Об интеллектуальной собственности Обучение в области ИС Обеспечение уважения интеллектуальной собственности Информационно-просветительская работа в области ИС ИС для ИС и ИС в области Информация о патентах и технологиях Информация о товарных знаках Информация о промышленных образцах Информация о географических указаниях Информация о новых сортах растений (UPOV) Законы, договоры и судебные решения в области ИС Ресурсы в области ИС Отчеты в области ИС Патентная охрана Охрана товарных знаков Охрана промышленных образцов Охрана географических указаний Охрана новых сортов растений (UPOV) Разрешение споров в области ИС Деловые решения для ведомств ИС Оплата услуг в области ИС Органы по ведению переговоров и директивные органы Сотрудничество в целях развития Поддержка инновационной деятельности Государственно-частные партнерства Инструменты и сервисы на базе ИИ Организация Работа с ВОИС Подотчетность Патенты Товарные знаки Промышленные образцы Географические указания Авторское право Коммерческая тайна Академия ВОИС Практикумы и семинары Защита прав ИС WIPO ALERT Информационно-просветительская работа Международный день ИС Журнал ВОИС Тематические исследования и истории успеха Новости ИС Премии ВОИС Бизнеса Университетов Коренных народов Судебных органов Генетические ресурсы, традиционные знания и традиционные выражения культуры Экономика Финансирование Нематериальные активы Гендерное равенство Глобальное здравоохранение Изменение климата Политика в области конкуренции Цели в области устойчивого развития Передовых технологий Мобильных приложений Спорта Туризма PATENTSCOPE Патентная аналитика Международная патентная классификация ARDI – исследования в интересах инноваций ASPI – специализированная патентная информация Глобальная база данных по брендам Madrid Monitor База данных Article 6ter Express Ниццкая классификация Венская классификация Глобальная база данных по образцам Бюллетень международных образцов База данных Hague Express Локарнская классификация База данных Lisbon Express Глобальная база данных по ГУ База данных о сортах растений PLUTO База данных GENIE Договоры, административные функции которых выполняет ВОИС WIPO Lex – законы, договоры и судебные решения в области ИС Стандарты ВОИС Статистика в области ИС WIPO Pearl (терминология) Публикации ВОИС Страновые справки по ИС Центр знаний ВОИС Серия публикаций ВОИС «Тенденции в области технологий» Глобальный инновационный индекс Доклад о положении в области интеллектуальной собственности в мире PCT – международная патентная система Портал ePCT Будапештская система – международная система депонирования микроорганизмов Мадридская система – международная система товарных знаков Портал eMadrid Cтатья 6ter (гербы, флаги, эмблемы) Гаагская система – система международной регистрации образцов Портал eHague Лиссабонская система – международная система географических указаний Портал eLisbon UPOV PRISMA UPOV e-PVP Administration UPOV e-PVP DUS Exchange Посредничество Арбитраж Вынесение экспертных заключений Споры по доменным именам Система централизованного доступа к результатам поиска и экспертизы (CASE) Служба цифрового доступа (DAS) WIPO Pay Текущий счет в ВОИС Ассамблеи ВОИС Постоянные комитеты График заседаний WIPO Webcast Официальные документы ВОИС Повестка дня в области развития Техническая помощь Учебные заведения в области ИС Поддержка в связи с COVID-19 Национальные стратегии в области ИС Помощь в вопросах политики и законодательной деятельности Центр сотрудничества Центры поддержки технологий и инноваций (ЦПТИ) Передача технологий Программа содействия изобретателям (IAP) WIPO GREEN PAT-INFORMED ВОИС Консорциум доступных книг Консорциум «ВОИС для авторов» WIPO Translate для перевода Система для распознавания речи Помощник по классификации Государства-члены Наблюдатели Генеральный директор Деятельность в разбивке по подразделениям Внешние бюро Вакансии Закупки Результаты и бюджет Финансовая отчетность Надзор
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Распоряжение «О толковании и общих положениях» (глава 1), Гонконг, Китай

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Подробности Подробности Год версии 2009 Даты Принят: 1 января 1966 г. Тип текста Основное законодательство Предмет Прочее Примечания This Ordinance lays down rules in respect of construction and interpretation of laws, defines terms and expressions used in laws and public documents, and makes general provisions with regard to public officers.

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Основной(ые) текст(ы) Основной(ые) текст(ы) Китайский 釋義及通則條例(第1章)         Английский Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Chapter 1)        
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Long title 30/06/1997

To consolidate and amend the law relating to the construction, application and interpretation of laws, to make general provisions with regard thereto, to define terms and expressions used in laws and public documents, to make general provision with regard to public officers, public contracts and civil and criminal proceedings and for purposes and for matters incidental thereto or connected therewith.

[31 December 1966] L.N. 88 of 1966

(Originally 31 of 1966)

Section: 1 Short title 30/06/1997

PART I SHORT TITLE AND APPLICATION This Ordinance may be cited as the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance.

Section: 2 Application 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 2

(1) Save where the contrary intention appears either from this Ordinance or from the context of any other Ordinance or instrument, the provisions of this Ordinance shall apply to this Ordinance and to any other Ordinance in force, whether such other Ordinance came or comes into operation before or after the commencement of this Ordinance, and to any instrument made or issued under or by virtue of any such Ordinance.

(1A) The inclusion of the substance of a provision of this Ordinance in another Ordinance does not imply the exclusion of the application of any other provision of this Ordinance to the other Ordinance. (Added 89 of 1993 s. 2)

(2) This Ordinance shall be binding on the State. (Replaced 26 of 1998 s. 2)


Please also see s. 1(3) of 26 of 1998, which is subject to article 12 of the Hong Kong Bill of Rights set out in

Part II of Cap 383. That s. 1(3) reads as follows- "(3) Save where the contrary intention appears either from the amended Ordinance or from the context of any other Ordinance or instrument, the provisions of the amended Ordinance shall apply to the amended Ordinance and to any other Ordinance in force, whether such other Ordinance came or comes into operation before, on or after 1 July 1997, and to any instrument made or issued under or by virtue of any such Ordinance.".

(Please note that "amended Ordinance" referred to in the above s. 1(3) means Cap 1 as amended by 26 of


Section: 2A Laws previously in force 110 of 1997; 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 3

All laws previously in force shall be construed with such modifications, adaptations, limitations and exceptions as may be necessary so as not to contravene the Basic Law and to bring them into conformity with the status of Hong Kong as a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), in any Ordinance-
(a) provisions relating to foreign affairs in respect of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region which are inconsistent with any national law applied in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be construed subject to that national law and shall be so construed as to be consistent with the international rights and obligations of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China;
(b) provisions conferring privileges on the United Kingdom or other Commonwealth countries or territories, other than provisions giving effect to reciprocal arrangements between Hong Kong and the United Kingdom or other Commonwealth countries or territories shall have no further effect;
(c) provisions relating to the rights, exemptions and obligations of military forces stationed in Hong Kong by the United Kingdom shall, subject to the provisions of the Basic Law and the Garrison Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, continue to have effect and apply to the military forces stationed in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region by the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China;
(d) provisions relating to the superior legal status of the English language as compared with the Chinese language shall be construed as providing that both the English and Chinese languages are to be official languages; and
(e) provisions applying any English law may continue to be applicable by reference thereto as a transitional arrangement pending their amendment by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region through the Legislature thereof, provided that they are not prejudicial to the sovereignty of the People's Republic of China and do not contravene the provisions of the Basic Law.
(3) In all laws previously in force words and expressions listed in Schedule 8 shall be construed according to that Schedule.


(4) In this section-

"laws previously in force" (原有法律) means the common law, rules of equity, Ordinances, subsidiary legislation and customary law in force immediately before 1 July 1997 and adopted as laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

(Added 110 of 1997 s. 5. Amended 26 of 1998 s. 3)



"act" (作為), when used with reference to an offence or civil wrong, includes a series of acts, an illegal omission and a series of illegal omissions;

"Administrative Appeals Board" (行政上訴委員會) means the Administrative Appeals Board established under the Administrative Appeals Board Ordinance (Cap 442); (Added 6 of 1994 s. 32)

"adult" (成人、成年人)* means a person who has attained the age of 18 years; (Amended 32 of 1990 s. 6)

"aircraft" (飛機、航空器) means any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air;

"alien" (外籍人士) means a person other than a Chinese citizen; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"amend" (修訂) includes repeal, add to or vary and the doing of all or any of such things simultaneously or by the same Ordinance or instrument; (Amended 89 of 1993 s. 3)

"arrestable offence" (可逮捕的罪行) means an offence for which the sentence is fixed by law or for which a person may under or by virtue of any law be sentenced to imprisonment for a term exceeding 12 months, and an attempt to commit any such offence; (Added 30 of 1971 s. 2)

"Basic Law" (基本法) means the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"Chief Executive" (行政長官) means

(a) the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;
(b) a person for the time being assuming the duties of the Chief Executive according to the provisions of

Article 53 of the Basic Law; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"Chief Executive in Council" (行政長官會同行政會議) means the Chief Executive acting after consultation with the Executive Council; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"Chief Judge" (高等法院首席法官) means the Chief Judge of the High Court; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"Chief Justice" (終審法院首席法官) means the Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"Chief Secretary for Administration" (政務司司長) means the Chief Secretary for Administration of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"China" (中國) means the People's Republic of China; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"Chinese citizen" and "Chinese national" (中國公民) mean a person who has Chinese nationality under the Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China in Schedule 4 to the Promulgation of National Laws 1997

(L.N. 379 of 1997); (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4) "Clerk to the Executive Council" (行政會議秘書) includes any person appointed by the Chief Executive to be Deputy Clerk to the Executive Council; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"Clerk to the Legislative Council" (立法會秘書) means the Secretary General of the Legislative Council Secretariat appointed under section 15(1) of The Legislative Council Commission Ordinance (Cap 443) and includes the Deputy Secretary General and any Assistant Secretary General of the Legislative Council Secretariat; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"commencement" (生效日期), when used in relation to an Ordinance, or any part or provision thereof, means the date on which the Ordinance, part or provision came or comes into operation; (Replaced 39 of 1982 s. 2) "committed for trial" (交付審判), when used in relation to a person, means

(a) committed to prison with a view to his being tried before the Court of First Instance; or

(b) admitted to bail to appear and stand his trial before the Court of First Instance; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4) "common law" (普通法) means the common law in force in Hong Kong; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"consul" (領事) and "consular officer" (領事館官員) mean any person, including the head of a consular post, recognized by the competent authority of the receiving state as entrusted in that capacity with the exercise of consular functions;

"contravene" (違反) in relation to any requirement or condition prescribed in any Ordinance or in any grant, permit, licence, lease or authority granted under or by virtue of any Ordinance includes a failure to comply with that requirement or condition;

"counsel" (大律師) means a person admitted before the Court of First Instance to practise as counsel; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"court" (法院、法庭) means any court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of competent jurisdiction; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"Court of Appeal" (上訴法庭) means the Court of Appeal of the High Court; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"Court of Final Appeal" (終審法院) means the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal established by section 3 of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Ordinance (Cap 484); (Added 79 of 1995 s. 50)

"Court of First Instance" (原訟法庭) means the Court of First Instance of the High Court; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"Crown lease" (官契) means any lease granted by the Crown before 1 July 1997, any instrument whereby the term of

a Crown lease may have been extended or the provisions thereof varied and any agreement for a Crown lease; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4) "department" (部門), in relation to the Government, includes bureau; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4) "District Council" (區議會) has the meaning assigned to it by the District Councils Ordinance (Cap 547); (Replaced 8 of 1999 s. 89) "District Court" (區域法院) means the District Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4) "District Judge" (區域法院法官) means a judge of the District Court; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4) "document" (文件) means any publication and any matter written, expressed or described upon any substance by means of letters, characters, figures or marks, or by more than one of these means;

"enactment" (成文法則) has the same meaning as Ordinance; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"Executive Council" (行政會議) means the Executive Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"export" (輸出、出口) means to take out or cause to be taken out of Hong Kong by air, land or water; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"Financial Secretary" (財政司司長) means the Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4. Amended L.N. 106 of 2002)

"financial year" (財政年度) means the period from 1 April in any year to 31 March in the immediately succeeding year, both days inclusive;

"foreign country" and "foreign state" (外國) mean a country or state other than the People's Republic of China; (Added 23 of 1998 s. 2)

"foreign currency" (外幣) means any currency other than Hong Kong currency; (Added 23 of 1998 s. 2)

"full age" (成年)* means the age of 18 years; (Added 32 of 1990 s. 6)

"Gazette" (憲報) means

(a) the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Gazette and any supplement thereto;
(b) the Gazette published by the Administration on or between 12 October 1945 and 1 May 1946;
(c) the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Gazette Extraordinary;
(d) the Hong Kong Government Gazette and any supplement thereto published before 1 July 1997;

(e) any Special Gazette or Gazette Extraordinary published before 1 July 1997; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4) "general holiday" and "public holiday" (公眾假期、公眾假日) mean any day which is a general holiday for the purposes of the General Holidays Ordinance (Cap 149); (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4. Amended 35 of 1998 s. 5) "general revenue" (政府一般收入) means the general revenue of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4) "Government" (特區政府) means the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; (Added 26 of

1998 s. 4) "Government lease" (政府租契) means a lease of land granted by or on behalf of the Government, and includes-

(a) an instrument whereby
(i) the term of the lease has been extended; or
(ii) the provisions of the lease have been varied;
(b) an agreement for such a lease; and

(c) a Crown lease; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4) "Government Printer" (政府印務局) means

(a) the Government Logistics Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and any other printer authorized by or on behalf of the Chief Executive to print any Ordinance or any other document of the Government; (Amended L.N. 164 of 2003)
(b) in relation to any Ordinance or any other document printed before 1 July 1997, the Government Printer

within the meaning of this section as in force immediately before that date; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4) "harbour" (海港) means the waters of Hong Kong within the boundaries specified in Schedule 3; (Added 26 of 1998

s. 4) "health officer" (衞生主任) means
(a) the Director, Deputy Director and Assistant Director of Health;
(b) any person appointed as a health officer by the Chief Executive; and
(c) any person for the time being performing the duties of a health officer under any Ordinance; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4) "High Court" (高等法院) means the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region established by section 3 of the High Court Ordinance (Cap 4); (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4) "HKSAR" (特區) means the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China; (Added

26 of 1998 s. 4) "Hong Kong" (香港) means the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"Hong Kong permanent resident" and "permanent resident of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" (香港永久性居民、香港特別行政區永久性居民) mean a person who belongs to a class or description of persons specified in Schedule 1 to the Immigration Ordinance (Cap 115); (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" (香港特別行政區) means the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, the geographical extent of which is the land and sea specified or referred to in Schedule 2; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"immovable property" (不動產) means

(a) land, whether covered by water or not;
(b) any estate, right, interest or easement in or over any land; and

(c) things attached to land or permanently fastened to anything attached to land; "import" (輸入、進口) means to bring or cause to be brought into Hong Kong by air, land or water; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4) "infant" (幼年人) and "minor" (未成年人)* mean a person who has not attained the age of 18 years; (Amended 32

of 1990 s. 6)

"instrument" (文書) includes any publication in the Gazette having legal effect;

"Joint Declaration" (聯合聲明) means the Sino-British Joint Declaration on the Question of Hong Kong done at Beijing on 19 December 1984; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"judge" (法官) means the Chief Justice, a judge of the Court of Final Appeal, the Chief Judge, a Justice of Appeal, a judge of the Court of First Instance, a recorder of the Court of First Instance and a deputy judge of the Court of First Instance; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"judge of the Court of Final Appeal" (終審法院法官) means the Chief Justice, a permanent judge and a nonpermanent judge of the Court of Final Appeal; (Added 79 of 1995 s. 50. Amended 26 of 1998 s. 37)

"justice" and "justice of the peace" (太平紳士) mean a person appointed to be a justice of the peace under the Justices of the Peace Ordinance (Cap 510); (Amended 47 of 1997 s. 10)

"Kowloon" (九龍) means the area specified in Schedule 4;

"Lands Tribunal" (土地審裁處) means the Lands Tribunal established under section 3 of the Lands Tribunal

Ordinance (Cap 17); (Added 62 of 1974 s. 16) "law" (法律、法例、法) means any law for the time being in force in, having legislative effect in, extending to, or applicable in, Hong Kong; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4) "Legislative Council" (立法會) means

(a) the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;

(b) the Provisional Legislative Council during its existence; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4) "magistrate" (裁判官) means any person appointed to be a permanent or special magistrate under the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227); (Replaced 47 of 1997 s. 10) "master" (船長), when used with reference to a vessel, means the person (except a pilot) having for the time being command or charge of the vessel;

"medical practitioner" (醫生), "registered medical practitioner" (註冊醫生) and any words importing that a person is recognized by any Ordinance to be a medical practitioner in Hong Kong or a member of the medical profession in Hong Kong, mean a person duly registered as, or deemed to be registered as, a medical practitioner under the Medical Registration Ordinance (Cap 161);

"Ministry of Foreign Affairs" (外交部) means the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Central People's Government; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"month" () means calendar month;

"movable property" (動產) means property of every description except immovable property;

"national law applying in Hong Kong" (在香港實施的全國性法律) means a national law applied in Hong Kong

pursuant to the provisions of Article 18 of the Basic Law; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4) "New Kowloon" (新九龍) means the area specified in Schedule 5; "New Territories" (新界) means the area specified or referred to in Schedule 5A; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4) "oath" (誓言) and "affidavit" (誓章) include, in the case of persons allowed or required by law to affirm instead of

swearing, affirmation; and "swear" (宣誓) in the like case includes affirm;

"occupy" (佔用) includes use, inhabit, be in possession of or enjoy the land or premises to which the word relates, otherwise than as a mere servant or for the mere purpose of the care, custody or charge thereof;

"offence" (罪、罪行、罪項、犯法行為) includes any crime and any contravention or other breach of, or failure to comply with, any provision of any law, for which a penalty is provided; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"Offices set up by the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" (中央人民政府在香港特別行政區設立的機構) means

(a) the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;
(b) the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; and
(c) the Hong Kong Garrison of the Chinese People's Liberation Army; (Added 2 of 2009 s. 2)

"official languages" (法定語文) means the English language and the Chinese language, and a reference to an "official language" shall be construed as a reference to the English language or the Chinese language as the case may be; (Added 18 of 1987 s. 2)

"order paper" (議事程序表), in relation to the Legislative Council, includes agenda; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4) "Ordinance" (條例) means

(a) any Ordinance enacted by the Legislative Council;
(b) any Ordinance adopted by virtue of Article 160 of the Basic Law as a law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;
(c) any subsidiary legislation made under any such Ordinance except any such subsidiary legislation which has pursuant to Article 160 of the Basic Law been declared to be in contravention of the Basic Law; and

(d) any provision or provisions of any such Ordinance or subsidiary legislation; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4) "People's Republic of China" (中華人民共和國) includes Taiwan, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Macau; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"per cent" (釐、百分之), when used in relation to a rate of interest payable in any circumstances, means the rate of interest specified payable in respect of a year, unless it is expressly provided that it is payable in respect of any other period;

"person" (人、人士、個人、人物、人選) includes any public body and any body of persons, corporate or unincorporate, and this definition shall apply notwithstanding that the word "person" occurs in a provision creating or relating to an offence or for the recovery of any fine or compensation;

"pier" (碼頭) includes every quay, wharf or jetty of whatever description connected to and having direct access to the shore and used or intended to be used for the purposes of a pier, quay, wharf or jetty;

"police officer" (警務人員) and terms or expressions referring to ranks in the Hong Kong Police Force shall bear the meanings respectively assigned to them by the Police Force Ordinance (Cap 232); (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"power" (權、權力) includes any privilege, authority and discretion;

"prescribed" (訂明) and "provided" (訂定), when used in or with reference to any Ordinance, mean prescribed or

provided by that Ordinance or by subsidiary legislation made under that Ordinance; "prison" (獄、監獄) means any place or building or portion of a building set apart for the purpose of a prison under any Ordinance relating to prisons; "property" (財產) includes

(a) money, goods, choses in action and land; and

(b) obligations, easements and every description of estate, interest and profit, present or future, vested or contingent, arising out of or incident to property as defined in paragraph (a) of this definition; "Provisional Legislative Council" (臨時立法會) means the Provisional Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"public" (公眾、公眾人士) includes any class of the public; "publication" (刊物) means-

(a) all written and printed matter;
(b) any record, tape, wire, perforated roll, cinematograph film or other contrivance by means of which any words or ideas may be mechanically, electronically or electrically produced, reproduced, represented or conveyed;
(c) anything whether of a similar nature to the foregoing or not, containing any visible representation, or by its form, shape, or in any manner, capable of producing, reproducing, representing or conveying words or ideas; and
(d) every copy and reproduction of any publication as defined in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this

definition; "public body" (公共機構) includes-

(a) the Executive Council;
(b) the Legislative Council;
(c) (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7)
(ca) any District Council; (Added 42 of 1981 s. 27. Amended 8 of 1999 s. 89)
(cb) (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7)
(d) any other urban, rural or municipal council;
(e) any department of the Government; and

(f) any undertaking by or of the Government; "public office" (公職) means any office or employment the holding or discharging of which by a person would constitute that person a public officer; "public officer" (公職人員) means any person holding an office of emolument under the Government, whether such

office be permanent or temporary; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4) "public place" (公眾地方、公眾埸所) means

(a) any public street or pier, or any public garden; and

(b) any theatre, place of public entertainment of any kind, or other place of general resort, admission to which is obtained by payment or to which the public have or are permitted to have access; "public seal" (公印) means the public seal of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4) "public servant" (公務員、公務人員) has the same meaning as public officer; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4) "registered" (登記、註冊), when used with reference to a document, means registered under the provisions of any law applicable to the registration of such a document;

"Registrar of the High Court" (高等法院司法常務官) means the Registrar of the High Court and any Senior Deputy Registrar, Deputy Registrar or Assistant Registrar of the High Court; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4. Amended 10 of 2005 s. 162)

"regulations" (規例) has the same meaning as subsidiary legislation and subordinate legislation; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"repeal" (廢除) includes rescind, revoke, cancel or replace;

"road" (路、道路) has the same meaning as street; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"rules of court" (法院規則), when used in relation to any court, means rules made by the authority having for the time being power to make rules and orders regulating the practice and procedure of such court;

"Secretary for Justice" (律政司司長) means the Secretary for Justice of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"sell" (賣、售賣、出售) includes exchange and barter;

"Shenzhen Bay Port Hong Kong Port Area" (深圳灣口岸港方口岸區) means the Shenzhen Bay Port Hong Kong Port Area declared by section 3 of the Shenzhen Bay Port Hong Kong Port Area Ordinance (Cap 591); (Added 4 of 2007 s. 16)

"ship" (船、船舶) includes every description of vessel used in navigation not exclusively propelled by oars;

"sign" (簽名、簽署) includes, in the case of a person unable to write, the affixing or making of a seal, mark, thumbprint or chop;

"sitting", in relation to the Legislative Council, includes meeting; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"solicitor" (律師) means a person admitted before the Court of First Instance to practise as a solicitor; (Added 26 of

1998 s. 4) "State" ("國家") includes only

(a) the President of the People's Republic of China;
(b) the Central People's Government;
(c) the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;
(d) the Central Authorities of the People's Republic of China that exercise functions for which the Central People's Government has responsibility under the Basic Law;
(e) subordinate organs of the Central People's Government that
(i) on its behalf, exercise executive functions of the Central People's Government or functions for which the Central People's Government has responsibility under the Basic Law; and
(ii) do not exercise commercial functions, when acting within the scope of the delegated authority and the delegated functions of the subordinate organ concerned; and
(f) subordinate organs of the Central Authorities of the People's Republic of China referred to in paragraph (d), that-
(i) on behalf of those Central Authorities, exercise executive functions of the Central People's Government or functions for which the Central People's Government has responsibility under the Basic Law; and
(ii) do not exercise commercial functions,
when acting within the scope of the delegated authority and the delegated functions of the subordinate
organ concerned; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"statutory declaration" (法定聲明), if made

(a) in Hong Kong, means a declaration under the repealed Statutory Declarations Ordinance or the Oaths and Declarations Ordinance (Cap 11);
(b) in any other common law jurisdiction, means a declaration made before a justice of the peace, notary public, or other person having authority therein under any legal provision for the time being in force in the jurisdiction to take or receive a declaration;
(c) in the mainland of the People's Republic of China, means a declaration made before a notary pursuant to his notarial functions;
(d) in any other place, means a declaration made before a consul of the People's Republic of China or a person having authority under a statute for the time being in force in the place to take or receive a declaration; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"street" (街、街道) means-

(a) any highway, street, road, bridge, thorough-fare, parade, square, court, alley, lane, bridle-way, footway, passage or tunnel; and
(b) any open place, whether or not situate on land the subject of a Government lease, used or frequented by the public or to which the public have or are permitted to have access; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"subsidiary legislation" and "subordinate legislation" (附屬法例、附屬法規、附屬立法) mean any proclamation, rule, regulation, order, resolution, notice, rule of court, bylaw or other instrument made under or by virtue of any Ordinance and having legislative effect; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"summary conviction" (簡易程序定罪) means a summary conviction by a magistrate in accordance with the provisions of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227);

"surname" (姓、姓氏) includes a clan or family name;

"treaty" (條約) means a treaty, convention or agreement made between states, and any protocol or declaration attached thereto or independent thereof but referring thereto; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)

"triable summarily" (可循簡易程序審訊) means triable by a magistrate, in accordance with the provisions of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227);

"vessel" (船隻) means any ship or boat and any description of vessel used in navigation;

"waters of Hong Kong" and "Hong Kong waters" (香港水域) mean all waters, whether navigable or not, included in

the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4) "weekday" and "week-day" (周日) mean any day other than a Sunday; (Added 68 of 1995 s. 15) "words" (字、文字、語言文字) includes figures and symbols; "writing" (書寫) and "printing" (印刷) include writing, printing, lithography, photography, typewriting and any other

mode of representing words in a visible form; "year" () means a year according to the Gregorian calendar; "years of age" (歲、年歲、年齡) and words of like meaning, when used in reference to the age of any person,

means years of age calculated from the date of birth. (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4) (Amended 89 of 1993 s. 3; 26 of 1998 s. 4; 78 of 1999 s. 7)


* See also s. 6 of 32 of 1990.

Section: 3A References to former or retired judge 32 of 2000 01/07/1997

A reference to a person who is a former or retired judge of a court, or of a specified court, in Hong Kong, includes respectively a reference to a person who is a former or retired judge of a court which was constituted under the laws of Hong Kong before 1 July 1997, or of the court in Hong Kong which before 1 July 1997 exercised jurisdiction similar to that of the specified court.

(Added 32 of 2000 s. 15)

Section: 4 (Repealed 26 of 1998 s. 5) 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 5

Section: 5 Grammatical variations and cognate expressions 30/06/1997

Where any word or expression is defined in any Ordinance, such definition shall extend to the grammatical variations and cognate expressions of such word or expression.

Section: 6 References to Government property 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 6

(1) Where reference is made in any Ordinance to property and the expressions used in relation thereto imply that the property is owned by, belongs to, or reverts to, the Government, or convey a similar meaning, the reference shall be construed in accordance with Article 7 of the Basic Law.

(2) In this section, "property" (財產) means any of the land and natural resources within the Hong Kong

Special Administrative Region. (Replaced 26 of 1998 s. 6)

Section: 7 Provisions for gender and number 30/06/1997
(1) Words and expressions importing the masculine gender include the feminine and neuter genders. (Amended 89 of 1993 s. 4)
(2) Words and expressions in the singular include the plural and words and expressions in the plural include the singular.
Section: 8 Service by post 30/06/1997

Where any Ordinance authorizes or requires any documents to be served or any notice to be given by post or by registered post, whether the expression "serve" or "give" or "send" or any other expression is used, the service or notice shall be deemed to be effected by properly addressing, pre-paying the postage thereon and dispatching it by post or by registered post, as the case may be, to the last known postal address of the person to be served or given notice, and, unless the contrary is proved, such service or notice shall be deemed to have been effected at the time at which the document or notice would be delivered in the ordinary course of post.


(Amended 36 of 1972 s. 2)

Section: 9 Chinese and English words and expressions 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 7

Chinese words and expressions in the English text of an Ordinance shall be construed according to Chinese language and custom and English words and expressions in the Chinese text of an Ordinance shall be construed according to English language and custom.

(Replaced 18 of 1987 s. 3. Amended 26 of 1998 s. 7)

Section: 10 (Repealed 26 of 1998 s. 8) 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 8

Section: 10A Application of Part IIA 30/06/1997



This Part shall apply to an Ordinance

enacted in both official languages; or
in respect of which an authentic text is published under section 4B of the Official Languages Ordinance (Cap 5).
Section: 10B Construction of Ordinances in both official languages 30/06/1997
The English language text and the Chinese language text of an Ordinance shall be equally authentic, and the Ordinance shall be construed accordingly.
(2) The provisions of an Ordinance are presumed to have the same meaning in each authentic text.
Where a comparison of the authentic texts of an Ordinance discloses a difference of meaning which the rules of statutory interpretation ordinarily applicable do not resolve, the meaning which best reconciles the texts, having regard to the object and purposes of the Ordinance, shall be adopted. (Amended L.N.46 of 1991)
Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 9
Where an expression of the common law is used in the English language text of an Ordinance and an analogous expression is used in the Chinese language text thereof, the Ordinance shall be construed in accordance with the common law meaning of that expression. (Amended L.N. 336 of 1990)
Section: 10C Expressions of common law 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

(2) (Repealed 26 of 1998 s. 9)

Section: 10D Name of statutory body corporate 30/06/1997

Where an Ordinance establishes a body corporate and in the English language text and Chinese language text of that Ordinance the name of the body corporate is in the form only of the language of that text, the name of the body corporate shall consist of the form of its name in each of the texts of the Ordinance.

(Amended L.N. 336 of 1990)

Section: 10E Words etc. in the official languages may be declared as equivalents 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 37

The Chief Executive in Council may, by notice in the Gazette, declare that any word, expression, office, title (including the short title of any Ordinance), citation or thing therein specified in one official language shall, in relation to the interpretation of an Ordinance, be the equivalent of any word, expression, office, title, citation or thing therein specified in the other official language.
No declaration shall be made under this section unless a draft of the notice has been laid before and approved by resolution of the Legislative Council, and section 34 of this Ordinance shall not apply in relation to any such declaration.

(Amended 26 of 1998 s. 37) (Part IIA added 18 of 1987 s. 4)

Section: 11 Ordinance to be public Ordinance 30/06/1997

PART III GENERAL PROVISIONS AS TO ORDINANCES Every Ordinance shall be a public Ordinance and shall be judicially noticed as such.

Section: 12 (Repealed) 30/06/1997

(Repealed 89 of 1993 s. 5)

Section: 13 Citation of Ordinance 30/06/1997

(1) Where any Ordinance is referred to, it shall be sufficient for all purposes to cite such Ordinance by-

the title, short title or citation thereof;
its number among the Ordinances of the year in which it was enacted; or
any chapter number lawfully given to it under the authority of any Ordinance providing for the issue of a revised or other edition of the laws of Hong Kong. (Amended L.N. 54 of 1989)

(2) Any reference made to any Ordinance, in accordance with the provisions of subsection (1), may be made according to the title, short title, citation, number or chapter number used in copies of Ordinances printed by the Government Printer.

(Amended L.N. 57 of 1974)

Section: 14 (Repealed) 30/06/1997

(Repealed 89 of 1993 s. 6)

Section: 15 Reference to Ordinance as amended 30/06/1997
Where in any Ordinance a reference is made to another Ordinance, such reference shall be deemed to include a reference to such last mentioned Ordinance as the same may from time to time be amended.
Where any Ordinance repeals and re-enacts, with or without modification, any provision of a former Ordinance, references in any other Ordinance to the provision so repealed shall be construed as references to the provision so re-enacted.
In any Ordinance a description or citation of a portion of an Ordinance shall be construed as including the word, section or other part mentioned or referred to as forming the beginning and as forming the end of the portion comprised in the description or citation.
Any reference in any Ordinance to "any Ordinance" or to "any enactment" shall be construed as a reference to any Ordinance for the time being in force.
Where in an Ordinance there is a reference to a section or other division by number, letter or combination of number and letter, and not in conjunction with the title or short title of any other Ordinance, the reference shall be construed as a reference to the section or other division of that number, letter or combination in the Ordinance in which the reference occurs. (Replaced 89 of 1993 s. 7)
Where in a section of an Ordinance there is a reference to a subsection or other division by number, letter or combination of number and letter, and not in conjunction with the number of a section of that or any other Ordinance, the reference shall be construed as a reference to the subsection or other division of that number, letter or combination in the section in which the reference occurs. (Replaced 89 of 1993 s. 7)
Section: 16 Citation of part of Ordinance 30/06/1997
Section: 17 Construction of reference to Ordinance, section, etc. 30/06/1997

(4)-(5) (Repealed 89 of 1993 s. 7)

Section: 18 Marginal notes and section headings 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 10

Where any section, subsection or paragraph of any Ordinance is taken verbatim from, or is substantially similar to, a section, subsection, paragraph or other provision of any law of a place outside Hong Kong or any treaty, there may be added as a note to the section, subsection or paragraph of the Ordinance a reference, in abbreviated form, to such section, subsection, paragraph or provision of that law or treaty. (Amended 26 of 1998 s. 10)
A reference added under subsection (1) shall not have any legislative effect and shall not in any way vary, limit or extend the interpretation of any Ordinance.

(3) A marginal note or section heading to any provision of any Ordinance shall not have any legislative effect

and shall not in any way vary, limit or extend the interpretation of any Ordinance. (Amended 44 of 1988 s. 2)

Section: 19 General principles of interpretation 30/06/1997

An Ordinance shall be deemed to be remedial and shall receive such fair, large and liberal construction and interpretation as will best ensure the attainment of the object of the Ordinance according to its true intent, meaning and spirit.

Section: 20 Commencement, etc., of Ordinance 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 11



An Ordinance shall be published in the Gazette.
An Ordinance commences- (Amended 26 of 1998 s. 11)
at the beginning of the day on which it is published; or
if provision is made for it to commence on another day, at the beginning of that other day.
If an Ordinance
is to commence on a day to be notified in the Gazette, the notice may fix different days
for different provisions to commence (including commence for different purposes);
for the same provisions to commence for different purposes;
is to be repealed from a day to be notified in the Gazette, the notice may fix different days-

(i) from which different provisions are to be repealed (including repealed for different purposes);

(ii) from which the same provisions are to be repealed for different purposes, and different notices may fix different days-

for different provisions and for different purposes;
for the same provisions for different purposes. (Replaced 26 of 1998 s. 11) (Replaced 89 of 1993 s. 8)
Section: 21 Invalidation 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 12

Where an Ordinance is returned pursuant to Article 17 of the Basic Law, the invalidation of the Ordinance shall as soon as possible be notified by the Chief Executive by notice in the Gazette.
Where an Ordinance is invalidated as referred to in subsection (1), the provisions of section 23 shall apply as if the Ordinance had been repealed.

(3) An Ordinance repealed or amended by an Ordinance which is invalidated as referred to in subsection (1)

shall revive and continue in force in its original form. (Amended L.N. 46 of 1991) (Replaced 26 of 1998 s. 12)

Section: 22 (Repealed 89 of 1993 s. 9) 30/06/1997

(Repealed 89 of 1993 s. 9)

Section: 23 Effect of repeal generally 30/06/1997

Where an Ordinance repeals in whole or in part any other Ordinance, the repeal shall not

revive anything not in force or existing at the time at which the repeal takes effect;
affect the previous operation of any Ordinance so repealed or anything duly done or suffered under any Ordinance so repealed;
affect any right, privilege, obligation or liability acquired, accrued or incurred under any Ordinance so repealed;
affect any penalty, forfeiture or punishment incurred in respect of any offence committed against any Ordinance so repealed; or
affect any investigation, legal proceeding or remedy in respect of any such right, privilege, obligation, liability, penalty, forfeiture or punishment as aforesaid; and any such investigation, legal proceeding or remedy may be instituted, continued or enforced, and any such penalty, forfeiture or punishment may be imposed, as if the repealing Ordinance had not been passed.
Section: 24 Repealed Ordinance not revived 30/06/1997

Where any Ordinance repealing in whole or in part any former Ordinance is itself repealed, such last repeal shall not revive the Ordinance or provision previously repealed, unless provision is made to that effect.

Section: 25 Repeal and substitution 30/06/1997

Where any Ordinance repeals in whole or in part any other Ordinance and substitutes other provisions therefor, the repealed Ordinance shall remain in force until the substituted provisions come into operation.


Section: 26 (Repealed 89 of 1993 s. 10) 30/06/1997
Section: 27 Effect of expiry, etc. of Ordinance 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 13

Where an Ordinance-

expires or lapses;
has pursuant to Article 160 of the Basic Law been declared to be in contravention of the Basic Law; or
is discovered to be in contravention of the Basic Law and, as specified in Article 160 of the Basic Law, ceases to have force in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the Basic Law,

the provisions of section 23 shall apply as if the Ordinance had been repealed. (Replaced 26 of 1998 s. 13)

Section: 28 General provision with regard to power to make subsidiary legislation 30/06/1997



Where an Ordinance confers power on a person to make subsidiary legislation, the following provisions shall have effect with reference to the subsidiary legislation-
when any subsidiary legislation purports to be made in exercise of a particular power or powers, it shall be deemed also to be made in exercise of all other powers that enable its making;
no subsidiary legislation shall be inconsistent with the provisions of any Ordinance;
subsidiary legislation may at any time be amended by the same person and in the same manner by and in which it was made;
(ca) where the person referred to in paragraph (c) has been replaced wholly or in part by another person, the power conferred by paragraph (c) may be exercised by the other person for all matters in his jurisdiction as if he were the original person; (Added 89 of 1993 s. 11)
where any Ordinance confers power on any person to make subsidiary legislation for any general purpose, and also for any incidental special purpose, the enumeration of the special purposes shall not be deemed to derogate from the generality of the powers conferred with reference to the general purpose;
subsidiary legislation may provide that a contravention or breach of the subsidiary legislation is an offence punishable on summary conviction by such fine not exceeding $5000 or by such term of imprisonment not exceeding 6 months as may be specified in the subsidiary legislation or by both such fine and imprisonment; (Amended 23 of 1981 s. 2)
subsidiary legislation may amend any forms contained in the Ordinance under which such subsidiary legislation is made and may prescribe new forms.
(Repealed 89 of 1993 s. 11)
Subsidiary legislation shall be published in the Gazette. (Added 89 of 1993 s. 11)
Subsidiary legislation comes into operation
at the beginning of the day on which it is published; or
if provision is made for it to commence on another day, at the beginning of that other day. (Added 89 of 1993 s. 11)
A person who makes subsidiary legislation may provide for the subsidiary legislation to commence on a day to be fixed by notice to be given by him or by some other person designated in the subsidiary legislation. (Added 89 of 1993 s. 11)
If subsidiary legislation is to commence on, or be repealed from, a day to be notified in the Gazette, the notice may fix different days for different provisions to commence or from which different provisions are to be repealed and different notices may fix different days for different provisions. (Added 89 of 1993 s. 11)

(Amended 89 of 1993 s. 11)

Section: 28A Construction of power to make subsidiary legislation L.N. 138 of 2007 01/07/2007

Where an Ordinance that applies in Hong Kong and in the Shenzhen Bay Port Hong Kong Port Area confers power on a person to make subsidiary legislation, the power shall be construed as including

a power to declare that the subsidiary legislation does not apply in the Shenzhen Bay Port Hong Kong Port Area; and
a power to make different provisions with reference to Hong Kong and the Shenzhen Bay Port Hong

Kong Port Area respectively. (Added 4 of 2007 s. 17)

Section: 29 Fees and charges 30/06/1997

(1A) Where an Ordinance confers a power on a person to make subsidiary legislation, the subsidiary legislation may impose a fee or charge for anything in it or the Ordinance. (Added 89 of 1993 s. 12)

Where provision is made by any subsidiary legislation in respect of fees or other charges, such subsidiary legislation may provide for all or any of the following matters-
specific fees or charges;
maximum or minimum fees or charges;
maximum and minimum fees or charges;
the payment of fees or charges either generally or under specified conditions or in specified circumstances;
the exemption of any person or class of persons from the payment of fees or charges; and
the reduction, waiver or refund, in whole or in part, of any such fees or charges, either upon the happening of a certain event or in the discretion of a specified person.
Where any reduction, waiver or refund, in whole or in part, of any fee or charge is provided for by any subsidiary legislation, such reduction, waiver or refund may be expressed to apply or be applicable either generally or specially-
in respect of certain matters or transactions or classes of matters or transactions;
in respect of certain documents or classes of documents;
in respect of the occurrence or the termination of any event;
in respect of certain persons or classes of persons; or
in respect of any combination of such matters, transactions, documents, events or persons, and may be expressed to apply or be applicable subject to such conditions as may be specified in the subsidiary legislation or in the discretion of any person specified therein.
Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 37
Where the amount of any fee or charge is for the time being specified in, or otherwise fixed or determined by, subsidiary legislation made by the Chief Executive in Council, subject to subsection (2), the Financial Secretary may by similar subsidiary legislation increase or decrease, or otherwise vary, the amount of the fee or charge.
(2) (a) The Chief Executive in Council may by a direction in writing direct the Financial Secretary to exercise, as regards fees or charges specified in the direction, a power conferred on him by subsection
only with the prior approval of the Chief Executive in Council; or
so as not to exceed limits specified in the direction; or
(iii) only in some other manner so specified. (b) For so long as a direction under this subsection is in force the Financial Secretary shall comply with it.
The powers conferred by subsection (1) are in addition to, and are not in substitution for, any power exercisable by the Chief Executive in Council in relation to fees or charges.
Section: 29A Variation of certain fees and charges 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

(4) Where

a power under subsection (1) is exercisable; and
the subsidiary legislation by which the relevant fee or charge was specified, fixed or otherwise determined ("the primary instrument") is-
subsidiary legislation to which section 35 applies or to which section 34 does not apply; or
subsidiary legislation of which a draft was required to be laid on the table of the Legislative

Council, then such 1 or more of the following provisions as are appropriate in the particular circumstances shall operate

section 35 shall apply to subsidiary legislation made or issued in exercise of the power which amends the primary instrument;
section 34 shall not apply to such subsidiary legislation;

(iii) the enactment requiring or otherwise relevant to so laying the primary instrument shall also apply to

subsidiary legislation which is so made or issued and amends that instrument. (Added 39 of 1993 s. 2. Amended 26 of 1998 s. 37)

Section: 30 (Repealed 89 of 1993 s. 13) 30/06/1997
Section: 31 Construction of subsidiary legislation 30/06/1997
Where any Ordinance confers power to make any subsidiary legislation, expressions used in the subsidiary legislation shall have the same meaning as in the Ordinance conferring the power, and any reference in such subsidiary legislation to "the Ordinance" shall be construed as a reference to the Ordinance conferring the power to make such subsidiary legislation. (Amended 89 of 1993 s. 14)
Where in subsidiary legislation there is a reference to a section or other provision by number, letter or combination of number and letter, and not in conjunction with the title or short title of other subsidiary legislation or an Ordinance, the reference shall be construed as a reference to the section or other provision of that number, letter or combination in the subsidiary legislation in which the reference occurs. (Added 89 of 1993 s. 14)
Where in subsidiary legislation there is a reference to a subsection or other subdivision of a provision by number, letter or combination of number and letter, and not in conjunction with the number of any other section or provision of that subsidiary legislation or any other subsidiary legislation, the reference shall be construed as a reference to the subsection or other subdivision of a provision of that number, letter or combination in the section or other provision in which the reference occurs. (Added 89 of 1993 s. 14)
Where an Ordinance is to come into operation on a day other than the day of its publication in the Gazette, a power to do anything under the Ordinance may be exercised at any time after its publication in the Gazette.
Section: 32 Exercise of statutory powers between enactment and commencement of Ordinance 30/06/1997

(2) An exercise of a power under subsection (1) is not effective until the provision in the Ordinance to which it

relates comes into operation unless the exercise of the power is necessary to bring the Ordinance into operation. (Replaced 89 of 1993 s. 15)

Section: 33 (Repealed 89 of 1993 s. 16) 30/06/1997
Section: 34 Placing of subsidiary legislation before Legislative Council 8 of 2002 03/05/2002
All subsidiary legislation shall be laid on the table of the Legislative Council at the next sitting thereof after the publication in the Gazette of that subsidiary legislation.
Where subsidiary legislation has been laid on the table of the Legislative Council under subsection (1), the Legislative Council may, by resolution passed at a sitting of the Legislative Council held not later than 28 days after the sitting at which it was so laid, provide that such subsidiary legislation shall be amended in any manner whatsoever consistent with the power to make such subsidiary legislation, and if any such resolution is so passed the subsidiary


legislation shall, without prejudice to anything done thereunder, be deemed to be amended as from the date of publication in the Gazette of such resolution.

(3) If the period referred to in subsection (2) would but for this subsection expire

(a) after the last sitting before the end of a session or dissolution of the Legislative Council; but (Replaced 89 of 1993 s. 17)
(b) on or before the day of the second sitting of the Legislative Council in the next session, (Replaced 89

of 1993 s. 17) that period shall be deemed to extend to and expire on the day after that second sitting.

(4) Before the expiry of the period referred to in subsection (2) or that period as extended by virtue of subsection (3), the Legislative Council may by resolution in relation to any subsidiary legislation specified therein-
(a) in the case of the period referred to in subsection (2), extend that period to the first sitting of the Legislative Council held not earlier than the twenty-first day after the day of its expiry;
(b) in the case where the period referred to in subsection (2) has been extended by virtue of subsection (3), extend that period as so extended to the first sitting of the Legislative Council held not earlier than the twenty-first day after the day of the second sitting in that next session. (Replaced 8 of 2002 s. 2)
(5) Any resolution passed by the Legislative Council in accordance with this section shall be published in the Gazette not later than 14 days after the passing thereof or within such further period as the Chief Executive may allow in any particular case. (Amended 26 of 1998 s. 37)
(6) In this section-"sitting" (會議), when used to calculate time, means the day on which the sitting commences and only includes a sitting at which subsidiary legislation is included on the order paper; "subsidiary legislation" (附屬法例) does not include a resolution of the Legislative Council. (Replaced 89 of 1993 s.

17) (Replaced 39 of 1986 s. 2)

Section: 35 Approval of Legislative Council to subsidiary legislation 30/06/1997

Where any Ordinance provides that subsidiary legislation shall be subject to the approval of the Legislative Council or of any other authority, or contains words to the like effect, then-

(a) the subsidiary legislation shall be submitted for the approval of the Legislative Council or other authority; and
(b) the Legislative Council may by resolution or the other authority may by order amend the whole or any part of the subsidiary legislation.
Section: 36 Effect of repeal on subsidiary legislation 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 14

(1) Where any Ordinance-

(a) repeals in whole or in part any former Ordinance and substitutes other provisions therefor; or
(b) repeals in whole or in part any former Ordinance and re-enacts such former Ordinance with or without

modification, (Amended 26 of 1998 s. 14) any subsidiary legislation made under the former Ordinance and in force at the commencement of the repealing Ordinance shall, so far as it is not inconsistent with the repealing Ordinance, continue in force and have the like effect for all purposes as if made under the repealing Ordinance.

(2) Where any subsidiary legislation is continued in force by virtue of subsection (1), such subsidiary legislation may be from time to time amended as if it had been made under the repealing Ordinance.
(1) Where any form is prescribed by or under any Ordinance, deviations therefrom, not affecting the substance of such form, shall not invalidate it.
Section: 37 Forms 30/06/1997

(2) Where a form is prescribed in any Ordinance in both official languages and the text in one official language


is combined in a particular manner with, or is set out separately from, the text in the other official language, the form may be printed and used

with the texts combined in any manner; or
in either official language. (Added 18 of 1987 s. 5)
Section: 37A Amendment of subsidiary legislation by Ordinance 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 15

The amendment of subsidiary legislation by an Ordinance does not prevent, and has never prevented, a person on whom power is conferred by an Ordinance (as defined in section 3) to make that subsidiary legislation (and whether or not the person made the subsidiary legislation) from amending that subsidiary legislation.

(Added 26 of 1998 s. 15)

Section: 38 Presumption of lawful exercise of power 30/06/1997



Where any Ordinance confers power upon any person to

make any subsidiary legislation;
make any instrument; or
exercise any power, and the Ordinance conferring the power prescribes conditions, subject to the observance, performance or existence of which any such power may be exercised, such conditions shall be presumed to have been duly fulfilled if in the subsidiary legislation, the instrument or the document evidencing the exercise of the power there is a statement that the subsidiary legislation or instrument is made, or the power exercised, in exercise of, or in pursuance of, the power conferred by such Ordinance, or a statement to the like effect.
(Amended 89 of 1993 s. 18)
Where any Ordinance confers any power or imposes any duty, then the power may be exercised and the duty shall be performed from time to time as occasion requires.
Where any Ordinance confers any power or imposes any duty on the holder of any public office as such, then the power may be exercised and the duty shall be performed by the holder for the time being of that public office.
Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 16; 29 of 1998 s. 105
Where any Ordinance confers upon any person power to do or enforce the doing of any act or thing, all such powers shall be deemed to be also conferred as are reasonably necessary to enable the person to do or enforce the doing of the act or thing.
Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), where any Ordinance confers power-
to provide for, prohibit, control or regulate any matter, such power shall include power to provide for the same by the licensing thereof and power to prohibit acts whereby the prohibition, control or regulation of such matter might be evaded;
to grant a licence, Government lease, permit, authority, approval or exemption, such power shall include power to impose reasonable conditions subject to which such licence, Government lease,
permit, authority, approval or exemption may be granted; (Amended 26 of 1998 s. 16; 29 of 1998 s. 105)
(c) to approve any person or thing, such power shall include power to withdraw approval thereof;
(d) to give directions, such power shall include power to couch the same in the form of prohibitions. (3)-(4) (Repealed 89 of 1993 s. 19)
Section: 39 Exercise of powers 30/06/1997
Section: 40 Construction of enabling words 26 of 1998; 29 of 1998 01/07/1997
Section: 41 Power to issue licences, etc. discretionary 26 of 1998; 29 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 17; 29 of 1998 s. 105

(1) Where any Ordinance confers power upon any person to issue, grant, give or renew any licence, Government lease, authority, approval, exemption or permit, the person so empowered shall have a discretion either to issue, grant, give or renew or to refuse to issue, grant, give or renew such licence, Government lease, authority, approval, exemption or permit.
(2) Nothing in this section shall affect any right which may be conferred by any Ordinance upon any person to appeal against a refusal to issue, grant, give or renew any licence, Government lease, authority, approval, exemption or permit.

(Amended 89 of 1993 s. 20; 26 of 1998 s. 17; 29 of 1998 s. 105)

Section: 42 Power to appoint includes power to suspend, dismiss, reappoint, etc. 30/06/1997

Where any Ordinance confers a power or imposes a duty upon any person to make any appointment or to constitute or establish any board, tribunal, commission, committee or similar body, then the person having such power or duty shall also have the power-

(a) to remove, suspend, dismiss or revoke the appointment of, and to re-appoint or reinstate, any person appointed in exercise of such power or duty;
(b) to revoke the appointment, constitution or establishment of, or to dissolve, any board, tribunal, commission, committee or similar body appointed, constituted or established, in exercise of such power or duty, and to re-appoint, re-constitute or re-establish the same; and
(c) to specify the period for which any person appointed in exercise of such power or duty shall hold such appointment:

Provided that where the power or duty of such person so to act is only exercisable upon the recommendation, or is subject to the approval or consent, of some other person, then such power shall only be exercisable upon such recommendation or subject to such approval or consent.

Section: 43 Delegation by specified public officers 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 37

(1) Where any Ordinance confers powers or imposes duties upon a specified public officer, such public officer may delegate any other public officer or the person for the time being holding any office designated by him to exercise such powers or perform such duties on his behalf, and thereupon, or from the date specified by such specified public officer, the person delegated shall have and may exercise such powers and perform such duties.
(2) Nothing in subsection (1) shall authorize a specified public officer to delegate any person to make subsidiary legislation or to hear any appeal.
(3) Where any Ordinance confers any power or imposes any duty upon a specified public officer and such power is exercised or such duty is performed by any other public officer, the specified public officer shall, unless the contrary is proved, be deemed to have delegated the latter public officer under subsection (1) to exercise the power or perform the duty.

(4) In this section "specified public officer" (指明的公職人員) means the person for the time being holding any public office which has been specified, either generally or for the purposes of any particular Ordinance, under this section by the Chief Executive in Council by notice in the Gazette. (Amended 26 of 1998 s. 37)

Section: 44 Effect of delegation of powers and duties 30/06/1997
Where any Ordinance confers power upon any person to delegate the exercise on his behalf of any of the powers or the performance of any of the duties conferred or imposed upon him under any Ordinance-
such delegation shall not preclude the person so delegating from exercising or performing at any time any of the powers or duties so delegated;
such delegation may be conditional, qualified or limited in such manner as the person so delegating may think fit;
where the delegation may be made only with the approval of some person, such delegation may be conditional, qualified or limited in such manner as the person whose approval is required may think fit;
the delegation may be to a named person or to the person for the time being holding any office designated by the person so delegating; and
any delegation may be amended by the person so delegating. (Added 14 of 1971 s. 2)
The delegation of any power shall be deemed to include the delegation of any duty incidental thereto or connected therewith and the delegation of any duty shall be deemed to include the delegation of any power incidental thereto or connected therewith.
Section: 45 Exercise of powers in special cases 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 37

Where any Ordinance confers any power or imposes any duty upon the holder of any public office and either-

(a) that office has been abolished; or

(b) no person has been appointed to discharge the functions of that office, those powers and duties may be exercised or performed-

in the case of making subsidiary legislation, by the Chief Executive in Council; and
in any other case, by the holder of such other public office as the Chief Executive may by order direct. (Amended 26 of 1998 s. 37)
Section: 46 Power to make public instruments and perform acts 30/06/1997

Where any Ordinance confers power upon any person to make, grant, issue or approve any proclamation, order, notice, declaration, instrument, notification, licence, permit, exemption, register or list, such power shall include power-

to amend or suspend such proclamation, order, notice, declaration, instrument, notification, licence, permit, exemption, register or list;
to substitute another proclamation, order, notice, declaration, instrument, notification, licence, permit, exemption, register or list for one already made, granted, issued or approved;
to withdraw approval of any proclamation, order, notice, declaration, instrument, notification, licence, permit, exemption, register or list so approved; and
to declare the date of the coming into operation, and the period of operation, of any such proclamation,

order, notice, declaration, instrument, notification, licence, permit, exemption, register or list. (Amended 89 of 1993 s. 21)

Section: 47 Power to relate back appointment 30/06/1997

Any appointment made under the provisions of any Ordinance may be declared to have effect as from the date upon which the person appointed in fact began to exercise the powers and perform the duties of his appointment, not being a date earlier than the commencement of the Ordinance under which the appointment is made.


Section: 47A Power of Chief Executive to appoint advisory bodies 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 37



The Chief Executive may from time to time by order published in the Gazette establish by law such advisory and other committees and bodies as he considers appropriate in the public interest and may appoint the members thereof.
An order under subsection (1) may contain such provisions relating to the committee or body established by the order as the Chief Executive thinks fit, including the terms of reference of the body, the terms of office of members appointed to that body, the removal or resignation of members, the re-appointment of members, quorums for meetings and similar procedural matters.

(Added 39 of 1982 s. 3. Amended 26 of 1998 s. 37)

Section: 48 Power to appoint chairman 30/06/1997

Where any Ordinance confers power upon any person to appoint any persons to be members of any board, tribunal, commission, committee or similar body, the person so appointing may appoint a chairman, a deputy chairman, a vice-chairman and a secretary of such board, tribunal, commission, committee or similar body.

Section: 49 Power to appoint public officer to board, etc. 30/06/1997

Where any Ordinance confers power upon any person to appoint any persons to be members of any board, tribunal, commission, committee or similar body, the person so empowered may appoint any public officer, by his official designation, to be a member of such board, tribunal, commission, committee or similar body, and, on such appointment and until such appointment shall be revoked or otherwise determined, the person for the time being holding the public office in question shall be a member of such board, tribunal, commission, committee or similar body.

Section: 50 Appointment of alternates 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 18

Where any board, tribunal, commission, committee or similar body is established by or under any Ordinance, any person who is empowered by such Ordinance to appoint any or all of the members thereof may

appoint 1 or more duly qualified persons to be alternate members of the same, and any one such alternate member may attend any meeting of the same when a substantive member is temporarily unable to attend for any reason; and
appoint a duly qualified person to be a temporary member of the same in the place of any substantive member who is precluded by illness, absence from Hong Kong or any other cause from exercising his functions as such, (Amended 26 of 1998 s. 18)

and when attending any meeting of such board, tribunal, commission, committee or similar body, such alternate or temporary member shall be deemed for all purposes to be a member of the same.

Section: 51 Powers of board, etc. not affected by vacancy 30/06/1997

Where any board, tribunal, commission, committee or similar body is established by or under any Ordinance, the powers of such board, tribunal, commission, committee or similar body shall not be affected by

any vacancy in the membership thereof;
(b) any defect in the appointment or qualification of a person purporting to be a member thereof; or
(c) any minor irregularity in the convening of any meeting thereof.


Section: 52 Power of majority and exercise of powers 30/06/1997
(1) Where any Ordinance confers a power or imposes a duty upon a body or number of persons consisting of or being not less than 3, such power may be exercised or duty performed in the name of that body or number of persons by a majority of those persons.
(2) Whenever such body or number of persons is assembled, the chairman or other member presiding shall have a casting as well as a deliberative vote, in all matters in which a decision is taken by vote by whatever name such vote may be called.
(3) The exercise of any power vested in such body or number of persons may be signified either by the chairman or other person presiding at the meeting or other deliberation at which such power was exercised or at which, as the case may be, authority to exercise it was conferred, or by any person from time to time authorized by such body or persons to signify the exercise of such power.
Section: 53 Seal 30/06/1997

Where any Ordinance constitutes any board, tribunal, commission, committee or similar body to be a body corporate having perpetual succession and a common seal, and any document requires to be sealed with such common seal, then such common seal shall be affixed by the chairman of such board, tribunal, commission, committee or similar body, or by any member thereof appointed by the chairman for that purpose, and shall be authenticated by the signature of the chairman or such member.

Section: 54 References to public officer 30/06/1997



In any Ordinance, instrument, warrant or process of any kind, any reference to a public officer, or to a person holding a public office by a term designating his office, shall include a reference to any person for the time being lawfully discharging the functions of that office, or any part of such functions, and any person appointed to act in or perform the duties of such office, or any part of such duties, for the time being.

(Amended L.N. 54 of 1989; L.N. 46 of 1991)

Section: 54A Power to transfer functions of public officers L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997
(1) The Legislative Council may by resolution provide for the transfer to any public officer of any functions exercisable by virtue of any Ordinance by another public officer.
(2) A resolution under this section may contain such incidental, consequential and supplemental provisions as may be necessary or expedient for the purpose of giving full effect to the resolution.
(3) A certificate issued by the Chief Secretary for Administration that any property vested in a public officer immediately before a resolution under this section takes effect has been transferred by virtue of the resolution to another public officer shall be conclusive evidence of the transfer. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997 ss. 2 & 3)
(4) In this section-"functions" (職能) includes powers and duties; "public officer" (公職人員) includes any corporation created for the purpose of incorporating a person for the time

being holding a public office. (Added 67 of 1975 s. 3) [cf. 1946 c. 31 s. 1 U.K.]

Section: 55 Change of title of office L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997

The Chief Secretary for Administration may, by notice (which may be given retrospective effect) in the Gazette, declare a change in title of any public officer or public body, or of any person referred to in any Ordinance, and the notice may contain provisions substituting the new title in any Ordinance relating to the public officer, public body or person and in any instrument, contract or legal proceedings made or commenced before the date on which the notice takes effect.

(Replaced 67 of 1975 s. 4. Amended L.N. 362 of 1997 ss. 2 & 3)

[cf. 1946 c. 31 s. 2 U.K.]

Section: 56 Appointment of officers by name or office 30/06/1997

Where any Ordinance confers power upon any person to appoint or name a person to have and exercise any powers or perform any duties, the person so empowered may either appoint a person by name or direct the person for the time being holding any office designated by him to have and exercise such powers or perform such duties; and thereupon, or from the date specified by the person so empowered, the person appointed by name or the person holding the office aforesaid shall have and may exercise such powers or perform such duties accordingly until such appointment be revoked or otherwise determined.

Section: 57 Filling vacancy 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 37

When any Ordinance confers a power or imposes a duty upon a public officer and such public officer is unable to exercise the powers or perform the duties of his office, owing to absence or inability to act from illness or any other cause, the Chief Executive may, by notice in the Gazette, direct that such power shall be had and may be exercised and such duty shall be performed by a public officer named by, or by a public officer holding the office designated by, the Chief Executive, subject to such conditions, exceptions and qualifications as the Chief Executive may direct.
(2) Any direction by the Chief Executive under subsection (1) may be given
in anticipation of any absence or inability occurring; or
subsequently thereto and may relate back to the commencement of such absence or inability.
Where any Ordinance confers powers or imposes duties upon a public officer and a new post is subsequently created in the same or another Government department, the Chief Executive may, by notice in the Gazette, direct that the said powers and duties or any of them shall be exercised by any holder of the new post so created, either to the exclusion of or in addition to the first named public officer or otherwise.
(Amended 26 of 1998 s. 37)
Where the holder of any public office is on leave of absence pending the relinquishment by him of such office, another person may be appointed to the same public office.
Where 2 or more persons are holding the same public office by reason of an appointment made in accordance with subsection (1), then, for the purposes of any Ordinance and in respect of any power conferred or duty imposed upon the holder of such office, the person last appointed to the office shall be deemed to be the holder thereof. (Amended L.N. 46 of 1991)
Section: 58 Power to appoint while holder on retirement leave 30/06/1997
Section: 59 Contracts by public officer 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 37

In any contract or other document, signed, executed or made by the Chief Executive or by any public officer on


behalf of the Chief Executive or the Government or of any Government department, it shall not be necessary to name the Chief Executive or such public officer, but it shall be sufficient to name the office held by the Chief Executive or such public officer, and the Chief Executive or public officer shall be deemed to be a party thereto as if the Chief Executive or such public officer were a corporation sole with perpetual succession for this purpose.

(Amended 26 of 1998 s. 37)

Section: 60 (Repealed 26 of 1998 s. 19) 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 19

Section: 61 Omission of title after signature of public officer immaterial 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 ss. 20 & 37

The omission to add the title of the public office held by the Chief Executive or any public officer signing or executing any contract or other document after the signature of such officer shall not exclude such contract or other document from the operation of section 59.

(Amended 26 of 1998 ss. 20 & 37)

Section: 62 Signification of orders of Chief Executive and Chief Executive in Council 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 ss. 21 & 37



Where any Ordinance confers a power or imposes a duty upon the Chief Executive or the Chief Executive in Council to make any subsidiary legislation or appointment, give any directions, issue any order, authorize any thing or matter to be done, grant any exemption, remit any fee or penalty, or exercise any other power or perform any other duty, the exercise of such power or the performance of such duty may be signified-
in the case of the Chief Executive, under the hand of any public officer specified in Schedule 6; (Amended 36 of 1972 s. 3)
in the case of the Chief Executive in Council, under the hand of the Clerk to the Executive Council. (Amended 14 of 1994 s. 24)
Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1), proclamations shall be made or issued only under the hand of the Chief Executive in Council.

(3) The Chief Executive in Council may, by order published in the Gazette, amend Schedule 6. (Added 36 of

1972 s. 3) (Amended 26 of 1998 s. 37)

Section: 63 Delegation by Chief Executive 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 ss. 22 & 37

(1) Where any Ordinance confers powers or imposes duties upon the Chief Executive, he may delegate any person by name or the person holding any office designated by him to exercise such powers or perform such duties on his behalf and thereupon, or from the date specified by the Chief Executive, the person so delegated shall have and


may exercise such powers and perform such duties.

Nothing in subsection (1) shall authorize the Chief Executive to delegate any person to make subsidiary legislation, issue proclamations or to determine any appeal. (Replaced 26 of 1998 s. 22)
Where any Ordinance confers powers or imposes duties upon the Chief Executive and such power is exercised or such duty is performed by any public officer, the Chief Executive shall, unless the contrary is proved, be deemed to have delegated such public officer under subsection (1) to exercise the power or perform the duty.

(Amended 26 of 1998 s. 37)

Section: 64 Appeals and objections to Chief Executive in Council 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 ss. 23 & 37

Where any Ordinance confers upon any person a right of appeal or objection to the Chief Executive in Council, such appeal or objection shall be governed by rules made in accordance with subsection (2). (Replaced 54 of 1969 s. 5)
The Chief Executive in Council may make rules governing the procedure to be followed in appeals or objections to the Chief Executive in Council. (Replaced 54 of 1969 s. 5)
The conferring by any Ordinance of a right of appeal or objection to the Chief Executive in Council shall not prevent any person from applying to the High Court for an order of mandamus, certiorari, prohibition, injunction or any other order, instead of appealing or making an objection to the Chief Executive in Council, where an application for such an order would lie, but no proceedings by way of mandamus, certiorari, prohibition, injunction or other order shall be taken against the Chief Executive in Council in respect of any such appeal or objection to the Chief Executive in Council or any proceedings connected therewith. (Amended 54 of 1969 s. 5; 26 of 1998 s. 23)
The Chief Executive in Council, when considering any appeal or objection to him (whether by way of petition or otherwise, and whether such appeal or objection is made by virtue of any Ordinance or otherwise) shall act in an administrative or executive capacity and not in a judicial or quasi-judicial capacity and shall be entitled to consider and take into account any evidence, material, information or advice in his absolute discretion. (Amended 54 of 1969 s. 5)
The Chief Executive in Council, when considering any appeal or objection to him (whether by way of petition or otherwise and whether such appeal or objection is made by virtue of any Ordinance or otherwise) against any decision of any person, public officer or public body, may confirm, vary or reverse such decision or substitute therefor such other decision or make such other order as the Chief Executive in Council may think fit. (Amended 54 of 1969 s. 5)

(Amended 26 of 1998 s. 37)

Section: 65 (Repealed 26 of 1998 s. 24) 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 24

Section: 66 Saving of rights of State 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 24

No Ordinance (whether enacted before, on or after 1 July 1997) shall in any manner whatsoever affect the right of or be binding on the State unless it is therein expressly provided or unless it appears by necessary implication that the State is bound thereby.
The repeal and substitution of the former section 66 of this Ordinance effected by section 24 of the Adaptation of Laws (Interpretative Provisions) Ordinance (26 of 1998) do not prejudice the operation of section 2A(2)(c), whether before, on or after that repeal and substitution.

(Replaced 26 of 1998 s. 24)

Section: 67 Hong Kong Time 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 25



(1) Whenever any expression of time occurs in any Ordinance the time referred to is Hong Kong Time.

    1. (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), "Hong Kong Time" (香港時間) means the time used for general purposes throughout Hong Kong namely, 8 hours, or such other period as may be determined by the Legislative Council by resolution under this subsection or under section 16 of the Oil (Conservation and Control) Ordinance (Cap
    2. 264), in advance of Universal Standard Time. (Amended 27 of 1979 s. 17)
  1. (3) A resolution of the Legislative Council under subsection (2) may determine Hong Kong Time for the whole or part of a year.
  2. (4) Nothing in this section shall affect the use of Universal Standard Time for the purposes of astronomy, meteorology, navigation or aviation, or affect the construction of any document mentioning or referring to a point of time in connection with any of these purposes.

(Replaced 17 of 1977 s. 3. Amended 26 of 1998 s. 25)

Section: 68 (Repealed 17 of 1977 s. 3) 30/06/1997

(Repealed 17 of 1977 s. 3)

Section: 69 References to "a.m." and "p.m." 30/06/1997

The expression "a.m." indicates the period between midnight and the following noon, and the expression "p.m." indicates the time between noon and the following midnight. Where 2 such expressions occur conjunctively in relation to any specified hour or in conjunction with the word "sunset" or "sunrise", they shall be construed as relating to a consecutive period of time.

Section: 70 Provision where no time prescribed 30/06/1997

Where no time is prescribed or allowed within which any thing shall be done, such thing shall be done without unreasonable delay, and as often as due occasion arises.

Section: 71 Computation of time L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997

(1) In computing time for the purposes of any Ordinance-

(a) a period of days from the happening of any event or the doing of any act or thing shall be deemed to be exclusive of the day on which the event happens or the act or thing is done;
(b) if the last day of the period is a public holiday or a gale warning day or black rainstorm warning day the period shall include the next following day, not being a public holiday or a gale warning day or black rainstorm warning day;
(c) where any act or proceeding is directed or allowed to be done or taken on a certain day, then if that day is a public holiday or a gale warning day or black rainstorm warning day, the act or proceeding shall be considered as done or taken in due time if it is done or taken on the next following day, not being a public holiday or a gale warning day or black rainstorm warning day;
(d) where an act or proceeding is directed or allowed to be done or taken within any time not exceeding 6 days, no public holiday or a gale warning day or black rainstorm warning day shall be reckoned in the computation of that time. (Amended 43 of 1983 s. 2; 68 of 1995 s. 16)

(2) In this section-"black rainstorm warning day" (黑色暴雨警告日) means any day throughout or for part of which a black rainstorm warning is in force, and "black rainstorm warning" (黑色暴雨警告) means a warning issued by the Director of the Hong Kong Observatory of a heavy rainstorm in, or in the vicinity of, Hong Kong by the use of the heavy rainstorm signal commonly referred to as Black; (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997 ss. 2 & 3)

"gale warning day" (烈風警告日) means any day throughout or for part of which a gale warning is in force, and "gale warning" (烈風警告 ) has the meaning assigned to it by section 2 of the Judicial Proceedings (Adjournment During Gale Warnings) Ordinance (Cap 62). (Replaced 68 of 1995 s. 16)

Section: 72 Power to extend time 30/06/1997

Where in any Ordinance a time is prescribed for doing any act or taking any proceeding and power is given to a court, public body, public officer or other authority to extend such time, then the power may be exercised by the court, public body, public officer or other authority although the application for the same is not made until after the expiration of the time prescribed.

Section: 73 Distance 30/06/1997

In the measurement of any distance for the purposes of any Ordinance, that distance shall be measured in a straight line on a horizontal plane.

Section: 74 Warrants, etc. valid on public holiday 30/06/1997

Any summons, notice, warrant or other process may be issued, served or executed and any arrest, search or seizure may be carried out or made on any day, whether a public holiday or not, and at any hour of the day or night.

Section: 75 Modifications 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 ss. 26 & 27


NATIONAL LAWS APPLYING IN HONG KONG (Replaced 26 of 1998 s. 26)

A national law applying in Hong Kong shall be judicially noticed as such and shall be read with such modifications as to names, localities, courts, officers, persons, moneys, penalties or otherwise as may be necessary to make the same applicable to the circumstances of Hong Kong.

(Amended 26 of 1998 s. 27)

Section: 76 Citation of national laws applying in Hong Kong 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 28

A national law applying in Hong Kong may be cited by its full name and-

(a) the name of the body which adopted or approved it and the date on which it was adopted or approved;
(b) reference to the Gazette or other instrument in which it is promulgated; or
(c) reference to the order issued by the Central People's Government which applied it in Hong Kong. (Replaced 26 of 1998 s. 28)
Section: 77 (Repealed 26 of 1998 s. 29) 26 of 1998 01/07/1997



Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 29

Section: 78 Reference to subsidiary legislation under national laws applying in Hong Kong 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 30

A reference in any law to any national law applying in Hong Kong shall include a reference to any resolution, rule, regulation, proclamation, order, notice, rule of court, by-law or other instrument made under or by virtue thereof and having legislative effect in Hong Kong.

(Amended 26 of 1998 s. 30)

Section: 79 (Repealed 89 of 1993 s. 23) 30/06/1997

(Repealed 89 of 1993 s. 23)

Section: 80 Copies of national laws applying in Hong Kong 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 31

A copy of a national law applying in Hong Kong shall, if it

(a) is published in the Gazette or purports to be printed by the Government Printer; or

(b) is contained in any printed collection purporting to be published or printed by authority, be deemed, until the contrary is proved, to be an authentic copy of the national law as at the date of such publication or printing.

(Replaced 2 of 1975 s. 4. Amended 26 of 1998 s. 31)

Section: 80A Application of section 23 to national laws applying in Hong Kong 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 32

Where a law causes a national law applying in Hong Kong to cease in whole or in part to be such a national law, then the provisions of section 23 shall apply to and in relation to the national law as it applies to and in relation to an Ordinance repealed in whole or in part save where the contrary intention appears from the first-mentioned law or the national law.

(Added 26 of 1998 s. 32)

Section: 81 Interpretation 30/06/1997
In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires- "premises" (處所) includes any place and in particular, includes- (a) any vehicle, vessel, aircraft or hovercraft; (b) any tent or movable structure. (Added 88 of 1995 s. 2) (Added 88 of 1995 s. 2)
Section: 82 Meaning of "journalistic material" 30/06/1997
  1. (1) Subject to subsection (2), in this Part "journalistic material" (新聞材料) means any material acquired or created for the purposes of journalism.
  2. (2) Material is only journalistic material for the purposes of this Part if it is in the possession of a person who acquired or created it for the purposes of journalism.

(3) A person who receives material from someone who intends that the recipient shall use it for the purposes of

journalism is to be taken to have acquired it for those purposes. (Added 88 of 1995 s. 2)

Section: 83 Power to enter and search or seize 30/06/1997

A provision in any Ordinance which confers on, or authorizes the issue of a warrant conferring on, any person the power to enter any premises and to search the premises or any person found on the premises or to seize any material (whether of a general or particular kind and whether or not the word "material" is used in that provision) shall not, in the absence of an express provision to the contrary, be construed as conferring, or authorizing the issue of a warrant conferring, a power to enter premises where such entry is for the purpose of searching for or seizing material which is known or suspected to be journalistic material.

(Added 88 of 1995 s. 2)

Section: 84 Application for production order in respect of journalistic material 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 33

(1) A person on whom there is or may be conferred under a provision in any Ordinance, being a provision to which section 83 applies, the power to enter any premises and to search the premises or any person found on the premises or to seize any material, may apply to a judge of the Court of First Instance or District Court for an order under subsection (2) in relation to material which is known or suspected to be journalistic material. (Amended 26 of 1998 s. 33)
(2) If on an application under subsection (1) a judge is satisfied that the conditions in subsection (3) are fulfilled he may make an order that the person who appears to be in possession of journalistic material specified in the application shall-
(a) produce it to the applicant to take away; or
(b) give the applicant access to it, not later than the end of the period of 7 days from the date of the order or the end of such longer period as the order may specify.

(3) The conditions to be fulfilled for the purposes of subsection (2) are that-

(a) there are reasonable grounds for believing
(i) that an arrestable offence has been committed;
(ii) that there is material which consists of or includes material known or suspected to be journalistic material on premises specified in the application;
(iii) that the material is likely to be-
(A) of substantial value to the investigation of the arrestable offence; or
(B) relevant evidence in proceedings for the arrestable offence;
(b) but for section 83 the applicant would be or could have been authorized under the provision mentioned in subsection (1) to enter onto the premises specified in the application and to search the premises or a person found on the premises or to seize the material specified in the application;
(c) other methods of obtaining the material-
(i) have been tried and failed; or
(ii) have not been tried because they were unlikely to succeed or would be likely to seriously prejudice the investigation; and
(d) there are reasonable grounds for believing that it is in the public interest that an order should be

granted, having regard to

the benefit likely to accrue to the investigation; and
the circumstances under which a person in possession of the material holds it.
An application for an order under subsection (2) shall be made inter partes.
Any person who without reasonable cause fails to comply with an order made under subsection (2) commits

an offence and is liable to a fine at level 6 and to imprisonment for 1 year. (Added 88 of 1995 s. 2)

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 34

A person on whom there is or may be conferred under a provision in any Ordinance, being a provision to which section 83 applies, the power to enter any premises and to search the premises or any person found on the premises or to seize any material, may apply to a judge of the Court of First Instance or District Court for the issue of a warrant under subsection (3) authorizing him to enter those premises for the purpose of searching for or seizing material which is known or suspected to be journalistic material. (Amended 26 of 1998 s. 34)
An application for a warrant under this section shall not be made unless it has been approved by a person specified in Schedule 7 to be a directorate disciplined officer.
(3) If on an application under subsection (1) a judge (a) is satisfied
that the conditions specified in section 84(3)(a), (c) and (d)(i) are fulfilled; and
that one of the further conditions set out in subsection (5) is also fulfilled; or
is satisfied that an order under section 84 relating to the material has not been complied with, he may, subject to subsection (4), issue a warrant authorizing the applicant to enter onto the premises and to search the premises and any person found on the premises and to seize any material.
A warrant issued under subsection (3) shall not authorize any entry, search or seizure other than such entry, search or seizure as, but for section 83, would be or could have been authorized under the provision mentioned in subsection (1).
(5) The further conditions mentioned in subsection (3)(a)(ii) are-
that it is not practicable to communicate with any person entitled to grant entry to the premises to which the application relates;
that while it might be practicable to communicate with a person entitled to grant entry to the premises, it is not practicable to communicate with any person entitled to grant access to the material;
that service of notice of an application for an order under section 84(2) may seriously prejudice the investigation.
Subject to subsection (7), it shall be a term of any warrant issued under this section that a person who seizes journalistic material pursuant to the warrant shall seal the material upon seizure and shall hold the sealed material until otherwise authorized or required under section 87.
Subsection (6) shall not apply where the judge is satisfied that there may be serious prejudice to the investigation if the applicant is not permitted to have immediate access to the material.

(8) Any person empowered by a warrant issued under this section may

use such force as may be necessary to enter the premises specified in the warrant;
on the premises, seize such material, including journalistic material, as may be found and as but for section 83 he would be or could have been authorized under the provision mentioned in subsection (1) to take possession of;
detain for a reasonable period any person found on the premises who may have such material in his

possession or under his control and who if not so detained may prejudice the purpose of the search. (Added 88 of 1995 s. 2)

(1) A warrant issued under section 85, other than a warrant to which subsection (7) of that section applies,


specify the name of the applicant and the court issuing the warrant;
contain a statement setting out
the terms of the warrant applying by virtue of subsection (6) of that section;
the rights conferred under section 87 to apply within a specified period for the immediate return of journalistic material seized under the warrant, and the consequences provided for in that section of not so applying.

(2) A person executing or seeking to execute such a warrant shall-

where the occupier of the premises being entered is present, supply the occupier with a copy of the warrant;
where the occupier of the premises is not present but some other person who appears to be in charge of the premises is present, supply that person with a copy of the warrant;
if there is no person present who appears to be in charge of the premises, leave a copy of the warrant in a prominent place on the premises.
Where pursuant to such a warrant material is seized which is required to be sealed and held, the person executing the warrant shall make an endorsement on the warrant setting out details of such material and shall return the warrant to the court from which it was issued.
(Added 88 of 1995 s. 2)
A person from whom journalistic material has been seized pursuant to a warrant issued under section 85, other than a warrant to which subsection (7) of that section applies, or a person claiming to be the owner of such material, may within 3 days of such seizure apply to the court from which the warrant was issued for an order under subsection (2).
On an application under subsection (1), unless the judge is satisfied that it would be in the public interest that the material be made use of for the purposes of the investigation, he shall order that the material be immediately returned to the person from whom it was seized; and in making a determination under this subsection the judge shall have regard to, among other things, the circumstances under which the material was being held at the time of its seizure.
If on an application under subsection (1) the judge determines not to grant an order under subsection (2), or where no application has been made under subsection (1) within the period specified in that subsection, the material may be unsealed.
For the purpose of determining an application under subsection (1) a judge may require the person who seized the material to produce it to the judge for examination by him.
An application for an order under subsection (1) shall be made inter partes. (Added 88 of 1995 s. 2)
In relation to material consisting of information contained in a computer-
an order under section 84(2)(a) shall have effect as an order to produce the material in a form in which it can be taken away and in which it is visible and legible; and
an order under section 84(2)(b) shall have effect as an order to give an applicant access to the material in a form in which it is visible and legible.
Notice of an application for an order under section 84(2) may be served on a person either by delivering it to him or by leaving it at his proper address or by sending it by post to him in a registered letter.
Such a notice may be served-
on a body corporate, by serving it on a person who is an officer of the body within the meaning of section 2(1) of the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32); and
on a partnership, by serving it on one of the partners.
For the purposes of section 84, the proper address of a person-
in the case of an officer of a body corporate, shall be that of the registered or principal office of that body;
in the case of a partner of a firm, shall be that of the principal office of the firm; and
in any other case, shall be the last known address of the person to be served.
Where notice of an application for an order under section 84 has been served on a person, he shall not conceal, destroy, alter or dispose of the material to which the application relates except-
(a) with the leave of a judge; or
with the written permission of the applicant, until
the application is dismissed or abandoned; or
he has complied with an order under section 84 made on the application.

(6) Any person who knowingly contravenes subsection (5) commits an offence and is liable to a fine at level 6

and to imprisonment for 1 year. (Added 88 of 1995 s. 2)

Section: 89 Miscellaneous 30/06/1997
The costs of any application under this Part and of anything done or to be done in pursuance of an order made under it shall be at the discretion of the judge.
For the avoidance of doubt, it is declared that nothing in this Part shall be construed as requiring a judge to make an order under this Part where he considers that, in all the circumstances of the case, it would not be in the public interest to make that order.
Unless a judge otherwise directs, proceedings inter partes under this Part shall be held in open court.
Rules of court may provide for the practice and procedure applying to proceedings under this Part. (Added 88 of 1995 s. 2)
Section: 90 Amendment of Schedule 7 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 37

The Chief Executive in Council may, by order published in the Gazette, amend the persons specified in Schedule 7 to be directorate disciplined officers. (Added 88 of 1995 s. 2. Amended 26 of 1998 s. 37)

Section: 91 (Repealed 89 of 1993 s. 27) 30/06/1997
Section: 91A (Repealed 89 of 1993 s. 27) 30/06/1997
Section: 92 (Repealed 89 of 1993 s. 26) 30/06/1997
Section: 93 (Repealed 89 of 1993 s. 27) 30/06/1997
Section: 94 (Repealed 89 of 1993 s. 27) 30/06/1997
Section: 95 (Repealed 89 of 1993 s. 27) 30/06/1997
Section: 96 (Repealed 89 of 1993 s. 27) 30/06/1997
Section: 97 (Repealed 89 of 1993 s. 27) 30/06/1997
Section: 98 Copies of Ordinances, etc. in Gazette 30/06/1997



(1) A copy of an Ordinance shall, if published in the Gazette, be deemed to be an authentic copy of that Ordinance as at the date of such publication. (Amended 51 of 1990 s. 4)
(2) A copy of any other instrument shall, if published in the Gazette or purporting to be printed by the Government Printer, on its production be admitted as prima facie evidence thereof in all courts and for all purposes whatsoever without any further proof.
(Replaced 2 of 1975 s. 5)
(1) The Secretary for Justice may, by order published in the Gazette, rectify any clerical or printing error appearing in any Ordinance printed or published pursuant to this Ordinance. (Amended 51 of 1990 s. 5; L.N. 46 of 1991; L.N. 362 of 1997 s. 2 & 3)
(2) Every order made under this section shall be laid on the table of the Legislative Council without unreasonable delay, and, if a resolution is passed at the first sitting of the Legislative Council held not less than 27 days after the sitting at which the order is so laid that the order be annulled, it shall thenceforth be void, but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done thereunder, or to the making of a new order. (Amended 2 of 1981 s. 3)
(3) In this section, "sitting" (會議), when used to calculate time, means the day on which the sitting commences and only includes a sitting at which subsidiary legislation is included on the order paper. (Added 89 of
1993 s. 28) (Added 14 of 1971 s. 3)
(1) The Secretary for Justice may, by order published in the Gazette, amend any Ordinance to effect the replacement of a reference to a date in the form of a description by the actual calendar date concerned.
Section: 98A Rectification of errors L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997
Section: 98B Power to substitute dates 10 of 2008 09/05/2008

(2) An amendment under subsection (1) is not to be construed as changing the legal effect of the affected

provision. (Added 10 of 2008 s. 42)

Section: 98C Power to substitute title of subsidiary legislation 10 of 2008 09/05/2008

(1) The Secretary for Justice may, by order published in the Gazette, amend any subsidiary legislation to effect the replacement of a general reference to another subsidiary legislation by

(a) the title or citation of that other subsidiary legislation;
(b) its number among the subsidiary legislation of the year in which it was enacted; or
(c) any chapter number lawfully given to it under the authority of any Ordinance providing for the issue of a revised or other edition of the laws of Hong Kong.

(2) An amendment under subsection (1) is not to be construed as changing the legal effect of the affected

provision. (Added 10 of 2008 s. 42)

Section: 99 Reprint of Ordinances 26 of 1998 01/07/1997



Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 37

The Government Printer may, with the authority of the Chief Executive, print copies of any Ordinance with all additions, omissions, substitutions and amendments effected by any amending Ordinances, and such copies shall be deemed to be authentic copies of the Ordinance so amended as at the date of such printing.

(Amended 26 of 1998 s. 37)

Section: 100 (Repealed 89 of 1993 s. 27) 30/06/1997
Section: 100A Power to increase fines 30/06/1997

(1) The Legislative Council may, by resolution, amend an Ordinance so as to increase

the amount of a fine specified in the Ordinance; and
the amount of a fine specified in the Ordinance as an amount that may be prescribed in subsidiary legislation made under the Ordinance. (Replaced 58 of 1994 s. 5)

(1A) The increase under subsection (1) may be expressed as an amount of money or as a level in Schedule 8 to the Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221). (Added 58 of 1994 s. 5)

(2) A resolution under this section may contain such incidental, consequential and supplemental provisions as

may be necessary or expedient for the purpose of giving full effect to the resolution. (Added 23 of 1981 s. 3)

This provision previously appeared in s. 88A. By virtue of 89 of 1993 s. 27, it was re-enacted as s. 100A.

Section: 101 Amendment of Schedules 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 ss. 35 & 37

The Chief Executive in Council may from time to time, by notice in the Gazette, amend all or any of the Schedules (except Schedules 1 and 9). (Amended 26 of 1998 ss. 35 & 37)

Section: 102 Amendment of Schedules 1 and 9 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 36

The Secretary for Justice may, by notice in the Gazette, amend Schedule 1 or repeal any of the provisions of Schedule 9. (Added 26 of 1998 s. 36)

Schedule: 1 BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF VICTORIA 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 38

[section 102 & Schedule 9]

BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF VICTORIA (Amended 26 of 1998 s. 38)

On the north-The Harbour;

On the west-A line running due north and south drawn through the north-west angle of Inland Lot No. 1299 and extending southwards a distance of 850 feet from the aforesaid angle;

On the south-A line running due east from the southern extremity of the western boundary until it meets a contour in the vicinity of the Hill above Belchers 700 feet above principal datum, that is to say, a level 17.833 feet below the bench-mark known as "Rifleman's Bolt", the highest point of a copper bolt set horizontally in the east wall of the Royal Navy Office and Mess Block Naval Dockyard, and thence following the said contour until it meets the eastern boundary;

On the east-A line following the west side of the Government Pier, Bay View and thence along the west side of Hing Fat Street, then along the north side of Causeway Road to Moreton Terrace. Thence along the west side of Moreton Terrace to the south-east corner of Inland Lot No. 1580 and produced in a straight line for 80 feet, and thence along the north side of Cotton Path and produced until it meets the west side of Wong Nei Chong Road on the east side of Wong Nei Chong Valley and thence to the south-east angle of Inland Lot No. 1364, produced until it meets the southern boundary.


Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 39

[section 3]

The land and sea comprised within the boundary of the administrative division of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China promulgated by the Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China No. 221 dated 1 July 1997 and published as S.S. No. 5 to Gazette No. 6/1997 of the Gazette*.

(Replaced 26 of 1998 s. 39)


* Reproduced in Instrument A207 in this database.

Schedule: 3 BOUNDARIES OF THE HARBOUR 30/06/1997

[section 3]

On the east-straight line drawn from the westernmost extremity of Siu Chau Wan Point to the westernmost extremity of Ah Kung Ngam Point (sometimes known as Kung Am);

On the west-A straight line drawn from the westernmost point of Island of Hong Kong to the westernmost point of Green Island, thence a straight line drawn from the westernmost point of Green Island to the south-easternmost point of Tsing Yi, thence along the eastern and northern coast lines of Tsing Yi to the westernmost extremity of Tsing Yi and thence a straight line drawn true north therefrom to the mainland. (Amended 54 of 1969 s. 8)

Schedule: 4 AREA OF KOWLOON 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 40

[section 3]

"Kowloon" (九龍) means that portion of the peninsula of Kaulung which became part of Hong Kong on 24 October 1860. (Amended 26 of 1998 s. 40)

Schedule: 5 AREA OF NEW KOWLOON 30/06/1997

[section 3]

"New Kowloon" (新九龍) means that portion of the New Territories which is delineated in red and shown upon a plan marked "New Kowloon" dated the 8 December 1937, signed by the Director of Public Works, countersigned by the Governor and deposited in the Land Registry. (Amended 8 of 1993 s. 2)

Schedule: 5A AREA OF NEW TERRITORIES 26 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 41

[section 3]

All of Hong Kong except the land and sea comprised within the boundary of Hong Kong immediately before 9 June 1898. (Schedule 5A Added 26 of 1998 s. 41)

Schedule: 6 PUBLIC OFFICERS L.N. 49 of 2008 01/04/2008

[section 62]

Chief Secretary for Administration

Financial Secretary

Secretary for Justice

Secretary for the Civil Service

Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development

Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs

Secretary for Development

Secretary for Education

Secretary for the Environment

Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury

Secretary for Food and Health

Secretary for Home Affairs

Secretary for Labour and Welfare

Secretary for Security

Secretary for Transport and Housing

Under Secretary

Permanent Secretary

Director of Administration

Director of Home Affairs

Deputy Secretary

Deputy Director of Administration

Principal Assistant Secretary

Assistant Director of Administration (Schedule 6 replaced L.N. 134 of 2007. Amended L.N. 49 of 2008)


[sections 85(2) & 90]

The following are directorate disciplined officers for the purposes of section 85(2) of this Ordinance-

(a) a police officer at or above the rank of Chief Superintendent;
(b) an officer of the Operations Department, Independent Commission Against Corruption above the rank of Principal Investigator;
(c) a member of the Immigration Service at or above the rank of Senior Principal Immigration Officer;
(d) a member of the Customs and Excise Service at or above the rank of Chief Superintendent. (Added 88 of 1995 s. 3)

Amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 42

[section 2A(3)]

1. Any reference in any provision to Her Majesty, the Crown, the British Government or the Secretary of State (or to similar names, terms or expressions) where the content of the provision-

(a) relates to title to land in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;
(b) involves affairs for which the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China has responsibility;
(c) involves the relationship between the Central Authorities and the Hong Kong Special Administrative

Region, shall be construed as a reference to the Central People's Government or other competent authorities of the People's Republic of China.

  1. 2. Any reference in any provision to Her Majesty, the Crown, the British Government or the Secretary of State (or to similar names, terms or expressions) in contexts other than those specified in section 1 shall be construed as a reference to the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
  2. 3. Any reference to Her Majesty in Council or to the Privy Council, where the content of the provision relates to appellate jurisdiction in relation to Hong Kong, shall be construed as a reference to the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal.
  3. 4. Any reference to Her Majesty in Council or to the Privy Council in contexts other than its appellate jurisdiction shall be construed in the same manner as references to Her Majesty are construed under sections 1 and 2.
    1. 5. Any reference to a Government agency which bears a name which includes the word "Royal" shall be read-
      1. (a) as if the word "Royal" were omitted; and
      2. (b) as a reference to the corresponding Government agency of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
  4. 6. Any reference to the Colony of Hong Kong (or to similar names, terms or expressions) shall be construed as a reference to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and any reference to the boundaries of the Colony of Hong Kong shall be construed as a reference to the boundaries as specified in the map of the administrative division of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region published by the State Council of the People's Republic of China.
  5. 7. Any reference to the Supreme Court of Hong Kong shall be construed as a reference to the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
  6. 8. Any reference to the Court of Appeal of Hong Kong shall be construed as a reference to the Court of Appeal of the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
  7. 9. Any reference to the High Court of Justice of Hong Kong shall be construed as a reference to the Court of First Instance of the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

10. Any reference to "地方法院" shall be construed as a reference to "區域法院".

  1. 11. Any reference to the Governor of Hong Kong or to the Governor in Council shall be construed as a reference to the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or the Chief Executive in Council respectively.
  2. 12. Any reference to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Hong Kong shall be read as a reference to the Chief Judge of the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
  3. 13. Any reference to"上訴法院大法官" shall be construed as a reference to "高等法院上訴法庭法官".
  4. 14. Any reference to a judge of the High Court shall be construed as a reference to a judge of the Court of First Instance.
  5. 15. Any reference in the Chinese version of any law to the Legislative Council, the Judiciary or the Executive Authorities or to the officers of those bodies shall be construed in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Basic Law.
  6. 16. Any reference in any law to the Legislative Council shall, as the case may require, be construed as including a reference to the Provisional Legislative Council.
  7. 17. Any reference to the People's Republic of China or to China (or to similar names, terms or expressions) shall be construed as a reference to the People's Republic of China as including Taiwan, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Macau.
  8. 18. Any reference to the Mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong or Macau (whether separately or concurrently) shall be construed as a reference to the Mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong or Macau, as the case may be, as a part of the People's Republic of China.
  9. 19. Any reference to a foreign country or foreign state (or to similar terms or expressions) shall be construed as a reference to a country or territory other than the People's Republic of China or as a reference to any place other than the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, depending on the content of the relevant law.
  10. 20. Any reference to an alien (or to similar terms or expressions) shall be construed as a reference to a person other than a citizen of the People's Republic of China.
  11. 21. Any provision saving the rights of Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors shall be construed as saving the rights of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China and the rights of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region under the Basic Law or other laws.

21A. Any reference to "立法局" shall be construed as a reference to "立法會". (Added 26 of 1998 s. 42)

21B. Any reference to "行政局" shall be construed as a reference to "行政會議". (Added 26 of 1998 s. 42)

21C. Any reference to "地方法院法官" or "地院法官" shall be construed as a reference to "區域法院法官". (Added 26 of 1998 s. 42)

21D. Any reference to "大法官" or "大法官或法官" shall be construed as a reference to "法官". (Added 26 of 1998 s. 42)

21E. Any reference to "政府" shall be construed as a reference to "特區政府". (Added 26 of 1998 s. 42)

21F. Any reference to "首席法官" or "首席大法官" shall be construed as a reference to "終審法院首席法官".

(Added 26 of 1998 s. 42)

22. This Schedule applies unless the context otherwise requires. (Added 110 of 1997 s. 6)

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 26 of 1998 s. 43

[section 102]

1. Interpretation of words and expressions

"British citizen" (英國公民) means a person who has the status of a British citizen under the British Nationality Act 1981 (1981 c. 61 U.K.)#;

"British Dependent Territories citizen" (英國屬土公民) means a person who has or had the status of a British Dependent Territories citizen under the British Nationality Act 1981 (1981 c. 61 U.K.)#;

"British enactment" and "imperial enactment" (英國成文法則) mean

(a) any Act of Parliament;
(b) any Order in Council; and
(c) any rule, regulation, proclamation, order, notice, rule of court, by-law or other instrument made under or by virtue of any such Act or Order in Council;

"British Overseas citizen" (英國海外公民) means a person who has the status of a British Overseas citizen under the British Nationality Act 1981 (1981 c. 61 U.K.)#; "British protected person" (受英國保護人士) means a person who has the status of a British protected person under the British Nationality Act 1981 (1981 c. 61 U.K.)#; "British subject" (英籍人士) means a person who has the status of a British subject under the British Nationality Act 1981 (1981 c. 61 U.K.)#; "Commonwealth" (英聯邦) means collectively

(a) the United Kingdom;
(b) the Channel Islands;
(c) the Isle of Man;
(d) the countries mentioned in Schedule 3 to the British Nationality Act 1981 (1981 c. 61 U.K.)#;

(e) the British Dependent Territories mentioned in Schedule 6 to the British Nationality Act 1981 (1981 c. 61 U.K.)#; "Commonwealth citizen" (英聯邦公民) means a person who has the status of a Commonwealth citizen under the British Nationality Act 1981 (1981 c. 61 U.K.)#; "Crown Agents" (英聯邦代辦) means the persons or body for the time being acting as Crown Agents for Oversea Governments and Administrations; "Order in Council" (樞密院頒令) means an order made by Her Majesty in Her Privy Council (being the Lords and others for the time being of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council); "Parliament" (國會) means the Parliament of England, the Parliament of Great Britain and the Parliament of the United Kingdom;

"territorial waters" (領海) has the same meaning as waters of Hong Kong; "United Kingdom" (聯合王國) means

(a) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; or
(b) when used with reference to citizenship or nationality, Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Channel

Islands and the Isle of Man; "Victoria" (維多利亞) means the area within the boundaries specified in Schedule 1 to this Ordinance.

    1. 2. Modifications
    2. A British enactment shall be judicially noticed as such and shall be read with such modifications as to names, localities, courts, officers, persons, moneys, penalties or otherwise as may be necessary to make the same applicable to the circumstances of Hong Kong.
    1. 3. Citation of British enactments
    2. A British enactment may be cited by a short title or citation, if any, or by reference to the regnal or calendar year in which it was passed or by the number assigned to any statutory instrument or statutory rule and order.
    1. 4. Construction of reference to British enactment
    2. A reference in any law to a British enactment or to any provision, part or division thereof shall be construed as a reference to the same as the same may be from time to time amended on or before 1 January 1994 and as a reference to any British enactment or to any provision, part or division of a British enactment, substituted for it on or before 1 January 1994.
    1. 5. References to subsidiary legislation under British enactment
    2. A reference in any law to any British enactment shall include a reference to any Order in Council, rule, regulation, proclamation, order, notice, rule of court, by-law or other instrument made under or by virtue thereof and having legislative effect.
  1. Copies of British enactments

A copy of a British enactment shall, if it-

(a) is published in the Gazette or purports to be printed by the Government Printer; or

(b) is contained in any printed collection purporting to be published or printed by authority, be deemed, until the contrary is proved, to be an authentic copy of the British enactment as at the date of such publication or printing.

7. Construction of certain references to Crown

(1) Where it is expressly provided in an Ordinance that the Ordinance

(a) affects or does not affect the right of; or

(b) is or is not binding on, the Crown, then that reference to the Crown shall be construed as a reference to the State.

(2) Subsection (1) does not prejudice the operation of section 2A(2)(c) of this Ordinance, whether before, on or

after the commencement of this section. (Schedule 9 Added 26 of 1998 s. 43)

# Please also see L.N. 308 of 1993.

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[1966年12月31日] 1966年第88號法律公告


條: 1 簡稱 30/06/1997

第I部 簡稱及適用範圍 本條例可引稱為《釋義及通則條例》。

條: 2 適用範圍 26 of 1998 01/07/1997




(1A) 即使另一條例載有本條例某項條文的要旨,亦無含義指本條例的其他條文不適用於該另一條例。 (由1993年第89號第2條增補)

(2) 本條例對“國家”具約束力。 (由1998年第26號第2條代替)

註: 並請參閱1998年第26號第1(3)條,而該第1(3)條須受第383章第II部列出的香港人權法案第十二條規限。該第1(3)條內容如下─



條: 2A 原有法律 110 of 1997; 26 of 1998 01/07/1997


1 -釋義及通則條例


    1. 所有原有法律均須在作出為使它們不抵觸《基本法》及符合香港作為中華人民共和國的特別行政區的地位而屬必要的變更、適應、限制及例外的情況下,予以解釋。
        1. (2) 在不損害第(1)款的一般性原則下,在任何條例中─
          1. (a)關於與香港特別行政區有關的外交事務的法律如與在香港特別行政區實施的任何全國性法律不一致,須在以全國性法律為準,並符合中華人民共和國中央人民政府享有的國際權利和承擔的國際義務的規限下,予以解釋;
          2. (b)任何給予英國或英聯邦其他國家或地區特權待遇的規定,除實施香港與英國或英聯邦其他國家或地區的互惠性安排的規定者外,不再有效;
          3. (c)有關英國駐香港軍隊的權利、豁免及義務的規定,凡不抵觸《基本法》和《中華人民共和國香港特別行政區駐軍法》的規定,繼續有效,並適用於中華人民共和國中央人民政府派駐香港特別行政區的軍隊;
          4. (d) 有關英文的法律效力高於中文的規定,須解釋為中文及英文都是正式語文;及
          5. (e)引用的英國法律的規定,如不損害中華人民共和國的主權和不抵觸《基本法》的規定,在香港特別行政區通過其立法機關對其作出修訂前,作為過渡安排,可繼續參照適用。
      1. (3) 在所有原有法律中出現的列於附表8的字和詞句,須按照該附表解釋。
  1. (4) 在本條中─ “原有法律”(laws previously in force) 指在緊接1997年7月1日之前屬有效並已被採用為香港特別行政

區法律的普通法、衡平法、條例、附屬法例(亦指附屬立法)及習慣法; (由1997年第110號第5條增補。由1998年第26號第3條修訂)



“人”、“人士”、“個人”、“人物”、“人選”(person) 包括法團或並非法團組織的任何公共機構和團體,即使這些詞語出現於訂出罪行或與罪行有關的條文內,或出現於追收罰款或追收補償的條文內,本定義亦適用; (由1995年第68號第2條修訂)

“九龍”(Kowloon) 指附表4指明的範圍;
“土地審裁處”(Lands Tribunal) 指根據《土地審裁處條例》(第17章)第3條設立的土地審裁處; (由

1974年第62號第16條增補) “大律師”(counsel) 指獲原訟法庭認許、可以大律師身分執業的人; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) “上訴法庭”(Court of Appeal) 指高等法院上訴法庭; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) “月”(month) 指公曆月; “中央人民政府在香港特別行政區設立的機構”(Offices set up by the Central People's Government in the

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region) 指—

(a) 中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室;
(b) 中華人民共和國外交部駐香港特別行政區特派員公署;及

(c) 中國人民解放軍駐香港部隊; (由2009年第2號第2條增補) “中國”(China) 指中華人民共和國; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) “中國公民”(Chinese citizen, Chinese national)指根據載於《1997年全國性法律公布》(1997年第379號法律公告)附表4中的《中華人民共和國國籍法》具有中國國籍的人; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)

“中華人民共和國”(People's Republic of China) 包括台灣、香港特別行政區及澳門; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)

“太平紳士”(justice, justice of the peace) 指根據《太平紳士條例》(第510章)獲委任為香港太平紳士的人; (由1997年第47號第10條修訂)

“公印”(public seal) 指香港特別行政區公印; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)

“公共機構”(public body) 包括─

(a) 行政會議; (由1998年第26號第37條修訂)
(b) 立法會; (由1998年第26號第37條修訂)
(c) (由1999年第78號第7條廢除)
(ca) 任何區議會; (由1981年第42號第27條增補)
(cb) (由1999年第78號第7條廢除)
(d) 任何其他市區、郊區或城市議局;
(e) 任何特區政府部門;及 (由1998年第26號第37條修訂)

(f) 任何由特區政府承擔的事業; (由1998年第26號第37條修訂) “公務員”、“公務人員”(public servant) 的涵義與公職人員的涵義相同; (由1998年第26號第4條增

補) “公眾”、“公眾人士”(public) 包括任何一類的公眾人士; “公眾地方”、“公眾場所”(public place) 指─

(a) 公眾街道、公眾碼頭或公園;及

(b)公眾繳付費用便可進入,或者公眾可以進入或獲准進入的劇院、各類公眾娛樂場所或其他公眾休憩場所; “公眾假期”、“公眾假日”(general holiday, public holiday) 指為施行《公眾假期條例》(第149章)而

屬公眾假期的日期; (由1998年第26號第4條增補。由1998年第35號第5條修訂)

“公職”(public office) 指任何令任職的人或擔當職務的人成為公職人員的職位或工作;

“公職人員”(public officer) 指任何在特區政府擔任受薪職位的人,不論該職位屬長設或臨時性質;(由1998年第26號第4條增補)

“文件”(document) 指任何刊物及以字母、字樣、數字或符號的形式,或以超過一種上述的形式在任

何物質上書寫、表達或描述的任何資料; “文書”(instrument) 包括憲報內有法律效力的公布; “不動產”(immovable property) 指─

(a) 土地,不論是否有水淹蓋;
(b) 土地上的任何產業、權利、權益或地役權;及
(c) 附連在土地的物件或牢固於任何這類物件上的東西; “幼年人”(infant)、“未成年人”(minor)* 指未滿18歲的人; (由1990年第32號第6條修訂) “外交部”(Ministry of Foreign Affairs) 指中央人民政府外交部; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) “外國”(foreign country, foreign state) 指中華人民共和國以外的國家; (由1998年第23號第2條增補) “外幣”(foreign currency) 指香港貨幣以外的任何貨幣; (由1998年第23號第2條增補) “外籍人士”(alien) 指並非中國公民的人; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) “刊物”(publication) 指─
(a) 一切書寫和印刷的物品;
(d) (a)、(b)和(c)段定義所指刊物的每一份製成本和複製本; “立法會”(Legislative Council)─
(a) 指香港特別行政區立法會;
(b) 在臨時立法會存在之時,指臨時立法會; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)

“立法會秘書”(Clerk to the Legislative Council)指根據《立法會行政管理委員會條例》(第443章)第15(1)條委任的立法會秘書處秘書長,並包括立法會秘書處副秘書長及任何助理秘書長; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)

“生效日期”(commencement),與條例或條例的任何部分、條文有關時,指該條例或部分條例、條文實施的日期; (由1982年第39號第2條代替)

“可逮捕的罪行”(arrestable offence)指由法律規限固定刑罰的罪行,或根據、憑藉法例對犯者可處

超過12個月監禁的罪行,亦指犯任何這類罪行的企圖; (由1971年第30號第2條增補) “可循簡易程序審訊”(triable summarily) 指可由裁判官按照《裁判官條例》(第227章)審訊; “年”(year) 指公曆年; “字”、“文字”、“語言文字”(words) 包括數字及符號; “成人”、“成年人”(adult)* 指年滿18歲的人; (由1990年第32號第6條修訂) “成文法則”(enactment) 的涵義與條例的涵義相同; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) “成年”(full age)* 指年滿18歲; (由1990年第32號第6條增補) “交付審判”(committed for trial) 就某人而言,指─

(a) 將該人押交監獄以便在原訟法庭席前受審;或

(b)准該人保釋,但須在原訟法庭出庭在該法庭席前接受審訊; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) “行政上訴委員會”(Administrative Appeals Board) 指根據《行政上訴委員會條例》(第442章)設立的行

政上訴委員會; (由1994年第6號第32條增補) “行政長官”(Chief Executive) 指─

(a) 香港特別行政區行政長官;

(b)依照《基本法》第五十三條在當其時代理行政長官職務的人; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) “行政長官會同行政會議”(Chief Executive in Council) 指在徵詢行政會議的意見後行事的行政長官;


“行政會議”(Executive Council) 指香港特別行政區行政會議; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)

“行政會議秘書”(Clerk to the Executive Council) 包括獲行政長官委任為行政會議副秘書的人; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)

“在香港實施的全國性法律”(national law applying in Hong Kong) 指依據《基本法》第十八條的條文在香港實施的全國性法律; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)

“佔用”(occupy) 包括使用、住用、管有或享用“佔用”兩字所指的土地或處所,但只以傭工身分,或僅以照料、保管或管理該土地或處所為目的而作該項使用、住用、管有或享用者,則屬例外;


為; “姓”、“姓氏”(surname) 包括宗親或家族的姓氏; “周日”(weekday, week-day) 指星期日以外的任何日子; (由1995年第68號第15條增補) “法官”(judge) 指終審法院首席法官、終審法院法官、高等法院首席法官、上訴法庭法官、原訟法

庭法官、原訟法庭特委法官及原訟法庭暫委法官; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)

“法定語文”(official languages) 指中文和英文,而凡提述一種“法定語文”時,須視乎情況而解釋為中文或英文; (由1987年第18號第2條增補)

“法定聲明”(statutory declaration)─


(d)如在任何其他地方作出,指在中華人民共和國領事或在該地方根據當其時施行的法規而有權監理或接受聲明的人面前作出的聲明; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) “法律”、“法例”、“法”(law)指當其時在香港施行的、在香港具有立法效力的、實施範圍擴及香港的或適用於香港的法律、法例; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) “法院”、“法庭”(court) 指任何具司法管轄權的香港特別行政區法院、法庭; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) “法院規則”(rules of court),與法院有關時,指由主管當局訂立的規則,而該主管當局是當時有權力訂立規則及命令以規限該法院的慣例及程序者; “官契”(Crown lease) 指任何在1997年7月1日之前由官方批給的租契,任何藉以延展官契年期或更改官契條文的文書,以及任何同意訂立官契的協議; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)

“附屬法例”、“附屬法規”、“附屬立法”(subsidiary legislation, subordinate legislation) 指根據或憑藉任何條例訂立並具有立法效力的文告、規則、規例、命令、決議、公告、法院規則、附例或其他文書; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)

“政府一般收入”(general revenue) 指香港特別行政區政府一般收入; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) “政府印務局”(Government Printer) 指─

(a)香港特別行政區政府物流服務署,亦指由行政長官或他人代行政長官授權印刷條例或其他政府文件的其他印刷者; (由2003年第164號法律公告修訂)
(b) (就1997年7月1日之前印刷的任何條例或任何其他文件而言)在緊接該日期前當時有效的

本條所指的政府印務局; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) “政府租契”(Government lease) 指由特區政府或他人代特區政府批給的土地租契,並包括─

(a) 任何藉以─
(i) 延展該租契年期的文書;或
(ii) 更改該租契條文的文書;
(b) 同意訂立該等租契的協議;及

(c) 官契; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) “政務司司長”(Chief Secretary for Administration) 指香港特別行政區政務司司長; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) “訂明”(prescribed)、“訂定”(provided),用於條例內或用於條例方面時,指由該條例或由根據該條


“律政司司長”(Secretary for Justice) 指香港特別行政區律政司司長; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)

“律師”(solicitor) 指獲原訟法庭認許、可以律師身分執業的人; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)

“香港”(Hong Kong) 指香港特別行政區; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)

“香港水域”(waters of Hong Kong,Hong Kong waters) 指在香港特別行政區範圍內的所有水域,不論該

水域是否可供船隻通航; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)

“香港永久性居民”、“香港特別行政區永久性居民”(Hong Kong permanent resident, permanent resident of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region) 指屬《入境條例》(第115章)附表1指明的界別或種類的人; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)

“香港特別行政區”(Hong Kong Special Administrative Region) 指中華人民共和國香港特別行政區,其地理範圍為附表2指明或提述的陸地及海域; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)

“飛機”、“航空器”(aircraft) 指任何可憑空氣的反作用而在大氣中獲得支承力的機器;

“修訂”(amend) 包括廢除、增補或更改,亦指同時進行,或以同一條例或文書進行上述全部或其中任何事項; (由1993年第89號第3條修訂)

“財政司司長”(Financial Secretary)指香港特別行政區財政司司長,亦指財經事務及庫務局局長;(由1998年第26號第4條增補。由2002年第106號法律公告修訂)

“財政年度”(financial year) 指由任何一年的4月1日至翌年3月31日(包括該兩天在內)的期間;

“財產”(property) 包括─

(a) 金錢、貨物、法據動產和土地;及


“特區”(HKSAR) 指中華人民共和國香港特別行政區; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)

“特區政府”(Government) 指香港特別行政區政府; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)

“海港”(harbour) 指在附表3指明的界線之內的香港水域; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)

“原訟法庭”(Court of First Instance) 指高等法院原訟法庭; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)

“高等法院”(High Court) 指《高等法院條例》(第4章)第3條所設立的香港特別行政區高等法院; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)

“高等法院司法常務官”(Registrar of the High Court) 指高等法院司法常務官,亦指任何高等法院高級副司法常務官、副司法常務官或助理司法常務官; (由1998年第26號第4條增補。由2005年第10號第162條修訂)

“高等法院首席法官”(Chief Judge) 指香港特別行政區高等法院首席法官; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)


“船”、“船舶”(ship) 包括各類非全靠槳力推進而用於航行的船隻;

“船長”(master) 指當時指揮或掌管船隻的人,但領港員除外;

“船隻”(vessel) 指任何大小船艇,以及各類用於航行的船隻;

“《基本法》”(Basic Law) 指《中華人民共和國香港特別行政區基本法》; (由1998年第26號第4條

增補) “深圳灣口岸港方口岸區”(Shenzhen Bay Port Hong Kong Port Area) 指《深圳灣口岸港方口岸區條例》(第591章)第3條所宣布的深圳灣口岸港方口岸區; (由2007年第4號第16條增補) “規例”(regulations) 的涵義與附屬法例、附屬法規及附屬立法的涵義相同; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) “條例”(Ordinance) 指─

(a) 由立法會制定的條例;
(b) 憑藉《基本法》第一百六十條採用為香港特別行政區法律的條例;

(d) 任何上述條例或附屬法例的任何條文; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) “條約”(treaty)指國家之間訂立的條約、公約、協議或協定,以及任何附連於該等條約、公約、協


約、協議或協定的議定書或聲明; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) “部門”(department) 就特區政府而言,包括政策局; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) ““國家””(State) 只包括─

(a) 中華人民共和國主席;
(b) 中央人民政府;
(c) 香港特別行政區政府;
(d) 行使根據《基本法》由中央人民政府負責行使的職能的中華人民共和國中央當局;
(e) 符合以下說明─
(i) 代中央人民政府行使其行政職能,或行使根據《基本法》由中央人民政府負責行使的職能;及
(ii) 沒有行使商業職能, 並且是在獲轉授的權力以及獲轉授的職能範圍內行事的中央人民政府的附屬機關;及
(f) 符合以下說明─
(i) 代(d)段提述的中華人民共和國中央當局行使中央人民政府的行政職能,或行使根據《基本法》由中央人民政府負責行使的職能;及
(ii) 沒有行使商業職能, 並且是在獲轉授的權力以及獲轉授的職能範圍內行事的該等中央當局的附屬機關; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)

“動產”(movable property) 指不動產以外的各類財產;
“區域法院”(District Court) 指香港特別行政區區域法院; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)
“區域法院法官”(District Judge) 指區域法院的法官; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)
“區議會”(District Council) 具有《區議會條例》(第547章)給予該詞的涵義; (由1999年第8號第89條

代替) “終審法院”(Court of Final Appeal)指由《香港終審法院條例》(第484章)第3條設立的香港終審法院; (由1995年第79號第50條增補) “終審法院法官”(judge of the Court of Final Appeal) 指終審法院首席法官、終審法院常任法官及終審法院非常任法官; (由1995年第79號第50條增補。由1998年第26號第37條修訂) “終審法院首席法官”(Chief Justice) 指香港特別行政區終審法院首席法官; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) “街”、“街道”(street) 指─


(b)任何由公眾使用或公眾常到,又或公眾可以進入或獲准進入的露天地方,不論該地方是否位於屬政府租契標的的土地上; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) “裁判官”(magistrate)指根據《裁判官條例》(第227章)獲委任為常任裁判官或特委裁判官的人;(由1997年第47號第10條代替) “登記”、“註冊”(registered),用於文件時,指根據任何適用於登記或註冊該類文件的法律條文而

登記或註冊; “普通法”(common law) 指在香港施行的普通法; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) “歲”、“年歲”、“年齡”(years of age) 及其他近義詞語,當用於指人的歲數時,指由出生日期起

計的歲數; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) “路”、“道路”(road) 的涵義與街、街道的涵義相同; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) “罪”、“罪行”、“罪項”、“犯法行為”(offence) 包括任何刑事罪,和違反、觸犯、不遵守任何訂有罰則的法律條文; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)

“新九龍”(New Kowloon) 指附表5指定的範圍;

“新界”(New Territories) 指附表5A指明或提述的範圍; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)


“獄”、“監獄”(prison) 指根據任何與監獄有關的條例而闢作監獄用途的地方、建築物或建築物的一部分;

“誓言”(oath)、“誓章”(affidavit),對法例准許或規定以非宗教式宣誓代替宗教式宣誓的人來說,包括非宗教式誓詞;而“宣誓”(swear) 在同樣情形下包括非宗教式宣誓;

“領事”(consul)、“領事館官員”(consular officer) 指任何獲接待國主管當局承認為以該身分受託行使領事職能的人,包括領事館的首長在內;

“賣”、“售賣”、“出售”(sell) 包括交換及以物相易;

“廢除”(repeal) 包括刪除、撤銷、取消或代替;


“輸入”、“進口”(import) 指以空運方式或循陸路或水路而運入香港,或導致以空運方式或循陸路或水路而運入香港; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)

“輸出”、“出口”(export) 指以空運方式或循陸路或水路而從香港運出,或導致以空運方式或循陸路或水路而從香港運出; (由1998年第26號第4條增補)

“衞生主任”(health officer) 指─

(a) 衞生署署長、副署長、以及助理署長;
(b) 獲行政長官委任為衞生主任的人;及
(c) 當其時根據任何條例執行衞生主任職責的人; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) “憲報”(Gazette) 指─
(a) 《香港特別行政區政府憲報》及其任何副刊;
(b) 在1945年10月12日至1946年5月1日期間(包括首尾兩天)由當時的軍政府出版的憲報;
(c) 《香港特別行政區政府憲報號外》;
(d) 在1997年7月1日之前出版的《香港政府憲報》及其任何副刊;
(e) 在1997年7月1日之前出版的《特別憲報》或《憲報號外》; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) “《聯合聲明》”(Joint Declaration) 指1984年12月19日在北京簽訂的《中華人民共和國政府和大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國政府關於香港問題的聯合聲明》; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) “釐”、“百分之”(per cent),用於利率方面時(不論在何種情形下須付的利率),除非明文訂定以其他期間計,否則指年率;

“醫生”(medical practitioner)、“註冊醫生”(registered medical practitioner) 及表示某人根據任何條例獲承認為香港醫生或為香港醫務人員的任何文字,指正式根據《醫生註冊條例》(第161章)註冊或被當作已根據該條例註冊為醫生的人;

“簡易程序定罪”(summary conviction) 指裁判官按照《裁判官條例》(第227章)作出的簡易程序定罪;

“臨時立法會”(Provisional Legislative Council) 指香港特別行政區臨時立法會; (由1998年第26號第4

條增補) “簽名”、“簽署”(sign),對不能書寫的人來說,包括加蓋或印上印章、標記、拇指紋或圖章; “議事程序表”(order paper) 就立法會而言,包括議程; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) “警務人員”(police officer) 和提述香港警務處、香港警察隊或香港警隊的人員職級的詞語或詞句,

均具有《警隊條例》(第232章)給予同一詞語或詞句的涵義; (由1998年第26號第4條增補) “權”、“權力”(power) 包括任何特權、權限和酌情決定權。 (由1993年第89號第3條修訂;由1998年第26號第4條修訂;由1999年第78號第7條修訂)


* 請參閱1990年第32號第6條。

條: 3A 對前法官或退休法官的提述 32 of 2000 01/07/1997



條: 4 (1998年第26號第5條廢除) 26 of 1998 s. 5 01/07/1997



條: 5 文法變體及同語族詞句 30/06/1997


條: 6 提述特區政府財產的情況 26 of 1998 01/07/1997




  1. (2) 在本條中,“財產”(property) 指在香港特別行政區範圍內的任何土地和自然資源。 (由1998年第26號第6條代替)
  2. (1) 凡指男性的字及詞句亦指女性及不屬於男性或女性者。 (由1993年第89號第4條修訂)
  3. (2) 凡指單數的字及詞句亦指眾數,而指眾數的字及詞句亦指單數。
條: 7 性別及單眾數的條文 30/06/1997
條: 8 以郵遞送達 30/06/1997



條: 9 中英文字和詞句 26 of 1998 s. 7 01/07/1997



條例英文本內的中文字和詞句,按中國語文和風俗解釋,而條例中文本內的英文字和詞句,則按英國語文和風俗解釋。 (由1987年第18號第3條代替。由1998年第26號第7條修訂)

條: 10 (1998年第26號第8條廢除) 26 of 1998 s. 8 01/07/1997



條: 10A IIA部的適用範圍 30/06/1997




(a) 以兩種法定語文制定的條例;或
(b) 已根據《法定語文條例》(第5章)第4B條頒布真確本的條例。
條: 10B 兩種法定語文本條例的釋疑 30/06/1997
  1. (1) 條例的中文本和英文本同等真確,解釋條例須以此為依據。
  2. (2) 條例的兩種真確本所載條文,均推定為具有同等意義。


條: 10C 普通法詞句 26 of 1998 s. 9 01/07/1997



(1)凡條例英文本內使用普通法詞句,而中文本內使 用對應的詞句,則條例須依該詞句在普通法上的意義解釋。

(2) (由1998年第26號第9條廢除) 凡由條例設立的法團,其名稱只以中文載於該條例的中文本內,並只以英文載於該條例的英文本內,則該條例兩種語文本所載的名稱,均屬該法團的名稱。

條: 10D 法定法團的名稱 30/06/1997
條: 10E 兩種法定語文的字等可宣布為意義相等 26 of 1998 s. 37 01/07/1997





宣布;本條例第34條不適用於這類宣布。 (第ⅡA部由1987年第18號第4條增補。由1998年第26號第37條修訂)

條: 11 條例屬公眾條例 30/06/1997

第III部 有關條例的一般條文 每一條例均屬公眾條例,此點須予以司法認知。

條: 12 (廢除) 30/06/1997


條: 13 條例的引稱 30/06/1997
    1. (1) 凡為提述任何條例,只須用以下方式引稱該條例,則為所有目的均已足夠─
      1. (a) 該條例的名稱、簡稱或引稱;
      2. (b) 該條例在制定當年的各條例中排列的編號;或
      3. (c)該條例依法編定的章數,即為了印行香港法例編正版或其他版本而訂定條文的條例所授權編定的章數。 (由1989年第54號法律公告修訂)
  1. 按照第(1)款提述條例時,可使用政府印務局印刷的條例文本中所使用的名稱、簡稱、引

稱、編號或章數。 (由1974年第57號法律公告修訂)

條: 14 (廢除) 30/06/1997


條: 15 提述條例包括其修訂版本 30/06/1997

(1) 凡條例提述另一條例,須當作包括提述該另一條例不時修訂的版本。


條: 16 引稱條例的一部分 30/06/1997


條: 17 提述條例、條等的釋疑 30/06/1997

(1) 條例提述"任何條例"或"任何成文法則" 時,須解作提述任何當時施行的條例。

  1. 凡條例只以編號、英文字母或任何編號與英文字 母的組合提述某條或其他部分,而未與任何其他條例的名稱或簡稱並提,有關提述均須解作提述同一條例內屬於該編號、英文字母或組合的條或其他部分。 (由1993年第89號第7條代替)
  2. 凡條例中任何一條只以編號、英文字母或任何編號與英文字母的組合提述某款或其他部分,而未與該條例或任何其他條例的任何條號並提,有關提述均須解作提述同一條內屬於該編號、英文字母或組合的款或其他部分。 (由1993年第89號第7條代替)

(4) - (5) (由1993年第89號第7條廢除)

條: 18 旁註及標題 26 of 1998 s. 10 01/07/1997



  1. 凡條例的任何條、款或段,是將任何條約或香港以外地方的法律的某條、款、段或其他條文原文照錄,或實質上與之類似,可於該條例的條、款或段加註,以簡寫註明該條約或法律的條、款、段或其他條文。 (由1998年第26號第10條修訂)
  2. 根據第(1)款所作的加註,並無立法效力,亦不得在任何方面更改、限制或擴大任何條例的釋義。


的釋義。 (由1988年第44號第2條修訂)

條: 19 釋義總則 30/06/1997


條: 20 條例的生效日期及其他事宜 26 of 1998 s. 11 01/07/1997



1 -釋義及通則條例



  1. (1) 任何條例均須在憲報刊登。
    1. (2) 任何條例─
      1. (a) 在該條例刊登當日開始時生效;或
      2. (b) 如有條文規定該條例須在另一日生效,則在該另一日開始時生效。 (由1998年第26號第11條修訂)
    1. (3) 如任何條例─
        1. (a) 須在憲報所公告的某日期生效,有關公告可─
          1. (i) 就不同的條文訂定不同的生效日期(包括就不同的目的而生效);
          2. (ii) 就同一條文但不同的目的訂定不同的生效日期;
      1. (b) 須自憲報所公告的某日期起廢除,有關公告可─

(i) 就不同的條文訂定不同的廢除日期(包括就不同的目的而廢除);

(ii) 就同一條文但不同的目的訂定不同的廢除日期, 而不同的公告可─

(i) 就不同的條文及不同的目的訂定不同的日期;
(ii) 就同一條文但不同的目的訂定不同的日期。 (由1998年第26號第11條代替) (由1993年第89號第8條代替)
條: 21 失效 26 of 1998 s. 12 01/07/1997




  1. (2) 凡任何條例如第(1)款所述而失效,則第23條的條文適用,猶如該條例是被廢除一樣。
  2. (3) 如第(1)款所述而失效的條例所廢除或修訂的任何條例,須以其原有形式恢復及繼續施行。 (由1998年第26號第12條代替)
條: 22 (廢除) 30/06/1997


條: 23 一般情形下廢除的效果 30/06/1997


(a) 恢復任何在該項廢除生效時並無施行或並不存在的事情;
(c) 影響根據該已廢除條例而獲取、產生或引致的權利、特權、義務或責任;
(d) 影響因犯該已廢除條例內的罪項而引致的刑罰、沒收或懲罰;或
條: 24 已廢除條例不得恢復生效 30/06/1997


條: 25 廢除及取代 30/06/1997


條: 26 (廢除) 30/06/1997


條: 27 條例有效期屆滿等的效果 26 of 1998 s. 13 01/07/1997




(a) 有效期屆滿或時效已過;
(b) 依據《基本法》第一百六十條被宣布為同《基本法》抵觸;或

則第23條的條文適用,猶如該條例是被廢除一樣。 (由1998年第26號第13條代替)

條: 28 有關訂立附屬法例權力的一般條文 30/06/1997




(a)若附屬法例宣稱是根據一項或多項特定權力而訂立的,即須視為也是根據使該附屬法例得以訂立的所有其他權力而訂立的; (由1993年第89號第11條修訂)
(b) 附屬法例不得與任何條例的條文互相矛盾;

(由1993年第89號第11條修訂) (ca)凡(c)段所指的人已完全或局部由另一人所取代,則取代的人可如原來的人一樣,在其管轄範圍內的一切事宜上,行使(c)段所授予的權力; (由1993年第89號第11條增補)

(d)凡條例授予權力給任何人,為一般目的及附帶的特別目的而訂立附屬法例,則羅列各項特別目的,亦不得當作為對為一般目的所授權力的概括性有所減損; (由1993年第89號第11條修訂)
(e)附屬法例可訂定凡違反或觸犯該附屬法例者,即屬犯罪,經簡易程序定罪後,可判處罰款或監禁,或判處罰款兼監禁;罰款額及監禁期可在該附屬法例內指定,但以罰款不超過$5000,監禁不超過6個月為限; (由1981年第23號第2條修訂;由1993年第89號第11條修訂)
(f) 附屬法例可修訂本身所屬條例中載有的表格,訂明新表格。
(g) (由1993年第89號第11條廢除)
  1. (2) 任何附屬法例均須在憲報刊登。 (由1993年第89號第11條增補)
    1. (3) 任何附屬法例─
      1. (a) 在該附屬法例刊登當日開始時實施;或
      2. (b) 如有條文規定該附屬法例須在另一日生效,則在該另一日開始時實施。 (由1993年第89號第11條增補)
  1. 任何人訂立附屬法例,均可規定該附屬法例在該人或在該附屬法例所指定的其他人藉其發出公告所訂定的日期生效。 (由1993年第89號第11條增補)
  2. 如任何附屬法例須在憲報所公告的日期生效,或自憲報所公告的日期起被廢除,有關公告可就不同條文訂定不同的生效日期或廢除日期,而不同條文的生效日期或廢除日期亦可藉不同公告而予訂定。 (由1993年第89號第11條增補)



(a) 宣布該附屬法例不適用於深圳灣口岸港方口岸區的權力;及
(b) 分別就香港及深圳灣口岸港方口岸區訂立不同條文的權力。 (由2007年第4號第17條增補)

(1A) 凡條例授權力予任何人訂立附屬法例,該附屬法例可就該條例內或該附屬法例內的任何事項,徵收費用。 (由1993年第89號第12條增補)

(1) 凡附屬法例訂有關於各種費用的條文,該附屬法例可訂定以下全部或任何事項─

(a) 特指的費用;
(b) 最高或最低費用;
(c) 最高及最低費用;
(d) 在一般情況下、在指定條件下或在指定情況下費用的繳付;
(e) 任何人或任何一類人的繳費豁免;及
(f) 在發生某事件後,或在指明的人酌情決定下,全部或部分費用的減少、免去或退還。
    1. 凡附屬法例訂定減少、免去或退還全部或部分費用,可述明該項減少、免去或退還是概括地適用或特別地適用於─
      1. (a) 某些事項或事務,或某類事項或事務;
      2. (b) 某些文件或某類文件;
      3. (c) 某一事件的發生或終止;
      4. (d) 某些人或某類人;或
  1. (e) 上述事項、事務、文件、事件或人的任何組合, 亦可述明該項減少、寬免或退還須符合該附屬法例所指定的條件,或須由該附屬法例指定的人酌情決定,方可適用。
條: 29A 各種費用的變動 L.N. 362 of 1997; 26 of 1998 s. 37 01/07/1997



    1. 凡某項費用的數額,現在是由行政長官會同行政會議訂立的附屬法例指明,或由該等附屬法例以其他方式定出或釐定,則在符合第(2)款的規定下,財政司司長可藉類似的附屬法例增加、減少或以其他方式更改該項費用的數額。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
    2. (2) (a)行政長官會同行政會議可以書面形式發出指示,指示財政司司長就該指示中指明的各種費用而行使第(1)款授予他的權力時─ (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
      1. (i) 必須預先獲得行政長官會同行政會議的批准;或
      2. (ii) 不得超逾指示中指明的限額;或
      3. (iii) 只可按照指示中指明的方式行事。
    3. (b)只要根據本款發出的指示仍然有效,財政司司長須遵守該指示。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
    1. 第(1)款所授予的權力是額外的權力,而並非用以取代行政長官會同行政會議就各種費用可行使的任何權力。
    2. (4) 凡─
      1. (a) 可根據第(1)款行使權力;及
      2. (b) 指明、定出或以其他方式釐定有關費用的附屬法例(“基本文書”),是─
    3. (i) 第35條適用或第34條不適用的附屬法例;或
    1. (ii) 需要將其草稿提交立法會會議席上省覽的附屬法例, 則按個別情況,下列條文凡適用者必須實施─
      1. (i) 第35條適用於行使該權力而訂立或發出的附屬法例(該附屬法例是修訂該基本文書的);
      2. (ii) 第34條不適用於該附屬法例;
      3. (iii) 規定將該基本文書提交立法會會議席上省覽的成文法則,或與如此提交基本文書有關的成文法則,亦適用於如此訂立的附屬法例(該附屬法例是修訂該基本文書的)。


條: 30 (1993年第89號第13條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 31 附屬法例的釋疑 30/06/1997
    1. 凡條例授予權力訂立附屬法例,該附屬法例所用的詞句,涵義與該條例所用的相同;而該附屬法例提述“本條例”時,須解作提述授予權力訂立該附屬法例的條例。
    2. 1 -釋義及通則條例
  1. 凡附屬法例只以編號、英文字母或任何編號與英文字母的組合提述某條或其他條文,而未與其他附屬法例或任何條例的名稱或簡稱並提,有關提述均須解作提述同一附屬法例內屬於該編號、英文字母或組合的條或其他條文。 (由1993年第89號第14條增補)
  2. 凡附屬法例只以編號、英文字母或任何編號與英文字母的組合提述某款或某條文其他部分,而未與該附屬法例或任何其他附屬法例的任何其他條號或條文編號並提,有關提述均須解作提述同一條內或同一條文內屬於該編號、英文字母或組合的款或條文其他部分。 (由1993年第89號第14條增補)
  3. 凡條例並非在該條例於憲報刊登當日開始實施,根據該條例行事的權力均可在該條例於憲報刊登之後隨時行使。
條: 32 在條例已制定但未生效期間法定權力的行使 30/06/1997


中與該權力有關的條文實施前,不得先行生效。 (由1993年第89號第15條代替)

條: 33 (1993年第89號第16條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 34 向立法會提交附屬法例 8 of 2002 03/05/2002

(1) 所有附屬法例在憲報刊登後均須於隨後的一次立法會會議席上提交該會省覽。

    1. 凡附屬法例已根據第(1)款提交立法會會議席上省覽,在該次省覽的會議之後28天內舉行的會議上,立法會可藉通過決議,訂定將該附屬法例修訂,修訂方式不限,但須符合訂立該附屬法例的權力;此等決議一經通過,該附屬法例須當作由憲報刊登該決議之日起修訂,但已根據該附屬法例而作出的任何事情,其法律效力不受影響。
    2. (3) 若第(2)款所指期限的屆滿日期(如非因本款規定)原應是─
    3. (a) 在立法會會期結束前或在立法會解散前的最後一次會議後;但 (由1993年第89號第17條代替)
  1. (b) 在立法會下一會期的第二次會議日或該日之前, (由1993年第89號第17條代替) 則該期限須視為延展至該第二次會議的翌日,並在該日屆滿。
    1. 立法會可於第(2)款所指的期限或憑藉第(3)款而延展的該期限屆滿之前,藉決議就其中指明的附屬法例—
      1. (a) (就第(2)款所指的期限而言)將該期限延展至在該期限屆滿之日後第21天或之後舉行的首次立法會會議;
      2. (b) (在第(2)款所指的期限已憑藉第(3)款而延展的情況下)將經如此延展的該期限延展至在該下一會期的第二次會議日後第21天或之後舉行的首次立法會會議。 (由2002年第8號第2條代替)
  2. 立法會按照本條通過的決議,須於通過後14內在憲報刊登,或在特別情況下行政長官准許延展的期限內刊登。
  3. (6) 在本條內─ “附屬法例”(subsidiary legislation) 不包括立法會的決議; “會議”(sitting),用於計算時間時,只包括其議事程序表上載有附屬法例的會議,並指該會議開始

當日。 (由1993年第89號第17條代替) (由1986年第39號第2條代替。由1998年第26號第37條修訂) 附註:

條: 35 立法會對附屬法例的批准 26 of 1998 s. 37 01/07/1997



(a) 該附屬法例須呈交立法會或該其他主管當局批准;及
(b) 立法會可藉決議,或該其他主管當局可藉命令,將該附屬法例全部或部分修訂。 (由1998年第26號第37條修訂)
條: 36 廢除條例對附屬法例的效果 26 of 1998 s. 14 01/07/1997



(1) 凡條例─

(a) 廢除任何前有條例的整條或部分,並另以條文取代;或
(b) 廢除及重新制定任何前有條例的整條或部分,不論是否有將該條例修改, (由1998年第

26號第14條修訂) 則根據前有條例而訂立,並於作廢除用條例的生效日期正在施行的附屬法例,只要與作廢除用的條例不相矛盾,須繼續施行,且在一切事項上有效,猶如該附屬法例是根據作廢除用的條例而訂立一樣。

  1. 憑藉第(1)款繼續施行的附屬法例,可不時加以修訂,猶如該附屬法例是根據作廢除用的條例而訂立一樣。
  2. 如任何表格與由或根據條例所訂的有所差異,只要不影響表格的內容實質,即不得因此而無效。
    1. 凡條例內的表格以兩種法定語文訂明,而訂明的兩種法定語文本是分列的或是以特定方式並列的,該表格可用以下形式印製和供使用─
      1. (a) 兩種語文本以任何方式並列;或
      2. (b) 單用一種法定語文本。 (由1987年第18號第5條增補)
條: 37 表格 30/06/1997
條: 37A 以條例修訂附屬法例 26 of 1998 s. 15 01/07/1997



如某條例(第3條所界定者)賦予某人訂立附屬法例的權力,則以任何條例修訂該附屬法例(不論該附屬法例事實上是否由該人訂立)一事,並無亦不會阻止該人修訂該附屬法例。 (由1998年第26號第15條增補)

條: 38 合法行使權力的推定 30/06/1997




(a) 訂立任何附屬法例;
(b) 訂立任何文書;或
(c) 行使任何權力, 而該條例訂明條件,使所授權力須在這些條件獲遵守或執行,或在這些條件存在的情況下方可行使,則在有關的附屬法例、文書或證明已有行使有關權力的其他文件內,如說明該附屬法例或文書是行使或依該條例所授權力而訂立,或說明該權力是行使或依據該條例所授權力而行使,或載有效果相同的說明,即推定為已恰當地履行這些條件。
條: 39 權力的行使 30/06/1997
條: 40 賦權字眼的釋疑 26 of 1998 s. 16; 29 of 1998 s. 105 01/07/1997




    1. (2) 在不損害第(1)款的概括性的原則下,凡條例授予權力─
      1. (a)訂定、禁止、管制或規限任何事項,該權力包括以發出牌照方式訂定該事項的權力,亦包括權力以禁止一些可能藉以逃避對該事項的禁止、管制或規限的作為;
      2. (b)批給牌照、政府租契、許可證,授予權限,給予批准或豁免,該權力包括就該項牌照、政府租契、許可證、權限、批准或豁免而施加合理條件的權力; (由1998年第26號第16條修訂;由1998年第29號第105條修訂)
      3. (c) 批准任何人或事物,該權力包括撤回批准的權力;
      4. (d) 發出指示,該權力包括發出禁令式指示的權力。
  1. (3) - (4) (由1993年第89號第19條廢除)
條: 41 發牌等權力屬酌情權 26 of 1998 s. 17; 29 of 1998 s. 105 01/07/1997



1 -釋義及通則條例



證,如獲條例授予提出上訴的權利,該項權利不受本條影響。 (由1993年第89號第20條修訂;由1998年第26號第17條修訂;由1998年第29號第105條修訂)

條: 42 有權委任包括有權暫停、解除、重新委任等 30/06/1997


(a) 將憑該權力或職責所委任的人免除、暫停、解除或撤銷委任,重新委任或復任;
(c) 指明憑該權力或職責所委任的人的任期:


條: 43 指明公職人員的轉授權 26 of 1998 01/07/1997



    1. 凡條例向指明的公職人員授予權力或委以職責,該人員可轉授給其他公職人員,亦可轉授給當時擔任他所指定職位的人,代他行使這些權力或執行這些職責;由轉授時開始,或由該指明的公職人員所指明的日期開始,獲轉授的人即掌有並可行使這些權力及須執行這些職責。
    2. (2) 第(1)款並不授權指明的公職人員轉授權力給任何人以訂立附屬法例或聆訊上訴。
  1. 凡條例向指明的公職人員授予權力或委以職責,而該權力由另一公職人員行使,或該職責由另一公職人員執行,則除非相反證明成立,該指明的公職人員須視為已根據第(1)款轉授給該另一公職人員行使該權力或執行該職責。
  2. (4) 本條所述的“指明的公職人員”(specified public officer) 即當時擔任指明公職的人,而該公職是行政長官會同行政會議為一般目的或為某一條例的施行,根據本條藉憲報公告而指明的。 (由1998年第26號第37條修訂)
    1. 凡條例授權力予任何人將本身獲任何條例所授權力轉授予他人代為行使,或將本身獲任何條例所委職責轉授予他人代為執行─
      1. (a) 轉授人雖已轉授,仍可隨時行使已轉授的權力,或執行已轉授的職責;
      2. (b) 轉授人可以他認為適當的方式對該項轉授施加條件、約制或限制;
      3. (c)若轉授須經另一人批准方可作出,則批准人可以他認為適當的方式對該項轉授施加條件、約制或限制;
      4. (d) 轉授人可指名轉授給某人,亦可轉授給當時擔任他所指定職位的人;及
      5. (e) 轉授人可對任何轉授加以修訂。 (由1971年第14號第2條增補)
  3. 轉授任何權力,須當作包括轉授任何附帶或有關的職責,而轉授任何職責亦須當作包括轉授任何附帶或有關的權力。
條: 44 轉授權力及職責的效果 30/06/1997
條: 45 特別情況下權力的行使 26 of 1998 s. 37 01/07/1997




(a) 該職位已廢去;或

(b) 未有人獲委任擔當該職位的職能, 則這些權力及職責─

(i) 如屬訂立附屬法例的,可由行政長官會同行政會議行使或執行;及
(ii) 如屬其他方面的,可由行政長官藉命令而指示的其他公職的擔任者行使或執行。 (由1998年第26號第37條修訂)
條: 46 訂立公共文書及行事的權力 30/06/1997



錄的實施日期及實施期限。 (由1993年第89號第21條修訂)

條: 47 追溯委任日期的權力 30/06/1997


條: 47A 行政長官委任諮詢團體的權力 26 of 1998 s. .37 01/07/1997
  1. 行政長官可不時藉憲報刊登的命令,依法設立他認為符合公眾利益的諮詢委員會和其他委員會及團體,並可委任其成員。
  2. 根據第(1)款發出的命令,可載有與該命令設立的委員會或團體有關而行政長官認為適當的條文,包括該團體的職權範圍,成員的任期,成員的免任、辭職及重新委任,會議的法定人數以及相類的程序事項。


條: 48 委任主席的權力 30/06/1997


條: 49 委任公職人員為各類委員會成員的權力 30/06/1997


條: 50 候補成員的委任 30/06/1997



不能行使成員職能的實任成員, 該候補或臨時成員在出席該審裁處、委員會或團體的會議時,在一切事項上均須當作該審裁處、委員會或團體的成員。

條: 51 各類委員會的權力不受席位空缺影響 30/06/1997


(a) 成員席位出現空缺;
(b) 自認為成員的人在委任或資格方面有欠妥之處;或
(c) 在召集會議事上有不依規則的小節。
條: 52 多數的權力及權力的行使 30/06/1997
  1. 凡條例向不少於3人組成的團體,或不少於3人的一組人授予權力或委以職責,該權力或職責可由該團體或該組人中的多數成員,以該團體或該組人的名義行使或執行。
  2. 每當該團體或該組人集會時,對所有以表決方式決定的事項,不論以何種名目進行表決,該集會的主席或主持集會的成員除有權投普通票外,並有權投決定票。
  3. 賦給該團體或該組人的權力,可由行使或授予權限行使該權力的會議或議事會的主席或主持人明示行使,亦可由該團體或該組人不時為明示行使該權力而授權的人明示行使。
條: 53 印章 30/06/1997


條: 54 提述公職人員的情況 30/06/1997





條: 54A 移轉公職人員職能的權力 L.N. 362 of 1997; 26 of 1998 01/07/1997



  1. 立法會可藉決議,訂定將某一公職人員憑藉條例得以行使的任何職能移轉給另一公職人員。 (由1998年第26號第37條修訂)
  2. 為施行上的需要或便利,根據本條通過的決議可載有附帶、相應及補充條文,以使該決議能切實施行。
  3. 如政務司司長發出證明書,證明緊接在根據本條通過的決議生效前賦給某一公職人員的財產,已憑藉該項決議移轉給另一公職人員,該證明書即為該項財產移轉的確證。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
  4. (4) 在本條內─ “公職人員”(public officer) 包括為使當時擔任公職的人成為法團而設立的法團; “職能”(functions) 包括權力及職責。

(由1975年第67號第3條增補) [比照 1946 c. 31 s. 1 U.K.]

條: 55 職位名稱的改變 L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997

政務司司長可藉憲報公告 (公告可具有追溯效力),宣布改變任何公職人員、公共機構或任何條例所提述的人的職稱或名稱,該公告並可載有條文,訂定將新職稱或名稱代入任何與該公職人員、公共機構或該人有關的條例內,以及代入在公告生效日期前已訂立的文書、合約或已開始進行的法律程序內。


〔比照 1946 c. 31 s. 2 U.K.〕

條: 56 以指名或指定職位方式委任公職人員的情況 30/06/1997


條: 57 空缺的填補 26 of 1998 s. 37 01/07/1997



    1. 當條例向公職人員授予權力或委以職責,而該公職人員因患病或其他原因缺勤或無能力處事,以致不能行使其職位的權力或執行其職位的職責時,行政長官可藉憲報公告,指示由他指名的公職人員,或由擔任他所指定職位的公職人員掌有並可行使該權力,或須執行該職責,但須依由行政長官指示的條件、例外規定及約制。
    2. (2) 行政長官根據第(1)款發給的指示─
      1. (a) 可因預計會發生缺勤或無能力處事的情形而發給;或
      2. (b) 可在發生缺勤或無能力處事的情形後發給,並可追溯至這些情形開始發生時起生效。
  1. 凡條例向公職人員授予權力或委以職責,而其後同一或另一特區政府部門設立一新職位,行政長官可藉憲報公告,指示這些權力及職責,或這些權力及職責的任何部分,須由擔任該新設職位的人全權行使,或與原先的公職人員共同行使,或以其他形式行使。


條: 58 於任職人退休度假時委任他人的權力 30/06/1997

(1) 凡有擔任公職的人卸任前休假,可委任他人擔任該公職。


條: 59 公職人員所訂合約 26 of 1998 s. 37 01/07/1997




(由1998年第26號第37條修訂) 附註:

條: 60 (1998年第26號第19條廢除) 26 of 1998 s. 19 01/07/1997


條: 61 在公職人員簽名之後漏寫職銜無關重要 26 of 1998 ss. 20 & 37 01/07/1997



任何由行政長官或公職人員簽署、簽立的合約或其他文件,不因在行政長官或該公職人員的簽名後漏加職銜而使第59條不適用於該合約或文件。 (由1998年第26號第20及37條修訂)

條: 62 行政長官及行政長官會同行政會議命令的明示 26 of 1998 ss. 21 & 37 01/07/1997




特區政府、行政長官及行政長官會同行政會議 (由1998年第26號第21條代替)


(a)如屬由行政長官行使或執行的,可由附表6指定的任何公職人員簽署示明行使或執行; (由1972年第36號第3條修訂)
(b)如屬由行政長官會同行政會議行使或執行的,可由行政會議秘書簽署示明行使或執行。 (由1994年第14號第24條修訂)
  1. (2) 訂立或發出文告須由行政長官會同行政會議簽署;本款規定不受第(1)款規限。
  2. (3) 行政長官會同行政會議可藉憲報刊登的命令,修訂附表6。 (由1972年第36號第3條增補) (由1998年第26號第37條修訂)
條: 63 行政長官的轉授權 26 of 1998 ss. 22 & 37 01/07/1997



  1. 凡條例向行政長官授予權力或委以職責,他可指名轉授給任何人,亦可轉授給擔任他所指明職位的人,代他行使這些權力或執行這些職責;由轉授時開始,或由行政長官指定的日期開始,獲轉授的人即掌有並可行使這些權力及須執行這些職責。
  2. 第(1)款並不授權行政長官轉授權力予任何人訂立附屬法例、發出文告或裁決上訴。 (由1998年第26號第22條代替)
  3. 凡條例向行政長官授予權力或委以職責,而該權力由任何公職人員行使,或該職責由任何公職人員執行,則除非相反證明成立,行政長官須當作已根據第(1)款轉授給該公職人員行使該權力或執行該職責。


條: 64 向行政長官會同行政會議提出的上訴及反對 26 of 1998 ss. 23 & 37 01/07/1997



  1. 凡條例向任何人授予權利,使能向行政長官會同行政會議提出上訴或反對,這些上訴或反對須受按照第(2)款訂立的規則規限。 (由1969年第54號第5條代替)
  2. 行政長官會同行政會議可訂立規則,以規限向行政長官會同行政會議提出上訴或反對的程序。 (由1969年第54號第5條代替)
  3. 任何條例授予向行政長官會同行政會議提出上訴或反對的權利,並不因此而阻止任何人向高等法院提出依法有權利提出的履行義務令、移審令、禁止令、強制令或其他命令的申請,以代替向行政長官會同行政會議提出上訴或反對;但對於憑藉條例向行政長官會同行政會議提出的上訴或反對,或任何與這些上訴或反對有關連的程序,則不得以履行義務令、移審令、禁止令、強制令或其他命令,對行政長官會同行政會議採取法律程序。 (由1969年第54號第5條修訂;由1998年第26號第23條修訂)
  4. (4) 行政長官會同行政會議在考慮任何向其提出的上訴或反對時 (不論上訴或反對是以請願書或其他形式提出,亦不論是憑藉條例或其他基礎提出),須以施政或行政身分,而非以司法或類似司法身分處事,且有絕對酌情決定權考慮及參照任何證據、資料、消息或意見。 (由1969年第54號第5條修訂)
  5. 行政長官會同行政會議在考慮因不滿任何人、公職人員或公共機構的決定而向其提出的上訴或反對時 (不論上訴或反對是以請願書或其他形式提出,亦不論是憑藉條例或其他基礎提出),可維持、更改或推翻該決定,或代之以行政長官會同行政會議認為適當的其他決定,或作出認為適當的其他命令。 (由1969年第54號第5條修訂)


條: 65 (1998年第26號第24條廢除) 26 of 1998 s. 24 01/07/1997



條: 66 “國家”權利的保留 26 of 1998 s. 24 01/07/1997





66條一事,並不損害第2A(2)(c)條的實施(不論實施是在該項廢除及取代之前、之時或之後)。 (由1998年第26號第24條代替)

條: 67 香港時間 26 of 1998 01/07/1997





(1) 在條例中遇有表示時間的詞句,所指的時間是香港時間。

(2) 就第(1)款而言,“香港時間”(Hong Kong Time) 指在香港一般通用的時間,即較國際標準時間早8小時或早另一時數的時間;該另一時數由立法會根據本款或根據《石油(保存及管制)條例》(第264章)第16條藉決議而決定。 (由1979年第27號第17條修訂)

  1. (3) 立法會根據第(2)款通過的決議,可決定全年或年內部分期間的香港時間。
  2. 本條並不影響在天文、氣象、航海或航空用途上使用國際標準時間;如任何文件在有關這

些用途方面提述或指某一時間,這些文件的釋疑亦不受本條影響。 (由1977年第17號第3條代替。由1998年第26號第25及37條修訂)

條: 68 (1977年第17號第3條廢除) 30/06/1997


條: 69 提述"上午""下午"的情況 30/06/1997


條: 70 條文內並無訂明時間的情況 30/06/1997



條: 71 時間的計算 L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997

(1) 就任何條例而言,計算時間辦法如下─

(d)凡作為或程序經指示或准許在一段不超過6日的時間內作出或辦理,則計算該段時間時,公眾假日或烈風警告日或黑色暴雨警告日不計在內。 (由1983年第43號第2條修訂;由1995年第68號第16條修訂)

(2) 在本條中─ “烈風警告日”(gale warning day)指全日或其中部分時間有烈風警告的日子,而“烈風警告”(galewarning) 具有《司法程序 (烈風警告期間聆訊延期)條例》 (第62章)第2條給予該詞的涵義;

“黑色暴雨警告日”(black rainstorm warning day) 指全日或其中部分時間有黑色暴雨警告的日子,而“黑色暴雨警告”(black rainstorm warning) 指由香港天文台台長藉使用通常稱為黑色暴雨警告訊號的暴雨警告訊號而發出的關於在香港或香港附近出現暴雨的警告。(由1995年第68號第16條代替。由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)

條: 72 延展時間的權力 30/06/1997


條: 73 距離 30/06/1997


條: 74 令狀等在公眾假期有效 30/06/1997


條: 75 修改 26 of 1998 ss. 26 & 27 01/07/1997




在香港實施的全國性法律 (由1998年第26號第26條代替)

在香港實施的全國性法律須予以司法認知為在香港實施的全國性法律,參閱應用時須對其中的名稱、地點、法庭、人員、人物、貨幣、刑罰或其他事項按需要加以修改,使能適用於香港環境。 (由1998年第26號第27條修訂)

條: 76 在香港實施的全國性法律的引稱 26 of 1998 s. 28 01/07/1997




(b) 引述該法律的全名以及提述公布該法律的憲報或其他文書而引稱;或
(c) 引述該法律的全名以及提述中央人民政府發出在香港實施該法律的命令而引稱。 (由1998年第26號第28條代替)
條: 77 (1998年第26號第29條廢除) 26 of 1998 s. 29 01/07/1997



條: 78 對根據在香港實施的全國性法律訂立的附屬法例的提述 26 of 1998 s. 30 01/07/1997



法律中所提述的在香港實施的全國性法律,包括任何根據或憑藉該全國性法律訂立而在香港具有立法效力的決議、規則、規例、文告、命令、公告、法院規則、附例或其他文書。 (由1998年第26號第30條修訂)

條: 79 (1993年第89號第23條廢除) 30/06/1997


條: 80 在香港實施的全國性法律文本 26 of 1998 s. 31 01/07/1997




(a) 在憲報刊登或宣稱由政府印務局印刷;或
(b) 載於任何宣稱是獲有關主管當局授權出版或印刷的合訂印本,

則直至相反證明成立,須當作為該全國性法律在出版或印刷當日的真確文本。 (由1975年第2號第4條代替。由1998年第26號第31條修訂)

條: 80A 23條對在香港實施的全國性法律適用 26 of 1998 s. 32 01/07/1997


1 -釋義及通則條例




條: 81 釋義 30/06/1997
新聞材料的搜查及檢取 (由1995年第88號第2條增補)
在本部中,除文意另有所指外─ “處所”(premises) 包括任何地方,尤其包括─ (a) 任何車輛、船隻、飛機或氣墊船; (b) 任何帳幕或可移動的構築物。 (由1995年第88號第2條增補)
條: 82 “新聞材料”的涵義 30/06/1997
  1. (1) 在符合第(2)款的規定下,在本部中,“新聞材料”(journalistic material) 指為新聞傳播的目的而取得或製備的任何材料。
  2. 就本部而言,如材料由某人管有,而該人是為新聞傳播的目的而取得或製備該材料的,該材料方屬新聞材料。
  3. 凡某人自另一人處收取材料,而該另一人的意願為該收取材料的人須為新聞傳播的目的而使用該材料,則該收取材料的人須被視為是為該目的而取得該

材料。 (由1995年第88號第2條增補)

條: 83 進入處所及搜查或檢取的權力 30/06/1997



條: 84 就新聞材料申請交出令 26 of 1998 ss. 33 & 37 01/07/1997



1 -釋義及通則條例

  1. 任何獲第83條所適用的條文賦權或可能獲該條文賦權進入任何處所及搜查該處所或任何在該處所發現的人或檢取任何材料的人,均可就被知為或被懷疑是新聞材料的材料向原訟法庭法官或區域法院法官申請第(2)款下的命令。 (由1998年第26號第33條修訂)
    1. 在有申請根據第(1)款作出後,如法官信納第(3)款內的條件已獲符合,即可命令看似管有申請書所指明的新聞材料的人,在由命令的日期起計的7日期間完結之前或在命令所指明的較長期間完結之前─ (由1998年第26號第37條修訂)
      1. (a) 將該項新聞材料交予申請人帶走;或
      2. (b) 讓申請人取用該項新聞材料。
        1. (3) 為施行第(2)款而須予符合的條件如下─
            1. (a) 有合理理由相信─
              1. (i) 有人已犯可逮捕的罪行;
              2. (ii) 申請書所指明的處所內有構成或包括被知為或被懷疑是新聞材料的材料;
                1. (iii) 有關材料相當可能 ─
                  1. (A) 對就該可逮捕的罪行而進行的調查有重大價值;或
                  2. (B) 在就該可逮捕的罪行而進行的法律程序中為有關證據;
          1. (b)若非有第83條的規定,申請人即會或本可根據第(1)款所述的條文獲授權進入申請書所指明的處所及搜查該處所或在該處所發現的人或檢取申請書所指明的材料;
            1. (c) (i) 已嘗試用其他方法獲取該材料,但已失敗;或
            2. (ii) 因相當可能會不成功或相當可能會嚴重損害調查而並未嘗試用其他方法獲取該材料;及
            1. (d) 有合理理由相信在顧及以下因素後,作出該命令是符合公眾利益的─
              1. (i) 該命令相當可能會為該項調查帶來的利益;及
              2. (ii) 管有該材料的人是在甚麼情況下持有該材料。
      1. (4) 第(2)款下的命令的申請須屬各方之間的申請。
      2. 任何人無合理因由而不遵從根據第(2)款所作出的命令,即屬犯罪,可處第6級罰款及監禁1

年。 (由1995年第88號第2條增補)



(1)任何獲第83條所適用的條文賦權或可能獲該條文賦權進入任何處所及搜查該處所或任何在該處所發現的人或檢取任何材料的人,均可向原訟法庭法官或區域法院法官申請發出第(3)款下的手令,以授權他為搜尋或檢取被知為或被懷疑是新聞材料的材料的目的而進入該處所。 (由1998年第26號第34條修訂)

  1. (2) 本條下的手令的申請,須經附表7指明為紀律部隊首長級人員批准方可作出。
    1. (3) 在有申請根據第(1)款作出後,如法官─ (由1998年第26號第37條修訂)
        1. (a) 信納─
          1. (i) 第84(3)(a)、(c)及(d)(i)條所指明的條件已獲符合;及
          2. (ii) 第(5)款所列的進一步條件的其中一項亦已獲符合;或
      1. (b) 信納第84條下的與該材料有關的命令並沒有獲得遵從,


    1. 根據第(3)款發出的手令不得就任何進入、搜查或檢取作出授權,但若非有第83條的規定即會或本可根據第(1)款所述的條文獲授權的進入、搜查或檢取則除外。
    2. (5) 第(3)(a)(ii)款所述的進一步條件如下─
      1. (a) 與任何有權批准進入有關申請所涉及的處所的人溝通並不切實可行;
      2. (b)與有權批准進入該處所的人溝通雖然可能切實可行,但與任何有權批准取用該有關材料的人溝通並不切實可行;
      3. (c) 送達申請第84(2)條下的命令的通知可能會嚴重損害有關調查。
  1. 除第(7)款另有規定外,根據本條發出的任何手令,須附有一項條款,內容為依據手令檢取新聞材料的人須在檢取材料後將之密封及持有該密封材料,直至根據第87條另有授權或規定為止。
  2. 凡法官信納不准許申請人立即取用該材料可能會嚴重損害有關調查,第(6)款即不適用。(由1998年第26號第37條修訂)

(8) 任何獲根據本條發出的手令賦權的人可─

(a) 使用必需的武力以進入手令所指明的處所;

非被如此扣留即可能損害搜尋的目的者。 (由1995年第88號第2條增補)

    1. (1) 除第85(7)條適用的手令外,根據第85條發出的手令須─
      1. (a) 指明申請人的姓名及發出手令的法院;
        1. (b) 載有一項陳述,列明─
          1. (i) 憑藉該條第(6)款而適用的手令條款;
          2. (ii) 根據第87條而賦予於指明期間內申請立即交還根據手令檢取的新聞材料的權利,以及該條所規定沒有如此申請的後果。
    1. (2) 執行或尋求執行該手令的人須遵從下述規定─
      1. (a) 如所進入的處所的佔用人在場,則將該手令的副本交給該佔用人;
      2. (b)如該處所的佔用人不在場,但看似掌管該處所的其他人在場,則將該手令的副本交給該人;
      3. (c) 如並沒有看似掌管該處所的人在場,則將該手令的副本留在該處所的顯眼地方。
  1. 如檢取的材料依據該手令須予密封及持有,執行該手令的人須在該手令上作出批註,列明

該材料的細節,並須將手令交還發出該手令的法院。 (由1995年第88號第2條增補)



  1. (1) 凡依據根據第85條發出的手令(該條第(7)款所適用的手令除外)自某人處檢取新聞材料,該人或聲稱是該材料的擁有人的人,可於該項檢取3日內向發出該手令的法院申請第(2)款下的命令。
    1. 凡有材料自某人處檢取,在有申請根據第(1)款作出後,除非法官信納將有關材料作調查之用符合公眾利益,否則他即須命令將之立即交還該人;而法官根據本款作出裁定時須顧及的事宜包括於檢取有關材料時該材料被持有的情況。
    2. (3)在有申請根據第(1)款作出後,如法官裁定不根據第(2)款作出命令,或如沒有任何申請在第
    1. 款指明的期間內根據該款作出,則有關材料可予以開封。
      1. (4) 為裁定根據第(1)款作出的申請,法官可要求檢取有關材料的人將該材料交予他查驗。
      2. (5) 第(1)款下的命令的申請須屬各方之間的申請。 (由1995年第88號第2條增補。由1998年第26號第37條修訂)



(1) 就由藏於電腦的資料所構成的材料而言─

    1. 申請根據第84(2)條作出命令的通知書,可藉將通知書交付有關人士、將通知書留在該人的適當地址或將通知書以掛號郵遞方式寄給該人的方式予以送達。
        1. (3) 上述通知書─
          1. (a)可藉送達予《公司條例》(第32章)第2(1)條所指的法人團體的高級人員的方式送達該法人團體;及
          2. (b) 可藉送達予合夥的其中一名合夥人的方式送達該合夥。
        1. (4) 為施行第84條,有關人士的適當地址如下─
          1. (a)如該人屬法人團體的高級人員,適當地址為該法人團體的註冊辦事處或主要辦事處的地址;
          2. (b) 如該人屬商號的合夥人,適當地址為該商號的主要辦事處的地址;及
          3. (c) 如屬其他情況,適當地址為須獲送達通知書的人最後為人所知的地址。
      1. (5) 凡申請根據第84條作出命令的通知書已經送達某人,則除非─
    2. (a) 取得法官的許可;或 (由1998年第26號第37條修訂)
    1. (b) 取得申請人的書面批准, 否則該人不得將與該項申請有關的材料隱藏、銷毀、更改或處置,直至─
      1. (i) 該項申請已遭駁回或放棄;或
      2. (ii) 該人已遵從應該項申請而根據第84條作出的命令。

(6) 任何人明知而違反第(5)款,即屬犯罪,可處第6級罰款及監禁1年。 (由1995年第88號第2條增補)






  1. (3) 除非法官另有指示,否則根據本部進行的各方之間的法律程序,均須在公開法庭進行。
  2. (4) 法院規則可就適用於根據本部進行的法律程序的常規及程序訂定條文。 (由1995年第88號第2條增補。由1998年第26號第37條修訂)
條: 90 附表7的修訂 26 of 1998 s. 37 01/07/1997



行政長官會同行政會議可藉於憲報刊登的命令,修訂附表7以更改其內對紀律部隊首長級人員的指明。 (由1995年第88號第2條增補。由1998年第26號第37條修訂)

條: 91 (1993年第89號第27條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 91A (1993年第89號第27條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 92 (1993年第89號第26條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 93 (1993年第89號第27條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 94 (1993年第89號第27條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 95 (1993年第89號第27條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 96 (1993年第89號第27條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 97 (1993年第89號第27條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 98 憲報內條例等的文本 30/06/1997
(1)條例的文本如在憲報刊登,須當作為該條例在刊登當日的真確文本。條修訂) (由1990年第51號第4
1 -釋義及通則條例 34


出示時,均須接受為該文書的表面證據而無須再加證明。 (由1975年第2號第5條代替)

條: 98A 更正錯誤 L.N. 362 of 1997; 26 of 1998 01/07/1997



  1. 律政司司長可藉憲報刊登的命令,更正在任何依據本條例印刷或刊登的條例中出現的文書或印刷錯誤。 (由1990年第51號第5條修訂;由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
  2. 根據本條發出的命令須提交立法會會議席上省覽,不得作不合理延擱;如立法會在該命令提交省覽的會議後不少於27日舉行的首次會議上,通過決議將該命令作廢,則由當時開始該命令即告無效,但先前已根據該命令而作出的任何事情,其法律效力不受影響,而新命令的頒發亦不受影響。 (由1981年第2號第3條修訂;由1993年第89號第28條修訂;由1998年第26號第37條修訂)


議,並指該會議開始當日。 (由1993年第89號第28條增補) (由1971年第14號第3條增補)

條: 98B 取代日期的權力 10 of 2008 09/05/2008
    1. 律政司司長可藉在憲報刊登的命令修訂任何條例,以達成以有關的實際公曆日期替代採用描述形式的對日期的提述。
    2. (2) 第(1)款所指的修訂不得解釋為改變受影響條文的法律效力。 (由2008年第10號第42條增補)
    1. 律政司司長可藉在憲報刊登的命令修訂任何附屬法例,以達致以下述項目替代對另一附屬法例的一般提述—
      1. (a) 該另一附屬法例的名稱或引稱;
      2. (b) 該另一附屬法例在制定當年的各附屬法例中排列的編號;或
      3. (c)該另一附屬法例依法編定的章數,即為了印行香港法例編正版或其他版本而訂定條文的任何條例所授權編定的章數。
條: 98C 取代附屬法例名稱的權力 10 of 2008 09/05/2008

(2) 第(1)款所指的修訂不得解釋為改變受影響條文的法律效力。 (由2008年第10號第42條增補)

條: 99 條例的重印 26 of 1998 s. 37 01/07/1997





條: 100 (1993年第89號第27條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 100A 提高罰款的權力 26 of 1998 01/07/1997



(1) 立法會可藉決議修訂任何條例,以提高下列罰款額─ (由1998年第26號第37條修訂)

(a) 該條例所指定的罰款額;及
(b) 該條例所指定的以便根據該條例訂立的附屬法例可予訂明的罰款額。 (由1994年第58號第5條代替)

(1A)根據第(1)款所提高的罰款額,可以款額形式或以《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)附表8內的罰款級別的形式述明。 (由1994年第58號第5條增補)


能切實施行。 (由1981年第23號第3條增補)

註: 本條原為第88A條,後憑藉1993年第89號第27條重新制訂為第100A條。

條: 101 附表的修訂 26 of 1998 ss. 35 & 37 01/07/1997



行政長官會同行政會議可不時藉憲報公告,修訂本條例所有或任何附表(附表1及9除外)。 (由1998年第26號第35及37條修訂)

條: 102 附表19的修訂 26 of 1998 s. 36 01/07/1997



律政司司長可藉憲報公告修訂附表1或廢除附表9的任何條文。 (由1998年第26號第36條增補)

附表: 1 維多利亞市的界線 26 of 1998 s. 38 01/07/1997
1 -釋義及通則條例 36

(由1998年第26號第38條修訂) 北面界線─海港;


南面界線─由西面界線的南端向東畫一線,直至與龍虎山附近高出主要基準面700呎的等高線相接,即在稱為“利福民的螺釘”的水準標誌 (按地平面嵌於皇家海軍辦事處及海軍船塢膳樓東牆的銅螺釘的最高點)對下17.833呎相接,然後沿該等高線畫至與東面界線相接為止;


附表: 2 組成香港特別行政區的陸地及海域 26 of 1998 s. 39 01/07/1997




在1997年第6期《憲報第5號特別副刊》刊登的1997年7月1日《中華人民共和國國務院令》第221號*所公布、組成中華人民共和國香港特別行政區行政區域界線之內的陸地及海域。 (由1998年第26號第39條代替)



附表: 3 海港的界線 30/06/1997




附表: 4 九龍的範圍 26 of 1998 01/07/1997


具追溯力的適應化修訂─見1998年第26號第40[第3條] “九龍”(Kowloon) 指九龍半島的一部分,即在1860年10月24日成為香港一部分的該部分。


附表: 5 新九龍的範圍 30/06/1997


“新九龍”(New Kowloon) 指新界的一部分,即在存於土地註冊處的一份標明“新九龍”的圖則(日期為1937年12月8日,由工務司簽署及由總督加簽者)上所見、以紅色描畫出的部分。 (由1993年第8號第2條修訂)

附表: 5A 新界的範圍 26 of 1998 s. 41 01/07/1997




香港的所有地方,但不包括在緊接1898年6月9日之前組成香港界線之內的陸地及海域。 (由1998年第26號第41條增補)

附表: 6 公職人員 L.N. 49 of 2008 01/04/2008


政務司司長 財政司司長 律政司司長 公務員事務局局長 商務及經濟發展局局長 政制及內地事務局局長 發展局局長 教育局局長 環境局局長 財經事務及庫務局局長 食物及衞生局局長 民政事務局局長 勞工及褔利局局長 保安局局長 運輸及房屋局局長 副局長 常任秘書長 行政署長 民政事務總署署長 副秘書長 副行政署長

首席助理秘書長 助理行政署長 (附表6由2007年第134號法律公告代替。由2008年第49號法律公告修訂)



(a) 職級不低於總警司的警務人員;
(b) 職級高於首席調查主任的廉政公署行動處的人員; (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
(c)職級不低於高級首席入境事務主任的入境事務隊成員; (由1997年第363號法律公告修訂)
(d) 職級不低於總監督的香港海關成員。 (由1995年第88號第3條增補)




    1. 1. 在任何條文中對女皇陛下、皇室、官方、英國政府或國務大臣(或相類名稱、詞語或詞句)的提述,在條文內容與以下所有權有關或涉及以下事務或關係的情況下,須解釋為對中華人民共和國中央人民政府或其他主管機關的提述─
      1. (a) 香港特別行政區土地的所有權;
      2. (b) 中華人民共和國中央人民政府負責處理的事務;
      3. (c) 中央與香港特別行政區的關係。
  1. 2. 在任何條文中對女皇陛下、皇室、官方、英國政府或國務大臣(或相類名稱、詞語或詞句)的提述,在文意並非第1條所指明者的情況下,須解釋為對香港特別行政區政府的提述。
  2. 3. 對女皇陛下會同樞密院或對樞密院的提述,在條文的內容與關乎香港的上訴司法管轄權有關的情況下,須解釋為對香港終審法院的提述。
  3. 4. 對女皇陛下會同樞密院或對樞密院的提述,在文意並非涉及其上訴司法管轄權的情況下,須以與根據第1及2條解釋對女皇陛下的提述的相同方式,予以解釋。
    1. 5. 對名稱中包含“皇家”一詞的政府機構的提述,須─
      1. (a) 在猶如“皇家”一詞已被刪去的情況下理解;及
      2. (b) 理解為提述香港特別行政區的相應政府機構。
  4. 6. 對殖民地香港(或相類名稱、詞語或詞句)的提述,須解釋為對香港特別行政區的提述,而對殖民地香港的邊界的提述,須解釋為對由中華人民共和國國務院頒布的香港特別行政區行政區域圖所指明的邊界的提述。
  5. 7. 對香港最高法院的提述,須解釋為對香港特別行政區高等法院的提述。
  6. 8. 對香港上訴法院的提述,須解釋為對香港特別行政區高等法院上訴法庭的提述。
  7. 9. 對香港高等法院的提述,須解釋為對香港特別行政區高等法院原訟法庭的提述。
  8. 10. 對地方法院的提述,須解釋為對區域法院的提述。
  9. 11. 對香港總督的提述,須解釋為對香港特別行政區行政長官的提述;對總督會同行政局的提述,須解釋為對行政長官會同行政會議的提述。
  10. 12. 對香港最高法院首席大法官的提述,須解釋為對香港特別行政區高等法院首席法官的提述。
  11. 13. 對上訴法院大法官的提述,須解釋為對高等法院上訴法庭法官的提述。
  12. 14. 對高等法院大法官的提述,須解釋為對高等法院原訟法庭法官的提述。
  13. 15. 在任何法律中文文本中對立法局、司法機關或行政機關或該等機關的人員的提述,須按照《基本法》有關規定解釋。
  14. 16. 在任何法律中對立法局的提述,須視情況要求,解釋為包括對臨時立法會的提述。
  15. 17. 對中華人民共和國或中國(或相類名稱、詞語或詞句)的提述,須解釋為對包括台灣、香港特別行政區及澳門在內的中華人民共和國的提述。
  16. 18. 對大陸、台灣、香港或澳門的提述(不論是單獨提述或同時提述),須解釋為對作為中華人民共和國一個組成部分的大陸、台灣、香港或澳門(視屬何情況而定)的提述。
  17. 19. 對外國(或相類詞語或詞句)的提述,須解釋為對中華人民共和國以外的國家或地區的提述,或解釋為對香港特別行政區以外的任何地方的提述,視乎有關法律的內容而定。
  18. 20. 對外國人或外藉人士(或相類詞語或詞句)的提述,須解釋為對並非中華人民共和國公民的人士的提述。
  19. 21. 任何保留女皇陛下,其世襲繼承人及繼位人的權利的條文,須解釋為保留中華人民共和國中央


21A. 對立法局的提述,須解釋為對立法會的提述。 (由1998年第26號第42條增補)

21B. 對行政局的提述,須解釋為對行政會議的提述。 (由1998年第26號第42條增補)

21C. 對地方法院法官的提述,或對地院法官的提述,須解釋為對區域法院法官的提述。 (由1998年第26號第42條增補)

21D. 對大法官的提述,或對大法官或法官的提述,須解釋為對法官的提述。 (由1998年第26號第42條增補)

21E. 對政府的提述,須解釋為對特區政府的提述。 (由1998年第26號第42條增補)

21F. 對首席法官的提述,或對首席大法官的提述,須解釋為對終審法院首席法官的提述。 (由1998


22. 除文意另有所指外,本附表適用。 (由1997年第110號第6條增補)




1. 詞語和詞句的釋義 “受英國保護人士”(British protected person) 指根據《1981年英國國籍法令》(1981 c. 61 U.K.)#具有受英國保護人士身分的人; “英國公民”(British citizen) 指根據《1981年英國國籍法令》(1981 c. 61 U.K.)#具有英國公民身分的

人; “英國成文法則”(British enactment, imperial enactment) 指─

(a) 任何國會通過的法令;
(b) 任何樞密院頒令;及

(c)根據或憑藉任何該等法令或樞密院頒令而訂立的任何規則、規例、文告、命令、公告、法院規則、附例或其他文書; “英國海外公民”(British Overseas citizen) 指根據《1981年英國國籍法令》(1981 c. 61 U.K.)#具有英國海外公民身分的人; “英國屬土公民”(British Dependent Territories citizen) 指根據《1981年英國國籍法令》(1981 c. 61

U.K.)#具有或曾具有英國屬土公民身分的人; “英聯邦”(Commonwealth) 指以下各地的總合─

(a) 聯合王國;
(b) 海峽群島;
(c) 萌島;
(d) 《1981年英國國籍法令》(1981 c. 61 U.K.)#附表3所述的國家;

(e) 《1981年英國國籍法令》(1981 c. 61 U.K.)#附表6所述的英國屬土; “英聯邦公民”(Commonwealth citizen) 指根據《1981年英國國籍法令》(1981 c. 61 U.K.)#具有英聯邦


“英聯邦代辦”(Crown Agents) 指當其時擔任英國海外政府及機構代辦的人士或團體、組織或機關;

“英籍人士”(British subject) 指根據《1981年英國國籍法令》(1981 c. 61 U.K.)#具有英籍人士身分的人;

“國會”(Parliament) 指英格蘭國會、大不列顛國會及聯合王國國會;

“維多利亞”(Victoria) 指在本條例附表1指明的界線內的範圍;

“領海”(territorial waters) 的涵義與香港水域的涵義相同;

“樞密院頒令”(Order in Council)指英女皇會同樞密院(即在當其時由英國上議院議員及其他人組成

的英女皇樞密院)頒布的命令; “聯合王國”(United Kingdom)─

(a) 指大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國;或
(b) 用於公民地位或國籍方面時,指大不列顛、北愛爾蘭、海峽群島及萌島。
    1. 2. 修改
    2. 英國成文法則須予以司法認知為英國成文法則,參閱應用時須對其中的名稱、地點、法院、法庭、人員、人物、貨幣、刑罰或其他事項按需要加以修改,使能適用於香港環境。
    1. 3. 英國成文法則的引稱
    2. 引稱英國成文法則時,如該法則有簡稱或引稱,可依此引稱,亦可依該法則通過時的帝曆或公曆年,或依任何英國從屬法例、規則及命令的編號引稱。
    1. 4. 提述英國成文法則時的釋疑
    2. 凡法律提述任何英國成文法則或其中任何條文、部或部分,須解作提述該法則、條文、部或部分在1994年1月1日或該日之前不時修訂的版本,以及該法則、條文、部或部分在1994年1月1日或該日之前的取代本。
    1. 5. 提述英國成文法則下附屬法例的情況
    2. 法律中所提述的英國成文法則,包括任何根據或憑藉該成文法則訂立而具有立法效力的樞密院頒令、規則、規例、文告、命令、公告、法院規則、附例或其他文書。
  1. 6. 英國成文法則文本 英國成文法則的文本,如─

(a) 在憲報刊登或宣稱由政府印務局印刷;或

(b) 載於任何宣稱是獲有關主管當局授權出版或印刷的合訂印本, 則在相反證明成立之前,須當作為該法則在出版或印刷當日的真確文本。

7. 對官方若干提述的釋疑

(1) 如某條例明文訂定該條例─

(a) 影響或不影響官方的權利;或

(b) 對官方具約束力或不具約束力, 則有關的對官方的提述,須解釋為對“國家”的提述。

(2) 第(1)款並不損害本條例第2A(2)(c)條的實施(不論實施是在本條生效日期之前、當日或之

後)。 (由1998年第26號第43條增補)

註: #並請參閱1993年第308號法律公告。

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