being heard at an oral hearing

in person or by other means: (a) for the first day $1 000 less any

amount paid under item 219, 220, 229 or 230 in relation to the hearing

(b) if the hearing runs for more than a day $1 000 for each day, or part of a day, after the first day

231A Hearing on the basis of written submissions $600 less any amount only, where the submissions are filed after the paid under item 219, notice of hearing or invitation to be heard is 220, 229 or 230 in issued relation to the hearing

232 Filing a response to the Commissioner’s report $100 for each month under section 45 or 48 of the Act, if filed more or part of a month, than 12 months, but within 21 months, after after the 12 months the date of the first report on the examination (other than a month in

respect of which a fee was paid under this item in relation to the examination)

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Schedule 1 Amendments of Patents Regulations 1991

Item Matter Fee

233 Requesting the supply of a copy of a patent specification

234 Requesting the supply of a copy of a document other than a patent specification:

(a) for more than 6 documents from a single source and supplied at the same time;

(b) otherwise 235 Requesting the supply of a certificate by the

Commissioner 236 Filing a request under subregulation 19.2 (2)

for information that requires an international-type search

238 Filing an application under subsection 70 (1) of the Act for the grant of an extension of the term of a standard patent

239 Filing an application to the Commissioner, for an extension of time under subregulation 3.17A (5):

(a) if the application is filed on or before the date on which notice of acceptance is published;

(b) if the application is filed after the date on which notice of acceptance is published


$200 plus $1 per page for each document in excess of 6 documents $50 per document $50

$2 200

$2 000

$100 per month or part of a month

$150 per month or part of a month

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Amendments of Trade Marks Regulations 1995 Schedule 2

Schedule 2 Amendments of Trade Marks Regulations 1995 (section 4)

Part 1 Amendments relating to declarations

[1] Paragraphs 20.3 (1) (c) and (d)

omit statutory

[2] Subregulation 20.3 (2)

omit statutory

[3] Paragraph 21.1 (a)

omit or request

substitute , request or declaration

[4] Paragraph 21.1 (b)

omit application or request

insert application, request or declaration

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Schedule 2 Amendments of Trade Marks Regulations 1995

[5] Regulation 21.6


21.6 Declarations

(1) A declaration required or permitted by the Act or these Regulations must be in an approved form. Note Declaration forms in the approved form are available on the IP Australia website at www.ipaustralia.gov.au.

(2) A declaration in the form of a statutory declaration, required or permitted to be given to a person mentioned in subregulation (3), may be given to the person in an electronic form by a means of electronic communication approved by the Registrar. Note A declaration that is not in the form of statutory declaration may also be given in an electronic form by means of an electronic communication: see section 11 of the Electronic Transactions Act 1999.

(3) For subregulation (2), the following persons may be given declarations, including statutory declarations, in electronic form by electronic means: (a) the Registrar of Trade Marks; (b) the Designated Manager; (c) the Disciplinary Tribunal; (d) the Professional Standards Board.

[6] Paragraphs 22.7 (c) and 22.8 (4) (c)

omit statutory

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Amendments of Trade Marks Regulations 1995 Schedule 2

Part 2 Amendments relating to registration of interests or rights

[7] Subregulations 11.1 (2) and (3)


(2) A request by a person to amend particulars of a claim to an interest in, or to a right in respect of, a trade mark must be: (a) in writing, in an approved form; and (b) accompanied by material supporting the person’s

entitlement to make the request.

(3) The Registrar must amend the particulars in accordance with the request if: (a) the request is made in accordance with subregulation (2);

and (b) the Registrar is reasonably satisfied that the person making

the request is entitled to make the request.

[8] Subregulation 17A.61 (2)


(2) An application by a person under subregulation (1) must: (a) be made in an approved form; and (b) be accompanied by material supporting the person’s

interest in, or a right in respect of, the trade mark; and (b) be filed with the Trade Marks Office.

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Schedule 2 Amendments of Trade Marks Regulations 1995

Part 3 Amendments relating to Convention countries

[9] Schedule 10

omit Netherlands (including the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba)

insert Netherlands (including Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten)

[10] Schedule 10

after Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

insert Samoa

Part 4 Amendments relating to fees (commencing on 1 July 2012)

[11] Regulation 2.1

insert approved means, for doing an action, means the means specified for the action by the Registrar in a notice made under regulation 21.21AA and published by the Registrar.

[12] After subregulation 21.21 (7)


(8) Item 16 of Schedule 9, as in force on 1 July 2012, does not apply to a person in relation to a hearing held after the commencement of this subregulation if the person: (a) requests the hearing, and pays the fee mentioned in

item 14 of Schedule 9, before the commencement of this subregulation; or

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Amendments of Trade Marks Regulations 1995 Schedule 2

(b) pays the fee mentioned in item 16 of Schedule 9 for the hearing before the commencement of this subregulation.

(9) Item 17 of Schedule 9, as in force on 1 July 2012, does not apply to a person in relation to a hearing held after the commencement of this subregulation if the person: (a) pays the fee mentioned in item 15 of Schedule 9 for the

hearing before the commencement of this subregulation; or

(b) pays the fee mentioned in item 17 of Schedule 9 for the hearing before the commencement of this subregulation.

[13] After regulation 21.21


21.21AAApproved means

(1) The Registrar may, by notice published by the Registrar, specify one or more means for doing an action mentioned in Schedule 9. Example of action Filing an application.

(2) The means may be an electronic means or any other means. Note The means become approved means when they are published.

[14] Schedule 9


Schedule 9 Fees (regulations 21.21 and 21.21AA)

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Schedule 2 Amendments of Trade Marks Regulations 1995

Item Matter Fee

1 Filing an application to register a trade mark under subsection 27 (5) or 45 (1) of the Act in respect of goods or services in 1 or more of the prescribed classes:

(a) by approved means; $120 for each class (b) by another means $180 for each class

and, in addition, if the goods and services are specified in the application otherwise than by using the official Goods and Services pick list

$40 for each class

(c) by AFS request mentioned in regulation 4.2A

$90 for each class

3 Filing an application to register 2 or more trade marks as a series under section 51 of the Act:

(a) by approved means; $270 for each class (b) by another means $330 for each class

and, in addition, if the goods and services are specified in the application otherwise than by using the official Goods and Services pick list

$40 for each class

4 Requesting an amendment under section 64, 65 or 65A of the Act to include an additional prescribed class of goods or services in an application:

(a) application under section 51 for a series of trade marks;

$330 for each class

(b) any other case $180 for each class 5 Filing an application for an extension of:

(a) a period under subregulation 4.12 (3) or regulation 17A.20; or

(b) time under regulation 21.25

$100 for each month or part of a month for which the extension is sought

6 Filing an application for an extension of: (a) a period under regulation 5.15 (including

regulation 5.15 as applied by regulation 17A.33); or

(b) time under regulation 5.2 or 17A.30

$150 for each month or part of a month for which the extension is sought

7 Filing a notice of opposition under: (a) section 52 of the Act; or $250

34 Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 1)

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Amendments of Trade Marks Regulations 1995 Schedule 2

Item Matter Fee

(b) section 96 of the Act (including section 96 as applied by regulation 17A.48); or


(c) subsection 224 (6) of the Act; or $250 (d) regulation 17A.29; or $250 (e) section 65A of the Act $250

8 Filing an application for permission to serve a copy of further evidence in opposition proceedings under paragraph 5.15 (1) (b) (including paragraph 5.15 (1) (b) as applied by regulation 17A.33)


9 Single registration of a trade mark under section 68 of the Act in respect of goods or services in 1 or more of the prescribed classes

$300 for each class

10 Renewal of a single registration of a trade mark under section 75 of the Act in respect of goods or services in 1 or more of the prescribed classes

(a) fee paid by approved means; $300 for each class (b) fee paid by another means $350 for each class

and, in addition, if the request for renewal is made within 6 months after the expiry date to which section 79 of the Act refers

$100 for each class for each month, or part of a month, after the expiry date

11 Each potential renewal period requested by a person under section 80D of the Act in respect of goods or services in 1 or more of the prescribed classes

$350 for each class

12 Each potential renewal period requested by a person under paragraph 80G (1) (b) of the Act in respect of goods and services in 1 or more of the prescribed classes

$350 for each class

and, in addition, if the request for renewal is made within 10 months after the end of the prescribed period, regardless of the number of potential renewal periods requested

$100 for each class for each month, or part of a month, after the end of the prescribed period

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Schedule 2 Amendments of Trade Marks Regulations 1995

Item Matter Fee

13 Filing an application for removal of a trade mark from the Register:

(a) for non-use under section 92 of the Act; or (b) for cessation of protection for non-use

under subregulation 17A.48 (1) 14 Request for an oral hearing under:

(a) regulation 5.14 (including regulation 5.14 as applied by regulation 17A.33); or

(b) regulation 9.4, (including regulation 9.4 as applied by regulation 17A.48)

15 Request for an oral hearing in relation to any other matter

16 Request to attend an oral hearing under: (a) regulation 5.14 (including regulation 5.14 as

applied by regulation 17A.33); or (b) regulation 9.4 (including regulation 9.4 as

applied by regulation 17A.48)

17 Request to attend an oral hearing in relation to any other matter

17A Request for hearing on the basis of written submissions only, where the submissions are filed after the notice of hearing or invitation to be heard is issued

18 Handling an application for the international registration of a trade mark under regulation 17A.7

19 Transmitting a renewal fee for the international registration of a trade mark under Article 7 of the Madrid Protocol

20 Requesting a decision under subregulation 21.16 (2)

21 Supply of a certificate signed by the Registrar under section 211 of the Act




$600 for each day, or part of a day, less any amount paid under item 14 in relation to the hearing $400 less any amount paid under item 15 in relation to the hearing $100





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Amendments of Trade Marks Regulations 1995 Schedule 2

Item Matter Fee

21A Supply of a duplicate of a certificate signed by the Registrar under section 211 of the Act

22 Supply of a copy of an extract from the Register or the Record of International Registrations

23 Supply of a copy of a document for which a search is required

25 Applying for admission to sit for an examination conducted by the Board

26 Applying for a grant of a supplementary examination conducted by the Board

27 A report of reasons for failure of an examination conducted by the Board

28 Applying for registration as a trade marks attorney

29 Annual registration of a trade marks attorney 30 Annual registration fee payable for combined

registration as a trade marks attorney and patent attorney

31 Applying to be restored to the Register, as authorised by regulation 20.14

32 AFS request under regulation 3A.3 33 Inclusion of an additional class of goods or

services in an AFS request under paragraph 3A.3 (5) (c) or 3A.5 (2) (f)

34 Inclusion of an amendment in an AFS request that significantly changes the graphical representation of a trade mark under paragraph 3A.5 (2) (f)

(a) request for a copy of a file or part of a file35 under regulation 21.11A;

(b) for each request of 20 pages or less; (c) for each request involving more than

20 pages from a single file








$350 $550


$90 for each class $90 for each class

$90 for each class

$30 for each file that is the subject of a request no additional charge $1 for each additional page over 20 from the file

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Schedule 2 Amendments of Trade Marks Regulations 1995

Part 5 Amendments relating to fees (commencing on 1 October 2012)

[15] Schedule 9


Schedule 9 Fees (regulations 21.21 and 21.21AA)

Item Matter Fee

1 Filing an application to register a trade mark under subsection 27 (5) or 45 (1) of the Act in respect of goods or services in 1 or more of the prescribed classes:

(a) by approved means; $120 for each class (b) by another means $220 for each class

and, in addition, if the goods and services are $80 for each class specified in the application otherwise than by using the official Goods and Services pick list

(c) by AFS request mentioned in $120 for each class regulation 4.2A

3 Filing an application to register 2 or more trade marks as a series under section 51 of the Act:

(a) by approved means; $270 for each class (b) by another means $370 for each class

and, in addition, if the goods and services are $80 for each class specified in the application otherwise than by using the official Goods and Services pick list

4 Requesting an amendment under section 64, 65 or 65A of the Act to include an additional prescribed class of goods or services in an application:

(a) application under section 51 for a series of $370 for each class trade marks;

(b) any other case $220 for each class

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Amendments of Trade Marks Regulations 1995 Schedule 2

Item Matter Fee

5 Filing an application for an extension of: (a) a period under subregulation 4.12 (3) or

regulation 17A.20; or (b) time under regulation 21.25

6 Filing an application for an extension of: (a) a period under regulation 5.15 (including

regulation 5.15 as applied by regulation 17A.33); or

(b) time under regulation 5.2 or 17A.30 7 Filing a notice of opposition under:

(a) section 52 of the Act; or (b) section 96 of the Act (including section 96

as applied by regulation 17A.48); or (c) subsection 224 (6) of the Act; or (d) regulation 17A.29; or (e) section 65A of the Act

8 Filing an application for permission to serve a copy of further evidence in opposition proceedings under paragraph 5.15 (1) (b) (including paragraph 5.15 (1) (b) as applied by regulation 17A.33)

9 Single registration of a trade mark under section 68 of the Act in respect of goods or services in 1 or more of the prescribed classes

10 Renewal of a single registration of a trade mark under section 75 of the Act in respect of goods or services in 1 or more of the prescribed classes:

(a) fee paid by approved means; (b) fee paid by another means

and, in addition, if the request for renewal is made within 6 months after the expiry date to which section 79 of the Act refers

$100 for each month or part of a month for which the extension is sought

$150 for each month or part of a month for which the extension is sought

$250 $150

$250 $250 $250 $100

$300 for each class

$300 for each class $350 for each class $100 for each class for each month, or part of a month, after the expiry date

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Schedule 2 Amendments of Trade Marks Regulations 1995

Item Matter Fee

11 Each potential renewal period requested by a person under section 80D of the Act in respect of goods or services in 1 or more of the prescribed classes

12 Each potential renewal period requested by a person under paragraph 80G (1) (b) of the Act in respect of goods and services in 1 or more of the prescribed classes and, in addition, if the request for renewal is made within 10 months after the end of the prescribed period, regardless of the number of potential renewal periods requested

13 Filing an application for removal of a trade mark from the Register:

(a) for non-use under section 92 of the Act; or (b) for cessation of protection for non-use

under subregulation 17A.48 (1) 14 Request for an oral hearing under:

(a) regulation 5.14 (including regulation 5.14 as applied by regulation 17A.33); or

(b) regulation 9.4, (including regulation 9.4 as applied by regulation 17A.48)

15 Request for an oral hearing in relation to any other matter

16 Request to attend an oral hearing under: (a) regulation 5.14 (including regulation 5.14

as applied by regulation 17A.33); or (b) regulation 9.4 (including regulation 9.4 as

applied by regulation 17A.48)

17 Request to attend an oral hearing in relation to any other matter

$350 for each class

$350 for each class

$100 for each class for each month, or part of a month, after the end of the prescribed period $250



$600 for each day, or part of a day, less any amount paid under item 14 in relation to the hearing $400 less any amount paid under item 15 in relation to the hearing

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Amendments of Trade Marks Regulations 1995 Schedule 2

Item Matter Fee

17A Request for hearing on the basis of written $100 submissions only, where the submissions are filed after the notice of hearing or invitation to be heard is issued

18 Handling an application for the international $100 registration of a trade mark under regulation 17A.7

19 Transmitting a renewal fee for the international $100 registration of a trade mark under Article 7 of the Madrid Protocol

20 Requesting a decision under $300 subregulation 21.16 (2)

21 Supply of a certificate signed by the Registrar $50 under section 211 of the Act

21A Supply of a duplicate of a certificate signed by $250 the Registrar under section 211 of the Act

22 Supply of a copy of an extract from the Register $50 or the Record of International Registrations

23 Supply of a copy of a document for which a $100 search is required

25 Applying for admission to sit for an examination $400 conducted by the Board

26 Applying for a grant of a supplementary $200 examination conducted by the Board

27 A report of reasons for failure of an examination $200 conducted by the Board

28 Applying for registration as a trade marks $200 attorney

29 Annual registration of a trade marks attorney $350 30 Annual registration fee payable for combined $550

registration as a trade marks attorney and patent attorney

31 Applying to be restored to the Register, as $250 authorised by regulation 20.14

32 AFS request under regulation 3A.3 $80 for each class

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Schedule 2 Amendments of Trade Marks Regulations 1995

Item Matter Fee

33 Inclusion of an additional class of goods or services in an AFS request under paragraph 3A.3 (5) (c) or 3A.5 (2) (f)

34 Inclusion of an amendment in an AFS request that significantly changes the graphical representation of a trade mark under paragraph 3A.5 (2) (f)

35 (a) request for a copy of a file or part of a file under regulation 21.11A;

(b) for each request of 20 pages or less; (c) for each request involving more than

20 pages from a single file

$120 for each class

$120 for each class

$30 for each file that is the subject of a request no additional charge $1 for each additional page over 20 from the file

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Amendments of Designs Regulations 2004 Schedule 3

Schedule 3 Amendments of Designs Regulations 2004 (section 5)

Part 1 Amendment relating to declarations

[1] Regulation 11.26


11.26 Declarations

(1) A declaration required or permitted by the Act or these Regulations to be given to the Registrar must be in the approved form. Note Declaration forms in the approved form are available on the IP Australia website at www.ipaustralia.gov.au.

(2) A declaration in the form of a statutory declaration, required or permitted to be given to the Registrar, may be given to the Registrar in an electronic form by a means of electronic communication approved by the Registrar. Note A declaration that is not in the form of statutory declaration may also be given in an electronic form by means of an electronic communication: see section 11 of the Electronic Transactions Act 1999.

Part 2 Amendments relating to Convention countries

[2] Schedule 1

omit Netherlands (including the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba)

insert Netherlands (including Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten)

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Schedule 3 Amendments of Designs Regulations 2004

[3] Schedule 1

after Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

insert Samoa

Part 3 Amendments relating to fees (commencing on 1 July 2012)

[4] Regulation 1.04

insert approved means, for doing an action, means the means specified for the action by the Registrar in a notice made under regulation 11.01A and published by the Registrar.

[5] After subregulation 11.01 (6)



(7) Paragraph 12 (a) of Schedule 4, as in force on 1 July 2012, does not apply to a person in relation to a hearing held after the commencement of this subregulation if: (a) the person requests the hearing, and pays the fee

mentioned in item 11 of Schedule 4, before the commencement of this subregulation; or

(b) the person pays the fee mentioned in paragraph 12 (a) of of Schedule 4 for the hearing before the commencement of this subregulation; or

(c) the hearing relates to a request or application by the person for which the person paid the fee mentioned in item 10 of Schedule 4 before the commencement of this subregulation.

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Amendments of Designs Regulations 2004 Schedule 3

(8) Paragraph 12 (b) of Schedule 4, as in force on 1 July 2012, does not apply to a person in relation to a hearing held after the commencement of this subregulation if the person pays the fee mentioned in paragraph 12 (b) of Schedule 4 for the hearing before the commencement of this subregulation.

[6] After regulation 11.01


11.01A Approved means

(1) The Registrar may, by notice published by the Registrar, specify one or more means for doing an action mentioned in Schedule 4. Examples of actions 1 Filing a request. 2 Filing an application.

(2) The means may be an electronic means or any other means. Note The means become approved means when they are published.

[7] Schedule 4


Schedule 4 Fees (regulations 11.01 and 11.01A)

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Schedule 3 Amendments of Designs Regulations 2004

Item Matter Fee

1 Filing a design application $200 for each design identified, by the applicant, as being a separate design disclosed in the application

2 Filing a request for registration covering a further design

$200 for each further design covered by the request

3 Filing a request, by the registered owner of a design, for examination of the design


4 Filing a request, by a person other than the registered owner of a design, for examination of a design

(a) payable by the person filing the request—$210; and

(b) payable by the registered owner—$210

5 Filing an application for renewal of the registration of a design

(a) by approved means $320 (b) by another means $370

and in addition, if the fee is paid after the expiry of 5 years from the day when the term of registration of the design starts

$100 for each month or part of a month after the expiry of the 5 years and before the fee is paid (maximum $600)

6 Lodging a request for an extension of the period of registration:

(a) under subsection 27A (2) of the old Act within the meaning of section 161 of the Act (the first extension);

(a) $55

(b) under subsection 27A (12) of the old Act (the second extension);

(b) $90

(c) under subsection 27A (13) of the old Act (the third extension)

(c) $135

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Amendments of Designs Regulations 2004 Schedule 3

Item Matter Fee

7 Filing an application for an extension of time on the ground specified in paragraph 137 (2) (a) of the Act

$100 for each month or part of a month for which the extension is sought

8 Filing an application for an extension of time on the ground specified in paragraph 137 (2) (b) of the Act


9 Filing a notice of opposition $550 10 Filing any 1 of the following: $500

(a) a request for a determination under section 29 of the Act;

(b) a request for a direction under section 30 of the Act;

(c) an application under section 51 of the Act for revocation of the registration of a design;

(d) a request under paragraph 11.22 (3) (c) for the exercise of the Registrar’s discretionary powers;

(e) a request for the exercise of the Registrar’s discretionary powers not mentioned in the above paragraphs

11 Filing a request for a hearing $600 12 Appearing at a hearing (a) for the first day—$600

less any amount paid under item 10 or 11 in relation to the hearing; and

(b) if the hearing runs for more than a day—$600 for each day or part of a day after the first day

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Schedule 3 Amendments of Designs Regulations 2004

Item Matter Fee

13 Filing a request for the supply, by the Registrar, of:


(a) a duplicate certificate of registration; or

(b) a duplicate certificate of examination

14 Filing a request for the supply, by the Registrar, of a copy of an extract from the Register

(a) $50 for the document; or (b) if a search is required for

the document—$100 for the document

15 Filing a request for the supply, by the Registrar, of a copy of a document other than an extract from the Register

(a) $50 for the document; or (b) if a search is required for

the document—$100 for the document

16 Filing a request for certification of a document


Part 4 Amendments relating to fees (commencing on 1 October 2012)

[8] Schedule 4


Schedule 4 Fees (regulations 11.01 and 11.01A)

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Amendments of Designs Regulations 2004 Schedule 3

Item Matter Fee

1 Filing a design application $250 for each design identified, by the applicant, as(a) by approved means; being a separate design disclosed in the application

(b) by another means $350 for each design identified, by the applicant, as being a separate design disclosed in the application

2 Filing a request for registration covering a further design

(a) by approved means; $250 for each further design covered by the request

(b) by another means $350 for each further design covered by the request

3 Filing a request, by the registered $420 owner of a design, for examination of the design

4 Filing a request, by a person other than (a) payable by the person the registered owner of a design, for filing the request—$210; examination of a design and

(b) payable by the registered owner—$210

5 Filing an application for renewal of the registration of a design

(a) by approved means $320 (b) by another means $370

and, in addition, if the fee is paid after $100 for each month or part of the expiry of 5 years from the day a month after the expiry of the when the term of registration of the 5 years and before the fee is design starts paid (maximum $600)

6 Lodging a request for an extension of the period of registration:

(a) under subsection 27A (2) of the (a) $55; old Act within the meaning of section 161 of the Act (the first extension);

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Schedule 3 Amendments of Designs Regulations 2004

Item Matter Fee

(b) under subsection 27A (12) of the old Act (the second extension);

(b) $90;

(c) under subsection 27A (13) of the old Act (the third extension)

(c) $135

7 Filing an application for an extension of time on the ground specified in paragraph 137 (2) (a) of the Act

$100 for each month or part of a month for which the extension is sought

8 Filing an application for an extension of time on the ground specified in paragraph 137 (2) (b) of the Act


9 Filing a notice of opposition $550 10 Filing any 1 of the following: $500

(a) a request for a determination under section 29 of the Act;

(b) a request for a direction under section 30 of the Act;

(c) an application under section 51 of the Act for revocation of the registration of a design;

(d) a request under paragraph 11.22 (3) (c) for the exercise of the Registrar’s discretionary powers;

(e) a request for the exercise of the Registrar’s discretionary powers not mentioned in the above paragraphs

11 Filing a request for a hearing $600 12 Appearing at a hearing (a) for the first day—$600

less any amount paid under item 10 or 11 in relation to the hearing; and

(b) if the hearing runs for more than a day—$600 for each day or part of a day after the first day

50 Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 1)

2012, 66

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Amendments of Designs Regulations 2004 Schedule 3

Item Matter Fee

13 Filing a request for the supply, by the Registrar, of:


(a) a duplicate certificate of registration; or

(b) a duplicate certificate of examination

14 Filing a request for the supply, by the Registrar, of a copy of an extract from the Register

(a) $50 for the document; or

(b) if a search is required for the document— $100 for the document

15 Filing a request for the supply, by the Registrar, of a copy of a document other than an extract from the Register

(a) $50 for the document; or

(b) if a search is required for the document— $100 for the document

16 Filing a request for certification of a document


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Schedule 4 Amendments of Plant Breeder’s Rights Regulations 1994

Schedule 4 Amendments of Plant Breeder’s Rights Regulations 1994 (section 6)

Part 1 Amendments relating to fees (commencing on 1 July 2012)

[1] Subregulation 3 (1)

insert approved means, for doing an action, means the means specified for the action by the Registrar in a notice made under regulation 4A and published by the Registrar.

[2] After regulation 4


4A Approved means

(1) The Registrar may, by notice published by the Registrar, specify one or more means for doing an action mentioned in the Schedule. Examples of actions 1 Making a request. 2 Lodging an application.

(2) The means may be an electronic means or any other means. Note The means become approved means when they are published.

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Amendments of Plant Breeder’s Rights Regulations 1994 Schedule 4

[3] Schedule


Schedule Fees


(regulations 4 and 4A)

Act, service or occasion in respect of which fee is payable Fee

1A Designation of an approved person under section 8 $50 1B Renewal of designation of an approved person $50 1 On making a request under subsection 19 (4), whether or

not the request includes a request under subsection 19 (10) $500

2 On making a request for a certificate under subsection 19 (11)


3 Amendment of the register on notification of assignment under section 21


4 On lodgment of an application under section 26 $300 5 On making a request for a variation of an application under

subsection 31 (1) $100

6 On lodgment of a detailed description under section 34 for: (a) a variety tested under section 37 to establish that the

variety is distinct, uniform and stable:

(i) if the testing is conducted by an authorised establishment;


(ii) in any other case; $1 610 (b) a variety to which subsection 38 (3), (4) or (5)

applies; $1 610

(c) each of 2 or more varieties of the same plant species tested simultaneously at the same site in Australia under section 37 to establish that the varieties are

$1 380

distinct, uniform and stable, for which a complete application and detailed description are lodged on the same day by the same approved person or applicant or agent of the applicant under section 34

7 On lodgment of an objection under section 35 $100

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Schedule 4 Amendments of Plant Breeder’s Rights Regulations 1994

Item Act, service or occasion in respect of which fee is payable Fee

8 On making a request for a copy of an application, an objection or a detailed description under subsection 36 (2)


9 On lodgment of an application for a declaration of essential derivation under subsection 40 (1)


10 Grant of PBR in a plant variety under section 44 $345 11 On lodgment of an application for:

(a) revocation of a PBR under subsection 50 (8); or $500 (b) revocation of a declaration of essential derivation

under subsection 50 (9) $500

12 On making a request for a copy of an entry in the register under subsection 62 (2)


15 For annual maintenance of a PBR—on each anniversary of the grant:

(a) fee paid by approved means; $345 (b) fee paid by another means $395

16 For the undertaking, on request of a person, by the Secretary or the Registrar of any work required or authorised under the Act and for which a fee is not prescribed under any other item

$75 per hour or part of an hour

Part 2 Amendments relating to fees (commencing on 1 October 2012)

[4] Schedule


Schedule Fees (regulations 4 and 4A)

Item Act, service or occasion in respect of which fee is payable Fee

1A Designation of an approved person under section 8 $50 1B Renewal of designation of an approved person $50

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Amendments of Plant Breeder’s Rights Regulations 1994 Schedule 4

Item Act, service or occasion in respect of which fee is payable Fee

1 On making a request under subsection 19 (4), whether or not the request includes a request under subsection 19 (10)


2 On making a request for a certificate under subsection 19 (11)


3 Amendment of the register on notification of assignment under section 21


4 On lodgment of an application under section 26: (a) fee paid by approved means; $345 (b) fee paid by another means $445

5 On making a request for a variation of an application under subsection 31 (1)


6 On lodgment of a detailed description under section 34 for: (a) a variety tested under section 37 to establish that the

variety is distinct, uniform and stable:



if the testing is conducted by an authorised establishment; in any other case;


$1 610 (b) a variety to which subsection 38 (3), (4) or (5)

applies; (c) each of 2 or more varieties of the same plant species

tested simultaneously at the same site in Australia under section 37 to establish that the varieties are distinct, uniform and stable, for which a complete application and detailed description are lodged on the same day by the same approved person or applicant or agent of the applicant under section 34

$1 610

$1 380

7 On lodgment of an objection under section 35 $100 8 On making a request for a copy of an application, an

objection or a detailed description under subsection 36 (2) $50

9 On lodgment of an application for a declaration of essential derivation under subsection 40 (1)


10 Grant of PBR in a plant variety under section 44 $345

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Schedule 4 Amendments of Plant Breeder’s Rights Regulations 1994

Item Act, service or occasion in respect of which fee is payable Fee

11 On lodgment of an application for: (a) revocation of a PBR under subsection 50 (8); or $500 (b) revocation of a declaration of essential derivation

under subsection 50 (9) $500

12 On making a request for a copy of an entry in the register under subsection 62 (2)


15 For annual maintenance of a PBR—on each anniversary of the grant:

(a) fee paid by approved means; $345 (b) fee paid by another means $395

16 For the undertaking, on request of a person, by the Secretary or the Registrar of any work required or authorised under the Act and for which a fee is not prescribed under any other item

$75 per hour or part of an hour


1. All legislative instruments and compilations are registered on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments kept under the Legislative Instruments Act 2003. See www.comlaw.gov.au.

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