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烟草普通包装实施细则2011 (2013年8月8日合并版), 澳大利亚

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 Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations of 2011 (consolidated as of August 8, 2013)

Prepared by the Office of Parliamentary Counsel, Canberra

Tobacco Plain Packaging

Regulations 2011

Select Legislative Instrument No. 263, 2011 as amended

made under the

Tobacco Plain Packaging Act 2011

Compilation start date: 8 August 2013

Includes amendments up to: SLI No. 225, 2013

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801

About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011 as in

force on 8 August 2013. It includes any commenced amendment affecting the

legislation to that date.

This compilation was prepared on 16 September 2013.

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information

about amending laws and the amendment history of each amended provision.

Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not reflected in the text of the

compiled law but the text of the amendments is included in the endnotes.

Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and


If the operation of a provision or amendment is affected by an application,

saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details

are included in the endnotes.


If a provision of the compiled law is affected by a modification that is in force,

details are included in the endnotes.

Provisions ceasing to have effect

If a provision of the compiled law has expired or otherwise ceased to have

effect in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the


Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801

Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011 i


Part 1—Preliminary 1 1.1.1 Name of Regulations .........................................................................1

1.1.2 Commencement.................................................................................1

1.1.3 Definitions.........................................................................................1

1.1.4 Purpose..............................................................................................2

1.1.5 Exemption from Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act


Part 2—Requirements for retail packaging of tobacco products 3

Division 2.1—Physical features of retail packaging 3

2.1.1 Physical features of cigarette packs ...................................................3

2.1.2 Physical features of cigarette cartons.................................................4

2.1.3 Physical features of lining of primary packaging of tobacco

products .............................................................................................4

2.1.4 Physical features of cigar tubes .........................................................4

2.1.5 Physical features of other primary packaging....................................5

2.1.6 Windows in packaging prohibited .....................................................5

Division 2.2—Colour and finish of retail packaging 5

2.2.1 Colour and finish of primary packaging and secondary

packaging ..........................................................................................5

Division 2.3—Trade marks or marks on retail packaging 6

2.3.1 Trade marks or marks appearing on retail packaging ........................6

2.3.2 Origin mark .......................................................................................7

2.3.3 Calibration mark................................................................................8

2.3.4 Measurement mark and trade description ..........................................8

2.3.5 Bar code.............................................................................................9

2.3.6 Fire risk statement ...........................................................................10

2.3.7 Locally made product statement ......................................................11

2.3.8 Marking of name and address on packaging....................................12

2.3.9 Consumer contact telephone number...............................................12

Division 2.4—Brand, business, company and variant names 14

2.4.1 Appearance of names on retail packaging of cigarettes ...................14

2.4.2 Appearance of names on other retail packaging ..............................14

2.4.3 Location of names on cigar tubes ....................................................15

2.4.4 Location of names on other retail packaging ...................................16

Division 2.5—Wrappers 17

2.5.1 Mark on wrapper to conceal bar codes ............................................17

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801

ii Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011

2.5.2 Tear strips on wrappers....................................................................17

Division 2.6—Inserts and onserts 18

2.6.1 Adhesive label health warnings .......................................................18

2.6.2 Inserts to avoid damage to tobacco products ...................................18

2.6.3 Tabs for resealing tobacco products ................................................18

Part 3—Requirements for appearance of tobacco products 19

Division 3.1—Appearance of cigarettes 19

3.1.1 Paper casing for cigarettes ...............................................................19

3.1.2 Alphanumeric code on cigarettes.....................................................19

3.1.3 Colour of filter tip of cigarettes .......................................................20

Division 3.2—Appearance of other tobacco products 21

3.2.1 Appearance of cigars .......................................................................21

3.2.2 Threads on bidis ..............................................................................22

Endnotes 23

Endnote 1—About the endnotes 23

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key 25

Endnote 3—Legislation history 26

Endnote 4—Amendment history 27

Endnote 5—Uncommenced amendments [none] 29

Endnote 6—Modifications [none] 29

Endnote 7—Misdescribed amendments [none] 29

Endnote 8—Miscellaneous [none] 29

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801

Preliminary Part 1

Regulation 1.1.1

Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011 1

Part 1—Preliminary

1.1.1 Name of Regulations

These Regulations are the Tobacco Plain Packaging

Regulations 2011.

1.1.2 Commencement

These Regulations commence on the commencement of

sections 17 to 27A of the Tobacco Plain Packaging Act 2011.

1.1.3 Definitions

In these Regulations:

Act means the Tobacco Plain Packaging Act 2011.

bar code means a mark containing information about a product in

the form of a series of numbers and bars of varying thickness

designed to be read by an optical scanner.

bidi means a tobacco product for smoking, not enclosed in paper,

commonly known as a bidi.

calibration mark means a mark used only for the purpose of the

automated manufacture of retail packaging.

cigar means a roll of cut tobacco for smoking, enclosed in tobacco

leaf or the leaf of another plant.

cigar tube means a tube for packaging one cigar.

lowered permeability band—see subregulation 3.1.1 (2).

origin mark means a mark on the retail packaging of tobacco

products to distinguish the origin of the tobacco products and does

not include a date by which it is recommended that the product be


Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801

Part 1 Preliminary

Regulation 1.1.4

2 Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011

pouch means primary packaging that:

(a) is made from flexible material; and

(b) takes the form of a rectangular pocket with a flap that covers

the opening.

primary packaging means retail packaging of a tobacco product

within the meaning of paragraph (a) of the definition of retail

packaging in subsection 4 (1) of the Act.

secondary packaging means retail packaging of a tobacco product

within the meaning of paragraph (b) of the definition of retail

packaging in subsection 4 (1) of the Act.

tear strip means a line of plastic incorporated into a plastic or other

wrapper, to enable the wrapper to be opened quickly, but does not

include any part of the wrapper that is removed with the tear strip

when the wrapper is opened.

Note: Several other words and expressions used in these Regulations have

the meaning given by subsection 4 (1) of the Act, for example:

 cigarette carton

 cigarette pack

 filter tip

 fire risk statement

 health warning

 imitation cork tip

 measurement mark

 relevant legislative requirement

 retail packaging

 tobacco advertising and promotion

 tobacco product

 trade description

 variant name.

1.1.4 Purpose

These Regulations prescribe requirements for the retail packaging

and appearance of tobacco products for Part 2 of Chapter 2 of the


Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801

Requirements for retail packaging of tobacco products Part 2

Physical features of retail packaging Division 2.1

Regulation 1.1.5

Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011 3

1.1.5 Exemption from Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997

For section 109 of the Act, on and from 1 October 2012 the Act is

exempt from the operation of the Trans-Tasman Mutual

Recognition Act 1997.

Note 1: The Tobacco Plain Packaging Act 2011 and these Regulations were temporarily exempted from the operation of the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997 under section 46 of that Act and section 109 of the Tobacco Plain Packaging Act 2011. The temporary exemption operated from 1 October 2012 until the commencement of the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Legislation Amendment (Tobacco Plain Packaging) Regulation 2013.

Note 2: The Tobacco Plain Packaging Act 2011 and these Regulations are permanently exempted from the operation of the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997 under subsection 4(2) and section 45 of that Act, and clause 3 to Part 2 of Schedule 2 to that Act. The permanent exemption began on the commencement of the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Legislation Amendment (Tobacco Plain Packaging) Regulation 2013.

Part 2—Requirements for retail packaging of

tobacco products

Division 2.1—Physical features of retail packaging

2.1.1 Physical features of cigarette packs

(1) The dimensions of a cigarette pack, when the flip-top lid is closed,

must not be:

(a) height—less than 85 mm or more than 125 mm; and

(b) width—less than 55 mm or more than 82 mm; and

(c) depth—less than 20 mm or more than 42 mm.

(2) A cigarette pack must not contain an opening that can be re-closed

or re-sealed after the opening is first opened, other than the flip-top


(3) The flip-top lid to a cigarette pack must be hinged only at the top

of the pack.

Note 1: Subsection 18 (1) of the Act sets out general requirements for the

physical features of retail packaging for all tobacco products.

Subsections 18 (2) and (3) of the Act set out additional requirements

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801

Part 2 Requirements for retail packaging of tobacco products

Division 2.1 Physical features of retail packaging

Regulation 2.1.2

4 Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011

relating to the physical features of cigarette packs and cigarette


Note 2: Paragraph 18 (3) (b) of the Act sets out other requirements in relation

to flip-top lids.

2.1.2 Physical features of cigarette cartons

A cigarette carton may include a perforated strip for opening the

carton that leaves serrations on the edge of a surface of the carton

when the carton is opened.

2.1.3 Physical features of lining of primary packaging of tobacco


(1) The lining of primary packaging of tobacco products may be

textured over the entire surface of the lining with small dots or

squares embossed into the lining, for the purpose of the automated

manufacture of the packaging, or the packing of tobacco products

into the packaging.

(2) If the lining is embossed as permitted by subregulation (1), the dots

or squares embossed into the lining must be:

(a) equidistant from each other; and

(b) closely spaced; and

(c) of uniform size.

(3) However, the embossing of the lining must not:

(a) except as permitted by subregulations (1) and (2), form a

pattern; or

(b) form an image or other symbol; or

(c) constitute tobacco advertising and promotion.

2.1.4 Physical features of cigar tubes

(1) A cigar tube:

(a) must be cylindrical and rigid; and

(b) may have one or both ends tapered or rounded.

(2) The opening to a cigar tube must be at least 15 mm in diameter.

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801

Requirements for retail packaging of tobacco products Part 2

Colour and finish of retail packaging Division 2.2

Regulation 2.1.5

Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011 5

2.1.5 Physical features of other primary packaging

Primary packaging of tobacco products, other than a cigarette pack

or a cigar tube, must comply with the following requirements:

(a) the largest dimension of the packaging must be at least

85 mm;

(b) the second largest dimension of the packaging must be at

least 55 mm.

2.1.6 Windows in packaging prohibited

Retail packaging of tobacco products, other than a plastic or other

wrapper, must not have a cut-out area or window that enables the

contents of the packaging to be visible from outside the packaging.

Division 2.2—Colour and finish of retail packaging

2.2.1 Colour and finish of primary packaging and secondary


(1) This regulation is made for subparagraph 19 (2) (b) (i) of the Act.

(2) All outer surfaces of primary packaging and secondary packaging

must be the colour known as Pantone 448C.

(3) Each inner surface of a cigarette pack or cigarette carton must be


(3A) Each inner surface of primary packaging or secondary packaging,

other than a cigarette pack or cigarette carton, must be:

(a) white; or

(b) the colour of the packaging material in its natural state.

(4) The lining of a cigarette pack must be silver coloured foil with a

white paper backing.

(5) This regulation does not apply to calibration marks.

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801

Part 2 Requirements for retail packaging of tobacco products

Division 2.3 Trade marks or marks on retail packaging

Regulation 2.3.1

6 Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011

Surfaces of pouches

(6) In this regulation:

(a) a reference to inner surface of a pouch is a reference to the

part of the surface of the pouch that, when the pouch is


(i) is in direct contact with, or could come into direct

contact with, the tobacco product; or

(ii) could come into direct contact with the tobacco product

but for a lining or other insert in the pouch; and

(b) any other surface of a pouch is taken to be an outer surface.

Note 1: Pouch is defined in regulation 1.1.3.

Note 2: Section 19 of the Act sets out other requirements relating to the colour

and finish of retail packaging.

Division 2.3—Trade marks or marks on retail packaging

2.3.1 Trade marks or marks appearing on retail packaging

(1) The following are permitted to appear on primary packaging and

secondary packaging:

(a) one or more origin marks in accordance with

regulation 2.3.2;

(b) one or more calibration marks in accordance with

regulation 2.3.3;

(c) a measurement mark and trade description in accordance

with regulation 2.3.4;

(d) a bar code in accordance with regulation 2.3.5;

(e) a fire risk statement in accordance with regulation 2.3.6;

(f) a locally made product statement in accordance with

regulation 2.3.7;

(g) a name and address in accordance with regulation 2.3.8.

(2) In addition to subregulation (1), a consumer contact telephone

number in accordance with regulation 2.3.9 may appear on primary


Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801

Requirements for retail packaging of tobacco products Part 2

Trade marks or marks on retail packaging Division 2.3

Regulation 2.3.2

Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011 7

(3) One or more calibration marks in accordance with regulation 2.3.3

may appear on a plastic or other wrapper that covers primary

packaging or secondary packaging or that covers a tobacco product

that is for retail sale.

(4) In addition to subregulation (3):

(a) one or more origin marks in accordance with regulation 2.3.2

may appear on a plastic or other wrapper that covers a

tobacco product that is for retail sale; and

(b) the following marks may appear on a plastic or other wrapper

that covers more than one item of primary packaging:

(i) a measurement mark and trade description in

accordance with regulation 2.3.4;

(ii) a bar code in accordance with regulation 2.3.5;

(iii) a fire risk statement in accordance with regulation 2.3.6;

(iv) one or more marks to conceal bar codes in accordance

with regulation 2.5.1.

(5) The trade mark or mark mentioned in subregulation (1), (2), (3)

or (4) must not:

(a) obscure any relevant legislative requirement; or

(b) constitute tobacco advertising and promotion; or

(c) provide access to tobacco advertising and promotion.

2.3.2 Origin mark

(1) An origin mark must be:

(a) an alphanumeric code; or

(b) a covert mark that is not visible to the naked eye.

(2) If an origin mark is an alphanumeric code, it must:

(a) appear only once on the retail packaging; and

(b) for a cigarette pack or cigarette carton—appear on either:

(i) the side outer surface of the pack or carton that does not

bear a health warning; or

(ii) the bottom outer surface of the pack or carton; and

(c) be printed:

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801

Part 2 Requirements for retail packaging of tobacco products

Division 2.3 Trade marks or marks on retail packaging

Regulation 2.3.3

8 Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011

(i) in the typeface known as Lucida Sans; and

(ii) no larger than 10 points in size; and

(iii) in a normal weighted regular font; and

(iv) in either white or black.

(3) However, if the origin mark is printed in black, it may include a

white background in the form of a rectangle no larger than 20 mm

by 5 mm.

2.3.3 Calibration mark

A calibration mark on retail packaging of tobacco products:

(a) must appear only as necessary for the automated manufacture

of the packaging; and

(b) if visible or otherwise detectable on the packaging—must be

as inconspicuous as possible consistent with the calibration

mark’s function in the manufacturing process.

2.3.4 Measurement mark and trade description

(1) A measurement mark or trade description on primary packaging or

secondary packaging must be printed:

(a) in the typeface known as Lucida Sans; and

(b) for the statement of measurement required by Division 4.4 of

the National Trade Measurement Regulations 2009—no

larger than the minimum size required by those Regulations;


(c) for any other measurement mark or trade description—no

larger than 10 points in size; and

(d) in normal weighted regular font; and

(e) in the colour known as Pantone Cool Gray 2C.

(2) A measurement mark or trade description on a plastic or other

wrapper that covers more than one item of primary packaging must

be printed:

(a) in white; and

(b) on a black rectangular background.

(3) For a cigarette pack or cigarette carton:

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801

Requirements for retail packaging of tobacco products Part 2

Trade marks or marks on retail packaging Division 2.3

Regulation 2.3.5

Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011 9

(a) the name and address required by Division 4.3 of the

National Trade Measurement Regulations 2009 must:

(i) appear only on the side outer surface of the pack or

carton that does not bear a health warning; and

(ii) appear only once on that surface; and

(b) the statement of measurement required by Division 4.4 of the

National Trade Measurement Regulations 2009 may appear

once on no more than 2 of the front, top and bottom outer

surfaces of the pack or carton; and

(c) the trade description must:

(i) appear only on the side outer surface of the pack or

carton that does not bear a health warning; and

(ii) appear only once on that surface.

(4) For retail packaging of tobacco products other than a cigarette pack

or cigarette carton:

(a) the name and address required by Division 4.3 of the

National Trade Measurement Regulations 2009 must appear

only once on the packaging; and

(b) the statement of measurement required by Division 4.4 of the

National Trade Measurement Regulations 2009 may appear

once on no more than 2 surfaces of the packaging; and

(c) the trade description must appear only once on the


2.3.5 Bar code

(1) A bar code must:

(a) appear only once on the retail packaging; and

(b) for a cigarette pack or cigarette carton—appear only on the

side outer surface of the pack or carton that does not bear a

health warning; and

(c) be printed in either:

(i) black and white; or

(ii) the colour known as Pantone 448C and white; and

(d) be rectangular in shape.

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801

Part 2 Requirements for retail packaging of tobacco products

Division 2.3 Trade marks or marks on retail packaging

Regulation 2.3.6

10 Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011

(2) The bar code must not form a picture, symbol or design.

(3) For a plastic or other wrapper covering more than one item of

primary packaging, the bar code may be:

(a) included on an adhesive label fastened firmly to the wrapper

so as not to be easily removable; or

(b) printed on the wrapper.

(4) For paragraph (3) (a), an adhesive label is easily removable if:

(a) it is not likely to stay fastened during the expected life of the

wrapper; or

(b) it can be removed without damaging the label or the wrapper.

2.3.6 Fire risk statement

(1) The following requirements apply to a fire risk statement on

primary packaging or secondary packaging:

(a) the text of the statement must be printed:

(i) in the typeface known as Lucida Sans; and

(ii) no larger than 10 points in size; and

(iii) in normal weighted regular font; and

(iv) in the colour known as Pantone Cool Gray 2C;

(b) for a cigarette pack—the statement must be placed beneath

the health warning on the back outer surface of the pack;

(c) for a cigarette carton—the statement must be placed on the

back outer surface of the carton.

(2) A fire risk statement on a plastic or other wrapper that covers more

than one item of primary packaging must be printed:

(a) in white; and

(b) on a black rectangular background.

(3) The fire risk statement may be included on an adhesive label on

retail packaging of tobacco products (other than an insert or onsert)

if the background of the adhesive label is the colour known as

Pantone 448C and the adhesive label is permitted by:

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801

Requirements for retail packaging of tobacco products Part 2

Trade marks or marks on retail packaging Division 2.3

Regulation 2.3.7

Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011 11

(a) regulation 14 of the Trade Practices (Consumer Product

Safety Standard) (Reduced Fire Risk Cigarettes)

Regulations 2008; or

(b) a safety standard made under section 104, or declared under

section 105, of Schedule 2 to the Competition and Consumer

Act 2010, to the extent that the standard relates to fire risk; or

(c) an information standard made under section 134, or declared

under section 135, of Schedule 2 to the Competition and

Consumer Act 2010, to the extent that the standard relates to

fire risk.

(4) However, if an adhesive label mentioned in subregulation (3) is on

a plastic or other wrapper covering more than one item of primary

packaging, the background of the adhesive label must be black.

2.3.7 Locally made product statement

(1) If a tobacco product is made or produced in Australia, the primary

packaging and secondary packaging of the product may include

one sentence to that effect stating any of the following:

(a) the product’s country of origin;

(b) the country of origin for components of the product;

(c) that components of the product are imported;

but must not otherwise describe the product or the components of

the product.


“Made in Australia from imported tobacco”, not “Made in Australia from

imported premium tobacco”.

(2) The words must:

(a) appear only once on the retail packaging; and

(b) for a cigarette pack or cigarette carton—appear only on the

side outer surface of the pack or carton that does not bear a

health warning; and

(c) be printed:

(i) in the typeface known as Lucida Sans; and

(ii) no larger than 10 points in size; and

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801

Part 2 Requirements for retail packaging of tobacco products

Division 2.3 Trade marks or marks on retail packaging

Regulation 2.3.8

12 Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011

(iii) in a normal weighted regular font; and

(iv) in the colour known as Pantone Cool Gray 2C.

2.3.8 Marking of name and address on packaging

(1) If regulation 4.7 of the National Trade Measurement

Regulations 2009 does not apply to the primary packaging and

secondary packaging of a tobacco product, that packaging of the

product may include the name and address of the person who

packed the product or on whose behalf it was packed.

Note: Regulation 4.8 of the National Trade Measurement Regulations 2009

has an exemption for imported prepackaged products.

(2) The words must:

(a) appear only once on the retail packaging; and

(b) for a cigarette pack or cigarette carton—appear only on the

side outer surface of the pack or carton that does not bear a

health warning; and

(c) be printed:

(i) in the typeface known as Lucida Sans; and

(ii) no larger than 10 points in size; and

(iii) in a normal weighted regular font; and

(iv) in the colour known as Pantone Cool Gray 2C.

(3) The address must be a place in Australia where a document may be

served personally on the person.

Note: A post office box address is not a place where a document may be

served personally.

2.3.9 Consumer contact telephone number

(1) A consumer contact telephone number:

(a) must be printed:

(i) in the typeface known as Lucida Sans; and

(ii) no larger than 10 points in size; and

(iii) in normal weighted regular font; and

(iv) in the colour known as Pantone Cool Gray 2C; and

(b) must only:

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801

Requirements for retail packaging of tobacco products Part 2

Trade marks or marks on retail packaging Division 2.3

Regulation 2.3.9

Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011 13

(i) appear as numerals or as any combination of numerals,

hyphens and brackets; and

(ii) be prefaced with the abbreviation “Phone:” or “Ph:”,

exactly in one of those forms; and

(iii) appear once on the primary packaging; and

(iv) for a cigarette pack—appear on the side outer surface of

the pack that does not bear a health warning; and

(v) for other retail packaging that is marked with a name

and address in accordance with regulation 2.3.4

or 2.3.8—appear on the same surface as the name and

address; and

(c) must not:

(i) be false, misleading, deceptive or likely to create an

erroneous impression about the characteristics, health

effects, hazards or emissions of the tobacco product; or

(ii) directly or indirectly create a false impression that a

particular tobacco product is less harmful than other

tobacco products; or

(iii) represent, or be linked or related in any way to, the

emission yields of the tobacco product, such as tar,

nicotine or carbon monoxide; or

(iv) represent, or be related in any way to, the brand or

variant name of the tobacco product.

Note: Subregulation 2.3.1 (5) also provides restrictions in relation to tobacco

advertising and promotion.

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801

Part 2 Requirements for retail packaging of tobacco products

Division 2.4 Brand, business, company and variant names

Regulation 2.4.1

14 Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011

Division 2.4—Brand, business, company and variant


2.4.1 Appearance of names on retail packaging of cigarettes

Any brand, business or company name, or any variant name,

appearing on cigarette packs or cigarette cartons must be printed:

(a) in the typeface known as Lucida Sans; and

(b) for a brand, business or company name—no larger than

14 points in size; and

(c) for a variant name—no larger than 10 points in size; and

(d) with the first letter in each word capitalised and with no other

upper case letters; and

(e) in a normal weighted regular font; and

(f) in the colour known as Pantone Cool Gray 2C.

Note: Subsections 21 (2) and (3) of the Act set out additional requirements

for the appearance of brand, business, company, and variant, names on

cigarette packs and cigarette cartons.

2.4.2 Appearance of names on other retail packaging

(1) This regulation applies to retail packaging of tobacco products

other than:

(a) retail packaging of cigarettes; and

(b) a plastic or other wrapper that covers primary packaging,

secondary packaging or a tobacco product that is for retail


(2) Any brand, business or company name, or any variant name,

appearing on the retail packaging, must be printed on the

packaging, or on an adhesive label fixed to the packaging in

accordance with subregulation (3), in accordance with the

following requirements:

(a) in the typeface known as Lucida Sans;

(b) for a brand, business or company name—no larger than

14 points in size;

(c) for a variant name—no larger than 10 points in size;

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801

Requirements for retail packaging of tobacco products Part 2

Brand, business, company and variant names Division 2.4

Regulation 2.4.3

Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011 15

(d) with the first letter in each word capitalised and with no other

upper case letters;

(e) in normal weighted regular font;

(f) in the colour known as Pantone Cool Gray 2C.

(3) For subregulation (2), the adhesive label:

(a) must be in the colour known as Pantone 448C; and

(b) must be no larger than reasonably necessary to print the

brand, business or company name, and any variant name, in

the typeface and size mentioned in paragraphs (2) (a) to (c);


(c) must be fastened firmly to the retail packaging so as not to be

easily removable; and

(d) must not obscure any relevant legislative requirement.

(4) For paragraph (3) (c), an adhesive label is easily removable if:

(a) it is not likely to stay fastened during the expected life of the

retail packaging; or

(b) it can be removed without damaging the label or the retail


2.4.3 Location of names on cigar tubes

(1) Any brand, business or company name, or any variant name,

appearing on a cigar tube:

(a) must not obscure any relevant legislative requirement; and

(b) must appear only once on the cigar tube; and

(c) must appear across one line only.

(2) The orientation of the names must appear as follows:

(a) if the cigar tube contains a brand, business or company name

but no variant name—the name must appear in the same

orientation as, and immediately below, the health warnings

on the surface;

(b) if the cigar tube contains a variant name only—the variant

name must appear in the same orientation as, and

immediately below, the health warnings on the surface;

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801

Part 2 Requirements for retail packaging of tobacco products

Division 2.4 Brand, business, company and variant names

Regulation 2.4.4

16 Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011

(c) if the cigar tube contains a variant name and the brand,

business or company name:

(i) the brand, business or company name must appear in the

same orientation as, and immediately below, the health

warnings on the surface; and

(ii) the variant name must appear parallel to, in the same

orientation as, and immediately below the brand,

business or company name.

2.4.4 Location of names on other retail packaging

(1) This regulation applies to retail packaging of tobacco products

other than cigarette packs, cigarette cartons and cigar tubes.

Note: The location of names on cigarette packs and cigarette cartons is set

out in section 21 of the Act.

(2) Any brand, business or company name, or any variant name,

appearing on the retail packaging:

(a) must not obscure any relevant legislative requirement; and

(b) must appear across one line only; and

(c) must not appear more than once on each surface identified as

a front outer surface or back outer surface by the Competition

and Consumer (Tobacco) Information Standard 2011; and

(d) may appear only on the surfaces mentioned in paragraph (c);


(e) must appear in the same orientation as, and not above, the

health warnings on the surface; and

(f) for a variant name—must appear parallel to, in the same

orientation as and immediately below the brand, business or

company name.

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801

Requirements for retail packaging of tobacco products Part 2

Wrappers Division 2.5

Regulation 2.5.1

Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011 17

Division 2.5—Wrappers

2.5.1 Mark on wrapper to conceal bar codes

A plastic or other wrapper covering more than one item of primary

packaging may be marked with a solid black rectangle to conceal

the bar code on each item of primary packaging covered by the


2.5.2 Tear strips on wrappers

(1) A plastic or other wrapper that covers primary packaging or

secondary packaging, or that covers a tobacco product for retail

sale, may include one tear strip.

(2) The tear strip must:

(a) be either:

(i) entirely black; or

(ii) entirely transparent and not coloured; and

(b) form a single continuous straight line of constant width, not

wider than 3 mm, around the circumference of the primary

packaging or secondary packaging covered by the wrapper.

(3) However, a transparent and not coloured tear strip may include a

single solid black line not more than 15 mm long indicating where

the tear strip begins.

(4) A tear strip on a plastic or other wrapper that covers one cigarette

pack must be parallel, and as close as possible, to the bottom edge

of the flip-top lid.

(5) A tear strip on a plastic or other wrapper that covers a cigarette

carton or more than one cigarette pack must be parallel to any

straight edge of the cigarette carton or cigarette packs.

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801

Part 2 Requirements for retail packaging of tobacco products

Division 2.6 Inserts and onserts

Regulation 2.6.1

18 Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011

Division 2.6—Inserts and onserts

2.6.1 Adhesive label health warnings

Retail packaging of tobacco products may include an adhesive

label bearing a health warning that complies with either of the


(a) the Trade Practices (Consumer Product Information

Standards) (Tobacco) Regulations 2004 (before 1 December


(b) the Competition and Consumer (Tobacco) Information

Standard 2011.

2.6.2 Inserts to avoid damage to tobacco products

(1) Retail packaging of tobacco products, other than cigarette packs or

cigarette cartons, may include an insert if the insert is used to avoid

damage to the tobacco product during transportation or storage.

(2) The insert must be either:

(a) white; or

(b) the colour of the packaging material in its natural state.

Note: A lining in the retail packaging of a tobacco product, other than a

cigarette pack, is an insert.

2.6.3 Tabs for resealing tobacco products

(1) Primary packaging of tobacco products, other than cigarette packs,

may include a tab for resealing the packaging.

(2) The tab must be entirely:

(a) black; or

(b) transparent and not coloured; or

(c) the colour known as Pantone 448C.

(3) The tab must not obscure any relevant legislative requirement.

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801

Requirements for appearance of tobacco products Part 3

Appearance of cigarettes Division 3.1

Regulation 3.1.1

Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011 19

Part 3—Requirements for appearance of tobacco


Division 3.1—Appearance of cigarettes

3.1.1 Paper casing for cigarettes

(1) The paper casing, and lowered permeability band (if any), of

cigarettes must be:

(a) white; or

(b) white with an imitation cork tip.

(2) In this regulation:

lowered permeability band means a concentric band of paper or

other material that is included in, or applied to, cigarette paper in

order to inhibit the burning of the cigarette.

3.1.2 Alphanumeric code on cigarettes

(1) A cigarette may be marked with an alphanumeric code.

(2) The alphanumeric code must:

(a) appear only once on the cigarette; and

(b) be printed:

(i) parallel to, and not more than 38 mm from, the end of

the cigarette that is not designed to be lit; and

(ii) in the typeface known as Lucida Sans; and

(iii) no larger than 8 points in size; and

(iv) in normal weighted regular font; and

(v) in black.

(3) The alphanumeric code must not:

(a) constitute tobacco advertising and promotion; or

(b) provide access to tobacco advertising and promotion; or

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801

Part 3 Requirements for appearance of tobacco products

Division 3.1 Appearance of cigarettes

Regulation 3.1.3

20 Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011

(c) be false, misleading, deceptive or likely to create an

erroneous impression about the cigarette’s characteristics,

health effects, hazards or emissions; or

(d) directly or indirectly create a false impression that a

particular tobacco product is less harmful than other tobacco

products; or

(e) represent, or be linked or related in any way to, the emission

yields of the cigarette, such as tar, nicotine or carbon

monoxide; or

(f) represent, or be related in any way to, the brand or variant

name of the cigarette.

3.1.3 Colour of filter tip of cigarettes

If a cigarette includes a filter tip, the filter tip must be white.

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801

Requirements for appearance of tobacco products Part 3

Appearance of other tobacco products Division 3.2

Regulation 3.2.1

Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011 21

Division 3.2—Appearance of other tobacco products

3.2.1 Appearance of cigars

(1) A single band may appear around the circumference of a cigar if it

is the colour known as Pantone 448C and it complies with this


(2) The band may be an adhesive band:

(a) that completely covers another band or bands; and

(b) that is fastened firmly to, and not easily removable from, the

band or bands it covers.

(3) The following marks may appear on the band:

(a) the brand, company or business name and variant name of

the cigar in accordance with subregulations (5) and (6);

(b) the name of the country in which the cigar was made or

produced in accordance with subregulation (5);

(c) an alphanumeric code in accordance with subregulations (5)

and (7).

(4) The band may also contain a covert mark:

(a) that is not visible to the naked eye; and

(b) that does not provide access to tobacco advertising and


(5) The marks mentioned in subregulation (3) must:

(a) appear only once on the band; and

(b) be printed:

(i) in the typeface known as Lucida Sans; and

(ii) no larger than 10 points in size; and

(iii) in normal weighted regular font; and

(iv) in the colour known as Pantone Cool Gray 2C.

(6) The brand, business or company name and variant name must be

placed horizontally along the length of the band so that they run

around the circumference of the cigar.

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801

Part 3 Requirements for appearance of tobacco products

Division 3.2 Appearance of other tobacco products

Regulation 3.2.2

22 Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011

(7) The alphanumeric code must not:

(a) constitute tobacco advertising and promotion; or

(b) provide access to tobacco advertising and promotion; or

(c) be false, misleading, deceptive or likely to create an

erroneous impression about the cigar’s characteristics, health

effects, hazards or emissions; or

(d) directly or indirectly create a false impression that a

particular tobacco product is less harmful than other tobacco

products; or

(e) represent, or be linked or related in any way to, the emission

yields of the cigar, such as tar, nicotine or carbon monoxide.

(8) To avoid doubt, if a band (a non-compliant band) is completely

covered by an adhesive band that complies with subregulation (2)

so that the non-compliant band is not visible on the cigar, the

requirements for bands in this regulation do not apply to the

non-compliant band.

3.2.2 Threads on bidis

A bidi may include a single black thread around the circumference

of the bidi.

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801


Endnote 1—About the endnotes

Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011 23


Endnote 1—About the endnotes

The endnotes provide details of the history of this legislation and its provisions.

The following endnotes are included in each compilation:

Endnote 1—About the endnotes

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Endnote 4—Amendment history

Endnote 5—Uncommenced amendments

Endnote 6—Modifications

Endnote 7—Misdescribed amendments

Endnote 8—Miscellaneous

If there is no information under a particular endnote, the word “none” will

appear in square brackets after the endnote heading.

Abbreviation key—Endnote 2

The abbreviation key in this endnote sets out abbreviations that may be used in

the endnotes.

Legislation history and amendment history—Endnotes 3 and 4

Amending laws are annotated in the legislation history and amendment history.

The legislation history in endnote 3 provides information about each law that

has amended the compiled law. The information includes commencement

information for amending laws and details of application, saving or transitional

provisions that are not included in this compilation.

The amendment history in endnote 4 provides information about amendments at

the provision level. It also includes information about any provisions that have

expired or otherwise ceased to have effect in accordance with a provision of the

compiled law.

Uncommenced amendments—Endnote 5

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not reflected in the text of the

compiled law, but the text of the amendments is included in endnote 5.

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801


Endnote 1—About the endnotes

24 Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011

Modifications—Endnote 6

If the compiled law is affected by a modification that is in force, details of the

modification are included in endnote 6.

Misdescribed amendments—Endnote 7

An amendment is a misdescribed amendment if the effect of the amendment

cannot be incorporated into the text of the compilation. Any misdescribed

amendment is included in endnote 7.

Miscellaneous—Endnote 8

Endnote 8 includes any additional information that may be helpful for a reader

of the compilation.

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801


Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011 25

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

ad = added or inserted pres = present

am = amended prev = previous

c = clause(s) (prev) = previously

Ch = Chapter(s) Pt = Part(s)

def = definition(s) r = regulation(s)/rule(s)

Dict = Dictionary Reg = Regulation/Regulations

disallowed = disallowed by Parliament reloc = relocated

Div = Division(s) renum = renumbered

exp = expired or ceased to have effect rep = repealed

hdg = heading(s) rs = repealed and substituted

LI = Legislative Instrument s = section(s)

LIA = Legislative Instruments Act 2003 Sch = Schedule(s)

mod = modified/modification Sdiv = Subdivision(s)

No = Number(s) SLI = Select Legislative Instrument

o = order(s) SR = Statutory Rules

Ord = Ordinance Sub-Ch = Sub-Chapter(s)

orig = original SubPt = Subpart(s)

par = paragraph(s)/subparagraph(s)


Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801


Endnote 3—Legislation history

26 Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Number and year FRLI registration Commencement Application, saving

and transitional


2011 No. 263 12 Dec 2011 (see


1 Oct 2012 (see r. 2)

2012 No. 29 13 Mar 2012 (see


1 Oct 2012 (see s. 2) —

225, 2013 7 Aug 2013 (see


Sch 1 (item 1): 8 Aug


Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011 27

Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Part 1

r. 1.1.3............................................am. 2012 No. 29

Note 1 to r 1.1.5 .............................ad No 225, 2013

Note 2 to r 1.1.5 .............................ad No 225, 2013

r. 1.1.6............................................rep. 2012 No. 29

Part 2

Division 2.1

Heading to r. 2.1.3 .........................rs. 2012 No. 29

r. 2.1.3............................................am. 2012 No. 29

r. 2.1.4............................................ad. 2012 No. 29

r. 2.1.5............................................ad. 2012 No. 29

r. 2.1.6............................................ad. 2012 No. 29

Division 2.2

r. 2.2.1............................................am. 2012 No. 29

Note to r. 2.2.1 ...............................rep. 2012 No. 29

Division 2.3

r. 2.3.4............................................am. 2012 No. 29

r. 2.3.5............................................am. 2012 No. 29

r. 2.3.9............................................am. 2012 No. 29

Division 2.4

r. 2.4.2............................................ad. 2012 No. 29

r. 2.4.3............................................ad. 2012 No. 29

r. 2.4.4............................................ad. 2012 No. 29

Division 2.6

Div. 2.6 of Part 2............................ad. 2012 No. 29

r. 2.6.1............................................ad. 2012 No. 29

r. 2.6.2............................................ad. 2012 No. 29

r. 2.6.3............................................ad. 2012 No. 29

Part 3

Division 3.2

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801


Endnote 4—Amendment history

28 Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011

Provision affected How affected

Div. 3.2 of Part 3............................ad. 2012 No. 29

r. 3.2.1............................................ad. 2012 No. 29

r. 3.2.2............................................ad. 2012 No. 29

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801


Endnote 5—Uncommenced amendments [none]

Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011 29

Endnote 5—Uncommenced amendments [none]

Endnote 6—Modifications [none]

Endnote 7—Misdescribed amendments [none]

Endnote 8—Miscellaneous [none]

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013C00801

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