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Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Ordinance (Chapter 484), 1997, Гонконг, Китай

Последняя редакция на WIPO Lex
Подробности Подробности Год версии 1997 Даты вступление в силу: 1 июля 1997 г. Принят: 1 января 1997 г. Тип текста Законодательство, связанное с ИС Предмет Исполнение законов об ИС Примечания The notification by Hong Kong to the WTO under article 63.2 of TRIPS states:
'This ordinance provides for the establishment, jurisdiction and constitution of the Court of Final Appeal of Hong Kong, China. It also stipulates the appeal procedures in civil and criminal cases.'

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Основной текст(-ы) Смежный текст(ы)
Основной(ые) текст(ы) Основной(ые) текст(ы) Китайский 香港終審法院條例(第484章),1997         Английский Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Ordinance (Chapter 484), 1997        


Gazette Number Version Date

Long title 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

An Ordinance to establish a Court of Final Appeal for Hong Kong, and for matters incidental thereto and connected therewith.

[1 July 1997]

(Originally 79 of 1995)

Part: I GENERAL 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

Section: 1 Short title and commencement 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

(1) This Ordinance may be cited as the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Ordinance. (2) This Ordinance shall not come into operation on or before 30 June 1997 and the following day shall be the

day for the coming into operation of the Ordinance, which shall be amended as necessary to ensure that it is in full conformity with the Basic Law.

Section: 2 Interpretation L.N. 87 of 2003 28/03/2003

(1) In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires- (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 2) "Appeal Committee" (上訴委員會) means the Appeal Committee established under section 18; "barrister" (大律師) has the same meaning as in the Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap 159); "Chief Justice" (首席法官) means the Chief Justice of the Court; (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 4) "civil cause or matter" (民事訟案或事項) means a cause or matter other than a criminal cause or matter; "Court" (終審法院、終審法院審判庭) means the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal; "High Court" (高等法院) means the High Court which consists of the Court of First Instance and the Court of

Appeal; (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 2) "judge" (法官) means a judge of the Court, including the Chief Justice, a permanent judge and a non-permanent

judge; (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 4) "judge from another common law jurisdiction" (其他普通法適用地區法官) means a judge appointed as a judge

from another common law jurisdiction under section 9; (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 4) "Justice of Appeal" (上訴法庭法官) means a Justice of Appeal of the Court of Appeal; (Added 120 of 1997 s. 2) "legal officer in the Department of Justice" (律政司的律政人員) means a person holding one of the offices in the

Department of Justice mentioned in Schedule 1 to the Legal Officers Ordinance (Cap 87); (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 2; 42 of 2000 s. 31)

"non-permanent Hong Kong judge" (非常任香港法官) means a judge appointed as a non-permanent Hong Kong judge under section 8; (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 4)

"non-permanent judge" (非常任法官) means a non-permanent Hong Kong judge or a judge appointed as a judge from another common law jurisdiction; (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 4)

"permanent judge" (常任法官) means a judge appointed as a permanent judge under section 7; (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 4)

"Region" (香港特區) means the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China; (Added 120 of 1997 s. 2)

"Registrar" (司法常務官) means the Registrar of the Court appointed under section 42; "solicitor" (律師) has the same meaning as in the Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap 159).


(2) In this Ordinance, a reference to the Court of First Instance includes the High Court which was in operation before 1 July 1997. (Added 120 of 1997 s. 2)

Section: 3 Establishment of the Court 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

There shall be a Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal which shall be a superior court of record.

Section: 4 Jurisdiction of the Court 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997 s. 3


(1) The Court shall have the jurisdiction conferred on it under this Ordinance and by any other law. (2) The Court shall have no jurisdiction over acts of state such as defence and foreign affairs. (3) The Court shall obtain a certificate from the Chief Executive on questions of fact concerning acts of state

whenever such questions arise in the adjudication of cases, and that certificate shall be binding on the Court. (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 3)

(4) Before issuing such a certificate the Chief Executive shall obtain a certifying document from the Central People's Government. (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 3)

Section: 5 Constitution of the Court 132 of 1997 s. 2 05/09/1997

(1) The following shall be the judges of the Court- (a) the Chief Justice; and (b) the permanent judges.

(2) The Court may as required invite non-permanent Hong Kong judges to sit on the Court. (3) The Court may as required invite judges from other common law jurisdictions to sit on the Court. (4) When sitting as a member of the Court pursuant to subsection (2) or (3) a judge shall be deemed to be a

member of the Court. (5) Subject to section 7(2) there shall be not less than 3 permanent judges. (6) Subject to subsection (7), where the Chief Justice is ill or absent for any cause, the Chief Executive shall

appoint the next most senior permanent judge who is eligible to be appointed as the Chief Justice, to act as Chief Justice, with all the powers and functions of the Chief Justice, that seniority being determined in accordance with the order of precedence prescribed in section 11 with the judge having the highest precedence being regarded as the most senior. (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 4; 132 of 1997 s. 2)

(7) If there is no permanent judge who is eligible to be appointed as the Chief Justice, the Chief Executive shall, where the Chief Justice is ill or absent for any cause, appoint the next most senior permanent judge, even though he is not so eligible, to act as Chief Justice, with all the powers and functions of the Chief Justice, that seniority being determined in the manner specified in subsection (6). (Added 132 of 1997 s. 2)

Section: 6 Chief Justice 10 of 2005 08/07/2005

(1) The Chief Justice shall be appointed by the Chief Executive acting in accordance with the recommendation of the Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission. (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 4)

(1A)The Chief Justice shall be a Chinese citizen who is a permanent resident of the Region with no right of abode in any foreign country. (Added 120 of 1997 s. 5)

(2) The Chief Justice shall be the head of the Judiciary and shall be charged with the administration of the Judiciary and such other functions as may from time to time be lawfully conferred on him.

(3) A permanent judge, a Justice of Appeal or a judge of the Court of First Instance appointed as Chief Justice shall cease to be a permanent judge, a Justice of Appeal or a judge of the Court of First Instance. (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 5; 10 of 2005 s. 154)

Section: 7 Appointment of permanent judges 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997 ss. 4 & 6


(1) The permanent judges of the Court shall be appointed by the Chief Executive acting in accordance with the



recommendation of the Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission. (2) If the office of any permanent judge becomes vacant, by death or otherwise and the number of permanent

judges is thereby reduced to less than 3, the Chief Executive acting in accordance with the recommendation of the Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission shall as soon as reasonably possible after the office becomes vacant appoint another permanent judge to fill the vacancy.

(3) A Justice of Appeal or a judge of the Court of First Instance appointed as a permanent judge shall cease to be a Justice of Appeal or a judge of the Court of First Instance. (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 6)

(Amended 120 of 1997 s. 4)

Section: 7A Endorsement of Appointment or Removal of Judges of the Court

120 of 1997 01/07/1997

(1) The Chief Executive shall- *(a) obtain the endorsement of the Legislative Council for the appointment or removal of judges of the

Court, the non-permanent judges and judges from other common law jurisdictions appointed pursuant to sections 6, 7, 8 and 9; and

(b) report the appointment or removal to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China in accordance with Article 90 of the Basic Law of the Region for the record.

(2) For the purpose of this section, "Legislative Council" (立法會) means the Legislative Council but during the existence of the Provisional Legislative Council means the Provisional Legislative Council.

(Added 120 of 1997 s. 7)

Note: * For endorsement of the Legislative Council, please see-

(a) section 4 and Schedule 2 of the Hong Kong Reunification Ordinance; and (b) L.N. 397 of 1997; L.N. 2 of 1998 (as rectified by L.N. 117 of 1998); L.N. 216 of 2000; L.N. 171 of 2003;

L.N. 96 of 2006; L.N. 8 of 2009; L.N. 78 of 2010; L.N. 79 of 2010; L.N. 102 of 2011; L.N. 111 of 2012 and L.N. 116 of 2013.

Section: 8 List of non-permanent Hong Kong judges 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997 s. 4


(1) There shall be a list to be known as the list of non-permanent Hong Kong judges. (2) The list shall consist of judges appointed by the Chief Executive acting in accordance with the

recommendation of the Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission, as non-permanent Hong Kong judges. (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 4)

Section: 9 List of judges from other common law jurisdictions 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997 s. 4


(1) There shall be a list to be known as the list of judges from other common law jurisdictions. (2) The list shall consist of judges appointed by the Chief Executive acting in accordance with the

recommendation of the Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission, as judges from other common law jurisdictions. (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 4)

Section: 10 Limit on number of non-permanent judges 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

The total number of persons holding office as non-permanent judges shall not at any one time exceed 30.

Section: 11 Precedence of judges 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

The judges of the Court, the non-permanent Hong Kong judges and the judges from other common law jurisdictions shall take precedence in the following order-

(a) the Chief Justice;


(b) the permanent judges who amongst themselves shall rank according to the priority of their respective appointments;

(c) the non-permanent Hong Kong judges who amongst themselves shall rank according to the priority of their respective appointments to the list of non-permanent Hong Kong judges; and

(d) the judges from other common law jurisdictions who amongst themselves shall rank according to the priority of their respective appointments to the list of judges from other common law jurisdictions.

Section: 12 Professional qualifications of judges 10 of 2005 08/07/2005

(1) A person shall be eligible to be appointed as the Chief Justice if he is- (Amended 10 of 2005 s. 155) (aa) a permanent judge; (Added 10 of 2005 s. 155) (a) the Chief Judge of the High Court, a Justice of Appeal or a judge of the Court of First Instance; or

(Amended 120 of 1997 s. 8) (b) a barrister who has practised as a barrister or solicitor in Hong Kong for a period of at least 10 years.

(1A)A person shall be eligible to be appointed as a permanent judge if he is- (a) the Chief Judge of the High Court, a Justice of Appeal or a judge of the Court of First Instance; or (b) a barrister who has practised as a barrister or solicitor in Hong Kong for a period of at least 10 years.

(Added 10 of 2005 s. 155) (2) (Repealed 10 of 2005 s. 155) (3) A person shall be eligible to be appointed as a non-permanent Hong Kong judge if he is-

(a) a retired Chief Judge of the High Court; (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 8) (b) a retired Chief Justice of the Court; (c) a retired permanent judge of the Court; (d) a Justice or retired Justice of Appeal; or (e) a barrister who has practised as a barrister or solicitor in Hong Kong for a period of at least 10 years,

whether or not he is ordinarily resident in Hong Kong. (4) A person shall be eligible to be appointed as a judge from another common law jurisdiction if he is-

(a) a judge or retired judge of a court of unlimited jurisdiction in either civil or criminal matters in another common law jurisdiction;

(b) a person who is ordinarily resident outside Hong Kong; and (c) a person who has never been a judge of the High Court, a District Judge or a permanent magistrate, in

Hong Kong. (5) In subsection (3), a reference to a retired Chief Judge of the High Court, Justice of Appeal or judge of the

Court of First Instance includes a reference to a retired Chief Justice, Justice of Appeal or judge of the Supreme Court before 1 July 1997. (Added 120 of 1997 s. 8. Amended 10 of 2005 s. 155)

(6) In subsection (4), a reference to a person never being a judge of the High Court, a District Judge or a permanent magistrate in Hong Kong includes a reference to a person never being a judge of the Supreme Court, the District Court or a permanent magistrate before 1 July 1997. (Added 120 of 1997 s. 8)

(Amended 120 of 1997 s. 8)

Section: 13 Prohibition on practice as barrister or solicitor 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

A person who has been appointed as the Chief Justice, a permanent judge or a non-permanent judge shall not be entitled to practise as a barrister or solicitor in Hong Kong either while he holds office as such a judge or at any time after he ceases for any reason to hold office as such a judge and shall be deemed upon and by virtue of such appointment to be not qualified to practise as a barrister or solicitor.

Section: 14 Tenure of office 10 of 2005 08/07/2005

(1) The Chief Justice and permanent judges shall vacate their offices when they attain the retiring age. (2) Notwithstanding subsection (1)-

(a) subject to paragraph (b) the terms of office of the Chief Justice and of permanent judges may be extended for not more than 2 periods of 3 years by the Chief Executive acting, in the case of the Chief Justice, in accordance with the recommendation of the Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission and, in the case of permanent judges, in accordance with the recommendation of the Chief Justice and


in any such case the Chief Justice or permanent judge, as the case may be, shall accordingly be regarded as having attained the retiring age at the expiration of that extended period; (Amended 10 of 2005 s. 156)

(b) a person who has attained the age of 65 years may be appointed to be the Chief Justice or to be a permanent judge for a term of 3 years and that term may be extended for one period of 3 years by the Chief Executive acting, in the case of the Chief Justice, in accordance with the recommendation of the Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission and, in the case of a permanent judge, in accordance with the recommendation of the Chief Justice. (Amended 10 of 2005 s. 156)

(c) (Repealed 10 of 2005 s. 156) (3) There shall be no retiring age for a non-permanent judge. (4) A non-permanent judge shall hold office for a term of 3 years but that term may be extended for one or

more periods of 3 years by the Chief Executive acting in accordance with the recommendation of the Chief Justice. (5) A judge may at any time resign his office by notice in writing addressed to the Chief Executive. (6) A judge may be removed from office only for inability to discharge his duties (whether arising from

infirmity of body or mind or from any other cause) or for misbehaviour, and shall not be so removed except in accordance with subsection (7), (8) or (9).

(7) The Chief Justice may be removed only by the Chief Executive, on the recommendation of a tribunal of judges appointed by the Chief Executive and consisting of not fewer than 5 members each one of whom is either a permanent judge or a non-permanent Hong Kong judge.

(8) A permanent or non-permanent judge may be removed only by the Chief Executive, on the recommendation of a tribunal of judges appointed by the Chief Justice and consisting of not fewer than 3 members each one of whom is either a permanent judge or a non-permanent Hong Kong judge.

(9) If the question of removing a judge from office is being investigated by a tribunal the Chief Executive may suspend the judge from performing the functions of his office.

(10) Any such suspension may at any time be revoked by the Chief Executive and shall in any case cease to have effect if the tribunal recommends that the judge ought not to be removed from office.

(11) In this section and section 15 "retiring age" (退休年齡) means the age of 65 years. (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 4)

Section: 15 Continuing powers of judges 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

Notwithstanding the fact that he has attained the retiring age or that his term of office has for any reason expired, a judge may continue to sit as and perform all the functions of a member of the Court for as long as may be necessary to enable the Court to deliver judgment or do any other thing in relation to proceedings that were commenced, before he attained that age or before his term of office expired, in the Court of which he was then sitting as a member.

Section: 16 Hearing of appeals 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

(1) Subject to subsection (4), an appeal shall be heard and determined by the Court constituted as follows- (a) the Chief Justice or a permanent judge designated to sit in his place under subsection (2); (b) 3 permanent judges nominated by the Chief Justice; and (c) 1 non-permanent Hong Kong judge or 1 judge from another common law jurisdiction selected by the

Chief Justice and invited by the Court. (2) The Chief Justice shall be President of the Court, and where he is not available for any cause to hear an

appeal he shall designate a permanent judge to sit in his place and be President. (3) Where pursuant to subsection (2) a judge is sitting in place of the Chief Justice the Court must still consist

of 5 judges. (4) Where a sufficient number of permanent judges are not available for any cause to hear an appeal, the Chief

Justice shall nominate a non-permanent Hong Kong judge to sit in place of a permanent judge. (5) The judgment or order which is that of the majority of the judges sitting shall be deemed to be the judgment

or order of the Court. (6) If there is no judgment or order which is that of the majority of the judges sitting, a rehearing shall be

ordered. (7) If a judge is absent for any cause after the hearing of the appeal has commenced but before the



determination of the appeal, the appeal may with the consent of all the parties be continued with the remaining judges being not less than 4.

(8) No judge shall sit as a member of the Court on the hearing of, or on the determination of any application in proceedings incidental or preliminary to-

(a) an appeal from a judgment or order made by him or by a court in which he was sitting as a member; (b) an appeal against a conviction before him or a sentence passed by him.

Section: 17 Powers of the Court 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997


(1) The Court may confirm, reverse or vary the decision of the court from which the appeal lies or may remit the matter with its opinion thereon to that court, or may make such other order in the matter, including any order as to costs, as it thinks fit.

(2) For the purpose of disposing of an appeal, the Court may exercise any powers of the court from which the appeal lies (including the power to order a retrial), or may remit the case to that court.

(3) Where the Court restores a conviction, it may make- (a) any order for the restitution of property which the court of trial could have made; and (b) any compensation order which the court of trial could have made under section 73 of the Criminal

Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221). (4) The Court may from time to time adjourn the hearing of any appeal. (5) Any provision in this or any other Ordinance which authorizes or requires the taking of any steps for the

execution or enforcement of a judgment or order of the Court of Appeal or the Court of First Instance applies in relation to a judgment or order of the Court as it applies in relation to a judgment or order of the Court of Appeal or the Court of First Instance. (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 9)

Section: 18 Appeal Committee 133 of 1997 s. 2 03/10/1997

(1) There shall be an Appeal Committee consisting of- (a) the Chief Justice and 2 permanent judges nominated by the Chief Justice; or (b) 3 permanent judges nominated by the Chief Justice.

(2) The power of the Court to hear and determine any application for leave to appeal, including the power of the Court to certify under section 32(3), shall be exercised by the Appeal Committee. (Amended 133 of 1997 s. 2)

(2A)No judge shall sit as a member of the Appeal Committee on the hearing and determination of any application in proceedings incidental or preliminary to-

(a) an appeal from a judgment or order made by him or by a court in which he was sitting as a member; (b) an appeal against a conviction before him or a sentence passed by him; or (c) any appeal in respect of which an application for leave to appeal or an application for a certificate

under section 32(2) has been refused or declined by him or by a court in which he was sitting as a member. (Added 133 of 1997 s. 2)

(2B) Where a sufficient number of permanent judges is not available for any cause to sit on the Appeal Committee to hear and determine any application the Chief Justice shall nominate a non-permanent Hong Kong judge to sit in place of a permanent judge. (Added 133 of 1997 s. 2)

(3) The decision of the Appeal Committee shall be final and not itself subject to appeal.

Part: II CIVIL 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997 s. 4


Part: Division:

II 1

Preliminary* L.N. 102 of 2002 02/12/2002

Note: * (Added 11 of 2002 s. 2)



Section: 19 Interpretation L.N. 102 of 2002 02/12/2002

In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires- "appeal" (上訴) means appeal to the Court in any civil cause or matter; "Court of Appeal" (上訴法庭) includes a single judge of the Court of Appeal, where the matter in question is one

which properly appertains to a single judge of the Court of Appeal; (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 4) "judgment" (判決) includes decree, order or decision; "record" (紀錄 ) means the aggregate of papers relating to an appeal (including the pleadings, evidence and

judgments) proper to be laid before the Court on the hearing of the appeal.

Section: 20 Application 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

This Part applies to appeals in any civil cause or matter.

Section: 21 Civil jurisdiction 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

The civil jurisdiction of the Court shall consist of appeals under this Part and under any other law.

Part: Division:

II 2

Appeal from Court of Appeal to Court; Appeal relating to Election*

18 of 2011 15/07/2011

Note: * (Added 11 of 2002 s. 3. Amended 18 of 2011 s. 31)

Section: 22 Civil appeals 5 of 2014 04/04/2014

Remarks: According to section 1 of the Rural Representative Election Legislation (Amendment) Ordinance 2014 (5 of 2014) ("the Amendment Ordinance"), the commencement provisions of the Amendment Ordinance are as follows-

(a) for all purposes relating to the elections of Resident Representatives, Indigenous Inhabitant Representatives and Kaifong Representatives in 2015—the Amendment Ordinance comes into operation on 4 April 2014; and

(b) in so far as it has not come into operation under paragraph (a)—the Amendment Ordinance comes into operation on 1 April 2015.

(1) An appeal shall lie to the Court— (Amended 21 of 2001 s. 52) (a) as of right, from any final judgment of the Court of Appeal in any civil cause or matter, where the matter in

dispute on the appeal amounts to or is of the value of $1000000 or more, or where the appeal involves, directly or indirectly, some claim or question to or respecting property or some civil right amounting to or of the value of $1000000 or more; (Amended 21 of 2001 s. 52)

(b) at the discretion of the Court of Appeal or the Court, from any other judgment of the Court of Appeal in any civil cause or matter, whether final or interlocutory, if, in the opinion of the Court of Appeal or the Court, as the case may be, the question involved in the appeal is one which, by reason of its great general or public importance, or otherwise, ought to be submitted to the Court for decision; and (Amended 21 of 2001 s. 52)

(c) at the discretion of the Court, from— (i) a determination of the Court of First Instance under section 37(1) of the Chief Executive Election

Ordinance (Cap 569); (Amended 18 of 2011 s. 32) (ii) a judgment or order of the Court of First Instance in—

(A) an application for judicial review under section 21K of the High Court Ordinance (Cap 4); or (B) any other proceedings under that Ordinance, which put in issue whether the candidate is duly determined to be not returned at an election under section 26A(4) of the Chief Executive Election Ordinance (Cap 569) or whether the candidate declared


under section 28 of that Ordinance as elected at an election can lawfully assume the office of the Chief Executive; (Added 21 of 2001 s. 52. Amended 10 of 2006 s. 19; 18 of 2011 s. 32)

(iii) a determination of the Court of First Instance under section 67 of the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap 542); (Added 18 of 2011 s. 32)

(iv) a judgment or order of the Court of First Instance in— (A) an application for judicial review under section 21K of the High Court Ordinance (Cap 4); or (B) any other proceedings under that Ordinance, which put in issue whether a candidate declared under section 58 of the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap 542) as duly elected at an election can lawfully assume the office of a Member of the Legislative Council; (Added 18 of 2011 s. 32)

(v) a determination of the Court of First Instance under section 55 of the District Councils Ordinance (Cap 547); (Added 18 of 2011 s. 32)

(vi) a judgment or order of the Court of First Instance in— (A) an application for judicial review under section 21K of the High Court Ordinance (Cap 4); or (B) any other proceedings under that Ordinance, which put in issue whether a candidate declared under section 46 of the District Councils Ordinance (Cap 547) as duly elected at an election can lawfully assume the office of the elected member of the District Council constituency concerned; (Added 18 of 2011 s. 32)

(vii) a determination of the Court of First Instance under section 45 of the Rural Representative Election Ordinance (Cap 576); or (Added 18 of 2011 s. 32. Amended 5 of 2014 s. 2)

(viii) a judgment or order of the Court of First Instance in— (A) an application for judicial review under section 21K of the High Court Ordinance (Cap 4); or (B) any other proceedings under that Ordinance, which put in issue whether a candidate declared under section 36 of the Rural Representative Election Ordinance (Cap 576) as duly elected at an election can lawfully assume the office of the Rural Representative for the Rural Area concerned. (Added 18 of 2011 s. 32. Amended 5 of 2014 s. 2)

(2) The Chief Executive in Council may by order published in the Gazette amend subsection (1) to vary the amounts specified. (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 4)

Section: 23 Leave to appeal 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

(1) No appeal shall be admitted unless either- (a) leave to appeal has been granted by the Court of Appeal; or (b) in the absence of such leave, leave has been granted by the Court.

(2) Where an appeal lies of right, leave to appeal shall not be refused but shall, in the first instance, be granted as conditional leave in accordance with section 25.

Section: 24 Applications for leave to appeal L.N. 187 of 2001 21/09/2001

(1) Applications to the Court of Appeal or the Court for leave to appeal shall be made by motion. (2) Notice of a motion for the purpose of subsection (1) shall be filed within 28 days from the date of the

judgment to be appealed from, and the applicant shall give the opposite party 7 days notice of his intended application and such notice may be given at any time during the period of 28 days.

(3) If an application for leave is refused by the Court of Appeal or in the case of an appeal from a determination, judgment or order of the Court of First Instance referred to in section 22(1)(c), an application may be made to the Court for leave and such application shall be made by motion. (Amended 21 of 2001 s. 53)

(4) Notice of a motion for the purpose of subsection (3) shall be filed within 28 days from the date on which the application for leave is refused by the Court of Appeal, and the applicant shall give the opposite party 7 days notice of his intended application and that notice may be given at any time during the period of 28 days.

(5) The Court of Appeal or the Court, as the case may be, may, on such terms as it considers appropriate, by order extend the period within which the applicant is required or authorized by subsection (2) or (4) to do any act.

(6) The Court of Appeal or the Court, as the case may be, may extend any such period as is referred to in subsection (5) even though the application for extension is not made until after the expiration of that period.



Section: 25 Grant of leave to appeal 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997 s. 4


(1) Where the Court of Appeal or the Court decides or is required to grant leave to appeal pursuant to an application made under section 24 it may grant leave subject to such conditions as it considers necessary.

(2) Without restricting the generality of subsection (1) leave granted under subsection (1) may be granted- (a) upon a condition that the appellant shall enter into good and sufficient security, for the due prosecution

of the appeal, and the payment of all such costs as may become payable to the respondent in the event of the appeal being dismissed for non-prosecution, or of the Court ordering the appellant to pay the respondent's costs of the appeal; and

(b) upon such other conditions (if any) as to the time or times within which the appellant shall procure the preparation of the record as the Court of Appeal or the Court considers appropriate.

(3) The security required under subsection (2)(a) shall- (a) be entered into within a period to be fixed by the Court of Appeal or the Court, but not exceeding 3

months from the date on which the application for leave to appeal is granted; and (b) be to the satisfaction of the Court of Appeal or the Court in a sum not exceeding $400000 in respect of

each respondent. (4) The Court of Appeal or the Court, as the case may be, may vary any conditions it has imposed under this

section in such manner as it considers fit. (5) The Chief Executive in Council may by order published in the Gazette amend subsection (3)(b) to vary the

amount specified. (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 4) (6) Without prejudice to subsection (2) the Court of Appeal or the Court, as the case may be, may when

granting leave under subsection (1) impose a timetable on any party for the prosecution of the appeal and may either on the application of a party or of its own motion vary that timetable.

Section: 26 Stay of execution 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

(1) Where a judgment appealed from requires the appellant to pay money or perform a duty, the Court of Appeal or the Court, as the case may be, shall have power, when granting leave to appeal or subsequently, either to direct that the judgment shall be carried into execution or that the execution shall be suspended pending the appeal.

(2) Where the Court of Appeal or the Court directs the judgment appealed from to be carried into execution, the person in whose favour it was given shall, before the execution, enter into good and sufficient security, to the satisfaction of the Court of Appeal or the Court, as the case may be, for the due performance of such order as the Court shall make in respect of the appeal.

(3) Where the Court of Appeal or the Court directs that the execution of the judgment appealed from shall be suspended pending the appeal, the appellant shall enter into good and sufficient security, to the satisfaction of the Court of Appeal or the Court, as the case may be, for the due performance of such order as the Court shall make in respect of the appeal.

Section: 27 Notice of application 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

(1) On an application for final leave to appeal, the Court of Appeal or the Court, as the case may be, may inquire whether notice or sufficient notice of the application has been given by the appellant to all parties concerned.

(2) If the Court of Appeal or the Court, as the case may be, is not satisfied that notice or sufficient notice of an application for final leave to appeal has been given, it may defer the granting of the final leave to appeal or may give such other directions in the matter as it thinks fit.

Part: Division:

II 3

Appeal from Court of First Instance to Court*# L.N. 102 of 2002 02/12/2002

Note: * For the transitional provision relating to the amendments made by the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal

(Amendment) Ordinance 2002 (11 of 2002), see section 5 of that Ordinance.



# (Added 11 of 2002 s. 4)

Section: 27A Definitions L.N. 102 of 2002 02/12/2002

In this Division- "Court of First Instance" (原訟法庭) means the Court of First Instance of the High Court; "judge" (法官) means a judge of the Court of First Instance, a recorder of the Court of First Instance or a deputy judge

of the Court of First Instance. (Added 11 of 2002 s. 4)

Note: * For the transitional provision relating to the amendments made by the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal

(Amendment) Ordinance 2002 (11 of 2002), see section 5 of that Ordinance.

Section: 27B Civil appeals L.N. 102 of 2002 02/12/2002

(1) Notwithstanding section 22, an appeal may lie to the Court at the discretion of the Court of First Instance and the Court, from any judgment of the Court of First Instance in any civil cause or matter if the criteria set out in section 27C(1)(a), (b) and (c) are satisfied.

(2) No appeal shall be admitted unless- (a) a certificate has been issued by a judge under section 27C; and (b) leave to appeal has been granted by the Court under section 27D.

(Added 11 of 2002 s. 4)

Section: 27C Grant of certificate L.N. 102 of 2002 02/12/2002

(1) Where on the application of any of the parties to any proceedings in respect of which an appeal may lie under this Division the judge hearing the application for a certificate is satisfied-

(a) that the relevant conditions are fulfilled in relation to a decision of the judge in those proceedings; and (b) that a sufficient case for an appeal to the Court has been made out to justify an application for leave to

bring such an appeal; and (c) that all the parties to the proceedings consent to the grant of a certificate under this section,

the judge, subject to the provisions of this Division, may grant a certificate to that effect. (2) For the purposes of subsection (1)(a), the relevant conditions are fulfilled in relation to a decision of the

judge in any proceedings if a point of law of great general or public importance is involved in that decision and- (a) where that point of law does not relate wholly or mainly to the construction of the Basic Law, it must-

(i) relate wholly or mainly to the construction of an Ordinance or subsidiary legislation, and has been fully argued in the proceedings and fully considered in the judgment of the judge in the proceedings; or

(ii) be one in respect of which the judge is bound by a decision of the Court of Appeal or the Court in previous proceedings, and was fully considered in the judgments given by the Court of Appeal or the Court (as the case may be) in those previous proceedings; and

(b) where that point of law relates wholly or mainly to the construction of the Basic Law, it must be one in respect of which the judge is bound by a decision of the Court of Appeal or the Court in previous proceedings, and was fully considered in the judgments given by the Court of Appeal or the Court (as the case may be) in those previous proceedings.

(3) An application for a certificate under this section shall be made to a judge within- (a) 14 days from the date on which the judgment is given; or (b) such other longer period as may be prescribed by rules of court.

(4) The judge before whom an application for a certificate under this section is made shall, as far as is practicable and convenient, be the trial judge in the proceedings to which the application relates.

(5) No appeal shall lie against the grant or refusal of a certificate under this section.


(Added 11 of 2002 s. 4)

Section: 27D Leave to appeal L.N. 102 of 2002 02/12/2002

(1) Where in any proceedings a judge grants a certificate under section 27C, any of the parties to the proceedings may make an application to the Court for leave to appeal by way of a notice of motion at any time within-

(a) 28 days from the date on which that certificate is granted; or (b) such extended time as in any particular case the Court may allow.

(2) Subject to subsection (4), if on an application made under this section it appears to the Court to be expedient to do so, the Court may grant leave for an appeal to be brought directly to the Court; and where leave is granted under this section-

(a) no appeal from the decision of the judge to which the certificate relates shall lie to the Court of Appeal, but

(b) an appeal shall lie from that decision to the Court. (3) Applications under this section shall be determined by the Appeal Committee, with or without a hearing. (4) Without prejudice to subsection (2), no appeal shall lie to the Court of Appeal from a decision of the judge

in respect of which a certificate is granted under section 27C until- (a) the time within which an application can be made under this section has expired; and (b) where such an application is made, that application has been determined.

(Added 11 of 2002 s. 4)

Section: 27E Leave to appeal subject to conditions L.N. 102 of 2002 02/12/2002

(1) Leave to appeal granted under section 27D(2) may be granted subject to such conditions as the Court considers necessary.

(2) Section 25(2), (3), (4) and (6), with the necessary modifications, shall apply in relation to the grant of leave under this section as it applies to the grant of leave under that section.

(3) Section 26 shall apply in relation to a judgment appealed from and grant of leave to appeal under this Division as it applies in relation to a judgment appealed from and grant of leave to appeal under Division 2.

(4) Section 27 shall apply in relation to an application for final leave to appeal to the Court under this Division as it applies in relation to an application for final leave to appeal to the Court of Appeal or to the Court under Division 2.

(Added 11 of 2002 s. 4)

Section: 27F Cases excluded from section 27B(1) L.N. 102 of 2002 02/12/2002

(1) No appeal shall lie under section 27B(1) in respect of a decision of the judge in any proceedings where by virtue of any enactment, apart from the provisions of this Division, no appeal would lie from that decision to the Court of Appeal, with or without the leave of a judge or of the Court of Appeal.

(2) No appeal shall lie under section 27B(1) in respect of a decision of the judge where by virtue of any enactment, apart from the provisions of this Division, no appeal would (with or without the leave of the Court of Appeal or of the Court) lie from any decision of the Court of Appeal on an appeal from the decision of the judge.

(3) Where by virtue of any enactment, apart from the provisions of this Division, no appeal would lie to the Court of Appeal from the decision of the judge except with the leave of a judge or of the Court of Appeal, no appeal shall lie under section 27B(1) in respect of that decision unless it appears to the judge that apart from the provisions of this Division it would be a proper case for granting such leave.

(4) No appeal shall lie under section 27B(1) where the decision of the judge, or any order made by him in pursuance of that decision, is made in the exercise of jurisdiction to punish for contempt of court.

(Added 11 of 2002 s. 4)

Part: III CRIMINAL 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997



Section: 28 Interpretation 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997


In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires- "appeal" (上訴) means appeal to the Court under this Part, and "appellant" (上訴人) has a corresponding meaning,

and includes a person who has given notice of application for leave to appeal; "court of trial" (原審法庭), in relation to an appeal, means the court from which the appeal lies to the Court of

Appeal or the Court of First Instance; (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 10) "defendant" (被告人) means, in relation to an appeal, the defendant before the court of trial, and references to the

prosecutor shall be construed accordingly.

Section: 29 Application 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

This Part applies to appeals in any criminal cause or matter.

Section: 30 Criminal jurisdiction 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

The criminal jurisdiction of the Court shall consist of appeals under this Part.

Section: 31 Criminal Appeals 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997


An appeal shall, at the discretion of the Court, lie to the Court in any criminal cause or matter, at the instance of any party to the proceedings, from-

(a) any final decision of the Court of Appeal; (b) any final decision of the Court of First Instance (not being a verdict or finding of a jury) from which no

appeal lies to the Court of Appeal. (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 11)

Section: 32 Leave to appeal 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997


(1) No appeal shall be admitted unless leave to appeal has been granted by the Court. (2) Leave to appeal shall not be granted unless it is certified by the Court of Appeal or the Court of First

Instance, as the case may be, that a point of law of great and general importance is involved in the decision or it is shown that substantial and grave injustice has been done. (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 12)

(3) Where the Court of Appeal or the Court of First Instance declines to certify as mentioned in subsection (2), the Court may so certify and grant leave to appeal. (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 12)

(4) The Court may when granting leave under subsection (1) impose a timetable on any party for the prosecution of the appeal and may either on the application of a party or of its own motion vary that timetable.

Section: 33 Application for leave to appeal 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997


(1) An application to the Court for leave to appeal shall be made within 28 days from the date of the decision of the Court of Appeal or the Court of First Instance, as the case may be. (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 13)

(2) The Court may, upon application made at any time by any party to the appeal, extend the time within which an application may be made to the Court under subsection (1).

(3) An appeal to the Court shall be treated as pending until any application for leave to appeal is disposed of and, if leave to appeal is granted, until the appeal is disposed of.


Section: 34 Bail 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997


(1) The Court, the Court of Appeal or the Court of First Instance, as the case may be, may on the application of a person appealing or applying for leave to appeal or on the application of a person in custody pending the determination of the appeal, grant the person in custody bail pending the determination of the appeal.

(2) A grant of bail under subsection (1) may be made subject to such conditions as the Court, the Court of Appeal or the Court of First Instance, as the case may be, considers necessary.

(3) If a person is refused bail on an application made under subsection (1), he shall not thereafter be entitled to make a fresh application for bail-

(a) before the commencement of the hearing of the appeal, except to the Court, the Court of Appeal or the Court of First Instance and only if he satisfies the Court, the Court of Appeal or the Court of First Instance that since the refusal, there has been a material change in relevant circumstances; or

(b) during the hearing of the appeal, except to the Court. (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 14)

Section: 35 Detention on appeal by prosecutor 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997


(1) The following provisions apply where, immediately after a decision of the Court of Appeal or the Court of First Instance, as the case may be, from which an appeal lies to the Court, the prosecutor is granted or gives notice that he intends to apply for, leave to appeal.

(2) If, but for the decision of the Court of Appeal or the Court of First Instance, as the case may be, the defendant would be liable to be detained, the Court of Appeal or the Court of First Instance, as the case may be, may, on the application of the prosecutor made within 7 days of that decision, make an order providing for his detention, or directing that he shall not be released except on bail (which may be granted as under section 34), as long as an appeal to the Court is pending.

(3) An order under this section shall (unless the appeal has previously been disposed of) cease to have effect at the expiration of the period for which the defendant would have been liable to be detained but for the decision of the Court of Appeal or the Court of First Instance, as the case may be.

(4) Where an order is made under this section in the case of a defendant who, but for the decision of the Court of Appeal or the Court of First Instance, as the case may be, would be liable to be detained in pursuance of-

(a) an order under Part IV of the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136); or (b) an order under section 76(1) of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221),

the order under this section shall be one authorizing his continued detention in pursuance of the order referred to in paragraph (a) or (b); and the provisions of the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136) with respect to persons liable to be detained as mentioned in this subsection shall apply accordingly.

(Amended 120 of 1997 s. 15)

Section: 36 Presence of defendant 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

The defendant shall be entitled to be present at the hearing of an application for leave to appeal and an appeal unless the Court, where it considers it necessary in the interests of justice or public order or security to do so, orders otherwise.

Section: 37 Effect of appeal on sentence 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997


(1) Where a person subject to a sentence is granted bail under section 34 or 35, the time during which he is released on bail shall be disregarded in computing the term of his sentence unless the Court, the Court of Appeal or the Court of First Instance, as the case may be, otherwise directs.

(2) Subject to subsection (1), any sentence passed on an appeal to the Court in substitution for another sentence shall, unless the Court, the Court of Appeal or the Court of First Instance, as the case may be, otherwise directs, begin to run from the time when the other sentence should have begun to run.


(3) In this section "sentence" (判刑) includes any order made by a court when dealing with an offender (including a hospital order under Part IV of the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136)).

(Amended 120 of 1997 s. 16)

Part: IV MISCELLANEOUS 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

Section: 38 Withdrawal 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

(1) An appellant may at any time with leave of the Court withdraw his appeal. (2) Where an appeal has been withdrawn under subsection (1) the respondent shall, subject to any agreement

between himself and the appellant to the contrary, be entitled to apply to the Court for his costs of and incidental to the appeal.

Section: 39 Rules 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

The Court of Final Appeal Rules Committee constituted under section 40 may make rules of court regulating and prescribing the procedure and the practice to be followed in the Court in all causes and matters in or with respect to which the Court has jurisdiction and any matters incidental to or relating to that procedure or practice, and it may make rules of court providing generally for the better carrying out of the provisions of this Ordinance.

Section: 40 Rules Committee 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997


(1) There shall be a Court of Final Appeal Rules Committee which shall consist of- (a) the Chief Justice; (b) 2 permanent judges; (c) the Registrar; (d) 2 barristers nominated by the Hong Kong Bar Association; (e) 2 solicitors nominated by The Law Society of Hong Kong; (f) the Secretary for Justice or a legal officer in the Department of Justice appointed by him. (Amended

120 of 1997 s. 17) (2) The Registrar shall be the secretary of the Court of Final Appeal Rules Committee. (3) A quorum for a meeting of members of the Court of Final Appeal Rules Committee shall be constituted by

a barrister, a solicitor, the Secretary for Justice or a legal officer in the Department of Justice appointed by him and not less than 2 other members. (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 17)

Section: 41 Registry 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

There shall be a Registry of the Court, which shall be in the charge of the Registrar.

Section: 42 The Registrar 10 of 2005 08/07/2005

(1) There shall be attached to the Court a Registrar. (2) The Registrar shall be appointed by the Chief Executive and shall possess the same qualifications as are

required under section 37AA(1) of the High Court Ordinance (Cap 4) for appointment as the Registrar of the High Court. (Amended 120 of 1997 ss. 4 & 18; 10 of 2005 s. 157)

(3) The Registrar shall have and may exercise and perform such jurisdiction, powers and duties as may be conferred or imposed on him by or under rules of court or any other law.

(4) The Chief Justice may appoint such other officers of the Court as may be required for the conduct of business of the Court who may exercise and perform such jurisdiction, powers and duties as may be conferred or imposed on them by or under rules of court or any other law.

(5) The Chief Justice shall, in the absence of the Registrar for any cause, appoint a person who possesses the same qualifications as are required under section 37AA(1) of the High Court Ordinance (Cap 4) for appointment as


the Registrar of the High Court to act in the place of the Registrar. (Amended 10 of 2005 s. 157)

Section: 43 Costs 23 of 2002 19/07/2002

(1) Costs, including costs in the courts below or before a magistrate, shall be paid by such party or person as the Court shall order, and such costs shall be taxed by the Registrar, or some other officer of the Court to whom the Registrar may delegate this function. (Amended 23 of 2002 s. 8)

(2) Where the Appeal Committee refuses an application for leave to appeal, the costs of and occasioned by the application shall be paid by such party or person as the Appeal Committee shall order, and such costs shall be taxed by the Registrar, or some other officer of the Court to whom the Registrar may delegate this function. (Added 23 of 2002 s. 8)

Section: 44 Non-prosecution of appeal 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

(1) Where an appellant, who has obtained final leave to appeal under Part II or leave to appeal under Part III, fails to prosecute his appeal with due diligence, the Court may dismiss the appeal for non-prosecution, or give such other directions as it thinks fit.

(2) An appellant whose appeal has been dismissed for non-prosecution may apply to the Court for an order that his appeal be restored.

(3) Where an appeal has been dismissed under this section a respondent may apply to the Court for an order for costs.

Section: 45 Appeal from decision on taxation 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

(1) Any party aggrieved by a decision on a taxation of costs may appeal to the Court in accordance with rules of court.

(2) A permanent judge may exercise all the powers of the Court to hear and determine an appeal under this section.

Section: 46 Powers of single permanent judge 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

(1) A single permanent judge may exercise the powers of the Court- (a) to extend the time for making an application for leave to appeal; and (b) to make an order for or in relation to bail under Part III,

but where the judge refuses an application to exercise any of these powers, the applicant shall be entitled to have the application determined by the Appeal Committee which for the purposes of this section may exercise all the powers of the Court.

(2) In an application for leave to appeal or an appeal, any incidental order or direction, not involving the decision of the application or appeal, any interim order necessary to prevent prejudice to the parties and any order for security for costs or for the dismissal of an application or appeal for default in furnishing security so ordered, may be made or given at any time by a single permanent judge.

(3) Any order made under subsection (2) may be discharged or varied by the Appeal Committee. (4) The powers exercisable by a single permanent judge under this section may, subject to rules of court, be

exercised in chambers.

Section: 47 Sittings and business 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

(1) The Court shall sit at such times and at such places as the Chief Justice shall appoint. (2) All proceedings before the Court or the Appeal Committee shall be held in open court to which the public

shall have access. (3) The Court or the Appeal Committee may, if it considers it necessary in the interests of justice or public

order or security, direct that, save as provided in subsection (4), no person, other than a person nominated by the Court or the Committee, shall be in court or in the building in which the Court or the Committee sits.

(4) Subsection (3) shall not apply to a person who is required to be in the Court or building by virtue of his


office or profession or an order of a court or who is otherwise required for the purposes of any proceedings to be in the Court or building or to any one person representing a newspaper or news agency.

(5) Any person who contravenes a direction under subsection (3) commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of $5000 and to imprisonment for 6 months and may be forcibly removed by any police officer from the Court or building.

(6) The distribution of business of the Court shall be made in accordance with directions given by the Chief Justice.

Section: 48 Seal 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

(1) The Court shall use such seal as the Chief Justice may direct. (2) All judgments, orders, documents and exemplifications or copies thereof, shall be sealed with the seal

referred to in subsection (1). (3) Any judgment, order, document and any exemplification or copy thereof, shall, when purporting to be

sealed under subsection (2), be admitted in evidence in any criminal or civil proceedings before any court on its production without further proof.

Section: 49 Transitional 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997


(1) Any appeal in respect of which the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council or the Court of Appeal has granted conditional, final or special leave to appeal to that Committee and the appeal has not been finally disposed of on or before 30 June 1997 shall proceed in the Court, and the Court may give such directions as to the continuation of the prosecution of the appeal as it thinks fit and shall have full power to determine by whom and the extent to which costs in relation thereto are to be paid. (Amended 120 of 1997 s. 19)

(2) A reference to a final or interlocutory judgment of the Court of Appeal under section 22(1), and to a final decision of the Court of Appeal or the Court of First Instance under section 31, includes a reference to similar judgments and decisions of the Court of Appeal and the High Court made before 1 July 1997. (Added 120 of 1997 s. 19)

(3) A reference in sections 23, 28, 32(2), 33(1) and 35 to the Court of Appeal or the Court of First Instance includes a reference to the Court of Appeal and to the High Court as they existed before 1 July 1997 for appeals that arise out of the extension made in subsection (2). (Added 120 of 1997 s. 19)

Section: 50 (Omitted as spent) 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

(Omitted as spent)

Schedule: SCHEDULE (Omitted as spent) 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

(Omitted as spent)



章: 484 《香港終審法院條例》 憲報編號 版本日期

詳題 79 of 1995 01/07/1997




部: I 一般規定 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

條: 1 簡稱及生效日期 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

(1) 本條例可引稱為《香港終審法院條例》。

(2) 本條例不得在1997年6月30日當日或之前實施,而翌日須為本條例的實施日期。本條例並須


條: 2 釋義 L.N. 7 of 2007 19/03/2007

(1) 在本條例中,除文意另有所指外─ (由1997年第120號第2條修訂)

“法官”(judge) 指終審法院法官,包括首席法官、常任法官及非常任法官; (由1997年第120號


“大律師”(barrister) 的涵義與《法律執業者條例》(第159章)中該詞的涵義相同; (由2007年


“上訴法庭法官”(Justice of Appeal) 指上訴法庭的上訴法庭法官; (由1997年第120號第2條增


“上訴委員會”(Appeal Committee) 指根據第18條設立的上訴委員會;

“司法常務官”(Registrar) 指根據第42條委任的終審法院司法常務官;

“民事訟案或事項”(civil cause or matter) 指非刑事性的訟案或事項;

“其他普通法適用地區法官”(judge from another common law jurisdiction) 指根據第9條委任

為其他普通法適用地區法官的法官; (由1997年第120號第4條修訂)

“非常任法官”(non-permanent judge) 指非常任香港法官或獲委任為其他普通法適用地區法官的

法官; (由1997年第120號第4條修訂)

“非常任香港法官”(non-permanent Hong Kong judge) 指根據第8條委任為非常任香港法官的法

官; (由1997年第120號第4條修訂)

“律政司的律政人員”(legal officer in the Department of Justice) 指在律政司中擔任《律政

人員條例》(第87章)附表1所述的其中某一職位的人員; (由1997年第120號第2條修訂;由


“律師”(solicitor) 的涵義與《法律執業者條例》(第159章)中該詞的涵義相同; (由2007年第7


“首席法官”(Chief Justice) 指終審法院的首席法官; (由1997年第120號第4條修訂)

“香港特區”(Region) 指中華人民共和國香港特別行政區; (由1997年第120號第2條增補)

“高等法院”(High Court) 指由原訟法庭及上訴法庭組成的高等法院; (由1997年第120號第2條

484 - 《香港終審法院條例》 1


“常任法官”(permanent judge) 指根據第7條委任為常任法官的法官; (由1997年第120號第4條


“終審法院”、“終審法院審判庭”(Court) 指香港終審法院、香港終審法院審判庭。

(2) 在本條例中,凡提述原訟法庭,均包括1997年7月1日之前已運作的高等法院。 (由1997年


條: 3 終審法院的設立 79 of 1995 01/07/1997


條: 4 終審法院的司法管轄權 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997 s. 3


(1) 終審法院具有根據本條例及其他法律賦予它的司法管轄權。

(2) 終審法院對國防、外交等國家行為無司法管轄權。

(3) 終審法院在審理案件中遇有涉及國家行為的事實問題,須取得行政長官就該等問題發出的

證明文件,而上述證明文件對終審法院具約束力。 (由1997年第120號第3條修訂)

(4) 在發出該證明文件前,行政長官須自中央人民政府取得證明書。 (由1997年第120號第3條


條: 5 終審法院的組成 132 of 1997 s. 2 05/09/1997

(1) 以下法官為終審法院的法官─

(a) 首席法官;及

(b) 常任法官。

(2) 終審法院可根據需要邀請非常任香港法官參加終審法院的審判。

(3) 終審法院可根據需要邀請其他普通法適用地區法官參加終審法院的審判。

(4) 當一名法官依據第(2)或(3)款以終審法院成員身分參加審判時,他須被當作為終審法院的


(5) 在不抵觸第7(2)條的條文下,常任法官的人數不得少於3名。

(6) 除第(7)款另有規定外,凡首席法官患病或因任何因由缺勤,行政長官須委任一名有資格獲



為資歷昀高。 (由1997年第132號第2條修訂)

(7) 如首席法官因患病或因任何因由缺勤而無常任法官有獲委任為首席法官的資格,則即使在



指明的方式決定。 (由1997年第132號第2條增補)


條: 6 首席法官 10 of 2005 08/07/2005

(1) 首席法官須由行政長官根據司法人員推薦委員會的推薦委任。

(1A) 首席法官須由在外國無居留權的香港特區永久性居民中的中國公民擔任。 (由1997年第

484 - 《香港終審法院條例》 2



(2) 首席法官是司法機構之首,負責司法機構的行政管理及執行其他合法地不時委予他的職


(3) 任何常任法官、上訴法庭法官或原訟法庭法官,一經獲委任為首席法官,即終止擔任常任

法官、上訴法庭法官或原訟法庭法官的職位。 (由1997年第120號第5條修訂;由2005年第10號第



條: 7 常任法官的委任 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997 ss. 4 & 6


(1) 終審法院常任法官須由行政長官根據司法人員推薦委員會的推薦委任。

(2) 如任何常任法官的職位因該常任法官去世或其他原因而出缺,以致常任法官的人數減至不



(3) 任何上訴法庭法官或原訟法庭法官,一經獲委任為常任法官,即終止擔任上訴法庭法官或

原訟法庭法官的職位。 (由1997年第120號第6條修訂)


條: 7A 同意終審法院法官的委任或免職 120 of 1997 01/07/1997

(1) 行政長官須─

*(a) 就依據第6、7、8及9條委任的終審法院法官、非常任法官和其他普通法適用地區法官


(b) 將該等委任或免職按香港特區《基本法》第九十條報中華人民共和國全國人民代表大


(2) 就本條而言,“立法會”(Legislative Council) 指立法會,但在臨時立法會存續期內則




* 關於立法會的同意,請參閱─

(a) 香港回歸條例第4條及附表2;及

(b) 1997年第397號法律公告;1998年第2號法律公告(經1998年第117號法律公告更正);2000年




條: 8 非常任香港法官名單 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997 s. 4


(1) 現設一稱為“非常任香港法官名單”的名單。

(2) 該名單須由獲行政長官根據司法人員推薦委員會的推薦委任為非常任香港法官的法官所構



484 - 《香港終審法院條例》 3

條: 9 其他普通法適用地區法官名單 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997 s. 4


(1) 現設一稱為“其他普通法適用地區法官名單”的名單。

(2) 該名單須由獲行政長官根據司法人員推薦委員會的推薦委任為其他普通法適用地區法官的



條: 10 非常任法官人數的限制 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997 s. 4




條: 11 法官的排名次序 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997 s. 4



(a) 首席法官;

(b) 常任法官,而他們之間的排名須按他們獲委任該職的日期先後決定;

(c) 非常任香港法官,而他們之間的排名須按他們獲委列入非常任香港法官名單的日期先


(d) 其他普通法適用地區法官,而他們之間的排名須按他們獲委列入其他普通法適用地區



條: 12 法官的專業資格 10 of 2005 08/07/2005

(1) 任何以下人士均有資格獲委任為首席法官─ (由2005年第10號第155條修訂)

(aa) 常任法官; (由2005年第10號第155條增補)

(a) 高等法院首席法官、上訴法庭法官或原訟法庭法官;或 (由1997年第120號第8條修


(b) 在香港以大律師或律師身分執業昀少10年的大律師。

(1A) 任何以下人士均有資格獲委任為常任法官—

(a) 高等法院首席法官、上訴法庭法官或原訟法庭法官;或

(b) 在香港以大律師或律師身分執業昀少10年的大律師。 (由2005年第10號第155條增補)

(2) (由2005年第10號第155條廢除)

(3) 任何以下人士均有資格獲委任為非常任香港法官,不論他是否通常居住於香港─

(a) 已退休的高等法院首席法官; (由1997年第120號第8條修訂)

(b) 已退休的終審法院首席法官;

(c) 已退休的終審法院常任法官;

(d) 現職或已退休的上訴法庭法官;或

(e) 在香港以大律師或律師身分執業昀少10年的大律師。

(4) 任何符合以下條件的人士均有資格獲委任為其他普通法適用地區法官─

(a) 屬其他普通法適用地區的民事或刑事司法管轄權不設限的法院的現職或已退休法官


484 - 《香港終審法院條例》 4

(b) 他通常居住於香港以外地方;及

(c) 他從未在香港擔任過高等法院法官、區域法院法官或常任裁判官。 (由1997年第120


(5) 在第(3)款中,凡提述已退休的高等法院首席法官、上訴法庭法官或原訟法庭法官之處,包


法官。 (由1997年第120號第8條增補。由2005年第10號第155條修訂)

(6) 在第(4)款中,凡提述從未在香港擔任過高等法院法官、區域法院法官或常任裁判官的人,

包括提述從未在1997年7月1日前擔任過昀高法院大法官、地方法院法官或常任裁判官的人。 (由



條: 13 禁止以大律師或律師身分執業 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997 s. 4






條: 14 任期 10 of 2005 08/07/2005

(1) 首席法官及常任法官須於到達退休年齡時離任。

(2) 即使第(1)款已有規定─

(a) 除(b)段另有規定外,首席法官的任期可由行政長官根據司法人員推薦委員會的建議延



法官(視屬何情況而定)須被視為已達退休年齡; (由2005年第10號第156條修訂)

(b) 可獲委任為首席法官或常任法官而已達65歲的人士,其任期為3年,而首席法官的任期


根據首席法官的建議延期,而兩者的任期均可延續一次,為期3年。 (由2005年第10


(c) (由2005年第10號第156條廢除)

(3) 對於非常任法官,並無指定退休年齡。

(4) 非常任法官的任期為3年,但行政長官可根據首席法官的建議,將非常任法官的任期延續一


(5) 法官可隨時以書面通知行政長官而辭職。

(6) 法官只可因他無力履行其職責(不論是否因其體力或智力衰弱或其他因由所致)或因其行為


(7) 首席法官只可由行政長官根據其所委任的法官審議庭的建議予以免職;審議庭由不少於5名


(8) 常任法官或非常任法官只可由行政長官根據首席法官所委任的法官審議庭的建議予以免


(9) 如審議庭正就某法官的免職問題進行調查,行政長官可著令該法官暫停執行其職能。

(10) 行政長官可隨時將上述暫停執行職能事撤銷,而如審議庭建議某法官不應被免職,則


484 - 《香港終審法院條例》 5

(11) 在本條及第15條中,“退休年齡”(retiring age) 指65歲。


條: 15 法官的持續權力 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997 s. 4






條: 16 上訴的聆訊 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997 s. 4


(1) 在符合第(4)款的規定下,上訴須由終審法院審判庭聆訊及裁決,而終審法院審判庭須由以


(a) 首席法官或根據第(2)款指定代替首席法官參加審判的常任法官;

(b) 3名由首席法官委派的常任法官;及

(c) 由首席法官挑選並由終審法院邀請的1名非常任香港法官或1名其他普通法適用地區法


(2) 首席法官須出任終審法院審判庭庭長,但如他由於某一因由以致未能出庭聆訊上訴,則他


(3) 凡依據第(2)款由某名法官代替首席法官參加審判,終審法院審判庭仍須由5名法官組成。

(4) 凡由於某一因由以致出庭聆訊上訴的常任法官人數不足,則首席法官須委派一名非常任香


(5) 任何由過半數參加審判的法官所作的判決或命令,須當作為終審法院審判庭所作的判決或


(6) 如未能由參加審判的法官作出過半數的判決或命令,則須命令重新聆訊。

(7) 如某法官由於某一因由以致在一宗上訴聆訊開始後但未作出判決前在該聆訊中缺席,則在


(8) 任何法官不得就以下上訴的聆訊,或就在以下上訴的附帶或初步法律程序中有關申請的裁


(a) 就由他作出或由他以成員身分參加審判的法庭所作出的判決或命令而提出的上訴;

(b) 針對在他席前所作判罪或針對由他所作判刑而提出的上訴。


條: 17 終審法院的權力 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997 ss. 4 & 9


(1) 終審法院可確認、推翻或更改上訴所針對的法院決定,或將有關事項發還該法院處理並附


(2) 為處理上訴,終審法院可行使上訴所針對的法院所具有的任何權力(包括命令重審的權


(3) 凡終審法院回復定罪的裁決,可作出以下命令─

(a) 原審法庭本可作出的復還財產令;及

(b) 原審法庭本可根據《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第73條作出的補償令。

484 - 《香港終審法院條例》 6


(4) 終審法院可不時將上訴的聆訊押後。

(5) 在本條例或其他條例的條文中准許或規定採取步驟以執行或強制執行上訴法庭或原訟法庭


決或命令。 (由1997年第120號第4及9條修訂)

條: 18 上訴委員會 133 of 1997 s. 2 03/10/1997

(1) 現設立一上訴委員會,由以下成員組成─

(a) 首席法官及2名由首席法官委派的常任法官;或

(b) 3名由首席法官委派的常任法官。 (由1997年第120號第4條修訂)

(2) 終審法院聆訊及決定是否接納上訴許可申請的權力(包括根據第32(3)條作出證明的權力),

須由上訴委員會行使。 (由1997年第133號第2條修訂)

(2A) 任何法官不得於在以下上訴的附帶或初步法律程序中的申請的聆訊及裁定中,以上訴委員


(a) 就由他作出或由他以成員身分參加審判的法庭所作出的判決或命令而提出的上訴;

(b) 針對在他席前所作判罪或針對由他所作判刑而提出的上訴;或

(c) 一項上訴,而他或他以成員身分參加審判的法庭已就該上訴拒絕上訴許可申請或要求

根據第32(2)條給予證明的申請。 (由1997年第133號第2條增補)

(2B) 凡因任何因由以致沒有足夠的常任法官參加上訴委員會審判以聆訊和裁定申請,首席法官

須委派一名非常任香港法官代替常任法官參加審判。 (由1997年第133號第2條增補)

(3) 上訴委員會的決定是昀終的決定,而對上訴委員會的決定不得提出上訴。

部: II 民事 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997 s. 4






導言* L.N. 102 of 2002 02/12/2002


* (由2002年第11號第2條增補)

條: 19 釋義 L.N. 102 of 2002 02/12/2002


“上訴”(appeal) 指就任何民事訟案或事項向終審法院提出的上訴;

“上訴法庭”(Court of Appeal) 包括上訴法庭的單一名法官,如有關上訴事項是可適當地由上訴

法庭的單一名法官處理者; (由1997年第120號第4條修訂)

“判決”(judgment) 包括判令、命令或決定;

“紀錄”(record) 指與某一上訴有關而積存的文件(包括申訴答辯書、證供及判決書),而該等文件


484 - 《香港終審法院條例》 7


條: 20 適用範圍 79 of 1995 01/07/1997


條: 21 民事司法管轄權 79 of 1995 01/07/1997






源自上訴法庭的上訴提交終審法院;與選舉有關的上訴* 18 of 2011 15/07/2011


* (由2002年第11號第3條增補。由2011年第18號第31條修訂)

條: 22 民事上訴 18 of 2011 15/07/2011

(1) 在以下情況下,可向終審法院提出上訴─ (由2001年第21號第52條修訂)

(a) 如上訴是就上訴法庭就任何民事訟案或事項所作的昀終判決而提出的,而上訴爭議的事項



審法院須視提出該上訴為一項當然權利而受理該上訴; (由2001年第21號第52條修訂)

(b) 如該上訴是就上訴法庭就任何民事訟案或事項所作的其他判決而提出的,不論是昀終判決



審法院須酌情決定終審法院是否受理該上訴;及 (由2001年第21號第52條修訂)

(c) 如上訴是就原訟法庭—

(i) 根據《行政長官選舉條例》(第569章)第37(1)條所作的裁定而提出的; (由2011年第


(ii) 就—

(A) 根據《高等法院條例》(第4章)第21K條提出的司法覆核申請;或

(B) 根據該條例的任何其他法律程序,



28條獲宣布在選舉中當選的候選人能否合法地就任為行政長官作為爭論點的; (由


(iii) 根據《立法會條例》(第542章)第67條所作的裁定而提出的; (由2011年第18號


(iv) 就—

(A) 根據《高等法院條例》(第4章)第21K條提出的司法覆核申請;或

(B) 根據該條例進行的任何其他法律程序,



論點的; (由2011年第18號第32條增補)

(v) 根據《區議會條例》(第547章)第55條所作的裁定而提出的; (由2011年第18號第32

484 - 《香港終審法院條例》 8


(vi) 就—

(A) 根據《高等法院條例》(第4章)第21K條提出的司法覆核申請;或

(B) 根據該條例進行的任何其他法律程序,



民選議員作為爭論點的; (由2011年第18號第32條增補)

(vii) 根據《村代表選舉條例》(第576章)第45條所作的裁定而提出的;或 (由2011年


(viii) 就—

(A) 根據《高等法院條例》(第4章)第21K條提出的司法覆核申請;或

(B) 根據該條例進行的任何其他法律程序,



表作為爭論點的, (由2011年第18號第32條增補)

則終審法院須酌情決定是否受理該上訴。 (由2001年第21號第52條增補)

(2) 行政長官會同行政會議可在憲報刊登命令,修訂第(1)款以更改其內所指明的款額。


條: 23 上訴許可 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997 s. 4


(1) 終審法院不得受理任何上訴,除非─

(a) 上訴法庭已給予上訴許可;或

(b) 終審法院已給予上訴許可(如上訴法庭未給予此項許可)。 (由1997年第120號第4條修


(2) 如提出某一上訴是一項當然的權利,則有關法院不得拒絕給予上訴許可,而須首先按照第


條: 24 申請上訴許可 L.N. 187 of 2001 21/09/2001

(1) 向上訴法庭或終審法院提出上訴許可申請,須以動議形式提出。

(2) 第(1)款所指的動議的通知,須在上訴所針對的判決作出當日起計28日內提交,而申請人亦



(3) 如上訴許可申請遭上訴法庭拒絕,或如就第22(1)(c)條所提述的原訟法庭的裁定、判決或

命令提出上訴,則申請人可向終審法院申請許可,而此項申請須以動議形式提出。 (由2001年第21


(4) 第(3)款所指的動議的通知,須在自申請遭上訴法庭拒絕當日起計28日內提交,而申請人亦



(5) 上訴法庭或終審法院(視屬何情況而定)可作出命令,以其認為適當的條件,延長就申請人


(6) 縱使申請人是在指定的期限過後始申請延期,上訴法庭或終審法院(視屬何情況而定)可延


484 - 《香港終審法院條例》 9


條: 25 給予上訴許可 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997 s. 4


(1) 凡上訴法庭或終審法院決定或需要就根據第24條提出的申請,給予上訴許可,則有關法院


(2) 上訴法庭或終審法院根據第(1)款給予許可時,在不限制第(1)款的概括性原則下,可附加


(a) 有關上訴人作出保證的條件,而根據該條件,上訴人須作出一項妥善而足夠的保證,




(b) 上訴法庭或終審法院認為適當的其他條件(如有的話),而該等條件是有關上訴人須在


(3) 根據第(2)(a)款須作出的保證─

(a) 須在上訴法庭或終審法院指定的期間內作出,但不得遲於由給予上訴許可當日起計3個


(b) 須令上訴法庭或終審法院感到滿意,而保證款額按每名答辯人計不超逾$400000。

(4) 上訴法庭或終審法院(視屬何情況而定),可按其認為適當的方式更改其已根據本條附加的


(5) 行政長官會同行政會議可在憲報刊登命令,修訂第(3)(b)款以更改其內所指明的款額。

(6) 在不損害第(2)款的原則下,上訴法庭或終審法院(視屬何情況而定),在根據第(1)款給予



條: 26 擱置執行判決 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997 s. 4


(1) 凡上訴所針對的判決規定上訴人須繳付款項或履行責任,上訴法庭或終審法院(視屬何情況



(2) 凡上訴法庭或終審法院指示上訴所針對的判決須予執行,則因該指示而受惠的人,須在該



(3) 凡上訴法庭或終審法院指示上訴所針對的判決在上訴待決期間暫緩執行,則上訴人須作出




條: 27 申請的通知 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997 s. 4


(1) 凡有人申請昀終的上訴許可,上訴法庭或終審法院(視屬何情況而定)可查詢上訴人是否已


(2) 如上訴法庭或終審法院(視屬何情況而定)並不信納上訴人已就該申請昀終的上訴許可事宜

484 - 《香港終審法院條例》 10










源自原訟法庭的上訴提交終審法院*# L.N. 102 of 2002 02/12/2002


* 與《2002年香港終審法院(修訂)條例》(2002年第11號)所作的修訂相關的過渡性條文見於該


# (由2002年第11號第4條增補)

條: 27A 定義 L.N. 102 of 2002 02/12/2002


“法官”(judge) 指原訟法庭法官、原訟法庭特委法官或原訟法庭暫委法官;

“原訟法庭”(Court of First Instance) 指高等法院原訟法庭。



* 與《2002年香港終審法院(修訂)條例》(2002年第11號)所作的修訂相關的過渡性條文見於該條例


條: 27B 民事上訴 L.N. 102 of 2002 02/12/2002

(1) 即使第22條另有規定,如上訴是就原訟法庭任何民事訟案或事項的判決提出並符合第



(2) 除非—

(a) 法官已根據第27C條發出一份證明書;及

(b) 終審法院已根據第27D條給予上訴許可,



條: 27C 證明書的給予 L.N. 102 of 2002 02/12/2002

(1) 凡上訴可根據本分部就某法律程序提出,而審理證明書申請的法官應法律程序的任何一方


(a) 就該法律程序中法官所作的決定而言,有關條件已符合;及

(b) 向終審法院提出上訴的足夠理據成立,使提出該上訴的許可申請獲得支持;及

(c) 該法律程序的各方同意根據本條給予證明書,


(2) 為施行第(1)(a)款,就任何法律程序中法官所作的決定而言,該決定必須涉及具有重大廣

484 - 《香港終審法院條例》 11


(a) 如該法律問題並非純粹或並非主要是涉及《基本法》的詮釋,則該法律問題必須—

(i) 純粹或主要是關乎某條例或附屬法例的詮釋,並於該法律程序中徹底論及,而該





(b) 如該法律問題純粹或主要是涉及《基本法》的詮釋,則該法律問題必須是該法官受上



(3) 根據本條要求給予證明書的申請,須在下述期間完結前向法官提出—

(a) 由判決作出當日起計的14日;或

(b) 法院規則所訂明的其他較長期間。

(4) 審理根據本條要求給予證明書的申請的法官,在切實可行及適宜的範圍內,須為與該申請


(5) 不得就根據本條給予證明書或拒絕根據本條給予證明書提出上訴。


條: 27D 上訴許可 L.N. 102 of 2002 02/12/2002

(1) 凡在任何法律程序中,法官根據第27C條給予證明書,法律程序的任何一方可在下述期間內


(a) 由給予證明書當日起計的28日;或

(b) 終審法院在個別個案中容許的較長期間。

(2) 除第(4)款另有規定外,如有人根據本條提出申請,而終審法院覺得適宜給予許可將上訴直


(a) 針對證明書所關乎的法官決定的上訴,不得向上訴法庭提出;但

(b) 針對該決定的上訴須向終審法院提出。

(3) 根據本條提出的申請,須由上訴委員會在有進行或沒有進行聆訊的情況下,決定是否接


(4) 在不損害第(2)款的原則下,在以下時間前,針對根據第27C條給予的證明書所關乎的法官


(a) 根據本條提出申請的限期已經屆滿;及

(b) 如有人提出申請,已就該申請作出決定。


條: 27E 附加條件的上訴許可 L.N. 102 of 2002 02/12/2002

(1) 終審法院根據第27D(2)條給予上訴許可時,可附加其認為有需要的條件。

(2) 第25(2)、(3)、(4)及(6)條在作出需要的變通後,就根據本條給予的上訴許可而適用,猶


(3) 第26條就根據本分部提出的上訴所針對的判決及根據本分部提出上訴的許可的給予而適



(4) 第27條就根據本分部向終審法院提出的昀終上訴許可的申請而適用,猶如該條就根據第2分

484 - 《香港終審法院條例》 12



條: 27F 排除於第27B(1)條之外的個案 L.N. 102 of 2002 02/12/2002

(1) 凡憑藉任何成文法則(本分部的條文除外),就任何法律程序中法官所作的決定而言,不可


(2) 凡憑藉任何成文法則(本分部的條文除外),就法官的決定而言,就上訴法庭對不服該法官



(3) 凡憑藉任何成文法則(本分部的條文除外),只有在獲得法官或上訴法庭的許可下才可就法



(4) 如法官所作出的決定,或法官依據該決定所作出的任何命令,是在行使懲處藐視法庭罪的



部: III 刑事 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997


條: 28 釋義 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997



“上訴”(appeal) 指根據本部向終審法院提出的上訴,而“上訴人”(appellant)具有相應的涵




“原審法庭”(court of trial),就一宗上訴而言,指審訊案件而引致向上訴法庭或原訟法庭上訴

的法庭。 (由1997年第120號第4及10條修訂)

條: 29 適用範圍 79 of 1995 01/07/1997


條: 30 刑事司法管轄權 79 of 1995 01/07/1997


條: 31 刑事上訴 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997




(a) 上訴法庭的昀終決定;

(b) 原訟法庭的昀終決定(不包括陪審團的裁決或裁定),而就此項決定是不能向上訴法庭

484 - 《香港終審法院條例》 13

提出上訴的。 (由1997年第120號第11條修訂)


條: 32 上訴許可 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997


(1) 除非終審法院已給予上訴許可,否則不得受理有關上訴。

(2) 除非上訴法庭或原訟法庭(視屬何情況而定)證明有關案件的決定是涉及具有重大而廣泛的

重要性的法律論點,或顯示曾有實質及嚴重的不公平情況,否則終審法院不得給予上訴許可。 (由


(3) 凡上訴法庭或原訟法庭拒絕按第(2)款所述予以證明,則終審法院可給予證明,並給予上訴

許可。 (由1997年第120號第4及12條修訂)

(4) 終審法院在根據第(1)款給予許可時,可就上訴的進行對任何一方附加時限規定,並且可應


條: 33 申請上訴許可 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997


(1) 向終審法院提出上訴許可申請,須自上訴法庭或原訟法庭(視屬何情況而定)作出決定當日

起計28日內提出。 (由1997年第120號第4及13條修訂)

(2) 終審法院可應上訴案中任何一方在任何時間提出的申請,將根據第(1)款向其提出申請的期


(3) 向終審法院提出的上訴須視為待決案件,直至上訴許可申請獲得處理;如已獲給予上訴許


條: 34 保釋 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997


(1) 終審法院、上訴法庭或原訟法庭(視屬何情況而定),可應一名提出上訴或申請上訴許可的



(2) 終審法院、上訴法庭或原訟法庭(視屬何情況而定)在根據第(1)款准予保釋時,可附加其認


(3) 如根據第(1)款提出申請的人被拒絕保釋,其後他即無權─

(a) 在上訴聆訊尚未開始前重新申請保釋,但如他向終審法院、上訴法庭或原訟法庭提出



(b) 在上訴聆訊期間重新申請保釋,但如他向終審法院提出該申請,則屬例外。


條: 35 在檢控人提出上訴後將被告人羈留 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997


(1) 凡上訴法庭或原訟法庭(視屬何情況而定)就某一案件作出的決定引致向終審法院上訴,而



484 - 《香港終審法院條例》 14

(2) 如被告人若非由於上訴法庭或原訟法庭(視屬何情況而定)所作的決定,是會被羈留的,則




(3) 根據本條作出的命令,在被告人本會被羈留的期間屆滿時即不再生效(上訴已獲處理者則除



(4) 如被告人若非由於上訴法庭或原訟法庭的決定,本會依據以下命令被羈留的─

(a) 根據《精神健康條例》(第136章)第IV部所作出的命令;或

(b) 根據《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第76(1)條所作出的命令,




條: 36 被告人的出席 79 of 1995 01/07/1997



條: 37 上訴對判刑的影響 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997


(1) 如被判刑的人根據第34或35條獲准保釋出外,則在計算其刑期時,該段保釋期間不得作服


(2) 如終審法院在審理上訴時以某一判刑取代另一判刑,則除非終審法院、上訴法庭或原訟法



(3) 在本條中,“判刑”(sentence)包括某一法庭在處理犯罪者時所作出的任何命令(包括根據



部: IV 雜項規定 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

條: 38 撤回上訴 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

(1) 上訴人可隨時在終審法院許可下撤回上訴。

(2) 凡上訴人根據第(1)款撤回上訴,則在不抵觸答辯人與上訴人達成任何相反的協議下,答辯


條: 39 規則 79 of 1995 01/07/1997




484 - 《香港終審法院條例》 15

條: 40 規則委員會 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997


(1) 現設立一終審法院規則委員會,由以下成員組成─

(a) 首席法官; (由1997年第120號第4條修訂)

(b) 2名常任法官; (由1997年第120號第4條修訂)

(c) 司法常務官;

(d) 2名由香港大律師公會提名的大律師;

(e) 2名由香港律師會提名的律師;

(f) 律政司司長或一名由律政司司長委派的律政司的律政人員。 (由1997年第120號第17


(2) 司法常務官出任終審法院規則委員會秘書。

(3) 終審法院規則委員會成員會議的法定人數須由一名大律師、一名律師、律政司司長或一名

由他委任的律政司的律政人員,以及不少於2名其他成員所構成。 (由1997年第120號第17條修訂)

條: 41 登記處 79 of 1995 01/07/1997


條: 42 司法常務官 10 of 2005 08/07/2005

(1) 須有一名司法常務官隸屬於終審法院。

(2) 司法常務官須由行政長官委任,而他所須具備的資格須與根據《高等法院條例》(第4章)第

37AA(1)條委任高等法院司法常務官所要求者相同。 (由1997年第120號第4及18條修訂;由2005年


(3) 司法常務官具有並可行使及履行由或根據法院規則或任何其他法律授予或委予他的司法管


(4) 首席法官可委任所需的終審法院其他人員,以執行終審法院的事務;該等人員可行使及履

行由或根據法院規則或任何其他法律授予或委予他們的司法管轄權、權力及職責。 (由1997年第


(5) 遇有司法常務官因任何因由而缺勤時,首席法官須委派另一人署理司法常務官的職務,而


同。 (由1997年第120號第4條修訂;由2005年第10號第157條修訂)

條: 43 訟費 23 of 2002 19/07/2002

(1) 訟費(包括由終審法院以下的法院或由裁判官審理時引致的訟費),須由終審法院指令的一

方或人士繳付,而有關的訟費須由司法常務官或獲他轉委其職能的終審法院其他人員評定。 (由


(2) 凡上訴委員會拒絕上訴許可申請,則該項申請的訟費及因該項申請所引致的訟費,須由上


員評定。 (由2002年第23號第8條增補)

條: 44 上訴的遲滯進行 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

(1) 凡上訴人在獲得根據第II部給予的昀終的上訴許可或根據第III部給予的上訴許可後,並沒

484 - 《香港終審法院條例》 ! 16



(2) 上訴人可就其上訴因遲滯進行被駁回,向終審法院申請命令,以恢復聆訊其上訴。

(3) 凡根據本條將上訴駁回,答辯人可向終審法院申請判給訟費的命令。

條: 45 對評定訟費的決定提出的上訴 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997 s. 4


(1) 任何一方如因評定訟費的決定而感到受屈,可按照法院規則向終審法院提出上訴。

(2) 常任法官可行使終審法院的所有權力,以聆訊及裁決根據本條提出的上訴。 (由1997年第


條: 46 單一名常任法官的權力 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997 s. 4


(1) 單一名常任法官可行使以下終審法院的權力─

(a) 延長申請上訴許可的期限;及

(b) 根據第III部作出保釋令或作出與保釋有關的命令,



(2) 在聆訊上訴許可申請或聆訊上訴時,單一名常任法官可在任何時間作出不涉及有關申請或



(3) 上訴委員會可撤銷或更改根據第(2)款作出的命令。

(4) 根據本條由單一名常任法官行使的權力,在不抵觸法院規則的條文下,可由該法官在內庭



條: 47 開庭及法院事務 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997 s. 4


(1) 終審法院審判庭開庭的時間及地點,由首席法官指定。 (由1997年第120號第4條修訂)

(2) 所有終審法院審判庭或上訴委員會的法律程序須公開進行,讓公眾人士列席旁聽。

(3) 終審法院審判庭或上訴委員會如認為基於司法公正或因公安或保安理由而有必要時,可作



(4) 第(3)款不適用於因其職務或專業或因法庭命令或因其他理由而需要為法律程序的目的在終


(5) 任何人違反根據第(3)款作出的指示,即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處罰款$5000及監禁6個月,


(6) 終審法院的事務須按照首席法官的指示而分派。 (由1997年第120號第4條修訂)

條: 48 印章 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997 s. 4


(1) 終審法院須使用首席法官所指示使用的印章。 (由1997年第120號第4條修訂)

484 - 《香港終審法院條例》 17

(2) 所有判決書、命令、文件及其正式文本或副本,均須蓋上第(1)款所提述的印章。

(3) 任何判決書、命令、文件及其正式文本或副本,如看來是根據第(2)款規定蓋上印章的,則


條: 49 過渡性條文 79 of 1995; 120 of 1997


(1) 任何上訴,如已獲樞密院司法委員會或上訴法院給予有條件的、昀終的或特別的上訴許可



該上訴所涉的訟費須由誰人繳付及須予繳付的範圍。 (由1997年第120號第19條修訂)

(2) 凡在第22(1)條中提述上訴法庭的昀終判決或非正審判決之處,及在第31條中提述上訴法庭


決或決定。 (由1997年第120號第19條增補)

(3) 就第(2)條款的引伸意義而引起的上訴而言,凡在第23、28、32(2)、33(1)及35條中,提述

上訴法庭及原訟法庭之處,包括提述在1997年7月1日前存在的上訴法院及高等法院。 (由1997年第


條: 50 (已失時效而略去) 79 of 1995 01/07/1997


附表: 附表(已失時效而略去) 79 of 1995 01/07/1997


484 - 《香港終審法院條例》 18

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