Об интеллектуальной собственности Обучение в области ИС Обеспечение уважения интеллектуальной собственности Информационно-просветительская работа в области ИС ИС для ИС и ИС в области Информация о патентах и технологиях Информация о товарных знаках Информация о промышленных образцах Информация о географических указаниях Информация о новых сортах растений (UPOV) Законы, договоры и судебные решения в области ИС Ресурсы в области ИС Отчеты в области ИС Патентная охрана Охрана товарных знаков Охрана промышленных образцов Охрана географических указаний Охрана новых сортов растений (UPOV) Разрешение споров в области ИС Деловые решения для ведомств ИС Оплата услуг в области ИС Органы по ведению переговоров и директивные органы Сотрудничество в целях развития Поддержка инновационной деятельности Государственно-частные партнерства Инструменты и сервисы на базе ИИ Организация Работа с ВОИС Подотчетность Патенты Товарные знаки Промышленные образцы Географические указания Авторское право Коммерческая тайна Академия ВОИС Практикумы и семинары Защита прав ИС WIPO ALERT Информационно-просветительская работа Международный день ИС Журнал ВОИС Тематические исследования и истории успеха Новости ИС Премии ВОИС Бизнеса Университетов Коренных народов Судебных органов Генетические ресурсы, традиционные знания и традиционные выражения культуры Экономика Финансирование Нематериальные активы Гендерное равенство Глобальное здравоохранение Изменение климата Политика в области конкуренции Цели в области устойчивого развития Передовых технологий Мобильных приложений Спорта Туризма PATENTSCOPE Патентная аналитика Международная патентная классификация ARDI – исследования в интересах инноваций ASPI – специализированная патентная информация Глобальная база данных по брендам Madrid Monitor База данных Article 6ter Express Ниццкая классификация Венская классификация Глобальная база данных по образцам Бюллетень международных образцов База данных Hague Express Локарнская классификация База данных Lisbon Express Глобальная база данных по ГУ База данных о сортах растений PLUTO База данных GENIE Договоры, административные функции которых выполняет ВОИС WIPO Lex – законы, договоры и судебные решения в области ИС Стандарты ВОИС Статистика в области ИС WIPO Pearl (терминология) Публикации ВОИС Страновые справки по ИС Центр знаний ВОИС Серия публикаций ВОИС «Тенденции в области технологий» Глобальный инновационный индекс Доклад о положении в области интеллектуальной собственности в мире PCT – международная патентная система Портал ePCT Будапештская система – международная система депонирования микроорганизмов Мадридская система – международная система товарных знаков Портал eMadrid Cтатья 6ter (гербы, флаги, эмблемы) Гаагская система – система международной регистрации образцов Портал eHague Лиссабонская система – международная система географических указаний Портал eLisbon UPOV PRISMA UPOV e-PVP Administration UPOV e-PVP DUS Exchange Посредничество Арбитраж Вынесение экспертных заключений Споры по доменным именам Система централизованного доступа к результатам поиска и экспертизы (CASE) Служба цифрового доступа (DAS) WIPO Pay Текущий счет в ВОИС Ассамблеи ВОИС Постоянные комитеты График заседаний WIPO Webcast Официальные документы ВОИС Повестка дня в области развития Техническая помощь Учебные заведения в области ИС Поддержка в связи с COVID-19 Национальные стратегии в области ИС Помощь в вопросах политики и законодательной деятельности Центр сотрудничества Центры поддержки технологий и инноваций (ЦПТИ) Передача технологий Программа содействия изобретателям (IAP) WIPO GREEN PAT-INFORMED ВОИС Консорциум доступных книг Консорциум «ВОИС для авторов» WIPO Translate для перевода Система для распознавания речи Помощник по классификации Государства-члены Наблюдатели Генеральный директор Деятельность в разбивке по подразделениям Внешние бюро Вакансии Закупки Результаты и бюджет Финансовая отчетность Надзор
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Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015 (consolidated as of March 24, 2016), Австралия

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 Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment

Act 2015

No. 59, 2015

Compilation No. 1

Compilation date: 24 March 2016

Includes amendments up to: Act No. 33, 2016

Registered: 6 June 2016

Prepared by the Office of Parliamentary Counsel, Canberra

About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 24 March 2016 (the

compilation date).

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information

about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled


Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the

compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible

on the Legislation Register (www.legislation.gov.au). The details of

amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are

underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced

amendments, see the series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled


Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and


If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by

an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this

compilation, details are included in the endnotes.

Editorial changes

For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see

the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as

modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly,

this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For

more information on any modifications, see the series page on the Legislation

Register for the compiled law.

Self-repealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a

provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.

Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Contents 1 Short title ...........................................................................................8

2 Commencement.................................................................................8

3 Schedules...........................................................................................9

4 Translation of a reference to the Legislative Instruments Act


Schedule 1—Interim arrangements etc. 10

Part 1—General amendments 10

Division 1—Amendment of the Norfolk Island Act 1979 10

Norfolk Island Act 1979 10

Division 2—Amendments of other legislation 29

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 29

Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 29

Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977 29

Age Discrimination Act 2004 30

Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 30

Commonwealth Grants Commission Act 1973 30

Crimes Act 1914 30

Criminal Code Act 1995 30

Defence Act 1903 30

Disability Discrimination Act 1992 31

Do Not Call Register Act 2006 31

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 31

Freedom of Information Act 1982 32

Historic Shipwrecks Act 1976 35

International Criminal Court Act 2002 35

International Transfer of Prisoners Act 1997 36

Judiciary Act 1903 37

Lands Acquisition Act 1989 37

Legislative Instruments Act 2003 37

National Health Act 1953 37

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015 i

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National Health Security Act 2007 37

Privacy Act 1988 38

Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 41

Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 41

Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973 41

Sex Discrimination Act 1984 42

Transfer of Prisoners Act 1983 42

Part 2—Transitional provisions 43

Division 1—Introduction 43

Division 2—Transitional rules 44

Division 3—Transfer of assets and liabilities 44

Division 4—Transfer of other matters 48

Division 5—Employees 48

Division 6—Financial matters 50

Division 7—Administrative Appeals Tribunal 50

Division 8—Historic shipwrecks 50

Division 9—Public interest disclosure 51

Division 10—Other matters 51

Part 3—Amendments contingent on the commencement of the

Acts and Instruments (Framework Reform) Act 2015 53

Legislation Act 2003 53

Schedule 2—Final arrangements etc. 54

Part 1—Amendments 54

Division 1—Amendment of the Norfolk Island Act 1979 54

Norfolk Island Act 1979 54

Division 2—Amendments of other legislation 61

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act 2005 61

A.C.T. Self-Government (Consequential Provisions) Regulations 62

Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 62

Admiralty Act 1988 62

ii Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

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Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Aged Care (Accommodation Payment Security) Act 2006 62

Aged Care Act 1997 63

Aged Care (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997 63

Age Discrimination Act 2004 64

Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Act 1994 64

Airports Act 1996 64

Airports (Transitional) Act 1996 65

Air Services Act 1995 65

A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999 65

A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999 65

Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 66

Archives Act 1983 66

Auditor-General Act 1997 66

Australian Aged Care Quality Agency Act 2013 67

Australian Crime Commission Act 2002 67

Australian Federal Police Act 1979 67

Australian Hearing Services Act 1991 68

Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 68

Australian Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Authority

Act 2008 68

Australian Postal Corporation Act 1989 69

Banking Act 1959 69

Bank Integration Act 1991 69

Broadcasting Services Act 1992 69

Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 70

Charter of the United Nations Act 1945 70

Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989 70

Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act 1988 70

Civil Aviation Act 1988 71

Civil Aviation (Carriers’ Liability) Act 1959 72

Commonwealth Grants Commission Act 1973 72

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Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Copyright Act 1968 72

Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 73

Crimes Act 1914 73

Crimes (Aviation) Act 1991 74

Crimes (Superannuation Benefits) Act 1989 75

Criminal Code Act 1995 75

Customs Act 1901 75

Data-matching Program (Assistance and Tax) Act 1990 75

Dental Benefits Act 2008 76

Designs Act 2003 76

Disability Discrimination Act 1992 76

Disability Services Act 1986 77

Enhancing Online Safety for Children Act 2015 77

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 77

Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 1981 78

Extradition Act 1988 78

Family Law Act 1975 79

Farm Household Support Act 2014 80

Financial Sector (Shareholdings) Act 1998 80

Financial Transaction Reports Act 1988 81

Fisheries Management Act 1991 81

Foreign Corporations (Application Of Laws) Act 1989 81

Freedom of Information Act 1982 81

Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act 1986 86

Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports) Act 1989 86

Health and Other Services (Compensation) Act 1995 86

Healthcare Identifiers Act 2010 87

Health Insurance Act 1973 87

Human Services (Centrelink) Act 1997 88

Human Services (Medicare) Act 1973 88

Immigration (Guardianship of Children) Act 1946 89

iv Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

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Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Act 1989 89

Insurance Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1991 89

International War Crimes Tribunals Act 1995 90

Judiciary Act 1903 90

Lands Acquisition Act 1989 91

Marine Navigation Levy Collection Act 1989 91

Marine Navigation (Regulatory Functions) Levy Collection Act 1991 92

Marriage Act 1961 92

Migration Act 1958 92

Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act 1987 93

National Blood Authority Act 2003 93

National Environment Protection Council Act 1994 94

National Health Act 1953 94

National Health Security Act 2007 95

National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992 95

National Transmission Network Sale Act 1998 95

Native Title Act 1993 96

Olympic Insignia Protection Act 1987 96

Ombudsman Act 1976 96

Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act

1989 98

Paid Parental Leave Act 2010 98

Patents Act 1990 98

Privacy Act 1988 99

Private Health Insurance Act 2007 99

Product Grants and Benefits Administration Act 2000 101

Productivity Commission Act 1998 101

Product Stewardship (Oil) Act 2000 101

Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 1986 101

Protection of the Sea (Oil Pollution Compensation Funds) Act 1993 101

Public Works Committee Act 1969 101

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Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Radiocommunications Act 1992 102

Superannuation Contributions Tax (Assessment and Collection) Act

Superannuation Contributions Tax (Members of Constitutionally

Protected Superannuation Funds) Assessment and Collection Act

Superannuation (Self Managed Superannuation Funds) Taxation Act

Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973 102

Sex Discrimination Act 1984 102

Small Superannuation Accounts Act 1995 102

Social Security Act 1991 102

Social Security (Administration) Act 1999 104

Social Security (International Agreements) Act 1999 104

Student Assistance Act 1973 105

1997 105

1997 105

1987 105

Superannuation (Unclaimed Money and Lost Members) Act 1999 106

Telecommunications Act 1997 106

Telstra Corporation Act 1991 106

Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act 1992 106

Tobacco Plain Packaging Act 2011 107

Trade Marks Act 1995 107

Trusts (Hague Convention) Act 1991 107

Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 107

Weapons of Mass Destruction (Prevention of Proliferation) Act 1995 108

Part 2—Transitional provisions 109

Division 1—Introduction 109

Division 2—Transitional rules 110

Division 3—Transfer of assets and liabilities 110

Division 4—Transfer of other matters 114

Division 5—Employees 117

Division 6—Visas 118

Division 7—Social security 119

vi Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

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Division 8—Family assistance 121

Division 9—Child support 123

Division 10—Paid parental leave 125

Division 11—Adjusted taxable income etc. 125

Division 12—Extradition 129

Division 13—Other matters 129

Schedule 3—Statistical information 131

Census and Statistics Act 1905 131

Endnotes 132

Endnote 1—About the endnotes 132

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key 134

Endnote 3—Legislation history 135

Endnote 4—Amendment history 136

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

An Act to amend the Norfolk Island Act 1979, and

for other purposes

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Norfolk Island Legislation

Amendment Act 2015.

2 Commencement

(1) Each provision of this Act specified in column 1 of the table

commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with

column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect

according to its terms.

Commencement information

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Provisions Commencement Date/Details

1. Sections 1 to 4 The day this Act receives the Royal Assent. 26 May 2015

and anything in

this Act not

elsewhere covered

by this table

2. Schedule 1, A single day to be fixed by Proclamation. 18 June 2015

Part 1 However, if the provisions do not commence (F2015L00834)

within the period of 6 months beginning on

the day this Act receives the Royal Assent,

they commence on the day after the end of

that period.

3. Schedule 1, The day after this Act receives the Royal 27 May 2015

Part 2 Assent.

4. Schedule 1, The later of: 5 March 2016

Part 3 (a) immediately after the commencement of (paragraph (b) the provisions covered by table item 2; applies) and

(b) the commencement of Schedule 1 to the

Acts and Instruments (Framework

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Commencement information

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Provisions Commencement Date/Details

Reform) Act 2015.

5. Schedule 2, 1 July 2016. 1 July 2016

Part 1

6. Schedule 2, At the same time as the provisions covered 18 June 2015

Part 2 by table item 2.

7. Schedule 3 The day after this Act receives the Royal 27 May 2015


Note: This table relates only to the provisions of this Act as originally

enacted. It will not be amended to deal with any later amendments of

this Act.

(2) Any information in column 3 of the table is not part of this Act.

Information may be inserted in this column, or information in it

may be edited, in any published version of this Act.

3 Schedules

(1) Legislation that is specified in a Schedule to this Act is amended or

repealed as set out in the applicable items in the Schedule

concerned, and any other item in a Schedule to this Act has effect

according to its terms.

(2) The amendment of any regulation under subsection (1) does not

prevent the regulation, as so amended, from being amended or

repealed by the Governor-General.

4 Translation of a reference to the Legislative Instruments Act 2003

If Schedule 1 to the Acts and Instruments (Framework Reform) Act

2015 commences before the commencement of Part 1 of

Schedule 1 to this Act, the reference in Division 2 of that Part to

the Legislative Instruments Act 2003 is to be read as a reference to

the Legislation Act 2003.

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Schedule 1 Interim arrangements etc.

Part 1 General amendments

Schedule 1—Interim arrangements etc.

Part 1—General amendments

Division 1—Amendment of the Norfolk Island Act 1979

Norfolk Island Act 1979

1 Preamble

Repeal the preamble.

2 Subsection 4(1)


Advisory Council means the Norfolk Island Advisory Council.

Note: See section 12.

Australia, when used in a geographical sense, includes Norfolk

Island, the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands and the Territory

of Christmas Island.

3 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Chief Executive Officer)

Omit “Public Sector Management Act 2000”, substitute “Public Service

Act 2014”.

4 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Chief Minister)

Repeal the definition.

5 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Commonwealth Gazette)

Repeal the definition.

6 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Deputy Speaker)

Repeal the definition.

7 Subsection 4(1) (definition of enactment)

Repeal the definition, substitute:

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Interim arrangements etc. Schedule 1

General amendments Part 1

enactment means:

(a) a section 19A Ordinance; or

(b) an Ordinance continued in force by this Act; or

(c) a Legislative Assembly law continued in force by this Act.

8 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Executive Council)

Repeal the definition.

9 Subsection 4(1)


Executive Director means the Executive Director of Norfolk


Note: See section 9.

10 Subsection 4(1)


interim transition time means the commencement of Part 1 of

Schedule 1 to the Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015.

11 Subsection 4(1) (at the end of the definition of Legislative Assembly)

Add “that was in existence before the interim transition time”.

12 Subsection 4(1)


Legislative Assembly law means a law (however described or

entitled) passed by the Legislative Assembly, and assented to under

this Act, before the interim transition time.

13 Subsection 4(1)


member of the Advisory Council includes the Chair of the

Advisory Council.

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Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Schedule 1 Interim arrangements etc.

Part 1 General amendments

14 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Minister)

Repeal the definition.

15 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Minister for Finance)

Repeal the definition.

16 Subsection 4(1)


section 19A Ordinance means an Ordinance made under

section 19A after the interim transition time.

17 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Speaker)

Repeal the definition.

18 Subsection 4(2)

Repeal the subsection.

19 Section 4A

Repeal the section.

20 Section 7

Repeal the section, substitute:

7 Exercise of Administrator’s powers etc.

(1) The Administrator must exercise all powers, and perform all

functions, that belong to his or her office, or that are conferred on

him or her by or under a law in force in the Territory:

(a) in accordance with the tenor of his or her Commission; and

(b) in accordance with such written directions (if any) as are

given to him or her by the responsible Commonwealth


(2) A direction under paragraph (1)(b) may be of a general or specific


(3) The responsible Commonwealth Minister may, by written notice

given to the Administrator, direct that, before the Administrator

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Interim arrangements etc. Schedule 1

General amendments Part 1

exercises a specified power or performs a specified function, the

Administrator must:

(a) notify the responsible Commonwealth Minister of the

Administrator’s intention to exercise that power or perform

that function; and

(b) do so at least the specified number of days before exercising

that power or performing that function.

7A Delegation by the Administrator

(1) The Administrator may, by writing, delegate any or all of the

Administrator’s functions and powers to:

(a) the Executive Director; or

(b) an employee of the Administration; or

(c) a person who holds, or performs the duties of, an office under

an enactment; or

(d) an employee of a body corporate established by or under an



(2) A delegate must comply with:

(a) any written directions of the Administrator; and

(b) any written directions of the responsible Commonwealth


(3) A direction under subsection (2) may be of a general or specific


(4) If directions of the Administrator under subsection (2) are

inconsistent with directions of the responsible Commonwealth

Minister under that subsection, the directions of the responsible

Commonwealth Minister prevail, and the directions of the

Administrator are, to the extent of the inconsistency, invalid.

(5) For the purposes of subsection (4), directions of the Administrator

are taken to be consistent with directions of the responsible

Commonwealth Minister to the extent that they are capable of

operating concurrently.

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Schedule 1 Interim arrangements etc.

Part 1 General amendments

(6) The responsible Commonwealth Minister may, by written notice

given to a delegate of the Administrator, direct that, before the

delegate exercises a specified power or performs a specified

function, the delegate must:

(a) notify the responsible Commonwealth Minister of the

delegate’s intention to exercise that power or perform that

function; and

(b) do so at least the specified number of days before exercising

that power or performing that function.

Other matters

(7) If a function or power conferred by a law other than this Act is

delegated under subsection (1) of this section, then

paragraph 34AB(1)(c), subsections 34AB(2) and (3) and

section 34A of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 apply to the

delegation in the same way as they apply to a delegation under

subsection (1) of this section of a function or power conferred by

this Act.

(8) This section does not, by implication, prevent a power of

delegation from being conferred on the Administrator by an


21 Sections 9 and 10

Repeal the sections, substitute:

9 Executive Director

(1) The responsible Commonwealth Minister may, by writing, declare

that a specified employee of the Administration is the Executive

Director of Norfolk Island.

(2) A declaration under subsection (1) is not a legislative instrument.

10 Employees

(1) The Administrator may, on behalf of the Administration, engage

such employees as he or she thinks necessary for the purposes of

the government of the Territory.

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Interim arrangements etc. Schedule 1

General amendments Part 1

(2) The terms and conditions of employment (including remuneration)

of an employee are such as are determined by the Administrator.

(3) This section does not, by implication, prevent an enactment from

conferring a power to engage employees on behalf of the


(4) This section does not, by implication, limit the powers conferred

on the Administrator by section 5.

10A Persons assisting the Administration

The Administration may be assisted:

(a) by employees of Agencies (within the meaning of the Public

Service Act 1999); or

(b) by officers and employees of authorities of the


whose services are made available to the Administration in

connection with the government of the Territory.

22 Part III

Repeal the Part, substitute:

Part III—Norfolk Island Advisory Council

Division 1—Introduction

11 Simplified outline

The following is a simplified outline of this Part:

• This Part establishes the Norfolk Island Advisory Council.

• The Advisory Council is to advise the Administrator on

matters affecting the peace, order and good government of the


Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Schedule 1 Interim arrangements etc.

Part 1 General amendments

Division 2—Norfolk Island Advisory Council’s

establishment and functions

12 Norfolk Island Advisory Council

The Norfolk Island Advisory Council is established by this section.

Note: In this Act, Advisory Council means the Norfolk Island Advisory

Council—see subsection 4(1).

13 Functions of the Advisory Council

The Advisory Council has the following functions:

(a) to advise the Administrator on matters affecting the peace,

order and good government of the Territory;

(b) to do anything incidental to or conducive to the performance

of the above function.

Division 3—Membership of the Advisory Council

14 Membership of the Advisory Council

The Advisory Council consists of the following members:

(a) a Chair;

(b) 4 other members.

14A Appointment of members of the Advisory Council

(1) Each member of the Advisory Council is to be appointed by the

responsible Commonwealth Minister by written instrument.

Note: Members of the Advisory Council are eligible for reappointment: see

the Acts Interpretation Act 1901.

(2) A member of the Advisory Council holds office on a part-time


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General amendments Part 1

14B Period of appointment for members of the Advisory Council

A member of the Advisory Council holds office for the period

specified in the instrument of appointment. The period must not

exceed 12 months.

Note: For reappointment, see the Acts Interpretation Act 1901.

14C Acting members of the Advisory Council

Acting Chair of the Advisory Council

(1) The responsible Commonwealth Minister may appoint a person to

act as the Chair of the Advisory Council:

(a) during a vacancy in the office of the Chair of the Advisory

Council (whether or not an appointment has previously been

made to the office); or

(b) during any period, or during all periods, when the Chair of

the Advisory Council:

(i) is absent from duty or from Australia; or

(ii) is, for any reason, unable to perform the duties of the


Acting member of the Advisory Council (other than the Chair of

the Advisory Council)

(2) The responsible Commonwealth Minister may appoint a person to

act as a member of the Advisory Council (other than the Chair of

the Advisory Council):

(a) during a vacancy in the office of a member of the Advisory

Council (other than the Chair of the Advisory Council),

whether or not an appointment has previously been made to

the office; or

(b) during any period, or during all periods, when a member of

the Advisory Council (other than the Chair of the Advisory


(i) is absent from duty or from Australia; or

(ii) is, for any reason, unable to perform the duties of the


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Schedule 1 Interim arrangements etc.

Part 1 General amendments

Note: For rules that apply to acting appointments, see sections 33AB and

33A of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901.

Division 4—Terms and conditions for members of the

Advisory Council

14D Remuneration

A member of the Advisory Council is to be paid the remuneration

and allowances (if any) that are prescribed by a legislative

instrument made by the responsible Commonwealth Minister.

14E Disclosure of interests to the responsible Commonwealth


A member of the Advisory Council must give written notice to the

responsible Commonwealth Minister of all interests, pecuniary or

otherwise, that the member has or acquires and that conflict or

could conflict with the proper performance of the member’s


14F Resignation

(1) A member of the Advisory Council may resign his or her

appointment by giving the responsible Commonwealth Minister a

written resignation.

(2) The resignation takes effect on the day it is received by the

responsible Commonwealth Minister or, if a later day is specified

in the resignation, on that later day.

14G Termination of appointment

The responsible Commonwealth Minister may terminate the

appointment of a member of the Advisory Council.

14H Other terms and conditions

A member of the Advisory Council holds office on the terms and

conditions (if any) in relation to matters not covered by this Act

that are determined by the responsible Commonwealth Minister.

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General amendments Part 1

Division 5—Other matters

14J Procedures

The responsible Commonwealth Minister may, by legislative

instrument, prescribe the procedures to be followed at or in relation

to meetings of the Advisory Council, including matters relating to

the following:

(a) the convening of meetings of the Advisory Council;

(b) the number of members of the Advisory Council who are to

constitute a quorum;

(c) the selection of a member of the Advisory Council to preside

at meetings of the Advisory Council in the absence of the


(d) the manner in which questions arising at a meeting of the

Advisory Council are to be decided;

(e) the disclosure by a member of the Advisory Council, at a

meeting of the Advisory Council, of an interest (whether

pecuniary or otherwise) that the member has in a matter

being considered, or about to be considered, by the Advisory


Note: Section 33B of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 provides for

participation in meetings by telephone etc.

14K Minutes

The Advisory Council must keep minutes of its meetings.

14L Assistance to the Advisory Council

(1) The Administrator may assist the Advisory Council in the

performance of its functions.

(2) The assistance may include the following:

(a) the provision of information;

(b) the provision of advice;

(c) the making available of resources and facilities (including

secretariat services and clerical assistance).

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Schedule 1 Interim arrangements etc.

Part 1 General amendments

14M Obtaining advice

This Part does not, by implication, require the Administrator or any

other person to obtain advice from the Advisory Council before:

(a) performing a function; or

(b) exercising a power; or

(c) taking any other action.

23 Before section 16


15 Laws in force in the Territory

After the interim transition time, the laws in force in the Territory

from time to time are:

(a) Acts to the extent that they are in force from time to time in,

or in relation to, the Territory; and

(b) laws made under Acts to the extent that those laws are in

force from time to time in, or in relation to, the Territory; and

(c) section 19A Ordinances as in force from time to time; and

(d) laws continued in force by section 16 or 16A (including such

a law as amended in accordance with section 17).

24 Section 16 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

16 Continuance of laws in force immediately before 7 August 1979

25 At the end of subsection 16(1)


Note: This section commenced on 7 August 1979.

26 After section 16


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General amendments Part 1

16A Continuance of certain laws in force immediately before the

interim transition time

(1) Subject to this Act, all Legislative Assembly laws that were in

force immediately before the interim transition time continue in


(2) Subject to this Act, all Ordinances made under this Act that were in

force immediately before the interim transition time continue in


(3) A reference in this section to a Legislative Assembly law includes a

reference to a law made under a Legislative Assembly law.

(4) A reference in this section to an Ordinance made under this Act

includes a reference to a law made under such an Ordinance.

(5) This section has effect despite the repeal of sections 19 and 27 by

the Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015.

27 At the end of section 17


(3) Subject to this Act, a law continued in force by section 16 or 16A

may be amended or repealed by a section 19A Ordinance or by a

law made under a section 19A Ordinance.

(4) A section 19A Ordinance may suspend the operation of a law

continued in force by section 16 or 16A for such period as is

specified in the Ordinance.

28 Divisions 2 and 3 of Part IV

Repeal the Divisions, substitute:

Division 2—Legislative powers of the Governor-General

19A Governor-General may make Ordinances

(1) Subject to this Act, the Governor-General may make Ordinances

for the peace, order and good government of the Territory.

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Schedule 1 Interim arrangements etc.

Part 1 General amendments

(2) An Ordinance made under subsection (1) is a legislative


29 Division 4 of Part IV (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

Division 3—Inconsistency of laws

30 Section 29 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

29 Inconsistency of Legislative Assembly laws with old Ordinances

31 Subsection 29(1)

Omit “Division 2”, substitute “repealed Division 2 (as in force before

the interim transition time)”.

32 Subsection 29(1)

Omit “section 27”, substitute “repealed section 27 (as in force before

the interim transition time)”.

33 Section 30

Repeal the section, substitute:

30 Inconsistency of section 19A Ordinances with the regulations

(1) If a section 19A Ordinance is inconsistent with the regulations, the

regulations prevail, and the section 19A Ordinance is, to the extent

of the inconsistency, invalid.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), a section 19A Ordinance is

taken to be consistent with the regulations to the extent that they

are capable of operating concurrently.

(3) A reference in this section to a section 19A Ordinance includes a

reference to a law made under a section 19A Ordinance.

34 Part V

Repeal the Part.

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General amendments Part 1

35 Subsection 47(3)

Omit “(4) or”.

36 Subsection 47(4)

Repeal the subsection.

37 Subsection 47(5)

Omit “(other than the general purpose referred to in subsection (4))”.

38 Subsection 47(5)

Omit “, subject to subsection 27(3),”.

39 Subsection 48(1) (note)

Repeal the note.

40 Section 48A (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

48A Preparation of annual budgets by the Administrator

41 Subsection 48A(1)

Omit “Minister for Finance”, substitute “Administrator”.

42 Subsections 48A(4), (5) and (6)

Repeal the subsections, substitute:

(4) The Administrator must give a copy of each annual budget to the

responsible Commonwealth Minister.

43 Section 48B (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

48B Preparation of annual financial statements by the


44 Subsections 48B(1) and (3)

Omit “Minister for Finance”, substitute “Administrator”.

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Schedule 1 Interim arrangements etc.

Part 1 General amendments

45 Subsection 48B(4)

Repeal the subsection.

46 Paragraph 48C(3)(a)

Repeal the paragraph.

47 Subsection 48C(4)

Repeal the subsection.

48 Subparagraph 48E(2)(b)(i)

Repeal the subparagraph.

49 Subsection 48E(3)

Omit “a Norfolk Island Minister or”.

50 Subsection 48E(4)

Repeal the subsection.

51 Subsection 48F(3)

Omit “a Norfolk Island Minister”, substitute “the Administrator”.

52 Paragraph 48G(2)(d)

Repeal the paragraph.

53 Paragraphs 48G(3)(c) and (d)

Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:

(c) a reference in that section to the Attorney-General were a

reference to the Administrator; and

(d) a reference in that section to the Cabinet included a reference

to the Administrator; and

54 Paragraphs 48G(3)(g), (h), (i) and (j)

Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:

(g) a reference in that section to the Prime Minister were a

reference to the Administrator; and

(h) a reference in that section to the Finance Minister were a

reference to the Administrator; and

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General amendments Part 1

(i) a reference in that section to a responsible Minister were a

reference to the Administrator.

55 Section 48H (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

48H Preparation of periodic financial statements by the


56 Subsection 48H(1)

Omit “Minister for Finance”, substitute “Administrator”.

57 Subsections 48H(4), (5) and (6)

Repeal the subsections, substitute:

(4) The Administrator must give a copy of the statements to the

responsible Commonwealth Minister.

58 Subsection 48J(1)

Omit “Chief Minister”, substitute “Administrator”.

59 Subsections 48J(3) and (4)

Repeal the subsections.

60 Section 48K (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

48K Administrator may obtain information from the responsible

manager or managers of a Territory authority

61 Subsections 48K(1) and (2)

Omit “Minister for Finance” (wherever occurring), substitute


62 Subsections 48P(1) and (3)

Omit “Minister for Finance”, substitute “Administrator”.

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Schedule 1 Interim arrangements etc.

Part 1 General amendments

63 Paragraph 48R(4)(b)

Repeal the paragraph.

64 Paragraph 48S(4)(b)

Repeal the paragraph.

65 Section 51 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

51 Administrator must keep responsible Commonwealth Minister


66 Subsections 51(1) and (3)

Omit “Minister for Finance”, substitute “Administrator”.

67 Section 51A (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

51A Administrator must keep Commonwealth Finance Minister


68 Subsections 51A(1) and (3)

Omit “Minister for Finance”, substitute “Administrator”.

69 Subsection 53(2)

Repeal the subsection.

70 Paragraph 53A(a)

Omit “both Australia and Norfolk Island”, substitute “Australia”.

71 Section 53A

Omit “or Norfolk Island”.

72 Section 61

Repeal the section, substitute:

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Interim arrangements etc. Schedule 1

General amendments Part 1

61 Appointment of officers

(1) Despite the Public Service Act 1999, a law of the Territory may

make provision for and in relation to the appointment and

employment of persons for the purposes of the government of the


(2) This section does not prevent the appointment or employment of

persons under the Public Service Act 1999 in its application to the


73 Subsection 61A(2)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

(2) A person appointed or employed under:

(a) a law of the Territory mentioned in subsection 61(1); or

(b) section 10;

must at all times behave in a way that upholds the Norfolk Island

Public Service Values.

74 Section 62

Repeal the section, substitute:

62 Disposal of land

(1) The application of the Lands Acquisition Act 1989 in relation to

land in the Territory does not prevent or affect the making or

operation of a provision of an enactment under which:

(a) land in the Territory acquired by or vested in the

Commonwealth may be disposed of or otherwise dealt with;


(b) instruments, receipts and other documents in relation to any

such land may be executed; or

(c) rights, duties and liabilities in relation to any such land are or

may be acquired, conferred or imposed.

(2) An enactment referred to in subsection (1) which provides for the

acquisition of land must provide that such land must not be

acquired otherwise than on just terms.

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Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Schedule 1 Interim arrangements etc.

Part 1 General amendments

75 Section 64

Before “Duties”, insert “(1)”.

76 At the end of paragraph 64(a)

Add “and”.

77 At the end of section 64


(2) In this section:

Australia does not include Norfolk Island.

78 Sections 65 and 66A

Repeal the sections.

79 Subsection 67(1)

Omit “(1)”.

80 Subsections 67(2) and (3)

Repeal the subsections.

81 Part IX (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

Part IX—Transitional provisions that commenced

in 1979

82 Schedules 2 and 3

Repeal the Schedules.

83 Schedule 4 (note to Schedule heading)

Repeal the note, substitute:

Note: See section 57.

28 Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

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Interim arrangements etc. Schedule 1

General amendments Part 1

84 Schedules 5 to 9

Repeal the Schedules.

Division 2—Amendments of other legislation

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection

Act 1984

85 Subsection 13(2)

Omit “, the Northern Territory or Norfolk Island”, substitute “or the

Northern Territory”.

Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975

86 Subsection 3(1) (definition of Norfolk Island Justice Minister)

Repeal the definition.

87 Subsection 3(1) (definition of Norfolk Island Minister)

Repeal the definition.

88 Subsections 36B(6), 36C(4) and 36D(8)

Repeal the subsections.

89 Subsection 67A(2)

Omit “Public Sector Management Act 2000”, substitute “Public Service

Act 2014”.

Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977

90 After section 3A


3B Norfolk Island

This Act extends to Norfolk Island.

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Part 1 General amendments

Age Discrimination Act 2004

91 Section 5 (paragraph (g) of the definition of administrative office)

Repeal the paragraph.

Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011

92 Subsections 296(7) and (8)

Omit “a Minister of Norfolk Island”, substitute “the Administrator of

Norfolk Island”.

Commonwealth Grants Commission Act 1973

93 Subsection 5(3)

Omit “Ministers of that Territory have”, substitute “Administrator of

that Territory has”.

Crimes Act 1914

94 Subsection 4AA(2) (paragraph (a) of the definition of Territory Ordinance)

Omit “other than the Territory of Norfolk Island”.

Criminal Code Act 1995

95 Dictionary in the Criminal Code (paragraph (h) of the definition of Commonwealth public official)

Omit “, an Acting Administrator, or a Deputy Administrator,”,

substitute “or an Acting Administrator”.

Defence Act 1903

96 Subsection 51(1) (definition of self-governing Territory)

Repeal the definition, substitute:

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Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


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General amendments Part 1

self-governing Territory means:

(a) the Australian Capital Territory; or

(b) the Northern Territory.

Disability Discrimination Act 1992

97 Subsection 4(1) (paragraph (g) of the definition of administrative office)

Repeal the paragraph.

Do Not Call Register Act 2006

98 Subparagraphs 3(2)(a)(v) and 3(3)(a)(vi) of Schedule 1

Repeal the paragraphs.

99 Subclause 7(7) of Schedule 1

Repeal the subclause.

100 Subparagraphs 3(2)(a)(v) and 3(3)(a)(vi) of Schedule 1A

Repeal the subparagraphs.

101 Subclause 7(7) of Schedule 1A

Repeal the subclause.

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act


102 Subsection 393(3)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

(3) The Minister may enter into an arrangement with the Administrator

of Norfolk Island for persons appointed or employed under:

(a) a law of Norfolk Island mentioned in subsection 61(1) of the

Norfolk Island Act 1979; or

(b) section 10 of the Norfolk Island Act 1979;

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Schedule 1 Interim arrangements etc.

Part 1 General amendments

to perform or exercise all or any of the functions or powers of

wardens or rangers under this Act or the regulations.

103 Subsection 398(2)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

(2) The Minister may enter into an arrangement with the Administrator

of Norfolk Island for persons appointed or employed under:

(a) a law of Norfolk Island mentioned in subsection 61(1) of the

Norfolk Island Act 1979; or

(b) section 10 of the Norfolk Island Act 1979;

to be inspectors, and that arrangement has effect accordingly.

104 Section 528 (paragraph (b) of the definition of self-governing Territory)

Omit “Territory; or”, substitute “Territory.”

105 Section 528 (paragraph (c) of the definition of self-governing Territory)

Repeal the paragraph.

Freedom of Information Act 1982

106 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Cabinet)

Repeal the definition, substitute:

Cabinet includes a committee of the Cabinet.

107 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Minister)

Repeal the definition.

108 Subsection 4(1) (paragraph (c) of the definition of Norfolk Island authority)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

(c) a body established or appointed by the Administrator of

Norfolk Island otherwise than by or under a Norfolk Island

enactment; or

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Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Interim arrangements etc. Schedule 1

General amendments Part 1

109 Subsection 4(1) (paragraph (e) of the definition of Norfolk Island authority)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

(e) a person holding or performing the duties of an appointment,

where the appointment was made by the Administrator of

Norfolk Island otherwise than under a Norfolk Island


110 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Norfolk Island Minister)

Repeal the definition.

111 Subsection 4(1) (subparagraph (a)(v) of the definition of prescribed authority)

Repeal the subparagraph.

112 Subsection 4(1) (paragraph (c) of the definition of principal officer)

Omit “Public Sector Management Act 2000”, substitute “Public Service

Act 2014”.

113 Subsection 4(1) (paragraph (e) of the definition of responsible Minister)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

(e) in relation to a Norfolk Island authority—the Minister

administering the Norfolk Island Act 1979;

114 Subparagraph 4(3)(a)(iii)

Repeal the subparagraph, substitute:

(iii) the office of Administrator of Norfolk Island; or

115 Paragraph 4(3B)(a)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

(a) because he or she holds the office of Administrator of

Norfolk Island; or

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Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Schedule 1 Interim arrangements etc.

Part 1 General amendments

116 Subparagraph 8(2)(d)(ii)

Omit “Public Sector Management Act 2000”, substitute “Public Service

Act 2014”.

117 Paragraph 8(2)(e)

Omit “or the Legislative Assembly of Norfolk Island”.

118 Paragraph 8(2)(h)

Omit “or the Legislative Assembly of Norfolk Island” (first occurring).

119 Paragraph 8(2)(h)

Omit “or the Legislative Assembly of Norfolk Island, as the case may


120 Subsection 12(2)

Omit all the words from and including “became” to and including

“more than”, substitute “ became a document of a Norfolk Island

agency more than”.

121 Paragraph 12(2)(d)

Omit all the words from and including “understanding” to and including

“to which”, substitute “understanding of a document of a Norfolk Island

agency to which”.

122 Paragraph 21(1)(d)

Omit “Parliament; or”, substitute “Parliament.”.

123 Paragraph 21(1)(e)

Repeal the paragraph.

124 Paragraphs 26AA(1)(b), (c), (d) and (e)

Omit “or Norfolk Island Minister”.

125 Subsections 26AA(2) to (4)

Omit “or Norfolk Island Minister” (wherever occurring).

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Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Interim arrangements etc. Schedule 1

General amendments Part 1

126 Paragraph 46(c)

Omit “or of Norfolk Island”.

127 Subsection 47A(1) (paragraph (b) of the definition of electoral roll)

Omit “(a); or”, substitute “(a).”.

128 Subsection 47A(1) (paragraphs (c) and (d) of the definition of electoral roll)

Repeal the paragraphs.

Historic Shipwrecks Act 1976

129 Subsection 4A(11) (definition of State)

Omit “and Norfolk Island”.

130 Subsection 4A(11) (definition of Territory)

Omit “or Norfolk Island”.

131 Paragraph 4A(12)(a)

Omit “or Norfolk Island”.

132 Paragraph 4A(12)(b)

Omit “1978; and”, substitute “1978.”.

133 Paragraph 4A(12)(c)

Repeal the paragraph.

International Criminal Court Act 2002

134 Section 4 (definition of State)

Repeal the definition, substitute:

State includes the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern


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Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Schedule 1 Interim arrangements etc.

Part 1 General amendments

135 Section 4 (paragraph (a) of the definition of State Minister)

Omit “other than the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern

Territory or Norfolk Island”, substitute “other than the Australian

Capital Territory or the Northern Territory”.

136 Section 4 (paragraph (c) of the definition of State Minister)

Omit “and”.

137 Section 4 (paragraph (d) of the definition of State Minister)

Repeal the paragraph.

138 Section 4 (definition of Territory)

Omit “and, except in section 6, does not include Norfolk Island”.

139 Paragraph 186(4)(b)

Omit “Territory; or”, substitute “Territory.”.

140 Paragraph 186(4)(c)

Repeal the paragraph.

International Transfer of Prisoners Act 1997

141 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Territory Minister)

Repeal the definition, substitute:

Territory Minister, in relation to a Territory, means the Minister

administering the law of the Territory relating to the transfer of

prisoners, and includes:

(a) any Minister acting for the time being for or on behalf of that

Minister; and

(b) any person to whom the Minister has delegated any of the

Minister’s functions under this Act.

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Interim arrangements etc. Schedule 1

General amendments Part 1

Judiciary Act 1903

142 Paragraph 55N(2)(c)

Omit “or a member of the Government of Norfolk Island”.

Lands Acquisition Act 1989

143 Subsection 5(3)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

(3) If a provision referred to in section 62 of the Norfolk Island Act

1979 is in operation, this Act does not apply to anything dealt with

by the provision.

Legislative Instruments Act 2003

144 Before section 4


3AA Norfolk Island

This Act extends to Norfolk Island.

National Health Act 1953

145 Subsection 84(1) (paragraph (d) of the definition of Commonwealth officer)

Omit “, an Acting Administrator, or a Deputy Administrator,”,

substitute “or an Acting Administrator”.

National Health Security Act 2007

146 Subsection 3(1) (paragraph (c) of the definition of State or Territory Health Minister)

Omit “or”.

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Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Schedule 1 Interim arrangements etc.

Part 1 General amendments

147 Subsection 3(1) (paragraph (d) of the definition of State or Territory Health Minister)

Repeal the paragraph.

148 Subsection 3(1) (definition of State or Territory Health Minister)

Omit “, the Northern Territory or Norfolk Island”, substitute “or the

Northern Territory”.

149 Paragraph 3(2)(b)

Omit “, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island”, substitute “and the

Northern Territory”.

Privacy Act 1988

150 Subsection 6(1) (definition of Cabinet)

Repeal the definition.

151 Subsection 6(1) (paragraph (d) of the definition of Norfolk Island agency)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

(d) a body established or appointed by the Administrator of

Norfolk Island otherwise than by or under a Norfolk Island

enactment; or

152 Subsection 6(1) (paragraph (f) of the definition of Norfolk Island agency)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

(f) a person holding or performing the duties of an appointment,

where the appointment was made by the Administrator of

Norfolk Island otherwise than under a Norfolk Island

enactment; or

153 Subsection 6(1) (definition of Norfolk Island Justice Minister)

Repeal the definition.

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Interim arrangements etc. Schedule 1

General amendments Part 1

154 Subsection 6(1) (definition of Norfolk Island Minister)

Repeal the definition.

155 Subparagraph 7(1)(a)(iiiaa)

Repeal the subparagraph.

156 Paragraphs 7(1)(eaa) and (eab)

Repeal the paragraphs.

157 Paragraph 28A(3)(a)

Omit “or Norfolk Island Minister”.

158 Paragraph 28B(1)(a)

Omit “, Norfolk Island Minister”.

159 Paragraph 30(3)(d)

Omit “or Norfolk Island Minister (if any)”.

160 Subsection 30(4)

Omit “or Norfolk Island Minister (if any)”.

161 Section 33B

Repeal the section.

162 Paragraphs 34(2)(a) and (b)

Omit “or a Norfolk Island Minister”.

163 Section 37 (table items 5B and 5C, column 2)

Omit “Public Sector Management Act 2000”, substitute “Public Service

Act 2014”.

164 Subsection 43(7)

Omit “or Norfolk Island Minister (if any)”.

165 Subsections 43(8) and (8A)

Omit “or a Norfolk Island Minister”.

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Schedule 1 Interim arrangements etc.

Part 1 General amendments

166 Paragraph 43(9)(b)

Omit “or Norfolk Island Minister”.

167 Subsection 50(1) (paragraph (f) of the definition of alternative complaint body)

Repeal the paragraph.

168 Subsection 50(1) (definition of Norfolk Island Public Service Board)

Repeal the definition.

169 Paragraph 50(2)(b)

Omit “or” (last occurring).

170 Paragraph 50(2)(ba)

Repeal the paragraph.

171 Paragraph 50(3)(b)

Omit “or”.

172 Paragraph 50(3)(c)

Repeal the paragraph.

173 Subsection 66(12)

Repeal the subsection.

174 Subsection 68(1)

Omit “or documents in respect of which the Norfolk Island Justice

Minister has given a certificate under subsection 70(4)”.

175 Subsection 70(4)

Repeal the subsection.

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Interim arrangements etc. Schedule 1

General amendments Part 1

Proceeds of Crime Act 2002

176 Section 338 (paragraph (b) of the definition of self-governing Territory)

Omit “Territory; or”, substitute “Territory.”

177 Section 338 (paragraph (c) of the definition of self-governing Territory)

Repeal the paragraph.

Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013

178 Subsection 69(1) (table item 17, column 1, paragraph (d))

Repeal the paragraph.

179 Subsection 69(1) (after table item 17)


17A An individual (other than a judicial

officer) who exercises powers, or

performs functions, conferred on the

individual under a law in force in

The Department administered by the

Minister administering the Norfolk

Island Act 1979.

Norfolk Island (whether the law is a

law of the Commonwealth or a law

of the Territory).

180 Paragraph 69(2)(d)

Repeal the paragraph.

Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973

181 Paragraph 3(4)(jaa)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

(jaa) an office of member of the Norfolk Island Advisory Council;

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Schedule 1 Interim arrangements etc.

Part 1 General amendments

Sex Discrimination Act 1984

182 Subsection 4(1) (paragraph (f) of the definition of administrative office)

Repeal the paragraph.

Transfer of Prisoners Act 1983

183 Paragraph 3(10)(b)

Omit “or of the Legislative Assembly of Norfolk Island”.

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Interim arrangements etc. Schedule 1

Transitional provisions Part 2

Part 2—Transitional provisions

Division 1—Introduction

184 Definitions

In this Part:

Administration has the same meaning as in the Norfolk Island Act


asset means:

(a) any legal or equitable estate or interest in real or personal

property, whether actual, contingent or prospective; and

(b) any right, power, privilege or immunity, whether actual,

contingent or prospective.

assets official, in relation to an asset other than land, means the person

or authority who:

(a) under a law of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory; or

(b) under a trust instrument; or

(c) otherwise;

has responsibility for keeping a register in relation to assets of the kind


Deputy Administrator has the same meaning as in the Norfolk Island

Act 1979 as in force immediately before the interim transition time.

Executive Council has the same meaning as in the Norfolk Island Act

1979 as in force immediately before the interim transition time.

interim transition time means the commencement of Part 1 of this


land means any legal or equitable estate or interest in real property,

whether actual, contingent or prospective.

land registration official, in relation to land, means the Registrar of

Titles or other proper officer of the State or Territory in which the land

is situated.

Legislative Assembly has the same meaning as in the Norfolk Island Act

1979 as in force immediately before the interim transition time.

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Schedule 1 Interim arrangements etc.

Part 2 Transitional provisions

liability means any liability, duty or obligation, whether actual,

contingent or prospective.

responsible Commonwealth Minister has the same meaning as in the

Norfolk Island Act 1979.

transitional rules means rules made under item 185.

Division 2—Transitional rules

185 Transitional rules

(1) The responsible Commonwealth Minister may, by legislative

instrument, make rules (transitional rules) prescribing matters of a

transitional nature (including prescribing any saving or application

provisions) relating to the amendments or repeals made by Part 1

of this Schedule.

(2) To avoid doubt, the transitional rules may not do the following:

(a) create an offence or civil penalty;

(b) provide powers of:

(i) arrest or detention; or

(ii) entry, search or seizure;

(c) impose a tax;

(d) set an amount to be appropriated from the Consolidated

Revenue Fund under an appropriation in this Act;

(e) amend this Act.

Division 3—Transfer of assets and liabilities

186 Vesting of assets of Executive Council or Legislative Assembly

(1) This item applies to an asset of the Executive Council or Legislative

Assembly immediately before the interim transition time.

(2) At the interim transition time:

(a) the asset ceases to be an asset of the Executive Council or

Legislative Assembly, as the case may be, and becomes an

asset of the Administration without any conveyance, transfer

or assignment; and

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Interim arrangements etc. Schedule 1

Transitional provisions Part 2

(b) the Administration becomes the successor in law in relation

to the asset.

187 Vesting of liabilities of Executive Council or Legislative Assembly

(1) This item applies to a liability of the Executive Council or Legislative

Assembly immediately before the interim transition time.

(2) At the interim transition time:

(a) the liability ceases to be a liability of the Executive Council

or Legislative Assembly, as the case may be, and becomes a

liability of the Administration without any conveyance,

transfer or assignment; and

(b) the Administration becomes the successor in law in relation

to the liability.

188 Vesting of assets of Ministers, members of the Legislative Assembly and members of the Executive Council

(1) This item applies to:

(a) an asset of a Minister, if the asset was held by the Minister

immediately before the interim transition time in his or her

capacity as a Minister; and

(b) an asset of a member of the Legislative Assembly, if the asset

was held by the member of the Legislative Assembly

immediately before the interim transition time in his or her

capacity as a member of the Legislative Assembly; and

(c) an asset of a member of the Executive Council, if the asset

was held by the member of the Executive Council

immediately before the interim transition time in his or her

capacity as a member of the Executive Council.

(2) At the interim transition time:

(a) the asset ceases to be an asset of the Minister, member of the

Legislative Assembly or member of the Executive Council,

as the case may be, and becomes an asset of the

Administration without any conveyance, transfer or

assignment; and

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Schedule 1 Interim arrangements etc.

Part 2 Transitional provisions

(b) the Administration becomes the successor in law in relation

to the asset.

(3) In this item:

Minister has the same meaning as in the Norfolk Island Act 1979 as in

force immediately before the interim transition time.

189 Vesting of liabilities of Ministers, members of the Legislative Assembly and members of the Executive Council

(1) This item applies to:

(a) a liability of a Minister immediately before the interim

transition time, if the liability was in his or her capacity as a

Minister; and

(b) a liability of a member of the Legislative Assembly

immediately before the interim transition time, if the liability

was in his or her capacity as a member of the Legislative

Assembly; and

(c) a liability of a member of the Executive Council immediately

before the interim transition time, if the liability was in his or

her capacity as a member of the Executive Council.

(2) At the interim transition time:

(a) the liability ceases to be a liability of the Minister, member of

the Legislative Assembly or member of the Executive

Council, as the case may be, and becomes a liability of the

Administration without any conveyance, transfer or

assignment; and

(b) the Administration becomes the successor in law in relation

to the liability.

(3) In this item:

Minister has the same meaning as in the Norfolk Island Act 1979 as in

force immediately before the interim transition time.

190 Transfers of land to the Administration may be registered

(1) This item applies if:

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Interim arrangements etc. Schedule 1

Transitional provisions Part 2

(a) any land vests in the Administration under item 186 or 188;


(b) there is lodged with a land registration official a certificate


(i) is signed by the responsible Commonwealth Minister;


(ii) identifies the land, whether by reference to a map or

otherwise; and

(iii) states that the land has become vested in the

Administration under this Schedule.

(2) The land registration official may:

(a) register the matter in a way that is the same as, or similar to,

the way in which dealings in land of that kind are registered;


(b) deal with, and give effect to, the certificate.

(3) A certificate under paragraph (1)(b) is not a legislative instrument.

191 Certificates relating to vesting of assets (other than land) in the Administration

(1) This item applies if:

(a) any asset other than land vests in the Administration under

item 186 or 188; and

(b) there is lodged with an assets official a certificate that:

(i) is signed by the responsible Commonwealth Minister;


(ii) identifies the asset; and

(iii) states that the asset has become vested in the

Administration under this Schedule.

(2) The assets official may:

(a) deal with, and give effect to, the certificate as if it were a

proper and appropriate instrument for transactions in relation

to assets of that kind; and

(b) make such entries in the register as are necessary having

regard to the effect of this Part.

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Schedule 1 Interim arrangements etc.

Part 2 Transitional provisions

(3) A certificate under paragraph (1)(b) is not a legislative instrument.

Division 4—Transfer of other matters

192 Transitional—transfer of records to the Administration

(1) This item applies to any records or documents that were in possession


(a) a person in his or her capacity as a Minister; or

(b) the Legislative Assembly; or

(c) a person in his or her capacity as a member of the Legislative

Assembly; or

(d) the Executive Council; or

(e) a person in his or her capacity as a member of the Executive

Council; or

(f) a person in his or her capacity as the Deputy Administrator;

immediately before the interim transition time.

(2) The records and documents are to be transferred to the Administration

after the interim transition time.

(3) In this item:

Minister has the same meaning as in the Norfolk Island Act 1979 as in

force immediately before the interim transition time.

Division 5—Employees

193 Transitional—employees of the Administration

(1) For the purposes of this item, a person is an eligible employee if,

immediately before the interim transition time:

(a) the person was not an employee of the Administration; and

(b) the person was not an employee of a body corporate

established by or under an enactment; and

(c) the person was:

(i) employed under the Public Service Act 2014 (Norfolk

Island); or

(ii) employed under an enactment; or

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Interim arrangements etc. Schedule 1

Transitional provisions Part 2

(iii) acting in an official capacity for the Administration; or

(iv) under the transitional rules, taken to be an eligible

employee for the purposes of this item.

(2) The eligible employee is taken, at the interim transition time to have

become employed by the Administration.

(3) The eligible employee is taken to have been engaged by the

Administration on the same terms and conditions as those that applied

to the eligible employee immediately before the interim transition time.

(4) This item does not prevent the terms and conditions of an eligible

employee’s employment after the interim transition time from being


(a) in accordance with those terms and conditions; or

(b) by or under a law, award, determination or agreement.

(5) The eligible employee is not entitled to receive any payment or other

benefit merely because he or she stopped being an employee of a person

as a result of this item.

(6) The eligible employee is taken to have accrued an entitlement to

benefits, in connection with the eligible employee’s employment with

the Administration, that is equivalent to the entitlement that the eligible

employee had as an employee immediately before the interim transition


(7) The service of the eligible employee as an employee of the

Administration is taken, for all purposes, to have been continuous with

his or her service as an employee before the interim transition time.

(8) Section 61A of the Norfolk Island Act 1979 applies to the eligible

employee as if he or she had been engaged by the Administrator under

section 10 of that Act.

(9) In this item:

vary, in relation to terms and conditions, includes:

(a) omit any of those terms and conditions; or

(b) add to those terms and conditions; or

(c) substitute new terms or conditions for any of those terms and


Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Schedule 1 Interim arrangements etc.

Part 2 Transitional provisions

Division 6—Financial matters

194 Transitional—annual financial statements

The amendments of sections 48B and 48C of the Norfolk Island Act

1979 made by this Schedule apply in relation to annual financial

statements for:

(a) the financial year beginning on 1 July 2015; or

(b) a later financial year.

195 Transitional—annual reports

The amendments of section 48J of the Norfolk Island Act 1979 made by

this Schedule apply in relation to an annual report for:

(a) the financial year beginning on 1 July 2015; or

(b) a later financial year.

Division 7—Administrative Appeals Tribunal

196 Public interest

Despite the amendments of sections 36B, 36C and 36D of the

Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 made by Part 1 of this

Schedule, those sections continue to apply after the interim transition

time, in relation to matters that concern Norfolk Island, as if:

(a) the amendments had not been made; and

(b) the definitions of Attorney-General in subsections 36B(6),

36C(4) and 36D(8) were modified by omitting “the Norfolk

Island Justice Minister”, and substituting “the

Commonwealth Attorney-General”; and

(c) paragraph (a) of the definition of Cabinet in

subsection 36B(6) were modified by omitting “consists”, and

substituting “consisted”.

Division 8—Historic shipwrecks

197 Continuity of declarations

The amendments of section 4A of the Historic Shipwrecks Act 1976

made by Part 1 of this Schedule do not affect the continuity of a

declaration made under that section before the interim transition time.

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Interim arrangements etc. Schedule 1

Transitional provisions Part 2

Division 9—Public interest disclosure

198 Disclosable conduct

The amendments of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 made by

Part 1 of this Schedule, so far as they are relevant to determining what

is disclosable conduct for the purposes of that Act, apply in relation to

conduct occurring after the interim transition time.

Division 10—Other matters

199 Exemption from stamp duty and other State or Territory taxes

(1) No stamp duty or other tax is payable under a law of a State or a

Territory in respect of an exempt matter, or anything connected with an

exempt matter.

(2) For the purposes of this item, an exempt matter is:

(a) the vesting of an asset or liability under this Part; or

(b) the operation of this Part in any other respect; or

(c) the operation of the transitional rules.

(3) The responsible Commonwealth Minister may certify in writing:

(a) that a specified matter is an exempt matter; or

(b) that a specified thing was connected with a specified exempt


(4) In all courts, and for all purposes (other than for the purposes of

criminal proceedings), a certificate under subitem (3) is prima facie

evidence of the matters stated in the certificate.

200 Constitutional safety net

(1) If:

(a) any of the amendments or repeals made by this Schedule; or

(b) the operation of a provision of this Part or the transitional


Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Schedule 1 Interim arrangements etc.

Part 2 Transitional provisions

would result in an acquisition of property (within the meaning of

paragraph 51(xxxi) of the Constitution) from a person otherwise than on

just terms (within the meaning of that paragraph), the Commonwealth is

liable to pay a reasonable amount of compensation to the person.

(2) If the Commonwealth and the person do not agree on the amount of the

compensation, the person may institute proceedings in a court of

competent jurisdiction for the recovery from the Commonwealth of

such reasonable amount of compensation as the court determines.

201 Constitutional limits

This Part has no effect to the extent (if any) to which it imposes


202 Certificates taken to be authentic

A document that appears to be a certificate made or issued under a

particular provision of this Part:

(a) is taken to be such a certificate; and

(b) is taken to have been properly given;

unless the contrary is established.

203 Power to make Ordinances

This Part does not, by implication, limit the matters that may be dealt

with by Ordinances under section 19A of the Norfolk Island Act 1979.

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Interim arrangements etc. Schedule 1

Amendments contingent on the commencement of the Acts and Instruments

(Framework Reform) Act 2015 Part 3

Part 3—Amendments contingent on the commencement of the Acts and Instruments (Framework Reform) Act 2015

Legislation Act 2003

204 Paragraph 10(2)(b)

Omit “1988);”, substitute “1988).”.

205 Paragraph 10(2)(c)

Repeal the paragraph.

206 Transitional—Ordinances

Despite the repeal of paragraph 10(2)(c) of the Legislation Act 2003 by

this Part, that paragraph continues to apply, in relation to an Ordinance

made before the commencement of Part 1 of this Schedule, as if that

repeal had not happened.

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 1 Amendments

Schedule 2—Final arrangements etc.

Part 1—Amendments

Division 1—Amendment of the Norfolk Island Act 1979

Norfolk Island Act 1979

1 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Acting Administrator)

Repeal the definition.

2 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Administration)

Repeal the definition.

3 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Administrator)

Repeal the definition.

4 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Advisory Council)

Repeal the definition.

5 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Chief Executive Officer)

Repeal the definition.

6 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Commonwealth Finance Minister)

Repeal the definition.

7 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Commonwealth Finance Minister’s Orders)

Repeal the definition.

8 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Commonwealth Financial Officer for Norfolk Island)

Repeal the definition.

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Final arrangements etc. Schedule 2

Amendments Part 1

9 Subsection 4(1)


court officer of New South Wales means a person holding, or

performing the functions or duties of, any of the following offices:

(a) any of the following offices in a court of New South Wales:

(i) Judge;

(ii) Magistrate (however described);

(iii) Master;

(iv) Registrar (however described);

(v) Clerk (however described);

(vi) Sheriff (however described);

(vii) Bailiff (however described);

(b) any other office that is:

(i) in respect of a court of New South Wales; and

(ii) specified in the regulations.

court of New South Wales includes a tribunal established under a

law of New South Wales.

10 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Executive Director)

Repeal the definition.

11 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Federal Court)

Repeal the definition.

12 Subsection 4(1)


final transition time means the commencement of Part 1 of

Schedule 2 to the Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015.

13 Subsection 4(1) (definition of financial management and accountability provisions)

Repeal the definition.

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 1 Amendments

14 Subsection 4(1) (definition of member of the Advisory Council)

Repeal the definition.

15 Subsection 4(1) (definition of money of a Territory authority)

Repeal the definition.

16 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Norfolk Island Public Service Values)

Repeal the definition.

17 Subsection 4(1)


Norfolk Island Regional Council means a body that is:

(a) established by or under a law in force in the Territory; and

(b) declared by a section 19A Ordinance to be the Norfolk Island

Regional Council for the purposes of this definition.

18 Subsection 4(1) (definition of performance audit)

Repeal the definition.

19 Subsection 4(1) (definition of property of a Territory authority)

Repeal the definition.

20 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Public Account of Norfolk Island)

Repeal the definition.

21 Subsection 4(1) (definition of public money of the Territory)

Repeal the definition.

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Final arrangements etc. Schedule 2

Amendments Part 1

22 Subsection 4(1) (definition of public property of the Territory)

Repeal the definition.

23 Subsection 4(1) (definition of responsible manager)

Repeal the definition.

24 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Territory authority)

Repeal the definition.

25 Parts II and III

Repeal the Parts.

26 Section 15

Repeal the section, substitute:

15 Laws in force in the Territory

After the final transition time, the laws in force in the Territory

from time to time are:

(a) Acts to the extent that they are in force from time to time in,

or in relation to, the Territory; and

(b) laws made under Acts to the extent that those laws are in

force from time to time in, or in relation to, the Territory; and

(c) section 19A Ordinances as in force from time to time; and

(d) laws continued in force by section 16 or 16A (including such

a law as amended in accordance with section 17); and

(e) New South Wales laws as in force in the Territory in

accordance with section 18A.

27 At the end of Division 1 of Part IV


18A Application of New South Wales laws

(1) Subject to this section and section 18B, the provisions of the law of

New South Wales (whether made before or after the final transition

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015 57

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16

Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 1 Amendments

time), as in force in New South Wales from time to time, are in

force in the Territory.

(2) To the extent that a law is in force in the Territory under

subsection (1), it may be incorporated, amended or repealed by a

section 19A Ordinance or a law made under a section 19A


(3) A section 19A Ordinance may suspend the operation in the

Territory of a law in force in the Territory under subsection (1) for

such period as is specified in the Ordinance.

(4) To the extent that a law is in force in the Territory under

subsection (1), it has no effect to the extent that it is inconsistent


(a) the Constitution; or

(b) an Act; or

(c) an enactment.

(5) For the purposes of subsection (4), a law is taken to be consistent


(a) an Act; or

(b) an enactment;

to the extent that the law is capable of operating concurrently with


(6) In this section:

provision of the law of New South Wales:

(a) includes a principle or rule of common law or equity that is

part of the law of New South Wales; and

(b) does not include an Act or a provision of an Act.

18B Powers and functions under the applied New South Wales laws

Vesting of powers in the Minister

(1) If a power is vested in:

(a) a Minister of New South Wales; or

(b) the Governor of New South Wales; or

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Final arrangements etc. Schedule 2

Amendments Part 1

(c) the Governor-in-Council of New South Wales;

by a New South Wales law in force in the Territory under

section 18A, the power is, in relation to the Territory, vested in the

responsible Commonwealth Minister instead of the person or

authority mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (c) of this subsection.

(2) If:

(a) a power is vested in a person (other than a court officer of

New South Wales) or an authority (other than a court of New

South Wales) by a New South Wales law in force in the

Territory under section 18A; and

(b) subsection (1) does not apply to the power;

the power is, in relation to the Territory, vested in the responsible

Commonwealth Minister instead of the person or authority

mentioned in paragraph (a) of this subsection.

Delegation etc.

(3) If a power is vested in the responsible Commonwealth Minister

under subsection (1) or (2), the Minister may, in writing:

(a) direct that the power is also vested in a specified person or

authority; or

(b) delegate the power to a specified person.

(4) A person or authority in whom a power is vested under

paragraph (3)(a) may, if the person is so empowered by the

responsible Commonwealth Minister in the direction, delegate the

power, in writing, to a specified person.

(5) If:

(a) a power is vested in the responsible Commonwealth Minister

under subsection (2); and

(b) a person, or an authority, who is:

(i) an officer or employee of New South Wales; or

(ii) an authority of New South Wales; or

(iii) an officer or employee of an authority of New South


is subject to an arrangement under section 18C; and

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 1 Amendments

(c) the power corresponds to a power that the person or authority

is authorised, under a law in force in New South Wales, to

exercise in, or in a part of, New South Wales:

(i) whether in the person’s own right or the authority’s own

right; or

(ii) whether in the capacity of a delegate; or

(iii) whether in any other way;

the responsible Commonwealth Minister is taken to have directed

under paragraph (3)(a) that the first-mentioned power is also vested

in the person or authority, as the case may be.

(6) The Minister may direct that subsection (5) does not apply to a

specified power.

(7) A direction under subsection (6) may be unconditional or subject to

such conditions (if any) as are specified in the direction.

Other matters

(8) An instrument under this section may identify a power by reference

to a class of powers.

(9) The validity of the exercise of a power under a law by a person or

authority under this section is unaffected by the failure of the

person or authority to hold a qualification required of a person

exercising that power under the law as in force in New South


(10) This section does not affect the operation of section 18A in relation

to the application in or in relation to the Territory of a law (a

subordinate law) made under a New South Wales law (whether the

subordinate law is made before or after the final transition time).

(11) An instrument under this section is not a legislative instrument.

(12) In this section:

authority means:

(a) a body corporate, or an unincorporated body, established for

a public purpose; or

(b) an authority (within the ordinary meaning of that expression).

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Final arrangements etc. Schedule 2

Amendments Part 1

authority of New South Wales means an authority established by

or under a New South Wales law.

power includes function or duty, and, in that context, exercise

means perform.

18C Arrangements with the Government of New South Wales

(1) The Commonwealth may enter into arrangements with New South

Wales for the effective application and administration of the laws

in force in the Territory.

(2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), such an

arrangement may provide for the exercise of powers or the

performance of functions or duties by:

(a) an officer or employee of New South Wales; or

(b) an authority of New South Wales (within the meaning of

section 18B); or

(c) an officer or employee of an authority of New South Wales

(within the meaning of section 18B);

in or in relation to the Territory.

28 Part VI

Repeal the Part.

29 Section 61A

Repeal the section.

Division 2—Amendments of other legislation

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act 2005

30 Subsection 5(1)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

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Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 1 Amendments

31 Subsection 5(2)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory or of Norfolk Island”, substitute “or of

the Northern Territory”.

A.C.T. Self-Government (Consequential Provisions)


32 Schedule 1 (modifications relating to the Extradition Act


Repeal the modifications.

Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975

33 Subsection 67A(2)

Omit all the words after “given”, substitute “to the Secretary of the

Department administered by the Minister administering the Norfolk

Island Act 1979”.

Admiralty Act 1988

34 Subsection 8(4) (definition of government)

Omit “, the Northern Territory or the Administration of Norfolk Island”,

substitute “or the Northern Territory”.

Aged Care (Accommodation Payment Security) Act 2006

35 Subsection 4(2)

After “except”, insert “Norfolk Island,”.

36 Section 6


Australia, when used in a geographical sense, includes Norfolk

Island, the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands and the Territory

of Christmas Island.

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Amendments Part 1

Aged Care Act 1997

37 Subsection 4-1(2)

After “except”, insert “Norfolk Island,”.

38 At the end of section 4-1


(4) Despite subsection (1), Parts 2.2, 2.5 and 3.1 apply in relation to

Norfolk Island as if Norfolk Island were part of New South Wales

and were not a Territory.

Note: This has the effect that references in Parts 2.2, 2.5 and 3.1 to a

Territory do not apply to Norfolk Island, and that references in those

Parts to a State will be relevant to New South Wales as if it included

Norfolk Island.

39 After subsection 12-6(1A)


(1B) If the Secretary determines the *regions within New South Wales,

he or she must determine that one of those regions consists of

Norfolk Island.

40 Clause 1 of Schedule 1


Australia, when used in a geographical sense, includes Norfolk

Island, the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands and the Territory

of Christmas Island.

Aged Care (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997

41 Subsection 4-1(2)

After “except”, insert “Norfolk Island,”.

42 At the end of section 4-1


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Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 1 Amendments

(4) Despite subsection (1), Part 3.1 applies in relation to Norfolk

Island as if Norfolk Island were part of New South Wales and were

not a Territory.

Note: This has the effect that references in Part 3.1 to a Territory do not

apply to Norfolk Island, and that references in that Part to a State will

be relevant to New South Wales as if it included Norfolk Island.

43 Clause 1 of Schedule 1


Australia, when used in a geographical sense, includes Norfolk

Island, the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands and the Territory

of Christmas Island.

Age Discrimination Act 2004

44 Subsection 13(1)

Omit “, of each of the States and of Norfolk Island”, substitute “and of

each of the States”.

45 Subsection 13(2)

Omit “, of a State or of Norfolk Island”, substitute “or of a State”.

Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Act 1994

46 Section 14

Omit “, of the Australian Capital Territory and of Norfolk Island”,

substitute “and of the Australian Capital Territory”.

47 Section 16

Omit “, of the Australian Capital Territory or of Norfolk Island”,

substitute “or of the Australian Capital Territory”.

Airports Act 1996

48 Subsection 8(1)

Omit “, of each of the States and of Norfolk Island”, substitute “and of

each of the States”.

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Amendments Part 1

Airports (Transitional) Act 1996

49 Subsection 7(1)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Air Services Act 1995

50 Section 4

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999

51 At the end of Part 1


2A Norfolk Island

This Act extends to Norfolk Island.

52 Subsection 3(1)


Australia, when used in a geographical sense, includes Norfolk

Island, the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands and the Territory

of Christmas Island.

A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act


53 At the end of Part 1


2A Norfolk Island

This Act extends to Norfolk Island.

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Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 1 Amendments

54 Subsection 80(5)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

55 Subsection 89(9)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing

Act 2006

56 Subsections 245(7) and (8)

Repeal the subsections.

Archives Act 1983

57 Subsection 3(1) (subparagraph (a)(i) of the definition of authority of the Commonwealth)

Omit “or Norfolk Island”.

58 Subsection 3(1) (paragraph (h) of the definition of Commonwealth institution)

Omit “other than Norfolk Island”.

59 Paragraph 3(2)(g)

Omit “, the Northern Territory or Norfolk Island” (wherever occurring),

substitute “or the Northern Territory”.

60 Paragraphs 23(a) and (b)

Omit “, Norfolk Island”.

Auditor-General Act 1997

61 After section 3


66 Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

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Amendments Part 1

3A Norfolk Island

This Act extends to Norfolk Island.

62 Section 5


Australia, when used in a geographical sense, includes Norfolk

Island, the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands and the Territory

of Christmas Island.

Australian Aged Care Quality Agency Act 2013

63 Section 3


Australia, when used in a geographical sense, includes Norfolk

Island, the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands and the Territory

of Christmas Island.

64 Subsection 6(2)

After “except”, insert “Norfolk Island,”.

Australian Crime Commission Act 2002

65 Section 5

Omit “, of the Australian Capital Territory, and of Norfolk Island”,

substitute “and of the Australian Capital Territory”

Australian Federal Police Act 1979

66 Subsection 8(1C)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

(1C) The Minister may enter into an arrangement with:

(a) the Minister administering the Department that deals with the

administration of an external Territory; or

(b) the Administrator (if any) of an external Territory;

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Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 1 Amendments

for the provision of police services and regulatory services for that


67 Subsection 42J(1)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Australian Hearing Services Act 1991

68 Subsection 4(1)


Australia, when used in a geographical sense, includes Norfolk

Island, the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands and the Territory

of Christmas Island.

69 After section 6


6AA Norfolk Island

This Act extends to Norfolk Island.

Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986

70 Subsection 6(1)

Omit “and of Norfolk Island”.

71 Subsection 6(2)

Omit “, of a State or of Norfolk Island”, substitute “or of a State”.

Australian Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation

Authority Act 2008

72 Section 4


68 Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

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Amendments Part 1

Australia, when used in a geographical sense, includes Norfolk

Island, the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands and the Territory

of Christmas Island.

73 Section 7

Omit “other than Norfolk Island”.

Australian Postal Corporation Act 1989

74 Section 10

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Banking Act 1959

75 Subsections 38A(2) and (4)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Bank Integration Act 1991

76 Section 4

Omit “, of the Australian Capital Territory and of Norfolk Island”,

substitute “and of the Australian Capital Territory”.

Broadcasting Services Act 1992

77 Clause 96 of Schedule 5

Omit “, the Australian Capital Territory or Norfolk Island”, substitute

“or the Australian Capital Territory”.

78 Clause 123 of Schedule 7

Omit “, the Australian Capital Territory or Norfolk Island”, substitute

“or the Australian Capital Territory”.

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Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 1 Amendments

Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011

79 Subsections 296(7) and (8)

Repeal the subsections.

Charter of the United Nations Act 1945

80 Subsection 4(1)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989

81 Section 10

Omit “the external Territories”, substitute “an external Territory other

than Norfolk Island”.

82 Subsection 16(1)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

83 At the end of Part 1


16A Norfolk Island

This Act extends to Norfolk Island.

Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act 1988

84 Subsection 4(1) (paragraph (a) of the definition of resident of Australia)

Omit “the external Territories”, substitute “an external Territory other

than Norfolk Island”.

70 Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

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Amendments Part 1

85 Subsection 8(1)

Omit “, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island”, substitute “and the

Northern Territory”.

86 Subsection 8(2)

Omit “, the Northern Territory or Norfolk Island”, substitute “or the

Northern Territory”.

87 Section 20 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

20 Arrangements with States and Northern Territory for transfer of


88 Section 20

Omit “or Norfolk Island”.

89 Section 21 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

21 Arrangements in relation to Territories (other than the Northern

Territory) for transfer of liabilities

90 Section 21

Omit “or Norfolk Island”.

91 Subsection 50(3)

Omit “or Norfolk Island”.

Civil Aviation Act 1988

92 Subsection 5(1)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

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Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 1 Amendments

Civil Aviation (Carriers’ Liability) Act 1959

93 Subsection 7(1)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Commonwealth Grants Commission Act 1973

94 Subsection 5(3)

Repeal the subsection.

95 Section 16C

Repeal the section.

96 Section 16D (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

16D Inquiries relating to external Territories

97 Section 16D

Omit “(other than the Territory of Norfolk Island)”.

98 Subsections 25(1) and (2)

Omit “16C,”.

Copyright Act 1968

99 Subsection 10(1) (definition of the Crown)

Omit “, the Crown in right of the Northern Territory and the Crown in

right of Norfolk Island”, substitute “and the Crown in right of the

Northern Territory”.

100 Subsection 10(1) (definition of the Crown)

Omit “or Norfolk Island”.

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Amendments Part 1

101 Paragraph 10(3)(e)

Omit “and the Crown in right of Norfolk Island”.

Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act


102 Subsection 1-10(1)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Crimes Act 1914

103 Section 3B (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

3B Arrangements with States, Australian Capital Territory and

Northern Territory

104 Subsection 3B(1)

Omit “, the Administrator of the Northern Territory or the

Administrator of Norfolk Island”, substitute “or the Administrator of

the Northern Territory”.

105 Subparagraph 3B(2)(b)(i)

Omit “, the Northern Territory or Norfolk Island”, substitute “or the

Northern Territory”.

106 Subparagraph 3B(2)(b)(iii)

Omit “Territory; and”, substitute “Territory.”.

107 Subparagraph 3B(2)(b)(iv)

Repeal the subparagraph.

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Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 1 Amendments

108 Subsection 3CA(4)

Omit “, the Administrator of the Northern Territory or the

Administrator of Norfolk Island”, substitute “or the Administrator of

the Northern Territory”.

109 Paragraph 4AAB(1)(c)

Omit “and”.

110 Paragraph 4AAB(1)(d)

Repeal the paragraph.

111 Subsection 16(1) (paragraph (a) of the definition of parole officer)

Omit “, the Northern Territory or Norfolk Island”, substitute “or the

Northern Territory”.

112 Subsection 16(1) (paragraphs (a) and (b) of the definition of prescribed authority)

Omit “, the Northern Territory or Norfolk Island”, substitute “or the

Northern Territory”.

113 Subsection 21F(1)

Omit “, the Administrator of the Northern Territory or the

Administrator of Norfolk Island”, substitute “or the Administrator of

the Northern Territory”.

114 Section 85ZQ

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Crimes (Aviation) Act 1991

115 Section 3 (paragraphs (a) and (b) of the definition of magistrate)

Omit “, the Northern Territory or Norfolk Island”, substitute “or the

Northern Territory”.

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Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

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Amendments Part 1

116 Paragraph 51(1)(b)

Omit “or of Norfolk Island” (first occurring).

117 Paragraph 51(1)(b)

Omit “or of Norfolk Island, as the case may be”.

Crimes (Superannuation Benefits) Act 1989

118 Subsection 13(1)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Criminal Code Act 1995

119 Dictionary in the Criminal Code (paragraph (h) of the definition of Commonwealth public official)

Repeal the paragraph.

Customs Act 1901

120 Subsection 214BA(4)

Omit “, the Administrator of the Northern Territory or the

Administrator of Norfolk Island”, substitute “or the Administrator of

the Northern Territory”.

Data-matching Program (Assistance and Tax) Act 1990

121 At the end of Part 1


3B Norfolk Island

This Act extends to Norfolk Island.

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Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 1 Amendments

Dental Benefits Act 2008

122 Section 4


Australia, when used in a geographical sense, includes Norfolk

Island, the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands and the Territory

of Christmas Island.

123 At the end of Part 1


7A Extension to external Territories

This Act extends to every external Territory.

124 Subparagraphs 18(2)(e)(iii) and (v)

Omit “an internal”, substitute “a”.

125 Subparagraphs 21(2)(e)(iii) and (v)

Omit “an internal”, substitute “a”.

Designs Act 2003

126 Subsection 3(1)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Disability Discrimination Act 1992

127 Subsection 14(1)

Omit “, of each of the States and of Norfolk Island”, substitute “and of

each of the States”.

128 Subsection 14(2)

Omit “, of a State or of Norfolk Island”, substitute “or of a State”.

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Final arrangements etc. Schedule 2

Amendments Part 1

Disability Services Act 1986

129 Subsections 23(10) and 27(5)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Enhancing Online Safety for Children Act 2015

130 Section 102

Omit “, the Australian Capital Territory or Norfolk Island”, substitute

“or the Australian Capital Territory”.

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act


131 Subsections 393(3) and 398(2)

Repeal the subsections.

132 Subsection 446(8)

Omit “, the Administrator of the Northern Territory or the

Administrator of Norfolk Island”, substitute “or the Administrator of

the Northern Territory”.

133 Paragraph 525(1)(a)

Omit “(including land owned in Norfolk Island)”.

134 Paragraph 525(1)(b)

Omit “(including an area held under lease in Norfolk Island)”.

135 Subparagraph 525(c)(i)

Omit “(except Norfolk Island)”.

136 Section 528 (subparagraph (c)(iii) of the definition of agency)

Omit “or Norfolk Island”.

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Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 1 Amendments

137 Section 528 (subparagraph (g)(iii) of the definition of agency)

Omit “or Norfolk Island”.

Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 1981

138 Subsection 4(1) (at the end of subparagraphs (a)(i) and (ii) of the definition of Australian aircraft)

Add “or”.

139 Subsection 4(1) (subparagraph (a)(iv) of the definition of Australian aircraft)

Repeal the subparagraph.

140 Subsection 4(1) (at the end of subparagraphs (a)(i) and (ii) of the definition of Australian vessel)

Add “or”.

141 Subsection 4(1) (subparagraph (a)(iv) of the definition of Australian vessel)

Repeal the subparagraph.

Extradition Act 1988

142 Section 5 (definition of magistrate)

Repeal the definition, substitute:

magistrate means:

(a) a magistrate of a Territory other than the Australian Capital

Territory or the Northern Territory; or

(b) a magistrate of a State, the Australian Capital Territory or the

Northern Territory, being a magistrate in respect of whom an

arrangement is in force under section 46.

143 Subsection 24(3)

Omit “, the Northern Territory or Norfolk Island” (wherever occurring),

substitute “ or the Northern Territory”.

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Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

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Amendments Part 1

144 Subparagraph 24(3)(b)(ii)

Omit “or”.

145 Subparagraph 24(3)(b)(iii)

Repeal the subparagraph.

146 Subsection 24(5)

Omit “or Norfolk Island”.

147 Subsection 36(4)

Omit “, the Northern Territory or Norfolk Island” (wherever occurring),

substitute “or the Northern Territory”.

148 Subparagraph 36(4)(b)(ii)

Omit “or”.

149 Subparagraph 36(4)(b)(iii)

Repeal the subparagraph.

150 Subsection 36(6)

Omit “or Norfolk Island”.

151 Paragraph 46(1)(b)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

(b) arrange with:

(i) the Chief Minister of the Australian Capital Territory; or

(ii) the Administrator of the Northern Territory;

for the performance, by all or any of the persons who, from

time to time hold office as magistrates of that Territory, of

the functions of a magistrate under this Act.

Family Law Act 1975

152 Subsection 112AN(1)

After “Territory” (first occurring), insert “(other than Norfolk Island)”.

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Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 1 Amendments

153 Subsection 112AN(2) (paragraph (c) of the definition of relevant authority)

Omit “Territory; and”, substitute “Territory.”.

154 Subsection 112AN(2) (paragraph (d) of the definition of relevant authority)

Repeal the paragraph.

155 Subsection 116C(4)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Farm Household Support Act 2014

156 Subsection 5(1)


Australia, when used in a geographical sense, includes Norfolk

Island, the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands and the Territory

of Christmas Island.

157 At the end of Part 1


6A Norfolk Island

This Act extends to Norfolk Island.

Financial Sector (Shareholdings) Act 1998

158 Subsection 5(1)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

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Final arrangements etc. Schedule 2

Amendments Part 1

Financial Transaction Reports Act 1988

159 Subsection 5(1)

Omit “, of the Australian Capital Territory and of Norfolk Island”,

substitute “and of the Australian Capital Territory”.

160 Subsection 5(2)

Omit “, of the Australian Capital Territory or of Norfolk Island”,

substitute “or of the Australian Capital Territory”.

Fisheries Management Act 1991

161 Subsection 6(1)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Foreign Corporations (Application Of Laws) Act 1989

162 Section 6

Omit “, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island”, substitute “and the

Northern Territory”.

Freedom of Information Act 1982

163 Subsection 3(1)

Omit “or the Government of Norfolk Island”.

164 Subsection 4(1) (paragraph (a) of the definition of Commonwealth contract)

Omit “, Norfolk Island”.

165 Subsection 4(1) (subparagraph (b)(iii) of the definition of Commonwealth contract)

Omit “, Norfolk Island”.

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Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 1 Amendments

166 Subsection 4(1) (paragraph (c) of the definition of Norfolk Island authority)

Repeal the paragraph.

167 Subsection 4(1) (subparagraph (d)(ii) of the definition of Norfolk Island authority)

Omit “enactment; or”, substitute “enactment.”.

168 Subsection 4(1) (paragraph (e) of the definition of Norfolk Island authority)

Repeal the paragraph.

169 Subparagraph 4(3)(a)(iii)

Repeal the subparagraph.

170 Subsection 4(3B)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

(3B) A person is not taken to be a Norfolk Island authority because he

or she holds, or performs the duties of:

(a) a prescribed office; or

(b) an office the duties of which he or she performs as duties of

his or her employment as an officer of a Norfolk Island

authority; or

(c) an office of member of a Norfolk Island authority; or

(d) an office established by a Norfolk Island enactment for the

purposes of a Norfolk Island authority.

171 Paragraph 11B(4)(aa)

Repeal the paragraph.

172 Subsection 15(6) (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

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Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Final arrangements etc. Schedule 2

Amendments Part 1

Extension of processing period to comply with requirements of

section 26A, 27 or 27A

173 Subsection 15(6)

Omit “26AA,”.

174 Paragraph 20(3)(c)

Omit “, Norfolk Island”.

175 Subsection 26A(6)

Repeal the subsection.

176 Section 26AA

Repeal the section.

177 Subsection 45(1)

Omit “, the Commonwealth or Norfolk Island”, substitute “or the


178 Paragraph 45(2)(b)

Omit “, the Commonwealth or Norfolk Island”, substitute “or the


179 Subsection 47(3)

Omit all the words after “carried on”, substitute:


(a) the Commonwealth or a State; or

(b) an authority of the Commonwealth or of a State; or

(c) a Norfolk Island authority; or

(d) a local government authority.

180 Paragraph 47B(c)

Repeal the paragraph.

181 Paragraph 47B(d)

Omit “the Government of Norfolk Island or”.

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Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 1 Amendments

182 Paragraph 47B(e)

Repeal the paragraph.

183 Paragraph 47B(f)

Omit “to the Government of Norfolk Island,”.

184 Paragraph 47B(f)

Omit “Norfolk Island or of”.

185 Paragraph 47C(1)(c)

Omit “Commonwealth; or”, substitute “Commonwealth.”.

186 Paragraph 47C(1)(d)

Repeal the paragraph.

187 Section 47D (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

47D Public interest conditional exemptions—financial or property

interests of the Commonwealth

188 Section 47D

Omit “, of Norfolk Island”.

189 Paragraph 47E(c)

Omit “, by Norfolk Island”.

190 Paragraph 47G(1)(b)

Omit “, Norfolk Island”.

191 Subsection 47G(4)

Omit all the words after “carried on”, substitute:


(a) the Commonwealth or a State; or

(b) an authority of the Commonwealth or of a State; or

(c) a Norfolk Island authority; or

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Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Final arrangements etc. Schedule 2

Amendments Part 1

(d) a local government authority.

192 Paragraph 47J(3)(g)

Omit “Norfolk Island,”.

193 Subsection 53B(1) (table item 1A)

Repeal the item.

194 Subsection 53C(1) (table item 1A)

Repeal the item.

195 Paragraph 54P(1)(a)

Omit “26AA,”.

196 Paragraph 54S(2)(b)

Omit “26AA,”.

197 Subsection 54Y(2) (note)

Omit “26AA (documents affecting Norfolk Island intergovernmental


198 Subsection 55G(1) (note)

Omit “26AA (documents affecting Norfolk Island intergovernmental


199 Subsection 60AA(1)

Omit “26AA,”.

200 Subsection 61(2)

Omit “26AA,”.

201 Subsection 66(1)

Omit “or Norfolk Island”.

202 Subsection 90(1)

Omit “Norfolk Island,”.

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Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 1 Amendments

203 Subsection 91(1A)

Omit “26AA,”.

204 Subsection 91(1B)

Omit “Norfolk Island,”.

205 Subsection 91(1B)

Omit “26AA,”.

206 Paragraph 91(1C)(aa)

Repeal the paragraph.

207 Paragraph 91(1C)(d)

Omit “Norfolk Island,”.

208 Paragraphs 91(2A)(aa) and 92(2)(aa)

Repeal the paragraphs.

Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act 1986

209 Subsection 163(3)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports) Act


210 Section 10

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Health and Other Services (Compensation) Act 1995

211 Subsection 3(1) (definition of Territory)

Repeal the definition, substitute:

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Amendments Part 1

Territory means:

(a) an internal Territory; or

(b) Norfolk Island; or

(c) the Territory of Christmas Island; or

(d) the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands.

212 After section 6


6AA Norfolk Island

This Act extends to Norfolk Island.

Healthcare Identifiers Act 2010

213 Subsection 4(1)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Health Insurance Act 1973

214 Subsection 3(1) (definition of Australia)

After “includes”, insert “Norfolk Island,”.

215 Before subsection 3(15)


(14) For the purposes of the definition of patient contribution in

subsection (1), Norfolk Island is taken to form part of the State of

New South Wales.

216 After subsection 3C(7)


(7A) For the purposes of this section, Norfolk Island is taken to form

part of the State of New South Wales.

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Part 1 Amendments

217 Section 7A

After “extends to”, insert “Norfolk Island, to”.

218 At the end of section 8


(2) For the purposes of this Part, Norfolk Island is taken to form part

of the State of New South Wales.

219 Paragraph 18(1)(b)

After “internal Territory,”, insert “Norfolk Island,”.

220 Subsection 23DF(18)

Omit “or of an internal Territory”, substitute “, of an internal Territory

or of Norfolk Island”.

Human Services (Centrelink) Act 1997

221 Section 3


Australia, when used in a geographical sense, includes Norfolk

Island, the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands and the Territory

of Christmas Island.

222 Section 5

After “extends to”, insert “Norfolk Island, to”.

Human Services (Medicare) Act 1973

223 Section 3


Australia, when used in a geographical sense, includes Norfolk

Island, the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands and the Territory

of Christmas Island.

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Amendments Part 1

224 At the end of Part I


3B Norfolk Island

This Act extends to Norfolk Island.

Immigration (Guardianship of Children) Act 1946

225 Section 4


Australia, when used in a geographical sense, includes Norfolk

Island, the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands and the Territory

of Christmas Island.

226 After section 4AAB


4AAC Norfolk Island

This Act extends to Norfolk Island.

Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Act 1989

227 Section 9

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Insurance Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1991

228 Subsection 18(3)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

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Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 1 Amendments

International War Crimes Tribunals Act 1995

229 Section 4 (note at the end of the definition of magistrate)

Omit “, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island”, substitute “and the

Northern Territory”.

230 Section 5

Omit “(other than section 6)”.

231 Section 5

Omit “, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island”, substitute “and the

Northern Territory”.

232 Subsection 82(6)

Repeal the subsection.

Judiciary Act 1903

233 Section 48

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

234 Subsection 55N(2)

Omit “or of Norfolk Island (as the case requires)”.

235 Paragraph 55N(2)(a)

Omit “or Norfolk Island”.

236 Paragraph 55N(2)(b)

Omit “or of Norfolk Island”.

237 Paragraph 55N(2)(d)

Omit “or of Norfolk Island”.

238 Subparagraph 55N(2)(e)(i)

Omit “or Norfolk Island”.

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Amendments Part 1

239 Subparagraph 55N(2)(e)(ii)

Omit “or of Norfolk Island”.

240 Paragraph 55N(2)(f)

Omit “or of Norfolk Island”.

241 Paragraph 55N(2)(g)

Omit “or Norfolk Island” (wherever occurring).

242 Subsection 55N(5) (definition of Territory)

Omit “, the Northern Territory or Norfolk Island”, substitute “or the

Northern Territory”.

243 Subsection 55ZF(3) (subparagraph (b)(ii) of the definition of Commonwealth legal work)

Omit “, the Northern Territory or Norfolk Island”, substitute “or the

Northern Territory”.

Lands Acquisition Act 1989

244 Section 6 (subparagraph (a)(ii) of the definition of Commonwealth authority)

Omit “or”, substitute “and”.

245 Section 6 (subparagraph (a)(iii) of the definition of Commonwealth authority)

Repeal the subparagraph.

Marine Navigation Levy Collection Act 1989

246 Section 4

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

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Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 1 Amendments

Marine Navigation (Regulatory Functions) Levy Collection

Act 1991

247 Section 4

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Marriage Act 1961

248 Subsection 92(6)

Omit “or Norfolk Island”.

Migration Act 1958

249 Subsection 5(1) (definition of adjacent area)

After “Northern Territory,”, insert “of Norfolk Island,”.

250 Paragraph 5AA(3)(b)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

(b) is a non-citizen who:

(i) holds and produces a passport that is in force; and

(ii) is ordinarily resident on Norfolk Island; or

251 Subsection 7(1)

After “means”, insert “Norfolk Island,”.

252 Paragraph 42(2A)(b)

Repeal the paragraph.

253 Subparagraph 42(2A)(e)(v)

Omit “non-citizen; or”, substitute “non-citizen.”.

254 Paragraph 42(2A)(f)

Repeal the paragraph.

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Amendments Part 1

Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act 1987

255 Subsection 3(1) (paragraph (b) of the definition of Magistrate)

Repeal the paragraph.

256 Subsection 3(1) (paragraph (c) of the definition of Magistrate)

Omit “(other than Norfolk Island)”.

257 Subsection 19(4)

Omit “, of each of the States and of Norfolk Island”, substitute “and of

each of the States”.

258 Subsection 21(2)

Omit “, of each of the States and of Norfolk Island”, substitute “and of

each of the States”.

259 Section 39 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

39 Arrangements with Governors of States

260 Subsections 39(2A) and (2B)

Repeal the subsections.

National Blood Authority Act 2003

261 Section 3


Australia, when used in a geographical sense, includes Norfolk

Island, the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands and the Territory

of Christmas Island.

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Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 1 Amendments

262 Section 3 (after paragraph (b) of the definition of covered Territories)


(ba) Norfolk Island;

263 Section 6

Omit “except Norfolk Island”.

National Environment Protection Council Act 1994

264 Section 4

Omit “, of the Northern Territory, and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

National Health Act 1953

265 Section 6A

After “extends to”, insert “Norfolk Island, to”.

266 Subsection 84(1) (paragraph (d) of the definition of Commonwealth officer)

Repeal the paragraph.

267 Subsection 84(1)


Territory includes an external Territory to which this Act extends.

268 After subsection 84(3A)


(3AA) A reference in this Part to the governing body, in relation to a

public hospital on Norfolk Island, is a reference to the person or

body specified in the regulations.

269 Paragraph 107(2)(a)

After “Australian Capital Territory”, insert “and Norfolk Island”.

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Amendments Part 1

270 Subsection 133(1)

After “internal Territory,”, insert “of Norfolk Island,”.

271 Subsection 135(2)

After “includes”, insert “Norfolk Island,”.

National Health Security Act 2007

272 Subsection 4(1)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

273 Subsection 7(1)

Omit “, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island”, substitute “and the

Northern Territory”.

274 Subparagraphs 19(2)(a)(i) to (iv)

Omit “, the Northern Territory or Norfolk Island”, substitute “or the

Northern Territory”.

275 Subparagraphs 23(1)(b)(i) to (iv)

Omit “, the Northern Territory or Norfolk Island”, substitute “or the

Northern Territory”.

National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992

276 Section 3

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

National Transmission Network Sale Act 1998

277 Subsection 4(1)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

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Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 1 Amendments

Native Title Act 1993

278 Section 5

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Olympic Insignia Protection Act 1987

279 Section 3

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Ombudsman Act 1976

280 Subsection 3(1) (at the end of paragraphs (a) and (b) of the definition of enactment)

Add “or”.

281 Subsection 3(1) (paragraph (c) of the definition of enactment)

After “Ordinance”, insert “of Norfolk Island,”.

282 Subsection 3(1) (at the end of paragraph (c) of the definition of enactment)

Add “or”.

283 Subsection 3(1) (paragraph (e) of the definition of enactment)

After “in force in”, insert “Norfolk Island,”.

284 Subsection 3(1) (definition of enactment)

Omit “the Norfolk Island Act 1979,”.

285 Subsection 3(1) (definition of enactment)

Omit “of Norfolk Island or”.

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Amendments Part 1

286 Subsection 3(1) (definition of enactment of Norfolk Island)

Repeal the definition.

287 Paragraph 4(2)(c)

Omit “enactment; or”, substitute “enactment.

288 Paragraph 4(2)(d)

Repeal the paragraph.

289 Subsection 4(6)

Repeal the subsection.

290 Subparagraph 5(2)(c)(i)

After “Australian Capital Territory,”, insert “Norfolk Island,”.

291 After subsection 5(6)


(6A) The Ombudsman is not authorised to investigate action taken under

a law of New South Wales, in its application in Norfolk Island by

virtue of the Norfolk Island Act 1979, by a person employed by

New South Wales.

(6B) The reference in subsection (6A) to a person employed by New

South Wales includes a reference to:

(a) a person occupying, or acting in, an office or position under a

law of New South Wales; and

(b) a person employed by a body established by or under a law

of New South Wales.

292 Subparagraph 19C(5)(c)(i)

After “Australian Capital Territory,”, insert “Norfolk Island,”.

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Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 1 Amendments

Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas

Management Act 1989

293 Subsection 5(1)

Omit “, of an internal Territory that has been established as a body

politic and of Norfolk Island”, substitute “and of an internal Territory

that has been established as a body politic”.

294 Subsection 5(2)

Omit “, of an internal Territory or of Norfolk Island”, substitute “or of

an internal Territory”.

Paid Parental Leave Act 2010

295 At the end of Division 1 of Part 1-1


3AA Norfolk Island

This Act extends to Norfolk Island.

296 Section 6 (definition of Australia)

After “includes”, insert “Norfolk Island,”.

297 After paragraph 101(5)(e)


(ea) whether the employer has, or is alleged to have, contravened

a provision of the Employment Act 1988 (Norfolk Island);

Patents Act 1990

298 Subsection 11(1)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

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Amendments Part 1

Privacy Act 1988

299 Subsection 4(1)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

300 Subsections 4(2) and (3)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory or of Norfolk Island”, substitute “or of

the Northern Territory”.

301 Subsection 6(1) (definition of Commonwealth contract)

Omit “, Norfolk Island”.

302 Subsection 6(1) (definition on Commonwealth officer)

Omit “or of Norfolk Island”.

303 Subsection 6(1) (paragraphs (d) and (f) of the definition of Norfolk Island agency)

Repeal the paragraphs.

304 Subparagraphs 6C(3)(d)(iv) and (f)(iv)

Repeal the subparagraphs.

305 Section 37 (table item 5C)

Repeal the item.

Private Health Insurance Act 2007

306 At the end of Division 1 of Part 1-1


1-15 Extension to Norfolk Island

This Act extends to Norfolk Island.

307 Subsection 34-25(1)

Omit “and (4)”, substitute “, (4) and (4A)”.

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Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 1 Amendments

308 After subsection 34-25(4)


Person living on Norfolk Island at the final transition time

(4A) If:

(a) a person was living on Norfolk Island at the final transition

time (within the meaning of the Norfolk Island Act 1979);


(b) the person had turned 31 before that time;

the person’s lifetime health cover base day is the first day after the

end of the 12-month period that began at that time.

(4B) If:

(a) a person is living on Norfolk Island at the final transition

time (within the meaning of the Norfolk Island Act 1979);


(b) the person turns 31 at or after that time;

the person’s lifetime health cover base day is whichever is the later

of the following:

(c) the 1 July after the person turns 31;

(d) the first day after the 12-month period that began at that time.

309 Paragraph 34-30(1)(a)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

(a) a person who lived on Norfolk Island before the final

transition time (within the meaning of the Norfolk Island Act

1979) is taken, while the person was living on Norfolk Island

before that time, to have been overseas; and

310 Clause 1 of Schedule 1


Australia, when used in a geographical sense, includes Norfolk

Island, the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands and the Territory

of Christmas Island.

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Amendments Part 1

Product Grants and Benefits Administration Act 2000

311 Section 4

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Productivity Commission Act 1998

312 Subsection 4(1)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Product Stewardship (Oil) Act 2000

313 Section 5

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 1986

314 Section 4

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Protection of the Sea (Oil Pollution Compensation Funds)

Act 1993

315 Subsection 4(1)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Public Works Committee Act 1969

316 Subsection 6(2)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

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Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 1 Amendments

(2) This Act does not extend to a work if:

(a) the work is proposed to be carried out by or for the Northern

Territory; and

(b) money of the Northern Territory is proposed to be expended

by that Territory in carrying out the work.

Radiocommunications Act 1992

317 Subsections 311(1) and (2)

Omit “, the Northern Territory or Norfolk Island”, substitute “or the

Northern Territory”.

Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973

318 Paragraph 3(4)(jaa)

Repeal the paragraph.

Sex Discrimination Act 1984

319 Subsection 12(1)

Omit “and of Norfolk Island”.

320 Subsection 12(2)

Omit “, of a State or of Norfolk Island”, substitute “or of a State”.

Small Superannuation Accounts Act 1995

321 Section 5

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Social Security Act 1991

322 At the end of Part 1.1


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Amendments Part 1

3AA Norfolk Island

This Act extends to Norfolk Island.

324 After subsection 7(3)


(3A) For the purposes of determining, under subsections (2A) to (2D),

whether a person is a protected SCV holder, Australia is taken, at

all relevant times, to have included Norfolk Island.

325 Subsection 7(4)

Omit all the words after paragraph (e), substitute “residence of a

claimant in an external Territory is taken to be residence in Australia”.

326 Paragraph 10B(3)(d)

Omit “(except Norfolk Island)”.

327 Subsection 14(1) (at the end of paragraph (ab) of the definition of remote area)

Add “and”.

328 Subsection 14(1) (after paragraph (ab) of the definition of remote area)


(ac) Norfolk Island; and

329 Subsection 23(1) (definition of Australia)

After “includes”, insert “Norfolk Island,”.

330 Subsection 23(1) (definition of external Territory)

After “include”, insert “Norfolk Island,”.

331 Subsection 592L(7) (definition of regional or remote location)

Repeal the definition, substitute:

regional or remote location means:

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Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 1 Amendments

(a) a location categorised as Inner Regional Australia, Outer

Regional Australia, Remote Australia or Very Remote

Australia, under the Remoteness Structure as defined in

subsection 1067A(10F); or

(b) Norfolk Island.

332 Paragraph 1067A(10E)(a)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

(a) the person’s family home is:

(i) in a location categorised under the Remoteness

Structure as Inner Regional Australia, Outer Regional

Australia, Remote Australia or Very Remote Australia;


(ii) on Norfolk Island; and

333 Section 1162

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Social Security (Administration) Act 1999

334 At the end of Part 1


6B Norfolk Island

This Act extends to Norfolk Island.

Social Security (International Agreements) Act 1999

335 At the end of Part 1


4A Norfolk Island

This Act extends to Norfolk Island.

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Amendments Part 1

Student Assistance Act 1973

336 Subsection 3(1)


Australia, when used in a geographical sense, includes Norfolk

Island, the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands and the Territory

of Christmas Island.

337 Section 5A

After “extends to”, insert “Norfolk Island, to”.

Superannuation Contributions Tax (Assessment and

Collection) Act 1997

338 Subsection 3(1)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Superannuation Contributions Tax (Members of

Constitutionally Protected Superannuation Funds)

Assessment and Collection Act 1997

339 Subsection 3(1)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Superannuation (Self Managed Superannuation Funds)

Taxation Act 1987

340 Subsection 3A(1)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

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Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 1 Amendments

341 Subsection 3A(2)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory or of Norfolk Island”, substitute “or of

the Northern Territory”.

Superannuation (Unclaimed Money and Lost Members) Act


342 Subsection 4(1)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Telecommunications Act 1997

343 Subsection 8(1)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

344 Subsection 592(1)

Omit “, the Australian Capital Territory or Norfolk Island”, substitute

“or the Australian Capital Territory”.

Telstra Corporation Act 1991

345 Section 7

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act 1992

346 Subsection 5(1)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

347 Subsection 15(3)

Omit “, the Northern Territory or Norfolk Island”, substitute “or the

Northern Territory”.

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Amendments Part 1

Tobacco Plain Packaging Act 2011

348 Subsection 9(1)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Trade Marks Act 1995

349 Subsection 3(1)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Trusts (Hague Convention) Act 1991

350 Section 5

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986

351 Subsection 5Q(1) (definition of Australia)

After “IIID,”, insert “IIIE, VIB,”.

352 Subparagraphs 38(1)(aa)(iii) and (1)(e)(ii)

Omit “, or would be so qualified if, in spite of subsection 7(4) of that

Act, residence of a person in Norfolk Island was taken to be residence

of the person in Australia”.

353 Section 59ZM

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

354 Subsection 128(6)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

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Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 1 Amendments

Weapons of Mass Destruction (Prevention of Proliferation)

Act 1995

355 Subsection 8(1)

Omit “, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island”, substitute

“and of the Northern Territory”.

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Final arrangements etc. Schedule 2

Transitional provisions Part 2

Part 2—Transitional provisions

Division 1—Introduction

356 Definitions

In this Part:

Administration has the same meaning as in the Norfolk Island Act 1979

as in force immediately before the final transition time.

asset means:

(a) any legal or equitable estate or interest in real or personal

property, whether actual, contingent or prospective; and

(b) any right, power, privilege or immunity, whether actual,

contingent or prospective.

assets official, in relation to an asset other than land, means the person

or authority who:

(a) under a law of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory; or

(b) under a trust instrument; or

(c) otherwise;

has responsibility for keeping a register in relation to assets of the kind


land means any legal or equitable estate or interest in real property,

whether actual, contingent or prospective.

land registration official, in relation to land, means the Registrar of

Titles or other proper officer of the State or Territory in which the land

is situated.

liability means any liability, duty or obligation, whether actual,

contingent or prospective.

final transition time means the commencement of Part 1 of this


Norfolk Island Regional Council has the same meaning as in the

Norfolk Island Act 1979 as amended by Part 1 of this Schedule. For this

purpose, assume that:

(a) that definition had commenced immediately before the final

transition time; and

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Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 2 Transitional provisions

(b) an Ordinance made for the purposes of that definition before

the final transition time in accordance with section 4 of the

Acts Interpretation Act 1901 had commenced immediately

before the final transition time.

responsible Commonwealth Minister has the same meaning as in the

Norfolk Island Act 1979.

transitional rules means rules made under item 357.

Division 2—Transitional rules

357 Transitional rules

(1) The responsible Commonwealth Minister may, by legislative

instrument, make rules (transitional rules) prescribing matters of a

transitional nature (including prescribing any saving or application

provisions) relating to the amendments or repeals made by Part 1

of this Schedule.

(2) To avoid doubt, the transitional rules may not do the following:

(a) create an offence or civil penalty;

(b) provide powers of:

(i) arrest or detention; or

(ii) entry, search or seizure;

(c) impose a tax;

(d) set an amount to be appropriated from the Consolidated

Revenue Fund under an appropriation in this Act;

(e) amend this Act.

Division 3—Transfer of assets and liabilities

358 Vesting of assets of the Administration

(1) This item applies to an asset of the Administration immediately before

the final transition time.

(2) Subject to subitem (3), the following provisions have effect:

(a) at the final transition time, the asset ceases to be an asset of

the Administration and becomes an asset of the Norfolk

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Transitional provisions Part 2

Island Regional Council without any conveyance, transfer or


(b) the Norfolk Island Regional Council becomes the successor

in law in relation to the asset.

(3) The transitional rules may provide that:

(a) subitem (2) does not apply to one or more specified assets;


(b) at the final transition time, the specified assets cease to be

assets of the Administration and become assets of the

Commonwealth without any conveyance, transfer or

assignment; and

(c) the Commonwealth becomes the successor in law in relation

to the specified assets.

359 Vesting of liabilities of the Administration

(1) This item applies to a liability of the Administration immediately before

the final transition time.

(2) Subject to subitem (3), the following provisions have effect:

(a) at the final transition time, the liability ceases to be a liability

of the Administration and becomes a liability of the Norfolk

Island Regional Council without any conveyance, transfer or


(b) the Norfolk Island Regional Council becomes the successor

in law in relation to the liability.

(3) The transitional rules may provide that:

(a) subitem (2) does not apply to one or more specified

liabilities; and

(b) at the final transition time, the specified liabilities cease to be

liabilities of the Administration and become liabilities of the

Commonwealth without any conveyance, transfer or

assignment; and

(c) the Commonwealth becomes the successor in law in relation

to the specified liabilities.

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Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 2 Transitional provisions

360 Transfers of land to the Norfolk Island Regional Council may be registered

(1) This item applies if:

(a) any land vests in the Norfolk Island Regional Council under

item 358; and

(b) there is lodged with a land registration official a certificate


(i) is signed by the responsible Commonwealth Minister;


(ii) identifies the land, whether by reference to a map or

otherwise; and

(iii) states that the land has become vested in the Norfolk

Island Regional Council under this Schedule.

(2) The land registration official may:

(a) register the matter in a way that is the same as, or similar to,

the way in which dealings in land of that kind are registered;


(b) deal with, and give effect to, the certificate.

(3) A certificate under paragraph (1)(b) is not a legislative instrument.

361 Transfers of land to the Commonwealth may be registered

(1) This item applies if:

(a) any land vests in the Commonwealth under the transitional

rules; and

(b) there is lodged with a land registration official a certificate


(i) is signed by the responsible Commonwealth Minister;


(ii) identifies the land, whether by reference to a map or

otherwise; and

(iii) states that the land has become vested in the

Commonwealth under the transitional rules.

(2) The land registration official may:

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(a) register the matter in a way that is the same as, or similar to,

the way in which dealings in land of that kind are registered;


(b) deal with, and give effect to, the certificate.

(3) A certificate under paragraph (1)(b) is not a legislative instrument.

362 Certificates relating to vesting of assets (other than land) in the Norfolk Island Regional Council

(1) This item applies if:

(a) any asset other than land vests in the Norfolk Island Regional

Council under item 358; and

(b) there is lodged with an assets official a certificate that:

(i) is signed by the responsible Commonwealth Minister;


(ii) identifies the asset; and

(iii) states that the asset has become vested in the Norfolk

Island Regional Council under this Schedule.

(2) The assets official may:

(a) deal with, and give effect to, the certificate as if it were a

proper and appropriate instrument for transactions in relation

to assets of that kind; and

(b) make such entries in the register as are necessary having

regard to the effect of this Part.

(3) A certificate under paragraph (1)(b) is not a legislative instrument.

363 Certificates relating to vesting of assets (other than land) in the Commonwealth

(1) This item applies if:

(a) any asset other than land vests in the Commonwealth under

the transitional rules; and

(b) there is lodged with an assets official a certificate that:

(i) is signed by the responsible Commonwealth Minister;


(ii) identifies the asset; and

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Part 2 Transitional provisions

(iii) states that the asset has become vested in the

Commonwealth under the transitional rules.

(2) The assets official may:

(a) deal with, and give effect to, the certificate as if it were a

proper and appropriate instrument for transactions in relation

to assets of that kind; and

(b) make such entries in the register as are necessary having

regard to the effect of this Part.

(3) A certificate under paragraph (1)(b) is not a legislative instrument.

Division 4—Transfer of other matters

364 Transitional—acts of the Administration to be attributed to the Norfolk Island Regional Council or the Commonwealth

(1) This item applies to a thing done by, or in relation to, the

Administration before the final transition time.

(2) The transitional rules may provide that, after the final transition time, a

specified thing has effect as if it had been done by, or in relation to, the

Norfolk Island Regional Council.

(3) The transitional rules may provide that, after the final transition time, a

specified thing has effect as if it had been done by, or in relation to, the


365 Substitution of the Norfolk Island Regional Council or the Commonwealth as a party to certain pending proceedings

(1) This item applies if any proceedings to which the Administration was a

party were pending in any court or tribunal immediately before the final

transition time.

(2) The transitional rules may provide that the Norfolk Island Regional

Council is substituted for the Administration, from the final transition

time, as a party to specified proceedings.

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Transitional provisions Part 2

(3) The transitional rules may provide that the Commonwealth is

substituted for the Administration, from the final transition time, as a

party to specified proceedings.

366 Transitional—transfer of records to the Norfolk Island Regional Council or the Commonwealth

(1) This item applies to any records or documents that were in possession

of the Administration or the Norfolk Island Advisory Council

immediately before the final transition time.

(2) Subject to subitem (3), the records and documents are to be transferred

to the Norfolk Island Regional Council after the final transition time.

(3) The transitional rules may provide that:

(a) subitem (2) does not apply to specified records and

documents; and

(b) the specified records and documents are to be transferred to

the Commonwealth after the final transition time.

(4) If:

(a) as a result of subitem (2) or (3), an APP entity holds personal

information about an individual that was collected for a

particular purpose; and

(b) the individual would reasonably expect the agency or

organisation that collected the information to use or disclose

the information for a particular purpose;

Australian Privacy Principle 6 has effect as if the individual would

reasonably expect the APP entity to use or disclose the information for

the purpose mentioned in paragraph (b).

(5) In this item:

agency has the same meaning as in the Privacy Act 1988.

APP entity has the same meaning as in the Privacy Act 1988.

organisation has the same meaning as in the Privacy Act 1988.

personal information has the same meaning as in the Privacy Act 1988.

367 References in certain instruments to the Administration

(1) If:

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Part 2 Transitional provisions

(a) an instrument was in force immediately before the final

transition time; and

(b) a reference is made in the instrument to the Administration;


(c) the instrument is an instrument covered by one or more of the

following subparagraphs:

(i) an instrument that was made by the Administration;

(ii) an instrument to which the Administration was a party;

(iii) an instrument that was given to, or in favour of, the


(iv) an instrument under which any right or liability accrues

or may accrue to the Administration;

(v) any other instrument in which a reference is made to the


the transitional rules may provide that the reference has effect after the

final transition time as if the reference to the Administration were a

reference to the Norfolk Island Regional Council.

(2) If:

(a) an instrument was in force immediately before the final

transition time; and

(b) a reference is made in the instrument to the Administration;


(c) the instrument is an instrument covered by one or more of the

following subparagraphs:

(i) an instrument that was made by the Administration;

(ii) an instrument to which the Administration was a party;

(iii) an instrument that was given to, or in favour of, the


(iv) an instrument under which any right or liability accrues

or may accrue to the Administration;

(v) any other instrument in which a reference is made to the


the transitional rules may provide that the reference has effect after the

final transition time as if the reference to the Administration were a

reference to the Commonwealth.

(3) In this item:

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Transitional provisions Part 2

exempt instrument means:

(a) an Act; or

(b) an instrument made under this Act; or

(c) an enactment (within the meaning of the Norfolk Island Act



(a) includes:

(i) a contract, deed, undertaking or agreement; and

(ii) a notice, authority, order or instruction; and

(iii) an instrument made under an Act or under regulations;


(b) does not include an exempt instrument.

Division 5—Employees

368 Transfer of employees

(1) For the purposes of this item, a person is a transferring employee if the

person was employed by the Administration immediately before the

final transition time.

(2) At the final transition time, the transferring employee:

(a) ceases to be an employee of the Administration; and

(b) becomes an employee of the Norfolk Island Regional


(3) A transferring employee who becomes an employee of the Norfolk

Island Regional Council under subitem (2) is taken to have been

engaged by the Norfolk Island Regional Council on the same terms and

conditions as those that applied to the transferring employee,

immediately before the final transition time, as an employee of the


(4) This item does not prevent the terms and conditions of a transferring

employee’s employment after the final transition time from being


(a) in accordance with those terms and conditions; or

(b) by or under a law, award, determination or agreement.

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Part 2 Transitional provisions

(5) A transferring employee is not entitled to receive any payment or other

benefit merely because he or she stopped being an employee of the

Administration as a result of this item.

(6) In this item:

vary, in relation to terms and conditions, includes:

(a) omit any of those terms and conditions; or

(b) add to those terms and conditions; or

(c) substitute new terms or conditions for any of those terms and


369 Accrued entitlements

(1) This item applies to a person if:

(a) the person was employed by the Administration immediately

before the final transition time; and

(b) at the final transition time, the person becomes an employee

of the Norfolk Island Regional Council or the


(2) The person is taken to have accrued an entitlement to benefits, in

connection with the person’s employment with the Norfolk Island

Regional Council or the Commonwealth, as the case may be, that is

equivalent to the entitlement that the person had as an employee of the

Administration immediately before the final transition time.

(3) The service of the person as an employee of the Administration is taken,

for all purposes, to have been continuous with his or her service as an

employee of the Norfolk Island Regional Council or the

Commonwealth, as the case may be.

Division 6—Visas

370 Visas

(1) The transitional rules may provide that if, immediately before the final

transition time, a person held a specified type of permit granted under

the Immigration Act 1980 (Norfolk Island), the person is taken to have

been granted a specified type of visa under the Migration Act 1958

immediately after the final transition time.

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Transitional provisions Part 2

(2) The transitional rules may provide that if, immediately before the final

transition time, a person was in specified circumstances, the person is

taken to have been granted a specified type of visa under the Migration

Act 1958 immediately after the final transition time.

Division 7—Social security

371 Definitions

In this Division:

social security payment has the same meaning as in the Social Security

Act 1991.

372 Eligibility for social security payment and concession card

The amendments of the Social Security Act 1991 made by Part 1 of this

Schedule, so far as they relate to:

(a) qualification for, and payability of, a social security payment

in respect of a period; or

(b) qualification for a concession card in respect of a period;

apply in relation to a period that began at or after the final transition


373 Australian residence

(1) This item applies in relation to:

(a) qualification for, and payability of, a social security payment

in respect of a period; or

(b) qualification for a concession card in respect of a period;

if the period began at or after the final transition time.

(2) For the purposes of the following provisions of the Social Security Act


(a) subsection 7(2) (Australian resident);

(b) subsection 7(5) (qualifying Australian residence);

(c) Part 2.2 (age pension);

(d) Part 2.3 (disability support pension);

(e) Part 2.7 (bereavement allowance);

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Part 2 Transitional provisions

(f) Part 2.8 (widow B pension);

(g) Part 2.10 (parenting payment);

(h) Part 2.11 (youth allowance);

(i) Part 2.12 (newstart allowance);

residence of a claimant on Norfolk Island before the final transition

time is taken to have been residence in Australia.

374 Death of child before final transition time

(1) This item applies to the following provisions of the Social Security Act

1991 (as amended by Part 1 of this Schedule):

(a) section 512;

(b) section 567G;

(c) section 660M;

(d) section 992J;

(e) section 992L;

(f) point 1064-H7;

(g) point 1065-E6;

(h) point 1066-H6;

(i) point 1066A-I6;

(j) point 1066B-F6;

(k) point 1067G-K9;

(l) point 1067L-F9;

(m) point 1068-J9;

(n) point 1068B-G6.

(2) The provisions do not apply in relation to the death of a child if:

(a) immediately before his or her death, the child was ordinarily

resident on Norfolk Island; and

(b) the death occurred before the final transition time.

375 Newly arrived resident’s waiting period

For the purposes of the Social Security Act 1991, a newly arrived

resident’s waiting period is to be determined as if:

(a) residence on Norfolk Island at any time before the final

transition time were residence in Australia; and

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Transitional provisions Part 2

(b) physical presence on Norfolk Island at any time before the

final transition time were physical presence in Australia.

376 Early claims


(a) a claim for a social security payment or concession card was

made during the 8-week period ending at the final transition

time; and

(b) when the claim was made, the claimant was ordinarily

resident on Norfolk Island; and

(c) assuming that the claim had been made immediately after the

final transition time, it would have been in accordance with

Division 1 of Part 3 of the Social Security (Administration)

Act 1999;

the claim is taken to have been made immediately after the final

transition time.

Division 8—Family assistance

377 Definitions

In this Division:

family tax benefit has the same meaning as in the A New Tax System

(Family Assistance) Act 1999.

378 Eligibility for family tax benefit and single income family supplement in respect of periods before final transition time

The amendments of the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act

1999 made by Part 1 of this Schedule, so far as they relate to eligibility

for family tax benefit or single income family supplement in respect of

a period, apply in relation to a period that began at or after the final

transition time.

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Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 2 Transitional provisions

379 Eligibility for stillborn baby payment

The amendments of the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act

1999 made by Part 1 of this Schedule, so far as they relate to eligibility

for a stillborn baby payment in respect of a child, apply in relation to a

child if the child’s delivery occurred at or after the final transition time.

380 Absences of FTB child etc. from Australia before final transition time

(1) If, immediately after the final transition time:

(a) an individual was ordinarily resident on Norfolk Island; and

(b) the individual was absent from Australia;

sections 24, 62 and 63 of the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act

1999 (as amended by Part 1 of this Schedule) have effect as if that

absence had begun immediately after the final transition time.

(2) If, immediately after the final transition time:

(a) an individual was ordinarily resident on Norfolk Island; and

(b) the individual was in Australia;

then, for the purposes of sections 24, 62 and 63 of the A New Tax

System (Family Assistance) Act 1999 (as amended by Part 1 of this

Schedule), disregard any absence of the individual from Australia

before the final transition time.

(3) In this item:

Australia has the same meaning as in the A New Tax System (Family

Assistance) Act 1999 (as amended by Part 1 of this Schedule).

381 Early claims


(a) a claim for family tax benefit was made during the 8-week

period ending at the final transition time; and

(b) when the claim was made, the claimant was ordinarily

resident on Norfolk Island; and

(c) assuming that the claim had been made immediately after the

final transition time, it would have been in accordance with

Subdivision A of Division 1 of Part 3 of the A New Tax

System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999;

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Transitional provisions Part 2

the claim is taken to have been made immediately after the final

transition time.

Division 9—Child support

382 Early claims

(1) If:

(a) an application for administrative assessment of child support

in respect of a child was made during the 8-week period

ending at the final transition time; and

(b) when the application was made:

(i) the applicant was ordinarily resident on Norfolk Island;


(ii) the child was ordinarily resident on Norfolk Island; or

(iii) a parent of the child was ordinarily resident on Norfolk

Island; and

(c) assuming that the application had been made immediately

after the final transition time, it would have been in

accordance with Division 1 of Part 4 of the Child Support

(Assessment) Act 1989;

the application is taken to have been made immediately after the final

transition time.

(1A) If:

(a) an application for acceptance by the Registrar of an

agreement made in relation to a child was made during the

8-week period ending at the final transition time; and

(b) when the application was made:

(i) the applicant was ordinarily resident on Norfolk Island;


(ii) the child was ordinarily resident on Norfolk Island; or

(iii) a parent of the child was ordinarily resident on Norfolk

Island; and

(c) assuming that the agreement had been entered into and made

at the time (the deemed agreement time) immediately after

the final transition time, the agreement would have been a

child support agreement at the deemed agreement time; and

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Part 2 Transitional provisions

(d) assuming that the application had been made immediately

after the deemed agreement time, it would have been in

accordance with Division 3 of Part 6 of the Child Support

(Assessment) Act 1989;

the agreement is taken to have been entered into and made at the

deemed agreement time, and the application is taken to have been made

immediately after the deemed agreement time.

(1B) Subsection 92(3) of the Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989 does not

apply in relation to an agreement and an application taken under

subitem (1A) to have been made in relation to a child if an application

for administrative assessment of child support in respect of the child is

taken under subitem (1) to have been made immediately after the final

transition time.

(1C) Subitems (1), (1A) and (1B) do not apply in relation to:

(a) an application that was properly made under the Child

Support (Assessment) Act 1989 before the final transition

time; or

(b) an agreement that was a child support agreement before the

final transition time.

(2) In this item:

administrative assessment has the same meaning as in the Child

Support (Assessment) Act 1989.

child support agreement has the same meaning as in the Child Support

(Assessment) Act 1989.

child support has the same meaning as in the Child Support

(Assessment) Act 1989.

Registrar has the same meaning as in the Child Support (Assessment)

Act 1989.

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Transitional provisions Part 2

Division 10—Paid parental leave

383 Payability determinations under the Paid Parental Leave Act 2010

(1) The Secretary (within the meaning of the Paid Parental Leave Act

2010) must not make a payability determination under that Act that

parental leave pay is payable to a person for a child if:

(a) the child was born before the final transition time; and

(b) the person was ordinarily resident on Norfolk Island at the

time of the birth.

(2) The Secretary (within the meaning of the Paid Parental Leave Act

2010) must not make a payability determination under that Act that dad

and partner pay is payable to a person for a child if:

(a) the child was born before the final transition time; and

(b) the person was ordinarily resident on Norfolk Island at the

time of the birth.

Division 11—Adjusted taxable income etc.

384 Definitions

In this Division:

designated official means:

(a) in relation to working out a person’s adjusted taxable income

under the Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989—the Child

Support Registrar (within the meaning of that Act); or

(b) in relation to working out a person’s adjusted taxable income

under the Social Security Act 1991—the Secretary (within the

meaning of that Act); or

(c) in relation to working out a person’s taxable income under

the Social Security Act 1991—the Secretary (within the

meaning of that Act); or

(d) in relation to working out a person’s adjusted taxable income

under the Paid Parental Leave Act 2010—the Secretary

(within the meaning of that Act).

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Part 2 Transitional provisions

385 Inclusion of tax-exempt Norfolk Island income in working out a person’s adjusted taxable income etc.

(1) This item applies for the purposes of working out:

(a) a person’s adjusted taxable income for a period under a

provision of any of the following Acts:

(i) the Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989;

(ii) the Social Security Act 1991;

(iii) the Paid Parental Leave Act 2010; or

(b) a person’s taxable income for a period under a provision of

the Social Security Act 1991.

(2) A reference in the provision to the person’s taxable income for the

period includes a reference to the person’s tax-exempt Norfolk Island

income for the period as determined under this Division.

386 Determination of tax-exempt Norfolk Island income if information and documents in designated official’s possession are sufficient


(1) This item applies if the designated official possesses sufficient

information and documents to determine the person’s tax-exempt

Norfolk Island income for the period.


(2) The designated official may determine, from the information and

documents in the designated official’s possession, an amount to be the

person’s tax-exempt Norfolk Island income for the period.

(3) In determining the person’s tax-exempt Norfolk Island income for the

period, the designated official must have regard only to income that was

exempt from income tax under repealed Division 1A of Part III of the

Income Tax Assessment Act 1936.

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Transitional provisions Part 2

387 Determination of tax-exempt Norfolk Island income if information and documents in designated official’s possession are insufficient


(1) This item applies if the designated official does not possess sufficient

information and documents to determine the person’s tax-exempt

Norfolk Island income for the period.


(2) The designated official may determine that the person’s tax-exempt

Norfolk Island income for the period is an amount that the designated

official considers appropriate.

(3) However, if the determination is for the purposes of the Child Support

(Assessment) Act 1989, the amount must be at least two-thirds of the

annualised MTAWE figure for the relevant June quarter.

(4) In this item:

annualised MTAWE figure, for a relevant June quarter, means the

figure that is 52 times the amount set out for the reference period in the

quarter under the headings “Average Weekly Earnings—Trend—

Males—All Employees Total Earnings” in a document published by the

Australian Statistician entitled “Average Weekly Earnings, Australia”.

quarter means a period of 3 months beginning on 1 July, 1 October,

1 January or 1 April.

relevant June quarter, for a period, means the quarter ending on

30 June of the last calendar year ending before the period begins.

388 Obtaining information

(1) Division 1 of Part 5 of the Social Security (Administration) Act 1999

has effect as if this Division, to the extent to which it relates to the

Social Security Act 1991, were a part of the social security law.

(2) Section 161 of the Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989 has effect as if

this Division, to the extent to which it relates to that Act, were a part of

that Act.

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Part 2 Transitional provisions

(3) Division 2 of Part 4-1 of the Paid Parental Leave Act 2010 has effect as

if this Division, to the extent to which it relates to that Act, were a part

of that Act.

389 Delegation

(1) Section 234 of the Social Security (Administration) Act 1999 has effect

as if this Division, to the extent to which it relates to the Social Security

Act 1991, were a part of the social security law.

(2) Section 149 of the Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989 has effect as if

this Division, to the extent to which it relates to that Act, were a part of

that Act.

(3) Section 303 of the Paid Parental Leave Act 2010 has effect as if this

Division, to the extent to which it relates to that Act, were a part of that


390 Review of decisions

(1) Part 4 of the Social Security (Administration) Act 1999 has effect as if

this Division, to the extent to which it relates to the Social Security Act

1991, were a part of the social security law.

(2) Section 80 of the Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act 1988

applies to a determination under this Division for the purposes of a

provision of the Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989 as if the table in

subsection 80(1) of that Act included a table item allowing:

(a) the carer entitled to child support (within the meaning of that

Act); or

(b) the liable parent (within the meaning of that Act);

to lodge an objection to the determination.

(3) Chapter 5 of the Paid Parental Leave Act 2010 has effect as if this

Division, to the extent to which it relates to that Act, were a part of that


Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Final arrangements etc. Schedule 2

Transitional provisions Part 2

Division 12—Extradition

391 Arrangements with the Australian Capital Territory

(1) This item applies to an arrangement between the Governor-General and

the Chief Minister of the Australian Capital Territory if the


(a) was made under subsection 46(1) of the Extradition Act 1988

(as modified by the A.C.T. Self-Government (Consequential

Provisions) Regulations); and

(b) was in force immediately before the final transition time.

(2) The arrangement has effect, after the final transition time, as if it had

been made under subsection 46(1) of the Extradition Act 1988 as

amended by this Act.

Division 13—Other matters

392 Exemption from stamp duty and other State or Territory taxes

(1) No stamp duty or other tax is payable under a law of a State or a

Territory in respect of an exempt matter, or anything connected with an

exempt matter.

(2) For the purposes of this item, an exempt matter is:

(a) the vesting of an asset or liability under this Part; or

(b) the operation of this Part in any other respect; or

(c) the vesting of an asset or liability under the transitional rules;


(d) the operation of the transitional rules in any other respect.

(3) The responsible Commonwealth Minister may certify in writing:

(a) that a specified matter is an exempt matter; or

(b) that a specified thing was connected with a specified exempt


(4) In all courts, and for all purposes (other than for the purposes of

criminal proceedings), a certificate under subitem (3) is prima facie

evidence of the matters stated in the certificate.

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Schedule 2 Final arrangements etc.

Part 2 Transitional provisions

393 Constitutional safety net

(1) If the operation of the transitional rules or this Part would result in an

acquisition of property (within the meaning of paragraph 51(xxxi) of

the Constitution) from a person otherwise than on just terms (within the

meaning of that paragraph), the Commonwealth is liable to pay a

reasonable amount of compensation to the person.

(2) If the Commonwealth and the person do not agree on the amount of the

compensation, the person may institute proceedings in a court of

competent jurisdiction for the recovery from the Commonwealth of

such reasonable amount of compensation as the court determines.

394 Constitutional limits

This Part has no effect to the extent (if any) to which it imposes


395 Certificates taken to be authentic

A document that appears to be a certificate made or issued under a

particular provision of this Part:

(a) is taken to be such a certificate; and

(b) is taken to have been properly given;

unless the contrary is established.

396 Power to make Ordinances

This Part does not, by implication, limit the matters that may be dealt

with by Ordinances under section 19A of the Norfolk Island Act 1979.

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016

Statistical information Schedule 3

Schedule 3—Statistical information

Census and Statistics Act 1905

1 Section 2

Omit “, other than Part III,”.

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016


Endnote 1—About the endnotes


Endnote 1—About the endnotes

The endnotes provide information about this compilation and the compiled law.

The following endnotes are included in every compilation:

Endnote 1—About the endnotes

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Endnote 4—Amendment history

Abbreviation key—Endnote 2

The abbreviation key sets out abbreviations that may be used in the endnotes.

Legislation history and amendment history—Endnotes 3 and 4

Amending laws are annotated in the legislation history and amendment history.

The legislation history in endnote 3 provides information about each law that

has amended (or will amend) the compiled law. The information includes

commencement details for amending laws and details of any application, saving

or transitional provisions that are not included in this compilation.

The amendment history in endnote 4 provides information about amendments at

the provision (generally section or equivalent) level. It also includes information

about any provision of the compiled law that has been repealed in accordance

with a provision of the law.

Editorial changes

The Legislation Act 2003 authorises First Parliamentary Counsel to make

editorial and presentational changes to a compiled law in preparing a

compilation of the law for registration. The changes must not change the effect

of the law. Editorial changes take effect from the compilation registration date.

If the compilation includes editorial changes, the endnotes include a brief

outline of the changes in general terms. Full details of any changes can be

obtained from the Office of Parliamentary Counsel.

Misdescribed amendments

A misdescribed amendment is an amendment that does not accurately describe

the amendment to be made. If, despite the misdescription, the amendment can

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016


Endnote 1—About the endnotes

be given effect as intended, the amendment is incorporated into the compiled

law and the abbreviation “(md)” added to the details of the amendment included

in the amendment history.

If a misdescribed amendment cannot be given effect as intended, the

abbreviation “(md not incorp)” is added to the details of the amendment

included in the amendment history.

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016


Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

ad = added or inserted o = order(s)

am = amended Ord = Ordinance

amdt = amendment orig = original

c = clause(s) par = paragraph(s)/subparagraph(s)

/sub-subparagraph(s)C[x] = Compilation No. x

Ch = Chapter(s) pres = present

def = definition(s) prev = previous

Dict = Dictionary (prev…) = previously

disallowed = disallowed by Parliament Pt = Part(s)

Div = Division(s) r = regulation(s)/rule(s)

ed = editorial change reloc = relocated

exp = expires/expired or ceases/ceased to have renum = renumbered

effect rep = repealed

F = Federal Register of Legislation rs = repealed and substituted

gaz = gazette s = section(s)/subsection(s)

LA = Legislation Act 2003 Sch = Schedule(s)

LIA = Legislative Instruments Act 2003 Sdiv = Subdivision(s)

(md) = misdescribed amendment can be given SLI = Select Legislative Instrument

effect SR = Statutory Rules

(md not incorp) = misdescribed amendment Sub-Ch = Sub-Chapter(s)

cannot be given effect SubPt = Subpart(s)

mod = modified/modification underlining = whole or part not

commenced or to be commencedNo. = Number(s)

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016


Endnote 3—Legislation history

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Number and year Registration Commencement Application, saving

and transitional


Norfolk Island

Legislation Amendment

Act 2015

Territories Legislation

Amendment Act 2016

28 May 2015

23 Mar 2016

s 1–4: 26 May 2015

(s 2(1) item 1)

Sch 1 (Pt 1) and Sch 2

(Pt 2): 18 June 2015

(s 2(1) items 2, 6)

Sch 1 (Pt 2) and Sch 3:

27 May 2015 (s 2(1)

items 3, 7)

Sch 1 (Pt 3): 5 Mar

2016 (s 2(1) item 4)

Sch 2 (Pt 1): 1 July

2016 (s 2(1) item 5)

Sch 1, Sch 2 and Sch 6:

24 Mar 2016 (s 2(1)

items 2, 8)

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


Authorised Version C2016C00568 registered 06/06/2016


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Schedule 2

Part 1

c 17 ................................................am No 33, 2016

c 323 ..............................................rep No 33, 2016

Part 2

c 381 ..............................................am No 33, 2016

c 382 ..............................................am No 33, 2016

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

Compilation No. 1 Compilation date: 24/3/16 Registered: 6/6/16


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