BURKINA FASO Decree No. 2000-574/PRES/PM/MAC/MTT/MCPEA --------- on the Establishment of a National Cultural Promotion
Fund. (English Version)1 Unity – Progress – Justice
Having regard to the Constitution;
Having regard to Decree No. 2000-526/PRES of November 6, 2000, on the Appointment of the Prime Minister;
Having regard to Decree No. 2000-527/PRES/PM of November 12, 2000, on the Composition of the Government of Burkina Faso;
Having regard to Decree No. 97-468/PRES/PM of October 31, 1997, on the Responsibilities of Members of Government;
Having regard to Decree No. 99-444/PRES/PM/MCA of December 2, 1999, on the Organization of the Ministry of Culture and the Arts;
Having regard to Decree No. 2000-149/PRES/PM/MCA on the Establishment of the National Copyright Office of Burkina Faso (BBDA);
Having regard to Law No. 032/99/AN of December 22, 1999, on the Protection of Literary and Artistic Property;
On the report of the Ministry of Culture and the Arts;
The Council of Ministers heard at its session of November 29, 2000;
Article 1: A fund for supporting national cultural activities known as the National Cultural Promotion Fund (FNPC) is hereby established.
Article 2: This Fund shall be placed under the supervision of the Minister of Culture.
Article 3: The National Cultural Promotion Fund shall be financed by State subsidies and contributions from the following bodies:
1 Courtesy translation provided by WIPO
(1) Under the Ministry of Culture:
- the National Copyright Office of Burkina Faso by income received as remuneration for private copying and for use of traditional cultural heritage expressions belonging to the national heritage:
- the Panafrican Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou (FESPACO);
- the National Center of Performing and Audiovisual Arts (CENASA);
- National Culture Week (SNC);
- the Burkina National Cinema Society (SONACIB);
- the National Center of Handicraft Art (CNAA);
- the Directorate for Performing Arts and Cultural Cooperation (DASC);
- the Directorate for Books and Literary Promotion (DLPL);
- the Directorate for National Cinematography (DCN);
- the National Museum (MN);
- the Directorate of Cultural Heritage (DPC);
- the festivals and any other similar structure active in the field of culture.
(2) Under the Ministry of Handicrafts:
- the International Arts and Crafts Fair of Ouagadougou (SIAO);
- the National Office of External Trade (ONAC);
- the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Handicrafts (CCIA).
(3) Under the Ministry of Tourism:
- the National Tourism Office of Burkina Faso (ONTB).
Article 4: FNPC may receive donations and bequests.
Article 5: Contributions to each structure and the arrangements for using the National Cultural Promotion Fund shall be established by decree of the Minister of Culture.
Article 6: This Decree repeals any previous contrary provisions, in particular Decree No. 85-035/CNR/PRES/INFO of January 29, 1985, on the Establishment of the National Cultural Promotion Fund.
Article 7: The Minister of Culture and the Arts, the Minister of Trade, Enterprise Promotion and Handicrafts and the Minister of Transport and Tourism shall be responsible, each as far as it is concerned, for the implementation of this Decree which shall be published in the Official Journal of Burkina Faso.
Ouagadougou, December 20.
The President of Burkina Faso Blaise COMPAORE (signed and stamped)
The Prime Minister Paramanga Ernest YONLI
(signed) The Minister of Culture and the Arts The Minister of Trade, Mahamoudou OUEDRAOGO Enterprise Promotion and
(signed) Handicrafts Bedouma Alain YODA (signed)
The Minister of Transport and Tourism Salvador YAMEOGO (signed)
IPIN/l/BFA/C/3 Page 2
Unite - Progres - Justice
Decret N°2000-.5.7.4./PRES/PM/MAC/MTT/ MCPEA portant creation d'un Fonds national de promotion cultureIle.
la Constitution ;
Ie decret ri°2000-526/PRES du 06 novernbre 2000, portant nomination du Premier Ministre ;
Ie decret n02000-527/PRES/PM du 12 novembre 2000, portant composition du Gouvemement du Burkina Faso ;
Ie decret n097-468/PRES/PM du 31 octobre 1997; portant attributions des membres du Gouvernement ;
ie decret n" 99-444/PRES/PM/MCA du 02 decembre 1999 portant organisation du Ministere de la Culture et des Arts;
le decret n02000-149/PRES/PM/MCA portant creation du Bureau Burkinabe du Droit d'Auteur (BBDA) ;
la loi n0032/99/.LL\N du 22 dccernbre 1999, portant protection de la propriete liueraire et artistique ~
~l~f~ rannort du f\:finistrc des ~-\rts e't de la Culture: L l
Le Conscil des Ministres entendu en 58. seance du 29 riovcmbre 2000 :
~-\rticle I: II est cree LIn fonds de soutien aux activues culturelles nationales
denornrne "Fonds national de promotion culturelle" (F.N.P C).
IPIN/l/BFA1C/3 Page 3
Article 2: Ce fonds est place SOlIS la tutelle du Ministre en charge de la Culture.
,~\rtitle.J: Lc Fonds national' de promotion _culturelle est alirnente par les
subventions de lEiat ct lcs apports des structures ci-apres:
I) .\l.. t titre du f\dilli:--;tcrt: :harge de la Culture:
- t L1 t~ureau Burk in.ibc du Droit d 'Auteur sur les recettes percues au titre
L..' l~l remuneration pour copie privee et pour l' exploitation des
expressions du parrimoinc culture! traditionnel appurtenant all patrimoine
- Le Festival Panafricain du Cinema de Ouagadougou (FESPACO);
- Le Centre National des Arts, du Spectacle et de I' Audiovisuel
- La Semaine Nationale de la Culture (SNC);
- la Societe Nationale du Cinema du Burkina (SONACIB);
- le Centre National dArtisanat dArt (CNAA);
- la Direction des Arts, du Spectacle et de la Cooperation Culturelle
(Di\SC) ;
- ia Direction du Livre ec de la Promotion Litteraire (DLPL) :
- 1~~ Direction-de la Cinematographic Nationale (DeN) :
- tel Direction du Patrimoine Culture] (DPe) ~
- les festivals et toutes autres structures analogues intervenant dans lc
dornaine de la culture.
IPIN/l/BFA1C/3 Page 4
2) Au titre du Ministere charge de I'Artisanat :
- Ie Salon International de lArtisanat de Ouag8.dougoli (SLAO) ~ {
- I'Office National du Commerce c.\lcrieur (C);\.~\(·) ~.
L~rticle4: Le FNPC peut recevoir des dons et des tegs.
~~rticle.5: Les apports de chaque structure et les rnodalites d'intervention du Fonds
national de promotion culturelle seront fixes par arrete du Ministre en
charge de la culture.
_~rticle 6: Le present deere: abroge toutes dispositions anterieures contraires,
notarnment Ie decret n085 - 035/CNR,/P RES:'[?\FO du 29 janvier 1985
r () r tCt II t Creati 01"1 d' un Fund~-) :< ~l t ionJ.I de I' 1\) 111 U Li\.) n Cu1[Urell e.
IP/N/l/BFA/C/3 Page 5
f-\rticle 7: Le Ministre de la Culture et des Arts, le Ministre du Commerce de la
Promotion de I' Entreprise et de l' Artisanat et Ie Ministre des Transports
ct du .TourisIllc sont charges, chacun en ce qui Ie concerne, de
I' cxecutior, du present decret qui sera publie aLL Journal 0 fficiel elu F;lSO.
Ouagadougou, le _/.
Le Premier 1\11 inistre
LG ivlirustre des Arts et de la Culture Le Ministre du Commerce, de la
Promotion de I'Entreprise et de " , '- -----_ .. _-. ..../'..
/ I' ,;.\rtisanat
,/'? J -' i ,>. "-.--'
\ ~."'-\ . '> "
" :'.
B.eclotlnla f-\Iain YOD.~\ »>
Le Ministre des Transports \
et du.Tourisme
.\ \\' L~\t? . \ \ I
\ ~ V' ~1.~! t___ .. ..,.,- alvador~OGO