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Закон Киргизской Республики от 21.01.2003 г. № 46 «О внесении изменений и дополнений в некоторые законодательные акты Киргизской Республики», Кыргызстан

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Основной(ые) текст(ы) Основной(ые) текст(ы) Английский Law of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 46 of February 27, 2003, on Amendments to Certain Laws of the Kyrgyz Republic        
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Kyrgyz Republic - Law No. 46 of January 21, 2003, on changes and additions in some legislative acts

lP/N/1/КGZ/C/2/Add.2, lP/N/1/КGZ/C/3/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/C/4/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/I/2/Add.1, IP/N!l/КGZ!I/3/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/L/1/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/P/1/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/P/2/Add.l Page 2


On changes and additions in some Jegislatiye acts

of the Kyгgyz. RepuЬlic

A.>1:icle 1.

Тhе Pateпt Law of t11e Kyrgyz Republic (Вulletin of tl1e Jogorku Kenesh 1998, N 3, Article 69) is amended as follO\VS.
1. Tlle whole teлi of ilie Law is aшended:
Ьу striking "protected document" in all grammar forms and inserting "patent" in all grarmnar forms; Ьу strikiпg "preliminary patent", "certificate", "certiiicate for", "or certificate" in all grашшат fonпs.
2. iiJticle 2
Т11е Article title is aшended as follows: "Т11е representati1тe State body of ilie Kyrgyz RepuЬiic in ilie field of
Iпtellectual Ртореn:у";
ilie fust paragraph is amended Ьу st..riking "State Agency of Intellectual Property under ilie Goyernment of ilie Kyrgyz RepuЪlic апd inserting "The representati1тe State body of tl1e Kyгgyz Republic in tl1e field of Intellecrual Property''.
3. Article 3 is aшended:
tl1e first paragrapll to геаd as follows: ''Т11е iпdustrial Property Rigllt of suqject- matter is protected Ьу tllisLaw and coпfirmed Ьу fue patent iliat evartifies priority, auiliorship and pateпt owner exclнsi\'e rigl1t for tllls industrial propert:y subject-шatter";
Ьу striking ilie secoпd and the iliird paragraplls;
Ьу regarding paragraplls 4 and 5 as paragraphs 2 and 3 respecti1тely;
4. Article 4 is amended as follows:
''Article 4. Tenn of а patent
Patent for an iwention shaП Ье effectiYe during twenty years as of ilie date of sнbшission fue application to Kyrgyzpatent At tl1e гequest oftl1e O\vner, Kyrgyzpatent шау ел'tепd fue effectiye period oftl1e patent for ан iпveпtioп related to pharшaceutics for а tem1 not longer fuaп :fi1тe years.
Tlle pateпt for utility model shall Ье effecti\тe wiiliiп tl1e period of fiye years as of fue date of file of an applicatioп witl1 Kyrgyzpatent. At fue request oftl1e owneг, Kyrgyzpatent шау extend tl1e effective period oft11e pateпt for an invenrion for utility model for а term not longer Ihan furee years.
Patent for an industrial design shall Ье effectiye wifuin ten years as of fue date of file an application 1fu Kyrgyzpateпt. At fue request of fue patent owner, Kyrgyzpat.ent may eлiend fue e:ffecti11e tenn of fue patent for an iпdustrial desigп for а term not longer tl1an fi1тe years".

.5. iuticle 7 is amended:

Ьу addiпg at tl1e first paragrapl1 tl1e followiпg: "At tl1at а tem1 "a..rticle"' rnem1s industrial от horne-made good";
Ьу striking "and industrial applicaion" from ратаg:гар112; Ьу strikiпg paragraph 7,
Ьу regarding paragraphs 8, 9 as pa..'dgraphs 7 and 8 respecti1тely.
6. Article 11 is an1eпded as follows:
fue first paragraph is aJ.nended Ьу strilcing "preliminary patent, patent for an inYention, for а design, certificate - utility model" a11d inserting "pate11t for iпdustrial property subject-matter";
Ьу adding at fue _4..,тticle ilie following second paragraph: "Tlle exclнsi1'e rigllt to protected Intellectual Property
subject-шatters appears siлce tlle date- ofpuЪlicatioп ofthe iпfonnatioп conceпliпg pateпt issue iл fue Official Bulletiп issued Ьу Kyrgyzpatent";
paragтaphs 4 and 5 to read as follows: "Manufactшe, application., iшpo:rtoffer for sale, sale and а11у oilier introduction to the econoшic tumoYer or storage of а ршduст for fuis ршроsе tl1a1: coпtaiпs objects of indusr,_гial propen:y protected Ьу а раtещ as 1vell as exploiration oftl1e шetlюd protected Ьу а patent for an iштention sl1all Ье coпsidered as ilie exploitatioп of an objecr propen:y

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Page 3

The product shall Ье deemed coniaining an iшrention protected Ьу а paient for iпventioR utility model if it. contains e,rery feature of the iшrentioг.., пtility model listed in an independent point of the formlйa or а feature equi,ralent tl1ereto, which is krюwn as sнch in this field of technology at the dare of begi,_uring eл-ploitation. The method protected Ьу patent for an iшrention sl1all Ье deemed applicaЬle if е,теrу featшe ofthe invention listed in an independent point ofthe formula or equivalent to it feature which is know as sпch in the field oftechnology on the date ofbegiпning the exploitation is applied";

Ьу regarding paragraphs 2-ll as parts 3-12 respectively.

7. Article 14 is aшended:

Ьу adding at the Article title following: "and Provisional Legal Protection";

the :first paragraph is aшended:

Ьу striking "of iшrentions, пtility model, indust.rial design" а..чd inserting "intellectual property subject-matter";

Ьу addiпg "of sucl1 use";

Ьу adding at the Article following paragraphs 3-8:

"The claimed in'тention since the date of puЬlication of the iпformation coпceming applicatioll to the date of puЬlication of tl1e information coпceming patent issue is provided Ьу provisioпal legal protection in tl1e scope of puЬlished fomшla but no more than the scope determined Ьу the formula contained in tl1e issued patenl.

Provisionallegal protection shall not Ье considered if an application was wiilidrawn or considered as wiilidrawn

ог if decisioп on tl1e refusal in pateпt issue was made and the possiЬilities for its appeal are exhausted.

Апу natпral person or legal entity, using the claimed inYention within the pro,тisionallegal protection period shall рау an appropriate pecu..чiary compensation to tl1e pateпt owпer after pateпt getting. Size of this ccшpensation shall Ье determined Ьу the agreemeпt between appropriate parties.

Pro,тision of paragraph 5 of this i>uticle are also cover the objects of iпdustrial property since tl1e date of placement of means containing sнch objects of industrial property at official or officially recognized intemational exhiЬition arranged on the territory of member-state of ilie Paris Convention on Industrial Pшperty Protection, pro,тided that an application for patent grant was filed with Кyrgyzpatent по later than six months since indicated date.

А person beginning the use of the object of industrial property since priority date but before the date of

puЬlication of the information conceming application for granting of а patent for in'тention as well as information concerning registration of utility modeis or indпstrial designs mпst dissol,;e а fuтther пsе at the request of an applicant.

Howe,тer sпch person must not рау applicant's daшages incuтred as а resпlt of sнch use. In case of failure to

execute the applicant's request provided Ьу paragrapl1 7 of this Article t11e iпfriпger is liahle for tl1e infringeшeпt of rights ofpatent owner in accordance with the Law of the Kyrgyz RepuЬ!ic."

8. The f,rst paragraph of the i>uticle 16 is amended as follows:

"The нsе of an object of industrial property protected Ьу а patent withoнt maintenance of conditions established

Ьу tl1e preseпt Law is considered violation of а patent."

9. The forth paragraph ofthe iuticle 17 is aшended Ьу adding following:

"except fue procednтes related to estaЬlishing date of application filing, fees раушепt, provision of tl1e сору of preYious applica:tioп, if coштentional priority is required, proYision ofthe сору oftl1e application filed earlier, getting of receipts and notificatioпs of Kyrgyzpateпt in respect. of aboYe-шentioned proceduтes, fee payment for mainteпance of the patent."

10. _A,лicle 18 is amended Ьу stri...king paragraph 6.

11. Jurjcle 19 is aшended:

Ьу sиi Jdng "certi:ficate" in the article title, in the first paragrapiJ and in the point lof the second paтagraph and insertiнg "patent";

Ьу stJiliпg pa..agraph 6.

12. i'u.Licle 20 is ameпded as folloVI'S:

tl1t ritle алd 1vhole text is <L'l.lended Ьу srrJci.ng: ''preliшina..ry patent" алd ''prelimiпary раtеш or";

Ь:у striking paгa.graph 6.

IP/N/1/КGZ/C/2/Add.2, IP/N/1/КGZ/C/3/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/C/4/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/V2/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/V3/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/L/1/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/P/11Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/P/2/Add.1

Page 4

13. Article 21 is aшended as follows:

t11e Article title is amended: "Priority of t.c'le Object ofiпdusLrial Property":
the :first paragraph is ашепdеd as follows:
"Priority of an invention and utility шodel shall Ье estaЫished on the date of file of an application with
Kyrgyzpateпt, wltich contaiпs t11e followiпg:
l) application for t11e grant of а patent for invention, utility шodel -with iпdicatioн of applicant;
2) description of inveпtioн, utility шodel or part of description of inveпtion, utility шodel, iпcluding all essential features of the clainled invention, utility шodel or draught as an element of шentioned description or а refe.rence to application of any kiлd filed earlier provided Ьу paragraphs 6-10 of this A.rticle. If t11e applicatioп does not contain above-шentioned doclllllents, Kyrgyzpatent shall notify proшptly the applicant on necessity of submission of these doClllllents within two шonths siпce the date ofreceipt ofthis notification";
t11e second pa_ragraph is aшended as follows:
· "Prioriry of an indust.c-ial design sltall Ье established on the date of file of an application with Kyrgyzpatent containing the follo"ing:

1) application for the grant of а patent for industrial design with indication of the applicant;

2) а. set of depictioп of article (шodel), а list of essential features of ан iпdust...-ial design. If the applicatioп does поt contain reчпired documents Kyrgyzpateпt shall пot:iiY promptly the applicant on necessity of submission of these doc1.llllents within t'.vo шonths since the date of receipt ofthis notification";
the third paragrap.h is aшended Ьу addiing: "The day of filing of the original application is not inclпded to
calculation ofthe said terrns"
t11e fift.h paragraph to read as follows:
"An applicant wishing to use the right of coштentional priority mнst indicate this during filing of an apphcation or du.ring two шontllS from the date of file of an application 'vith Kyrgyzpatent and attach а сору of the initial application or present it not later than four months from the date of receipt of the application Ьу Kyrgyzpatent";
the tenth paragraph is amended Ьу striking: "iштention, нtility model, indпstrial design" and inserting: "indпstrial prope.rry sпbject-шatter".

14. Article 23 is aшended as follo>vs:

"Article 23. Exaruination oft11e Application for a_'llnvention
Кyrgyzpatent shall condпct formal and preliminary exaшinati{Ш of an application.
At the petition ofthe applicant, which can Ье filed with Kyrgyzpatent simllltaneoпsly with application filing or within 30 months since the date of filing, consideration of the application сап Ье made with or 1-vitlюut exaшination on the essence. If petition is not Sltbmitted \>.ri.thin said period, the application is considered as withdrawn".
15. The Law is aшended Ьу adding articles 23-l алd 23-2.
"Article 23-1. Forrnal Exaruination ofthe Application for an Iштention
Dпring the formal exaшination ofthe application for an inv·ention within rnтo-шonth-period the constitution and ассп.rасу of required docuшents prO\тided Ьу A.rticle 18 of this Law are cl1ecked as well as accordance of the claiшed proposal to tl1e objects for which Lhe legal protectioп is pю1тided.
lf afteг coшpletion of formal exantination it is determined that application is filed for proposal not related to the objectв for wllich the legal protection is pю11ided, the decision on гefпsal on patent grant is шаdе.

lf an application is filed with ,,'iolations of reqttirements prescribed to registratio!l and coшpilation, the applicant sltall recei'ile а reчпest with proposal to submit corrected ог absent materials "litЬin two-шonth-period since the date of receipt of the reqпest.

lf applicant sltall110t submit requested docuшeшs от petition for proloпgatioп of effective temts, the application is consideгed as withd.rawn.

lf the application meets all the requiremeшs of fom1al ex&."'liлatioп, а noti.fication that t.1.e application is accepted fог collSideration shall Ье seпt то tl1e applica.J1l.

Arjcle 23-2. Preliшina..ry Exanlination of the Application for an Iштention
\\Ъile conductiнg prelL.чliлa_ry ex:aшinatioн, Kyrgyzpateлt -v,,iili.in ten-month-period shalJ cJ1eck coшpliance of

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the prescribed гequiremeпts to coпtents of the applicatioп documeпts, compliance of tl1e claimed iштeпtion with tl1e criteria of pateнtability of tl1e шaterials of ал applicatioп pro11ided Ьу the applicant, пoп-withdrawn applicatioпs with ал earlier priorit:y, the fund of issued protected docuшeпts of the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as puЬlisl1ed Eurasian applicatioпs and pateпts алd shall estaЪlish tl1e priority ofthe in"\•eпtion алd cl1eck compliance oftl1e applicatioп >Vith requiremeпts for the uпity of tl1e iштention.
The applicant upon the paymeпt of appropriate fee шау sнbmit а petitioп for сопdнсt of rapid prelimiпary exaпriлation for the application for iпveпtioп. In tl1e еУенt that before expiratioп of twel,тe-moпtl1-period sii1ee tl1e date of filing of the application >vith Kyrgyzpateпt or when priority is required siпce the date of priority, the decisioп on pateпt grant is made or pateпt is gтanted and siпillar applicatioп coпcerniпg Yiпdicatioп of earlier p1iority is filed, the decisioп on pateпt gтant or pateпt is cancelled.
If the applicant, iп accordance with Article 22 of this Law, provided additional шaterials, iп the course of tl1e
preliпrinary examiпatioп it shall Ье checked, that they do not chaпge the esseпce of tlle claimed iштепtiоп.
Additioнal materials sЪall chaпge the essence ofthe claiпled iштепtiон ifthey сопtаiп features tlшt are supposed to Ье included iпto the formula of an iштепtiоп which Iште Ьееп absent from the initial materials of an application. Additional materials of tl1e раЦ whicl1 clшnge t11e essence of the claiпled invention, shall Ье takeп iпto accollllt in tl1e coпrse of consideratioп of an application and may Ье registered Ьу the applicant as an iпdepeпdeпt appiicatioп.
On applicatioпs, wmch Ъаd been filed with 1?iolatioпs of tl1e requireшents of ш1ity, an applicant shall Ье offered to iпform, lvithin two-month-period, which of the proposals must Ье considered, a_nd clarify docшnents of the application.
Oilier decisioпs, iпcluded iп the materials of the initial applicatioп, may Ье formalized as separate applicatioпs.
In the е1тепt, if the applicant lvithin two шoпtl1s from the date of receipt ofthe пotificatioп оп the violatioп of the requiremeпt of the unity of an iштeпtion does поt inform which of the proposals shoпld Ье coпsidered and does поt subпrit specified docuшeпts, the first meпtioпed iп the formula proposal sllall Ье coпsidered.
During tlle preliшinary exaпriпatioп Kyrgyzpateпt may request froш tl1e applicant any additioпal materials, wlrich are necessary for exaпriпatioп coпduct. The additioпal шaterials Ьу the request of exanrinatioн slюuld Ье submitted witlrin two-month-period since the date of receipt of the request.
In the е11епt, if the applicant fails to provide required lllaterials or the petition for елiепsiоп of the estaЫished
terщ witlriп the iпdicated term, the applicatioп shall Ье deemed lvithdrawn.
Оп ilie applicatioп, whicb has passed preliпriпary examiпation lvith а positi1тe resпlt, а decisioп to grant prelimiпary pateпt shall Ье шаdе whicЪ is granted m1der responsiЬility of tl1e applicant.
According to tl1e results of prelirniпary exalllination iп the preseпce of petitioп to coпduct exanriпatioп on tl1e esseпce or in tl1e аЬsепсе of said petitioп or petitiou оп patent grant мtlюut exanriпatioп of the application on the essence, ilie applicaлt shall receive а пotificatioп.
If in the result of the preliпriпary examiпatioп it. is estaЬlished iliat the claimed proposal is поt pateпtable, а decisioп оп refusal to grant а pateпt sl1all Ье made.
The applicant may file аа objectioп to this decisioп witl1 tl1e Appellate Council withiп two шoпths after tl1e
receipt of refusal to graлt а pateпt. ТЬе Appellate Couпcil must coпsider tl1e objectioп mtlliп two moпtl1s as of tl1e date of its receipt.
In the еУепt tl1e applicant does поt agree witll the decisioп of ilie Appel!ate Council l1e шау appeal to couгt witlriп six moпt.11s as of fue date of its receipt.
After eл'Piratioп of 18 moпths siпce the date of applicatioп filiпg or if prioriry is required siпce the date of
prioritr' Kyrgyzpatent shall publish tl1e iпformatioп related to the applicatioп in Official Bulletiп тith ilie exceptioп of cases when applicatioп is "\vithdraV>'ll.or wheп decision оп patent grant or refпsal is mad. Кyrgyzpateпt shall determiпe the list and coшpleteпess of published iпformatioп.
On the applicant's petitioн proYided tlшt appгopriate fee is paid Kyrgyzpatent may publisЪ the iпformatioп
related to applicatioп till 18 шoпths since t.'J.e date of its :filing, or if priority is required siпce tl1e date of priority.
Villlile petition оп pateпt grant witlюut exaпriпation on esseпce is filed a..+rer preliшinary exaпriпatioп completioп, tl1e decisioп OI' pateпt grant is made within rwo- mont,;'l-period since tl1e date of receipt of said petitian''.

16. Arйcle 24 is ameпded as follov,;s:

"Article 24. Exaшiнation of Applicatioп for illl'eпtion он Esseпc"/Substowce
Kyrgyzo,r)aie:t v,;ithin l8 months siпce the dате of perition submission shall coшiucr exaшiпation of the

applicarion on tl1e esseлce.. А.11 applicant sl1all Ье пoтilied аЬоuт pe:itions subn1itted Ьу tl1e rlrird ptu--r.ies.

IP/N/1/КGZ/C/2/Add.2, IP/N/1/КGZ/C/3/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/C/4/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZII/2/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZII/3/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/L/1/Add.1, IP/N/1/KGZ/P/1/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/P/2/Add.1

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D!L.'ing conduct of ti1e exaшiпatio11 on tl1e essence сошрliалсе of fue claiшed i11ve11tion то conditio11s of patentaЬility speci:fied in Article 5 of this Law.
Duriпg exaшi11atio11 of ап applicatio11 011 substaпce Kyrgyzpatent sl1all Ье e11titled to request fue applicaнt to submit шaterials witlюut which exaшin.atio11 procedure is поt possiЬle, iпcludi11g chaпged formula of the iштeпtion.
Additio11al docншents 011 the reqпest of examinatio11 shall Ье subшitted witlюut chaпging the esse11ce of the i11ventio11 during two шonths from the date of receipt of t..he request.
The order established Ьу paragraphs 11 апd 12 of this Article shall eл.tent to additional documents in the part that changes the essence of ан iштention.

If in tl1e result of scientific-teclmological exaшination of ан application on essence Кyrgyzpatent finds tlыt the claiшed proposal, \vithin the scope of legal protection reqнired Ьу ап applicaнt, шeets the reqнireшents of patentability of tl1e inveпtio11, the decision to grant а patent with the forшula of ап iштention suggested анd agreed wifu the applicant is made.

If the claiшed proposal does not шееt fue requireшeпts of patentability witllln the scope of legal protection required Ьу an applicant, fue decision on n:_jection to grant а patent shall Ье issued.

The applicant шау :file ан objection against the decision on rejection to graпt а patent wifu the Appellate Cou11ci1 during tЬтее шonths from the date of its receipt. The objection must Ье considered Ьу tl1e Appellate Cou."'lcil dнring foнr months from the date of its receipt.
Should fue applicant поt agree witll the decision of tlle Appellate Council he may, within six mo11fus from fue date of its receipt, appeal to court.
The applicaпt shall hюте the right to familiarize hin.1self wifu all fue materials indicated in fue decision of exaшination or in the search report. Copies of tl1e patent шaterials requested Ьу the applicant shall Ье sent Ьу Kyrgyzpatent during о11е шолth froш receipt oft11e request.
The terms proYided in _A_rtjcle 23-1, 23-2 and thisil..,'iick except for fue terms estaЬlished in paragraph 15 of Article 23-2 апd paragraphs 9 of this imicle, elapsed Ьу tl1e applicaпt, шау Ье rei11stated Ьу Kyrgyzpate11t in tl1e presence of proof of excusaЬle reasons апd payшent of the fee.
The petitio11 to reinstate tl1e term may Ье :filed Ьу ап applicaнt 110t later tha11 nvel,тe mo11tl1s froш fue date of expiration of fue elapsed term.
Both applicaпt апd fuird parties шау subшit а petitio11 011 iлformatio11al search co11dнct 011 the applicatio11 for iшre11tion to deterшine teclmical le,тel in coшpariso11 with which i!aluation of patentability of the iштentio11 is made. Кyrgyzpatent determi11e fue order of informatio11al searcl1 анd inforшation proyisio11".
17. Articles 25-28 are aшended as follows:
"Article 25. Бxarnination of the Applicatio11 for а Utility Model
Ex.amination of tl1e applicatio11 for utility mode1 shall consist of formal and preliшinary exami11atio11.
DlLring formal exaшi11ation of ап applicatioп for utiliт:y шоdе1 tl1e proYisions of A..<ticle 23-1 of fue prese11t Law shall Ье applied appropriately.
Dнring prelinlinary exaпlination of ап application for utility model tl1e proilisions of paragraphs 1-l О апd 13-15 of i\rtjcle 23-2 as well as paragraph 13 of Article 24 of tl1e prese11t La....,, slыll Ье applied appropriately.

If ан applicatio11 for utility model has successfuHy passed the prelimina..ry exami11atio11, tl1e decisioп to grant а patent for utility шodel shall Ье made.

A..<ticle 26. Reorganization of App1icatio11s
Before pнЫication of the infonнatio11 оп the applicatioп for an inile11tio11 but no later ti1aн date of receipt of fue decisio11 011 раtещ granl, an applicaнt has fue rigl1t to reorganize tl1e applicati01i for iл11eпtio11 byfilliлg ан appropriate declaration to the applicatioн for the utility шodel.

In the case of indicated reorganizatio11s of applications LfJ.e priority of fue original app1icatio11 is presenтed.

A..'iicle 21. Examination oftlle Application for an l11dustrial Design
K1тgyzpatensl1all conducт fom1cJ and preliшina..ry ехашiпаtiоп of tl1e application for an industrial design.

IP/N/1/КGZ/C/2/Add.2, IP/N/1/КGZ/C/3/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/C/4/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/I/2/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZII/3/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/L/1/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/P/1/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/P/2/Add.1

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According to applicant's petitioн, which can Ье submitted siшultaneously witl1applicatioн filing or withiн twelve шonths since the date of filing, Lhe application consideration шау Ье arranged with or withoпt exaшination on the esseнce. If the petition shall not submitted 1CVithiн said tem1s, the application should Ье considered as V1'itl1drawн.
Dпring forшal exaшination of the application for an indнstrial design, pro li.sions of Article 23-l of this Law slшll Ье applied appropriately. During prelinrina.)' exanlination of the application Kyrgyzpatent within four months shall check coшpliance of prescribed requireшents to the contents of the applicatiori docuшents, coшpliance of the claiшed industrial design to the conditions of paientaЬility according to materials of the appiication provided Ьу the applicant, fund of issued protected docuшents of Kyrgyzpatent, non-withdrawn applications with earlier priority, and shall check compliance of the application to requirements of industri.al design нnity.
Dнring prelinrinary exan1ination ofthe applicatioн for an industrial design, pю11isions ofparagraphs 3-15, 18 of
iuticle 23-2 oftllis La1v shall Ье applied appropriately.
According to applicant's or tllird parties' petitioн Kyrgyzpatent within twelve шoпths since the date ofpetition sнbmission .sha11 conduct the exaшination of the application on the essence. A.n applicant shall Ье notified аЬонt petitioнs submitted Ьу the third parties.
Dнring exaшination of an application on the essence, pro,li.sions of paragraphs 2-13 of Article 24 of this Law shall Ье applied appropriately.
Article 28. Registratioл of the Objects of Industrial Property, PuЬlication of tl1e Infoшшtion on Patent Granting a..'ld Granting of tl1e Patent
iilier the decision to grant а patent is made, prm-'ided that the fee for registration and graнtiнg of а patent is paid, Кyrgyzpateнt shall eнter in tl1e State Registei of Inventioнs of tl1e Кyrgyz Republic, tl1e State Register of Utility шodels of tl1e Kyrgyz RepuЬlic or the State Register of Iнdust.-:ial Designs of tl1e Kyrgyz Republic fue invention, utility шodel or an industrial design respectively.
In tl1e event that there are several persons iн whose names the patent is required, онlу one patent sl1all Ье granted
The docuшent certifyiнg payшent of the fee for registration and grant of а patent sha11 Ье provided within two
moпths as of the date the applicant receives the decision to grant а patent of Vl1ithin three months after the date of eл.'}Jiration oft>vo-шonth-period пnder the condition of payment of additional fee.

In the e 1ent the docuшent certifying payment of the fee for registration and grant of the patent is not pro11ided in the estaЬlished order, registration of the object of industrial property, pпЬlication a..ТJ.d grant of the patent shall not Ье carried опt and the application shall Ье considered withdrawn.

Kyrgyzpatent shall detemline the list алd coшpleteness ofthe iпforшation puЬlished in the Official Bulletin. After puЬlicatioн of the iпfошшtiон related to patent grant, an.y person has а rigllt to Ьесоше acquainted with
шaterials of the application.
Kyrgyzpatent shall deteшline the patent form and composition ofthe information pro,,ided.

In case of fiнding the ob lious and techнical eпors, on the request of patent o>vner and author Kyrgyzpatent shall шаkе appropriate coпections into granted patent withoнt paym.ent of the fee".

18. Articles 29-30 are sL'l.lck.
19. Article 32 is amended as follows:
"Article 32. Invalidation and Termination ofPatents
The patent shall fпlly or partly invalidated on the grolmds of L1-Je Appellate Coпncil decision or coнrt decision ешегеd шtо e:ffect.
Т11е period of\1alidity ofpatents sl1all Ье temliпated, if:
1) tl1e period of\1alidation of а patent pro1ided in accordancwiili this La1-v is expiгed;
2) ti.te fee. in order to sпpport а patent, is not paid in tl1e estaЬlished te=;
3) on the basis of а declaration filed Ьу :the parent ovюer -v тitl1 Kyrgyzparent if tlк refusal does нот Yiolate the interests of ilie тhird parties -since the фtе of pnЫication of the info=ation related to a..head of schedпle teпni.nation of the patent ''alidity dне to declaration of the patent O>"HJ.er.
Kyrgyzpateш sl1all pнblish iпfon11ation on t.he a..h.ead of schedule teшlination of а раtел:: in t11e Offi.cial Bulletin''.

IP/N/1/КGZ/C/2/Add.2, IP/N/l/КGZ/C/3/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/C/4/Add.l, IP/N/1/КGZ/I/2/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/I/3/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/L/11Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/P/1/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/P/2/Add.l Page 8

20. Т11е La,v is aшended Ьу addiпg A.rticle 41:
"iuticle 41. Transitional Pro,lisioпs
In accordance witЬ. alterations and additions made into this La"' related to transition to нnriied protected docl!lllent (pateпt) tlle following was estaЬlished:
l) regardiпg applicatioпs for graпt of preliшiпary pateпt of tl1e Kyrgyz RepuЫic for iнveпtion or iпdustrial desigп, which were f.!led before eпteriпg iпto effect of ilie Law providiпg the transition to uпified protected docuшent (patent), tlle applicant l1as а right to submit а petition for granting ofthe patent ofthe Kyrgyz RepuЬiic for iш,ention or industrial design wiili the exanliнation on the essence or for granting of fue patent ш1der applicant's responsibility, provided tlшt appropriate fees are paid. If tl1e app1icant does not take appropriate шeasures, ilie applicatioп shall Ье ccнsidered withd..--a.Wll.
2) regardiнg effective prelimiпary patents of the Kyrgyz RepuЬlic fcr inveпticn or industrial design, "7hich five­ year-period since ilie date cf application filing is nct ex:pired befcre eпteriпg into effect of fue Law providing transition to пnified protected documerrt (patent), the owner of prelimiнary patent has а right to sпbmit а petition on graпting of the patent oftl1e Kyrgyz Republic for invention or industrial design "li.th examination on the essence. In case of аЬsепсе of such petition, preliminary patent of ilie Kyrgyz RepuЬlic shall Ье reregistered as а patent of ilie Kyrgyz RepuЬlic tmder ilie applicant's responsibility for residuary temщ
3) effective prelimiпary patents of ilie Kyrgyz Republic fcr iш,ention or industrial design, whic1l five-year-period siпce the date of app1ication filing is eA'})ired before entering into effect of ilie Law pro,liding traпsition to шrified protected docшnent (patent), shall Ье reregistered as patents of ilie Kyrgyz RepuЬiic tmder the applicaпt's responsibility for residua.тy terms;
4) regarding applicatioпs fcr graпting of the certificate of the Kyrgyz Republic fог utility nюde1 f.!led Ьеfоге entering into effect of the Law proYiding transition to unified pшtected docuшent (patent), the decisioп оп graпting of tl1e patent of ilie Kyrgyz RepuЬlic for utility шodel is шаdе, provided that all appropriate fees are paid;
5) effective certificates of ilie Kyrgyz RepпЬlic for utility шodels shall Ье reregistered as the patent of ilie
Kyrgyz RepuЬlic fcr нtility шodel.
Kyrgyzpatent shall determine the terшs апd order of above-шeпtioned procedшes".
21. A.rtic1e 41 is regarded as Article 42.

Article 2.

The Law of ilie Kyrgyz RepпЬlic "On Trademarks, Service marks апd Appellation of Origin" (Впlleti...ТJ of the
Jogor1ru Keпesh ofilie Kyrgyz RepuЬlic, N 3, 1998, iШ. 68) is amended as foHows:
1. Article 1:
ilie A.rticle title is ameпded as follows: "The State body iн ilie field ofintellectпal Property";
the :first paragraph is ameпded Ьу strikiпg: "State Аgепсу of Intellectual Property m1der the Govemmeпt of tl1e
Kyrgyz RepuЬlic" and inserting: ''111е autlюrized state body iп tl1e fie1d ofintellectual Property".
2. Article2:
tl1e tllird paragraph is amended as follщvs:
"Verbal, Yisual, three-diшensioпal and other desigпations ог its coшЬiпations шау Ье registered as tradeшarks". ilie si;.ctll paragraph is amended as follows:
"Tl1e preseпt Law shallпot Ъе applicaЫe to Yisually indistinguislшЬle, as well as to soш1d a...J.d olfacto:ry marks".
3. Arricle 3 is a...-uended Ьу adding fift..h and siAil:l pa...--agraphs:
"Tl1e exclusiYe right for а trademark shall a.rise since the date of puЬlication of the info=ation related to regist:ratiшl of а trademark in ilie State Register of ilie Trademarks (hereiнafter referred ю as Registe1"), iн 1е Official Eпllerin, issпed Ьу Kyгgyzpatent.
Unautlюrized use of designarion idenrical or siшilar ю ilie extent likely to cause corLfпsioп ''ljtll tradeшark of sпch o\vner, as а website iн Intemet is recognized as i:пfringeшeпt of а rig..!J.t of uademark owneт as "'ell. The order of

IP/N/l/КGZ/C/2/Add.2, IP/N/1/КGZ/C/3/Add.l, IP/N/1/КGZ/C/4/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZII/2/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZII/3/Add.1, IP/N/l/КGZ/L/1/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/P/1/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/P/2/Add.1

Page 9
use of а trademark or designation similar with tlш latter to tl1e ел1:епt likely to cause confusion, as а 'vebsite iп Internet is estaЫished Ьу the G01тernment ofthe Kyrgyz RерпЫiс".

4. Article 4 •

tl1e fust paragrapl1•
subparagraph 2 is amended as follows•
2) represeпt state coats of a...тn1s, bam1ers or emЬlems, official naщes of countries, emЬlems, aЬbre,l}ated or ful1 naшes of international organizations, official, control, gпar-antee and assay шarks, seals, awмds and otl1er- mмks of distiпctioп or those siшilaт to theш to tlle eл-tent likely t{) cause coпfusioп. Such designations may Ье iпcJuded in а trademмk as noл-protected eleшents, iftl1ere is а consent of ан appropriate сошреtепt body or tl1e o>V-ner";
subparagтaph 3 is stтuck;
subpмagraph б is ameнded as follows•
"б) poiнtiлg to ilie арреатаnсе, quality, qпaнtity, properties, pпrpose, 'тalue of prodпcts as well as to the place and tiшe oftheir manufacture or sale";
subpaтagraphs 4б ате regarded as subparagrapl1s 3-5 respectively;
tl1e second рат отарh is amended Ьу striking: "in subparagrapl1s 2, 4, 5 алd б'' алd iпsertiпg• " in subpмagraphs
2, 3, 4 алd 5";
t11e third paragraph is ameпded• Ьу addiнg tl1e subpaтagraph 2 •
''2) fue ones represeпtiлg or coпtaiлing the pointing to the place of origin of wiпes or stroпg alcoholic drinks
protected Ьу ''irtue of iпtemational agreeшeнts of tl1e Kyrgyz RepuЬlic, if such desigпations ме iнteпded for wiпes or strong alcoholic drinks, which do not originate froш indicated places as well as foтшally pointing to fue real place of production of goods but gi•>ing а false idea concerniнg goods origin from oilier teтritory;
paragraph 2 is regaтded as paragraph 3.
5. Article 5 is aшended as follows•
" _д.rticle 5. Other Grounds for Refusal iп Registration
The following designations, which ате identical or similм to tl1e extent likely to cause confusion V >ith:

1) trademaтks eмlier registered or filed for registration in the Kyrgyz Republic on the nате of another person wiili respect to the siшilar goods, whicl1 have an earlier priority;

2) fum names registered or filed for registration in ilie Kyrgyz RepuЬlic-regaтdiлg identical or siшilaт kinds of activities or goods and ser
3) ofuer persons' trademмks protected without registration Ьу \тirtue of iлtemational agreements of the Kyrgyz
сан поt Ье registered as trademarks for similaт goods.

Tne following desigпations, wlllcl1 ате identical or siшilaт to the е:л-tепt likely to cause coпfusion \Viili•

I) recogнized in estaЬlisl1ed order as well-klюwн tradeшaтks iп the teтritory of the Kyrgyz Republic. Т11е well­ known criteria for а trademark анd order of well-kllo\\'11 recogнirion a...re estaЬlisl1ed Ьу the Governшent of the Kyrgyz RepuЫic;

2) appellatioпs of origin protected in a.ccordaнce with this Law, except the cases when it is included as non- protecred еlешепt iнto а trademaтk registered in tl1e паше of person wllich has а right to use sucl1 appellatioн,

салпоt Ье registered as tradeшarks for any goods. The follo>V'ing designatioнs, which ате reproduciпg•
l) knowн in the teтritory ofthe Kyrgyz RepuЬlic fiтш names (or its part..s) regaтdiлg similaт goods, belonged ro other persons, obtained the right for such designations before fue date of priority of the application for trademaтk regardiнg similar goods;
2) names of works of science, literature анd art or fragшenrs thereof knowн in the Kyrgyz Republic, V i.tlюпt
conseлt of ilie o-vv-ner copyright or his legal successors;
3) naшes, Slli'"llames, pseudonyms анd deri,rali,тes thereof, pomaits and facsimiles of faшous persons >Vithout the consent of these persons, their heirs, in t.he e1тent if such designations are ilie property of illstory анd cнltпre of ilie Kyrgyz RepuЪlic - INithout permission of the G01rernmeш of the Kyrgyz RepuЬlic;
4) indust.rial designs, riglш to v1hich Ъelong to тl1е other persons the Kyrgyz RepuЪlic, if ан iнdus+Jial desigл has tlle earliest prioriтy as compared to an applicarioп for fue registration of а trademark,
sl1all not Ъе regisrered as rrademarks".

IP/N/1/КGZ/C/2/Add.2, IP/N/1/КGZ/C/3/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/C/4/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZII/2/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZII/3/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/L/1/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/P/1/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/P/2/Add.1

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6. Article 6:

subparagraph 2 ofthe paragтaph 7 is amended Ьу strikiпg: "анd its description";

paragraph 9 is amended:

Ьу adding at the paragтaph the subparagraph 2: "2) t11e designatioн ciaiшed";

Ьу strikiпg subparagтaph 3;

Ьу addiпg at the tenfu paragraph after words "present Article": "if tl1e documents are sпbmitted non­

simпltaneoпsly, the date of sпbmission of an application is considered the date of receipt of fue latter one";

ele1'enfu paragrapl1 to read as follows: "Kyrgyzpatent shall estaЬlish fue reqпirements to fue application docпшents".

7. Article 7:

the first paragraph is amended Ьу adding after the word "requirements": "of the part 7";

the second paragrapl1 is aшended Ьу striking: "if the application was applied to Kyrgyzpatent witllin 6 nюnt11s froш the set date" анd inseтting: "if the application has been filed with Kyrgyzpatent witlrin six months from the set date. The day of filing of the fiтst application is not inclпded into calctйation of tlris term";

tl1e third paragтaph is an1ended Ьу striking: if fue applicatioн fот а trademark was applied to Кyrgyzpatent within

6 months from fue set date" анd inserting:" iftl1e application for а trademark has been recei,,ed Ьу Kyтgyzpatent within six moпths from the establisl1ed date";

tl1e fortl1 paragraph is amended Ьу striking: "from tl1e date of entering" апd insertiпg: "of fue date of receipt".

8. Article 8:

t11e second pa..'<igrapll to read as follows:

"Dпring the examination before making а decision fue applicaнt shall Ье entitled to add, specify or correct ilie materials offue application";

tl1e forili paragraph is amended Ьу striking: "Trademarks State Register of ilie Kyrgyz RepнЬlic" анd inserting: "the Register".

9. Article 9 is amended:

the first paragraph to read as follows:

"Preliminary examination of ан application shall Ье condпcted dпring one month date of submission of the application. During preliminary examination, the composition of ilie required documents. pro1lided Ьу paragraph 3 of Artjcle 2 анd Article 6 of this Law";

Ьу striking the second paragraph;

the :fiftl1 paragraph to read as follows:

"Based оп the resпlts of tl1e prelimiпaгy ехашiпаtiоп, а decisioп made wl1etl1er tc accept an application for consideration or to refuse it";

parts 3-5 are regarded as parts 2-4 respecti,,ely;

Ьу adding at the Article fifth and si:л.'"ih paragraphs:

"Notification on the refusal decision шаdе sllall Ье sent to ilie applicant.

А decisio11 conceming accept of ilie application to consideration апd positiYe rеыйt of preliminary examination as well as fue date of application filling in accordance v;;ifu ilie part 7 of the A.rticle 6 of this Law shall Ье sent tc the applicant".

10. Article 10 is amended as follc>Ys:

t.1.e fiгst paragraph to read:

"Examination cf the claimed designation shall Ье condпcted a..f!er completion of ilie preliminary examination

1vithiл the term of 12 шontl1s, starting froш tl1e ci1.te wheп the applicatioп was filed"; Ьу addiнg at this article tl1e second paragrapl1:

"During the exaтnination а compliance of fue claiшed designation to the reqп.iremeшs established Ьу paragraph 1

of Asticle 2, Articles 4 and 5 of this Law is checked and tradeшark priority is estaЬlisl1ed ir1 acccrdance \YitЪ_ Aracle i

ofthis LaV '";

tl1;:; secoпd paragraph is aшended Ьу sт::iking: "accepted" and inserting: "ma.de";

IP/N/1/КGZ/C/2/Add.2, IP/N/1/КGZ/C/3/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/C/4/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/JJ2/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/JJ3/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/L/11Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/P/1/ Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/P/2/Add.1

Page 11

forth and se11enth paragrap11S are amended Ьу strik:ing: "6 months" and iнserting: "12 moлths";
parts 2-8 ате regarded as parts 3-9 re1atiYely.
ll. ParagrapЬ 5 of Article 11 is ameпded Ьу striking: "third" and "forth artic1es" and iпserting: "secoпd" and
"paragraph 5 ofthe Artic1e 10".
12. Paragraph 1 of the Artic1e 12 is amended Ьу striking: "ТЬе Trademarks State Register of the Kyrgyz
Repпb1ic (oпwards-Register)" and inserting: "Register".
13. il.rtic1e 15:
the Artic1e title to read as foilows: "Тhе Effecti1тe Term of а Trademark";
the fust paragraph is ameпded as follows:
"The trademaik registration shal1 Ье yalid for tеп years from the date of sпbmissioп of the application to
second and third paragraphs ате amended Ьу adding after the word "term" the word "registration".

14. ii.Гticle 16:

t11e flist paragraph is an1eпded Ьу striking: "аЬош introduced cl1anges" апd iлserting: "aЬout tl1e changes to Ье made";
Ьу addiлg at the Artic1e the forth paragraph:
"Kyrgyzpatent shal1 make correctioп of ob,,ious and techпical eпors made not due to the app1icant's fault to the
Register and to the Certificate of а trademark, without payment of any fee".
15. il.rtic1e 18 is amended Ьу strikiпg the secoпd paragrap-h.

16. Artic1e 19 is amended Ьу adding t11e second paragrap11:

"The charter of а collecti\тe mark, whicЬ coпtains а data conceшiпg nате, list of 1egal entities that posses the right to use suc11 mark,. the purpose of its registration, list апd шri:fied qualitati\тe ш otl1er соnнnоп cЬaracteristics of goods, whicЬ will Ье designated Ьу coliectiye mark as well as conditions of use of such mark, order of moпitoring of its use, 1iaЬi1ity for iпfringement of the cl1arter of а collective шark, shal1 Ье eпc1osed to the app1icatioп for а collective mark";
t11e second paragraph is regarded as third.
17. Artic1e 20 is an1ended as follows:
Ьу adding at the Article the third paragraph:
"А trademark may Ье also deeшed as being used if it is used as а website or liпk in Inteшet";
the forth paragraph to read as follows:

''Validity of tl1e registration of а t:.тademark шау Ье terminated in ful1 or in part before tl1e due tiшe on the basis of court decision issнed at tl1e request of any persoл in conпection wifu поn use of а trademark dнring for any three years from tl1e date of registration or during t11ree years preceding tl1e fi1ing of suc11 statement";

paragraphs 3-5 are regarded as paragraphs 4-6 re1ative1y.
18. i\rtic1e 21 is ameпded as foilows: "A..r.. ticle 21. V/arning 1v1arking
The o\vner of а trademark may нsе а Viarning mark Ьу the side ofilie trademark in ilie form ofRoman letter R or
® or "\тerbal designation "registered trademark" indicating that the нsed designatioп is а trademark registered in the
Кyrgyz RернЫiс".
19. A.rticle 25 is amended as follows:

A..rticle 25 . .!Jлтalidation of tl1e Regisшэ.tion of а Trademark

Registration of 2. trademark may Ье consider=vd iнYalid in full or paпially during tl1e 'v1юk period of its Yalidity if
it has been conducted in 1тiolation of the requireшents established in J\.Iticle 4 of the present. LюУ.

IP/N/1/КGZ/C/2/Add.2, IP/N/1/КGZ/C/3/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/C/4/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/I/2/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/I/3/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/L/1/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/P/1/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/P/2/Add.1

Page 12

Registratioп of а trademark may Ье co11sidered invalid in full or partially duriпg five years from fue dате of pпblicatio11 offue informatio11 on registration of а uademark in fue Official Bulleti11 based 011 fue grounds estaЫished Ьу A.rticle 5 of this Law. This rnle slrall 1101Ье applied for tradeшarks registered or nsed nnfairly.

Registratio11 of а trademark may Ье considered iштalid in full within fue whole effecti тe term if such registration

is made in iolation of the requireme11ts estaЫished Ьу paragraplr 2 of iuticle 3 of this La\v.

Алу person may :file an appeal with the Appellate Council against registration of а tradernark within the period stated in paragraph 1 of this Article. The appeal against registration of а trademark mнs1 Ье examined during fош montlls froш ti1e date of its receipt".

20. iuticle 26 is amended as follows:

"Article 26. Cancellation ofthe Registration of а Trademark

Registration of а trademark shall Ье cancelled Ьу Kyrgyzpatent:

1) in coшrection with temlination of the terrn of its validity as provided Ьу Article 15 of tllis Law;

2) оп tЪе basis of coun decision 011 prernatшe termiнatio11 of its validity due to tlre use of а collective шark on goods not possessing соттоn qнalitative or other соттоn characteristics, according to paragrapЪ 3 of Article 19 of thisLaw;

3) on tЪе basis of coun decision оп premature termination of its validity due to tlre failшe to use tlre trade mark pпrsпant to the paragraph 5 of Article 20 of this Law;

4) on the basis ofKyrgyzpatent decision on prematшe ternliпation of its alidity, and in case ofifit is appealed in the court. -on fue basis of court decisio11, in case of liquidation of а legal entity or terrnination of entrepreneursmp activity of а natural person -the owner of а trademark without any successor;

5) 011 tlre basis of the court decision in fue eveпt of transformatio11 of а trademark into а designation tlыt has come into а generalнse as designation of goods of а certain kind;

6) in tlre case of refusal Ьу the owner of а tradeшark on the basis of his application subпlitted to Kyrgyzpatent

Пrе trademark tlыt ternliпates its effective term in accordance wifu poi11ts 1, 4 алd 6 ofthis Article carшot Ье registerein tlre nаше of new perso11 duriлg tl1гee years since fue date of termination of effective term".


21. Article 29:

forth subparagraph ofthe paragraph 3 is amended Ьу strikiлg: "appearance" and iлserting: "description";

the second subparagraph offue paragraph 5 is amended Ьу addi11g: "(coшperent bodies)" after words "competent

Ьу adding at fue Article paragrapll 6:

"ТЬе date of receipt of tlre documents Ьу Кyrgyzpatent. pro 1ided Ьу paragrapl1 3 of this Article is considered as

the date of application :filing, if the said documents are submitted 11011-sinшltaлeously -tlre date of receipt of the last of submitted docunreпts";

paragraph 7 to read as follo\vs:

"Requireшents to above-mentioпed documents offue application s1ra11 Ье es+..aЬlisl1ed Ьу Kyrgyzpatent";

paragraphs 6 and 7are regarded as paragrapl1s 7 and 8 relati 'ely.

22. A.rtic1e 30:

tl1e second paragraph is ашелdеd Ьу striking: "rwo шonfus" апd insertiлg: "опе шопtl1"; Ьу strikiпg: "Ьу Ьis own initiative";

paragrapЬs 5 and 6 are amended Ьу slriking: "l\vo monfus" and inserting: "one monili";

paragrapl1 7 to read as follows:

"Т11е applicant shall Ье notified thai fue applicarion on registration fue appellation of origin is refused.

The apphcant shall Ье лotified aЬout posirive results of prelimiпary examination алd the date offue applicarion filing establisЬed iп accorch·шce witl1 Article 29 of iliis Law апd applicant shall Ье пolified fuat tl1e applicatioп is accepted for cousideratioп";

paragrapll 8 is ameпded Ьу SL.riking: "witlrin l2 moлtlls froш tЬе date of applicarioп ассерtалсе";

par2.gтaph 9 to read as follows

IP/Nil/КGZ/C/2/Add.2, IP/N/1/КGZ/C/3/Add.l, IP/N/1/КGZ/C/4/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/I/2/Add.l, IP/Nil/КGZ/I/3/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/L/1/Add.l, IP/Nil/КGZ/P/1/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/P/2/Add.1

Page 13

"Kyrgyzpatent shall make а decision on the registratioп of appellation ofplace of origin of goods and granting tl1e right to use it, or refusal in registration of appellation of place of origin of goods and granting ilie right to use it, or decision on granting the right to use tl1e already registered appellation of place of origin of goods or гefusal iп granting ti1e right to use it based uроп the results of examinatioп";
pans 8-10 are regarded as parts 10-12 гelatively.
23. Article 33 is amended:
Ьу striking: "within" and insertiпg: "from fue date offiliлg" in the first paragгaph;
Ьу adding: "(competent bodies)" after words "competent body" iп ilie second paragгaph.
24. Article 34 is ашепdеd Ьу adding paгagrapl1 3:
"Correctioп of obvious анd technical eпors made not due to the applicant's fault sЪall Ье made Ьу Kyrgyzpatent into t11e Register and the certificate for the right to use the appellation of place of origin of goods withont payшent of any fee".
25. Article 36 is amended:
Ьу adding at this Article ilie second рагаgгарh:
"Тl1е use of appellation of place of origin of goods sl1all Ье deemed to Ье its use as а website or link in Internet";
the second paragгaph to read as follo,vs:
"The persons who do not have the certificate shall not Ье allowed to use the registered appeHation of place of origin of goods, even if real place of origin of а good is indicated, or if designation is used in translation or in coшЬiпation with such expressions as "kind", "type", "imitation" and so on, and also use а similar appellation for identical goods, wlllcЬ. can mislead consuшers wiili respect t.o ilie place of origiп and special properties oftl1e good";
paragrapl1s 2 апd 3 аге regarded as paragrap11s 3 and 4 relatively.
26. The Article is all1ended Ьу adding: "in tl1e fопп of verbal designation "registered appellatioп of place of origin of goods" or "Reg. НПМТ", after words "а warniлg mark".
27. _4,._,-ticle 38 is ameпded as follows:
"Article 38. Invalidation of ilie Registration of Appellation of Place of Origiп of Goods and the Certificate for the Rigl1t to Use AppeHation of Place of Origiл of Goods
Registration of tl1e appellation of place of origin of goods may Ье invalidated during the whole effective period if
it has Ьееп condнcted in violation ofthe requireшents estaЫished Ьу tlris La,v.
The certificate for use the appellation of place of origin of goods may Ье invalidated if it has been issued iп violation of tl1e requirements established Ьу this Law or in cmmeciion with cancellation of registгation of the appellation of place of origin of goods.
On the grounds proYided Ьу paгagrapl1s 1 and 2 of this Article any person may file а protest agaiпst registration of the appellation of place of origin of goods " th the Appellate Colillcil. А protest sl1all Ье considered within four m6ntl1s siпce tl1e date of teceipt Бoth appealing person апd owner of tl1e certificate l1a11e а rigllt to paгticipate in the coпsideratioп of the protest.
Decisioп of the Appellai:e Council may Ье appealed in tl1e court Ьу the applicaлt within six шontl1s siпce tl1e date of receipt".
28. Article 38-1 is amended Ьу adding the follo"'ing:
"iuticle 38-1. Deterшinatioл of the Registгation of Appellatioп of Place of Origiп of Goods алd tl1e Certificate for the Rigllt to Use Appellatioп of Place of Origin of Goods.
The ''alidiry of registration of appellatioп of place of origiп of goods шау Ье teппinated
- dne to disappearance of fue conditions cha..racтeristic to а paпicnlar geogгapllic place а..чd impossibility to manнfacture the good with tl1e properties indicated in the Register;
- due to tl1e Joss Ьу foreigп legal entities or natural persons of tl1e righl for particular appellation of place of origin of goods in u.'le co1mtry of origin of а good. The 11alidity of certificate for the riglн to use the appellatioп of place of origin of goods шау Ье teппinated:

IP/N/1/КGZ/C/2/Add.2, IP/N/1/КGZ/C/3/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/C/4/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZII/2/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/I/3/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZIL/1/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/P/1/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/P/2/Add.1

Page 14

- due to т.ermination of the regist..ratioп of appellation of place of origin of goods оп the groш1ds proYided Ъу paтagraph of this Arricle;

- due to expiration ofYalidity proyided Ьу Article 33 ofthis Law;

- in case of liquidation of а legal entity or terminatioп of entrepreneursl1ip acti\1ity of а пatural persoп - tl1e оwпег of the ceгti:ticate withoпt апу sпccessor;

- on the Ъasis of an application sпbmitted Ьу the owner of the ceгti:ticate to Kyrgyzpatent.

Any person may, on the grotmds set forth Ш paragгaph 1 and iпdentation 4 of paragraph 2 of this Article, file а protest against t.e registгation of the appellation of place of origin of goods and agaiлst gгanting of tl1e certificate for t11e right to use ilie appellation of place of origin of goods wifu the Appellate Council. The protest shall Ье examined duriпg four шoнths froш the date of receipt tl1ereof.

The decision ofthe Appellate Coпncil may Ье appealed in court Ьу the applicant \Nithin six шonths as ofthe date of receipt tl1ereof.

29. Тhе first paragraph of tlle P..rticle 41 is amended as.follows:

"The use of а trademaгk or designation similaг to а tradeшark regaгding similaг goods or well-kno"\\·'Il tгadernaгk or designation siшilar to thereof or nаше of appellatioп of place of origin of goods or designation sinlilaг to appellation of place of origiп of goods regarding any goods conflicting with the present LюN shall entail ci,,ii, adrninistrati1'e ог crimiнalliaЬilit..y in accoгdance with the legislation oftl1e Kyrgyz RepuЫic".

Article 3.

The Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On Copyright and Related Rigllts" (Вullerin of the Jogor1..--u Kenesl1 of the

Kyrgyz Republic, 1998, N 3, агt. 67) is amended:

paragrap1l 1 of the Artic1e 3 is amended Ьу stгiking: "State Agency of Intellectual Pгoperty undeг the Government ofthe Kyrgyz Repпblic (onwards-Kyrgyzpatent}" and inserting: "The representati1re Staтe Ъоdу ofthe Kyгgyz RepuЬlic in ilie field ofintellectual Property (onwaгds-Kyrgyzpatent)".

Article 4.

Т11е Law of the Кyтgyz RepuЬlic "On Legal Protection of Computer Programs and Databases" (Впlletin of the

Jogorku Kenesh oftl1e Kyrgyz Republic, 1998, N 4, art... 129) is amended:

paragrap11 3 of the .A..rt:ic1e 2 is an1ended Ьу stгiking: "State Аgенсу of Intellectual Property ш1der tl1e Governшeлt ofthe Kyrgyz RepuЬlic (onwaгds-Kyгgyzpat.ent)" and inserting: "Тl1е representati1re State body oft11e Kyгgyz RepuЬlic in the fieid ofintellectual Propert..y (onwaгds-Kyrgyzpatent)".

Aтticle 5.

Т11е Law of ilie Kyrgyz Republic "On Legal Protectioп of Topology of Iпtegrated Ciгcuits" (Вul1etin of tl1e

Jogorku Kenesl1 ofthe Kyrgyz Republic, 1998, N 8. art. 228 "а") is ameпded:

paгagraph 2 of ilie Ar.icle 2 is amended Ьу stгiking: "State Agency of Iлtellectпal Pгoperty undeг the Govemшent of the Kyrgyz RepuЬlic (onwaгds -Kyгgyzpatent)" and iпsert...iпg: ''T1le гepreseпtative State body of tl1e Kyrgyz RepпЬlic Ш ilie fie1d of Intellectual Property (onwaгds-Kyrgyzpatent)".

Article 6.

The Law of ilie Kyтgyz RepuЬ1ic "On Legal Protecrion of Selection Achie1тeшents" (Впlletin of tl1e Jogorh.tl

Kenesh oftl1eKyrgyzRepuЬ1ic, 1998, N 10, art. :375) is amended:

paгagraph l of tl1e Article 3 is a..тneлded Ьу st..riki.т1g: "State Agency of Lчтeilectual Property Ulldeг tl1e Go1тemшent of the Kyrgyz RepuЬlic (onwards - Kyrgyzpatent)'' and inserti.нg: "Тhе гepresentati1'e State body of the Kyrgyz RepuЬlic in ilie field of Intellecшal Property (onwaгds -Kyrgyzpatent)".

A.rticle 7.

ТТе La"' of the Ky:rgyz RepuЫic "Оп Senrice Iш,entions, utiliт:y l\1odels and Indus-trial Designs" " (Вulleriп of the Jogorku Kenesh of1:lle Kyrgyz Republic, 999, N 12, атt 542) is an1ended:

Ьу striЬng in v;;hole text ofthe Lav/: "prel:i.шilla.,·т patent'' and "ceпi.ficate";

IP/N/1/КGZ/C/2/Add.2, IP/N/1/КGZ/C/3/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/C/4/Add.1, IP/Nil/КGZII/2/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ!I/3/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/L/1/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/P/1/Add.1, IP/N/1/КGZ/P/2/Add.1

Page 15
paragraph 2 of the A.rticle 7 is ашепdеd Ьу st.Г..king: "State Agency of I.пtellecmal Property ш1der tl1e Ga\lernшent of the Kyrgyz RepuЫic (oпwards - Kyrgyzpateпt)" and insertiпg: "The representati1тe State body of the Kyrgyz Repпblic in t11e field of Iпtellectпal Property (onwards - Kyrgyzpatent)";
paragraph 6 ofthe Article 8 and in the Article 14 are amended Ьу striking "certificate'' апd :iлserting "patent". Articie 8.
Tlle Law of the Kyrgyz Repпblic "Оп firrn names" (Вulletin of the Jogorkп Kenesh of the Kyrgyz RepuЬlic,
2000, N 4, art. 183) is amended:
paragraph 1 of the A.тticle 2 is amended Ьу striking: "State Agency of Iпtellectнal Property пnder the Gmтernшent of tl1e Kyrgyz RepпЬlic (onwards - Kyrgy:zpatent)"and iпserting: ''The representati,тe State body of tl1e Kyrgyz RepпЬlic in the field oflпtellect11al Property (onwards- Kyrgyzpatent)".
Article 9.
Until bringing into line normative and legal acts of the Governшent of the Kyrgyz Repпblic, Jvfinistries and Offices of the Kyrgyz RepuЫ:ic with the present Law. all existing normative алd legal acts unabolished before are in force.
Article 10.
Т11е preseпt Law enters into effect since tl1e шоmепt of its publication.
The present Law is used for legal relations forrned froш fue date of its coшing in effect.
Tl1e Goverшnent oftl1e Kyrgyz Republic has to bring into line wit.il this Law al1 norrnative and legal acts. Presiden1. of the Kyrgyz RepuЬlic А Акае''
Adopted Ьу the Legislative AsseшЬly of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyтgyz Republic, Jюшагу 21, 2003.

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