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2024 WIPO IP Judges Forum Informal Case Summary – Federal Court of Canada [2022]: Janssen Inc. v Pharmascience Inc., 2022 FC 1218

This is an informal case summary prepared for the purposes of facilitating exchange during the 2024 WIPO IP Judges Forum.


Session 6


Federal Court of Canada [2022]: Janssen Inc. v Pharmascience Inc., 2022 FC 1218


Date of judgment: August 23, 2022

Issuing authority: Federal Court

Level of the issuing authority: First instance

Type of procedure: Judicial (Administrative)

Subject matter: Patents (Inventions); Enforcement of IP and Related Laws

Plaintiffs: Janssen Inc. and Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V.

DefendantPharmascience Inc.

Keywords: Patents, Obviousness, Lack of patentable subject matter, Patent invalidity, Patent infringement, Injunctive relief, Permanent Injunction, Injunctive relief



Basic facts: Janssen Inc. and Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. (the plaintiffs) hold Canadian Patent No. 2,655,335 (hereinafter “the 335 Patent”), which covers a long-acting injectable formulation of paliperidone palmitate used to treat schizophrenia. Janssen's product, INVEGA SUSTENNA®, embodies the patented invention.


On February 28, 2020, Pharmascience Inc. served a Notice of Allegation and Detailed Statement in relation to its Abbreviated New Drug Submission (ANDS) No. 236094. This submission sought approval to market and sell a generic version of Janssen’s INVEGA SUSTENNA® in Canada, challenging the validity of the 335 Patent.


This action prompted Janssen to initiate a patent infringement lawsuit against Pharmascience Inc. under subsection 6(1) of the Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations.


Janssen claimed that Pharmascience’s product would infringe on multiple claims of the 335 Patent, including the patented dosing regimen.


Pharmascience Inc. contended that the patent is invalid, basing its claims on two main arguments: first, that the patent was invalid due to obviousness, and second, that the claims lacked patentable subject matter as they constituted methods of medical treatment.


Held: The court rejected both invalidity defenses raised by Pharmascience Inc. The Court found that the claims of Canadian Patent No. 2,655,335 (the 335 patent) were not invalid for obviousness or lack of patentable subject matter, i.e., as a method of medical treatment).


The 335 Patent had been subject to previous Federal Court decisions:


·       Janssen Inc. v. Teva Canada Ltd., 2020 FC 593 (hereinafter Teva Paliperidone): In this case, the court found certain claims of the 335 Patent valid and that Teva had infringed on those claims. Teva’s appeal was heard September 14, 2021 and decision is pending.


·       Janssen Inc. v. Pharmascience Inc., 2022 FC 62 and Janssen Inc. v. Apotex Inc., 2022 FC 107: The court found on separate motions for a summary trial that Pharmascience Inc. and Apotex Inc. would likely induce infringement of the 335 Patent. Both companies have appealed the decisions.


The present decision addressed Pharmascience’s patent invalidity defenses raised in the above-noted actions.


Non-obviousness: The Court noted that the evidence in this case aligned with the findings on non-obviousness in Teva Paliperidone. The court found that the claims of the 335 Patent were not obvious because the prior art did not provide information about the safety, efficacy, pharmacokinetics, or pharmacodynamics of paliperidone palmitate. At a minimum, pharmacokinetic data and results from clinical trials with paliperidone palmitate would be necessary to establish a suitable dosing regimen for the long-acting depot injection. The investor meeting transcript cited by Pharmascience Inc. (which was not at issue in Teva Paliperidone) was broad and did not reveal details about the 335 patent claims that would alter the Court’s prior analysis of the prior art.


Method of medical treatment: The court also ruled that the claims of the 335 Patent were not invalid as a method of medical treatment (an issue not raised in Teva Paliperidone). The court distinguished between “use” claims (which involve applying a product for a specific purpose) and “product” claims (which include prefilled syringes, dosage forms, and “Swiss-type” claims). The Court noted that once a physician decides to use the products for the claimed purpose, each claim specifies fixed dose amounts, intervals, and injection sites. While some elements of the claims involve choice (e.g., the injection site for the maintenance dose), the Court determined that these choices do not have clinical implications. Therefore, implementing the claimed dosing regimens would not require professional skill or judgment.


The court issued a permanent injunction preventing Pharmascience Inc. from making, using, selling, marketing, importing, exporting, or distributing pms-PALIPERIDONE PALMITATE in Canada until the expiry of the 335 Patent in 2028, and also ordered Pharmascience Inc. to cover part of the plaintiff's legal fees and disbursements.


Relevant holdings in relation to permanent injunctions: Having found that that making, using, or selling of the generic version (pms-PALIPERIDONE PALMITATE) by Pharmascience Inc, as described in its ANDS submissions Nos. 244641 and 251767, would induce infringement of the claims of the 335 Patent, the Court issued a permanent injunction.


The granted permanent injunction prohibited Pharmascience Inc. from making, using, selling, marketing, importing, exporting, or distributing pms-PALIPERIDONE PALMITATE in Canada until the expiry of the 335 Patent in 2028, and also ordered Pharmascience Inc. to cover part of the plaintiff's legal fees and disbursements.


The permanent injunction aimed at protecting the exclusive control of Janssen Inc. over the patented dosing regimen and formulation, ensuring that no generic version of the drug can enter the market in Canada during the patent’s remaining term.


Relevant legislation:


·         Federal Courts Rules, SOR/98-106

·         Patent Act, RSC 1985, c P-4

·         Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations, SOR/93-133