Copyright (General Matters) Amendment Regulations 2011
Jerry Mateparae, Governor-General
Order in Council
At Wellington this 3rd day of October 2011
Present: His Excellency the Governor-General in Council
Pursuant to section 234 of the Copyright Act 1994, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting on the advice and with the consent of the Executive Council, makes the following regulations.
Contents Page
1 Title 2 2 Commencement 2 3 Principal regulations amended 2 4 New regulations 5BA to 5BI inserted 2
5BA Form of warrant of appointment of enforcement 2 officer
5BB Form of warrant to search place or thing 2 5BC Form of order to produce documents under section 3
134Y of Act 5BD Form of notice to produce documents concerning 3
goods in control of Customs
Copyright (General Matters) Amendment r 1 Regulations 2011 2011/340
5BE Form of notice to appear and answer questions 3 concerning goods in control of Customs
5BF Form of application by Customs officer for order 3 to produce documents
5BG Form of order to produce documents under section 3 144D of Act
5BH Form of application by Customs officer for search 3 warrant
5BI Form of warrant to Customs officer to search 3 place or thing
5 New Schedule added 4
Schedule 4 New Schedule added
Regulations 1 Title
These regulations are the Copyright (General Matters) Amendment Regulations 2011.
2 Commencement These regulations come into force on 7 October 2011.
3 Principal regulations amended These regulations amend the Copyright (General Matters) Regulations 1995.
4 New regulations 5BA to 5BI inserted The following regulations are inserted after regulation 5B:
“5BA Form of warrant of appointment of enforcement officer A warrant of appointment issued to an enforcement officer under section 134B of the Act must be in form 1 of the Sched- ule.
“5BB Form of warrant to search place or thing A search warrant issued under section 134F of the Act must be in form 2 of the Schedule.
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“5BC Form of order to produce documents under section 134Y of Act An order to produce documents under section 134Y of the Act must be in form 3 of the Schedule.
“5BD Form of notice to produce documents concerning goods in control of Customs A notice under section 144A of the Act to produce documents concerning goods in the control of Customs must be in form 4 of the Schedule.
“5BE Form of notice to appear and answer questions concerning goods in control of Customs A notice under section 144B of the Act requiring a person to appear and answer questions concerning goods in the control of Customs must be in form 4 of the Schedule.
“5BF Form of application by Customs officer for order to produce documents An application by a Customs officer under section 144C of the Act for an order to produce documents under section 144D of the Act must be in form 5 of the Schedule.
“5BG Form of order to produce documents under section 144D of Act An order to produce documents made under section 144D of the Act must be in form 6 of the Schedule.
“5BH Form of application by Customs officer for search warrant An application by a Customs officer under section 144F of the Act for a search warrant to be issued under that section must be in form 7 of the Schedule.
“5BI Form of warrant to Customs officer to search place or thing A search warrant issued to a Customs officer under sec- tion 144F of the Act must be in form 8 of the Schedule.”
r 5 Copyright (General Matters) Amendment
Regulations 2011 2011/340
5 New Schedule added The Schedule set out in the Schedule of these regulations is added.
Schedule r 5 New Schedule added
Schedule Forms relating to enforcement officers
and Customs officers Form 1 r 5BA
Warrant of appointment of enforcement officer Section 134B, Copyright Act 1994
(Front of warrant) Enforcement officer Warrant of appointment
Full name: Identification number: [Photo of warrant holder] Signature:
(Back of warrant) Warrant of appointment issued under section 134B of the Copyright Act 1994 This is to certify that the person whose name, photograph, and sig- nature appear on this warrant— • is an enforcement officer appointed under section 134A of the
Copyright Act 1994; and • may enter and examine a place described in section 134D of
that Act without a search warrant; and • may exercise the other powers conferred on enforcement offi-
cers by that Act.
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Schedule—continued Form 1—continued
Date: Signature: Chief executive, Ministry of Economic Development
Copyright (General Matters) Amendment Schedule Regulations 2011 2011/340
Form 2 r 5BB Search warrant to enter and search place or thing
Section 134F, Copyright Act 1994 To every enforcement officer appointed under section 134A of the Copyright Act 1994 and every member of the Police 1 I am satisfied, on an application made in accordance with sec-
tions 134G and 134H of the Copyright Act 1994 by [full name of applicant], that, in relation to [specify address or descrip- tion of place or thing that may be entered and searched], there are reasonable grounds for believing that— *(a) an offence against the Copyright Act 1994, namely
[specify offence provision], has been, or is being, com- mitted at that place/committed involving that thing*:
*(b) there is at, in, on, over, or under that place/that thing* some thing that is evidence of an offence against [spe- cify offence provision] of the Copyright Act 1994:
*(c) there is at, in, on, over, or under that place/that thing* some thing that is intended to be used for the purposes of committing an offence against [specify offence pro- vision] of the Copyright Act 1994.
*Select those that apply. 2 This warrant authorises you, pursuant to section 134F of the
Copyright Act 1994, to— (a) enter and search [address or description of place or
thing] at any time that is reasonable in the circum- stances; and
(b) use any assistance that is reasonable in the circum- stances; and
(c) use any force that is reasonable in the circumstances to enter or break open or access any place being searched, or any area within that place, or any thing being searched or thing found; and
(d) seize [describe, in reasonable detail, what may be seized]; and
(e) bring and use in or on the place/thing* searched any equipment, to use any equipment found on the place/thing*, and to extract any electricity from the
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Schedule—continued Form 2—continued
place/thing* to operate the equipment that is reasonable to use in the circumstances, for the purpose of carrying out the entry and search; and
(f) copy any document, or part of any document, that may lawfully be seized; and
(g) take photographs or sound or video recordings of the place/thing* and of any thing found in that place if you have reasonable grounds to believe that the photographs or sound recordings may be relevant in any proceedings related to the entry and search; and
(h) do the following in a manner and for a duration that is reasonable for the purposes of carrying out the search: (i) secure the place/thing* searched, or any area
within that place/thing*, or any thing found within that place/thing*:
(ii) exclude any person from that place/thing*, or from any areawithin the place/thing*, or give any other reasonable direction to that person if you have reasonable grounds to believe that the per- son will obstruct or hinder the exercise of your powers under this warrant.
*Select one.
A person assisting you (other than a member of the Police) is subject to your control and has the power to do any of the following: (a) enter the place/thing* to be searched: (b) while in your company and under your direction, use
reasonable force in respect of any property for the pur- poses of carrying out the entry and search:
(c) search areas within the place/thing* that you determine may lawfully be searched:
(d) seize any thing that you determine may lawfully be seized:
(e) take photographs and sound and video recordings of the place/thing* and things found in the place/thing* if you determine that those things may lawfully be done:
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Schedule—continued Form 2—continued
(f) bring in or on to the place/thing* and use any equip- ment, make use of equipment found on the place/thing*, or extract electricity from the place/thing* for the pur- poses of operating the equipment that you determine may lawfully be used:
(g) copy any document, or part of a document, that you determine may lawfully be copied.
*Select one.
4 This warrant may be executed [specify period in accordance with section 134I(4)(g) of the Copyright Act 1994] from the date of issue of the warrant.
5 This warrant is subject to the following conditions: [specify any conditions].
6 This warrant may be executed on 1 occasion/[specify number] occasions*. *Select one.
Date: Signature: Name of issuing officer: (District Court Judge/Justice of the Peace/Community Magis- trate/Registrar of a District Court*) *Select one.
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Form 3 r 5BC Order to produce documents Section 134Y, Copyright Act 1994
To [name (full name if known) of person required to produce docu- ment(s)] 1 An application under section 134X of the Copyright Act 1994
for an order requiring you to produce documents under section 134Y of that Act was made to me by [full name of applicant], enforcement officer, on [date].
2 I am satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for believing that you [name (full name if known)] have possession, custody, or control of a document that is/documents that are* evidence of, or may be of significant relevance to the investigation of, an offence against section 131/section 198/section 226C* of the Copyright Act 1994. *Select those that apply.
3 You are required by this order to produce to the enforcement officer named in paragraph 4 the following document that is/documents that are* in your possession, custody, or control: [specify the document or documents to be produced]. *Select one.
4 The document/documents* must be produced to [full name], enforcement officer, at [time] on [day, date] at [place]. *Select one.
5 This order is subject to the following conditions: [specify any conditions].
6 This order to produce documents is made under section 134Y of the Copyright Act 1994.
Date: Signature: (District Court Judge)
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Schedule—continued Form 3—continued
Note 1 Under section 2(1) of the Copyright Act 1994, a document
means— (a) any material, whether or not it is signed or otherwise
authenticated, that bears symbols (including words and figures), images, or sounds, or from which symbols, images, or sounds can be derived, and includes— (i) a label, marking, or other writing that identifies
or describes a thing of which it forms a part, or to which it is attached:
(ii) a book, map, plan, graph, or drawing: (iii) a photograph, film, or negative; and
(b) information electronically recorded or stored, and infor- mation derived from that information.
2 The enforcement officer to whom you produce any document for inspection under this order may, under section 134Z of the Copyright Act 1994, do 1 or more of the following: (a) inspect the document: (b) take extracts from the document: (c) make copies of the document.
3 It is an offence against section 134ZA of the Copyright Act 1994 to fail, without reasonable excuse, to comply with an order to produce documents made under section 134Y of that Act. An individual who commits an offence against section 134ZA of the Copyright Act 1994 is liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to a fine not exceeding $10,000. A body corporate that commits an offence against section 134ZA of the Copyright Act 1994 is liable to a fine not exceeding $50,000.
Copyright (General Matters) Amendment 2011/340 Regulations 2011 Schedule
Form 4 rr 5BD, 5BE Notice to produce documents/to appear and answer questions/to produce documents and appear and answer questions* concerning goods
in control of Customs Section 144A /Section 144B/Sections 144A and 144B*
Copyright Act 1994
*Select one
To [name (full name if known) of person required to produce docu- ments/appear and answer questions] 1 A Customs officer believes on reasonable grounds that—
(a) the goods in the control of Customs specified in paragraph 2 have been imported in breach of section 131(1)(b)/section 198(1)(b)/section 226C(1)* of the Copyright Act 1994; and
(b) you imported the specified goods or acted as agent of the person who imported those goods.
*Select those that apply.
2 The goods in the control of Customs are: [set out particulars of the goods to which this notice relates].
3 You are required, at [time] on [day, date] at [place],— *(a) to produce to [full name of Customs officer], Customs
officer, the following document that is/documents that are* in your possession or control that the Customs offi- cer considers relevant to determining whether the goods should be seized under section 144 of the Copyright Act 1994 or released: [specify and, if more than 1, number (a), (b) etc, the document(s) to be produced]:
*(b) to appear and answer questions that [full name of Cus- toms officer], Customs officer, considers relevant to de- termining whether the goods should be seized under section 144 of the Copyright Act 1994 or released.
*Select those that apply.
4 This notice is given under section 144A/section 144B/sections 144A and 144B* of the Copyright Act 1994. *Select one.
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Schedule—continued Form 4—continued
Date: Signature: Chief executive, New Zealand Customs Service
Note *1 Under section 2(1) of the Copyright Act 1994, a document
means— (a) any material, whether or not it is signed or otherwise
authenticated, that bears symbols (including words and figures), images, or sounds, or from which symbols, images, or sounds can be derived, and includes— (i) a label, marking, or other writing that identifies
or describes a thing of which it forms a part, or to which it is attached:
(ii) a book, map, plan, graph, or drawing: (iii) a photograph, film, or negative; and
(b) information electronically recorded or stored, and infor- mation derived from that information.
*Delete if not applicable.
*2 The Customs officer to whom you produce any document for inspection under this notice may, under section 144E of the Copyright Act 1994, do 1 or more of the following: (a) inspect the document: (b) take extracts from the document: (c) copy the document. *Delete if not applicable.
It is an offence against section 144I(4) of the Copyright Act 1994— (a) to refuse or fail, without reasonable excuse, to comply
with a notice to produce documents given under section 144A of that Act; or
(b) for a person who is required by a notice given under section 144B of that Act to appear before a Customs officer and to answer questions—
Copyright (General Matters) Amendment 2011/340 Regulations 2011 Schedule
Schedule—continued Form 4—continued
(i) to refuse or fail, without reasonable excuse, to appear before a Customs officer in accordance with the notice; or
(ii) to refuse, without reasonable excuse, to answer any question.
An individual who commits an offence against section 144I(4) of the Copyright Act 1994 is liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to a fine not exceeding $10,000. A body corporate that commits an offence against section 144I(4) of the Copyright Act 1994 is liable to a fine not exceeding $50,000.
Copyright (General Matters) Amendment Schedule Regulations 2011 2011/340
Form 5 r 5BF Application by Customs officer for order to
produce documents Section 144C, Copyright Act 1994
To a District Court Judge 1 I, [full name of applicant], Customs officer, by this document
apply on oath for an order under section 144D of the Copy- right Act 1994 that [name (full name if known)] be required to produce for inspection by a Customs officer in accordance with the requirements specified in paragraph 2 the following document that is/documents that are* in that person’s posses- sion, custody, or control: [specify and, if more than 1, number (a), (b), etc, the document(s) sought]. *Select one.
2 The document is/documents are* to be produced to [full name of Customs officer], Customs officer, at [time] on [day, date] at [place]. *Select one.
3 The ground on which the order is sought is that I have rea- sonable grounds to believe that [name (full name if known)] has possession, custody, or control of a document that is/docu- ments that are* evidence of, or may be of significant relevance to the investigation of, an offence against section 131/section 198/section 226C* of the Copyright Act 1994 in respect of im- ported goods. *Select those that apply.
4 The evidence relied on for the purpose of this application is as follows: [set out in reasonable detail, in numbered paragraphs, all relevant information in support of the ground stated in paragraph 3].
Sworn/Affirmed* at [place, date] Before me: [full name, signature]
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Schedule—continued Form 5—continued
(a solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand or Registrar/Deputy Registrar* of a District/the High* Court or Justice of the Peace*) *Select one.
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Form 6 r 5BG Order to produce documents Section 144D, Copyright Act 1994
To [name (full name if known) of person required to produce docu- ment(s)] 1 An application under section 144C of the Copyright Act 1994
for an order requiring you to produce documents under section 144D of that Act was made to me by [full name of applicant], Customs officer, on [date].
2 I am satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for believing that you [name (full name if known)] have possession, custody, or control of a document that is/documents that are* evidence of, or may be of significant relevance to the investigation of, an offence against section 131/section 198/section 226C* of the Copyright Act 1994 in respect of imported goods. *Select those that apply.
3 You are required by this order to produce to the Customs offi- cer named in paragraph 4 the following document that is/docu- ments that are* in your possession, custody, or control: [spe- cify the document or documents to be produced]. *Select one.
4 The document/documents* must be produced for inspection to [full name of Customs officer], Customs officer, at [time] on [day, date] at [place]. *Select one.
5 This order is subject to the following conditions: [specify any conditions].
6 This order to produce documents is made under section 144D of the Copyright Act 1994.
Date: Signature: (District Court Judge)
Copyright (General Matters) Amendment 2011/340 Regulations 2011 Schedule
Schedule—continued Form 6—continued
Note 1 Under section 2(1) of the Copyright Act 1994, a document
means— (a) any material, whether or not it is signed or otherwise
authenticated, that bears symbols (including words and figures), images, or sounds, or from which symbols, images, or sounds can be derived, and includes— (i) a label, marking, or other writing that identifies
or describes a thing of which it forms a part, or to which it is attached:
(ii) a book, map, plan, graph, or drawing: (iii) a photograph, film, or negative; and
(b) information electronically recorded or stored, and infor- mation derived from that information.
2 The Customs officer to whom you produce any document for inspection under this order may, under section 144E of the Copyright Act 1994, do 1 or more of the following: (a) inspect the document: (b) take extracts from the document: (c) make copies of the document.
3 It is an offence against section 144I(4) of the Copyright Act 1994 to fail, without reasonable excuse, to comply with an order to produce documents made under section 144D of that Act. An individual who commits an offence against section 144I(4) of the Copyright Act 1994 is liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to a fine not exceeding $10,000. A body corporate that commits an offence against section 144I(4) of the Copyright Act 1994 is liable to a fine not exceeding $50,000.
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Form 7 r 5BH Application by Customs officer for search
warrant Section 144F, Copyright Act 1994
1 I [full name of applicant], Customs officer, apply under section 144F of the Copyright Act 1994 for a search warrant to be issued authorising every Customs officer to enter and search [specify address or description of place or thing] at any time that is reasonable in the circumstances.
2 The ground on which the application is made is that there are reasonable grounds for believing that there is/there are* in, on, over, or under that place/that thing* a thing that is/things that are* evidence of, or of significant relevance to the inves- tigation of, an offence against section 131/section 198/section 226C* in respect of imported goods, namely [describe as spe- cifically as possible the item or items believed to be in, on, over, or under the place or thing]. *Select those that apply.
3 I rely on the following in support of this application: [set out in reasonable detail all relevant information in support of the ground referred to in paragraph 2].
4 The period of time, in accordance with section 134I(4)(g) of the Copyright Act 1994, for which the warrant is sought is: [specify].
5 The number of occasions on which the warrant is sought to be exercised is 1/[specify number]*. *Select one.
6 Omit this paragraph if it does not apply The grounds on which the execution of the warrant on more than 1 occasion is believed to be necessary are: [set out in rea- sonable detail all relevant information concerning the grounds on which execution of the warrant more than once is believed to be necessary].
7 Within the 3 months immediately preceding this application, in respect of [address or description of place or thing to be searched], the following application(s) for a search warrant
Copyright (General Matters) Amendment 2011/340 Regulations 2011 Schedule
Schedule—continued Form 7—continued
has/have* been made: [set out the details of any other relevant application(s) for a search warrant, including the result of that application/those applications]. or Having made reasonable inquiries within the agency in which I am employed/engaged*, I am not aware of any other appli- cation for a search warrant in respect of [address or descrip- tion of place or thing to be searched] being made within the 3 months immediately preceding this application. *Select one.
Date: Signature: (Customs officer)
Copyright (General Matters) Amendment Schedule Regulations 2011 2011/340
Form 8 r 5BI Search warrant to enter and search place or thing
Section 144F, Copyright Act 1994 To every Customs officer 1 I am satisfied on an application made in accordance with sec-
tion 144F of the Copyright Act 1994 by [full name of appli- cant], Customs officer, that, in relation to [specify address or description of place or thing that may be entered or searched], there are reasonable grounds to believe that there is in, on, over, or under that place/that thing* some thing that is evi- dence of, or of significant relevance to the investigation of, an offence against section(s) 131/198/226C* of the Copyright Act 1994 in respect of imported goods. *Select those that apply.
2 This warrant authorises you, pursuant to section 144F of the Copyright Act 1994, to— (a) enter and search [address or description of place or
thing] at any time that is reasonable in the circum- stances; and
(b) use any assistance that is reasonable in the circum- stances; and
(c) use any force that is reasonable in the circumstances to enter or break open or access any place being searched, or any area within that place, or any thing being searched or thing found; and
(d) seize [describe, in reasonable detail, what may be seized]; and
(e) bring and use in or on the place/thing* searched any equipment, to use any equipment found on the place/thing*, and to extract any electricity from the place/thing* to operate the equipment that is reasonable to use in the circumstances, for the purpose of carrying out the entry and search; and
(f) copy any document, or part of any document, that may lawfully be seized; and
(g) take photographs or sound or video recordings of the place/thing* and of any thing found in that place if you
Copyright (General Matters) Amendment 2011/340 Regulations 2011 Schedule
Schedule—continued Form 8—continued
have reasonable grounds to believe that the photographs or sound or video recordings may be relevant in any proceedings related to the entry and search; and
(h) do the following in a manner and for a duration that is reasonable for the purposes of carrying out the search: (i) secure the place/thing* searched, or any area
within that place/thing*, or any thing found within that place/thing*:
(ii) exclude any person from that place/thing* or from any area within the place/thing* or give any other reasonable direction to that person if you have reasonable grounds to believe that the person will hinder or obstruct the exercise of your powers under this warrant.
*Select one.
A person assisting you is subject to your control and has the power to do any of the following: (a) enter the place/thing* to be searched: (b) while in your company and under your direction, use
reasonable force in respect of any property for the pur- poses of carrying out the entry and search:
(c) search areas within the place/thing* that you determine may lawfully be searched:
(d) seize any thing that you determine may lawfully be seized:
(e) take photographs and sound and video recordings of the place/thing* and things found in the place/thing* if you determine that those things may lawfully be done:
(f) bring in or on to the place/thing* and use any equip- ment, make use of equipment found on the place/thing*, or extract electricity from the place/thing* for the pur- poses of operating the equipment that you determine may lawfully be used:
Copyright (General Matters) Amendment Schedule Regulations 2011 2011/340
Schedule—continued Form 8—continued
(g) copy any document, or part of a document, that you determine may lawfully be copied.
*Select one.
4 This warrant may be executed [specify period in accordance with section 134I(4)(g) of the Copyright Act 1994] from the date of issue of the warrant.
5 This warrant is subject to the following conditions: [specify any conditions].
6 This warrant may be executed on 1 occasion/[specify number] occasions*. *Select one.
Date: Signature: Name of issuing officer: (District Court Judge/Justice of the Peace/Community Magis- trate/Registrar of a District Court*) *Select one.
Rebecca Kitteridge, Clerk of the Executive Council.
Copyright (General Matters) Amendment 2011/340 Regulations 2011 Explanatory note
Explanatory note This note is not part of the regulations, but is intended to indicate their general effect. These regulations, which come into force on 7 October 2011, pre- scribe forms for the purposes of the Copyright Act 1994 (the Act). These are— • the following forms relating to the appointment, functions, and
powers of enforcement officers under Part 6A of the Act: • the form of the warrant of appointment of an enforce-
ment officer, issued under section 134B: • the form of a search warrant to enter and search a place
or thing for the purposes of section 134I, which relates to search warrants issued to enforcement officers and members of the Police under section 134F:
• the form of an order to produce documents to an en- forcement officer for the purposes of section 134Y:
• the following forms relating to the powers of Customs offi- cers under Part 7 of the Act, which relates to border protection measures: • a notice to appear and answer questions concerning
goods in the control of Customs or to produce docu- ments concerning goods in the control of Customs, or to do both those things, for the purposes of sections 144A and 144B:
• an application by a Customs officer for an order to pro- duce documents for the purposes of section 144C:
• an order to produce documents for the purposes of sec- tion 144D:
• an application by a Customs officer for a search warrant to be issued under section 144F:
• a search warrant to enter and search a place or thing for the purposes of section 144F.
Copyright (General Matters) Amendment Regulations 2011 2011/340
Issued under the authority of the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989. Date of notification in Gazette: 6 October 2011. These regulations are administered by the Ministry of Economic Development.
Wellington, New Zealand: Published under the authority of the New Zealand Government—2011