Tuesday June 10, 1997 SERIES I Number 23
[Emblem of Mozambique] BULLETIN OF THE
Council of Ministers:
Resolution No. 12/97:
Approving the Cultural Policy and its Implementation Strategy,
Resolution No. 12/97
of June 10, 1997
Courtesy translation provided by WIPO © 2013
It being necessary to establish the principles of and strategy for our cultural development and
within the framework of the implementation of the Government’s FiveYear Plan, the Council of
Ministers, exercising the powers conferred on it by Article 153(1)(e) of the Constitution of the
Republic, orders that:
Sole paragraph. The Cultural Policy and its Implementation Strategy, annexed hereto and forming
an integral part of this Resolution, are hereby approved.
Approved by the Council of Ministers.
Let it be published.
The Prime Minister, Pascoal Manuel Mocumbi.
Translator’s Note: Official Government Gazette. 1
Cultural Policy of Mozambique and corresponding Implementation Strategy
1. Definition
The Constitution of the Republic of Mozambique establishes the principle whereby the State shall
promote the development of the character and culture of Mozambique and shall guarantee free
expression of the traditions and values of Mozambican society. The Government’s FiveYear Plan
reaffirms the value of culture and the need to create the conditions for greater creative, free,
democratic participation by each individual and by civil society as a whole, together with respect for
the diversity of religious beliefs and ethnic origins.
Culture may be defined as a complex set of ways of being, behaving and relating from birth to
death, including the rituals that mark the main stages in the process of social integration and
socialization. Culture encompasses the following: creative aspects; the visual and performing arts;
material aspects: clothing, architecture and work tools; institutional aspects: economic, social,
political and military structures; philosophical aspects: ideas, beliefs and values. All these aspects are
continually interacting with new situations and experiences. Culture must therefore be understood as
the totality of the way of life of a people or a community.
The Government acknowledges the role of culture as a decisive factor in the character of
Mozambican people and considers its development to be a fundamental element in the consolidation
of national unity and of individual and group identity.
State intervention in terms of cultural development shall be guided by a Cultural Policy based on
the presuppositions reflected in the Constitution of the Republic, the Cultural Heritage Law, the
recommendations of the First National Conference on Culture and the Government’s FiveYear Plan
for the cultural sector, as well as in experiences of governance in Mozambique and throughout the
The Cultural Policy is a tool that regulates the activities of the Government with regard to its links
with the other actors involved in the promotion and development of culture.
The aim of the Cultural Policy is to guide the activities of all in contributing to the cohesion and
the psychological and social equilibrium of communities, as well as to the integration of their
members. The Government’s Cultural Policy constitutes a contribution to the definition of what it
means to be Mozambican as reflected in the heritage of all our citizens.
2. Principles and goals of the Cultural Policy
2.1. Principles
The Cultural Policy is based on the acceptance and application of the following principles:
a) economic and social development shall have culture as a mandatory and fixed point of departure and reference point. Development will be sustainable only if it has men and
women as its primary and end beneficiaries;
b) culture is a key instrument for affirming and developing national identity;
c) all citizens have an equal right to take part in cultural life and to enjoy access to the benefits of culture and art;
d) cultural cooperation with other peoples shall be based on interdependence between States, irrespective of their political or ideological systems;
e) through international cultural cooperation, all peoples, nations and agencies shall contribute to the creation of a better world, a world of peace, wellbeing and mutual understanding and
2.2. Objectives
2.2.1. Overall objectives
The overall objectives of the Cultural Policy shall be as follows:
a) to promote the development of Mozambican culture and character and to guarantee the free expression of Mozambican values, in close cooperation with those who play an active part in
b) to promote the dissemination of Mozambican culture, both nationally and internationally, and to take steps to ensure that the Mozambican people benefit from the cultural achievements of
other peoples;
c) to promote respect for and the development and acceptance of the expressions of culture of each community;
d) to promote the identification, preservation and development of Mozambique’s cultural and artistic heritage;
e) to encourage associations, the business community, community leaders and other collective bodies and individuals to complement the State’s activities in the sphere of the promotion
and development of Mozambican culture, both at home and abroad;
f) to protect the affirmation of local cultural identities as an expression of unity in diversity;
g) to promote the assessment of the social and cultural impact of development projects and the inclusion therein of a cultural component;
h) to contribute to the education of communities and all those active in society with regard to a culture of peace, tolerance, social harmony and respect for human rights.
2.2.2. Specific objectives
The following shall be specific objectives of the Cultural Policy:
a) to establish a reference framework for all legislation and regulations governing cultural activity
and for the actions of the various bodies in this field;
b) to create an environment that is favorable to the preservation and development of national
traditions and also to the appropriation and mastery of modern science and technologies in
the interests of national development;
c) to promote the inclusion of social and cultural values in teaching curricula;
d) to foster the development of patriotism, liberty, public spiritedness, work, democracy and social
solidarity in the life and work of Mozambican people;
e) to encourage actions that promote equal access for citizens to the benefits of culture and art;
f) to improve and consolidate the foundations for a cultural administration based on
decentralization, participation by the people and the development and support of cultural
associations and local initiatives;
g) to encourage and support research on and development of Mozambique’s history and cultural
h) to establish the specific duties of the State and to create spaces for the involvement of civil
society in the promotion of cultural development;
i) to lay down the fundamental principles for coordinating and harmonizing the efforts of the
main actors involved in cultural activities;
j) to encourage the constant improvement of the quality of Mozambique’s artistic output;
k) to develop intellectual artistic creators and to establish the principles underlying the protection
of intellectual property;
l) to establish the basic principles for providing funding and support for cultural activity;
m) to encourage cultural exchange between the country’s various regions and cultural cooperation
and exchange with other peoples.
3. Priorities in terms of cultural development
The Government shall prioritize the following areas:
— social and cultural research
— the preservation and dissemination of cultural heritage;
— artistic creation and performance;
— cultural associations;
— artistic and professional training;
— grassroots participation;
— the development of networks of cultural institutions;
— international cooperation and exchange.
3.1. Social and cultural research
The promotion of research into and the study and dissemination of Mozambican culture is
essential in order to understand lines of continuity and create cultural interlinkages. Knowledge of the
cultural and social practices of communities is an important resource in terms of governance and
planning based on a better understanding of the reality of the situation.
Universities and research institutes, both public and private, shall be responsible for promoting
scientific research into the Mozambican social and cultural spheres, such as history and the oral
tradition; social and family organization; forms of production and economic organization; traditional
authorities; rites of initiation and passage; propitiation ceremonies; magical and religious beliefs and
practices; the national languages; the performing and visual arts; the impact of the clash of
civilizations in Mozambique; the peace culture and the development of democratic institutions;
conflict and forms of reconciliation and social restructuring.
3.2. Cultural heritage
3.2.1. Historic monuments, sites and locations
Mozambique possesses evidence of human history that is important not just for local communities
but also for the rest of humankind. The Island of Mozambique (classified as a World Heritage site),
rock art, walled enclosures (the Swahili ruins, stonewalled settlements known as zimbabwes, as well
as aringas (fortified enclosures)), historic sites and areas with high biodiversity are examples of this
rich heritage that contribute to the identity of the Mozambican character and physical space. The State
and Mozambican society are dutybound to promote and support initiatives designed to preserve and
develop these fixed assets.
In this regard, the Government shall define principles and priorities for action in the areas of
conservation, restoration, presentation, education and tourism in relation to these fixed assets.
The Government shall lay down the conditions and requirements for the declaration as national
monuments of assets the historical, archaeological, architectural, artistic or natural value of which is
such that they merit such classification.
Museums play an important role in the preservation, study and communication of collective
memory and the material and spiritual culture of both the Mozambican people and others throughout
In this context, the concept of a museum is that of a space for conservation, research and
communication of our cultural and natural heritage. In addition to conservation work, this concept
encompasses the scientific interpretation of the informative value of our natural and cultural heritage,
as well as its communication by means of documented exhibitions of interest to the community and
activities such as publications, lecture series, audiovisual sessions, workshops and other educational
The Government’s policy shall encourage the improvement and expansion of the network of
national, regional and specialized museums, whether or not they are under the administrative
supervision of the State. Moreover, one particular priority within the framework of the Government’s
Cultural Policy shall also be the institutionalization of existing museums that have not yet been
institutionalized. Efforts will also be made to support initiatives launched by the various economic
and social sectors to set up new museums and at provincial level, an information and coordination
system shall be created between the bodies which carry out activities in the field of museology, and
the standards to be upheld shall be established.
3.2.3. Archives
The function of archives is to collect, process, conserve and disseminate documents, chiefly
primary documents stored on different kinds of media.
The Government shall support the activities of the existing archives and shall encourage the
creation of other archives, both general and specialized, at the national and local levels.
3.2.4. Distinctive elements of local culture: folklore, typical costume and cuisine
Style of dress and eating habits are among the most striking of a people’s distinctive
characteristics. Owing to Mozambique’s vast expanse of territory and the intermingling of different
peoples and civilizations there over the centuries, Mozambique boasts a wide variety of costumes and
cooking styles.
The Government shall foster research on and the promotion of local costumes, and shall
encourage their use both as a source of inspiration for stylists and as a product for the national and
international markets.
The Government shall likewise encourage and support initiatives designed to develop and exploit
Mozambique’s national food and drink, including by means of their industrial production.
3.2.5. Traditional rituals, beliefs, medicine and power
Traditional medicine is an area in which therapeutic, ritual, symbolic and magical and religious
aspects interact. These practices also contribute to the maintenance and restoration of social
equilibrium. A large proportion of the population depends on these practices, often employing them in
tandem with modern medicine.
The traditional authorities, together with the priests of magical and religious cults and the holders
of knowledge concerning traditional medicine, are among the guarantors of social stability and
harmony in many communities.
The Government shall acknowledge and develop the participation of the traditional authorities in
the management of cultural heritage and shall promote research into these areas of knowledge and
their inclusion in public administration and in modern medicine.
3.2.6. National languages
National languages are an important heritage as they are the main repository of national traditions
and the main vehicle for their expression. They are the communication tool of the majority of
Mozambicans and a crucial element in the involvement of citizens in social, economic and political
The actions to be undertaken in this field, based on close cooperation between the relevant
institutions and departments, include the following: the development of the social value of languages;
supporting existing and future centers for the study of Mozambican languages; codifying and
standardizing the spelling of Mozambican languages; and selecting the languages that, in each
province or region, shall be introduced into the National Education System and into political, social
and economic life.
Incentives shall be given to projects to produce dictionaries, grammars, manuals and literary and
scientific works in national languages.
The development and expansion of the teaching of Portuguese, as the official language of
Mozambique, shall continue to be encouraged.
4. Artistic creation and performance
Artistic creation and performance are excellent ways of promoting and improving ongoing
communication and dialogue between the various strata of society. They also help to promote the
expression of a people’s identity and to project its image.
The people’s love of their country, spirit of solidarity and creative initiative can be strengthened
in part through the use of their different means of expression, forms and styles, artistic creation and
Priorities in this area include music, dance, theater and the visual arts.
4.1.Music, dance and theater
Our country has a rich heritage in the fields of music, dance and theater and has produced a
number of renowned artists.
In tandem with research into the various forms of cultural expression, the Government shall
encourage the development of artists and of music, dance and theater in Mozambique, in their various
styles and genres, and shall support their inclusion in the production of modern musical,
choreographical and theatrical works.
The Government’s policy shall encourage the promotion of festivals, competitions and prizes for
the various forms of artistic expression.
4.2. Handicrafts and visual arts
Handicrafts, as a tangible part of the history and culture of the Mozambican people, represent a
valuable heritage that must be protected and developed. The Government shall encourage the setting
up of centers for the production of handicrafts and the continual improvement of techniques and
products, with a view to exhibiting and marketing handicrafts both within and outside the country.
Drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics and other forms of plastic arts shall also be encouraged
and supported. The Government shall therefore support initiatives to set up workshops and art and
handicraft galleries throughout the country.
5. Cultural industries
5.1. Cultural and recreational performances
Performances constitute a form of leisure and entertainment which also contributes to the civic
and patriotic education of citizens. Thus, the Government shall encourage and support the
organization of cultural and recreational performances, as well as the existence of bodies organizing
performances and promoters.
5.2. Cinema and audio visual works
The moving image is an art form and plays an important role in citizens’ education and entertainment.
It is also used as a means of recording, disseminating and conserving images of historical and cultural
The need to build a society founded on peace, harmony and moral values makes it imperative to
introduce mechanisms to limit the proliferation of films that represent an apology for violence,
promiscuity and lack of respect towards women and towards life. It shall be the responsibility of the
Government, within the framework of this Cultural Policy, to support and regulate cinematographic
production and dissemination.
Given the importance of the moving image, the Government shall encourage and support the
setting up of associations devoted to the study, criticism and dissemination of cinema and to
promoting its development.
5.3.Music recording studios
The setting up of music studios fitted with modern recording equipment will contribute to the
promotion of Mozambican music, which has advanced considerably in terms of both form and
content. Music recording studios that meet international requirements and quality standards must be
set up if Mozambican music is to be widely disseminated and accepted on the national and
international markets. Initiatives to create highquality recording studios in Mozambique shall
therefore be encouraged and incentivized, leading to the publication of records, compact discs and
cassettes that can be marketed successfully on the national and international markets.
5.4. The manufacture of musical instruments
One basic prerequisite of the production of music is the availability and accessibility of musical
instruments. Thus, in order to promote and develop domestic musical talent, the State shall encourage
any initiative involving the production of musical instruments in Mozambique.
6. Literature and books
6.1. Literature
Literature is both oral and written. For centuries, oral literature has been the most important
vehicle for passing on and preserving knowledge and experiences, history, myths, poems, stories,
songs, legends and proverbs down through the generations. Written literature plays an important role
in the development of creativity and in conveying Mozambican and universal ideas, experiences and
In this context, it shall be the Government’s responsibility to support the development of all forms
of literature and the identification of new talents, in addition to holding competitions and establishing
6.2. Books
The Government shall create the conditions necessary for books to be an accessible, indispensible,
object in the daily lives of Mozambicans, and to that end shall foster the emergence of a book industry
and book trade that will develop and reinforce people’s enjoyment of reading.
6.3. Libraries
Libraries, both public and private, are designed for research and for the acquisition, processing
and dissemination of bibliographic, cinematographic, iconographic and phonographic material for
consultation by interested parties for the purposes of study or pleasure.
The Government shall promote initiatives designed to improve the work of libraries through the
creation of mechanisms to facilitate the circulation of books produced within and outside of
The Government shall likewise encourage the creation of libraries in teaching establishments,
production units and social, economic, cultural and youth associations, to complement the role of the
public libraries.
7. Cultural development
7.1 Casas de Cultura (Cultural institutes) and cultural centers
The Casa de Cultura is the basic institution in terms of the carrying out of cultural work in the
The Casas de Cultura provide a venue for a variety of activities, including: initiation into and
education in the arts; catering for interested circles; organizing popular festivities and celebrating
dates of national importance; performances and concerts featuring different forms of artistic
expression; debates, competitions and festivals, and; art, handicraft, photographic and other kinds of
The State shall therefore promote and support the establishment of Casas de Cultura in provincial
capitals, the main towns in districts and major population centers.
The Government shall likewise encourage the setting up of Casas de Cultura in economic and
social and professional organizations to conduct a wide variety of activities, with the relevant local
Casa de Cultura remaining a reference point in terms of methodological guidance at the operational
Conditions and infrastructure permitting, Casas de Cultural may serve as both cultural and sports
7.2. Artistic and professional training
People are the most decisive factor in the implementation of the Government’s Cultural Policy.
The appropriate training of human resources for cultural development is therefore of the utmost
To this end, art teachers shall be trained for art schools and for the National Education System, as
shall experts in areas of special interest for cultural development such as archaeology, anthropology,
linguistics, ethnomusicology, art history, museology, cultural planning and administration,
librarianship, documentation, sociology, and so on.
Training for the development and management of these areas shall therefore fall into three main
categories, namely:
the training of managers to direct and administer the sector at the different levels;
the training of cultural organizers to foster the cultural movement within the community; and
the academic and professional training of artists and cultural experts in the various specialized areas.
In the context of these efforts, the improvement of conditions in terms of infrastructure and
the extension of training facilities to the provinces are of prime importance.
7.3. International cooperation and exchange
Cooperation between peoples and nations enables the exchange of experiences, better
understanding and increased mutual respect.
Cultural cooperation therefore plays a fundamental role in the expansion and development of
political and economic cooperation between countries.
Within the framework of international cultural cooperation and exchange programs, the
Government shall promote the strengthening of its ties with all countries, regardless of their political
systems or geographical location. At the same time, the Government shall pay particular attention to
strengthening ties of friendship and cooperation with other countries in the region and with
Portuguesespeaking countries.
8. Strategies for implementing the Cultural Policy
The following points stand out as the main measures and strategies to be adopted in terms of the
implementation of the aims of the Cultural Policy: the need to link the public cultural sector with the
private sector and the community; coordination with other sectors; institutional capacitybuilding,
and; the creation of mechanisms for the funding of cultural activities.
8.1. Linkins between the public sector and civil society
The State and civil society have a role and a responsibility in terms of cultural development and
shall act in coordination, complementing one another.
The Ministry for Culture, Youth and Sports, the central State body for directing, planning,
coordinating and developing government policies on culture, shall be responsible for coordinating the
efforts of the whole of society in the sphere of cultural development.
8.1.1. Competences of the State
In the context of the implementation of the Cultural Policy, the State shall be competent in terms
a) the drafting and approval of legislation and instruments regulating the funding of culture, the
social status of artists and creators and the operation of cultural institutions, and the
ratification of the relevant international agreements and recommendations on various
aspects of cultural life;
b) the creation of a legal framework to guide those involved in the social, cultural, political and
economic development of the country;
c) the approval of legislation for the promotion, safeguarding and preservation of the cultural
heritage and the monitoring of compliance with this legislation within the scope of the
powers of the Council of Ministers as defined in the Constitution;
d) the creation of cultural institutions such as museums, libraries, Casas de Cultura, art schools,
galleries and theaters;
e) the fostering and encouragement of the promotion of cultural exchanges between
Mozambican and foreign groups;
f) the negotiation and signing of agreements and other similar instruments on cultural exchange
with other countries, and the regulation of the running of foreign cultural centers;
g) the promotion of competitions and festivals in order to stimulate interest in cultural and
artistic expression;
h) the promotion of social and cultural and historical research;
i) the promotion of the correct spelling and pronunciation of clan names and geographical
names as a way of respecting the linguistic richness and ethnic diversity of Mozambique.
8.1.2. The role of civil society
As part of the process of implementing this Cultural Policy, civil society can contribute
towards the setting up of institutions designed to develop and promote Mozambican culture at
home and abroad, and can help organize associations and set up enterprises to disseminate,
preserve and develop Mozambican culture. It can also promote the patriotic cultural education of
citizens in such a way that they become more aware of the importance and value of our national
heritage. Civil society can also contribute to the funding of activities to train Mozambican
officials in the sphere of artistic education and cultural administration.
Civil society also has both the right and the duty to promote, sponsor and carry out cultural
initiatives in the various fields such as festivals, competitions, debates, round tables, gatherings,
concerts and exhibitions, as well as to participate in activities to coordinate and assess the impact
of cultural work in Mozambican society.
8.2. Intersectoral coordination
As a part of a multisectoral and multidisciplinary approach, the cultural sector is required to
coordinate with other institutions in order to achieve the goals set under the Cultural Policy. A
number of areas stand out in this regard, for example: education, technology, the environment and
tourism, and public administration.
8.2.1. Culture and education
The close relationship between culture and education may be expressed in simple terms by
saying that education (both formal and informal) is the vehicle par excellence for passing on
culture from one generation to the next. The family plays a decisive role in the formation of an
individual’s personality.
A number of measures have been designed to ensure the implementation of the Cultural
Policy through education, including:
the promotion of the development of the family and other informal mechanisms that play a part in education;
the introduction of aesthetic education into the National Education System and the carrying out of cultural activities in schools;
the use of national languages at certain levels of education;
the organization of cultural festivals and competitions in schools.
8.2.2. Culture and technology
Science and technology cannot be developed in isolation from social and cultural values, as any
kind of technology or technological innovation is a cultural phenomenon that has an impact on and
direct and indirect repercussions for the ethical and aesthetic values, lifestyle, behavior and cultural
environment of any society.
The Government shall encourage and support knowledge and the appropriation of new
technologies, which must fit in with the situation in Mozambique and contribute towards the
resolution of the country’s problems. Efforts shall be made to establish a network of research and
teaching institutions for the exchange of information in the sphere of social and cultural development.
Among the forms of technology deserving of particular attention are information technology,
including electronic communication and the worldwide communication network, the Internet, which
have already helped to allow fast access to all kinds of information and have enabled institutions the
world over, and people involved in culture, science, politics and business, to come together and make
decisions rapidly.
8.2.3. Culture, the environment and tourism
As nature and culture are inextricably linked, close coordination shall be maintained between the
bodies responsible for culture, the natural heritage and the environment in order to contribute to the
rational use of the earth, water and other renewable resources through cultural and artistic programs.
Treeplanting shall be promoted, the essential precautions to be taken shall be publicized and parks
and recreational centers shall be created in communities. At the same time, joint efforts shall be made
to research and develop cultural practices that make a positive contribution within the various
communities to the sustainable management of the environment and natural resources.
Cultural expressions, folklore, landscapes and natural parks, monuments and museums, costumes,
cuisine and traditional rituals are important elements for successful tourism.
As culture is the dynamic transfer of values from one generation to the next, tourism must be
transformed into a major vehicle for cultural exchange, both nationally and internationally, improving
mutual understanding and reducing the prejudices attached to existing differences.
Cultural and tourism bodies shall work in close cooperation to exploit Mozambique’s potential
and to develop entrepreneurship in the promotion and development of cultural tourism.
In implementing its policy in this area, the Government shall encourage the following activities:
the promotion of industry and markets for works of art and handicrafts;
the development of Mozambican cuisine, in particular in the hotel industry;
the production and sale of souvenirs;
the production of documentaries on cultural matters;
participation in cultural festivities.
8.2.4. Culture and public administration
Knowledge of local cultures and the social and cultural dynamics within communities are
important elements with regard to governance and the planning of national development. Educational
guidelines and programs shall therefore be established and shall be included in the training of district
administrators and other public officials at all levels.
8.3. Development and protection of authors
Artists play an important role in promoting cultural values, in the civic education of communities,
in mobilizing citizens to carry out national reconstruction and development tasks, in creating an
environment with a culture of peace, unity, social harmony, democracy and respect for human rights
and in promoting Mozambique and its cultural diversity.
Culture and art can only be successfully developed if creators and practitioners enjoy protection
and support. Action will therefore be taken to ensure the ratification of the international and regional
agreements on the protection of intellectual property and the revision of the Law on Copyright and
Related Rights.
The State shall encourage and support the creation of Mozambican societies of authors and shall
promote the measures necessary to combat all forms of piracy and the infringement of intellectual
8.4. Institutional development
In the context of institutional development, efforts will be focused on the organization of
structures for the management and administration of cultural issues. Said structures shall be supplied
with the essential resources required to enable them to carry out their mandates, as well as for the
training of officials of State bodies at all levels, dependent institutions, cultural associations and local
bodies, through a policy of decentralization.
Efforts shall likewise be made to consolidate and extend the role of the community in cultural
development, by fostering cultural associations and the participation of business and economic actors
in programs and projects in the sector. Furthermore, more culturefriendly tax policies shall be
8.5. Funding cultural activity
The main sources of funding for the implementation of the Cultural Policy shall be as follows:
a) budgetary allocations;
b) grants from the Artistic and Cultural Development Fund (FUNDAC);
c) revenue from the application of the Law on the Protection of Cultural Property and other legal
provisions on this subject;
d) contributions from nongovernmental sectors, trade, industry and international and
intergovernmental organizations;
e) donations from individuals, groups and organizations and other legitimate income.
Price — MT 3,312.00