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Основной(ые) текст(ы) Основной(ые) текст(ы) Китайский 农业化学物质产品行政保护条例         Английский Regulations on Administrative Protection of Agricultural Chemical Products        
 Regulations on Administrative Protection of Agricultural Chemical Products

Regulations on Administrative Protection of Agricultural Chemical Products (Approved by the State Council on December 25, 1992 and promulgated by Decree No.7

of the Ministry of Chemical Industry on December 26, 1992)

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 These Regulations are formulated with a view to expanding economic and technological cooperation and exchange with foreign countries and providing administrative protection for the lawful rights and interests of the owners of the exclusive right of foreign agricultural chemical products.

Article 2 The "agricultural chemical products" as mentioned in these Regulations refers to synthetic agricultural chemicals used in agricultural production such as herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, raticides and plant growth regulators produced by means of chemical synthesis.

Article 3 Enterprises and other organizations or individuals from the country or the region, which has concluded bilateral treaty or agreement with the People's Republic of China on administrative protection of agricultural chemical products, may apply for administrative protection of agricultural chemical products in accordance with these Regulations.

Article 4 The competent administrative department of chemical industry under the State Council shall accept and examine applications for administrative protection of agricultural chemical products, grant administrative protection to the agricultural chemical products which conform with the provisions of these Regulations and issue to the applicants the certificates of administrative protection.

Chapter II Application for Administrative Protection

Article 5 An agricultural chemical product to be applied for administrative protection shall meet the following requirements:

(1) Enjoying no protection of exclusive right in accordance with the provisions of the China's Patent Law prior to January 1, 1993;

(2) Enjoying an exclusive right granted after January 1, 1986 and before January 1, 1993 to prohibit others from making, using or selling it in the country where the applicant resides;

(3) Being not yet marketed in China prior to the date of filing the application for administrative protection.

Article 6 The right to apply for administrative protection of an agricultural chemical product belongs to the owner of the exclusive right of the agricultural chemical product.

Article 7 An owner of the exclusive right of a foreign agricultural chemical product intending to apply for administrative protection shall entrust an agency designated by the competent administrative department of chemical industry under the State Council to undertake the matter.

Article 8 An applicant shall provide the bilingual versions in Chinese and the original foreign language of the following documents:

(1) An application for administrative protection of the agricultural chemical product;

(2) A copy of the certificate issued by the competent authorities of the country where the applicant resides granting such exclusive right;

(3) A copy of the document issued by the competent authorities of the country where the applicant resides approving the manufacturing or sale of such agricultural chemical product;

(4) A copy of the contract for the manufacturing or sale of the agricultural chemical product in China formally signed between the applicant and a Chinese enterprise with legal personality (including foreign-capital enterprise, Chinese-foreign equity joint venture, and Chinese-foreign contracted joint venture).

Article 9 Before or after applying for the administrative protection, the owner of the exclusive right of a foreign agricultural chemical product shall apply to the competent administrative department of agriculture under the State Council for going through the registration procedures in accordance with China's laws and regulations.

Chapter III Examination and Approval of Administrative Protection

Article 10 Within 15 days from the date of receipt of the application documents for administrative protection, the competent administrative department of chemical industry under the State Council, upon preliminary examination, shall handle the case in either of the following manners according to the specific circumstances:

(1) Where the application documents are in conformity with the provisions of Article 8 of these Regulations, a notification of acceptance shall be issued and announced;

(2) Where the application documents are not in conformity with the provisions of Article 8 of these Regulations, the applicant shall be required to complete them within a time limit; if, on the expiry of the limit, the requirement is not met, the application shall be deemed as not having been filed.

Article 11 The competent administrative department of chemical industry under the State Council shall finish the examination within six months from the date of receipt of the application documents, or from the date of receipt of the complementary documents

stipulated in Article 10, Item (2) of these Regulations. If, under special circumstances, the examination cannot be finished within six months, the said department shall promptly notify the applicant, give the reason therefore and properly prolong the examination time.

After examination, where the application is in conformity with the provisions of these Regulations, the administrative protection shall be granted; where the application is not in conformity with the provisions of these Regulations, the administrative protection shall be denied, with the reason therefore given.

Article 12Where an agricultural chemical product is granted with administrative protection, the competent administrative department of chemical industry under the State Council shall issue the certificate of administrative protection and make an announcement.

Chapter IV Duration, Cessation, Revocation and Effect of Administrative Protection

Article 13 The duration of administrative protection of an agricultural chemical product is seven years and six months, and begins from the date on which the certificate of administrative protection is issued.

Article 14 The owner of the exclusive right of a foreign agricultural chemical product shall pay an annual fee beginning with the year in which the certificate of administrative protection of the agricultural chemical product is issued.

Article 15 In any of the following cases, the administrative protection shall cease before the expiration of its duration:

(1) Where the exclusive right of an agricultural chemical product proves invalid or becomes invalid in the country where the applicant resides;

(2) Where the owner of the exclusive right of an agricultural chemical product does not pay an annual fee as prescribed;

(3) Where the owner of the exclusive right of an agricultural chemical product waives the administrative protection by a written declaration;

(4) Where the owner of the exclusive right of an agricultural chemical product does not apply to the competent administrative department of agriculture under the State Council for going through the registration procedures within a year from the date on which the certificate of administrative protection of the agricultural chemical product is issued.

Article 16 After the certificate of administrative protection of an agricultural chemical product has been issued, any organization or individual that believes the grant of administrative protection to that product not in conformity with the provisions of these Regulations may request the competent administrative department of chemical industry

under the State Council to revoke the administrative protection of the product in question. The owner of the exclusive right of the product that is not satisfied with the revocation decision made by the said department may institute legal proceedings in a people's court.

Article 17 The cessation or revocation of the administrative protection of an agricultural chemical product shall be announced by the competent administrative department of chemical industry under the State Council.

Article 18 In case of any manufacture or sale of an agricultural chemical product without authorization of the owner of the exclusive right of the agricultural chemical product who has obtained administrative protection, the owner of the exclusive right of the agricultural product may request the competent administrative department of chemical industry under the State Council to check the infringing act; the owner of the exclusive right of the agricultural chemical product that claims for economic compensation may institute legal proceedings in a people's court.

Chapter V Supplementary Provisions

Article 19 The competent administrative department of chemical industry under the State Council shall take measures to keep secret of the materials provided by applicants which require to be kept secret.

Article 20 A fee shall be paid as prescribed for filing the application for administrative protection of agricultural chemical products and fulfilling any other relevant procedures with the competent administrative department of chemical industry under the State Council.

Article 21 The rules for the implementation of these Regulations shall be formulated by the competent administrative department of chemical industry under the State Council.

Article 22 The competent administrative department of chemical industry under the State Council shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations.

Article 23 These Regulations shall enter into force as of January 1, 1993.

农业化学物质产品行政保护条例 19921225日国务 院批准, 19921226日化工部发布)

一章 总则

第一条 为了 扩大对外经济技术合作与交流,对外国农业化学物质产品独占权人的合法权益给予行政保护,制定本条例。

第二条 本条例所称农业化学物质产品,是指用于农业生产的化学合成农药,即用化学合成方法生 产的除草剂、杀虫剂、杀菌剂、来鼠剂、植物生长调节剂。

第三条 凡与中华人民共和国缔结有关农业化学物质产品行政保护双边条约或者协定的国家、地区的企业和其他组织以及个人,都可以依照 本条例申请农业化学物质产品行政保护。

第四条 国务院化学工业行政主管部门受理和审查农业化学物质产品行政保护的申请,对符合本条例规定的农业化学物质产品给予行政保护,对申请人颁发农业化学物质产品 行政保护证书。

第二章 行政保护的申请

第五条 申请行政保护的农业化学物质产品应当具备下列条件: (一)19931 1日前依照中国专利法的规定其独占权不受保护的; (二)198611日至199311日期间,获得禁止他人在申请人所在国制造、使 用或者销售的独占权的; (三)提出行政保护申请日前尚未在中国销售的。

第六条 农业化学物质产品行政保护的申请权属于该产品的独占权人。

第七条 外国农业化学物质产品独占权人申请行政保护,应当委 托国务院化学工业行政主管部门指定的代理机构办理。

第八 条 申请人应当报送下列文件的中文、外文对照本; (一)农业化学物质产品行政保护申请书; (二)申请人所 在国有关主管部门颁发的证明申请人享有该农业化学物质产品独占权的文件副本; (三)申请人所在国有关主管部门颁发的准许制造或者销售该农业化 学物质产品的文件副本; (四)申请人与中国企业法人(包括外资企业、中外合资经营企业和中外合作经营企业)正式签订的在中国境内制造或者销售 该产品的合同副本。

第九条 外国 农业化学物质产品独占权人在申请农业化学物质产品行政保护之前或者之后,应当依照中国有关法律、法规向国务院农业行政主管部门申请办理登记手续。

第三章 行政保护的审查和批准

第十条 国务院化学工业行政主管部门自收到行政保护申请文件 之日起十五日内,进行初步审查,并分别情况作出以下处理: (一)申请文件符合本条例第八条规定的,发给受理通知书,并予以公告。 (二)申请文件不符合本条例第八条规定的,要求申请人限期补正;过期不补正的,视为未申请。

第十一条 国务院化学工业行政主管部门应当自收到申请文件之日起,或者依照本条例第十条第 (二)项的规定,自收到补正文件之日起,六个月内审查完毕。因特殊情况不能在六个月内审查完毕的,国务院化学工业行政主管部门应当及时通知申请人,并告之 理由,适当延长审查时间。 经审查,符合本条例规定的,给予行政保护;不符合本条例规定的,不给予行政保护,并告之理由。

第十二条 国务院化学工业行政主管部门批准给予农业化学物 质产品行政保护的,颁发农业化学物质产品行政保护证书,并予以公告。

第四章 行政保护的期限、终止、撤销和效力

第十三条 农业化学物质产品的行政保护期为七年零六个月,自 农业化学物质产品行政保护证书颁发之日起计算。

第十四 条 外国农业化学物质产品独占权人应当自农业化学物质产品行政保护证书颁发的当年,开始缴纳年费。

第十五条 有下列情形之一的,行政保护在期限届满前终止: (一)农业化学物质产品独占权在申请人所在国无效或者失效的; (二)农业化学物质产品独占权人没有按照规定缴纳行政保护年费的; (三)农业化学物质产品独占权人以书面形式声明放弃行政保护的; (四)农业化学物质产品独占权自农业化学物质产品行政保护证书颁发之日起一 年内未向国务院农业行政主管部门申请办理登记手续的。

第十六条 农业化学物质产品行政保护证书颁发后,任何组织或者个人认为给予该产品行政保护不符合本条例规定的,都可以请求国务院化 学工业行政主管部门撤销对该产品的行政保护;该产品独占权人对国务院化学工业行政和管部门的撤销决定不服的,可以向人民法院提起诉讼。

第十七条 农业化学物质产品行政保护的终止或者撤销,由国 务院化学工业行政主管部门予以公告。

第十八条 未经获得农业化学物质产品行政保护的独占权人的许可,制造或者销售该农业化学物质产品的,农业化学物质产品独占权人可以请求国务院化学工业行政主管部门制 止侵权行为;农业化学物质产品独占权人要求经济赔偿的,可以向人民法院提起诉讼。

第五章 附则

第十九条 国务院化学工业行政主管部门对申请人提供的需要保密的资料,应当采取保密措施。

第二十条 向国务院化学工业行政主管部门申请行政保护和办 理有关手续,应当按照规定缴纳费用。

第二十一条 本条例的实施细则由国务院化学工业行政主管部门制定。

第二十二条 本条例由国务院化学工业行政主管部门负责解释。

第二十三条 本条例自199311日起施行。

发布部门:化学工业部(已变 ) 发布日期:19921226日 实施日期:19930101(中央法规)

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