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Постановление Правительства «О Венгерском Совете по промышленным образцам» № 266/2001 года (XII. 21.), Венгрия

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Подробности Подробности Год версии 2011 Даты Издано: 21 декабря 2001 г. Тип текста Законодательство, связанное с ИС Предмет Промышленные образцы, Регулирующие органы в области ИС Примечания Для получения дополнительной информации о дне вступления в силу см. ст.5.

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Основной(ые) текст(ы) Основной(ые) текст(ы) Английский Government Decree No. 266/2001 (XII. 21.) Korm. on the Hungarian Design Council        
 Government Decree No. 266/2001. (XII. 21.) Korm.

Government Decree No. 266/2001. (XII. 21.) Korm. on the Hungarian Design Council

In order to enhance the competitiveness of Hungarian economy by means of design, to develop the domestic design culture and to improve the position of designers, the Government orders the tasks, organization and operation as well as establishment of the Hungarian Design Council (hereinafter referred to as "the HDC") as follows:

Tasks of the HDC

Article 1

(1) The HDC is an advisory body for the coordination of interests and opinions, which is responsible for the concerted elaboration of the Government strategy for developing Hungarian design and participates in the implementation thereof.

(2) The HDC shall perform the following tasks: (a) it shall follow with attention and evaluate the position and economic importance of

Hungarian design, changes in the entrepreneurial and consumers’ awareness, expectations and requirements relating to design and the relevant international trends;

(b) it shall make proposals concerning the medium-term, comprehensive design policy of the Government, with special regard to the objectives of economic strategy, research and development, innovation, science and technology policy, environment policy as well as educational and cultural policy;

(c) it shall contribute to the coordination of the implementation of design policy referred to in subparagraph b), for this purpose it shall initiate measures with the Government organizations concerned or with the Government through these organizations;

(d) it shall participate in the development of the domestic system of design institutions, shall encourage designers and enterprises, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises, to build links with each other, to obtain information and to cooperate, shall initiate appropriate measures in order to coordinate effectively the demands of enterprises and consumers and the selection and the directions of development of design;

(e) it shall initiate, organize or support programs, competitions, exhibitions and other events in order to promote design activities;

(f) it shall provide for the concerted dissemination of knowledge relating to design, the development of domestic design culture, and the enrichment of industrial property and copyright knowledge of designers;

(g) it shall facilitate the creation of conditions, in particular in the field of tax and financial regulations, which encourage the enterprises to use the tools of design in innovation, product development, production and trade more effectively and to a greater extent;

(h) it shall take a stand and make proposals on, and initiate measures in, the issues of the training of designers with the Government organizations and higher education institutions concerned, it shall promote the development of design and ergonomic culture;

(i) it shall further the international knowledge and recognition of Hungarian design, as well as the integration of Hungarian designers into the international network of cooperation;

(j) it shall create and run the system of awarding national design prizes and shall make proposals on other forms of moral and financial recognition and on the foundation of scholarships.

(3) In order to perform the tasks laid down in paragraph (2)(a), the HDC shall have surveys carried out and analyses prepared; and it order to perform the tasks laid down in paragraph (2)(d), it may initiate the establishment or transformation of institutions.


(4) On request, the HDC shall give its opinion on drafts of design-related legislation or Government proposal.

(5) The HDC shall make proposals on annual government grants aiming to support the design activity of small and medium-sized enterprises in conformity with the priorities of the Entrepreneurial Fund administered by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Central Technical Development Program of the Ministry of Education and the Széchenyi Plan; on request, it shall participate in the organization thereof.

(6) The regulation on the order of awarding national design prizes shall be approved by the Minister of Economic Affairs on the proposal of the HDC.

Organization of the HDC

Article 2

(1) The HDC is a body consisting of not more than 15 members having expertise in the field of design activity. The number of Government representatives may not reach half of the number of members of the HDC.

(2) The President of the Hungarian Patent Office (hereinafter referred to as "the HPO") shall be a member of the HDC ex officio.

(3) The Minister of Economic Affairs, the Minister of National Cultural Heritage and the Minister of Education shall each appoint a member to the HDC, taking into account the opinion of the President of the HPO.

(4) Appointment of the members of the HDC, including those referred to in paragraph (3), shall be proposed by the President of the HPO. For making the proposal, he shall ask for the opinion of the professional organizations and interest groups concerned.

(5) The members of the HDC shall be appointed by the Minister of Economic Affairs (hereinafter referred to as "the Minister") for a period of three years. The appointment can be extended twice for further periods of three years each.

(6) Membership shall cease: (a) if the definite period expires, (b) by resignation, (c) by release, (d) if the position authorizing the performance of representation ceases, (e) if the member dies.

Article 3

(1) The President of the HPO shall be the chairman of the HDC ex officio.

(2) The HDC may elect one or more vice-chairmen from among its members.

(3) In order to perform its tasks, the HDC may set up special committees as necessary. In addition to its members, it may invite designers as well as entrepreneurs, teachers and other experts active in the field of designs to participate in the work of the special committees.


Operation of the HDC

Article 4

(1) The HDC shall perform its tasks on the basis of triennial programs and annual work plans approved by the Minister. The program and annual work plans shall be prepared in conformity with the design policy referred to in Article 1 (2)(b).

(2) The HDC shall work according to the rules of procedure established by itself and approved by the Minister.

(3) The HDC shall hold at least four meetings a year. Its meetings shall be convened and chaired by the Chairman of the HDC.

(4) The chairman of the HDC shall submit a report annually to the Minister on the activity of the HDC. With the consent of the Minister and as necessary, the chairman of the HDC shall submit a report every three year to the Government on the triennial activity of the HDC.

(5) The HDC shall be represented by the chairman. The program, the annual work plan and the rules of procedure as well as the annual and triennial reports shall be submitted by the chairman of the HDC to the Minister for approval.

(6) The tasks relating to the operation of the HDC shall be performed by a Bureau constituting an organizational unit of the HPO. The operating expenditures of the HDC and of the Bureau shall be included in the budget of the HPO.

Final Provisions

Article 5

(1) This Decree shall enter into force on the eighth day following its promulgation.

(2) The HDC must be established within two months following the entry into force of this Decree.

(3) Simultaneously with the entry into force of this Decree, Government Decree No. 1061/1991. (XII. 14.) Korm. on the harmonization of the state support for industrial design and ergonomic activity and on the modernization of its organization as amended by Government Decree No. 1039/2001. (IV. 13.) Korm. shall be repealed.


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