Об интеллектуальной собственности Обучение в области ИС Обеспечение уважения интеллектуальной собственности Информационно-просветительская работа в области ИС ИС для ИС и ИС в области Информация о патентах и технологиях Информация о товарных знаках Информация о промышленных образцах Информация о географических указаниях Информация о новых сортах растений (UPOV) Законы, договоры и судебные решения в области ИС Ресурсы в области ИС Отчеты в области ИС Патентная охрана Охрана товарных знаков Охрана промышленных образцов Охрана географических указаний Охрана новых сортов растений (UPOV) Разрешение споров в области ИС Деловые решения для ведомств ИС Оплата услуг в области ИС Органы по ведению переговоров и директивные органы Сотрудничество в целях развития Поддержка инновационной деятельности Государственно-частные партнерства Инструменты и сервисы на базе ИИ Организация Работа с ВОИС Подотчетность Патенты Товарные знаки Промышленные образцы Географические указания Авторское право Коммерческая тайна Академия ВОИС Практикумы и семинары Защита прав ИС WIPO ALERT Информационно-просветительская работа Международный день ИС Журнал ВОИС Тематические исследования и истории успеха Новости ИС Премии ВОИС Бизнеса Университетов Коренных народов Судебных органов Генетические ресурсы, традиционные знания и традиционные выражения культуры Экономика Финансирование Нематериальные активы Гендерное равенство Глобальное здравоохранение Изменение климата Политика в области конкуренции Цели в области устойчивого развития Передовых технологий Мобильных приложений Спорта Туризма PATENTSCOPE Патентная аналитика Международная патентная классификация ARDI – исследования в интересах инноваций ASPI – специализированная патентная информация Глобальная база данных по брендам Madrid Monitor База данных Article 6ter Express Ниццкая классификация Венская классификация Глобальная база данных по образцам Бюллетень международных образцов База данных Hague Express Локарнская классификация База данных Lisbon Express Глобальная база данных по ГУ База данных о сортах растений PLUTO База данных GENIE Договоры, административные функции которых выполняет ВОИС WIPO Lex – законы, договоры и судебные решения в области ИС Стандарты ВОИС Статистика в области ИС WIPO Pearl (терминология) Публикации ВОИС Страновые справки по ИС Центр знаний ВОИС Серия публикаций ВОИС «Тенденции в области технологий» Глобальный инновационный индекс Доклад о положении в области интеллектуальной собственности в мире PCT – международная патентная система Портал ePCT Будапештская система – международная система депонирования микроорганизмов Мадридская система – международная система товарных знаков Портал eMadrid Cтатья 6ter (гербы, флаги, эмблемы) Гаагская система – система международной регистрации образцов Портал eHague Лиссабонская система – международная система географических указаний Портал eLisbon UPOV PRISMA UPOV e-PVP Administration UPOV e-PVP DUS Exchange Посредничество Арбитраж Вынесение экспертных заключений Споры по доменным именам Система централизованного доступа к результатам поиска и экспертизы (CASE) Служба цифрового доступа (DAS) WIPO Pay Текущий счет в ВОИС Ассамблеи ВОИС Постоянные комитеты График заседаний WIPO Webcast Официальные документы ВОИС Повестка дня в области развития Техническая помощь Учебные заведения в области ИС Поддержка в связи с COVID-19 Национальные стратегии в области ИС Помощь в вопросах политики и законодательной деятельности Центр сотрудничества Центры поддержки технологий и инноваций (ЦПТИ) Передача технологий Программа содействия изобретателям (IAP) WIPO GREEN PAT-INFORMED ВОИС Консорциум доступных книг Консорциум «ВОИС для авторов» WIPO Translate для перевода Система для распознавания речи Помощник по классификации Государства-члены Наблюдатели Генеральный директор Деятельность в разбивке по подразделениям Внешние бюро Вакансии Закупки Результаты и бюджет Финансовая отчетность Надзор
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Законы Договоры Решения Просмотреть по юрисдикции

Закон по Патентный (Официальный вестник Черногории № 42/2015), Черногория

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Подробности Подробности Год версии 2015 Даты вступление в силу: 6 августа 2015 г. Опубликован: 29 июля 2015 г. Принят: 16 июля 2015 г. Тип текста Основное законодательство по ИС Предмет Патенты (изобретения) Предмет (вторичный) Исполнение законов об ИС, Регулирующие органы в области ИС, Охрана сортов растений, Генетические ресурсы, Конфиденциальная информация (коммерческая тайна) Примечания The Law on Patents was adopted on July 16, 2015, promulgated by Decree No. 01-693/2 of July 24, 2015, published in the 'Official Gazette of Montenegro', No. 42/2015 on July 29, 2015, and entered into force on August 6, 2015.

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Основной(ые) текст(ы) Основной(ые) текст(ы) Черногорский Zakon o patentima (Službeni list CG, 42/2015)         Английский Law on Patents (Official Gazette of Montenegro, No. 42/2015)        
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Zakon o patentima (Službeni list CG, 42/2015)

Na osnovu clana 82 slav 1 tacka 2 Ustava erne Gore i Amandmana IV slav 1 na Ustav erne Gore, Skupstina erne Gore 25. saziva, na petoj sednici prvog redovnog (proljecnjeg) zasijedanja u 2015. godini, dana 16. jula 2015. godine, donijela je



Clan 1

Ovim zakonom ureduju se uslovi pravne zastite na patent. Patent je pravno zasticeni pronalazak.

Teritorijalna primjena

Clan 2

Odredbe ovog zakona primjenjuju se i na moru i podmorju uz teritoriju erne Gore na kojem erna Gora ima suverena prava iii nadleznosti u skladu sa medunarodnim pravom.

Ravnopravnost stranih i domacih lica

Clan 3

(1) Strana pravna i fizicka lica, u pogledu registracije i pravne zastite pronalazaka u ernoj Gori, uzivaju isla prava kao i domaca pravna i fizicka lica, ako to proizilazi iz potvrdenih medunarodnih ugovora iii nacela uzajamnosti.
(2) Postojanje uzajamnosti iz stava 1 ovog clana dokazuje lice koje se na uzajamnost


Clan 4

(1) Strano pravno iii fizicko lice koje nema sjediste, odnosno odobreno stalno nastanjenje iii privremeni boravak na teritoriji erne Gore u postupku pred organom uprave nadleznim za poslove intelektualne svojine (u daljem tekstu: nadlezni organ), mora da zastupa pravno iii fizicko lice upisano u Registar zastupnika koji vodi nadlezni organ (u daljem tekstu: zastupnik) iii advokat upisan u imenik Advokatske komore erne Gore.
(2) lzuzetno od stava 1 ovog clana, strano pravno iii fizicko lice moze samostalno bez
zastupnika da:
1) podnosi prijave za priznanje patenta (u daljem tekstu: prijava patenta), i preduzima radnje vezane za utvrdivanje datuma podnosenja prijave patenta,
2) podnosi prepise prve prijave patenta kad zahtijeva pravo prvenstva iz clana 32
ovog zakona,


3) placa administrativne takse i naknade troskova postupka predvidene ovim zakonom, i
4) prima obavjestenja od nadleznog organa u vezi sa postupcima iz tac. 1 do 3 ovog

(3) U slucaju preduzimanja radnji iz stava 2 ovog clana, strano fizicko iii pravno lice
duzno je da nadleznom organu dostavi adresu za prijem pismena koja mora biti na teritoriji
Crne Gore.
(4) Strano pravno iii fizicko lice koje ne imenuje zastupnika iii ne dostavi adresu za
prijem pismena u skladu sa stavom 3 ovog clana, nadlezni organ ce pisanim putem pozvati da u roku od tri mjeseca od dana prijema poziva imenuje zastupnika iii dostavi adresu za prijem pismena.
(5) Ako strano pravno iii fizicko lice ne postupi po pozivu iz stava 4 ovog clana,
nadlezni organ ce odbaciti podnesak, a dostavljanje ce se izvrsiti javnim putem na oglasnoj tabli nadleznog organa.
(6) lzuzetno od stava 1 ovog clana, !aksu za odrzavanje prava iz prijave patenta i
priznatog patenta moze platiti bilo koje lice u ime i za racun podnosioca prijave patenta iii nosioca patenta.


Patentibilni pronalasci

Clan 5

(1) Patent je pravno zasticeni pronalazak iz bilo koje oblasti tehnike. Pronalazak uziva pravnu zastitu ako je nov, ima inventivni nivo i industrijski je primjenjiv.
(2) Predmet pronalaska koji se stiti patentom moze biti proizvod (kao npr. uredaj, supstanca, kompozicija) iii postupak.
(3) Predmet pronalaska koji se stiti patentom moze se odnositi i na:
1) proizvod koji se sastoji od bioloskog materijala iii koji sadrzi bioloski materijal;
2) postupak kojim je bioloski materijal proizveden, obraden iii koriseen;
3) bioloski materijal koji je izolovan iz prirodne sredine iii je proizveden tehnickim postupkom, iako je prethodno postojao u prirodi.
(4) Bioloski materijal, u smislu ovog zakona, je materijal koji sadrzi genetsku informaciju i koji je sposoban da se sam reprodukuje iii da bude reprodukovan u bioloskom sistemu (npr. mikroorganizam, biljna iii zivotinjska celijska kultura, sekvenca gena).
(5) Ne smatraju se pronalascima, u smislu ovog zakona, narocito:
1) otkrica, naucne teorije i matematicke metode;
2) estetske kreacije;
3) planovi, pravila i postupci za obavljanje intelektualnih djelatnosti, za igranje igara iii za obavljanje poslova;
4) programi racunara;
5) prikazivanje informacija.
(6) Predmeti iii aktivnosti iz stava 5 ovog clana iskljuceni su iz zastite samo u mjeri u kojoj se prijava patenta iii patent odnosi na taj predmet iii aktivnost, kao takve.


Patentibilnost ljudskog tijela i njegovih elemenata

Clan 6

(1) Pronalasci koji se odnose na ljudsko tijelo, razne stadijume njegovog formiranja i razvoja, kao i na jednostavno otkrice jednog od njegovih elemenata, ukljucujuci sekvence iii djelimicne sekvence gena ne mogu biti patentibilni.
(2) Element izolovan iz ljudskog tijela iii proizveden tehnickim postupkom, ukljucujuci sekvence iii djelimicne sekvence gena moze biti patentibilan, i u slucaju kada je struktura tog elementa identicna strukturi prirodnog elementa.
(3) lndustrijska primjena sekvence iii djelimicne sekvence gena mora biti otkrivena u
prijavi patenta na dan njenog podnosenja.

lzuzeci od patentibilnosti

Clan 7

(1) Nece se smatrati patentibilnim:
1) pronalasci cija bi komercijalna upotreba bila protivna javnom poretku iii moralu, a narocito:
postupci kloniranja ljudskih bica;
postupci za promjenu genetskog identiteta germinativnih celija ljudskih biea;
koriscenje ljudskog embriona u industrijske iii komercijalne svrhe;
postupci izmjene genetskog identiteta zivotinja, ako je vjerovatno da ti postupci izazivaju patnju zivotinja, bez postizanja znacajne medicinske koristi za covjeka iii zivotinju, kao i zivotinje koje su rezultat tih postupaka;
2) pronalasci koji se odnose na hirurske iii dijagnosticke postupke iii postupke
lijecenja koji se primjenjuju neposredno na ljudskom iii zivotinjskom tijelu, osim proizvoda, i posebno, supstanci iii kompozicija koje se primjenjuju u tom postupku;
3) biljna sorta iii zivotinjska rasa iii bitno bioloski postupak za dobijanje biljke iii
zivotinje, osim:
biotehnoloskog pronalaska koji se odnosi na biljku iii zivotinju, ako tehnicka izvodljivost pronalaska nije ogranicena na odredenu biljnu sortu iii zivotinjsku rasu;
mikrobioloskog iii drugog tehnickog postupka iii proizvoda dobijenog tim postupkom, osim biljne iii zivotinjske vrste.
(2) Nece se smatrati da je upotreba iz stava 1 tacka 1 ovog clana protivna javnom poretku iii moralu samo zato sto je ta upotreba zabranjena zakonom iii drugim propisom.
(3) U smislu ovog zakona:
1) biljna sorta ima znacenje koje je odredeno zakonom koji ureduje zastitu biljnih
2) bitno bioloski postupak za dobijanje biljaka iii zivotinja je postupak koji se u
potpunosti sastoji od prirodnih pojava kao sto su ukrstanje iii selekcija;
3) mikrobioloski postupak je postupak koji obuhvata iii se izvodi na mikrobioloskom materijalu iii proizvodi takav materijal;
4) biotehnoloski pronalazak je pronalazak koji se odnosi na proizvod koji se sastoji iii koji sadrzi bioloski materijal iii na postupak pomocu kojeg je bioloski materijal proizveden, obraden iii koriscen.



Novost pronalaska

Clan 8

(1) Pronalazak je nov ako nije sadri:an u stanju tehnike. (2) Stanje tehnike, u smislu ovog zakona, cini:
1) sve sto je dostupno javnosti prije datuma podnosenja prijave patenta, pisanim iii usmenim opisom, upotrebom iii na bilo koji drugi nacin, i

2) sadri:aj svih prijava prona\azaka koje imaju dejstvo u Crnoj Gori, onakvih kakve su podnijete, koje imaju raniji datum podnosenja od datuma iz tacke 1 ovog stava, a koje su objav\jene na taj datum iii kasnije, na nacin predviden ovim zakonom.
(3) Odredbe st. 1 i 2 ovog clana ne iskljucuju mogucnost zastite patentom supstance iii kompozicije sadrzane u stanju tehnike koje se primjenjuju u hirurskom iii dijagnostickom postupku iii u postupku iijecenja, pod uslovom da njihova primjena u tim postupcima nije sadri:ana u stanju tehnike.
(4) Odredbe st. 1 i 2 ovog clana ne isk\jucuju mogucnost zastite patentom supstance
iii kompozicije iz stava 3 ovog clana koje se primjenjuju u posebnim hirurskim, dijagnostickim iii terapeutskim postupcima, pod us\ovom da takva upotreba nije sadri:ana u stanju tehnike.

Otkrivanje pronalaska bez stetnih posljedica

Clan 9

Smatra se novim i pronalazak koji je bio sadrzan u stanju tehnike u periodu do sest mjeseci prije podnosenja prijave patenta, zbog iii kao pos\jedica:
1) ocigledne zloupotrebe u odnosu na podnosioca prijave patenta iii njegovog pravnog prethodnika, iii
2) izlaganja pronalaska, od strane podnosioca prijave patenta iii njegovog pravnog
prethodnika, na zvanicnoj iii zvanicno priznatoj medunarodnoj izloi:bi koja ispunjava us\ove iz Konvencije o medunarodnim izlozbama zakljueene 22. novembra 1928. godine u Parizu, sa svim kasnijim revizijama, pod uslovom da podnosilac prijave patenta, prilikom podnosenja prijave patenta, navede da je pronalazak bio izlozen i da u roku od cetiri mjeseca od dana podnosenja prijave patenta nadleznom organu podnese o tome odgovarajucu potvrdu.

lnventivni nivo pronalaska

Clan 10

(1) Pronalazak ima inventivni nivo ako za strucnjaka iz odgovarajuce oblasti ne proiziiazi, na ocigledan nacin, iz stanja tehnike.
(2) Prilikom ispitivanja da li pronalazak ima inventivni nivo ne uzima se u obzir sadri:ina prijava iz clana 8 stav 2 tacka 2 ovog zakona.

lndustrijska primjenljivost

Clan 11

Prona\azak je industrijski primjenljiv ako se predmet pronalaska moze proizvesti iii upotrijebiti u bilo kojoj grani industrije i poljoprivredi.


Subjekti zastite

Clan 12

(1) Pravo na sticanje i zastitu patenta ima pronalazac iii njegov pravni sljedbenik, odnosno u slucajevima predvidenim ovim zakonom, poslodavac iii njegov pravni sljedbenik.

(2) Ako je vise pronalazaca doslo do pronalaska zajednickim radom, pravo na

zastitu pripada svim pronalazacima.

(3) Pronalazacem se ne smatra lice koje je pronalazacu pruzalo tehnicku pomo6.

Prava pronalazaca

Clan 13

(1) Pronalazac ima pravo da u tom svojstvu bude naveden u prijavi patenta, sp1s1ma, registrima, ispravama i publikacijama o njegovom pronalasku na nacin odreden ovim zakonom.

(2) Prava pronalazaca koji je stvorio pronalazak u radnom odnosu i prava

organizacije u kojoj je pronalazak nastao utvrduju se ovim zakonom, opstim aktima i ugovorom izmedu poslodavca i zaposlenog, odnosno njihovih predstavnika.


1.Zajednicke odredbe o postupku

Postupak pred nadleznim organom

Clan 14

(1) Pravna zastita pronalazaka ostvaruje se u upravnom postupku koji vodi nadlezni organ.

(2) U postupku iz stava 1 ovog clana primjenjuju se odredbe zakona kojim je

ureden opsti upravni postupak, ako ovim zakonom nije drukcije odredeno.

(3) Na rjesenja nadleznog organa moze se izjaviti zalba organu drzavne uprave nadleznom za poslove industrijske svojine (u daljem tekstu: Ministarstvo).

Uvid u prijavu patenta

Clan 15

(1) Tokom postupka za zastitu pronalaska nadlezni organ ne smije dozvoliti ni jednom lieu iii organu uvid u prijavu patenta prije njenog objavljivanja.

(2) lzuzetno od stava 1 ovog clana, nadlezni organ moze dozvoliti uvid u prijavu

patenta prije njenog objavljivanja na pisani zahtjev podnosioca prijave patenta iii lica koje on ovlasti.


Administrativne takse i naknade posebnih troskova postupka
Clan 16
(1) U postupku pred nadleznim organom plaeaju se administrativne takse u skladu sa zakonom kojim su uredene administrativne takse, naknade posebnih troskova postupka i naknade troskova za pruzanje informacionih usluga.
(2) Visinu naknada posebnih troskova postupka i naknada troskova za pruzanje
informacionih usluga utvrduje Vlada Crne Gore (u daljem tekstu: Vlada).

Clan 17
(1) Nadlezni organ vodi Registar prijava patenata, Registar patenata, Registar sertifikata o dodatnoj zastiti i Registar zastupnika.
(2) Registri iz stava 1 ovog clana su javne knige.
(3) lzvod iz registara iz stava 1 ovog clana, izdaje nadlezni organ na zahtjev zainteresovanog lica, uz koji prilaze dokaz o uplati administrativne takse.
(4) Sadrzina i nacin vodenja registara iz stava 1 ovog Clana, kao i nacin izdavanja i
sadrzina izvoda ureduju se propisom Ministarstva.
lspravljanje gresaka u dokumentima
Clan 18
(1) Na zahtjev podnosioca prijave patenta odnosno nosioca patenta iii po sluzbenoj duznosti, nadlezni organ je duzan da zakljuckom ispravi greske u imenima iii brojevima, pisanju iii racunanju, kao i druge ocigledne neispravnosti u registrima, patentnim dokumentima iii objavama u sluzbenom glasilu koje izdaje nadlezni organ (u daljem tekstu: sluzbeno glasilo).
(2) Za podnosenje zahtjeva za ispravljanje greske iz stava 1 ovog clana placa se naknada posebnih troskova postupka samo aka je gresku napravio podnosilac prijave
patenta odnosno nosilac patenta.
(3) Ako je prijava patenta vee objavljena, ispravke iz stava 1 ovog clana, objavljuju se u sluzbenom glasilu.
(4) Nacin podnosenja zahtjeva iz stava 1 ovog clana, ureduje se propisom
Objavljivanje u sluzbenom glasilu
Clan 19
Podaci predvideni ovim zakonom i propisima donijetim za izvrsavanje ovog zakona objavljuju se u sluzbenom glasilu.


Dostupnost informacija

Clan 20

(1) Nadlezni organ duzan je dana zahljev pravnim i fizickim licima ucini dostupnim prijave patenta objavljene u sluzbenom glasilu i priznate patente, kao i informacije o stanju tehnike i 0 pravima kojima se stite pronalasci.
(2) Uz zahtjev iz stava 1 ovog clana, prilaZe se dokaz o uplati naknade posebnih
troskova postupka.

(3) Nacin pruzanja usluga iz stava 1 ovog clana, ureduje se propisom Ministarstva.

2. Pokretanje postupka za priznanje patenta

Podnosenje prijave

Clan 21

(1)Postupak za priznanje patenta pokrece se podnosenjem prijave patenta nadleznom organu.
(2) Prijava patenta podnosi se na crnogorskom jeziku.
(3) Prijava patenta moze se podnijeti na stranom jeziku, uz koju se prilaze njen prevod na crnogorski jezik.
(4) Prijava patenta podnosi se u pisanom obliku, neposredno iii postom.
(5) Prijava patenta kojom se zahtijeva zastita pronalaska u inostranstvu podnosi se u skladu sa ovim zakonom i potvrdenim medunarodnim ugovorima.
(6) Pravna zastita pronalazaka u Crnoj Gori ostvaruje se i putem prijave patenta koja je podnijeta u inostranstvu, ako je to u skladu sa potvrdenim medunarodnim ugovorima.
(7) Prijava iz stava 6 ovog clana ima isto pravno dejstvo kao i prijava patenta podnijeta
u Crnoj Gori, ako odgovarajucim medunarodnim ugovorima nije drukcije odredeno.

Jedinstvo pronalaska

Clan 22

(1) Za svaki pronalazak podnosi se, po pravilu, posebna prijava patenta.
(2) Jednom prijavom patenta moze se traziti priznanje patenta za vise pronalazaka samo ako su ti pronalasci medusobno povezani tako da ostvaruju jedinstvenu pronalazacku zamisao.

SadrZina prijave patenta

Clan 23

(1) Prijava patenta mora da sadrzi:
1) zahtjev za priznanje patenta;
2) opis pronalaska;


3) jedan iii vise zahtjeva za zastitu pronalaska patentom (u daljem tekstu: patentni zahtjevi);
4) nacrt na koji se pozivaju opis i zahtjevi, u odgovarajucem slucaju;
5) apstrakt.
(2) Nacin podnosenja i prilozi uz prijavu patenta, nacin sastavljanja pojedinih djelova prijave patenta, kao i podaci od znacaja za deponovanje bioloskog materijala iz clana 25 stav
2 ovog zakona blize se ureduju propisom Ministarstva.

Zahtjev za priznanje patenta

Clan 24

(1) Zahtjev za priznanje patenta sadrzi izricito naznacenje da se trazi priznanje patenta, podatke o podnosiocu prijave patenta, podatke o pronalazacu, odnosno napomenu o izjavi da pronalazac ne zeli da bude naveden u prijavi patenta i naziv pronalaska koji odrazava njegovu sustinu.
(2) Nadlezni organ ne provjerava da li podnosilac prijave patenta ima pravo na zastitu. (3) Ako pronalazac ne zeli da njegovo ime bude navedeno u zahtjevu za priznanje patenta, kao ni u drugim ispravama predvidenim ovim zakonom, podnosilac prijave patenta
je duzan da, najkasnije u roku od tri mjeseca od datuma podnosenja prijave patenta, dostavi nadleznom organu pisanu izjavu pronalazaca o tome.

Opis pronalaska

Clan 25

(1) Pronalazak mora biti opisan potpuno i jasno, tako da ga strucnjak iz odgovarajuce oblasti moze izvesti.
(2) Ako se pronalazak odnosi na bioloski materijal i ako ga nije moguce izvesti na osnovu opisa pronalaska, smatrace se da opis pronalaska ispunjava uslov iz stava 1 ovog clana ako je uzorak prirodno obnovljivog bioloskog materijala deponovan u nadleznoj ustanovi najkasnije na datum podnosenja prijave patenta.
(3) Nadlezna ustanova iz stava 2 ovog clana je ustanova koja je odredena na osnovu Budimpestanskog sporazuma o priznanju depozita mikroorganizama radi postupka patentiranja, zakljucenog 28. aprila 1977. godine, sa svim kasnijim revizijama.

Patentni zahtjevi

Clan 26

(1) Patentnim zahtjevima odreduje se predmet cija se zastita traZ:i.
(2) Zahtjevi iz stava 1 ovog clana moraju biti jasni, sazeti i u potpunosti podrzani opisom pronalaska.


Clan 27

Apstrakt je kratak sadrZ:aj sustine pronalaska, koji sluzi iskljucivo za tehniCko informisanje.


Sadrzina prijave patenta potrebna za priznanje datuma podnosenja

Clan 28

Za priznanje datuma podnosenja prijave patenta potrebno je da prijava patenta podnijeta nadieznom organu na taj datum sadrzi:
1) naznacenje da se trazi priznanje patenta;
2) podatke o podnosiocu prijave patenta iii kontakt podatke podnosioca prijave, i

3) dio koji na prvi pogied izgieda kao opis pronaiaska iako ne ispunjava propisane usiove, iii upucivanje na ranije podnesenu prijavu patenta.

Razdvajanje prijave patenta

Clan 29

(1) Podnosiiac prijave patenta moze, sam iii na zahijev nadieznog organa, predmet prijave patenta kojoj je priznat datum podnosenja (prvobitna prijava) razdvojiti na dvije iii vise samostainih prijava patenta (izdvojena prijava), pod usiovom da se prvobitna prijava odnosi na vise pronaiazaka koji nijesu medusobno povezani jedinstvenom pronaiazackom zamisli iz cana 22 ovog zakona.
(2) Razdvajanje prvobitne prijave patenta dozvoijeno je do donosenja rjesenja o
priznanju patenta.
(3) izdvojena prijava patenta moze imati za predmet samo ono sto je sadrzano u prvobitnoj prijavi i zadrzava datum podnosenja prvobitne prijave i, ako ima osnova, uziva pravo prvenstva te prijave.

lzmjene prijave patenta u toku postupka

Clan 30

(1) Prijava patenta kojoj je priznat datum podnosenja ne moze biti naknadno izmijenjena promjenom koja bi predstavijaia prosirenje predmeta cija se zastita trazi.
(2) izmjene i dopune podataka sadrZ8nih u prijavi patenta kojima se ne prosiruje predmet prijave patenta mogu se vrsiti do donosenja rjesenja po prijavi patenta.

3. Pravo prvenstva

Priznanje prava prvenstva

Clan 31

(1) Ako su dva iii vise pronaiazaca, nezavisno jedan od drugog, stvorili isti pronaiazak, prvenstvo u pogiedu prava na priznanje patenta ima podnosiiac prijave patenta sa ranijim datumom podnosenja.
(2) Pravo prvenstva priznaje se od datuma podnosenja prijave patenta nadieznom organu, ako su ispunjeni usiovi za priznanje prava prvenstva iz ciana 32 ovog zakona.


Pravo medunarodnog prvenstva

Clan 32

(1) Pravnom iii fizickom lieu koje je u drzavi, odnosno za drzavu clanicu Pariske unije za zastitu industrijske svojine (u daljem tekstu: Pariska unija) iii u drzavi clanici odnosno za drzavu clanicu Svjetske trgovinske organizacije (u daljem tekstu: STO) podnijelo urednu prijavu patenta za bile koji oblik zastite pronalaska, iii njegovom pravnom sljedbeniku odnosno nasljedniku, priznace se u Crnoj Gori pravo prvenstva od datuma podnosenja te prijave patenta, pod uslovom da:
1) to pravo prvenstva zahtijeva prilikom podnosenja prijave patenta za zastitu istog
pronalaska, iii naknadno, najkasnije u roku od tri mjeseca od datuma podnosenja prijave patenta, i
2) od dana podnosenja prve uredne prijave patenta u drzavi, odnosno za drzavu
clanicu Pariske unije iii u drzavi clanici, odnosno za drzavu clanicu STO do dana podnosenja prijave patenta nadleznom organu nije proteklo vi!le od 12 mjeseci.
(2) Zahtjev kojim se trazi pravo prvenstva u skladu sa stavom 1 ovog clana, obavezno sadrzi podatke o datumu podnosenja prijave patenta koja je osnov za priznanje prava prvenstva, broj prijave patenta i drzavu clanicu Pariske unije iii clanicu STO u kojoj, odnosno za koju je prijava patenta podnesena i meounarodnu organizaciju kojoj je podnesena.
(3) Urednom prijavom patenta, u smislu stava 1 ovog clana, smatra se svaka prijava
patenta kojoj je priznat datum podnosenja prema nacionalnom zakonodavstvu bile koje drzave clanice Pariske unije, clanice STO iii u skladu sa meounarodnim ugovorima, bez obzira na kasniju pravnu sudbinu te prijave.

Dostavljanje dokaza o zatrazenom pravu prvenstva

Clan 33

(1) Podnosilac prijave patenta koji namjerava da trazi pravo prvenstva iz clana 32 stav
1 ovog zakona duzan je da podnese nadleznom organu prepis te prijave ovjeren od nadleznog organa drzave clanice Pariske unije iii clanice STO kojem je ta prijava podnesena najkasnije u roku od 16 mjeseci od najranijeg zahtijevanog datuma prvenstva.
(2) Uz prepis prijave iz stava 1 ovog clana, ukoliko nadlezni organ iii nadlezni sud to ocijene potrebnim, dostavlja se ovjeren prevod na crnogorskom jeziku.

Visestruko pravo prvenstva

Clan 34

(1) Podnosilac prijave patenta maze, pod uslovima iz clana 32 stav 1 ovog zakona, zahtijevati priznanje visestrukog prava prvenstva na osnovu vise ranije podnesenih prijava patenta u jednoj iii vise, odnosno za jednu iii vise drzava clanica Pariske unije iii clanica STO. (2) U slucaju priznanja visestrukog prava prvenstva, rokovi koji prema ovom zakonu
teku od datuma prvenstva racunaju se od najranijeg datuma visestrukog prvenstva.


Karakteristike pronalaska na koje se odnosi zahtjev za priznanje prava prvenstva

Clan 35

(1) Zahtjev za priznanje jednog iii visestrukog prava prvenstva moze se odnositi samo na one karakteristike pronalaska koje su opisane u bilo kom dijelu prijave patenta, odnosno u prijavama patenta na osnovu kojih se pravo prvenstva zahtijeva.
(2) Ako se odredene karakteristike pronalaska za koje se zahtijeva pravo prvenstva ne
nalaze u patentnim zahtjevima iznijetim u ranijoj prijavi patenta, pravo prvenstva se moze priznati ako se te karakteristike mogu utvrditi iz svih sastavnih djelova prijave patenta.

Datum priznatog prava prvenstva

Clan 36

Datum priznatog prava prvenstva smatra se datum podnosenja prijave patenta u vezi sa primjenom clana 8 stav 2 i clana 31 ovog zakona.

Obnova prava prvenstva

Clan 37

(1) Ako je prijava patenta za koju se zahtijeva pravo prvenstva iz prve prijave patenta, uprkos duznoj paznji koju su zahtijevale okolnosti, podnesena na datum koji je kasniji od datuma na koji istice period prvenstva iz clana 32 stav 1 tacka 2 ovog zakona, ali u okviru roka od dva mjeseca od tog datuma, podnosilac prijave patenta moze podnijeti zahljev za obnovu prava prvenstva.
(2) Zahtjev iz stava 1 ovog clana moze se podnijeti u roku od dva mjeseca od datuma
isteka perioda prvenstva.
(3) Nadlezni organ ce usvojiti zahtjev za obnovu prava prvenstva, pod uslovom da:
1) podnosilac navede opravdane razloge i dostavi dokaze da je do propustanja roka u kojem se priznaje pravo prvenstva doslo uprkos duznoj paznji koju su zahtijevale okolnosti; i
2) plati propisane administrativne takse i naknade posebnih troskova postupka.
(4) Ako nadlezni organ utvrdi da zahtjev za obnovu prava prvenstva treba odbiti u cjelosti iii djelimicno, duzan je da prethodno obavijesti podnosioca zahtjeva o razlozima za odbijanje zahtjeva i pozove ga da se u roku od dva mjeseca od dana prijema poziva izjasni o tim razlozima.
(5) Na obrazlozeni zahtjev podnosioca zahtjeva za obnovu prava prvenstva rok iz stava 4 ovog clana moze biti produzen za jedan mjesec.


lspravka i dopuna prava prvenstva

Clan 38

(1) Podnosilac prijave patenta moze podnijeti zahtjev za ispravku iii dopunu zahtjeva za priznanje prava prvenstva u roku od 16 mjeseci od datuma prava prvenstva iii, ako bi ispravka iii dopuna uzrokovala promjenu datuma prava prvenstva, u roku od 16 mjeseci od tako promijenjenog datuma prvenstva, s tim da je vazeci onaj rok od 16 mjeseci koji istiee ranije, pod uslovom da je takav zahtjev podnesen u roku od cetiri mjeseca od datuma podnosenja prijave patenta.
(2) Uz zahtjev iz stava 1 ovog clana, podnosilac je duzan da dostavi dokaz o uplati
propisane administrativne takse i naknade posebnih troskova postupka.
(3) Ako je radi ispravke iii dopune zahtijeva za priznanje prava prvenstva promijenjen datum prava prvenstva koje se zahtijeva, rokovi se racunaju od promijenjenog datuma prava prvenstva.
(4) Zahtjev iz stava 1 ovog clana ne moze se podnijeti nakon sto je podnosilac prijave
patenta podnio zahtjev za objavu prijave patenta u skladu sa clanom 44 slav 2 ovog zakona, osim ako je taj zahtjev povucen prije zavrsetka tehnickih priprema za objavu prijave patenta.

4. lspitivanje i objava prijave patenta

Priznanje datuma podnosenja prijave patenta

Clan 39

(1) Po prijemu prijave patenta nadlezni organ ispituje da li su ispunjeni uslovi za priznanje datuma podnosenja prijave patenta iz clana 28 ovog zakona.
(2) Ako utvrdi da su ispunjeni svi uslovi iz clana 28 ovog zakona, nadlezni organ
donosi zakljucak o priznanju datuma podnosenja prijave patenta.
(3) Ako utvrdi da nijesu ispunjeni uslovi iz clana 28 ovog zakona, nadlezni organ je duzan da pozove podnosioca prijave patenta da, u roku od tri mjeseca od dana prijema obavjestenja, otkloni utvrdene nedostatke, uz upozorenje da 6e prijava patenta biti odbacena ako se nedostaci ne otklone u navedenom roku.
(4) Ako podnosilac prijave patenta otkloni nedostatke u roku iz stava 3 ovog clana, nadlezni organ zakljuckom priznaje kao datum podnosenja prijave patenta datum kada je podnosiiac prijave patenta otklonio utvrdene nedostatke.
(5) Ako podnosilac prijave patenta ne otkloni nedostatke u roku iz stava 3 ovog clana, nadlezni organ zakljuckom odbacuje prijavu patenta.
(6) Ako prijava patenta sadrzi poziv na nacrte koji nijesu sadrzani u prijavi patenta iii utvrdi da nedostaje dio opisa pronalaska, nadlezni organ je duzan da pozove podnosioca prijave patenta da, u roku od tri mjeseca od dana prijema obavje5tenja, dostavi nacrte odnosno djelove opisa koji nedostaju.
(7) Ako podnosilac prijave patenta dostavi nacrte odnosno dio opisa koji nedostaje u roku iz stava 6 ovog clana, kao datum podnosenja prijave patenta smatra se datum njihovog prijema.


(8) Ukoliko nacrti iii djelovi opisa pronalaska ne budu dostavljeni u roku iz stava 6 ovog clana, smatrace se da se podnosilac na njih nije ni pozvao.
(9) Prijava patenta kojoj je priznat datum podnosenja upisuje se u Registar prijava


Uvjerenje o pravu prvenstva

Clan 40

(1) Nadlezni organ izdaje uvjerenje o pravu prvenstva na zahtjev podnosioca prijave patenta, uz koji se prilaze dokaz o placenoj propisanoj administrativnoj taksi i naknadi posebnih troskova postupka.
(2) Sadrzinu zahtjeva za izdavanje uvjerenja i sadrzinu uvjerenja o pravu prvenstva
propisuje Ministarstvo.

Formalno ispitivanje prijave patenta

Clan 41

(1) Nakon priznanja datuma podnosenja prijave patenta nadlezni organ ispituje da li je:
1) placena administrativna taksa za podnosenje prijave patenta;
2) podnijet ovjereni prevod prijave patenta na crnogorski jezik, ako je prijava patenta dostavljena na stranom jeziku;
3) u odgovarajucem slucaju, dostavljeno uredno punomocje zastupnika;
4) u prijavi patenta naznacen pronalazac;
5) prijava patenta podnesena preko zastupnika iz clana 4 ovog zakona ako je podnosilac prijave patenta strano lice;
6) sadrzina prijava patenta i prilozi uz prijavu u skladu sa clanom 23 ovog zakona, i
7) zahtjev za priznanje prava prvenstva u skladu sa uslovima iz clana 32 ovog zakona, ako je pravo prvenstva zahtijevano.
(2) Ako prijava patenta ne ispunjava uslove iz stava 1 ovog clana, nadlezni organ je
duzan da, uz navodenje razloga, pozove podnosioca prijave patenta da u roku koji ne moze biti kraci od 60 ni duzi od 90 dana otkloni utvrdene nedostatke.
(3) Na obrazlozeni zahtjev podnosioca prijave patenta, nadlezni organ moze produziti rok iz stava 2 ovog clana za vrijeme koje smatra opravdanim, ali ne duze od 90 dana.
(4) Ako podnosilac prijave patenta ne otkloni nedostatke u vezi sa stavom 1 tac. 1 do
6 ovog clana u roku iz st.2 i 3 ovog clana, nadlezni organ ee zakljuckom odbaciti prijavu
(5) Ako podnosilac prijave patenta u roku iz st. 2 i 3 ovog clana ne otkloni nedostatke u vezi sa zahljevom za priznanje prava prvenstva iz stava 1 tacka 7 ovog clana, nadlezni organ ce odbiti zahtjev za priznanje prava prvenstva.


lspitivanje uslova za priznanje patenta

Clan 42

(1) lspitivanjem uslova za priznanje patenta utvrduje se da li je predmet prijave patenta:
1) pronalazak koji se ne smatra patentibilnim u skladu sa clanom 5 stav 5 i cl. 6 i 7
ovog zakona;
2) pronalazak za koji se nedvosmisleno moze utvrditi da nije industrijski primjenjiv u
skladu sa clanom 11 ovog zakona.
(2) Prijava patenta za koju je nadlezni organ utvrdio da ispunjava uslove za priznanje iz stava 1 ovog clana objavljuje se u sluzbenom glasilu.

Odbijanje prijave patenta

Clan 43

(1) Ako nadlezni organ utvrdi da prijava patenta ne ispunjava uslove za priznanje iz clana 42 slav 1 ovog zakona, donosi rjesenje o odbijanju patenta u cijelini iii djelimicno.
(2) Prije donosenja rjesenja o odbijanju patenta u cjelini iii djelimicno, nadlezni organ je duzan da pisanim putem obavijesti podnosioca prijave patenta o razlozima zbog kojih ne
moze priznati patent i pozove ga da se u roku od dva mjeseca od prijema obavjestenja izjasni o tim razlozima i da dostavi izmijenjene patentne zahtjeve.
(3) Ako podnosilac prijave patenta u roku iz stava 2 ovog clana ne dostavi izjasnjenje i izmijenjene patentne zahtjeve, nadlezni organ donosi rjesenje o odbijanju patenta.
(4) Na obrazlozeni zahtjev podnosioca prijave patenta, nadlezni organ moze produziti
rok iz stava 2 ovog clana za vrijeme koje smatra opravdanim, ali ne duze od tri mjeseca.

Objava prijave patenta

Clan 44

(1) Prijava patenta, koja ispunjava sve uslove iz clana 41 i clana 42 stav 1 ovog zakona objavljuje se u sluzbenom glasilu sto je moguee prije po isteku 18 mjeseci od datuma podnosenja prijave patenta, odnosno od datuma zatrazenog prava prvenstva.
(2) Na zahtjev podnosioca prijave patenta, prijava patenta moze se objaviti i ranije, ali ne prije isteka roka od tri mjeseca od datuma njenog podnosenja.
(3) Sadrzina podataka iz prijave patenta koji se objavljuju u sluzbenom glasilu utvrduje se propisom Ministarstva.


5. Priznanje patenta i dokazivanje patentibilnosti

Priznanje patenta

Clan 45

(1) Nadlezni organ donosi rjesenje o priznanju patenta i upisuje podatke o priznatom patentu u Registar patenata.
(2) Datum objave prijave patenta smatra se datumom priznanja patenta.
(3) Nadlezni organ objavljuje podatke o priznatom patentu u sluzbenom glasilu istovremeno sa objavljivanjem podataka iz prijave patenta.
(4) Nosiocu patenta izdaje se isprava o patentu i patentni spis sto je prije moguce od datuma donosenja rjesenja o priznanju patenta pod uslovom da su placene propisane naknade posebnih troskova postupka.
(5) Ukoliko naknade posebnih troskova postupka nijesu placene, prijava patenta se
smatra povucenom.
(6) Sadrzina i oblik isprave o patentu i patentnog spisa, kao i sadrzina podataka o priznatom patentu koji se objavljuju u sluzbenom glasilu utvrduje se propisom Ministarstva.

Dokazivanje patentibilnosti

Clan 46

(1) Nosilac patenta duzan je da najkasnije do isteka devete godine vazenja patenta dostavi pisani dokaz da pronalazak zasticen patentom ispunjava uslove iz cl. 5 do 8 i cl. 10 i
11 ovog zakona.
(2) Nosilac patenta duzan je da prilikom podnosenja dokaza iz stava 1 ovog clana iii u roku od dva mjeseca od prijema poziva nadleznog organa, plati propisanu administrativnu taksu za izdavanje rjesenja iz clana 48 ovog zakona.
(3) Ako nosilac patenta ne plati administrativnu !aksu u roku iz stava 2 ovog clana, smatrace se da dokaz iz stava 1 ovog clana nije dostavljen.
(4) Ako nosilac patenta ne dostavi pisani dokaz iz stava 1 ovog clana, patent prestaje da postoji na dan isteka desete godine njegovog trajanja.

Dokaz o patentibilnosti

Clan 47

(1) Pisanim dokazom iz clana 46 slav 1 ovog zakona smatrace se ovjereni prevod na crnogorski jezik patentnog spisa patenta priznatog za isti pronalazak u postupku sustinskog ispitivanja prijave patenta koji sprovodi drzavni i medudrzavni zavod u skladu sa clanom 32
Ugovora o saradnji na podrucju patenata, kao i drugi zavod, s kojim u trenutku podnosenja dokaza o patentibilnosti nadlezni organ ima potpisan ugovor o saradnji.


(2) Ako postupak priznanja patenta u zavodu iz stava 1 ovog clana nije okonean, nosilac patenta duzan je da u roku iz clana 46 stav 1 ovog zakona o tome obavijesti nadlezni organ, koji moze rok za dostavu pisanih dokaza o patentibilnosti produziti za najvise tri mjeseca nakon zavrsetka postupka priznanja patenta.
(3) Ako nosilac patenta ne dostavi dokaz u dodatnom roku iz stava 2 ovog clana,
patent prestaje da postoji na dan isteka desete godine njegovog trajanja.

(4) Ako nosilac patenta nije podnio prijavu patenta za isti pronalazak ni jednom z:avodu iz: stava 1 ovog clana, moze u roku iz clana 46 stav 1 ovog zakona zatraziti od nadleznog organa da pribavi rezultat ispitivanja patentibilnosti njegovog pronalaska putem jednog od drzavnih patentnih zavoda drzave s kojom ima potpisan ugovor o saradnji, pod uslovom da za to plati propisane administrativne takse i naknade posebnih troskova postupka.

Rjesenje po osnovu dokaza o patentibilnosti

Clan 48

(1) Na osnovu dokaza iz clana 47 ovog zakona, nadlezni organ moze donijeti esenje kojim se utvrduje da pronalazak:
1) ispunjava uslove propisane cl. 5 do 8 i cl. 10 i 11 ovog zakona;
2) djelimicno ispunjava uslove propisane cl. 5 do 8 i cl. 10 i 11 ovog zakona, uz odgovarajucu izmjenu patentnih zahtjeva priznatog patenta, i
3) ne ispunjava uslove propisane cl. 5 do 8 i cl. 10 i 11 ovog zakona, i kojim se patent proglasava nistavim.
(2) Prije donosenja rjesenja iz stava 1 tac. 2 i 3 ovog clana, nadlezni organ je duzan da prethodno obavijesti nosioca patenta o potrebi izmjene patentnih zahtjeva iii ponistavanju priznatog patenta, i duzan je da ga pozove da se u roku od tri mjeseca od prijema poziva izjasni o navodima iz obavjestenja nadleznog organa odnosno da dostavi izmijenjene patentne zahtjeve.
(3) Ako nosilac patenta dostavi izjasnjenje iz stava 2 ovog clana, odnosno dostavi izmijenjene patentne zahtjeve u propisanom roku, nadlezni organ ce prije donosenja rjesenja iz stava 1 tac. 2 i 3 ovog stava provjeriti osnovanost navada iz izjasnjenja odnosno izmijenjene patentne zahtjeve.
(4) Ako nosilac patenta ne dostavi izjasnjenje i izmijenjene patentne zahtjeve iz stava
2 ovog clana, nadlezni organ 6e donijeti rjesenje iz stava 1 tac. 2 i 3 ovog clana.
(5) Kada na osnovu dostavljenih dokaza nadlezni organ utvrdi da priznati patent ne ispunjava uslove iz clana 22 ovog zakona, podijelice patent na dva iii vise patenata, zadrzavajuci datum podnosenja, i ako je to zatrazeno, pravo prvenstva prvobitne prijave patenta.
(6) Sadrzina podataka iz rjesenja iz stava 1 ovog clana, koji se objavljuju u sluzbenom glasilu utvrduje se propisom Ministarstva.



Sadrfina prava


Clan 49

Nosiiac patenta ima iskljucivo pravo da drugom lieu da saglasnost odnosno zabrani
1) proizvodi, upotrebljava, nudi za prodaju, stavlja u promet, izvozi, uvozi iii skladisti
za te svrhe proizvod koji je izraden prema zasticenom pronalasku;
2) primjenjuje postupak koji je zasticen patentom;
3) nudi postupak koji je zasticen patentom;
4) proizvodi, nudi, stavlja u promet, upotrebljava, izvozi, uvozi iii skladisti za te svrhe proizvod direktno dobijen postupkom koji je zasticen patentom;
5) nudi i isporucuje proizvode koji cine bitne elemente pronalaska licima koja nijesu
ovlascena za koriscenje tog pronalaska, ako je ponudacu iii isporuciocu poznato iii mu je iz okolnosti slucaja morale biti poznato da je taj proizvod namijenjen za primjenu tudeg pronalaska.

Sadrzina prava kod patenata iz biotehnologije

Clan 50

(1) Ako se patent odnosi na bioloski materijal koji ima specificna svojstva, koja su rezultat biotehnoloskog pronalaska, prava iz clana 49 ovog zakona odnose se na biio koji bioloski materijal dobijen od tog bioloskog materijala razmnozavanjem iii umnozavanjem, u istom iii izmijenjenom obliku, i koji ima ta ista svojstva.
(2) Aka se patent odnosi na proizvod koji sadrzi iii se sastoji ad genetske informacije, prava iz clana 49 ovog zakona odnose se i na svaki drugi materijal koji sadrzi taj proizvod, pod uslovom da je u njemu sadrzana genetska informacija koja vrsi svoju funkciju, osim ljudskog tijela, biio kog stadijuma njegovog formiranja i razvoja, i otkrica nekog od njegovih elemenata, ukljucujuci sekvence iii djelimicne sekvence gena u koji je taj proizvod ugraden i u kom je genetska informacija sadrzana i obavlja svoju funkciju.
(3) Aka se patent odnosi na postupak koji omogucava proizvodnju bioloskog materijala koji ima specificna svojstva kao rezultat biotehnoloskog pronalaska, prava iz clana
49 ovog zakona odnose se i na bioloski materijal neposredno dobijen tim postupkom, kao i na svaki drugi bioloski materijal dobijen u istom iii izmijenjenom obliku, razmnozavanjem iii umnozavanjem neposredno dobijenog bioloskog materijala, i koji ima ta isla svojstva.

lzuzeci ad zastite

Clan 51

Prava iz clana 50 ovog zakona ne odnose se na bioloski materijal dobijen razmnozavanjem iii umnozavanjem bioloskog materijala stavljenog u promet ad strane nosioca patenta iii uz njegovu saglasnost, aka je on nuzna posljedica primjene radi koje je bioloski materijal stavljen u promet, pod uslovom da dobijeni materijal nije kasnije koriscen za drugo razmnozavanje iii umnozavanje.


Obim prava

Clan 52

(1) Obim iskijucivih prava koja se sticu patentom odreden je sadrzajem patentnih zahtjeva, s tim sto se opis i nacrt pronaiaska koriste za tumacenje tih zahtjeva.
(2) Do donosenja rjesenja iz ciana 48 stav 1 tac. 1 i 2 ovog zakona obim zastite patenta odreden je patentnim zahljevima prijave patenta objavijenim u skiadu s ovim zakonom.
(3) Konacno priznatim iii izmijenjenim patentom nakon sprovedenog postupka
ponistaja iii u postupku povodom zaibe, odreduju se prava iz prijave patenta sa pravnim dejstvom od datuma njenog podnosenja, pod usiovom da obim zastite time nije prosiren.
(4) izrazi upotrijebijeni u patentnim zahtjevima ne6e se ograniciti na dosiovno znacenje rijeci niti 6e se opis i nacrt pronaiaska uzimati u obzir samo za razjasnjavanje nejasno6a u patentnim zahtjevima.
(5) Patentne zahtjeve ne treba tumaciti samo kao uputstvo da se obim iskijucivih
prava moze odnositi na ono sto bi na osnovu opisa i nacrta strucnjak u podruCju tehnike mogao zakijuciti da je namjeravani obim zastite.
(6) Pri odredivanju obima zastite, duzna paznja se mora posvetiti svakom eiementu koji je ekvivaient eiementu navedenom u patentnim zahljevima.
(7) Ako je predmet patenta postupak, prava iz tog patenta odnose se i na proizvode
neposredno dobijene tim postupkom


1. lzuzeci od iskljucivih prava, iscrpljenje prava i prava trecih lica

lzuzeci od iskljucivih prava

Clan 53

iskijuciva prava nosioca patenta iz cl. 49 i 50 ovog zakona ne odnose se na:
1) primjenu pronaiaska u licne i nekomercijaine svrhe;
2) istr8Zivanje i razvoj koje se odnose na predmet zasti6enog pronaiaska patentom, ukijucuju6i radnje potrebne za dobijanje odobrenja za stavijanje u promet proizvoda koji je iijek namijenjen ijudima iii zivotinjama iii je medicinski proizvod;
3) neposrednu i pojedinacnu pripremu lijeka u apotekama na osnovu pojedinacnog ijekarskog recepta i na stavijanje u promet tako pripremijenog iijeka.


lscrpljenje prava nosioca patenta

Clan 54

(1) Stavljanjem u promet proizvoda koji je izraden prema patentu iii proizvoda koji je direktno dobijen postupkom koji je predmet patenta od strane nosioca patenta iii uz njegovu izricitu saglasnost, na podrucju Crne Gore, iscrpljuju se iskljuciva prava koja proizilaze iz patenta u odnosu na taj proizvod, osim ako postoje opravdani razlozi na osnovu kojih nosilac patenta zadrzava iskljuciva prava koja proizilaze iz patenta.
(2) Stavljanjem u promet proizvoda koji je izraden prema patentu iii proizvoda koji je
direktno dobijen postupkom koji je predmet patenta od strane nosioca patenta iii uz njegovu izricitu saglasnost, na podrucju neke od drzava Evropske unije odnosno drzava koje su strane ugovornice Ugovora o Evropskom ekonomskom prostoru, iscrpljuju se iskljuciva prava koja proizilaze iz patenta u odnosu na taj proizvod, osim ako postoje opravdani razlozi na osnovu kojih nosilac patenta zadrzava iskljuciva prava koja proizilaze iz patenta.

Pravo ranijeg korisnika

Clan 55

(1) Patent nema pravno dejstvo prema savjesnom lieu koje je prije daturna priznatog prava prvenstva prijave patenta na teritoriji Crne Gore vee pocelo koriscenje zasticenog pronalaska u proizvodnji, odnosno izvrsilo sve neophodne pripreme za takvo koriscenje.
(2) Lice iz stava 1 ovog clana ima pravo da nastavi koriscenje pronalaska iskljucivo u
proizvodne svrhe, u svom sopstvenom pogonu iii u tudem pogonu za sopstvene potrebe.
(3) Lice iz stava 1 ovog clana ne moze prenijeti svoje pravo na koriscenje pronalaska na drugog, osim ako zajedno s pravom prenosi i privredno drustvo, odnosno dio privrednog drustva u kojem je izvrsena priprema, odnosno otpocelo koriscenje tog pronalaska.

Ogranicenje prava radi nesmetanog obavljanja medunarodnog saobracaja

Clan 56

Patent nema pravno dejstvo prema lieu koje upotrebljava predmete koji su proizvedeni na osnovu zasticenog pronalaska, a koji cine dio konstrukcije iii opreme broda, vazduhoplova iii drumskog vozila, odnosno sluze iskljucivo za potrebe funkcionisanja broda, vazduhoplova iii drumskog vozila koje pripada nekoj od drzava clanica Pariske unije iii clanica STO, kada se ono privremeno iii slucajno nade na teritoriji Crne Gore.

2. Prinudna licenca

Prinudna licenca

Clan 57

(1) Ako nosilac patenta odbije da drugim licima ustupi pravo na ekonomsko iskoriscavanje zasticenog pronalaska iii postavlja neopravdane uslove za to ustupanje, organ drzavne uprave nadlezan za poslove iz oblasti u kojoj pronalazak treba da se primijeni moze, poslije razmatranja svakog pojedinacnog slucaja, izdati prinudnu licencu, na zahtjev zainteresovanog lica, ako:


1) nosilac patenta, sam iii preko drugog lica, ne koristi iii nedovoljno koristi zastieeni pronalazak u Crnoj Gori;
2) bez koris6enja tog pronalaska, u cjelini iii djelimicno, nije moguce ekonomsko
iskoris6avanje drugog pronalaska koji je kasnije zasti6en na ime drugog lica.
(2) Zainteresovano lice duzno je da dokaze da je, prije podnosenja zahtjeva iz stava 1 ovog clana, pokusalo da dobije ovlas6enje nosioca prava za koris6enje zasti6enog pronalaska pod prihvatljivim ekonomskim uslovima i rokovima i da ovlas6enje nije dobilo u razumnom roku.
(3) Zainteresovano lice, u slucaju iz stava 1 tacka 1 ovog clana, moze biti samo lice

koje dokaze da raspolaze tehnoloskim mogu6nostima i proizvodnim kapacitetima potrebnim za ekonomsko iskoris6avanje zasticenog pronalaska.
(4) U slucaju iz stava 1 tacka 2 ovog clana zainteresovano lice moze biti samo nosilac
patenta za kasnije zasticeni pronalazak, ako:
1) kasnije zasticeni pronalazak predstavlja znacajan tehnicki napredak od posebnog
ekonomskog znaeaja u odnosu na ranije zastieeni pronalazak, i da
2) nosilac ranije zastieenog pronalaska ima, pod razumnim uslovima, pravo na unakrsnu licencu za koriseenje kasnije zasti6enog pronalaska.
(5) Ovlascenje za koriseenje ranije zastieenog pronalaska nije prenosivo, osim u slucaju istovremenog prenosa kasnije zasti6enog pronalaska.


Clan 58

(1) Nosilac prinudne licence duzan je da nosiocu patenta pla6a naknadu koju sporazumno odrede obije strane.
(2) Ako visina i nacin placanja naknade ne mogu da se odrede sporazumno, naknadu odreduje nadlezni sud, imaju6i u vidu okolnosti svakog pojedinacnog slucaja i ekonomsku vrijednost prinudne licence.

Odobravanje i ukidanje prinudne licence

Clan 59

(1) Obim i trajanje prinudne licence ogranieeno je za svrhu za koju je data. (2) Prinudna licenca ne moze biti iskljuciva.
(3) Prinudna licenca se moze prenositi samo zajedno s privrednim subjektom, odnosno dijelom privrednog subjekta u kome se koristi.
(4) Prinudna licenca 6e se odobriti prvenstveno za snabdijevanje doma6eg trzista.
(5) Ako okolnosti zbog kojih je izdata prinudna licenca prestanu da postoje i ako je malo vjerovatno da 6e se te okolnosti ponovo javiti prinudna licenca moze se ukinuti, pri cemu se vodi racuna o odgovaraju6oj zastiti interesa lica kojima je data prinudna licenca.
(6) Preispitivanje daljeg postojanja okolnosti iz stava 5 ovog clana vrsi organ drzavne
uprave iz clana 57 stav 1 ovog zakona na obrazlozeni zahtjev zainteresovanog lica.


(7) Zahtjev za davanje prinudne licence ne moze se podnijeti prije isteka roka od cetiri godine od dana podnosenja prijave patenta, odnosno tri godine od dana priznanja patenta, zavisno od toga koji od ova dva roka kasnije istice.
(8) Prinudna licenca nece se izdati ako nosilac patenta dokaze da postoje opravdani
razlozi za nekoriscenje iii nedovoljno koriscenje zasticenog pronalaska.

lzdavanje prinudne licence u javnom interesu

Clan 60

(1) Prinudna licenca iz clana 57 ovog zakona moze se izdati i prije isteka roka iz clana
59 stav 7 ovog zakona ako je koriscenje zasticenog pronalaska neophodno iz razloga javnog interesa (zastita zdravlja i ishrana stanovnistva, zastita javnog interesa u oblastima od vitalnog znacaja za drustveno-ekonomski i tehnoloski razvoj) iii je zastieeni pronalazak koriscen na nacin kojim se narusava konkurencija na trzistu.
(2) U slucajevima postojanja javnog interesa, odredba clana 57 stav 2 ovog zakona nece se primijenjivati, a nosilac prava bice obavijesten o postupku izdavanja prinudne licence sto je prije moguce.
(3) 0 zahtjevu zainteresovanog lica za davanje prinudne licence u javnom interesu
odlucuje Vlada, nakon razmatranja svakog pojedinacnog slucaja.
(4) Ako okolnosti zbog kojih je izdata prinudna licenca prestanu da postoje i ako je malo vjerovatno da ce se te okolnosti ponovo javiti prinudna licenca u javnom interesu moze se ukinuti.
(5) Preispitivanje daljeg postojanja okolnosti iz stava 4 ovog clana vrsi Vlada na obrazlozeni zahtjev zainteresovanog lica.
(6) Ako je vjerovatno da ce se okolnosti koje su dovele do narusavanja konkurencije na trzistu ponovo javiti, Vlada moze da odbije ukidanje prinudne licence u javnom interesu.

Naknada za prinudnu licencu u javnom interesu

Clan 61

(1) Nosilac prinudne licence u javnom interesu ima obavezu da nosiocu patenta placa naknadu iz clana 58 ovog zakona.
(2) U slucaju da se prinudna licenca u javnom interesu odobrava iz razloga otklanjanja okolnosti koje su dovele do narusavanja konkurencije na trzistu, prilikom odredivanja visine naknade uzece se u obzir ti razlozi.
(3) Na prinudnu licencu u javnom interesu shodno se primjenjuju odredbe clana 59 st. 1, 2, 3, i 5 i clana 60 st. 4 i 5 ovog zakona.
(4) lzuzetno od stava 3 ovog clana, na prinudnu licencu u javnom interesu nece se primjenjivati odredbe clana 59 stav 3 ovog zakona ako je ta licenca izdata iz razloga otklanjanja okolnosti koje su dovele do narusavanja konkurencije na ti'Zistu.


lzdavanje prinudne licence za patente koji se odnose na proizvodnju farmaceutskih proizvoda za izvoz u drzave s problemima javnog zdravlja

Clan 62

(1) Vlada moze bilo kom lieu koje podnese zahtjev za izdavanje prinudne licence u skladu s odredbama ovog zakona izdati prinudnu licencu za patent i/ili sertifikat o dodatnoj zastiti, potrebnu za proizvodnju i prodaju farmaceutskog proizvoda, kada je taj proizvod namijenjen izvozu u drzave uvoznice s problemima javnog zdravlja.
(2) Zahtjev za izdavanje prinudne licence iz stava 1 ovog clana moze se podnijeti ako na podrucju Crne Gore postoji patent iii sertifikat o dodatnoj zastiti cije dejstvo pokriva
djelatnost proizvodnje i prodaje radi izvoza u drzave uvoznice sa problemima javnog zdravlja. (3) Pri odlucivanju o izdavanju prinudne licence posebno se uzima u obzir potreba sprovodenja Odluke glavnog vijeea STO od 30. avgusta 2003. godine o sprovodenju tacke 6
Deklaracije iz Dohe o Sporazumu TRIPS i javnom zdravlju od 14. novembra 2001.godine (u
daljem tekstu: Odluka).
(4) Farmaceutski proizvod iz stava 1 ovog clana je svaki proizvod farmaceutske industrije, ukljucujuci ljekove za ljudsku upotrebu, pod kojim se podrazumijeva svaka supstanca iii mjesavina supstanci koja je namijenjena lijecenju iii sprjecavanju bolesti kod ljudi, kao i svaka supstanca iii mjesavina supstanci koja se moze primijeniti na ljudima u svrhu obnavljanja, ispravljanja iii prilagodavanja fizioloskih funkcija izazivanjem farmakoloskih, imunoloskih iii metabolickih djelovanja iii postavljanja medicinske dijagnoze, ukljucujuci aktivne sastojke i pribor za dijagnostikovanje ex vivo.
(5) Drzava uvoznica iz stava 1 ovog clana je svaka drzava u koju se izvozi farmaceutski proizvod, koja moze biti:
1) drzava sa liste Ujedinjenih nacija (u daljem tekstu: UN) navedena kao najmanje razvijena drzava;
2) clanica STO-a, osim najmanje razvijene drzave clanice iz tacke 1 ovog stava, koja je uputila obavjestenje Vijecu za TRIPS o svojoj namjeri da koristi sistem kao drzava
uvoznica, bilo da ga koristi u cijelini iii na ograniceni nacin;
3) drzava koja nije clanica STO-a, ali je od strane Vijeca za porno<': u razvoju Organizacije za ekonomsku saradnju i razvoj (u daljem tekstu: OECD) navedena na listi zemalja sa niskim dohotkom ciji je bruto nacionalni proizvod po glavi stanovnika manji od 745 dolara, i koja je uputila obavjestenje Vladi o svojoj namjeri da se koristi sistemom kao drzava uvoznica, bilo da ga koristi u cijelini iii na ogranicen nacin.
(6) DrZava clanica STO-a koja je dala izjavu da nece koristiti sistem za uvoz kao clanica STO-a, nece se smatrati drzavom uvoznicom koja ispunjava uslove iz stava 5 ovog clana.


Prosirenje na najmanje razvijene driave i drzave u razvoju koje nijesu clanice STO-a

Clan 63

(1) Drzava uvoznica koja nije clanica STO-a, a koja je najmanje razvijena drzava odnosno drzava u razvoju i koja ispunjava uslove iz clana 62 stav 5 ovog zakona, mora da ispunjava dodatne uslove, i to da:
1) u skladu sa Odlukom uputi obavjestenje o namjeri da se koristi sistemom kao
drzava uvoznica direktno Vladi;
2) u obavjestenju iz tacke 1 ovog stava navede da ce sistem drzave uvoznice
koristiti za rjesavanje problema javnog zdravlja, a ne kao sredstvo za postizanje ciljeva industrijske iii trgovacke politike, kao i da ce usvojiti mjere iz stava 4 Odluke.
(2) Vlada moze na zahtjev nosioca prava iii na sopstvenu inicijativu, povuci
prinudnu licencu ako drzava uvoznica ne postuje obaveze iz stava 1 tacka 2 ovog clana.

Zahtjev za izdavanje prinudne licence

Clan 64

Zahtjev za izdavanje prinudne licence iz clana 62 slav 1 ovog zakona sadrzi:
1) podatke o zahtjevima za izdavanje prinudnih licenci u drugim drzavama za isti proizvod s podacima o kolicinama i odnosnim drzavama uvoznicama;
2) podatke o podnosiocu zahtjeva za izdavanje prinudne licence i njegovom zastupniku, ako ga ima;
3) nezasticeno ime farmaceutskog proizvoda koje podnosilac zahtjeva namjerava da
proizvodi i prodaje na osnovu prinudne licence;
4) kolicinu farmaceutskog proizvoda koju podnosilac zahtjeva namjerava da proizvodi na osnovu prinudne licence;
5) drzavu iii drzave uvoznice;
6) dokaz o prethodnim pregovorima s nosiocem prava, u skladu s odredbama clana
66 ovog zakona;
7) dokaz o posebnom zahtjevu u kojem je navedena kolicina potrebnog proizvoda, upucenom od ovlas6enog predstavnika drzave uvoznice iii nevladine organizacije koja djeluje sa formalnim ovlascenjem jedne iii vise zemalja uvoznica iii tijela UN-a iii druge medunarodne zdravstvene organizacije koja djeluje s formalnim ovlascenjem jedne iii vise zemalja uvoznica.


Clan 65

(1) Prilikom odlucivanja o zahtjevu za izdavanje prinudne licence iz clana 62 stav 1 ovog zakona Vlada je duzna da provjeri narocito:


1) da li je svaka od zemalja uvoznica navedena u zahljevu, koja je clanica STO-a, upulila obavjeslenje STO u skladu sa Odlukom, odnosno da li je svaka dri:ava uvoznica navedena u zahljevu, a koja nije clanica STO-a, upulila obavjeslenje Vladi u skladu sa odredbama ovog zakona u odnosu na svaki od proizvoda iz zahljeva, slo ne ulice na mogucnoslkoju najmanje razvijene dri:ave imaju prema Odluci Vijeca za TRIPS od 27. juna
2) da kolicina proizvoda navedena u zahljevu ne prelazi kolicinu o kojoj je dri:ava
uvoznica koja je clanica STO-a obavijestila STO odnosno kolicinu o kojoj je dri:ava uvoznica koja nije clanica STO-a obavijeslila Vladu;
3) da, uzimajuci u obzir druge prinudne licence izdale u drugoj drzavi, ukupna kolicina
proizvoda za koju je dozvoljena proizvodnja u odnosu na bilo koju dri:avu uvoznicu ne prelazi znacajno kolicinu o kojoj je la dri:ava uvoznica koja je clanica STO-a obavijeslila STO, odnosno Vladu ukoliko drzava uvoznica nije clanica STO-a.
(2) Podnosilac zahljeva za izdavanje prinudne licence dui:an je da u zahljevu navede,
odnosno uz zahljev priloi:i podalke iz slava 1 ovog clana.
Prethodni pregovori
Clan 66
(1) Prinudna licenca iz clana 62 slav 1 ovog zakona moi:e se izdali samo ako podnosilac zahljeva dokai:e da je bezuspjesno, u periodu od 30 dana prije podnosenja zahljeva za izdavanje prinudne licence, pokusao da od nosioca prava dobije odobrenje za iskoriscavanje zasticenog pronalaska pod razumnim lri:isnim uslovima i rokovima.
(2) Odredba slava 1 ovog clana ne primjenjuje se u slucajevima vanrednog slanja iii drugim okolnoslima krajnje hilnosli, odnosno u slucajevima javne nekomercijalne upolrebe prema clanu 31 lacka b Sporazuma TRIPS.
Uslovi pod kojima se izdaje prinudna licenca
Clan 67
(1) Prinudna licenca iz clana 62 slav 1 ovog zakona se izdaje kao neiskljuciva, a njen obim i lrajanje, koji se obavezno navode u rjesenju kojim se odlucuje o izdavanju prinudne licence, vezani su iskljucivo za razloge zbog kojih je licenca izdala.
(2) Kolicina proizvoda koji se na osnovu licence iz slava 1 ovog clana moi:e proizvesti ne smije prelaziti kolicinu koja je neophodna za zadovoljavanje polreba dri:ave uvoznice, odnosno dri:ava uvoznica navedenih u zahljevu, uzimajuci u obzir kolicinu proizvoda proizvedenih na osnovu prinudnih licenci izdatih u drugoj drzavi.
(3) Uslovi licence ne ulicu na nacin distribucije u dri:avi uvoznici.
(4) Prinudna licenca iz slava 1 ovog clana se moi:e prenositi samo zajedno s proizvodnim pogonom u kojem se iskoriscava pronalazak za koji je izdata.


(5) U rjesenju iz stava 1 ovog clana navode se radnje za koje je podnosilac zahtjeva ovlaseen i koje su potrebne u svrhu proizvodnje radi izvoza i distribucije u drzavu odnosno drzave koje su navedene u zahtjevu.
(6) Nijedan proizvod proizveden iii uvezen na osnovu prinudne licence ne smije biti
ponuaen na prodaju iii stavljen na trziste bilo koje drzave koja nije navedena u zahtjevu, osim ako drzava uvoznica iskoristi mogucnost iz tacke 6 podtacke (i) Odluke da izvozi u saugovornicu regionalnog trgovinskog sporazuma s kojom dijeli zdravstveni problem zbog kojeg je licenca izdata.

Dodatni uslovi

Clan 68

(1) Rjesenjem iz clana 67 stav 1 ovog zakona nalaze se da proizvodi proizvedeni na osnovu prinudne licence moraju biti jasno identifikovani posebnim etiketama iii oznakama kao proizvodi proizvedeni na osnovu prinudne licence.
(2) Proizvodi iz stava 1 ovog clana moraju se razlikovati ad proizvoda koje proizvodi
nosilac prava i to posebnim pakovanjem i/ili posebnom bojom iii oblicima, aka je to moguce i aka nema znacajan uticaj na cijenu.
(3) Pakovanje iii dokumenti povezani sa proizvodom moraju sadrzati napomenu da je
proizvod proizveden na osnovu prinudne licence, naziv organa koji je izdao prinudnu licencu i broj licence, i jasnu napomenu da je proizvod namijenjen iskljucivo za izvoz i distribuciju u odnosnu drzavu uvoznicu odnosno drzave uvoznice.
(4) Detaljni podaci o karakteristikama proizvoda iz stava 1 ovog clana moraju biti
stavljeni na raspolaganje organu uprave nadleznom za poslove carine (u daljem tekstu:
carinski organ) u Crnoj Gori.
(5) Detaljni podaci o karakteristikama proizvoda iz stava 1 ovog clana moraju biti stavljeni na raspolaganje i carinskim organima u drzavama clanicama Evropske unije.
(6) Rjesenjem iz stava 1 ovog clana, nalaze se sticaocu licence da prije isporuke u drzavu uvoznicu, na svojoj internet stranici, ciju je adresu duzan da saopsti Vladi, objavi podatke o:
1) kolicini proizvoda i drzavama uvoznicama u koje se proizvodi isporucuju na osnovu prinudne licence ;
2) razlikama u obiljezavanju proizvoda u skladu sa stavom 2 ovog clana.
(7) Aka je proizvod za koji je u Crnoj Gori izdata prinudna licenca zasticen patentom u drzavi uvoznici navedenoj u zahtjevu, taj proizvod maze biti izvezen same aka je ta drzava uvoznica izdala prinudnu licencu za uvoz, prodaju i/ili distribuciju predmetnog proizvoda.

Placanje naknade nosiocu prava

Clan 69

Rjesenjem iz clana 67 stav 1 ovog zakona nalaze se podnosiocu zahtjeva da placa naknadu nosiocu prava koja se utvrauje na sljedeci nacin:


1) u slucajevima vanrednog slanja iii drugim okolnoslima krajnje hilnosli iii u slucajevima javnog nekomercijalnog koris6enja u skladu sa clanom 31 lacka (b) Sporazuma TRIPS, naknada iznosi najvise 4% od ukupne cijene koju pla6a drzava uvoznica iii koja se pla6a u njenu korisl;
2) u svim drugim slucajevima, naknada se utvrduje uzimaju6i u obzir ekonomsku
vrijednosl koris6enja na koje je ovlas6ena predmelna drzava uvoznica iii drzave uvoznice na osnovu licence, kao i humanilarne i nekomercijalne okolnosli u vezi s izdavanjem licence.
Uvid u poslovne knjige i dokumente sticaoca licence
Clan 70
(1) Nakon pravosnaznosli rjesenja iz clana 67 slav 1 ovog zakona, na zahljev nosioca prava za obezbjedenje dokaza nadlezni sud, moze izvrsili uvid u poslovne knjige i drugu poslovnu dokumenlaciju slicaoca licence, iskljucivo u svrhu provjere ispunjavanja svih obaveza iz rjesenja kojim se odlucuje o izdavanju prinudne licence, a narocilo provjere podalaka o konacnom odredislu proizvoda.
{2) U poslovnim knjigama i drugoj dokumenlaciji slicalac licence je duzan da iskaze
podalke o izvozu proizvoda u obliku izvozne deklaracije koju je ovjerila carina, kao i dokaz o uvozu.
Odbijanje zahtjeva za izdavanje prinudne licence
Clan 71
Vlada 6e odbili zahljev za izdavanje prinudne licence iz clana 62 slav 1 ovog zakona koji ne sadrzi elemenle polrebne za odlucivanje iz cl. 64 i 65 ovog zakona odnosno ako nijesu ispunjeni uslovi za izdavanje prinudne licence propisani ovim zakonom.
Ukidanje iii izmjena prinudne licence
Clan 72
(1) Nosilac prava iii slicalac licence moze Vladi da podnese zahljev za ukidanje prinudne licence ako ulvrdi da druga slrana ne posluje odluku o izdavanju prinudne licence.
(2) Rjesenjem o ukidanju prinudne licence, Vlada 6e odredili rok u kojem je slicalac licence duzan da o svom lrosku preusmjeri sve proizvode koji se nalaze u njegovoj svojini, slaranju, ovlas6enju iii konlroli u drzave uvoznice sa problemima javnog zdravlja iii ih na drugi nacin ukloni uz konsultacije s nosiocem prava.
(3) Ako drzava uvoznica doslavi obavjeslenje slicaocu licence da je kolicina farmaceulskih proizvoda postala nedovoljna za zadovoljenje njenih polreba, slicalac licence moze zahtijevali izmjenu uslova licence radi proizvodnje i izvoza dodatnih kolicina proizvoda do nivoa polrebnog za zadovoljenje potreba te drzave uvoznice.


(4) Postupak po zahtjevu iz stava 3 ovog clana je hitan.
(5) Prilikom odlucivanja po zahtjevu iz stava 3 ovog clana, nece se primjenjivati odredbe clana 65 stav 1 ovog zakona ako zatrazena dodatna kolicina proizvoda ne prelazi
25% od prvobitno odobrene.

Obavjestavanje Vijeca za TRIPS

Clan 73

(1} Vlada ce obavijestiti Vijece za TRIPS o svojim pravosnazmm odlukama o izdavanju prinudne licence za izvoz u drzave sa problemima javnog zdravlja, uslovima pod kojima su izdate, kao i o njihovom ukidanju i izmjeni, u roku od 30 dana od dana donosenja pravosnazne odluke o izdavanju prinudne licence, odnosno njenog ukidanja i izmjene.
(2) Obavjestenje iz stava 1 ovog clana narocito sadrzi:
1) ime i adresu odnosno naziv i sjediste sticaoca licence;
2) proizvod na koji se licenca odnosi;
3) kolicinu koja ce se isporuciti;
4) drzavu uvoznicu;
5) trajanje licence;
6) adresu internet stranice iz clana 68 stav 6 ovog zakona.

Zabrana uvoza

Clan 74

(1) Zabranjen je uvoz u Crnu Goru proizvoda proizvedenih na osnovu prinudne licence izdate u skladu sa odredbama cl. 62 do 69 ovog zakona radi slobodnog pustanja u promet, ponovnog izvoza, stavljanja u suspenzivni postupak iii stavljanja u slobodne zone iii slobodna skladista.
(2) Zabranjen je uvoz u drzave clanice Evropske unije proizvoda proizvedenih na osnovu prinudne licence izdate u skladu sa odredbama cl. 62 do 69 ovog zakona radi slobodnog pustanja u promet, ponovnog izvoza, stavljanja u suspenzivni postupak iii stavljanja u slobodne zone iii slobodna skladista.
(3) Odredbe st. 1 i 2 ovog clana ne primjenjuju se u slucaju ponovnog izvoza u drzavu uvoznicu navedenu u zahtjevu i identifikovanu na pakovanju i dokumentaciji koja prati proizvod, iii stavljanje u postupak tranzitnog iii carinskog skladistenja iii u slobodne zone iii slobodna skladista radi ponovnog izvoza u tu drzavu uvoznicu.

Postupanje carinskih organa

Clan 75

(1) Ako postoji osnovana sumnja da su proizvodi proizvedeni na osnovu prinudne licence izdate u skladu sa odredbama cl. 62 do 69 ovog zakona uvezeni na teritoriju Crne Gore suprotno zabrani iz clana 74 ovog zakona, carinski organ ce zadrzati te proizvode za vrijeme potrebno za donosenje odluke Vlade o vrsti proizvoda koji se uvozi, a najduze 10 radnih dana.


(2} Carinski organ moze ako okolnosti to zahtijevaju, produtiti rok iz stava 1 ovog clana za najduze 10 radnih dana.
(3) 0 zadrzavanju proizvoda iz st. 1 i 2 ovog clana i razlozima za zadrzavanje, carinski
organ je duzan da bez odlaganja obavijesti nosioca prava i proizvodaca iii izvoznika zadrzanih proizvoda i pozove ih da dostave podatke i dokaze o tim proizvodima.
(4) Ako carinski organ u roku iz st. 1 i 2 ovog tlana utvrdi povredu prinudne licence
suprotno zabrani iz clana 74 ovog zakona, zaplijeni6e te proizvode u skladu s carinskim propisima.
(5) Postupak zadrzavanja i zaplijene robe pada na teret uvoznika, u skladu s
carinskim propisima.
(6) Troskovi iz stava 5 ovog clana, solidarno s uvoznikom padaju na teret svakog lica koje je pokusalo da na nezakonit nacin uveze zadrzane proizvode.
(7) Ako carinski organ utvrdi da se uvozom proizvoda koji su zadrzani u skladu sa st. 1 do 4 ovog clana ne bi prekrsila zabrana iz clana 74 ovog zakona i ako su ispostovani carinski propisi, pusti6e te proizvode u promet na teritoriju Crne Gore.
(8) 0 zadrzavanju proizvoda u skladu sa odredbama st. 1 do 7 ovog clana carinski
organ obavjestava Vladu.

lzuzeci od zabrane uvoza

Clan 76

Odredbe cl. 74 i 75 ovog zakona ne primjenjuju se na uvoz male kolicine proizvoda, u okviru granica propisanih za oslobadanje od pla6anja carine, koji se nalaze u licnom prtljagu putnika i koji su namijenjeni za licnu upotrebu i nekomercijalne svrhe.

lzdavanje prinudne licence u korist oplemenjivaca biljne sorte

Clan 77

(1) Oplemenjivac biljaka koji ne moze da stekne iii koristi pravo zastite biljne sorte, a da time ne povrijedi raniji patent koji se odnosi na biotehnoloski pronalazak, moze od organa iz clana 57 stav 1 ovog zakona da zatrazi izdavanje prinudne licence za koris6enje zasti6enog pronalaska u mjeri neophodnoj za koriscenje zasti6ene biljne sorte.
(2) Ako prinudna licenca iz stava 1 ovog clana bude izdata, nosilac patenta ima pravo
na unakrsnu prinudnu licencu za koris6enje zasticene biljne sorte, pod razumnim uslovima. (3) Ako nosilac patenta koji se odnosi na biotehnoloski pronalazak ne moze da koristi
svoje pravo, ada time ne povrijedi ranije pravo zastite biljne sorte, moze od organa iz stava 1 ovog clana zatraziti izdavanje prinudne licence za koriscenje zasticene biljne sorte.
(4) Ako prinudna licenca iz stava 3 ovog clana bude izdata, nosilac prava zastite biljne sorte ima pravo na unakrsnu prinudnu licencu za koriscenje zasticenog biotehnoloskog pronalaska, pod razumnim uslovima.


(5) Za prinudnu licencu iz st. 1 i 3 ovog clana sticalac licence je duzan da placa odgovarajucu naknadu.
(6) Prinudna licenca iz st. 1 i 3 ovog clana ne moze biti iskljuciva.
(7) Podnosilac zahtjeva za prinudnu licencu iz st. 1 i 3 ovog clana mora dokazati:
1) da je bezuspjesno pokusao da pribavi ugovornu licencu;
2) da biljna sorta iii biotehnoloski pronalazak predstavlja znacajan tehnicki napredak od posebnog ekonomskog interesa, u odnosu na pronalazak zasticen patentom iii zasticenu biljnu sortu.
(8) Prinudna licenca iz st. 1 i 3 ovog clana moze se prenositi samo sa privrednim
subjektom, odnosno dijelom privrednog subjekta u kome se koristi.

3. Ostale odredbe u vezi sa ogranicenjem prava

Ogranicenja prava u vezi sa bioloskim materijalom

Clan 78

(1) Prodajom iii drugim oblikom komercijalnog ustupanja zasticenog biljnog reprodukcionog materijala od strane nosioca patenta iii uz njegovu saglasnost u poljoprivredne svrhe, smatra se da je poljoprivredni proizvodac stekao ovlascenje za koriscenje proizvoda tog reprodukcionog materijala za ponovnu sjetvu, odnosno sadenje na svom imanju, pod uslovima koji su odredeni zakonom kojim se ureduje zastita biljnih sorti, s tim da se tako dobijeni proizvodi ne mogu koristiti u komercijalne svrhe.
(2) Prodajom iii drugim oblikom komercijalnog ustupanja zastieenog zivotinjskog reprodukcionog materijala iii zivotinja od strane nosioca patenta iii uz njegovu saglasnost, smatra se da je poljoprivredni proizvodac stekao ovlascenje za razmnozavanje zivotinja, odnosno umnozavanje reprodukcionog materijala i njihovo koriseenje u svrhe obavljanja vlastitih poljoprivrednih aktivnosti, ali ne i na prodaju u okviru iii u svrhu komercijalne djelatnosti razmnozavanja zivotinja, odnosno umnozavanja reprodukcionog materijala.

Konacnost upravnih akata

Clan 79

Upravni akti iz cl. 57, 60, 62, 71, 72 i 77 ovog zakona, konacni su i protiv njih se moze voditi upravni spor pred nadleznim sudom.



1.Trajanje i odrzavanje prava

Trajanje patenta

Clan 80

Patent traje 20 godina, racunajuci oct datuma podnosenja prijave patenta.

Odriavanje prava iz prijave patenta i patenta

Clan 81

(1) Za odrzavanje prava iz prijave patenta i patenta placaju se propisane administrativne takse.
(2) Takse iz stava 1 ovog clana placaju se za trecu i svaku narednu godinu, a
dospijevaju za naplatu na dan isteka godine, racunajuci od datuma podno!lenja prijave patenta.
(3) Takse za odrzavanje prvobitne prijave koje su na datum na koji se podnosi
izdvojena prijava vee dospjele na naplatu placaju se i za izdvojenu prijavu prilikom podnosenja izdvojene prijave.
(4) Ako podnosilac prijave patenta, odnosno nosilac patenta ne plati taksu iz st. 1 i 3 ovog clana, taksa se moze platiti u dodatnom roku od sest mjeseci, pod uslovom da se plati propisana dodatna taksa.
(5) Podnosilac prijave odnosno nosilac patenta duzan je da nadleznom organu dostavi
dokaz o uplati taksi iz st. 1 i 3 ovog clana.

2. Prestanak prava

Neplacanje takse

Clan 82

Ako podnosilac prijave patenta, odnosno nosilac patenta propusti da plati propisanu taksu za odrzavanje prava iz prijave patenta odnosno patenta, to pravo prestaje narednog dana od dana isteka roka iz clana 81 stav 2 ovog zakona.

Odricanje od prava

Clan 83

(1) Ako nosilac patenta podnese nadleznom organu pisanu izjavu kojom se odrice patenta, patent prestaje narednog dana po podnosenju izjave.
(2) Nosilac patenta moze se odreci patenta u cijelosti iii djelimicno.


(3) Ako je u Registru patenata upisana iicenca, zaioga iii drugo pravo u korist treeeg iica, nosiiac patenta se ne moze odre6i patenta bez prethodne pisane sagiasnosti tog tre6eg iica.
(4) Odricanje od patenta upisuje se u Registar patenata i objavijuje u siuzbenom

Prestanak postojanja nosioca prava

Clan 84

(1) Danom smrti fizickog iica, odnosno danom prestanka postojanja pravnog iica koje je nosiiac patenta, patent prestaje da postoji, osim ako su prava iz patenta presia na nasijednika, odnosno pravne sijedbenike.
(2) Odredba stava 1 ovog ciana shodno se primjenjuje na podnosioca prijave patenta.

3. Ponovno uspostavijanje prava i nastavak postupka

Ponovno uspostavljanje prava

Clan 85

(1) Ako podnosilac prijave patenta iii nosilac patenta, uprkos duznoj paznji koju su zahtijevaie okoinosti, propusti da u propisanom roku preduzme radnju u postupku pred nadleznim organom, cija je neposredna pravna posljedica gubitak prava iz prijave patenta iii patenta, nadiezni organ 6e dozvoliti ponovno uspostavijanje prava, ako podnosiiac prijave patenta, odnosno nosiiac patenta:
1) podnese prediog za ponovno uspostavijanje prava i preduzme sve propustene
radnje u propisanom roku;
2) navede razioge zbog kojih je bio sprijecen da u roku preduzme propustene radnje; i
3) piati propisanu administrativnu taksu i naknadu posebnih troskova upravnog postupka.
(2) Prediog za ponovno uspostavijanje prava podnosi se u roku od tri mjeseca od dana prestanka razioga koji je prouzrokovao propustanje, a ako je podnosiiac predioga kasnije saznao za propustanje, od dana saznanja za propustanje, ali najkasnije u roku od 12 mjeseci od dana propustanja roka.
(3) Ako podnosiiac prijave iii nosiiac patenta ne ispuni usiove iz stava 1 ovog ciana, nadiezni organ 6e ga pisanim putem pozvati da u roku od dva mjeseca od dana prijema poziva otkioni utvrdene nedostatke.
(4) Ako podnosiiac prijave patenta iii nosiiac patenta ne otkioni utvrdene nedostatke u roku iz stava 3 ovog ciana, nadiezni organ 6e odbaciti prediog za ponovno uspostavijanje prava.
(5) Nadiezni organ ne moze odbiti prediog iz stava 1 ovog ciana, u cjeiosti iii djelimicno, ako prethodno ne obavijesti podnosioca predioga o raziozima za odbijanje i ne pozove ga da u roku od dva mjeseca od dana prijema obavjestenja u pisanoj formi izjasni o tim raziozima.


(6) Predlog za ponovno uspostavljanje prava ne moze se podnijeti zbog propustanja roka za preduzimanje sljedecih radnji u postupku:

1) podnosenja predloga za ponovno uspostavljanje prava;

2) podnosenja zahtjeva za produzenje roka;

3) podnosenja predloga za nastavak postupka;

4) podnosenja zahtjeva za obnovu, ispravku iii dopunu prava prvenstva;

5) dostavljanja prevoda prijave patenta i prevoda patentnih zahtjeva priznatog evropskog patenta;

6) podnosenja zalbe, i

7) drugih radnji u postupcima pred nadleznim organom u kojima ucestvuje vise stranaka.

(7) Svako savjesno lice koje je zapocelo koriscenje u proizvodnji pronalaska koji je

predmet objavljene prijave patenta, odnosno koje je izvrsilo sve neophodne pripreme za otpocinjanje takvog koriscenja u periodu izmedu gubitka prava i objave podataka o prihvatanju predloga za ponovno uspostavljanje prava ima pravo da nastavi koriscenje pronalaska iskljucivo u proizvodne svrhe, u svom pogonu iii u tudem pogonu za sopstvene potrebe.

(8) Sadrzina predloga i objave podataka o predlogu iz stava 1 tacka 1 ovog clana ureduju se propisom Ministarstva.

Nastavak postupka

Clan 86

(1) Ako je podnosilac prijave patenta iii nosilac patenta propustio da u propisanom roku preduzme neku radnju u postupku pred nadleznim organom, cija je posljedica gubitak prava iz prijave patenta iii patenta, nadlezni organ moze dozvoliti nastavak postupka u vezi s prijavom patenta iii patentom, ako podnosilac:

1) podnese zahtjev za nastavak postupka i izvrsi sve propustene radnje u propisanom roku, i

2) uplati administrativnu taksu i naknadu posebnih troskova upravnog postupka.

(2) Zahtjev za nastavak postupka moze se podnijeti u roku od dva mjeseca od dana prijema obavjestenja o gubitku prava od strane nadleznog organa.

(3) Ako propustene radnje ne budu izvrsene u roku iz stava 2 ovog clana iii ako ne budu placene propisane administrativne takse i naknade posebnih troskova, smatrace se da zahtjev za nastavak postupka nije ni podnijet, o cemu nadlezni organ donosi odgovarajuci akt.

(4) Zahtjev za nastavak postupka ne moze se podnijeti ako je propusten rok:

1) iz stava 2 ovog clana;

2) za podnosenje zahtjeva za obnovu, ispravku iii dopunu prava prvenstva;

3) za podnosenje predloga za ponovno uspostavljanje prava;

4) za podnosenje zalbe; i

5) za preduzimanje drugih radnji u postupcima pred nadleznim organom u kojima ucestvuje vise stranaka.


(5) U postupku po zahtjevu iz stava 1 ovog clana, shodno se primjenjuje clan 85 slav 7 ovog zakona.
(6) Sadrzina zahtjeva i objave podataka o zahtjevu iz stava 1 ovog clana ureduju se
propisom Ministarstva.


Sertifikat o dodatnoj zastiti

Clan 87

(1) Aka je osnovni patent priznat za proizvod koji je sastavni die lijeka za ljude iii zivotinje iii sredstva za zastitu bilja, za cije stavljanje u promet se izdaje dozvola za stavljanje u promet u skladu sa posebnim propisom, nadlezni organ maze priznati sertifikat o dodatnoj zastiti (u daljem tekstu: sertikat), pod uslovima predvidenim ovim zakonom.
(2) U smislu cl. 87 do 99 i clana 102 ovog zakona:
1) lijek je svaka supstanca iii mjesavina supstanci namijenjena iijecenju iii sprjecavanju bolesti ked ljudi iii zivotinja, kao i svaka supstanca iii mjesavina supstanci koja se maze primijeniti na ljudima iii zivotinjama u svrhu obnavljanja, ispravljanja iii prilagodavanja fizioloskih funkcija iii postavljanja medicinske dijagnoze;
2) sredstvo za zastitu biija je aktivna supstanca iii preparat koji sadrzi jednu iii vise aktivnih supstanci, u obliku u kojem dolaze do korisnika, namijenjeno za:
- zastitu biljaka iii biljnih proizvoda od stetnih organizama iii sprjecavanje djelovanja stetnih organizama, aka te supstance iii preparati nijesu drukcije definisani posebnim propisom,
- djelovanje na zivotne procese biljaka, razlicito od nacina djelovanja sredstava za
ishranu bilja (npr. biijni regulator rasta),
- zastitu biljnih proizvoda tokom skladistenja, aka ta supstanca iii preparat nijesu predmet posebnih propisa o konzervansima,
- unistavanje nepozeljnih biijaka, iii
- unistavanje djelova biljaka iii kontrolu iii sprjecavanje nepozeljnog rasta biljaka.
3) osnovni patent je patent koji je u prijavi za priznanje sertifikata odreden od strane nosioca patenta, a kojim se stili proizvod, postupak za dobijanje proizvoda iii primjena proizvoda;
4) proizvod je aktivni sastojak iii mjesavina aktivnih sastojaka iijeka, iii aktivna supstanca u smislu tacke 6 ovog stava iii mjesavina aktivnih supstanci sredstava za zastitu biija;
5) supstance, u odnosu na sertifikate o dodatnoj zastiti za sredstva za zastitu bilja, su hemijsk.i elementi i njihovi sastojci, prirodni iii proizvedeni, ukljucujuci otpad koji neizbjezno nastaje kao rezultat proizvodnog postupka;
6) aktivne supstance, u odnosu na sertifikate o dodatnoj zastiti za sredstva za zastitu biija, su supstance iii mikroorganizmi, ukljucujuci viruse, koji imaju opstu iii specificnu aktivnost:
- protiv stetnih organizama, iii
- na biljke, djelove biljaka iii na biljne proizvode;


7) preparati su smjese iii rastvori koje se sastoje od dvije iii vise supstanci od kojih je najmanje jedna aktivna supstanca, koje se upotrebljavaju kao sredstva za zastitu bilja;
8) biljke su zive biljke i zivi dijelovi biljaka, ukljucujuci svjeze voce i sjemenke;
9) biljni proizvodi su proizvodi u nepreradenom obliku iii su rezultat jednostavne abrade biljaka kao sto su mljevenje, susenje iii presovanje, i koji ne ukljucuju biljke iz tacke 8 ovog stava;
10) stetni organizmi su biljne stetocine iii stetocine proizvoda dobijenog od biljke,
biljnog iii zivotinjskog porijekla, kao i virusi, bakterije, mikoplazme i drugi patogeni;
11) prijava za produzenje trajanja je prijava za produzenje trajanja sertifikata u skladu sa clanom 95 st. 3 do 5 ovog zakona.

Predmet zastite i pravno dejstvo

Clan 88

(1) U okviru zastite priznate osnovnim patentom, zastita priznata sertifikatom odnosi se samo na proizvod obuhvaeen dozvolom za stavljanje u promet lijeka za !jude iii zivotinje, odnosno sredstva za zastitu bilja, kao i za bilo koju primjenu tog proizvoda kao lijeka za !jude iii :Zivotinje, odnosno kao sredstva za zastitu bilja, za koji je bila izdata dozvola prije prestanka vazenja sertifikata.
(2) Sertifikat obezbjeduje nosiocu ista prava kao i osnovni patent i podlijeze istim ogranicenjima i obavezama.

Subjekti zastite

Clan 89

Sertifikat se priznaje nosiocu osnovnog patenta kojim je proizvod obuhvacen iii njegovom pravnom sljedbeniku.

Uslovi za sticanje

Clan 90

Sertifikat se priznaje na osnovu prijave nosioca patenta, ako su na dan njenog podnosenja ispunjeni sljedeci uslovi:
1) da je proizvod zasticen vazecim osnovnim patentom;
da je u skladu sa posebnim propisima izdata vazeca dozvola za stavljanje u promet;
2) da je dozvola iz tacke 2 ovog stava prva dozvola za stavljanje u promet; i
3) da proizvod koji je sastavni dio:
- lijeka za !jude iii zivotinje prethodno nije bio predmet sertifikata;
sredstva za zastitu bilja prethodno nije bio predmet sertifikata.


Rok za podnosenje prijave za priznanje odnosno produzenje trajanja sertifikata

Clan 91

(1) Prijava za priznanje sertifikata moze se podnijeti nadleznom organu najkasnije sest mjeseci od datuma izdavanja dozvole iz clana 90 tac. 2 i 3 ovog zakona.
(2) Ako je dozvola za stavljanje u promet izdata prije priznanja osnovnog patenta, rok za podnosenje prijave iznosi sest mjeseci od datuma objave podataka o priznatom patentu u skladu sa clanom 45 stav 3 ovog zakona.
(3) Prijava za produzenje trajanja sertifikata priznatog za zastitu ljekova za upotrebu
u pedijatriji moze se podnijeti prilikom podnosenja prijave za priznanje sertifikata iii u postupku rjesavanja po prijavi za priznanje sertifikata, pod uslovom da su ispunjeni uslovi iz clana 92 st. 3 i 4 ovog zakana.
(4) Prijava za praduzenje trajanja sertifikata priznatag za zastitu ljekava za upatrebu
u pedijatriji padnasi se najkasnije dvije gadine prije njegavag isteka.
(5) Za pastupak priznanja sertifikata placa se administrativna taksa i naknada pasebnih traskava pastupka.
(6) Padaci a prijavi za priznanje sertifikata upisuju se u Registar sertifikata a dadatnaj
zastiti i abjavljuju u sluzbenam glasilu u raku ad sest mjeseci ad datuma padnasenja prijave.

Prijava za priznanje sertifikata

Clan 92

(1) Prijava za priznanje sertifikata sadrzi:
1) zahljev za priznanje sertifikata u kajem se navade sljedeci padaci:
- izricita naznacenje da se zahtijeva priznanje sertifikata, adnasna produzenje trajanja sertifikata priznatag za zastitu ljekava za upatrebu u pedijatriji;
- ime, prezime i adresu padnosiaca zahtjeva za fizicka lice, adnasna naziv i sjediste za pravna lice;
- ime, prezime i adresu zastupnika za fizicka lice, adnasna naziv i sjediste za pravna lice;
- braj priznatag asnavnag patenta; i
- naziv pronalaska.
2) braj i datum prve dazvale za stavljanje praizvada u pramet iii braj i datum prve dazvale aka padnesena dazvala nije i prva dazvala za stavljanje praizvada u promet.
(2) Uz zahtjev iz stava 1 avag clana prilaze se:
1) dazvala za stavljanje u pramet iz clana 90 tac. 2 i 3 avog zakana;
2) dakaz kaji sadrzi padatke na asnavu kajih se maze utvrditi vrsta proizvada i nacin vadenja pastupka, kaa i kapija abavjestenja a abjavi padataka a dozvali, aka dozvala iz stava 3 avag clana nije prva dazvala za stavljanje proizvada u pramet, i
3) dakaz o uplati administrativne takse i naknade traskava pastupka za priznanje sertifikata i praduzenje trajanja sertifikata priznatag za zastitu ljekava za upatrebu u pedijatriji.


(3) Aka se pored prijave za priznanje sertifikata podnosi i prijava za produzenje trajanja sertifikata priznatog za zastitu ljekova za upotrebu u pedijatriji, uz nju se prilaze:
1) primjerak izjave u kojoj se navodi da je to produzenje u skladu sa zavrsenim
usaglasenim planom pedijatrijskog ispitivanja, u skladu sa posebnim propisom; i
2) kada je to potrebno, uz primjerak dozvole za stavljanje proizvoda u promet prilaze se dokaz o posjedovanju dozvole za stavljanje proizvoda u promet svih drugih drzava clanica, u skladu sa posebnim propisom.
(4) Aka je postupak po prijavi za priznanje sertifikata u toku, prijava za produzenje
trajanja sertifikata priznatog za zastitu ljekova za upotrebu u pedijatriji obavezno sadrzi priloge iz stava 3 ovog clana i upu6ivanje na podnesenu prijavu.
(5) Prijava za produzenje trajanja sertifikata priznatog za zastitu ljekova za upotrebu u pedijatriji obavezno sadrzi priloge iz stava 3 ovog clana i pozivanje na primjerak priznatog sertifikata.
(6) Obrazac zahtjeva i prijave iz stava 1 tacka 1 i stava 3 ovog clana podnosi se na
obrascu ciji se sadrzaj ureduje propisom Ministarstva.

Postupak formalnog ispitivanja prijave za priznanje sertifikata


Clan 93

(1) U postupku ispitivanja prijave za priznanje sertifikata nadlezni organ utvrduje da
1) je prijava podnijeta u roku i na propisanom obrascu, kao i da li sadrZi sve
propisane podatke;
2) je plaeena propisana administrativna taksa i naknada troskova;
3) su uz prijavu prilozeni dokazi propisani ovim zakonom; i
4) je osnovni patent bio na snazi u vrijeme podnosenja prijave.
(2) Aka prijava za priznanje sertifikata ne sadrzi elemente iz stava 1 ovog clana, nadlezni organ je duzan da pozove podnosioca prijave da u roku od dva mjeseca od dana prijema poziva otkloni utvrdene nedostatke.
(3) Aka podnosilac prijave u roku iz stava 2 ovog clana ne otkloni utvrdene nedostatke, nadlezni organ ce odbaciti prijavu za priznanje sertifikata.
(4) Aka podnosilac prijave otkloni nedostatke u roku iz stava 2 ovog clana, nadlezni organ ce sprovesti postupak ispitivanja uslova za priznanje sertifikata.
(5) Odredbe st. 1 do 4 ovog clana shodno se primjenjuju na postupak ispitivanja prijave za produzenje trajanja sertifikata priznatog za zastitu ljekova za upotrebu u pedijatriji.

Postupak ispitivanja uslova za priznanje sertifikata

Clan 94

(1) U postupku ispitivanja uslova za priznanje sertifikata nadlezni organ provjerava da li su na datum podnosenja prijave bili ispunjeni uslovi iz clana 90 ovog zakona.
(2) Aka nadlezni organ u postupku iz stava 1 ovog clana utvrdi da su ispunjeni uslovi
iz clana 90 ovog zakona, donijece rjesenje o priznanju sertifikata i odrediti njegovo trajanje.


(3) Sadrzina sertifikata blize se ureduje propisom Ministarstva.
(4) Ako nadlezni organ u postupku iz stava 1 ovog clana utvrdi da nijesu ispunjeni uslovi iz clana 90 ovog zakona, rjesenjem 6e odbiti prijavu za priznanje sertifikata.
(5) Odredbe st. 1 do 4 ovog clana shodno se primjenjuju na postupak ispitivanja prijave za produzenje trajanja sertifikata priznatog za zastitu ljekova za upotrebu u pedijatriji.

Trajanje zastite

Clan 95

(1) Sertifikat pocinje da vazi nakon isteka zakonskog roka trajanja osnovnog patenta
i traje u periodu koji je jednak periodu koji protekne od datuma podnosenja prijave osnovnog patenta do dana izdavanja prve dozvole za stavljanje u promet, umanjen za pet godina.
(2) Sertifikat ne maze da vazi duze od pet godina od datuma pocetka njegovog vazenja.
(3) Trajanje sertifikata produzava se samo jednom, i to na period od sest mjeseci, ako su za lijek za koji je izdata dozvola i koji je zasti6en sertifikatom iii patent koji ispunjava uslove za priznavanje sertifikata zavrsena sva potrebna istrazivanja u skladu sa prihvacenim planom pedijatrijskog ispitivanja, pod uslovom da je dozvola izdata u svim drzavama clanicama Evropske unije.
(4) Odredba stava 3 ovog clana ne primjenjuje se na ljekove odredene kao ljekove
za rijetke bolesti i u slucaju ako podnosilac zahtjeva podnese i dobije jednogodisnje produzenje zastite stavljanja u promet pedijatrijskog lijeka na osnovu cinjenice da nova pedijatrijska indikacija predstavlja znaeajnu kliniCku prednost u odnosu na postoje6e nacine lijecenja.
(5) Produzenje trajanja sertifikata priznatog za zastitu ljekova za upotrebu u pedijatriji nije moguce za lijek za koji se primjenjuje jednogodisnje produzenje desetogodisnjeg razdoblja zastite, kao i za ljekove namijenjene lijecenju teskih i rijetkih bolesti, u skladu sa posebnim propisima.

Prestanak vazenja sertifikata

Sertifikat prestaje da vazi:

Clan 96

1) istekom perioda na koji je priznat;
2) ako se nosilac odrekne sertifikata, u kom slucaju sertifikat prestaje da vazi sljedeceg dana od dana dostavljanja nadleznom organu izjave o odricanju;
3) ukidanjem dozvole za stavljanje u promet u skladu s posebnim propisom; i
4) ukoliko nije placena administrativna taksa za odrzavanje vazenja sertifikata u
skladu sa clanom 97 ovog zakona.


Odrzavanje vazenja sertifikata

Clan 97

(1) Za odrzavanje vazenja sertifikata placa se administrativna taksa koja dospijeva za placanje na pocetku svake godine vazenja sertifikata.
(2) Taksa iz stava 1 ovog clana odnosi se na period od godinu dana koji pocinje teci
na dan i mjesec podnosenja prijave osnovnog patenta, pocev od datuma prestanka njegovog vazenja.
(3) Ako je zavrsni period trajanja sertifikata kraci od godinu dana, godisnja taksa
placa se za cijelu godinu.
(4) Ako nosilac sertifikata ne plati godisnju taksu u skladu sa stavom 2 ovog clana,
moze je platiti u dodatnom roku od sest mjeseci pod uslovom da plati propisanu dodatnu taksu.
(5) Nosilac sertifikata je duzan da plati godisnju taksu prvi put u roku od 60 dana od
dana poziva nadleznog organa.


Clan 98

(1) Podaci o prijavi za priznanje sertifikata, o priznatom sertifikatu, o odbacivanju iii odbijanju prijave za priznanje sertifikata, o prestanku vazenja sertifikata, kao i podaci o produzenju trajanja sertifikata priznatog za zastitu ljekova za upotrebu u pedijatriji odnosno o odbijanju prijave za produzenje tog sertifikata, objavljuju se u sluzbenom glasilu.
(2) Sadrzina podataka koji se objavljuju, u skladu sa stavom 1 ovog clana, ureduju se propisom Ministarstva.

Shodna primjena

Clan 99

Na pravnu zastitu sertifikata shodno se primjenjuju odredbe ovog zakona o pravnoj zastiti pronalazaka, ako odredbama cl. 87 do 98 ovog zakona nije drukcije odredeno.


1.0glasavanje nistavim priznatog patenta
Razlozi za oglasavanje nistavim
Clan 100
(1) Zahtjev za oglasavanje patenta nistavim u cjelini iii djelimicno, nadleznom organu maze podnijeti svako zainteresovano pravno iii fizicko lice i drzavni tuzilac.
(2) Nadlezni organ oglasice nistavim patent za cijelo vrijeme trajanja patenta, ako
utvrdi da:
1) predmet zastite nije pronalazak u smislu clana 5 slav 5 ovog zakona;
2) pronalazak pripada kategoriji pronalazaka koji su izuzeti iz zastite u smislu cl. 6 i
7 ovog zakona;
3) pronalazak na dan podnosenja prijave patenta, odnosno na dan priznatog prava
prvenstva, nije bio nov u smislu cl. 8 i 9 ovog zakona, iii nije imao inventivni nivo u smislu clana 10 ovog zakona, iii pronalazak nije industrijski primjenjiv u smislu clana 11 ovog zakona;
4) pronalazak nije opisan potpuno i jasno u smislu clana 25 ovog zakona;
5) je objavljenim patentom obuhvacen sadrzaj siri od sadrzaja opisanog u prijavi patenta, iii ako je pravo priznato za izdvojenu prijavu ciji je sadrzaj siri od sadrzaja prvobitne prijave, kako je podnijeta, u kom slucaju nistavim 6e se oglasiti samo dio rjesenja kojim se priznaje zastita !\ira od dozvoljene.
(3) Ako osnov nistavosti utice na patent samo djelimicno, patent ce biti ogranicen odgovarajucom izmjenom zahtjeva i oglasen djelimicno nistavim.
(4) U postupku pred nadleznim organom koji se odnosi na valjanost patenta, nosilac
patenta moze da ogranici patent izmjenom zahtjeva, pri eemu 6e se postupak voditi na osnovu taka ogranicenog patenta.
(5) Postupak za ogla!\avanje patenta nistavim nadlezni organ maze sprovesti putem jednog od drzavnih patentnih zavoda drzave s kojom ima zakljucen ugovor o saradnji.
Zahtjev za oglasavanje nistavim patenta
Clan 101
(1) Zahtjev iz clana 100 slav 1 ovog zakona sadrzi podatke o podnosiocu zahtjeva i o nosiocu patenta, naznacenje da se trazi oglasavanje patenta nistavim, registarski broj patenta cije se oglasavanje nistavim trazi, razloge zbog kojih se trazi oglasavanje nistavim, potrebne dokaze, kao i dokaz o uplati administrativne takse i naknade posebnih troskova postupka.


(2) Ako zahtjev za oglasavanje patenta nistavim nije sacinjen u skladu sa stavom 1 ovog clana, nadlezni organ poziva podnosioca zahtjeva da u roku od dva mjeseca od dana prijema poziva otkloni navedene nedostatke.
(3) Ako podnosilac zahtjeva ne otkloni nedostatke u roku iz stava 2 ovog clana,
nadlezni organ ce odbaciti zahtjev.
(4) Uredan zahtjev nadlezni organ dostavlja nosiocu patenta i poziva ga da u roku od
30 dana od dana prijema poziva dostavi svoj odgovor.
(5) Kada je to potrebno, nadlezni organ poziva nosioca patenta da dostavi opis, patentne zahtjeve i crteze u izmijenjenom obliku, pod uslovom da predmet zastite ne izlazi izvan sadrzaja patenta kakav je priznat.
(6) Na osnovu rezultata sprovedenog postupka nadlezni organ moze patent proglasiti
nistavim, u cjelini iii djelimicno iii odbiti zahtjev za oglasavanje patenta nistavim.
(7) Ako nadlezni organ utvrdi da patent koji je izmijenjen u postupku proglasenja nistavim, moze da ostane na snazi, duzan je da prije donosenja odluke, o tome obavijesti stranke u postupku i pozove ih da u roku iz stava 2 ovog clana, podnesu obrazlozene primjedbe ako nijesu saglasne s tekstom na osnovu kojeg namjerava da odrzi patent na snazi.
(8) Ako su stranke saglasne s tekstom na osnovu kojeg nadlezni organ namjerava da
odrzi patent na snazi iii nijesu dostavile potrebnu dokumentaciju iz stava 5 ovog clana, nadlezni organ poziva nosioca patenta da u roku od 60 dana od dana prijema poziva plati administrativnu taksu i naknadu posebnih troskova za stampanje novog patentnog spisa.
(9) Ako administrativna taksa i naknada posebnih troskova iz stava 8 ovog clana ne budu placene, nadlezni organ patent oglasava nistavim u granicama zahtjeva.
(10) Sadrzina podataka o oglasavanju patenta nistavim, koje nadlezni organ objavljuje
u sluzbenom glasilu, blize se ureduju propisom Ministarstva.

2. Oglasavanje nistavim sertifikata

Razlozi za oglasavanje nistavim

Clan 102

(1) Nadlezni organ oglasice nistavim sertifikat ako je:
1) priznat protivno uslovima propisanim ovim zakonom;
2) osnovni patent koji obuhvata predmet zastite sertifikata prestao da vazi u smislu cl. 82, 83 i 84 ovog zakona;
3) osnovni patent koji obuhvata predmet zastite sertifikata oglasen nistavim u cjelini iii djelimicno, zbog cega proizvod za koji je sertifikat priznat vise nije obuhvacen patentnim zahtjevima iii ako nakon prestanka osnovnog patenta postoje razlozi koji bi takav ponistaj opravdali.
(2) Produzenje trajanja sertifikata priznatog za zastitu ljekova za upotrebu u pedijatriji moze se ponistiti ako je odobreno suprotno odredbama clana 95 st. 3 do 5 ovog zakona.
(3) Na oglasavanje nistavim sertifikata i produzenja trajanja sertifikata priznatog za zastitu ljekova za upotrebu u pedijatriji shodno se primjenjuju odredbe ovog zakona koje se odnose na postupak za oglasavanje nistavim patenta.



Zahtjev za utvrdivanje prava na patent

Clan 103

(1) Ako je protivno odredbama clana 12 ovog zakona prijavu patenta podnijelo neovla!leeno lice iii je patent priznat i upisan u Registar patenata na ime neovlaseenog lica, pronalazac iii njegov pravni sljedbenik, odnosno u slucajevima predvidenim ovim zakonom, poslodavac iii njegov pravni sljedbenik, moze tuzbom zahtijevati od suda da utvrdi da ima pravo na zastitu odredenog pronalaska, odnosno da ima pravo na zastitu zajedno s licem koje je prijavilo taj pronalazak iii na cije je ime patent priznat.
(2) Tuzba se podnosi protiv lica koje je kao podnosilac prijave patenta odnosno nosilac patenta neovlasceno upisano u Registar prijava patenata odnosno Registar patenata. (3) Tuzba iz stava 1 ovoga clana moze se podnijeti u roku oct tri godine od dana
objave patenta u sluzbenom glasilu.
(4) Ako tuzilac dokaze da je neovlasceno lice postupalo namjerno, tuzba se moze podnijeti za svo vrijeme trajanja zastite patenta.

Obaveze suda, nadleznog organa, tuzioca i zainteresovanih lica povodom zahtjeva za utvrdivanje prava na patent

Clan 104

(1) Sud je duzan da obavestenje o tuzbi iz clana 103 slav 1 ovog zakona bez odlaganja dostavi nadleznom organu, radi upisa te cinjenice u Registar prijava patenata odnosno Registar patenata.
(2) Tuzilac je duzan da na poziv nadleznog organa plati administrativnu !aksu za upis
cinjenice iz stava 1 ovog clana u Registar prijava patenata odnosno Registar patenata.
(3)Sud je duzan da pravosnaznu presudu povodom tuzbe iz clana 103 slav 1 ovog zakona dostavi nadleznom organu i strankama u postupku, bez odlaganja.
(4) Ako je tuzilac uspio sa svojim zahtjevom iz clana 103 stav 1 ovog zakona, nadlezni
organ 6e upisati promjenu u Registar prijava patenata odnosno Registar patenata i objaviti je u sluzbenom glasilu.
(5) Tuzilac je duzan da na poziv nadleznog organa plati administrativnu !aksu i naknadu troskova postupka za upis promjene iz stava 4 ovog clana u Registar prijava patenata odnosno Registar patenata i objavu.
(6) U slucaju iz st. 3 i 4 ovog clana licenca i druga prava koja su u korist trecih lica upisana u Registar prijava patenata odnosno Registar patenata prestaju od dana upisa promjena u Registar prijava patenata odnosno Registar patenata.
(7) 0 prestanku licence i dugih prava iz stava 6 ovog clana nadlezni organ je duzan da
bez odlaganja pisanim putem obavijesti sticaoca licence i treea lica.


(8) Sticalac licence i treca lica koja su u dobroj vjeri koristila svoje pravo iii su obavila ozbiljne pripreme za koriscenje svog prava mogu u roku od 3 mjeseca od prijema obavjestenja iz stava 7 ovog clana zahtijevati od novog podnosioca prijave patenta odnosno nosioca patenta sticanje neiskljucive licence odnosno drugog prava pod trzisnim uslovima, ako to nije u suprotnosti s njegovim opravdanim interesima.
(9) Bliza sadrzina podataka koji se upisuju u Registar prijava patenata odnosno
Registar patenata i objavljuju u skladu sa st. 1 i 4 ovog clana utvrduje se propisom

Zahtjev za naznacenje pronalazaca

Clan 105

(1) Ako protivno odredbama clana 13 ovog zakona pronalazac nije naveden iii je kao pronalazac navedeno lice koje to nije, pronalazac moze tuzbom od suda zahtijevati da utvrdi njegovo svojstvo pronalazaca i da nalozi upisivanje njegovog imena u prijavu patenta, odgovarajuce isprave i registre nadleznog organa, shodno ovom zakonu.
(2) Tuzba iz stava 1 ovog clana se podnosi protiv lica koje je protivno clanu 13 ovog
zakona naznaceno kao pronalazac.
(3) Tuzba iz stava 1 ovoga clana moze se podnijeti za svo vrijeme trajanja prava.
(4) U slucaju smrti pronalazaca, pravo na tuzbu iz stava 1 ovog clana imaju njegovi nasljednici.

Obaveze suda, nadleznog organa, tuzioca i zainteresovanih lica povodom zahtjeva za naznacenje pronalazaca

Clan 106

(1) Sud je duzan da obavestenje o tuzbi iz clana 105 stav 1 ovog zakona bez odlaganja dostavi nadleznom organu, radi upisa te cinjenice u Registar prijava patenata odnosno Registar patenata.
(2) Tuzilac je duzan da na poziv nadleznog organa plati administrativnu taksu za upis cinjenice iz stava 1 ovog clana u Registar prijava patenata odnosno Registar patenata.
(3) Sud je duzan da pravosnaznu presudu povodom tuzbe iz clana 105 stav 1 ovog zakona dostavi nadleznom organu i strankama u postupku, bez odlaganja.
(4) Ako je tuzilac uspio sa svojim zahtjevom iz clana 105 stav 1 ovog zakona, nadlezni
organ ce promjenu pronalazaca upisati u Registar prijava patenata odnosno Registar patenata i objaviti u sluzbenom glasilu.
(5) Tuzilac je duzan da na poziv nadleznog organa plati administrativnu taksu i naknadu troskova postupka za upis promjene iz stava 4 ovog clana u Registar prijava patenata odnosno Registar patenata i objavu.
(6) Bliza sadrzina podataka koji se upisuju u Registar prijava patenata odnosno Registar patenata i objavljuju u skladu sa st. 1 i 4 ovog clana utvrduje se propisom Ministarstva.


Zahtjev za utvrdivanje i zahtjev za prestanak povrede

Clan 107

(1) Protiv lica koje je neovlascenim vrsenjem neke od radnji iz cl. 49 i 50 ovog zakona povrijedilo patent, nosilac patenta moze tuzbom kod nadleznog suda zahtijevati utvrdivanje povrede patenta.
(2) Protiv lica iz stava 1 ovog clana nosilac patenta moze tuzbom zahtijevati prestanak
povrede i zabranu takve iii slicne povrede i ubuduce, pod prijetnjom pla6anja novcane kazne. (3) Protiv lica koje je preduzimanjem neke radnje prouzrokovalo ozbiljnu prijetnju da
ce patent biti povrijeden u smislu cl. 49 i 50 ovog zakona, nosilac patenta moze tuzbom zahtijevati prestanak preduzimanja te radnje i zabranu povrede patenta, pod prijetnjom placanja novcane kazne.
(4) Zahtjevi iz st. 1, 2 i 3 ovog clana mogu se postaviti i protiv lica koje u obavljanju
svoje privredne djelatnosti pruza usluge koje se koriste u radnjama kojima se vrsi povreda patenta, odnosno od kojih prijeti povreda patenta.
(5) Tuzbe iz st. 1 i 2 ovog clana mogu se podnijeti u roku od pet godina od dana
izvrsene povrede patenta.
(6) Ako tuzilac dokaze da je lice iz stava 1 ovog clana postupalo namjerno, tuzbe iz st.
1 i 2 ovog clana mogu se podnositi za svo vrijeme trajanja zastite patenta.
(7) Tuzba iz stava 3 ovog clana moze se podnijeti u roku od pet godina od dana preduzimanja radnje od koje prijeti povreda patenta.

Zahtjev za oduzimanje i unistenje predmeta

Clan 108

(1) Protiv lica koje je neovlascenim vrsenjem neke od radnji iz cl. 49 i 50 ovog zakona povrijedilo patent, nosilac patenta moze tuzbom zahtijevati da se proizvodi kojima se vrsi povreda patenta povuku iz prometa, oduzmu iii uniste.
(2) Mjeru iz stava 1 ovog clana nosilac patenta moze da zahtijeva i u odnosu na alate, opremu i druge predmete koji se uglavnom koriste za proizvodnju iii stvaranje proizvoda kojima se vrsi povreda patenta.
(3) Mjere iz st. 1 i 2 ovog clana sud 6e odrediti na teret tuzenog, osim ako postoje posebni razlozi da tako ne odluci.
(4) Prilikom odredivanja mjera iz st. 1 i 2 ovog clana sud 6e uzeti u obzir sve okolnosti slucaja, a narocito da one budu srazmjerne prirodi i intenzitetu povrede, kao i interese tre6ih strana.
(5) Tuzbe iz st. 1 i 2 ovog clana mogu se podnijeti u roku od pet godina od dana izvrsene povrede.


Zahtjev za naknadu stete, uobicajenu naknadu i povracaj stecenog bez osnova

Clan 109

(1} Nosilac patenta moze od lica koje mu je neovlascenim vrsenjem neke od radnji iz cl. 49 i 50 ovog zakona prouzrokovalo stetu tuzbom da zahtijeva naknadu stete, prema opstim pravilima o naknadi stete utvrdenim zakonom kojim se ureduju obligacioni odnosi.
(2) Umjesto zahtjeva za naknadu stete iz stava 1 ovog clana, kada okolnosti slueaja
to opravdavaju i ako je tuzeni postupao neovlasceno, nosilac patenta moze tuzbom da zahtijeva placanje naknade u iznosu koji je s obzirom na okolnosti mogao zahtijevati na osnovu ugovora o licenci, da je zakljucen.
(3) Ako dokaze da je tuzeni postupao namjerno iii krajnjom nepaznjom, nosilac
patenta tuzbom moze zahtijevati trostruki iznos naknade iz stava 2 ovog clana.
(4} Protiv lica koje je bez osnova u pravnom poslu iii u zakonu preduzimanjem neke
od radnji iz cl. 49 i 50 ovog zakona povrijedilo patent i time steklo korist, nosilac patenta moze, bez obzira na krivicu tuzenog, tuzbom zahtijevati vracanje iii nadoknadu vrijednosti ostvarenih koristi prema opstim pravilima o sticanju bez osnova u skladu sa zakonom kojim se ureduju obligacioni odnosi.
(5) Tuzbe iz st. 1 i 4 ovog clana mogu se podnijeti u rokovima koji su odredeni
zakonom kojim se ureduju obligacioni odnosi.
(6) Tuzbe iz st. 2 i 3 ovog clana mogu se podnijeti u roku od tri godine, od dana kada je tuzilac saznao za povredu i ucinioca, odnosno najkasnije u roku od pet godina, od dana kada je povreda ucinjena.

Teret dokazivanja

Clan 110

U parnicnom postupku koji se vodi zbog povrede patentom zasti6enog postupka za proizvodnju nove supstance, smatra se da je svaka jednaka supstanca iii supstanca jednakog sastava dobijena zasticenim postupkom, dok suprotno ne dokaze osoba koja takvu supstancu iii kompoziciju proizvodi.

Zahtjev za objavljivanje presude

Clan 111

(1) U slucajevima iz cl. 103 do 109 ovog zakona nosilac patenta moze zahtijevati da pravosnazna presuda kojom je djelimicno iii u cjelini usvojen tuzbeni zahtjev bude objavljena u stampanom iii elektronskom mediju o trosku tuzenog.
(2) Sud 6e, u granicama tuZbenog zahtjeva, odluciti u kojem 6e sredstvu javnog informisanja presuda iz stava 1 ovog clana biti objavljena, kao i o obimu objavljivanja (u
cjelini iii djelimicno) presude.
(3) Ako sud odluci da se objavi samo dio presude, odredice, u granicama tuzbenog zahtjeva, da se objavi najmanje izreka i prema potrebi dio presude iz kojeg je vidljiva vrsta povrede i lice koje je izvrsilo povredu patenta.
(4) Tuzba iz stava 1 ovog clana podnosi se u roku od pet godina od povrede patenta.


(5) Ako tuzitelj dokaze da je tuzeni postupao namjerno, tuzba iz stava 1 ovog clana se moze podnijeti za sve vrijeme trajanja zastite patenta.

Povreda patenta povodom kojeg nije donijeto utvrdujuce rjesenje

Clan 112

(1) Kada je nosilae patenta pokrenuo parnicni postupak za zastitu od povrede patenta povodom kojeg nadlezni organ nije donio utvrdujuce rjesenje iz clana 48 ovog zakona, sud ce zastati s postupkom do donosenja takvog rjesenja.
(2) U slucaju povrede patenta povodom kojeg nadlezni organ nije donio utvrdujuce
rjesenje, u vremenskom razdoblju od priznanja patenta pa do izdavanja utvrdujuceg rjesenja iz clana 48 ovog zakona, sud ce naloziti lieu koje je neovlascenim preduzimanjem neke od
radnji iz cl. 49 i 50 ovog zakona nosioeu patenta prouzrokovalo stetu, da je nadoknadi uzevsi
u obzir sve okolnosti slucaja.

Privremene mjere zbog povrede patenta

Clan 113

(1) Na zahtjev nosioea patenta koji ucini vjerovatnim da je doslo do povrede patenta iii da prijeti neposredna opasnost od povrede patenta, sud moze da odredi privremenu mjeru koja je usmjerena na prestanak iii sprecavanje povrede, a narocito da nalozi:
1) protivniku obezbjedenja da prestane odnosno odustane od cinjenja kojima se vrsi povreda patenta, a taj nalog sud moze izreci i protiv posrednika cije usluge koriste treca liea da bi izvrsila povredu patenta;
2) privremeno oduzimanje iii povlacenje iz prometa proizvoda kojima se vrsi
povreda patenta odnosno alata, opreme i drugih predmeta koji se uglavnom koriste za proizvodnju iii stvaranje proizvoda kojima se vrsi povreda patenta.
(2) Na zahtjev nosioea patenta koji ucini vjerovatnim da je doslo do povrede patenta prilikom obavljanja privredne djelatnosti u eilju pribavljanja privredne iii ekonomske koristi, i da mu zbog takve povrede prijeti nenadoknadiva stela, pored privremenih mjera iz stava 1 ovog clana, sud moze da nalozi:
1) oduzimanje pokretnih i nepokretnih stvari u svojini protivnika obezbjedenja koje nijesu u neposrednoj vezi s povredom;
2) zabranu raspolaganja sredstvima kod finansijskih institucija i raspolaganja drugom imovinom protivnika obezbjedenja.
(3) Radi odredivanja i izvrsenja privremenih mjera iz stava 2 ovog clana, sud moze
da nalozi protivniku obezbjedenja iii drugom lieu koje raspolaze, bankarskim, finansijskim i drugim ekonomskim podaeima da te podatke dostavi, iii da obezbijedi pristup drugim potrebnim podaeima i dokumentaeiji.
(4) Sud je duzan da cuva tajnost podataka i dokumenata iz stava 3 ovog clana i zabrani svaku njihovu zloupotrebu.


Odredivanje privremenih mjera bez obavjestavanja

Clan 114

(1) Privremene mjere iz clana 113 stav 1 ovog zakona, sud maze da odredi i bez obavjestavanja protivnika obezbjedenja ako nosiiac patenta ucini vjerovatnim da u slucaju obavjestavanja protivnika obezbjedenja privremena mjera ne6e biti djelotvorna iii da prijeti opasnost od nastanka nenadoknadive stete.
(2) Privremene mjere iz clana 113 stav 2 ovog zakona, sud maze da odredi i bez
obavjestavanja protivnika obezbjedenja ako nosilac patenta ucini vjerovatnim da privremena mjera ne6e biti djelotvorna, iii da je s obzirom na narocito teske okolnosti povrede to potrebno.
(3) U slucajevima iz st. 1 i 2 ovog clana sud 6e rjesenje o privremenoj mjeri dostaviti
protivniku obezbjedenja odmah po njenom izvrsenju.
(4} Ako tuzba nije podnesena, rok za podnosenje tuzbe u ciiju opravdanja privremene mjere ne moze biti duzi od 20 radnih odnosno 31 kalendarski dan, od dana dostavljanja rjesenja o odredivanju privremene mjere nosiocu patenta, u zavisnosti od toga koji rok kasnije istice.
(5) Odredbe clana 113 ovog zakona i ovog clana ne iskljucuju mogu6nost
odredivanja privremenih mjera u skladu sa drugim odredbama ovog zakona i zakona kojim se ureduje izvrsni postupak.

Privremene mjere za obezbjedenje dokaza

Clan 115

(1) Na zahtjev nosioca patenta koji ucini vjerovatnim da mu je patent povrijeden iii da prijeti neposredna opasnost od povrede patenta, sud maze da odredi privremenu mjeru radi obezbjedenja dokaza, a narocito da nalozi:
1) protivniku obezbjedenja da izradi detaljan opis predmeta za koje nosiiac patenta ucini vjerovatnim da se njima vrsi povreda patenta, sa iii bez uzimanja primjeraka tih predmeta;
2) oduzimanje predmeta za koje nosiiac patenta ucini vjerovatnim da se njima vrsi povreda patenta;
3) oduzimanje proizvoda, alata, opreme i drugih predmeta koji su koris6eni za proizvodnju i distribuciju predmeta za koje nosilac patenta ucini vjerovatnim da se njima vrsi povreda patenta, kao i poslovne dokumentacije koja se na to odnosi.
(2) Privremene mjere iz stava 1 ovog clana, sud moze da odredi u hitnim slucajevima i bez obavjestavanja protivnika obezbjedenja ako nosiiac patenta ucini vjerovatnim da u slucaju obavjestavanja protivnika obezbjedenja privremena mjera ne6e biti djelotvoma iii da prijeti opasnost od nastanka nenadoknadive stete.
(3) U slucajevima iz stava 2 ovog clana sud 6e rjesenje o privremenoj mjeri dostaviti
protivniku obezbjedenja odmah po njenom izvrsenju.


(4} Ako tuzba nije podnesena, rok za podnosenje tuzbe u cilju opravdanja privremene mjere ne moze biti duzi od 20 radnih odnosno 31 kalendarski dan, od dana dostavljanja rjesenja o odredivanju privremene mjere nosiocu patenta, pri cemu je rok za podnosenje tuzbe rok koji kasnije istice.
(5} Odredbe st. 1 do 4 ovog clana ne iskljucuju mogucnost odredivanja privremenih
mjera u skladu sa odredbama ovog zakona i zakona kojim se ureduje izvrsni postupak, kao i mjera za obezbjedenje dokaza u skladu sa zakonom kojim se ureduje parnicni postupak.

Pribavljanje dokaza u parnicnom postupku

Clan 116

(1) Kad se jedna stranka u parnicnom postupku za zastitu patenta od povrede u skladu sa odredbama cl. 103 do 120 ovog zakona poziva na odredeni dokaz i tvrdi da se on nalazi kod druge stranke iii pod njenom kontrolom, sud ce tu stranku pozvati da podnese taj dokaz, u odredenom roku.
(2) Kada nosiiac patenta kao tuziiac u tuzbi za zastitu patenta od povrede u skladu
sa odredbama cl. 103 do 120 ovog zakona ucini vjerovatnim da je doslo do povrede patenta prilikom obavljanja privredne djelatnosti u cilju pribavljanja privredne iii ekonomske koristi, sud ce na njegov zahtjev pozvati tuzenog da u odredenom roku dostavi bankarske, finansijske iii siicne poslovne dokumente, isprave i druge dokaze koji se nalaze kod njega iii su pod njegovom kontrolom.
(3) Kada stranka koja je pozvana da podnese dokaze iz st. 1 i 2 ovog clana negira da
se dokazi nalaze kod nje iii pod njenom kontrolom, sud moze radi utvrdivanja te cinjenice da izvodi dokaze.
(4) U pogledu prava stranke da uskrati podnosenje dokaza shodno se primjenjuju
odredbe o uskracivanju svjedocenja zakona kojim se ureduje parnicni postupak.
(5) Sud ce, s obzirom na sve okolnosti, po svom slobodnom uvjerenju cijeniti od kakvog je znacaja to sto stranka kod koje se dokaz nalazi iii pod cijom se kontrolom dokaz nalazi nece da postupi po rjesenju suda kojim joj je nalozeno da podnese dokaz iii suprotno uvjerenju suda porice da se dokaz nalazi kod nje iii pod njenom kontrolom.

Obaveza pruzanja informacija

Clan 117

(1) Nosilac patenta koji je pokrenuo parnicni postupak za zastitu patenta od povrede maze da zahtijeva dostavljanje podataka o porijeklu i distributivnim kanalima proizvoda kojima se vrsi povreda patenta.
(2) Zahtjev iz stava 1 mo:Ze se podnijeti protiv:
1) tuzenog u parnicnom postupku iz stava 1 ovog clana;
2) lica koje u obavljanju svoje privredne djelatnosti posjeduje proizvode za koje nosilac prava ucini vjerovatnim da se njima vr5i povreda patenta;
3) iica koje u obavljanju svoje privredne djelatnosti pruza usluge za koje nosilac prava ucini vjerovatnim da se njima vrsi povreda patenta;


4) lica koja u obavljanju svoje privredne djelatnosti pruza usluge koje se koriste u radnjama za koje nosilac prava ucini vjerovatnim da se njima vrsi povreda patenta;
5) lica koja je od lica iz tac. 1 do 4 ovog stava oznaceno kao lice koje ucestvuje u proizvodnji iii distribuciji proizvoda iii pruzanju usluga za koje nosilac prava ucini vjerovatnim da se njima vrsi povreda patenta.
(3) Zahtjev iz stava 1 ovog clana moze se podnijeti kao zahtjev u parnici, tuzba iii zahtjev za odredivanje privremene mjere.
(4) Zahtjev iz stava 1 ovog clana sadrzi narocito podatke o:
1) imenima odnosno nazivima i adresama proizvodaca i distributera, dobavljaca i drugih prethodnih drzalaca robe, kao i prodavaca na veliko i prodavaca na malo kojima je ta roba namijenjena;
2) kolicinama proizvedenih, izradenih, isporucenih, primljenih iii narucenih proizvoda,
kao i cijenama ostvarenim za te proizvode.
(5)Lice prema kojem je postavljen zahtjev iz stava 1 ovog clana moze da odbije dostavljanje tih podataka iz razloga iz kojih se prema odredbama zakona kojim se ureduje
parnicni postupak moze uskratiti svjedocenje.
(6) Ako lice iz stava 5 ovog clana odbije dostavljanje podataka bez opravdanog razloga, odgovara za stetu u skladu sa odredbama zakona kojim se ureduju obligacioni odnosi.
(7) Odredbe ovog clana ne iskljucuju primjenu cl. 115 i 116 ovog zakona, propisa o
nacinu koriscenja povjerljivih podataka u gradanskim i kaznenim postupcima, propisa kojima se ureduje odgovornost za zloupotrebu prava na dobijanje podataka, kao i primjenu propisa kojima se ureduje obrada i zastita licnih podataka.

Alternativne mjere

Clan 118

Na zahtjev tuzenog u parnicnim postupcima iz cl. 103 do 120 ovog zakona koji dokaze da nije postupao namjerno, sud moze umjesto mjere koju je zahtijevao nosilac patenta odrediti placanje novcane naknade nosiocu patenta, ako bi izvrsenje te mjere tuzenom uzrokovalo nesrazmjernu stetu i ako se novcana naknada, s obzirom na sve okolnosti slucaja, maze smatrati razumnom i zadovoljavajucom naknadom za povredu patenta.

Lica ovlascena za podnosenje zahtjeva za zastitu prava

Clan 119

Pored nosioca patenta, odnosno lica koje ovlasti u skladu s opstim proptstma o zastupanju, zastitu patenta od povrede u skladu sa odredbama cl. 103 do 120 ovog zakona mogu zahtijevati sticalac iskljucive licence u mjeri u kojoj je stekao pravo iskoriseavanja patenta, kao i profesionalna organizacija za zastitu prava koja ima pravo da zastupa nosioca prava intelektualne svojine u skladu sa zakonom.


Hitnost i primjena odredaba drugih zakona

Clan 120

(1) Postupci iz cl. 103 do 120 ovog zakona su hitni.
(2) Na postupke zbog povrede prava iz cl. 102 do 120 ovog zakona u svim pitanjima koja nijesu uredena ovim zakonom primjenjuju se odredbe zakona kojim se ureduju parnicni, odnosno izvrsni postupak.
(3) Troskovi postupaka iz cl. 103 do 120 ovog zakona naknaduju se u skladu sa
odredbama zakona kojim se ureduju parnicni odnosno izvrsni postupak.


Ugovor o licenci i prenos prava

Clan 121

(1) Nosilac patenta iii podnosilac prijave patenta mo2e ustupiti pravo koriscenja patenta iii prava iz prijave patenta na osnovu ugovora o licenci.
(2) Nosilac patenta iii podnosilac prijave patenta maze ugovorom prenijeti patent iii
prava iz prijave patenta u cijelini iii djelimicno.
(3) Ugovori iz st. 1 i 2 ovog clana su punovazni samo ako su sastavljeni u pisanoj
(4) Za zakljucivanje ugovora o licenci iii ugovora o prenosu zajednickog patenta
potreban je pristanak svih nosilaca patenta odnosno podnosilaca prijave patenta.
(5) Ugovor iz st. 1 i 2 ovog clana koji nije upisan u odgovarajuci registar ne proizvodi pravno dejstvo prema trecim licima.
(6) Na pitanja u vezi sa ugovorima iz st. 1 i 2 ovog clana koja nijesu uredena ovim
zakonom primjenjuju se odredbe zakona kojim se ureduju obligacioni odnosi.
(7) Odredbe ovog clana odnose se i na zakljucivanje ugovora o licenci i ugovora o prenosu prava iz sertifikata o dodatnoj zastiti.

Zaloga, prinudno izvrsenje i stecaj

Clan 122

(1) Patent, prava iz prijave patenta, kao i sertifikat o dodatnoj zastiti mogu biti predmet zaloge na osnovu ugovora o zalozi i predmet prinudnog izvrsenja.
(2) Na zahtjev zaloznog povjerioca iii zaloznog duznika zalozno pravo upisuje se u Registar prijava patenata odnosno Registar patenata odnosno Registar sertifikata o dodatnoj zastiti.
(3) Sud koji sprovodi prinudno izvrsenje duzan je da bez odlaganja obavijesti nadlezni organ o pokrenutom prinudnom izvrsenju na patentu radi upisa izvrsenja u registre iz stava 2 ovog clana.


(4) Upis izvrsenja u registre iz stava 2 ovog clana sprovodi se na teret prinudnog izvrsioca.
(5) Kada je patent, pravo iz prijave patenta iii sertifikat o dodatnoj zastiti dio stecajne
mase, nadlezni sud je duzan da obavijesti nadlezni organ o pokrenutom stecajnom postupku radi upisa stecaja u registre iz stava 2 ovog clana.

Upis promjena u registre

Clan 123

(1) Prava iz prijave patenta, patent kao i sertifikat o dodatnoj zastiti mogu biti prenijeti na drugo lice iii mogu biti predmet ugovora o licenci iii zalozi, predmet stecaja i sl.
(2) Na zahtjev stranke, nadlezni organ donosi rjesenje o upisu promjena u Registar prijava patenata odnosno Registar patenata koje nastupe nakon podnosenja prijave patenta iii nakon priznanja patenta.
(3) Promjene iz stava 2 ovog clana objavljuju se u sluzbenom glasilu nadleznog
(4) Postupak za upis u Registar prijava patenata odnosno Registar patenata ugovora
iz stava 1 ovog clana, kao i ostale promjene koje se odnose na podnosioca prijave patenta iii nosioca patenta, njihova objavljivanje u sluzbenom glasilu, kao i placanje taksi i naknada posebnih troskova postupka ureduju se propisom Ministarstva.


Povjerljiva prijava patenta

Clan 124

1) Povjerljivom prijavom patenta smatra se prijava patenta podnijeta od strane fizickog odnosno pravnog lica sa prebivalistem odnosno sjedistem u Crnoj Gori, kojom je prijavljen pronalazak od znacaja za odbranu iii bezbjednost Crne Gore.
2) Prijava iz stava 1 ovog clana podnosi se iskljucivo organu drzavne uprave nadleznom za poslove odbrane.

Postupak po prijavi

Clan 125

(1) Ako organ drzavne uprave nadlezan za poslove odbrane u postupku ispitivanja podnesene prijave patenta utvrdi da je prijava izgubila svojstvo povjerljivosti, dostavice prijavu patenta nadleznom organu.
(2) Prijava patenta dostavljena nadleznom organu u skladu sa stavom 1 ovog clana,
kao datum podnosenja zadrzava dan kada je podnesena organu drzavne uprave nadleznom za poslove odbrane.


Postupak nakon priznanja patenta

Clan 126

(1) Ako organ dr!avne uprave nadlezan za poslove odbrane, poslije priznanja patenta za povjerljivi pronalazak, utvrdi da je taj pronalazak prestao da bude povjerljiv, dostavi6e nadleznom organu spise predmeta koji se odnosi na taj pronalazak.
(2) U slucaju iz stava 1 ovog clana nadlezni organ 6e upisati patent u odgovaraju6i
registar, objaviti podatke o priznatom pravu i nosiocu prava izdati odgovaraju6u ispravu, u skladu sa ovim zakonom.

Pravo koriscenja

Clan 127

(1) lskljucivo pravo da koristi povjerljivi pronalazak i da raspolaze tim pronalaskom ima organ drzavne uprave nadlezan za poslove odbrane, odnosno unutrasnje poslove.
(2) Za zasti6eni povjerljivi pronalazak pronalazac ima pravo na jednokratnu naknadu, bez obzira na to da li se pronalazak primjenjuje.

Objava povjerljivog pronalaska i zastita u inostranstvu

Clan 128

(1) Povjerljivi pronalazak se ne objavljuje.
(2) Zastitu povjerljivog pronalaska u inostranstvu fizicko lice sa sjedistem odnosno pravno lice sa prebivalistem u Crnoj Gori moze traziti samo po odobrenju organa drzavne uprave nadleznog za poslove odbrane.


Pojam pronalaska iz radnog odnosa

Clan 129

Pronalaskom iz radnog odnosa smatra se pronalazak koji:
1) zaposleni stvori izvrsavaju6i redovne radne obaveze iii posebno nalozene zadatke u vezi sa naucno-tehnickim istrazivanjem i razvojem, kao i pronalazak koji nastane u izvrsavanju ugovora o istrazivackom radu zakljucenog sa poslodavcem;
2) nije obuhva6en tackom 1 ovog stava, a koji zaposleni stvori u vezi s aktivnostima
poslodavca iii koris6enjem materijalno-tehnickih sredstava, informacija i drugih uslova koje je obezbijedio poslodavac;
3) zaposleni stvori u roku od godinu dana od dana prestanka radnog odnosa, a koji bi, da je stvoren u toku radnog odnosa, bio pronalazak u smislu tac. 1 iii 2 ovog clana.


Pravo na zastitu

Clan 130

(1) Pravo na zastitu pronalaska iz clana 129 tacka 1 ovog zakona ima poslodavac, ako ugovorom izmedu zaposlenog i poslodavca nije drukcije uredeno.
(2) Ako je pronalazak iz radnog odnosa zasti6en na ime poslodavca, zaposlenom
pripadaju moralna prava u vezi sa tim pronalaskom, kao i pravo na naknadu zavisno od efekata ekonomskog iskoriscavanja pronalaska.
(3) Zaposlenom pripada pravo na naknadu iz stava 2 ovog clana i u slucaju kada
poslodavac prenese pravo iii ustupi licencu za iskoris6avanje zasti6enog pronalaska na trece lice.

Dodatna prava

Clan 131

(1) Pravo na zastitu pronalaska iz clana 129 tacka 2 ovog zakona ima zaposleni, s tim sto poslodavac ima pravo ekonomskog iskoriscavanja pronalaska, uz obavezu da zaposlenom isplati naknadu u skladu sa ugovorom koji zakljuce povodom tog pronalaska.
(2) lzuzetno od stava 1 ovog clana, ako pronalazak obuhvati neku od proizvodnih
tajni poslodavca kod koga je pronalazac zaposlen, poslodavac ima pravo da sprijeci objavljivanje pronalaska, uz obavezu da zaposlenom isplati naknadu, a zaposleni nema pravo da pronalazak prijavi radi zastite.

Naknada zaposlenom

Clan 132

(1) Kriterijumi za utvrdivanje visine naknade, nacin i vrijeme placanja naknade odreduju se ugovorom kojim se ureduje radnopravni odnos izmedu poslodavca i zaposlenog, posebnim ugovorom koji poslodavac i zaposleni zakljuce povodom pronalaska iii opstim aktom.
(2) U slucaju spora o visini, nacinu i vremenu pla6anja naknade odlucuje nadlezni sud, na zahtjev zaposlenog iii poslodavca, uzimaju6i u obzir doprinos tog pronalaska povecanju dobiti, odnosno stvaranju usteda poslodavcu.
(3) Zaposleni se ne moze unaprijed odreci svog prava na naknadu.

Postupanje zaposlenog

Clan 133

(1) Zaposleni koji stvori pronalazak u radnom odnosu duzan je da odmah po nastanku pronalaska poslodavcu podnese pisani izvjestaj kojim ga obavjestava o pronalasku.


(2) Ako izvjestaj iz stava 1 ovog clana ne sadrzi propisane elemente, poslodavac ce odrediti primjeren rok u kome zaposleni treba da otkloni nedostatke u izvjestaju.
(3) Sadrzina izvjestaja iz stava 1 ovog clana utvrduje se propisom Ministarstva.


Clan 134

(1) Poslodavac je duzan da u roku od dva mjeseca od dana prijema urednog izvjestaja iz clana 133 ovog zakona, zaposlenog u pisanoj formi obavijesti da li smatra da pronalazak pripada vrsti pronalazaka iz clana 129 tac. 1 iii 2 ovog zakona.
(2) Ako zaposleni propusti da podnese poslodavcu izvjestaj u smislu clana 133 ovog zakona, rok iz stava 1 ovog clana tece od dana saznanja poslodavca za pronalazak.

Podnosenje prijave

Clan 135

(1) Ako je u pitanju pronalazak iz clana 129 tacka 1 ovog zakona, poslodavac je duzan da u obavjestenju iz clana 134 ovog zakona obavijesti zaposlenog da li ce podnijeti prijavu patenta.
(2) Ako poslodavac izjavi, u skladu sa stavom 1 ovog clana, da ce podnijeti prijavu
patenta, duzan je da prije podnosenja prijave patenta upozna zaposlenog sa sadrzinom prijave patenta, a u toku postupka po prijavi patenta i sa svim aktima nadleznog organa i sadrzinom svih podnesaka prije njihovog podnosenja nadleznom organu.
(3) Zaposleni je duzan da poslodavcu pruzi sve informacije neophodne u postupku zastite pronalaska.
(4) Ako poslodavac ne zeli da podnese prijavu patenta, a ocijeni da pronalazak ne obuhvata neku od proizvodnih tajni u smislu clana 131 ovog zakona, duzan je da o tome, u roku iz clana 134 ovog zakona, u pisanoj formi obavijesti zaposlenog koji ima pravo da navedeni pronalazak zastiti na svoje ime.
(5) Ako poslodavac odustane od vee podnesene prijave patenta, duzan je da o tome u pisanoj formi obavijesti zaposlenog i na njega prenese prava iz prijave patenta.
(6) U pogledu ekonomskog iskoriscavanja pronalazaka iz st. 4 i 5 ovog clana,
shodno se primjenjuju odredbe cl. 131 i 138 ovog zakona.

Prava zaposlenog u slucaju propustanja roka

Clan 136

U slucaju propustanja roka iz clana 134 ovog zakona, zaposleni ima pravo da navedeni pronalazak zastiti na svoje ime.


Obaveze zaposlenog

Clan 137

(1) Zaposleni koji stvori pronalazak iz clana 129 tacka 2 ovog zakona ne moze podnijeti prijavu patenta nadleznom organu prije prijema obavjestenja iz clana 134 ovog zakona, odnosno prije isteka roka za davanje tog obavjestenja.
(2) Ako zaposleni iz stava 1 ovog clana odustane od vee podnesene prijave patenta,
duzan je da o tome u pisanoj formi obavijesti poslodavca i na njega prenese pravo iz prijave patenta.

lzjasnjenje poslodavca

Clan 138

(1) Poslodavac je duzan da u roku od sest mjeseci od dana prijema urednog izvjestaja o pronalasku iz clana 133 ovog zakona obavijesti zaposlenog da li je zainteresovan za sticanje iskljucive licence u vezi sa primjenom pronalaska zastieenog na ime zaposlenog.
(2) Do isteka roka iz stava 1 ovog clana, zaposleni nema pravo da na trece lice prenese pravo na pronalazak iii da trecem lieu ustupi licencu za iskoriscavanje pronalaska.

Otpocinjanje koriscenja pronalaska

Clan 139

Koriscenje pronalaska iz radnog odnosa ne moze otpoceti prije regulisanja pitanja naknade iz clana 132 ovog zakona, odnosno prije pravosnaznosti odluke nadleznog suda.

Obaveza cuvanja tajne

Clan 140

(1) Poslodavac i zaposleni duzni su da cuvaju tajnost pronalaska stvorenog u radnom odnosu dok prijava patenta ne bude objavljena iii pronalazak ne postane na drugi nacin dostupan javnosti.
(2) Ako poslodavac istakne opravdani interes da se pronalazak ne objavljuje, obaveza zaposlenog da cuva tajnost pronalaska traje i nakon prestanka radnog odnosa kod tog poslodavca.



Prosirenje dejstva evropskih patenata

Clan 141

(1) Evropska prijava patenta i evropski patent koji su prosireni na Crnu Goru, pod uslovima odreaenim ovim zakonom, imaju isto pravno dejstvo kao i nacionalna prijava patenta i nacionalni patent.
(2) U smislu stava 1 ovog clana i cl. 142 do 150 i clana 153 ovog zakona:
1) "evropska prijava patenta" je prijava evropskog patenta podnijeta na osnovu Konvencije o evropskom patentu (u daljem tekstu: Konvencija), kao i meaunarodna prijava podnijeta na osnovu Ugovora o saradnji u oblasti patenata (u daljem tekstu: Ugovor), za koje Evropski patentni zavod obavlja poslove kao naznaeeni iii izabrani zavod i u kojoj je naznacena Crna Gora;
2) "prosireni evropski patent" je evropski patent priznat od strane Evropskog
patentnog zavoda na osnovu evropske prijave patenta za koju je zahtijevano prosirenje na
Crnu Goru;
3) "nacionalna prijava patenta" je prijava patenta podnijeta nadleznom organu na
osnovu ovog zakona;
4) "nacionalni patent" je patent priznat na osnovu nacionalne prijave patenta.

Zahtjev za prosirenje

Clan 142

(1) Evropska prijava patenta i evropski patent priznat na osnovu te prijave bice prosireni na Crnu Goru na zahtjev podnosioca prijave.
(2) Smatrace se da je zahtjev za prosirenje iz stava 1 ovog clana podnijet sa svakom
evropskom prijavom patenta podnijetom na dan iii nakon stupanja na snagu Sporazuma izmeau Vlade Crne Gore i Evropske patentne organizacije o prosirenju evropskih patenata (u daljem tekstu: Sporazum o prosirenju).
(3) Nadlezni organ objavice u sluzbenom glasilu svaki zahtjev za prosirenje, sto je
prije moguce, nakon prijema obavjestenja od Evropskog patentnog zavoda da je placena propisana taksa za prosirenje, ali ne prije isteka roka od 18 mjeseci od datuma podnosenja iii, ako je zatrazeno pravo prvenstva, od najranijeg datuma prvenstva.
(4) Zahtjev za prosirenje maze biti povucen u bile koje vrijeme.
(5) Zahtjev za prosirenje smatra se povucenim ako propisana taksa za prosirenje nije placena u roku iii ako je evropska prijava patenta konacno odbijena, povucena iii se smatra povucenom.
(6) Nadlezni organ ce u sluzbenom glasilu objaviti promjene iz st. 4 i 5 ovog clana,
sto je prije moguce, ako je zahtjev za prosirenje vee objavljen u skladu sa stavom 3 ovog clana.
(7) Sadrzina objave u skladu sa st. 3 do 6 ovog clana ureauje se propisom


Taksa za prosirenje

Clan 143

(1) Taksa za prosirenje iz clana 142 ovog zakona, piaca se Evropskom patentnom zavodu u roku od sest mjeseci od datuma koji je u Evropskom patentnom biltenu naveden kao datum objavijivanja evropskog izvjestaja istrazivanja, iii, kada je to primjenjivo, u periodu za izvrsenje radnji za stupanje u evropsku fazu medunarodne prijave iz clana 141 slav 2 tacka 1 ovog zakona.
(2) Taksa za prosirenje moze biti piacena u dodatnom roku od dva mjeseca od isteka
roka iz stava 1 ovog ciana, pod usiovom da se u tom roku plati u iznosu vetem za 50%.
(3) Na piacanje taksi za prosirenje shodno se primjenjuju pravila koja su utvrdena od
Evropskog patentnog zavoda iz stava 1 ovog ciana.
(4) Takse piacene u skladu sa stavom 3 ovog ciana ne vracaju se.

Dejstva evropskih prijava patenata

Clan 144

(1) Evropska prijava patenta kojoj je priznat datum podnosenja, istovjetna je urednoj nacionainoj prijavi patenta sa pravom prvenstva zatrazenim za evropsku prijavu patenta, bez obzira na ishod postupka po prijavi.
(2) Objavijena evropska prijava patenta obezbjeduje podnosiocu prijave jednaka
prava kao i objavijena nacionalna prijava patenta, od datuma kad podnosilac prijave dostavi prevod patentnih zahtjeva objavljene evropske prijave patenta na crnogorskom jeziku lieu koje koristi taj pronaiazak u Crnoj Gori.
(3) Ako je zahtjev za prosirenje povucen iii se smatra povucenim, smatra se da
evropska prijava patenta od pocetka nije imala dejstva iz stava 2 ovog ciana.

Dejstva prosirenih evropskih patenata

Clan 145

(1) Prosireni evropski patent, pod usiovima iz st. 2 do 6 ovog clana, obezbjeduje, od datuma kad je od Evropskog patentnog zavoda objavijen podatak o priznanju evropskog patenta, jednaka prava kao i nacionaini patent u skiadu sa ovim zakonom.
(2) U roku od tri mjeseca od dana objavljivanja podataka o priznanju evropskog
patenta, nosilac patenta je du.Zan da dostavi nadieznom organu prevod patentnih zahtjeva evropskog patenta na crnogorskom jeziku i piati propisanu naknadu posebnih troskova objavijivanja i stampanja prevoda patentnih zahtjeva priznatog evropskog patenta.
(3) Ako, kao rezuitat postupka po prigovoru iii zahtjeva za ogranicenje patenta
izjavljenog Evropskom patentnom zavodu, evropski patent ostane na snazi sa izmijenjenim patentnim zahtjevima, nosiiac patenta je duzan da, u roku od tri mjeseca od datuma objavljivanja podataka o odluci da evropski patent sa izmjenama ostaje na snazi, dostavi nadleznom organu prevod izmijenjenih patentnih zahtjeva na crnogorskom jeziku i plati propisanu naknadu posebnih troskova objavljivanja.


(4) Ako tekst patentnih zahtjeva sadrzi pozivanje na oznake koje se koriste na crtezima, ti crtezi !reba da budu prilozeni uz prevod iz st. 2 i 3 ovog clana.
(5) Nadlezni organ je duzan da u sluzbenom glasilu objavi svaki prevod
blagovremeno podnijet u skladu sa st. 2 iii 3 ovog clana.
(6) Ako prevod iz st. 2 iii 3 ovog clana nije podnijet blagovremeno iii propisana naknada posebnih troskova nije placena u odredenom roku, prosireni evropski patent smatra se nevazecim od pocetka.
(7) Prosireni evropski patent i prijava evropskog patenta od pocetka nemaju dejstvo iz stava 1 ovog clana i clana 144 slav 2 ovog zakona u obimu u kojem je patent ponisten u postupku po prigovoru iii u postupku za centralno ponistenje patenta iii je patent ogranicen u postupku za ogranicavanje pred Evropskim patentnim zavodom.
(8) Nadlezni organ donosi rjesenje o upisu prosirenog evropskog patenta u Registar
(9) Podaci koji se objavljuju u skladu sa st. 2 i 3 ovog clana ureduju se propisom

Autenticni tekst evropskih prijava patenata iii evropskih patenata

Clan 146

(1) Tekst evropske prijave patenta iii evropskog patenta sacinjen na jeziku postupka koji se vodi u Evropskom patentnom zavodu autentican je u bilo kom postupku koji se vodi u Crnoj Gori.
(2) lzuzetno od stava 1 ovog clana, prevod dostavljen na osnovu clana 144 slav 2 iii
clana 145 st. 2 i 3 ovog zakona smatra se autenticnim, osim u postupku oglasavanja nistavim, kada prijava iii patent na jeziku prevoda obezbjeduje zastitu koja je uza od zastite koja je data na jeziku postupka.
(3) Podnosilac prijave iii nosilac prosirenog evropskog patenta moze u bilo koje
vrijeme podnijeti ispravljeni prevod patentnih zahtjeva evropske prijave patenta iii evropskog patenta.
(4) lspravljeni prevod patentnih zahtjeva objavljene evropske prijave patenta nema
pravno dejstvo dok o tome ne bude obavijesteno lice koje u Crnoj Gori koristi pronalazak.
(5) lspravljeni prevod patentnog zahtjeva prosirenog evropskog patenta nema pravno dejstvo dok nadlezni organ ne objavi podatak da je prevod ispravljen, sto je moguce prije, nakon placanja propisane naknade za objavljivanje.
(6) Svako savjesno lice koje koristi iii je ucinilo efektivne i ozbiljne pripreme za
koriscenje pronalaska, a cije koriscenje ne bi predstavljalo povredu prava iz prijave iii patenta u prvobitnom prevodu, moze nakon pocetka pravnog dejstva ispravljenog prevoda, nastaviti to koriscenje, u okviru svog posla iii za potrebe svog poslovanja, bez placanja naknade.

Prava ranijeg datuma

Clan 147

(1) Evropska prijava patenta za koju je placena taksa za prosirenje i prosireni evropski patent imaju, u odnosu na nacionalnu prijavu patenta i nacionalni patent, isla dejstva u pogledu stanja tehnike kao i nacionalna prijava patenta i nacionalni patent.


(2) Nacionalna prijava patenta i nacionalni patent imaju, u odnosu na prosireni evropski patent, isto dejstvo u pogledu stanja tehnike koji imaju u odnosu na nacionalni patent.

lstovremena zastita

Clan 148

Ako prosireni evropski patent i nacionalni patent imaju isti datum podnosenja iii, ako je zatrazeno pravo prvenstva, a isti datum prvenstva je priznat istom lieu iii njegovom pravnom sljedbeniku, nacionalni patent nema pravno dejstvo u mjeri u kojoj obuhvata isti pronalazak kao i prosireni evropski patent, od dana od kada je rok za podnosenje prigovora na evropski patent istekao, a prigovor nije podnijet, iii od dana od kada je u postupku po prigovoru donijeta konacna odluka da evropski patent ostaje na snazi.

Takse za odriavanje prosirenih evropskih patenata

Clan 149

(1) Takse za odrzavanje prava iz prosirenog evropskog patenta placaju se nadleznom organu za godine koje slijede nakon godine u kojoj je objavljen podatak o priznanju evropskog patenta.
(2) Na placanje takse za odrzavanje prava iz stava 1 ovog clana, shodno se
primjenjuju odredbe clana 141 stav 2 Konvencije.

Primjena Konvencije

Clan 150

Na evropsku prijavu patenta i prosireni evropski patent, ne primjenjuje se Konvencija i propisi donijeti za njenu primjenu ako drukcije nije propisano ovim zakonom.


Primjena Ugovora o saradnji u oblasti patenata

Clan 151

(1) Mec!unarodna prijava je prijava koja se podnosi u skladu sa Ugovorom.
(2) Svako pozivanje na Ugovor u ovom zakonu smatra se istovremeno i pozivanjem i na Pravilnik za primjenu Ugovora.


Organ primalac medunarodnih prijava
Clan 152
(1) Medunarodna prijava podnosi se Medunarodnom birou Svjetske organizacije za intelektualnu svojinu kao organu primaocu u skladu sa Ugovorom.
(2) Medunarodna prijava moze se podnijeti i nadleznom organu kao prijemnom zavodu ako je podnosilac prijave drzavljanin Crne Gore iii fizicko lice koje u Crnoj Gori ima odobreno stalno nastanjenje iii pravno lice koje ima sjediste u Crnoj Gori.
(3) Za podnosenje medunarodne prijave iz stava 2 ovog clana placa se administrativna taksa i naknada posebnih troskova postupka za prosljedivanje Medunarodnom birou iz stava 1 ovog clana, u rokovima predvidenim Pravilnikom za primjenu Ugovora i Administrativnim uputstvima prema Ugovoru.
(4) Nacin podnosenja prijave iz stava 2 ovog clana ureduje se propisom Ministarstva.
Evropski patentni zavod kao naznaceni iii izabrani zavod
Clan 153
Medunarodna prijava u kojoj je Crna Gora u skladu sa Ugovorom, naznacena iii izabrana radi priznanja nacionalnog patenta smatra se zahtjevom za prosirenje evropskog patenta na Crnu Goru u smislu ovog zakona, a Evropski patentni zavod djelovace kao naznaceni iii izabrani zavod u skladu sa Ugovorom.
Evropski patentni zavod kao organ za medunarodno pretrazivanje i medunarodno prethodno ispitivanje
Clan 154
Evropski patentni zavod postupa kao organ za medunarodno pretrazivanje i prethodno ispitivanje medunarodnih prijava podnijetih u skladu sa clanom 152 ovog zakona.
Uslovi za zastupanje i upis u Registar zastupnika
Clan 155

(1) U Registar zastupnika mogu se upisati fizicka iica koja su crnogorski drzavljani, sa prebivaiistem na teritoriji Crne Gore, sa znanjem jednog svjetskog jezika, i koji se zastupanjem bave u vidu zanimanja i ispunjavaju jedan od sljedecih uslova:
1) imaju zavrsen pravni fakultet iii fakultet tehnicke struke i polozen poseban strucni ispit pred nadleznim organom;
2) imaju zavrsen pravni fakultet iii fakultet tehnicke struke i najmanje pet godina radnog iskustva na poslovima patenata u nadleznom organu.


(2) U Registar zastupnika mogu se upisati pravna lica sa sjedistem u Crnoj Gori koja zaposljavaju najmanje jedno lice sa zavrsenim pravnim fakultetom i jedno lice sa zavrsenim fakultetom tehnicke struke koja ispunjavaju uslove iz stava 1 ovog clana.
(3) Za upis u Registar zastupnika pla6a se propisana administrativna taksa.
(4) Strucni ispit iz stava 1 ovog clana polaze se pred komisijom nadleznog organa.
(5) Program i nacin polaganja strucnog ispita, sastav komisije, visina naknade troskova polaganja strucnog ispita i sadrzaj Registra zastupnika utvrduju se propisom Ministarstva.

Brisanje zastupnika iz Registra zastupnika

Clan 156

Zastupnik se brise iz Registra zastupnika:
1) na licni zahtjev;
2) ako muse pravosnaznom odlukom suda zabrani obavljanje djelatnosti zastupanja; i
3) ako je osuden na bezuslovnu kaznu zatvora duzu od sest mjeseci, o cemu je duzan da obavijesti nadlezni organ.


Organi nadlezni za inspekcijski nadzor

Clan 157

(1) Nadzor nad sprovodenjem ovog zakona i propisa koji su donijeti na osnovu ovog zakona vrsi Ministarstvo.
(2) lnspekcijski nadzor nad sprovodenjem ovog zakona vrsi organ uprave nadlezan za poslove inspekcijskog nadzora.

Postupak inspekcijskog nadzora

Clan 158

(1) Na pitanja inspekcijskog nadzora koja ovim zakonom nijesu posebno uredena primjenjuju se odredbe zakona kojim je ureden inspekcijski nadzor.
(2) Postupak inspekcijskog nadzora pokrece se po sluzbenoj duznosti iii na pisani zahtjev nosioca patenta (u daljem tekstu: zahtjev) iii lica koja ima njegovo ovlas6enje za
podnosenje zahtjeva na osnovu opstih pravila o zastupanju.
(3) Zahtjev iz stava 2 ovog clana moze biti pojedinacan, kada se odnosi na odredenu vrstu i kolicinu robe, iii opsti, kada se odnosi na sve kolicine odredene robe za odredeni vremenski period.


(4) Zahtjev iz stava 1 ovog clana narocito sadrzi podatke na osnovu kojih se maze identifikovati roba kojom se vrsi povreda patenta, kao i dokaz da je podnosilac zahtjeva nosilac patenta, a ako se radi o opstem zahtjevu i vremenski period na koji se zahtjev odnosi.

Obezbjedenje, troskovi postupka i naknada stete

Clan 159

(1) Kada se u postupku inspekcijskog nadzora ocijeni da je izvrsena povreda patenta, nadlezni inspektor je duzan da preduzme upravne mjere i radnje koje su uredene zakonom kojim se ureduje inspekcijski nadzor.
(2) Ako ocijeni da je obzirom na okolnosti slucaja to opravdano, nadlezni inspektor
maze, u postupku pokrenutom po zahtjevu, odredivanje mjera iz stava 1 ovog clana usloviti davanjem odgovarajuceg obezbjedenja podnosioca zahtjeva u svrhu naknade troskova cuvanja privremeno oduzete robe iii stele koja nastane zbog propusta podnosioca zahtjeva iii neosnovanog oduzimanja predmeta.
(3) Troskovi postupka pokrenutog po zahtjevu nosioca patenta koji se povoljno okoncao po subjekat nadzora padaju na teret podnosioca zahtjeva.
(4) Nadlezni inspektor nije odgovoran za naknadu stele koja nastane zbog neosnovanog privremenog oduzimanja robe po zahtjevu nosioca prava.
(5) Ukoliko se utvrdi da je roba po zahtjevu nosioca prava oduzeta neosnovano, podnosilac zahljeva duzan je da vlasniku robe, odnosno lieu od kojeg je roba oduzeta nadoknadi stetu zbog privremenog oduzimanja robe.



Clan 160

(1) Novcanom kaznom u iznosu od 1.500 Eur-a do 20.000 Eur-a kaznice se za prekrsaj pravno lice koje bez saglasnosti:
1) proizvodi, upotrebljava, nudi na prodaju, stavlja u promet, izvozi, uvozi iii skladisti za te svrhe proizvod koji je izraden prema zasticenom pronalasku (clan 49 tacka 1);
2) primjenjuje postupak koji je zasticen patentom (clan 49 tacka 2);
3) nudi postupak koji je zasticen patentom (clan 49 tacka 3);
4) proizvodi, nudi, stavlja u promet, upotrebljava, izvozi, uvozi iii skladisti za te svrhe proizvod direktno dobijen postupkom koji je zasticen patentom (clan 49 tacka 4);
5) nudi i isporucuje proizvode koji cine bitne elemente pronalaska licima koja nijesu
ovlascena za koriscenje tog pronalaska, ako je ponua:acu iii isporuciocu poznato iii mu je iz okolnosti slucaja moralo biti poznato da je taj proizvod namijenjen za primjenu tua:eg pronalaska (clan 49 tacka 5).
(2} Za prekrsaj iz stava 1 ovog clana kaznice se fizicko lice i odgovorno lice u pravnom lieu novcanom kaznom u iznosu od 500 Eur-a do 2.000 Eur-a.
(3) Za prekrsaj iz stava 1 ovog clana kaznice se preduzetnik novcanom kaznom u iznosu od 1.300 Eur-a do 6.000 Eur-a.


(4) Predmeti koji su pretezno bili namijenjeni iii korisceni za izvrsenje prekrsaja iii koji su nastali izvrsenjem prekrsaja iz st. 1, 2 i 3 ovog clana, oduzece se i unistiti, bez obzira da li su svojina ucinioca.


Clan 161

(1) Patente, registrovane i upisane u Registar patenata Zavada za intelektualnu svojinu Srbije i erne Gore (u daljem tekstu: Zavod seG) do 3. juna 2006. godine, odnosno u Registar patenata Zavada za intelektualnu svojinu Srbije (u daljem tekstu: Zavod Srbije) prije
28. maja 2008. godine, za koje je nadlezni organ izdao uvjerenja o vazenju patenta u fermi zabiljeske na kopiji uvjerenja izdatog od strane Zavada SeG, odnosno Zavada Srbije i za koje su nosioci prava placali taksu za odrzavanje nadleznom organu, kao i patente, za koje su njihovi nosioci same placali taksu za odrzavanje prava u ernoj Gori, nadlezni organ ce
upisati u Registar patenata bez podnosenja posebnog zahtjeva, u roku od sest mjeseci od dana stupanja na snagu ovog zakona i nosiocu patenta izdati rjesenje o upisu.
(2) Patente iz stava 1 ovog clana, za koje nosioci prava nijesu placali taksu za odrzavanje u ernoj Gori vaze u ernoj Gori ako njihovi nosioci podnesu zahtjev za upis u Registar patenata, u roku od sest mjeseci od dana stupanja na snagu ovog zakona i plate propisanu !aksu odrzavanja u skladu sa propisom kojim se ureduju administrativne takse.
(3) Patente iz stava 2 ovog clana, nadlezni organ ce upisati u Registar patenata u
roku od sest mjeseci od dana podnosenja zahtjeva pod uslovom da je placena propisana administrativna taksa i nosiocu patenta izdati rjesenje o upisu.
(4) Pravo na patent iz st. 1 i 2 ovog clana utvrduje se na osnovu uvjerenja Zavada


Priznata prava po osnovu prijave evropskog patenta i evropskih patenata

Clan 162

(1) Evropski patenti sa dejstvom u drzavnoj zajednici Srbija i erna Gora, odnosno u Republici Srbiji, registrovani na osnovu prijave evropskog patenta podnijete do 3. juna 2006. godine, iii kasnije, ali prije stupanja na snagu Sporazuma o saradnji i prosirenju izmedu erne Gore i Evropske patentne organizacije za koje su njihovi nosioci platili taksu odrzavanja nadleznom organu, vaze u ernoj Gori, bez podnosenja posebnog zahtjeva za upis u Registar patenata.
(2) Evropski patenti sa dejstvom u drzavnoj zajednici Srbija i erna Gora, odnosno u
Republici Srbiji, registrovani na osnovu prijave evropskog patenta podnijete do 3. juna 2006. godine, iii kasnije, ali prije stupanja na snagu Sporazuma o saradnji i prosirenju izmedu erne Gore i Evropske patentne organizacije za koje je nadleznom organu podnijet zahtjev za upis u Registar patenata do stupanja na snagu ovog zakona i za koje je placena taksa odrzavanja, upisace se u Registar patenata u skladu sa ovim zakonom.


(3) Evropske patente iz st. 1 i 2 ovog clana nadlezni organ ce upisati u Registar patenata u roku od sest mjeseci od dana stupanja na snagu ovog zakona i nosiocu patenta izdati rjesenje o upisu.

(4) Evropski patenti sa dejstvom u drzavnoj zajednici Srbija i Crna Gora, odnosno u

Republici Srbiji, registrovani na osnovu prijave evropskog patenta podnijete do 3. juna 2006. godine, iii kasnije, ali prije stupanja na snagu Sporazuma o saradnji i prosirenju izmeau Crne Gore i Evropske patentne organizacije za koje njihovi nosioci nijesu podnijeli zahtjev nadleznom organu ni platili !aksu odrzavanja do stupanja na snagu ovog zakona, vaze u Crnoj Gori pod uslovom da njihovi nosioci u roku od sest mjeseci od dana stupanja na snagu ovog zakona podnesu zahtjev za upis u Registar patenata i plate !aksu odrzavanja.

(5) Uz zahtjev iz stava 4 ovog clana prilaze se prevod patentnih zahtjeva podnijetih

Zavodu SCG, odnosno Zavodu Srbije i original uvjerenja Zavoda Srbije, kao i dokaz o placenoj taksi, u skladu sa propisom o administrativnim taksama.

(6) Pravo na evropski patent utvrauje se na osnovu rjesenja o upisu u Registar patenata Zavoda SCG, odnosno Zavoda Srbije iii uvjerenja Zavoda Srbije.

Vazeci patenti

Clan 163

Registrovani patenti koj'1 vaze do dana stupanja na snagu ovog zakona, ostaju i dalje na snazi i na njih ce se primenjivati odredbe ovog zakona.

Zapoceti postupci

Clan 164

Postupci zapoceti po Zakonu o patentima ("Siuzbeni list CG, broj 66/08), do dana stupanja na snagu ovog zakona okoncace se po tom zakonu.

Rok za donosenje podzakonskih akata

Clan 165

(1) Podzakonski akti za sprovoaenje ovog zakona donijece se u roku od sest mjeseci od dana stupanja na snagu ovog zakona.

(2) Do donosenja propisa iz stava 1 ovog Clana primjenjivace se Uredba o postupku

za pravnu zastitu pronalazaka (,Siuzbeni list SCG", broj 62/04), ako nije u suprotnosti sa ovim zakonom.

Odlozena primjena

Clan 166

Odredbe clana 54 slav 2, cl. 62 do 76, cl. 87 do 99 clana 102 ovog zakona primjenjivace se od dana pristupanja Crne Gore Evropskoj uniji.


Prestanak vazenja

Clan 167

(1) Danom stupanja na snagu ovog zakona prestaje da vazi Zakon o patentima
("Siuzbeni list CG", broj 66/08).
(2) Danom stupanja na snagu ovog zakona prestaje da vazi clan 4 slav 1 tacka 7 i clan 24 Zakona o primjeni propisa kojima se ureduje zastita prava intelektualne svojine (,Siuzbeni list RCG", broj 45/05), clan 45 Zakona o izmjenama i dopunama zakona kojima su propisane novcane kazne za prekrsaje ("Siuzbeni list CG", broj 40/11), i cl. 3 do 5 i cl. 15 do
20 Uredbe o obezbjedivanju primjene prava iz oblasti intelektualne svojine (,Siuzbeni list
RCG", broj 61/07 i "Siuzbeni list CG", broj 70/08).

Stupanje na snagu

Clan 168

Ovaj zakon stupa na snagu osmog dana od dana objavljivanja u "Siuzbenom listu
Crne Gore".
Broj 07-2/15-1/9
Podgorica, 16. jul2015. godina


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Law No. 07-2/15-1/9 of July 16, 2015, on Patents



Article 1

This Law shall regulate the conditions for legal protection of patent. Patent is legally protected invention.

Territorial effect

Article 2

This Law shall also apply to the sea and submarine areas adjacent to the territory of Montenegro in which Montenegro exercises sovereign rights or jurisdiction in accordance with international law.

Equal treatment of foreign and national entitles

Article 3

(1) Foreign legal and natural persons shall, in relation to the registration and protection of inventions in Montenegro, enjoy the same rights as national legal and natural persons, where such rights derive from international agreements or from the principle of reciprocity.
(2) The reciprocity under Article 1 shall be proved by the person who claims that it exists.


Article 4

(1) In the proceedings before the administrative authority competent for intellectual property affairs (hereinafter: competent authority), a foreign legal or natural person, which has no headquarters, or approved permanent or temporary residence in Montenegro, must be represented by a legal or natural person listed in the Register of Representatives kept by the competent authority (hereinafter: representative), or by an attorney enlisted in the Directory of the Bar Association of Montenegro.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 above, foreign legal or natural person can independently without representation:
1) file an application for a patent (hereinafter: patent application), and take actions related to the accordance of the filing date of the patent application,
2) file copies of the first patent application when claiming priority referred to in Article 32 of this
3) pay administrative fees and expenses of the proceedings provided for in this Law, and
4) receive notification from the competent authority in relation to proceedings referred to in items 1 to 3 of this paragraph.
(3) In the event of taking action under paragraph 2 of this Article, a foreign natural or legal person shall submit to the competent authority an address in the territory of Montenegro for the receipt of the documents.
(4) The competent authority shall invite in writing a foreign legal or natural person who fails to appoint the representative or to submit the address for the receipt of documents in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article, to appoint a representative or submit the address for the receipt of documents within three months from the day of receipt of the invitation.
(5) If a foreign legal or natural person fails to comply with the invitation referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article, the competent authority shall reject the submission, and the submission shall be made public via the notice board of the competent authority.
(6) Notwithstanding paragraph 1 of this Article, the maintenance fee of the rights of the patent application and granted patent may be paid by any person in the name and on behalf of the applicant, or the patent holder.


Article 5

(1) A patent is legally protected invention in any field of technology. Patent enjoys legal protection if it is new, involves an inventive step and if it is susceptible of industrial application.
(2) The subject matter of an invention protected by a patent may be a product (e.g. a device, substance, composition) or a process.
(3) The subject matter protected by a patent may also be related to:
1) a product consisting of or containing biological material;
2) a process by means of which biological material is produced, processed or used;
3) a biological material isolated from its natural environment or produced by means of a technical process, even if it previously occurred in nature.
(4) For the purpose of this Law, biological material shall mean any material containing genetic information and capable of reproducing itself or being reproduced in a biological system (e.g. micro- organisms, plant and animal cell cultures, sequence of genes).
(5) The following, in particular, shall not be regarded as inventions, within the meaning of this Law:
1) discoveries, scientific theories and mathematical methods;
2) aesthetic creations;
3) schemes, rules and methods for performing mental acts, playing games or doing business;
4) computer programs, and
5) presentations of information.
(6) The provisions of paragraph 5 of this Article shall exclude patentability of subject matter or activities only to the extent to which the application for a patent or a patent relate to the subject matter or activity as such.

Patentability of Human Body and its Elements

Article 6

(1) Inventions relating to the human body, at the various stages of its formation and development, and the simple discovery of one of its elements, including the sequence or partial sequence of a gene, cannot be patentable.
(2) An element isolated from the human body or otherwise produced by means of a technical process, including the sequence or partial sequence of a gene, may be patentable, even if the structure of that element is identical to that of a natural element.
(3) The industrial application of a sequence or a partial sequence of a gene must be disclosed in the patent application on the day of its filing.

Exceptions to Patentability

Article 7

(1) The following shall not be patentable:
1) inventions the commercial use of which would be contrary to ordre public or morality, particularly in respect of:
-processes for cloning human beings;
-processes for modifying the germ line genetic identity of human beings;
-uses of human embryos for industrial or commercial purposes;
-processes for modifying the genetic identity of animals which are likely to cause them suffering without any substantial medical benefit to man or animal, and also animals resulting from such processes;
2) inventions concerning methods for treatment by surgery or diagnostic methods or therapy practiced directly on the human or animal body, except products, in particular substances or compositions, for use in any of these methods;
3) a plant or animal variety or an essentially biological process for the production of a plant or animal, except:

a biotechnological invention concerning a plant or animal, if the technical feasibility of the invention is not confined to a particular plant or animal variety;

a microbiological or other technical process, or a product obtained by means of such process other than a plant or animal variety.

(2) It shall not be considered that the use of Paragraph 1, Item 1 of this Article is contrary to ordre public or morality merely because such use is prohibited by law or regulation.
(3) For the purposes of this Law:
1) plant variety shall have the meaning laid down in the law governing the protection of new plant varieties;
2) an essentially biological process for the production of plants or animals shall be a process consisting entirely of natural phenomena such as crossing or selection;
3) a microbiological process shall be a process involving or performed upon or resulting in
microbiological material;
4) biotechnological inventions are inventions that concern a product consisting of or containing biological material or a process by means of which a biological material is produced, processed or used.


Article 8

(1) An invention shall be deemed to be new if it does not form part of the state of the art. (2) For the purposes of this Law the state of the art shall comprise:
1) everything made available to the public by means of written or oral description, by use or in any other way, prior to the date of the filing of the patent application;
2) the content of all patent applications in Montenegro as filed with the effect for Montenegro, the filing dates of which precede the date referred to in item 1 of this paragraph and published on or after that date, in the manner prescribed by this Law.
(3) The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall not exclude the patentability of any substance or composition included in the state of the art, for use in treatment by surgical or diagnostic or therapeutic methods, provided its use for any of such method is not comprised in the state of the art.
(4) Paragraphs 1 and 2 above shall also not exclude the patentability of any substance or composition referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article for any specific use in a surgical, diagnostic or therapeutic method, provided that such use is not comprised in the state of the art.

Non-Prejudicial Disclosure of Invention

Article 9

An invention which was already part of the state of the art for a period of up to six months before the filing of a patent application shall also be deemed to be new, if its disclosure was due to or was a consequence of:
1) an evident abuse in relation to the patent applicant or his legal predecessor, or
2) the invention being displayed by the patent applicant or his legal predecessor at an official, or officially recognized international exhibition falling within the terms of the Convention on International Exhibitions, signed in Paris on 22 November 1928, with all subsequent revisions, provided that the applicant states, on filing the application, that the invention has been so exhibited and that he provides an appropriate certificate to support this statement within a period of four months from the filing date of the application.

Inventive Step

Article 10

(1) An invention shall be deemed to involve an inventive step if, having regard to the state of the art, it is not obvious to a person skilled in the appropriate art.
(2) In examining whether an invention involves an inventive step, the content of applications referred to in Article 8, paragraph 2, item 2 of this Law shall not be taken into account.

Industrial Applicability

Article 11

An invention shall be considered to be susceptible of industrial application if its subject matter can be made or used in any kind of industry, including agriculture.

Entitlement to Protection

Article 12

(1) The right to obtain a patent shall belong to the inventor or his successor in rights, or in cases provided for by this Law, to the employer or his successor in rights.
(2) If an invention is the result of the joint effort of a number of inventors, the right to a patent shall belong to such inventors jointly.
(3) A person rendering technical assistance to an inventor shall not be considered to be an inventor.

Rights of the Inventor

Article 13

(1) The inventor shall have the right to be designated as such in the patent application, specifications, registers, certificates and publications related to his invention, in the manner stipulated by this Law.
(2) The rights of an inventor who has come up with an invention within the course of employment and the rights of the organisation in which such invention has been made, shall be governed by this Law, by general legal acts and by contract concluded between the employer and employee or between their representatives, as the case may be.


1. Common Procedural Provisions

Procedure before the Competent Authority

Article 14

(1) The legal protection of an invention shall be attained within the course of an administrative procedure conducted by the competent authority.
(2) Within the administrative procedure referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, provisions of the law regulating the general administrative procedure shall apply, unless other provided by the law.
(3) The decision of competent authority may be subject to appeal, before the state authority in charge of the industrial property affairs (hereinafter: The Ministry).

Inspection of the Patent Application

Article 15

(1) During the procedure for the protection of an invention, the competent authority shall not make an application available for inspection to any person or body, before the application has been published.
(2) Notwithstanding the provision of Paragraph 1 above, the competent authority shall make patent application available prior to the publication thereof at the written request of the patent applicant or person authorized by him.

Administrative Fees and special Procedural Charges

Article 16

(1) The administrative procedure before the competent authority shall be subject to payment of the administrative fees in accordance with the law governing payment of administrative fees, as well of the special procedural charges and information services.
(2) The amount of the special procedural charges and charges for information services shall be determined by the Government of Montenegro (hereinafter: the Government).


Article 17

(1) The competent authority shall keep the Register of Patent Applications, the Register of Patents, the Register of Supplementary Protection Certificates and the Register of Representatives.
(2) Registers under Paragraph 1 above shall be considered public records.
(3) Excerpt from Registers under paragraph 1 above, shall be issued by the competent authority at the request of an interested person, with a proof of payment of administrative fee.
(4) The content and manner of keeping registers referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, and the manner of issuance and content of the excerpts shall be governed by a regulation issued by the Ministry.

Correcting Errors in Documents

Article 18

(1) At the request of the patent applicant, or the patent holder or ex officio, the competent authority shall correct errors in names or numbers, writing or arithmetic, and other obvious defects in the registers, patent documents or publications in the official gazette issued by competent authority (hereinafter: the Official Gazette) by issuing a conclusion.
(2) The filing of a request for the correction of errors under paragraph 1 of this Article shall imply payment of special procedural costs only if the error was made by patent applicant or patent holder.
(3) If a patent application has been published, the corrections referred to in paragraph 1 of this
Article shall be published in the Official Gazette.
(4) The method of application under paragraph 1 of this Article shall be governed by regulation of the Ministry.

Publication in the Official Gazette

Article 19

Any information prescribed by this Law and by implementing regulations for this Law shall be published in the Official Gazette.

Availability of information

Article 20

(1) The competent authority shall, at a request, make available to legal entities and other legal and natural persons copies of patent applications published in its Official Gazette, as well as copies of granted, patents and information on the state of the art and on rights concerning the protection of inventions.
(2) Evidence of payment of special procedural charges shall be submitted with the request referred to in article 1 above.
(3) The manner of providing services under Article 1 above shall governed by the regulation of the

2. Institution of the Patent Granting Procedure

Patent Application

Article 21

(1) The patent grant procedure shall be instituted by the filing of an application with the competent authority.
(2) Patent application shall be submitted in Montenegrin language.
(3) Patent application may be submitted in a foreign language, with the translation in Montenegrin language.
(4) Patent application shall be submitted in written form, in person or by mail.
(5) Patent application for the protection of inventions abroad shall also be filed in accordance with this Law, and in accordance with the international agreements.
(6) Legal protection of inventions in Montenegro shall also be granted in respect of applications filed abroad, if so provided by the international agreements.
(7) The application under paragraph 6 above shall have the same effects as a national application, unless otherwise provided for by the relevant international agreements.

Unity of Invention

Article 22

(1) As a rule, a separate patent application shall be filed for each individual invention.
(2) A single application may be filed for a number of inventions only if the inventions are mutually so linked as to form a single general inventive concept.

Content of a Patent Application

Article 23

(1) A patent application shall contain:
1) a request for the grant of a patent;
2) a description of the invention;
3) one or more claims for the protection of an invention by a patent (hereinafter: patent claims),
4) a drawing referred to in the description or claims, when appropriate;
5) an abstract.
(2) The filing and attachments to the patent application, the method of drafting particular parts of a patent application, and data relevant to the deposit of biological material referred to in Article 25 paragraph 2 of this Law shall be regulated by the Ministry.

Request for the Grant of a Patent

Article 24

(1) A request for the grant of a patent shall contain an explicit indication that a patent is being sought, details concerning the applicant, details concerning the inventor or a statement to the effect that the inventor does not wish to be mentioned in the application, and the title of the invention clearly reflecting its essence.
(2) The competent authority shall not investigate whether the applicant is entitled to protection.
(3) If the inventor does not wish his name mentioned in the request for the grant of a patent and in other documents under this Law, the applicant shall be required to furnish the competent authority with the inventor’s written statement to that effect, within a period of three months from the date of the filing of the application at the latest.

Description of the Invention

Article 25

(1) An invention shall be described in a manner that is clear and complete enough for the invention to be carried out by a person skilled in the art.
(2) If the invention concerns a biological material and cannot be carried out on the basis of the description of the invention, the description shall be deemed to fulfil the conditions laid down in paragraph 1 of this Article if a sample of the naturally reproducible biological material is deposited with a relevant depository institution not later than the filing date of the application.
(3) The relevant depository institution referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article shall be an institution designated in accordance with the provisions of the Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposits of Microorganisms for the Purpose of Patent Procedure concluded on 28
April 1977 with all subsequent revisions.

Patent Claims

Article 26

(1) Patent claims shall define the subject matter for which protection is sought.
(2) The claims under Paragraph 1 above shall be clear, concise and fully supported by the description of the invention.


Article 27

The abstract shall be a short summary of the essence of the invention and shall serve exclusively for the purpose of technical information.

Content of a Patent Application Necessary for the Accordance of a Filing Date

Article 28

In order to be accorded a filing date, an application filed with the competent authority must contain, on that date:
1) an indication that the grant of a patent is being sought;
2) information on the patent applicant or contact information on the patent applicant;
3) part seeming to be a description of the invention, even if it does not fulfil the prescribed requirements, or reference to a previously filed patent application.

Division of a Patent Application

Article 29

(1) The applicant may divide the subject matter of the patent application which has already been accorded a date of filing (original application) into two or more independent applications (divisional application) at his own discretion or at the request of the competent authority, provided that the original application relates to several inventions which are interrelated as single general inventive concept refereed to under Article 22 above.
(2) The division of original application shall be allowed only until the adoption of the decision on grant of patent.
(3) The subject matter of the divisional application may not extend beyond the content of the original application, as filed. It shall retain the filing date of the original application and, where appropriate, shall enjoy the right of the priority of that application.

Amendments to Pending Applications

Article 30

(1) A patent application to which the filing date has been accorded cannot be subsequently amended in a manner that would extend the subject matter for which protection is being sought.
(2) Any amendments to the particulars of the application that do not extend its subject matter may take place prior to the taking of a decision on the application.

3. Priority Right

The Grant of the Priority Right

Article 31

(1) If two or more inventors come up with the same invention independently of each other, the applicant with an earlier application filing date shall have the priority right with respect to the granting of the patent.
(2) The priority shall count from the filing date of the application with the competent authority, where conditions for the granting of the priority right pursuant to Article 32 of this Law have been fulfilled.

International Priority Right

Article 32

(1) A legal or natural person who has duly filed an application for any kind of protection of an invention in or for any State member of the Paris Union for the Protection of Industrial Property (Hereinafter: Paris Union) or any Member of the World Trade Organisation (hereinafter: WTO), or his successor in right, shall be granted priority in Montenegro from the date of filing of such application, provided that:
1) such person files a claim to that effect with the competent authority when filing an application for the protection of the same invention or not later than three months form the filing date of the application; and
2) not more than twelve months have elapsed since the date of filing of the first application in or for the State party to the Paris Union or for the Member of WTO.
(2) A claim for priority referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall include information of the filing date of the application that is the basis for the grant of priority right, number of the application and the State member of the Paris Union or the Member of WTO in or for which it was made and international organization where it has been filed.
(3) A duly filed application referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be considered to be any application that has been accorded a filing date under the national legislation of a State member of the Paris Union or a Member of WTO, or under international agreements, regardless of the eventual legal outcome of the application.

Submission of Proof of Priority Right

Article 33

(1) An applicant who intends to take advantage of the priority right under Article 31 of this Law, shall be required to submit to the competent authority a copy of the prior application certified by the competent authority of the member state of the Paris Union or member state of WTO, with which the application has been filed, not later than 16 months of the earliest priority date claimed.
(2) A certified translation into Montenegrin shall be submitted with the copy of the application referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, provided that the competent authority or the Court deems necessary so.

Multiple Priority Right

Article 34

(1) Subject to the requirements of Article 32 paragraph 1 of this Law, an applicant may claim multiple priority rights in respect of a number of prior applications filed in or for one or more States members of the Paris Union or Members of the WTO.
(2) Where multiple priority right has been granted, any time limits running from the priority date under this Law, shall run from the earliest date of the multiple priority right.

Characteristics of the Invention for Which Priority Right is Claimed

Article 35

(1) A claim for the grant of one or more priority rights can only refer to those elements of the invention that have been clearly disclosed in any part of the application or applications for which priority is claimed.
(2) If certain characteristics of the invention for which priority is claimed do not appear among the claims formulated in the previous application, priority right shall be granted where the application elements as a whole specifically disclose all such characteristics.

Date of a Granted Priority Right

Article 36

The date of a granted priority shall be the date of filing the patent application for the purpose of
Articles 8 Paragraph 2 and Article 31 of this Law.

Restoration of priority right

Article 37

(1) If a patent application for which priority of the first patent application is claimed, in spite of due care required by the circumstances, is filed on the later date than the date on which the priority
period under Article 32, paragraph 1, item 2 of this Law expired, but within a period of two months from that date, the applicant may file a request for the restoration of priority right.
(2) The request referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article may be filed within two months from the date of expiry of the priority period.
(3) The competent authority may only grant a request for restoration of priority right, provided that:
1) the applicant states the reasons and submit the evidence supporting the failure to comply with the priority period occurred in spite of due care required by the circumstances having been taken, and
2) pays the prescribed administrative fees and special procedural charges.
(4) Should the competent authority find that a request for the restoration of the priority right is to be rejected in whole or in part, it shall previously inform the applicant of the reasons for the rejection and shall invite him to comment on those reasons within two months from the date of receipt of the invitation.
(5) At the reasoned request of the applicant for restoration of priority right, the deadline referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article may be extended by one month.

Correction and Amendment of the Priority Right

Article 38

(1) The applicant may file a request for the correction or addition of a priority claim within a time limit of 16 months from the priority date or, where the correction or addition would cause a change in the priority date, 16 months from the priority date as so changed, whichever 16-month period expires first, provided that such a request is filed within four months from the filing date of the patent application.
(2) With the request referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, the applicant shall submit proof of payment of the prescribed administrative fees and special procedural charges.
(3) Where the correction or addition of a priority claim causes a change in the priority date, any time limit shall be computed from the priority date as so changed.
(4) The request referred to in paragraph 1 above may not be filed after the applicant has filed a request for publication under Article 44 paragraph 2 of the present Law, unless that request is withdrawn before the technical preparations for publication have been completed.

4. Examination and Publication of a Patent Application

Accordance of the Filing Date

Article 39

(1) Upon receipt of a patent application, the competent authority shall examine whether it meets the requirements laid down in Article 28 of this Law for accordance of its date of filing.
(2) If it establishes that the requirements under Article 28 of this Law have been fulfilled, the competent authority shall issue decision on accordance of patent date of filing.
(3) If it establishes that the requirements under Article 28 of this Law have not been fulfilled, the competent authority shall invite the applicant to rectify the deficiencies identified, within three months from the date of receipt of the notification, together with a warning on the legal consequences of failure to respond within the prescribed time limit.
(4) If the applicant rectifies the deficiencies within the period provided for in paragraph 3 of this Article, the competent authority shall recognize the date on which the applicant rectified the deficiencies observed as the application filing date.
(5) If the applicants fails to rectify the deficiencies within the times limit under paragraph 3 above, the competent authority shall reject patent application through a decision.
(6) Where reference is made in the application to drawings that were not attached to the application or determines that a part of the description of the invention appears to be missing, the competent authority shall invite the applicant to file the drawings or parts missing within a period of three months from the date of receipt of its notification.
(7) If the applicant furnishes drawings or part of the description of the invention appearing to be missing within the deadline specified under paragraph 6 above, the date on which the drawings and description have been filed shall be treated as the filing date of the application.
(8) If the drawings or parts of the description are not furnished within the deadline under paragraph
6 above, any reference to them in the application shall be deemed not to have been made.
(9) An application for which a filing date has been accorded shall be entered into the Register of
Patent Applications.

Certificate of Priority

Article 40

(1)The competent authority shall issue a certificate of the right of priority at the request of the applicant, accompanied by the evidence on payment of the administrative fees and special procedural charges.
(2) The content of the request for certificate and the content of the certificate of the right of priority shall be prescribed by the Ministry.

Formal Examination of Patent Application

Article 41

(1) Once the application has been accorded a filing date, the competent authority shall examine whether:
1) the administrative fee for filing the application has been paid;
2) the certified translation of the patent application in Montenegrin language has been filed, if the patent application has been submitted in a foreign language;
3) the valid authorisation for the representative has been filed, where appropriate;
4) the application contains the designation of the inventor;
5) if the applicant is a foreign natural or a legal person, is the application filed through a representative, pursuant to Article 4 of this Law;
6) the application contains all documents prescribed by Article 23 of this Law;
7) the claim for the right of priority, satisfies requirements under Article 32 of this Law, if a priority right is claimed.
(2) If the application is not in conformity with the provisions of paragraph 1 above, the competent authority shall invite the applicant to correct the deficiencies expressly indicated within an appropriate time limit, which shall not be less than 60 nor more than 90 days.
(3) Upon substantiated request by the applicant, the competent authority may extend the time limit referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, for a period it deems appropriate, but not exceeding 90 days.
(4) If the applicant fails to correct the deficiencies referred to in paragraph 1 items 1 to 6 above within the deadline under paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article, the competent authority shall take a decision to reject the application.
(5) If the applicant fails to correct the deficiencies with respect to the claim for the right of priority referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 in conjunction with paragraph 1 item 7 above, the competent authority shall not grant the priority right.

Examination of the Conditions for the Grant of a Patent

Article 42

(1) By examination of the conditions for the grant of a patent it shall be determined whether the subject matter of the patent application:
1) is an invention which is not considered patentable in accordance with Article 5, paragraph 5, and
Art. 6 and 7 of this Law;
2) is an invention which unequivocally may be determined not to be susceptible of industrial application in accordance with Article 11 of this Law.
(2) A patent application for which the competent authority has determined that it meets the conditions for the grant under paragraph 1 of this Article shall be published in the Official Gazette.

The Refusal of a Patent Application

Article 43

(1) If the competent authority determines that the patent application does not meet the conditions for the grant under Article 42, paragraph 1 of this Law, it shall issue a decision on the refusal of the patent in whole or in part.
(2) Prior to issuing a decision on the refusal of the patent in whole or in part, the competent authority shall inform the applicant in writing of the reasons why patent may not be granted and invite him to comment on those reasons and submit amended patent claims within two months from the receipt of the notification.
(3) If the patent applicant fails to submit the declaration and amended claims within the time limit referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article the competent authority issue a decision on the refusal of a patent.
(4) At the reasoned request of the applicant, the competent authority may extend the period referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article for a period it deems appropriate, but not more than three months.

Publication of a Patent Application

Article 44

(1) A patent application that satisfies all the requirements laid down in Articles 41 and 42, paragraph
1 of this Law shall be published in the Official Gazette, as soon as possible upon the expiry of
eighteen months from the filing date of the application or from the claimed date of priority.
(2) At the request of the applicant, the patent application may be published earlier, but not before the expiry of three months from the filing date.
(3) The content of the publication in the Official Gazette shall be regulated by a regulation of the

5. Granting of a Patent and Proving the Patentability

Granting of a Patent

Article 45

(1) The competent authority shall issue a decision on granting of a patent and enlist the data on the granted patent into the Register of Patents.
(2) The date of publication of the patent application shall be the date of a patent grant.
(3) The competent authority shall publish the information on the patent granted in the Official
Gazette, in parallel with the publication of information under the patent application.
(4) The patent holder shall be issued a patent certificate and the patent specification as soon as possible after the date of the decision to grant a patent, provided that the prescribed fees and special procedural charges have been paid.
(5) If the special procedural charges have not been paid, the patent application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.
(6) The content and form of the patent certificate and the patent specification, and the content of the data on the granted patent, to be published in the Official Gazette, shall be prescribed by the regulation of the Ministry.

Proving Patentability

Article 46

(1) The holder of the patent shall, not later than the expiration of the ninth year of the patent submit the written evidence that the invention protected by the patent meets the requirements of Art. 5 to
8 and Art. 10 and 11 of this Law.
(2) The holder of the patent shall upon submission of evidence referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, or within two months of receipt of the invitation of the competent authority, pay the prescribed administrative fee for issuing the decision referred to in Article 48 of this Law.
(3) If the patent holder fails to pay the administrative fee referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, it shall be deemed that the evidence referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article is not delivered.
(4) If the patent holder fails to submit written evidence referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, the patent shall cease to exist on the date of the expiration of ten years of its duration.

Evidence of Patentability

Article 47

(1) Written evidence referred to in Article 46, paragraph 1 hereof shall be a certified translation into Montenegrin of a specification of a patent granted for the same invention in the course of the substantive examination of a patent application carried out by national and international offices in accordance with Article 32 of the Patent Cooperation Treaty as well as other institutions, with which at the time of submission of the evidence of patentability competent authority has signed a cooperation agreement.
(2) If the patent granting procedure in the institution referred in paragraph 1 of this Article has not been completed, the patent holder shall, within the time limit referred to in Article 46, paragraph 1 hereof, notify the competent authority, which may extend the deadline for the submission of written evidence of patentability for another three months after the completion of the procedure for the grant of the patent.
(3) If the patent holder fails to provide the evidence in the additional period referred to in paragraph
2 of this Article, the patent shall cease to exist on the date of the expiration of ten years of its duration.
(4) If the patent holder has not filed a patent application for the same invention to any of the institution specified in paragraph 1 of this Article, it may, within the deadline specified in Article 46 paragraph 1 of this Law, request the competent authority to obtain the result of the examination of the patentability of his invention by one of the patent offices of the state with whom it has signed a
cooperation contract, provided that the required administrative fees and special charges of the proceedings are paid.

The Decision on the Basis of Evidence of Patentability

Article 48

(1) Based on the evidence referred to in Article 47 of this Law, the competent authority may issue a decision declaring that the invention:
1) meets the requirements prescribed by Art. 5 to 8 and Art. 10 and 11 of this Law;
2) partially meets the conditions prescribed by Art. 5 to 8 and Art. 10 and 11 of this Law, with the appropriate amendment of the patent claims of the granted patent, and
3) does not meet the conditions prescribed by Art. 5 to 8 and Art. 10 and 11 of this Law, and that the patent is declared null and void.
(2) Before issuing a decision under paragraph 1, items 2 and 3 of this Article, the competent authority shall previously notify the patent holder on the need to amend the claims or on the annulment of the granted patent, and shall invite him to provide the statement on the notice of the competent authority or submit amended claims within three months of receiving the invitation.
(3) If the patent holder submits the statement referred to in paragraph 2 of this article or submits the amended claims in a timely manner, the competent authority shall, before issuing the decision referred to in paragraph 1, items 2 and 3 of this paragraph check the merits of the allegations in the statement or amended claim.
(4) If the patent holder fails to submit the statement and amended claims referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, the competent authority shall issue a decision referred to in paragraph 1, items 2 and
3 of this Article.
(5) If, on the basis of submitted evidence, the competent authority determines that the granted patent does not meet the requirements of Article 22 of this Law, it shall divide the patent on two or more parts, keeping the date of filing, and if requested, the priority of the earlier application.
(6) The particulars of the decision referred to in paragraph 1 of this article to be published in the
Official Gazette shall be determined by the regulation of the Ministry.


Article 49

The patent holder shall have the exclusive right to give authorization or prevent third parties to:
1) make, use, offer for sale, place into circulation, export, import or store for these purposes the product made according to the protected invention;
2) use the patented process;
3) offer the patented process for sale;
4) make, use, offer for sale, place into circulation, export, import or store for these purposes the product directly obtained from the patented process;
5) offer for sale or supply products that constitute essential elements of the invention to persons not entitled to use such invention, if the offerer or the supplier knows or should have known from the circumstances of the case that such products are intended for the use of the invention owned by someone else.

Content of Rights Conferred by Patents in the Field of Biotechnology

Article 50

(1) If the patent concerns biological material possessing specific characteristics which are the result of a biotechnological invention, the rights laid down in Article 49 of this Law, shall extend to any biological material derived from that biological material through propagation or multiplication, in an identical or divergent form and possessing those same characteristics.
(2) If the patent concerns a product containing or consisting of genetic information, the rights laid down in Article 49 of this Law shall extend to all other material in which the product is incorporated, provided it contains genetic information that performs its function, except the human body at the various stages of its formation and development, and the simple discovery of one of its elements, including the sequence or partial sequence of a gene in which the product is incorporated, provided it contains genetic information that performs its function.
(3) If the patent concerns a process that enables a production of biological material possessing specific characteristics as a result of the biotechnological invention, the rights laid down in Article 49 of this Law shall also extend to biological material directly obtained through that process and to any other biological material derived from the directly obtained biological material through propagation or multiplication, in an identical or divergent form and possessing those same characteristics.

Exceptions from Protection

Article 51

The protection referred to in Article 50 of this Law shall not extend to biological material obtained from the propagation or multiplication of biological material placed on the market by the holder of the patent or with his consent, where the propagation or multiplication necessarily results from the application for which the biological material has been marketed, provided that the material obtained is not subsequently used for other propagation or multiplication.

Scope of Rights

Article 52

(1) The scope of exclusive rights acquired by a patent shall be determined by the content of the claims, whereby the description and drawings shall be used to interpret the claims.
(2) Until the decision referred to in Article 48, paragraph 1, items 1 and 2 of this Law, has been issued, the scope of protection of a patent shall be determined by the claims published in accordance with the Law.
(3) Finally granted patent or modified patent after the procedure of nullification or the proceedings on the appeal, shall determine the rights of the patent with effect from the filing date, provided that the scope of rights is not thereby extended.
(4) The terms used in the claims shall not be limited to the literal meaning of the words neither shall the description and drawings be taken into account only to clarify the ambiguity in the claims.
(5) The claims should not be construed only as a guide that the scope of exclusive rights can relate to what person skilled in the art might conclude to be the intended scope of protection, based on the description and drawings.
(6) In determining the scope of protection, due regard must be given to every element that is equivalent to an element specified in the claims.
(7) If the subject matter of a patent is a process, the rights conferred by the patent shall extend to the products directly obtained by such process.


1. Exceptions from the Exclusive Rights, Exhaustion of Rights and the Rights of Third Parties

Article 53

The exclusive rights of a patent holder referred to in Articles 49 and 50 of this Law shall not apply to:
1) the use of an invention for personal and non-commercial purposes;
2) research and development activities relating to the subject matter of the protected invention, including activities that are necessary for obtaining an authorisation for placing on the market of a product, which is a drug intended for use on humans or animals, or a medicinal product;
3) the direct, individual preparation of a drug in a pharmacy based on a single prescription, and to the placement of such drug on the market.

Exhaustion of the Patent Holder’s Rights

Article 54

(1) The placing on the market of a product made under the patent or product directly obtained by a process which is the subject of a patent by the patent holder or with his express consent, in Montenegro, shall exhaust the exclusive rights deriving from a patent in relation to such product, unless there are reasonable grounds based on which the patent holder retains exclusive rights deriving from the patent.
(2) The placing on the market of a product made under the patent or product directly obtained by procedure subject to a process which is the subject of a patent by the patent holder or with his express consent, in the territory of any of the states of the European Union or states that are parties to the Agreement Creating the European Economic Area, shall exhaust the exclusive rights deriving from a patent in relation to such product, unless there are reasonable grounds on which the patent holder retains exclusive rights deriving from the patent.

Right of the Prior User

Article 55

(1) A patent shall have no effect against the person acting in good faith who had, prior to the date of granted priority, already started exploiting a protected invention in production in the territory of Montenegro, or has made all necessary preparations to initiate such use.
(2) The person referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be entitled to continue exploiting the invention exclusively for production purposes, in his own plant or in the plant of another person for his own needs.
(3) The person referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article cannot transfer his right to exploitation of the invention to another person, except together with the company or part thereof, where the preparation for use or the use of the invention has taken place.

Limitation of Rights to Facilitate International Traffic

Article 56

A patent shall have no effect against a person who uses devices made on the basis of a protected invention where such devices constitute an element in the structure or equipment of a vessel, aircraft or land vehicle or serve exclusively for the operation of such vessel, aircraft or land vehicle belonging to a state that is a party to the Paris Convention or member of WTO, when it enters the territory of Montenegro temporarily or accidentally.

2. Compulsory Licences

Compulsory License

Article 57

(1) If the holder of a patent refuses to license the right of commercial use of a protected invention to other persons or sets unreasonable conditions for such licensing, the state administrative authority competent for the field in which the invention shall be employed may, after considering the merits of each individual case, grant a compulsory licence upon a request of the interested person if:
1) patent holder himself or a person authorised by him does not use the protected invention or uses it insufficiently in Montenegro;
2) the commercial use of an invention that has been subsequently protected in the name of another person is not possible, without the use of the protected invention in whole or in part.
(2) The interested person shall be required to prove that he has made reasonable efforts, before filing the request referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, to obtain authorisation from the right- holder to use the protected invention on reasonable commercial terms and conditions and that he has not received such authorisation within a reasonable period of time.
(3) The interested person, referred to in paragraph 1, item 1 of this Article, may only be a person who proves that he has the appropriate technological capacity and production facilities for the commercial use of the protected invention.
(4) In the case referred to in paragraph 1, item 2 of this Article, an interested person may only be the holder of the patent for subsequently protected invention, provided that:
1) the subsequently protected invention involves a technical advancement of special economic significance in relation to the invention protected by the first patent; and that
2) the holder of the first patent is entitled, on reasonable terms, to a cross-licence to use the
subsequent invention.
(5) Authorisation for the use of the invention protected by the first patent shall be non-transferable except in the case of simultaneous transfer of the subsequent patent.


Article 58

(1) The holder of a compulsory licence shall be required to pay the patent holder a mutually agreed remuneration.
(2) In the absence of an agreement on the amount and method of payment of such remuneration, the competent court shall decide, taking into account the merits of each individual case and the economic value of the compulsory licence.

Approval and Revocation of Compulsory License

Article 59

(1) The scope and duration of a compulsory licence shall be limited to the purpose for which it has been granted.
(2) A compulsory licence shall not be exclusive.
(3) A compulsory licence may be assigned only with the company or a part thereof, where it is used. (4) A compulsory licence shall predominantly be granted for the supply of the domestic market.
(5) A compulsory licence may be terminated, subject to adequate protection of the legitimate interest of the persons so authorized, if and when circumstances that have led to its grant cease to exist and are unlikely to recur.
(6) Upon substantiated request, the state administrative authority referred to Article 57 paragraph 1 of this Law shall re-examine the further existence of circumstances under paragraph 5 above.
(7) A request for the grant of a compulsory licence cannot be filed before the expiry of a period of four years from the filing date of the patent application or three years from the date of the grant of a patent, whichever of the two time limits expires later.
(8) A compulsory licence shall not be granted if the patent holder provides valid reasons for non-use or for insufficient use of a protected invention.

Compulsory Licence in the Public Interest

Article 60

(1) The compulsory licence under Article 57 of this Law may also be granted prior to the expiry of the time limit specified in Article 59, paragraph 7, if the exploitation of the protected invention is necessary for the fulfilment of public interest (the protection of public health and providing food, and the protection of public interests in the fields of vital significance for socio-economic and technological development) or if the protected invention is used in a manner considered to be contrary to the principles of free competition.
(2) In the event of public interest, the provisions of Article 57, paragraph 2 of this Law shall not apply. Nevertheless, the right-holder shall be notified of the compulsory licence grant proceedings as soon as possible.
(3) The decision on the request of an interested person for the grant of a compulsory licence in the public interest shall be taken by the Government, after it reviews the merits of each individual case.
(4) A compulsory licence in public interest may be terminated if the circumstances that have led to its grant cease to exist and are unlikely to recur.
(5) Upon substantiated request, the Government shall re-examine the further existence of circumstances under Article 4 above.
(6) If it is likely that the circumstances that led to distortion of the competition in the market re- occur, the Government may reject the termination of a compulsory licence in the public interest.

Remuneration for the Compulsory License in the Public Interest

Article 61

(1) The holder of a compulsory licence in the public interest shall be required to pay the patent holder remuneration referred to in Article 58 of the Law.
(2) If a compulsory license in public interest has been granted in order to rectify anti-competitive practice, when determining the total amount of remuneration, the need to remedy such practice shall be taken into account.
(3) The compulsory licence in the public interest shall be subject to the provisions of Article 59, paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 5 and Article 60, paragraphs 4 and 5 of this Law.
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 3 of this Article, the provisions of Article 59, paragraph 3 of this Law shall not apply to the compulsory license in the public interest, if the license was issued for reasons to eliminate the circumstances that led to a distortion of the competition in the market.

Issuing Compulsory Licensing of Patents Relating to the Manufacture of Pharmaceutical Products for Export to Countries with Public Health Problems

Article 62

(1) The Government may issue a compulsory license for a patent and/or supplementary protection certificate necessary for the manufacture and sale of pharmaceutical products, when such products are intended for export to eligible importing countries in need of such products in order to address public health problems to any person who submits the request for the issuance of a compulsory license in accordance with the provisions of this Law.
(2) The request for a compulsory license under paragraph 1 of this Article may be filed if there is a patent or supplementary protection certificate in Montenegro covering the manufacture and sale for export to eligible importing countries with public health problems.
(3) When deciding on the issuance of a compulsory license what shall specifically be taken into consideration is the need to implement the Decision of the General Council of WTO of 30 June 2003 on the implementation of point 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health of 14 November 2001 (hereinafter the Decision).
(4) The pharmaceutical product referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article is each product of the
pharmaceutical industry, including drugs for human use, which implies any substance or combination of substances intended for the treatment or prevention of disease in humans, as well as any substance or combination of substances which can be applied to human beings for the purpose of restoring, correcting or modifying physiological functions by inducing pharmacological, immunological or metabolic action, or to making a medical diagnosis, including active ingredients and diagnostic kits ex vivo.
(5) The importing country referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article is each country in which is exporting pharmaceutical product, which can be:
1) any least-developed country appearing as such in the United Nations list;
2) WTO member, other than the least developed member states under item 1 of this paragraph, that has made a notification to the Council for TRIPS of its intention to use the system as an importing country, whether it will use it as a whole or in a limited way;
3) a country that is not a member of the WTO, but the Committee for the Development Assistance of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (hereinafter OECD) listed it on the list of low-income countries whose gross national product per capita of less than 745 dollars, and that has sent a notice to government of its intention to use the system as an importing country, whether it is used as a whole or in a limited way.
(6) Any WTO member state that has made a declaration to the WTO that it will not use the system as an importing WTO member is not an eligible importing country that meets the requirements of paragraph 5 of this Article.

Extension to Least Developed Countries and the Developing Countries which are not Members of the WTO

Article 63

(1) The importing country which is not a member of the WTO, which is the least-developed country i.e. developing country, and which meets the requirements of Article 62, paragraph 5 of this Law, must meet additional requirements, namely to:
1) in accordance with the Decision send due notice of intention to use the system as an importing country directly to the Government;
2) indicate in the notice referred to in item 1 of this paragraph that the system of the importing country shall be used to solve the problem of public health, not as a means to achieve the goals of industrial and trade policies, and to adopt the measures referred to in paragraph 4 of the Decision.
(2) The Government may, at the request of the right holder or upon its own initiative, terminate the compulsory license if the importing country fails to respect its obligations under paragraph 1, item 2 of this article.

An Application for the Issuance of a Compulsory License

Article 64

An application for the issuance of a compulsory license under Article 62, paragraph 1 of this law contains:
1) information on the requirements for the issuance of compulsory licenses in other countries for the same product with information on the quantities and the respective importing country;
2) information on request for the issuance of a compulsory license and his representative, if any;
3) non-proprietary name of the pharmaceutical product which the applicant intends to manufacture and sell under the compulsory license;
4) the quantity of the pharmaceutical product which the applicant intends to manufacture under a
compulsory license;
5) the importing country or countries ;
6) evidence of prior negotiations with the right-holder, in accordance with the provisions of Article
66 of this Law;
7) evidence of a special request which specifies the amount of the required product, sent by the authorized representative of the importing country or non-governmental organization acting with the formal authorization of one or more importing countries or UN bodies and other international health organizations that work with formal authority of one or more of the importing countries.


Article 65

(1) In deciding on the request for the issuance of a compulsory license under Article 62, paragraph 1 of this Law, the Government is obliged to verify in particular:
1) whether each of the importing countries cited in the request, which is a member of the WTO, has made a notification to the WTO in accordance with the Decision, or whether each importing country cited in the request, which is not a member of the WTO, has sent a notice to the Government in accordance with the provisions of this Law in respect of each of the products of the request, without prejudice to the possibility that the least developed countries have under the Decision of the Council for TRIPS of 27 June 2002;
2) that the quantity of the product specified in the request does not exceed the quantity of which the importing country which is a member of the WTO informed the WTO or the quantity of which the importing country which is not a member of the WTO informed the Government;
3) that, taking into account other compulsory licenses issued in another country, the total quantity of the product authorized to be produced in relation to any importing country does not significantly exceed the quantity of which the importing country which is a member of the WTO informed the WTO, i.e. the Government if the importing country is not a member of the WTO.
(2) An applicant for a compulsory license shall specify in the request, or include the information referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article in the request.

Prior Negotiations

Article 66

(1) A compulsory license under Article 62, paragraph 1 of this Law may be issued only if the applicant proves that he has put reasonable effort, for a period of 30 days before applying for a compulsory license, to get approval of the right-holder for use of the invention on reasonable market terms and conditions.
(2) The provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall not apply in cases of national emergency or other circumstances of extreme urgency or in cases of public non-commercial use under Article 31 item b of the TRIPS Agreement.

The Conditions under Which Compulsory License is Issued

Article 67

(1) A compulsory license under Article 62, paragraph 1 of this Law shall be issued as a non-exclusive, and its scope and duration, which must be stated in the decision on the issuance of compulsory license, are related solely to the reasons for which the license was issued.
(2) The quantity of product that, based on the license referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, may be manufactured shall not exceed the quantity necessary to satisfy the needs of the importing country or importing countries cited in the request, taking into account the quantity of products manufactured under compulsory licenses issued in another country.
(3) The license conditions do not affect the method of distribution in the importing country.
(4) A compulsory license under paragraph 1 of this Article may be transferred only together with the manufacturing plant in which the invention for which it was issued is exploited.
(5) The decision referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall specify the actions the applicant is entitled to and which are necessary for the manufacture for export and distribution in the country or countries that are listed in the request.
(6) No product produced or imported under a compulsory license may be offered for sale or put on the market in any country which is not specified in the request, unless the importing country avails itself of point 6 sub-item (i) of the decision to export in co-party of regional trade agreement with which it shares a health problem for which the license was issued.

Additional Terms

Article 68

(1) The decision referred to in Article 67, paragraph 1 of this law shall order that products manufactured under a compulsory license shall be clearly identified through special labels and markings as products manufactured under a compulsory license.
(2) The products referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be distinguished from products produced by the right-holder through special packaging and/or special colours or shapes, if possible, and if there is no significant impact on price.
(3) Packages or documents relating to the product must contain a note that the product was manufactured under a compulsory license, the name of the authority that issued the compulsory license and license number, and a clear note that the product is intended solely for export and distribution in the importing country or importing countries.
(4) Detailed information on the characteristics of the products referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be made available to the administrative authority in charge of customs (hereinafter referred to as the Customs Authority) in Montenegro.
(5) Detailed information about the characteristics of the product referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be made available to the customs authorities of the Member States of the European Union.
(6) The decision referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article orders the licensee, that prior to shipment to the importing country, post on its website, the address of which shall be communicated to the Government, the following information:
1) the quantities of the product and the importing countries to which the products are delivered under the compulsory license;
2) the distinguishing features in product labelling in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Article.
(7) If the product for which a compulsory license is issued in Montenegro is patented in the importing country cited in the request, this product can be exported only if the importing country has issued a compulsory license for the importation, sale and/or distribution of the product concerned.

Payment of Remuneration to the Rights-holder

Article 69

The decision referred to in Article 67, paragraph 1 of this Law shall order the applicant to pay remuneration to the rights-holder, as determined as follows:
1) in the cases of emergency or other circumstances of extreme urgency or in cases of public non- commercial use, in accordance with Article 31 (b) of the TRIPS Agreement, the remuneration shall be a maximum of 4% of the total price to be paid by the importing country or to be paid on its behalf;
2) In all other cases, the remuneration shall be determined taking into account the economic value of the authorization by the country of import or the importing country under the license, as well as humanitarian and non-commercial circumstances in connection with the issuance of the license.

Inspection of the Books and Documents of the Licensee

Article 70

(1) Upon the finality of the decision referred to in Article 67, paragraph 1 above, at the request of the right-holder for the preservation of evidence, the competent court may inspect the books and other business records of the licensee, for the sole purpose of verifying the fulfilment of all obligations of the decision determining the issuing of a compulsory license, in particular test data on the final destination of the product.
(2) In the business records and other documentation, the licensee is required to record the data on the export of products in the form of export declarations certified by the Customs, as well as the evidence of import.

Refusal of the request for the Issuance of a Compulsory License

Article 71

The Government shall refuse a request to issue a compulsory license under Article 62, paragraph 1 of this Law, which does not contain the elements necessary for a decision under Articles 64 and 65 of this Law, or if the conditions for issuing a compulsory license under this Law have not been met.

Termination or Modification of a Compulsory License

Article 72

(1) The right holder or licensee may submit a request to the Government to terminate the compulsory license if it finds that the other party fails to comply with a decision on issuing a compulsory license.
(2) Through the decision on the termination of the compulsory license, the Government shall determine the period within which the licensee shall, at his own expense, redirect all of the products that are in his ownership, care, control or authority to the importing countries with public health problems or otherwise remove them in consultation with rights-holder.
(3) If the importing country provides notice to the licensee that the amount of pharmaceutical products has become insufficient to meet its needs, the licensee may require modification of the license for the production and export of additional quantities of the product to the extent necessary to meet the needs of the importing country.
(4) The procedure according the requirement referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article is urgent.
(5) In deciding on application under paragraph 3 of this Article, the provisions of Article 65, paragraph 1 above shall not apply, if the additional quantity of the product requested does not exceed 25% of the originally approved amount.

Notifying the Council for TRIPS Article 73

(1) The Government shall notify the Council for TRIPS of its final decisions on issuing compulsory licenses for export to countries with public health problems, the conditions under which they were issued, as well as of their termination and modification within 30 days of the final decision on issuing a compulsory license, or its termination and modification.
(2) The notice referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall include:
1) the name and address or the name and registered office of the licensee;
2) the product concerned;
3) the quantity to be supplied;
4) the importing country;
5) the duration of the license;
6) the website address referred to in Article 68, paragraph 6 of this Law.

Prohibition of importation

Article 74

(1) It shall be prohibited to import into Montenegro products produced under a compulsory license issued in accordance with the provisions of Articles 62 to 69 of this Law for free circulation, re- export, placing in the suspensive procedure and placing in a free zone or free warehouses.
(2) It shall be prohibited to import into EU Member States products produced under a compulsory license issued in accordance with the provisions of Articles 62 to 69 of this Law for free trade, re- export, placing in the suspensive procedure and placing in a free zone or free warehouses.
(3) The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall not apply in the case of re-export to the importing country listed in the request and identified on the packaging and documentation accompanying the product, or placing in the transit procedure or the customs warehousing or free zone or free warehouse for re-export to the importing countries.

Action by Customs Authorities

Article 75

(1) If there are sufficient grounds for suspecting that products manufactured under a compulsory license granted in accordance with the provisions of Articles 62 to 69 of this Law are imported into the territory of Montenegro, contrary to the prohibition under Article 74 of this Law, the customs authority shall detain products concerned for the time necessary to obtain a decision of the Government on the type of product being imported, but no longer than 10 working days.
(2) The customs authority may, if circumstances require so, extend the period referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article for a maximum of 10 working days.
(3) The right-holder and the manufacturer or exporter of the products concerned shall be informed without delay of the detention of the products referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article and shall be given ample opportunity to supply the custom authority with information and evidence on the relevant products.
(4) If it is confirmed in the period under paragraphs 1 and 2 above, the violation of the compulsory license contrary to the prohibition of the Article 74 of this Law, custom authority shall ensure that the products are seized in accordance with customs regulations.
(5) The procedure of detention or seizure of the goods shall be carried out at the expense of the importer in accordance with customs regulations.
(6) The costs under paragraph 5 above shall be borne jointly with the importer by any other illicit importer.
(7) Where the customs authority founds that the import of products that have been detained in accordance with paragraphs 1 to 4 of this Article are not in violation of the prohibition of Article 74 of this Law and if customs regulations are respected, it shall put these products on the market in the territory of Montenegro.
(8) The customs authority shall notify the Government of the detention of the product in accordance with provisions of paragraphs 1 to 7 of this Article.

Exceptions to the Prohibition of Imports

Article 76

Articles 74 and 75 of this Law, shall not apply to import of small quantities of goods contained in travellers' personal luggage for personal and non-commercial use within the limits laid down in respect of relief from customs duty.

Compulsory Licence Granted to Plant Breeders

Article 77

(1) Where a plant breeder cannot obtain or exploit a right of protection of plant variety without infringing a prior patent concerning a biotechnological invention, he may file a request with the authority referred to in Article 57 paragraph 1 of this Law for a non-exclusive compulsory licence for the use of the invention protected by the patent insofar as the licence is necessary for the exploitation of the protected plant variety.
(2) If such a compulsory licence referred to in paragraph 1 above is granted, the holder of the patent shall be entitled to a compulsory cross-licence to use the protected plant variety on reasonable terms.
(3) Where the holder of a patent concerning a biotechnological invention cannot exploit it without infringing a prior right of protection of plant variety, he may file a request with the authority under paragraph 1 above for a non-exclusive compulsory licence for the use of the plant variety protected by that right.
(4) If such a compulsory licence under paragraph 3 above is granted, the holder of the plant variety right shall be entitled to a compulsory cross-licence to use the protected biotechnological invention under reasonable terms.
(5) The compulsory license referred to in paragraphs 1 and 3 of this Article is subject to appropriate fee.
(6) The compulsory license under paragraphs 1 and 3 above shall be non-exclusive.
(7) An applicant for the compulsory licence referred to in paragraphs 1 and 3 of this Article must prove that:
1) he has unsuccessfully made efforts to obtain a contractual licence;
2) the plant variety or the biotechnological invention constitutes significant technical advance of considerable economic interest relative to the invention claimed in the patent or the protected plant variety.
(8) The compulsory licence referred to in paragraphs 1 and 3 of this Article may only be assigned with the company or the part thereof, where it is used.

3. Limitation of Rights

Limitation of Rights Concerning Biotechnological Material

Article 78

(1) The sale or other form of commercialisation of plant propagating material to a farmer by the holder of the patent or with his consent for agricultural use implies authorisation for the farmer to use the product of his harvest for further propagation or multiplication by him on his own farm, under conditions prescribed by the law on the protection of plant varieties, whereas products obtained thereby may not be used for commercial purposes.
(2) The sale or other form of commercialisation of breeding stock or other animal reproductive material to a farmer by the holder of the patent or with his consent implies authorisation for the farmer to make the animal or other animal reproductive material available for the purposes of pursuing his agricultural activity but not sale within the framework or for the purpose of commercial reproduction of animals or reproduction materials.

Article 79

Administrative acts effected by the competent authorities pursuant to the provisions of Articles 57,
60, 62, 71, 72 and 77 of this Law, shall be final and an administrative dispute against such acts may
be instituted before the competent court.


1. Duration and Maintenance of Right

Patent Term

Article 80

The term of a patent shall be 20 years from the filing date of the application.

Maintenance of Rights Conferred by a Patent Application and a Patent

Article 81

(1) Prescribed fees shall be payable for the maintenance of rights conferred by the application for a patent and by the patent granted.
(2) The fees under paragraph 1 of this Article shall be paid for the third year and each subsequent year. They shall be due on the anniversary of the date of filing of the application.
(3) Fees for maintaining the original application already due at the date on which the divisional application is filed, shall also be paid for the divisional application on its filing.
(4) Where an applicant or a patent holder fails to pay the fees referred to in paragraphs 1 and 3 of this Article, the fee may be validly paid within an additional time period of six months, provided a prescribed additional fee is paid at the same time.
(5) The proof of payment of the fees under paragraphs 1 and 3 above shall be submitted to the competent authority.

2. Termination of Rights

Non-Payment of Maintenance Fees

Article 82

Where an applicant or a patent holder fails to pay the prescribed fee for the maintenance of rights, such rights shall terminate on the day following the due date referred to in Article 81 Paragraph 2 above.

Surrender of Patent Rights

Article 83

(1) If the holder of a patent files a declaration in writing with the competent authority surrendering its right to a patent, such right shall lapse on the day following the filing of the declaration.
(2) Patent holder may surrender a patent in full or in part.
(3) If any right of a third party with respect to the patent has been entered in the Register, the holder of the patent cannot surrender its right without prior written consent from the party in whose name a licence, pledge or any other right has been entered.
(4) The surrender of a patent shall be listed in the Register of Patents and published in the Official

Death or Dissolution of a Rights-Holder

Article 84

(1) A right shall cease to exist on the day of the death of a natural person or on the day of dissolution of a legal person who is the holder of the patent, unless it has been transferred to heirs or successors in rights.
(2) Paragraph 1 of this Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to patent applicants as well.

3. Restitution of Rights and Continuation of Proceedings

Article 85

(1) If, in spite of having taken all due care required by given circumstances, the applicant or the holder of a patent fails to perform any procedural act within the prescribed time limit, resulting in the loss of rights conferred by the patent application or the granted patent, the competent authority shall allow the restitution of such rights if the applicant or the holder of the patent:
1) files an application for the restitution of rights and completes the omitted act within the prescribed time limit;
2) states the reasons that have impeded the performance of the omitted act in due time.
3) pays the prescribed administrative fee and additional special procedural charges.
(2) The application for the restitution of rights shall be filed within three months from the date on which grounds for the omission ceased to exist or, if the applicant learned about the omission subsequently, from the date on which he found out about the omission, but not later than 12 months from the date of non-observance of the time limit.
(3) If the applicant or patent holder fails to meet the requirements of paragraph 1 of this Article, the competent authority shall invite him in writing within two months from the receipt of the invitation to rectify the identified deficiencies.
(4) If the applicant for a patent or the patent holder fails to remedy identified deficiencies within the period referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article, the competent authority shall reject a proposal for the restitution of rights.
(5) The competent authority cannot refuse the application referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, fully or partially, without prior notification to the applicant specifying grounds for refusal and inviting him to comment in writing, within a period of 2 months.
(6) An application for the restitution of rights cannot be filed for non-observance of time limits for the performance of the following procedural acts:
1) the filing of the application for restitution of rights;
2) the filing of a request for the extension of a time limit; 3) the filing of the application for the
Continuation of Proceedings;
4) the filing of the application for restoration, correction or amendment of priority right;
5) providing the translation of the patent application and the translation of the claims of the granted European patent;
6) the filing of the appeal, and
7) any procedural steps involving several parties in the proceedings before the competent authority.
(7) Any person acting in good faith, who has, in the course of production, started exploiting an invention which is the subject matter of a published application, or has made all necessary preparations to initiate such exploitation within the period between the loss of rights and the publication of the notification on the restitution of rights, shall be entitled to continue exploiting the invention for production purposes only in his own production plant or in the plant of any other person for his own needs.
(8) The content of the application and publication of information on application under Paragraph 1 item 1 above shall be regulated by a specific regulation.

Continuation of Proceedings

Article 86

(1) If the patent applicant or patent holder failed to take an action within the prescribed period pending before the competent authority, which results in the loss of the rights of the patent application or patent, the competent authority may allow the continued proceedings in relation to a patent application or patent, if the applicant:
1) files an application for the continuation of proceedings and performs all the omitted acts within the prescribed time limit, and
2) pays the administrative fee and additional special procedural charges.
(2) A request for the continuation of proceedings can be filed within two months from the date of receipt of the notification of the loss of rights by the competent authority.
(3) If the omitted act have not been performed within the time limit referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, or if the prescribed administrative fees and special procedural charges are not paid, it shall be deemed that a request for continuation of the proceedings is not filed, of which the competent authority shall take appropriate note.
(4) An application for the continuation of proceedings cannot be filed for non-observance of time limits:
1) referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article;
2) for the filing of the application for restoration, correction or amendment of priority;
3) for the filing of the application for restitution of rights;
4) for the filing of an appeal; and
5) for taking any procedural steps involving several parties in the proceedings before the competent authority.
(5) The procedure related to the application under paragraph 1 of this Article, Article 85, paragraph 7 of the Law shall apply.
(6) The content of the application and publication of information on application referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be prescribed by the Ministry.


Article 87

(1) If a basic patent has been granted for a product which is a component part of a medicinal product intended for humans or animals, or for a plant protection product, the placing on the market of which requires prior authorisation in accordance with special law, the competent authority may grant the Supplementary Protection Certificate (hereinafter referred to as: the certificate), under the conditions provided for by this Law.
(2) For the purposes of Articles 87 to 99 and Article 102 of this Law:
1) medicinal product means any substance or combination of substances intended for treating or preventing disease in human beings or animals and any substance or combination of substances which may be administered to human being s or animals with a view to restoring, correcting or modifying physiological functions in humans or in animals, or to making a medicinal diagnosis;
2) plant protection product is an active substance or a preparation containing one or more active substances, put up in the form in which they are supplied to the user, intended to:
- protect plants or plant products against all harmful organisms or prevent the action of such organisms, if such substances or products are not otherwise defined by a special regulation;
- influence the life processes of plants, other than as a nutrient (e.g. plant growth regulators);
-preserve plant products during storage, which is applied before or after harvest or picking except preservatives;
-destroy undesirable plants or
destroy parts of plants,check or prevent undesirable growth of plants;
3) basic patent is a patent determined by the holder of a patent in the application for the grant of a certificate, which protects a product as such, a process for obtaining a product or an application of the product;
4) product is the active ingredient or combination of active ingredients of a medicinal product or active substance as defined in point 6 of this paragraph or combination of active substances of plant protection products;
5) substances, in respect to the Supplementary Protection Certificates for plant protection products, are chemical elements and their compounds, naturall or manufactured, including impurity inevitably resulting from the manufacturing process;
6) active substances, in respect to the Supplementary Protection Certificates for plant protection products, are substances or micro-organisms including viruses, having general or specific action:
- against harmful organisms, or
- on plants, parts of plants or plant products;
7) preparations are mixtures or solutions composed of two or more substances, of which at least one is an active substance, intended for use as plant protection products;
8) plants are live plants and live parts of plants, including fresh fruit and seeds;
9) plant products are products in the unprocessed state or having undergone only simple preparation such as milling, drying or pressing, derived from plants, but excluding plants themselves from item 8 of this paragraph;
10) harmful organisms are pests of plants or plant products belonging to the animal or plant kingdom, and also viruses, bacteria and mycoplasmas and other pathogens;
11) application for an extension of the duration means an application for an extension of the duration of the certificate in accordance with Article 95 par. 3 and 4 of this Law.

Subject Matter of Protection and Legal Effects

Article 88

(1) Within the limits of the protection conferred by the basic patent, the protection conferred by the Certificate shall extend only to the product for human or animal use and plant protection product covered by the authorization for placing such products on market as medicine for human or animal use or plant protection product, for which license has been issued before the expiry of the certificate.
(2) The certificate shall confer to the holder the rights identical to those conferred by the basic patent and these rights shall be subject to the same limitations and obligations.

Entitlement to a Certificate

Article 89

(1) A certificate shall be granted to the holder of the basic patent covering the product or to his successor in right.

Conditions for Obtaining the Certificate

Article 90

Upon the application of the patent holder, a certificate shall be granted if the following conditions are fulfilled on the filing date of its application:
1) that the product is protected by a basic patent in force;
2) that an authorisation to place the product on the market has been granted in accordance with special regulations,
3) that the authorisation under item 2 of the paragraph is the first license for placing the product on the market, and
4) that the product as:
- a medicinal product for human or animal use has not already been the subject of the certificate;
- plant protection product has not already been the subject of the certificate.

Time Limit for the Filing an Application for Recognition or Extension of the Certificate

Article 91

(1) The application for a certificate shall be filed with the competent authority within 6 months from the date on which the authorization under Article 90 items 2 and 3 of the Law has been granted.
(2) Where the authorization has been granted before the grant of the basic patent, the application for the certificate shall be filed within six months from the date on which the information on granted patent has been published within the meaning Article 45, paragraph 3 of this Law.
(3) The application for an extension of the duration of the certificate recognized for protection of medicines for paediatric use may be submitted when filing the application for the grant of the certificate or during the process of deciding on the application for the grant of the certificate, provided that the requirements of Article 92 para. 3 and 4 of this Law have been met.
(4) The application for an extension of the duration of the certificate already granted for protection of medicines for paediatric use shall be filed not later than two years before it expires.
(5) The process of a grant of certificate shall be subject to payment of an administrative fee and special procedural charges.
(6) Information on the application for the grant of the certificate shall be entered in the Register of Supplementary Protection Certificates and published in the Official Gazette within six months from the date of filing.

Application for a Certificate

Article 92

(1) The application for a certificate shall contain:
1) A request for the grant of a certificate stating the following information:
- An explicit indication, that the grant of the certificate is required, or the extension of the duration of the certificate, granted for protection of medicines for paediatric use;
- The name and address of the applicant for natural person, or the name and registered office for legal entities;
- The name and address of the representative of a natural person, or the name and registered office for legal entities;
- The number of the granted basic patent, and
- The title of the invention.
2) The number and date of the first authorization to place the product on the market, or the number and date of the first authorization if the authorization filed is not the first authorization to place the product on the market.
(2) The application referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, shall contain the following:
1) authorization for placing the product on the market referred to in Article 90 items 2 and 3 of this Law;
2) proof that contains information based on which the type of product and method of procedure can be determined, as well as a copy of the notice of the publication of the license data, provided that the license referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article is not the first license for placement of the product on the market, and
3) proof of payment of administrative fees and procedural charges for the grant of the
certificate and the extension of the duration of the certificate granted for protection of medicines for paediatric use.
(3) If, in addition to the application for the grant of the certificate the application for the extension of the duration of the certificate granted for protection of medicines for paediatric use is submitted, it shall be accompanied by:
1) copy of the statement which states that the extension is completed in accordance with the agreed completed paediatric investigation plan of in accordance with special regulations, and
2) when appropriate, a copy of the authorization to place the product on the market shall be accompanied by proof of possession of authorization to place the product on the market of all other Member States, in accordance with a special regulation.
(4) If the proceedings on the application for the grant of the certificate are in progress, the application for extension of the duration of the certificate granted for protection of medicines for paediatric use must contain attachments referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article, and a reference to an application filed.
(5) The application for an extension of the duration of the certificate granted for protection of medicines for paediatric use must contain attachments referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article, and a reference to a copy of a recognized certificate.
(6) The application form and the application of paragraph 1, item 1 and paragraph 3 of this Article shall be submitted on a form whose content shall be regulated by the Ministry.

The Process of Formal Examination of an Application for a Certificate

Article 93

(1) In the examination of the application for the grant of a certificate the competent authority shall determine whether:
1) the application is filed within the period defined and in the prescribed form, and that it contains all the necessary information;
2) the payment of the prescribed administrative fee and charges;
3) the evidence prescribed under this Law are submitted with the application; and
4) the basic patent was in force at the time of filing.
(2) If the application for the grant of a certificate does not contain the elements specified in paragraph 1 of this Article, the competent authority shall invite the applicant, within two months of receipt of the invitation, to rectify the deficiencies.
(3) If the applicant within the period referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article fails to rectify the identified deficiencies, the competent authority shall reject the application for the grant of the certificate.
(4) If the applicant rectifies the deficiencies referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, the competent authority shall conduct the test procedure requirements for recognition of certificates.
(5) The provisions of paragraphs 1 to 4 of this Article shall apply to the procedure for examining the application for an extension of the duration of the certificate recognized for protection of medicines for paediatric use.

The Process of Examining the Conditions for the Grant of the Certificate

Article 94

(1) In the process of examining the conditions for the grant of a certificate the competent authority checks whether on the date of filing the application the requirements of Article 90 of this Law have been met.
(2) If the competent authority in the proceedings referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article determines that the requirements of Article 90 of this Law have been met, it shall issue a decision on the grant of the certificate and specify its duration.
(3) The content of the certificate shall be regulated by a specific regulation of the Ministry.
(4) If the competent authority in the proceedings referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article determines that the conditions under Article 90 of this Law have not been met, it shall reject the application for the grant of the certificate.
(5) The provisions of paragraphs 1 to 4 of this Article shall apply to the procedure for examining the application for extension of the duration of the certificate recognized for protection of medicines for paediatric use.

Term of Protection

Article 95

(1) The certificate shall take effect immediately at the end of the lawful term of the basic patent for a period equal to the period which elapsed between the date on which the application for a basic patent was filed and the date of the first authorization to place the product on the market, reduced by a period of five years.
(2) The duration of the certificate may not extend beyond five years of the date on which it takes effect.
(3) The duration of the certificate shall be extended only once by six months if an authorized medicinal product which is protected by a certificate or a patent that qualifies for the granting of a certificate has completed all the studies required in compliance with an agreed paediatric investigation plan, provided that the authorization was issued in all member states of the European Union.

(4) Paragraph 3 of this article shall not apply to medicinal products designated as orphan medicinal products and if the applicant applies for, and obtains, a one-year extension of the period of marketing protection for the medicinal product concerned, on the grounds that this new paediatric indication brings a significant clinical benefit in comparison with existing therapies.

(5) Extension of certificates recognized for protection of medicines for paediatric use is not possible to medicine with the applicable one-year extension of the ten-year period, as well as for medicines intended to treat serious and rare diseases, in accordance with special regulations.

Expiry of the Certificate

Article 96

The certificate shall lapse:
1) upon expiry of the period for which it was granted;
2) if the holder of the certificate surrenders it, in which case the certificate shall lapse on the day following the day on which a certified written declaration of surrender is furnished to the competent authority;
3) upon the withdrawal of the authorization for placement of the product on the market, in accordance with a special regulation,
4) if the administrative fee for the maintenance of the certificate has not been paid in accordance with Article 97 of this Law.

Maintenance of the Certificate

Article 97

(1) Prescribed fees shall be payable for the maintenance of the certificate due at the beginning of each year of the validity of the certificate.
(2) The fee referred to in paragraph 1 of this article refers to the period of one year commencing on the date and month of filing the application for the basic patent, starting from the date of termination of its validity.
(3) If the final period of the certificate is less than a year, the annual fee is paid for the entire year.
(4) Where an applicant or a patent holder fails to pay the fees referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, the fee may be validly paid within an additional time period of six months, provided a prescribed additional fee is paid at the same time.
(5) The certificate holder shall pay an annual fee for the first time within 60 days from the date of the invitation of the competent authority.


Article 98

(1) Information on the application for the grant of the certificate, on the grant of the certificate, on the rejection or refusal of the application for the grant of a certificate, on the termination of the certificate, as well as information on extending the duration of the certificate for the protection of medicines for paediatric use or rejection of an application for an extension of the certificates, shall be published in the Official Gazette.
(2) The particulars referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be regulated by a specific regulation of the Ministry.

Appropriate application

Article 99

The provisions of the Law on legal protection of inventions shall apply mutatis mutandis to the protection of certificates, unless otherwise provided for by the provision of articles 87 to 98 this Law.


1. Declaration of Nullity of a Patent

Grounds for the Declaration of Nullity

Article 100

(1) Any interested natural or legal person and the Attorney General may submit the request for the patent annulment in whole or in part, to the competent authority.
(2) At any time during the term of a patent, upon request of an interested person, the competent authority shall declare a patent null, if it establishes that:
1) the subject matter of protection is not an invention within the meaning of Articles 5 paragraph 5 of this Law;
2) the invention falls under the category of inventions excluded from the protection as defined in Article 6 and 7 of this Law;
3) the invention was not new within the meaning of Articles 8 and 9 on the date of the filing
of the patent application or on the date of priority, or did not involve an inventive step pursuant
Article 10 or was not industrially applicable pursuant to Article 11 of this Law;
4) the invention is not described in a manner sufficiently clear and complete as defined in
Article 25 of this Law;
5) the subject-matter of the patent as published extends beyond the content of the application as filed, or if patent was granted on a divisional application, the subject matter of which extends beyond the basic application as filed, in which case only the specific part of the decision granting protection that extends beyond the permissible scope shall be annulled.
(3) If the grounds for nullification affect the patent only in part, the patent shall be limited by a corresponding amendment of the claims and annulled in part.
(4) In proceedings before the competent authority relating to the validity of the patent, the holder of the patent shall have the right to limit the patent by amending the claims. The patent thus limited shall form the basis for the proceedings.
(5) The competent authority shall conduct the procedure for patent annulment through one of the
State Patent Bureaus of the state with which it has concluded a cooperation agreement.

Request for Nullification of a Patent

Article 101

(1) An application under Article 100, paragraph 1 above shall include details of the applicant and the holder of the patent, a statement requesting the declaration of the nullity of a patent, registration number of the patent to be invalidated, the reasons for seeking the nullification, necessary evidence and proof of payment of administrative fees and special procedural charges.
(2) If the application for the declaration of nullity of a patent is not drafted in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article, the competent authority shall invite the applicant to remedy these deficiencies within two months from the receipt of the invitation.
(3) Should the applicant fail to remedy the deficiencies within the period referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, the competent authority shall reject the application.
(4) The competent authority shall communicate the valid application to the patent holder and invite him to submit his response within 30 days of the receipt of the invitation.
(5) Where appropriate, the competent authority shall invite the patent holder to submit the description, patent claims and drawings in an amended form, provided that the subject of protection does not extend beyond the content of the patent as granted.
(6) Based on the results of the procedure conducted, the competent authority may declare the patent nullified, in whole or in part, or refuse the request for declaration of nullity of a patent.
(7) If the competent authority finds that a patent modified in the process of declaration of nullification may remain in force, before issuing the decision, it shall notify the parties to the proceedings and invite them to, within the deadline under paragraph 2 of this Article, submit reasoned observations if they fail to agree with the text in which the competent authority intends to maintain the patent in force.
(8) Should the parties agree with the text on the basis of which the authority intends to maintain the patent in force or fail to submit the required documentation referred to in paragraph 5 of this Article, the competent authority shall invite the patent holder to pay an administrative fee and special charges for printing new patent specification within 60 days from the day of the receipt of the invitation.
(9) Should the administrative fee and special charges under paragraph 8 of this Article not be paid, the competent authority shall nullify the patent within the scope of the application.
(10) The Ministry shall regulate the particulars of the declaration of nullity of a patent, which the competent authority shall publish in the Official Gazette.

2. Nullification of the Certificate

(1) A certificate shall be nullified:

Grounds for Nullification

Article 102

1) if it was granted contrary to the conditions set out by this Law;
2) if the basic patent covering the subject matter protected by the certificate terminated within the meaning of Articles 82, 83 and 84 of this Law;
3) if the basic patent covering the subject matter protected by the certificate has been annulled, in whole or partially, to the extent that the product for which the certificate was granted is no longer protected by the patent claims or, after the basic patent has expired, if justifiable grounds for nullification exist.
(2) An extension of the duration of the certificate recognized for protection of medicines for paediatric use may be nullified if it was granted contrary to the provision of Article 95 paragraph 3 and 4 of this Law.
(3) Provisions of this Law applicable to nullification of a patent shall apply mutatis mutandis to the nullification of a certificate and an extension of the duration of the certificate recognized for protection of medicines for paediatric use.

X. PROTECTION OF RIGHTS UNDER THE CIVIL LAW An Action to Establish the Right to the Patent

Article 103

(1) If, contrary to the provisions of Article 12 of this Law, a patent application has been filed by an unauthorized person or the patent was granted and entered in the Register of Patents in the name of an unauthorized person, the inventor, his successor in rights or employer and his legal successor within the meaning of this Law, shall be entitled to file an action and instigate a litigation requesting the court to establish his right to the protection of a given invention in place of or, as joint holder, together with the person who has already filed an application for the invention.
(2) The action shall be filed against the person who has been entered into the Register of Patent Applications or into the Register of Patents without authorization as the applicant of a patent application or the holder of a patent in the.
(3) The action referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article may be filed within three years from the date of publication of the patent in the Official Gazette.
(4) If the plaintiff proves that an unauthorized person acted intentionally, the action may be submitted for the entire duration of patent protection.

Obligations of the Court, the Competent Authorities, Prosecutors and Interested Parties Regarding the Action for Establishing the Patent Rights

Article 104

(1) The court shall notice the competent authority of the action under Article 103, paragraph 1 of this Law without delay, for the purpose of registration of this fact in the Register of Patent Applications and the Register of Patents.
(2) The plaintiff shall, upon the invitation of the competent authority, pay an administrative fee for the registration of the facts referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article in the Register of Patent Applications and the Register of Patents.
(3) The Court shall deliver the final judgment on the action under Article 103, paragraph 1 of this Law to the competent authority and the parties, without delay.
(4) If the Plaintiff was successful in his action under Article 103, paragraph 1 of this Law, the competent authority shall enter the change in the Register of Patent Applications and Register of Patents and publish it in the Official Gazette.
(5) The Plaintiff is obliged, upon the invitation of the competent authority, to pay the administrative fee and the procedural charges for the registration of the change referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article in the Register of Patent Applications and Register of Patents and of the publication.
(6) In the event referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Article, licenses and other rights in favour of third persons entered in the Register of Patent Applications and Register of Patents shall cease from the date of registration of changes in the Register of Patent Applications and Register of Patents.
(7) The competent authority shall immediately inform in writing the licensee and third parties on the termination of the license and other rights referred to in paragraph 6 of this Article.
(8) The licensee and third parties, who, in good faith, exercised their right or done serious preparations for the use of their rights may, within 3 months of receipt of the notification referred to in paragraph 7 of this Article require of the new applicant for a patent or patent holder, acquiring of non-exclusive license or other right under market conditions, if it is not contrary to its legitimate interests.
(9) The detailed content of the data to be entered in the Register of Patent Applications and Register of Patents and published in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 4 of this Article shall be determined by a regulation of the Ministry.

An Action for the Indication (recognition) of the Inventor

Article 105

(1) An inventor shall have the right to file an action and request the court to establish his inventorship and order the entry of his name in the patent application and in other relevant documents and registers kept by the competent authority in accordance with the provisions of this Law, if in contravention to Article 13 of the Law, he has not been indicated, or other person has been indicated as the inventor in the application for a patent.
(2) The action referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be brought against a person who is in contravention of Article 13 of this Law indicated as the inventor.
(3) There shall be no time limit for filing the action under paragraph 1 of this Article.
(4) In the event of the death of the inventor, his heirs shall be entitled to file an action referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.

Obligation of the Court, the Competent Authorities, Prosecutors and Interested Parties Regarding the Action for the Indication of the Inventor

Article 106

(1) The Court shall send a notice of the action under Article 105, paragraph 1 of this Law without delay to the competent authority, for the purpose of registration of this fact in the Register of Patent Applications and Register of Patents.
(2) The Plaintiff shall, upon the invitation of the competent authority pay an administrative fee for the registration of the facts referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article in the Register of Patent Applications and Register of Patents.
(3) The Court shall deliver the final judgment on the action under Article 105, paragraph 1 of this Law to the competent authority and the parties, without delay.
(4) If the Plaintiff was successful in his action under Article 105, paragraph 1 of this Law, the competent authority shall change the inventors entered in the Register of Patent Applications and Register of Patents and publish the change in the Official Gazette.
(5) The Plaintiff is obliged upon the invitation of the competent authority, to pay the administrative
fee as well as the procedural charges for the registration of the change referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article in the Register of Patent Applications and Register of Patents and of the publication.
(6) The detailed content of the data to be entered in the Register of Patent Applications and Register of Patents and published in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 4 of this Article shall be determined by the regulation of the Ministry.

An Action for Determination and Termination of Infringement

Article 107

(1) The patent holder shall be entitled to instigate an action against any person infringing his patent by performing unauthorized any of the acts referred to in Articles 49 and 50 of this Law.
(2) The patent holder can sue the persons referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article to demand termination of infringement and the prohibition of such or similar infringement in the future, subject to the payment of fines.
(3) The patent holder may file an action against a person who has by performing an action caused a
serious threat that his patent might be infringed within the meaning of Articles 49 and 50, for a termination of that action and the prohibition of patent infringement, subject to the payment of fines.
(4) The actions referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this Article may be placed against a person who in the course of its business activities provides services that are used in operations in breach of the patent or threatening with patent infringement.
(5) Actions referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article may be filed within five years from the date of patent infringement.
(6) If the Plaintiff proves that the person referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article acted intentionally, actions referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article may be submitted for the entire duration of patent protection.
(7) The action referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article may be filed within five years from the date the action threatening the patent infringement has been taken.

An Action for the Seizure and Destruction of Objects

Article 108

(1) Where a person performing without the authorization any of the activities referred to in Articles
49 and 50 of this Law infringed the patent, the patent holder shall be entitled to instigate an action requesting that the products infringing the patent be removed from the market, seized or destroyed (2) The patent holder may require uptake of measures referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, against the tools, equipment and other items mainly used for manufacturing or creating a product that infringes the patent.
(3) The Court shall order the measures referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, at the expense of the defendant, unless there are special reasons not to decide so.
(4) In determining the measures referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, the court shall take into account all the circumstances of the case, and pay particular attention that they are proportionate to the nature and intensity of the infringement, as well as the interests of third parties.
(5) Actions under paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article may be filed within five years from the date of

Claim for Damages, Compensation and Restitution of Acquired Right without Merit

Article 109

(1) The patent holder shall be entitled to take an action claiming damages from the person who by unauthorized performing of any of the acts referred to in Articles 49 and 50 of this law has caused him damage, under the general rules on damages determined by the law governing contractual relations.
(2) Instead of the action claiming damages referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, given the circumstances, and if the defendant acted without authorization, the patent holder can take an action claiming the payment of an amount, which, under the circumstances, could have been required on the basis of a license agreement, if concluded.
(3) If an infringement of rights was committed intentionally or out of gross negligence, the plaintiff may claim triple amount of license remuneration under paragraph 2 above.
(4) Where a person without having grounds for it in any legal transaction or the law by performing any of the activities referred to in Articles 49 and 50 of this Law infringed the patent and thus gained benefit, the patent holder may, regardless of the guilt of the defendant, claim the return or compensation of such benefit under the general rules of benefit acquired without merit in accordance with the law governing contractual relations.
(5) The actions under paragraphs 1 and 4 of this Article may be filed within the time limits prescribed by the law governing contractual relations.
(6) The actions under paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article may be filed within three years from the date the claimant became aware of the violation and the offender, and not later than 5 years from the date the violation occurred.

The Burden of Proof

Article 110

In the civil proceedings conducted for the infringement of the patent -protected process for the production of new substances, it shall be considered that every equal substance or a substance of equal composition is obtained by a protected process, until proven to the contrary by the person producing such a substance or composition.

The Request for Publication of the Judgment

Article 111

(1) In the cases under Articles 103 to 109 of this Law, the patent holder may take an action claiming that a final judgment partially or fully adopting the claim shall be published in printed or electronic media at the expense of the defendant.
(2) The court shall, within the limits of the claim, decide in which media the judgment from paragraph 1 of this Article shall be published, as well as the scope of the publication (in whole or in part) of the judgment.
(3) If the court determines that only a portion of the judgment shall be published, it shall order, within the limits of the claim, that at least wording and where necessary part of the judgment from which the type of injury and the person who has committed a violation of the patent is visible, shall be published.
(4) The action referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be filed within five years of patent infringement.
(5) If the plaintiff proves that the defendant acted intentionally, the claim referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article may be submitted for the entire duration of patent protection.

Infringement of Patent in respect of which a Declaratory Decision in not Issued

Article 112

(1) Where the holder of a patent initiated litigation proceedings for the protection of the patent infringement in respect of which the competent authority has not issued a declaratory decision under Article 48 of this Law, the court shall suspend the proceedings until the issuance of such a decision.
(2) In the case of patent infringement in respect of which the competent authority has not issued a declaratory decision, during the interval between the granting of the patent and the issuance of the declaratory decision under Article 48 of this Law, the court shall order a person who caused the damage to the patent holder by unauthorized actions referred to in Articles 49 and 50 of this Law, to pay compensation taking into account all the circumstances of the case.

Provisional Measures due to the Patent Infringement

Section 113

(1) On request of the person who proves reasonable probability that his right arising from the patent is infringed or threatened to be infringed, the court may order the provisional measure to suspend or prevent the infringement, and order:
1) opponent of protection to cease and desist from doing the act that infringes the patent, and the court may also issue the order against intermediaries whose services are used by third parties to infringe patent;
2) temporarily seizure or removal from the market of the goods that infringe patent or tools,
equipment and other items which are mainly used for manufacturing or creating a product that infringes the patent.
(2) At the request of the holder of a patent who proves reasonable probability that the patent infringement has occurred when conducting business activities in order to gain economic or financial benefits, and that, because of such injury irreparable damage has been caused, in addition to the provisional measures referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, the court may order:
1) seizure of movable and immovable property owned by opponents of protection that are not directly related to the infringement;
2) the prohibition on disposal of assets from financial institutions and disposal of other assets of the opponent of the protection.
(3) For the determination and enforcement of provisional measures referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, the court may order the opponent of protection or other person who disposes of banking, financial and other economic data, to deliver such information, or to provide access to other necessary information and documentation.
(4) The court shall preserve the confidentiality of information and documents referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article, and prohibit their misuse.

Determination of Provisional Measures without Notice

Article 114

(1) The court may order provisional measures under Article 113, paragraph 1 of this Law without notifying the opponent of protection, provided that the patent holder gives reasonable grounds that in the case of notification to the opponent of protection the provisional measure will be ineffective or that there is danger of irreparable harm.
(2) The court may order provisional measures under Article 113, paragraph 2 of this Law, without notifying the opponent of protection, provided that the patent holder proves reasonable probability that the provisional measure will be ineffective, or that due to the particularly difficult circumstances of infringement such measure shall be necessary.
(3) In the cases referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, the court shall issue a decision on a provisional measure to opponent of protection immediately after its execution.
(4) If a claim has not been filed, the time limit for filing a claim in order to justify provisional measures cannot be longer than 20 working days or 31 calendar days from the date of submission of the provisional measure to the patent holder, whichever is later.
(5) The provisions of Article 113 of this Law and this Article shall not exclude the possibility of ordering the provisional measures in accordance with the other provisions of this law and the law governing enforcement proceedings.

Provisional Measures for the Preservation of Evidence

Article 115

(1) On the request of the holder of a patent who proves reasonable probability that his patent has been infringed or is threatened with imminent patent infringement, the court may order provisional measure to preserve the evidence, and in particular order:
1) opponents of protection to develop a detailed description of the goods for which the patent holder gives credible evidence of patent infringement, with or without taking the samples of these objects;
2) seizure of the goods for which the patent holder makes it credible that it infringes the
3) seizure of products, tools, equipment and other items that were used for the production
and distribution of objects for which the patent holder makes it credible that they infringe the patent, as well as business documents that refer to it.
(2) The court may order provisional measures referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article in emergency situations without informing opponents of protection if the patent holder makes it probable that in the case of notification to the opponents of protection the provisional measures will be ineffective or that the danger of irreparable harm threatens.
(3) In the cases referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, the court shall issue a decision on provisional measure to the opponent of protection immediately after its execution.
(4) If a claim is not filed, the time limit for filing a claim in order to justify provisional measures cannot be longer than 20 working days or 31 calendar days from the date of submission of the decision on provisional measures to the patent holder, with the deadline for filing a claim being the one which expires later.
(5) The provisions of paragraphs 1 to 4 of this Article shall not exclude the possibility of ordering the provisional measures in accordance with the provisions of this Law and the law governing enforcement proceedings, as well as measures for securing evidence in accordance with the law governing civil proceedings.

Obtaining Evidence in Civil Proceedings

Article 116

(1) When a party in a civil action for infringement of patent in accordance with the provisions of Articles 103 to 120 of this Law calls for specific evidence, and claims that the patent is in the possession of a party or under its control, the court shall invite that party to submit such evidence within a specified period.
(2) Where the patent holder as a plaintiff in the lawsuit to protect patent from infringement in accordance with the provisions of Articles 103 to 120 of this Law proves reasonable probability of patent infringement when conducting business activities in order to obtain economic or financial benefits, the court shall at his request invite the defendant to submit within specified time the banking, finance or similar business documents, and other evidence in his possession or under his control.
(3) When a party invited to submit evidence under paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article denies having evidence in its possession or control, the court may order the preservation of evidence to establish the facts.
(4) The provisions to deny the testimony of the law governing civil proceedings shall apply mutadis mutandis with respect to the rights of the parties to withhold submission of evidence.
(5) The court, taking in consideration all circumstances, at own free will, shall decide on the importance of the fact that the party in possession of evidence or in control of the evidence, refuses to act upon the decision of the court ordering it to submit the proof or opposite to the belief of the court denies to have evidence in its possession or control.

The Obligation to Provide Information

Article 117

(1) The holder of a patent which has launched a civil action for the protection of the patent from infringement may require the submission of data on the origin and distribution channels of the product which infringes the patent.
(2) The request referred to in paragraph 1 may be made against:
1) the defendant in a civil action under paragraph 1 of this Article;
2) a person who in the course of its commercial activities has products for which the rights-holder proves reasonable probability that they infringe the patent;
3) a person who in the course of its business activities provides services of which the rights-holder proves reasonable probability to infringe the patent;
4) a person who, in the course of his business activities provides services that are used in operations for which rights-holder proves reasonable probability to infringe the paten;
5) a person who was, by the persons referred to in items 1 to 4 of this paragraph, designated as the person involved in the production or distribution of products or rendering of services for which the rights-holder proves reasonable probability that they infringe the patent.
(3) The request referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article may be filed as a claim in a lawsuit, complaint or request for provisional measure.
(4) The request under paragraph 1 of this Article shall in particular contain the following information:
1) the name or names and addresses of manufacturers and distributors, suppliers and other previous holders of the goods, as well as wholesalers and retailers where the goods are intended;
2) the quantities produced, manufactured, delivered, received or ordered, as well as the
prices obtained for these products.
(5) The person against whom the request is made under paragraph 1 of this Article may refuse to provide such information as, on the basis of the provisions of the law governing civil proceedings, he may refuse to testify.
(6) If a person referred to in paragraph 5 above shall refuse to provide data without justified reason, he shall be liable for damages in accordance with the provisions of the law governing contractual relations.
(7) The provisions of this Article shall not preclude the application of Articles 115 and 116 of this Law, the regulations on the use of classified information in civil and criminal procedures, rules governing liability for misuse of the right to obtain information, and enforcement of regulations governing the processing and protection of personal data.

Alternative Measures

Article 118

At the request of the defendant in civil proceedings under Articles 103 to 120 of this Law, who proves that he acted intentionally, the court may, instead of measures demanded by the patent holder determine the payment of a fee to the patent holder, if the execution of the measures against the defendant would cause disproportionate harm and if pecuniary compensation, considering all the circumstances of the case, would be considered reasonable and satisfactory compensation for patent infringement.

Persons Entitled to Apply for Protection of the Rights

Article 119

In addition to the patent holder, or a person authorized in accordance with the general regulations on representation, protection of patent from infringement in accordance with the provisions of Articles 103 to 120 of this Law may be required by the holder of an exclusive license to the extent to which it obtained the right to exploit the patent, as well as the professional organization for the protection of the rights which has the right to represent holders of intellectual property rights in accordance with the law.

Urgency and Application of the Provisions of Other Laws

Article 120

(1) Proceedings under Articles 103 to 120 of this Law are urgent.
(2) The provisions of the law governing civil, or enforcement proceedings shall apply in proceedings for violation of Articles 102 to 120 of this Law in all matters not regulated by this Law. (3) The costs of proceedings under Articles 103 to 120 of this Law shall be reimbursable in accordance with the provisions of the law governing litigation or enforcement proceedings.


License Agreement and Assignment of Rights

Article 121

(1) The holder of a patent or patent application may assign the right to exploit a patent or a patent application by a license agreement.
(2) The holder of a patent or patent applicant can, by contract, transfer a patent or the rights under a patent application in whole or in part.
(3) Agreements under paragraphs 1 and 2 above are valid only if made in writing.
(4) The conclusion of a license agreement or agreement for the transfer of a joint patent requires the consent of all patent holders or the applicants of the patent.
(5) Agreement under paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article which is not registered in the appropriate
Register shall have no legal effect against third parties.
(6) The provisions of the law governing contractual relations shall apply to the issues relating to agreements under paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article not regulated by this Law.
(7) The provisions of this Article shall apply to the conclusion of the license agreements and
agreements on the transfer of the rights from the supplementary protection certificate.

Pledge, Levy of Execution and the Bankruptcy

Article 122

(1) The patent, or the right conferred by a patent application, as well as the right conferred by a supplementary protection certificate may be the subject of a pledge on the basis of a pledge contract, and court executing decision.
(2) At the request of pledgee or pledger, the pledge shall be entered in the Register of Patent
Applications, or Register of Patents or the Register of Supplementary Protection Certificates.
(3) The court conducting the execution shall without delay inform the competent authority of the initiated execution of the patent for the purpose of the entry in the register referred to in paragraph
2 of this Article.
(4) Entry of the execution in the Register referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article shall be paid by the pledgee.
(5) Where the patent, the right conferred by a patent application, or supplementary protection certificate forms part of the bankruptcy estate, the competent court shall inform the competent authority of the bankruptcy proceedings for the bankruptcy for the entry into the Register referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article.

Entry into the registries

Article 123

(1) The rights conferred by a patent application, patent and supplementary protection certificate can be transferred to another person or may be the subject of a license agreement or pledge, subject to bankruptcy, etc.
(2) On request of a party, the competent authority shall take a decision on registration of changes in the Register of Patent Applications and Register of Patents which occurred after the filing of the patent application or after the grant of the patent.
(3) The changes referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article shall be published in the Official Gazette of the competent authority.
(4) The procedure for registration in the Register of Patent Applications or the Register of Patents of contracts referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, as well as other changes relating to the applicant, or the patent holder, their publication in the official gazette, and the payment of fees and reimbursement of specific costs of the proceedings shall be regulated by the regulation of the Ministry.


Secret Patent Application

Article 124

(1) An application filed by a national or a person with residing address in Montenegro shall be considered to be secret if it concerns an invention of significance for the defence and security of Montenegro.
(2) Applications referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be filed with the authority competent for national defence.

Procedure in Respect of the Application

Article 125

(1) If the state administrative authority competent for national defence establishes in its examination of an application filed that it has ceased to have elements of secrecy, it shall forward the application to the competent authority.
(2) Such application submitted to the competent authority under Article 1 above, shall retain the filing date accorded to it by the state administrative authority competent for national defence.

Procedure Following the Grant of a Patent

Article 126

(1) If the state administrative authority competent for national defence establishes, subsequent to the grant of a patent for a secret invention, that the invention has ceased to have elements of secrecy, it shall forward the file concerning the invention to the competent authority.
(2) In the case referred to under paragraph 1 above the competent authority shall enter the patent in the appropriate Register, publish the information on the granted right and issue an appropriate certificate to the rights-holder, in accordance with the provisions of this Law.

Right to Exploitation

Article 127

(1) The state administrative authority competent for national defence or state administrative authority competent for internal affairs shall have the exclusive right to use and dispose of a secret invention.
(2) The inventor shall be entitled to a single lump sum compensation for the protected secret invention, regardless of whether or not the invention is used.

Publication of a Secret Invention and Its Protection Abroad

Article 128

(1) A secret invention shall not be published.
(2) A natural person with residence or a legal entity with the registered office in Montenegro may claim protection for a secret invention abroad only subject to approval of the state administrative authority competent for national defence.

XIII. INVENTIONS MADE IN THE COURSE OF EMPLOYMENT Definition of the Invention made in the Course of Employment

Article 129

An invention shall be deemed to have been made in the course of employment if it is:
1) an invention made by an employee in the course of his regular duties or specially assigned tasks concerning scientific and technical research and development, or an invention made under a research contract concluded with the employer;
2) an invention which does not fall under the provisions of item 1 of this Article, but is made by an employee in connection with the activities of his employer or with the use of material and technical facilities, information and other working conditions provided by the employer;
3) an invention made by an employee within a period of one year from the termination of his employment, which would have constituted an invention under items 1 and 2 of this Article had it been made in the course of employment.

Right to Protection

Article 130

(1) The right to protection of an invention pursuant to Article 129, paragraph 1 shall belong to the employer, unless otherwise provided by contract between the inventor and employer.
(2) If an invention made in the course of employment has been protected in the name of the employer, the inventor shall have moral rights in relation with this invention and shall be entitled to remuneration subject to the results of the commercial use of the invention.
(3) The right to remuneration referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article shall belong to the inventor even if the employer assigns his rights or grants a licence for the use of the invention to a third party.

Additional Rights

Article 131

(1) The right to protection of an invention under Article 129, paragraph 2, shall belong to the employee, whereas the employer shall be entitled to commercial use of the invention and shall be obligated to pay remuneration to the employee in accordance with a contract concluded with respect to specific invention.
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph 1 of this Article, if the invention includes any trade secret of the employer, such employer shall be entitled to prohibit the disclosure of the invention, but shall be required to pay remuneration to the employee. The employee shall not be entitled to apply for the protection of such invention.

Remuneration to an Employee

Article 132

(1) Criteria for determining the amount of remuneration and the method and time of payment thereof shall be established by a general act or a labour agreement between the employer and the employee or by a special agreement concluded between the employer and employee with respect to specific invention.
(2) The court shall decide in case of a dispute regarding the amount, method and time of payment of the remuneration, upon request of the inventor or employer, taking into accounts the extent to which the invention contributed to the increase of profits or savings within the company.
(3) The employee may not renounce his right to remuneration in advance.

Action by the employee

Article 133

(1) An inventor who comes up with an invention in the course of employment shall submit a written report to the employer immediately upon the creation of the invention, informing him thereof.
(2) If the report referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article does not contain required elements, the employer shall determine the appropriate time limit for the employee to remedy the deficiencies therein.
(3) The content of the report referred to in paragraph 1 of this Law shall be regulated by specific regulation.


Article 134

(1) Within a period of two months from the day of the receipt of the valid report referred to in Article 133 of this Law, the employer shall be required to communicate to the employee in writing whether he considers the invention to be an invention within the meaning of Article 129, items 1 and 2 of this Law.
(2) If the employee fails to deliver the report within the meaning of Article 133 of this Law to the employer, the time limit under paragraph 1 of this Article shall run from the date on which the employer has obtained information of the invention.


Article 135

(1) When dealing with an invention referred to in Article 192, item 1 of this Law, the employer shall be required to inform the employee in the communication referred to in Article 134 of this Law whether he shall file an application.
(2) If the employer states, pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article, that he shall file an application, he shall be required to inform the inventor of the content of the application prior to its filing, of all the actions taken by the competent authority in the proceedings upon the application and of the content of all documents filed with the competent authority prior to their filing.
(3) The inventor shall be required to provide the employer with all information needed in the procedure for the protection of the invention.
(4) If the employer does not wish to file an application for a patent and finds that the invention contains no trade secrets within the meaning of Article 131 of this Law, he shall communicate this in writing, within the time limit referred to Article 134 of this Law, to the inventor who shall be entitled to protect such invention in his own name.
(5) If the employer decides to withdraw a filed application, he shall communicate this to the inventor in writing and shall assign to him rights conferred by the application.
(6) The provisions of Articles 131 and 138 of this Law shall apply mutadis mutandis with respect to the economic exploitation of inventions from paragraphs 4 and 5 of this Article.

The Rights of the Employee in the Event of the Failure to Observe the Time Limit

Article 136

In the event of failure to observe the time limit referred to in Article 134 of this Law, the inventor shall be entitled to protect the invention in his own name.

Employee’s commitments

Article 137

(1) An employee who creates an invention referred to Article 129, item 2 of this Law cannot file an application with the competent authority before he receives the communication referred to in Article 134 of this Law from the employer or before the expiry of the time limit for such communication.
(2) If the employee referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article decides to withdraw an application filed, he shall communicate this to the employer in writing and shall assign to him rights conferred by the application.

Employer’s notice

Article 138

(1) With regard to the use of an invention protected in the name of the inventor, the employer shall be required to state, within a period of six months from the receipt of the valid report on the
invention under Article 133 of this Law, whether he is interested in obtaining an exclusive licence from the inventor.
(2) Until the expiry of the time limit referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, the inventor shall not be entitled to assign the right to the invention to any third party or to grant a licence for the use of the invention.

Use of Invention

Article 139

The use of an invention made in the course of employment cannot start before the issue of remuneration under Article 132 of this Law is settled or before the court takes a final decision.

Confidentiality Requirement

Article 140

(1) The employer and inventor shall maintain the confidentiality of an invention made within the course of employment until the publication of the patent application or until the invention becomes available for public in some other manner.
(2) If the employer displays justifiable interest for the invention not being published, the obligation of the employee to keep it confidential shall continue upon the termination of his employment with that employer.


Article 141

(1) European patent application and a European patent extended to Montenegro shall, under the conditions established by this Law, have the same effect and be subject to the same conditions as a national patent application and a national patent.
(2) In terms of paragraph 1 above and Article 142 to Article 150 and Article 153 above:
1) European patent applicationshall mean an application for a European patent filed under the European Patent Convention, (hereinafter referred to as the EPC), as well as an international application filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (hereinafter referred to as the PCT), for which the European Patent Office (hereinafter referred to as the EPO) acts as a designated or elected office and in which Montenegro is designated;
2) “Extended European patent” shall mean a patent granted by the EPO upon European patent
application for which extension to Montenegro has been requested;
3) “National patent application” shall mean a patent application filed under this Law with the competent authority;
4) “National patent” shall mean a patent granted upon a national patent application.

Request for Extension

Article 142

(1) European patent application and a European patent granted upon such application shall be extended to Montenegro at the request of the applicant.
(2) The request for extension under paragraph 1 above shall be deemed to be filed with any European patent application filed on or after the date on which the Agreement between the Government of Montenegro and the European Patent Organisation on Extension of European Patents (hereinafter: "Extension Agreement") enters into force.
(2) Every request for extension shall be published in the Official Gazette by the competent authority, as soon as possible after it has been informed by the EPO on the payment of the prescribed extension fee, but not before the expiry of 18 months from the filing date or, if priority has been claimed, from the earliest priority date.
(4) A request for extension may be withdrawn at any time.
(5) The request shall be deemed to be withdrawn if the prescribed extension fee has not been paid in due time or if the European patent application has been ultimately refused, withdrawn or deemed to be withdrawn.
(6) The competent authority shall publish a notice in the Official Gazette concerning these changes under paragraphs 4 and 5, as soon as possible, if the request for extension has already been published in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article.
(7) The content of the publication under paragraphs 3 to 6 of this Article shall be regulated by a specific regulation of the Ministry.

Extension Fee

Article 143

(1) The extension fee under Article 142 of this Law shall be paid to the EPO within six months of the date on which the European Patent Bulletin mentions the publication of the European search report, or, where applicable, in the period of execution of the actions for the entry into the European phase of the international application under Article 141, Paragraph 2, Item 1 of this Law.
(2) The extension fee may also be validly paid within an additional period of two months of expiry of the period referred to in paragraph 1 above, provided that a 50% surcharge is paid within this additional period.
(3) EPO Rules relating to fees under paragraph 1 above shall apply mutatis mutandis to the payment of extension fees.
(4) Validly paid extension fees under paragraph 3 above cannot be refunded.

Effects of European Patent Applications

Article 144

(1) European patent application, which has been accorded a filing date, shall be equivalent to a regular national patent application, with priority claimed for a European patent application, if such claim has been made, whatever the outcome of proceedings relating to the application may be.
(2) A published European patent application shall confer upon the applicant the equal rights as the one conferred by a national patent application, from the date on which a translation of the claims of the published European patent application into the Montenegrin language in is communicated by the applicant to the person using the invention in Montenegro.
(3) European patent application shall be deemed not to have had the effect referred to in paragraph
2 of this Article ab initio, if the request for extension has been withdrawn or is deemed to have been withdrawn.

Effects of Extended European Patents

Article 145

(1) Subject to paragraphs 2 to 6 of this Article, an extended European patent shall, from the date of publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent by the EPO, confer the rights identical to those conferred by a national patent under this Law.
(2) Within 3 months from the date on which the mention of the grant of the European patent has been published, the holder of the patent shall furnish the competent authority with a translation of the claims of the European patent into Montenegrin language and shall pay the prescribed publication fee and the costs of the printing of the translation of patent claims of the granted European patent.
(3) Where, as a result of an opposition or request for limitation filed with the EPO, a European patent is maintained with amended claims, the holder of the patent shall furnish the competent authority with a translation of the amended claims into Montenegrin language in Montenegro and shall pay the prescribed publication fee, within three months from the date on which notice on the decision to maintain the amended European patent has been published.
(4) Where the text of claims contains reference signs used in the drawings, such drawings shall be attached to the translation referred to in paragraph 2 and 3.
(5) The competent authority shall publish any translation filed in a timely manner under paragraphs
2 and 3 of this Article.
(6) If the translation specified in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article is not filed in a timely manner or if the prescribed fee has not been paid in due time, the extended European patent shall be deemed void ab initio.
(7) An extended European patent and the European patent application on which it is based shall be deemed not to have had ab initio effects referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article and in Article 144,
paragraph 2 of this Law, to the extent that the patent has been revoked in opposition or in central revocation proceedings or limited in limitation proceedings before the EPO.
(8) A decision to enter the extended European patent in the Register of Patents shall be taken by the competent authority.
(9) Data to be disclosed in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article shall be prescribed by the Ministry.

Authentic Text of European Patent Applications or European Patents

Article 146

(1) The text of the European patent application or the European patent in the language of the proceedings before the EPO, shall be the authentic text in any proceedings conducted in Montenegro.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 above, a translation furnished in accordance with Article 144, paragraph 2 or Article 145, paragraph 2 and 3 of this Law, shall be regarded as authentic, except in revocation proceedings, where the application or the patent in the language of the translation confers narrower protection than that conferred by it in the language of the proceedings.
(3) The applicant for or holder of an extended European patent may file at any time a corrected translation of patent claims of European patent applications or European patent.
(4) The corrected translation of the claims of a published European patent application shall have no legal effect until it has been communicated to the person using the invention in Montenegro.
(5) The corrected translation of the specification of an extended European patent shall not have any legal effects until mention of it has been published by the competent authority as soon as possible after payment of the prescribed fee for the publication.
(6) Any person who, in good faith, uses or has made effective and serious preparations for the use of an invention, where such use does not constitute an infringement of the rights deriving from the application or the patent in the original translation, may, after the corrected translation takes effect, continue such use in the course of his business or for the needs thereof, without payment of any remuneration.

Rights of Prior Date

Article 147

(1) With respect to national patent application and a national patent, a European patent application, for which the extension fee has been paid, and an extended European patent shall have the same effect on the state of art, as the national patent application and the national patent.
(2) A national patent application and a national patent shall have, with respect to an extended
European patent, the same effect on the state of art as they have with respect to a national patent.

Simultaneous Protection

Article 148

Where an extended European patent and a national patent have the same filing date or, where priority has been claimed, and the same priority date has been granted to the same person or his successor in rights, the national patent shall have no effect to the extent that it covers the same invention as the extended European patent, as from the date on which the time limit for filing an opposition to the European patent has expired without an opposition having been filed, or as from the date on which the opposition procedure has resulted in a final decision to maintain the European patent.

Renewal Fees for Extended European Patents

Article 149

(1) Renewal fees for an extended European patent shall be paid to the competent authority for the years following the year in which the mention of the grant of the European patent has been published.
(2) Article 141, paragraph 2 of EPC shall apply mutatis mutandis to the payment of renewal fees under paragraph 1 above.

Applicability of the EPC Article 150

The provisions of the EPC and its Implementing Regulations shall not apply to the European patent application and extended European patent unless otherwise provided under the provisions of this Law.


Applicability of the Patent Cooperation Treaty

Article 151

(1) An “international application” shall mean a patent application filed under the Treaty.
(2) Any reference to the Treaty in this Law shall also be construed as a reference to the Regulations under the PCT.

The Receiving Office for the International Applications

Article 152

(1) International applications may be filed with the International Bureau of the World Intellectual
Property Organization, as receiving office under the Treaty.
(2) The international application may be filed with the competent authority as receiving office if the applicant is a citizen of Montenegro or natural person in Montenegro who has been granted permanent residence or legal person that has its head office in Montenegro.
(3) The filing of an international application under paragraph 2 of this Article shall be subject to the payment of the administrative fee and the cost of the special procedure for forwarding to the International Bureau referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, within the time limits prescribed by the Regulations for the implementation of the Agreement and the Administrative Instructions under the Contract.
(4) Method of filing the application referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article shall be prescribed by the Ministry.

The European Patent Office as Designated or Elected Office

Article 153

Any international application in which Montenegro, pursuant to the provisions of the Treaty, has been designated or elected for the granting of a national patent, shall be deemed to be the request for extension of the European patent to Montenegro, within the meaning of this Law, and the European Patent Office shall act as designated or elected Office under the Treaty.

The European Patent Office as International Searching Authority and International Preliminary

Examination Authority

Article 154

The European Patent Office shall act as the authority competent for the searching and international preliminary examination of international applications filed under Article 152 of the Law.


Conditions for the Representation and Entering in the Register of Representatives

Article 155

(1) Natural persons who are nationals and residents of Montenegro, who have command of one language of international communication and who represent clients as their profession, may be entered into the Register of Representatives if they meet one of the following requirements:
1) they are law faculty graduates or graduates of any technical faculty, having passed a special professional examination with the competent authority;
2) they are law faculty graduates or graduates of any technical faculty, having at least 5 years of working experience in the field of intellectual property with the competent authority.
(2) Legal persons having corporate headquarters in Montenegro and employing at least one law faculty graduate and one graduate of any technical faculty, meeting conditions referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, may also be entered into the Register of Representatives
(3) Entry into the Register of representatives shall be subject to payment of the prescribed administrative fee.
(4) Professional examination referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be taken before a committee of the competent authority.
(5) Program and the professional exam, the composition of the commission, the amount of compensation for the costs of professional exam and the content of the Register of Representatives shall be determined by the Ministry.

Deletion from the Register of Representatives

Article 156

A representative shall be deleted from the register of representatives:
1) on his own request;
2) if the final decision of the court has been passed prohibiting its representation activities, and
3)if sentenced to unconditional imprisonment for more than six months, of which he is obliged to inform the competent authority.


The Bodies Responsible for Inspection

Article 157

(1) The inspection over the implementation of this Law and regulations adopted pursuant to this Law shall be performed by the Ministry.
(2) Inspection of the implementation of this Law shall be performed by the administrative authority in charge of the inspection.

The Inspection Procedure

Article 158

(1) The provisions of the law governing the inspection shall be applied to questions of inspection that are not specifically regulated by this law.
(2) The inspection procedure is initiated ex officio or at the written application of the holder of a patent (hereinafter: the application) or a person who has his authority to file a claim under the general rules of representation.
(3) An application referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article may be individual, when it refers to a specific type and quantity of goods, or general, when applied to all quantities of certain goods for a certain period of time.
(4) An application under paragraph 1 of this Article shall in particular contain data which can be used to identify goods that infringe the patent, as well as evidence that the applicant is the holder of a patent, and if it is a general requirement and a time period to which application relates.

Security, Procedural Costs and Damages

Article 159

(1) When in the process of inspection it is found that the patent has been infringed, the competent inspector shall take administrative measures and actions which are regulated by the law governing inspection.
(2) If the competent inspector finds that based on the circumstances of the case it is justified, he may, in the proceedings initiated by the request, determine the measures referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article conditional on provision of adequate security of the applicant in order to reimburse the costs of storage of the seized goods, or damages incurred due to the failure of the applicant or an improper seizure of items.
(3) The costs of proceedings initiated at the request of the holder of a patent which is resolved in favour of the controlled entity shall be borne by the applicant.
(4) The authorized inspector shall not be liable for damages incurred due to unjust temporary seizure of goods at the request of rights-holder.
(5) If it is determined that the goods upon the request of the right-holder were wrongfully seized, the applicant shall pay damages for the temporary seizure of goods to the owner of the goods, or to the person from whom the goods were seized.


Article 160

(1) Legal entity shall be fined for the misdemeanour in the amount equal to 1,500 to 20,000 euros, if without authorisation:
1) make, use, offer for sale, place into circulation, export, import or store for those purposes a product that is made by means of the protected invention (Article 49, item 1);
2) use the patented process (Article 49, item 2);
3) offer the patented process (Article 49, item 3);
4) make, offer, place into circulation, use, export, import or store for these purposes the product directly obtained by the patented process (Article 49, item 4);
5) offer for sale or supply products that constitute essential elements of the invention to parties unauthorized to use the invention, if the offerer or supplier knows or has demonstrable grounds to know that such product is intended for the use of an invention owned by someone else (Article 49, item 5) .
(2) For any activities referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, entrepreneur shall be fined with the amount equal to EUR 1,300 - 6,000.
(3) For the offense referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, a natural person, and the responsible person in the legal entity shall be fined with EUR 500 to EUR 2,000.
(4) Products predominantly intended or used for the commitment of misdemeanours or products resulting from the commitment of misdemeanours under paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this Article shall be seized and destroyed, regardless of whether they are the property of the infringer.


Article 161

(1) Patents that were registered and entered into the Register of Patents of the Office for Intellectual Property of Serbia and Montenegro (hereinafter SCG Office) until 3rd June 2006, i.e. into the Register of Patents of the Office for the Intellectual Property of Serbia (Hereinafter: Serbian Office) before
28th May 2008, for which the competent authority has issued a certificate of the validity of the
patent in the form of note on a copy of a certificate issued by the SCG Office, i.e. Serbian Office, as well as patents for which their holders paid only renewal fee in Montenegro, the competent authority shall enter into the Register of Patents, without filing a special request, within six months from the date of entry into force of this Law and issue a decision on it to the patent holder.
(2) The patent referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, for which the right-holders have not been paying renewal fees in Montenegro shall be valid in Montenegro if their holders file the request for entering the patent in the Register of Patents within six months from the date of entry into force of this Law and pay the prescribed renewal fee in accordance with the regulations governing administrative fees.
(3) Patents referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, shall be entered into the Register of Patents by the competent authority within six months from the date of the filing of the request, provided that the prescribed administrative fee has been paid and the patent holder shall be issued a decision on the entry.
(4) The right to a patent under paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall be determined on the basis of the certificate from the Serbian office.

Recognized Rights Based on European Patent Applications and European Patents

Article 162

(1) European patents with effect in the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, and in the Republic of Serbia, registered on the basis of a European patent application filed by 3rd June 2006 or later, but before the entry into force of the Agreement on Cooperation and Extension between Montenegro and the European Patent Organization, for which their holders pay renewal fees to the competent authority, shall be valid in Montenegro, without filing a special request for entry into the Register of Patents.
(2) European patents with effect in the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, and the Republic of Serbia, registered on the basis of the European patent application filed by 3rd June 2006 or later, but before the entry into force of the Agreement on Cooperation and Extension between Montenegro and the European Patent Organization, for which the competent authority received request for
entering into the Register of Patents pending the entry into force of this Law and for which the renewal fee has been paid shall be entered in the Register of Patents in accordance with the Law.
(3) The European Patents under paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, shall be entered into the Register of Patents by the competent authority within six months from the date of entry into force of this Law and issue a decision on the entry to the patent holder.
(4) European patents with effect in the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, and the Republic of Serbia, registered on the basis of a European patent application filed by 3rd June 2006 or later, but before the entry into force of the Agreement on Cooperation and Extension between Montenegro and the European Patent Organization, for which their holders have not filed the request to the competent authority or paid renewal fee until the entry into force of this Law, shall be valid in Montenegro, provided that their holders within six months from the date of entry into force of this Law file the request for entering into the Register of Patents and pay the renewal fee.
(5) The request referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article shall be accompanied by a translation of claims filed to the SCG Office, i.e. Serbian Office, and the original certificate of the Serbian Office, as well as proof of payment of fees in accordance with the regulation on administrative fees.
(6) The right to a European patent shall be determined on the basis of the decision on registration of patents in the SCG Office, or Serbian Office and the certificate of Serbian Office.

Valid Patents

Article 163

Registered patents valid until the date of entry into force of this Law, shall remain in force and will be subject to the provisions of this Law.

Initiated Actions

Article 164

Proceedings initiated under the Law of Patents (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” Number 66/08), to the date of entry into force of this Law shall be completed according to the law.

The Deadline for the Adoption of Implementing Regulations

Article 165

(1) Implementing regulations for this Law shall be passed within six months from the entry into force of this Law.
(2) The Regulation on the Procedure for the legal protection of inventions shall apply on the adoption of the regulations referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, (“Official Gazette”, No. 62/04) if not in contravention of the law.

Deferred Application

Article 166

The provisions of Article 54, paragraph 2, Art. 62 to 76, Art. 87 to 99, and Article 102 of this Law shall apply from the date of accession of Montenegro to the European Union.


Article 167

(1) Upon the entry into force of this Law, the Patent Law (“Official Gazette”, No. 66 / 08) shall cease to be valid.
(2) With the date of entry into force of this Law, the Article 4, paragraph 1, item 7 and Article 24 of the Law on the implementation of regulations governing the protection of intellectual property rights (“Official Gazette of RM”, No. 45/05), Article 45 of the Law on Changes and amendments to the Law prescribing penalties for violations (“Official Gazette”, No. 40/11), and Articles 3 to 5 and Articles 15 to 20 of the Regulation on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights (“Official Gazette of RM” 61/ 07 and “Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 70/08) shall cease to be valid.

Entry into force

Article 168

This Law shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the “Official Gazette of Montenegro”.

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№ в WIPO Lex ME046