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Copyright (Fees) Regulations 2020, Маврикий

Последняя редакция на WIPO Lex
Подробности Подробности Год версии 2021 Даты вступление в силу: 1 июля 2021 г. Опубликован: 10 октября 2020 г. Издано: 8 октября 2020 г. Тип текста Имплементационные правила/положения Предмет Авторское право и смежные права Примечания The Copyright (Fees) Regulations 2020 (Government Notice-GN No. 236 of 2020) were made by the Minister of Industry and Commerce under section 57 of the Copyright Act.

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 Copyright (Fees) Regulations 2020

Copyright (Fees) Regulations 2020

GN No. 236 of 2020

Government Gazette of Mauritius No. 126 of 10 October 2020


Regulations made by the Minister under section 57 of the Copyright Act

1. These regulations may be cited as the Copyright (Fees) Regulations 2020.

2. In these regulations —

“Act” means the Copyright Act;

“copyright fee” means the fee specified in the third column of the Schedule;

“financial year” means the period starting on 1 July in a year and ending on 30 June in the

following year;

“user of a work” means a person or an economic operator specified in the second column of

the Schedule.

3. For the purpose of section 45(a) of the Act, a copyright fee shall be levied in respect of every

user of a work.

4. The copyright fee shall be charged —

(a) in respect of a user of a work specified in Part I of the Schedule —

(i) at the time of the registration of the business of the user of a work or not later than

15 days after the start of the economic activity of the user of a work; and

(ii) thereafter, in respect of every subsequent financial year —

(A) in a single instalment on or before 20 January; or

(B) where the fee due exceeds the sum of 5,000 rupees, in 2 equal instalments,

the first instalment being paid on or before 20 January and the second

instalment being paid on or before 30 June;

(b) in respect of a user of a work specified in Part II of the Schedule, at the time of issue or

renewal of the relevant licence by the relevant licensing authority to the user of a

work, payable —

(i) subject to subparagraph (ii), in a single instalment; or

(ii) in respect of item 1(a), (b), (c), (d) and (q), in 4 equal instalments, each instalment

being payable on or before the first day of every period of 3 months;

(c) in respect of a user of a work specified in Part III of the Schedule, within 3 months from

the date of the financial statements in respect of the preceding financial year of the user

of a work;

(d) in respect of a user of a work specified —

(i) in items 1 to 9 in Part IV of the Schedule, on 1 July of every financial year, payable

in a single instalment before 15 July;

(ii) in items 10 to 12 in Part IV of the Schedule, at least 5 days prior to the event,

payable in a single instalment; or

(e) in respect of a user of a work specified in Part V of the Schedule, upon issue of stamp.

5. Any user of a work specified in Part I of the Schedule who is exempted from payment of

trade fees pursuant to any regulations made under the Local Government Act shall be exempted

from payment of copyright fees under these regulations.

6. A surcharge of 10 per cent shall be levied on any unpaid amount within any period specified

in regulation 4.

7. The copyright fees shall be reviewed every 2 years, based on the prevailing inflation rate of

the year preceding such review.

8. These regulations shall come into operation on 1 July 2021.

Made by the Minister on 8 October 2020.


[Regulations 2, 3, 4 and 5]




1. Bank (branch) 3,000 per branch

2. Bank (main office) 3,000

3. Beauty Care Centre 1,000

4. Billiard/Pool/Bowling House or Snooker (per table or

alley) 2,500

5. Bonded warehouse 3,750

6. Business and/or Management Consultancy or

Professional Service (including medical and

pan-medical practitioners and opticians) (firm) — Other

than Advertising and Communication Agencies 1,500

7. Call Centre/Business Process Outsourcing 1,500

8. Canteen (employing 10 persons or more) 1,500

9. Canteen (employing less than 10 persons) 1,500

10. Cinema hall/Multiplex (per screen) 3,000

11. Computer/ICT related activities 2,500

12. Cybercafé 1,000

13. Dealer in auto cycles, motorcycles and accessories 1,500

14. Dealer in bicycles and bicycle accessories 1,000

15. Dealer in commercial and industrial equipment and 2,000


16. Dealer in electric and electronic appliances and 2,000

accessories thereof

17. Dealer in fishing accessories and other marine equipment 1,500

18. Dealer in liquor and alcoholic products (wholesale) 3,000

19. Dealer in motor vehicles and spare parts 5,000

20. Dealer in ready made goods 1,500

21 Dealer in solar water heater 2,000

22. Duty free outlet 35,000

23. Establishment for recording/ sale/hire of audio, video 2,000

cassette, compact discs and other recording/storage


24. Exhibition Centre with the right to sell articles exhibited 3,000

therein by retail

25. Filling station 3,000

26. Film making studio 2,500

27. Financial and Lending Agency 5,000

28. General Retailer — Non-foodstuff 1,500

29. Health club, sports centre and/or wellness centre 2,000

(including gym and spa)

30. Hypermarket 37,500

31. Merchant/Wholesale dealer 2,000

32. Money changer and/or Lender 3,000

33. Multi-purpose hall, including wedding hall 7,500

34. Retail pharmacy 1,500

35. Retailer of beer and alcoholic beverages 1,000

36. Retailer of liquor and alcoholic products — off 1,000

37. Retailer of liquor and alcoholic products — on and off 1,250

38. Showroom 3,000

39. Skating/karting centre 1,000

40. Store and warehouse (between 50 – l00 m2) 2,500

41. Store and warehouse (less than 50m 2 ) 1,000

42. Store and warehouse (more than 100 m2) 3,500

43. Supermarket 12,500

44. Telecommunications and related activities (other than 20,000

users of works under Part III of the Schedule)

45. Textile industry with or without spinning, weaving, 1,500

washing, knitting, bleaching, dyeing and printing

(employing less than 50 persons)

46. Textile industry with or without spinning, weaving, 1,500

washing, knitting, bleaching, dyeing and printing

(employing more than 150 persons)

47. Textile industry, with or without spinning, weaving, 1,500

washing, knitting, bleaching, dyeing and printing

(employing 50 to 150 persons)

48. Victualler 1,000

49. Workshop not elsewhere classified 1,500

50. Circus or fun fair 1,500 per event

51. Occasional activities —

(a) organisation of fun fair 500 per day

(b) organisation of public entertainment 500 per day


52. Organiser of trade/commercial fair 3,000 per day

*only 50% of the fees shall be applicable for Rodrigues


(Rs cs)

1. Users of work holding a licence issued by the Gambling

Regulatory Authority —

(a) casino licence** 100,000

(b) hotel casino operator licence (per licensed premise)** 30,000

(c) gaming house “A”* * 100,000

(d) gaming house “B”** 6,000

(e) bookmaker licence for conducting fixed odd betting 10,000

on local races — at the racecourse

(f) bookmaker licence for conducting fixed odd betting 50,000

on local races — through remote communication (in

respect of the principal place of business)

(g) bookmaker licence for conducting fixed odd betting 5,000

on local races — through remote communication (in

respect of every other place at which facilities are


(h) bookmaker licence for conducting fixed odds 50,000

betting on any football matches taking place

outside Mauritius other than a local race (in respect

of the principal place of business)

(i) bookmaker licence for conducting fixed odds 5,000

betting on any football matches taking place

outside Mauritius other than a local race (in respect

of every other additional place of business)

(j) totalisator operator licence for operating at the 30,000


(k) totalisator operator licence for operating outside 5,000

the racecourse (in respect of each place of


(I) totalisator operator licence for operating outside 5,000

the racecourse (in respect of the principal place of


(m) totalisator operator licence for operating through 5,000

remote communication at such place outside the

racecourse as may approves the Gambling

Regulatory Authority (in respect of every other

place at which facilities are provided)

(n) totalisator operator licence for conducting local race 50,000

inter-totalisator betting

(o) totalisator operator licence for conducting foreign 50,000

race inter-totalisator betting

(p) horse racing organizer licence 70,000

(q) licence to operator of Mauritius National Lottery** 100,000

(r) limited payout machine operator licence 3,000

(s) amusement machine operator licence 3,000

2. Users of work holding a licence issued by the Tourism

Authority —

(a) domaine —

(i) not exceeding 25 rooms 1 per room per


(ii) no accommodation 7,500

(b) guesthouse —

(i) Type A— above 50 rooms 2.50 per room per


(ii) Type B — more than 10 but not exceeding 50 1.50 per room per


(iii) Type C — not less than 2 but not exceeding 10 1 per room per

rooms day

(c) hotel —



Type A — above 200 rooms

Type B — more than 100 but not exceeding 200




per room per


per room per


(iii) Type C — more than 50 but not exceeding 100


4.98 per room per




Type D — not less than

not exceeding 50 rooms

tourist residence —

4.10 per room 10 but 4.10 per room per










Type A— above 50 rooms

Type B—morethan 10 but not exceeding 50


Type C — up to 10 rooms


Private club


Restaurant —

(i) up to 40 covers

(ii) above 40 covers

Pleasure crafi (for commercial purpose) —









per room per


per room per


per room per




not more than 6 metres

more than 6 metres but not more than 12 metres



(iii) more than 12 metres but not more than 20 metres 4,500

(iv) more than 20 metres 7,500

* *Payable in 4 equal instalments, each instalment being payable on or before the first day of

every period of 3 months


1. Public Radio – Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation


2. Private Commercial Radio — holder of private commercial

free to air FM radio broadcasting licence from Independent

Broadcasting Authority (Broadcasting)

3. Public Television — Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation


4. Subscription Television—holder of Subscription Television

Broadcasting Licence from the Independent Broadcasting

Authority (Broadcasting)

5. Mobile Network Operators — caller tune, fun tune, ring tone

or other similar services on mobiles

2.5 % of

gross annual


2.5 % of

gross annual


2.5 % of

gross annual


1 % of total




10% on fees

charged by



operators for

each – caller

tune, fun

tone and ring

tone or



6. Digital sale of music by mobile network operators 1 per sale

7. Advertising and/or communication agencies,

including users of work specified in items 1 to 4 of Part

III of the Schedule —

(a) for broadcasting up to a period of 3 months or

less —

(i) for audio clips/spots with music —

(A) for first 15 seconds (or less) 3,000

(B) for any additional seconds above the first 15 100 per second


(ii) for audiovisual clips/ spots with music —

(A) for first seconds (or less) 5,500

(B) for any additional seconds above the first 15 seconds 200


1. Airport compound (Airport Terminal Operations Ltd) 120,000

2. Ministries of the Republic of Mauritius (musical and other 30,000

activities being organised)

3. Municipal City Council 30,000

4. Municipal Town Councils 30,000

5. District Councils 30,000

6. Aircraft (Air Mauritius) —

(a) Airbus A3 19-100 27,040

(b) Airbus A330-200 135,000

(c) Airbus A340-300 135,000

(d) Airbus A33ONEO 135,000

(e) Airbus A350-900 135,000

7. Mauritius Police Band 20,000

8. Live music performance in restaurant 2,500 per month

9. Live music performance in hotel 6,000 per month

10. Concert (ticketed)*** —

(a) 1 -250 persons 4,000 per event

(b) 25 1-500 persons 8,000 per event

(c) 501-1,000 persons 15,000 per event

(d) 1,001-3,000 persons 30,000 per event

(e) above 3,000 60,000 per event

11. Concert (non-ticketed/free) 2,000 per event

12. Any other entertainment event(other than items 10 and 11 of 2,500 per event

Part IV of the Schedule), including but not limited to, dance

parties, modeling events, fashion shows, catwalks***

***Only 50% of the fees shall be applicable for Rodrigues


1. CD audio only —

(a) 1-10 titles 10 per stamp

(b) 11-15 titles 15 per stamp

(c) above 15 titles 15

+1.50 for



title (per


2. Audiovisual work — live concert fixation (irrespective of the 25 25 per DVD

number of titles) (per stamp)

3. Video clips (other than audiovisual work

under item 2 of Part IV of the Schedule) —

(a) 1-10 titles 15 per stamp

(b) above 10 titles 15

+2 for each


title (per


4. CD/DVD (foreign artists) 5 CD/DVD

(per stamp)

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