Judgment of the Supreme Court of Justice of 27/04/2023, case no. 454/21.1YHLSB.L1.S1 | ECLI:PT:STJ:2023:454.21.1YHLSB.L1.S1.A4
返回判决日期2023年4月27日颁布当局最高法院颁布当局的级别终审程序类型司法(民事)主题商标原告/上诉人Bayerische Motorenwerke, AG被告/被上诉人Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial关键词
Applicable law,
Distinctive signs,
Notorious trade mark,
European Union law,
Admissibility of appeal,
Opposition of judgements,
Single decision,
Complaint to the conference
判决/决定葡萄牙语Acórdão do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça de 27/04/2023, processo n.º 454/21.1YHLSB.L1.S1 | ECLI:PT:STJ:2023:454.21.1YHLSB.L1.S1.A4 PDF摘要葡萄牙语Acórdão do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça de 27/04/2023, processo n.º 454/21.1YHLSB.L1.S1 | ECLI:PT:STJ:2023:454.21.1YHLSB.L1.S1.A4 PDFHTML相关立法